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Simulointi Feb. 2011 (FI)

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  • 7/31/2019 Simulointi Feb. 2011 (FI)


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    Tietoa taloudesta ja yhteiskunnasta simuloinnilla 25.2.2011 Aalto -yliopiston

    perustieteiden korkeakoulu, Tietojenksittelytieteen laitos

    ConnectIrmeli posted to #seminaarikannu 25.02.2011 (fi) 53 comments

    ToolsConnectIrmeli said

    ku | #seminaarikannu | Tietoa taloudesta ja yhteiskunnasta simuloinnil... http://www.qaiku.com/channels/show/seminaarikannu/view/3767434a4...

    8 14.10.2012 14:15

  • 7/31/2019 Simulointi Feb. 2011 (FI)


    53 comments Bottom

    Faktat ja arvot ovat jatkuvassa vuoropuhelussa kaikessa toiminnassamme,

    ptksenteossamme ja valinnoissamme

    ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 25.02.2011 (fi)

    13.15 Timo Honkela: Sosiaalisen simuloinnin mahdollisuudet

    rimmisen kompleksinen ilmi

    vaikeasti kvantitatiiviseti tutkittavia / mitattavia ilmiit lhdetn mallintamaankvalitatiivisesti

    ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 25.02.2011 (fi)

    Ohjelma: http://research.ics.tkk.fi/cog/simula...

    @personaleu striimaa http://www.personaleu.eu/

    ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 25.02.2011 (fi)

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    8 14.10.2012 14:15

  • 7/31/2019 Simulointi Feb. 2011 (FI)


    Emergenssi = kehkeytyminen -> miten esim. rahan olemassaolo kehkeytyy jossakin

    yhteisss tai yhteiskuntamallissa. Nkkulma on uusi - aiemmin on lhdetty simuloimaan

    olettaen, ett raha on havainnoitavassa lopputilanteessa olemassa.

    Kuva: 13.30 Risto Linturi: Verkostoituneen talouden simulointi

    ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 25.02.2011 (fi)

    Faktat vs. arvot -vuoropuhelu perustuu erilaisiin maailmankuviimme. -Vuoropuhelun

    rakentamisen oppiminen eri maailmankuvia edustavien vlille on uusi prjmistaito.

    ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 25.02.2011 (fi)

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    8 14.10.2012 14:15

  • 7/31/2019 Simulointi Feb. 2011 (FI)


    Mit tapahtuu, kun metsstj-kerilij alkaa varastoida vaihdantaa varten?

    ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 25.02.2011 (fi)

    "Raha on sopimuksia ja viivstetyn vaihdannan kirjanpito (ellei se ole sidottu esim. kullan tai

    hopean arvoon)."

    ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 25.02.2011 (fi)

    Metsstj-kerilij hankki ja varastoi vain, mit tarvitsi

    ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 25.02.2011 (fi)

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  • 7/31/2019 Simulointi Feb. 2011 (FI)


    Lpinkyvyys lis eriarvoisuutta - esimerkkin Madonnan musiikki (vrt. ansiot


    Yleiskommentissa nostetaan esille oppiminen - oppiminen varastoon, vaihdannasta koettava

    hyty, "tutut", kehkeytyminen...

    ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 25.02.2011 (fi)

    metsstj-kerilij -lauman koko on n. 150 ihmist - "tuttujen" mr

    vaihdantaa syntyy, kun molemmat kokevat saavanta hyty

    ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 25.02.2011 (fi)

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    8 14.10.2012 14:15

  • 7/31/2019 Simulointi Feb. 2011 (FI)


    14.00 Mikko Jskelinen: Maineen vaikutuksen simulointi

    Risto Linturi: "Social Simulation of Networked Barter Economy with Emergent Money":


    ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 25.02.2011 (fi)

    Verkostoitumisen vaikutus utiliteettihydyn jakautumiseenoppimisessa? Oppimisen avulla?

    Oppimisesta huolimatta?

    ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 25.02.2011 (fi)

    ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 25.02.2011 (fi)

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    ku | #seminaarikannu | Tietoa taloudesta ja yhteiskunnasta simuloinnil... http://www.qaiku.com/channels/show/seminaarikannu/view/3767434a4...

