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VOL . XII. N O 729 CHINA AND JAPAN TEA WAREHOUSE , 40, QUAY , WATERF ORD, (NEARLY orTOSITK THE MARKET IIOUSK). K TVTE have NEVKR TASTED FINKB TEAS than W t>io« SOLD by W . MASON!" RICH , RAKE , RIPE AND DELICIOUS , TII E V CANNOT BE SURPASSSED , is STRENGTH on FLAVOR ' KINGSFORD'S WASHING POWDER la an unequalled preparation for Cleaning everything. The Improved London IUKINC POWDER , pure, and Concentrated. 63T See Chemical Reports , Anal ysis , Prices, He., to be had of w. MASON . THE NEW STORES , EXCHANGE STREET. DAVID LECKtK has opened the above for tli» Sale of Wines , Brandies , Dublin anil Oork Spirits , Bain and other Ales , G-iinnest.' s Porter (War ranted), Bewloy and Kvans * Lemonade. Soda Water , &c , and guarantees that all Articles olfircd for Sale shall be ot superior quality. (s5-tf ) EDWARD WALL, H 'ATEItFOKD , and SUMMER HILL , TRAM Oli E, ' TEA , WINK , ASD SPIRIT MERCHANT , Who ' rsale and Hetail. T> ESIDENT AGES I" for Sale; of WILLIAM YOVMCM XV an«l C.a. ' i Edinburgh Ales , Mild ami Fitter ; II V. S TPASHKR ami Co.' s Tot net JJevotvliire Cham- p agne Ciller ; J AMES DLAIU , Glasgow , Cruthed Sugars nnd Molasses , fresh >ain plos cich lloat ; J AMBS J AMIK - cov ami Co., Dr.i.nhcdi , Distillers , Paten t and Old $titl Whiskey ; SY . MKS nnd Co. ' s Drog heda Ales; G KOKGE WILUIRIDGK an'. Co., London , Wholesale Ten Dialers. ST. STEPHEN'S BREWERY, \V A T EHFOltD. PATRICK KE1I. Y S( SONS BEG to call attention to their SUPERIOR POR- TER , Al.ES , nml STItnNG HE KB, They particu 'nrl y recomincnd thei r XX AI.K and SUPERIOR STOUT to the nutice of Bottlers ami the Trade generall y. Their STRONG BEER continues to give universal satisfaction . New Street , December, 1801 . (d'27-tf) DOWER'S ALE AND PORTER JR. n- iWER'S 1MUMK A LE and POIITKH to he h:i'l in any Quantity ami uu the most Mode- rate Terms , at R. & 1. KVANS , GKNKR.A L GROCERS , 12, UROA1) STREET, WATEKFOlil ) . N.I>.—On Trial , the above will be found to surpass sny similar articles in the Trade. [jeG-tf| K X T E N S I V E TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, 8&~ 7 4 , jca QUA Y, WA TERFORD. TDK SCOTCH TVVKK1) TROUSERS, ALL WOOL , EST 12s . 6d, /' . J. HUT . LIV A . v , PRACTICA L TAILOR. A my ElcRantly Rot up STOCK of HEADY- MADE GARMENTS to Select from. Iny-S ' TURKISH DIVAN, TOBACCO , CICiAU , AND I-'fSKINU TACKLE WARKIIOUSK , Y^ O'SIIAnnil.N'ESsy W\R1)EU , l' ropri,; tor X- * % (ivtiuiiic Limerick Tobacco " ; Wills ' Ilristol Rir.l' s Eve and llrasscut Tolnccu ; Flu. Cul Caven disli , nmi other J-' oivisjo . Tohiceos. Splendid Furoign mid Hritish Cigars ; a choice selection of Meerschaum aivl Clay I'i po* ; rt'il Linu'iiik Flies and llouks. y-ii- * Aac«t fur LAMBKIN ' S C' » KK S. vurr . oi;-ti| " SMiQUAY , WATKRFHRD. ROOM-PAPER WAREHOUSE. !). - > , CUSTOM-HOUSE QUAY. F DAWUON Is now ' supplied with a large Assort- ment of r>.-on- . and Il.ill Papers , in great variety, which he offer* fur Sale at Low Prices. Jrj&S* House l' iiitititij;, Decoratine, anil Paper Hanging executed with neatness, anil M Mo'lernte Charges. J. P. GRAVES & Co. BEO to inform those requiring Seasoned FLOORING H()\l:U- ~ , tln-v will in future keep First an.l .Seoni'I qu-iliiy. . -I'K' L'CK t'LOOlUNC , I'laned and Jointed , always in Stock, at Moderate Prices. They are also prtpwil to Contract for Construction of Conser- vatories awl all kin ls &f Timber-covered Root* . Specimens of nil cm he S'tn on their own Premises. Al«n , M' IIIIIWUOV TS eoniiiiuouu GaWauUed Iron Hooting, lor which ihi-y "re A^eiH9. Wnti-rpaik Tttn ' HT Y:tnl an-1 Siftiin S.uv .Mills 28lli Slay, 18 12. I my. 'IO- Marble Works, Beresforcl Street w A T i: R F o R o. H KXRV KEN"NEDY begs to inform the Public that If . '' ¦ ' , ' . ' ' ¦ ¦ ' . '' '{$¦ has n l»rge supply of CHIMNEY ' > : " "¦^:. rg| iMKCHS ma-lo of Irish , Italian , ' ¦ ¦ .J ' :?$- -f it" ' «•) { "n"l Kgypiinn .Marble" , auJ of the --i i i Z0f i \% .\' ewcst " L)es.!;Ms. ¦ . : -—Ki ^ i .3 A )| S ^ ,ie (l . is now a i, ar( , e A ». •nrtment <>f MONUMENTS, HEAD STONES, and T Mil STONES, all Read y Made , iu his Establisli- r'-"< aud CU I Ji 1 ONES for Buildings at the ehortest Notice- itj^* Mo'l»-ritf- Prices , best of Workmanshi p, nnd I'uoctualiy, are the characteristics of the above Estab- lishment, (jeil-tf. ) 11Y HKlt MAJKSTV.S KOYAL LKTTKUS PATENT MESSRS. CJABIUEL'S Patent IndeBtructible Mineral Teeth AND Klexible GUID . H, without palates, springs, or wires, uu'l without any operation. •¦ Oue set lusts a lii ' ctiiue , " nii'l wirra ii ' eJ for tmy iJitrpose of uiiisti- cvibuornrlicuhtioti. even when all others fail, l'urcst materials und first-ehiss workn;unHhi p at half the usual cost. Jlr.s-iits. (iAIIKllilj . THE OLD-KVrAllLISHKIJ DENTISTS , 27. II AKLKT -^THKKT , CAVKSUISII S^ LAKK . nnd S4 . LI' OCATK H ILL , LONDON 1 . Liverpool —19-1 , UtKC-Sr liirmiw/h/t iH iX) , N EW -S T. C^5 " Aiuericmi Mincml Teeth , lx?»t in Europe , i to 7, anil 10 to 15 Uuineaii per Set , warranted. O ABRIRL ' H UIITAL TOOTII I'owDtlR , prepared from a "eei pe. as used liy her Majp«ty, Is G'l. and 2s. Gd. p1-r lr>z. SoM nt the office uf this paper, anil by all che- miiit3 thioughuut the kingdom. f<ABinKi. ' s A MICKHTIC TIIDTII I' AS^ TE, tho bes t pre- parKtion extant for whitciiini: the Tceili , uithuut injury to the 1'nuinel , is Cd., aud j ^. per box. ** * 'ild tit the DiBceof' this I' aj/c r, auJ b y all Chemists ihomg huut tlie Kinp lom. Gabriel' s Chemicall y pr epared White Outtn Perchn Enamel is tl.e best Stopp ing extant fur Ldo-iye I Teeth , Tuijth-nche. and »•> mutter h-,w tar decajtd , renders the injured member a^ain Kound and useful , and presents or Tuoth-auhe. Thi» preparation is entirely free trutn any Dteuillicsuljstaiiec, aud , as in name si guiKes, is speciall y piepired fur the purpose. With directions for use , 4s. t»d. per box G ABRIEL ' S W IIITK KNAMEL (* C »IBNT , lor Front Teeih , Uan iuv»lu»b! e stopp ing, and has arquired a world-wide reputation Os. per box. Sold ut the of fice of thia piijier , aud by all chemists throughout the kingdom. GABRIEL ' S ODANTAVMQUK P>SENCE, nn astringent and refreshing loti on for hardening the Ci urns, 5s. or 10s. (id per liottle. bold at the ollife ol this papor, and by all chemists throug hout the kingdom. Odbriel' B Practical | rentise free by pent on applica- tion. (mli -JI-ly) PICKLES AND SAUCES FEAST BROniKHS , LONDON. -TICKLES , 8ADCES, COND1ME-TS , and JELLIl' 6 ». - .rranted pure. Hold in Waicrford at iO KineUteet THE WATERFORD NEWS Published evert/ Friday Etening at 4!) King street , [Opposite tiie Provincial Bank.] P KICE THREE P ENCE ; YEARLY ( IN ADVANCE ; 13 I . STAMPED , 4tl . J YEARLY , 17S. 4d. R5T To R USINESS M EN , we offer a single copy of our Paper for £2 5s. a year, which will entitle each person so subscribing to publ ish an announcement of his own business, not exceeding Six LINES, in every publi- cation for one year. Advertisements of Public Bodies, % c., the usual charge of Gd. per line for f irst insertion , and 3</. per line f or every subsequent insertion. Servants ami other pe rsons seeking emp loyment can have their adeertise- menlt p ublished for Is. each inserli in. Tr.ttMs : Invariably Cash. Advertisements sent for publi iiation without specif ic directions in ivriling as to t. ' ie number of insertions , tvill be continued till ordered out, and charged for accordingl y. The law of newspapers is such, that all subscribers who do not give express notice to tho contrary, are considered as vrishhig to continue their subscriptions , and must pay accord- ing ly. No paper can he discontinued until all arrearages arc paid. "THE WATERFORD NEWS" GENERAL PKINTIlf G, PUBLIS HING, BOOKBINDING , MJC1I1NE.RVLING, STATIONERY, AND ACCOUNT-HOOK MANUFACTORY , 40 & 50 KING STREET. CI P^^L T HE Pro P r!etor of THE YSSSlfajT^ Vv JL NEIVS having mnde cf- (&*£xSs£ c*a??i fective arrangements in his "^SIIH SsSr '''^ 1 'rintiug Concerns , by the tsS^VeH SQEfeo^ri A a ^''' on °f tn e Latest nud ^ V*^^S^f& ^' nl0St n PP r0VC ^ S'y 'oof N EW NKjfjpC-i^/ T YPE and I MFHOVKD I' RF. SJES P*^«S3a'| and the Extension of his F.sta- I v??7 I blishrnent nt Kiug street, I j I now equal to nny in the Pro- vinces—is prepared to execute excrv sneeiea of LETTER-PRESS PRINTING, PLAIN ANI> OKNAMENTA L, in a manner that will not , he feels confident, fail to give satisfaction, CHEAPLY , EXPEDITIOURLY , AND ELEGANTLY BUTLER'S CATECHISM TO CATHOLIC CLERKY . B0OKS. .LLEUS , &c On Sale at The News Office , (With the Recommendation of the UUhop of Waterford and Lisinore, the Hi glit Ilcv. I>r. O'IiKi»:y ,) k Catechism for the Instruction of Children , (IT T1IK MOST Rev Dr. .I AMES BUTLEU , Archbishop of Cashel nnd Emly. Printed on good I' nper , nnd in large clear Typo. RECOMMENDATION. " I approve of this Edition of the Ri ght T.ev. Dr. J AMKS liuiLF.u' 8 (. ' ateuhisui, and recommeod it to the Faithful of these Dioceses. I). O'BklEN , R.C.B. " Walcrford, June 2 , lt< .VJ. " ICJ" Orders from any pin t of the Diocese, sent in , and directed to 0. HtuMoso, Printer and Publisher , Watert' urd Sews Ollice, -I!) King-street , promptly at- tended to- The Trade supplied on moderate terms- RAIL WA Y TIME TABLESfur SEPTEMBER WATERFOR0 AND J.I.MKUICK RAILWAY Uu Train* from Water ford. TR .tl.V* (IX WKf -K IMV.S. SVM1.U A WATERJOKU , ~p :> I " 3 " I 4 ' . ,$ i~r * TO minai j: a i-. '\3:i2>t ;iiakn la^a LtMrKtCK. CliisslChma. Cl-iss CUb8 Clasu Clai^ Cla»3 *.M. A . M. f.M. 1*.M. r.M. A. M. A M- It nt h in h ni h m h in ti m It in \V:itci7. Til...Dry S I) 9 J.5 2 35 5 (I li J.5 10 in Rnir.rk ! li 40 111 2n 3 3 fl 50 7 -J5 II 0 Clunmrl i " 13 11 So! :l ii i 0 511 8 m 11 10 Junction /Vy>. -s -li I IJ 2|. 5 !j j 6 40 1 3" l.iinoric».... (>ii -| . !l 15 I 1 2j| li 3U , 9 SO - 3U Down Trains froiti Limerick. \ TII \ i\ * II*; it n:K HAT * I HI - MIAY * LIMEHICK j- ( . - . _ , .3. —— ¦ ~J —" , i TO :12.V n li\3 I fci.l A . I &•! I->\3I-J .V 3 WVTruruRD ' t. 't.ias C'tii^s f.'Inss . CURR . Ci;is:. VUss ; C'aja ' ' : A.M. . K. I. A.M. A .M. r ». r.M. j « M. : h 111 h 111 It m li in li in It 111 ! b m I.invriclr Dip 5 15 ,11 n * 0 r> 0 li lo Junetiull Urp n 55 _ ,\-i 22 I 5 2. - , 7 2u I Clumncl I S v'O ' J in J 1 SJ ; 0 50 2 15 Cirr.ek ' U 0 |i| -Jll la .17 3) .1 2i \V;it.:if..nl ..4rrl !l 4" i II III ; 2 3i I S II' 4 V ' Mail Trains tmtik^ l lhu% * !• ' «». B - . -Pir.st Class Sinai-: •|Vki-i, I Is21I ; St-rxnil Ha , IO> fil ; Third do, 0* Tnl ; Urlutli—rirt»t ClabB f 2U 3J ; Second do. , 10s. U'ATL'llKOI. 'J) AND KILKENNY IJAIUVA Y. U p Trains from Waltrfanl. i TKAINS ON Wt. y.K IIAV -i. f SLWI'AY TK \ _ IMt. J~ I Ut 1 '5 i 4 § " i ""j 2 ~f 3 ST A TIONS . !l-j&3 ; licS| 1 fc-J |l 1 is ' l 2J::I ! I a &:i I 2 & •! ! CIH6d CIUGI.I Cl»- S8 Clas .t ClnFH. ClUSS CIUSS j A.M. A .M. r.M. l- .M A-U. r.M r.M. ¦ h tn h m I li la h 111 h m p in h in tVat»rr<ird...Z><y» : 7ti I! 9 5 II - lini « 11 Kilkei,nv...MTJ 0 311 1 . 'lit li IW 12 15 II M CII W (ISK)JV 4: 3s * 3S I) II I,1 HI (<; S. V \V). I 4, .v. iu in iioicii Trains from Kilkenny. I TIIAISS ON WE EK OAYH. I ST S I'AV TKAIS K. f~ ir " 1 ~r" ~ ' 4 ~ | l ~l a ~ i 3 STATIONS. la&Jl (ill I'J .l«ic3ia\3;l-2<i 3 ' l3iV 3 jClasa Clut. .. C)u<s . , CI»sa. Cln. i.i.;ci».i: Ci»s a. ! A. M. A.M. t f .M. J r.M. » .M A.M. I'M. i ti ni li m 1 ti m ! li m h 111 li m h in DuMin(GSW)D;i; S 4" ) li 3D \ f> n Ciirl.iw(l -"Kl .... t 111 3-5 I 3 II 1 no - Kilkrnny .... Ury 7 4" ) 111 15 1 4 10 . « 4J j li II \Valerl»rd.... ^lrl . 9 311 I I » 1 3 » Hi 1.1 1 7 30 <;.uiJseoiiV' yvd liy Tram> in irkril t ; Mail Trunib I-' < I»II r> IA'- ILI - . :—I'ii.1 Cliss Siii . li ' Tirkit . 21». ; Suconil .]¦' , 15- 8'i ; Third do, 9s :W ; Ki'turn—1'iral C.ns" , 3li lid ; Se- er.it ilo, 23< n.l. l' ARtsTo Kuntxav :—Fiiat ClaBJ Sinplr- Tlckrt, Ca ; Sccnml •to , -Is )d ; Third d-i , H ~A; Iteiiiiu-KirM Ul.ina.Ui ; i<l , Gj iid WATEUl'URU ANIJ TUA.MUUU UA1LWAY . Wed Day Trains. I I I 1 3 1 4 ; 5 « ; 7 1 8 I 0 a m ^ l a m ! a m 1 p ni ' p m p in } p 111 | p m 1 p m ' Ti m : It in j tt in 1 h in i li in li m I h ni ' h rn 1 h in IV'f 7 il III 4' > tlj U a :lo j I 0 5 30 ' 7 0 I 8 45 ' Tori 9 II ' 'II 15 I 1 II 3 IS ! 4 31 I 6 0 I 8 II I <J li ' i Suwlay Trains I ; il 1 3 j J. 5 0 j 7 ! !) I V I IU « m I a in I p in ' p _ m p in p in 1 p m ! p ni I p m 1 pin b in j It in ll tn I Jl ui li tu )i m h 111 - li in j Ji w j> i;i (j 0 j II « >' •' '3 ] 1 *' ' - ' a-> 1 all 5 3:1 ; fi :lo b 45 9 111 ! ll *> 12 -45 | 2 JJ ^ 4O|50 (J 0 : 7 Jn[ U 3 | KAIIKS :— Ki n>t Cla.« Single Ticlcut , Id!.; Itvtura Ticket , In. Secimd Cliis KiOiflo Tiikit, id.: Keturn Ticket , 9d. SOUTH WALES RAILWAY. SI I wi».* _ ti»i»—or TB » I >^ ' t STATIO. 1B. ! Jiip. l. -i. a. ' E ' x/i. 142 I , 2, U. Mail 1 , 2, 3 5 I _ 'i 4: j i . c'»"l * fc^ elii«« _ _ rlm. l |&. 2 cl»s«. Mill .siiirtimj i a in » in | » in ¦> nP a nT "f liT p " m. li ISi-w .Mi.furili _ I 15 ; S 0 _ ii ii i 20 j :i.j «0 l.lanell jr | 9 47 |l« 5.1 I I 41 11 41 6 55 7'J Su-unli-a 10 20 ill i:t 2 5 7 II U 3S IHJ C^r.liH ' 6 HI 12 3-. \Vi 40 4 30 I 8 40 IJIi j ,\r«-|Njit ! C :il t 25 1 2H i 13 9 13 171 Jllinic ' lrrOliii 8 0 : 3 « ; -i 4' . Ii2(l2 40 1*5 .PniMius .. . II 1.5 . H 50 0 0 11 u I 4 33 vir.y.K uut-nnHN TII . WTII STATIONS. ! , ;i,2 , :i , Krp I I i 2 il. 2, 3, Erf. 142 el lela»« . I ,t ¦> clasa. cla>«. ' , I &i cl»«» MU. Stnrtin^ u III u m n lit I u in | n tu \ pin |i in II l> adiliii k 't<.n : li 0 0 15 .11 45 ;_; 4 50 8 III 114 iilui>c * lc(ilp 6 45 li 1.1 l-j 511 I 3 3) . ! « 211 2 15 1-5-sj N.wpnrt li I 10 2 10 ; S 2.5 | II 3( 3 4(1 I<"1 Carilrlf ... .. !) 5 1 3i 2 ' . '6 | 5 55 ( I l> 54 4 4 US Swanseii II I' U' .1 35 "Si! - II 25 5 37 52S l.Une Wf "4- * 4 15 ' 8 S7 ' I 6 17 2751 llnv 'furilw ' i! 1 4'i I u 40 ii o I i b II jM INcvMiirDrd, ' - . ' li |7 S tm > - ! _ _ , 8 M Tlie li 0 =i m Train from V illiiutoii la' < (Third CU»i> Pusen- i;cri lor the Suutu Wulta Hailwe)' unly. lil'NDM Tlt.MNS. Down Tralni from rad'liuiitun 8 0 a. m. Anival at New MilTurtl 11 (l a. ru. l/p lruin NitwMiuWd, ... _ 10 40 a. in. I'aJd npton , nrrival lo r >0 p. in. I'ABI * :—P"r F»rc» t-t \Vnirrr>-r.l onil Milf'.rd lluven Hojal StoHill Mlip Advertlaeinenl . iu another culuinn. STEAM TO AMERICA «V - pOKK to CANADA and the ffl ija ^^v \J UNITE!) STATICS , by the MontreHl yf v3fijp^^- Oumii Sleniiulii p Company ' s Kirst Clans , 1 $CTe2835lP l' owcrt ' ul , Clyde-lmilt Steumeis , SAINT GKORGB 1,400 tons .C«pt. WvtiB, SAINT ANDKEW 1, 128 Cant. I'uirod, DAMASCUS , l ,M0 (j»pt. HROWME . KATE *:— First Olbin , to Queliec , including every requi- site , £16 15 K., ami £l:i ]3ri. Sim\ifo , to New York , ISotton , anH (2uekcc(iucludiiiK full supply nl CnoWd I' rovinioiK) £$ On. In I'omicctiou with the tiiiind Trook l<nUwny, f orwarding I' .i&ti iijters st lour rates to all pai Is of the United Stutrs anil Canada. j' )6'"] Fur infornulion, npply (o Sinrt, 4 PCABLF, 10 , Wttor- itreet, Litcrpool , or to tlifir Agtuti in Watcrfoid: TI1OMA8 ItJROELL , (W , THOMAS I)WE«EUX , 2a, Gwinir Uank . FKIDAY EVENING , SEPTEMBER 12 , 1862 SHIPPING WATERF0HD STEAM COMPANY. INTENDED ORDER of SAILINQ—SEPT., 1862. *k - K \TOTICE.—The Waterford Steamship q^M^^hs. •'•' Company rereivo Ooodn for Shi pment ^ ysKVB^^-Q" 'I" 1 following Terini only:—They reservo •^ijMjiS^i Hut right to enrry by any, not liy particular V nary , tt-ith lilici ty to Tow Shi ps mid call at other Ports , and will not lio HCCoutitaMe for iiijiirie» or losses arising from delay, accidents of the Seas , Kivcis , Fire, tho Queen' s Ene- mies, defective N v nvi ^Htion , or nccidents from any other cnuse, not for any loss wliiclt inight Inive been coveted by Insnrnnec, nor for Leakage , lireultnue, Condition , Quality, or contents of any l' nicels or Packages , unless npeciully entered anil ad va- lorem Freight f.»• J. Goods not removed to be Stor id ut the risk and eipcuw of the Consi gnees. All Onods will lie considered ns subjec' . to a genernt lien , and held not only for Fiei ght of the samr, lint for all Avrenrs of Freight , Storage, or other charges duo by tho Iiopoiter , Owner, or Consignees to the Company. WATEKFORD AND BRISTOL. Qipsv and Juverna. IROM WATERTDRD UWECT : I riOX OKI8TOL , Qi- pty, Tuesdays ; Juvcrna.l Gipsy, direct: Frid.iys. | FriJay, Sept. 5, ... 3J Altn ' n Tuc«itay, Sept. 2, ... 3 AflnVl' r"'aj. '• 12, ... 8 .Morn Fr.dny, " 8, ... . ' , ATinn iFrlilay, " IU , ... 2} Aun 'n Tuesday, " il, ... loj Morn I'ridoy, " 26, ... 7J M"rn •KrWay, " li , ... )2 Noon Jttcerua , cnllinj; at l' enibioko Tue. -Uay, '• , ... .1 Alui ' n D^lt : rri.l.y, " lft , ... 4 Afmn Tutaday •• a, ... 11J Morn 1 oisilny, " s: 10J Morn Tuesday, " |i, ... ek Mi.rn •bridny '• 20 , ... 12 NOMI Tuesiiny, " H , ... in .Morn TUMJ UJ- " 30, ... 3 A/Inn ruenJa)- , " S3, ... fi M..rn Tuelday, k - 30, ... 9^ Mora Pembroke Dock to \V«terford, from the South Wales Rail- way Terminus, as soon after arrival from Uristol poiuible. S^$~ On Early Morning Sailings, the Cabin of the Steam- ers will bo Open to reccire Passengers arriving from London by the Ki(?ht Mail Train. Cabiu Fare , 17s. Cd. ; Servants and Children, 10n. 6d. j Return do., 27s. ; or with liberty to piturn fro m Dublin, L\>rk, or Wexfanl , 3U. Gd., .Steward' s fee included j Dock, ?.s. tid. Females attend tho Ludies' Cabin. "Excursion Tri pt, Wnterforil to London , via Itristol , on the Oth , 12th , iS3nl , and 20th Septcinbi-r. Fares :—First L'l im lteturn, 4Os. ; Second Class do., 3Us. WATBRPOKD AND XIVERl'OOL. Vesta, Zep hyr, Seta , or Nora. FROM WAfCK FOUU: VKOM LIVKUPOOL : Mondays ami Fridays. TuesJayt and Fridays. Monday Sept. 1, ... 3j Alln *n Tuesduy, .Sepl, -2 , ... 3 Altn ' n Kriiiaj, ,, 5, ... 8 Morn Friday 5, ... 7 Mom Monday 8, ... 12 Nc»m Tueiday, !) , ... 10 Morn Kriduy, 12, ... IS Noon Friday, rJ, 14 N"on Mmulay, 15 , ... «i A'ln' n Tucuday, ,, 10, ... 3 Afm n Friday , 10, ... 8 Murn Friday, 19, ... 7 Morn .Momlir , U2. ... 1IJ Morn l iMdny 23, ... 9 Mom Frniiiy , ,, 211, ... IS Kitnn Friduy, M , 11 Morn Momlaf, ., '29 , ... 3 Auii ' n Tuesday 3i , ... 2 Aitnn Ciihiu Fare, lus. ; Servants aud Children, lOi. ; Deck , 7M. Od. ; Children. 4<. Female a' .tend the Ludies' Cubin. Cood.t received at Clarence Dock. WATKRFOItl) AND LONDON. if ahhia , Aurora , Ranger , Citizen , or other eligible Vessels. FROM WATERPOllD: I FROM I.OXDO^: Fri.lny Sfpl. 5, ... Ii Noon. Wcilaesilay, Sep 3, ... g Morn Kriday ' ,, 12 , ... 12 Noon. Wednesday ,, 111, ... 8 M"rn Fri'lny 111, ... 12 Noon. Wednesday 17, ... K Morn Frulay, 2H. ... it; Saoa.lWeinKxluf 24, ... 8 ,Mum. Cabin Faie , 20s.; Dock, 10s. LOAI > I . NO UKKTIIS :— Loiulnn—British and Forei gn Steam Wharf , Lower East Sn.itlifii.OJ, and West Kent Wharf , Suuthnuik. Pa rcels received nt 137 Leadenh.ill-atrcet, K.C, WATKRFORI ) AND 1'IYMOUTH. Dublin , Citizen, Manger , Aurora , Malaina , or other eli gible Vessels. FBOM nMTEEfOKii: PKOM ri.YJiorirr : Friday Sept. 5, ... 12 Nnon lThuriulHy, Sc . nt « , ... 8 Aftn ' n Friil.iy ,, li , ... 12 Noon , lliursday, ll , ... 8 Aftn ' n Friday HI ... 12 N-iun. Tliur&lny, 18 , ... It Altn ' n Krlday, ,, 20, ... 14 N'<on.|Tliur»lay, ,. -Jj , ... 8 Afm n Cabin Fure, 2l)s. ; Deck , 10s. Taking Roods fur Fahnouth , Southampton, Portsmouth , and places adjacent. W AT K RFC) III) AND 11 KL FA ST. Aurora , Muhina , or other eli gible Ve»s«U. ntOM W.lTKKFUKl) : pno. ll 1IKI.FA.ST : Saturday Srpt 6, ... Vi Noon IWcilnc-nay^ep 3, ... 3 Afin ' n Saturday, ,, 13, t ... 12 Noon., ' VVciluc*liiy 1(1, ... 11 .Mom Salunluv, -I', ••• U Ni"'n . Wcdneailay 17, ... 3 Altn ' n ^QtiinU y, ,, 27 , ... Vi NOMii .iWciluc^iliiy ,, 24 , ... 11 Morn Cabin Fare, 15». Dei k, 7. - ". 0J . WATKUFOHD AND N K W UOSS. F ROM WATEKFOII O D.iil y, Sunl.iyi exiepied , ut tn P. M . FIIOM N EW Ruas—Daily, Sniidnys exceuted , at H.30 * ..M. W A T K 11 F O K D AND I) IT N CAN N O N. F R OM WATK MOBII Dail y, Sunday' excepteil , at 4.0 r.M F ROM DL 'SCAK. N OS—Dail y, Sniid:iys exceptcd , at 8.15 A .M . Keiths secured und every infunnsition piven by the As''i>ta. Bristol—-The Generiil Strain Packet Otlico. Liverpool— Watcrlord Sleanr Sliiji Cuinpauy, 2,1 , llrunswick-strect , Wnsliinijlnn ItuiMin^s . L o if l o n — A. NTiioyr . tt . UciuIxsoN , 20 .Mnrk Lane; llriti>;li null Forciirn Steam Wharf , Lower East Suiitlifielil , and West Kent Wharf , Snutluvnrli ; I' nl- rels rw:eive<l nt 137 Leaihtulml l Street , K.C. Pl ymouth— H KNRY J. WAEIN I ;, tbeWharr, Milb ay. lielfa%t—It. llrx- IIKUMIS &. SON S, Duu.'^il Quay. [jr29 tt] Ami at the Ciiiipaiiy ' K Olfue, tho MALL , WATK U FOHD WEEKLY SIEA M COMMUNICATION TO NEW YORK DIRECT. yrr ej aj ilWSaWpHE Liverpool , New York , y ^f m/ 1 \ " /j \ JL J- nni' l'hiladel phia Steam Slity ^U jilag, i^iL ^JaS Co.npany intend disp;itchiu^ theii i lti iriJl ' ljiWiTlTnll i mil Clyilu.built Iiou ScreM Steainsh i pi , l' roin QUEEN'STOWN (CORK) to NEW YORK, CITY OF HALTIMORK.... ' . . ' .....Thursday, lSih Sept, CITY OF WASHINGTON Tlmisday, 'Jotli CITY OF NEW YOKK Tlmi-nd-V y, 2nd Oot. Anil every Thursday . PASSAOB MOXEV. Cabin , 15, 17, anil 21 Guineas , ac cording tu iiccotiunodatiun. « Forward , f) Guineas , iucluliug Pro. visions, properh Coolve«l. l' a. -veuj:eis fiir Canada , tho United States , and Uriti sh ColimiM.t l/<Mrl;Al through on very HilvautuireiHii tprmn. For liiit' iierpartiiulaisapply i n JlelfastUi JOHN McKKK , at theCnuipaliy ' s Oirice<, 103 Victoria-street ; in Queenstoicn, to C. <t W. I). SKY.MOUU Co. ; anil in Liverpool to W ILLI A M INM A N, U2 A 111 Townr IluiMiii;;s S.uth , 2 Water-stree t ; or to (iKORliK FKTHKRSTON , Clonmcl ; [allo-tf. ' l T. S. HAU VKV , Quay, Waterford . tSff " FasiengerJ enca^ ' niR iu Waterford are conveyed to Cork at greatly reduced rates. WATERKOIU) AND MII.KORI) HAVEN ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS DAILY CO MMUNI CA TI O N fSundays Excepted,) BETWEEN TIIE SOUTH Of IRELAND , SOUTH WALKS AND ENGLAND Via Waterford and Milford Haven, in connection with Express Tmins on the Grr>t Western , South Wales, Waterford and Limerick , Walcrford nnd Kilkenny, and other Trains in the South of Ireland. H. -^ fl^HESE Fiut " .ml Well-appointed Stearn- jjjj LjJ^f^^ J- er», carrying Her Majesty ' s ltail», Sail Vy-M\.BV^ -D- ''' l y (Sudavs eitepteil), ^Urc>33u&» FROM WATKRPORD From the Adcl phi Wharf iinutediatel y after th» wrival of the Liineriitk Train at Three o'Clock in the A'icrnoon, rcacliiog Milford Haven (wind mid weather permitting) iu time to enable PnHsen^erti to proceed by the 0 5 a.m. Express Twin to London, reach- ing l' addinitton at 6 0 p.m Third Class Passenscera will be forwarded by the Through 7 5 a-iii. train to London.Passenger* arriving nt Milfurd Haven on Sunday mornings nil) leave per the U 15 a.m. Train. From MilroRO H AVKX , from the Kailvvay Pier Djily, nt 7 15 p.m, Sundays exi-eptcd, after the arrival uf the 0 30 a.m. K.xpnvs Train from Puddingtou Station , Lonilun , reaching Wati-rford (wind aud wcathor permitting) KO as to secure the departure of the 0 a.m. Twin to Limerick , Cork , and the South uf Ireland ; and the 11 45 a.m. Train to Kilkenny und Dublin. Passengers by the 0 a.m. Third Clani Train from Padilington will also bo conveyed by thejo Stcumcre at Re- duced Kates. FAEKS . 1st Class and 2nd Clans Cabin. aud Saloon Wntcrford to Paddington •• 5»s. 4l)s. Limerick lo <lo. ... ISO*. 47a. Kilkenny to do. ... .V M. 44 S. 3rd Class and Deck, U' uterford lo I/uidon , '2A< Cd. K ETOUN TICKUTS - From Waterford to Loo loo , Ox- ford , or Heading, 1st class and saloon , 70s. ; '2nd Class and cabin, til) « FAKES BY STKAMKR . RETUBH TICKETS. Cabin , Deck , Cabin Deck. Walprfoi rl to Milford... 12i. 6tJ. 7*. Ud. 18«. 9d. lla.3d. Passengers with 2nd CI JSH Tickets can exchange from the Cabin to the Saloon on payment uf 2<. uM . each. n»i. i. rrv_ I. .. _ ,. . . . . » ... . Through Ticket* allnwiuj; Passennnrs to break the journey, maj be bad at Pidilinnton Hailway Station , and nt the Fint- Class Ktiitlonsot ' the Great Wi-stcru and South Wales, Wutcr- furd and Limerick, and Waterford and Kilkenny liailnays ; also, at th« Otrieca of MiNsrs . FOEU & J ACESOH , 36 Cannon- ntreet , Iiomhin , ami Milford Haven Railway Station ; uv ut Mr. M. DOWNUV , Quay Hint Adul pbi Wharf , Waturtord. H IILT N TickeU, available fur 30 duya , at a Fare and a Imlf for the Double Journey, ate issued at Waterford , Lime- rick , Tipprrary, Kilkenny, &c. The Sea Voyage is only Seventy Miles. Cattle and Live Stock of all kiudn Bent by these Vessels are at Shipper ' * iii«tc . Goods and Cattle, Parcels , Fish, <tc., will be conveyed by these Slcaniorn at I<ow Kates, which can be learned on application at any of the Railway Stations , or to Mei,oii. Fouu i JiCteos . 30 Cannon street , Loudon . and MICHAEL DOWNEY , Arl»1 p1ii Wh arf , and 3(1 Merchant*' Quay, Watr-rfoi d A WARNING VOICE TO YOUNG MEN A Physician , who has devoted fifteen years to the study and treatment of Nervous Debility, Kxhaustion , Dimness of Si^ht , Diltidence, General Incapacity, Lois of Nervous Power , &c, resulting from the crrorn of youth , will semi , post free, on recei pt of ft nlainped directed envelope , a copy of a new MEDICAL WORK , containing his hi ghly successful mode of treatment , with necessary instructions by which sufferer* may obtain a cure. Address J. S. Ksq., Wilford House [lurtou.Cre«ci;nt ,Kn«lon-«juaro , London, W.C. (jel8-13] OILLOTT'a METALLIC PBM8 ri^UE OUST MADE, —Krx Sale at TUt Wattrfard Vtu 1 Ot&iA 49 Kin; Street SEPTEMBER, 1 8 6 2, LARGE SALE OP DRAPERY GOODS!! AT A GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE, VS T DURIN G THI S M O NTH, JSI AT HAZLETON , O'DONNELL , & CO'S., 4-7 QUAY, WATERFORD . (®T OBSERVE - Opposi te the Marliet-houie tgTAN INSPECTION SOLICITED BEFORE BUYING. iKgT LIST OP DEPARTMENTS SHAWLS, DKK-sSKS, STUFFS, MANTLES , HAMEHDASHEKY , HANDKEIiCHlEFS , UMUF.LLAS , HEAHTIl HUGS, ROXNKTS , RIBBONS. FLOWEHS , FEATHEKS, LACES, HOSIGKY. 0 LOVES , TIES, PAHASOLS , CLOTHS, DOESKINS , WA NTED—A YOUTH AS APPRENTIC E. JAMES WALPOLE BEGS to inform tlia Nobility, Gentry, qnd Inliabilants of Waterford nnd Us Vicinity, that he has just received a Choice Selection of BOHEMIAN GLASS VASES AND OTHER ORNAMENTS, Suitable for the Season. Also, a Large Variety of* DINNER , DESSERT ,, BREAKF AST TOOETHF.R A BTCAVTIFVL ASSORTMENT OF CUT 835" An Excellent Lot of GAS MOONS on hands, FIGURE SHADES ALWAYS IW STOCK. MATCIIINOS GOT TO ORDER. Bar WAUK HIKED ON REASONABLE TERMS BST CHINA HALL , CO, QUA Y, WATER FORD. THE PATENT CAZELINE OIL, SAFE, ECONOMICAL, AND BRILLIANT, FREE FROM ANV orFKNslVE SMK/.t. Adap ted lo burn iu any Paraffin or Mineral Oil Lamp. Sold nt 3s. 3d . per Gallon. 'rMIE I'ATLNT CAZKLIMB OH. possesses all the cs- X scntial qualities which have been so long desired as a means of powerful artificial li g ht. It is warranted perfectl y >afe in use; it is altogether free from smell in burning, and is most economical , as by its use a bright and cheerful lig ht may be obtained at a cost not exceeding that of a common tallow candle The P ATENT CAZKLINK O IL must prove a great boon to the public , as the famil y of the working man, as well as families in more alllucnt circumstances , may now enjoy the luxury of a bri ght and powerful lig ht during the long winter evenings ; the homes of the jifip le may receive a new attraction by the introduction of such a li ght. Royal Litters Patent have been obtained for the CAZKLINE OIL , anJ iu order to secure the Oil to the public , Aucnts are beini speciall y appointed throughout the United King dom for its Sale. For terms of Agency app l y to OASSKI . L, SMITH JC CO., 80 , Pcnchchurcli-sircul, Luudon. (sei lUt) A list of Agents from whom the Public am obtain the Oil in this district , will shortly be published . HEALT H AXD CHEKKFL'LXKSS-l'HILOSOl'in AND FACT. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. T' lic lixciTiKii CAUSE or SICKNESS —The blood is the life-sustaining agent. It furnishes the com- ponents of flesh , bone , muscle, nerve , and iiili'jtuinrnt. The stomach is its manufactory, the nrtirich and veins its distributor;; , and the intestines the channels throug h whiuli the waste matter rejected in its production , is expelled L' pnu tho stomuch , the circulation , and the tiawi-U, these l'ills art simultaneously, relieving indi ges- tion , purify ing the fluids , and regulating both the sc- cictinus and the excri-tiuus. TUB N ATIONAL COMPLAINT .—Dyspepsia is the most common iliscuse among all classes in thin cuuutry. It M. -iimcs a thousand shapes , and is the primary source ol innumerable and dangerous maladies j but whatever its type or symptoms, however obstinate its resistance tu uriliuary preM-ri plumR , it y ields reudil y und rap iill y to this searching and unerring riincly. SICK II KIUACIII : , WITH LOSS up A PPETITE . A cer- tain cur<; for headache , lo*s of appetite , mid low spirits. These I'il. ' s may be lakcu without dauber Horn uit or culll , and requite no restraint trum buoinc-s or pleasure. 