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Silver bend finding ambi

Date post: 11-Apr-2017
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Thai and Pirate Steve hunt for Pony’s long lost love.

Thai and Pirate Steve hunt for Pony’s long lost love.

Hey, we’re back with another chapter of Silver Bend. I decided Thai and Pirate Steve while have a little fun before Thai is shipped off to his doom… Erm, fresh start.

“Nice Shirt.” Thai grinned. “Thanks.” Steve smiled. “And thanks for comin’

so quickly.” “You know, I was just relaxing in Laguna Isle you

know, with my wife and family.” “Relax, you’re still there.” Steve sighed, “Let me

show you why I be askin’ you to come here.”

“Ahh, another challenge.” Thai sighed. “She’ll needin’ help building her city.” Steve

explained, “I said I’d round up all her friends.”

“I’m in, but you have something else on your mind.”

“She’s just sittin’ on her bum watchin’ the beach.” Steve grumbled

“Relax,” Thai sighed, “She’s probably just deciding who’s her best choice. Though she might want to take some time. It’s always

hard for her after Ambi disappeared.”

“Ambi?” “Ambipom, her husband from her first

Pokemon legacy.” Thai said turning back to the TV. “She misses him.” “What happened to him?”

“No one knows, he just vanished.”

“We must find him!” Steve declared. “I knew you would say that.” Thai grimaced.

“Where do we start?” “The matchmaker. But are you prepared to

pay the price.” “Anything!”

“Agh, fine I’ll call her.”

“Arcadia.” Thai went out to greet the mysterious woman.

“Simself, you have a question for me.” “I do.”

“Are you willing to pay the price?” “Name it.”

“In a while, you are male so I will have to think of a more appropriate price.”

“I need to know what happened to Ambipom.” “It is impossible to know, his past is clouded in

shadows and darkness.” “Is he even still alive?”

“Perhaps, I’ll need five thousand dollars.” “Ugh.”

“Fine, here.” “Let me look into the Mysteries.” Arcadia

hummed, “Careful Simself one must not look too deeply into the Mysteries. One will find answers to questions one doesn’t want to

know.” Thai pulled back away from the glowing orb.

“He’s here, known by a different name. He does not know who he is or who his true love is.”

“Great, How do I find him?” “He is called Ambian, you will have to wake up his

memories Simself.” “How am I do that?”

“That I will not tell you. That you must figure out for yourself.”

Pirate Steve and Thai search Blue Water Village for days,

enjoying many facets of community life.

But no sign of Ambian anyone.”

“Steve, we’re going home.” Thai said drily, “I’ve had enough, there has to be a better

way.” “Aye aye Captain.” Steve sniggered.

Back to the house, Thai and Steve think of their next plan. After a shower of course.

“So what now Captain?” Steve asked. “I don’t know.” Thai sighed.

“Why not use your simself powers?” Steve suggested.

“I don’t know if I have them here. It’s Pony’s island.”

“Never know ‘til ya try.”

“Well here goes nothing.” Thai muttered as Steve looked on expectantly.

“Oh look! It worked!” Thai shouted in glee. “I would ya it would.” Steve sighed. “Pony

does that stuff all the time.” “I’d like to see you do it.” Thai huffed.

“Simselves.” Steve swore, then used the sim blender to summon Ambian.

“Where am I?” Ambian said looking around puzzled.

“Go in the other room. He’ll be explain’ everything.”

“Ambi?!?” Thai shouted in surprise. “It’s Ambian. The pirate said I should talk

with you.” “I’m Thai, a friend of Pony’s.”

“Pony?” “Oh right, you don’t know who you are.” Thai


“What are you talking about?” “Ambian, your real name is Ambipom Poke. Fourth

generation spare of the ill fated Pokemon Legacy. You were lost over space and time, Pirate Steve and I want

to reunite you with your wife, Pony.” “Okay crazy man. You know you should really lay off

the juice.”

“I have proof. Would you at least look at it?” Thai pleaded.

“I suppose it would be rude not to, but I fail to see the point.”

“Look at the pictures, they’ll tell you everything.”

“This could be me, but you must’ve edited me in. I don’t remember ever being married.”

“It didn’t work, got anymore bright ideas?” “Smite him.” Steve said firmly.

“What? Smite him, that could kill him. Pony would never forgive me for killing him.”

“Smite him, the shock might give his ol’ noggin a refresher course.”

“Okay I’ll try it.”

“Here goes nothing.” Thai said. Thunder crashed outside in the cloudless sky.

Lightning struck Ambian through the ceiling. “AHHHHHHH!” He cried, electricity jolting

through his body.

He remember her, mischievous, kind, creative.

She loved him and their family, their natural born

children. And adopted Neriya. She guarded his

family, sharing their story with the world. Now they

were gone. And she was too.

“Where is she?” He asked, the storm long gone.

“A new island.” Steve said, “She’s beginning something new.”

“Take me to her.” Ambi demanded.

Thai, Ambi, and Steve packed up their things for the journey to Silver Bend.

That’s it for this round. Thai and Ambi on their way to Silver Bend. I choose to recreate Ambi

cause I really couldn’t decide who I wanted simPony to marry. This solves two problems, her spouse and adding Ambi to my storylines.

Which reminds me I need to work on editing the old Pokemon Legacy so everyone will actually know who I’m talking about. Also sorry for the

crappy photo editing in the chapter. I’m not that great at using gimp. I couldn’t get it to do

exactly what I wanted. Oh well practice make perfect. Next up Pony’s second week in Silver

