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SIX MISTAKES About the international legal status of Taiwan 1.25 版.

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SIX MISTAKES SIX MISTAKES About the international About the international legal status of Taiwan legal status of Taiwan 1.25 版
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SIX MISTAKESSIX MISTAKESAbout the international About the international legal status of Taiwanlegal status of Taiwan

1.25 版

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When people are discussing the international legal status of Taiwan, the following Six Mistakes are often noted.

As a result, much unnecessary confusion is caused.The officers of the TCG encourage all persons to make all necessary efforts to avoid these mistakes at all times.

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Mistake #2: Maintaining that Taiwan was "occupied by the Allies."

Mistake #3: Advancing the argument that a government in exile can slowly (over time) become recognized as the "legitimate government of its current locality of residence."

Mistake #4: Equating the concepts of "having territorial control" with "possessing sovereignty."

Mistake #5: Equating "popular sovereignty" with "territorial sovereignty."

Mistake #6: Failing to understand the concept of "military government" and its significance in the content of the SFPT.

Mistake #1: Stating that "World War II in the Pacific" ended in 1945.

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Mistake #1:Mistake #1: Stating that "World War II in Stating that "World War II in the Pacific" ended in 1945.the Pacific" ended in 1945.

Analysis:There is a difference between

the "end of hostilities" and the "end of the war."


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The San Francisco Peace TreatyThe San Francisco Peace Treaty

As a non-signatory to the SFPT, the Republic of China (ROC) is not a member of the Allies as spoken of in the treaty.

US courts have held that the war between Japan and the USA ended when the San Francisco Peace Treaty came into effect on April 28, 1952. Indeed, this fact is clearly stated in Article 1 of the SFPT.

Article 1 (a) The state of war between Japan and

each of the Allied Powers is terminated as from the date on which the present Treaty comes into force.


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The Treaty of TaipeiThe Treaty of TaipeiArticle 1

The state of war between the Republic of China and Japan is terminated as from the date on which the present Treaty enters into force.

War between Japan and the ROC: The war between Japan and the ROC ended on Aug. 5, 1952, with the coming into force of the Treaty of Taipei.


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Taiwan was not within the geographical Taiwan was not within the geographical scope of the Second Sino-Japanese War.scope of the Second Sino-Japanese War.

Many Chinese historians state that this war began in 1937, but in fact the ROC did not declare war on Japan until Dec. 9, 1941, a day after the US declared war on Japan.

In other words, there was no "Chinese-Japanese" fighting done on the soil of Formosa and the Pescadores (aka "Taiwan"), nor did any Chinese aircraft launch attacks against targets in Taiwan during the 1941 to 1945 period.


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Taiwan was not within the geographical Taiwan was not within the geographical scope of the Second Sino-Japanese War.scope of the Second Sino-Japanese War.

#1- 5

There was no war between Japan and the People's Republic of China (PRC), because hostilities ended in 1945, and the PRC was not founded until Oct. 1, 1949.

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The surrender ceremonies The surrender ceremonies and the military occupationand the military occupation

At the Oct. 25 1945 surrender ceremonies, it is certainly true that the flags of the Allies were prominently displayed.

However, the surrender ceremonies and the military occupation are two different things.

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The surrender ceremonies The surrender ceremonies and the military occupationand the military occupation

There is nothing in the internationally recognized laws of war (and in particular, see the Hague Conventions and Geneva Conventions) to suggest that the military forces accepting the surrender of enemy troops gain any special rights or privileges due to this fact.

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Mistake #2:Mistake #2: Maintaining that Taiwan was Maintaining that Taiwan was

"occupied by the Allies.""occupied by the Allies."

Analysis :The surrender ceremonies and

the military occupation are two different things.


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The Law of NationsThe Law of Nations

The right (and obligation) to conduct the military occupation falls to the "conqueror" ......

this has been recognized since Emerich de Vattel published his opus The Law of Nations in 1758, and has been discussed repeatedly in numerous U.S. Supreme Court cases.


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The Law of NationsThe Law of Nations

In the situation of Taiwan, all military attacks during the 1941 to 1945 period were conducted by US military forces.

Hence, the USA is the conqueror and will be the (principal) occupying power, as spoken of in the customary laws of warfare.

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TThe (principal) occupying powerhe (principal) occupying power

The USA is the (principal) occupying power. However, the administrative authority for this military occupation was delegated to the Chinese Nationalists. The resulting arrangement is that the United States of America is the principal, and the ROC is the agent.

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TThe (principal) occupying powerhe (principal) occupying power

Such an analysis is confirmed by the provisions of the SFPT, where Article 23(a) specifies the United States of America as "the principal occupying power."

The ROC is not a signatory to the treaty.

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Mistake #3:Mistake #3: Advancing the argument that a Advancing the argument that a government in exile can slowly government in exile can slowly

(over time) become recognized as (over time) become recognized as the "legitimate government of its the "legitimate government of its

current locality of residence."current locality of residence."Analysis: Analysis:

Two important tenets of the laws of war are (a) Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army,(b) Military occupation does not transfer sovereignty.


