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Selected bibliography for teachers of hygiene and …...municable Diseases. A wall chart for...

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Carroll, Robert S. What Price Alcohol? New York: Macmillan Co., 1941.362pp.


Emerson, Haven. Alcohol - Its Effects on Man. New York: D. Appleton-Century Co., 193TT~Tl4 ppTT $1.O0.

Hoe, Anne. A Survey of Alcohol Education in Elementary and High Schoolsin the United States . New Haven , Connecticut: QuarterlyUTournal of"Studies on Alcohol, 1943. 132 pp. , $1.00.

Rogers, James F. Instruction in the Effects of Alcohol and Tobacco,revised. U. S. department of"tne~Inter!or of Educatior~ —

Lea f letNo. 38. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1937. 7pp.,$0.05. This is a summary of legail requirements and has an excellentlist of sources and references.

Strecker, Eriw-rd A. and Chambers, Francis T., Jr. Alcohol: One Man* sMeat. New York: Macmillan Co., 1958, 230pp;, 50,


Waddell, J. A. and Haag, H. B. Alcohol in Moderation and Excess, 3rd.ed. Richmond, Virginia; William fiyrd Press, IncTT 1940. 221 pp., SI.50.


American Child Health Association. School Health Research Monographs -

other materials. 450 - 7th Avenue, New York City.,

Barker, Roger G., Kounin, Jacob S. and Wright, Herbert F. Child Behaviorand Development. New York; McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1943.652pp., $4.00,

Breckenridge, Marian E. and Vincent, E, Lee. Child Development. Phila-delphia: W. B. Saunders Co., 1943. 592 pp., $3.25.

Children’s Bureau, U. S. Department of Labor, Washington, D. C. Materialson pre-natal care: Babies are Human Beings, The Nursing Years,

Faegre, M, L. and Anderson, J. F. Child Care and Training, 5th ed. Minne-apolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1940. 320pp., $2.50.

Kohrman, Leslie B. As the Twig is Bent. New York; Ma.cmillan Co. , 1940.291pp. , S2.50.

Jones, Harold E. Development in Adolescence. New York: D, Appleton-Century Co., 1943. 166pp., $2.00

Lerrigo, Marion, Clive. Children Can Help Themselves. New York; Mac-millan Co., 1943. 219pp., $2.25.

Meek, Lois Hayden. Your Child 1 s Development and Guidance Told in Pictures.Philadelphia: J. B. Lipnincott Co., 1940. 166pp., $2.00.

Merrill-Palmer School, 71 E. Ferry Avenue, Detroit, Michigan. Bulletinsand reprints on child develo ;rnent. Charge,

Merry, Frieda Kiefer and Merry, Ralph Vickers. From Infancy to Adolescence.New York: Harpers and Brothers, 1940. 330pp., $0.25.


Moodie, William. The Doctor and the Difficult Child. New York: TheCommonwealth Fund, 1940. 223pp., $1.50.

National Child Welfare Exhibit Association, 70 - 5th Avenue, New YorkCity. Posters on child welfare, including health, safety, citizen-ship. Price list on request.

National Society for the Study of Education. 43rd Yearbook Part _! -

Adolescence. Chicago: Department of Education, University of Chicago,1944. 358pp., $3.00.

Pryor, Helen Brenton. As the Child Grows. New York: Silver Burdett Co.,1943. 400pp.. $3.00.

Rand, Sweeny and Vincent. Growth and Development of the Young Child, 3rd ed.Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Co., 1940. 462pp., $2.75.

Strain, Prances Bruce. Your Child, His Family and Friends. New York: D.Appleton-Century Co., 1943. 210pp., $2.00.

Tenny, H. Kent. Let’s Talb About Your Baby. Minneapolis: The Universityof Minnesota Press , 1940. 115pp., $1.00.

Washburn, Ruth Wendell. Children Have Their Reasons. New York: D.Appleton-Century Co., 1942. 257pp., $2.00.

White House Conference. Growth and Development of the Child — Vol. I -

General Considerations; Vol. II - Anatomy and Physiology;. Ill -

Nutrition; Vol. IV - Appraisement of the Child. New York: The CenturyCo. ,’ 1930-1933. Vol. I - $3.00; Vol. II - $4.00; Vol. Ill - $4.00;Vol. IV - $2.75.

