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Self Grooming

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Self grooming internal grooming external grooming
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What is Self-Grooming?

It refers to the art of cleaning and maintaining parts of one's body. It is considered a species-typical behavior and is common in humans.

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Categories of Self-Grooming

I. Physical GroomingII. Internal grooming

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Physical GroomingPhysical grooming is something “physical” . It includes your way of dressing, sense of wearing make-up, your cleanliness and neatness etc. It’s a part of your personality.

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Internal GroomingInternal grooming is something abstract, like your manners, etiquettes etc.

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How you can groom your-selves physically?

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Physical Grooming Of Men

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Steps of Self-Grooming

Selection of attire:Clothing is the major part of physical grooming. Even men clothing have many varieties.

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• Street wear

• Casual

• Business casual

• Smart casual

• Business (formal)

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Street wear

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Business casual

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Smart casual

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Business (Formal)

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Selection of shoes:

For different kinds of attire, different shoes are there for you to wear.

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Selection of accessories:

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Selection of hairstyle:

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Things they should avoid:

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Or in the end, he will be like him:

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Tips for men

If someone try to adopt these kind of clothing, it’s very necessary for him to understand and see what suits him the best.

After this decision, he needs to think about the place he’s going to wear that thing.

He should think about which color may suit him.

His accessories matching.

And at last, his hairstyle.

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Physical Grooming Of Women

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Steps of Self-Grooming:

Selection Of Attire:As females are very conscious about their clothing, there is a huge variety of female attire.

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Variety of women’s attire:

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Selection of shoes:

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Selection of accessories:

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Selection of hairstyle:

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Hairstyles she should avoid:

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Your way of walking also includes in physical grooming

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You shouldn’t walk by making noises.

Take proper paces.

Don’t walk by seeing upward or completely


See ahead while walking.Walk in a confident way.

Shoulders back.

Head straight.

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How you can groom your-selves internally?

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Internal grooming It’s very obvious that internal grooming is same for both the men and women. And when it comes to groom your internal, there are more things (than physical) that we should care about.

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Yes! It’s true that “your inner beauty can’t shine through make-ups”

So, for improving your internal, you need to follow some steps!

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Internal grooming includes:

Believe in yourself

Your behavior

Your etiquettes and manners


Your smile

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Believe in yourself

It’s the first step you need to follow.

Believing yourself requires courage, but once you start doing this, you will be able to do anything in the world.

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Your behavior reflects your character and your family background.

Behaving badly in front of anyone, even to your friends, create a bad impact of you on them.

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Good behavior includes:

Greet everyone, when you meet.

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Shake hands.

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Respect everyone, If you want the same for you. And it’s necessary to give respect to your elders as well as to someone who is younger than you!

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Always help others. It’s necessary for your healthy relationship with them!

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Manners and Etiquettes

• If you look out for your behavior, the next thing you should focus is on etiquettes and manners.

• If you are dressing really well and you do not have manners, than surely you are loosing your physical grooming as well.

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Eat well, without dropping it down on your clothes. And try to finish your food in a respective time.

Eating too fast and too slow also includes in bad etiquettes.

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If you are eating something in front of anyone, ask each of them and share what you are eating

with them.

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Don’t talk while eating.

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Using your cellphones for a long time, like texting also considered in bad manners.

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Don’t talk in ears in a gathering.

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Don’t interrupt someone in the middle, while they are talking, let them finish what they are saying.

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Want to see an example?

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A good communication with people is also a requirement of grooming your internal.

Having a good communication doesn’t mean that you need to talk more.

“As quality is more important than quantity”So, quality of communication is more than it’s quantity.

Speak less but worthy.

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Things you need to learn when you are communicating with others.

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You should have a good eye contact. Looking upward, downward, left and right isn’t a good way of


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Don’t speak to fast or too slow that others may irritate!

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Try to speak in a good accent.

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Be pro-active not reactive.

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Why good communication is important?Because it’s good to be social. And it’s also important for creating opportunities!

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Good Communication

Leaves good impact

Creates more opportunities

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Smile is the best way of showing gratitude towards others.

Smiling face shows that people are not rude with them actually.

But it’s better not to smile than give smile is a sarcastic way.

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Reasons why people don’t smile.

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They are stressed.

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Not happy of being whatever they are.

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Have personal problems.

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Have low self-esteem and think that they won’t like good when smiling.

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Or they are doing it deliberately. :p

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And what would be the result of following these steps?

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• It will increase your believe in your self and you will be loved by ‘YOU’

• It will help in boosting one’s Self-Confidence.

• It will help in changing one’s life style.

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How these things are important for your career life?

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• This self-grooming is important for your career life. Because for getting a job, you first have to give an interview for that.

• Your interviewer will see those things in you.

• But there are some other things for your career life as well, like:Punctuality ExpressionsDecencyIntelligenceYour extra skills (As per job’s requirement)

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Punctuality is necessary.

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Your expressions should not be awkward.

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Decency is graceful.

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But, Knowing things is not

enough, we must apply.

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Positive change is necessary for you, so try to have these things in yourself, and

remind yourself daily that:
