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Sharings SEPTEMBER 4, 2011 IN ORDINARY TIMEstorage.cloversites.com/saintelizabethsetonchurch/... ·...

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C ONTINUING THE EXPLORATION OF VARIOUS ASPECTS OF THE EUCHARIST LEADING UP TO THE USE OF THE NEW ROMAN MISSAL this coming Advent, this is more from an interview with Fr. Robert Taft, S.J., a Professor of Liturgy at Notre Dame, concerning the Liturgical Reform of Vatican II, from “U.S. Catholic” magazine. Q: How do you respond to the complaint that people don’t get anything out of the liturgy? WHAT YOU GET OUT OF THE LITURGY is the privilege of glorifying Almighty God. If you think it’s about you, stay at home. It’s not about you. It is for you, but it’s not about you. One of the great problems today, especially among some of the younger generations, is that they think that salvation history is their own autobiography. They think they’re the center of the universe. In John 3, when John the Baptist is asked whether Jesus is the Messiah, John says quite clearly that Jesus is the important one: “He must increase, I must decrease.” He must increase, I must decrease. Everybody needs to hear that. It’s not about me, it’s not about you. It’s about something infinitely more important than us. Q: Why is it important that liturgy stay basically the same week-to-week? PEOPLE WILL NEVER TAKE POSSESSION of the liturgy as their own if every time the pastor reads a new article, the liturgy in the parish is turned on its head. Who does this liturgy belong to? Catholics need to stop tinkering with the liturgy. They need to take it the way it is and celebrate it as well as possible. If they do that, the problems will disappear. Take the “Kiss of Peace”, for example. The Kiss of Peace is a ritual gesture. What does that mean? That means it’s a formalized gesture that carries its own meaning. The Kiss of Peace is not an expression of your friendship with whomever is standing around you, and you don’t have to crawl over three pews to get to somebody you know. It is shared among people in your immediate vicinity as a sign that we’re in the same boat together. The same thing is true of things such as the traditional greetings and so forth. Q: Some people would like the liturgy to be the same everywhere, as it was before Vatican II. Is that what we should be shooting for? IT WAS NEVER THE SAME EVERYWHERE, unless you wish, as some Catholics would, to limit the boundaries of Christ’s Church to the Roman rite and exclude the liturgies of the Eastern Catholic Churches. The Church is a great mosaic of different traditions, of different peoples. Until the life of the Church has reached expression in every single culture, there will still be something lacking. St. Paul said we have to fill up what is lacking in the Body of Christ. What’s lacking in the Body of Christ is not anything about God; it’s about us. In other words, until the whole of humanity has become completely conformed to the mystery of Christ, then there’s something lacking. To fill up that lack, we need to have Vietnamese and Chinese and African and Indian expressions of that reality. The Sacraments remain the same, the Faith remains the same, but they take on different expressions that can all be valid. So there’s still a lot of work to be done. (To be continued...) May God Bless You, TWENTY THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SEPTEMBER 4, 2011 Sharings Sharings Sharings F irst, I’d like to share a few thoughts about our special 25 th Anniversary Jubilee Picnic last Saturday. I heard many comments about how great the day was, and some people added that God sure cooperated by providing ideal weather. That’s very true, but God cooperated in a much more important way besides providing lots of sun and no rain. God cooperated by His grace urging many parishioners to share loads of time and talent to make the day a real high point of our 25 th Anniversary year, and by being right there in our midst as we shared love, friendship, and fun together. It’s taken three full pages in the bulletin to list everything that happened at the picnic, and so there are many people to recognize and thank, most importantly Donna Stolinski and Mary Vlaming, the co-chairs who have literally spent months putting the day together. Others who Donna and Mary feel should be recognized are: Larry Stolinski, Rick Vlaming, Joe and Katie Tucker, Ray Yanowsky, Carlos Juarez and their maintenance team. In addition, I would like to thank the many people who volunteered, to those who came out to enjoy the day, and to those who contributed to the 2-for-1 debt reduction through the purchase of medallions, raffle tickets, food and drinks. The day was a terrific celebration of the last 25 years of St. Elizabeth Seton parish, and a great kick-off for the next 25 years. Again, thanks to all! From Father Rich Homa
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Advent, this is more from an interview with Fr. Robert Taft, S.J., a Professor of Liturgy at Notre Dame, concerning the Liturgical Reform of Vatican II, from “U.S. Catholic” magazine. Q: How do you respond to the complaint that people don’t get anything out of the liturgy? WHAT YOU GET OUT OF THE LITURGY is the privilege of glorifying Almighty God. If you think it’s about you, stay at home. It’s not about you. It is for you, but it’s not about you. One of the great problems today, especially among some of the younger generations, is that they think that salvation history is their own autobiography. They think they’re the center of the universe. In John 3, when John the Baptist is asked whether Jesus is the Messiah, John says quite clearly that Jesus is the important one: “He must increase, I must decrease.” He must increase, I must decrease. Everybody needs to hear that. It’s not about me, it’s not about you. It’s about something infinitely more important than us. Q: Why is it important that liturgy stay basically the same week-to-week? PEOPLE WILL NEVER TAKE POSSESSION of the liturgy as their own if every time the pastor reads a new article, the liturgy in the parish is turned on its head. Who does this liturgy belong to? Catholics need to stop tinkering with the liturgy. They need to take it the way it is and celebrate it as well as possible. If they do that, the problems will disappear. Take the “Kiss of Peace”, for example. The Kiss of Peace is a ritual gesture. What does that mean? That means it’s a formalized gesture that carries its own meaning.