    8 14.10.2012 14:15

  • 7/31/2019 Simulointi Feb. 2011 (FI)


    ConnectIrmeli - glad to participate, and glad Kurt has his phone to stream the event.

    International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, June 14-17th, 2011, Espoo, Finland


    ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 25.02.2011 (en)

    @paulswansen Thanks for your comments in bambuser :). There's some development work to

    do to create a mashup of translation & commenting through different media.

    ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 25.02.2011 (en)

    14.15 Mika Pantzar: Talouden ymmrtmisen haasteita - kommentti edellisiin, havaintoja

    kehittjnuran varrelta

    "maailmanmallit" 1970 -luvulla "artificial society" - alkoivat 1950 -luvulla smalleista ->Forresterin kaupunkimallit

    1980 -luvun talouden mallinnuksessa ei hydynnetty edellisi; taloustieteilijt eivtarvostaneet, koska hintamekanismit puuttuivat

    endogeeniset preferenssit - rakenteeksi muuttuva, rakenteita muuttava taloussubjekti,

    Anthony Giddens"professorien aika ohi"

    Rooman klubin kokous Finlandia -talossa 1986 - kompleksisuusteoriaa esiteltiin 1. kerransuomalaisille

    talousevoluutioteoreettinen vitskirja 1990 -luvulla - ilman matematiikkaa, replikatiivinenmalli

    rytmianalyysi, dataa kuluttajan ajankytn rytmeist

    "kun tekee sosiologien kanssa tye, ei saa puhua malleista"

    "Growing Artificial Societies" - Stanford 1990 -luvun puolivliss; Pantzar vertasi lastensaleikkej omaan "oman yhteiskunnan rakentamiseensa". Lapset kasvattivat kiinalaisiavirtuaalielimi - saako ne integroitua "omaan yhteiskuntaan". Onko addiktio peleihin aikuistenkuvitelmaa - onko lasten suhtautuminen enemmnkin ironiaa... Tulevaisuudessa kompetenssiei en ole sidoksissa ikn. Simulaatioleikkien kautta kehittyy tapa hahmottaa dynaamisiatiloja ja ...kehittyy reflektiivinen ja kontrolliva min?

    Pantzar summaa, ett nyt on kulunut 15 vuotta ja molemmat lapset ovat kauppakorkekoulussaja tynn triviatietoa. Spatiaalisuus ei vaihtunut dynaamisuuteen mitenkn automaattisesti.Kyse on huomattavasti vahvemmasta kulttuurisesta ilmist / muutoksesta.

    ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 25.02.2011 (fi)

    "Simuloinnissa parasta on ksitekuri." Kun ajatuksensa pakottaa sarjaan laatikoita,

    kokonaisuus muuttuu robustimmaksi ja konkreettisia tutkimuskysymyksi kehkeytyy.

    ksitteiden vliset suhteet mrittyvt simulaation avulla

    simulointiprosessi tuottaa mritelmi, joista ei alussa oltu tietoisia - ajatuksellinenkehkeytyminen

    prosessi tuottaa onnekasta kehkeytymist

    simulaatiolla psee kehkey tyviin piirteisiin ksiksi - mitk ovat kehkeytymisenrakenteet

    ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 25.02.2011 (fi)

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    ku | #seminaarikannu | Tietoa taloudesta ja yhteiskunnasta simuloinnil... http://www.qaiku.com/channels/show/seminaarikannu/view/3767434a4...

    8 14.10.2012 14:15

  • 7/31/2019 Simulointi Feb. 2011 (FI)



    Mahdollistaminen (organisationaaliset ratkaisut)

    Menetelmien kehittminen

    Yhteiskunnallinen keskustelu ja vaikuttaminen

    Paneelin aikana nousi puheeksi, voisiko kansanedustajat valita virtuaalisten pelitaitojenperusteella... Strateginen ajattelu paljastuu paljon selvemmin kuin mielipiteitn latelemalla.-Taito lukea toisen virtuaalista kyttytymist on opittavissa - liittyy suljetusta maailmastaavoimeen sirrtymiseen. Valitsisin itse niin paljon mieluummin ehdokkaani tarkastelemallahnen monivuotista kurinalaista sosiaalisten verkostojen rakentamistaan (syvyys, laveus jatervyys tasapainossa), kuin lukemalla mielipiteit jonossa. Viel nihin lhimpn tuleviinvaaleihin liittyen en ole pongannut yhtn ehdokasta, jonka kyttytymist ja kyttytymisen

    Thanks for the link for Collaborative Consumption. I've book marked it.

    paulswansen commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Westminster 25.02.2011 (en)

    How is this Translation from Google.

