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Self evaluation of your teaching

Date post: 14-Apr-2017
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Self - Evaluation of your Teaching

Tips for Self - Evaluating of your Teaching - Part -II

Self - Evaluation of your Teaching

The greatest gift to humanity from God is children. They make the earth a wonderful place for everyone to be happy with their smiles. In the life of a child teacher play an vital role in making them to discover their innate talents. In the process of self-evaluating you as a teacher have got a duty to work and live for the betterment of students.

While helping the child to discover the ability to do things there are many factors that play a vital role. The parents, the teachers, and well-wishers become part of the growth of a child contributing their share. If the parent is first teacher for a child at home then the teacher becomes second parent in school. You as a teacher must play variousroles in making of a child.

Attimes as a friend to the disappointed child, a guide to the child who dont know how to proceed in studies, a philosopher to the child who wants gain knowledge from unknown mysteries and a counselor to the one who needs your guidance. So being a teacher demands lot of responsibility and these following tips would help you to self eventuate yourself and for you to seehow you come across children at school in teaching and learning process.


Being humble and not showing big oneself in front others is a good quality of a teacher. You must learn to be humble in your teaching profession. Never proud of your qualification or salary that you draw. Try to help children to grow better in values and show them the meaning of being humble.


In teaching profession competence matters a lot. You should be master of your subject, Use all the skills possible to make your lesson and class interesting so that you are able to motivate your children.


This modern generation looks for presenting things creatively never give room for traditional teachingfindnew methods, use latest available technologies in your teaching.


You as a teacher should not stop alone with teaching your subjects. You commitment to children is much more than that; you need to play a role of a father/mother to the child in your class room environment. Care for the child and making them feel at ease with you will make them a better learner.

Broad minded

Down the ages we could see lot of changes have been taken place and change is inevitable in the field of teaching. Well as a teacher you might have been brought up in old thinking pattern and traditional way, but today modern generation expects lot of respect from elders and they also expect old people to be more open minded. Whether you like it or not you need to be broad minded in your thinking


Never dominate the children and your co-teacher in working environment, learn to be polite in doing things and saying things, your word should not hurt people. Being polite will help you achieve lot of positive things in life as a teacher.


A free and open mind learns better, yes it is very important that you should have some time to laugh creak some jokes, make tensed situations at ease by being humorous. laughter is the best medicine so make yourself free from tension and you will enjoy good health.


Never use awkward words that hurt people and unnecessary comments that damages individuals. It may at times will lead to misunderstanding. More specially if you are a head teacher you have to be very cautious in using the words.


Teaching profession is tough one, yes it is, you need to be very patient, because you will be dealing with thousands of children every day, at times there may be a situations where you may get tensed, in those moments keep cool, count numbers, or move away from that place.


Taking a bold decision is an art of inspiring teacher. Never delay you decision if you find you are going on a right track behold, you may have to face difficulties but those moments will go by themselves.


At times there may be situations where you feel like shouting it out with words because people spread rumours about you, about your family, about your teaching at those moments keep clam to yourself. When the right time comes people will understand you are person of big heart.


In the modern learning process you will always come across people coming with new and creative ways in doing things and you may be a head teacher encourage your teachers to do new ideas in teaching, organizing programmes and be open for new changes.


Maintain a co-ordeal relationship with everyone in the school campus. Wish your co-teachers, respect the management, never forget to wish the head of the institution whatever may be the reason because that will create a positive attitude towards you even if you are at fault at times.


Use your creative skills in your teaching, so that children feel happy about your class and will be eagerly waiting for your class. Today a creative teacher is the one who makes impact in the heart and mind of every child.


Be strong in you conviction as a teacher, never give up values for anything. Pray every day before you start your day. A strong commitment to this profession will make great inspiration to children around.

conclusionSo dear teachers you would find thegreat chinese proverb says "If you plan for a year, saw a seed, if you plan for a decade plant a tree, if you plan for a century educate. You as a teacher have a great role to play in making the society and nation, so timely self-evaluation would help you to be a better teacher, you can be the change and your life will be example to the people around you.

Be a committed teacher who stands for values. Make every child in your class to discover their innermost talents that they are blessed with. An inspirational teacher is the one who makes inspiring young minds to the nation. Teachingprofession is a noble profession let that sanctity be carried in the days to come teachers like you.
