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SIR Saint-Nazaire - PEJ-France - Expert Pack - Issue 3

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ISSUE 3 1st IRS Grand-Ouest « Guide de survie du délég ué » Expert Pack ISSUE 3 1st IRS Grand-Ouest
Page 1: SIR Saint-Nazaire - PEJ-France - Expert Pack - Issue 3

ISSUE 3 1st IRS Grand-Ouest

« Guide de survie du délégué »E x p e r t P a c k

ISSUE 3 1st IRS Grand-Ouest

Page 2: SIR Saint-Nazaire - PEJ-France - Expert Pack - Issue 3


Rise of anti-semitism

in Europep.9

L’espace Schengen,

késaco ? p.8

A worrying statistic




Chairing Technics







Indignez-vous !


10 raisons de continuer


Porte-manteau ?


Page 3: SIR Saint-Nazaire - PEJ-France - Expert Pack - Issue 3

T h e E d i o r i a lNotre bateau PEJ est arrivé à bon port. Nous embrassons une dernière fois le ci-ment qui fait de nous les pièces du navire. Les orgas seraient peut-être la coque, le chairs le système de navigation, les journos le GPS. Les délégués : le moteur.

Il existe en effet une infinité de navires : des microbes qui nous consti-tues à nos globules blancs à notre égo, notre famille, notre délégation, notre commission, notre région, notre pays… Notre Monde.

La mer est calme, maintenant que le voyage est terminé, et chaque vaisseau qu’est l’Humain part se réassembler à d’autres bateaux plus grands que lui. Car nous sommes tous ce Navire qu’est la SIR, et c’est ainsi qu’au prochain voyage de votre vie vous vous souviendrez de ce que vous avez appris ici et maintenant. Ainsi le Navire vivra, entier et démultiplié, à travers vos expériences futures.

Mais s’il existe des bateaux, c’est bien pour parcourir un monde extérieur. Ce monde peut paraitre menaçant, comme un orage pendant la nuit, ou calme comme un matin bleu.

On veut une protection contre ce monde, on veut flotter à sa surface et se dire qu’on est en plein milieu de l’océan sans jamais la toucher. On ne veut pas de fuites trop malve-nues, on ne veut pas de vagues, on ne veut pas que d’autres bateaux nous barrent la route : ceux qui ne sont pas Charlie, ou ne votent pas comme toi, ou ne votent pas du tout. Ceux d’une autre langue ou une autre culture, qui ont pris part à des navires radicalement diffé-rents des tiens dans le passé. Certains bateaux ont une place limitée, et on doit les regar-der partir sans nous. Nous en croiserons tous les jours, et tous les jours nous semblons ou-blier qu’au final il n’y a qu’un bateau pour tous, cette Terre bien aimée.

On a donc vite fait de fermer les hublots et, tous aussi nombreux que nous sommes, se regarder voguer depuis le confort d’un hamac, tournant le dos aux nuages sombres du Monde. Seulement les courants et les icebergs ne se voient pas si on ne les re-garde jamais. Un vaisseau d’amis, c’est bien, mais c’est mieux si l’on sait où l’on est, où on va, et comment. Pour ça, il faut sortir la tête du bateau et affronter les vents et ma-rées. Il se trouvera peut-être que ces vents seront pris dans vos voiles, et vous ramerez moins.

Kevin Hartwell & Nathalie Boyer (alias The Vampire & PiouPiou)


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By Anna Lavrikova



e l e g a t e s ’ I m p r e s s i o n sWelcome to the Session of the EYP! Before you came here, what were you expecting to have from the Session?

“Looking forward for the session, we were ex-pecting to meet new people and to make new friends, to have a great lot of fun, of course! Where the youth is, there is always fun! Besides, as it is a European Parliament, we are glad to have a chance to know other European countries more, to know their culture and to meet people from there. At the same time we were expecting to get new experience in collective working, and I also expect to practice my English skills…” – this is how the majority of delegates-inter-viewees their first impressions.