The Kiss of Peace is not an expression of your friendship with whomever is standing around you, and you don’t have to crawl over three pews to get to somebody you know. It is shared among people in your immediate vicinity as a sign that we’re in the same boat together. The same thing is true of things such as the traditional greetings and so forth. Q: Some people would like the liturgy to be the same everywhere, as it was before Vatican II. Is that what we should be shooting for? IT WAS NEVER THE SAME EVERYWHERE, unless you wish, as some Catholics would, to limit the boundaries of Christ’s Church to the Roman rite and exclude the liturgies of the Eastern Catholic Churches. The Church is a great mosaic of different traditions, of different peoples. Until the life of the Church has reached expression in every single culture, there will still be something lacking. St. Paul said we have to fill up what is lacking in the Body of Christ. What’s lacking in the Body of Christ is not anything about God; it’s about us. In other words, until the whole of humanity has become completely conformed to the mystery of Christ, then there’s something lacking. To fill up that lack, we need to have Vietnamese and Chinese and African and Indian expressions of that reality. The Sacraments remain the same, the Faith remains the same, but they take on different expressions that can all be valid. So there’s still a lot of work to be done. (To be continued...)

May God Bless You,


SEPTEMBER 4, 2011 SharingsSharingsSharings F irst, I’d like to share a few thoughts about our special 25th

Anniversary Jubilee Picnic last Saturday. I heard many comments about how great the day was, and some people added that God sure

cooperated by providing ideal weather. That’s very true, but God cooperated in a much more important way besides providing lots of sun and no rain. God cooperated by His grace urging many parishioners to share loads of time and talent to make the day a real high point of our 25th Anniversary year, and by being right there in our midst as we shared love, friendship, and fun together. It’s taken three full pages in the bulletin to list everything that happened at the picnic, and so there are many people to recognize and thank, most importantly Donna Stolinski and Mary Vlaming, the co-chairs who have literally spent months putting the day together. Others who Donna and Mary feel should be recognized are: Larry Stolinski, Rick Vlaming,

Joe and Katie Tucker, Ray Yanowsky, Carlos Juarez and their maintenance team. In addition, I would like to thank the many people who volunteered, to those who came out to enjoy the day, and to those who contributed to the 2-for-1 debt reduction through the purchase of medallions, raffle tickets, food and drinks. The day was a terrific celebration of the last 25 years of St. Elizabeth Seton parish, and a great kick-off for the next 25 years. Again, thanks to all!

From Father Rich Homa

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Sunday Reflections

for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sep. 11, 2011

Next week Jesus gives the disciples another difficult mission — to forgive. Is this really possible? With God’s grace it is.


Erich Segal wrote the best seller Love Story which contained the forever famous line, “Love means never having to say you’re sorry.” It is difficult to agree with this as we learn that love means having to say you’re sorry and asking for forgiveness many times in life. We fail each other. We sin against each other. Sometimes we do this deliberately, sometimes thought-

lessly, but nonetheless, it is painful for the one sinned against. Is forgiveness ever easy — es-pecially with a repeat offender? “Seven times?” Peter asks. “Seventy-seven times,” Jesus re-plies. These readings give us the major reason to forgive others: God has forgiven us. There’s more. Not to forgive is to let anger and wrath poison our hearts. Being unforgiving can imprison a person, resulting in bitterness, revenge, and a slow death of the spirit. Not to forgive can be more costly for the one offended. Paul tells us we belong to the Lord, are called to serve Him, to do His will, which is the will of the Father. And God’s will is that we forgive one another. When the risen Lord first appeared to the disciples in the Upper Room, he wished them peace, and then gave them the power of the Spirit to forgive. This work is not limited to our going to the sacrament of reconciliation. Have you known the grace of being forgiven? Have you known the freedom of forgiving another person? We ask the Holy Spirit to empower us to be able to forgive. While for us it can seem impossible, with God all things are possible.


Forgive your neighbor’s injustice; then when you pray, your own sins will be forgiven (Sirach 27:30—28:9). FIRST READING

Wrath and anger are not ways of God. If one refuses to forgive, then one cannot expect to be forgiven. If one does not show mercy, then mercy will not be shown to that person. How can you forgive another? The important thing to remember is that what the person has done is a symptom of the person’s brokenness. That person is hurting, and the

hateful things that he or she has done are signs of that difficulty. One does not bring healing by adding more hate to the situation. One can only heal that person with love and forgiveness. It does not mean that we should be oblivious to what the person is doing or to the person’s problem. It simply means that we must hate the sin but love the sinner.

Peter asks Jesus how often he must forgive a brother who sins against him. Seven times? The number seven is symbolic, it is the perfect number for it represents universality or perfection (for the ancients believed that this was the number of planets in the universe and therefore seven represented the entirety of all that existed). Peter offers forgiving seven times as already being generous. Jesus responds to forgiving “77 times”, meaning no limit to the times that we must forgive those who have sinned against

us. There are two interpretations: forgiving people even if they hurt us time after time; or we should forgive the same thing every time it resurfaces (deep hurt often has to be forgiven over and over again). Jesus tells of a king that was owed a great debt. The man begged for mercy, the king compassionately forgave the debt. This man was owed a fraction of the debt that he had owed the king, yet he was unwilling to show the same mercy given to him and had the man imprisoned until the debt was repaid. The king found out and punished the man who was unwilling to forgive. The simple lesson: God forgives us, we should forgive others.