    "A multidisciplinary interaction is the future of core skills - attitudes and skills to be in place."

    "Moniammatiilinen vuorovaikutus on tulevaisuuden perustytaito - asenteet ja taidot oltava


    paulswansen commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Westminster 25.02.2011 (en)

    Collaborative Consumption http://www.collaborativeconsumption.c...

    ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 25.02.2011 (en)

    @paulswansen :)

    ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 25.02.2011 (fi)

    @ConnectIrmeli I hadn't realized it was you sitting next to Kurt.

    paulswansen commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Westminster 25.02.2011 (en)

    "Moniammatiilinen vuorovaikutus on tulevaisuuden perustytaito - asenteet ja taidot oltava


    Kauanko me odotetaan viel sit tulevaisuuttahuoh

    ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 25.02.2011 (en)

    paulswansen commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Westminster 25.02.2011 (en)


    Mallin rakentaminen opettaa / muuttaa enemmn kuin mallin kyttminen.

    Yritykset ovat kasa paperia. Yritys ei tee mitn - ihmiset tekevt. Mallinnetaan "klaaneja".

    Varaston keksiminen on talouden kehittymisen merkittvimpi vaikuttajia.

    Tutkimuksen ongelma on tn pivn se, ett kaikkia asioita ja ongelmia tutkitaanerikseen ja yksittisin ilmiin. Tutkittavan suhteet kaikkeen muuhun jvt huomioimatta.

    Akateeemisessa hierarkiassa kysymykset valikoituvat, siiloutuvat ja asettuvat jo valmiiksi

    hyvksyttyjen tutkimusaiheiden ymprille -> tnn esiteltyjen tutkimusten tarkoituksena onmuodostaa monitieteinen ryhm uudenlaisten kysymysten ja lhestymistavan ymprille.

    Yleiskommentissa pyydetn omaishoitajan tyn simulointia - kuka tekisi?

    ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 25.02.2011 (fi)

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    ku | #seminaarikannu | Tietoa taloudesta ja yhteiskunnasta simuloinnil... http://www.qaiku.com/channels/show/seminaarikannu/view/3767434a4...

    8 14.10.2012 14:15

  • 7/31/2019 Simulointi Feb. 2011 (FI)


    Valokuvia t ilaisuudesta Picasa Teams -albumissani

    Mika Pantzar. Keskustelu.

    personaleu commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Niittymaantie 13, Espoo 25.02.2011 (fi)

    Mikko Jskelinen

    personaleu commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Niittymaantie 13, Espoo 25.02.2011 (fi)

    Risto Linturi (2)

    personaleu commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Niittymaantie 13, Espoo 25.02.2011 (fi)

    Risto Linturi (1)

    personaleu commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Niittymaantie 13, Espoo 25.02.2011 (fi)

    And now one more time: Live!Timo Honkela

    personaleu commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Niittymaantie 13, Espoo 25.02.2011 (fi)

    Pivn haastavimmaksi jatkoajatukseksi ji mieleen, ett lpinkyvyys lis eriarvoisuutta.

    Tarvitaan totutusta poikkeavia luku- ja tulkintataitoja ja ymmrryst. Pienelt ja turvalliselta

    lhiyksiklt saatava tuki on trke. Pienten ja globaalien verkostojen rakentamistaito on ehk

    se isoin lhiopeteltava avaintaito motivointi, tukeminen ja auttaminen

    ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 25.02.2011 (fi)

    @ConnectIrmeli Thanks. Yes, the international social interaction is a growth area that needs

    more activity and attention. We can't continue to live in our local only fishbowl worlds.

    paulswansen commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Westminster 25.02.2011 (en)

    @paulswansen Re. the google translation - it may give the core context, yes ok. But still the

    'engines' mix things up a bit. I was writing that multidisciplinary communication / interaction is

    something we must put effort to in the future. The translator turned it the way that it's the

    future of core skills... But this is great already though. The next versions will sure be much

    more accurate.

