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SG Observer, Easter Edition

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  • 8/7/2019 SG Observer, Easter Edition


    The Future has arrived...

    Neil Wallace, Associate Headteacher at the entrance

  • 8/7/2019 SG Observer, Easter Edition


    GCSE Exams Summer 2011

    Students taking GCSE exams this summer will have been given a timetable this week by theirTutor, showing their current exam entries. Please ask them to keep these timetables safely forreference.

    An updated timetable will be issued in early May which will show any additional entries madeonce the March GCSE exam results are published. The timetables issued in May will be com-pleted to show room and seat numbers for all exams.

    Details about GCSE Results Day on 25th August will be sent out with the May timetables.

    What a remarkable and historic term we have had at Stockland Green. I hope youenjoy this newsletter which touches on some of the exciting things that havehappened over the last three months.

    The move to the New Build has truly lived up to expectations. Our facilities are nowoutstanding and have had a very positive impact on staff and students alike. Youcannot help but be impressed on entering the building and this has given everyone

    connected with the school a real boost. I have been pleased with how positivelystudents have responded to their new surroundings. They have taken to the facilities

    really well and seem to particularly enjoy learning in the new Social Learning Zones. We now have anenvironment that will encourage ordinary people to achieve extraordinary things.

    Over the next few years, the fabric of the school will improve further as we continue to add to the facilities.After Easter for example, we will have some pool tables and outdoor table tennis tables available, as wellas our old playground area. Unfortunately, some areas will remain temporarily out of bounds for studentswhilst the grass seed grows. Nevertheless, it is a lovely situation to be in where you can honestly say thatthis term has been better than the last one, and that next term will be better than this one. The future isgenuinely bright!

    You may have seen several encouraging articles in the Sutton Observer this term about the school.

    Recently, we were invited to a prestigious event in London organised by the Specialist Schools andAcademies Trust (SSAT) to receive two awards in honour our achievement as one of the most improvedschools in the country for our 5 A*-C GCSE results including Maths and English, and for our success inadding value to the achievement of our students. Exam results are set to rise further this summer.We are improving rapidly and need to continue to work together to improve standards of achievement,attendance, punctuality, uniform. I look forward to your continued support in developing the culture of theschool. Finally, I would like to wish you all a safe and happy Easter.

    Best wishesNeil WallaceAssociate Headteacher

    PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING KEY DATES:Tuesday 26th April: school reopens to studentsFriday 29th April: school closed for the Royal WeddingMonday 30

    thMay Friday 3

    rdJune: half term

    Monday 27th June INSET Day school closed to studentsFriday 22nd July last day of termMonday 5th September school reopens for students

    Key Dates

  • 8/7/2019 SG Observer, Easter Edition


    Hello and welcome to the Easter edition of the Stockland GreenObserver.

    We have a bumper edition of news items to keep you informedabout our school and the community we serve. As you can seefrom the front page, we successfully moved into our New Build on

    the 10th January 2011. Both staff and students areextremely proud of our new environment and the manyopportunities that we have using state of the art equipment in suchglorious surroundings.

    We have had a magnificent start to the New Year and our greatestachievements have been utilising the New Build to enhancelearning and teaching. Please take a look inside to find out aboutthe stimulating activities that take place in our Social LearningZones.

    Super Learning Day was another successful day, where studentstook part in a range of activities to deepen our learning aboutPSHE and other subjects. It was a brilliant learning experience forthe whole school. Be sure to peek inside and look at the photosand testimonies about a great day.

    Here at Stockland Green School, we have made a commitment toworking with our local Primary partner schools so that they canbenefit from our facilities but also build stronger links. We have runsuccessful events such as the Creative Minds Programme ,Journalist Challenge for G&T students, as well as offer Science,History and ICT lessons to our local schools. We have enjoyed

    hosting events at our school and want to continue to grow theseprogrammes so that we build a closer relationship with the youngermembers of our community.

