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Sherlock Holmes Actors Letter T - nplh.co.uk · Sherlock Holmes (1980) (S) Peter Turgeon Holmes and...

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Sherlock Holmes Actors Letter T T = TV, S = Stage, R = Radio, F = Film, I = Internet, O = Other (55) Art Tabbert The Empty House: A Playlet in Four Acts (1979) The Singular Adventure of the Overzealous But Caring Physician Who Subsisted on a Half Pension After Experiencing Women on Three Continents: A Play in One Scene (1982) (S) Will Tacey The Adventure of the Speckled Band (1981) (S)
Page 1: Sherlock Holmes Actors Letter T - nplh.co.uk · Sherlock Holmes (1980) (S) Peter Turgeon Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson (1973) (S)

Sherlock Holmes Actors Letter T T = TV, S = Stage, R = Radio, F = Film, I = Internet, O = Other


Art Tabbert The Empty House: A Playlet in Four Acts (1979)

The Singular Adventure of the Overzealous But Caring Physician Who Subsisted on a Half Pension After

Experiencing Women on Three Continents: A Play in One Scene (1982) (S)

Will Tacey

The Adventure of the Speckled Band (1981) (S)

Page 2: Sherlock Holmes Actors Letter T - nplh.co.uk · Sherlock Holmes (1980) (S) Peter Turgeon Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson (1973) (S)

Lee Tae-min (이태민) (Taemin)

SHINee 샤이니 Sherlock 셜록 I’m So Curious Yeah (2012) (I,O)

Minami Takayama (⾼高⼭山 みなみ)

Detective Conan (名探偵コナン) (1996-Pres)(T) (1997-Pres)(F)

Mark Tandy A Study in Scarlet (1990) (S)

Page 3: Sherlock Holmes Actors Letter T - nplh.co.uk · Sherlock Holmes (1980) (S) Peter Turgeon Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson (1973) (S)

Gordon Tanner

Hound of The Baskervilles (2015) (S)

Robert Tarpinian

The Cape (2011) (T)

Page 4: Sherlock Holmes Actors Letter T - nplh.co.uk · Sherlock Holmes (1980) (S) Peter Turgeon Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson (1973) (S)

Revaz Tavartkiladze

Hound of the Baskervilles (1977) (S-Rus.)

Ashley Taylor

Stickin’ Around (1997) (T-Can.)

Page 5: Sherlock Holmes Actors Letter T - nplh.co.uk · Sherlock Holmes (1980) (S) Peter Turgeon Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson (1973) (S)

Chris Taylor

Sherlock Holmes and the Curse of the Sign of Four (2015) (S)

Russel ‘Russi’ Taylor

Muppet Babies (1985,1988) Duck Tales (1989)

Mickey Mouse Club (2009) (T)

Robert S. Telford Sherlock Holmes and the Affair of the Amorous Regent

(1975) (S)

Page 6: Sherlock Holmes Actors Letter T - nplh.co.uk · Sherlock Holmes (1980) (S) Peter Turgeon Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson (1973) (S)

Tom Templeton

Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure (2014) (S)

Dennis Neilson Terry

The Crown Diamond (1921) (S)

Page 7: Sherlock Holmes Actors Letter T - nplh.co.uk · Sherlock Holmes (1980) (S) Peter Turgeon Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson (1973) (S)

Maurice Teynac

Les Enquêtes de Sherlock Holmes (1958-60) (R-Fr.)

Brennan Thicke

Young Sherlock Dennis (1986) (T)

Page 8: Sherlock Holmes Actors Letter T - nplh.co.uk · Sherlock Holmes (1980) (S) Peter Turgeon Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson (1973) (S)

Ryan Thiessen

Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure (2015) (S)

Chris Thomas

Sherlock Holmes and the First English Gentleman (2011) (S-Aus.)

Page 9: Sherlock Holmes Actors Letter T - nplh.co.uk · Sherlock Holmes (1980) (S) Peter Turgeon Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson (1973) (S)

Ron Thomas

Sherlock Holmes and the Lure of the Reichenbach (1995) (S)

Brandon Thompson

Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure (2010) (S)

Page 10: Sherlock Holmes Actors Letter T - nplh.co.uk · Sherlock Holmes (1980) (S) Peter Turgeon Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson (1973) (S)

Chip Thompson

The Incredible Murder of Cardinal Tosca (2015) (S)

Joel Thompson Hound of The Baskervilles (2016) (S)

Martin Thompson

Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure (2009) (S)

Page 11: Sherlock Holmes Actors Letter T - nplh.co.uk · Sherlock Holmes (1980) (S) Peter Turgeon Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson (1973) (S)