    @personaleu says that you are a model citizen for global social interaction. We've got a

    mission to grow our tribe!

    ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 25.02.2011 (en)

    systemaattista ja tietoista muuttumista pystyisi nin tarkastelemaan.

    Toisen sosiaalinen lukeminen liittyy edell mainittuun tulevaisuuden osaamiseenvuorovaikuttaa moniammatillisesti.

    ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 25.02.2011 (fi)

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    8 14.10.2012 14:15

  • 7/31/2019 Simulointi Feb. 2011 (FI)


    @connectIrmeli ja @personaleu ja kaikki. Kiitos eteln metialle hienosta raportoinnista, jota

    voi seurata olematta paikan pll; epsymmetrisesti.

    Olin tn Oulussa ja juttelimme hetken @AjatusVesa kanssa mm 5T:st. Pohjoisessa kaikki

    on kaukana. Mittariin tuli neljsataa kilsaa.


    personaleu commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Niittymaantie 13, Espoo 25.02.2011 (fi)

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    18 14.10.2012 14:15

  • 7/31/2019 Simulointi Feb. 2011 (FI)


    @paulswansen During the streaming I can see written on the screen how many watchers are

    online. And I can read your comments from there. But I can NOT write back to you because

    I'm streaming. That's why @ConnectIrmeli ping toed you through Qaiku.

    I've asked Nokia and Bambuser to tell if the new N7 is able to send Bambuser text feedback

    during streaming.

    personaleu commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Niittymaantie 13, Espoo 26.02.2011 (fi)

    @personaleu It's great to see your equipment set up. Also thanks for sharing your time at

    these events.

    paulswansen commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Westminster 26.02.2011 (en)

    @paulswansen Simulating all day what already happened - with this equipment.

    personaleu commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Niittymaantie 13, Espoo 26.02.2011 (fi)

    Tapaamiset terva- ja bittiporvareiden kanssa vaatii tehokkuutta, koska KOHTAAMISET

    pakottavat pitkiin siirtymiin.

    Tss suhteessa maailma ei ole muuttunut lainkaan elinikini kuluessa: puheet telluksen

    supistumisesta ovat potaskaa.

    Mutta somea kyttvt pohjoisen toimijat voivat sst aikaa, rahaa ja polttoaineita. Harva

    yrittj tajuaa somekosmologiaa.

    visualradio commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Oulu 25.02.2011 (fi)

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    18 14.10.2012 14:15

  • 7/31/2019 Simulointi Feb. 2011 (FI)


    @paulswansen I remeber seeing a tv documentary about the dramatic changes in Detroit after

    the huge layoffs in the car industry. It struck me that the Digital Villages "toolbox" could be

    used to mobilize local forces at a community level to start working towards a new destiny. The

    distress of the Detroit area is however so huge with all the problems of gangs and cultural

    breakdown that it would be easier to start with something smaller: a town, city or a community.

    @personaleu @visualradio @ConnectIrmeli I'm all for it. Let me know how I can assist.

    paulswansen commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Westminster 26.02.2011 (en)

    @personaleu @ConnectIrmeli @paulswansen Count on me. I work with a Digital Villages

    #digitalvillages ecosystem that grows from the digital to buildings and services on a

    community level. Hope to be able to "stream and tell" about the evolution during this spring.

    visualradio commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Sotkamo 26.02.2011 (fi)

    @paulswansen How about collecting together a global "network animal team", participating in

    eachothers' broadcastings whenever possible. And joining same network places, eg. Qaiku,

    Google Docs, Bambuser. LI, FB, Twitter, YouTube... and promising brand new places as

    Quora, TouchGraph...