Zabriskie, Louise. Mother and Baby Care in Pictures. Philadelphia: J.3.Lippincott Co. , 1941. 198pp. , $1.50.



American Public Health Association. Control of Co T nmunicable Diseases.New York: The Association, 1943, 87pp. $0.09.

American Public Health Association. Manual of Tuberculosis Case F inding.New York: National Tuberculosis Association, 1940. 48pp., SO.25.

Anderson, G. VJ. and Arnstein, M. G. Communicable Disease Control. New

York: Macmillan Co., 1942. 434pp. $4.25.

Chadwick, Henry D. and Pope, alton S. The Modern Attack on Tuberculosis.New York: Commonwealth Fund, 1942. 95pp., $1.00.

Elizabeth McCormick Memorial Fund, 848 N. Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois.Bulletins, posters, and slides. Some free material. For loan: materialon open air schools.

Federal Security agency, U, S. Public Health Service. The Control of Com-municable Diseases. Reprint No. 1597 from the Public Health Reports,Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1940. 61pp.,


Heise, F. H. 1,000 Questions and Answers on Tuberculosis. New York:National Tuberculosis Association, 1941. 235pp., $1.00.

Hill, Justina. JSilent Enemies; Story of the Diseases of War and TheirControl. New York: G-. ?. Putnam’s Sons, 1942. 226pp. , S2.50.

Illinois Department of Public Health. Administrative Control of Com-municable Diseases. A wall chart for schools. Educational HealthCircular No. 165. Free. Also, the following circulars:

10 ~ Bacteria-Viruses-Parasites9 - Colds

60 - Common Transmissible Skin Diseases of Children61 - Communicable Diseases, Horae Management of45 - Infantile Paralysis12 - Malaria and Mosquitoes19 - Pneumonia29 - Babies13 - Scarlet Fever

156 - Smallpox65 - Tuberculosis

7 - Typhoid Fever49 - Undulsnt Fever33 - Whooping Cough

Also, numerous circulars on venereal diseases and social hygiene.

Jacobs, Philip P. The Control of Tuberculosis in the U. S. New York:National Tuberculosis Association, 1940. 387pp., $2.00.

National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, Inc. Doctor, What Can I Do?Publication No. 34, Facts about infantile paralysis. New York:National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, 1941. 15pp. , free.

Rosenau, Hilton J. Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, 6th ed. New York:D. Appleton-Century Co., 1940. 1481pp., $10.00.

Smith, Geddes. Plague on Us. New York: Commonwealth Fund, 1941. 365pp.,$3.00.

Stimson, A. M. The Communicable Diseases. Federal Security Agency,U. S. Public Health Service, Miscellaneous Publication No. 30. Wash-ington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1939. 111pp., $0.25.

Top, Franklin H. Handbook of Communicable Diseases. St. Louis: C. V.Mosby Co., 1941. 682pp., $7.50.

United States Public Health Service. Publications on Venereal Diseases:Newer Chemotherapy of V.D., Prin. of V.D. Control, Diagnosis of Syphilis,Syphilis in Mother and Child, Management of Syphilis, Modern SerologicTests for Syphilis , the Go no coccus and Gonococcal Infections , 2,000Questions the Doctor Asks About Syphilis, Conference on V. D. Control.Washington, D. C.: Division of Printing, Superintendent of Documents.


For additional materials, suggestions, and information, consult:(a) Illinois Tuberculosis Association, First National Bank Building,

Springfield, Illinois, or(b) National Tuberculosis Association, 1790 Broadway, New York 19,

New York, or(c) American Social Hygiene Association, 1790 Broadway, New York 19,

New York, or(d) National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, 120 Broadway New

York 5, New York.


American Dental Association, Dental Charts, 8 large colored postersheets, ring binding. Chicago; American Dental Association, Bureauof Public- Relations, 222 East Superior Street. Cost about Si.00

American Dental Association. A List of Dental Educational Material.Chicago, Bureau of Public Relations: American Dental Association,1943. 16pp., free.

Brekhus, Peter J. Your Teeth ~ Their Past. Present, and Probable Future.Minneapolis; University of Minnesota Press, 1941. 255pp., $2.50.

Brotrnan, Robert H. Let 1 s Look at Your Teeth. New York; House of Fied,Inc., 1940. 277pp., $2.50.

