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THE EFFECT OF NUMBERED HEADS TOGETHER TECHNIQUE ON READING COMPREHENSION ACHIEVEMENT OF THE EIGHTH GRADE STUDENTS AT SMP NEGERI 1 PANCUR BATU A THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for the for the Degree of English Education BY: INDAH PERTIWI REG NO: 143306021018 English Department Faculty of Teaching and Education University of Prima Indonesia Medan



STUDENTS AT SMP NEGERI 1 PANCUR BATUA THESISSubmitted in Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for the for the Degree of English Education



REG NO: 143306021018

English Department

Faculty of Teaching and Education

University of Prima Indonesia




1.1. The Background of the Study

English is an International language which is used by people in the world as a means of communication .It is widely used by most countries for international trades, science, economy, diplomacy, and tourism. It means that English is very important for every side of this life. Because of the importance of this language, so that it has to be learned by the people who are not familiar with the language, especially for countries which have determined English as the first foreign language.There are four language skills in learning English namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Reading is one of the most important skill of those .Reading is an essential skill for all students at all level. The students are required to be able to read and understand the content of the next level. Arthur (2013:5) states that reading is an active and ongoing process that is affected directly by an individuals interaction with his environment. Grabe and Stoller (2002:9) state reading is the ability to draw meaning from the printed page and interpret this information appropriately.Reading is not just saying the words . Reading must always be a meaning getting process, so that people faced some difficulties when they want to get information through reading. Similarly, when the students also fond some difficulties while reading the text. For example, students get some difficulties in drawing the meaning, finding the main ideas and interpret the information of the text. They couldnt grasp the ideas and answer the question on the text. It means they cant comprehend the text. Reading Comprehension is one of the skills that must be mastered by students, the fact show that teaching reading comprehension is not an essay task, because the teacher must face learning reading comprehension. In teaching reading, student can not comprehend English text well, because student do not have good motivation to read and they should comprehend every word of text, so they keep on looking up to the words in a dictionary to find out a meaning of the text. Since comprehending text is not essay, expert, such as Will and Grabe recommend ways of Improving the reader s skill to comprehend the text as well as speed up reading process. They state in reading comprehension ,students are able to comprehend and understand about the context that has explained in the text. It means that students need to learn a considerable amount of information from text. Therefore, students require abilities to comprehend and remember main ideas as well as number of details that elaborate the main and supporting ideas in text. They also need to link the text to their knowledge base.Harmer (2003:208) states the student have low expectation of reading. Reading passage is bound to be difficult for them and they predict that the whole experience will be frustrating and de-motivating. Such attitude often due to unsuccessful in reading. Educational unit Curiculum (KTSP: Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) about standard in reading states the students must be able to comprehend the meaning of the text in form of recount ,narrative, procedure, descriptive, and report in the context of daily life. It can be concluded that is very important for students to master reading comprehension in order to enable them to get success in learning process.

Based on the writers experience in PPL (Teacher Training Practice),it was difficult for the students to comprehend English texts. When she/he told them to tell some information from their reading text, most of them did not have any ideas or opinions to clarify the information in the reading text .It proved that they were not interested in learning reading comprehension and the process of teaching reading did not run well. This situation happened because the teaching method or technique which was not suitable. Usually, teacher teaches reading comprehension by translating the reading text. Therefore, the students open the dictionary when they want to understand the text and most of them had difficulties in searching the meaning of the text. They could not grasp the main idea and answer question based on the text and even they got bored. In this case, the teacher should make variations and choose a suitable technique in teaching reading comprehension in order to make students interested. At this time, there has already been implemented Learning Revolution in teaching and learning that is learning is no longer centered on teachers. So the teacher is only as a facilitator and a provider of solutions in learning is no longer only as a source of knowledge in learning process. Considering the condition above ,we need to provide a structure for helping students learn reading comprehension skill. One of appropriate and comprehensive methods for teaching reading is Numbered Heads Together (NHT) technique. Numbered Heads Together (NHT) technique is an excellent structure for combining learning partnership into groups or teams of four (Kagan,1989,12). It can be used early in the development of the co-operative and Think, Pair, Share offers a high degree of engagement but slightly higher order interpersonal and small group skills are needed .Through Numbered Head Together (NHT) technique, the students are expected to be enthusiastic to learn writing activity and they can explore their idea, feeling and thought in their group.

Based on the background above, the writer is interested in conducting a research entitledThe Effect Of Applying Numbered Heads Together on Students Reading Comprehension in Descriptive text.

1.2. The Problem of the StudyIn related to the background of the study, the problem of the study is formulated as follows:Does the Numbered Heads Together (NHT) technique significantly affect the students reading comprehension?

