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Shelter Design La Carpio Costa Rica

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ABAN01 Shelter Paper Mauricio Navarro Challenges for urbanization and access to decent shelter for urban poor groups The current, global state of urbanization More than 2 billion people will be added to the number of urban dwellers in the developing countries over the next 25 years. This implies an unprecedented growth in the demand for housing, water supply, sanitation and other urban infrastructure services. This new challenge exists in a context of already wide- spread poverty and inequality in cities, with millions of people living in slums without adequate basic services. Providing these services to new residents will be essential if this additional population is not to be trapped in urban poverty, poor health and low productivity. It is an urban problem with significant macroeconomic consequences. This Global Report examines the urgent challenge of financing urban shelter development over the next generation. The report is divided into four parts. Part I presents the macro-economic, shelter policy and urban finance contexts of financing urban shelter development. Part II describes and assesses recent global trends in shelter finance, including mortgage finance, financing for social housing, shelter microfinance and shelter community funds. Part III provides an overall assessment of the shelter financing systems analyzed in Part II and examines policy directions towards sustainable shelter finance systems. The Epilogue in Part III examines the implications of the report’s findings on sustainable urban shelter policy. In Part IV, the Statistical Annex comprises 16 tables covering three broad categories: demographic indicators and households data; housing and housing infrastructure indicators; and economic and social indicators. These tables are divided into three sections presenting data at the regional, country and city levels. The current global backlog of slum dwellers is about 925 million people. When this figure is combined with the projected 1.9 billion additional urban popula- tion, it is apparent that 2.825 billion people will need housing and urban services by 2030. The demand for housing – just to accommodate the increase in the number of households over the next 25 years – is estimated to be 877 million housing units. This challenge is not just about the quantity of population, but also its composition. Cities are changing rapidly, especially in terms of both the scale and rate of demographic, social and economic transformation. This pattern of growth will also place additional strains on environmental resources needed for cities, such as clean water and clean air. Growing demand for infrastructure services places immediate pressures on natural resources. Environmental studies show that cities have important impacts upon the natural environments in which they are located, what is known as their ‘ecological footprint’. Consumption of natural resources by urban residents – for example, firewood in Africa – is frequently growing faster than nature is able to reproduce those resources. This pressure on natural resources is most dramatically shown by the increasing cost of potable water in almost every city in the world. “Cities and towns have been engines of growth and incubators of civilisation and have facilitated the evolution of knowledge, culture and tradition as well as industry and commerce. Urban settlements, properly planned and managed, hold the promise for human development and the protection of the world’s natural resources through their ability to support large numbers of people while limiting their impact on the natural environment.” (Second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II); Paragraph 5 of the Habitat Agenda) The limits and/or possibilities for urban poor groups to access decent shelter and decent urban environments. Economy: The economy is a conditioner in the daily life and this always related to the opportunities and facilities of people, thus like also with the qualities of the life in socio-cultural terms. The Urban and rural space of the poor areas but always disadvantaged they are in a constant exhibition to the problems caused by an insufficient economy. In the present cities the difference between the different economic layers, is very variable, the definition of poverty and the understanding of the concept become sometimes subjective and moored to the sensation of personal interpretation according to the context del that being this paper. The poverty and his measurements often are defined by the possibilities that accompany the society in that they develop, being this way but difficult to choose a departure point to be exact. It can be that pa poverty is managed to define according to parameters established by different societies, from the family shopping basket to in entrance and expenses of each, but the best reflection of a society with poverty is the quality of life and a good depar- ture point sera then, the daily space, the infrastructure and possibilities to develop to a life ordinate and heals. The social integration of these areas are determined by the average ones to look for the basic equality and requirements to establish quality levels of the daily life. The services would play an impor- tant function in these situations, Education and health will be affected, the infrastructure of the home sera also a victim of the lack of economic resources. Despite the impressive economic growth of the past few years, the enduring problem of massive poverty in the developing countries remains the top priority problem facing the world today. The incidence of poverty at the national level is highly correlated with low levels of education and poor health status, as well as lack of access to basic infrastructure services such as clean water supply, sanitation and electricity. The most direct and important factor contributing to urban poverty is the shortage of well-paid employment in cities. The challenge here is both the creation of jobs and the level of wages. The generation of employment depends generally upon savings and investment within the macro-economy and local econo- mies, as well. One problem that is associated with high levels of poverty is a lack of domestic savings within national economies. Low levels of domestic savings – both public and private – contribute to low levels of capitalization of the financial institutions in poor countries. They are also reflected in low levels of tax revenue collection and therefore place great limitations on public expenditures and public budgets. The issue of savings is particularly important to the financing of urban infrastructure and housing. Housing Areas in Fillipines.