1 hey strengthen the hinmuch , nml promote a health y uetion i>f ihe liver , |>urif ) iug the blond , cleansing the skin, bracing the nerves , ami invi gorating the system. A Wuuu To TEMALKS . - Ihe local debility nml irre. gularitics which arc the specialiinnoyaiiee ul the wcuker bcx , aud which , when r.e>;U-r.tcd . tU wnys shorten life , ate relieved for the time bciui;, aud prevented for ihe time to cumc , by a course uf this inii-1 but thoiuug h :ilti;i:i- tive . DHOI ' MCAL SWELLINGS Asn TUB TURM or Lin' .. This is the muat diiirisking period iu woman ' s history, il deslruvs thousanus; the whole uf the gross humors collect together , ami , like a tide , sweep anay health and lilc itself , if not timely and powerfull y checked. The luost certain remed y lur all tiu-sc duugeruus symptoms is ilolluway ' x fills Armed wild idi.s great uuudolr , the tiery ordial is passnl i lirmigh , anil the sutlercr is unee mure restored iu the possess.on uf uniiu|Kiirt -il health. II U' M' l'ills me equally cllieucinus in all Ic-imilc cuinp laiuts , and ubstrurtiuns ut the dawn of woiuanhuoil. DUEA - ES OF TIIK IU AD AND H KART . —Wh y arc th' .se diseases BO fatal / The unswer is sclf-c\ident. Uecause the first disordered action is neglected , or the menu-, fur its rectifieuliuu me misapplied. Neither need be the case at the present day, when these excellent l'ills can be purchase 1 everywhere , at a price which places them withiu the reach of everybody. Ho misap- pjcatitm can occur if the piinled directions Arc properly altfitiled to , us they invariably address themselves tu the Meat of the affliction , vrilhoul derang ing those organ* wlii.h uic already uctiug healthil y. llolloway ' s l'ills are the best purifiers , and therefore the surest i.reventa. lives , of serious maladies , of which , if they be already established , they then becunic the must unremitting ex- tirpators. N ERVOUS DISORDEUS . Any derangement of the^c delicate organs alfects disastrousl y both the buil y and the miml. To the nervous invaUil Hollowuy ' s I'ilb arc an article of vital necessity. They impart a tune ami vi gor to tl.v internal organs , and consequentl y lo li.c nervous system , which pervades and connects them. Hence their marvellous cures of hysteria , low spii its , spasms , fits , lu'udaehe , nervous twilchings , and other kindred complaints , which arc all radicall y removed by the use of these invaluable l'ills. llollowuy 's l'illiare the bes t remed y knoion in the world for the following diseases : A RUO liability Iuliarmuaiiuii Sore Thro.ils AMluna Drupby Jaundice Stone and Uravel Billions Com- Uysellcery Liver C"in- *>•*foiulary Syui|i|onis plaints Krybiprlu* jilnintk Tic Duulomcux Ulotchi'b on Female If- Lumbago Tumours Hi? Skin rcgnlarine* 1'ilcb Ulcrrs Bnwul Com- Ftvcrti uf all HhiMiuiutUni Venereal Atrectiuut pl'diuls kiiiil* Urti 'taiun of Worms of all ktmU Colics Fit* Urine Weukncvi, fnmi CiHiMipatiunofUoul Scrofula , or whatever eau» , tht - Jlmrclfi )Ie:iil-Hche KiliK ' i>K\il kc ., tec . Cunsiiiuptinn Indigestion fold ut the Kstuhlishinrnt of Professor H OI .LOWAI , •214 Strand , (nea r Temple Bar.) London ; also, nt The News Ollice , No. 49 King street , Walerlord , nnd b y all respectable Druggist s and Dealers in Medicine* through- out theciviliacd world , ntthe following prices : Is. \\il , 2s. 0i< ., 4s. Ud., 1 Is., '^s- and 3'Js. each box. There is u considerabl i- saving by taking the lorgor sizes. N.K. —Direct ious for theguidunceol putieDtH in ever; disorder are affixed to each box. aul5- 1'ATHOMSL'D UV TIIK FACULTY. WOOLLEY'S PECTORAL CANDY HAS now for Twenty Yean stood pre eminent »s a remedy for Coug hs, Colds, Itonroeueas, lutluuuzu , Asthma. I-OSH of Voice, nnd all AtTi 'Ctions of the Chest or Throat , and is strong ly recomraendeJ by inuny emi- nent Medical men. Kound oacli Box are numerous TeHtimoninls , Beltcted from hundred* , a|icuUtug of its ellicacy , both in the I' uiled King dom nud nbruad. ^old by nil Medicine Vendors in Is. IJd. and - 2s. Od. Boxes; Copy of a Letter from Mr. Octnvins Glyn, I Kirby Street , 1'op lar London : 1 , Kirbey-street , 1' iipliir, Lindun , Si'pt. 30, 1851. DEAR SIB —I cannot apc.lt too binMr of Iho <-iri'll«o>ce of WoULLEt ' s PKCTOHAL CtupT. I have sii fl' ored lor year! with a dreadful ctig h and difficulty of tireatliir.R. I" this dintressinif ttittf 1 was recoinini'uJnl tu try W' OOLLBif ' ii I'KCTOHAI . CANDT , the fust bnx ol which gave me great relief ; the second box coinpMrly cured ine. I liavo rocotu- mended them to mat y of my frii-mls who were Kim... rly afHicted , who bavo nl reccived-tho greatnt relief from th, m. I am, Sir, your bli ged, OCIAVIUS GLVN . Prepared by tho present Proprielei- , J. ( nrr, Dork- ing.Suirey ; andl Sold at THE N KWB Office , K ng stieet , Waterford , in boxes at Is. Ij'l nnd '2a 0.1. each GIVli N AWAY TO NlillVOL' S SUFFlillEKS. Dr. SMITH has just published a Free Kditi.m of 20,000 copie» of his vnlimkle work , the " WAKN1NG VOICE to YOUNG MEN' ," a mulieal wnrk on the cure uf Nervous Debility, Lost of .Memory, Diuiites* of Sifhl , l.assi- tnde, Imlii{e«tioii , DMileto Swciety, &<. ¦ ., «bich , if nexlectud, result in Cuiisuinptiuu , Insanity, aud pivinatum Dei ill , with pbiiu dirertinns for perfect reiitoratiou to health und vigour , Cupieii will be tent poet frr« to any adilresit , on receipt of a directed euitlope, riiclonin; two pottage «t«mu«. ALSO , lit TUB BANS AUTHOR , W 0)f AN AND HSU DlfSEASKS.—A Treatise de- tcribing their Symptoms , Csusu.aod Tre.itinrnt, with Cues , Free by Pott on receipt of Seven SUmpi , contains & must p ' information inditpcmtble to thoae for whom it written. Addreia , Dr. II BHUT SMITH . 8, Durton-oresceut , Tnvi<tock : «qnare , London, W.C. flf SHEETS , BLANKETS , PKIN1S , GHF,Y AND CALICOKS SHEETINGS I.INKNS . TICKF.NS , CAHPKTS. SCOTCH TWEEDS IRISH TWEEDS . HATS AND CAPS, COKDS , MOLESKINS , COLLARS , DAMASKS . FLANNELS , QUILTS, TEA , & T O I L ET SERVICES WITH AND FRKS3ED TABLE QLASS. which will be disposed of at Moderate Prices ALLIANCE Life , and Fire Assurance Company, J3AKTHOLBMEW LANE , LONDON. CAPITAL—FIVE MILLIONS SVERLINQ. MESIDKNTS . - SAMUF.L GURNET , Esq. ; Sir Moans MONTKFIORF., Bart Rate of Assurance and every infoimution may be had of MR. RICHARD HARRIS , 15, Queen-slrect, Waterford. MARINE ASSURANCE. Ci»rgae9 per Steimer nnd Sailing Vessel lo any port in the I rish , Bristol , nnd English Channels , (i n- sured on very MODERATE TEHMS . (tf) J'RIZE MEDAL AWARDED F.)R THE G L E NP IE LD: STARCH, JL by the Jurors of Class ' - ' , Internntio'-nl Exhibition , I8G-J. This Unrivnileil Starch is used in tho Hiynl Laundry, nnd pronounced by H IT Majesty ' s Laundress lo be the finest Slirrch the ever used. Her Majesty ' s I ncn Dresner ilcclncos it to bo the best she has tried , and the above award , by some of the most eminent scientific men of the age, confirms its superiority. tny3 WOTHIvRSI'OO.N & Co., Glasgow and Loudon. PATENT MEDICINES, &c , TO BB HAD AT +9 KING STKKKT , WATKIU'OKD (Sent Free hi/ I' ost for Turn Stamps extra.) PARK 'S CiaiilMUiKD LIFK PILLS , confi- dently submitted to the Public ni the best l'ills ever yet invented for ireuernl Famil y use ; Is . \\<\. per bnx. H OLLOWA T ' II Oixx.MB. vr und l' n.ts, the ivinld-rcnowneil meiliciiics , stamjied with Ihe approbation of the inhabitants of every quarter of the globe ; price Is. l}d., 2s. ltd., 4 *. Oil. M KASAU ' D ll KAj.rn IJ KSTOHATIVB ANU H BOULATISO I' ILLS , for the cure of bilious cninphiinta , colic , headache IciniileaihiiRntF , liver disra-tt 1 , uuil nil mwHrd disorders. WodLt.KY ' s I' ECTOIM L CAMDV , the must simple nnd rllieiirinUH remedy known tor ulh-rtinus of tint throut , chest , Ami lun^s as the hirixe number of pet sous vvhu have used it id thi.H nei ^ hhurhiHMl hear willing testimony. The Gi.E. vf JI: J.I> 1*ATK .%T STA IIC JI , II vt'iy impnrl.int arti- cle for all HnusckeopiMS who valuti beautitul Linen. Kl.lKOnd IS LACE I NK in Jars , Is. each. 1' EuruMKKV. —Marrow Oil and Crystal Cream, elegant prfitarutitms foi'the lluir. UiM-oT r ' sMphillii: l' ens , the biv»t m:ule, nibs ami barrels nf various i|ii:ilities aii'l puces, adap ted fur till writers. Acroi'NT HiiiKS and STATI OXKKV , &c ROYAL HERALDIC STUDIO. FOR FAMILY ARMS <ir CREST , send Name mi'! (.\tunry tr» tho ftoyal H^r.iMie Studio «inl Genea. logical Lihmry lor (Jreat Britain and Ireland ; tl.is and tlui Collide ol Arms xieihe only phoit in Kn. - ' aui for imllnnlic ret CKICIIC *. I'l.ii'i sketch of Amis, :h. iul. ; in colors , IU. ; with lleral.iic description , Motto , &<- ., 12s. K.iinil y l' .ili. Kiees lr.»-id fruut the Huralds' Vi>it;ilions , County His- tories, D->ni'' .sd;i . i' ]{.>uk , and othiM* vaht:il,le Utn^ords, at the liiitUh .Museum, Tinvei -of London , nud c.U'wIicn- , 1-Ve , 'J Guiue.is. This Library contains valuable I'rintcd Winks nud M.inu*cri pW upon Hcraldr)* and (iiMteiiio^y, ^riviitK the y\rtuorials of uiMrly fvc.-y u;iui,r, lh,th Xormaii ami Saxon , a full description of S'Tvauts ' Livi-ries, what colout 6iiouM hi; worn , the Hariiitif Ornnimmts, mid the proper colour lor the Cairiajro , Fee, »i. The Manual uf Hi-isildry, 'l")0 Eu. Ki-iiviiiKs , 3s. CJ. , I' .-t I' nv, by T. Ci;LLi:i'OX , ti-ueak). t;i«t , Lecturer »u IleniUiy :it the .Mi/ .lianii s' Insiitnti'i'i , •Jii , Craiibouru Sln-tt , corner of Sr. Miirtiu ' s L:me, London . W.C. TIIK STLHI H AND LiuitAiiT OPKN DAILY . I. ^AMII.Y ARMS Ivnblazum-il fur fainting «n Carriages , Nui'dh-work , or Seals , Os ., with Crest Motto nud descri ption , l*Js., hig hl y Htiisluil on a l»r£cv sc-ilo Euitable fur u Frame to filing iu a Hall or Lilivary, ' i Guineas. T. CCLLKTDM , Heraldic Artist ami Designer of (tuthie aud Kutwmtd . \l«ino p 'niins , for E.xhiliitiuu at the Suciety of Arts , 26, C' r.iiibuuru Street , corner of St. M^drtiu ' tf Lane, Lonilun. W.C. SOLID GOLD SIGNK I' RING , 18 Caret , Hall Marked , fur Kiigraviin; Crest un , Ks. ; large size for Family Arms, 75s. The Hall Murk is the only pntr.iiitcc RKiiiust inferior tiuld. T. CL 'LI. KTON, Seal Kngniver , 25 , Craubuurn Street , coiner of St. Martin ' s Lane, Luiiduu. W.C. ARMS , CRESTS , &c, Engraved uccnrtling to the Laws of Heraldry, Crest on Seals or Hiius , 7H . ; on Steel Die, Cs. ; Iuiiial Letters , Is. Cd. each ; Fancy liothic Letters , 2s. «d. each ; Book Plates Engraved willi Arms , from los. Many gentlemen employ persons who are not ac- quainted with tin: beautirs of Heraldry ; if tho l'uljlic were awiu c of the uicely os to hew a Coat of Anns should be diliiiiAlnl , they w<mld not employ any ouc but <>uc!i .is have a tliniouxh kuiiwhfd^e of thu science. Arms (^unrtcred , Impnled , and Painted on Vellum. T. CULLETOX , Heraldic Knii niver , by appniutiiient , to her Majesty, 30th April , 185a , nnd chief Die Siuker to the Board of Trade, Soiucrmt House, &c., 25, Craiibouru Street , comer uf St. Mai tin ' s Laue. tV.C. Livery Button Dies Engraved, 2 Guineas. DESK SEALS, PENCIL CASES, &c—The largest ossorinicut iu England , uarlo of Gold , Silver, and Stone ; also Brass Seals and Steel Dies fixed with Ivory mid Kbony Hnmlles, •><. each. Trade Cards and Bill Heads 21K per 1(100 , from Copper 1'lnlw. Door I'lates Ennraved in first-rate style, 12 iuchrs by G, 15s. Olliml Dies and l' </.<t Ollics Stamps for ilnrking; Cheques aud Bank - N' ot«s, with Name and Addre-is. Fire Brands fur Mai kiug Wood. S' .encil l'lates fur Marking l!ji!8 or Kicking LVses , made to order. Alp halwls and imiitlH.Ts ke)it iu stock. T. CL ' L- I .KTOK . Die Siuker and Endorsing >tamp Engraver, Steel Punch Maker , Ac., 25 , Cranbuuru Street , curnor of St , Martin ' s Lane, Lnndun, W.C. Old liuU Seals Ijuiight or taken iu clchuiute. WEDDING CARDS.—Th e bust in London. —.50 each , for La.l y and Cjculleinuii, 50 IJuiboiinl Kn>e- lnpes, with Maideu Numc Piinted iusid>- , all Complete, 13s. Vtam.Ml CA UDB A Copper Plate Eu/i uvnl in any style , mid oOsupeitiiio CaidM, lVintml for Us., post fiee ; Lady' s Cards Is . eilra. 1. CULLKTON , Seal Engraver mid Die Sinker , 25, Crauhouru Bluet , comer of St. Murlin ' a Laue , London , W.C. STAMP YOUR OWN PAPER , with Anns , Crest , Jniti ils, or Name and Address, by means of CCLLETON ' S PiTKST EMliobSINO VsKSS, 15s. ; Large Si/.e, 21s. Any pers in can me them. T. CUI .LF . TON , Die Sinker lo th* Iton d of Tiade, 25, Crunbouvn Street, corner of St. Mnriin ' it Liiu v, London, W.C. F ~~ lll*T-CLA.SS STATIONERY. —Hulf-ltcum of Kitr» Thick Nutc Paper, 250 Best Envelopes tn match, Half-Kcnm Invitation Small Note , and BAD Ural Envelopes , to correspond, Stamped with Creel or Anns , all complelr , 28s. T. C' OLLETOM, Seal Kmrravir ami Die Sinker , 25 , Craiibouru Street , comer of St. Murtin ' s Lane , W.C. MARK YOUR LINEN. THE PKS SLTCBSEUBD. The beit and onl y method of M.uV. l.i- - I.ii.i -ii , Silk Stockinjj» , Coarse TuweUJ or Bonk s, su HB t.i prevent Ihe Ink washing out , is with CUUKTO . H ' S 1' ATBM KLKCrito- SILTBR P LATKS . By means of Ibis niivcl invention a thuu- ¦aud pieces of Linen can )>e Marked in u few houis , luitiuU , J«. each ; Nairn 1 ,. 2*. 8d. ; Set of Movenblo Numbers , 2a. (VI. ; Crest Plate, oi., wilh thu nec'sHary Dirertiuiii for use. Ptisl Free. Certificate from the emiiifiit Dr. SilBKIDAK Moa- PRATT, F.H.S., ProfMsorofCheniistr)' &e. : "Savural trials with Mr. CULLF. TOM ' S Patent Electro - Silver Plates , fnr Marking Linen , induce me to pronounce them cicrllent; the Letters an' heuuiil ' ully Marked iu a deep black coluur, without blotting ; und lifter a long 1'uil- init, with either Potass or So<la , they remain uualtered. Olhor Plate* which I triad decomposed the Ink , and in many cases burned holes in the linen. I can testify Mr. COLLBTON' S Plates am incorrodible , *nd will not hurt Ibe fiueat fabric. " " (Signed) "SHERIDAN MUSPRATT, College of Chemistry, Liverpool. " May 15th , 1851." All Older* to be sent to the Patentee and Sole linker , T. CUI .LETU * , 25 1 Cimbourn Street , corner of St. Murlin ' a Lane , London, W.C. No Traveller* omployod. Beware of persons kullimt common metal platea. T. CL'LLETON , 25 Ctanbourn street , (6-ly] Leicester 8 qu»re, London. W .C. Oj J" Orders received in \V»u»lurd at 1 he Newt office , 40 Ki»u street. SALES. COUNTY OF WATERFORI) AU CT1ON Of Cows, Shrep, Jf orscs, Vehicles , Crops, Farming Implements , Household Furniture, fy c. TIIE Subscriber has received instructinnii from WI LLIAM BAKER , Esq. (who is going to reside in the North of Ireland), to SELL by Auction, on MONDAY, 22nd SKP- TBMBHE Nest , at his residence , BALMN VOiIKK , within Mall-H-mih; of the Wntevford Brid ge and Ferry , the lollow- iug Valuable Property :— 120 PRIME LEICESTER SHEEP, In pens of five, viz. - —51 K,v^< , twu yenra oM (h id one crop ol Lambs) ; 14 Weddcr and Kwe Hogcels ; 51 Weilder nnd Ewe Lambs ; I Thoiuuijh-bred Prizs Leicester Ram, bred by Mr. non-leu. Two Prime M il ch Cowi; Bay Col t, 4 years old , by Great- heart ; Bay Reldimr, a well-known Family Horse j (. ' oh (ifldinc. 1 years old, gentle to ride or drive; 23 Ton j nf two years old , nml 14 tnns nl this year ' s liar ; 2 Acres nf Man- golds , Tu rni ps, and Carrots : 1 Acre ol OatB; a capital Uut- Bidc Jiiuutini; Car, and Tax Carl , built ut Grant ' s Factory, aud a Cuvered Car all ns good as IHW ; Donkey Cart , ami Tackling ; two sr-t« of Harness ; 3 Saddles ; 1 Side ditto ; Bridli* ; 2 Carts ami TackliiiK ; ScufrW, Double Muulil- boaid Plough ; Small ditto ; Double lluirow and Cimin ditto ; Double Iron Holler ; Chiitf Cutter, by Pitksby, Sims, & Co. ; Tuviiip Slicer by Kaiitomo & .Sims ; patent Ouucvl ; Hand Thinshinc and Winuowinis Machine ; Metnl Pi< Trough ; I mo Hoisc Racks ; O«t Bin , Mangle . Oiindinn Stone, Joiners ' un<l Farm Iinp leuK'Hts ; 2 .Mct.d Curu Stands and Caps ; Iron Shc»p liiicks ; a lot of Cut-stune Pilhts , Iron Pilling, Seasoned Timber, &-., &x. Also, the HOUSEHOLD fURNITURE , Amongst- which will be found it set of Telescope Dining Tables , M- M 4J; Hair and Damask-seated Bulloon-haoked '' ¦liiiira ; Ka. iy, Duvutiounl , Elibilwthian and American \hi. ; Loungers ; Loo, Work , Side , Sofa and Card Tables ; Cabinet and Chiffiunicr ; Ottomans; Piauo-t ' orte by Collard und Col- lard ; twu Book Cases ; Lamps ; Morning and Kveuing ser- vices of China ; Tia Urn j Dumb Waiter ; Cnsos of Stiitled Birds and Ornaments ; Barometer ; Cucoa MstliuK ; Stair Carpets Hnd Hods ; Cluiks ; Prints ; two Violins , full-sized and a third ; Tea Store ; a Coil ' s Revolver ; Window Jlang- inijs; Carpi't* . Ku t 's ; Fender and Steels ; Li tter Press ; Nest of Iron Drawers ; Albert B.'dstends ; Hair Maltre«m ; Wardrobes ; Mahogany Nests of DIIIWI-II ; Toilet Tables and Glasses ; Busin Stunds an.l Ware ; Clothes' Presses ; Chairs ; lounger ; Cabinet ; Side Tables ; Towel Stauds; L ' uinmuiles ; Baths ; Window Huntings ; with tho usual Culinary and other requiicinents not enumerated. Sola to commence at KLKVF.X o'clock witli the Fur- niture, and at Two o'clock precisel y with tlia Out-dour property. THOMAS WALSH , Auctioneer. 101 , Customhouse-Cjuay, Waterford , September 1st , 1SBJ. (s5-3t.) 8^" Tho HOUSE and LANDS of IIALLINVO1IEK , containiint 71 Statute Acres, TO ME LET. IMPORTANT AUCTION OF VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE , Plate , Cutlery, Glass , China, Prints ; Clarence Lan- dau ( London-hiiill), as good as New ; set of I 'latea Double Harness , $c, t yc. TO RE SOLD by Auction , nn MONDAY , the latli SKITKSIUKU , at Twelve o'Clock , at UALLIXA- PARK , the residence of THOMAS Frr/.cKU.M.ti, Esi|., tin followiiif, ' Prnperty , a lar^i> iiurtion of which has onl\ been in use a very abort period. Is rut: i)t(Atti " \o-iiuoM will lie found Ilill.ion-lmckcJ Ciiaiis iu Damask ; K isy, Elizahelhiiin, Piir-Diru , nml Fi-eui'li do.; Loungi . 'rs;Loo,Sora , Fancy, and Side Tables. Als'i he lollnwiu!;, which were never iiswl :—A splenlid Axminslei Carpet ('JtixlM) and Hug ; five <ets ul Cli.illiit Window Ihni' . 'iiifs and ltii-lil y fiih Corniivs ; Ciu-nh Cloth ; Fender and Fire Irons; Prints , Orna . ents , &c , &c. DlMNK-IUIOM AND BREAKfA-T PA KLOUB. M-jllO^lliy Chaira in lUir Cloth , Kasy and Iteclinin^ do. ; S ,1U ; Sidu- bonrd ; Sarcuphaisus- , Plate Ilurki-ts ; set of Dining Table* on I'illar niul Clan-, 1 tx tj; Side d" . ; Music Wilson ; Iheaklast an l Loo Tnblo ; .Vevv Ax ninster Carpets , U: IM , Crumb Clolhs ; Window Hagiugs and Hilt Cornices ; Fen- der: and Fire lions ; Coal Wa^ou; Chimney Onmuiunia and lilass ; s :\-cral valuable i'liu s, Ac , &,:. H ALL , SfAiK CASK , AND Orncn . —Kixlit-d.iy Clock ; pan- of Cabinet s; Hall Chairs ; lium .. -ur ; Tjblo« ; Prints ; Carpets and Stair Kods ; lai-n« li i,>(se-isus ; CVes uf StuttlJ Bir.ls and Oni.um'uts ; Lamps ; Fi-mlcis and St.-els , 1' ANTRV AMI SroKK-H 'ioM. —A larse msoilineut oi Ricl- .l y Cut (ilasH , i. 'liimi , IA-lpli , Plate, a'lateJ Wnw, Cutlery, Linen , «t,\ BKUUOOMS. .Mahoitnny Slalc, Albert , anil French 1W- Fte.lds nud llau^-i'i. 's ; piime Fcilh- r B.-]i , Itl mki-t.H, Ar. ; Hair Maltreats ; W.ii'huUs; N' I-SIS ot D. -nwers ; ToiU-t , l.no, and N.|e Tahl, « ; BaMn Stand-i and W:ii<; T.mvl aud Duo: Si.ioils ; Ri^i- (. ' j.iirs . l.' .nii- nn.l H.iir-seili. 'd do. ; Hookniin.s; B,d. -.;(. .|js: l. ' ots; Iron lle.U:u.idi; Cavpots ; Fnidei-!, mid Irons ; ll.itlis; Cuiumodos; Btdotlo ; Clothes ]'lf!j-lS, <t'' ., &. ' . Tut: SKIIVASTS' A V A BTMCST S, KiTCitr.N, fo\ , art! found with all the u-qaiii'ineuls lor a ^entltriu.iu ' s li>ms-.r . OL ' TSI DU.A sp h-ndM li . -lii-runniui Umd.iu-huilt C'br- CIII-B Lundau and s,rt ,,f Pined Dml ili - ll.irncss , nil as i;ood ns new ; Sa Idl.'S , Bridles , Scales , Weig hts , and huu.lry artich-3 nut i-niiin>. > ralL- .l , Tim i-1-vancc ot this house is *o well kno.v u thai nny remarks I ' rum inu would lit- MI I UM II U ' IUS . THOMAS WALSH , Auctioneer. 101 Ciisloin-linu-ii: Qu.iy. Wnterfurd , Au . 'ust'2'J, IS' .U. i'ZT' B.dlinapaik is withm 7 miles ol ' Dung-uvnn and I of C;ippi>quiu. [a'J'J- It j SALIC IX PVKS VANCK Of ADJOURNMENT. CITY OF WATERFORD. Auction of Leasehold Interest IX COKN aTOlf ES, 11UTTKK CELLAR , DWELLING HOUSl-; , Ac , Situate fronting' tho Qu.iv and King-street , Citv o( Watcrford, on TUESDAY! the 10th SKITRMIIEB, 1862. The s-utyoriber is instructe iJ by the ri preieui . -j 'ivcs of the late Jons I^VCUAHO I- ' CKIIAS , Esq.. J.P. , lo SELL by Public Auction , at lib Mart , 7, Great Georgii ' s- strcet. Waterford , on the above day, nt 'ONE o'Clock , p.ni , in one or more Lotd , as may be determined , All That and Musi*, the Dwelling House and Offices now in oceupation of Mr. M. DOWNET , Shi p Rroker ; i . ' orn nnd •lour Store in occupation of Mi. H KNNKUUUT ; Stores and Offices oecupinl by the Glasgow SiMin Cuinpnny ; But'er Cclhir »nd Y»nl niljoiniugvill fionting tho Q,ny ; Corn Sturc in occupiitinn ol * Mr. M ACVKY , nml Corn St re occupied by Messrs . W HITE , BROTHI ' . KS , fronting K ing-street , nil possessing extensive business accoin- inodnlion , rtud held tiodtr lease beuin^ dale, (ith A pril , 1 iSi , for t)S yeara, from the 2olh uf Murch , 18!). ' >, at the Annual Rent ofjCSO . All thia valuable properly it admirabl y suited for Mercantile purposes ; is iu the centre of tho Mercantile Exporting iiuurter of the City ; is all in . wo rking order, nnd possesses every facility for Shi pp iug Coru, B.con , Butter , Flour , &<s. Map of ihe premises may be impeded, and the terms and puuiculi'is may be known on upp licaiiuu to .Messrs. SMITH & W HITLSTONB , Solicitors , "0, King- street ; or to JOHN QUINN , Auctioneer , 7 Great George ' a-st ., vVaterlord. "Wnterford, 2nd September , 18H- J. (sS-2t.) AUCTION OF HORSES, Travelling Machines , Farming Imp lements , Stock , ¦ $* Jj-c. MR. THOMAS WALSH'S next Auction of Horses , Travelling Vehicles , &c , &c., will luko place ON MONDAY , GTII or OCHHiKR , ISfiL\ At M R LAUIIENCE DOBBYN'S V KTKIUNAUY Establishment , llrresfnrd-strert , Waterford , ORDER OP SALK : Travelling Vehicles , Hurucss, Guine Dogs , &e., HI Twelve o'Clock precisely. Hunter!) , Kidiugand Fiimilj Hurnea, at One o'Clock Colts , Draught, und I' arm Horsea immediately after. (gjb™ Persona intending properly fur this Sale will In required to have it culered ai Mr. DOBUT . N' S, ur at Mr WALSH ' S Ofiice , ion Custom-house . Qu;iy. on or bclbri Nine o 'Clool; the raorniug of Sale. Fee for entry, 2s. (id. I'urchawM to piiy Auctioneer ' s Fees of I'ive per Cent. THOMAS WALSH , Auctioneer. Auctions attended in nny pait of Country or Town. 1DU Custom-house Quay, » aterlbrd . lBGO. tf THE AUCTION ROOM , NO. 101 C1U \Y , is now titled up for the reception of Furniture . *c. for Sale. Persons nol wishing to have Property disposed of on their own ' Premises wilt liud it 'heir in!cres t to make use ot thU Establishment , as the Room is doth spacious and lofty, and admirably a laptcl for Furniture Sales. THOMAS WALSH , Proprietor. AUCTIONEER & VALUATOR JOHN HINTON , iu returning thanlci to tho gene- ra! Public for the sre.it confldeuotf hitherto n- - po cil in him Aa nn Auctioneer, and the Urge patronage he h»9 experienced from his friends , txi^s to Blute tint uo exertion sball be wanting on his pift for the time lo com: to give entiro aatisfitctiou. tSjr Valuations undertaken at un hour ' s nolicti , and Auctions, in any put of the County, shall ba conducted with care, fidelity, and unwearied atteiitiuu. A Spacious Mart , lor the Sale of Properly of overy description , is now atlached to the Kvd H iuse. J. H. attends Knniscorlhy etcry Fair and Market Day ; and Mr . STKPHEN W HITB , Ariliuritown . reccivoi. Orders there. All letters to be addressed lo Red Ilouso, Wexford- 1^2 tf) "1 fool very (tieat plensnre in len rini Icrtim .ny to ihn Fuperior and liixhl y rtnliiable ruaiiur-i in uliich Mr. John ilintou , AuctiuiiKt , co;iductcd my Sale »t Uollyucflrr Lodge; and I am convinced , that his (net , ability, prompt •ettlsmrnts *nd faitlilut atlen'ion to clirult , will coiuul.iud tits l irRi; amouat of drierved rMtionigo which ija-rlnin Iv •wait Lnu. "4. II. P.tniiT. " pBTnij / STAMPED <id X lllOli [ UNSTAMPED 3d KELLY'S CROWN HOTEL, J/OA'C'A' STSKJiT, »I!XfullU. '¦piIIS is a Central and Comfortable House, iu which JL everything eau be haJ on tie most Moderate t<'ii :is. iJiJT Best Dublin and Wexford Spirits ; al«n Brandies , Wines, Porter , Ale , &c. [aul j-tf] Cars on Hire at the shortest notice. MiLFOlt D I1.1VES THE SOUTH WALES HOTEL, ADJOINING ihe Terminus of the Suuih Wnks Railway Company nt New Milford , and the Lan.I- iug Slaxe of the Waterfurd .ind Cork Itoyal Mii'l 1'ackots. The Public are respectfull y ioformed thai the above extensive Establishment i* replete with every accommo- dation. Coffee, Commercial , and hiitin^ Uimius ; Bil- liard and Smoking Kooms. The llooms arc lar^o , loin , and airy, beautifull y decorated , vlcgiiTitly furiiiaUed . :in ' ,| an; otherwise titled up with every reyaru to cuinlurt and Co n venience This Hotel is situated on Ihe banks of the far-fumed Milford Haven , aii'l commands n most extensive view uf her Majesty ' s Dockyard , and of the romantic and pictu- resque Scenery of the nei ghbourhood. Visitors , Tourists , Commercial Gentlemen , and Fa- milies will find this Establishment , for siliutiun and comfort , combined with moderate charts , turpasaed by uo other in the Principality . iVi yht l' orter movti the Boala. Hot , Cold , and Shower Unths . All communications should be addressed to (j; 25-tf) E. WILLIAMS , Manager. LYNCH'S HOTEL, DUNGARVAW "jVTR. JAME-i LYNCH begs to infurm the Fublio i. * X that he hos Uemoved fro m the '' V ICTUUIV H. I - TKr, " to that of the '' i' .AGLK , " which is now cirricd on under the iihove name, and which he lus fitted up in n superior style, to suit the wishes cf his many Friends ;uid the Public generall y, who nny t:ivoi l.im with their Patronage. He has ulso filled up n LivKiiy YARD , with n uunibeJ of Box Stalls , to^eihei- wuh on extensive Posting l&itnbtislunent , where Vciiicit-s if every description may hi- lm-1 at n miuuto ' s notice, with a Stntfol' s-i ft! Drivers. Chiirgrs Mmtrrnti: 'I he l'nlj. lie C'ouveyunces to the princi pal To ivus in ihir Souih daily pass by the Door. (s30-tr) ¦* THE EUROPEAN ," FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL (Lnte " Londonderry, ") 4 , 5, & G HOLTON STREET , DUBLIN. J. MOLONY , (suciv.ssor tn WALS H & COSSCN ,) Proprietor £23* TERMS VERT MQIIER . ITK f.illO-lyJ CITY MANSION HOTEL , 30 & 31 LOWER KKIDGE STRKET , DURLIN , (Lale i' ropiit-tor, Mr. M AL' KIUK COFPLV ). P CARCY having purchased Ihe Interest in the above i»ld and well-c.-.taMi-ihed Hulel , most con- venientl y situat'-d to the- Orrai Southern and Wi-strrn Uailway, and iu close prnsimity to the l-' uur rt iurts imd houses of UusincHS in the C ity, has roliltcd and improved the entire Hsl. -ihli-.huiciit , for which he solicits public Patronage, feeling confident of « iviu^ satisfacttou to Visitors. Ordinary D.iily at Five o ' clock. iK^* A Nik»hi Porter ul' -vavs in attendance, fmhlo-lr IN LUNACY DKSHUBLK CiENKKAL IIL'SINKSS CONCERNS AND FARMS TO LKT , TAGOAT, CO. WBXFORD . In the Matter of P.» THICK I -rj (; I{ g TJ A XT to tho SlN Nurr , a Lun atic. _ f \_ (jrd"r iiuide the 2n.l day of A IT . I ; ST, ISui , Mr . TIIII . MAS H KLUI HU . the fyin- mittof! <if the Estnli- and l{,>i-pivi-r i;i tlii^< M.itt. 'r , will ruccivc Pniposiils from all porsons vviilini »- to botume Teiuiut or Tvinmts, tn :•-¦ First.—Tho DWKLLlXCi HOCS I-; and Hl' .SIXKSS CONCERNS at TAfJOAT, Hurony nf I-V.rth and fonnty of Woxford, callfil (irahnrmack , nnw in full working ordpr , and well known ii.s tin- Post OIU JC of Trgoal , iu irliicli the Lunatic has, tv.r many y.-nrs, niiii.,- . - -. -'fnll y carriifd on (iem*ral Shoj, Hu?iiK-ss and Oonl Tr.,d,\ TI. ' ,! H-mso is Comio-tilious , Shoi» v.?rv l.:u-^. » , nnd Kixturi-s Extensive, with an Ornamental (jsutlvii , iu wl,ich stund-i a Hakehniiso and ' Own. Secoinl. —Part. ..f tin- LANDS of MII.TOWX , eo:i. tainir Three Acros r,r llii-r. 'u l'»nts , la to Iris h I'lai'tuttoi MtfiHiire, and part ni t!n> I.n: ls of UAI.LYCOWAN , containiiijf i Acres. 2 Kii.nl> , uu-l 2il lVr. -l u. -s , li;:. ' muasuro, making in the whole , ij . - rt- . , 2 H.J.HI . -*, ami ill Peri-lies, s-itnatu iwur Ta^oat , iu baid liarouy and County. Thi rd. —The Lunatic' . - * one nn-lividc'l moioty n! ' port of thu Landu nf.STRKAMSTOWN. near Tniriwt , iu aaicl I'arouv ami C' mmty, ci'iiiainiiiK Vi Aero-? , i 1 lioods , and :!0 Porches , Plantation Moasur. -. living T'l Acres, ;| Rond-i , anil .1 Pi-rcln. -s , St.itu!. ' M»\"isuiv , the wliul a li oin^ occupied , iuji-il ami cultivati'ii l«y tin- Lunalio , jointl y with Mr. Nii . -lo.by Wliilf , nf Lady V Island. Fourth. —The TUATCHKD DWKI.LlN' Ci-UDUSl! and PUICMLSKS , t ' ,,nn, -vlv n-n-il :i- :; !' .v.rim?s Coiuvnn , with :i l>iuit IJ Acrf?, lri^i i l'I;M;f.:ti-xi Mii^aiv , |,:r .io; tlio LaniU nf CRAHililMACK , at T.ijjii .,1 a.V.re - ..iil , in s.lid Uiiriiuv uii'i i . ' uiin^y. The ltecoivi .T is aiitiinri-u'd tn Sell to tho doclarod Tenant of the Tagoat (n>ii>>ra l liuriniKi CY'iuvrns, tho SHOP-FIXTURKS , STOCU-I.N-TKADK, ami FL'HNi- TURE therein , at thu Valuation of an A ppraiser, theriOiy enabling the Tenant t" contimu' the existing bitsiiii-ss , with the advantage, it is believed , of his being continued Postmastor. HZJ " Tagoat is near tho Sea Coast , and within. '' even Miles of Wexford. The Houses and Luuds can be in- apccteil on application at the Post Ofiico , Ta^oat. Such Proposals, addressed to Air. THOMAS H KM. ORD , the Keceiver , Tlionias-stri'Ct , Wutoil ' urd, will bo nuh- uiittod to the Lord Chancellor fur hi.s apiii-obutiuu . For further information npp lv t<» said Ucciivor , or lo PEIKsK R I'll.l.Y, Soli. i:ur , l 1 , LiHlo (Ji-orgi- ' s.St., Wulerfurd. September 1st., ISlii . TO BE LET, rpilK Kxtcnsivc I . 'ON' CKKNS in \.i. liael-«trei l con. _L ¦.i'iting of Stores , Sheds , Yar.l , lie., with an abundant supply ol K"°d 'Waler. (li>-tfj tSS " Apply lo B WALS H .t Sox , Ujrronstrand slieet , TO BE LET. TH F. Valuable 1.1 M K S I'ON K QU AltRIE-f of Ball y krog han , adjoiniut; the Kilmacow Muiion oflhcj Kilkenny l. 'ailwuv , with Two LIME KILNS in Rood order , on the most approved plan . Immediate posses- sion can Le given. Apply to the Owner , S. T. G UUDB , ESU ., Killaspy House, Waterfonl. (ausO-if) TO BE LET, FOR THE BATH INU SEASON , j^__ ^ * COTTAGK , coinviMing of KiUhen , P»r- fv ? g ' J\ luur , and Two lied liuuuis , Furnished or UAH Unfurnished. The Cottage is v^ithin a fciv Ji i n J yards uf a litKititiit il llaihiug Place. ljy-1] A pp licaiion lo be made to M. J. IU TI 'M AK , Gruudi- son i uvc, or at LTSCII ' S Y.u\i\o Hotel , Unngarvan. Ballinacourty Hou3e and Bemesna , NEAR DUNUA KV.VN , Cn . WATKRK uRD. if SSk r P f I PK LKT , (he above desirable nod beauti- JuiTiijI X ful KeVidence, ennsistinijol ' tt molt coinmo- nous HOUSIC and OUT-l>FFlCr.S , in perfect icpair. on the Sen-side , with (i'iir<<cu mid <lichai - .|, stockC'I with evtry description of Fruit Tiee. The Ijind attached to ihe House (in Grts .si is in the Owner ' s possession, and cun be let with the Uuuse if rci|uiied The Hoii'c qu irter , inclii'lii.g Cnr.lcn And Orchard , consists of about Seven Statute Aares. For further particular*app ly tojonx H ' INT . Solicitor, Dnncarvaii. [mh2l-tfj A MKDICAL KSSAY OX NERVOWS AND OENK- UATIVK DISKASKS. Just publixhcd, wilh numerous Plates , in a Rcalrd envelope , price Is. ; sold by M ANX , 3il Curuhill , and J. A I.I. K. V, 20 Warw ii- k Uiu 1 , Palpruo. itiT |{nw , London : by Powi:t.i. , Wotmnrolnnd-strci'i , DuMiu ; au<l all H.Hjksuliuik , or vont pust paid , by the Author , for 12 stamps. MANHOOD : the CAUSK nnd Cb' R F. of PHKMATUKK DECLINE , with Plain Direction* for Perfect RtMomtion to Health and Vi jiour. I' .y Dr. .1. L. Cl'KTlB, 16, Allicrnmvle-str.vt , Piccadilly, Ij<in<lon. CoSTE>T. -*:— Iiitrailustm'v Chttptrr tm tho Physioln^1*1 !! Si i net me and Knin-lioi,» of the It. 'pvodiKlivi- ()r;;ans .Chapter II. I ' auvi uf SprrnMtarrhiee and Iir.pitence ; Eaily Vii-ioiiH Indnkinaii ; nud Dun^T* of Nr b -lffi. Chap ter 111.—\ il.\iiwof the various iVwjualificatioiu Manin^e ; wlu-thi-r ii-sultin^ f' -uui Youthful Abuse, tl.e Filling of Maturity, the Frti-iis of Climalo, or lnf, ctiun, Chapter IV. TiT.itnu-nt , M.dicul and Mural , bi in;{ the ri-Milt of a Fiuvessfiil jiniL'ica ' .it i>eli:u o>-*r » iH riui l of -J6 ye:n>. Chap ter* V. ami I 'l., un the Modern Treatment of Ciunnrrliwa and Syplti' iM. The Book concludes with DUUUOTUK varied and interei>tiu^ canes, and tho Author ' s te>-ri pt ol a preventive Lotion. KRV1KWB ul TIIK VfOKK. "Curtis on Manlu»l.—This is a truly valnahlc «ork , and should bo in the hands of young ouJ old." Sunday Time* , iird March, 1B56. " The sntlior 1M» conferred a Rreat boon b y puhliihiii? lliit little work, in which h Aesm ' .>ed the aourco of thoM disnun which produce decline in } uuth, or more frujuf utl y, prema- lure old ti;r. "-~Doil y Telegraph, March 27, 1M58. Ci'iiiiilt.itiotis daily from ID till 3 »nd 6 to *. (ulS-ly
Page 1: snap.waterfordcoco.iesnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1862/WNS-186… · VOL. XII.—NO 729 CHINA AND JAPAN TEA WAREHOUSE, 40, QUAY, WATERFORD, (NEARLY orTOSITK THE