1.3. The Objective of the Study.

The objective of the study is to find out the effect of NHT (Numbered Heads Together) on students reading comprehension.1.4. The Scope of The StudyThe study focuses on student reading comprehension on descriptive text. There are four level of comprehension namely; Literal, Inferential, Critical, and Creative Reading. Concerning with that, the scope of this study is limited in inferential level because most of students of junior and high school find difficulties in doing reading comprehension in level. In this study, the writer focuses on NHT (Numbered Head Together)technique in order to make students reading comprehension better.1.5.The Significance of the StudyThere are some significances of this study which are expected the readers to be useful for:1 .The English teacher to improve students reading comprehension through NHT technique,2 .The students ,to encourage them to be more active and highly motivated students ,especially to work in groups, 3 . Other researchers who are interested in doing the related study, enlarging their knowledge, and understanding about reading comprehension strategies.

To give further information to those who interested in learning and teaching English.CHAPTER II


2.1 The Theoretical Framework

In conducting a research ,theories are needed to explain some concepts applied in the research concerned. The term have to be made clear to avoid misunderstanding .The following terms are used on some basic theories in relation to the study.2.1.1. Reading

a. Defenition of Reading

Generally, reading can be taugth as a way to draw information from a text and to form an interpretation. Reading was one of the basic communicative skills but it was a very complex process. It was difficult arrive at a precise definition of the reading process. According to Deborah Daik and Nancy Anter (2013:5) state reading is an active process that depends on both an authors ability to convey meaning using words and your ability to create meaning from them.In additional, As Grabe and Stoller (2002: 9) state that reading is ability to draw meaning from the printed page and interpret this information appropriately. It means that when a reader ineracts with printed pages, their perior knowledge combine with the visual or written information result in his comprehending the massage.

By looking the explanation above, it can be conclude that reading comprehension is an active cognitive process of interacting between a reader and text which monitoring interpretation or understanding to establish meaning from the text.

2.2.1. The Purposes of Reading

The reader should be able to get the points out as well as to get the points out as well as the meaning and information from the text their read. When the students can get comprehension from the text, they understand the massage of the text. Willan and Frederica (1988:13)

1) Reading to search for simple information and reading to skim

Reading to search simple information is a common reading reading ability; through some researchers see it as relatively independent cognitive process. It is used so often in reading tasks that it is probably best seen as type of reading ability. In reading to search, we typically scan the text for a specific piece of information or a specific word. Similarly, Reading to skim is a common part of e reading tasks and a useful tasks and a useful in its own right. It involves, in essence, a combination of strategies for guessing where important information might be in the text, and then using basic reading comprehension skills on those segments of the text until a general idea is formed.

2) Reading to learn from text

Reading to learn typically occurs in academic and professional in which a person needs to learn a considerable amount of information from a text. It requires abilities to:

a) Remember main ideas as well as a number of details that elaborate the main and supporting ideas in that text.b) Recognize and build rhetorical frames that organize the information in the text.c) Link the text to the readers knowledge base.3) Reading to integrate information, write and critique texts

Reading to integrate information require additional decisions about the relative importance of complementary, mutually supporting or conflicting information and the likely restructuring of rhetorical frame to acomodate information from multiple sources. Both reading to write and reading to critique texts may be task variants of reading to integrate information. Both require abilities to compose, select, and critique information from a text.

4) Reading for general comprehension

Reading for general comprehension is the most basic purpose of reading, underlying and supporting most other purpose for reading. General reading for comprehension, when accomplished by a skilled fluent reader, requires very rapid and automatic processing of words, strong skill in forming a general meaning representation of main ideas, and efficient coordination of many processes under very limited time constraints.2.2.2. Kinds of Reading

1) Extensive Reading materials

one of the fundamental conditions of a successful extensive reading program is that students should be reading material which they can understand .if they are struggling to understand every word they can hardly reading for pleasure .This mean that we need to provide books which either by chance because they have been specially written are readily accessible to our students. Specially written material for extensive reading what Rhicard Day and Julian Bamford call language learner literature (1998:61)- are often referred to as readers or simplified readers. they can take the form of original fiction and non fiction books as well as simplifications of esthabilished work of literature .

2) Setting up a library

in order to set up an extensive reading program , we need to build up a librarysuitable books. Although this may appear costly .t will be money well spent. If necessary, we should persuade our schools and institution to provide such funds ,or raise money through other sources. we need to devise some way of keeping track of the books in the library a simple signing out system should ensure that our collection does not disappear overtime .All this setting up procedures take time .but we can use students to help us administer the scheme .If our students take part in extensive reading program, all the time we have spent on setting up a library will not have been wasted .