ABAN01Shelter Paper

Mauricio Navarro

Challenges for urbanization and access to decent shelter for urban poor groups

The current, global state of urbanizationMore than 2 billion people will be added to the number of urban dwellers in the developing countries over the next 25 years. This implies an unprecedented growth in the demand for housing, water supply, sanitation and other urban infrastructure services. This new challenge exists in a context of already wide-spread poverty and inequality in cities, with millions of people living in slums without adequate basic services. Providing these services to new residents will be essential if this additional population is not to be trapped in urban poverty, poor health and low productivity. It is an urban problem with signi�cant macroeconomic consequences. This Global Report examines the urgent challenge of �nancing urban shelter development over the next generation. The report is divided into four parts. Part I presents the macro-economic, shelter policy and urban �nance contexts of �nancing urban shelter development. Part II describes and assesses recent global trends in shelter �nance, including mortgage �nance, �nancing for social housing, shelter micro�nance and shelter community funds. Part III provides an overall assessment of the shelter �nancing systems analyzed in Part II and examines policy directions towards sustainable shelter �nance systems. The Epilogue in Part III examines the implications of the report’s �ndings on sustainable urban shelter policy. In Part IV, the Statistical Annex comprises 16 tables covering three broad categories: demographic indicators and households data; housing and housing infrastructure indicators; and economic and social indicators. These tables are divided into three sections presenting data at the regional, country and city levels.The current global backlog of slum dwellers is about 925 million people. When this �gure is combined with the projected 1.9 billion additional urban popula-tion, it is apparent that 2.825 billion people will need housing and urban services by 2030. The demand for housing – just to accommodate the increase in the number of households over the next 25 years – is estimated to be 877 million housing units. This challenge is not just about the quantity of population, but also its composition. Cities are changing rapidly, especially in terms of both the scale and rate of demographic, social and economic transformation. This pattern of growth will also place additional strains on environmental resources needed for cities, such as clean water and clean air. Growing demand for infrastructure services places immediate pressures on natural resources. Environmental studies show that cities have important impacts upon the natural environments in which they are located, what is known as their ‘ecological footprint’. Consumption of natural resources by urban residents – for example, �rewood in Africa – is frequently growing faster than nature is able to reproduce those resources. This pressure on natural resources is most dramatically shown by the increasing cost of potable water in almost every city in the world.

“Cities and towns have been engines of growth and incubators of civilisation and have facilitated the evolution of knowledge, culture and tradition as well as industry and commerce. Urban settlements, properly planned and managed, hold the promise for human development and the protection of the world’s natural resources through their ability to support large numbers of people while limiting their impact on the natural environment.”(Second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II); Paragraph 5 of theHabitat Agenda)

The limits and/or possibilities for urban poor groups to access decent shelter and decent urban environments.

Economy: The economy is a conditioner in the daily life and this always related to the opportunities and facilities of people, thus like also with the qualities of the life in socio-cultural terms. The Urban and rural space of the poor areas but always disadvantaged they are in a constant exhibition to the problems caused by an insu�cient economy. In the present cities the di�erence between the di�erent economic layers, is very variable, the de�nition of poverty and the understanding of the concept become sometimes subjective and moored to the sensation of personal interpretation according to the context del that being this paper. The poverty and his measurements often are de�ned by the possibilities that accompany the society in that they develop, being this way but di�cult to choose a departure point to be exact. It can be that pa poverty is managed to de�ne according to parameters established by di�erent societies, from the family shopping basket to in entrance and expenses of each, but the best re�ection of a society with poverty is the quality of life and a good depar-ture point sera then, the daily space, the infrastructure and possibilities to develop to a life ordinate and heals. The social integration of these areas are determined by the average ones to look for the basic equality and requirements to establish quality levels of the daily life. The services would play an impor-tant function in these situations, Education and health will be a�ected, the infrastructure of the home sera also a victim of the lack of economic resources. Despite the impressive economic growth of the past few years, the enduring problem of massive poverty in the developing countries remains the top priority problem facing the world today. The incidence of poverty at the national level is highly correlated with low levels of education and poor health status, as well as lack of access to basic infrastructure services such as clean water supply, sanitation and electricity. The most direct and important factor contributing to urban poverty is the shortage of well-paid employment in cities. The challenge here is both the creation of jobs and the level of wages. The generation of employment depends generally upon savings and investment within the macro-economy and local econo-mies, as well. One problem that is associated with high levels of poverty is a lack of domestic savings within national economies. Low levels of domestic savings – both public and private – contribute to low levels of capitalization of the �nancial institutions in poor countries. They are also re�ected in low levels of tax revenue collection and therefore place great limitations on public expenditures and public budgets. The issue of savings is particularly important to the �nancing of urban infrastructure and housing.