K TVTE have NEVKR TASTED FINKB TEAS thanW t>io« SOLD by W . M A S O N ! "



is S T R E N G T H on FLAVOR '

KINGSFORD'S WASHING POWDERla an unequalled preparation for Cleaning everything.

The Imp roved London IUKINC POWDER , pure, andConcentrated. 63T See Chemical Reports , Analysis ,Prices, He. , to be had of



DAVID LECKtK has opened the above for tli» Saleof Wines , Brandies , Dublin anil Oork Spirits ,

Bain and other Ales, G-iinnest.'s Porter (War ranted),Bewloy and Kvans * Lemonade. Soda Water , &c , andguarantees that all Articles olfircd for Sale shall be otsuperior quality. (s5-tf )



Who'rsale and Hetail.T> ESIDENT AGES I" for Sale; of W I L L I A M YOVMCM

XV an«l C.a.'i Edinburgh Ales, Mild ami Fitter ;II V. STPASHKR ami Co.'s Tot net JJevotvliire Cham-p agne Ciller ; J AMES D L A I U , Glasgow , Cruthed Sugarsnnd Molasses , fresh >ain plos cich lloat ; J AMBS J A M I K -cov ami Co., Dr.i.nhcdi, Distillers , Paten t and Old $titlWhiskey ; SY .MK S nnd Co.'s Drogheda Ales; G KOKGE

WILUIRIDGK an'. Co., London , Wholesale Ten Dialers.



BEG to call attention to their S U P E R I O R POR-TER , Al.ES, nml STItnNG HE KB,

They particu 'nrly recomincnd thei r XX AI.K andSUPERIOR STOUT to the nutice of Bottlers ami theTrade generall y.

Their STRONG BEER continues to give universalsatisfaction.

New Street, December, 1801. (d'27-tf)


J R . n- iWER'S 1MUMK A LE and POIIT K H to he• h:i'l in any Quantity ami uu the most Mode-

rate Terms, atR. & 1. K V A N S , GKN KR.A L GROCERS ,

12, UROA1) STREET, WATEKFOlil ) .N.I>.—On Trial, the above will be found to surpass

sny similar articles in the Trade. [jeG-tf|





A L L W O O L ,

EST 12s. 6d,


A my ElcRantly Rot up STOCK of HEADY-

MADE GARMENTS to Select from.

Iny-S '


WARKIIOUSK ,Y O'SIIAnnil.N 'ESsy W\R1 ) EU , l'ropri ,;tor

X- * % (ivtiu iiic Limerick Tobacco "; Wills' IlristolRir.l's Eve and llrasscut Tolnccu ; Flu. Cul Cavendisli , nmi other J-'oivisjo. Tohiceos. Splendid Furoignmid Hritish Cigars ; a choice selection of Meerschaumaivl Clay I'i po* ; rt'il Linu'iiik Flies and llouks.

y -ii- *Aac«t fur LA M B K I N 'S C'»KK S.vurr.o i ;- t i | " S M i Q U A Y , WATKRFHRD.


FDAWUON Is now' supplied with a large Assort-

• ment of r>.-on-. and Il.ill Papers, in great variety,which he offer* fur Sale at Low Prices.

Jrj&S* House l'iiitititij;, Decoratine, anil Paper Hangingexecuted with neatness, anil M Mo'lernte Charges.

J. P. GRAVES & Co.BEO to inform those requiring Seasoned FLO ORING

H ( ) \ l : U - ~ , tln-v will in future keep First an.l.Seoni'I qu-iliiy. .-I'K'L'CK t'LOOlUNC , I'laned andJointed, always in Stock, at Moderate Prices. They arealso prtpwil to Contract for Construction of Conser-vatories awl all kin ls &f Timber-covered Root *.

Specimens of nil cm he S'tn on their own Premises.Al«n , M' II II IWUOV TS eoniiiiuouu GaWauUed Iron Hooting,lor which ihi-y "re A^eiH9.

Wnt i- rpaik Tttn 'HT Y:tnl an-1Siftiin S.uv .Mills 28lli Slay, 18 12. I my.'IO-

Marble Works, Beresforcl Streetw A T i: R F o R o.


inform the Public that If. '• '¦' ,'. ' • '¦¦ ' .'''{$¦ has n l»rge supply of C H I M N E Y' • >:" "¦ :. rg| iMKCHS ma-lo of Irish , Italian ,

'¦¦• .J ':?$- — -f i t " '«•) { "n"l Kgypiinn .Marble ", auJ of the--i iiZ0f i \% .\'ewcst "L)es.!;Ms.¦ • • • .: -—Ki i

.3 A )|S ,ie (l .is now a i,ar(,e A ».

•nrtment <>f MONUMENTS, HEAD STONES, andT Mil STONES, all Read y Made, iu his Establisli-r'-"< aud CU I Ji 1 ONES for Buildings at the ehortestNotice-

itj * Mo'l»-ritf- Prices , best of Workmanshi p, nndI'uoctualiy, are the characteristics of the above Estab-

lishment, (jeil-tf. )


MESSRS. CJABIUE L'SPatent IndeBtructible Mineral Teeth

AND Klexible GUID .H, without palates, springs, orwires, uu'l without any operation. •¦ Oue set lusts

a lii'ctiiue ," nii'l wirra ii 'eJ for tmy iJitrpose of uiiisti-cvibuornrlicuhtioti. even when all others fail, l'urcstmaterials und first-ehiss workn;unHhi p at half the usualcost. Jlr.s-iits. ( iAIIKl l i l j .


LI'OCATK H ILL , LONDON1. Liverpool —19-1, UtKC-Srl i irmiw/h/t iH — iX) , N EW -S T.

C 5" Aiuericmi Mincml Teeth , lx?»t in Europe, i to 7, anil10 to 15 Uuineaii per Set , warranted.

O A B R I R L 'H UIITAL TOOTII I'owDtlR , prepared from a"eei pe. as used liy her Majp«ty, Is G'l. and 2s. Gd. p1-rlr>z. SoM nt the office uf this paper, anil by all che-miiit3 thioughuut the kingdom.

f<ABinKi. 's A M I C K H T I C TIID TII I'AS^ TE, tho best pre-parKtion extant for whitciiini: the Tceili , uithuut injuryto the 1'nuinel , is Cd., aud j . per box. ***'ild tit theDiBceof' this I'aj/c r, auJ by all Chemists ihomghuuttlie Kinp lom.

Gabriel ' s Chemicall y pr epared White Outtn PerchnEnamel is tl.e best Stopping extant fur Ldo-iye I Teeth ,Tuijth-nche. and »•> mutter h-,w tar decajtd, renders theinjured member a ain Kound and useful, and presents orTuoth-auhe. Thi» preparation is entirely free trutn anyDteuillicsuljstaiiec, aud , as in name siguiKes, is speciallypiepired fur the purpose. With directions for use,4s. t»d. per box

G ABRIEL 'S W IIITK K N A M E L (*C »I B N T , lor FrontTeeih, Uan iuv»lu»b!e stopping, and has arquired aworld-wide reputation Os. per box. Sold ut the office of thia piijier, aud by all chemists throughout thekingdom.

GABRIEL 'S OD A N T A V M Q U K P>SENCE, nn astringentand refreshing lotion for hardening the Ci urns, 5s. or10s. (id per liottle. bold at the ollife ol this papor,and by all chemists throughout the kingdom.

Odbriel'B Practical | rentise free by pent on applica-tion. (mli-J I - ly )


8ADCES, COND1ME -TS , and JELLIl ' 6».-.rranted pure. Hold in Waicrford at iO KineUteet

THE WATERFORD NEWSPublished evert/ Friday Etening at 4!) King street ,

[Opposite tiie Provincial Bank.]PKICE THREE PENCE ; YEARLY (IN ADVANCE ; 13I.

STAMPED , 4tl . J YEARLY , 17S. 4d.

R5T To R USINESS M EN, we offer a single copy ofour Pape r fo r £2 5s. a year, which will entitle eachperson so subscribing to publ ish an announcement of hisown business, not exceeding Six LINES, in every publi-cation for one year.

Advertisements of Public Bodies, %c., the usualcharge of Gd. per line for f irst insertion, and 3</. perline f or every subsequent insertion. Servants ami otherpe rsons seeking employment can have their adeertise-menlt p ublished for Is . each inserli in.

Tr.ttMs : Invariably Cash. Advertisements sent fo rpubli iiation without specif ic directions in ivriling as tot.'ie number of insertions, tvill be continued till orderedout, and charged for accordingly.

The law of newspapers is such, that all subscribers who donot give express notice to tho contrary, are considered asvrishhig to continue their subscriptions, and must pay accord-ingly. No paper can he discontinued until all arrearages arcpaid.





ProPr!etor of THE

YSSSlfajT^Vv JL NE IVS having mnde cf-(&*£xSs£ c*a??i fective arrangements in his" SIIH SsSr''' 1'rintiug Concerns, by the

tsS^VeH SQEfeo ri A a^'''on °f tn e Latest nud

^ V* ^S^f&^' nl0St n PPr0VC^ S'y 'oof N EWNKjfjpC-i^/ TYPE and I MFHOVK D I' RF.SJESP* «S3a'| and the Extension of his F.sta-I v??7 I blishrnent nt Kiug street,—I j I now equal to nny in the Pro-

vinces—is prepared to executeexcrv sneeiea of


in a manner that will not, he feels confident, fail togive satisfaction,CHEAPLY, EXPEDITIOURLY, AND ELEGANTLY


On Sale at The News Office ,(With the Recommendation of the UUhop of Waterford and

Lisinore, the Higlit Ilcv. I>r. O'IiKi» :y,)k Catechism for the Instruction of Children,

(IT T1IKMOST Rev Dr. .I AMES BUTLEU , Archbishop of

Cashel nnd Emly.Printed on good I'nper , nnd in large clear Typo.

RECOMMENDATION." I approve of this Edition of the Right T.ev. Dr.

J A M K S liuiLF.u'8 (.'ateuhisui, and recommeod it to theFaithful of these Dioceses.

'¦ >£ I). O'BklEN , R.C.B." Walcrford, June 2, lt< .VJ."ICJ" Orders from any pin t of the Diocese, sent in ,

and directed to 0. HtuMo so, Printer and Publisher ,Watert 'urd Sews Ollice, -I!) King-street , promptly at-tended to- The Trade supplied on moderate terms-


WATERFOR0 AND J.I.MKUICK RAILWAYUu Train* from Water ford.

TR .tl.V* (IX W Kf - K IMV.S. SVM1.U AW A T E R J O K U — ,~p:> I " 3 " I 4 '. —,$ i~r *

TO mi n a i j: a i-.'\3: i2 >t ;i i akn la ^aLtMrKtCK. CliisslChma. Cl-iss CUb8 Clasu Clai^ Cla»3

*.M. A .M. f.M. 1*.M. r.M. A.M. A M-

It nt h in h ni h m h in ti m It in\V:itci7. Til...Dry S I) 9 J.5 2 35 5 (I li J.5 10 in —Rnir.rk ! li 40 111 2n 3 3 fl 50 7 -J5 II 0 —Clunmrl i " 13 11 So! :l ii i 0 511 8 m 11 10 —Junction /Vy>. -s -li I I J 2|. 5 !j j 6 40 — 1 3" —l.iinoric».... (>ii-|. !l 15 I 1 2j| li 3U , 9 SO — •-• 3U —

Down Trains froiti Limerick.\ TII \ i\ * II*; it n:K H A T * I HI - M I AY *

LIMEHI C K j- ( . -._ , . 3 . —— ¦ ~J —", iTO :12.V n l i \ 3 I f c i . l A •.• I &•! I - > \ 3 I - J .V 3

WVTruruRD ' t.'t.ias C'tii^s f.'Inss . CU RR . Ci;is:. VUss ; C'aja' ' : A.M. . K.I. A.M. A .M. r ». r.M. j « M.

: h 111 h 111 It m li in li in It 111 ! b mI.invriclr Dip 5 15 — ,11 n * 0 r> 0 li lo —Junetiull Urp n 55 _ , \-i 22 I 5 2.-, 7 2u I *¦ —Clumncl I S v'O 'J in J 1 SJ ; 0 50 — 2 15 —Cirr.ek ' U 0 |i| -Jll l a . 1 7 3) — .1 2i —\V;it.:if..nl . .4rr l !l 4"i II III ; 2 3i I S II' — 4 V ' —

Mail Trains tmtik ^ l lhu % *!•'«». B -.-Pir.st Class Sinai-: •|Vki-i, I Is21I ; St-rxnil Ha , IO> fil ;

Third do, 0* Tnl ; Urlutli—rirt »t ClabB f 2U 3J ; Second do. , 10s.

U'ATL'llKOI.'J) AND KILKENNY IJAIUVA Y.Up Trains from Waltrfanl.

i T K A I N S ON Wt. y .K I IAV -i. f SLWI 'AY TK \_IMt . J~ I» I Ut 1 '5 i 4 § " i ""j 2~f 3

ST A TIONS . ! l-j&3; l i cS | 1 fc-J |l 1 is'l 2J::I! I a &:i I 2 & •!! CIH6d CIU GI.I Cl»-S8 Clas.t ClnFH. ClUSS CIUSSj A.M. A .M. r.M. l-.M A-U. r.M r.M.

¦ h tn h m I li la h 111 h m p in h intVat»rr<ird...Z><y»: 7t i I! 9 5 II - lini « 11 —Kilkei,nv...MTJ 0 311 1 .'lit li IW — 12 15 II M —CII M» W (ISK)JV — 4: 3s * 3S — — — —I) II I, 1 HI (<;S.V \V). I — 4, .v. iu in — — — —

iioicii Trains from Kilkenny.I TIIAISS ON WE EK OAYH. I STS I'AV TKAI S K.f~ir " 1 a» ~r":»~ ' 4 ~| l~l a~ i 3

STATIONS. l a & J l (ill I'J . l« i c 3 i a \ 3 ; l - 2 < i 3' l 3 i V 3jClasa Clut... C)u<s .,CI»sa. Cln.i.i.;ci».i: Ci»sa.! A. M. A.M. t f .M. J r.M . » .M A.M. I'M.

i ti ni li m 1 ti m ! li m h 111 li m h inDuMin(GSW)D;i; — S 4") li 3D \ — — f> n —Ciir l . iw( l -"Kl....t — 111 3-5 I 3 II 1 — no •-'» —Kilkrnny ....Ury 7 4") 111 15 1 4 10 . — « 4J j li II —\Valerl»rd....^lrl . 9 311 I I » 1 3 » — Hi 1.1 1 7 30 —

<;.uiJse o iiV' yvd liy Tram> in irkril t ; Mail Trunib •I-'< I»II r > IA'-ILI -. :—I'ii.1 Cliss Siii . li' Tirkit . 21». ; Suconil

.]¦' , 15- 8'i ; Third do, 9s :W ; Ki'turn—1'iral C.ns", 3li lid ; Se-er.it ilo, 23< n.l.

l'ARtsTo Kuntxav :—Fiiat ClaBJ Sinplr- Tlckrt, Ca ; Sccnml•to , -Is )d ; Third d-i , H ~A ; Itei i i iu-KirM Ul.i na.Ui ;i<l d» , Gj iid


I I I 1 3 1 4 ; 5 « ; 7 1 8 I 0a m^

l a m ! a m 1 p ni ' p m p in } p 111 | p m 1 p m' Ti m : It in j tt in 1 h in i li in li m I h ni ' h rn 1 h in

IV'f 7 ill III 4'> t lj U a :lo j I 0 5 30 ' 7 0 I 8 45 ' —Tori 9 II ''II 15 I 1 II 3 IS ! 4 31 I 6 0 I 8 II I <J li'i —

Suwlay TrainsI ; il 1 3 j J. 5 0 j 7 ! !) I V I IU

« m I a in I p in ' p_ m p in p in 1 p m ! p ni I p m 1 pinb in j It in ll tn I Jl ui li tu )i m h 111 - li in j Ji w j> i;i(j 0 j II « >'•' '3 ] 1 *' '-' a-> 1 all 5 3:1 ; fi :lo b 45 —9 111 ! ll *> 12 -45 | 2 JJ

4 O | 5 0 (J 0 : 7 Jn[ U 3 | —

K A I I K S :— Ki n>t Cla.« Single Ticlcut , Id!.; Itvtura Ticket, In.Secimd Cliis KiOi flo Tiikit, id.: Keturn Ticket , 9d.