    We love to learn outside of the classroom and enjoy the enrichmentof the extra-curricular clubs. Why not read some of the testimoniesfrom our students that attend lunch time and after school clubs?As well as enrichment clubs, we get to enhance the skills we learnin our lessons by taking part in school trips. This term some of ourYear 7 students have visited PGL for a residential weekend whichwas a great success. There have been lots of trips especially inthe Humanities Faculty, learning has been fun and engaging both

    in and outside of the classroom!

    Lastly, we would like to introduce our student leadership team. Wehad many applicants who applied for the prestigious positions andthe successful candidates will be in post during the summer term.Take a look at our special feature where you can meet the teamand learn about their roles.

    Take a look inside and find out more about the good news storiesat Stockland Green. The newsletter team hope that you will enjoyreading this edition. Please have a restful Easter break.

    Many thanks

    Editorial Team

    Our New Build!

  • 8/7/2019 SG Observer, Easter Edition


    Stockland Green: Student Learning

    Year 7Year 7 students and the Science Faculty spent Super Learning Day experiencing arts fromvarious continents. Both students and staff thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to try outdifferent activities. The students responded well to the calming nature of Tai Chi, afighting style now used for relaxation in the British Army.

    They were fully immersed in the cultural experiences of colourful,symmetrical patterns of Rangoli and the creative decorative art ofMehndi. The day culminated in the melodic rhythmic sounds ofDhol drumming and Steel Panning and students were told fascinating

    tales from around the world. All of these experiences widened thestudents understanding of cultures, history and science of all of theseart forms unique to different parts of the globe.Ms Blissett, Teacher of Science

    Super Learning Day has been a great opportunity for the students to take part in a range of activities to

    enhance their learning across the curriculum. Each year group participated in practical workshops and

    events to shape their thinking and improve their skills.

    Year 8

    As part of the Year 8 Super Learning Day, the Humanities Facultytook students to Twycross Zoo. They focused on core aspects of theHumanities Curriculum.

    The students had a fantastic day and benefitted from learning outside

    of the classroom, reinforcing their understanding of previous lessons.A marvellous experience for all!

    Mr Carey, Assistant Headteacher

  • 8/7/2019 SG Observer, Easter Edition


    Year 9 had a fabulous time during the SuperLearning Day in March. An organisationcalled SHP Enterprise came into school anddelivered a full session on social enterprise

    and recycling.

    Students were put into mini companies andeach team prepared and created a businessplan, a radio and television advertisement.The event concluded with group presentationsto their peers in the Mathematics SocialLearning Zone. They had to explain the ideasthey had for their own social enterprise andthe best team won a trophy.

    The students and staff had a great day andeveryone worked really hard and students feltfully informed about recycling andsustainability.

    The winning team was called Solar andtheir presentation was noted by the SHPEnterprise staff for being exceptional.

    Well done to everybody involved.

    Miss CrumpHead of ICT, Careers and Enterprise

    The Maths Faculty worked with Year 9 students and wereimpressed by the way they worked independently in smallgroups to design their own business model for recycling anelectrical item. Some of the ideas they came up with werebrilliant, and the day culminated in the students presentingadverts, sales pitches and their finances to the rest of theyear group.Junior apprentice watch out!

    Mr Alley, Teacher Of Maths

    Tia Silvera,

    Year 10

    Year 9 Enterprise Day Success

    The winning team Solar working hard in the Social

    Learning Zone. From left, Rennae Smith (FinancialDirector), Tia Slivera (Managing Director) , Ann-MarieSmith, Hope Smith and Jayden Smith (MarketingDirector).

    This term our GCSE students have been stud-ying a range of contemporary fiction as partof their English course.

    During Super Learning Day, Year 10 were giv-en a fabulous opportunity to watch a liveperformance of Of Mice and Men.

    Ms Grace, Teacher of English


    It really challengedmy leadership skills

    and abilities, but it

    was a fun day.

    Of Mice and


    It was brilliant. I real-ly liked the actor who

    played Lennie, he was

    wicked. Ben Aldred

  • 8/7/2019 SG Observer, Easter Edition


    Stockland Green: Student Learning

    My Life My ChoiceYear 10 and 11 pupils have been actively in-

    volved in the My Life My Choice programmeover the last half term. The programme whichhas been developed in conjunction with SaferBirmingham Partnership and West MidlandsPolice unravels the myths and misconceptions

    around gangs and violence.