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Military occupation does Military occupation does not transfer sovereignty.not transfer sovereignty.Accordingly, the Oct. 25, 1945, surrender of Japanese troops in Taiwan marked the beginning of the military occupation of Taiwan, and there was no transfer of sovereignty on that date.

The United States of America is the principal occupying power, and the ROC is a subordinate occupying power.


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A government in exile is A government in exile is impossible to become recognized impossible to become recognized as the "legitimate government of as the "legitimate government of its current locality of residence." its current locality of residence."

Historical data : Taiwan was sovereign Japanese territory until ceded in the SFPT, effective April 28, 1952. Accordingly, when the ROC moved its central government to occupied Taiwan in December 1949, it became a government in exile.


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A government in exile is A government in exile is impossible to become recognized impossible to become recognized as the "legitimate government of as the "legitimate government of its current locality of residence." its current locality of residence."

Legal details : In the post-Napoleonic period, there is simply no precedent under international law where such "legitimacy" has ever been established.

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Mistake #4:Mistake #4: Equating the concepts of Equating the concepts of

"having territorial control" with "having territorial control" with "possessing sovereignty.""possessing sovereignty."

Analysis:For over 66 years, Chinese propaganda has stressed that the geographic areas of "Formosa and the Pescadores" (aka Taiwan) were legally returned to China with the completion of the Oct. 25, 1945, Japanese surrender ceremonies in Taipei. However, under international law, such an interpretation is impossible.


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Indeed none of the Allies recognized any transfer of Taiwan's territorial sovereignty to China on that surrender date, or on any other date in the 1940s or 1950s.

#4- 2

Mistake #4:Mistake #4: Equating the concepts of Equating the concepts of

"having territorial control" with "having territorial control" with "possessing sovereignty.""possessing sovereignty."


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The following excerpts from the Foreign Relations of the United States series, produced by the US Dept. of State (DOS), are informative:

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The legal status of TaiwanThe legal status of Taiwan

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The legal status of TaiwanThe legal status of Taiwan

In a Jan. 19, 1949, report by the National Security Council, it was stated that: "The present legal status of Formosa and the Pescadores is that they are a portion of the Japanese Empire awaiting final disposition by a treaty of peace . . . . the policy which the U.S. has followed since V-J Day [has been] of facilitating and recognizing Chinese de facto control over the islands. "

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On Nov. 11, 1950, Sec. of State Acheson informed Sec. of Defense Marshall that: ". . . no formal act restoring sovereignty over these territories to China has yet occurred; . . . "

The legal status of TaiwanThe legal status of Taiwan

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on July 1, 1955, State Dept. officials held that: "In the peace treaty, Japan has merely renounced sovereignty over Taiwan, but there has been no other disposition. The United States also has an interest in Taiwan and could assert a legal claim to the island(s). Hence, the disposition of Taiwan is not merely an internal Chinese problem."

The legal status of TaiwanThe legal status of Taiwan

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DOS informed the Senate in 1970 that: "As Taiwan and the Pescadores are not covered by any existing international disposition; sovereignty over the area is an unsettled question subject to future international resolution." This statement was repeated in a "Legal Status of Taiwan" Memorandum from the DOS Legal Advisor (Robert Starr) on July 13, 1971, and has been often repeated since.

The legal status of TaiwanThe legal status of Taiwan

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Military occupation does Military occupation does not transfer sovereignty.not transfer sovereignty.When military troops occupy a geographic area they will normally have a very high degree of control over the local territory. However, such a de facto situation is not equivalent to possessing sovereignty over the territory.

#4- 8

Indeed, international law states that "Military occupation does not transfer sovereignty." (Importantly, under such a premise, the doctrine of "prescription" cannot be invoked.) Any transfer of territorial sovereignty must be done in a treaty.

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From the close of hostilities in WWII to the present, the ROC has exercised a very high degree of de facto control over Taiwan. However the de jure situation is something else entirely. Since there are no international legal documents which can prove that the territorial sovereignty of Taiwan has ever been transferred to the ROC, it is impossible to claim that the ROC possesses sovereignty over these islands.

Military occupation does Military occupation does not transfer sovereignty.not transfer sovereignty.

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Mistake #5: Mistake #5: Equating "popular sovereignty" Equating "popular sovereignty" with "territorial sovereignty."with "territorial sovereignty."

Analysis:Analysis:In the SFPT, Japan renounced all right, title, and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores without specifying a "receiving country." After considering these treaty provisions at length, many scholars like to invoke a doctrine of "popular sovereignty," and claim that under such circumstances the territorial sovereignty of these areas now belongs to the local people.


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Mistake #5: Mistake #5: Equating "popular sovereignty" Equating "popular sovereignty" with "territorial sovereignty."with "territorial sovereignty."


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Unfortunately however, international law does not recognize that any group of people can own (or hold) "territorial sovereignty."

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Territorial sovereignty of a geographic Territorial sovereignty of a geographic area is always owned (or held) by a area is always owned (or held) by a government.government.Territorial cession is accomplished by Territorial cession is accomplished by treaty.treaty.

All legal and historical precedent clearly shows that

This is easily verified by overviewing the subject of "territorial cession."

