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ST. ELIZABETH St. Elizabeth Seton Parishioners!...

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ST. ELIZABETH SETON CHURCH Founded in 1987 St. Elizabeth Seton Parishioners! Happy 28th Anniversary!
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St. Elizabeth Seton Parishioners! Happy 28th Anniversary!

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CORCORAN’S CORNER Parish Anniversary… This weekend, February 14th and 15th, we will cele-brate the 28th Anniversary of the founding of St. Eliza-beth Seton Parish on February 14, 1987. Our Parish Women’s Club will be hosting a Pancake Breakfast after all Sunday Masses in the Parish Life Center. Come with a good appetite and attitude! Spare Mug Drive… Our parishioners regularly attend the Daybreak Shelter Soup Kitchen in Joliet to help to prepare a meal for those in need. A parishioner has come up with a great idea, to provide mugs and hot chocolate for the guests whom we serve at the Soup Kitchen. Continuing this weekend, February 14th and 15th, we are collecting spare mugs from our parishioners for this project. Many of our kitchens tend to collect unused mugs, and we would ask you to think about donating a spare, clean mug that is in good condition, for this pro-ject. Teens will collect spare mugs in the Church Narthex during those two weekends only. Good Scouts All… This Sunday at the 10:00 AM Mass we have invited our scout troops to join us to celebrate “Scout Sunday”. Scouting is a wonderfully wholesome activity for the children in our parish, and I am delighted that we have a Cub Scout troop, sponsored by the Cardinal Bernardin School that all our parish children can join. We have a Boy Scout Troop sponsored by the Tinley Park Kiwanis that meets here and a Girl Scout troop that also meets here. It is still my hope that we have more Girl Scout and Brownie Troops meet at our parish. Scouting gives chil-dren wonderful life-skills and a sense of values and grounding. If you want any parish scouting information, see the scout leaders after Mass. Welcome Scouts! Lent 2015… Lent begins this Wednesday, Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18th. Masses on Ash Wednesday will be offered at 6:30 AM, 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM. In addition we will have a Service with Distribution of Ashes at 12 NOON , 3:00 PM and 4:00 PM. All Masses and parish services are in the church. The traditional “disciplines” of Lent are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. We will have many opportunities for prayer throughout the season of Lent: Morning Prayer/Liturgy of the Hours (Monday through Friday at 8:30 AM, followed by 9:00 AM Mass); Evening Prayer (Wednesdays at 7:00 PM [excluding March 24th]); Stations of the Cross (Fridays at 7:00 PM [excluding February 27th]). As we practiced during the Advent season, our week-end Masses will begin with a Minute of Silence prior to the start of Mass. A highlight of our Lenten Season will be the Parish Lenten Mission on Monday-Wednesday, March 23rd-25th at 7:00 PM in the church. Fr. Larry McBrady, a former pastor of St. Elizabeth Seton Parish, will lead the Mission

for us this year. Fr. Larry is an excellent homilist, and he personally is very much looking forward to joining our community for the Mission. Please save those dates on your calendar. We also offer as a prayer resource for the Lenten sea-son, The Little Black Book from the Diocese of Saginaw, Michigan. This is an excellent series of books offering short daily reflections. Throughout the season of Lent our Scripture Study continues [this session focuses on Women in Scripture] on Thursday at 9:40-11:00 AM and 7:30-9:00 PM in the Cornerstone building. At the urging of Pope Francis, churches around the world will host a Festival of Forgiveness offering opportu-nities for reconciliation/confession on Friday, Feb. 27th and Saturday, Feb. 28th. At St. Elizabeth Seton we will be available for those wanting to go to confession on Fri-day, Feb. 27th from 3:00-4:00 PM and 7:00-8:00 PM; and on Saturday, Feb. 28th from 4:15-4:45 PM. Reconciliation on all other Saturdays in Lent [excluding Holy Saturday when there are no times for Reconciliation] is offered from 4:15-4:45 PM. Our Lenten Parish Reconciliation Service will be on the Sunday prior to the Parish Mission, March 22nd at 7:00 PM. All opportunities to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation are held in the church. Following our Lenten Parish Mission Week we begin Holy Week. Starting on Palm Sunday, March 29th at 3:00 PM we will have our Parish Lenten Cantata, The Silence and the Sorrow, featuring our Adult and Teen Choirs, Orchestra and Liturgical Dancers. On Tuesday, March 31st, Seniors of Seton will spon-sor an inexpensive morning trip to the Shrine of Christ’s Passion in St. John, Indiana. We plan on leaving by 8:30 AM, celebrate Mass at the Shrine and return in the early afternoon. More details next week. On Holy Thursday, April 2nd,we will have the Com-memoration of Our Lord’s Last Supper at 7:00 PM. On Good Friday, April 3rd, we hope to have our Walk with the Cross starting at 1:30 PM in front of the church and process down/back 167th St. in Orland Hills. Our Good Friday Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion at 3:00 PM and an enactment of Living Stations of the Cross by Branches group at 7:00 PM. On Holy Saturday, we will bless Easter Baskets at Noon-SHARP!! Our Holy Saturday Easter Vigil will be held at 7:30 PM, April 4th. On Easter Sunday, April 5th Masses are at 7:15, 8:30, 10:00, and 11:30 AM. We are offering many different opportunities for prayer and reflection throughout Lent. One additional opportunity is being offered by our Social Action Ministry. They will show a special video on The Francis Effect, about our new Pope, and his gospel teachings on social justice. This might be something for you to consider at-tending. It will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 24th at both 10:00 AM in the PLC and 7:00 PM in the church. Finally, as for the practice of almsgiving our parish will once again participate in the Catholic Relief Services “Rice Bowl” Banks to collect small sums of money throughout the Lenten Season. Catholic Relief Services