    The programme fosters collaborativeworking where pupils can understand andcommunicate the messages that young peoplefeel will have the most influence on their peers

    in promoting personal safety, good decision-making and driving behavioural and attitudinalchange.The overall objective of this programme is to de-glamorise guns and knives in society and presentthe real dangers faced by young people if they choose to carry a gun or knife whether it be real orimitation.

    In addition to the programme the pupils havealso received a presentation from the WestMidlands Police Fire Arms Unit. The officersinvolved gave the pupils an in-depth account

    of consequences of gang related and violentcrime. The pupils were extremely moved bythe personal appearance of Marcia Shake-speare the mother of Letisha Shakespearewho was brutally gunned downoutside a partyin Aston, Birmingham, on 2 January 2003.Letisha and her friends were innocent victimsof local gang rivalry.

    In conclusion the My Life My Choice programme encompassing the presentation from the FireArms Unit has given pupils a greater understanding of risk in both positive and negative terms

    and an understanding that individuals need to manage risk to themselves and others in a range ofsituations. Additionally pupils can now appreciate that peer pressure can be used positively ornegatively to influence others in situations involving risk.

    Mrs P Ellis

    PSHE+C Co-ordinator

    Students listening attentively to the Presentationin the school hall.

    It was fantastic! Ive learntnot to join a gang becauseyou make yourself a target.

    It really hit home how muchgang and violent crime candestroy families.

    Ive learnt that even ifyou werent directlyinvolved in the crime youcan still be persecuted.

    It was extremelyinformative.

  • 8/7/2019 SG Observer, Easter Edition


    Stockland Green: Student Learning

    Bonjour tous! Weve had another very busy term in the French department and the pupils arecontinuing to respond really well to learning another language. Each week I am amazed at how

    much they are learning and how much their confidence is growing in speaking French.

    We were very lucky to have a speaker from Aston University come to visit Stockland Green to doa presentation to the Year 8s and 9s about the importance of studying another language. It wasreally interesting and really made everyone think. Did you know that there are over 6,500 differentlanguages spoken throughout the world and a massive 94% of the population do not speakEnglish as its first language? Pretty astonishing figures which highlight even more the importanceof studying languages at any level!

    We have had 2 very successful Options Evenings. It was great to have the opportunity to talk topupils and their parents about the important choices that the pupils have to make about theirfuture study. Fingers crossed for a big response to the prospect of studying GCSE French!

    Across Key Stage 3 we have been learning how to talk about ourselves, our family and what welook like. To demonstrate the new vocabulary the pupils had learnt, they created pictures ofthemselves on www.linguascope.com and wrote about them. Some of the pupils were verycreative! If you are ever in school, feel free to come and browse our gallery in G8!

    We have also been learning about describing where we live and talking about our holidays. Year8 completed a reading assessment and almost all received a level 4 which was fantastic. A hugewell done to Emmi Savin who achieved 100%! Cest super! The year 8s are preparing for aspeaking assessment and I assessed the work they had done and I was absolutely thrilled topieces when about 20 pupils received the top level of a 5a/ 6c, but over 80% improved their levelsfrom the beginning of the year. This is a true testament to how well they are coping and all the

    hard work they have been doing. I am very proud of them all! Only problem is now I know theycan do it, they have to keep on impressing me!

    Ms Chesterman, Teacher of French

    This term saw the launch of the new Stockland

    Green STEM club. The club aims to developstudents skills across Science, Technology,Engineering and Maths by providing exciting prac-tical projects.

    The club was opened to Year 7 students and therewas stiff competition with over 40 applicants foronly 15 available places. The lucky 15 werechosen based on their outstanding applicationsand have now begun work on their first project,designing and building their own water poweredrockets. With more exciting projects in the

    pipeline, opportunities to work with experts acrossdifferent fields and participation in inter-schoolcompetitions, the club is set to grow and grow.Watch this space!Mr Penn, Teacher of Maths

    Cest Super!

    STEM Club goes off with a bang!

  • 8/7/2019 SG Observer, Easter Edition


    Stockland Green does...