W. T. Thompson

Claude Du-Val (1895)

William Thompson

Sherlock Holmes (1914) (S)

Page 12: Sherlock Holmes Actors Letter T - nplh.co.uk · Sherlock Holmes (1980) (S) Peter Turgeon Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson (1973) (S)

Stephen Thorne The Baker Street Regulars (1976) (R)

The Sherlock Holmes Society (1977) (R)

Three Headcoats Sect Don Craine, Keith Grant, Billy Childish, Johnny Johnson, Bruce


Deerstalking Men - Garage Rock (1996) (O)

Rob Thrush

The Secret of Sherlock Holmes (201?) (S)

Page 13: Sherlock Holmes Actors Letter T - nplh.co.uk · Sherlock Holmes (1980) (S) Peter Turgeon Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson (1973) (S)

Don Thumin

Sherlock Holmes and the Assassins at Sea (2016) (S)

Liam Tims

Sherlock Holmes & The Speckled Band (2013) (S)

Page 14: Sherlock Holmes Actors Letter T - nplh.co.uk · Sherlock Holmes (1980) (S) Peter Turgeon Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson (1973) (S)

Ashley Tisdale

Phineas and Ferb (2009) (T)

Stephen Todar The Adventure of the Death of Shakespeare (1978) (S)

Spencer Tomlin

Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure (2013) (S)

Page 15: Sherlock Holmes Actors Letter T - nplh.co.uk · Sherlock Holmes (1980) (S) Peter Turgeon Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson (1973) (S)

Bryan Torfeh

The Game's Afoot (2013) (S)

Peter Tork

The Monkees (1967) (T)

Page 16: Sherlock Holmes Actors Letter T - nplh.co.uk · Sherlock Holmes (1980) (S) Peter Turgeon Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson (1973) (S)

Dylan Townley

Adventures of the Improvised Sherlock Holmes (2015) (S) Top Documentary Films: The Real Sherlock Holmes (2015) (F)

Benedict Townsend

Sherlock Meets the Doctor (2013) (I)

Page 17: Sherlock Holmes Actors Letter T - nplh.co.uk · Sherlock Holmes (1980) (S) Peter Turgeon Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson (1973) (S)

Alex Trebek

Jeopardy (1987) (T)

Leonard Tremayne Sherlock Holmes (1919) (S)

Georges Treville

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1912) (F)

Leo Trood Sherlock Holmes (1919) (S)

Page 18: Sherlock Holmes Actors Letter T - nplh.co.uk · Sherlock Holmes (1980) (S) Peter Turgeon Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson (1973) (S)

Edward Trotta

The Sign of Four (1983) The Case of the Yuletide Puzzle (2009) (S)

Donald Trump

Your Fired! (2015) (T,O)

Page 19: Sherlock Holmes Actors Letter T - nplh.co.uk · Sherlock Holmes (1980) (S) Peter Turgeon Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson (1973) (S)

Marcus Truschinski

Hound of the Baskervilles (2015) (S)

C.P. Truyens

The Elusive Lydia (1928) (S,O) (Sheerluck Coombes)

Page 20: Sherlock Holmes Actors Letter T - nplh.co.uk · Sherlock Holmes (1980) (S) Peter Turgeon Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson (1973) (S)

Dustin Tucker

The Hound of the Baskervilles (2016) (R)

Matt Tucker

The Improvised Adventures of Sherlock Holmes & Dr. Watson (2016) (S)

Page 21: Sherlock Holmes Actors Letter T - nplh.co.uk · Sherlock Holmes (1980) (S) Peter Turgeon Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson (1973) (S)

Alisa Tumanova

Russian Talent Show (2013) (I,O)

Edwin Tunna Sherlock Holmes (1980) (S)

Peter Turgeon Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The

Rape of Mrs. Hudson (1973) (S)

Clara Turner Miss Sherlock Holmes: A Sensational Melo-Drama in Four

Acts (1904) (S)

Page 22: Sherlock Holmes Actors Letter T - nplh.co.uk · Sherlock Holmes (1980) (S) Peter Turgeon Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson (1973) (S)

Florence Turner

Miss Sherlock Holmes (1908) (F)

Jules Newman Turner Dastardly Deeds at the Gaiety (1989) (S)

Nicolas Turon

Sherlock Holmes, son dernier coup d'archet (2013) (S-Fr.)

Page 23: Sherlock Holmes Actors Letter T - nplh.co.uk · Sherlock Holmes (1980) (S) Peter Turgeon Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson (1973) (S)

Ben Turpin

Hide and Seek Detectives (1918) (F)