3) The role of the teacher in extensive reading program

Most students will not do a lot of extensive reading by themselves unless they are encouraged to do so by their teachers . Clearly then our role is crucial . we need to promote reading and b our own espousal in reading as a valid occupation ,persuade students of its benefits .Having persuaded our students about the benefits off extensive reading ,we can organize reading program where we indicates to students how many books we expect them to read over a given period. We can explain how they can make their choice of what to read , making it clear that the choice is theirs . but that they can consults other students reviews and comments to help them make that choice.

4) Extensive reading task

One approach is to set aside a time at various points in a course say every two weeks at which students can ask question and tell their classmates about books they have found particularly enjoyable ,or noticeably awful. However ,if this is in appropriate because not all students read the same speed or because they often d not have much to say about the book in front of their collegues we can asked them to keep a weekly reading diary either on its own ,or as part of any learning journal maybe in writing.

2.3 Reading Comprehension

a) Defenition of Reading Comprehension

Reading without meaning is an unsatisfying and inconsequential exercise. One who is reading is suppose to be able drive meaning from what is read. Being able to derive meaning from a text means comprehending the text. Therefore, the goal of reading should be aimed toward comprehension.

The primary purpose of reading comprehension is to extract meaning from text indeed. As Rubin (2000 p.171) correctly states, reading comprehension is a complex intellectual process involving a number of abilities. Furthermore proficient reader with efficient word identification skills ,a rich vocabulary and good background knowledge. According to Lubliner and Smetana (2005) ,students with good vocabularies find reading easier ,read more widely and do better in school, while children who enter school with limited vocabulary find reading difficult ,resist reading, learn fewer words and consequently fall further behind. So in this situation there is a need to devote more time to word study and vocabulary building when comprehension activities are used in the classroom. There is also need to preteach difficult vocabulary to such children before a textbook Is read.Furthermore reading comprehension skill can be increased when teachers spent time

Modelling and demonstrating effective strategies for processing text (Westwood,2003a), such as:

strategies must encompass

a. Previewing material before it is read to gain an overview

b. locating main idea in a passage

c. Thingking aloud and generating questions about the material

d. predicting what may happen or suggesting possible causes and effects

e. summarising or pharaprasing main ideas.

Whereas dialogue also serves a diagnostic purpose by allowing the teacher o appraise students existing strategies for comprehending (westwood,2003a)

2.3.1. Levels of Reading Comprehension

There are three levels of comprehension are identified. In a an errort to discipline our thinking regarding the process of comprehension, a long listing of skills is not given. Only those ability at the core of understanding and reacting to information at different levels of thinking are presented. Literal Comprehension

Understanding the ideas and information explicity stated in the passage. Literal comprehension focuses on ideas and information explicitly stated in the selection


Knowledge of word meanings.

Recall of details directly stated or paraphrased in own words.

Understanding of grammatical clues-subject, verb, pronouns, conjunctions, and so forth.

Recall of main idea explicity stated.

Knowledge of sequence of information presented in passage. Interpretative Comprehension

Understanding of ideas and information not explicitly stated in the passage.Abilities:

Reason with information presented to understand the authors tone, purpose, nd attitude.

Infer factual information, main ideas, comparisons, cause-effect relationships not explicity stated in the passege.

Summarition of story content. Comprehension

Analyzing, evaluating, and personally reacting to information presented in a passage.


Personally reacting to information in a passage indicating its meaning to the reader.

Analyzing and evaluating the quality of written information in terms of some standards. Reading Comprehension

Creative reading involves going beyond the materials presented by the author. It requires readers to think as they read ,just as critical reading does and it also requires them to use their imagination. Teacher must carefully nurture creative reading ,trying not to as only question that have absolutely answer ,since this these will tend not to encourage the diverse processes characteristic of creative reading.

Creative readers may able to see how a story could be improved in order to make it more interesting. Genre

Genre is a text type which function as a frame of reference (Pardiyono, 2007:2), a text should be based on the genre, so the text can arrange effective, effective in the purpose, diction and arrangement of the element of the text and the using of grammar. Based on this fact, it can be difficult to ignore how many kinds of genre certainly.

(Pardiyono, 2007:2), states that genre is divided into nine types. They are;

1. Narrative

Narrative is the most famous type of any text. Various purposes are

communicated in a narrative type.

Generic structure

a. Orientation : sets the scene and introduces the participants

b. Evaluation : a stepping back to evaluate the plight

c. Complication : what happens with the participants

d. Resolution: this is the phase where the participant solve the problem aroused by the conflict.

e. Re- orientation : optimal

Significant Lexicon grammatical features

a. Focus on specific and usually individualized participants

b. Using past tense

c. Using action verb

d. Chronologically arranged

2. Recount

The purpose of recount text is to retell something that happened in the past and to tell a series of past event.