    Comic Relief Day was a momentous success that was topped off with achool disco.

    Students at Stockland Green hadnt had a disco for some time and theyeemed to be itching to get on the dance floor and shake out some moves!

    Year 11 were especially keen, so much so that they even helped set up allhe specialist equipment in the drama studio.

    was expecting to have a hard time getting our budding John Travoltas ontohe dance floor, but to my surprise as soon as they heard the first beat theywere all up for a good old knees up. To my delight they didnt leave the danceoor for a second. I must be getting old though as most of the music they re-

    quested I had never heard of, but luckily I had their requests in my collection.

    t was the first time I had put on a disco for the students and Imust say it was a pleasure to do. The most important issue ishe school disco helped to raise a considerable amount of fundsor Comic Relief. Heres looking forward to the next one!

    Mr BirchHead of Year 11

  • 8/7/2019 SG Observer, Easter Edition


  • 8/7/2019 SG Observer, Easter Edition


    History Students Aiming Higher

    On Wednesday 26th February, GCSE History students attended

    a workshop at the University of Birmingham to get a taste ofwhat studying History at university could be like. We learnedabout some really disgusting tropical diseases and the waysthat European doctors tried to treat them Miss Wearn felt veryqueasy looking at pictures of parasitic worms!

    Year 11 took part in Medicine Through Time revision workshopsat Millennium Point, the workshops included; a mock amputation carried out by a medieval barbersurgeon, a visit to the planetarium to investigate the role of astrology in ancient medicine, 'dicewith death' public health game, make up artistsreconstructing diseases of the past. A fun and gory day was had by all!

    Mr Foster and Miss Wearn, Teachers of History

    Stockland Green: Community

    On the weekend of the 1st-3rd April, a group of Year 7 stu-

    dents travelled to Shropshire for a weekend of outdoor activ-

    ities with PGL.

    The group took part in a range of activities from rifle shoot-ing to kayaking, as well as testing their brains and bodies in

    the puzzle park. Their courage and a head for heights were

    put to the test on the zip-wire, giant swing and trapeze.

    The weekend was a great opportunity for students to devel-

    op their teamwork, communication and leadership skills in

    the great outdoors. The weather was bright and sunny and

    matched the students positive outlook and excellent behav-

    iour throughout. Well done to all involved.

    Mr Bowler, Assistant Headteacher

    Students step up to PGL Challenge

    PGL was one of the best tripsI have ever been on. I made

    loads of new friends I wouldnt

    normally talk to. People have

    fears and I think PGL has helped

    some to conquer them. PGL is a

    life changing experience!Shaneece Christie, 7HM

  • 8/7/2019 SG Observer, Easter Edition


    Primary Science @ Stockland Green

    Featherstone Primary School students have been attending lessons at Stockland Green Schoolthis term. They have been using the state of the art Science Laboratory facilities for engaginglessons studying Dissolving. They have been enjoying using our equipment and working in aScience Lab to find out about how dissolving works. Our Primary students spend an hour eachweek at Stockland Green School, carrying out exciting practical work and take their results backto their own school for further investigations.

    We are continually forging strong links with our partner primary schools and offer all local schoolsthe opportunity to spend half a term with us using our facilities to help with their Science curricu-lum. This partnership is reciprocated by Mr Sangster, from the Science Faculty, collaboratingwith the Primary Teachers to ensure the students benefit from the best practice. It also providesvaluable insight into the transitional skills our students bring from Key Stage Two into Key Stage


    Mr Sangster, Teacher of Science

    21st Century


    Marsh Hill J & I School studentswere invited to Stockland GreenSchool for an afternoon of History

    and ICT. Enthusiastic Year Fourstudents experienced an afternoonlearning about the Romans deliv-ered by Miss Wearn, aHistory specialist teacher. Thestudents explored facts onRomans followed by an ICT lessonusing Windows Movie Maker tocreate a film to explain whatRomans have done for us.

    The event was so successful it is

    going to become a regular eventto help develop links with localprimary schools and help build ICTcapabilities for younger students inthe local community.