SOUTH WALES RAILWAY.S I I wi».*_ti»i»—or TB » I >^'t STATIO.1B. ! Jiip. l. -i. a. 'E'x/ i . 1 4 2 I , 2, U. Mail 1 ,2,35 I _ 'i 4:ji. c'»"l * fc^ elii«« _ _rlm. l | &. 2 cl»s«.

Mil l .siiirtimj i a in » in | » in ¦> nP a nT • "f liT p"m.li ISi-w .Mi.furili _ I 15 ; S 0 _ ii ii i 20 j :i.j

«0 l.lanell jr | — 9 47 |l« 5.1 — I I 41 11 41 6 557'J Su-unli-a — 10 20 i l l i:t — 2 5 7 II U 3S

IHJ C^r.liH ' 6 HI 12 3-. \Vi 40 — 4 30 I 8 40 —IJIi j ,\r«-|Njit ! C :il t 25 1 2H — i 13 9 13 —171 Jllinic'lrrOliii 8 0 : 3 « ; -i 4'. — Ii2(l2 40 —1*5 .PniMius .. . II 1.5 . H 50 0 0 — 11 u I 4 33 —

vir .y .K uut -nnHN TII .WTII

STATIONS. !, ;i,2 , :i , Krp I I i 2 i l . 2, 3, E r f . 1 4 2el lela» « . I ,t ¦> clasa. cla>«. ', I &i cl»«»

MU. Stnrt in ^ u III u m n lit I u in | n tu \ pin |i in

II l> adiliii k't<.n : — li 0 0 15 .11 45 ; _ ; 4 50 8 III114 iilui>c *lc(ilp 6 45 l i 1.1 l-j 511 I 3 3) . — ! « 211 2 151-5-sj N.wpnrt li 4» I 10 2 10 ; S 2.5 — | II 3( 3 4(1I<"1 Carilrlf ... .. !) 5 1 3i 2 '.'6 | 5 55 ( — I l> 54 4 4US Swanseii I I I' U' .135 " S i ! - II 25 5 3752S l .Une Wf "4- * *« 4 15 ' 8 S7 ' — I — 6 172751 llnv 'furilw'i! 1 4'i I u 40 ii o I — — i — b IIjM INcvM iirD rd,' -.' li | 7 S t m > - !__ , — 8 M

Tlie li 0 =i m Train from V illiiutoii la'<(-» Third CU»i> Pusen-i;cri lor the Suutu Wulta Hailwe)' unly.

lil 'NDM Tlt.MNS.Down Tralni from rad'liuiitun 8 0 a. m.

Anival at New MilTurtl 11 (l a. ru.l/p lruin N i twMiuWd, ... _ 10 40 a. in.

I'aJd npton , nrrival lo r>0 p. in.I'A B I * :—P"r F»rc» t-t \Vnirrr>-r.l onil Milf '.rd lluven Hojal

StoHill Mlip Advertlaeinenl .iu another culuinn.


fflija ^ v \J UNITE!) STATICS, by the MontreHlyfv3fijp^ -

Oumii Sleniiulii p Company's Kirst Clans,1$CTe2835lP l'owcrt'ul, Clyde-lmilt Steumeis,SAINT GKORGB 1,400 tons .C«pt. WvtiB,SAINT ANDKEW 1, 128 Cant. I'uirod,DAMASCUS , l ,M0 (j»pt. HROWME .

KATE *:— First Olbin , to Queliec , including every requi-site , £16 15 K., ami £l:i ]3ri. Sim\ifo, to New York , ISotton ,anH (2uekcc(iucludiiiK full supply nl CnoWd I'rovinioiK) £$ On.

In I'omicctiou with the tiiiind Trook l<nUwny, f orwardingI'.i&ti iijters st lour rates to all pai Is of the United Stutrs anilCanada. j')6'"]

Fur infornulion, npply (o Sinrt, 4 PCABLF, 10, Wttor-itreet, Litcrpool , or to tlifir Agtuti in Watcrfoid:

TI1OMA8 ItJROELL, (W,THOMAS I)WE«EUX , 2a, Gwinir Uank .



*k -K \TOTICE.—The Waterford Steamshipq^M^ hs. •'•' Company rereivo Ooodn for Shipment

ysKVB^ -Q" 'I"1 following Terini only:—They reservo• ijMjiS i

Hut right to enrry by any, not liy particular

V nary, tt-ith lilici ty to Tow Ships mid call at other Ports,and will not lio HCCoutitaMe for iiijiirie» or losses arising fromdelay, accidents of the Seas, Kivcis, Fire, tho Queen's Ene-mies, defective Nvnvi ^Htion , or nccidents from any other cnuse,not for any loss wliiclt inight Inive been coveted by Insnrnnec,nor for Leakage, lireultnue, Condition , Quality, or contents ofany l'nicels or Packages, unless npeciully entered anil ad va-lorem Freight f.»• J. Goods not removed to be Stor id ut therisk and eipcuw of the Consignees.

All Onods will lie considered ns subjec'. to a genernt lien ,and held not only for Fieight of the samr, lint for all Avrenrsof Freight , Storage, or other charges duo by tho Iiopoiter ,Owner, or Consignees to the Company.

W A T E K F O R D A N D B R I S T O L .Qipsv and Juverna.

IROM WATERTDRD UWECT : I r i O X O K I 8 T O L ,Qi-pty, Tuesdays ; Juvcrna.l Gipsy, direct:

Frid.iys. |FriJay, Sept. 5, ... 3J Altn'nTuc«itay, Sept. 2, ... 3 AflnVl'r"'aj. '• 12, ... 8 .MornFr.dny, " 8, ... .', ATinn iFrlilay, " IU , ... 2} Aun 'n• Tuesday, " il, ... loj Morn I'ridoy, " 26, ... 7J M"rn•KrWay, " li , ... )2 Noon Jttcerua, cnllinj; at l'enibiokoTue.-Uay, '• l« , ... .1 Alui'n D lt:rri.l.y, " lft , ... 4 Afmn Tutaday •• a, ... 11J Morn

1 oisilny, " s: 10J Morn Tuesday, " |i, ... ek Mi.rn•bridny '• 20 , ... 12 NOMI Tuesiiny, " H , ... in .MornTUMJUJ- " 30, ... 3 A/Inn ruenJa)-, " S3, ... fi M..rn

Tuelday, k - 30, ... 9^ MoraPembroke Dock to \V«terford, from the South Wales Rail-

way Terminus, as soon after arrival from Uristol i» poiuible.S $~ On Early Morning Sailings, the Cabin of the Steam-

ers will bo Open to reccire Passengers arriving from Londonby the Ki(?ht Mail Train.

Cabiu Fare, 17s. Cd.; Servants and Children, 10n. 6d. jReturn do., 27s. ; or with liberty to piturn fro m Dublin,L\>rk, or Wexfanl, 3U. Gd., .Steward's fee included j Dock,?.s. tid. Females attend tho Ludies' Cabin.

"Excursion Tript, Wnterforil to London, via Itristol, onthe Oth , 12th, iS3nl , and 20th Septcinbi-r. Fares :—FirstL'lim lteturn, 4Os. ; Second Class do., 3Us.

W A T B R P O K D A N D X I V E R l ' O O L .Vesta, Zephyr, Seta, or Nora.

FROM WAfCK FOUU: VKOM LIVKUPOOL :Mondays ami Fridays. TuesJayt and Fridays.

Monday Sept. 1, ... 3j Alln *n Tuesduy, .Sepl, -2, ... 3 Altn 'nKriiiaj, ,, 5, ... 8 Morn Friday „ 5, ... 7 MomMonday „ 8, ... 12 Nc»m Tueiday, „ !), ... 10 MornKriduy , „ 12, ... IS Noon Friday, „ rJ, .» 14 N"onMmulay, „ 15, ... «i A'ln'n Tucuday, ,, 10, ... 3 Afm nFriday , „ 10, ... 8 Murn Friday, „ 19, ... 7 Morn.Momlir, „ U2. ... 1I J Morn l iMdny „ 23, ... 9 MomFrniiiy , ,, 211, ... IS Kitnn Friduy, „ M , ™ 11 MornMomlaf, ., '29, ... 3 Auii 'n Tuesday „ 3i , ... 2 Aitnn

Ciihiu Fare, lus. ; Servants aud Children, lOi. ; Deck, 7M .Od. ; Children. 4<. Female a'.tend the Ludies' Cubin.

Cood.t received at Clarence Dock.W A T K R F O I t l ) A N D L O N D O N .

if ahhia , Aurora, Ranger, Citizen, or other eligibleVessels.

FROM WATERPOllD: I FROM I.OXDO^:Fri.lny Sfpl. 5, ... Ii Noon. Wcilaesilay, Sep 3, ... g MornKriday ' ,, 12, ... 12 Noon. Wednesday ,, 111, ... 8 M "rnFri'lny „ 111, ... 12 Noon. Wednesday 17, ... K MornFrulay, „ 2H. ... it; Saoa.lWe inKxluf „ 24, ... 8 ,Mum.

Cabin Faie, 20s.; Dock, 10s.LOAI > I .NO UKKTIIS :— Loiulnn—British and Foreign Steam

Wharf, Lower East Sn.itlifii.OJ, and West Kent Wharf ,Suuthnuik. Parcels received nt 137 Leadenh.ill-atrcet, K.C,

W A T K R F O R I ) A N D 1 ' I Y M O U T H .Dublin, Citizen, Manger, Aurora, Malaina, or other

eligible Vessels.FBOM nMTEEfOKii: PKOM ri.YJiorirr :

Friday Sept. 5, ... 12 Nnon lThuriulHy, Sc.nt «, ... 8 Aftn'nFriil.iy ,, li, ... 12 Noon , lliursday, „ ll , ... 8 Aftn 'nFriday „ HI ... 12 N-iun. Tliur&lny, „ 18, ... It Altn'nKrlday, ,, 20, ... 14 N'<on.|Tliur»lay , ,. -Jj, ... 8 Afm n

Cabin Fure, 2l)s. ; Deck , 10s. Taking Roods fur Fahnouth ,Southampton, Portsmouth , and places adjacent.

W AT K RFC ) III) A N D 11 K L FA ST.Aurora , Muhina , or other eligible Ve»s«U.

ntOM W. lTKKFUKl ) : pno.ll 1IKI.FA.ST:Saturday Srpt 6, ... Vi Noon IWcilnc-nay^ep 3, ... 3 Af in 'nSaturday, ,, 13, t... 12 Noon.,'VVciluc*liiy „ 1(1, ... 11 .MomSalunluv, „ -I', ••• U Ni"'n . Wcdneailay „ 17, ... 3 Altn 'n^QtiinU y, ,, 27, ... Vi NOMii .iWciluc^iliiy ,, 24 , ... 11 Morn

Cabin Fare, 15». Dei k, 7.-". 0J.W A T K U F O H D A N D N K W U O S S .

FROM WATEKFOI I O — D.iily, Sunl.iyi exiepied , ut tn P.M .FIIOM N EW Ruas—Daily, Sniidnys exceuted , at H.30 *..M.

W A T K 11 F O K D AND I) IT N C A N N O N.FR OM WATK MOBII — Daily, Sunday' excepteil , at 4.0 r.MFROM DL'SCAK.N OS—Daily, Sniid:iys exceptcd , at 8.15 A .M .

Keiths secured und every infunnsition piven by the As''i>ta.Bristol—-The Generiil Strain Packet Otlico. Liverp ool—Watcrlord Sleanr Sliiji Cuinpauy, 2,1, llrunswick-strect ,Wnsliinij lnn ItuiMin ^s . Loifl on— A.NTiioyr . tt . UciuIxsoN ,20 .Mnrk Lane; llriti>;li null Forciirn Steam Wharf , LowerEast Suiitlifielil , and West Kent Wharf , Snutluvnrli ; I'nl-rels rw:eive<l nt 137 Leaihtulml l Street , K.C. Pl ymouth—H K N R Y J. WA E I N I ;, tbeWharr, Milb ay. lielfa%t— It. l lrx-IIKUMIS &. SON S, Duu.' il Quay. [jr29 tt]Ami at the Ciiiipaiiy 'K Olfue, tho MALL , WATK U FOHD


y rrej aj ilWSaWpHE Liverpool , New York ,y f m/ 1 \"/j \ JL J- nni' l'hiladel phia Steam SlityUjilag, i iL JaS Co.npany intend disp;itchiu^ theiii lti iriJl'lj iWiTlTnll i mil Clyilu.built Iiou ScreM

Steainsh ipi,l'roin QUEEN 'STOWN (CORK) to NEW YORK ,

CITY OF HALTIMORK.. . . '. .'.....Thursday, lSih Sept,CITY OF WASHINGTON Tlmisday, 'Jotli „CITY OF NEW YOKK Tlmi-nd-Vy, 2nd Oot.

Anil every Thursday .PA SSAOB MOXEV.— Cabin, 15, 17, anil 21 Guineas, ac

cording tu iiccotiunodatiun. «„ „ Forward , f) Guineas, iucluliug Pro.

visions, properh Coolve«l.l'a.-veuj:eis fiir Canada, tho United States , and Uriti sh

ColimiM.t l/<Mrl;Al through on very HilvautuireiHii tprmn.For liiit 'iierpartiiulaisapply in JlelfastUi JOHN McKKK ,

at theCnuipaliy 's Oirice<, 103 Victoria-street ; in Queenstoicn,to C. <t W. I). SKY.MOUU &¦ Co. ; anil in Liverpool toW ILLI A M INM A N, U2 A 111 Townr IluiMiii;;s S.uth, 2Water-street ; or to ( iKOR l iK FKTHKRSTON , Clonmcl ;[allo-tf. 'l T. S. HAU V K V , Quay, Waterford.tSff" FasiengerJ enca^'niR iu Waterford are conveyed to

Cork at greatly reduced rates.


D A I L Y C O M M U N I C A TI O NfSunda ys Excepte d, )


Via Waterford and Milford Haven, in connection withExpress Tmins on the Grr>t Western , South Wales,Waterford and Limerick , Walcrford nnd Kilkenny,and other Trains in the South of Ireland.

H. - fl^HESE Fiut ".ml Well-appointed Stearn-jjjjLjJ f^ J- er», carrying Her Majesty's ltail», SailVy-M\.BV -D-'''ly (Sudavs eitepteil),Urc>33u&» FROM WATKRPOR D — From the Adclphi

Wharf iinutediately after th» wrival of the Liineriitk Trainat Three o'Clock in the A'icrnoon, rcacliiog Milford Haven(wind mid weather permitting) iu time to enable PnHsen ertito proceed by the 0 5 a.m. Express Twin to London, reach-ing l'addinitton at 6 0 p.m Third Class Passenscera willbe forwarded by the Through 7 5 a-iii. train to London.—Passenger* arriving nt Milfurd Haven on Sunday morningsnil) leave per the U 15 a.m. Train.

From MilroRO H AVKX , from the Kailvvay Pier Djily, nt7 15 p.m, Sundays exi-eptcd, after the arrival uf the 0 30 a.m.K.xpnvs Train from Puddingtou Station , Lonilun, reachingWati-rford (wind aud wcathor permitting) KO as to secure thedeparture of the 0 a.m. Twin to Limerick , Cork , and theSouth uf Ireland ; and the 11 45 a.m. Train to Kilkenny undDublin. Passengers by the 0 a.m. Third Clani Train fromPadilington will also bo conveyed by thejo Stcumcre at Re-duced Kates. FAEKS.

1st Class and 2nd ClansCabin. aud Saloon

Wntcrford to Paddington •• 5»s. 4l)s.Limerick lo <lo. ... ISO*. 47a.Kilkenny to do. ... .VM. 44 S.

3rd Class and Deck, U'uterford lo I/uidon, '2A< Cd.K ETOUN TICKUT S - From Waterford to Loo loo, Ox-

ford , or Heading, 1st class and saloon, 70s. ; '2nd Classand cabin, til)«


Walprfoi rl to Milford... 12i. 6tJ. 7*. Ud. 18«. 9d. lla.3d.Passengers with 2nd CIJSH Tickets can exchange from the

Cabin to the Saloon on payment uf 2<. uM. each.n»i. i. rrv_ I. .. _ ,. . . . . » . . . .Through Ticket* allnwiuj; Passennnrs to break the journey,

maj be bad at Pidilinnton Hailway Station, and nt the Fint-Class Ktiitlonsot ' the Great Wi-stcru and South Wales, Wutcr-furd and Limerick, and Waterford and Kilkenny liailnays ;also, at th« Otrieca of MiNsrs. FOEU & J ACESOH , 36 Cannon-ntreet , Iiomhin, ami Milford Haven Railway Station ; uv utMr. M. DO W N U V , Quay Hint Adulpbi Wharf, Waturtord.

H I I L TN TickeU, available fur 30 duya , at a Fare and aImlf for the Double Journey, ate issued at Waterford, Lime-rick , Tipprrary, Kilkenny, &c.

The Sea Voyage is only Seventy Miles.Cattle and Live Stock of all kiudn Bent by these Vessels

are at Shipper'* iii«tc . Goods and Cattle, Parcels, Fish, <tc.,will be conveyed by these Slcaniorn at I<ow Kates, which canbe learned on application at any of the Railway Stations, or toMei,oii. Fouu i JiCteos.30 Cannon street, Loudon.and

MICHAEL DOWNEY ,Arl» 1p1ii Wharf , and 3(1 Merchant*' Quay, Watr-rfoi d

A W A R N I N G VOICE TO YOUNG MENA Physician, who has devoted fifteen years to the study

and treatment of Nervous Debility, Kxhaustion , Dimness ofSi^ht , Diltidence, General Incapacity, Lois of Nervous Power,&c, resulting from the crrorn of youth , will semi, post free,on receipt of ft nlainped directed envelope, a copy of a newMEDICAL WORK , containing his highly successful modeof treatment , with necessary instructions by which sufferer*may obtain a cure. Address J. S. Ksq., Wilford House[lurtou.Cre«ci;nt ,Kn«lon-«juaro, London, W.C. (jel8-13]

OILLOTT'a METALLIC PBM8ri^UE OUST MADE,—Krx Sale at TUt Wattrfard Vtu1 Ot&iA 49 Kin; Street




A T H A Z L E T O N , O ' D O N N E L L , & C O ' S . ,4-7 QUAY, WATERFORD. (®T OBSERVE-Opposi te the Marliet-houie

t g TA N I N S P E C T I O N S O L I C I T E D B E F O R E B U Y I N G .




J A M E S W A L P O L EBEGS to inform tlia Nobility, Gentry, qnd Inliabilants of Waterford nnd Us Vicinity, that he has

just received a Choice Selection of

BOHEMIAN GLASS VASES AND OTHER ORNAMENTS,Suitable for the Season. Also, a Large Variety of*



835" An Excellent Lot of GAS MOONS on hands,




orFKNslVE SMK/.t.Adapted lo burn iu any Paraff in or Mineral Oil Lamp.

Sold nt 3s. 3d . per Gallon.'rMIE I'ATLNT CA Z K L I M B OH. possesses all the cs-X scntial qualities which have been so long desired

as a means of powerful artificial light. It is warrantedperfectly >afe in use; it is altogether free from smellin burning, and is most economical , as by its use abright and cheerful light may be obtained at a cost notexceeding that of a common tallow candle

The P ATENT CA Z K L I N K O IL must prove a great boonto the public, as the famil y of the working man, aswell as families in more alllucnt circumstances, may nowenjoy the luxury of a bright and powerful light duringthe long winter evenings ; the homes of the jifiple mayreceive a new attraction by the introduction of such alight.

Royal Litters Patent have been obtained for theCA Z K L I N E OIL , anJ iu order to secure the Oil to thepublic, Aucnts are beini specially appointed throughoutthe United King dom for its Sale.

For terms of Agency app ly to OASSKI.L, SMITH JC CO.,80, Pcnchchurcli-sircul, Luudon. (sei lUt)

A list of Agents from whom the Public am obtainthe Oil in this district , will shortly be published .


HOLLOWAY'S PILLS.T'lic lixciTiKii CA U S E or SICKNESS —The blood is

the life-sustaining agent. It furnishes the com-ponents of flesh , bone, muscle, nerve, and iiili'j tuinrnt.The stomach is its manufactory, the nrt irich and veinsits distributor;;, and the intestines the channels throug hwhiuli the waste matter rejected in its production , isexpelled L'pnu tho stomuch , the circulation , and thetiawi-U, these l'ills art simultaneously, relieving indiges-tion , purify ing the fluids , and regulating both the sc-cictinus and the excri-tiuus.

TUB N ATIONAL CO M P L A I N T .—Dyspepsia is the mostcommon iliscuse among all classes in thin cuuutry. ItM.-iimcs a thousand shapes , and is the primary sourceol innumerable and dangerous maladies j but whateverits type or symptoms, however obstinate its resistancetu uriliuary preM-riplumR , it y ields reudily und rapiill y tothis searching and unerring riincly.

SICK II K I U A C I I I :, W I T H LOSS up A PPETITE .— A cer-tain cur<; for headache, lo*s of appetite , mid low spirits.These I'il.'s may be lakcu without dauber Horn uit orculll , and requite no restraint trum buoinc-s or pleasure.1 hey strengthen the hinmuch , nml promote a health yuetion i>f ihe liver , |>urif) iug the blond , cleansing theskin, bracing the nerves , ami invi gorating the system.

A Wuuu To TE M A L K S . - Ihe local debility nml irre.gularitics which arc the specialiinnoyaiiee ul the wcukerbcx , aud which , when r.e>;U-r.tcd. tU wnys shorten life , aterelieved for the time bciui;, aud prevented for ihe timeto cumc, by a course uf this inii-1 but thoiuug h :ilti;i:i-tive .

DHOI 'MCAL SWELLINGS Asn T U B TURM or Lin'..—This is the muat diiirisking period iu woman 's history,il deslruvs thousanus; the whole uf the gross humorscollect together, ami, like a tide , sweep anay health andlilc itself , if not timely and powerfully checked. Theluost certain remedy lur all tiu-sc duugeruus symptomsis ilolluway 'x fills Armed wild idi.s great uuudolr ,the tiery ordial is passnl ilirmigh , anil the sutlercr isunee mure restored iu the possess.on uf uniiu|Kiirt -ilhealth. II U'M' l'ills me equally cllieucinus in all Ic-imilccuinp laiuts , and ubstrurtiuns ut the dawn of woiuanhuoil.

DUEA -ES OF TIIK IU AD A N D H KART .—Wh y arcth'.se diseases BO fatal / The unswer is sclf-c\ident.Uecause the first disordered action is neglected, or themenu-, fur its rectifieuliuu me misapplied. Neither needbe the case at the present day, when these excellentl'ills can be purchase 1 everywhere , at a price whichplaces them withiu the reach of everybody. Ho misap-pjcatitm can occur if the piinled directions Arc properlyaltfitiled to , us they invariably address themselves tu theMeat of the affliction , vri lhoul deranging those organ*wlii.h uic already uctiug healthily. llolloway 's l'illsare the best purifiers , and therefore the surest i.reventa.lives , of serious maladies , of which , if they be alreadyestablished , they then becunic the must unremitting ex-tirpators.

N ERVOUS DISORDEUS . — Any derangement of the^cdelicate organs alfects disastrously both the buily andthe miml. To the nervous invaUil Hollowuy 's I'ilb arcan article of vita l necessity. They impart a tune amivi gor to tl.v internal organs , and consequentl y lo li.cnervous system , which pervades and connects them.Hence their marvellous cures of hysteria , low spii its ,spasms, fits , lu'udaehe, nervous twilchings , and otherkindred complaints , which arc all radically removed bythe use of these invaluable l'ills.llollowuy 's l'illiare the bes t remed y knoion in the world

fo r the following diseases :A RUO liability Iuliarmuaiiuii Sore Thro.ilsAMluna Drupby Jaundice Stone and UravelBillions Com- Uysellcery Liver C"in- *>•*foiulary Syui|i|onis

plaints Krybipr lu* j ilnint k Tic DuulomcuxUlotchi'b on Female If- Lumbago Tumours

Hi? Skin rcgnlarine* 1'ilcb UlcrrsBnwul Com- Ftvcrti uf all HhiMiuiutUni Venereal Atrectiuut

pl'diuls kiiiil* Urti'taiun of Worms of all ktmUColics Fit* Urine Weukncvi, fnmiCiHiMipati unofU oul Scrofula , or whatever eau»,

tht- Jlmrclfi )Ie:iil-Hche KiliK 'i>K\ i l kc ., tec.Cunsiiiuptinn Indigestion

fold ut the Kstuhlishinrnt of Professor H OI .LOWAI ,•214 Strand , (nea r Temple Bar.) London ; also, nt TheNews Ollice, No. 49 King street, Walerlord , nnd by allrespectable Druggist s and Dealers in Medicine* through-out theciviliacd world , ntthe following prices : — Is. \\il ,2s. 0i< ., 4s. Ud., 1 Is., '^s- and 3'Js. each box. There isu considerabli- saving by taking the lorgor sizes.

N.K. —Direct ious for theguidunceol putieDtH in ever;disorder are affixed to each box. aul5-

1'ATHOMSL'D UV TIIK FACULTY.WOOLLEY'S PECTORAL CANDYHAS now for Twenty Yean stood pre eminent »s a

remedy for Coughs, Colds, Itonroeueas, lutluuuzu ,Asthma. I-OSH of Voice, nnd all AtTi'Ctions of the Chestor Throat , and is strongly recomraendeJ by inuny emi-nent Medical men. Kound oacli Box are numerousTeHtimoninls , Beltcted from hundred*, a|icuUtug of itsellicacy , both in the I'uiled Kingdom nud nbruad. ^oldby nil Medicine Vendors in Is. IJ d. and -2s. Od. Boxes;

Copy of a Letter f rom Mr. Octnvins Glyn, I KirbyStreet , 1'op lar London :

1, Kirbey-street , 1'iipliir, Lindun , Si'pt. 30, 1851.DEAR SIB —I cannot apc.lt too binMr of Iho <-iri'll«o>ce of

WoULLEt 's PKCTOHAL CtupT. I have sii fl'ored lor year!with a dreadful ctigh and difficulty of tireatliir.R. I" thisdintressinif ttittf 1 was recoinini'uJnl tu try W'OOLLBif 'iiI'KCTOHAI . CA N D T , the fust bnx ol which gave me greatrelief ; the second box coinpMrly cured ine. I liavo rocotu-mended them to mat y of my frii-mls who were Kim... rlyafHicted , who bavo nl reccived-tho greatnt relief from th, m.

I am, Sir, your • bliged, OCIAV IUS GLVN .Prepared by tho present Proprielei-, J. ( nrr, Dork-

ing.Suirey ;andl Sold at THE N K W B Office, K ng stieet ,Waterford , in boxes at Is. Ij'l nnd '2a 0.1. each

GIVli N A W A Y TO Nl i l lVOL 'S SUFFlillEKS.Dr. SMITH has just published a Free Kditi.m of

20,000 copie» of his vnlimkle work , the " WAKN1NGVOICE to YOUNG MEN'," a mulieal wnrk on the cure ufNervous Debility, Lost of .Memory, Diuiites* of Sifhl, l.assi-tnde, Imlii{e«tioii , DMileto Swciety, &<.¦., «bich , if nexlectud,result in Cuiisuinptiuu , Insanity, aud pivinatum Dei ill, withpbiiu dirertinns for perfect reiitoratiou to health und vigour ,Cupieii will be tent poet frr« to any adilresit, on receipt of adirected euitlope, riiclonin; two pottage «t«mu«.


W0)f AN AND HSU DlfSEASK S.—A Treatise de-

tcribing their Symptoms, Csusu.aod Tre.itinrnt,with Cues, Free by Pott on receipt of Seven SUmpi,contains & must p' information inditpcmtble to thoaefor whom it i« written. Addreia , Dr. II BHUT SMITH . 8,Durton-oresceut , Tnvi<tock :«qnare , London, W.C. flf






which will be disposed of at Moderate Prices

ALLIANCELife, and Fire Assurance Company,



SA M U F.L GURNET , Esq. ; Sir Moans MONTKFIORF., BartRate of Assurance and every infoimution may be

had ofMR. RICHARD H A R R I S ,

15, Queen-slrect, Waterford.MARINE ASSURANCE.

Ci»rgae9 per Steimer nnd Sailing Vessel lo anyport in the I rish , Bristol , nnd English Channels, (in-sured on very M O D E R A T E TEHMS . (tf)

J 'RIZE MEDAL A WARDED F.)RTHE G L E NP IE LD: STARCH,JL by the Jurors of Class '-', Internntio '-nl Exhibition ,

I8G-J. This Unrivnileil Starch is used in tho HiynlLaundry, nnd pronounced by H IT Majesty 's Laundresslo be the finest Slirrch the ever used. Her Majesty 'sI ncn Dresner ilcclncos it to bo the best she has tried ,and the above award , by some of the most eminentscientific men of the age, confirms its superiority. tny3

WOTHIvRSI'OO.N & Co., Glasgow and Loudon.


(Sent Free hi/ I'ost for Turn Stamps extra.)PA R K 'S CiaiilMUiKD LIFK PILLS, confi-

dently submitted to the Public ni the best l'ills everyet invented for ireuernl Family use ; Is . \\<\. per bnx.

H OLL OW A T'II Oixx.MB.vr und l'n.ts, the ivinld-rcnowneilmeiliciiics, stamjied with Ihe approbation of the inhabitantsof every quarter of the globe ; price Is. l}d., 2s. ltd., 4 *. Oil.


I'ILLS , for the cure of bilious cninphiinta , colic , headacheIciniileaihiiRntF, liver disra-tt1, uuil nil mwHrd disorders.

WodLt.KY 's I'ECTOIM L CA M D V , the must simple nndrllieiirinUH remedy known tor ulh-rtinus of tint throut , chest ,Ami lun^s as the hirixe number of pet sous vvhu have used itid thi.H nei^hhurhiHMl hear willing testimony.

The Gi.E.vf JI:J.I> 1*ATK .% T STA IIC JI , II vt'iy impnrl.int arti-cle for all HnusckeopiMS who valuti beautitul Linen.

K l . l K O n d IS LACE I NK in Jars , Is. each.1'Eu ruMKKV. —Marrow Oil and Crystal Cream, elegant

prfitarutitms foi'the lluir.UiM-oT r'sMphillii: l'ens, the biv»t m:ule, nibs ami barrels

nf various i|ii:ilities aii'l puces, adapted fur till writers.Acroi 'NT Hii i KS and STATI O X K K V , &c


mi'! (.\tunry tr» tho ftoyal H^r.iMie Studio «inl Genea.logical Lihmry lor (Jreat Britain and Ireland ; tl . is and tluiCollide ol Arms xieihe only phoit in Kn.- 'aui for imllnnl icretCKICIIC*. I'l.ii'i sketch of Amis, :h. iul. ; in colors, IU. ;with lleral.iic description , Motto , &<-., 12s. K.iinil y l'.ili.Kiees lr.»-id fruut the Huralds' Vi>it ;ilions , County His-tories, D->ni''.sd;i.i' ]{.>uk , and othiM* vaht:il,le Utn^ords, at theli i itUh .Museum, Tinvei-of London , nud c.U'wIicn-, 1-Ve, 'JGuiue.is. This Library contains valuable I'rintcd Winksnud M.inu*cripW upon Hcraldr)* and (iiMteiiio^y, ^riviitK they\rtuorials of uiMrly fvc.-y u;iui,r, lh,th Xormaii ami Saxon ,a full description of S'Tvauts' Livi-ries, what colout 6iiouMhi; worn , the Hariiitif Ornnimmts, mid the proper colour lorthe Cairiajro, Fee, »i. The Manual uf Hi-isildry, 'l")0 Eu.Ki-iiviiiKs , 3s. CJ., I'.-t I'nv, by T. Ci;LLi:i'OX , ti-ueak).t;i«t, Lecturer »u IleniUiy :it the .Mi/.lianii s' Insiitnti 'i 'i ,•Jii, Craiibouru Sln-tt , corner of Sr. Miirtiu 's L:me, London.W.C. TIIK STLHI H A N D LiuitAiiT OPKN DA I L Y .

I. AMII .Y ARMS Ivnblazum-il fur fainting «nCarriages , Nui'dh-work , or Seals , Os., with Crest

Motto nud description , l*Js., hig hly Htiisluil on a l»r£cvsc-ilo Euitable fur u Frame to filing iu a Hall or Lilivary,'i Guineas. T. CCLLKTDM , Heraldic Artist ami Designer of(tuthie aud Kutwmtd .\l« ino p'niins, for E.xhiliitiuu at theSuciety of Arts , 26, C'r.iiibuuru Street , corner of St. M^drtiu'tfLane, Lonilun. W.C.

SOLID GOLD SIGNK I' R I N G , 18 Caret , HallMarked, fur Kiigraviin; Crest un, Ks. ; large size for

Family Arms, 75s. The Hall Murk is the only pntr.iiitccRKiiiust inferior tiuld. T. CL'LI. KTON, Seal Kngniver,25, Craubuurn Street , coiner of St. Martin's Lane, Luiiduu.W.C.

