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Silver bend week 5 philippine

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Week 5 Philippine

Week 5


*Cues piano music* Welcome back to Silver Bend. I forgot to take a family photo again.

Ah well, Clarence Philippine married MarylenaHamiliton last chapter. They had a baby boy, Asko. Neil Cameron moved in and adopted

Erin to be heir to the Cameron name.

“The itsy bitsy spider went up the water sprout.” Neil sang to Asko.

“Pider? Where?” Asko asked frantically looking around.

“It’s an imaginary spider Asko not a real one.”“Oh.”

Neil was puttering around outside when the most beautiful woman he had ever seen

walked by. Vamsi Tomyoy was her name. It was love at first sight.

“I’m Neil.”“Vamsi.” She smiled sweetly.

Clarence came home in his wife’s helicopter. The perk of being married to the boss. He also came home with a promotion. Though Marylena tried to be fair and not favor him

for promotions.

He was presented an excuputter as a reward for being an excellent desk jockey. Clarence

loved it. He set it up upstairs and played half the night.

Other things were going on downstairs. Vamsi clearly returned Neil’s feeling. They became caught up in a tornado of emotions

neither had felt in a long time.

“Are we silly?” Neil said pulling Vamsi close. “Love at first sight at our age.”

“No, love is timeless.” Vamsi said in a dreamy voice.

“Neil, neither of us have time to waste.” she said getting down on her knees, “Marry me.”“You’re right Vamsi, we don’t have time to

waste. So yes.” Neil accept, though accepting her proposal felt a little backwards.

They got married right then and there. There was no time to lose. Neil found

himself taking her last name. The Cameron name would live on because of Erin. But

Neil was now Neil Tomyoy.

He and Vamsi agreed to that they want children together. So Neil called the

adoption agency in the wee hours of the morning.

Children were expensive and Clarence needed logic points. So it was off to Star

Gazing Park.

Clarence played chess by himself while Neil sold tickets.

“We need to get one of these at home.” He said rubbing his hands together, it was cold!

Too cold to stay at the park long. Neil closed it down and switched to writing articles.

Vamsi unbraided her hair and let it hang loose. She did clip some of it back out of her


She was a knowledge sim just like Neil. She also wanted to max all her skills. But she didn’t want to putter around the house like Neil did, she would find a job. She took one in the music career. Business would have

been better, but music would do.

She had a silver sewing badge. Sewing was her favorite thing to do. Thanks to Neil she

would actually have a chance to take advantage of her passion. Maybe she could

teach Erin to sew.

“Momma has lots of time off you she can play with Asko!” Marylena cooed at her son.

“Momma, airplane!” Asko cheered begging her to toss him in the air.

Marylena was taking out the trash when she went into labor.

She gave birth to twin girls, Nelly and Serena.

Poor Nelly was placed on the sidewalk. Just for a little while Marylena and Neil rearranged

the nursery.

They squeezed in a second crib. Serena’s was pink and Nelly got the yellow one.

The twins settled, Marylena decided to try out Vamsi’s sewing machine. She found the

plans to make pot holders. They seemed easy enough to do.

That evening Asko was due to have a birthday.

“Mom look at my hands!” He cheered. He looked a lot like his dad, Marylena noted.

The next morning Vamsi casually looked for a job in business. She really wasn’t too upset when she didn’t find an opening. The music

career was fun enough.

“This thing is so loud!” Marylena complained, they really needed to get a car.

At ten o’clock a familiar blue van drove up.

“Where are we?” Aiden asked in a sullen voice.

“Your new home.” The Social Worker smiled.“I don’t want a new home.” Aiden said

bitterly.“Just get out of the car.” She replied sighing.

“They’re just going to bring me back. They all do.” Aiden informed her.

“This time is different Aiden. They adopted you, this isn’t a foster home.” She reassured

him.“I don’t think so.” He said stubbornly.

It was hard not to feel some excitement despite himself.

“Oh Neil look he’s here, our little boy!” Vamsigushed.

“My turn to hug him!” Neil said “You really adopted me?” He asked.

“Yes son. You’re home now.” Neil said patting him on the back, “Now off to school with you, it’s right up the road. Your sister is already

there.”“I have a sister?”

Later that evening.“Is that my sister too?” Aiden asked

Marylena.“No this is Nelly, I guess she’s more like your

cousin.” Marylena said.

Clarence brought Serena up to the cake.“You ready Marylena.” He asked.

“On three.” She replied.“One, two, three!” They said in unison and

helped their daughters blow out the candles.

Marylena caught Nelly, and Clarence caught Serena. Nelly definitely took after her mother. She was pretty even keeled

across the board, a tad shy.Serena was a even mix of both her parents. She was even

tempered like her sister, but a little more serious.

No one was sleepy so toddler training began right away.

“Bear.” Serena said clearly.“Her first word!” Clarence clapped happily.“Show off” Marylena stuck her tongue out.

Nelly was refusing to make a sound.

Clarence relaxed as Marylena went to bed.“Do you want another one?” He asked.

“I do, just not yet.” Marylena smiled, “I want to spend time with Asko and the girls. It’s

hard to do that if I’m pregnant.”“Pregnancy does take a lot out of you.”

Clarence nodded sagely.

Clarence couldn’t sleep so he went upstairs to play with his putter. He really wanted ten

kids. But he could understand Marylenawanted to spend time with the ones they


“Dad how do you spell bird?”“Sound it out.” Clarence suggested

“Buur-d, so b-u-r-d?” Asko struggled.“Close. You almost got it.” Clarence smiled. Marylena was on to something, helping Askowith his homework made Clarence feel warm

and fuzzy inside.