Urban space, the human condition and its modi�ers. Cities "uninhabitable": architectural and urban integration barriers Inappropriate design of public spaces and street furniture is often a barrier to mobility and urban integration, especially for persons with severe limitations on personal autonomy and physical mobility for the elderly or for children. At di�erent scales of town, change their priority requirements and approach, based on the user and the fate of urban space. When its functional structure begins to collapse along with improvised and spontaneous decomposition of the spaces intended for everyday use, cities will become di�cult to inhabit. It is therefore necessary actions or plans of reclamation and rehabilitation of neighborhoods and urban spaces, and de�ne policies to address and integrated mobility, a clear choice in public transport, it is strategically essential. For example, in one of the Philippines recognized and recorded in our visits have been in the areas of greater population, a accumulation irresponsible garbage, proportional to the amount of problems. The accumulation of garbage is a result of what emerged in the cities uninhabitable, a spark caused by poor management and civic education. As noted, the problem may be caused by a misunderstanding of the complete circuit of the movement of garbage, and from whom and how to produce its �nal position in places not designed to contain it in most cases. The city should be like our house, each room contains a function, where functions intersect, it may happen that the space will be enriched or whole collapse and the container �nish called public space into a problem.In a conversation with a leader in informal residential area in Quezon City, North Triangle, anecdotally I received a very useful statement: When asked about problems in his neighborhood, the �rst thing that appeared was the political and unattended government assistance, moving the conver-sation in this individual confessed to not owning the land occupations, and the whole neighborhood, which is to even more di�cult to understand the requirements, discuss the area of housing, the accused, not having that space, it appeared that his house was being used as a mini market, as most in the area .. It that the communication between users and municipalities have a strange dichotomy:

2. Description and de�nition of theme for shelter improvement (1 page)From your discussion in the introduction you should choose a theme you are interested in and that you �nd is of importance to shelter development. The theme is a “problem” you should formulate; it could be a theme of the need for safety in a violent area, it could be a theme of how to create more meeting places and usable public space, it could be a theme of appropriate building techniques or a theme of the need for densi�cation. • Why is your theme (i.e. safety) of importance? Describe the theme and write a short definition of your problem.

Meeting PlacesThe common Space and the public/ private con�ict.Architecturally speaking the quality of the space, it is understood in terms of function and use, but the basic ones, they always are surrounded by the social environment. Common space of quality is that one that ful�lls the basic requirements to live useful and in co-ordination �exible. One of the frequent problems but in the poor areas is the inner and outer infrastructure of the house like in the spaces pertaining to its immediate surroundings. When the communication between the exterior and the interior of the house does not own a de�ned space structure, a con�ict happens between both in the social character, causing unavailability of the conditions of the house, confuse space, insecurity, bad quality of the privacy etc. but it also happens, that the con�guration, of the near space and outer, does not own either an agreed form to the necessity and function of a home, with confused accesses, de�ciency of refuge or protection against rain and sun, Garden and patio, lights and vegetation between some frequent problems in the communitarian space.Communitarian space in promotion of the Cultural Diversity. A experience to enjoy in group. The cultural sometimes diversity that is lived and not perceives in its dimension of patrimonial wealth and like element of collective cohesion, it is the subject that the Unit of Attention to the Cultural Diversity tries to help to discover and to promote in the search of the way in order to accept social union and egalitarian and developing, recognizing us in the di�erences like identity able to contribute varied multicultural expressions…

• Why is your theme (i.e. safety) of importance? Describe the theme and write a short definition of your problem.

Cultural factor

The obstacles to have a decent urban atmosphere will be the lack of all these needs and the few possibilities of getting to obtain a radical change in their lives. In many of these cases the Geographic situation would mark an important landmark in the function of those de�ned spaces and sometimes not forgotten. Within these problems, people organize themselves sometimes to obtain mini social structures within a city, appear the leaders and the unexpected tasks and in group, the representing mediators of those areas are a nexus with the political powers, the informal work areas work like an answer to the economic de�ciencies, ligatures to the economic and political plans, those that necessarily must be concrete. In the particular case of La Carpio and by information speci�cally compiled of videos of you tube appear some manifestations that are deserving of applause in terms of organization, one of the keys of these mini societies is the organization, who sera an answer to sub generally received estimation, appears informal architectural expressions that they help to understand the needs and the di�erent answers that they are possible to be found to solve them, sometimes this gets worse by one no suitable and professional interven-tion. Improvised streets, informal business , schools and churches, lodgings and commercial circuit will be some of the main recognized facets of organization in the Carpio. The variety of activities and the space required for them are the best guide of work to begin to raise the parameters of design in a house project in which the common space will be a key to face the architectural challenges for obtained a suitable space and but the important thing: Useful.3. Analysis of the theme (1-2 pages)Here you should continue the discussion and analysis of your theme and present your thoughts.

������������• What is the current situation in the debate/discourse?• What are your own thoughts, your own position in the debate/discourse?

• What previous work has been carried out? Refer to previous studies and approaches/design theories.