ARMS , CRESTS , &c, Engraved uccnrtling to theLaws of Heraldry, Crest on Seals or Hiius, 7H . ; on

Steel Die, Cs. ; Iuiiial Letters , Is. Cd. each ; Fancy liothicLetters , 2s. «d. each ; Book Plates Engraved willi Arms ,from los. Many gentlemen employ persons who are not ac-quainted with tin: beautirs of Heraldry ; if tho l'uljlic wereawiu c of the uicely os to hew a Coat of Anns should bediliiiiAlnl , they w<mld not employ any ouc but <>uc!i .is havea tliniouxh kuiiwhfd^e of thu science. Arms (^unrtcred ,Impnled, and Painted on Vellum. T. CULLETOX , HeraldicKnii niver, by appniutiiient , to her Majesty, 30th April , 185a ,nnd chief Die Siuker to the Board of Trade, Soiucrmt House,&c., 25, Craiibouru Street , comer uf St. Mai tin's Laue.tV.C. Livery Button Dies Engraved, 2 Guineas.

DESK SEALS, PENCIL CASES, &c—Thelargest ossorinicut iu England, uarlo of Gold, Silver,

and Stone ; also Brass Seals and Steel Dies fixed with Ivorymid Kbony Hnmlles, •><. each. Trade Cards and Bill Heads21K per 1(100, from Copper 1'lnlw. Door I'lates Ennravedin first-rate style, 12 iuchrs by G, 15s. Olliml Dies andl'</.<t Ollics Stamps for ilnrking; Cheques aud Bank -N'ot«s,with Name and Addre-is. Fire Brands fur Mai kiug Wood.S'.encil l'lates fur Marking l!ji!8 or Kicking LVses, made toorder. Alphalwls and imiitlH.Ts ke)it iu stock. T. CL'L-I .KTOK . Die Siuker and Endorsing >tamp Engraver, SteelPunch Maker, Ac., 25, Cranbuuru Street , curnor of St ,Martin 's Lane, Lnndun, W.C. Old liuU Seals Ijuiight ortaken iu clchuiute.

WEDDING CARDS.—Th e bust in London.—.50each , for La.ly and Cjculleinuii, 50 IJuiboiinl Kn>e-

lnpes, with Maideu Numc Piinted iusid>-, all Complete, 13s.Vtam.Ml CA UDB — A Copper Plate Eu/i uvnl in any style ,mid oOsupeitiiio CaidM, lVintml for Us., post fiee ; Lady'sCards Is. eilra. 1. CULLKTON , Seal Engraver mid DieSinker, 25, Crauhouru Bluet , comer of St. Murlin 'a Laue,London, W.C.

STAMP YOUR OWN PAPER , with Anns,Crest, Jniti ils, or Name and Address, by means of

CCLLETON'S PiTKST EMliobSINO VsKSS, 15s. ; Large Si/.e,21s. Any pers in can me them. T. CUI .LF.TON , DieSinker lo th* Iton d of Tiade, 25, Crunbouvn Street, cornerof St. Mnr i in 'it Liiuv, London, W.C.


~~lll*T-CLA.SS STATIONERY. —Hulf-l tc um of

Kitr» Thick Nutc Paper, 250 Best Envelopes tnmatch, Half-Kcnm Invitation Small Note , and BAD UralEnvelopes, to correspond, Stamped with Creel or Anns, allcomplelr, 28s. T. C'OLLETOM, Seal Kmrravir ami Die Sinker,25, Craiibouru Street, comer of St. Murtin's Lane, W.C.

MARK YOUR L IN E N . —THE PKS SLTCB SEU BD.The beit and onl y method of M.uV.l.i-- I.ii.i -ii , Silk

Stockinjj» , Coarse TuweUJ or Bonks, su HB t.i prevent IheInk washing out , is with CUUKTO .H 'S 1'ATBM KLKCrito-SILTBR P LATKS . By means of Ibis niivcl invention a thuu-¦aud pieces of Linen can )>e Marked in u few houis , luitiuU ,J«. each ; Nairn1,. 2*. 8d. ; Set of Movenblo Numbers, 2a. (VI. ;Crest Plate, oi., wilh thu nec'sHary Dirertiuiii for use. PtislFree. Certificate from the emiiifiit Dr. SilBKIDAK Moa-PRATT, F.H.S., ProfMsorofCheniistr)' &e. :

"Savural trials with Mr. CULLF.TOM'S Patent Electro -Silver Plates , fnr Marking Linen , induce me to pronouncethem cicrllent; the Letters an' heuuiil'ully Marked iu adeep black coluur, without blotting ; und lifter a long 1'uil-init, with either Potass or So<la, they remain uualtered.Olhor Plate* which I triad decomposed the Ink , and inmany cases burned holes in the linen. I can testify Mr.COLLBTON'S Plates am incorrodible, *nd will not hurt Ibefiueat fabric.

" " (Signed) "SHERIDAN MUSPRATT,College of Chemistry, Liverpool.

" May 15th, 1851."All Older* to be sent to the Patentee and Sole linker, T.

CUI .LETU*, 251 Cimbourn Street , corner of St. Murlin'aLane, London, W.C. No Traveller* omployod. Bewareof persons kullimt common metal platea.

T. CL'LLETON, 25 Ctanbourn street ,(6-ly ] Leicester 8qu»re, London. W .C.

OjJ" Orders received in \V»u»lurd at 1 he Newtoffice , 40 Ki»u street.


A U C T 1 O NOf Cows, Shrep, Jf orscs, Vehicles , Crops, Farming

Implements, Household Furniture, fy c.TIIE Subscriber has received instructinnii from WI LLIAM

BAKER , Esq. (who is going to reside in the North ofIreland), to SELL by Auction, on MONDAY, 22nd SKP-TBMBHE Nest , at his residence, BALMN VOiIKK , withinMall-H-mih; of the Wntevford Brid ge and Ferry , the lollow-iug Valuable Property :—

120 PRIME LEICESTER SHEEP,In pens of five, viz. - —51 K,v^< , twu yenra oM (h id one cropol Lambs) ; 14 Weddcr and Kwe Hogcels ; 51 Weilder nndEwe Lambs ; I Thoiuuijh-bred Prizs Leicester Ram, bred byMr. non-leu.

Two Prime M ilch Cowi ; Bay Colt, 4 years old , by Great-heart ; Bay Reldimr, a well-known Family Horse j (.'oh(ifldinc. 1 years old, gentle to ride or drive; 23 Ton j nf twoyears old , nml 14 tnns nl this year's liar ; 2 Acres nf Man-golds, Tu rni ps, and Carrots : 1 Acre ol OatB; a capital Uut-Bidc Jiiuutini; Car, and Tax Carl , built ut Grant 's Factory,aud a Cuvered Car all ns good as IHW ; Donkey Cart , amiTackling ; two sr-t« of Harness ; 3 Saddles ; 1 Side ditto ;Bridli* ; 2 Carts ami TackliiiK ; ScufrW, Double Muulil-boaid Plough ; Small ditto ; Double lluirow and Ciminditto ; Double Iron Holler ; Chiitf Cutter, by Pitksby, Sims,& Co. ; Tuviiip Slicer by Kaiitomo & .Sims ; patent Ouucvl ;Hand Thinshinc and Winuowinis Machine ; Metnl Pi<Trough ; I mo Hoisc Racks ; O«t Bin , Mangle . OiindinnStone, Joiners' un<l Farm IinpleuK'Hts ; 2 .Mct.d Curu Standsand Caps ; Iron Shc»p liiicks ; a lot of Cut-stune Pilhts,Iron Pilling, Seasoned Timber, &-., &x. Also, the

HOUSEHOLD f U R N I T U R E ,Amongst- which will be found it set of Telescope DiningTables, M- M 4J ; Hair and Damask-seated Bulloon-haoked''¦liiiira ; Ka.iy, Duvutiounl, Elibilwthian and American \hi. ;Loungers ; Loo, Work , Side, Sofa and Card Tables ; Cabinetand Chiffiunicr ; Ottomans; Piauo-t'orte by Collard und Col-

lard ; twu Book Cases ; Lamps ; Morning and Kveuing ser-vices of China ; Tia Urn j Dumb Waiter ; Cnsos of StiitledBirds and Ornaments ; Barometer ; Cucoa MstliuK ; StairCarpets Hnd Hods ; Cluiks ; Prints ; two Violins , full-sizedand a third ; Tea Store ; a Coil 's Revolver ; Window Jlang-inij s; Carpi't*. Ku t's ; Fender and Steels ; Li tter Press ;Nest of Iron Drawers ; Albert B.'dstends ; Hair Maltre«m ;Wardrobes ; M ahogany Nests of DIIIWI-II ; Toilet Tables andGlasses ; Busin Stunds an.l Ware ; Clothes' Presses ; Chairs ;lounger ; Cabinet ; Side Tables ; Towel Stauds; L'uinmuiles ;Baths ; Window Huntings ; with tho usual Culinary andother requiicinents not enumerated.

Sola to commence at KLKVF.X o'clock witli the Fur-niture, and at Two o'clock precisely with tlia Out-dourproperty.

THOMAS WALSH , Auctioneer.101, Customhouse-Cjuay, Waterford ,

September 1st, 1SBJ. (s5-3t.)8^" Tho HOUSE and LANDS of

IIALLINVO1IEK ,containiint 71 Statute Acres, TO ME LET.


Plate , Cutlery, Glass, China, Prints ; Clarence Lan-dau ( London-hiiill), as good as New ; set of I 'lateaDouble Harness, $c, tyc.

TO RE SOLD by Auction , nn MONDAY , the latliSKITKSIUKU , at Twelve o'Clock , at UALLIXA -

PARK , the residence of TH O M A S Frr/.cKU.M.ti, Esi|., tinfollowiiif,' Prnperty , a lar i> iiurtion of which has onl\been in use a very abort period.—

I s ru t : i ) t (At t i"\o-iiuoM will lie found Ilil l.ion-lmckcJCiiaiis iu Damask ; K isy, Elizahelhiiin, Piir-Diru , nmlFi-eui'li do.; Loungi.'rs;Loo,Sora, Fancy, and Side Tables. Als'ihe lollnwiu!;, which were never iiswl :—A splenlid AxminsleiCarpet ('Jtixl M) and Hug ; five <ets ul Cli.illiit WindowIhni'.'iiifs and ltii- lil y fiih Corniivs ; Ciu-nh Cloth ; Fenderand Fire Irons; Prints , Orna . ents , &c, &c.

DlMNK-IUIOM A N D BREAK fA- T PA KLOUB. — M-jllO ^lliyChaira in lUir Cloth , Kasy and Iteclinin^ do. ; S ,1U ; Sidu-bonrd ; Sarcuphaisus-, Plate Ilurki-ts ; set of Dining Table*on I'illar niul Clan-, 1 tx tj ; Side d". ; Music Wilson ;Iheaklast an l Loo Tnblo ; .Vevv Ax ninster Carpets , U:I M ,Crumb Clolhs ; Window Hagiugs and Hilt Cornices ; Fen-der: and Fire lions ; Coal Wa^ou; Chimney Onmuiuniaand lilass ; s :\-cral valuable i'liu s, Ac, &,:.

H ALL , S fAiK CASK , A N D Orncn .—Kixl it-d.iy Clock ;pan- of Cabinet s; Hall Chairs ; lium ..-• ur ; Tjblo« ; Prints ;Carpets and Stair Kods ; lai-n« li i,>(se-isus ; CVes uf StuttlJBir.ls and Oni.um'uts ; Lamps ; Fi-mlcis and St.-els ,

1'A N T R V A M I SroKK-H 'ioM. —A larse msoilineut oiRicl-.ly Cut (ilasH , i.'liimi , IA-lpli , Plate, a'lateJ Wnw,Cutlery, Linen , «t,\

BKUUOOMS.— .Mahoitnny Slalc, Albert, anil French 1W-Fte.lds nud llau^-i 'i.'s ; piime Fcilh- r B.-]i, Itl mki-t.H, Ar. ;Hair Maltreats ; W.ii'huUs; N'I-SIS ot D.-nwers ; ToiU-t ,l.no, and N.|e Tahl, « ; BaMn Stand-i and W:ii<; T.mvl audDuo: Si.ioils ; Ri^i- (.'j .iirs. l.'.nii- nn.l H.iir-seili.'d do. ;Hookniin.s; B,d.-.;(..|js: l.'ots; Iron lle.U:u.idi; Cavpots ;Fnidei-!, mid Irons ; ll.itlis; Cuiumodos; Btdotlo ; Clothes]'lf!j-lS, <t''., &.'.

Tut: SK I I V A S T S' A V A B TMCST S, KiTCitr.N, fo\ , art! foundwith all the u-qaiii'ineuls lor a ^entltriu.iu 's li>ms-.r.

OL'TSI DU.—A sph-ndM li.-lii-runniui Umd.iu-huilt C'br-CIII-B Lundau and s,rt ,,f Pined Dml ili - ll.irncss, nil as i;oodns new ; Sa Idl.'S , Bridles , Scales, Weig hts, and huu.lryartich-3 nut i-niiin>.> ralL-.l ,

Tim i-1-vancc ot this house is *o well kno.v u thai nnyremarks I'rum inu would lit- MI I UM II U'IUS .

THOMAS WALSH , Auctioneer.101 Ciisloin-linu-ii : Qu.iy. Wnterfurd , Au.'ust'2'J, IS'.U.

i'ZT ' B.dlinapaik is withm 7 miles ol' Dung-uvnn and Iof C;ippi>quiu. [a'J'J- It j


CITY OF WATERFORD.Auction of Leasehold Interest


Situate fronting' tho Qu.iv and King-street , Citv o(Watcrford, on TUESDAY! the 10th SKITRMIIEB, 1862.

The s-utyoriber is instructe iJ by the ri preieui .-j'ivcsof the late Jons I^V CU A H O I-'CKIIAS , Esq.. J.P. , lo SELLby Public Auction , at lib Mart , 7, Great Georgii's-strcet. Waterford , on the above day, nt 'ONE o'Clock ,p.ni , in one or more Lotd , as may be determined , AllThat and Musi*, the Dwellin g House and Offices now inoceupation of Mr. M. DOWNET , Shi p Rroker ; i.'orn nnd•lour Store in occupation of Mi. H K N N K U U U T ; Stores

and Offices oecupinl by the Glasgow SiMin Cuinpnny ;But'er Cclhir »nd Y»nl niljoiniugvill fionting tho Q,ny ;Corn Sturc in occupiitinn ol* Mr. M ACV KY , nml CornSt re occupied by Messrs . W HITE , BROTHI'.KS , frontingK ing-street , nil possessing extensive business accoin-inodnlion , rtud held tiodtr lease beuin^ dale, (ith A pril ,1 iSi , for t)S yeara, from the 2olh uf Murch , 18!).'>, at theAnnual Rent ofjCSO.

All thia valuable properly it admirably suited forMercantile purposes ; is iu the centre of tho MercantileExporting iiuurter of the City ; is all in. wo rking order,nnd possesses every facility for Shi ppiug Coru, B.con ,Butter, Flour , &<s.

Map of ihe premises may be impeded, and the termsand puuiculi'is may be known on upplicaiiuu to.Messrs. SMITH & W HITLSTONB, Solicitors, "0, King-street ; or to

JOHN QUINN , Auctioneer ,7 Great George 'a-st ., vVaterlord.

"Wnterford, 2nd September, 18H-J. (sS-2t.)

AUCTION OF HORSES,Travelling Machines, Farming Imp lements , Stock ,¦

$*„ Jj-c.

MR. THOMAS WALSH'S next Auction of Horses ,Travelling Vehicles , &c , &c., will luko place


Establishment, llrresfnrd-strert , Waterford ,ORDER OP SALK :

Travelling Vehicles, Hurucss, Guine Dogs, &e., HI

Twelve o'Clock precisely.Hunter!) , Kidiugand Fiimilj Hurnea, at One o'ClockColts, Draught, und I'arm Horsea immediately after.(gjb™ Persona intending properly fur this Sale will In

required to have it culered ai Mr. DOBUT .N'S, ur at MrW ALSH'S Ofiice, ion Custom-house. Qu;iy. on or bclbriNine o'Clool; the raorniug of Sale. Fee for entry, 2s. (id.I'urchawM to piiy Auctioneer's Fees of I'ive per Cent.

THOMAS WALSH , Auctioneer.Auctions attended in nny pait of Country or Town.1DU Custom-house Quay, » aterlbrd . lBGO. tf

THE AUCTION ROOM,NO. 101 C1U \Y , is now titled up for the reception

of Furniture . *c. for Sale.Persons nol wishing to have Property disposed of on

their own 'Premises wilt liud it 'heir in!crest to make useot thU Establishment , as the Room is doth spacious andlofty, and admirably a laptcl for Furniture Sales.

T H O M A S W A L S H , Proprietor.


JOHN HINTON , iu returning thanlci to tho gene-ra! Public for the sre.it confldeuotf hitherto n--

po cil in him Aa nn Auctioneer, and the Urge patronagehe h»9 experienced from his friends , txi s to Blute tintuo exertion sball be wanting on his pift for the timelo com: to give entiro aatisfitctiou.

tSjr Valuations undertaken at un hour 's nolicti , andAuctions, in any put of the County, shall ba conductedwith care, fidelity, and unwearied atteiitiuu.

A Spacious Mart, lor the Sale of Properly of overydescription , is now atlached to the Kvd H iuse.

J . H. attends Knniscorlhy etcry Fair and MarketDay ; and Mr. STKPHEN W HITB , Ariliuritown . reccivoi.Orders there. All letters to be addressed lo RedIlouso, Wexford- 1 2 tf)

"1 fool very (tieat plensnre in lenrini Icrtim .ny to ihnFuperior and liixhly rtnliiable ruaiiur-i in uliich Mr. Johnilintou, AuctiuiiKt , co;iductcd my Sale »t UollyucflrrLodge; and I am convinced, that his (net, ability, prompt•ettlsmrnts *nd faitlilut atlen 'ion to clirult , will coiuul.iudtits l irRi; amouat of drierved rMtionigo which ij a-rlnin Iv•wait Lnu. "4. II. P.tniiT."

pBTnij / STAMPED <idX lllOli [ UNSTAMPED 3d


'¦piIIS is a Central and Comfortable House, iu whichJL everything eau be haJ on t i e most Moderate t<'ii :is.

iJiJT Best Dublin and Wexford Spirits ; al«n Brandies ,Wines, Porter, Ale, &c. [aul j-tf]

Cars on Hire at the shortest notice.


THE SOUTH WALES HOTEL,ADJOINING ihe Terminus of the Suuih Wnks

Railway Company nt New Milford , and the Lan.I-iug Slaxe of the Waterfurd .ind Cork Itoyal Mii 'l 1'ackots.

The Public are respectfull y ioformed thai the aboveextensive Establishment i* replete with every accommo-dation. Coffee, Commercial , and hiitin ^ Uimius ; Bil-liard and Smoking Kooms. The llooms arc lar^o, loin ,and airy, beautifull y decorated, vlc giiTitly furiiiaUed . :in',|an; otherwise titled up with every reyaru to cuinlurt andConvenience

This Hotel is situated on Ihe banks of the far-fumedMilford Haven , aii'l commands n most extensive view ufher Majesty 's Dockyard , and of the romantic and pictu-resque Scenery of the neighbourhood.

Visitors , Tourists, Commercial Gentlemen , and Fa-milies will find this Establishment , for siliutiun andcomfort , combined with moderate charts, turpasaed byuo other in the Principality . iViyht l'orter movti theBoala. Hot , Cold , and Shower Unths.All communications should be addressed to (j;25-tf)

E. W I L L I A M S , Manager.

LYNCH'S HOTEL, DUNGARVAW"j VTR. JAME-i LYNCH begs to infurm the Fublioi.*X that he hos Uemoved from the '' V I C T U U I V H. I -TKr," to that of the '' i'.AGLK ," which is now cirricdon under the iihove name, and which he lus fitted upin n superior style, to suit the wishes cf his manyFriends ;uid the Public generall y, who nny t:ivoi l.imwith their Patronage. He has ulso filled up n LivKii yYARD, with n uunibeJ of Box Stalls, to^eihei- wuh onextensive Posting l&itnbtislunent, where Vciiicit-s ifevery description may hi- lm-1 at n miuuto 's notice, witha Stntfol' s-i ft! Drivers. Chiirgrs Mmtrrnti: 'I he l'nlj.lie C'ouveyunces to the princi pal Toivus in ihir Souihdaily pass by the Door. (s30-tr)


(Lnte " Londonderry,")

4, 5, & G HOLTON S T R E E T , DUBLIN.J. MOLONY , (suciv.ssor tn WALS H & COSSC N ,)

Proprietor£23* TERMS VERT MQIIER .ITK f.i l lO-lyJ


(Lale i'ropiit-tor, Mr. M AL'K I U K COFP L V ).

PCARCY having purchased Ihe Interest in the

• above i»ld and well-c .-.taMi-ihed Hulel , most con-venientl y situat'-d to the- Orrai Southern and Wi-strrnUailway, and iu close prnsimity to the l-'uur rtiurts imdhouses of UusincHS in the C ity, has roliltcd and improvedthe entire Hsl.-ihli -.huiciit , for which he solicits publicPatronage, feeling confident of «iviu^ satisfacttou toVisitors. Ordinary D.iily at Five o'clock.

iK^* A Nik»hi Porter ul'-vavs in attendance, fmhlo-lr


In the Matter of P.» THICK I -rj (; I{ g TJ A XT to thoSlN Nurr, a Lunatic. _ f \_ (jrd"r iiuide the 2n.l

day of AIT. I;ST, ISu i , Mr . TI I I I .M A S H KLUI HU . the fyin-mittof! <if the Estnli- and l{,>i-pivi-r i;i tlii^< M.itt. 'r, willruccivc Pniposiils from all porsons vviilini »- to botumeTeiuiut or Tvinmts, tn :•-¦

First.—Tho DW K L L l X C i HOCSI-; and Hl'.S IXKSSCONCERNS at TAfJOAT, Hurony nf I-V.rth and fonntyof Woxford, callfil (irahnrmack , nnw in full workingordpr, and well known ii.s tin- Post OIU JC of Trgoal , iuirliicli the Lunatic has, tv.r many y.-nrs, niiii., - .--.-'fnll ycarriifd on (iem*ral Shoj, Hu?iiK-ss and Oonl Tr.,d,\ TI.',!H-mso is Comio-tilious , Shoi» v.?rv l.:u- .», nnd Kixturi-sExtensive, with an Ornamental (jsutlvii , iu wl,ich stund-ia Hakehniiso and 'Own.

Secoinl.—Part. ..f t in- LANDS of MII .TOWX , eo:i.tainir Three Acros r,r l l i i - r. 'ul'»nts , la to Iris h I'lai'tuttoiMtfiHiire, and part ni t!n> I.n: ls of U A I . L Y C O W A N ,containiiij f i Acres. 2 Kii.nl> , uu-l 2il lVr. -l u.-s, li;:.'

muasuro, making in the whole, ij A« .- rt- .-» , 2 H.J.HI .-*, amiill Peri-lies, s-itnatu iwur Ta^oat , iu baid liarouy andCounty.

Third.—The Lunatic'.-* one nn-lividc'l moioty n!' portof thu Landu nf .STRKAMSTOWN. near Tniriwt , iu aaiclI'arouv ami C'mmty, ci'iiiainiiiK Vi Aero-?, i1 lioods, and:!0 Porches, Plantation Moasur. -. living T'l Acres, ;|Rond-i , anil .1 Pi-rcln.-s, St.itu!. ' M»\"isuiv, the wliul alioin^ occupied, iuji-il ami cultivati'ii l«y tin- Lunalio,jointly with Mr. Nii .-lo.by Wliilf , nf LadyV Island.

Fourth.—The T U A T C H K D D W K I . L l N 'Ci-UDUSl!and PUICMLSK S, t',,nn, -vlv n-n-il :i- :; !'.v.rim?s Coiuvnn,with :i l >i ui t I J Acrf?, lri ^i i l 'I ;M; f.:ti - xi Mii^aiv , |,:r. i o ;tlio LaniU nf C R A H i l i l M A C K , at T.ijjii .,1 a.V.re - ..iil , ins.lid Uiiriiuv uii'i i.'uiin^y.

The ltecoivi .T is aiitiinri-u'd tn Sell to tho doclarodTenant of the Tagoat (n> ii>>ra l liuriniKi CY'iuvrns, thoSHOP-FIXTUR KS , STOCU-I.N -TKADK, ami FL'HNi-TURE therein , at thu Valuation of an A ppraiser,theriOiy enabling the Tenant t" contimu' the existingbitsiiii-ss, with the advantage, it is believed , of his beingcontinued Postmastor.

HZJ " Tagoat is near tho Sea Coast , and within.''evenMiles of Wexford. The Houses and Luuds can be in-apccteil on application at the Post Ofiico, Ta^oat.

Such Proposals, addressed to Air. THOMAS H KM .ORD ,the Keceiver , Tlionias-stri'Ct , Wutoil'urd, will bo nuh-uiittod to the Lord Chancellor fur hi.s apiii-obutiuu .For further information npplv t<» said Ucciivor, or lo

PEIK sK R I'll.l.Y, Soli . i:ur ,l1, LiHlo (Ji-orgi-'s.St., Wulerfurd.

September 1st., ISlii .

TO BE LET,rpilK Kxtcnsivc I.'ON'CKKNS in \.i. liael-«trei l con._L ¦.i'iting of Stores , Sheds, Yar.l , lie., with an

abundant supply ol K"°d 'Waler. ( l i> - tfjtSS " Apply lo B W ALS H .t Sox, Uj rronstrand slieet ,


F. Valuable 1.1 M K S I'ON K QU AltRIE -f of Ballykroghan, adjoiniut; the Kilmacow Muiion o f l h c j

Kilkenny l.'ailwuv , with Two L I M E K I L N S in Roodorder, on the most approved plan . Immediate posses-sion can Le given.

Apply to the Owner , S. T. G UUDB , ESU ., Killas pyHouse, Waterfonl. (ausO-if)


j __ * COTTAGK , coinviMing of KiUhen , P»r-fv?g ' J\ luur , and Two lied liuuuis , Furnished or

U A H Unfurnished. The Cottage is v ^ithin a fcivJi i n J yards uf a litKititiit il l laihiug Place. ljy-1]

Applicaiion lo be made to M. J. IU TI 'M A K , Gruudi-son i uvc, or at LTSCII 'S Y.u\i\o Hotel, Unngarvan.

Ballinacourty Hou3e and Bemesna,NEAR DUNUA KV.VN , Cn. WATKRK u RD.

if SSk rPf I PK LKT, (he above desirable nod beauti-JuiTiijI X ful KeVidence, ennsistinijol ' tt molt coinmo-

• nous H OUSIC and OU T-l>FFlCr.S , in perfect icpair.on the Sen-side , with (i'iir<<cu mid <lichai - .|, stockC'Iwith evtry description of Fruit Tiee.

The Ijind attached to ihe House (in Grts.si is in theOwner 's possession, and cun be let with the Uuuse ifrci|uiied

The Hoii'c qu irter , inclii'lii.g Cnr.lcn And Orchard ,consists of about Seven Statute Aares.

For further particular*apply tojo nx H 'INT . Solicito r,Dnncarvaii. [mh2l-tfj


Just publixhcd, wilh numerous Plates, in a Rcalrd envelope,price Is. ; sold by M A N X , 3il Curuhill , and J. A I.I.K .V , 20Warw ii-k Uiu1, Palpruo.itiT |{nw, London : by Powi:t.i. ,Wotmnrolnnd-strci'i , DuMiu ; au<l all H.Hjksuliuik , or vontpust paid, by the Author, for 12 stamps.

MA N H O O D : the CAU SK nnd Cb'R F. ofPHKMATUKK DECLINE , with Plain Direction*

for Perfect RtMomtion to Health and Vi jiour. I'.y Dr. .1.L. Cl'KTlB, 16, Allicrnmvle-str.vt , Piccadilly, Ij<in<lon.

CoSTE>T.-*:— Iiitrailustm'v Chttptrr tm tho Physioln^1*1!!Si i net me and Knin-lioi,» of the It.'pvodiKlivi- ()r;;ans.—Chapter I I . — I'auvi uf SprrnMtarrhiee and Iir.pitence ;Eaily Vii-ioiiH Indnkinaii ; nud Dun^T* of Nr

b-lffi.Chap ter 111.—\ i l . \ i i w o f the various iVwjualificatioiu o»Manin^e ; wlu-thi-r ii-sultin^ f'-uui Youthful Abuse, tl.eFilling of Maturity, the Frti- iis of Climalo, or lnf, ctiun,Chap ter IV.—TiT.itnu-nt , M.dicul and Mural , bi in;{ theri-Milt of a Fiuvessfiil jiniL'ica '.it i>eli:u o>-*r » iH riuil of -J6ye:n>. Chap ter* V. ami I 'l., un the Modern Treatment ofCiunnrrliwa and Syplti'iM.

The Book concludes with DUUUOTU K varied and interei>tiu^canes, and tho Author's te>-ript ol a preventive Lotion.

KRV1KWB ul TIIK V f O K K ."Curtis on Manlu»l.—This is a truly valnahlc «ork, and

should bo in the hands of young ouJ old."— Sunday Time*,iird March, 1B56.

" The sntlior 1M» conferred a Rreat boon by puhliihiii? lliitlittle work, in which h Aesm'.>ed the aourco of thoM disnunwhich produce decline in } uuth, or more frujuf utly, prema-lure old ti;r."-~Doily Telegraph, March 27, 1M58.

Ci'iiiiilt.itiotis daily from ID till 3 »nd 6 to *. (ulS-ly

Page 2: snap.waterfordcoco.iesnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1862/WNS-186… · VOL. XII.—NO 729 CHINA AND JAPAN TEA WAREHOUSE, 40, QUAY, WATERFORD, (NEARLY orTOSITK THE

WANTED,f t V HOUKIIT I.OC5CE & C., a H '=p.vl.iS)U- Yinill

*'••:¦ ."."III .« . A. .. :- :ijilv 'v r.- ml l l y. ! Hj

FIIEKCH HAT MANUFACTURER..1/ . .V. C11 A 1) V. !¦ I. ,

I JVtKX C Il HAT M A X U l -'ACTUiiKR. bc;is lo say$ tliut iic !,a« !H3(lc arranpemen's to I'ominue !'•••'

Jl AT '1-iAUi-: i:i;:..- l. uu.c. 4. I.lTTLli- . K< >i: t . I . 'S-STUKl"!'. l lr U U K IS lhat the- Gentry :.n l Inliahi-tiMi ss i.l' \V-it.-vfniil "ill cnniimie to ¦.-triniisc him.]!e lii'^s K> ;:->- >iiic thi m that t ,cy "ill fi »1 ii ih- irr.-.'. - .II I MJ I O to ili ' »•> . iii Ii:1 is lulh' dclcriiiiiicJ t'i i£iv'.' uleu .- cl ss nf liat than tinv i an puss lily ml fromi.i:y ln.t a M.tiiul '.ii-tisri -r. l ie culls narlicul r atton-U-.u i. . his t.r.»i Ik'. t tor 17*., us one- tllat cannot beMi n..i».- . . I r,,r :my j .ii.v by any nulicr ; also, !heKM p !- ,i»n;y uf his 'll:i« . f.ir it's (fel. Kaiicy or parii-in '-.ir .-hv.ioil l lais ami Caps made lo orJer. The "10lUt* ilr.<M-a :V< i- i.! eliarse. [olS lfl

v.iit n i a:- o .v-.v urn i ;.\: u x.CA 'MltCK-O N ::1."li! D'.KI 'K VS AKV DISTRICT.

MEDICAL OFFICER Y/ANT3D.rj^ l l i ; i'oi.iini iti-o of .Miiiia^i'inrot of thi " ;i!.mv Ois-J ;:• i.i/.v Pi.«!riri .vill , ou SATTHDAV , the 2.111.

nf SKi 'Vl ) >i i> i : i ( Iu« '., ::l tip- Imnr -n' Kleven o'Cl.vk ,a. 'I!., |.¦•;'.•¦:. il i i K N -i - 5 :i duiy - i |U.i i i .'i. .i '. IVrsi.u In lill t!'o.I ' OIV Si' i iarii in , whu wiil li> » riv .>im- ..l lo n'^iiU* in tl:c-• \. r.i i,;V.iM'wii^'i-S :!;, at a -Sj!»ty oi' .'-'l^U p er An-lii . i. i .

A |.j ilv::« i >!!»: , :;crn:u>i:.ui<<J wi!li (lie 'l^crss irv To*li.i-..i 'ii.i>* i.i-l .I) i ;ili 'i:<..i » , will Uf tvci'iv ,-,! j,, the* Tenderliov <> ¦.' •:'¦•• U II :I I -.1 i;.<i.:n . CVri.''.:...n-s.,i r \Vi.rk> .ou.«>,iiji lo !i:l- ' ;> i - t 'IV:' <v'l - l ^-- 1-. :i.!n ., I hi 1 ,1-iy uf i-leviiim.

Tin1 |k-r.« >inl Rl f i -Ti . l - '- - ">' thp CiniiiitbtoK is imii*.< > - .:.sa'i!i-. ( i : -.'di'7.-\ (sli-it.)


WATSTIFORD UrJiOW.^5 A 3 I K Cuiri i i .-ins t 'f I In- JW of ihr> .-.love Union.i. wi l l , at their Mcc'ins: to he liclj on W KD X K S-

DAY , the 17 Ii l » - t . consider Tenders fur t- e '•u pply,in ihe W i i k h . u - i (Cu via;;.- Free), of 110 Tons uf UI?<T( ' A K D I i F COAI.S ill i l -p propmtiiiu bl* Uue- lhirilfhel lo Tv.o- :l;i;.!s R.:;n;<l Coal .