I say to you, forgive not seven times, but seventy-seven times (Matthew 18:21-35). GOSPEL

We are not our own. God created us out of love, and called us into His love. We are not complete if we try to live in a totally autono-mous manner. We are only complete in the

Lord. Our question must be how we can live each day as a response to God’s call. Even death, a passing from this world to the next, must be viewed as a response to God.

SECOND READING Whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s (Romans 14:7-9).

Readings for the Week Sept. 5th-Sept. 10th: Mon.: Col 1:24—2:3; Lk 6:6-11 Tues.: Col 2:6-15; Lk 6:12-19 Wed.: Col 3:1-11; Lk 6:20-26 Thurs.: Mi 5:1-4a; Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 Fri.: 1 Tim 1:1-2, 12-14; Lk 6:39-42 Sat.: 1 Tm 1:15-17; Lk 6:43-49

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Sat., September 3rd (5pm) Luke Prendergast; Helen Michalak; Rose Anne Vidra; Ann Atkinson Sun., September 4th (7:15am) Parishioners (8:30am) Joan Spehar; Ralph Vennetti; Sophie Grabarczyk; Fred Grzenia (10am) Lorraine and Eugene Korowski; James Paul (11:30am) Stephania Biela; Bill Zick; Martin Keane Mon., September 5th (9am) Camille Rosiak Tues., September 6th (9am) Seniors of Seton (living and deceased); John Matysik Wed., September 7th (9am) Jack Yanahan; Kevin Janik Thurs., September 8th (9am) Clara McMullen Fri., September 9th (9am) Thomas Kelly; Barbara Pyne Sat., September 10th (5pm) Helen Michalak; Catherine Miller; Josephine Witkiewicz; Joseph P. Danahy; Joseph Ryan Sun., September 11th (7:15am) Mary Nykiel (8:30am) Mae Handzik; Katherine Cantreras (10am) Michael Betz; Thoams Nadratowski; Angela Simon; Willard and Estelle Bush (11:30am) Kenneth Schomers; Mary Biegel

September 4, 2011

COLLECTION FOR 8-28-11: $21,175.34


Thank you for your generosity.

We remember the sick, infirm, and those recommended to our prayers, that they may experience the healing power of Christ: Logan Katz Daniel Keating Bernadette Bachelder Jose Garcia Aidan Minger Carmen Roti Ruben Ramirez Margaret Shannon And for our deceased: Mary Eileen Vlaming (mother to Rick Vlaming) Fred Tammaro Patricia Neubeck Leo Finley (father-in-law to Donna (Finley) Buckler Michael Mazur “Heavenly Father, accept the prayers which we offer for them.”



Please pray for the following couples who are preparing for the Sacrament of Matrimony: Maribeth LaCoco and Matthew Libs; 9-10 Stephanie Roos and Paul Herbst; 9-17 Jillian Smith and Edward Zur; 9-24 Sandra Struck and Richard Wojcik; 10-8



Adam and Jennifer Campbell Child: Keira Campbell

St. Vincent DePaul Society Bundle Sunday

Weekend The

truck doors

will close at



We are in need of clean, useable clothing, dishes, pots, pans, shoes, linens, small

appliances, (microwaves, coffee makers, electric grills, toaster ovens, hot plates,

toasters, etc.), and bric-a-brac. CLOTHING MUST BE BOXED

OR BAGGED. PLEASE NO: baby accessories, (car seats, cribs, strollers,

etc.), books (encyclopedias, magazines, etc.), broken toys (incomplete games/puzzles, large

riding toys, large plastic toys), computers (monitors, printers, scanners, etc.), exercise equipment (stationary bikes, weights, tread-mills, etc.), large appliances (refrigerators,

freezers, stoves, dishwashers, dryers, etc.), luggage (garment bags, gym bags), mattress/

box springs (sleeper sofas, futons, etc.), musical instruments (pianos, organs, etc.), office furniture (desks, files, cabinets, etc.), sewing machines (sergers, looms, knitters,

etc.), and stuffed animals. The St. Vincent DePaul Society

thanks you for your support!

The St. Vincent DePaul Society

Bundle Sunday will take place

this Labor Day Weekend

Saturday, September 3rd (3-6pm)

Sunday, September 4th (7am-12:30pm)

FOR YOUR INFORMATION The St. Elizabeth Seton Parish offices will be closed on Monday, Sept. 5th for the Labor Day holiday.

St. Joseph, Patron Saint of workers, pray for us!

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Journey with the Lord and let your heart hear God’s Words….

By Margie Guadagno St. Elizabeth Seton Pastoral Associate

When the disciples

met Jesus

on the road,

they were


and sad.

He walked with them

and listened to

their story.

Then, by opening up

the Scriptures

He gave them hope!

He helped them see

that they were

not abandoned

or left orphaned,

that God

was with them

and would

always be part

of their journey.