Generic structure:

a. Orientation : provides the setting and introduces participants

b. Event : tell what happened, in what sequence

c. Re-orientation : optimal- closure of events

Significant Lexicon grammatical features

a. Using past tense

b. Using action verb

c. Using adjectives

3. Descriptive

A descriptive text is a text which lists the characteristics of something.

Generic structure

a. Identification: in identification paragraph, descriptive text will explore to answer the question of who, what, when and where.

b. Description : to answer how it looks, where it is sees, what it does and what it make it special.

Significant Lexicon grammatical features

a. Using simple present tense

b. Using action verb

c. Using passive voices

d. Using adverbial phrase

e. Using conjunction of time and cause-effect

4. Report

The purpose of report text is to present information about something, as it is.

Generic structure

a. General classification : tells what the phenomenon under discussion is

b. Description: tell what the phenomenon under discussion is like in term of parts, qualities, habits or behaviors.

Significant Lexicon grammatical features

a. Introducing group or general aspect

b. Using conditional logical connection

c. Using simple present tense

5. Explanation

The purpose of explanation text is to explain the process involved in the formation or working of natural or socio-cultural phenomena.

Generic structure

a. General statement

b. Explanation

c. Closing

Significant Lexicon grammatical features

a. Using simple present tense

b. Using action verbs

c. Using passive voice

d. Using noun phrase

e. Using general and abstract noun

f. Using conjunction of time and cause-effect6. Discussion

The purpose of discussion is to present information and opinion about issues in more one side of an issue.

Generic structure

a. Issue

b. Arguments for and against

c. Conclusion

Significant Lexicon grammatical features

a. Using simple present tense

b. Use of relating verb/to be

c. Using thinking verb

d. Using general and abstract noun

e. Using conjunction/ transition

7. Hortatory exposition

A hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to explain the listeners or readers that something should or should not happen or be done.

Generic structure

a. Thesis : statement or announcement of issue concern

b. Arguments: reasons for concern that will lead to recommendation

c. Recommendation : statement of what ought not to happen

Significant Lexicon grammatical features

a. Focuses on generic human and non human participants

b. Use of mental processes, material processes, relational processes

8. Anecdote

Anecdote text is a funny ridiculous story.

Generic structure

a. Abstract : signals the retelling of an unusual incident

b. Orientation : sets the scene

c. Crisis : provides details of the unusual incident

d. Reaction : reaction to crisis

e. Coda : reflection on or evaluation of the incident

Significant Lexicon grammatical features

a. Using exclamations, rhetorical question or intensifier

b. Using material process

c. Using temporal conjunction

9. Procedure

Procedure is a text that show a process in order. Its social function is to describe how something is completely done through a sequence of series.

Generic structure

a. Goal: showing the purpose

b. Material : telling the needed materials

c. Step 1-end : describing the steps to achieve the purposeSignificant Lexicon grammatical features a. Using temporal conjunction

b. Using action verb

c. Using imperative sentence

d. Using simple present tenseDescriptive Text

According to Saggam (2007:89), description is a written English text in which the writer describes on object. In this text, the object can be a concrete or abstract. It can be a person ,or animal or a thing. Descriptive text contains two components: Identification and Description.Description is a kind of writing that tries to put a picture in the readers mind. It tells how something looks or sound, or tastes. This concept has same meaning with Pradiyonos (2006,165) concept about description presented before. Descriptive always has primary purpose, either to present an accurate description of something real or a picture that reveals the authors feeling or beliefs Scott foresman (1997). A good way of descriptive paragraph is to start with definition, which is the description object.There are 4 types of description Carroll(2001,97): (1) person, place or things, contain sensory details that bring to life actual people, places, or things;(2) Observation ,describe an event the writer has witnessed;(3) travel brochures, contain factual information as well as persuasive language to encourage tourism, and(4) character sketches, describe fiction character, their appereances, personalities,hopes,and dream.Identification is to identify the object. Description describes parts, qualities, and characteristics of the parts of the object.In teaching descriptive text ,we can concern with sentences using simple present tense or past tense ,adjective to show the quality, and linking verb following is generic structure of descriptive paragraph: (1) identification ; show the definition of the object being described, and (2) Description ; contains the real object ,such as quality ,quantity, etc, related to the object.Example of Descriptive TextExample of Descriptive Text: The City of Rome