SIM '.K -I IV IIII •: .- , :i,l.lirs-..l to Ihc ririlrnuin, n 'lll boltcoitcil liy in; lit my Oific! :'t t l " V.\n l:!i'.iis;< , u]i In) !c\rti n't Ii rk ». in. , mi (hi* n^ov^-ii-iinc'l 'Irty. afterw l . '.c '.i hour ui> Ti n'li't- «i l l In- roo ivoil.—!>y Order,

W I L L I A M IJA 1.Y,Acliug Ck'rk nf Cniin,

I'- .w id Tconi , ?ent. 4il: , 1SI 0. (n.-.-it. 1,

WATsaFonrc unriorr.SL'IT'.Y (»:•' STIJ.Hl ' —T. c i irinliufia ii f tlie lVor

of tho a'<>vi -ii. iiiii! I lh:iin will , nt t' irir Mi'ct-inglo lie lu'lilui f f K i 'N K S D A Y , the 17th fr.rTt.Mr.Er.l':st., in tpr l i in 'I cmiers for the iMippI y of :)0 Tnns of}i!:sT OAT S T II A W nt—. per I on. Scaled 'IVii.lers,:.iMre.:>eit :O ";1K" l'rHilini (liainivin ef the Hour ii f Ga.iv-liicis, " nml eniK>rsf-I " Tender fur Stmw ," willlie r. ceiv."'l |,v me at my Oilico at the Workhncso up loI.lfVCti oVl.i.I; a.i:i., on tho a'nva ilste , iiftcr wliichhour no 'J'eudor will lie rci-eivc.l.— Uv Ur.Kr ,

vV i l .LlAM DALY ,Acting Clerk of the Union,

feud Knom , -i'h SciJl., Iti. :. (si-2t )

WATSRFOP.O UBflOiVHj ^Jl lC Uua»<!imi« of ttif I'nor nf tlie ' iih uve UnintiJ u-i!!, a- an A'!i.mr:'.i*.l M>'i:!iiii : l.i ho ln-M i.t i T i l l MA V ,

I i - SWli ,l.iy iS Si rrrMrr.il. In t . , on i i ihi i i i Tt -Kilfis I'mh".:|- |>!yiu.! il'e . \Viiili ''Unu" » i t l i !lii " Mlim ij: All irl.- s, ulalKiiTO 1 iuj t!i^ f.i!!nw!::a W.-il;--, In- > i x an.i T.ivlvu M .ntli < ,• onniu-titiir ^ :*'.Mii li.5t., o'.ul ':i. i:ii^ t'nl *2".l!i iiuv t.l* Jt'T",Iti '.vi, \ 'y.'.: —Kov Six Mi III! t — t 'r.uri- iii 'ns .m.t XAW/'V. ,r.'r. .•-- 1 ¦-!; v.i't. Su • «;•, l'.- :"|...! , Wiiit ", VVSiislii-y, Ar.-.i-v):m.l , liiv.-, C.iuliis , St.iuli mill Him-, S.K!:I , Snip. Via./.;¦.•... .!.-.:- li-i>!i l . iii -n , CiiliVii. Tiviv !. VI n:,. -l . ll.u^ilM ii |V, Tl.n.rl . T.r,v. Tl.i i-Wri , X:v'IU , S:« _k Sr:<*irs,

\ :t -v. C' I :I eh , I' .iilinnv , l-'i^'i i i i . I.IM I IMT, l'"iif/.i ', TitL. -n .lili lilliit- . O- .:iN, Ki.i\. f. -l'w.-y, < .';t Jir.i . K - i'riti!i*?un,u:t, *•:/. :— l::-ii-lii« ,''i'\v'i'i\ Ii ::.k» mi I Co i-l's , I, II ,. -, Oil- , (.'OI. I IIK ,S' lilV- . v. i.i:, . I.i".«! , 11.-. ..IIH S !i«< -'l:. H.mi .. I .- I .. S.ni.l , Oi ls ,li iiin. I! ". i»i . Sl|.-piu». SuMlii Wwk, Ila;. ¦!!.< , Tins l!uvkcl« ,"i'l'-l*, I •• ¦il l*, Wli" c!ij:irri. -.\» , i> a.-'i.i :ls, t.'i -ui!is , Ni.il s. .S/.i-<( . '« < r..y. .V"'.— i'..p.':\ .-.i!i!i _' Wax . lVhs , l l : iv•• '..ij> l *, Ink ,lfo..!, «'!.!!•! r.-rii ia , lu«ir.i::.' A Ivi '.-ti- i' in. 'ii S, I' l i l i l in ^ ", A.'J;«)Vi'-(Vli:ir, SiKMi 'l"'..' L'.i!:c :> . Ai-i, lur G.iinlin^Lrllaii Giu, at — |:. r H u i i l .

*i'ii»* I 'M: nhanfi will , i,n s:iti:i» >! iy, enti'it. i in propn«:ils fur( l c I U H I'- S I I V Smiili Wurl: , K . piiu- the Lw.';< , lCiys ,I.n'.- ii-^ anil ll'ii;*(*>; 1 lie UV'.-l .ii r*.inip.i , l-\u» -o l'u:ii]is ,I..:-..! l'i|.i-f , io . lit " .In- \V..i l;i. . ,u-.. ami Kovir ll .Kf iMl , inr. ,..iir , t.if T»- i-ln! Al 'iiil!i« . vi '!'|il>iu.i M IL- V.'.I : thuiis," H as .] :*..is \\'\'.\i M.n'i; in, s aiiil M. *ui;:..l Api»ii.i:i i' .- J. cii.l lur Svvi ep-iit i: the K!n.N un.l t'hiu:m.y> f..r^;-ine pi.rioil ; :il-« . : I. r s:'(t.» ly inp Mrilii '.nr^ ::'!'l M '.l i ial A|'i»!i.ilic.'S lu tin* s-vv .-a! Dls-|a'!i .:ii. in III." o*:» :-jii. i'^::ihli<!ii".l niiiler prnviii'i s ofAfr il iYu! ( 'iiaritiis ' Act. l'iiii! '->l !.i-:« , rn:i!iiiiii:i _- I m i l n rj a:li i 'i ial> , l» :ii , iiiv to !l'C M-vr-il A ' 1 i - I « *) , A. .. nquiit iltil.ttl'i.l::.^ Mul c in ;iiiil Mulii'nl A ] ii.i.iitccs). cm Iru HI 'IM

:it l..y 1'iiKiv , a! t 'n- iiim il Uinmi nf tlic" \Voiki|..u-i". Theal-i .v? ".!ii l. s tu l'> ' il li'vurrd at tile Wulklu'ti^v , a-i-1 lliuMt- .!: 'tiM-H all'l >* .'-it *-:«l Aj'[ lJMir. 'S at thtr M-vrraM>i -«;'i *l:s .-uii-t;{tre'ii ' all e'xpens- ). . t sihli '.ian-s .ui'l in sui.- !i itn- '.ntitiv i t anmay l .unl. 'r. d hi tin- Unnl .

Na!i! tenl i- is 'a.'ui^snl t.i I'IO IV . - i in .- Chiiii-mau , r.rdCl.d ir.-l''i ** *J " <»; i« 1». i* t -» r ," ;\< tl.l' ri'.H1 may It?, il"Cn,i:|ialliid1'V s.i;iij ili-s u\ ii.-r- " j . ri'ii ii:-i : ii ) , w? !* !• ¦• Kvei-.i'il I y n.i? f.ji toI^'ivoa u\'!o f U i.'ii til. 1 uloiv. -iuiaicd dav (v'z, S'J ili ii ib taiit ) ,a.,rr i'. l.i::j 1 uur n:: t-.':i !••:¦ *vill t'L- in-f;\'--.l.

A t 'r, :i!:i!o Tin.!, r inr-t i.e SKII ! in l.c .M . h i rM ' '•', anil noI'-n !u" ivill !¦•• t-'ir^ii !^:!1 .! ir-r in stt ic L cia ii- t inity w i ih ihi»)itilii:e. (llr »i'i!rrnf tin' li inr 1 )." '. V I L L l A i I DALY , A-J iujj CUt ul L niin .

IViv.l l!«,iii , W<.ik!i..i.v ,V."hli.r..:d. ll l l s Si'i.t.-n 1 rr, 1 M'.2. (?li.2!)

BT.TWGA?.vTArj UNION.NOT!!. i: 01" i'ATKS H A V I X I i U K K S MADE.

.•v'- '&j^ S i 1 ll:.tes lave

1 ' i ' H ilnly nir.'i • HH

t'? t~: J^"?t' *'"' lV"p."i-iy fi*ua *i-d in the uiidi-r-ini-n'.iiui"'d Kl oet.tVi'l i .'i i-i -ii ' nf i.l i iA .'-iiuired iTniur.,r:iti ".i"U' imliT t!n > I' f.i.'isiiiin nf tin- A i t s i'l.r tin-l;>'li.-r •..!' -Jit.' !)i-;liti:t. > I'n'T in Jri- laii: ! , )i-,!ii :»iy :¦-

Ivii-ti.r;;! l.'ivMo;: ul Ai'.l:Muin., u li.ilc o! Tcii iVn.:i" inJlii- i'«i::.i!.

K'.ii i iv::l Divlsii ii of li .iu/i .MACAHT, n HHI C of Tin IVnceia t!n> l:. uial.

Klcctf,i-;.l Divi^iun of IJ U HMJOON , n Uiite of Ki ght Penci1in tl ,e I'uuuil .

K:«.-toral DivLian of CA ITA KII , ft li.i'u of Ei^ht Pence iut'..e I' mm!.

K'.ctnial Divibion of CA K I :I(; I. I:A , H Hatf of Xin? PeiK-einIh- P.iaial.

K1'-ctu:.ti llivi i 1 :..!! i.i t.*i.'.i>!.j , u ilnlc nf Tin. Ti'iiCtf in tin*1-0U T-..1.

Klr.toiul Divi.,iuii nf Ciii i.t j A N , a lt.ilo of l rflit 1'iiici! intin" Pound

Kl'-itoval Divisi, n of Cni;.'j.\'.:.iuLi.v t a Hale uf KlcvuiIV:.".' !,i Ire I'. 'iiii.l .

lCli" . tjrul Kv-sVii «f I'IXST .'.NA , n Iljt.! of One Shi'lin;/ai.it Ki^lii lVuw in tl o l''inii.l.

H'-i l T.al I j i»i - i ¦ 11 oi Uito.'U'U::, a Kate i f Ti n l'i-uoa in|1:M i'mii l.

K!:"£i 'iikl Il:\ is:mi i ' I l t ' N i i A U V A X , a K:.lu of Tlui't' Hhil.lit:: ii «t ti a lVin:j >ii th ' I ouii 'l.

).) ¦ c'.urul l) '.xibiuu u: Kintts, n li*te of Sit P. )n-i ii: theI'I .V.II !.

Kl oi.ir.il Divi.ii .n nf KsocKAl 'sDn tNo.'.cx , u 1! :!i' ofK.irl .t P-i:r." iil I In- Pinii.il .

hli-ci'iraS Ui . i -.ii,!. of llojitl.ico , H I'a'e ofT. n lVmv intin- I'-iiii nl .

U'.i ^ttM . il l) ivi-i. ii ul' M III'SIJ -IUAKT, a Uateol O.ie Shi!-li'iir and Ti-n 1'in - i ' in ti l- * i'..i lMil .

Kluloral I) ivi "- ;, n <•: 1,' IM JV I L L K , a lUlc i.f One bhilliii;;am! S.- .TI : P- nc> " in ill:1 Pmm!.

KV"'".:iri. i Divir -mi n! S!:SK I N .< SE , a Itatc of One SLillin.'mi I Tlnvo IVaci- in li i- I'- nm!.

K!.il' .i-al !>¦*• ;.;. •.., ..| Wi:in::- !irncH, a Knli 'uf One Sliil-lin^ a:i'l 'l 'i.iit- IVncc in :!ic Pminil.

Thai tin; U aiv-l l iM-l i * ;ir<; iinw in my <:iHt"ly, anilliny hi- l:i. .> .;- .:!'J l.y ::nv , . - i . . .ii i'l!'i'rtei1 tln'reliy, atti: i» /i.y.u*.i- .«ji 'l:i , I .* II :I *:I iV' orkh'.r'ff , mi an\ ' t]j:y i->:i ..(,tS.ui'lav , leiwc . -n ti ' i " liiinrs nf '!'hN n'Cl ul: in t in "»o •< ¦:« •'mi i"in! I'OL'lt u'Clivk iu t in- Ait.rni.im ; uii'!tin' said itati-s w i i i 11: j iavalj li; from and al 't'-r ll.i1 jiui;-i ; . : , i ; . i , i . , f ihi i N'i i ;.c .

.-¦i^iii-d tiiM 11 tit ¦!:.>• ol Si'inumber , I W-2.D A V I D I - I I Z G K R A L I ) ,

[m;21-!t] Cl- .-rl: i- 1' tin; I)itn<;arva:i I'jii.iu


IX.S!'I-.CTJ( J X t)l" I SATKI 'AVE S '.S.

«0. -?Cj | XTl ) l l t l ': » "«"'-.v «!»«,. tl iatV -.'iJiyy O-L * lin!i") , IM licrruinliT iiu' ;itioiiitl ,fe^>trj2Sk?ii! ar.> ii l) oiiL f . I i - mud.- un the i'mpirtvpituali.-d ill the* iiiiJi-nr.i.iitii' i;"-i! li l: 'ctnra l i J iv 'isiniiM int)n> nl.<". i " Uiii nti , i-i '.'ul .'lr under tho pr«ri»iuufi nf tin'Aeti for tlic l'.cluf uf lliu lA.'li!i!t» IVjr in Iichuid,iia:i".i"ly :—

KWwr.il Diviiii.nol I!A I .I.VI.AM.I:.V , U li iteufUur Shillingai.d Li.'ht I'.'ine in Ii. . lV.u-l.

Kloit. r.il Div»ii.n M I (.'Ai -.KHii'A M i.E , a Kate of One Shil-ling and Two IVnee in Inn Pi.'.iii - i.

lJlii:!or.il fJin' i'in nf (,'n.M! ^t (;ii, n Kutu of (^uc Siiiliiiuat;d Ti'ii IV III -K in ll»- P-.ui. i 'i

K'ntu al Divisinn of t'jwii, a l.'a:e of One Shilling am!Fivi' IVt:ce in the i'ouml.

JvKi .iMil Dlvisiiiu of KoxV CA JTLK , U llute of One Shil-lini; and Seven Ivnte i:i tin' Pound.

K>i".nral Diviainn cf .Mi ' i 'MtrxsEuv, a Jtate of ()m-S!.i..ili^ and i'ivi' lVnu! in tl. i; Po:lti-K

K.eclnial Diri.i'iu nf SI K A M I A I I .A , a Hate ol T.vo Miil -} \u j~ Hi,d 1 I I K H I'.-nie ii . tbe P. UIII I .

K)i*L*ii<r d IJivisiiiii ot TI .V N A K A'.I;A I :T, a Iiute of One Siiil*ling uu'l Three Pmcu in iht* l'niin-1.

hl«;tiiial l-iv ;si.»i ol K N O C;K .>JAIION , a Hutu »f One Shil-ling and KI I.VMI Pim-i. in llu* Pfin -ul.

Eitii.nl DiiUii.nof KiLUicnt ' iUAS, n U:iteof Tao tlii!-lu-.i: air.l Two l'ein c in lh" P,,un !.

F.lHrti,,nl l)wi>ir,n of AssrsTows , a lii le of Oac .Sliiliii iRand K'ciit IVH .T in tin- l'.iund.

Eltcloial 1/ivisimi of I R M U U., u Iiate of Ouu Sli '.llinjrnud Y>,m l'Jiiie in the i'miini.

Kltctoial Uivibioii of lii.oiOESTOWK , u Kite of Klevi nFence iu the I'mind.

tl.tloihl Division of CiAr.'i'CNMOliitl s , n liulo of One Shil-ling und Six Piiice iu the I'oinul .

Kl-ct .irnl Divi.iuii of Saw tows, a Rate of Two Shillingsand Two Pence in tln> IVunil.

iS'rctoml Divi-ii.ti of KiLUAicn ^FASEX , a. I'. ite of TwoSliilli'ict aud u IVnny in tln> Pound.

And tliat Uie Rate* l«i>ol:fi lire deptwiled f..r U IP In-ip«cliou of ony RnU ^iuj w , ht the JiK-rd llojm of thoKilmiethoir.n.') Uniun, and will lip there Open fnr snihInspection Iictwiwn tho IIOMM of Ten in tiie FtP'.'ioonsal Koar in the Afternoon daring t'.is Fr,urt''on Uaynnexi. cn itin^ tlio dute tii .-n.-of, cxi-la>ivo of S-indBVC

.Sieuwl lliu !'«• '!'>• ••' S-tit<- ¦>¦> ¦• • • • 1 S.'li.r 429A»13i WILLIAM HUNT. Ckil . .¦: Union,


/». 3!KKTIXU .if tin- Siiiirolnil-kifl r,f th.; Walerford¦ind I. imiii i- k H:iil,v:n- , lield at thn ()!Kce^ of Ihc Com-pany, Wiili-rfiml Ti'rniiiius, ut Xewratli , iu the Cmmty•>f Wal"rlV;rd, ou KH I I J A V ," JUiii day of A IT.VST, ISlid ,

U'I I I .MM M A I C OMS ON . K'sq. (Chiiirmnu of the lfoardof Ij 't rectoi"') , in the Chaii*.

T W' Si-rr. .t»ry I MVIII ' read t!-e notice convening theMi -i'tin;;, tbi' Sru l of llio Cnmpaiiy v.iis uiiixed to tlicUlster of Prc|irii>tors, mid rosoliitioim us follows worest-wr.illy canied un»nininiiy |y .—

lsl . u Tlii.t tho Uepnrt »>f tlie Directors now read,ar.d til , " Stntenw.it of Ai -imuiit ; for the half year emlinj;!:, •• .'iiltli day of June lur-t, , as alreiuly forwarded to the.Slinv.'h'.lileis, !io rcreiveil nud adopted.

2nd "Tlint DividendR lie now declared for the lsalf-year rnilnii; Sllth .Imn?, 18(i2 , npim the several clanncsi'f s!;ar:<s in this cimijwny, at th.e ratCB following, viz :

Ol "11 per ('< lit. pt'r Aiu i nti i on lliu 1} pur Cunt. L'onsjli-I 'uti'd Piclert'iitial Siinie (.!apittlt .

„ •'» |i. r (.Viir. per A I I I I U I I I on the S per Cent. lVcfcrculicl>harr Capital .

„ 0 |irr Cent, prr Aniiuni on the (I per Cent. Preferential;'-linrH Cupital.

.. 1 r-i 'r C-i''. p"-r Annr.nl on thn Ordinary Share dipilal.am! Hint RIH I I Ilividends lie reppcilively made jiuyalile":i the 15th day of Sc-ptcuibur nrxt, to the preneut re-gisteri'd holders.

"WIU.IAM MAI.COlfSON , Chninnan."The Chairman hmiiiR vai :.tod tho (.'hair, the Rev.

J. T. Mnllyo'tt was culled thrrcto, when it was nnuui-innnslr ri'.-si-l v.'d.

"That tl'C marked thinks of the nieelin-; lie stivni(<i Mr. i\I.:l:i':iiMm f</r his rtnirtcous and iiMe conduitin the chair on the present occaniim, and for his cimtinned and unwearieil atli-uti'in to the best interi'Rls nfthe U'lderUkin;,': II !M> t.i tho Vice-cliairmr.n (M" .Sli'ph.'ii"-!, nnd llii*' i . t inr Directors' who lmvi' HO di :i-Kiiit iy ci-opeir.il d in manuring the Company's nllVivsto our entire sat'*l:iction."

THOMAS A I N S W O R T I I , Sccrrlnry.


Clogheen Union Farming Society.'¦J M I K AXN 'UAL (.'ATTLE SItOW will bo held ing CAH1K , on JiONDAY , the IH tli SKI -T., lust .

On the nWve m-ntin.i-1 d-.y, l'i.-.-t , Second, and Thirll'l:w IUturn Tii"!;."l i« will ' 1-e issued '>> " tlio OrdinaryTri i.i.J, .-l.vin-din ,' lo i:l:i?a friKU .W'at-.Ti'ni'd null inti'r-nit 'iiiaie .Stati 'Mis, mil (Vom I.imeriek nnd iufernii-di.itoS'.M '. in t i i l i i Oihir , nt . S I Mi L K I-'AUKS , availalile fnrreturn f l u- AIM.' day l.y tin- Ordinary TraiiiH, ncr'irilinjff« ••]: : ** , and i;y f i:i' dnwn (Joods Train, to which car-r'.x ' < -< will l.'i' alia ".lii 'd.

X . It .---IVrsnns pn'scntin .ir tlioir lfelnrii PnilwiiyTi> k- l.-i wil l lie permitted lo vlsii Ihc beautiful Demesne,in' Kili 'f >ii)inoii.

W I L L I A M I.. PAYNE.Superintendent's Ollir",

Liineriek. Ith .Sept., 18tV2. (sl2-U.)


S U N D A Y E X C U R S I O NS !OX h l ' N I 'A V let .If ! E , 18(12 , nnd on Sundays

until lurther notice , the Trains will run asunder :KiiliHiinv Departure 8.t5 c.m ... IS.Op.m.WiMirfi.i if Anival 1(11-1 „ ... ".:>'.! p.m.U':i'i- rt-id Depnrt iirt " ... 1st .to „ ... S.O p.m.lCiiKinnj Aruval li.13 ,. ... 0.30 p.m.T!ie fi) ilu»iiit .' Rednceil I'.-ir'.-s will be t'lwrgcd by

these Trains for Hcturn l'ickrtd : —lst Clss. 2ii-l Clss . GdClss

Iiftwt iMi Wnteift 'i 'd nn.l Kil'Kenuy -It. IU. '2s.llrturn Tickeis will also !>a issued between any Two

Slutious , at Sisui.H KAKE .S.W I L L I A M L. PAVNK.

I.i neiicl; TrrniintH, 10th Mav, I8(ii. liny'-';)

1.OATJS OI'J EE3ENTURESr E ""IIK 1) 1 r.MCTiillS of the Wnterfni'd nnd Kill- enny

J Itailwny are prej iared to accept T K N U K I t S f-u-l.mxspn J> K » K .VTUIIBS for three or five Yenr.f nt 0le i t 'ent.. nnd for the "ti-irantecd Dehuuture -Stock ,tiufii ip; hitere.*! at (I per ( "lit . lor two Years, and ti perCent , io pipetuiiy ntierward a

The Line is worked by il.e U'aterford ami l.imericl:("ouip'iny, and there isu large surplus after payment o!wnil;;n^ charji.es nud ititi-rct t on loan?.

Applications to lie ndlrcsscd to the Secp tary at theCom;iany 's Oilia'si, 2 l!;iul: Place, Mall , VVutciTurd.

liv Older ,W I L L I A M W I L L I A M S , pro. Secretary.

Water furd, January 1st , IH (W . f ia iU . l f . i

MONXJY ON DBPOSJT.'B ^l l l - : WATKHFOHU und LIMK 1UUK U A I L W A Y1 C O M l 'A X Y nre open lo rcee vc, to R limited

cxtenf , A' oney on (/"itir^rary Deposit, tor iv Liel itLcfuliuwini; ISatcs of lnteie st wiil be allowed :—

;) per Cent., sit 'ojicl to rcpayn.ent nt any time nitertin- lir.it Month , on i.\r- ira|ion of Oho Week's notice.

4 per Ci'ht. if U'fl for TircWe Months und looser.Any suni of £i'(' :".ml upwards tnki-n , nnd the Principal

or Iniere^t will 1-t |iaid us desired by l)i"pi>sitnrs .rnit l .tr Inlnnaatioii can he obtuiiied lioiu the u-jdt'l -

-:»ni!'i , and nls.i from the Wlow itig Ap enls : —A . *ir.-I'IIKSS , i/uncaiiiion . t 'ounty \Vexlord , THOMAS S. H A I I -vi:r. Quay, Wati 'rfind j J OHN GI I U U B , (iirriek- nn-Snir;i*. It IJ AM'I KI .D , tj lonuiel ; SAMI'KI . Ji '.i.i.ico. t'ahir ;liAnnC01.1.MAS , Tipier.iry ; f>A Vin FI T Z G M > A L I > & n,Liaicrick. ( l ! y ( .'filer: ,

T. A I X S W O K T I I , Secretary,lioard Hoom . Wnter 'brd Terminus. ( i i 'J'-'-i f)

House aud Garden ArVaated.\\T A X T E I) , a 110USK and H A H U K N in theVV Subuibs of this City , i.r ill tlir Mitiiiir. Aplace

of inml-ra;c Item will Miit best. If the Premises willaiiMivr , the Tenant will he pcrmiiiient.

>¦•••*" Propnfals , slating Itcut , Sc, *c, aildress to

the " Tii? X < « s " ( :ii:cc. ( t f . )

MEDICAL PHOrSSSIOND'JCTtlU H ' U O L ' U K K has a Vacniiry for a respect,

aide YniiliK M«n .1< all A I 'I ' l lK .V'l I i ' K . !!«mast be eMiraie.l a^riial;!e to the Mediial Act of IS'Aand luiisi have iimiei^one the preiiin-iiary ex.iniinati'in.lie will he treated in cvrry resj i-jet as '.aeof ihe I'aniilv ,ai;il will have an opportunity of learning his Pnife-*?;onin evrrv dep.'.rtment. (so Ot )

rii 'ii'scoithv , 'J l r t August , 18H 2.


ASTKADY SOHK U MAX , of lndusl i i i>us HaWt s'

n-hti iiii. l:.r«t:iii (N the l i C V I X G and SIvI .I . IXfiu-. I I I D l i S and I.K.VTH Kli. (so-tf .)

Aiii.lv to Mr. J A M E S M TKH S , Suir 1-l.ind. Olnnniel

TO MERCHANTS.ARKSPIXTAm.i : M A N , ol pre.ient dineniintrcd ,

wuiits a SITUATION in a Meieh- ;nt 's Oilice , i suttnnil judj-'ir uf ij i-Hiu , ii'i't onderslanils the ' oru Tradein a'.l us '.lunches Salary rxpented, moderate.

Aj- p ly t'i tl.e i.!lii:i. of this paper.W.i '.ei foiil , S5I1 Sept , 180-2. fs . i-3t )

WATES.FORD FAItMING SOCIETYf l M I K AXXl 'AI, SHOW nf this Sneii-tv will lie helil1. at tie; Cl .iL'nT-HOUSK (JKOUXrt.S, on THI :IIS-

n.u, the l(<lh «KKr. , Inst. The Show Yard will beOpen to tin! l'ulilic nt TWELVE o'clock , noun.

Admission , fid.€$? A Hand will l.e 1:1 Attendance .The Members and Friends of the Sih'icty will Dine

together at tiie Ti.wu Hull i»a the name Kvenin^at Kivc•/Uiuvk. h'inncr Tii kctH , 2« . (Id. each. (sl2 - lt . )

M. 1) I IA3SAU1 ) . Hon. Sec.1? A R M S E E D S , 1 8 6 2 ,i FOIL 1M1KSKXT SOWlXfi.

Iiiip'irte.! Winter Vttehi s a:iu Itye.Iinpii i l . "! Winter Kape .Seed.Inipiirlid Italian H yecrrass, nnd Italian Crimson.Clowr fur SoiliiiL'; best Seed for |iermanent pimture.Drumhead and flat Dutch Cabbage.Xnnparei l and Wellitu^on do.Lar);e and Dwarf York. •Hay and Stti M.le- Drai; Hnl:e».Par!«i''p Steel DijT/injx Forks.C-utt-s '. t'i'l Tiimi ji li- ii'S and UamUm.Cnrn Seethes , eonijileto.Hav , rl iaii ", and 'i urnip (> utt ' ir3 ,

With every re<|iiuitc fur Farm «nd (iardun purposes, atLoweMt Pricea

AI.KXAXDKIt CAM PRKLL ,[alB-tf] 2, Mull , Watd-r/ird.

AL'ent fnr 1'avne'n Patent Ad|usla!de Corn Kcvllii '.

G A M ET'lK imdermenlione/J 'J i.wnlmulK ,- in tK* f>orony wf

Ida and ( 'uuiity ol Kill. i i iny, me ttriclly piesnvcdParkstown , Tn-anarce ,Al.iicrinore , Ciitbrnrk ,Tiuvaii 'O i-h , Uallinlj inmy,Chnili .-ionn , IlaMinclare , 'linl h tiiountuin , OutiKfou-n ,Voanrop, liall y liiiu'irk ,Itall y homuck , - Srartiianioe ,I'.iunna^eloge , Slieverue orMelvilh , Kilmurry,Unhillak ccn , Luflany,liallinnniMiil. an , Slurtaghstown , :IJall j kiiUboy, Haih pntiirk ,MiUrown , Curraitlmiorc ,l- 'ahr , Gortcens ,NiclniliK itftwii ,

Al< o , thi" I'oliiiwiux I.uudi in the Couniy Watcrford : —(. 'r'lmwfU'fc Uock , Ann'emount,( liri- iii ndom, U pfjr iini! Newt own and

hnwt-r, Nf wrath.ICJ " All I'o'nons Trecpasiing on any of there T.nnds ,

¦illrr this Notice , withoul Permission in Writing, arciis.Me 10 l.ei;a] Prosecution.

ll.ilhnii.uiilaiii . Auv'iKt, 1862. (auSU-lf)


/ 'MIX COI.IJXS be«s to inform tlic PuMla that lieh:;!> ^Inniir.srnts, Head St'ines, and Tomb Monc»

rrodv nmt.'c. All kinds of Cut J*tonc for Buildings.fc3S* M M!> . H:U l'rieri , and Best of Workinani-hip

VI! Orncfi aitci.dnl lo in tin- Shork'it Notice. <f l5 - i f

TO WS-liALL , ir.irElUVHI)M R . J . W A S H I N G T ON ,

rnoFtsso n OK VOCAL MUSIC ,BEGS to imiinatc tlmt he purpo3es forming Two

Klemcntnry Sing ing Olussnts for tidies and Gen-tlemen respectively, on the Evenings ot Wednesday111 il Saturday, in oaoh wcok, coiiuncuctng WKDNES-DAY , 31-a SKl'TEMBEK.

II'IOU S OF ATTEND AKCE.Ladies, .. .. from 7.:tO to 830 r.M.Gcutleraon, ... ... from 0.0 „ 10-0 r-"-

TKR M S TEH H O A I I T K U .Ladies, .. . . . - Ss" "' •licutlemcn, . . .. . . . ••• 7a " tiJ-

(Pnyaide in advance.)tCJ * For particulars sco Cireukr. (nn20-3t)



THK fairer portion of the Community of tho 1'rb.tIntacta are respect fully requested to uccn-d their

kind support, to tho above movement, which lias beenRO jieneroiisly iiiiuiKiimted by tho Employers thismonth , l.y manner <!i'"ir I'nrpI'iKios I'ef-.'ri- Sir o'Ulwk.The Assistants feel they may with confidence appeal tothe [rentier xei , in whose enuse they labor BO constantlyand devotedl y, when they assure them that is the vitalpoint in e.stablial'inKthe Early Clo?in;r system on a firmbasis. That the Knip lnyiTS have shmvu their cordialCo-operation may be relied on; it therefore, remainswith the Ladies to sny whither Karl y Cloniujr is lo bem mil to be. They me, however, certain the cause willn-'t sulfer in their hands, and having once succeeded in.•nli sttii fr feiiiaie nyiupath y on their fide , may countup-m iierfect- success—woiiinu'a iiilluencc beiiiK every-where irr^istiblo. («12-11 .)

Wsitarford Blaritime School.¦THIS School is held in 11 Hoom iu the MODKI,A. SCHOOL , nnd is iniended not onl y for Uoya

t(oinj; lo Sea but ah-o fer jiersous wishing to obtain Cer-tifiCHt" 8 as .Maslcrs or .>fat (S .

The Course of Instruction, comprises lli c followingsubjects " —

A cna'plrto conn 0 of pure and mixed Jlnthemnt:cj ,inc'ii'Mns the ilifi'err-nt liancliei* bearing ou Navi gationnnd Xautien l Astronomy.

N'livi ^nll.in and N'aulicj l Astroiiom/.M nWiune ^uivey ing.Coattvuction and nee nf Charts.Adjustinent aud uso oi the t'exl.int, Trisoiatio Coin-

l,a.-s. &c.The IJIWS of Magnetism , wilh rnferencc to thn Jia-

rincr 'n Com fuss nud the various methods of finding iheiitnoun! of duviitiun due lo local causes in inm aiidother vessels

II I'SMCH the above branches, Hoys intended fnr theSea arc taurrht Oriiinmar , Geography, &c Tlio hoursof attendance arc : —

Day Class, ... .. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.iivfij iiij; Cl.i.ss, ... 7 p.m. to 0 p.m.

FliKs. —In order to nive increased faoiliti-s to linysintended for the Sea , ihc rates of payment have beenconsiderably modified The r.-itm now lire —

l)At Cuss.- Musters and Chief Mut cn , Is- 8il . perWeek , or l.is per Quarter . Second Males) nnd Sea-men, Is. 3d. per H eck or IDs. per Quaitcr. lioya anilAppif.iliref, Ud. per Week , orf.s. f^r Quarter.

livEKi.vu CLASS.—Half the Rules lor Day Clnss.The hi-st proof of the value of the ciliicatioii Kivcn is

the fact tlml no person prepared at lli« M'uturfunl .Ma-ritime School has ever fuilcd to obtain a Ccrtilicate as.Master or Mate.