The Road To EmmausThe Road To EmmausThe Road To Emmaus The Road To Emmaus The Road To EmmausThe Road To EmmausThe Road To Emmaus

Just Who’s In Charge Anyway?

I AM THE FIRST BORN in my family. AND I AM THE FIRST BORN grandchild. For most of my

childhood it was fun being the oldest. I got to sit next to Dad at the dinner table. I got the first two-wheeler. I got to be the one to go grocery shopping with Mom. I also got to be the teacher when my cousins and I played school at family gatherings, take charge of the little ones for the little kid games and organize them into a line when the food was ready. Yeah, from my side of the fence, being the oldest was fun. Now, talk to my siblings or my cousins and you will hear a different tune. My brother said I always acted like the ‘big cheese’ and was very bossy. My cousins said playing school was fun—until someone misbehaved and was sent to the corner! After all, they protested, it wasn’t a real classroom. I guess being in control really went to my head! Though, at the time, I couldn’t see it. I just always thought everyone was so quiet because they knew I was always right!

It never occurred to me that my strong personality overwhelmed my family. Or the fact that they had real affection for me, which kept them

from confronting me about my behavior. They just ‘toughed’ it out until it was time to go home and then it was forgotten. Of course, that wasn’t true for my brother and sister, they had to go home with ME—but that’s a story for another day. It has been quite difficult for me to learn how to let loose and not be the one in control. After all, I will always be the oldest. And besides, I really dislike the feeling of being out of control. I guess over the years being the one in charge got all tied up with my self-esteem level and my sense of worth as a human being. I think that if I’m not able to handle things on my own—and I mean every thing—then I’m not a good person, that I’m not dependable. Now that’s not true, of course, because everyone needs help once in a while, but emotionally I need to be in charge and do everything or else I feel like a failure.

S O, I TRY TO REMIND myself, sometimes on a daily basis, that I am not alone in anything.

First of all, Jesus is with me. And second, I have family, I have friends, and I have a whole community of faith to be with me and support me. Maybe it’s time to be the student instead of the teacher.


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PENTECOST SUNDAY Page Five June 12, 2011 September 4, 2011 TWENTY THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Page Five

Upcoming Burial Cloth Workshops We have expanded our burial cloth workshops to include pillowcase dresses and cloth diapers which are shipped to Haiti and Africa. To date, 25,850 burial cloths have been shipped through Children of Abraham organization. The poor living conditions and floods spread diseases, and many children die from starvation every day. The next workshop is on Wednesday, Sept. 7th at St. Damian Church in Oak Forest from 6:30-9pm. Sewing machines available on-site. Learn to make pillowcase dresses and cloth diapers. Please call Liz Wisnasky at 708-614-6475 to participate. Donations of sheets/pillowcases, holy cards and Christmas religious cards are always needed and can be dropped off at Seton Parish Office.

Order forms are due to church by Sunday, Sept. 4th or online, www.marketday.com school #16266, by 11pm on Saturday, Sept. 10th. Pickup is Wednesday, Sept. 14th from 5:30-7pm in the Church Hall. Contact Laurie at 708-532-6732 or Jen at 708-873-1387.

♦ Are you searching for a spiritual home? ♦ Are you looking for a faith community to belong to? ♦ Are you unbaptized?


♦ Are you a non-Catholic who would like to know more about Catholicism?

♦ Are you a non-Catholic parent who would like to know more about what y our children are learning?


♦ Are you a Catholic who has been Baptized but needs

to be Confirmed and receive First Eucharist?

Rite of


Initiation for


THEN THE RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS (the RCIA) might BE what you are looking for as someone who is seeking a deeper spiritual life by exploring more about the Catholic faith. Here at St. Elizabeth Seton we have an RCIA team that helps support those who may be ready to take that step. Sessions will begin in September.

Call Margie Guadagno for more information.

708-403-0101 Or email: [email protected]


Wednesday, Sept. 14th Men’s Club Opening Mass at 7pm First Meeting of the Year in the PLC

Doors open at 6:45pm (please be prompt). Mass begins at 7pm.


— INTRODUCTION of the New Board — RECAP of the Orland Hills Fest Tent — RECAP of the Golf Outing — RECAP of the Picnic — DISCUSSION of the Spaghetti Dinner — NEW & UPDATED Membership Applications are due to be completed and turned in. As always NEW and RETURNING MEMBERS are WELCOME and encouraged to attend.


SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2011 (Sister Bernie is coming!)

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Register for the Fall Session of Seton Scripture Study!

Exploring the Spirituality

of the Gospels

Thursdays, October 6th-November 17th Morning Sessions: 9:45 a.m. - 11 a.m. Evening Sessions: 7:30 p.m. - 9 p.m.

EACH OF THE FOUR EVANGELISTS had his own vision of the person and the ministry of Jesus Christ and they expressed these insights in their gospel narratives. MATTHEW emphasized that Jesus was the promised Messiah predicted by the Hebrew Scriptures. MARK was focused on the sufferings of Jesus and the cost of discipleship because his own community was suffering persecution at that time. LUKE wanted to highlight the universality of the gospel message of salvation and JOHN gave us a profound understanding of the person of Jesus Christ, the God-man, both human and divine.

THE INSIGHTS OF THE FOUR EVANGELISTS COME TO US DURING OUR LIFE JOURNEY to help us to be transformed by our own encounter with Jesus Christ and to achieve spiritual growth by that encounter.