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is the Catholic “Red Cross” providing aid to communities hit by natural disasters. In this small way we seek to as-sist those in need. Once again we will also be having a canned food drive during Lent. The Knights of Columbus will provide the manpower behind the drive, delivering the food to the Orland Park and Tinley Park Food pantries. We are looking to collect cans on the second and fourth Sundays of Lent, and on Palm Sunday [the sixth Sunday of Lent]. The drive concludes on Palm Sunday. Although not a traditional “discipline” of Lent, our parish will hold “community building events”. The St. Pat-rick’s-St. Joseph’s Party returns Saturday, March 14th and the ever-popular Men’s Club Fish Fry on March 27th. We hope that Lent will provide a season of deeper spiritual growth for our parish. Now is the time to begin to think about what you plan to “do” to become the person God is calling you to be. Finally, we are going to try something new and a little bit “outside the box” at the start of all our weekend Masses during the six weeks of Lent. Before our Minute of Silence, we will ask parishioners with smart phones/cell phones to text one person [or a group list] and tell them that you are in church at Mass and are praying for them. I have noticed that many of my Facebook contacts regularly post that they are at some event, or post a “selfie” of what they are doing, or simply let their Facebook contacts know where they are. As an attempt at “Guerrilla Evangelization”, it is a somewhat creative use of the new media to maybe encourage our family, friends, and neighbors to similarly attend church, and to pray for others. We never know exactly what in-vites others to return to church. Good example can not hurt. St. Patrick’s–St. Joseph’s Party… On Saturday, March 14th at 7:00 PM in the Parish Life Center we will host a St. Patrick Day-St. Joseph Day Party. Ticket cost is $22/person and includes a Corned Beef and Mostaccioli dinner with trimmings, dancing and entertainment. There will be a cash bar for beer/wine/pop with 1970’s pricing of $2/beer or wine. We do ask people to bring a dessert item to add to our St. Joseph’s Dessert Sharing Table. People are welcome to bring appetizers for their own table guests. Outside alcohol is not allowed (for insurance reasons). Tickets available this weekend. Last year we completely sold out the party by March 1st. We expect the same this year. If you snooze you lose. Last year a great time was had by all.

Pot of Gold Raffle… Along with our St. Patrick’s-St. Joseph’s Party, our parish will hold its one annual fundraiser, our Pot of Gold Raffle. Tickets are $20 each or six for $100. Grand Prize is $10,000; 2nd Prize is $1,000, ten $200 Prizes and ten $100 prizes. Winning tickets will be drawn at approxi-mately 10:00 PM at the party. Winners need not be pre-sent. All tickets must be returned to the parish office by 5:00 PM on March 14th. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a little green for the start of spring?

Congratulations… On this “St. Valentine’s Day Weekend”, February 14th and 15th, at all of our Masses, we invite all married couples to renew their marriage vows in church. We congratulate all married couples as they live out the grace of the Sacrament of Marriage. Parish Council... After consulting others, I am now inviting parishioners to send me names of people whom I should invite to serve as members of the parish council. Parishioners can nominate themselves or others. In your note to me tell me briefly why this person, or you, should be considered for this representative position. I need to know what Mass you attend, what parish groups or organizations you are part of, any parish ministry that you engage in, how long you have been in the parish, your gender and age range, and if you have ever been previously on a parish council or other board. I am seeking a broad and varied repre-sentative and connected sample of parishioners to serve on the council The council is an advisory group to the pastor, meets once a month, nine times per year from September through June [not December]. Most meetings will be held on Thursdays from 7:00-8:30 PM. If you have questions or need additional information please feel free to contact me [708.403.0101]. The nomination process will conclude on March 8th. A Nomination Ballot form is provided in this bulletin on page 15. A wooden box marked “Parish Council Nominations” is located on the counter in the Narthex to receive you ballots. Thanks. Thanks… Thanks to St. Elizabeth Seton parishioner Donna O’Malley for speaking at all the Masses over the past two weeks about automatic contributions from checking accounts and “Gift Central” as ways of giving to our par-ish. Both the Parish Finance Council and the parishioners who took part in Parish Transformation were enthusiastic in their encouragement of me to allow these electronic forms of giving to be promoted. While I, too, do many things ‘on-line’ in some ways I remain ‘old school’. But for those who manage their finances this way, and find it better for them, the parish needs to accommodate this method. Thanks for Donna, and both the parish finance council and the parishioners at parish transformation for their help in this. Finally, some parishioners wondered if the parish has to pay any transaction costs for these methods of pay-ment, but I have been assured that they are minimal. It is not like what a merchant would pay a credit card com-pany for customers using their own credit cards to buy the merchant’s merchandise. Keep smiling,

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Page Four SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME February 15, 2015


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Sat., Feb. 14 (5pm) Bill Boardman; Lydia Irwin Sun., Feb. 15 (7:15am) Parishioners; Laroy Flynn (8:30am) Purgatorial Society; James Goraghty (10am) Lee Ann Murray; Geraldine Wolski (11:30am) Jack Sullivan; Martin Keane Mon., Feb. 16 (9am) Charles Zator; Katherine Soprych Tues., Feb. 17 (9am) Lucile Emmett; Joseph Skorzewski Wed., Feb. 18 (9am) No Intentions Thurs., Feb. 19 (9am) Amalia Mabutas; Benita Solomon Fri., Feb. 20 (9am) Joseph Kapala; Jack Haggerty Sat., Feb. 21 (5pm) Joan Cronin; Robert Polacek Sun., Feb. 22 (7:15am) Parishioners; Harry Rutkiewicz (8:30am) Dinka RogOvic; Ruthmary Hausmann Colton (10am) Mark Schendl; Sharon Zelisko; Yolanda Politano (11:30am) Robert DeCarlo, Sr.; Purgatorial Society

February 15, 2015



Ashley Courtney

We remember the sick, infirm, and those recommended to our prayers, that they may experience the healing power of Christ: Margaret Kapala Patricia Kraus Karely Herzke Kathy Hall Dave Banko Antoinette Pietripaoli And for our deceased: Michael Gubbins (brother to Fr. Bill Gubbins) Edward Sheehy “Heavenly Father, accept the prayers which we offer for them.”



COLLECTION FOR 2-8-15: $26,549.00

Thank you for your generosity.

Please pray for the following couple as they prepare for the Sacrament of Matrimony: Lisa Jeziorny and Timothy Kerovac; 2-28-15


Congratulations to these parents on the baptism of their child on Sunday, February 8, 2015: Ava Bella Obispo, child of Irwin Obispo and Michelle Obispo Nola Rose Zarobsky, child of Phillip and Kimberly Zarobsky



Congratulations to Michael and Vicky Ryan who celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary on Friday, Feb. 13, 2015.