The Teuclicr, M . SU L L I V A N , I I U M first-class Certifinteafrtiin tho I.orJs of the Lon.niiilcc of Privy Council forTrade. (so-lil)

A Cooling and Refreshing RequisiteVOW. THK TOILlS r.

OI.DK :DGICS HAL M OI.'C O L U M B I A , csiahiij hcdupwards of 30 years , is the best ami only certaiu

remedy ever discovered lor preserving, strengthen-ing, lisauiif.vin?, or restoring ihe Hair , Whiskers. 01.Moustaches', and preventing ihein turning Rrry. Soldin bottles , 3d OJ., Ci., and I Is., by U awl A. U!ilri i! 'e,'J2, M olliiij -tun-street , Ktrnuil , Londnn , W. ( '.., and allt'lii iniist si »7ul l'erfuiucrs.— For childmis' mid Indies'hair it is most illicncious and unrivnlied , and will befound especially ynluaWe , as the most itelio'.te. head-dicoi or I/Oiuict canL'c worn withoul fi'ar ofsj iling.|uij 'J-) at-towJ


l'atroniscil by lid' Mnjtsiy 's btiiioii '.- ij Office.For bale in Watcr l'onl at The iVfiKuSice, King a t )

WIII ) I.1'.SAI.1! DF.I' OT : (alti liia)2;i, TJ.Ki.T S Tlt liK V, UUIII .IK.

OAK BARK FOR SALE[7OR SAl.K , at D KSAUTnml UALLI NTA00ART.L .1 Qiiaiuity of O-\ L R A I I K , coiusisiing of about

lib Tims, of u«.t <|ii ilily, well saved.I' l'oposald. iu writ in g, to heud'lressed to Jons WA O E ,

E.-t|., r;t I 'luiice COUAUC , Kiil;ci:ny. l"i.i-2t.j

To Tobacco Manufacturers.'{'0 HE SOLD, a ]i«r;;ain, .a TOBACCO PllF.SS,

JL nearly Xew, nf powerful cnnitrnclimi. Apply toMi .'.~rs. I , A W I .I:U ai'd St..\TrKUY , Pa t rick-street.

V,'at. .r:.,rd , 'Jth September, ISM. ( I I )

COIJUT I'OKRevising the Lists of Votera

For tltc Coituly nnd ( ity of ll 'alerfiml , ami Jlorougliof Dumj arvan, Jor llir Year Iti(i2.

rill lM Chairman of tin! (junrlrr Siminns for thoJL Couritv of Vt'atcrfonl will lmlil Upcu C.uirls mi

the fnlliiwin"-.- II .ITS , ul thn Court llnun'3 iu the urdrr-inentitinod j)l:ni>?," fnr tiie purpose of U?visin;j the Listsnf Viit.rs fnr the County and City of Waterfnrd, audUnrou^'h nf I)uu;_ ;arviiii :—

AT WATl 'iirnnii—Knr the Hnrougli of Water!' ird, onTiii 'U i Mi .w, the UUi day of UtTOHK U , at Three o'Chiek ,p.m.

A T W A iT.uvoi rn— Fnr Ihe H:!rnni;!s of (In ultii .'r 11111Miidllethiid , 011 SATi r.iiAV, the l l t l i day of Onomcu,ut Kli-vou n'Cloek , a.in.

AT OA I I K I C K K K U — Kor tlie Hurnny of llpperthird , onS.vn uin v, the. Hth day of OCTUIIKK , at a ipiarler-pustThree o'clock , p.m.

A T OU S O A H V A N — For tho Doroii^h of Dun<$irvaii ,on Moxii .n , tho l-'Jtli day of OCTOlitii , ut Ten ii 'Cluek ,a.m.

AT D\:si;.vnv.is—Fnr tbe Huromcii uf Defies \\ 1LI1-out Drum, Dccies Within Drum, und Olenabeirv , onM OMIAY . the 13lh day of (J CTCIKEII , nt Eleven o'clock ,a.m.

A T I. I SUOUK —Fnr llio liarnny of CosliiiKin - uiidCosh-britie nu MuM'AV , tho 10th day nf 0(.T IIII :-:K , at Twon'Cloi:k , p.m.

The CU-rkR of each Union in the above-named Uaro-nieiJ , and also the Cnllcetors of I'nnr'a ](ulu for each(j'tiion , are hereby rctpiiretl to iittend and produce theirHooks, both for the past year aud present year.

Thd Chairman will Bit at the Court ilimso , in eachplace punctuall y, at the hours stated, and all Clerks ofUnions, Collectors of Poor's Hate , Ac , who shall fail toanswer In their Names, when called , will be lined.

Dati-d thia 1st day of September, 18112 .WILLIAM J. UKXXKi lY , Clerk nfthe IVace

of the County of Waterfnrd ,County Peace (j llioe. Walerfi.rd.


County of Watcrfonf t T I1 KHKRY «ive Notice, thatto Wit. 5 JL C K X K H A L OIJAUTKK

SESSIONS nf llio PhACli for said County will boholden ad follows :—hichiun of l.ismore—At LISMDKE , on Tt'Ksn.iv, l ltl,

Oitohor , Ib'(i2.JJlvuion of Duriyarvun —At JJ I 'M IA K V A X , on Tmiiis-

PAY , ICtli Uctobcr, 1MI1:! .TJwision of Watcrfo rd —At the Cnuxrv C( II :I:T II OI :.SP,

on W K I I X K I P A V , October 22nd,1M -2.

Dated this 1st Sept"iuher, 1802.W. J. DKX .N K I I V , Clerk of the IVace,

Couiltv of WiitiM'fnrd.


Jhitish und Australian / -.x-Iioyal Mail Packets.

_ f plIIS Lire of Packets is composed ofrf l/ C.% -I the lai|icst and most nif^lrrn Sleam nn'l

j ^h i u p^ Clipper -Ships iu the win Id, nnd in the only 1 noJ^ HX

»Inch bus had the

d'.iliiiumshbd honour of aCstSSSbVisit fraiu ll^r Majestv lh.- Queen.

L l V K R V n o i . F O R M B L I l O U n X E ,Ou the iith and ) blh nf mrj/ ilunth.

•Ship. I!i-t(. Lur. tlapUiiiK. P.xtc.M A K I .O POLO lli!iS ...4UXl ...ArnuM Gth Oct.S01.WAT PIU ...20<X)...lJugtiide l.'tli „OKI AT TASU A MA ...211>{ ...W0O... F1J I I I 5th Nov.

F 0 II S Y D N E Y .SncTiiKHN lir.i.L (fiom London) 2.-|lli Sopt.MA R I C A N U H (from LI IV I I K H II) 6ih Oct.

V U It M K L II0 U I I N K .I'm s c K f H Itov.it {frmo Lomtou; SJlli Seiit.A I K Z K I K MosAk CII 26th Nov.

FOIl (J UKKNSLANIJ (Free Ci.nr.l. of Lni.d . vnlue £3").FL V IN U CLOUU (ironi l^mdon) SUth Si-pt.K v E K i o x tliom Livopiml) IO1I1 Oct.WAKA TA (Trum Lniuloii) UOlh „

I.IVKHPOOL FOU HEMiOUHNE.lVltet for ll-c 6th OCTOHPE, tnltiii K " Victoria PaMS^e

WHrrmiH" mid " Hiiiinty Tiiki-m," wilhout extra rii.i ra e,t te ci-lrbnilnl Pruiite-imilt Cli pper " M A KC O P O LO,"J .IWS Toiis Iti'itiKlfr. 4,i;tW 'J'ons ilurthru, Captain VV. ,M.AKN 'JI.P. Thin far-fumed clippor in cnlel.rJtcJ fur ImviuglK'f>n tho pinueer of the Australian paKni .-ngi-r traile, uudUK.HiH; tome of the most wondt-rlul pab«H|;tii on tei'Oid ; hervi.j SKe I10111 Lirrrpoul lo ili-IUouiuo HMI I limk iiieludini; de-tention fllnoart , in 5 Uiciulhs mid 21 ilujn, and l.w uv»vnyam-s lo .Mt- llmiirne mul back wili 'iu 12 inontlm havenever hpfn tiurpneiii-d, ('he hot HIIO contiuued to ri-tuiu herwnrhl-wida rrputatimi , and bis rereutly Litll r« clmncd, re-ciip|>oipd, and ti:ted in the mokt cturiiul innniic-r, aud ol&rato iiiteniliu K pa»»cngtr» and ehi ppcra the moot dwirnblucoiivevaiiif.

A pply to T. II. M ACEAT i. Co., 1 l-rwlpnliall-strut , Lon-don ; G IBBS . BRI GHT k Co., 1 North Jni tn-i>lrci>t ;

J A>IKS HA IN KS A Co., Wairr.»triet , Livripi nl; or toJ E l l K M i A M i iCKfl lV, M .Meicb.uls' Quay , Wukrloid

CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY SCHOOLmllE TNAUGTIHATION of thii School will takeJ. plnco ou WEDNESDAY, tho 24th Instant.

Sept. 12th , 1802. [sl2-2t]


SMALT, STEAM KNRINE, suitatjlc for Agri-cultural purposes j Price £30. ('0Amily to J. S. RICIIAUDSON, llary-stree.t.

C A U T I O N .I

linilKUY Caution the Tublic not to give any Cre-dit to my Wife, CATHERINE DONNELLY , who is now

living fleparate from me through her own fault, us Iwill not bo responsible for same. [It]

Wnlerford, Sept 8, 1802. EDUOXD DOK.VELLY

In tbe Landed Estates Court, Ireland.COUN TY Of KlLKr.NS 'Y.

In the Mutter of the y pO BE SOLD, before theE s t a t e of K I.IZA / 1. Honourable .Tudye II A R -CIIAPMAS , Widow, > O K K A V E , on FRIDAY, the 1 1th

Owner and Petitioner, ( day of NOTKMUKK , 1802 , at• 3^ooni "t the LANDKR KSTATKSCoi'llT, I.N.N'S' QUAY, in the Citv of Dublin, in Two LoU,

THK LANDS OF BUSHKRSTOWN .situate in the Baronv of Ida, (»riiUi aud Ibercon, inthe County of Kilkenny, held in Feo Simple :—

Lot. No. 1 contains lli /1!!. lr. i p., producing an An-nual lieiit of t81 18J. 8<1., from which there is no de-duction--eicopt iinpro]iriiito reut-cbargo.

Lot No. 2—Auolher part of said Lands of liusdiers-towu, containing 9-la. 10p., proilucing an Annual l!o:itof .C17 Hi. 81I., Eii hject to no deduction, except for im.propriate rent-charge.

Dated this llltli dny of July, 18B2.R. DENNY UKLIN , lOxainiiier.

(J KI IU C K K K OGH , Solicitor , 12 Dame Street , Dublin.Tho Lauds ure situate within three miles of the ri.-mi^

town of New Rons, in tho Count y of Wexford, in a richaud fertilo district, anil (ire held by solvent and respect-able tenants, at low rent*, paid punctuall y ; also wilhinoin; mile of thn river Barrow, ulfordui;* easy water com-mnnication with the important markets of Waterfordand New Ross, JLc.

The Liiudrf are of prime quality, and; are let consi-derably under their value. Tho Ordnance Vulualiuii olthe eniiru is .C110 '5a.

Proposiils lor Puirha^p of either Lr-t will be receivedby the Solicitor Jinviii;; . carriage of tin: Sab", n i i t i i tlu-1st d.iv of November, iyr>2, uud submiLted to Hie Jud ge,for approval.

For Ui'iitiila , Jfn pp, and further particulars , n|iply to(iKOiiuK K KOUII , Solieitor, havinij CurriaKO ol the Sale,No. 12, DiHiie-r.lrs 'Kl, Dublin ; [bl2.'ci) ir

THOMAS V. STUANIII :, Ksq., Solicitor, Waterfnrd; uudl'KTEIi STKAXKE , Euq.. J.I'., Avlward ^owiuWuturl 'ord



HESSI iOROUIill PARK (near PILTOWN), onTUKSDAY , 2:ird SK I T E M I I K K , 1H02 , withoul reserve.

10 Two und Three-year-old Jlul locks,25 do. do. Ileilers,111 Well-bred D.'.iry Cows,25 Two-yoar-ul d Heifers, served by Thorough-bred

Bulls ,00 Lon^-Wii'jled Fireedini? Ewen and Hoggets,ail l l i lil y-Lroil Down Kwcs,2(1 Lim^-WiHill pd Hoinrot Rama,10 Sluopaliirc Down llug^ut RnmB, from Imported

Ewep,12 Hii;hly-lTed Berkshire Snws ,2 YouiiK Hoars, bred from Prize Sire and Dnin. A

few loU of Fancy Pnultry .No Aucti iMi I-'."..' . Sale to coinnieticj at Twelve

o'Clock wil'i th.e \ 'i-x *. Lu:;chiyni p.t One r,'C!.)t.k.GANLV , SONS ,'; I 'AI i KKK , Auctioneers, Wool-

brokers & Smitl ilield Salctmn.'!!, L'yher 'B Qu:iv , Dublin.U12-21.)

To bo Sold ay Public Auction,At the 1 Ml'hil l A I. HOTE L, on the MALL ,


AT TIIK l l l ) i :U OK ONE O'CMK K , I'.M.rpilK I'ltOI'HlKTOH 'S lNTBHKST in the LANDSA of l'ICKAiiD.SToWX, with the D WKI .I .INI I II I I I SK

(I A I II I BX.", and Orr-OmcK.s thereon, nor.'.ainin^ 22a.3r. lip., Into Iri.-h I'laiitatiin Measure , formi rly in tliooccupation nf Col. K F. I I I .K W K I .I..

Alsn, the PIIOI'I IIETOH 'S INTEIIE CT in tbnLANDS "f Rti SKMOL 'NT, wit.li tiie D W K I .I .I N I I HI I I 'S;:und U A I I I I K X S thereon , containing 1 Sir. Or. 7p., likeIrish Plantulitm Measure , late iu tiic occupatiuii ofCi:onr.K H K A I I K , Ksi|.

Tho Lamlu 1.1 ' I'ifl.anUtown arc held fur an tuir- .vpired term nf 10 years, from the i'.lth Sept. Instatit , attin.1 Ye.irly Rent of |.t!DU. The Lands are bi 'iiutifullypl.uitod, well watered, and of superior quality. TheHomo cominantls a fxrind Sea View , and in within OneKn-rlisdi Mile of the Trainure Station of the Waterfnrdand Truniore Ituilway.

'Uie Lands of ltoseiu'iuut. iin» held in 1-Y.v Simple ,also beautifully planted and laid imt, in Ihe beat possi-ble condition , and of lirst quality. There is also 11well wallinl -in C\irdc-n, full y Rtoelted wit i i Krtlil Tr.-fs ,and m'wt prn-luctive.

The Lands nf Riucmmmt and PiekanUtrnvn adj' ineairh otiier , and both are within twenty niinutrs v.'all:of the Sea-liathin^ Town of Trnmnrc, in the liarony ofMiddletbird , and enmity «r Wuterford.

Al l t-hiirns for Rent , Tux"S or other i.uti^r>int;s will be[laid up to tin " 2!)th Sepl. Instant. Iiuinedu ite pos^es-si'jn can In ." j ;tveu of either or both Lots 1.11 j iaviui -nt "-Ithe Purchase Mnnev.

For particulars of l it leand cnuditions of Sale , appl yto M KSSIIS . U( iiii:vN <t TA .N I I V , Hi Col!:eck-strcct , Wa-tcrford ; or to

THOMAS WALSH , Auctioneer.Wiiterford, Sept. 10, 1M.S2. (2t)

IN CKAWC2RYIn tho Matter of XAI 'OI .EIIN } TTI'ON Mnti-in of

Ai.rKKU W Y.SK, \J .Miissr.-'. Mm.i. iiV an.lPet i t ioner; \\'.\TSUN, S.i '.i. -it- .rs f-.r

Madame LETITIA HONA - C III I ISTOIMIKU K Y N I I , K S-I'AKTB Wvsi: and Wll.- quire, tlic- Receiver in thisI.IA U CliAiu.KS W YSK, ^ Causo lVtitiuii Matter ,

I t tf pundf nts . 1 aud on reading the Mas-I tor's Report , filed the

Court i)l OhamiTy (Ire- tlie Kiiuriecitli i lnvofAu -laud) Regulation Act, | K,Ht ) Ollc 'I'linudand KightKS.-,y." J j|, ln,i r.,j ...,j sislv-two :IT IS OK DEKKO HY THK COURT, that the seve-

ral Porsniid iudebtml to the personal Kstale of Sir THO -M A S \\ vsi:, d.-'eeasi'd, in the pleading nauii'd , iio p:tythi' Arr-'ars (if Ri-nl due and uwintj by theui ro.-pectivi 'l y,unto the said CI I K I S T D I 'II KU K V .MI , the Iteceiver nj> -puiiiti'd in this Caiide i'vtiiion Matter.

[It; II. SL'tJ DKN, R .


TN connoquenco of llio defirness and scarcity ofall Ooodj manufactured from futon , Linens

wilt be much more used in the home .Market.

Fiom the character and extent of our LinenTrade, and the experience we have of the bestMakers and Bleachers , we can with ix-ufidencesolici t the attention of Purchasers to this Depart-ment.

All the Width * in SHEETINGS decidedly Cheap ;TOWELLINGS , D1APKI IS ;


Strong Drogheda half-bleach Linens,TAliLK DIAPERS, >tc. ;



In As-ortei Sizes of tho Bost.Iri fh mako nod Elejcli.



lUtt "Neton— Ww&ncicA R R 1 v i: n .

fjrptemlnr Ktli-V rntM JPurle, F.Unellr, Waietforil , culm ; Vi-gilant. Ua«l» : .laian Alrzaadrr. Walsi-coukt.7111-Cuuiicr l»). Millora : VMI E (.) , Uitriiaol ; Malcolm. K '-momlB. Uinellj . do, culm ; Kiiu-Uelli , Unrw, Mcuiel , du li.i .brr ¦Oia.ao ipr»/. Ktkof. Umtimo/o, U.S., HIM, wu'uiiirfj wbt-atjHaiabtcr . CatitU'ii - CUI H .

tjtti-'I'U'lilii t ), Olw .iw.«th --HiolMd , Jonts ; IIii: tbocoojh, Moore ; Junnj Lin.l , Murra.lOih-Coorler M, MllfunJ ; Jur.rnj (.) Urlitol : IMa (.).LiterpiKil i Man tin, tiaiicll . Abo bov.jr , WaWrlor.1 . b»rk : l.'ai..-djck , wilhanu. OlouciSiUr. do. »*lt ; Do«ne«.l'urni«« i UNidagb ,t-ioiouJsi Maria Luuthtr, KnntI.-d Ka : Al^li., llitrj -coalt.

,. "th ~ . ,l ) r o,'Flr"' W. MiUurd : Uilj KjliDlon (H). B.I/aU ;t«lip»o. Win. Llmolij, colin ; K»le , Jonw, S.UJIU, culm . Sc»Hint , Oirrull : UnarjB Uumlaa, Bowu ; Jolin , I'riw ; Kiobard,Thompeon—CO.1I4. ¦

i:ih-Conriu (1), Milford ; Mailath , Ibrnlla, mail*.S A I I, B U .

..M."*?".eihrC;t ' "I I'Ml* («) , Mllfurd ; Tu«War (.) , Gla<£ow ;Milford, L«»|1- liailatl.7lb-Elix», Oo,.k. N,,th. pitwood ; T. S. RCCT .I. Bailej ; Aron ,Doujhlj i hnterptiM , Wlllimn.- ballut.aih -l'laddiw. coik j VwU W, Uwrpool ; Wa»p, K«aron-b«l'a4t,mb-Cltjof ParUW, Mll/ortt ; Natittulk, funlck ; Octauu,Aiur.l— ballaatllilh-Jluimoiur, Whll«< Psllt, Hoch«a-fiaJla»t ; Courier (¦),

Miilutd . Giixauol C'a<|Mri>, l'enich -lullMt.Hill—U/idc, Dllck, C'jrUlD, pltlrood ; Toijn. Millf , P-jrt Ta.'uot.do ; KlimWth, Jonrt, Orfonoell, Umber ; IwbtUt, Puwcr, Oard.O,io : Cit.v -./ Pari. (3), Milford.!2lb.-Ua««,J Jonn, brntol, bouo ; Peait of 1)J}« CirJ.ff-

ba!lj3t.Wind -W.S.W.

U) t j tlaifutsWatcrford , 1',-UUy, Sep t. 12, I8fi2.

Weather fine.WHKAT.—But liltle new bu yet npiKired ; qualilj iodifforenl.

OATS.—The few parcek of uld ar« held at lalo tutel; terylltlle aowofforlng vel.

BARLKY.—No chaozt ; new liai not yet appsareil.VOREIGN* WUEA T.-Modorjte duiuanil, »t tbo pricM of last


INDIAN COtlN.^DcmMd nlow, at a.lrcllue of Id to 2.1 pelband.

COLE & PROSSOR, Corn Factors.P R I C K S C O U R E N T .

in 18 1. Sew Old

WtlKAT, n-r barrel ofSfnlbii. «. d. ». d|i. d. «. d.J.— WSite - - - on 0 to 00 0 00 0 to 01 n— rte.i - - . ¦:( 11 »« o!oo 0 00 0

BA U I. K Y , pcrlmrrel . ol 8«ll l»— CrjnrtinK - - . 00 0 00 0.110 0 00 (I— Multinx - . - 00 0 00 D H 0 0U I)

OATS, per barrd of liXilbi. !— BlHl-k - - 12 0 12 6 13 0 13 6— White - - II 0 11 OJU 0 14 0— Grey . - 12 9 13 O. ilO U 00 0

FLOUIt , per Suck, i>! iSOHn— Suporfintj - - 3> s 3D 0.»0 0 00 0— Iiiffllum . . .\ V |i 30 Gjllfl 0 0.1 ('

OATMEAL , per T.in - -!i'i3 10 £14 n 00 » "n nURAN , perl.arrel .or Wllm. .' 3 6 1 OJuO 0 0U II


"H K A T , p«r liiiiT»l , of SHlHu . > . d. » . il— Anierinun . . . - 12*) 0 In 'JO 0— I'oii uli (M-s.,;,, rcj - - 25 6 2ii 0— IIuiii j ilirKh jdO II 00 0— Si.Hnisli and Anemia • :"J8 t 23 0— Ohirka . . ;;o 6 11 0— GH I H I Z nnd Knlnfai - - 'no 0 on o

I N D I A N COKN , Yi"llmv, (l,li .«im..V f)»lnlr, 'IS 3 m o— — >':-.innuin u ILrnlia - - ;18 2 18 3— — Ameripim , '01 0 0D (I— — Kr- nth ain) American White no 0 (ill o— — l*' yj .|in)t , - on 0 fi) o— — Unmnceil . . . \u 0 10 o

Ft.OUR , AiTuriciin . piT barrel , of IfiOllm. - lid 0 (K) o— 1'mirli , |wr kai-k, of 2<-'li!l,« . . . nO 0 Ml n

I N D I A N MKA1. , AmiTicnn , per lirl. oT ID OII ' S.t lO 0 Un 0_ _ ( Iliinii : iMnnufmti iro, > :i per imck, of aaillo. 1 , '° e ""

RYE MEAI , , - " " no 0 oo o

Imports ami F.xp nrts for the. Week niitiny Thursday,tlie Ulh ins!.

IMPORTS. ; I 'XI'OIiTSWhmt • :ti 'lunricrK. ! When! - Rnrri-liiIn.him Cnrn. On . I OMv . - - :vo i'nlluri , - . iln. Itarle r - 14T do.I'.arley, - - d.i. In.liun Corn, ¦!.• .pi ,.,, ) - '-¦! t*."»-kn. Flour , - - » lo Snrku,

1 2'l HoireU. I Ooluicul di..Mon l

EutlCT Dlailcet.Butter in mo.lcrate fiupply t!ni wet-k , and in fair domain! nilb-

ont any mntcrial change in pr.'c?.Nutntier •¦( H rKi i t ^ v., lelird at the Public Buttvr ATnrli i- t fur the

Week etidii.j f rri.liy (tliis day), tlic 1'ilb inxt .Date. So. Firkin*. l'ritp .

Rcia. 0 » u 9.*m. co ORi.„ « 1 951. „ !l7s.,, I) 17 9.K ,. B7 J.,. 10 3)7 OSi . „ »Sa.„ II 3S7 »SH. „ M *.„ 12 1 06«. „ <ljj. M .

Total l l- in lirkiiie.

Corrected tliix Dny fo r the Waterford Nt ws.I'BOVISIO.VS.

BiroN t'ir.H, por cM-t 47:* 6<1 to 4.q* fl'lOrF.l L il " 4:H M ,, in 0.1Fr.K.T ilo ils I I I ,, III H 01l l rv t n dn 2-i-i li.l ,, ;>o* nilT.AM.i. iv i'.i> in* (id ., ciM 0.1LA un (chamlleisj i i , Od ,, Cu.' Oil

ni.'TC H Hits' MKAT.Rr.v.r. joints ... r,\ to SI I Vr.ll., do ... l i \ to 7dM CTTIIN , do ... cd to ?¦! I. A ?I D , per ur 4s CU to Cu Cl

POTATO IW.Nuw potatniy f. M In iM I l'.'r it (ninlKj Is ;o Is 2i!Jliyonts (> ¦] to la 4-1 I Do. Scotch Down' nd i'i 7il.

Mil!'AD.W IIITK , per 4Ib .. GJ'I | IIoCTin.D.pr 4lli Cd to 6J.\

V/I I I S K EV .r>t::il.lN , pur nM ... 2.K fid I Ot.D, cal , ™ Iftd (10CD I I K , punclicm ... 1&« Oil |

FISITN'yNDi.Mi , pr cut l.i^ to 17 M I H M.VOV, j.erlb... n R InKlil lIM'.:. , iir bil I.'H to fto., | SIII . K . do ... OH 7d

KuWi, AND r»;i;s.KII U- I ., oath ... I s *,,i | Ko.;s . IKT doim , 6<- l 7d

SO.M* AN'D CAM 1XS.W I I I T K , ;<r ewt ... 41 ,-s f.d I M-n.n, per Ib ... Oi 7'.-!l iKOW N , do ... :il» H 0.1 I f'll-1 , ilo ... Ou CJ't

TI MH I :R .n>:n P I N K , |K.T Inn , CS H t-l ' KT A V K S I , por lOftn £«j C*Y I :LI .OW . 4th lo Luti 0.1 I L.\ TI :S, ..-do ... It* od

I.OAI.S.Cmnirr, 14s 0.! 1.1 nc.s toil j ^ KIVI -I.IIT , per ton ... }z *

KOIJ D KI: A.\]> GRK KN * OUOPS.H.'.v. p^r ton . ... ."".* t.i i44 M A :..;OM > S, ... ".0- ,. (1(4Sri: *w ,v.}iR.iron :."i- ., -1^ a V KTI -'MN , ... (I'M ,, i.linDn. (|..tl..|i) ... .1"H „ 'M * Soil., -Ill to 6d per iluj; t.ndlD n. i lMil . i s ) ... I ?.* .. -0s

ii i i: T 11 .«.On till r.'n inst., at Tram;>re , the wife of M . Short.ltl, l->q., soli

citor , Kili.i-ntiv. of a A inAt li- l.'yrr.ori.., ci.uary M'crT^ril , tho wife ot Rich.!.-'! 7tnno*an

I'.'il , of a finnAuuu^l .'it at Ann.-iRli Ca»tle , conntr Ti-^porarj, the M ife of .1

I<oTi>. Cvi., of a ilau^lili-r.M A It It I A 'i K S

(In iSip S!u ins!., i I Cl mm-', by His Wry K CT. Dr. BnrVp , IM'.,V. f; . .l.ilin il '.N'rill , K*i., I- . > ti -fl Autiij- .lairn;*, liotli of (;lonmrl.

On M-in'by. al.SiU-i-n C.-.'.li'.lic Duuich. count/ O.rk. 'b.- lli -JV. rr Her. llr. S.naii . V.I'.. a«-M<-'l \>v II IO HHT Kic'in:.l Snii'My,l'.l' .. John I'll.mi ,n .M.-.cSlre'.hy. Shannon I.v.tn. l.inu'rick. It .-ti.,.1 I'.. I" Mary Itoaa, eMcst iJa.)«hter uf Ih-j la!« Joints. Wall Smith .I'M!., f'nlk.

At Cu-.l v'.own, llorehav:n. countr Cork, by thi Rev. Micl::.clKnrif lit . P.I' , Dinicl D'S'i..-. Hiq., nf IMiUtmr , Knijia', 1. to Mj-til.t-i i iall- .rrv . only il.itig literol tli£ late David Gallwcy l)jwtiii<) f.l-j-n.. of lli'ii-bavi-n.

Ai>:*i^l 19. at l]i« " r^ri- l- .-rr? of tin- bri le's fntbpr . by Ihe Hev. t-'.C Mli'ill Ci..ori!i> (l 'i:jl!iii:haii l.-vr.h. l:~i|.. tl lat ».n ol til. .- lacoWilli. -in I'r ton I*tcb i's'l . of I/irrl iri.'ld House, Kikenuv. toIIt; r cnn •»«rah. i.t.c..nil d.iiiRlH.T ol Horatio N'elnon , f!ri|., of San I-\-ich. ouniy of I I.-*-*. r.'ana?a »V*Mi.

At lliu I"ri;-I.j ..|.|.iti Church . Cani-l-strret . Dublin. V.tltcr!'..;.I i-in.. I- M|., b:.tru.irr-.it-l.kw, to Anna rUlhrrinr Ri I 111 .

il.-\ii iiht(.r ol M^tlliow An-lcnint. , Kwi. . of f-'itr.ni'.liani-^iuare , D.i -lin.. Kcplemlnr 4. at tho Catholic Ohnrch of Our I.idy or the Ko-ar/ ,Mar>l<-I. .nc, br tho 11.:T. I". Oj llwei . S.,1., limil Henry , win of(fli -rae 1'f.iclilt-r, l->j. ofOifmiburi;. Hailcu , lofM -oryii t iv . d.-iug iiu-rl.f Ibo hite Th.!tii .i*i Alt-tander lltfru'.l , K««| , of the 2Uth Re^iin^nt.

S.-pUmhcr 3 at St. Mr.rli's 0!nl c!i , Hunry A. U'ake. l-!-r|., Su!>-Inspi-ct.ir I'oii-luliulary, H»a!f.ipl. e- .untr (J.iUay. ion of Ihel;ite IVUfi-Hl ^Ve , K*i., Suli-lnspecti'r Uinst.ihulnry, cnitnly Kil.lu-nny. to J.nne. rldv-t da-vhti .T of An-b ew Irwin , lv*l., Ball ymort,Ko -.tu. cotln'.r It'|.C"Mi:'i. '.-i .

1) K A T II . S .On Satnrlay, tbs Clh uli , Mr. Kdniund Walnti , nj-rl Ki. of

Cniui'e. | arinh r.f Mi.oncoin. tbe f.itlii-r of li.e Utv. Ujchar'lWaln'i , l.".C. ICihnao. iw . Alt-r Hie O s a.irt Mis!. Mu nn M :n-¦!:iy. Ihc renmiii^ wuto interrcil in lliu o!d family tnirial plac^ of1'citnas.uliy. KM'.

Stfpt-ta'.nr C. at Ar''.uioM . county Vr'atorfonl , RjScrt DrinRO'l imly. K-i| , l .'e Ca:>la<n 31ih !!o^in.c:il.

A" tldly 'Mini.. couoty N'.Vxfonl , .J. .si|iw Ix-'t l'-*.|., .1.1*.Septi-mbiT :*. at tb^ Onveut of Merer, N.-i;ia, S->i >r Jiary Inna-

tiii.H Haiilon. H 'Ci.nd da<:. ;h:< r uf Mr. 1'. Hani in , nf Wwlinii^. intbe fitxtb yiar of btr ri:lftf :iiu6 profef^ii.n M.iy her s-.iut roil iuIK-aue.

8upU-mt)i:r 8, Nannio, lilt) el-tl-st sur»iving daushtcr of the Hi blHon. Thuni:i3 l) 'l(a^.t n , Attiirn ey-Oencral for Ireland .

Si-plimber 2. iu L'alou-piiice, Tendon , 1'ranci-s Anna Calherinc,the wife (if K..|iurt V«&l)c> Hall Ilaio , KM]., Newtownbarry,countr Wexfnrd.

At Brurte. ou the 5th insl., Mr. Den s O anlliran , father of tbeHer. Julin O'Sullivan. l'.l'.. S:. Louid, Confmletatu States ofAmerica, in 111* S.itli jear <.t his a e .

WA 'I'EltKOK I i A N D I.I .M I'.KICli R A M . W A V COMI 'AM(77 Mii .ks HI ):.s.)

