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Sensory play - Verwood Day Nursery

Date post: 27-Dec-2021
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We have enjoyed a month of celebrations. Chinese New Year – the year of the monkey, Shrove Tuesday and of course Valentine’s Day. This month I’d like to welcome Noah, Olivia, Sophie and Alfie and their families to the nursery. All the children have settled in so well and quickly adjusted to nursery life. Sensory play The children have been provided with lots of opportunities to engage in and explore sensory experiences of one kind or another this month. These experiences help to shape the way children see, touch, taste, smell and hear. Many of them really enjoy activities that involve getting messy or exploring different textures, however there are others who need a bit of encouragement. The staff have been working together to provide a variety of things that allow the children to explore in a way that they feel comfortable. This builds up their confidence and each time they will get a little bit more involved. They have enjoyed sensory bags (with no mess), sand play, shaving foam and good old body painting! As you can see from the pictures it’s easy to see who enjoys it!

We have enjoyed a month of celebrations. Chinese New Year – the year of the monkey,

Shrove Tuesday and of course Valentine’s Day.

This month I’d like to welcome Noah, Olivia, Sophie and Alfie and their families to the nursery. All the children have settled in so well and quickly adjusted to nursery life.

Sensory play The children have been provided with lots of opportunities to engage in and explore sensory experiences of one kind or another this month. These experiences help to shape the way children see, touch, taste, smell and hear. Many of them really enjoy activities that involve getting messy or exploring different textures, however there are others who need a bit of encouragement.

The staff have been working together to provide a variety of things that allow the children to explore in a way that they feel comfortable. This builds up their confidence and each time they will get a little bit more involved.

They have enjoyed sensory bags (with no mess), sand play, shaving foam and good old body painting! As you can see from the pictures it’s easy to see who enjoys it!


The children have all enjoyed the opportunity to be involved in cooking this month too. They have been developing those important physical skills by helping to mix the ingredients together, roll out the dough and cut out the shape of their choice. Once cooked the children then used icing pens to decorate them.


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Cold and frosty mornings

We have all been making the most of the cold and frosty mornings by wrapping up warm and exploring the icy covered grass looking for frosty foot prints from our garden visitors. Making observations and exploring the garden with the children makes them more aware of the world around them and encourages that exploratory impulse.

The children have continued their exploration and fascination with ice by playing with it inside in the warm!

Two, three and four year old news

This month I’d to welcome Freddie who has moved downstairs to join the bigger children. He is settling really well and quickly finding his feet and making new friends.

New resources

At the beginning of the month we introduced lots of exciting new resources and equipment to the children downstairs. They have all thoroughly enjoyed exploring and experimenting with all the new things and staff have noticed a real change in direction in the way they choose to play. Some of you may have already seen the photos on our Facebook page of the wonderful straw constructions they have made with the staff.

They have all also been having a go at making things all by themselves and we have really watched their imaginations grow as they experiment and build.

The children all have access to the overhead projector everyday as it’s now positioned in one of the rooms instead of the library. They have been experimenting with colour mixing, shapes and shadows this month – projecting the images on the ceiling for everyone to see.

We also have a new pet – our Beebot robot! The children have great fun learning how to operate him and are becoming very proficient in making him navigate his way around the room. This simple introduction to technology helps them understand how they can control technological toys and programmes and makes them understand that ICT isn’t just about computers and IPad’s.


The sun has provided us with lots of interesting shadows this month and the children have really enjoyed exploring and discussing the shadows that they have found in the garden. The children discussed the shadows with the staff and they were encouraged to think and reason why and how the shadows were there. They soon realised that their own bodies, blocking the sunlight created a shadow.

They discussed the effect that different times of the day has on shadows such as the setting sun. The will continue their exploration of shadows by using chalks to trace around them and looking at making shadows with the overhead projector.

We are collecting Sainsbury’s Active Kids vouchers again this year. Please pass on any vouchers to the staff downstairs to put in our collection box. Thank you

Mobile phone policy

We understand that parents may wish to have their personal mobile phones with them for use in case of emergency.

However, safeguarding of children and staff within the setting is paramount and it is recognised that personal mobile phones have the potential to be used inappropriately. Therefore we must remind you that our policy states that mobile phones are not permitted to be used whilst within the setting.

Anyone who takes a call or responds to a text whilst in the nursery will be asked to step outside to do this. Thank you.

About me Have you had time to complete the ‘About Me’ section on Tapestry yet? We would appreciate it if all parents would please take the time to complete this information about your child. You can access this through the browser page https://eylj.org/login/ If you then click on the ‘children’ tab a card will appear. On that card are the words ‘About me’ click on those words and it will open a form for you to complete.

‘Like’ button

Have you noticed the new ‘like’ option on Tapestry? If you don’t have time to leave a comment but want us to know you’ve read an observation you can simply click on the like button.

Coming up next month:

World Book Day and Book Swap – Thursday 3rd March

Our annual Easter Egg Hunt – Saturday 19th March. Have you had your invitation?

Don’t forget the nursery is closed for the Easter break on Good Friday the 25th March and the bank holiday on the 28th March.