Customary international law in the post-1830 period has clearly established that territorial cession is accomplished by treaty. Relevant examples are too numerous to mention.

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Territorial sovereignty of a geographic Territorial sovereignty of a geographic area is always owned (or held) by a area is always owned (or held) by a government.government.Territorial cession is accomplished by Territorial cession is accomplished by treaty.treaty.

All legal and historical precedent clearly shows that

#5- 4

Importantly, in the history of the United States, all territorial cessions were done via the specifications of a treaty, including the following well-known examples: Louisiana in 1803, Florida in 1821, California in 1848, Alaska in 1867, Guam in 1899, Puerto Rico in 1899, Virgin Islands in 1917, etc.

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The territorial sovereignty of a The territorial sovereignty of a country or geographic area is country or geographic area is owned/held by a government, it is owned/held by a government, it is not owned/held by the local not owned/held by the local populace.populace.

Not surprisingly, the local populace had little or no say in the final disposition of the above mentioned territories. Typically however, when each territory was ceded, there was a specification in the treaty to the effect that the members of the local populace could retain their "original nationality" by undertaking a certain registration procedure within a one year period.

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The territorial sovereignty of a The territorial sovereignty of a country or geographic area is country or geographic area is owned/held by a government, it is owned/held by a government, it is not owned/held by the local not owned/held by the local populace.populace.

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Failing to complete this procedure, they would be considered to have gained the nationality of their new (i.e. "receiving country") national government, according to its laws and regulations.

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Government : a body that has the authority to make and the power to enforce laws within a civil, corporate, religious, academic, or other organization or group.

Note: In its broadest sense, "to govern" means to administer or supervise, whether over a state, a set group of people, or a collection of assets.

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CedeCedeCede: (1) to surrender possession of, especially by treaty, (2) to transfer control of or sovereignty over specific property or territory, especially by treaty, (3) to surrender or give up something such as land, rights, or power, (4) [noun] cession


Note: According to the dictionary definition of cede as given above, there is no strict requirement that a "receiving country" be designated in order to complete the act of ceding, or making a cession.

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Cede: (1) to surrender possession of, especially by treaty, (2) to transfer of control of or sovereignty over specific property or territory, especially by treaty, (3) to surrender or give up something such as land, rights, or power, (4) [noun] cession

When territory is ceded without the specification of a "receiving country" it may simply be called a limbo cession.


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The many examples of territorial cession in the post-1830 period clearly show the true facts of how "territorial sovereignty" is handled.

In 100% of all cases, territorial cession amounts to a transfer of title, which serves to complete a transfer of territorial sovereignty (over the geographic area in question) between governments.

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Mistake #6:Mistake #6: Failing to understand the concept of Failing to understand the concept of

"military government""military government" and its and its significance in the content of the SFPT.significance in the content of the SFPT.


•Many people read the SFPT over and Many people read the SFPT over and over but still fail to note that the United over but still fail to note that the United States of America is identified as States of America is identified as "the "the principal occupying power"principal occupying power" in Article in Article 23(a). Even when this is pointed out to 23(a). Even when this is pointed out to them, they are still confused because them, they are still confused because they maintain that the treaty does not they maintain that the treaty does not make any specifications about make any specifications about "occupied "occupied territories."territories."


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Mistake #6:Mistake #6: Failing to understand the concept of Failing to understand the concept of

"military government""military government" and its and its significance in the content of the SFPT.significance in the content of the SFPT.


#6- 2

Such confusion no doubt arises because most people are completely unfamiliar with the concept of "military government."

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Military governmentMilitary governmentSFPT : Article 4(b) gives a U.S. federal agency, the United States Military Government, disposition rights over the Japanese territory of Taiwan.

Governmental authority over occupied territory is called military government.

Any area under military government is occupied territory.

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The end of "militaryThe end of "military occupation"occupation"As to whether this military occupation has come to an end at any time in the period of 1952 to the present, this is another source of confusion. Some people advance the arguments that free elections, a referendum, the absence of military personnel on the streets, the issuance of passports by the local governing authorities, widespread democratization, etc., etc. are evidence of the end of "military occupation," but in reality such criteria are irrelevant.

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The end of "militaryThe end of "military occupation"occupation"

#6- 5

Looking at the situation of territorial cessions in peace treaties, it is clear that a recognized "civil government" must be formed locally . . . . and it must legally supplant the military government which has jurisdiction over the territory. This legal supplantation is only method which can end the (principal) occupying power's military government, thus resulting in the end of the military occupation.

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Taiwan has remained as Taiwan has remained as occupied territory up to occupied territory up to

the present day.the present day.With reference to Articles 4(b) and 23(a) of the SFPT, it is clear that Taiwan is occupied territory of the United States of America.Morever, in the eyes of the international community, the ROC government in exile has never been recognized as a valid "civil government" for Taiwan.

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Taiwan has remained as Taiwan has remained as occupied territory up to occupied territory up to

the present day.the present day.

The United States of America is the The United States of America is the principal occupying power.principal occupying power.

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Online Reference

SIX MISTAKEShttp://www.civil-taiwan.org/six-mistakes.htm

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The EndThe End
