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#ServDes 2012 – reflections : suoıʇɔǝlɟǝɹ | Whitespring

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  • 8/2/2019 #ServDes 2012 reflections : suol | Whitespring


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    12. February 2012







    health care




    mental health


    prime time kommunikation


    service 2.0

    service design


    wicked problems



    #ServDes 2012 reflections / suol

  • 8/2/2019 #ServDes 2012 reflections : suol | Whitespring


    The Service Design and Service Innovation Conference is the premier research conference

    within service design and service innovation.The 3rd Service Design and Service Innovation Conference was held 8-10 February 2012 at

    Laurea University of Applied Sciences. SID Campus Leppvaara is located in World Design

    Capital Area, Espoo, next to Helsinki.

    These notes are some of my findings, experiences, inspirations and takes from the conference.

    To get an overview of the conference, here is the programme of the 3-day event with Pre-Conference

    Day, Research Day and Business Day.

    Pre-Conference Day

    PreConference Day started off at WeeGee Exhibition Center in Espoo, which also houses the EMMA

    (Espoo Museum of Modern Art). After an introduction and splitting into groups we were brought to three

    out of nine locations to develop service ideas, concepts and prototypes for one hour each.

    Hanassari Cultural Center / Conference CenterThey focus on the culture and kitchen of the north. Located on the edge of Helsinki right on the water,

    they offer great possibilities for health, fitness and wellbeing.

    Being a hotel, restaurant and a conference center, we developed ideas and alternative services in a

    service-cafe setup. Topics were the Menu, how to better use the location, how to improve customerservice for conference organizers and participants, and how to better gather and use feedback fromconference guests to further improve the experience.


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    The Helsinki Regional Transport Service provides Bus-,

    Train- and Tram-Services in the Helsinki Region.

    With most of the participants being tourists to the city, this offered a great opportunity to gain insights

    into the travelling experience for this target group. In a Customer Journey Map participants suggested

    ideas and improvements, noted problems and difficulties, and gave valuable feedback from their

    professional experiences in similar and related fields.

    It is important to take a look at our pre-conceptions, like people being able to read and

    understand english or being able to read a map.

    Some cultures dont work like that, and alternative offerings for these groups might be helpful.

    Aalto UniversityIn a 3-part Workshop on developing services for elderly people in a model community scenario as part of

    356wellbeing, we were given material of previous groups to build upon.

    The students of the university why had prepared the workshop had devoped different cards to focus

    ideation like DeBonos Six Thinking Hats.

    They were Theme Cards, Ideacards, Successs Indicators and Risks and Opportunities Cards.

    The findings were presented at the reception in Helsinki later that day. Adam Lawrence and Markus

    Hormess gave one of their legendary #BoomwowWowWOWBOOM performances.

    The points they are making are simple: Have a dramatic arc in your service, and make sure your

    sequencing is right. And most importantly: HAVE FUN :-)

    Some more impressions: here!

    Research Day

    Mornings Presentations by Chris Pearson of the Cambridge Service Alliance at the Institute of

    Manufaturing presented their work on massive and highly complex innovation work i.e. in the defense


    It became evident very quickly during the presentation that what the CSA do in regards to Innovation

    Processes, the approaches, tools and processes they use differ greatly from what we use as

    servicedesigners. Their clients can not be approached by pretty designer-presentations. They have to talk

    the talk and walk the walk of the classic business world to be heard. If they dont, they wont even get

    access and be taken seriously. This is certainly something we designers will need to adapt to, in order be

    have the impact we want to make on the world.

    The presentation of the PHD Thesis by Jakob Trischler focused on The concept of on-goinginteractions in co-design on a theoretical level. He quotes John Thackara We are all Designers. I hope

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    we can link to his presentation here soon.

    A presentation on Community-Centered Design approach to developing Service Prototypes by Daria

    Cantu showed some of the techniques used and required in order to deploy service design mathods and

    tools over a larger area and many people. This could also be applied to other Public Sector Projects.

    @BerraMakeIt presented The Ethical Ecology of Service Design.

    He questioned and challenged the ethical motivations and responsibilities of Designers and ServiceDesigners.

    Afternoon Presentations / Workshops:I would like to thank Mattias Arvola for his presentation on A Service Walkthrough in Astrid Lindgrens


    Nargis Guseynova presented a project in cooperation with a mental health facility in Helsinki, also as

    part of365wellbeing

    In her presentation Emotions in design process How to find an emotional touchpoint with the user

    she made a very compelling arguement for establishing trust, curiosity and motivation in users.

    Trust is an essential ingredient in cooperative human interaction (Norman, 2004)

    She showed a typical journey of a mental health care patient in and out of care, which painted a

    disturbing picture of the reality of mental health care and outlined the urgency of her work very

    convincingly. She also shared her experiences when working in such a highly sensitive environment, forexample not being able to take pictures of the patients, but refering to sketchings instead.

    Stuart G. Baileys presentation on Embedding service design: the long and the short of it gave insight

    into his work with Skills Development Scotland, a career building initiative in Scotland. He has been

    working with them for the last 4 years, Sarah Drummond ofSnook also wrote a Masters Thesis with


    He points out the problems between innovation-process timeframes and corporate timeframes, where

    innovation cycles usually are a lot longer and need more time than the corporate (quarterly report?) cycle

    permits them and the problems this creates for design teams.