Seeing so many smiling people around, such a friendly and active official team, the interior so much comfortable for the youth, the delegates came to the idea that the Ses-sion itself would be more like loads of games and par-ties everyday rather than a real work upon serious pro-blems. Well, it is not supposed to be a hard schoolwork or serious UNO negotiations where one mistake may lead to complete disaster, but alternating committee work and fun times. We all, officials, hope, every dele-gate has already adopted well and enjoys being with us.

Answering the question “How did you know about this Ses-sion?” they gave more various answers, for different dele-gates have different stories of getting to know the Session:

Cloe, Thomas,Tiphanie, Paul-Antoine

«Our school friend Maxime as already expe-rienced in this affair told us about his pre-vious participations in sessions like this one, and we decided to try to take part too.»

Elsa«I got acquainted with a friend of Manon who is a delegate too, and she invited me to the session. I thought it would be interesting for me, and it really is.»

DavidMaxim, a friend of mine, took part as a delegate in several European Ses-sions. He said it was a fun and suggested the same for me. I agreed and now I feel very interested and involved in it.

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I n d i g n e z - v o u s !By Inès Bendouba

Les récents attentats qui ont eu lieu en France ont eu pour effet la prise de conscience de la fragilité de notre liberté d’expression. Il est important de garder à l’esprit que cette liberté d’expression à laquelle on accorde tant d’importance n’a pas le même statut dans tous les pays, elle peut même ne pas être respectée du tout. De manière plus générale, ce sont les droits civils qui sont en jeu.

Il est dans notre droit d’être indigné lorsqu’on ap-prend la prise en otage de journalistes, interdits d’exercer leur rôle d’information dans certains pays. Est-il encore acceptable d’entendre parler du recours à la violence, le contrôle des médias nationaux et le filtrage des médias internationaux, notamment à travers l’internet, par l’Etat? Est-il normal de voir qu’au 21ème siècle, un trop grand nombre de pays ne respecte pas les droits civils ?

Ces droits sont nombreux : le droit à l’image, la liberté de pensée, la liberté d’expression, la liberté d’information et de presse en font partie. Ils constituent au final peu de choses dans la vie de tous les jours, mais ce sont des libertés nécessaires au travail des journalistes.

Vouloir dénoncer l’absence de liberté de presse dans certains pays, c’est nécessairement s’expo-ser à un danger, et c’est là justement le problème. Comment mettre fin à une censure généralisée si on n’a ni le droit ni le pouvoir d’en parler ?

Au Parlement Européen des Jeunes, on ne met pas seulement en avant l’humain, mais aussi l’in-dividu pour qu’il puisse s’exprimer. En donnant aux jeunes ce droit, on leur fait comprendre la valeur de la liberté d’expression. En évo-quant le problème de la censure dans de nom-breux pays du monde, on montre la fragilité de ces libertés et pourquoi il est primordial de les conserver. Si ces droits nous sont accordés, c’est pour que nous puissions les exercer. S’ex-primer librement, s’informer librement, voter: c’est faire valoir sa liberté en tant que citoyen.

Il est important de comprendre que le res-pect des droits civils n’est pas seulement utile, il est nécessaire si on veut vivre en paix. Alors indignons-nous contre la censure de l’information et battons-nous pour le res-pect de la sécurité et de l’intégrité des journalistes dans leur rôle d’information.

« Comment mettre fin à une censure généralisée si on n’a ni le droit ni le pou-voir d’en parler ? »

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k r a n i a n C r i s i s

There began a period of great economical crisis as well: many factories, markets and agricultural spaces in rural areas of Ukraine were ruined. Crimea and pre-sently two present-day republics – Lugansk People’s Republic and Donetsk People’s Republic were disap-pointed of being on the rebellious territory of Ukraine. They began to send applications to Russia in order to separate from Ukraine and to become a part of Russia. On March 18 of 2014 Russian president Vladimir Putin personally signed the agreement annexing the Crimean Peninsula, which turned its name into the Crimean Republic. Afterwards Russians started helping the Crimean Republic to re-habilitate after the Ukrainian crisis. However, the Ukrainians had re-venge on Crimea: they cut off the flow of gas, electricity