The expression : cultural diversity refers to the totality of existing cultural communities in the world, seizures like regroupings that their own identity and personality according to the particular elements de�ne that them (language, religion, ethnic group, history, cooking, artistic music, dances and other expres-sions, etc.). The recognition of the importance of the cultural diversity for the social and economic development is not a new subject in international the political scene and the World-wide Day of the Cultural Diversity for the Dialogue and the Development proclaimed by United Nations for the Culture is celebrated each 21 of May (UNESCO) from year 2002. Intendance of Montevideo open east space in tries to include/understand better our identity and to incline to the Paci�c development of our society.The basic house this made in function to the necessity of defense and security, the shelter and the daily needs are contained in this space. Phenomena related frequent to give it body to the home de�nition, that not this moving away of a concept at universal level. When our space becomes intimate we can begin to denote the activity of a home, where we sheltered the majority of our interpersonal relations, but, that happens outside those borders? , where this the true line that separates our intimate space of the other people's one . The variation between the near space and outer like a virtual limb or a threshold of functions and physical limitations, helps to construct and to give new spaces us to our atmosphere .The house this transforming into the prolongation of this deep space, where we are participles of the impacts of our surroundings, sounds, uses and functions become participles from the door of our house. Sometimes the clarity of a public space in confrontation to a private space makes us weaken that separating line where the common denominator is the common space. At present the governments have given little emphasis to the communitarian development and have deposited their con�dence in the improvisation of the users and the multipurpose spaces, which not always give the wished results, the house begins to transform itself into the workstation, the factory, the Market and the garage to name some, that are answers to spaces no solved which are not served or simply they do not serve. The common characteristic between the spaces public in relation to the private spaces is the quality of life and the functionality.

Design CriteriaFor the design parameters one has thought mainly about the quality of the spaces and the �exibility and use in function to the encounter areas. It has been considered like main aspect to consider, the transition between the private common space and I public in his di�erent levels and the relation among them for conformal the frame and character from a communitarian space. Within the design parameters the daily basic needs like conditioner would be considered to choose the built-in services that will be the rules for the �nal proposal. Accessibility, illumination, suitable drainage, green, distance adapted between components of the block and accesses but controlled areas like but the excellent ones.

Design criteria.

To begin Return some items listed above:

• Urban transportation Access to our housing area is very important to maintain functional relationships with the environment. Be careful when handling accessibility, we propose that the construction of controlled access to maintain the autonomy of the neighborhood.

• Environmental management and build safe and Livable Communities

Construction of a healthy environment and healthy is very important to everyday life. Proposed green areas that provide shade an d stay spaces, with areas of trees. Gardens will be a key to participation and care of common property. Warehouse space and two wings administration tasks of maintaining the green areas.

• Improved housing and infrastructure :Houses flexible, able to plan for future expansion

Urban infrastructure

The furniture will be very important access, benches, parking, safety rails in the areas of height, handicapped ramps, lights. Illumination: Like to Upgrade to consider illumination especially in hours of sun, like an element of control to di�erent ways, with basically areas that provide shade and shelter of the defense or the impact of solar radiation and rain. Energy is very important in the design of housing, which seek to maximize daylight. Drainage: Individual will be using the house pending cases of common space. Collecting rainwater for irrigation.

• Urban densification Control the future expansions of the district Social development

• Creating reunion and leisure areas, areas where sport and religion can be manifest, as well as family life, areas of commerce such as small markets, cyber cafe gymnastics hall, workshops etc.

• Common spaces: Houses with facades create interactive work alongside the main roads. Climatic condition is exploited in the spaces surrounding the house, with the use of arti�cial shade, places to stay and ride.

Maintain safety and security

Create an area for security and maintenance, where he managed the communes and control access to the neighborhood in a simple way. Controlled access: These will be in function to distribute to the di�erent ways but from a safe and controlled way but in terms of tra�c, using pedestrian like an annexed area to watch on the outer areas of the house, separated and the proposals in a level above that street.


Global Urban Development Volume 2 Issue 1 March 2006 FINANCING URBAN HOUSING: UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL REPORT ON HUMAN SETTLEMENTS Donatus Okpala, Naison Mutizwa-Mangiza, and Iouri MoisseevModel for Sustainable Urban Design With Expanded Sections on Distributed Energy Resources Prepared by: Sustainable Energy Planning O�ce Gas Technology InstituteCONFERENCIA POLÍTICA DEL PSOE COMISIÓN “NUEVAS CIUDADES Y NUEVOS MUNICIPIOS Urban/settlement issues www.uwo.caUrbanization andSustainability in AsiaCase Studies of Good PracticeEdited by Brian Roberts and Trevor Kanaley

Housing Areas in Fillipines.