Please register now! Registration deadline: Monday, September 19th

Materials ready for pickup on Thursday, September 29th

Name _____________________________________________________________________________

Address ______________________________ City ___________________________ Zip ________

Phone Number ________________________Email Address ______________________________

Morning Session (9:45-11am) ________ Evening Session (7:30-9pm) _______

Fee: $20 Please make checks payable to ST. ELIZABETH SETON CHURCH

For information, contact Mary Vlaming (708) 460-6235 or Fr. Gubbins (708) 460-9485


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Be Still… A Call To Centering PrayerBe Still… A Call To Centering PrayerBe Still… A Call To Centering Prayer Wednesday, September 14th at 7pmWednesday, September 14th at 7pmWednesday, September 14th at 7pm

You are invited to join in an hour of quiet timeYou are invited to join in an hour of quiet timeYou are invited to join in an hour of quiet time and learn about Centering Prayer. The groupand learn about Centering Prayer. The groupand learn about Centering Prayer. The group meets the second Wednesday of each monthmeets the second Wednesday of each monthmeets the second Wednesday of each month in the Cornerstone building located on the in the Cornerstone building located on the in the Cornerstone building located on the corner of 167th St. and 94th Ave. corner of 167th St. and 94th Ave. corner of 167th St. and 94th Ave. Questions? Please call Marge at 708Questions? Please call Marge at 708Questions? Please call Marge at 708---460460460---5357.5357.5357.


The second reading today tells us “… be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God…” Men college age and older are invited for an Exploring the Priesthood Weekend retreat at Mundelein Seminary from October 7-9th to learn about, reflect, and discuss the possibilities of diocesan priesthood in Chicago. Contact Fr. Brian Welter at 312-534-8298 or [email protected].


Wednesday, September 7th Gloria Burback

Wednesday, September 14th Sandy Carra

Please call the parish office at 708-403-0101 to sign up to be a Vocation Cross Participant. Please join them in prayer… PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, graciously hear our prayers. Give us generous hearts to respond to Your call in our lives. Lift up courageous men and women willing to follow after Your Heart as priests, sisters and brothers. Help parents and teachers to share the faith and to encourage young people to explore religious vocations. Guide all people, Lord, in Your ways of compassion, truth and peace, that we may find happiness in fulfilling our vocations. Amen.

Parish Vocation News


Suffering From The Loss Of A Loved One? Little Co. of Mary Hospital, 2800 W. 95th St., Evergreen Park, offers two support programs for those grieving the loss of a loved one through death. For further information or registration please call the Little Co. of Mary Pastoral Care Dept. at 708-229-5484, M-F, 9am-4pm. For Adults: Living When A Loved One Has Died Six consecutive Wednesdays, beginning Sept. 28th from 7:30-9:30pm. Support groups formed specific to loss and age of participant. Registration is required. For Children: The Heart Connection Eight consecutive Mondays, beginning Sept. 19th from 6:15pm to 7:30pm. The program is for children ages 5-17, who had a loved one die. Early registration is required. Alcoholics Anonymous If you have a problem with alcohol and feel a sincere de-sire to stop drinking, you are welcome to attend a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) in the downstairs St. Eliza-beth Seton Church Hall on Thursdays from 7:30-8:45pm. Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover. The only requirement is a sincere desire to stop drinking.

Families Anonymous If your life has gone astray due to living with someone who has a substance abuse problem, consider attending Fami-lies Anonymous on Mondays from 7-8:30pm at Palos Hos-pital, 123rd and 80th Ave., Palos Heights (1st Floor Con-ference Room A).


SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11TH Mark your calendars for Sun., Sept. 11th, for our Branches Kick-Off Mass and Barbecue. Tentative time is 5-8 p.m. Stay tuned for more to come.

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S T . E L I Z A B E T H S E T O N C H I L D R E N ’ S R E L I G I O U S E D U C A T I O N

REMINDER: We are still accepting registrations for the 2011-2012 Faith Year. Some grade levels are already filled. To register, please

stop in the Religious Education Office Monday-Friday from 8:30am-Noon or 1-4:30pm. The office will be closed on

Monday, Sept. 4th for Labor Day.

Faith Sessions Begin on Monday, Sept. 19th and Tuesday, Sept. 20th!

***Faith group assignments have been mailed to our families. If you registered your child and did not receive an assignment, please phone 708-403-0137 and speak to Diana or Karen.


Our first Planning meeting will take place on Wednesday, Sept. 7th at 7pm in the Parish Life Center. Please phone the office at 708-403-0137 if you are unable to attend.

YOUR HELP IS GREATLY NEEDED! We are still in need of Catechists and Extended Staff members for this upcoming year. Please give serious consideration to volunteer your time to fill one of the following positions: CATECHISTS (training and lesson plans are provided). Grade 2 (1) Monday afternoon 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. Grade 4 (1) Monday afternoon 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. Grade 7 (1) Monday evening 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. HALL MONITORS (assist the Staff Supervisors during sessions by monitoring hallways and assisting Catechists and students). (1) Tuesday evening 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD SUPERVISOR (assists the Catechist with monitoring children). Sunday during the 10:00 a.m. Mass. Two (2) Supervisors are needed.

Your help is greatly needed! For more information please stop by the R.E. Office or phone us at 708-403-0137.