    Mr Noakes and Ms Wearn, SGSTpost holders

    Stockland Green: Community

    Options Evening

    The Year 8 and Year 9 Options Evening was a resoundingsuccess, with over 90% of parents and carers attending theevenings.

    Many of the parents enjoyed seeing the school for the firsttime. The feedback from the evaluations confirms that theylove the New Build and thoroughly appreciated the optionsevent.

    Mr Carey, Assistant Headteacher

  • 8/7/2019 SG Observer, Easter Edition


    Stockland Green: Community

    Journalist Challenge

    On Tuesday 29th March, Gifted and Talented students from Stockland GreenSchool, Arthur Terry, and five of our partner primaries, Short Heath J & I School,Marsh Hill J & I School, Featherstone J & I School, Slade J & I School andBrookvale J & I School took part in a Journalist Challenge.

    The challenge gave students the rare opportunity of working with aninternational journalist to learn and apply some of the many skills journalists usein their everyday work, such as intelligent questioning and presentational skills.

    The students were grouped vertically in mixed schools and were given thetask of producing an article/magazine board on the following topics: Schools

    of the Future, School Transition, Youth in the Local Community and FurtherEducation. They used their questioning skills to interview influential peoplefrom the school and the local community, Christopher Stone, ExecutiveHeadteacher of Arthur Terry School and Stockland Green School, NeilWallace, Associate Headteacher of Stockland Green School, Jonathan Smart,Head of Brookvale J & I School and Reverend Nichola Jones, from StocklandGreen Methodist Church.

    Stockland Green Schools first Journalist challenge was a terrificsuccess, with students enjoying the opportunity to work to deadlinesand collaborate with different groups.

    Mr J Griffiths (English and Media Studies teacher).

    Feisty Reverend Helps Community

    Methodist Minister, Nichola gives extraordinary advice on how to be an excellent member of thecommunity and be a fantastic citizen.

    Nicola has helped many people around the world in third world countries such as Haiti andZimbabwe. She believes that the community is not just a home, but a family. In our interviewNicola told us we shouldnt have our freedom at the cost of someone elses poverty.

    Furthermore, Nicola also says that a good communitylooks after three groups of people: the young, elderlyand the disabled. This makes a good society and agood community. Nichola helps people at elderlyhomes who have multiple disabilities and people whoare traumatised.

    Most people think that teenagers are the problem butNicola disagrees. She thinks that alcohol affects

    peoples behaviour, and that applies to the oldergeneration.

  • 8/7/2019 SG Observer, Easter Edition


    e interviewed Mr Smart who is the head teacher of Brookvale Primary School. We spoke to himout transitions for Primary School Students from Year 6 into Secondary School and whether or nots successful.

    I would like us to have even better links withStockland Green and other schools to getready for the transition stage. Currently, thetransition is partly successful. However it couldbe made better. We are trying to change it sothat the students are able to meet their teach-ers and are familiar with the Secondary schoolphase before Year 7 begins. It would also bebeneficial to have a transition programme sothat the students can begin a project in Year 6and carry it into Year 7.

    I believe that they should spend more time insecondary schools for their induction. Also,

    secondary school teachers should spend moretime watching primary school teachers so thatthey know what young students like to betaught..

    Stone StepsTo The Future

    Since the Hard Federation, I think the students will havethe very best chance in life, by putting key people in keyplaces. There is no difference between Arthur Terry andStockland Green, between the students; teachers andsupport staff. Stockland Green has a framework to work

    with so that it can become an outstanding school, what isaffecting progress is not enough student self discipline.There are lots of committed teachers and support staff, soit will improve.

    Learning and teaching is at the heart of any real changein ethos and attitudes, so I am broadly in favour of theEnglish Baccalaureate because it gives people a biggerand further education. Other subjects should be chosenon top of it,providing more choice in life...