Council for Children. Jimmy Chew. Chicago; Good Teeth Council forChildren, 400 N. Michigan 31vd.

Forsyth Dental Infirmary for Children, 140 The Fenway, Boston, Mass.Small poster on dental hygiene. Small charge.

Garnett, Uilma L. and Brauer, John C. A Handbook of Dental Health Edu-cation. Iowa City, Iowa; University of Iowa Dress, 1938, 83pp.,30.25.

Illinois State Dental Society. A special committee of the Society withDr. L. H. Johnson, Chairman, has prepared an excellent and detailedoutline on Dental Health Education. Copies are available to teachertraining institutions on request to the Department of Public Health,Springfield, Illinois.

Irvin, Vern D. and Uilson, Netta U. An Evaluation.of Dental Health Lit-erature. (Approved by the Amer. Assn, of P. K. Dentistis.) Minneapolis:Bruce Publishing Co., 1942. 58pp., $1.00.

Morrey, Lon U. Teeth. He?1th, and Appearance. Chicago: American DentalAssociation, 1940. 48pp., $1.50.

National Education Association and American Medical Association, JointCommittee on Health Problems in Education. Mouth Health of SchoolChildren. Washington, D. C.: National Education Association, 1938.66pu. , SQ, 25.

Turner, Clair E. Personal and Community Health. 7th ed., Chaw. 4 - OralHygiene. St. Louis, Mo.: C. V. Mosby & Co., 1943. 585pp., 33.50.

DENTAL HYGIENE (continued)Films, pamphlets, posters, and exhibits in this field are obtainable from

the national Dental Hygiene Association, 934 Shoreham Building, Wash-ington, D. C.

GENERALBouldan C. F. and Bouldan, N. W. Public Health and Hygiene, 3rd ed.

Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Co. , 19427 356pp. , $3700. r’

Gavins, Harold M. Voluntary Health Agencies. Washington, B. G. : Araeri-can Council on Public Affairs, 1944. $3.00. (in press.)

Charlton, Richard. Cancer teaching in Schools. Reprint from Hygeia,July, 1944. Arne ri can Medical Association. 8t>u.

Borland, W. A. Newman. American Pocket Medical Bictionary, 19th ed.Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Co., 1942. 1647upT 12700 plain,$2.50 thumb indexed,

Francis, Carl C. Fundamentals of Anatomy. St. Louis; C. V. Mosby Co.,1937. 320pp., $2.7o.

Frohse, F., Brodel, M., and Schlossberg, L. Atlas of Human Anatomy, newed. New York: Barnes and 1944. 86pp. , S2.25 cloth, "|l.50 naoer.

Galdston, Iago. Behind the Sulfa Drugs - A Short History of Chemotherapy.New York; D. Appleton-Century Co,, 1943. 174pp., $2.00.

German, William McKee. Doctors Anonymous ~ The Story of Laboratory Med-icine. New York: Dae11, Sloan and Pearce 7*1941. 300pp. ,


Hoskins, R. G. Endocrinology: The Glands and Their Functions. New York;w. W. Norton and Co., Inc., 1941. 388pp., $4.00,

Illinois Department of Public Health. Cancer; Important facts for every-one. Circular No. 21, 11pp.

Kimber, B. C. , Gray, C. E., and Stackpole, C. E. Textbook of Anatomyand Physiology, 11th ed. New York: Macmillan Co., 1942. 769pp., $3.00.

Macleod, J.J.R. and Seymour, R.J. Fundamentals of Human Physiology,4thed. St. Louis: C. V. Mosby Co., 1936. 424pp., S2.50.

Major, Ralph H. Fatal Partners: War and Disease. Garden City, New York:Doubleday, Doran and Co., 1941. 34‘9pp. , $3.50.

Millard, Nellie D. and King, Barry G. Human Anatomy end PhysiologyPhiladelphia: w. 3, Saunders Co., 1941. 525pp., $3.00.'

Mustard, Harry S. An Introduction to Public Health, 2nd ed. New York;Macmillan Co., 1944. $3.25.

Smillie, Wilson G. Public Health Administration in the United States ,

2nd ed. New York: Macmillan Co., 1940. 553pp. ,$4.25.

Von Enlenburg-Wiener, Renee. Fearfully and Wonderfully Made. New York:Macmillan"Co., 1938. 472pp., $3.75.