and water for several months.As for present-day Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Re-publics, the question still remains unsolved. By spring 2014 it proved to be only the beginning of the disas-ter. On the territory of Donetsk, Lugansk and their suburbs, real civil war broke out. They considered the population of those territories as traitors, the bom-bings were their revenge. Thousands of refugees fled the South-East of Ukraine, a vast majority of them all the way to Russia. Although the relationship between Russia and Ukraine was difficult, Russians accepted

the refugees, provided hotels with free meals for them, medical care and gave social financial help. As for those who did not leave the bombed territories, trucks with humanitarian help are still sent.

By Anna Lavrikova

During the last quarter of 2013 a great crisis broke out in Ukraine which turned into a war. Everything began with a banal disappointment of the Ukrainians with natio-nal politics. In February 2014 thousands of indignant citizens of Kiev rebelled at the Mai-dan square. They overthrew the Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich, and he fled to Russia.

On May the 2nd the Trade Union House in Odessa was attacked and burnt with people inside it…

I personally helped the refugees, giving them clothes (especially warm clothes necessary to sur-vive the climate of my city) toys for children and I treated them to apple pie. When I told that to my friends, they did the same. The refugees were gracious for our help, with tears in their eyes.

This news quickly spread all over the Europe, but it was misinterpreted completely and there appeared an opinion that, allegedly, it was Russian’s idea to occupy the mentioned territories from Ukraine.This month there were several negotiations in Moscow,

Kiev and Minsk between the leaders of four coun-tries: France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine. Their negotiations are known as “Meeting of the Big Four”. According to the latest news, the negotiators came to an agreement to cease the fire on February 15th.

However, peace lasted only 12 hours, soon the bombings of the Republics’ territories resumed. As for Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics, the question still remains unsolved. This crisis must be solved as soon as possible, for there are still thousands people whose lives are still in danger.

«Russians, thank you !»

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A W o r r y i n g S t a t i s t i cBy Valentin Solimeo

Among the freedoms highly protected by nu-merous international and European conven-tions, expression and press are essential and are often enshrined in the constitutional va-lues of the countries. However the regimes, even democratic, are factually using the na-tional security to compromise their values. Therefore, how guarantee a right application of these international conventions by the states which signed it ? Despite a lack of ins-titutional sanctions, the Non-Governmental Organization Reporters Without Borders (RWB) annual global indicator has the merit to warn people about some possible abuses.For each of the 180 countries involved, this indicator permits to annually measure the violations of the freedoms of press and speech. RWB collects data from hundreds of journalists, human rights activists, searchers and lawyers from all over the world. The watchdog organization then makes their data public by ranking the countries by criteria such as media pluralism and independence

or freedom and safety of the journalists. As a matter of consequence, everyone could know the evolution of the state of affairs.The last report has brought us a worrying statistic: the European Union recorded the sharpest fall between the 2014 edition and the 2015 edition. The explanation for this is the proliferation of conflicts in 2014 which, directly or indirectly, have impacted Europe: Ukraine, Syria and the Middle East. The increasing pressure and violence exerted on the journalists is also due to the rise of the far-right parties throughout Europe.Edward Snowden, responsible for the series of leaks that have rocked the political scene, is a good example of how difficult it has beco-me to diffuse information. The amendment of the Loi Macron concerning Secrets d’Affaires has thankfully been rejected, but such a law is an example that attempts to restrict our right to information is active in our environment.The freedoms of speech and press are more than ever a crucial stake: with the tragic re-cent events in France and Denmark, the next global indicator might report a new fall of the respect of those freedoms in Europe.

« The increasing pressure and vio-lence exerted on the journalists is also due to the rise of the far-right parties throughout Europe. »

T o r e v e r s e t h e t r e n d , w e m u s t r e a c t n o w !