Spiritual Reflection w/Fr. Bill Gubbins Tuesday, February 17th

7:30pm in the Parish Life Center

Ash Wednesday Masses/Services Wednesday, February 18th

Special Movie Presentation: The Francis Effect

Tuesday, February 24th 10am-Parish Life Center and 7pm-Church

Pope Francis’ Festival of Forgiveness

Reconciliation offered on Friday, Feb. 27th at 3-4pm & 7-8pm Saturday, Feb. 28th at 4:15-4:45pm

St. Patrick’s and St. Joseph’s Party

Saturday, March 14th (see page 21 for details)

Lenten Parish Reconciliation Service Sunday, March 22nd, 7pm

Lenten Parish Mission/w Fr. Larry McBrady March 23rd/March 24th/March 25th at 7pm

Morning of Reflection w/Fr. Larry McBrady

Wednesday, March 25 (after 9am Mass)

Men’s Club Fish Fry Friday, March 27th

Palm Sunday Cantata

Sunday, March 29th, 3pm

Parish Trip to Shrine of Christ’s Passion Tuesday, March 31st


at St. Elizabeth Seton!

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: The parish offices will be closed on

Monday, Feb. 16th for Presidents Day.

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Ashes will be distributed Ashes will be distributed Ashes will be distributed on Wednesday,on Wednesday,on Wednesday, February 18th at:February 18th at:February 18th at: 6:30am Mass6:30am Mass6:30am Mass 9am Mass9am Mass9am Mass Noon Prayer ServiceNoon Prayer ServiceNoon Prayer Service 3pm Prayer Service3pm Prayer Service3pm Prayer Service 4pm Prayer Service4pm Prayer Service4pm Prayer Service 7pm Mass7pm Mass7pm Mass

Your dried palms for ashes will be collected Your dried palms for ashes will be collected Your dried palms for ashes will be collected in baskets in the Narthex until Feb. 13th. in baskets in the Narthex until Feb. 13th. in baskets in the Narthex until Feb. 13th.

1. Abstinence from meats is to be observed by all Catholics 14 years old/older on Ash Wednesday and on all the Fridays of Lent. 2. Fasting is to be observed on Ash Wednesday by all Catholics who are 18 years of age but not yet 59. Those who are bound by this may take only one full meal. Two smaller meals are permitted if necessary to maintain strength according to one’s needs, but eating solid foods between meals is not permitted. The special Paschal fast/abstinence are prescribed for Good Friday and encouraged for Holy Saturday.

“The season of Lent is a preparation for the celebration of Easter. The liturgy prepares the catechumens for the celebration of the Paschal mystery by the several stages of Christian Initiation; it also prepares the faithful, who recall their baptism and do penance in preparation for Easter.”

(General Norms for the Year, #27) By the threefold discipline of fasting, almsgiving and prayer the Church keeps Lent from Ash Wednesday until the evening of Holy Thursday. All of the faithful and the catechumens should undertake serious practice of these three traditions. Failure to observe penitential days totally or a substantial number of such days must be considered serious.

“On weekdays of Lent, we strongly recommend participation in daily Mass and self-imposed observances of fasting. In light of grave human needs which weigh on the Christian conscience in all seasons, we urge particularly during Lent, generosity to local, national and world programs of sharing of all things needed to translate our duty to penance into a means of implementing the right of the poor to their part of the abundance.” (US Bishops)


Page Six SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME February 15, 2015

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A reflection from Living Liturgy


INTO LENT. “Giving up” is as natural a part of Lent as eating candy is a part of Easter. Perhaps one reason why so many peo-ple do at least something by way of sacrifice dur-ing Lent is to remind self and others that we can always become better persons. This striving for be-ing better has less to do with self-satisfaction and more to do with wanting to improve our relation-ships with each other. The opening line of the Gospel mentions “righteous deeds.” In a biblical context, “righteous deeds” are those which have to do with relationships; they are any acts which help us relate to others with the same care and goodness with which God relates to us. One is “righteous” when one is “right” with God and others, as expressed in our concrete behaviors. ON THE SURFACE, IT’S A LITTLE DIFFICULT not to get the point of this gospel : don’t do spiritual acts— no matter how good and worthy they are—so that others see them and think well of us. Three times in this gospel Jesus tells us to do “righteous deeds” not to be noticed by others, but to be repaid by God. God’s repayment is nothing less than a deepened relationship with God. In the first reading Joel ad-monishes us to “return to [God] with your whole heart.” This is essentially a reminder of the work of Lent: to make God the center of our lives. The regard and praise of others is not what we seek, but a deeper love relationship with the God who is

“gracious and merciful.” THUS OUR “RIGHTEOUS DEEDS”—our Lenten pen-ances—are to be directed to forming a new habit of righteous relationships, not only with God, but also with each other. Ironically, penitential practices we have done “in secret” will be noticed by others—not for the deeds themselves, but for who, through these deeds, we have become. Our “righteous deeds” become noticed in our deep-ened relationships, relating to others in the same way God relates to us, by being more “gracious and merciful.” Forming a habit of righteous relationships changes us. We become more like God. Saint Paul boldly states this in the second reading: “Be recon-ciled to God”—that is be in the right relationship with God—”so that we might become the righteous-ness of God in [Christ.]” We become the very rela-tionships we seek to deepen!

T HE ASHES WE RECEIVE IN THE FORM OF A CROSS ON our foreheads on this day remind us that the “now” mentioned in both the first and second readings imparts a real urgency about form-ing a habit of doing “righteous deeds.” Now is the time. We cannot put off growing in our relationships with God and others.

LENT IS THE SEASON TO “TURN” AWAY (the word conversion means “to turn”) from our own needs and wants in order to see a world larger than ourselves. • How can you make the next forty days a time of

true conversion that lasts well beyond Easter?

SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME by Joyce Ann Zimmerman, C.PP.S. de N.

and Rev. John W. Tonkin

“Rend your hearts, not your garments, and return to the Lord, your God” Joel 2:13

God of mercy and compassion, be with us on the journey to Easter that we begin today. Open our hearts to hear your call to holy sacrifice,

that these days may be a time for healing and restoration leading to a permanent change of heart and transformation of our perspectives and attitudes. Help us to find within ourselves your grace so that we may transform our lives and our world

from the ashes of division and selfishness to the peace and hope of Easter. We ask this through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.