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    These problems can only be solved with an embedding of design culture and commitment on a corporate


    He then shows his findings in the innovation process in companies and organizations with in-house

    design departments, and the cycle of innovation creation.

    His 10 Lessons for in-house teams were:

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    Common Language by engaging with designers and agencies

    staff needs to be able to understand

    dissemination, visually laying it out

    working alongside, rubbing shoulders with frontline staff

    users start using tools themselves, i.e. storyboarding etc.

    results promote confidence in process, give value to design process, tools, methods

    changing from risk-avers and failure punishment to one of iteration

    Build Capacity more than Readyness

    Minka Rssner and Annika Hertz-Schlag present Join to Create Hybrid value creation through

    partnering. They reference for example projects like Nike+, a partnership between Nike and Apple to

    create a new service-offering for customers by two partnering companies.

    The phases they point out are

    Cross-Organizational development & strategy1.

    Idea Generation2.

    Finding a partner and dating to gage opportunities3.

    Development of collaborative business models & contracts4.Partnering Models: Concept & Development of a PSS5.

    Marketing Tools6.

    Performance Measurement7.

    The final workshop of the day then was Marc Stickdorn, Markus Hormess and Adam Lawrence with

    How to design a service business model.

    They present a quick way to integrate tools such as Stakeholder Maps, User Journeys, Personas and

    Service Ads into the Business Model Canvas. Very engaging and fun.

    Also see here for a summary for ServDes DAY 2

    Business Day

    Business Day kicked off with a great presentation by Prof. Evert Gummesson, Stockholm University

    School of Business on Designing a complex service system.

    He points out that any product can be perceived as a service product, as the user has to use it and

    therefore self-service it.

    He also criticizes that the current academic article publishing race will increase mediocracy in the work,

    as the publishing itself sometimes is more important than the content.

    In the future, design is not about creating but doing, not about using but wearing out. AnneStenros, Kone

    Anne Stenros, Vice President, Design, KONE Corporation (Finland) spoke about the challenges of

    generation Flux, and navigating the VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) environment. She

    illustrated on her lighthouse model she uses in architectural design of trends, concepts (1-2y), scenarios

    (5-10y) and utopias (10+) and criticizes the disappearence of utopias.

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    Anna Thygesen of Prime Time Kommunikation opened with a warning: People are not idiots, they are

    your customers! She works and has worked in the past with clients of all areas on developing a stronger

    customer focus in their brand as part of Prime Time Kommunikation in Denmark.

    Some of the points she made:

    companies dont know enough about their customers or buying behaviourcompanies develop products because they can, not because there is a need.

    In a Maslow sense, we dont need most products

    customers ask: whats in it for me?

    How to fulfil expectations of your customer? Be transparent, make things clear what to expect,

    then surpass that.

    People brand themselve with nice products. How do they orchestrate their life with your product?

    Afternoon Workshops

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    Jussi Sorsimo ofCulminatum Innovation moderated a discussion group on Solving wicked challenges

    by codesign. He introduced a scenario of local health care innovation needs and the problem with

    unforseeable stakeholders, massive bureaucracy, budget- and time-restraints. His findings were that in

    order to solve this wicked problem, the service system had to instill behavioural change in people.

    Models suggested were a Danish political satire TV Show that had influenced real policy participation,

    and a need for more public briefings instead of procurement to specific, under-specified problems which

    limit innovation capabilities. Key values to be instilled were Trust, Involvement and Transparency.

    The Workshop Anticipation of Service 2.0: In Exploration of the next Generation of Services by

    Mahmoud AbdelRahman, Mr. Abdalla ofService2org inspired the development of a vision for future


    The attributes of future service he presented were

    Radical Trust

    Folksonomy vs. Taxonomy

    Viral Marketing

    Crowd of Wisdom

    Perpetual Beta (vs. release early, release often)

    Design for hackability / user-expandabilityData Centricity

    Here is the presentation in full!

    During the Hands-On part we developed a health-care service that would work offline and in low-income

    cities such as Bogota.

    Pictures of ServDes:

  • 8/2/2019 #ServDes 2012 reflections : suol | Whitespring


    ServDes Snowball Fight 2012:

  • 8/2/2019 #ServDes 2012 reflections : suol | Whitespring


    Version 2011 with rules explained:

  • 8/2/2019 #ServDes 2012 reflections : suol | Whitespring


    hnliche Profile:

    Global Service Jam Munich

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    BLOG#ServDes 2012 reflections / suol

    The Service Design and Service Innovation Conference is the premier research conference within

    service design and service innovation. The 3rd Service Design and Service Innovation Conference

    was held 8-10 February 2012 at Laurea University of

    Global Service Jam Munich

    Are you ready for a challenge? Want to develop and implement creative ideas? Chase a crazy

    deadline at the same time? Meet cool new people? Learn more about a hands-on approach tocreativity and problem


    RT @netsaverhttp://t.co/I84w9bp9 THANK YOU @socialdesignit and @whitespring_eu for

    hosting @gsjmunich #gsj12 #gsjmuc 23 days ago

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