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‘ e s pa c e S c h e n g e n , k é s a c o ? By Inès Bendouba

L’espace Schengen, c’est l’espace de libre circulation entre les Etats signataires des accords de Schengen, regroupant 22 des 28 Etats membres ainsi que 4 Etats non-membres de l’UE : la Norvège, la Suisse et le Liechtenstein Il permet la liberté de circulation des personnes, biens, marchandises et services. On ne s’en rend pas toujours compte, mais leur entrée en vigueur en 1995 a changé beaucoup de choses dans notre vie quotidienne.

Alors ne faut-il pas cesser les stéréotypes selon lesquelles l’avancée économique, technologique d’une région géogra-phique permettent à une jeune population de vivre aisément ?

L a s u p p r e s s i o n d e s f r o n t i è r e s

C’est le logo « CЄ » que vous trouvez sur de nombreux objets de votre quotidien (appareils électriques, jouets, meubles...). Grâce à ça, vous êtes assuré de la conformi-té de votre produit aux normes de sécurité, d’hygiène, ou de protection de l’environnement. C’est plutôt rassurant, non ?

L a c o n f o r m i t é e u r o p é e n n e

Économiser l’énergie est devenu une priorité quoti-dienne. Les bâtiments et les produits sont certifiés selon leur performance énergétique, de façon à aider les citoyens dans leur choix et à inciter l’industrie à investir dans des produits plus verts. Et oui, on pense à la planète !

L ’ é c o n o m i e d ’ é n e r g i e

Vous partez en vacances et vous tomber malencontreuse-ment malade ? Grâce à votre carte européenne d’assurance maladie, vos frais médicaux seront pris en charge dans le pays qui vous accueille et vous pouvez voyager l’esprit léger.

L a c a r t e e u r o p é e n n e d ’ a s s u r a n c e m a l a d i e

Grâce à la monnaie unique, plus besoin de chan-ger son argent lorsqu’on voyage dans une ma-jorité des États membres, c’est pratique !

M o n e y m o n e y m o n e y

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R i s e o f a n t i - S e m i t i s m i n E u r o p e

Recent attacks in France and Denmark that left 6 dead have triggered discussions about the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe. The facts are, for sure, alarming; police force has been charged with the protection of Jewi-sh communities, kids in schools are being taught to react in case of a terrorist attack, and a vast amount of the Jewish commu-nity is reconsidering their lives in European cities. For many of them a return back to Israel seems to be a safer option. Even president Netanyahu in recent statements suggested that all Israelites should leave Europe and return back to their “home”. Undoubtedly, attacks to representatives of all religions are condemned. However this rise of loathing towards Jewish seems to be directly connected to Israel’s attacks in Gaza and the Palestinian massacre that occurred. In summer 2014 Israel really crossed the line by turning its power on unarmed civi-lians. Their excuse for colonizing the Gaza strip was national security, but they were in fact the ones attacking. The Israeli go-vernment calls critics of their Gaza attack as anti-Semite. Those believing that Israel is actually colonizing neighborhood com-munities believe they use their past suffe-rance as an excuse to pass as the victim.Let’s remember though, that govern-ment policies are never an exact repre-sentation of individuals : we cannot blame

Jews for the action of their government, just as we cannot blame French indivi-duals for François Hollande’s decisions.In a continent with so many divergences of customs, culture and religion, it is impossible to demand uniformity. The key solution to the problem seems none other than educa-tion: an education that will cultivate respect and tolerance towards difference and the acceptance that people have different ideas. Generalizing has always been a fatal mis-take for humans. Characterizing all Jewish

as second-category civilians has led to heca-tombs a few decades ago. In the aftermath of 9/11, policies and a general sentiment of hate towards the Muslim community has led us in a headlock. We are then surprised that an equal amount of disdain has grown in the Muslim community towards Western societies. We are now in a position where violence is escalated on both sides for the same reason: dangerous generalization.A possible new discrimination towar-ds Jewish and Muslims may esca-late to something approaching WW3.

By Eirini Samara

It is up to us whether we choose to immediately put an end to the problem before another black page to humans’ history is written.

« Let’s remember though, that government policies are never an exact repre-sentation of individuals. »

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A list of trendy portmanteau words that you should know. The first word you know is “portmanteau word”. A Portemanteau word is the combination of two words and their meanings into a single new word.



o r t e m a n t e a u ?