Example of Descriptive Text City of Rome

Italy has some famous cities. One of them is Rome. It is a very historical city. If you visit Rome, you will have plenty of chances to see all sorts of great sights.Rome can be traced through its mythology when it was founded on . It was said that twins of Romulus and Remus has founded the city in 753 BC, on the date of April 21st. This corresponds fairly closely to archeological evidence, which shows farming communities in the area. As the Catholic Church grew, Rome became more and more important in both religion and politics.Rome was one of the central leading cities in the Renaissance. It is seen when visitors walk through the streets and see the various buildings. The style was profoundly affected by the work of the artists of the time. Visitors can see evidence of all sorts of artistic influences, such as the Baroque palaces, the huge squares and obelisks, and other structures throughout the city.Rome is well known for its architecture. The colosseum is one sample of famous Roman structures. It was once a grand, ground-breaking amphitheatre, and was at the forefront of architectural advancements in 70 AD. Since then it has fallen apart slightly, but it still an astounding and imposing structure.Modern Rome is a very busy place to go. It is considered a cultural center for the region, and offers all the arts in various forms. It has a thriving music scene, with several major concert halls. Rome puts out a lot of movies every year, more so than any other region of Italy. It is home to Cinecitt studios, the biggest facility in Europe.

Note on Generic Structure of Descriptive TextGeneric StructureDetails

IdentificationThe text above is clearly about a specific place, Rome, an ancient City from Italy.

DescriptionFirst part which is described is Rome historical background. It was founded in 753 BC. Second description is about Romes role in Renaissance age. Then it is described through it famous architectural buildings. The last part is about its role in modern age.

http://freeenglishcourse.info/example-descriptive-text-city-of-rome/Method of Language Teaching

a. Approach Approach refers to theories about the nature of language and language learning that serve as the source of practices and principle in language teaching ( Rhicards and Rodgers 1986:16). An approach describe how language is used and how its constituent parts interlock in other words it offers a model of language competence .An approach describes how people acquire their knowledge of the language and make statements about the conditions which will promote successful language learning.

b. Method

According to Harmer (2003: 78) A method is the practical realization of an approach. The originators of a method have arrived at decisions about types of activities , role of teachers and learners , the kind of material which will be helpful and some model of syllabus organization.

and some model of syllabus organization .Method include various procedures and technique as part of their standard fare. When method have fixed procedure ,informed by a clearly articulated approach ,they are easy to describe .

c. Procedure: A procedure is an ordered sequences of techniques. For example , a popular dedication procedure starts when students are put In small groups. A procedure is a sequence which can be described in terms such as first you do this, then you do that.

d. Technique

A common technique when using video material is called silent viewing .This is where the teacher plays the video with no sound. Silent viewing is a single activity rather then a sequence and as such is a technique rather than a whole procedure . Likewise the finger technique is used by some teachers who hold up their hands and give each of their five fingers a word , e.q he is not playing tennis and then by bringing and the is and the not fingers together, show how the verb is contracted isnt.

e. strategy

Strategies are those specific attacks that we make on a given problem and that vary considerably within each individual. They are the moment by moment technigue that we employ to solve problems posed by second language input and output . Chamot (2005:112) defines strategies quite broadly as procedure that facilitate a learning task . Strategies are most often conscious and goal driven. The field of second language acquisition has distinguished between two types strategy :learning strategies and communication strategies . the former relate to input to processing , storage ,and retrieval, that is ,to take in messages from others. The latter pertain to output, how we productively express meaning , how we deliver messages to others. We will examine both types strategy.

Cooperative LearningCooperative learning can be as a simple as two students pairing up to discuss a piece of learning. It can also be complex and can include team development activities ,cooperative classroom atmosphere through class building activities ,special training in social roles and social skills, specialized tasks for teams, and special scoring ,recognition and reward systems structured for individuals ,teams, and classes. There are four elements which define characteristics of cooperative learning, they are:(1) Team formation: teams 2-4 with students of different abilities, mixed ethnicity & gender; (2) Positive Interdependence : the gain of one student is associated with gains for other students. It also can take several different forms; (3) individual is made known to learn. It also can take several forms and reward accountability; (4) Socials Skills : are developed and practice based on the structure used. The students can learn how to listen to each other, resolve conflicts, set and revise agendas, keep on task encourage each other, Kagan (1989,4).Class activities that use cooperative learning among others are: (1) Jigsaw,(2) Think-Pair-Share; (3) Three Step Interview;(4) Round Robin Brainstorming ;(5) Three Minute Review;(6) Numbered Heads Together(NHT)


Groups with five students are set up. Each group member is assigned some unique material to learn and then to teach his group members. To help in the class learning students across the class working on the same sub-section get together to decide what is important how to teach it. After practice in these expert groups the original reform and students teach each other(Lie ,2002,69).

2.Think Pair-Share

Involves a three steps cooperative structure. During the first steps individuals think silently about a question posed by the instructor. Individuals pair up during the second step and exchange thoughts. In the third steps, the pair share their responses with other pairs, other teams, or the entire group (Lie,2002,57).

3.Three Steps Interview

Each member of team chooses another to be a partner. During the first step individuals interview their partners by asking clarifying questions. During the second step partners reverse the roles. For the final step, members share their partners responses with team.