February 15, 2015 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Page Seven

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Daily Morning Prayer in the church (Monday-Friday) beginning Thursday, February 18th at 8:30AM

February 23-27; March 2-6; March 9-13; March 16-20; March 23-27

March 30-April 3 (Holy Week)

Lenten Weekday Prayer Opportunity

What is the Liturgy of the Hours?

Not many people are thoroughly familiar with this form of communal prayer. Long ago, our ancestors in faith had ways for individuals and households to praise and thank God constantly, with the poetic richness of praying at morning and evening with hymns and psalms known by heart. As time went on we lost those forms of prayer. Along with the Lord’s Supper, fixed-hour prayer is considered the oldest form of Christian spirituality. The psalmist’s example to praise God seven times each day, were trying to follow St. Paul’s exhortation to “pray without ceasing.” The apostles too used psalms in their prayers, and the psalms remain the backbone of the Liturgy of the Hours today. Both the ending and the beginning of the day were, to the ancients, natural times for prayer. We learn to pray by praying, and we learn to pray the Mass through the many ways that ritual prayer enters our lives throughout the day and week. In liturgy as in life, one thing regularly leads to another: understanding leads to loving, loving to participation, participation to commitment and commitment to a transformed way of living. It seems so elementary. Morning prayer makes us rise and thank God for a restful night, for another day of life, and for the strength and courage to do God’s will. The spiritual practice of celebrating Morning Prayer is a way of consecrating the day to God.

What is the Evening Prayer?



Wednesdays, 7-7:30PM in the Church Beginning February 25th

We all may have heard of priests and religious praying the “breviary,” which is another name for the Liturgy of the Hours. Although every Catholic knows that Eucharist is the official public prayer of the Church, the Liturgy of the Hours is considered the “other half” of our official public prayer — a half which most of us have rarely had an opportunity to experience. In the Liturgy of the Hours, the singing or reciting of the Psalms takes place at various hours around the clock. Praying the Psalms at differ-ent hours of the day and night is a traditional Catholic way of “sanctifying” every hour and moment of our lives with prayer and reflection. Evening Prayer is the “sunset” hour of the Liturgy of the Hours, and begins with a light ceremony in which lamps and candles are lit for the evening activities (originally at a time when there was no electricity). During the lighting of the lamps, we sing a hymn praising “Christ our Light.” Incense is burned as we sing and pray that all our prayers will rise to God just as the smoke and fragrance of the incense rises. Then, we sing from the Book of Psalms (the heart of prayer). We close the service with a hymn of thanks. This is a prayerful way to end our day and begin our evening activities.

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SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME February 15, 2015 Page Ten

As we begin this Lenten journey, the St. Elizabeth Seton Women’s Club invites ALL WOMEN AND MEN OF THE PARISH to participate in a Spiritual Reflection led by Fr. Bill Gubbins entitled The Return of the Prodigal: Our Journey to God’s Love.

Doors to the Parish Life Center open at 7:15pm Reflection begins at 7:30pm

Light refreshments will be shared


LENTEN spiritual reflectionLENTEN spiritual reflectionLENTEN spiritual reflection





Presenter:Presenter:Presenter: Fr. Bill GubbinsFr. Bill GubbinsFr. Bill Gubbins

Tuesday, feb. 17Tuesday, feb. 17Tuesday, feb. 17


Parish life centerParish life centerParish life center

SETON ROSARY GROUP All women, men and children are invited to join us in con-templating the mysteries of Christ's life through the pray-ing of the Holy Rosary. We meet each Tuesday and Thursday in the church, by our statue of the Virgin Mary, immediately following the Morning Mass. We hope YOU will join us!

CENTERING PRAYER You are invited to join in an hour of quiet time and learn about Centering Prayer. The group meets the second Wednesday of each month in the Cornerstone.

CHAPLET OF DIVINE MERCY The Divine Mercy Chaplet is recited every Wednesday morning in the church, after the 9am Mass. All are invited.

SACRED SPACE Sacred Space Reflection Group invites you to make a “Sacred Space” in your day — a time to pause for a few moments and be mindful of how God is present in your lives. The Sacred Space Prayer Book offers in-depth meditations on the scripture of the day. The group meets the first Monday of each month. Watch the bulletin for time and date.

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IF YOU THINK GOD IS CALLING YOU TO BE A PRIEST, visit www.ChicagoPriest.com or contact Fr. Francis Bitterman at 312-534-8298 or [email protected]. FOR INFORMATION ON RELIGIOUS LIFE contact Sr. Elyse Ramirez, OP at 312-534-5240 or [email protected], and for the Permanent Diaconate program contact Deacon Bob Puhala at 847-837-4562 or [email protected].


GRACIOUS AND LOVING GOD, help the men and women of our parishes to hear the call to serve. Our needs are great and our people thirst for Your Presence.

OPEN THE HEARTS OF MANY. Raise up faithful servants of the Gospel—dedicated, holy priests, sisters, brothers and deacons, who will spend themselves for Your people and their needs.

BLESS ALL OF OUR MARRIED COUPLES with a rich faith and children that desire to serve You.

BLESS THOSE WHO ARE SERVING NOW with courage and perseverance.

GRANT THAT MANY WILL BE INSPIRED by their exam-ple and faith. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Parish Vocation News

Page Eleven

POPE FRANCIS DESCRIBED HIS VISION OF THE CHURCH as a field hospital in the middle of a terribly wounded world. During Lent 2015, the Church in the Archdiocese of Chicago wants to bring the medicine of mercy not only to the Catholic faithful but also to anyone who stands in need of healing and forgiveness. Across two days, Fri-day, February 27th and Saturday, February 28th, the Church in Chicago will offer special opportunities for the celebration of the Sacrament of Penance and for prayers of healing. The Catholic faithful, especially those who have been away from the sacraments, are urgently in-vited to come and share in God’s mercy. Every human being lives with elements of broken-ness. Every human soul knows it fragility. This focused time to encounter the mercy of God in our lives is in-spired by Pope Francis through this annual Lenten obser-vance, “Festival of Forgiveness”. We will join our Holy Father and local churches throughout the world in their observance of this graced opportunity..