Westchester Cancer Commission. Youth Looks at Cancer. 1940. AmericanCancer Society, 55pp.

Wickraan, S. K, Teachers and Behavior Problems. New York: The Common-wealth Fund, 1940. 40pp., $0.25.


American Association of School Administrators. Health in Schools: 20thyearbook of the Association, A Department of the N. E. A., Washington,D. C.: National Education Association, 1942. 544pp., $2.00.

American Public Health Association. Community Organization for HealthEducation (A committee report). New York: The Association, 194T.120pp. ,


American Public Health Association. What to Tell the Public About Health,2nd ed. New York: The Association, 1936. 213pp., $2.00.

Bauer, W, TUT. and Hull, Thomas G. Health Education of the Public, 2nd ed.Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Co., 1942. 315pp., $2.75.

Chenoweth, L. B. and Selkirk, T. K. School Health Problems, 2nd ed.New York: F. S. Crofts and Co. , 1940. 419pp., $3.00.

Colcord, Joanne C. Your Community. 2nd ed. New York: Russell Sage Pound-ation, 1941. 261pp., $0.85.

Committee on Community Organization for Health Education of the AmericanPublic Health Association. Communi ty Organization for Health Education.Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Technology Press, 1941. 120pp. (Avail-able from the American Public Health Association, 1790 Broadway, NewYork 19, New York, for 9 cents in stamps.)

Conrad, Howard L. and Meister, Joseph F. Teaching Procedures in HealthEducation. Philadelphia 1 W. B. Saunders Co., 1938. 160pp., $1.75.

Dobbs, Alma A. Teaching Wholesome Living (in the elementary school).New York: A. S. Barnes and Co., 1939. 304pp., $2.50.

Grout, Ruth E. Handbook of Health Education. New York: The Odyssey Press,1936. 29Sup., $2.00.

Hiscock, Ira V. and others. Ways to Community Health Education. New York:Commonwealth Fund, 1939. 313pp. ,


Hydrick, J. L. Intensive Rural Hygiene Work and Public Health Education ofthe Public Health Service of Netherlands, Indl»s New York: NetherlandsInformation Bureau, Rockefeller Plaza, 1937. 63pp., $0.75.

Joint Committee on Health Problems in Education of the National EducationAssociation and the American Medical Association. Health Education —

a guide for teachers in elementary and secondary schools and institu-tions forteacher education. Washington, D. C.: National EducationAssociation, 1941. 368pp., $1.50.

Langton, Clair V. Orientation in School Health. New York: Harper andBrothers, 1941. 680pp., $3.00.

Miller, Alice H. A Health Education Bibliography. Chicago: HealthEducation Department, T. B. Institute of Chicago and Cook County,343 South Dearborn.

Nyswander, Dorothy B. Solving School Health Problems. New York:Commonwealth Fund, 1942. 377pp. , $2.00.


Rogers, James Frederick. What Every Teacher Should Know About thePhysical Condition of Her Pupils. Pamphlet No. 68, U. S. Departmentof the Interior, Office of Education. Washington, D. C.; Super-intendent of documents, 1936. 30pp., $0.05.

Strang, Ruth M. and Smiley, Dean F. The Role of the Teacher in HealthEducation. New York; Macmillan Co., 1941. 359pp t ,


Townes, Mary E. Teaching with Motion Pictures. New York: Teachers 1

College, Columbia University, 1940. 29pp., $0.25.

Turner, Clair E. Principles of Health Education, revised ed. Boston:D. C. Heath and Co., 1939. 335pp., $2.00

Turner, Clair E. The Training of Health Educators (reprint). Cambridge,Massachusetts: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1939.

Walker and Randolph. Influence of a Public Health Program on a RuralCommunity. New York: Commonwealth Fund, 1940. 106pp., $0.85.

Walker, W. Frank and Randolph, Carolina R. School Health Services.New York: Commonwealth Fund, 1941. 204pp. , $1.50.

White House Conference. Education of the Handicapped and Gifted. NewYork; The Century Company, 1932. (Out of Print.)


American Council on Education, 744 Jackson Place, Washington, D. C.Selected Educational Motion Pictures. Films for America at war, $1.00.