ABAN01Shelter Paper

Mauricio Navarro

Urban space, the human condition and its modi�ers. Cities "uninhabitable": architectural and urban integration barriers Inappropriate design of public spaces and street furniture is often a barrier to mobility and urban integration, especially for persons with severe limitations on personal autonomy and physical mobility for the elderly or for children. At di�erent scales of town, change their priority requirements and approach, based on the user and the fate of urban space. When its functional structure begins to collapse along with improvised and spontaneous decomposition of the spaces intended for everyday use, cities will become di�cult to inhabit. It is therefore necessary actions or plans of reclamation and rehabilitation of neighborhoods and urban spaces, and de�ne policies to address and integrated mobility, a clear choice in public transport, it is strategically essential. For example, in one of the Philippines recognized and recorded in our visits have been in the areas of greater population, a accumulation irresponsible garbage, proportional to the amount of problems. The accumulation of garbage is a result of what emerged in the cities uninhabitable, a spark caused by poor management and civic education. As noted, the problem may be caused by a misunderstanding of the complete circuit of the movement of garbage, and from whom and how to produce its �nal position in places not designed to contain it in most cases. The city should be like our house, each room contains a function, where functions intersect, it may happen that the space will be enriched or whole collapse and the container �nish called public space into a problem.In a conversation with a leader in informal residential area in Quezon City, North Triangle, anecdotally I received a very useful statement: When asked about problems in his neighborhood, the �rst thing that appeared was the political and unattended government assistance, moving the conver-sation in this individual confessed to not owning the land occupations, and the whole neighborhood, which is to even more di�cult to understand the requirements, discuss the area of housing, the accused, not having that space, it appeared that his house was being used as a mini market, as most in the area .. It that the communication between users and municipalities have a strange dichotomy:

Description and de�nition of theme for shelter improvement.

The ThemeMeeting Places

The common Space and the public/ private con�ict.Architecturally speaking the quality of the space, it is understood in terms of function and use, but the basic ones, they always are surrounded by the social environment. Common space of quality is that one that ful�lls the basic requirements to live useful and in co-ordination �exible. One of the frequent problems but in the poor areas is the inner and outer infrastructure of the house like in the spaces pertaining to its immediate surroundings. When the communication between the exterior and the interior of the house does not own a de�ned space structure, a con�ict happens between both in the social character, causing unavailability of the conditions of the house, confuse space, insecurity, bad quality of the privacy etc. but it also happens, that the con�guration, of the near space and outer, does not own either an agreed form to the necessity and function of a home, with confused accesses, de�ciency of refuge or protection against rain and sun, Garden and patio, lights and vegetation between some frequent problems in the communitarian space.Communitarian space in promotion of the Cultural Diversity. A experience to enjoy in group. The cultural sometimes diversity that is lived and not perceives in its dimension of patrimonial wealth and like element of collective cohesion, it is the subject that the Unit of Attention to the Cultural Diversity tries to help to discover and to promote in the search of the way in order to accept social union and egalitarian and developing, recognizing us in the di�erences like identity able to contribute varied multicultural expressions…

Cultural factor

The obstacles to have a decent urban atmosphere will be the lack of all these needs and the few possibilities of getting to obtain a radical change in their lives. In many of these cases the Geographic situation would mark an important landmark in the function of those de�ned spaces and sometimes not forgotten. Within these problems, people organize themselves sometimes to obtain mini social structures within a city, appear the leaders and the unexpected tasks and in group, the representing mediators of those areas are a nexus with the political powers, the informal work areas work like an answer to the economic de�ciencies, ligatures to the economic and political plans, those that necessarily must be concrete. In the particular case of La Carpio and by information speci�cally compiled of videos of you tube appear some manifestations that are deserving of applause in terms of organization, one of the keys of these mini societies is the organization, who sera an answer to sub generally received estimation, appears informal architectural expressions that they help to understand the needs and the di�erent answers that they are possible to be found to solve them, sometimes this gets worse by one no suitable and professional interven-tion. Improvised streets, informal business , schools and churches, lodgings and commercial circuit will be some of the main recognized facets of organization in the Carpio. The variety of activities and the space required for them are the best guide of work to begin to raise the parameters of design in a house project in which the common space will be a key to face the architectural challenges for obtained a suitable space and but the important thing: Useful.

3. Analysis of the theme (1-2 pages)Here you should continue the discussion and analysis of your theme and present your thoughts.

������������• What is the current situation in the debate/discourse?• What are your own thoughts, your own position in the debate/discourse?

• What previous work has been carried out? Refer to previous studies and approaches/design theories.