    There are a lot of great international channels in Qaiku. And everyone can create new ones if


    I think @ConnectIrmeli @visualradio and more Finnish inspirers are interested in such an

    experiment, too.

    personaleu commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Niittymaantie 13, Espoo 26.02.2011 (fi)

    @personaleu Well being able to see the chat is a step forward. For the moment, yes, having aback channel like we did yesterday afternoon is a great help for the conversation. Given the

    progress in technology, I'd bet we'll have much more interactive devices in the very near


    paulswansen commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Westminster 26.02.2011 (en)

    ...and that's how.

    personaleu commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Niittymaantie 13, Espoo 26.02.2011 (fi)

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    18 14.10.2012 14:15

  • 7/31/2019 Simulointi Feb. 2011 (FI)


    Gtwo years ago,watches for cheap:http://www.joinwatches.com/ , on the occasion of the atmos

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    turned into entertaining dates. ?Entertaining dates turned into memorable weekends. ?And

    eventually, we decided we wanted to spend each morning, day, and night together. ?So I

    proposed and she said yes.

    Just Breathe is an endearing, hilarious, and very unique look at a real couple. La Trease

    and Robert plan to mail out their Save the Date DVD to all of their wedding guests. ?Their

    invitations will stylishly fold inside the custom DVD cases. ?This is such a fantastic way to

    send out wedding invitations.

    Cinematography: / Venue:?Sip Coffee House, , DAmatos Pizza

    From the groom ?It was Summer 2004 when La Trease and I met at a church retreat. ?We

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    another. ?After the retreat, three years went by before we actually had a real chance to get to

    know each other.

    from on .

    Remember all the warm, funny, and quirky interviews of couples in love in the movie?When

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    From ?We think this save the date film is going to really open up the possibilities for what a

    couple can get from their engagement or save the date movie. It is a real movie starring a real

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    jiajia commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 4 days ago (zh)

    The idea is to mobilize and motivate people to take responsibility of their own destiny, cultural,

    economical, and social development. It's not a quick fix. Digital Villages helps to create

    alternative evolutionary models for distance work, microjobs, small is beutiful, etc.

    The first project 2000 - 2005 was very limited in scope. We've a group of companies working

    with the concept since the end of the project and are now seeing that the digital infrastructure

    and devices are ready for a new "open and learning society" where the networks are used to

    improve productivity of the process and to add more people from "inside" and "outside" into

    the development.

    Changes don't happen over night. DV is not a product or not even a software package. It's a

    mental toolbox, including ways for collaboration, learning, innovation, trade, distance work,community development, real estate, renovation of buildings and infrastructure, improving the

    ecology and energy effectiviness of the village.

    It might sound like "big and complex" but the elements have been tested for years in narrow

    development segments and we'd now like to move from testing details to taking it to villages in

    need for change and ready to step forward and say, "Let's do it!"

    We've a core group that can easily be expanded with Qaiku- and Some-people in Finland. But

    I know that there are intellectual resources available around the globe if and when we get this

    thing moving.

    It could be applied to change a distressed shopping center in need for a modernization, but I

    think it's important to take a look at the whole community and build towards an ecocity model.

    Digital networks are important in the process, ensuring that the evolution goes faster and that

    multiple learning by doing processes are more effective.

    We can source (not outsource) in specialists from a global pool of experts. The model

    community can use the skills to help the neighboring communit to improve itself. A domino

    theory can be applied to move from town to town.

    visualradio commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Sotkamo 26.02.2011 (en)

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    ku | #seminaarikannu | Tietoa taloudesta ja yhteiskunnasta simuloinnil... http://www.qaiku.com/channels/show/seminaarikannu/view/3767434a4...

    18 14.10.2012 14:15

  • 7/31/2019 Simulointi Feb. 2011 (FI)


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    their legs. If you are having a wide calf,black pumps:http://www.lawshoe.com/pumps.html ,

    purchasing ordinary footwear will not only be painful while wearing them,black boots knee

    high:http://www.mapshoes.net/tory-burch.ht... , but also will give a bad look to your legs.

    For beautiful legs:

    If you have a very good complexion,red bottom pumps:http://www.mapshoes.net/ , why do you

    want to hide your beautiful skin under a fully covered thigh high boots? There are several

    options for women who have a good complexion to show off themselves sexiest wearing thigh

    high boots:http://www.lawshoe.com/tall-boots.htm... . A wide open lace upboots:http://www.mapshoes.net/ is the best solution in this regard. Some of this

    footwears,walking boots:http://www.lawshoe.com/short-boots.ht... , have a beautiful cuts

    made of laces that show your skin in a most elegant way. Through laced windows you can

    make the best out of your natural complexion and at the same time go with a thigh high

    heel:http://www.mapshoes.net/miumiu.html to fulfill your desire.