American Dental Association, 212 E, Superior Street, Chicago, Illinois.Dental education films in 35mm. and 16mm, stock. Rental $1.00 perday. List on request.

American Film Center, Inc., 45 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City. List ofHealth films - $0.25.

American Medical Association, 535 North Dearborn Street, Chicago 10,Illinois. List of health publications, films, posters, radio scripts,catalogs, pamphlets, exhibits; publishers of Hygeia.

American Rod Cross, Midwestern Area, 1709 Washington Avenue, St. Louis,Missouri. Films, posters, exhibits, radio scripts.

American Social Hygiene Association, 1790 Broadway, New York 19, NewYork. Films, pamphlets, lists, exhibits, posters.

American Society for the Control of Cancer, 350 Madison Avenue, New York17, New York. Films,. posters, pamphlets, exhibits, radio scripts.

American Society for the Hard of Hearing, 1537 - 35th Street, N. W.,Washington 7, D. C. Films, pamphlets, posters, et petora.

Bray Productions, 729 Seventh Avenue, New York City. Pictures on varioushealth subjects. List on request. Sale only.

Children’s Bureau, U. S. Department of Labor, Fourteenth and ConstitutionAvenue, Washington 25, D. C. Films, posters, exhibits, pamphlets, lists.


Eastman Teaching Films, Inc., Rochester, New York. Films on general science,first-aid, nature study, and health. Descriptive list on request.Sale only.

Edited Pictures System, 330 VTest 42nd Street, New York City. Films forelementary school use, hut also useful elsewhere. Rental.

Fowlkes, John Guy. Educator 1 s Index of Free Materials, 29th ed. Randolph,Wisconsin: Educator’s Progress League, 1944. 165pp., printed on stiff,3-ply index cards, 5” x revised annually end semi-annually.

Hill, Frank. Educating for Health. American Association for Adult Edu-cation, New York, 1939. Write for their list of hooks in this series.(Out of Print.)

Illinois Department of Public Health, Springfield, Illinois.Catalog of Educational Health Circulars. Free op request. Catalogof 16mm. Sound and Silent Motion Picture Films, Filmstrips and Film-strips with Records. Free on request.

Illinois Society for Mental Hygiene, 343 South Dearborn Stre-t, Chicago,Illinois. Pamphlets.

Illinois Tuberculosis Association, 907 First National Bank Building,Springfield, Illinois. Most of the films, pamphlets, posters andother health education materials produced or sponsored by theNational Tuberculosis Association are best obtained through the Stateassociation.

International Health Education Division of the Rockefeller Foundation,50 '"est 40th Street, Nevr York City. Ask to be placed on mailing list —

reprints of articles by scientific staff.

John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company, Life Conservation Service,197 Clarendon Street, Boston, Massachusetts. Pamphlets and lists.Films on diphtheria, health habits and highway accident prevention(35mm.) may be secured free of charge.

Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, 1 Madison Avenue, New York, NewYork. School Health Education, a catalog of filmstrips,; charts,booklets and other materials, all prepared snecifically for schoolsand available to teachers. The Company publishes Health Bulletinfor Teachers.

Motion Picture Bureau, National Council, Y.M.C.A., New York City. Selectedmotion pictures — 16mm. sound and silent.

National Committee for Mental Hygiene, 1790 Broadway, New York 19, NewYork. Pamphlets and lists; publishers of Mental Hygiene and Under-standing the Child.

National Dairy Council, 111 North Canal Street, Chicago 6, Illinois.Health Education Materials, 1940, 32pp., free. Also films, pamphlets,rosters.

National Dental Hygiene Association, 934 Shorehsm Building, Washington,D. C. Films, posters, pamphlets.


National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, 120 Broadway, New York 5,New York. Films, posters, pamphlets.

National Safety Council, 20 North Packer Drive, Chicago 6, Illinois.Films, -namphlets, posters, exhibits, lists; publishers of SafetyEducati on.

National Society for the Prevention of Blindness, 1790 Broadway, New York19, New York. Films, radio scripts, posters, pamphlets, lists.

U. S. Public health Service, Washington, D. C. Films, posters, exhibits,lists, reports.


Averill, L. A. Mental Hygiene for the Classroom Teacher. Chicago:Pitman Publishing Corp., 1939. 217pp., $2.00,

Bassett, Clara. The School and Mental Health. New York; CommonwealthFund*;. 1931. 66pp., paper, 30.40.