If you need to leave a message please do so on ext. 117.

14 New/Used CD Players Needed The Religious Education Program is in need of good used or new CD Players to be used in the Religious Education classrooms. Please drop off your donation in the R.E. Office during the week or the Parish Office on Saturday or Sunday. Thank you!

Finally! Thanks to the individuals who came forward this past week to volunteer

as Catechists and Extended Staff members.


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PENTECOST SUNDAY Page Five June 12, 2011 September 4, 2011 TWENTY THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Page Nine

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A new prayer group ministry is forming at St. Elizabeth Seton Church to pray the

CHAPLET OF DIVINE MERCY in the church after the 9am Mass every Wednesday,

beginning August 3rd. Rosaries and chaplets will be provided. (see illustration

to the left). We welcome all to join us.

Chaplet of the Divine Mercy

“Be not afraid.” — POPE JOHN PAUL II


Featured Speaker — Peggy Heenan Peggy is an Admissions and Outreach Representative with Moraine Valley Community College. She connects adults with programs and resources at the college that can help them reach their education and career goals. Formerly a National Sales Director, Peggy initially came to Moraine Valley as a stu-dent in search of an “encore” career after the company she had been with for over 20 years closed its doors. She was one of over 50 Moraine Valley adult students who successfully transitioned from dis-placement to re-employment with the help of a community college grant funded by the WalMart Foun-dation. The HOPE Employment Support Ministry is open to everyone. All of our services are free of charge. Employers, please share your staffing needs with us. Send your staffing needs to [email protected], and they will be distributed to those who attend our monthly meetings. The HOPE Employment Support Ministry has expanded. We also meet at 7:00pm on the 2nd Thursday of each month at St Patrick’s Church, 200 E. Illinois in Lemont, and the 3rd Thursday of each month at Our Lady Of The Woods Catholic Church, 10731 W. 131st, in Orland Park. For additional information, please call Bob Cornejo at 708-642-2314, Mary Lou Sipple at 708-738-5905 or Ken Krausz at 708-214-9741. Follow us at www.linkedin.com.

B E C A U S E E V E R Y O N E C A N U S E A L I T T L E H O P E !B E C A U S E E V E R Y O N E C A N U S E A L I T T L E H O P E !B E C A U S E E V E R Y O N E C A N U S E A L I T T L E H O P E !

The HOPE Employment Support Ministry will meet Tuesday, Sept. 6th at 7pm in the downstairs St. Elizabeth Seton Church Hall.

Sacred SpaceBook

Prayer Group The Sacred Space group

will meet: Tuesday, September 6th

at 7pm in the Cornerstone Building

or Monday, September 12th

at 9:30am in the Cornerstone Building

St. Elizabeth Seton Church To Offer Orland Township Flu Shot Clinic The Orland Township will be offering flu shots at St. Eliza-beth Seton Church on Sunday, September 25th from 9am-1pm in the Seton Parish Life Center. No appointment nec-essary. Persons over 65 with Medicare Part B will receive the immunization free (must present card). $20 fee for all residents 19 years-older. Flu shots will be given free of charge to children ages 6 months-18 years of age at a Children’s Clinic on Saturday, Nov. 5th at Orland Township, 14807 S. Ravinia, Orland Park from 9am-Noon. For more information please visit www.orlandtwp.org.


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Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered on Saturday, between 4:15-4:45pm.

Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated twice monthly at 1pm. Reserve your time by calling the Pastoral Center early. We are limited to six children per Sunday.

Baptismal Couples preparing for the birth of their child should contact the Pastoral Center to register for a one night seminar, focusing on a parent’s role in his/her child’s faith development. This session is mandatory prior to the Baptism.

Anointing of the Sick is available in the Church every Monday after the 9am Mass. For those who are ill or facing hospitalization, it is appropriate to receive the sacrament once every six months. Please call the Pastoral Center for more information.

Ministry of Care is available to give Communion to the housebound, to visit and pray for hospitalized and/or to arrange for the Anointing of the Sick. Please call the Pastoral Center for assistance.

In the Hospital? Because of HIPAA Privacy regulations hospitals can no longer contact the parish regarding your hospitalization. It is the responsibility of you or a family member to notify our parish. We desire to offer whatever spiritual support we can. Please call the Pastoral Center.

Sacrament of Marriage Couples planning to marry are encouraged to make arrangements at least six months in advance.

Wedding Workshops are offered throughout the year. They provide engaged couples with guidelines and suggestions for the celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage. The workshop covers topics ranging from readings and music to flowers and video taping.

Adult Choir sings at all 10am Sunday Masses,

as well as at a number of special liturgies.

Moving? Please call the office at 708-403-0101.