Our parishioners at St. Elizabeth Seton are invited to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation at the

FRIDAY, FEB. 27TH 3:00 to 4:00pm and 7:00 to 8:00pm

SATURDAY, FEB. 28TH 4:15-4:45pm

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“Lent is a fitting time for self-denial; we would do well to ask ourselves what we can give up in order to help and enrich others by our own poverty.” – POPE FRANCIS

Dear Families, THIS LENT OUR PARISH IS PARTICIPATING IN CRS RICE BOWL, a faith-in-action program that helps families experience Lenten spirituality by living in solidarity with people in need around the world. HERE ARE THREE SIMPLE WAYS TO BRING LENT TO LIFE IN YOUR HOME:

1) Place your CRS Rice Bowl in a prominent place in your home and use it to collect your Lenten sacrifices. 2) Read the Lenten calendar reflections each day as a family. 3) Visit crsricebowl.org to find videos and family activities, or take Lent outside of the bowl and download the CRS Rice Bowl app on your iOS or Android device.

We will be collecting Rice Bowls at the end of Lent, so stay tuned to learn more.

The St. Elizabeth Seton Social Action Ministry thanks you for using CRS Rice Bowl with your family this Lent.

CRS Rice Bowls can be found at the

end of each pew this weekend.

First grade students from St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic school in Delmar, NY install plants in the Garden of Feedin’, a community garden. Photo by Paul McAvoy/Catholic Charities

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February 15, 2015 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Page Thirteen

Help For Our Stressful World The Holbrook Counseling Center, a service of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago, provides confiden-tial counseling at Saint Stephen Parish in Tinley Park. Mich-ele Nowak, LCPC is the Therapist at St. Stephen. Fees are affordable. Private pay and/or behavioral health insurance accepted. In network with BC/BS PPO. Call 312-655-7725.

Alcoholics Anonymous If you have a problem with alcohol and feel a sincere desire to stop drinking, you are welcome to attend a meet-ing of Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) in the St. Elizabeth Seton Church Hall on Thursdays from 7:30-8:45pm. Alco-holics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover. The only requirement is a sincere desire to stop drinking.

Families Anonymous If your life has gone astray due to living with someone who has a substance abuse problem, consider attending Families Anonymous on Mondays from 7-8:30pm at Palos Hospital, 123rd and 80th Ave., Palos Heights (Ambulatory Care Center, Rm. 1). Call Warren, 708-429-2507 or Therese at 708-269-9853.


CORNERSTONE A special informational meeting for all travelers

signed up for the Greece trip.

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Sunday, Feb. 15 6:30-8:30 pm OPEN GYM

Sunday, Feb. 22 6:30-9:00 pm MOVIE NIGHT Cornerstone


On Monday, Feb. 16th and Tuesday, Feb. 17th, we can get 20% back for all those who bring in a Seton Branches donation form while eating at Granite City Restaurant on LaGrange Rd. in Orland Park. The donation form is located elsewhere in this bulletin. Please spread the word to family, neighbors, and friends and make sure they get a donation form.

QUESTIONS? Contact Bruce Hall at 708-403-7834

or [email protected].

Golden Opportunities Coupon books offer local restaurants offering discounts of 50% off or 2-for-1. In addition, great savings at movies, grocery stores, sporting events, and more! Many coupons valid once a month. And… it makes a great gift!

2015 Golden Opportunities Books

only $10 beginning Feb. 1st

Available in the

parish office!

Makes a great gift!

Tuesday, February 17th SPIRITUAL EVENING with Fr. Bill Gubbins Parish Life Center Doors open at 6:30pm Meeting starts at 6:45pm Fr. Bill Gubbins will to lead our spiritual evening with “The Return of the Prodigal: Our Journey to God’s Love”. We will have brief general meeting for Women’s Club members at 6:45pm with hospitality to follow. Fr. Bill Gubbins will begin his reflection at 7:30pm.

All are welcome!


Women’s Club

ST. ELIZABETH SETON PARISH COUNCIL NOMINATION NAME: ______________________________________________________ GENDER: ________ AGE RANGE: ________ SETON PARISH MEMBER SINCE: ________ MASS TIME OF CANDIDATE: ________ PARISH OR COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ WHY TO CONSIDER THIS CANDIDATE?: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ PRIOR PARISH COUNCIL EXPERIENCE? ________ PRIOR BOARD (ANY KIND) EXPERIENCE? ________

Please place nomination ballot in the box found on the counter in the Narthex.

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In March of 2013, after only five ballots, the Cardinals elected the serene and unassuming Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Archbishop of Buenos Aires as the 266th Pope of the Catholic Church. He would be called Francis. From the moment Pope Francis appeared on the balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica, he won the hearts of the people. His humility, simplicity and closeness to the poor reveal a man deeply in touch with the Gospel. His profile has soared. He initiated fundamental reform of the Roman Curia, challenged a “globalization of indifference,” and has become the most talked about person in the world. The Francis Effect takes a critical and in-depth look at how an ancient institution is rapidly changing under the leadership and vision of Pope Francis, and exclusive interviews with prominent Catholics and non-Catholics reveal that Francis is having a profound effect on the world as well.

The St. Elizabeth Seton Social Action Ministry joyfully invites you to hear and see how this humble disciple of Christ has already made a profound global effect by simply living and sharing the joy of the Gospel. Two viewings of the film from Salt and Light Television. Prayer, brief reflection and hospitality will be shared.

Tuesday, Feb. 24

10-11:30am in the Parish Life Center or 7-8:30pm in the Church

SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME February 15, 2015 Page Sixteen


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D. 270 VALENTINE WAS A HOLY PRIEST IN ROME, WHO, WITH ST. MARIUS AND HIS FAMILY, ASSISTED THE MARTYRS IN THE PERSECUTION UNDER CLAUDIUS II. He was apprehended, and sent by the emperor to the prefect of Rome, who, on finding all his promises to make him renounce his faith

ineffectual, commanded him to be beaten with clubs, and afterwards, to be beheaded, which was executed on February 14, about the year 270. Pope Julius I is said to have built a church near Ponte Mole to his memory, which for a long time gave name to the gate now called Porta del Popolo, formerly, Porta Valetini. The greatest part of his relics are now in the church of St. Praxedes. His name is celebrated as that of an illustrious martyr in the sacramentary of St. Gregory, the Roman Missal of Thomasius, in the calendar of F. Fronto and that of Allatius, in Bede, Usuard, Ado, Notker and all other martyrologies on this day. To abolish the heathens lewd superstitious custom of boys drawing the names of girls, in honor of their goddess Februata Juno, on the fifteenth of this month, several zealous pastors substituted the names of saints in billets given on this day. COMMENT Saints are not supposed to rest in peace; they're expected to keep busy: to perform miracles, to intercede. Being in jail or dead is no excuse for non-performance of the supernatural. One legend says, while awaiting his execution, Valentinus restored the sight of his jailer's blind daughter. Another legend says, on the eve of his death, he penned a farewell note to the jailer's daughter, signing it, "From your Valentine." Valentine is the Patron Saint of affianced couples, bee keepers, engaged couples, epilepsy, fainting, greetings, happy marriages, love, lovers, plague, travellers, young people. He is represented in pictures with birds and roses.