A word characteristic of the web 2.0. Created from the blending of the words « producer » and « consumer », it is used to describe someone who becomes invol-ved in the design and the production of the products he consumes.

By Valentin Solimeo

P r o s u m e r

Particularly contempo-rary, this portmanteau word evokes the Greek withdrawal from the Eurozone. The crea-tion of this word re-flects the the relationship between Greece and the European Union. The word “Brexit” (re-ferring to the Great Bri-tain) is also more and more used in the press.

G r e x i t

Take two French words, melt them… and you have an English product. Based on the combina-tion of “mayonnaise” and “gourmet”, this word was created by the food brand “Boar’s Head”’ to entitle a spe-cial mayonnaise recipe.

G o u r m a i s e

A croissant-donut hy-brid. A Cronut is a flaky croissant with custard, a pastry dough and a su-gar-dipped exterior. De-finitely the trendiest port-manteau word of this list.

C r o n u t

Is the contraction between “chill out” and “relax”. Overly stressed about your attack speech? Dude, just chillax.

C h i l l a x

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C h a i r i n g T e c h n i c sBy Eirini Samara

For the majority of EYPers committee work is the most difficult part in a session. The de-legates are asked to work on academic topics and reach consensus after having analyzed eve-ry parameter. The methods followed in order to come up with solutions vary from com-mittee to committee. One thing is for sure; every committee has to face three basic ene-mies; time, fatigue and inadequate research. The worst case scenario is all three, but we are almost always confronted to at least one of them.Right at the beginning, com-mittees can be confronted right at the beginning to contradictions due to lack of research. As a result, the solutions proposed see-med vague and not corres-ponding to the problem. In others, inadequate research has led to confusion when it came to difficult technical terms and their meanings.Time was pressing all com-mittees to come up with their final solutions before 6 o’clock. This factor came to an advantage though sometimes, since it made them more efficient and forced them to reach a consensus. The extensive amount of workload they had to deal with made delegates feel tired and had an impact on their productivity. Chair-persons managed to motivate their delegates by promising them either a relaxing coffee break

or by helping them focus with classical music.The key to success in committee work appears to be a collective way of working. Most of com-mittees adopted the system of pairs, a strategy that proved to be extremely useful since pairs had to reach a consensus before the final group consensus. Another thing that made delegates’ work easier was the use of key words and definitions. Definitions clarified the meaning of cloudy terms and helped everyone have a

full perspective on the issue.Organizing the ideas by listing the pros and cons on post-it and then putting them to-gether provided the delegates with a clear image of what had to be discussed and finally sorted out. In some cases, the introductory clauses were fully formed in the beginning. This innovative measure helped save time in the end. Another action that helped committees overcome their difficulties was the fact that chairper-sons insisted they were close physically, without barriers between them, such as tables.

Furthermore, delegates did not hesitate to note points that had not been researched and look for them right afterwards. Even when they reached a dead end they did not give up; approaching the problem from another angle altogether can help pass a blockage.

Committee work is a real challenge both for the delegates who need to surpass them-selves, and the chairs who have to be capable of giving the right directions to their com-mittees in order to achieve the best result possible. A good cooperation of both par-ties always leads to a spectacular outcome, seen by everyone in the general assembly!

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By Inès Bendouba & Eirini Samara10


R a i s o n s p o u r l e s q u e l l e s t u d o i s c o n t i n u e r l e P E J

Tu rencontres plein de personnes venant de toute l’Europe qui pour-raient devenir tes meilleurs amis. Si tu veux plus de détails, n’hésite pas à poser des questions aux officiels, on adore partager notre expérience.

1Dès que tu pars en vacances en Europe, tu peux facilement trouver un endroit où dormir en pratiquant le « EYP couch-surfing » Ça permet d’avoir quelqu’un sur place sur qui compter, et c’est bien plus sympa que d’aller à l’hôtel !


