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Small Employers & Auto Enrolment - The Opportunity for Bureaus

Date post: 21-Feb-2017
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The webinar will begin shortly... Small Employers & Auto Enrolment: The Opportunity for Bureaus Guest Speaker: Standard Life
Page 1: Small Employers & Auto Enrolment - The Opportunity for Bureaus

The webinar will begin shortly...

Small Employers & Auto Enrolment:The Opportunity for Bureaus

Guest Speaker: Standard Life

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By Karen Bennett

Small Employers & Auto Enrolment: The Opportunity

for Bureaus

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By Jamie Jenkins

What you need to know about choosing a workplace

pension scheme

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Q&A SessionQuestions Tab or #BPWebinars

On DemandThis session is being recorded



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Small Employers & Auto Enrolment:The Opportunity for Bureaus

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Webinar Agenda

Auto Enrolment Overview

Small Employers - Ripe for the picking

Auto Enrolment as a Chargeable Service

Auto Enrolment Penalties 

Review Existing Payroll Systems

How BrightPay Handles Automatic Enrolment

Introducing BrightPay Cloud

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Auto Enrolment Overview

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Entitled Workers

Non Eligible Jobholders

Eligible Jobholders

Auto Enrolment Overview

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Eligible Jobholders • Aged between 22 and State Pension

age• Earn more that £10,000 per year• Work, or ordinarily work, in the UK

Auto Enrolment Overview

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Entitled Workers

Non Eligible Jobholders

Eligible Jobholders

Auto Enrolment Overview

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1. Set up a pension scheme

2. Assess employees

3. Communications

4. Ongoing duties

5. Declaration of Compliance

Auto Enrolment Overview

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Auto Enrolment Overview

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Small Employers and Auto Enrolment

370,432Employers completed

declaration of compliance

7,165,000Automatically enrolled

Eligible jobholders

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Small Employers – Ripe for the Picking

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Small Employers and Auto Enrolment

January 2017

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Small Employers and Auto Enrolment• Large and medium employers: HR personnel to help

with auto enrolment

• Small and micro employers: lack of in-house expertise

• Majority of employers yet to stage will not have the knowledge or experience to make informed AE decisions

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Small Employers and Auto Enrolment• Information overload - confused,

bewildered and overwhelmed

• Expected that 78% of these will turn to an accountant, bookkeeper, or payroll bureau for advice and counsel

• Gift wrapped business opportunity

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Auto Enrolment as a Service

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Auto Enrolment as a Service

Employers with less than 50


of an accountants client base is made up



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• Are you ready or prepared to take on auto enrolment business?

• What level of support / information will you offer?

• Are you prepared for employers coming to you last minute?

Auto Enrolment as a Service

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Auto Enrolment as a Service

1.Time saving

2.Cost saving

3.Focus on core areas


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• Generate income and enhance client relationships

• AE provides a new platform to reach and upsell to

• Employers will be happier to consolidate all their outsourced services to one person

Auto Enrolment as a Service

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Auto Enrolment Penalties

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Those who do not carry out the AE duties in accordance with

the law will face enforcement action and penalties

Auto Enrolment Penalties

Statutory Notice

Penalty Notice Court Action

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Auto Enrolment Penalties

Informal action

Statutory notice

Penalty notice

Escalating penalty notice

Civil penalty notice

Prohibited recruitment conduct penalty notice

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Auto Enrolment Penalties• TPR sources of intelligence;

1) Receipt of a declaration of compliance2) Notification by a pension scheme of non-payment of

monthly pension contributions3) Employee whistleblowing

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Auto Enrolment Penalties


Total automatic enrolment cases closed to date


Compliance Notices Issued


Fixed Penalty Notices Issued

Update stats if released by Tuesday
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Auto Enrolment Penalties• Missed staging date – most common reason for TPR

enforcement action• Within 6 weeks of the staging date – issue

postponement letters to employees• Otherwise AE will need to be backdated to the staging


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Get in touch with the Pensions Regulator

Register with a pension provider

Assess your employees

Communicate with employees

Backdate any missed contributions

Complete your declaration of compliance

Missed Staging Date – What to do

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Review Existing Payroll Systems

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• Having the right payroll tools will play a fundamental role in ensuring the success of auto enrolment

• TPR recommends using an integrated payroll and auto enrolment solution

• Ensure that your payroll software provider will provide all the necessary functions to automate the employer admin tasks

Review Existing Payroll Software

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Review Existing Payroll Software• Speed of automation offers significant

cost savings to bureaus

• Useful when employers approach you close to, at, or even after their staging date

• With the right tools, auto enrolment should become a seamless part of the payroll process

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Does Your Payroll Software…

1. Assesses your workforce automatically?

2. Allows the use of postponement?

3. Customise employee communications?

4. Calculate and deduct pension contributions?

5. Handles opt-in and joining?

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Does Your Payroll Software…

6. Handle opt outs and refunds?

7. Notify you when actions need to be taken?

8. Keep records and provide reports?

9. Integrate with various pension providers?

10.Provide free support?

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BrightPay’s Approach to Auto Enrolment

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Questions & Answers

For more information visit www.brightpay.co.uk, email [email protected] or phone 0845 3004 304
