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Sistem Kardiovaskular, Jantung, Pembuluh Darah dan Limfatik

Date post: 14-Sep-2015
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Program S-1 Farmasi
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Sistim Kardiovaskular Jantung, Pembuluh Darah, Darah & Limfatik Dr. Ros Sumarny, MS, Apt. Sesilia Andriani Keban, MSi., Apt. Program Strata-1 Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila
  • Sistim KardiovaskularJantung, Pembuluh Darah, Darah & LimfatikDr. Ros Sumarny, MS, Apt.Sesilia Andriani Keban, MSi., Apt.Program Strata-1Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila

  • Darah

  • *Functions of Blood1. Transportation- O2- Nutrient- Waste product- Hormones- Heat2. Regulation- pH- Body temperature- Water3. Protection againts :- Blood loss- Foreign microbes and toxin

  • *Karakteristik Fisika DarahViscositas: 4,5 5,5Temperatur: 38oCpH: 7,35 7,45Salinitas: 0,9 %% ~ Berat Badan Total: 8%Volume: 5-6 L (pria) 4-5 L (wanita)

  • Protein PlasmaFungsiMempertahankan tekanan koloid osmotik Buffer di dalam darahGamma globulin sebagai antibodiFibrinogen berperan dlm proses koagulasi darahHipoproteinemia : kadar protein plasma yg rendah Penyebab : kelaparan, kekurang protein, gangguan absorbsi protein dllAkibat hipoproteinemia : Edema*

  • Eritropoisis; pembentukan sel darah merah Terjadi di sumsum tulangPrekursor : eritroblastHipoksia: kekurangan oksigen dalam sel darah merah. Kondisi hipoksia akan menstimulasi ginjal untuk membebaskan eritropoitin yang akan membantu perkembangan proeritroblast retikulosit (sumsum tulang belakang)Anemia: kekurangan sel darah merah, penyebabnya: kekurangan Fe, vitamin B12, asam amino tertentu

  • Figure 19-6. The main stimulus for erythropoisis is hypoxia a decrease in the oxygencarrying capacity of the bloodHow might your hematocrit change if you moved from a town sea level to a high mountain village ????

  • Formation and destruction of red blood cells, and the recycling of hemoglobin components. RBCs circulate for about 120 days after leaving red bone marrow before they phagocytized by machrophages.

  • Sel darah putih (leukosit) = white blood cells= (WBCs)Jumlah: 5.000 10.000 sel/ L darah RBCs:WBCs = 700 :1Lekositosis : jumlah lekosit > 10.000Leukopenia : jumlah lekosit < 5.000

  • Table 19.2 Significance of High and Low White Blood Cell Counts (1/2)

    WBC type High Count May Indicate Low Count May Indicate

    NeutrophilsBacterial infection, burns, stress, inflammationRadiation exposure, drug toxicity, vitamin B12 deficiency or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)LymphocytesViral infections, some leukemiasProlonged illness, immunosupression or treatment with cortisol

  • Table 19.2 Significance of High and Low White Blood Cell Counts (2/2)

    WBC type High Count May Indicate Low Count May Indicate

    MonocytesViral or fungal infections, tuberculosis, some leukemias.Bone marrow suppresion, treatment with cortisolEosinophilsAllergic reactions, parasitic infections, autoimmune disease Drug toxicity, stressBasophilsAllergic reactions, leukemias, cancers, hypothyroidsmPregnancy, ovulation, stress or hyperthyroidsm

  • Platelet=ThrombocytePrekusor : sel megakariositMembantu pembekuan darah; Life span : 5-9 hari

  • *Tiga tahap proses hemostasis:

    1. Spasme/konstriksi pembuluh darah untuk mengurangi aliran darah ke tempat luka

    2. Sumbat trombosit untuk menutup luka pembuluh darah

    3. Terjadi reaksi pembekuan darah (koagulasi)HEMOSTASIS

  • Figure 19-9 Platelet plug formationAlong with platelet plug formation, which two mechanisms contribute to hemostatis ???

  • *

  • Figure 19-10 Blood clot formationFigure 19-11 The blood clotting cascade What is serum ?

  • *Faktor-faktor pembekuan darah:

    Faktor I: Fibrinogen II: Protrombin III: Tromboplastin IV: Kalsium V: Proakselerin VII: Prokonvertin VIII: Antihemofilik faktor A IX: Antihemofilik faktor B X: Faktor stuart XI: Antihemofilik faktor C XII: Faktor Hagemen XIII: Faktor stabilisasi fibrin

  • *

  • ****************Fungsi ferritin: transporter ferri dalam aliran darah ******Platelet plug formation+pembentukan sumbat trombosit******