The expression : cultural diversity refers to the totality of existing cultural communities in the world, seizures like regroupings that their own identity and personality according to the particular elements de�ne that them (language, religion, ethnic group, history, cooking, artistic music, dances and other expres-sions, etc.). The recognition of the importance of the cultural diversity for the social and economic development is not a new subject in international the political scene and the World-wide Day of the Cultural Diversity for the Dialogue and the Development proclaimed by United Nations for the Culture is celebrated each 21 of May (UNESCO) from year 2002. Intendance of Montevideo open east space in tries to include/understand better our identity and to incline to the Paci�c development of our society.The basic house this made in function to the necessity of defense and security, the shelter and the daily needs are contained in this space. Phenomena related frequent to give it body to the home de�nition, that not this moving away of a concept at universal level. When our space becomes intimate we can begin to denote the activity of a home, where we sheltered the majority of our interpersonal relations, but, that happens outside those borders? , where this the true line that separates our intimate space of the other people's one . The variation between the near space and outer like a virtual limb or a threshold of functions and physical limitations, helps to construct and to give new spaces us to our atmosphere .The house this transforming into the prolongation of this deep space, where we are participles of the impacts of our surroundings, sounds, uses and functions become participles from the door of our house. Sometimes the clarity of a public space in confrontation to a private space makes us weaken that separating line where the common denominator is the common space. At present the governments have given little emphasis to the communitarian development and have deposited their con�dence in the improvisation of the users and the multipurpose spaces, which not always give the wished results, the house begins to transform itself into the workstation, the factory, the Market and the garage to name some, that are answers to spaces no solved which are not served or simply they do not serve. The common characteristic between the spaces public in relation to the private spaces is the quality of life and the functionality.

Design CriteriaFor the design parameters one has thought mainly about the quality of the spaces and the �exibility and use in function to the encounter areas. It has been considered like main aspect to consider, the transition between the private common space and I public in his di�erent levels and the relation among them for conformal the frame and character from a communitarian space. Within the design parameters the daily basic needs like conditioner would be considered to choose the built-in services that will be the rules for the �nal proposal. Accessibility, illumination, suitable drainage, green, distance adapted between components of the block and accesses but controlled areas like but the excellent ones.

Design criteria.

To begin Return some items listed above:

• Urban transportation Access to our housing area is very important to maintain functional relationships with the environment. Be careful when handling accessibility, we propose that the construction of controlled access to maintain the autonomy of the neighborhood.

• Environmental management and build safe and Livable Communities

Construction of a healthy environment and healthy is very important to everyday life. Proposed green areas that provide shade an d stay spaces, with areas of trees. Gardens will be a key to participation and care of common property. Warehouse space and two wings administration tasks of maintaining the green areas.

• Improved housing and infrastructure :Houses flexible, able to plan for future expansion

Urban infrastructure

The furniture will be very important access, benches, parking, safety rails in the areas of height, handicapped ramps, lights. Illumination: Like to Upgrade to consider illumination especially in hours of sun, like an element of control to di�erent ways, with basically areas that provide shade and shelter of the defense or the impact of solar radiation and rain. Energy is very important in the design of housing, which seek to maximize daylight. Drainage: Individual will be using the house pending cases of common space. Collecting rainwater for irrigation.

• Urban densification Control the future expansions of the district Social development

• Creating reunion and leisure areas, areas where sport and religion can be manifest, as well as family life, areas of commerce such as small markets, cyber cafe gymnastics hall, workshops etc.

• Common spaces: Houses with facades create interactive work alongside the main roads. Climatic condition is exploited in the spaces surrounding the house, with the use of arti�cial shade, places to stay and ride.

Maintain safety and security

Create an area for security and maintenance, where he managed the communes and control access to the neighborhood in a simple way. Controlled access: These will be in function to distribute to the di�erent ways but from a safe and controlled way but in terms of tra�c, using pedestrian like an annexed area to watch on the outer areas of the house, separated and the proposals in a level above that street.


Global Urban Development Volume 2 Issue 1 March 2006 FINANCING URBAN HOUSING: UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL REPORT ON HUMAN SETTLEMENTS Donatus Okpala, Naison Mutizwa-Mangiza, and Iouri MoisseevModel for Sustainable Urban Design With Expanded Sections on Distributed Energy Resources Prepared by: Sustainable Energy Planning O�ce Gas Technology InstituteCONFERENCIA POLÍTICA DEL PSOE COMISIÓN “NUEVAS CIUDADES Y NUEVOS MUNICIPIOS Urban/settlement issues www.uwo.caUrbanization andSustainability in AsiaCase Studies of Good PracticeEdited by Brian Roberts and Trevor Kanaley

Housing Areas in Fillipines:Common spaces and meeting areas .