    My perfect school would be: friendly; kind; thoughtful andtake risks. It should encourage students to take risks andto achieve the best in life and teach that it is ok to makemistakes. Im not so bothered about uniform I think it isthe personality of the students and staff that counts.

    the Future Bright?

    me people say I need knowledge, I dont, I needlls. The purpose of education is to make you citi-ns of the world.esentational Skills for example are more im-rtant than the actual facts behind the presenta-

    n. For me, confidence and mentality is important.hich is why I am so excited about the New Build.ally, schools of the future will be like Stockland

    een. Schools will be inspirational and enthusias-allowing learning to be different. Comfortable

    eas of work increase your drive to learn.

    ink that it is important to look forward in time. Wepe to improve exams, therefore giving studentsre chances and opportunities in life. School sub-ts in the future will place greater emphasis onglish, Maths, Science and Foreign Languages.s will be a major focus as part of the Englishccalaureate being introduced by the currentvernment.

    ave mixed views about the English Baccalaureate

    e idea behind it is a good one, but a bit of me

    rs for the pupils who are interested in drama and

    sic, these subjects should get a say as well.

    hools should try to find the right balance when

    vising students before, it used to be too many

    bjects that wouldnt have encouraged people tomore academic. Some things are right for

    ferent types of people.

  • 8/7/2019 SG Observer, Easter Edition


    Spotlight on our New Build

    Humanities Social Learning Zone

    It has been such an exciting term in Humanities as we started off 2011 in our fantastic newlearning spaces. We have been able to deliver lots of fun and interesting lessons especiallyutilising our amazing new Social Learning Zone.

    In History the Year 8s have beenputting Oliver Cromwell on trial,deciding if he was in fact a hero or avillain. Some super presentationshave been produced where thepupils have been able to enhancetheir ICT and presenting skills.

    Our Geographers have been looking at Global Fashion and we have been able to bring in lots ofclothes to see just where our clothes are made around the world, finding out too, that many ofthese people can work for as little as 13p per day. The SLZ looked a bit like Primark at one point!

    The Y11 have been revising for their GCSE RE exam which took place on 27th January. This isworth 25% of their total final grade. We had lots of fun revising, including playing key words anddefinitions Speed Dating!

    In French we have had a really good response to the new technology we are able to use, MissChesterman has been getting to grips with this and lots of pupils are really excited to come up tothe front to use the mimio.

  • 8/7/2019 SG Observer, Easter Edition


    ICTStudents in Year 8 had some fantasticlessons taking the opportunity to use thenew building to plan and create a schoolmagazine. Students were able to walkaround the building taking photographs ofthe school and finding out where every-thing was. They will use the photographsas part of a new ICT project explainingwhat it is like to be at Stockland Green tothe Year 6 students who will be arriving inSeptember.

    Miss S CrumpHead of ICT, Careers & EnterpriseStockland Green Technology College


    This term we have

    been using the

    space for small

    group work and role

    play where parts of the SLZ are used

    as a stage. We have also used the SLZ for studentled assemblies during registration. The students

    thrive in this environment and learning is fun.

    In our Year 11 PSHE+C lessons, we havebeen looking at some seriousissues overthe last few weeks including the effects ofalcohol on our actions as well as ourhealth.

    We were able to use the Beer Goggleswhich simulate the effects that alcohol hason our balance and reactions. As you cansee, Miss Wooton found it difficult to standup straight in her demonstration.

    As Elliot Hassell 11CP will confirm, Thiswas such a fun lesson, but it really is aserious issue and has made me thinkabout the dangers of alcohol.

    We have also been able to use the SLZ in our new area to do a review of the newspapers as

    part of our PSHE+C unit on The Media. We have seen how the same stories are reported indifferent newspapers and this has helped us to see just how we can be easily influenced bythe media.

    Miss McKiernanHead of Humanities/MFL Faculty

    Maths SocialLearning ZoneIt has been an exciting time in the MathsFaculty since moving into the new building.The Social Learning Zone has enabled morefun and active ways for students to learn. It

    has been used for Maths Treasure Hunts,Maths Relay Races, Student presentations,combining groups and active maths for datacollection. We hope to continue using thisspace in creative and engaging ways in thefuture!