Catholic High School Night Cardinal Bernardin School will host “Catholic High School Night” on Thursday, Sept. 8th from 6-8pm in the Parish Life Center. Learn all that a Catholic education has to offer and meet with representatives from 13 of the area’s outstanding Catholic High Schools. This informal evening offers you the unique opportunity to gather information from many different schools, all in one location. The event is open to students and parents of all grade levels. Archdiocesan Celebration of Life Mass Come to celebrate the Sanctity of All Human Life at a spe-cial Mass sponsored by the Respect Life Office of the Arch-diocese of Chicago on Sunday, Sept. 11th at 12:15pm at St. Beatrice Church, 4157 Atlantic Ave., Schiller Park. Cardinal George, Principal Celebrant. Reception with Cardinal George will follow. For information call 312-534-5355. Frankfort Franciscans Gigantic Garage Sale The Franciscan Sisters Mission Auxiliary is sponsoring their Huge Fall Garage Sale on Friday/Saturday, Sept. 9/10th from 9am-3pm at the Motherhouse of the Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart, 9201 W. St. Francis Rd., Frankfort. Proceeds from the sale help to minister to the poor in Brazil. Caregivers’ Day of Respite Dr. Jill Bates and Mary Beth Desmond offer a Day of Res-pite on Saturday, Sept. 10th from 9am-3pm at Mayslake Ministries in Lombard. This day of renewal explores the con-cerns of caregivers, resources and discussions. The day is designed to be restful and informative. Cost is $25. Light refreshment, handouts and resources included. Bring a sack lunch, and a blanket and pillow for a relaxation meditation. To register for this program call 630-268-9000. Come to the Quiet: Women’s Silent Retreat The Portiuncula Center for Prayer in Frankfort offers a silent retreat experience for women with Chris Grano on Sept. 16-18th. Your retreat will begin with a gathering and prayer be-fore entering into retreat silence. Brief presentation, commu-nal prayer time. Spiritual direction available. Retreat silence to break late Sunday morning for reflection. The Poverello Holistic at the retreat center offers a variety of therapeutic and healing massages by appt. Visit www.portforprayer.org/holistic.php for rates/appointment or call 630-268-9000. Pooch Walk for the Homeless Help raise funds for Franciscan Outreach Association’s homeless ministry and enjoy a beautiful day in the park with your dog. On Saturday, September 10, Franciscan Out-reach Association is hosting its Seventh Annual Pooch Walk for the Homeless at Lake Katherine Nature Center, 7402 W. Lake Katherine Drive, Palos Heights. Tickets are $20 in ad-vance; $25 at-door for one dog ($10 each additional pooch). Contact Carin or Tony at 773-278-6724.

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Join the St. Elizabeth Seton Teen Choir

For Teens Ages: 6th Grade to High School Seniors


If you are interested in joining the Teen Choir, please fill out this sheet and return it to Linda McKeague. Rehearsals take place on Monday’s from 6-7pm in the Music Room. Schedule will be provided first day of rehearsals. Questions? Please call Mrs. McKeague at 708-403-0101, ext. 112.

Registration is due by Sunday, Sept. 18th!

Name ___________________________________ Age/Grade ________________________________ Street ___________________________________ City/Zip _________________________________ Phone Number ______________________________ Parent Signature ____________________________


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September 4, 2011 TWENTY THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Page Thirteen

Seniors of Seton

Our first meeting of the year is Tuesday, Sept. 6th. Mass will be celebrated at 9am in the church. NOTE: Because of increased school security, entrance to the Parish Life Center will absolutely NOT be permitted prior to 9:30am. Membership dues will be accepted at the door — as always, new members are always welcome.

Bring in the box tops, tabs, stamps, and other items you’ve been collecting over the summer. Our pro-gram will be a very special appearance by Denny Diamond and the Family Jewels.

UPCOMING TRIPS Payment must be made for the Chicago Church Tour scheduled for October 13th. Cost of $55 in-cludes tour or Our Lady of Sorrow Basilica; Old St. Patrick; Holy Family and Nativity of our Lord churches. Lunch at the Greek Islands Restaurant. Reservations will be taken for Wednesday, Nov. 30th, Eddy Cash Holiday Show at Silver Lake Country Club, 14700 S. 82nd Ave., Orland Park. The cost of $34 includes prime rib luncheon, Eddy Cash Christmas Extravaganza, a gift for each guest and Bingo! Transportation is on own. Check to be made out to SOS. Contact Anna at 708-532-6733. COME TO MEET YOUR 2011-2012 OFFICERS Edith Graziano, President Marilyn Grodski, 1st Vice President Anna Talley, 2nd Vice President Sharon Oskielunas, Secretary Leona Adamovic, Treasurer Thank you to... Roberta Gasper, Hospitality; Mike Pikula, Ways/Means; Mary O’Sullivan, Comfort/Care; Mary Kunkel; whose services will remain on the board. Welcome to… Joyce Jordan, taking over Membership; Bernice Benton, Historian; and to my replacement Phyllis Noxon, Publicity. Ceil Matul, signing off P.S. Plan to attend the Choir’s special 9-11 Concert “Hope and Remembrance” — Sunday, Sept. 11th, commemorating the 10th Anniversary of 9-11 and paying tribute to our military — past and present.