ABAN01Shelter Paper

Mauricio Navarro

The current situation

The expression : cultural diversity refers to the totality of existing cultural communities in the world, seizures like regroupings that their own identity and personality according to the particular elements de�ne that them (language, religion, ethnic group, history, cooking, artistic music, dances and other expres-sions, etc.). The recognition of the importance of the cultural diversity for the social and economic development is not a new subject in international the political scene and the World-wide Day of the Cultural Diversity for the Dialogue and the Development proclaimed by United Nations for the Culture is celebrated each 21 of May (UNESCO) from year 2002. Intendance of Montevideo open east space in tries to include/understand better our identity and to incline to the Paci�c development of our society.The basic house this made in function to the necessity of defense and security, the shelter and the daily needs are contained in this space. Phenomena related frequent to give it body to the home de�nition, that not this moving away of a concept at universal level. When our space becomes intimate we can begin to denote the activity of a home, where we sheltered the majority of our interpersonal relations, but, that happens outside those borders? , where this the true line that separates our intimate space of the other people's one . The variation between the near space and outer like a virtual limb or a threshold of functions and physical limitations, helps to construct and to give new spaces us to our atmosphere .The house this transforming into the prolongation of this deep space, where we are participles of the impacts of our surroundings, sounds, uses and functions become participles from the door of our house. Sometimes the clarity of a public space in confrontation to a private space makes us weaken that separating line where the common denominator is the common space. At present the governments have given little emphasis to the communitarian development and have deposited their con�dence in the improvisation of the users and the multipurpose spaces, which not always give the wished results, the house begins to transform itself into the workstation, the factory, the Market and the garage to name some, that are answers to spaces no solved which are not served or simply they do not serve. The common characteristic between the spaces public in relation to the private spaces is the quality of life and the functionality.

Design CriteriaFor the design parameters one has thought mainly about the quality of the spaces and the �exibility and use in function to the encounter areas. It has been considered like main aspect to consider, the transition between the private common space and I public in his di�erent levels and the relation among them for conformal the frame and character from a communitarian space. Within the design parameters the daily basic needs like conditioner would be considered to choose the built-in services that will be the rules for the �nal proposal. Accessibility, illumination, suitable drainage, green, distance adapted between components of the block and accesses but controlled areas like but the excellent ones.

Design criteria.

To begin Return some items listed above:

• Urban transportation Access to our housing area is very important to maintain functional relationships with the environment. Be careful when handling accessibility, we propose that the construction of controlled access to maintain the autonomy of the neighborhood.

• Environmental management and build safe and Livable Communities

Construction of a healthy environment and healthy is very important to everyday life. Proposed green areas that provide shade an d stay spaces, with areas of trees. Gardens will be a key to participation and care of common property. Warehouse space and two wings administration tasks of maintaining the green areas.

• Improved housing and infrastructure :Houses flexible, able to plan for future expansion

Urban infrastructure

The furniture will be very important access, benches, parking, safety rails in the areas of height, handicapped ramps, lights. Illumination: Like to Upgrade to consider illumination especially in hours of sun, like an element of control to different ways, with basically areas that provide shade and shelter of the defense or the impact of solar radiation and rain. Energy is very important in the design of housing, which seek to maximize daylight. Drainage: Individual will be using the house pending cases of common space. Collecting rainwater for irrigation.

• Urban densification Control the future expansions of the district Social development

• Creating reunion and leisure areas, areas where sport and religion can be manifest, as well as family life, areas of commerce such as small markets, cyber cafe gymnastics hall, workshops etc.

• Common spaces: Houses with facades create interactive work alongside the main roads. Climatic condition is exploited in the spaces surrounding the house, with the use of arti�cial shade, places to stay and ride.

Maintain safety and security

Create an area for security and maintenance, where he managed the communes and control access to the neighborhood in a simple way. Controlled access: These will be in function to distribute to the di�erent ways but from a safe and controlled way but in terms of tra�c, using pedestrian like an annexed area to watch on the outer areas of the house, separated and the proposals in a level above that street.


Global Urban Development Volume 2 Issue 1 March 2006 FINANCING URBAN HOUSING: UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL REPORT ON HUMAN SETTLEMENTS Donatus Okpala, Naison Mutizwa-Mangiza, and Iouri MoisseevModel for Sustainable Urban Design With Expanded Sections on Distributed Energy Resources Prepared by: Sustainable Energy Planning O�ce Gas Technology InstituteCONFERENCIA POLÍTICA DEL PSOE COMISIÓN “NUEVAS CIUDADES Y NUEVOS MUNICIPIOS Urban/settlement issues www.uwo.caUrbanization andSustainability in AsiaCase Studies of Good PracticeEdited by Brian Roberts and Trevor Kanaley

Housing Areas in Fillipines:Common spaces and meeting areas .

ABAN01Shelter Paper


Design criteria.

To begin Return some items listed above:

• Urban transportation Access to our housing area is very important to maintain functional relationships with the environment. Be careful when handling accessibility, we propose that the construction of controlled access to maintain the autonomy of the neighborhood.

• Environmental management and build safe and Livable Communities

Construction of a healthy environment and healthy is very important to everyday life. Proposed green areas that provide shade an d stay spaces, with areas of trees. Gardens will be a key to participation and care of common property. Warehouse space and two wings administration tasks of maintaining the green areas.