Seniors of Seton


Tickets for our (almost) authentic Safari Bingo Luncheon, catered by Winston’s are now available for $8.00 in the Church office. We will collect non-perishable items for Together We Cope to help re-supply their food pantry. Suggested items jars of jelly, mac ‘n cheese, spaghetti canned fruit or veggies. Monetary donations will also be welcome.



Immediately following the 9:00am Mass. Fr Larry McBrady, our Past Pastor will be the

presenter. All are welcome!


Trip questions please contact Anna at 708-532-6731



Motor coach transportation to Theatre at the Center, lunch and tickets to see On Golden Pond. Cost will be $95 per person. Leave west parking lot at 11:00 am.


Call Anna to sign up for the trip to the Shrine of Christ’s Passion in St. John, Indiana. Fr. Bill Corcoran will say Mass in St. John the Evangelist Church. Bus cost is $10 per person. Bus leaves at 8:30am. Returns early afternoon.

February 15, 2015 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Page Seventeen

Happy Valentine’s Day

to the Sweethearts of SOS

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Parish Transformation Initiative — MISSION STATEMENT AND ACTION PLAN

The St. Elizabeth Parish Transformation Team worked diligently for many weeks, meeting and discussing new ideas and approaches for our parish. The collabora-tive effort produced a Mission Narrative and Action Plan to help our parish more vibrantly live out Christ’s mission, grow stronger in faith, and closer to Christ. Thank you again to all who participated. Over the next few weeks, the MISSION ACTION PLAN will be highlighted in the church bulletin.

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MISSION ACTION PLAN CONTINUED FOCUS AREA #2: Demonstrate Communio in all that we do at St. Elizabeth Seton


1) Develop an Annual Sacramental ReunionEvent (Baptisms, Weddings, First

Communion, Graduates, RCIA, Confirmation)

—Develop an Annual Celebration Liturgy for all Groups, w/reception following Mass

Begin planning Fall 2015

Annually, Beginning 2015-16

Margie Dcn. Frank

Claudia Sue


Track attendees first year, and increase attendance by 10% in successive years

2) Create New Family Outreach—Create welcome packets/baskets to be

distributed to new members—Schedule gatherings for new members —Outreach to new members with personal contact

Fall 2015

Volunteers from the parish

New members/families will be contacted within one month of registration in parish

3) Evaluate the roles/responsibilities of parish staff, to determine whether or not the current staff are meeting parish needs

March 2015

Rev. Corcoran

Evaluate current job descriptions to determine if they are in line with parish needs

FOCUS AREA #3: St. Elizabeth will be recognized as an evangelizing community


1) Partner with neighboring parishes to offerprograms for parishioners of all ages

—Contact St. Francis, St. Stephen, St. Julie, St. Michael, St. George and Our Lady of the Woods to schedule—Theology on Tap —Develop programs for families with young children

Winter 2016

New Staff


Participants from 50% of the parishes

2) Enhance Community Service Programs—Schedule a service day program (Habitat for Humanity) —Schedule an intergenerational one-day Mission Trip

Fall 2016

New Staff


Schedule one service project per year, include minimum of 10 participants

3) Strengthen Adult Faith Formation—Offer bi-annual formation for parents of students in Religious Education program —Offer bi-annual formation for parents of students in the CJB School. —Maintain # of Scripture Study classes, retreats, and Book Clubs. Continue to disseminate Encyclicals and Pastoral Letters

Fall 2015

Sue Matthews

Mary Vlaming

Priests/ Deacons

Review of date/time schedule

Review of date/time schedule

Review of annual schedule

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The Portiuncula Center for Prayer, 9263 W St. Francis Rd., Frankfort, is offering a Lenten Morning of Reflection on Saturday, Feb. 21st from 9:30am-Noon. Fee: $20. Through story and quiet, conversation and ritual, you will enter into the scripture of the First Sunday of Lent that takes you to Jesus' baptism in the Jordan River and on to the desert where he was driven by the Spirit. There we will question what this narrative about Jesus' emergence from the anonymity of Nazareth suggests about his re-sponse to God? And what responses are stirred in us as we enter the season of Lent this year. Facilitator: Joy Clough, RSM is a storyteller and author. Contact www.portforprayer.org or call 815-464-3880.

Seeing in the Dark: Graced and Guided by Sparks of the Divine The Portiuncula Center for Prayer, 9263 W St. Francis Rd., Frankfort, begins a Lenten series on “Seeing in the Dark: Graced and Guided by Sparks of the Divine” on Monday, Feb. 23rd from 9:30am-Noon. Fee: $20. Draw-ing upon insights from Barbara Brown Taylor's book, Learning to Walk in the Dark, and the long Biblical His-tory we have of God working with people in the mystery of darkness, together we will explore how the darker mo-ments of life can carry treasures of their own if we can let go of fear and cultivate the eyes to see. Facilitator: Mary Ruth Broz, RSM is a Sister of Mercy and Program Man-ager at the Port. She received a Master of Divinity De-gree from the Jesuit School of Theology and a Doctor of Ministry degree from St. Mary of the Lake University in Mundelein. She is a spiritual director and has facilitated countless retreats assisting people in uncovering the sa-cred dimensions of their ordinary life experience. Call 815-464-3880 or visit www.portforprayer.org.