“My birth parents came from the stars.” Aiden boasted.“Really?” Asko asked bouncing in his chair.

“No they didn’t, you’re not green.” Erin pointed out.“How do you know?” Aiden argued back.

“Cause girls are smarter than boys.” Erin retorted, “I bet even Nelly and Serena are smarter than you.”

“I’m smarter than those babies!” Aiden pouted.

After school was Erin’s birthday.“I wish for a kitten!” She proclaimed loudly.

“And a pinball machine and a computer.” She added. She rolled knowledge, she wanted to learn graphic designing so she could become

a game designer.

Clarence still wanted more children. Marylena didn’t want to get pregnant again,

so he was going to take his turn.“Come on aliens.” he whispered.

Clarence gave up around 5. Nelly was awake so he taught her to walk.

Despite the late night Clarence came home with a promotion.

“What were you doing up all night?” Marylena asked playfully.

“Working on my logic skill.” Clarence said truthfully, “I’m so close to starting my own

company.”“So I’m going to have some competition

soon.”“You betcha.” He grinned.

Erin took down her high ponytail. She fluffed and fussed until she found a style she liked. Throw a little make up on and she would get

many boy she wanted.

“I’m going to move out.” Neil told Marylena in passing.“What?”

“I have a family now, and Asko will be old enough to help out. You don’t need us crowding up the house.”

“You’re no bother, Neil.” Marylena said in a small voice.“Don’t worry Marylena, we’ll stay close.” Neil smiled, “It won’t

be until the end of the week.”“Okay, I want you to be happy.”

Darkness fell and Clarence was back at the hunt for aliens.

Saturday came home around and it was time to for Reno Day.

Neil rounded up everyone, except Marylenaand the twins, for a nature hike.

There wasn’t a lot to do downstairs. They fixed up the master bathroom. More work

was done upstairs. The bedrooms were fully furnish. Clarence and Marylena weren’t sure they wanted from the family room. So they didn’t do much with it after wallpaper and


Erin was getting the attention she wanted. Olaf Colours was calling twice a day to talk

to her.

Aiden was slowly starting to fit in. Saturday was spent in their pajamas playing with

blocks.“I wish I had a brother instead of a sister.” He

murmured.“You could pretend I’m your brother.” Asko

offered, “I don’t have a brother either.”

Neil completed one seventh of his LTW. He maxed his creativity skill pounding away on

the piano.

Age was weighing down on him. He took a few sips of his allotted elixir to ease the


Aiden struggled to figure out Clarence and Marylena. He didn’t understand why the

younger couple didn’t adopt him.“Can I play chess with you?” he asked.

“Sure thing kiddo.”

Erin when she wasn’t on the phone she worked on her charisma skill. It was the hardest one to get so she wanted to get it

out of the way first.

Saturday was birthday night for the twins.

They picked out similar outfits, but their parents could see the differences in their


“Neil I love you.” Vamsi smiled, “Our family too, I wasn’t expecting to start a family at

our age.”“I love you too Vamsi.” Neil replied, “I didn’t


Sunday Clarence invited Gabie and her family over. Their kids were family old

enough to make friends.

“Dad do we have to spend all day here?” Tiramisu asked.

“Don’t worry Tiramisu you’ll won’t even notice the time fly.” Stephan patted his son’s


Stephan was right. Asko and Aiden started a huge water ballon fight. They pulled Lucas Diem into it when they saw him walk by.

“Think the kids are having fun?” Marylenaasked listening to the shouts and peals of

laughter.“Oh yeah.” Gabie grinned.

Six rolled around. Neil found his own place on the computer. He couldn’t thank Clarence

and Marylena enough, but it was time to go.

“Bye Uncle Neil!” The girls shouted rushing in to say goodbye.

“See ya later.” Clarence waved.“Come on guys, I want to say goodbye.”

Marylena said routefailing.

Darkness fell as the taxi came. He was looking forward to the new life Vamsi and

him would build together.

“Neil and Vamsi are gone.” Marylena said quietly.

“And the kids are asleep.” Clarence chimed in.

“What do we do now?” Marylena asked.“We should adopt a dog.” Clarence


Rotation: Week 5Households: 5 of 6Playable Sims: 42# Of Total Residents(PS + Gravestones): 42

Community Lots: 12Business Districts: 1Universities: 1Downtown: No

SM: 15

Population: 630

CAS Available: 16

University Funds: $4,753(+$0)(10% taken of available funds taken daily)# of Fires: 2# of Burglaries: 2 # of Electrocutions: 2# of Graves: 0

Businesses:Diem Digs – Pony Diem – 6Ambian Sounds – Ambi Diem - 7College Club – Jonah Diem – 8Silver Bend Shops – Delilah Diem -5Colouriffic – Thai Colours – 10iRobot – Amanda Colours – 5Dreamweaver – Thai Colours – 2Colour Café – Thai Colours - 3Goddess Spa – Keika Clitheroe – 0Sugar Sugar –Gabie Sugar – 3The Flower Garden – Clarence Phillippine – 8Star Gazing Park – Neil Cameron -3

Careers:Slacker: 1 of 2(Thai Colours)Business: unlocked!Architecture: 0 of 1 Music: unlocked!Criminal: 1 of 1Education: 0 of 1Law Enforcement: 0 of 1Pet Service: unlocked

Service calls unlocked.

Update number 8!I wasn’t expecting for Neil to get married. But him and Vamsi hit it

off so well.

I realized I made a mistake with my SM. It should be 14 instead of

15. But I’ll have 15 player community lots by the end of the rotation so I’m just going to leave

it like it is.Ani-Mei’s house is next!