Avec le PEJ, tu deviens rapide-ment « EYPholic » : quand tu com-mences, tu ne peux plus t’arrêter !

Au PEJ, tu peux être délégué, jour-naliste, chair, orga, voire même pré-sident, chair ou éditeur…. Tu peux aussi t’investir au Bureau Régio-nal et National ! Tu apprends à de-venir de plus en plus responsable et tu développes ta personnalité. Chaque fonction a ses particularités, il y a surement un rôle taillé pour toi !

4Tu rentres toujours chez toi en ayant pris (ou perdu) cinq kilos, mais ça vaut le coup parce que tu peux expérimen-ter plein de plats étrangers que tu ne connaissais pas pendant l’Eurovillage.


Tu apprends que le ridicule ne tue pas. Lorsque tu as eu à faire un team-building en plein milieu de la rue, devant des dizaines personnes in-terloquées, d’une certaine façon tu retombes un peu en enfance.


Grâce aux teambuilding tu ap-prends plein de jeux super cool, et lorsque tu rentres chez toi, tes amis te voient un peu comme « the person to be » : tu sais animer !


Tu apprends beaucoup de choses sur l’Europe, et surtout sur les poli-tiques propres aux autres pays. De cette façon, tu es plus informé, et ça te permet d’avoir différents points de vue et différentes perspectives.


Quand tu es en session, tu t’échappes de la réalité et tu mets un peu de côté tes problèmes pen-dant ces quelques jours dans ce monde nouveau et merveilleux.


And last but not least, tu dois conti-nuer le PEJ, parce que c’est le PEJ !!!



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u r o - S c o p e By Inès Bendouba& Chayma Koucha

A m o u rVotre coiffure vous joue des tours : faites un effort ! Le parfait délégué a une coiffure irré-pro-chable.

S a n t éVous manquez d’énergie : nous vous conseillons une bonne pinte de Pilsberg (bière Chèque). A consommer avec modération, of course !

T r a v a i lCette session PEJ vous aura bien fatiguée : take a rest !

# V o u s ê t e s D E V E

A m o u rVotre âme-sœur est plus proche que vous ne le pensez. Regardez sur votre droite : elle est là. N’hési-tez pas à l’approcher et pourquoi pas, Teambuildinguez avec elle !

S a n t éAvec cette belle pluie bretonne, restez sur vos gardes ; le rhume breton peut vite s’attraper et dé-clencher une poussée d’algues ma-rines dans les narines, une envie fréquente de Kouign-amann. Pour y remédier, nous vous conseil-lons d’écouter 5 fois l’album de Nolwenn Leroy. Bon courage…

T r a v a i lL’AG approche à grands pas : NO PAIN NO EYP !Au boulot !

# V o u s ê t e s A F C O

A m o u rMais quelle beauté cette chair de la commission ECON…

S a n t éCette session vous a été béné-fique, le PEJ vous aura complète-ment détendu de la tête aux pieds.

T r a v a i lL’incroyable beauté de votre chair n’est pas une raison valable pour être passif en committee work.

# V o u s ê t e s E C O N

A m o u rEt si vous alliez faire un tour du côté de la commission AFCO ? Vous y trouverez une large gamme de délégués : des petits, des grands, des bleus, des tor-dus, des poilus, des intelligents…

S a n t éNous vous conseillons de vous étirer le petit doigt de pied chaque matin : un petit doigt de pied en forme = un cerveau au top !

T r a v a i lVous passez plus de temps en Cof-fee Break qu’à travailler vos attack speech, lâchez donc cette gaufre et remettez-vous au travail !

# V o u s ê t e s L I B E

A m o u r N’oubliez pas de prendre les nu-méros de tout le monde avant de partir, d’ajouter chacun sur Facebook. Conseil d’amies.

S a n t éVous avez mauvaise mine…demandez conseil à Inès et Chayma de la Media Team : elles sont toujours au top.

T r a v a i lLea et Julie sont très exigeantes (très cools aussi), ne les déce-vez pas !

# V o u s ê t e s R E G I

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Merci à nos partenairesMerci à nos partenaires