St. Casimir/Maria REUNION 2015 St. Casimir Academy/Maria High School Alumnae Assn. will host REUNION 2015 on Saturday, April 18. There will be a Mass at 9:30am at the Sisters of St. Casimir Motherhouse Chapel, 2601 Marquette Rd., Chicago, to pray for the beatification of the Venerable Mother Maria Kaupas. There is a luncheon at the Motherhouse for St. Casimir Alumnae. There is a luncheon at 12 Noon at Pa-los Country Club, 13100 Southwest Hwy., Orland Park. $40 before March 27th; $50 after. Special honorees: are the classes that end in “0” or “5”. Call 773-925-8686, x 7, or contact [email protected]. For fur-ther information call Mary Ann Pater at 708-484-1204.

Suffering from the Loss of a Loved One? Little Company of Mary Hospital, Evergreen Park, offers two support programs for those grieving the loss of a loved one through death. For Adults: Living When A Loved One Has Died Six consecutive Wednesdays, beginning February 25 from 7:30-9:30pm. Support groups formed specific to loss and age of participant. Registration is required. For Children: The Heart Connection Eight consecutive Mondays, beginning March 9, 2015 from 6-7:30pm. The program is for children ages 5-18 years old who had a loved one die. Early registration is required.

Call 708-229-5484, Monday-Friday from 9am-4pm.

Divorce and Beyond Divorce is a painful experience. It can change every as-pect of a person’s life. The foundation on which you built your life has now crumbled beneath your feet. You are searching for peace, for truth, for hope. Divorce is never part of your plan for life. When you married, you intended it to last a lifetime. Now, there are serious complications in your relationship or you may be divorced, and it may be a time of grief and pain. The Catholic Church is pre-sent during these difficult times, and offers guidance, support, and resources through Divorce Ministry for di-vorced Catholics and non-Catholics that wish to obtain the strength needed to move forward through the journey of personal growth. The Divorce and Beyond program helps bring healing for those who have been through a divorce. Each meeting focuses on a different aspect of the divorce healing process such as grief, stress, anger, blame, guilt, loneliness, forgiveness, and happiness. The program includes education, discussion, and prayer. Divorced Catholics and non-Catholics are invited on a journey back to a life filled with promise and peace through a 10-session self-help divorce support program at St. Francis of Assisi Church, 15050 S. Wolf Rd., Or-land Park, beginning Sunday, Feb. 22nd. (group will meet every other Sunday) at 7pm. There is a $10 fee and participant must also purchase the book “Divorce and Beyond” from Acta Publications prior to first session. For more information or to register please call Deacon Joe Truesdale at 708-614-0286.

February 15, 2015 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Page Nineteen

Newborns In Need The Seton Sowers Chapter of

Newborns in Need will meet Monday, Feb. 16th, at 9:15am in the downstairs

Church Hall meeting room. If you knit, crochet, or sew, we can use your skills to make clothing and blankets for new- born babies who need to spend time in the hospital.

If you have been looking for a good way to spend your time

working for a charity, this is a really wonderful one.

We can also use donations of yarn and fabric. For more information,

call Carol Dimer at 708- 479-6994.

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From the days of Noah to the time of Jesus through our own times, God continues to issue an invitation to return to the faithfulness of the covenant.


The rainbow seems to have become almost an universal symbol of diversity, tolerance, and broadminded acceptance. So it is easy to forget the role that it plays in the rather terrifying story of Noah. After destroying almost all of life on earth on account of the sinfulness of humanity, God hangs up the bow in the sky, transforming a weapon of war into a symbol of the peace treaty that God is now declaring with humanity and with all of creation. Hostilities now ended, God has no further use for a bow. The author of First Peter gives the story of Noah and the ark a spiritual interpretation: the waters of the flood become a symbol of the waters of baptism, which, as the liturgy puts it, is both “an end of vice and a beginning of virtue.” Baptism is God’s truce with sinful human beings, in which Jesus Christ leads us through the deep and dangerous waters of suffering and death to life with God. In a sense, Jesus is the ark in whom we are shel-tered as God destroys sin and even death itself. Mark’s account of the temptations of Jesus focuses us less on the temptations than on the way Jesus Himself is sheltered by God in the wilderness, where He dwells secure amidst the wild beasts, ministered to by God’s angels. It is as if the paradise from which Adam and Eve were cast out is now being restored. And when Jesus emerges from the wilderness to say “Repent, and believe in the Gospel,” we should hear this not as a condemnation but as an invitation to enter into that restored paradise, to become sharers in the truce that God has declared with the world.

I will set my bow in the clouds to serve as a sign of the covenant between me and the earth (Genesis 9:8-15). After the flood had receded, Noah and his family opened the ark and stepped onto dry land. The first thing that they did was to offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving to the Lord. This greatly pleased God. God, on His part, made a covenant with Noah and with all creatures that He would never destroy the world again with a flood. He did not make this pact with

them because they were so good, for in a passage that immediately precedes this read-ing, God admits that human hearts are cor-rupt from their birth. Rather, He made this promise as an act of mercy. Finally, God gave the rainbow as a reminder to all who would see it of this covenant that He would uphold forever.

The water of the flood prefigured baptism, which saves you now (1 Peter 3:18-22).

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February 22, 2015

God of Peace, May this

Lenten season be for us a time of

being sheltered by You in the wilderness,

so that we may emerge at Easter

into a world made new by the power of

Christ’s Resurrection. Amen.

This reading is rather complicated. Baptism is seen as a washing to remove the contagion of sin (and not the cleansing from physical dirtiness). The ark that saved Noah from the flood is a type of prefiguring of the Sacrament of Baptism (for in Baptism we are saved from the flood of sin and lies that surround us). The verse that speaks about Jesus preaching to

those who were in prison seems to be a refer-ence to the belief, that after Jesus died on the cross, He descended down into the under-world (sometimes called hell or hades or Sheol). He did this in order to proclaim His message of salvation to those who had died before He was born.





Jesus was tempted by Satan, and the angels ministered to him (Mark 1:12-15) The account of the temptation in the desert in the Gospel of Mark is the simplest of the three Synoptic versions. There is no mention of the three separate temptations as there is in Luke and Matthew. All we are told is that Jesus was tempted for forty days. The king-dom of God (or more accurately, the reign of God) will be manifested when people turn their hearts to the Lord. This is how we repent during Lent: to allow God (and not other things) to be at the center of our lives.