    Mr Alley, Teacher Of Maths

  • 8/7/2019 SG Observer, Easter Edition


    Spotlight on Extra-Curricular Clubs

    Lunch time


    Textiles club @ G T 4 Music Rehearsals @ Music Practice Rooms Table Tennis (near garden area) Pool @ SLZ G.9 Football @ Leisure Centre

    Mondays Singing Starts KS4 Duke Of Edinburgh

    Tuesdays Zumba classes @ the dance studio

    Wednesdays TV Greats Club: watch sitcoms and cartoons@ SLZ 1.1

    Gateway Club @ SLZ 1.9 Dance @ dance studio

    Thursdays Five A Side Football League @ Sports Centre

    Street Dance @ dance studioFridays Photography Club open to all @ SLZ 1.9

    Street Dance @ dance studio Basketball @ Sports Centre

    We have a lot to offer students during the extended hours of the day. The school is open from8am to students everyday. The library is available for study, but we will soon be launching abreakfast club for those students who want to have a bite to eat and socialise before the schoolday begins. At lunchtime and after school we have a range of activities available to appeal to arange of tastes. We are always keen to expand the provision that we offer and the studentleadership team will be consulting with all students to ensure that we continue to expandour clubs.

    After School

    Mondays Alternative Sports Night

    Tuesdays KS4 Art Club Film Club@ Drama Studio

    Wednesdays Drama @ Drama Studio Dance @ Dance Studio

    Thursdays Basketball Mentoring Programme Street Dance @ dance studio

    Fridays KS4 Art Club

    For a limited period of time, all students who participate in a club willbe entered for a prize draw. There are great prizes to be won, details willbe publicised in school during the summer term.

    Add sports clubs

  • 8/7/2019 SG Observer, Easter Edition


    Get involved!

    Bored with cooking the same old meals?Want to know more?

    Food Net offers you a great opportunity to learn some

    new, quick, easy and healthy recipes. for FREE!

    So please come and join us


    For more information contact:

    School Office

    Stockland Green School





    May and 6th


    1.30 3.15pm

    Budding Thespians wanted!Stockland Green School will be taking part in the Shakespeare School Festival and will beperforming at in the Old Rep Theatre, Birmingham. Auditions will begin after the Easterholidays and will be open to all students.Mr Kearns, Teacher of Drama


    SteadyCook!Students will be giventhe opportunity to takeattend cooking classesthat are fun andengaging.

    During the programme,

    students will beencouraged to learnabout how to cooknutritious, healthymeals that arescrumptious to taste.

    All student s who areinterested in taking part,should go to the schooloffice for further details.

    Mrs McKiernan,Head of Technology

  • 8/7/2019 SG Observer, Easter Edition


    School Sports Partnership

    Inter-form DodgeballDuring the last term Year 7 and 8 pupils have beenbattling it out in an inter-form dodgeball competi-tion. Every Monday and Tuesday lunchtime therehas been approximately 50 pupils turning up to tryand become Yr7 and Yr8 inter-form champions.The pupils have thoroughly enjoyed being a part ofthe competition and continue to turn up each weekall eager to be the victors. The results for the com-petitions will be announced after the Easter holiday,so fingers crossed everyone.

    Year 7 Leaders

    A group of year 7 pupils from our school have takenon the role of Young Sports Leaders, leading inKingsbury School Sports Partnership events sinceSeptember. The girls have given up a lot of theirown time to learn the qualities needed to be a lead-er and also the training for each event;including coming in during their Christmas holidayto complete an indoor athletics training course.

    The girls have had the opportunity to act as youngleaders in several events ranging from primary mul-ti-skills to SEN indoor athletics competitions. Theroles the girls have been fulfilling include;timing, recording scores, measuring and acting asteam managers.

    The quality of the girls leadership skills has beencommented on by several members of staff fromother schools including Alison Mapp (PartnershipDevelopment Manager) who observed the leadersworking sensibly, effectively and having funencouraging the competitors. The excellence oftheir skills has also been noticed by other SchoolSports Co-ordinators as the girls have been askedto act as leaders in other cluster competitions. Theirskills are improving in every competition they helpto deliver and they are becoming more confidentyoung leaders.

    The girls really are assets to our school. Keep upthe good work!

    Visit the Partnership website for a closer look at the Partnership events.www.kssp.co.uk Miss Gubbins, SSCO