• Improved housing and infrastructure :Houses flexible, able to plan for future expansion

Urban infrastructure

The furniture will be very important access, benches, parking, safety rails in the areas of height, handicapped ramps, lights. Illumination: Like to Upgrade to consider illumination especially in hours of sun, like an element of control to different ways, with basically areas that provide shade and shelter of the defense or the impact of solar radiation and rain. Energy is very important in the design of housing, which seek to maximize daylight. Drainage: Individual will be using the house pending cases of common space. Collecting rainwater for irrigation.

• Urban densification Control the future expansions of the district Social development

• Creating reunion and leisure areas, areas where sport and religion can be manifest, as well as family life, areas of commerce such as small markets, cyber cafe gymnastics hall, workshops etc.

• Common spaces: Houses with facades create interactive work alongside the main roads. Climatic condition is exploited in the spaces surrounding the house, with the use of artificial shade, places to stay and ride.

Maintain safety and security

Create an area for security and maintenance, where he managed the communes and control access to the neighborhood in a simple way. Controlled access: These will be in function to distribute to the different ways but from a safe and controlled way but in terms of traffic, using pedestrian like an annexed area to watch on the outer areas of the house, separated and the proposals in a level above that street.


Global Urban Development Volume 2 Issue 1 March 2006 FINANCING URBAN HOUSING: UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL REPORT ON HUMAN SETTLEMENTS Donatus Okpala, Naison Mutizwa-Mangiza, and Iouri MoisseevModel for Sustainable Urban Design With Expanded Sections on Distributed Energy Resources Prepared by: Sustainable Energy Planning Office Gas Technology InstituteCONFERENCIA POLÍTICA DEL PSOE COMISIÓN “NUEVAS CIUDADES Y NUEVOS MUNICIPIOS Urban/settlement issues www.uwo.caUrbanization andSustainability in AsiaCase Studies of Good PracticeEdited by Brian Roberts and Trevor Kanaley

Group and unit.

Mauricio Navarro

ABAN01Shelter Paper

Urban infrastructure

The furniture will be very important access, benches, parking, safety rails in the areas of height, handicapped ramps, lights. Illumination: Like to Upgrade to consider illumination especially in hours of sun, like an element of control to di�erent ways, with basically areas that provide shade and shelter of the defense or the impact of solar radiation and rain. Energy is very important in the design of housing, which seek to maximize daylight. Drainage: Individual will be using the house pending cases of common space. Collecting rainwater for irrigation.

• Urban densification Control the future expansions of the district Social development

• Creating reunion and leisure areas, areas where sport and religion can be manifest, as well as family life, areas of commerce such as small markets, cyber cafe gymnastics hall, workshops etc.

• Common spaces: Houses with facades create interactive work alongside the main roads. Climatic condition is exploited in the spaces surrounding the house, with the use of artificial shade, places to stay and ride.

Maintain safety and security

Create an area for security and maintenance, where he managed the communes and control access to the neighborhood in a simple way. Controlled access: These will be in function to distribute to the di�erent ways but from a safe and controlled way but in terms of tra�c, using pedestrian like an annexed area to watch on the outer areas of the house, separated and the proposals in a level above that street.


Global Urban Development Volume 2 Issue 1 March 2006 FINANCING URBAN HOUSING: UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL REPORT ON HUMAN SETTLEMENTS Donatus Okpala, Naison Mutizwa-Mangiza, and Iouri MoisseevModel for Sustainable Urban Design With Expanded Sections on Distributed Energy Resources Prepared by: Sustainable Energy Planning O�ce Gas Technology InstituteCONFERENCIA POLÍTICA DEL PSOE COMISIÓN “NUEVAS CIUDADES Y NUEVOS MUNICIPIOS Urban/settlement issues www.uwo.caUrbanization andSustainability in AsiaCase Studies of Good PracticeEdited by Brian Roberts and Trevor Kanaley

Mauricio Navarro

Details of the grouo and modilar configuration.

ABAN01Shelter Paper

Maintain safety and security

Create an area for security and maintenance, where he managed the communes and control access to the neighborhood in a simple way. Controlled access: These will be in function to distribute to the di�erent ways but from a safe and controlled way but in terms of tra�c, using pedestrian like an annexed area to watch on the outer areas of the house, separated and the proposals in a level above that street.


Global Urban Development Volume 2 Issue 1 March 2006 FINANCING URBAN HOUSING: UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL REPORT ON HUMAN SETTLEMENTS Donatus Okpala, Naison Mutizwa-Mangiza, and Iouri MoisseevModel for Sustainable Urban Design With Expanded Sections on Distributed Energy Resources Prepared by: Sustainable Energy Planning O�ce Gas Technology InstituteCONFERENCIA POLÍTICA DEL PSOE COMISIÓN “NUEVAS CIUDADES Y NUEVOS MUNICIPIOS Urban/settlement issues www.uwo.caUrbanization andSustainability in AsiaCase Studies of Good PracticeEdited by Brian Roberts and Trevor Kanaley

Mauricio Navarro