Readings for the Week February 9-February 14: Mon.: Gn 4:1-15, 25; Mk 8:11-13 Tues.: Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; 9c-10; Mk 8:14-21 Wed.: Jl 2:12-18; 2 Cor 5:20 -- 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thurs.: Dt 30:15-20; Lk 9:22-25 Fri.: Is 58:1-9a; Mt 9:14-15 Sat. Is 58:9b-14; Lk 5:27-3

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Please bring a dessert to share for our St. Joseph Sweet Table

Saturday, March 14th 7:00 pm-12 Midnight Parish Life Center


10-$200 PRIZES 10-$100 PRIZES

Raffle: $20 each/6-$100 Available in the Parish Office

DINNER! Includes corned beef, cabbage,

potatoes, mostaccioli, coffee/tea

DANCING & ENTERTAINMENT! Fun, Fun, Fun! DJ, Loren Gent


CASH BAR! No outside alcohol allowed.

1970’s prices: Beer/Wine only $2.00!


February 15, 2015 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Page Twenty One

Dinner tickets sold after Masses, or reserve your spot by calling Anna Talley at 708-532-6731.

All are welcome to bring an appetizer to share at

your table.

No tickets sold at-the-door

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CHECKING/SAVINGS WITHDRAWAL OPTION Fill out the form and drop off or mail to the parish office.

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Pastoral Staff Rev. William T. Corcoran, Ph.D, Pastor Rev. Stanislaw Kuca, Associate Pastor Rev. William Gubbins, Resident Priest Rev. William T. O’Mara, Pastor Emeritus Margie Guadagno, Pastoral Associate Deacon: Frank (Betty) Gildea Deacon: Joseph (Nancy) Bishop Deacon: Dennis (Barbara) Cristofaro

Liturgy Staff Claudia Nolan, Director of Liturgy

Music Staff Linda McKeague, Director of Music

Parish Office Staff Donna Stolinski, Business Manager Darlene Raila, Parish Publications Joan Nemec, Morning Receptionist Karen Mirecki, Afternoon Receptionist

Religious Education Staff Susan Matthews, Director of Religious Education Diana Barracca, Administration Assistant

Branches Youth Program Bruce Hall, Coordinator Rick Vlaming, Coordinator Rick Wojcik, Coordinator

Athletics Bob Myjak, Director

Maintenance Staff Raymond Yanowsky, Director of Maintenance Laurie De Mik-Renn, Staff Marie Makuch, Staff Joseph Shake, CJB Day Maintenance Supervisor Sal Hernandez, CJB Night Maintenance Supervisor


9:00 am Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday:

7:15, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30am

St. Elizabeth Seton Church 9300 W. 167th Street Orland Hills, IL 60487

Parish Office: 708-403-0101 WEBSITE: WWW.STESETON.COM Religious Education: 708-403-0137


Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Catholic School 708-403-6525 Principal, Mary Iannucilli Administrative Assistant, Cindy Labriola Devlin

2/21 & 2/22 5:00PM 7:15AM 8:30AM 10:00AM 11:30AM

GREETERS R. Coe S. Klean W. Krol J. Schuman R. Sharp L. Stolinski M. Taska

C. Chor L. McGhee S. McGhee D. Skrzypiec B. Tenuta A. Shemanske B. Shemanske

K. Fox M. Fox D. Gurka M. Gurka P. Gurka M. Gurka J. Klomes J. Klomes L. Klomes M. Klomes A. McCoy D. Minnick G. Staszewski P. Staszewski

R. Chehy P. Havlin B. Krueger S. Lorenz N. Lorenz J. Moran D. Weber

R. Andrews M. Broderick M. Gniady K. Ivancich B. Ivancich S. Klean M. McMahon B. Wojewnik

LECTORS M. Hamilton M. Ward

J. Cronin E. Espina T. O’Connell

M. Eisenberg M. Laska

A. McKanna R. Velcich


K. DeHaan L. Reiter M. Gregg

A. D’Andrea A. D’Andrea A. Dennis

O. Durkin J. Durkin C. Buck

M. Flanagan M. McMahan D. Flanagan

C. Bueche G. Misiunas L. Kedzierski


M. Abbatemarco S. Abbatemarco M. Gabrione L. Jeffrey M. Paluch T. Doyle B. DeJonge J. Connelly D. Cristofaro B. Cristofaro B. Raymond

J. Janiak C. Nolan L. Skrzypiec A. Weishaar J. Dickover D. Ceglarski

D. Palagi P. Orozco J. Juds M. Galka L. Lopina E. Pawlak T. Leeson F. Scellato E. Burman J. Austin L. Austin B. Knight

K. O’Sullivan T. Federico J. Federico J. Mysker E. Barin R. Laud C. Davis S. Michalek D. Benker J. Eisenberg S. Juska I. Juska B. Hansen

S. Villegas D. Sigourney A. Talley G. Talley T. Scorzo K. Hall K. James M. O’Connor R. Dollah M. Schmidt

Attention All Ministers!

Ministers schedules available at: www.steseton.com Then visit: Music and Liturgy

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Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered on Saturday, between 4:15-4:45pm.

Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated twice monthly at 1pm. Reserve your time by calling the Pastoral Center early. We are limited to six children per Sunday. Baptismal Couples preparing for the birth of their child should contact the Pastoral Center to register for a one night seminar, focusing on a parent’s role in faith development. This session is mandatory prior to the Baptism. Anointing of the Sick is available in the Church every Monday after the 9am Mass. For those who are ill or fac-ing hospitalization, it is appropriate to receive the sacrament once every six months. Call 708-403-0101 for information. Ministry of Care is available to give Communion to the housebound, to visit and pray for hospitalized and/or to arrange for the Anointing of the Sick. Please call the Pastoral Center for assistance. In the Hospital? Because of HIPAA Privacy regulations hospitals can no longer contact the parish regarding your hospitalization. It is the responsibility of you or a family member to notify our parish. We desire to offer whatever spiri-tual support we can. Please call the Pastoral Center. Sacrament of Marriage Couples planning to marry are asked to make arrangements six months in advance.

Wedding Workshops are offered throughout the year. They provide engaged couples with guidelines and suggestions for the celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage. The workshop covers topics ranging from readings and music to flowers and video taping.

Adult Choir sings at all 10am Sunday Masses, as well as at a number of special liturgies.

Moving? Please call the office at 708-403-0101.