    Some Additional Tips:

    Wearing short or skimpy skirts are the most glamorous part of wearing a thigh high boots. So

    if you are wearing this footwear,espadrille shoes:http://www.mapshoes.net/gianmarco-lor... ,

    dont forget to seduce your way on the go by pairing them with either one of these skirts.

    This tip is for those who have a wide calf:http://www.mapshoes.net/gianmarco-lor... . So when

    you go purchasing a wide calf ,peep toe boots:http://www.lawshoe.com/ , choose one that is

    half-inch less than the thickest part of your calf. Most of the footwears of this kind are elastic

    enough in the beginning and will expand to fit your leg appropriately.

    About the Author:

    Christina Pink pens fashion articles for on all about shoes from the wide variety of models to

    the latest trends. Read more on at Shoecapital.com

    Article Source:

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    However, as with many products bought online, the product you receive on your doorstep

    could vary from what was shown on the website. When ordering online, you need to be

    prepared not to know exactly what you are getting (no matter how good the pictures may

    seem) until it arrives. If you are not satisfied, it could be too late to return them, or they may

    not even have a return policy. Another drawback could be having a hard time tracking down

    the correct person to speak with when emailing or calling about a problem or questions

    regarding your order.

    The cons of working with a specialty store can be that your choices may be more limited. If

    you have creative and discerning taste, you might not like being restrained to what that

    particular store is supplied with, including designs, paper options, colors, etc. Because these

    independent stores are typically smaller in size and manage several orders at once, theprocess can be drawn out longer than you'd prefer. Stores usually operate during business

    hours, so it can be hard for working brides and grooms to find time to go in and order the

    invitations, pick up, make changes, etc. For the budget-conscious couple, it can be easier and

    cheaper to comparison shop online, as specialty paper outfits also have a reputation of being

    more expensive.

    We'll begin with the traditional method of going to your local specialty paper or stationery store

    to order invitations. The number of regular "brick and mortar" stationery shops has declined in

    recent years, but by doing some research, you should be able to find one in your area.

    Consult friends or family for recommendations if they have worked previously with a local

    store with favorable results. There are two different types of choices you will have at a paper

    store: customizable invites, or pre-printed options that you will fill out when assembling.

    If you decide to go the online route, there are a variety of benefits and disadvantages that

    accompany it. When shopping for online, your choices are virtually infinite. There are

    thousands of online sites that offer invitation printing. If you are looking for a very unique orspecific type of invitation, chances are, with some research, you can find it online. It can be

    easier to make custom changes to invitations using online forms, and you can typically shop

    for and work on your design 24 hours a day. Several websites that offer invitations and

    stationery also offer discounted products, due to their large size and printing capability.

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    invitation. This is your first chance to give guests a sneak peek of the theme and details of

    your wedding day. can be one of the more complicated tasks involved in wedding planning

    because there are many facets to consider. Choosing the paper type, inks, textures, fonts and

    wording are all smaller aspects of designing your invitations. However, one of the bigger

    decisions to consider before getting to the fun part is deciding whether to use a specialty

    paper store in your area or an online companyand we've explored the advantages and

    respective drawbacks of each option.

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    knows your order intimately, and is reachable if any questions,sexy

    clothes:http://www.keptshop.net , changes, or problems arise. These types of stores are

    generally more flexible with returns and payments, and may even allow you to pay in

    installments. When choosing the specific elements of your invitation, you have the advantageof being able to touch and see the product before making any commitment. This will allow you

    to have a good idea of what it will look like when it is produced.

    The main points of difference in these two options come down to availability, options, budget,

    and security. As with all other aspects of your wedding planning journey,special occasion

    dresses:http://www.keptshop.net , your choices will be governed by your preferences and

    budget. In this regard, wedding invitations are no different, and it's up to you to do the

    research to find out what option is best suited to you.Related Article:

    womens clothing- The third &quot:http://www.qaiku.com/channels/show/ik...


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