4.Round Robin Brainstorming

Class divided into small groups (4-6) with one person appointed as the recorder. A question is posed with many answers and students are given time to think about answer. After the think time members of team share responses with one another round robin style. The recorder writes down the answers of the group members. The person next to the recorder starts and each person in the group in order an answer until time are called.

5.Three-Minute Review

Teachers stop any time during a lecture or discussion and give teams three minutes to review what has been said, ask clarifying questions.

6.Numbered Heads Together (NHA team of four is established. Each number is given numbers of 1,2,3,4 questions are asked of the group. Groups work together to answer the question so that all can be verbally answer the question. Teacher calls out a number (three) and each is asked to give an answer.

Numbered heads together (NHT) is an excellent structure for combining learning partnership into groups or teams of four. According to Kagan (1994) Numbered Heads Together is a learning method in which each of the students are given a number and they make a group of work and then the teacher will call the number of student randomly. The purpose of this method is the students are able to process information ,and communication. They also can develop their thinking, review material and check their prior knowledge. Numbered Head Together can serve any activities in the classroom. It means that there are many other ways of ensuring the teacher cues in the students into collaborative activity. The students work together. They quite literally put their heads together in order to solve the problem and also ensure that everyone in the group can answer the question. The teacher in this case asks for answer by calling the number and the students with the number called, and then take turn to answer. If they are not enough students ready to respond to the teacher ,the teacher may give a little more time. When the teacher is for satisfied the answer which can be taken ,there are a number choices:1)select one student,2)select one but ask others to elaborate, comment ,etc,3)ask different students to give a particular part the answer.The procedure in Applying of Numbered Heads Together (NHT) techniqueNumbered Heads Together (NHT) is an essay ways to do in the classroom. It can derive the students to be more active in the class. According to Anita Lie (2002) there are some steps of Numbered Heads Together, they are :(a) Teacher divides the students into group work; (b) Teacher numbers the students from 1 to 4 each group ;(c) Teacher gives a simple question or problem, example: what is the main idea of the first paragraph ?;(d) In presenting the result of students work ,the teacher calls a number of students from 1 to 4 randomly;(e) For each team, the student whose number was called reads their answer among their friend. They may not receive any help from their team at this point. If he did not pay attention during the discussion, its too bad;(f) when all teams have shown their own work, teacher can check each teams answer for accuracy;(g) the teacher can give the other question or problem if time allows.The Advantages of Numbered Heads Together (NHT)

Numbered Heads Together (NHT) has the advantages as Trianto (2002: 38) states that;(1) it is consider to help the students are ready to give the solution to each question or problem which is given ;(2) All of the students can do the discussion intensively. They can share their ideas; felling and thought without any authority form the others;(3) this method gives the possibility to students know his progress based on his ability ;(4) The students who can do the test can teach the other friend in getting the solution ;(5) Students become more actively involved in the learning process;(6) This learning focused on the teacher centered in which between students work in group and teacher participate each other to solve the problem;(7) The teacher feels more freedom in the instructional process.Conceptual Framework

Reading is as mentioned previously , reading is a complex process, which involves readers interpretation and comprehension of the idea, symbolized by written and printed language. Therefore, it is very crucial to make the students aware about the language in the text. The main goal of teaching reading is improving reading comprehension, which is the students competence in comprehending the passage. Reading includes not only moving out eyes from printed passage, but it needs comprehension of the text material. Comprehension includes all of the processes related to deriving meaning from written language and constructing meaning from written language. Deriving meaning indicators that reader go beyond the meaning explicitly in the text.

Reading comprehension is process of readers combining information from a text and their own prior knowledge to build meaning. Reading comprehension can be described as a consisting of parsing sentence, understanding sentence in discourse, building a discourse structure and then integrating this understanding with one already know.

Description is kind of writing that tries to put a picture in the readers mind. It tells how something looks or sounds or tastes. This concept has the same meaning.Numbered Head Together (NHT) is one of the cooperative learning that is designed to motivate students to be active in classroom. Teacher as the facilitator and guide takes the student into the real meaning by giving the instruction first. Then the students work in their groups to solve the problem which is given.In this application, Numbered Head Together (NHT) has created a comfortable reading learning condition. All components of Numbered Heads Together (NHT) involve many activities such as:

1. Teacher divides the students into group of work,

2. Teacher numbers the students from 1 to 4 each group,

3. Teacher gives a question or problem, in presenting the result of student working

4. Teacher calls a number of students from 1 to 4 randomly and so on.

Students enjoy the activities because they can work and complete in team as well as individually .They achieve greater success because they are a part of the teaching learning process.Hypothesis

Based on the explanation of both theoretical and conceptual framework above, the writer formulated the hypothesis as the following:Ho: There is no significance effect of using Numbered Head Together (NHT) Technique on the students comprehension in reading Descriptive text. Ha: There is significant effect of using Numbered Head Together (NHT) on the student comprehension in reading Descriptive text