Beverly, Bert I. Jn Defense of Children. New York; John Day Co,,

1941. 233pp., 92.00.

Department of Supervisors and Directors of Instruction. Mental Healthin the Classroom, 13th Yearbook, Washington, D. C.: National Edu-cation Association, 1940. 304pp., 32.00.

National Education Association and American Medical Association, JointCom dttee on Health Problems in Education, 13th Yearbook. MentalHygiene in the Classroom. 1201 - 16th Street, N. W. , Washington,D. C.: National Education Association, 1939. 70-op*.,

Preston, George H, The Substance of Mental Health. New York; Farrarand Rinehart, Inc., 1943. 147pp., 91.50.

Pyan, W. Carson. Mental Health Through Education. New York; Common-wealth Fund, 1938. 315pp., $1.50.

Stern, Edith M. Mental Illness; A Guide for the Family. New York:Commonwealth Fund, 1943. 134pp., $1.00.

Strecker, Edward A. and Aonel, Kenneth E. Discovering Ourselves. NewYork; Macmillan Co., 1943. 434pp. $3.00.

Symonds, Percival M. The Psychology of Parent-Child Relationships.New York; D. Appleton-Century Co., 1939. 228pp., 92,00.

Wickman, E. K. Teachers and Behavior Problems. New York; CommonwealthFund, 1938. 40pp., $0.25.

’Titty, Peal A. end Skinner, Chsrles E. Mental Hygiene in Modern Educetion.New York: Ferrer and Rinehart, Inc. , 1939. 539pp.

, $3’. 75.

Zachry, Caroline B. Emotion and Conduct in .Adolescence. New York: D.Appleton-Century Co., 1940. 563po., $3.00.

MENTAL HYGIENE (continued)

For further references, information, or help in this field, address:(a) Illinois Society for Mental Hygiene, 343 South Dearborn Street,

Chicago, Illinois, or,(b) National Committee for Mental Hygiene, 1790 Broadway, New York 19,

New York. Pamphlets on mental hygiene.(c) Massachusetts Society for Mental Hygiene, 4 Joy Street, Boston,

Massachusetts. Leaflets, bulletins.


Blood, Alice F. ’.That to Hat and Tny. Boston: John Hancock MutualLife Insurance Comoany, 1939. 24pp,, free.

Bogert, L. Jean. Nutrition and Physical Fitness, 4th ed. Philadelphia;

r ’. B. Saunders Co. , 1943. SOOpo. , "$3.00.

Borsook, Henry. Vitamins - That They Are and Nh-t They Can Do For You.New York; Viking Press, 1941. 212pp., $2.50.

Davis, Ad.elle, Vitality Through Planned Nutrition. New York; MacmillanCo., 1942. 524pp*. , $2. 20.

Eddy, Valter H. rrhat Are the Vitamins? New York: Reinhold PublishingCorn. , 1941. . 02.50.

H. J. Heintz Co,, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, 1942. Nutrition charts - free.

Home Economics Institute, 1943. Health for Victory Club. '.’JestinghouseElectric and Manufacturing Co., Mansfield, Ohio, Meal Planning Guide —

Feb. - Lunch box meals; March - Breakfasts; Aoril - Meat alternates;May - Home canning; June — Dehydrating. -f>0.15 each.

Macleod, Grace and Taylor, C. M. Rose* s Foundations of Nutrition. NewYork: Macmillan Co., 1944. 594 pp. , S3.50.

Merck and Co. , Inc. , Rahway, New Jersey. Free brochures on most of thevitamins.

Merrill Palmer School, 71 East Terry Avenue. How to Feed Children in theNursery School; How to Feed Children in the Home. Detroit, Michigan.

Monsch, Helen and Harper, It, K, Feeding Babies and Their Families. NewYork: John Viley & Sons, 1943. 386pp. , S3.50.

National Dairy Council, 111 North Canal Street, Chicago, Illinois. Nutri-tion News; Dairy Council Pigests.

Pfaffmann, Mary and Stern, Frances. How to Teach Nutrition to Children.New' York: Barrows, 1942 . 224po. , S2.00,

Rose, M. S. Feeding the Family. New York: Macmillan Co., 42lnp.,S3. 75.