(1597) THESE FIVE FRIARS WERE MARTYRED IN GEORGIA for their insistence on monogamy in Christian marriages. In 1565 the Spanish established a fort and a settlement at St. Augustine, Florida. Pedro de Corpa came from Spain to Florida in 1587 and in the same year went to the missions among the Guale people in Georgia. Pedro worked in Tolomato (near present Darien) where he converted a number of Guales and assisted their chief in running this Christian village. Juanillo, the chief’s son, lapsed into polygamy and was urged to give this up. He refused and was publicly denounced and deprived of the right to succeed his father. Juanillo left, but only to gather some friends to help him seek vengeance on the friars. They killed Father Pedro several days later on Sept. 13, 1597. Father Blas de Rodriguez had come to Florida from Spain in 1580. He was the superior of the five martyred friars. Juanillo and his followers killed Blas on September 16 at the village of Tupiqui (near present Eulonia). Father Miguel de Anon had come to Georgia in 1595; Brother Antonio de Badajoz in 1587. They were working together on St. Catherine’s Island when Juanillo and his followers killed them on Sept. 17. Father Francisco de Berascola had come to Georgia in 1595 and founded the Misión Santo Domingo de Asao on St. Simon’s Island. He was martyred by Juanillo’s forces around Sept. 18. In 1605 the Guale missions were reestablished. They again began to prosper until English colonists arrived and destroyed all by 1702.

COMMENT: What would have happened if Pedro de Corpa and his companions had compromised Christ’s teaching on monogamous marriage? They would have betrayed the very gospel they came to preach. Following Jesus always leads to hard choices—the cross—eventually. QUOTE: In 1612 the superior of the custody of St. Helen (Florida and Cuba) reported to the king of Spain: "Although the Indians did not martyr the friars for the faith (that is, because of any doctrine or article of faith which they preached), it is certain that they martyred them because of the law of God which the religious taught them. This is the reason the Indians themselves gave and still attest to….It is known in this land that, since the death of these holy religious, this people (the Guale Indians) has been docile and mild-mannered."

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Pastoral Staff Rev. Richard Homa, Pastor Rev. Stanislaw Kuca, Associate Pastor Margie Guadagno, Pastoral Associate Donna Stolinski, Business Manager Claudia Nolan, Director of Liturgy Linda McKeague, Director of Music Elaine Pawlak, Religious Education Coordinator

Pastor Emeritus: Rev. William T. O’Mara

Resident Priest: Rev. William Gubbins

Deacon: Frank (Betty) Gildea Deacon: Joseph (Nancy) Bishop

Liturgy and Music Staff Claudia Nolan, Director of Liturgy Linda McKeague, Director of Music

Parish Office Staff Donna Stolinski, Business Manager Darlene Raila, Parish Publications Joan Nemec, Morning Receptionist Sharon Daley, Afternoon Receptionist

Religious Education Staff Elaine Pawlak, Catechetics Diana Barracca, Administration Karen Mirecki, Administration

Branches Youth Program Bruce Hall, Coordinator Rick Vlaming, Coordinator Rick Wojcik, Coordinator

Athletics Bob Myjak, Director

Maintenance Staff Raymond Yanowsky, Director of Maintenance Carlos Juarez, CJB Maintenance Coordinator Michael Makuch, Staff


Monday-Friday 9am Saturday 5pm

Sunday 7:15, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30am

St. Elizabeth Seton Church 9300 W. 167th Street Orland Hills, IL 60487

Parish Office: 708-403-0101 WEBSITE: WWW.STESETON.COM Religious Education: 708-403-0137


Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Catholic School 708-403-6525 Principal, Mary Iannucilli Administrative Assistant, Cindy Labriola Devlin

9/10 & 9/11 5:00PM 7:15AM 8:30AM 10:00AM 11:30AM GREETERS R. Gaskey

J. Gaskey C. Labus S. Labus M. Pahl K. Pahl G. Roy C. Roy G. Roy K. Roy M. Roy M. Vojcak

E. Briette R. Dickover J. Esposito C. Esposito M. Foley B. Hill J. Janiak B. Majer D. Meyers J. Niemiec

L. Allen D. Biallas J. Biallas J. Biallas S. Biallas M. Crance R. Cubalchini M. Cubalchini S. Giovanazzi C. Bannon

D. Ahern W. Bric/K. Bric J. Driscoll M. Eisenberg J. Grant J. Keller/D. Keller B. Keller M. Pfeiffer L. Pfeiffer R. Warja S. Warja J. Warja N. Warja

M. Hattar S. Ivey R. Ivey R. Mitchel B. Mitchel S. Potts

LECTORS R. Coe J. Tunelius

D. Houha D. Roti C. Bannon

M. Laska A. O’Connor

C. Steckhan P. Hambrick


M. Yara J. Jalowiec E. Krause

S. Westman M. Batka D. Berzins

S. Cuba J. Jaeger C. Murphy

B. Justice E. Justice H. Galvin

V. Keane F. Velcich N. Thompson


S. Abbatemarco M. Abbatemarco A. Sharp J. Harris B. DeJonge G. Yakes J. Connelly M. Jeswein D. McBride D. Pacholski B. Raymond T. Hanlon

D. Nykiel M. Guadagno C. Nolan M. Fundator B. Gildea A. Weishaar S. Grill

D. Palagi J. Cosentino E. Kramer T. Leeson J. Juds P. Skowronek J. Kelly K. Kelly T. Cohoon N. Krieher S. Weishaar C. Kirk

E. O’Connor F. Scellato E. Barin M. Fehrenbacher M. Gabrione B. Hansen L. Gent R. Laud G. Chehy R. Grill S. Michalek J. Kokotan-Krauss

K. Hall M. Morajda M. Castro J. Holmquist D. Sigourney J. Frese K. Frese L. Koning J. Mitchel M. Miller B. McMahon D. Keane

Attention All Ministers!

New ministers schedules are now available on our website at: www.steseton.com Then visit: Music and Liturgy

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