A. Research Design

This study was conducted by using experimental design with pre-test and post-test design. The design was applied in order to investigate the effect of applying Question Answer Relationship (Numbered Head Together) technique on student comprehension in reading especially in descriptive text. This study was dealt with two groups, they are experimental group and control group. Experimental group was taught by using Numbered Head Together technique . and another one as a control group taugth without Numbered Head Together technique Reading (NHT). Both of groups given pre-test and post-test with same items. The design can be seen in table 3.1

Table 3.1 Research Design

Randomly Assigned Pre-test Treatment Post-test

Experimental GroupT1EUsing Numbered Head Together technique ReadingT2E

Control Group T1CWithout Numbered Head Together technique ReadingT2C

B. Population and Sample1. Population Arikunto (2006:130) says that population is all the subject of a research. The study conducted students at SMP Negeri 1 Pancurbatu, in second years junior high school academic year 2014/2015. Population on the study consists of two classes are VIII 1 and VIII 3 and each class consists of 40 students. The students divided into two groups were experimental group and control group.


A sample is some or the representative of population which is going to be observed. It means that the sample is limited number of cases representative of the total sampling. The writer used total sampling because the second year of junior high school at SMP Negeri 1 Pancurbatu had two classes. The writer applied total sampling for divided sample into two groups are experimental group is VIII 2 and VIII 3 is the control group.

C. The Instrument of Collecting Data

The data of this study was collected by applying multiple choice-tests. As Brown (2004) state that multiple choice formats are practical reliable and they give the possibility of an easy and consistent process of scoring and grading. The test consist of 20 items. Each item of test consist of four option namely, a, b, c, and d. Researcher realize that multiple-choice test are the most widely and highly regarded among the selection type of items for test development. The arranging and producing the instrument taken from english text book material of grade VIII of Junior High School that adjusted with the syllabus.There are some reasons why researcher used multiple choices to measure students achievement in reading comprehension:

1. Effective for measuring

2. Objective scoring which is quick, easy, and consistent.

D. The Procedure of the Test

This part is divided into four steps, they are try out the test, pre-test, treatment, posttest.


The study revised pre-test to both groups; experimental group and control group. The function of pre-test to know level of achievement before treatment and collected the mean scores of pre-test.

Treatment for Experimental Group

The treatment is taught in experimental group only. In this research, the writer was taught reading comprehension to the experimental group by Numbered Head Together(NHT) as following:MeetingTeacherStudents


Before learning reading

1. The teacher gave greeting to students, preparing the students to already study and ask the students to open their book.

During reading activity

2. The teacher asks the studentsto divide them into 5 groups

3. The teacher introduces the students plan for reading

4. The teacher explain a familiar reading passage to the students

5. Then, the teacher reads example of text aloud and ask the student to follow it.

6. After that, the teacher asked the students to find out what is the passage talking about, who is the writer, what is the purpose and what does the writer want from the readers after reading the passage.

After reading activity

7. The teacher gave the right answer and discuss together with the students

8. The teacher closed the lesson with makes a conclusion and made the students happy about this topic.1. The students response and opened the their book

2. The students gave response and do the teacher ordered

3. The students give attention

4. The students gave response to teacher explanation

5. The students do the teacher comment.

6. The students gave response to teacher by using answer the question orally in each group, so other groups which present their answer.

7. The students listening the teacher said and write the right answer

8. The student give their attention to the teacher.


Third Before learning reading

1. The teacher gave greeting to students and gave the students motivation

During reading activity

2. The teacher ask the students to sit or back in their group yesterday.

3. The teacher explains about how is to be good in reading maybe about the kind of text etc.

4. The teacher give another example about reading passage to the students

5. The teacher read the text and ask the student to follow when he/she read the text aloud and carefully.

6. After read the text, the teacher ask them to find out the question. For example, what is passage talking about, what is the writer purpose and who is the writer.

After reading activity 7. The teacher ask to leader of the group to collects their answer and ask them to retell t their paragraph.

8. The teacher evaluated the result of students reading and give score for each group.

9. The teacher closed the lesson and made the students happy about this topic.

Before learning reading

1. The teacher gave greeting to students, preparing the students to already study and ask the students to open their book.

2. The teacher give the students motivation

During reading activity

3. The teacher ask the student to back in their group and distributes a text and a test material to the groups.

4. After that, the teacher tried to explain how to do the test and how to be good in reading comprehension.5. The teacher supervises the students activity while they do the test individually.