Sherman, Henry C. The Science of Nutrition, New York: Columbia. UniversityPress, 1943. 253pp., $2.75.

NOTHITION (conti nue d)

Sherman, Henry C. and Lanford, C. 5. An Introduction to Foods and. Nutri-tion , 2nd ed. New York: Macmillan Co., 1943. 442pp, , $3.50.

Sherman, Henry C. and Lanford, C. S. Essentials of Nutrition, 2nd ed.New York; Macmillan Co., 1943, 442pm., S3.50.

U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Home Economics, NutritionCharts. A- set of 11 charts showing essentials of diet and importantsources of each. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office,30.50 oer set. Order from Superintendent of Documents,


Health Bulletin for Teachers, Published at intervals by the Metro-politan Life Insurance Germany, 1 Madison Avenue, New York 10,New York. Sent free to any teacher on request.

Hygeia. Readable, well illustrated, and authoritative, this monthlyHealth magazine is published for laymen by the American MedicalAssociation, 535 North Dearborn Street, Chicago 10, Illinois. $2 50 ayear.

Illinois Health Messenger. Published twice monthly by the IllinoisDepartment of Public Health, Smringfield, sent without charge toany teacher in Illinois on request.

Journal of Health and Physical Education. This is the official magazinecf r th© African Association for Health and Physical Education, 1201Sixteenth Street, N. W. , Washington 6, D. C. Monthly, September toJune, 32.50 a year. Also ask for their reference lists.

Journal of School Health. Ten issues a year are published by the AmericanSchool Health Association, 3335 Main Street, Buffalo, New York. 81.75.

Journal of Social Hygiene. The official publication of the AmericanSocial Hygiene Association, 1790 Broadway, New York 19, New YorkNine issues a year, 83,00.

Mental Hy~ iene. Published qu-rterly by the National Committee for MentalHygiene, Inc., 1790 Broadway, New York 19, New York. 33.00 a year.

National Resources Planning Board, Washington, D. C.

-* -* National Education Association, 1201 - 16th Street N FWashington, D. C. S2.00 a year.’ *

Parents 1 Hrgazine, 9 Fast 40th Street, New York; Hew York. ; Twelve issues aa year for $2.00.

Recreation. Published monthly by the National Recreation Association,315 Fourth Avenue, New York 10, New York. 32.00 a year.

Safety Education. National Safety Council, Monthly, September through May,$2.00 a year, 20 North ".’acker crive, Chicago, Illinois.

PERIODICALS (continued)

Understanding the Child. A mental hygiene magazine for teachers, pub-lished quarterly by the national Committee for Mental Hygiene,1790 Broadway, Hew York 19, New York, at $0.50 a yea.r.


Cassidy, Rosalind and Kozman, Hilda Clute. Physical Fitness for Gdrls.New York; A. S. Barnes Co., 1943. 223pp,, 02.00.

Irwin, Leslie The Curriculum in Health and Physical Education.St. Louis, Missouri: C. V. Mosby Co., 1944. 391pp., $3.50.

Jack, Harold K. Physical Education for Snail Elementary Schools. NewYork: A, S. Barnes Co., 1941. 134pp., $1.60.

Mason, Bernard S. and Mitchell, E. I). Social Cames for Recreation, anda companion volume, Active Games and Contests. New York; A. S.Barnes Co., 1937. Each, 33.00.

Meyer, Margaret K. and Schwarz, Marguerite M. Technic of Team Sportsfor -7omen. Philadelphia: U. B. Saunders Co fc ,

1942, 385pp., $3,&0.

Miller, Ben, Bookwalter, Karl N., and Schlofer, George E, PhysicalFitness for Boys. New York: A. S. Barnes Co., 1943, 457pp,, 03,00.

Nash, Jay B. The Admini stration of Physical Educa.t ion. New York; A. S.Barnes Co., 1943. 491pp., $3.00.

Nixon, Eugene and Cozens, Frederick W. Introduction to PhysicalEducation, 2nd ed. Philadelphia; W, B. Saunders Co., 1941. 298iro. ,


Stafford, George T. and Duncan, Ray 0. Physical Conditioning. New York:A. S. Barnes Co. , 1943. 110pp. , $1.00.

Staley, Seward C. Suorts jiducation. New York; A. S. Barnes Co. , 1943.330pp., $2.50.