After reading activity

6. The teacher gave 30 minutes and after that, the teacher collect the students paper.

7. The teacher evaluated the result of students test and check their paper and also gave scoring the students paper.

8. Then, the teacher closed the lesson and gave the students motivated to be more active in reading activities. 1. The students gave response the teacher by answer greeting

2. The students do the teacher ordered

3. The students gave attention to the teacher explanation.

4. The students gave response to the teacher said

5. The students do the teacher comment

6. The students gave attention to teacher by using answer the question orally in each group, so other groups which present their answer.

7. The students do the teacher comment

8. The students received the result and their score.

9. The students not bored during the lesson finishing.

1. The students gave response the teacher and do the teacher comment

2. The students listening the teacher said about motivation

3. The students do the teacher ordered

4.The students listening the teacher said and tried to understand.

5. The students do the test after they get the explanation from the teacher.

6. The students collect their paper7. The students received the result and score in test reading.

8. The students listening the teacher said.

Treatment for Control Group

In this study, the writer conducted control group is given by other ways or without using discussion method. The treatment in control group is done as follows:



Before learning reading

1. The teacher gave greeting to students, preparing the students to already study

During reading activity

2. The teacher gives a text to the students

3. The teacher ask some students to read the text aloud with a good intonation

4. The teacher ask the students to translate the text word by word.

After reading activity

5. The teacher closed the lesson with makes a conclusion and made the students happy about this topic.1. The students response and opened the their book

2. The students gave attention

3. The students give attention

4. The students gave response to teacher comment.

5. The student give their attention to the teacher.


Third Before learning reading

1. The teacher gave greeting to students and gave the students motivation.

During reading activity

2. The teacher ask the students to make a small group consist of 4 students.

3. The teacher give text about reading to the students.

4. The teacher ask the student to read the text aloud and carefully.

5. The teacher asks the students to make a text, which related to the topic is about reading.

After reading activity

6. After 30 minutes, The teacher ask to leader of the group to collects their answer

7. The teacher evaluated the result of students reading and give score for each group.

8. The teacher closed the lesson and made the students happy about this topic.Before learning reading

1. The teacher gave greeting to students, preparing the students to already study and ask the students to open their book.

2. The teacher give the students motivation

During reading activity

3. The teacher distributes a text

4. After that, the teacher ask the students to do the test after the teacher explains how the students should the test.

5. The teacher supervises the students activity while they do the test individually.

After reading activity

6. The teacher gave 30 minutes and after that, the teacher collect the students paper.

7. The teacher evaluated the result of students test and check their paper and also gave scoring the students paper.

1. The students gave response the teacher by answer greeting.

2. The students do the teacher ordered.

3. The students gave response to the teacher said.

4. The students do the teacher comment .

5. The students do the teacher comment.

6. The students do their teacher ordered

7. The students received the result and their score.

8. The students not bored during the lesson finishing1. The students gave response the teacher and do the teacher comment

2. The students listening the teacher said.

3. The students gave attention

4. The students listening the teacher said and tried to do the test individually.

5. The students do the test carefully.6. . The students collect their paper

7. The students received the result and score in test reading.

1. Post test

After conducting the treatment, both of the group was given post- test. The post-test is exactly the same as the pre-test way. It is intend to find out the mean scores of experimental and control group.

E. The Validity and the Reliability of the Test

Validity and reliability of a test is very important in research. It purposed to know what the accuracy of measurement and the concistency of the test.

1. The Validity of the Test

The concept of the validity is reffered to the text measured. Jeremy Harmer (2003: 322) state that a test is valid if it tests what it is supposed to test. There are three types of validity namely: content validity, criterion-related validity and construct validity. Content validity used in this research. It is concern with how well the content instrument represents the entire universe of content that might be measure. The items of the test are representative in behavioral objective, content, and curriculum.

2. The Reliability of the Test

According to Jeremy Harmer (2003: 322) reliability is enhanced by making the test instructions absolutely clear, restricting the scope for variety in the answers, and making sure that test conditions constant. Reliability is necessary characteristic of any good test. It refers to the consistency of measurement. The same test given to the same person on another day in other setting or scored by different rate is likely to yield the same or similar result. It means that the test is reliable, because the test is an accurate and stable measure of individual performance. The test will show the students score is always consistent all the time, whenever they have test for now, tomorrow, and soon.

To achieve the reliability and consistency of measurement, Kuder and Richardson (KR 21) as following:

Where : k : number of th test item

M : The mean of the score

S : The square of standard deviation of the test score

According to Arikunto

F. Technique for Analyzing the Data

To find out the difference means of scores of the test between the experimental and control group, researcher used t-test formula. The formula of the t-test as following:

Where : t : Total score

Ma : The mean of experimental group

Mb : The mean of control group

Da : The standard derivation of experimental group

Db : The standard derivation of experimental group

Na : The total sample experimental group

Nb : The total sample control group