U, S. Office of Education. Physical Fitness Through Physical Educationfor the Vietory Cores. Washington, D. C.: Superintendent of Documents,1943. 97pp., $0.25.

Williams, Jesse Feiring. Principles of Physical Education, 4th ed. Phila-delphia: W. B. Saunders Co., 1942. 392pp.. $3.00.


American Association of School Administrators, 18th Yearbook,Safety Education. Washington, D. C.: National Education Association,1940. 544pp., $2.00.

American-Red Cross. American Red Cross First Aid Textbook. Philadelphia:?, Blakeston's Son and Co., Inc., 1937. 256pp., $0.60, paper; $1.00,cloth.

Cobb, 'welter E. Everyday First Aid. New York: D. Aeuleton-Century Co.,1937. 269pp., $1.50.


Dolce, James A. Until the Doctor Comes. Miscellaneous PublicationNo. 21. Federal Security Agency, U, S. Public Health Service.Washington, D. C. : Superintendent of , Documents. 60pp., $0.10.

Illinois, State of. A Program of Safety Education for the SecondarySchools of Illinois. (There is also a similar publication for theelementary schools.) Springfield, Illinois: Superintendent ofPublic Instruction. Circular 299s, 1939. Free.

LaPorte, W. R. , Hunt, H. C., and Eastwood, F. R, Teaching Safety inSecondary Schools. New York: Prentice-Hril, Inc., 1942. 181pp.,$1.50.

Lloyd, F. S. , Leaver, George G. , and Eastwood, F. R. Safety in •


Athletics. The Prevention and Treatment of A.thletics. Philadelphia:W. 3. Saunders Co., 1936. 432pp., S3.25.

National Education Association, Research Division. Visual Adds in SafetyEducation. Washington, D. C,: National Education Association,1940. 32pp., SO. 25.

National Safety Council. Accident Facts. Published annually in June,this booklet contains over 100 pages of accident statistics for theprevious year and comparisons with earlier years. Chicago; NationalSafety Council. 00.50.

National Safety Council, Education Division Staff. Safety EducationMethods. Chicago: National Safety Council, 1940. Elementary School,96pp., SO.50; Secondary School, 104pp., v0.50.

Patty, Willard Walter. Teaching Hea1th and Safety in Elementary Grades.New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1940. 371pp. , $2.50.

Stack, H, J. and Siebrecht, S. 3. Education for Safe Living. New York;Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1942. 388pp., $3.50,

For additional suggestions, materials, or information, write:(a) National Safety Council, Inc., 20 North Wacker Drive, Chicago 6,

Illinois, or(b) American Red Cross, Midwestern .Area, 1709 Washington Avenue, St.

Louis, Missouri.


American Association of School Administrators. Education for Family Life,19th Yearbook. Washington, D. C.; National Edueation Association,1942. 368pp.. $2.00.

Baker, John Newton. Sex Education in High Schools. New.York: Emerson Books,Inc., 1942. 155pp., $2.00.

Bigelow, Maurice A. Sex Education. New York; American Social HygieneAssociation, 1936. 307pp,, $1.00.

Child Study Association, 221 West 59th Street, Nf,u YVmk. Sex Education,.Pacts rnd Attitudes. 30.85.

SEX EDUCATION (continued)

Family Welfare Association, 130 East 22nd Street, New York City. Pamphlets,reprints. Small charge.

Gruenberg, Benjamin C. and Kaukonen, J. L. High Schools and Sex Educeti on.Federal Security Agency, U. S. Public Health Service, Bulletin No. 75.Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1939, 110pp., 20.20.

Kaukonen, J. L. £e Grow Up. Educational Health Circular No. 102. Spring-field, Illinois: Illinois Department of Public Health. 40pp., free.

Rice, Thurman, B. How Shall Sex Be Taught in the Schools. Chicago, Illinois:American Medical Association, 1938, 12pp., free.

Strain, F. 3. Sex Guidance in Family Life Aiucntion; A Handbook for Schools.New York: Macmillan Co., 1943. 340pp., 82.25.

Swift, Edith Hale. Step by Step in Sex Education. New York: Macmillan Co.,1938. 207m. ,


The Girls’ Friendly Society, U. S. A. , 386 - 4th Avenue, Nt»w;York. WarMarriages. $0.35.