Trnaii* f.- r week eiiilnnf September 5, 1502:—I'assenuere .parccla , etc., — — £8i> 1^ 0Gi>od« nud cuttle , — — — 4L*5 IJ 5

Total , — — — i'109-2 a IICorrcsiKin.lir.a week f.ir lam year — £ 1 1 * 5 7 4

WATKHI 'O KD A N D K I L K E N N Y .rinlS i- riir uvi- K wnliii ii Soptcmber 3, IS62 : —

rarMiniriTi., jvirceiii , f e e, — — 221 11 AU LHI., ci lt lcVc— - lid Ii b

Total 4 I U IU 4C.irrPFpondina \v«"c!< for Inst vi»ar. — 4Sfl I I 4

I.tMKltXK AM) l-'OYNKS RAII. .VA Y COMPANY.(*2'J Mli.r i ; ni- r.N)

Traffic for week cndlnu priilnjr , S«plerulwr 6, 1SS2:-I'a^i'-nKerB, pnrcels, &c, £9G 7 4Goods and eattle 4" 19 9

Total 137 7 ICorresponding we;-k last >car, ... ... 1 :;s 7 II


TraTic for we*"k ri l l ing Kiiciiy, S'puimHer s M".2 : --raz-nen;... ri». f'arcl*, *<*., XI .')'; !l IGoudu aud Uatlle , 5(1 6 9

Total £189 17 InO.'rresii rtndinit im-l; Usl yynr £.89 1 f)

I'll! FAll iS .Tlie Kiikennv |ii(f fair , mi Tm sJay, ennprivd lni.") fatmi'l

87 mnaller aiiiin:ih. Tin' lornuT silil nt liniu 4>jj. to I7»per rwt., llio laitfr (rum ili» . lo VJi.

I'A I H OP H O S P I T A L .—This f.iii , lii'M on Mnnil.iy, hail xftliurt su).}il3* of f.it fttoi*1..', wliit-li wcut from 50a. out. per <**t.Some prime K*':rriert werd boM at i-'ll) I'.irli. ((. HKI lanitisImuwtit IVo:n 'JJB. tu 3.1s. each; wc.mliiii; c--ilvi^ fetcliKl fourguineas.

FA I RS YOU XKXT WKEK.Siirituy, !>i:rr . 13.—IMi iMford, co. K-lki-nny.M I I S U A V In. — .Mnlliii .iliuiii ", co. Tii'pemry j Ti.-»nn«tnwu

.••ml ('Hsilpcumrr , c-i Kilkenny ; Klrmlbully, c.i. Wuterluid ,mul Kiliealy, ro. Wexfonl .

VVhliiUKluY 17.— Muiiiiiuullin und Searnn^li, ro. Wrx-f.ml.

TI I I K SDA Y 18.— Caslleotuar , Cuhir, Fi-lilown, audij i*;in ,!-*iii ockli.r , ru. Ti|i|.f->'iiiy.

K K I D A Y 10—Kiiniwn.ri l iy, co. Wexford ; llci.nii.biiilteaL(l I.'allilri».m, cu. Kilkenny.


H RISIOI, At'ousi yo.—Arrived—Alderb aren , from Watcrluid.

CA LDIFT , SBPT. 9.— Anivi-d—Almii , Messenger JUrjraret , Minn , Concoiiliu, nil from Waturforil. Sailed—A»trH« , for Wmrrlord.

NIWPOHT, SKPI. B. —S i i l cl— OCMP , for Watrrford.HiLioiiD HAVES , Sen. 7.—Put iu—Jolin , from Xew

port, fur Wult-rlorJ.OLA BOOW , SKPT. 8.— Arrived—MiDuif , from Watei fiinlSouniAMproH , SKPT . 7.—Arrived—Eu.ua, from Wa

tcriord.J EBOET, SKPT. 8.—Arri ved—Vigilniit. from Wntfrfurdl.oauoN, SBPr. 9.—Lo,iaiiig—John llurtleu, ot Water,

ford, for Berbio?.Qvr.BSC, A i/o. 27.—Loading—Tlmtlc, for Walirford.

V 8BT IHF0RTA5T AcCTIjN.—Tlie grO-it aOClil.D at lii',-liua|..irk, »ill tdko pUce on next Monda)", IClli Snuitmber ,X'lii'inai \V»Ub . auctiunctr («« iidrcrtiivraeni).


MoJ mm suppW of brasts yet Unde ruled heavy m l.arelj Mtemleea rilieep anil luinlii bail , aud yricM bid a •l-.wnwHrd leti-oeney. Calv.. r»ilier rbejptr, bul in pi*s very little cbnimr.!eef, 3s. !d In Ma SI: mutton. 3s W to Ss ti : limbs. S> to 0i

J l " teal <itu Js ; poik ,3. Hidlo4 i lOJ prrSlba., «.nkin!j theolfal.

LONDOX COUN TCXCHANGE-WKDSESDAT.Tlio arrivuli of r,.r<;.(fii triie t nod flaar lln» wk ore Ur«e ,

of ooiknnd barley mod-rate, and •mull of all Ell'jluh Krnln.The attt.-iidar.ee at lo-day '* market WH » very limited , as wonnlio the mi!e of wheat, both Knvli ih and lorelsn ! priromns u-i-minally as "ii M..3 ay. Tlie value uf i-pi lug coru remuins un-altered, nvitll littl e dome.

LONDON PP.OHUCE M-AUKET— V BSTSBOAT.Soaar.o-il/ "Jin «-l:i" Hiu i.l nuction , uliic'i WIK panly 9"Id at

375 Cd in. 4i> CJ. CoIDd very ttrcn rjonl and Iliw plantati onlel'ing at 8S» Od lo !XI3 6d. ~rcH iales Roinu flatly .• "."i!1!bmi«hl ¦•!. Itice quiet. Saltpetre—N.i inli-s rep .-rle.l. Hempdearer : Manilla '¦!'« : jood ropiua;, 33». Julo excited and qai.ted3t'j. blither.

l.ONDOX TAL1.0W MARKET— YKSTECI > .IT.Mnrkel qnicl nt 40- sellers for the latl three moutlii ; 1'Ji Od

to i 'Ji OJ Juiiuurv to Morc ii.I.IVlOHI'OOIi CATTLE MAUKET-Sr.pr. 8.

Thn mpply of callle al niark-t lliis duy uol birder, and ofshrepaml liimlm lei-. . lhnn on lu»l M.miiay. Tnc d. ma::d wnavery L'O. H! f.ii beef, find Incher pnc<». Sbrrp iu K'Md deuiiin.l .al blghcr pneps for the best tleseriptions : miitdl 'ne wltlmuli linni-e l.illib-. a- .IJ muell liiljhcr. Uj rf. 5.1 to 7.1 1 or 1b ;mutton , Gd to 7^.1 ; 'arnbs. 22s u> 35s eacit. dumber at niurkel ,2,!/."t> callle ; )U,«J«bef|>.

LIVEUI'OOL COTTON MARKET—Vi ' PTKRn tT.Betlrr feeling, nnd ru.irn demand, H I H drcllne ol fully 'id fr-.m

lop. I.iit.i- otTorir.K, iw rlmp-i 2.'H)0 biiicn ot more. Imfcris ,4 ,45(1 : 1'reviniuly th:« week , 29 35U lia>5.

MAN 'CIIKSTEIi l-ORN MA11XKT— V K-T K R H A Y .This moruinc ' iniirket wan mo-lerately nttcnd.-d . o n i :i fuir

eonsumptive ileiumnl wus exj-i-n.-itcetl f..r IK> I ilescriplion ofI'ugiisb Hud foreij(n whtia* a', about tlie cuireticy of last mar-ket . Indian eorn was Cd per quartiT chraprr.

SAI.POlt l i CATTI.K MAKKKT— 'U'BSDA T.At tna'ket— H<?.i-ls, l.CW : »!ierp and Ininbj, »;.'37 : cu!v.07.

lle>t birT, 7{d in 7.1 : m;.!illiun' d.- , 0i- lo v l : In f . i ior i:n. •! ! tu5d : beat »e.l.leri , i|il U> TJd . mi.l.llin", C}l lo 7.1 : ewes, il loHJ J : l imbs , 0 /1 ti. S I : cdlv n.5Jd to r.l per 1b. Th>: in:irk> :: f--rbfel wa.i very *,low al lali* r.ites , and n clcaruece coulJ i. r. if•¦fr..^ii'.i.

DUBLIN PROVISION MAIiKETS .Al Spila'ti-.-ld market ou VWdneMluy, ihe at'eudanc.; mi

KtK.il , lut i-e ".lera hi-! lo Rubaiit to 'Jit ' rr im- liou on n- w r i t i ' . .,1WJ, iinJ Is on ol.l , (ST,)_Hiu'h lucun , o! I , .'»!« to >i ; in•»• . Mito Cr* ; miildl.-, "im ; I-I I .I.I 1.I..|M , -s to- i i rt ; cbu.*kii , 4*J8 ; WU-k-lo.v ham..., old , 5'J» to 5b' , n w ISO! , C3> io lii's ; luny ilur , sjs i- iSin ; bliiddired laiil , OTa lo 6.'« ; I'i'r cur.S .MI - r i lF lKLD CATTLE M A U K K I — DL 'tlLIN '—V«« T V I I U A » .

Thero was a liircc market ol ml kinJs li-iiuy. pari.i-ulariy olsheep, nnd a ^rMit m:-nv lot s rriualncl HIM I • • Roii ih h.*i-lwas sniliewli it lower Ihan Ins', wc-k ; pwrs and h..i;K-- l;' u''* rt2Hnbr a,l Weather i^ mill a^'aii.*l pn< ki:lii.u. I!.*,'!. M. ikit i.;the i.trit . 40i to 6iis |icr c^t ;*iiiii ttoi. 'id to rij . l lo 7 | l p *r I!- ;v.-al Cd tu 7d p*-r do ; Iambi , 'i'ia to :'is ea-jli ; ptj - a ¦'¦1 lo It-per ewt.

Ol.ONMEL MARKEl 'S— \VEHSK « H A V .licnm—No cliui.te In i.o'.i- in llic piire of luiil .-r ; I'.if . inv ril

liinrke' thin ilay , }.7s l.i Jtl .-1 .No ulTralioii in vulitiilion nf oibvr nrlieli - i.

COKK UUTTBIi MA I iKKT— V^T K K H A VFiratn. »83 i si-rontla , 1)I> ; 'liir- :«. *>!¦> ; |. . i irlli< , >•; » ; f i H l i '

7'.'3 mitll", 00. Mild cure—Finr.i, 101a ; second.-", loos Mini.!tliv—7iKi lirkin< in ma 'ket.

Cane CO K K .— U bilu whiM l , "J H< li, •.>?¦! O d ; red nhcal , -'JM2G« : Iwc. lii I- . I.'H : lul- . I I * 1.1 I . . I "J »

MOON'S CHAXIi lCS .Last Q'larlcr, Tuciilay liVh Kqi:,. ... I 2 2 i . n i .

. Xiriv Moon Tuesday 23, i. -'i* ;-.m.l-"irsl Qil.lrti-r, '1'iiesil.iy 3U, -M" p.m.I'tiil Monii , Tneail:iy 7ili Oct ..'»l .i.m.

MONETAUY AND COMMERCIALI.oxnos. Tm:nsnAT ICV K X I X O —Tlii" Sti.rk Mail:.! !¦¦¦

tnnins ir.rteliv e, Imt prices arp l i iu) ; (.'.. IINO !« art- IJII - . N -J l . l ipor cent, higher !ii:tn they e!-i-'. '"l vi 'St. -nliiy.. ..'H -IM I !-. :*:'.', iSharc-i ratlicr wr-.i!:. Aineii iMii lirni. L'ai.aihw hi'.ivyr'rcntrli unil foreign slocks linn.

LONDON STOCK EXCHAN GE—VKJTp ar-A Y.OP K M N O i'mcEH. —Ciin-stils lor M,- III-V . '.'.tiJ ; < ''-n«'.'!

f.»r Afenunt , !'.i\:i ; No'.v .'i t."r L'CIIN , '.Y2l \.Cl.'-dlMi ri:ti:;:s*.—l.'ims ils Inr .Mir -.rv . 113VJ ; ('-. - M -. M -.

fur A.vouii! , !!.;5}; NViv 3 ln!r (Vi. i - , OjM.

D U K I . I N STOCK K X C l I A N f . K — V w i i iii.- .itM. O.isi ,. A i t .

S per Ci-iif C.iii-.ola 1'J —X> ~.i- :> |n'r C-"iit Sim-k vAHank nf In-ian.l 100 2M.' —Hil.iT "!!.i"i ll. i .il: -2- > l:- i —IViv::i-'.i| -J uiit C'."i ^7 —Niitlural Hank 3» TU V —Mining Co. "I' In- !au i 7 1'if —Cilyn ;' I' l iMiii S'i-an: ( ' ¦ ii | i i: iv l'i" l i l t —Riiyul At 'ian. Strain N.iv:-.'atinii l.'.i. ID -

~i —

L'nii.'il Ceni'ial tia.i r.l) ml —V \ 1 1 WAYS.

tV.it PnnthrTiiaiiil \V",i i!."i K.il l O lHv l —Wati-i-l'i.r.l at i i l l.iuu'rii-l; S'> -- i\- \ —Waii-rl'iinl .fc Liif. .-, .». r it. r.l '• I J ' —Wati-rlViri l A Kilki - iiiiy l"0 I'-'i —

11. .. 0 |,,r !¦¦•::;.r-1 l 'Vl I'. —WniiK Pinl and Tniiimri- '. ) l \ —

K nr. jt rsT , A N I > ru.\it NOT."

Fill DAY EVKNIXG .SKl'TKMBKU 12, lSi ',2


O K .NO \ , Sr.i'T. !i . — Tlie Mwimnuilu |.i:liiislu-3 nrejiort of die [iln- iici.in ivlio »s in a:ti-n.l.ii;i *e up'-:iGiirili 'iMi , acconjiiij ; to which , up m t 'n i i i - n't l i . ckycvW rday, lh? sud'erina* uf lliu pi-ni-ml acre in- tvi ry nculp. The |rit 'ur.t «i:3 calm, but r.iti. i rIVvcrish. I l i s uppclito wns pood. Tiie u-.-uni l o!Mi -iiultu O.iribnlni is not. >ery ai'ii .iiw . A i.il i -r iic-count stntrtl that ii w a s Hsc-rtairK-J llin j .v.ii n.ib.:ll in the font of llur r-bfl cliicf.

M I I .\ .V , SE P T . 0.—Tii e |jre*-i of I,o;iil..iri!y is- nna-ninuiiiil y in f ivor of a:: . la .nrstv |,i- in i> pr.i:it?il to(i. i rili.ilt li and hi?. l'o!!n"-':'r.<. The A'Jrnza pubiiMissthat in nriliT Io nrrsi-rvi" tin; rr>ppct II I I L- to llic Irt• ¦»sthe I t a l i a n nniniciirilhu's shmiiil sriul ah a*.!- !rr>3 I nthe Kini^ snlicitinj; (i;:r:i ::il.ii 's pardcti , wl - ich v. nit l iltlicn he an act cn.analin^ from tile national i-.i i! .

Si'Vi-ml of tin- IViri* j -:iini..ls i xp r s-" -t tear tli.itGr.ribahli'rt wound inny h:ive n f.ilai irsiu*.

A M K I 1 I C A .New l or.K, A CGI'ST . B0, — Tiie poverHinent cop-

tinned olliciall y i-ili -nl during the week on iir.lii.uymovements in Virg inia Vai lt -v. (ipper.tl M'C li- tlanluts nccepieil tlic riiininaiid ol' t lic army «f Virg inia.1'lie Coni'cilcrales nttiickeil the Kappai i.iiioi k statio:ion ihe 23.1 , conip-llinf ; tl:c I;c.!<Ti "l< t» ab'iiin'iiii ihcline of the i'{iij» |i .I I I I I I O . lc. 'I'lie iV'ler-.ls , af:< r I. I .TII -i'ri; Ihe bridge across llie '(.-tppal i 'inuck , n !ir< 'l inWairi 'iildii Jmictioii , ti 'ii in iks. in llii' p'iir. Tin"Cotifi 'tli'ratc force , vari oiiilv fst i i i iHted :il ?V.. .i i 2.01.0to 7,000, iiiaile n tla. ^h mi II e ^|J:1: on MaiiHS ^asJiuiclion , in tlia venr nf the Fuiler.il .'iriny. Theydrove Ihe I'vilernU out of M.i:ia>>.,< , capturin g nbattery of nine guisa—ilestro *. ing n'l buildin gs Mitlva luahlo pinpei 'v ; tli-y cut ihe U-U -.'rap hic «irei ,nnd (lrsti - iiye il Ihe railroad , culling nflT lelfB 'Kp hicanil railway coiiin'.unientinn I ict uee n Gviicral I'upcand \\ ».ihiii(;liiii . The Cnnfedcrati 'S t!i . -n pioc- i'di'iito UllU'a Kuii Brid ge , ('.rivin g the l-Vdernla fr-mithat point. Their cnviilry th in atlinuci - il t ;> I 'aiif.ix.

Pi.pt 's official despiili-h , daU-J M.inas.sas Jinit i t in.28th , says that as soon as he discovered ihit it I ir ^oforce of tl.e enemy was pursuing bis rL'h! .< i y t.iwards Mana ^sjK , he broke up his c.nnp "t W n r i i nton and W.urenlon Junctio n , aud nrireiicil i . i ; . i . l i |back in thn-e rcilumiiK . M'l )o -.ve!l succe.-sfiiii y in-lei'iioseii l>i * fin e-! beUeen the force of the eti. 'tny,who psssed down to ManasHa s ll.roiiL 'b Gr. imvi l le,and: their main body, which win I I K I V H I L' dn '-in frumWbiii ' Plains , tlirou !;hThoroni;l,r.irc' (i»p. M'Dmu llanil Kie oell met J .rkson six mi l i s » •» : of CVnir.'-vi l l p , late in the after noon of lln- 2S 'li ; n Si-vi refighs tbon riiMii 'il , uhii'li wa< terminaii 't l by dark-ne-n , the ennmy driven hack at all p.nntfi.

Tlie private cttiiifii erci.il letter * hv lln- Scot ;a fro:nNew \ ork nre inor* diintal- than at any period ofthe war. Trad.-, in its true sense, is utmost s^ .iu-ii?.nl, HIH I preni u l ivn nnd rlivt iiiii fin- iiun nre felt bythe more respectable i-ltissci nt the social coiiditiunand pro-sp c:s uf tlie country.

N r.w Y ORK , A L O L -T 30, EvrNixo. —Money e.isv.Kxelinnyi! stead y, 127 J . Stock* in. ict ive. Ciiltnnvery firm. Mii i i t i in g Uij lauils , -IS. Hread<iiitr?iinij rovin g. C.ilfee — (jond iiuiuirv.

CONSISTO IIY AT r .OME.It is said that a consume ui l l be held on 'lit

20th of Si'p lfiuber , a', whieh lbv 1'i.pc reii l speak.


Under thia heading we imerteil nn article in o-.irlast number, fro n n;ir able eolumpar-iry t!»a Tablet-The writer showed, in A succinct way , wlut Ser-jeant SH E C propnsed , in IS.'i l , far tlio arljumnirnt ofibe temporalities of the I'stabli-ihed Church in Iv i- -laml. A more iirrcs«ary project could not bo de-vised by man. lint , of course , the learned andeminently practical S.-ij eant uan opposed by n fewIris'h members because he did not go far enoug h.He Rimed nt something j iracticul — tlu-y aimed ntsomething theoretical. In like manner SerjeantSIIKK pruposed sn excellent Tenant U i ' l i t Hill ,giving not onl y prospective , but retrospective com-penaation. This too, WB8 opposed , because, for-soolh, il did not go far enoug h J Well , SerjeantSIIEE was put out or Parliament , and what has beendone in hia absence ? The Church lMablinlimeiitquestion is left where be li ft it , H i d the TenantHighl question Ims been utterl y and disgracefullyspoiled und ruined . We believe it is freel y admittedthat no man in or out of 1'iirliamcnt understandsthose two great questions nl0r0 thoroughly thanSerjeant Sn££. No man ei er took (hern up witbgreater Mncetii y nnj grc8ter zcil to carry them out

thi- n l:e .lid-* B rcnt portion of his life anil va luaM o

time he has spent in the consideration of them"

and yet, in the County of Kilkenny f.vo niiicnii7pnopa — onu a worthier and hereditury \V|,;


and the other a Know-Noihing Iteform.r, wj'^placed over bis bead. Why should eoi. 8I ,tue.nci j


grnnible when they, wilh llieir **yes ope,, , EPndknaves or itlinta into tho Senate , in place ofable and c.ip.ible men ? We know the people tJ fKilkenny no-.v see their errors —the y saw tl lcm j nfact, immediatel y ufler llio last disgraceful el.ctio,,But wluil of th . i t .' 'fiiey found nut th« eriot3 thp»were deluded into luo late. Tlie County of K;|.kciiny might as v.t-!l not be represented at nil B* tl,,way it i* represents] nl present. They periir-ir,,.*^a deed tint thousands of ihe Invest people of t|great county are now heartil y ailumeil of—they pillout of I'-rliament Seijeaut Sure , iiiii]<i(s:ioi,..| L .t!ii: ablest man sci:t into iha House of Commonsfrom In!,i:id since the death of the grnii O'C.j.s.N U L L . We trust , however, thai the ilay ii not j;,.taut when the learned Serjeant will be nr> .,in cn||ujupon to represent un Ir- sh coiistitin-ncy, 'in ,,r.|fr


infuse 3O.nel!.i:i K like I:!'.: and sp iiit—-mil nLuve u||something praclicul—it.to our Irish rcprcn.tation!The Tablet concludes il3 nrticle thu« • —

fl ic position "I tlip qu.',:i<,n i-i r.-rini al y cmi-"H If,. r . -nn iintituli.ni wlii. "Ii ..•.• ,.,->• (:.i>h.i!i 5 c- ..!i.kiiins , U- ivhiH,',,'!1'i.ili 'a-inl on! ¦;!' ihe U.i i if l Ki:i ."' j;:! ha, .. «".,rl t . * rml.! nf wli:Vli .1 vp-y l.n-.- nu:nf.. - .- ..-t l'l i . tt-,'..,,--; ... , . 'iV,,i(-il Ki ,, ...l. n, inl iu it (!,:,; ,i ...v ,,,„. „..,. :,„¦;,;;:, 'a 'l:'ll.ir tin.- li|.::i:i:ili..n t,, v iv Ifljti i i . i .- i:i its |'.V.,I I I -. .\ „.]. ' "C'.ttli.ilH-i. it has I...: ._..,; o., c 5U 1 ,;,.m-,, U't- - MI ,:.;,,,,,;,; ; "I :I l . . ' lmillc lii-w- ;. .,.,-,n iilnl |.--: i-i !!. -.,! i |.|,,i., :.:,..,a|l.,:al ^l':,t!,..lK-s ,o ,-..,„„. .„,. „,,, ... :!, ,i ... it . CHI,,,!:^ *r,- . .in mm- to inn.- ;:,v.' :i-;.,.,i,i,,. :i ( |.-=ri |.iii.i. s o: „[: < ,V*mu«t vaum.S a,.., ::„: ,:- ,„, ri,,,.,;,. ,,..„„ ,,.„. j ' ; • Jv.-l,:cl i tl.-y t...o' ..,. t,, i!,. n,,ic!. i:-,,l,l ,,.,.-,,t . 4

'suui'i i ."; m i l lliry di- .»:. • V- i,, sir..i. .. I ,:,.„,.„.., , !,.,„, " ' •I'.-.n , t l ie inil ismit i im , :,,-l lh, „,,.,. „( K r, , ,u , ,;,h „!-»llu-y S.IV U...I II... kv-.N ,.M ':i!l,.,ii,.s .-. v li;i..,| i H,.,,,s . , "fthe i . \ ,> t i ."iici ." ul inr In . .. t;:, .:rc:i l- la.:'..- i ,',m ..,• yc. „

'."r!^!-.''l ',.''!''!iir'' .v;t 'i ."" V' y '

'" I:"M ''"¦""ll ''¦

' ^

in cill.er liuuieoi' pt rlMin. .,, |,,, , mTj-tl.inV lo'

*ii y ubjiii'li""'

!T!:.\ '.! i : r i . \ T I N . ; T I I I ' !:-.)P.Oi;.i | | i::,r:;|KThis l;-:i;u- I!.";..-;-.; I', ..- t' ,- l i i . - ,,;, -;.,! |.o.:i.i. ',u!.,ti.,,, oi


!,.,r,,i,,i, !..'. '. Is . ,... . . I ! - . ! f,,,- ,,.,,] ,,. „„. pvo,;, !- ,, , ^.Mm...-: ,...! li-teii Act , :1«; C .'.t lVorsli; ,.:ul U'illis ,a

.lolin—.« . .1. 1'., M ,;.-:r .,f \V.iti.-ro|.-! , .irtunte-l liy t!i .t vj-f|.i., :.-r -;. - :i ' i,l r.j '.¦.: ;;„:; th,. u :

o'::i!j- ,,: ti.e l.'oro.r.ii.i.,,, a-thU anci-n; . i iy , whicli , >iu C» hi, H .x-<v.-i to hi< h xti offl .e,he- lii-i t.o:i>.i,l-::'i} ill- ,,! ,v ,;!. ics .Kv , . ,., .l.,. ;:, , r

^lll? .(,,'

'I' al u'.!i^..:i Mi i:., ;.- . .. .l . ,;, |,i :i ns c:,i.: ' Ill l » is. .-.i!,-, ,.).), d ij'.lii! cch! |.r..<;:.l. .. .1: . .l !,„¦ .;.Jt j, „,„,., . ;.sll . i ,.„,.„; ,. .

^vitin .' i.ll lh. ."uiVr-i .i:' tl i.r i- .nao 1 :.. a.:.--.-:..,u.v i,i „ „,lli.< |.-rui.i l.ui:iri i.i> , ui .- l !.. j j,, I, :,,, ,, ; ;..„,..;, ., . ;, :,

".,,., ; .,,c,

in .W.-. t iHi . . :•: !!n.. ." ..V:.,.;:;. V,'i"!> l U i.l l y ,¦..,. ..r: ..„ ,.;;Cn:iveiii. -ir.-" , .f 111 - ' i : i .:W -JI- I : win, ,uv. -;.:,.,; \. ;i im- i-vj, ..lii * v."nr-ji |i li.i l unri . i- .-i |irjvi l. '.l |.,r I I J .M, .., - |,. s „...'

i-jj .--.. - , i«, .| l.y !.U ,-.., i. - ,y -JS , t c-."n:l. -r.v; ¦, , S 1 ai .,",'j

". i i> l . bl 'ii at nil t i - i i- J . ! i ' i in.'. ik. '.l ?!,:< .,. .-.;.,., „. ,, H ,..., ,,i..:rr-.:i'.!'!'! o;n,.: : ::i l: :< v u- ni' „:»•: T.i-. » ,•.• ..'.;-,¦ „.- :u-•i. ."!.,! . i-t: .K - !-l much j.iiV:.: ,r.:he, ..u l ;.t n li;:i. .. l^-f,.,,la. -H, . .:.- l -X iv:.. n : i . ¦ ,-. .- .,-c-,. . . ii ,i ..:-. ,. i i'..., ,, ti ,.-. TJ_ 3Mali i"l c.m:na— . :'-i»- i! W K .1 l i r ,;.> n u.l'. .".- ul c'.UUSj ,|ire-i "ill. '!'ii"! ti .:;.j>vni .' .V.M :!i • .«• !;-r .il ' j.r.i -."....." I;.,;, -._•

•lh. . i i i / !i i. v,,.. " .-iv. ,,f u,. . ( .¦,. , , ;., is:..i ., .n<ltt'-tiI 1.::.I i. -irlMi r '..io w iv.

ll^T CA RK i A. - i '.Tii r- He- ',: \V. .r, > , - i :!i U :. . . .„ . I ., . ,.,;,. -,, .( .|. M-, v.)r ;

! ;1 ,'..- :: A ' . ! . . Mi ., l i ' . t, ,:,T. M-.,.,, ,, .i .i.. ,:,r r:;l- .v.-u I vis. .. . !i -, .:., -•.:. . l: i Iroi.l !,V. il:.- S A ., -ai ,... .,,

^hi-. ,-..» .. , <- ., M .U ¦ !.¦• •¦.,;.. -.:, • ,- r ;:.,:i , , ,,,- | u. - u \-M it'tti

I . , »vr li.- . - .., .r. ' ni>-t ¦'.!• W..i ,- i . . , t, ..,im!; H1U .-;..y « . .. Olul¦in,.,, .) ';.-i :.y l.' .:i.:.r-;- ;: i.l.y.M i 'i » . ;;. ru:i:i W; K.

AM i-r-n a M S r it . A, . , , .. !, .!, . . \ i - i i - : . . i a i. I'.jv.u, A!1 .T :UI(V-::, a n ! t - /mi ij. -r -

¦*: .- ¦: i , .-r-;i i i i ' .n .M ::!: I .M ,::.

AM-r n.sn K- 'i. t . i '. . : i . . . . "i ri .-ii j. A. i . l - i k - M. i' y !> v :vt:mi .). Ai.i . k . - .i , :¦'. . : > .. ¦' : '.


K I'!- I l l I '-:; i:; ;.;r .Al- 1-rin.-n T I. 'A v ,: .\ ..l . |i .1 . 1 " . - C . i- i ¦;!; ,-. i'

i:-i¦.• ¦¦•!. :, . - I J . "• :) - . .•- . - .•, u i, : , :.¦¦•. ::. >. J :.,,,,, . ,^;S.^ ri-t :irv.

r: i ,- ii nmii u;!1 .('..- in- -ii! .- • I' . !:. !! - ; . l , f . i '-t.:i|,- . ..i!, a ^ ; J . ) . C.,rrc,:!, »i ii

.\ Ir . J . i '.-Uln;.: \ , i;i,r.ni _.|| l° r. ..i-i!-i- :".¦"-¦- *¦«. 1 1 1 i* ;!:i::.- . ;- .

A l l . nn -.'.i A. D.-iiin , l .'.iiuit i .icr i'l.i- .r. .1 .1 ' ., >vi '!i V:f. Tana:.: , ' '.. - ; . . .r. - .- !•'. , ,.- „.. . ... , ) |,;.-a:. ..M .m; Wj.^br,»:>_¦ I . I I . . . T .V . •: . .:¦• ¦:.;,: 1.,. .. • ;. ;, .; :., ,-,i.- l . , . -r i-k* .

Tin- ur- -> u i.i - .n^:.i «;, !,y u,., .i:it, -il p.,;,.-,..Ti. '- i'..!-:.-.-- |in.-.- . i . '...l .,;....;.- ii,,. i> . | iv , I-I-.I, . ! tl.cW-V.

t '.i .II .- '.I Iln - Siii) .!..»• :. f . Ii . - I I .UIH II U" l 'ii.ii>:. . |i I nn, t!^min k ¦• '

¦ -.viii-a i- .n ! 1 :. r I.; .. (i-« :.v . "c 1, ir.;l .n- i - i . uf r-ar*'

h* i- <i,::n'iil : 111 , - .. i.|i I .J f,,,. l:. .iin,l< :,i t; :1 . c:.;i;w! of Ki ,- 'I l i. -ii tu I l.f ! ii al .'il,.ii ..|! M I -CT ; r. t I n'- .jr nva :hn'l.: - i V.-, :!..• j i: . | ... . : ii '.v,- :.t t,, Ii !i p- r,-, ..- n,, ;., ,. .! ; .cbninj ,tl.'.-:e, v» :;i ':. I. .-IV , .. . i :, .,;; ,,:!,, ,, - ,, .:„!< . ar.- .l-n - . 'pJ b/n. i ! : -1 I M -T i i ; - ,- .:; a ii :,::, • |iB «.,[,!, •• i; .,-,, 1, , , ; Walfrfwl "ii|.i..:ir ; I ' . n (.,i, i -.r,- , :ii: >: ,,,,;i,,l l.y Sa.i:iii-:! :ti I , 'Ic '.xri:i! l l i . - A i ln t o '.y ..arrack x'. i- ii: v- ^ir.-1 , rt i n l t!.i'.- _- .- .;:i d- .w.iIl i i - l.'. .ii-.'L- l i«al . 111- nrl-.- i/ a ].r.- . ¦ ,-.i. -,l |., |'., ., |W,ty. octtiie - i i-. ;. . I . . !n s H i l l , v i . a i i l ;!.- li..uii ' .'n 'In-. i.. ,in-I tirjby I'pivr X. -.i-t -.u |.) X..lvi."rtvji , e\. |i,, i :iin X th... bo™!-l l i M i - , iii. - i I 'n. i l i y !, . . - : i i i r at his v...:j.!i:;. '» I./ .LW! i.;i- ,rliy:n'!- -r I!:.-. - .. '.- I . V

i.r. .c:iKC-\.Th- nii';:ii- -:s .,( i!,- :- .,t; il<; il .'.n.l i.;i' .-i ypntl-'m'.i mn. ii m.

sna tiin pi.. '. .—- i. -i t t i i . -u, o.-cnlin," t :i : '„* kin.l ¦ntit'di.ra of\h* M;.yor ;i. |. . ... u-ly i^-ii.-i l , n.irt.n)!; r,f a suloinli -l lunci:«"i::i l. -s l. .. .«j . -.:.t;i !t- 111 i i i - i -m , at xvhir 'i , it i-* in.-cllcvi to t i } ,.- it i v il.-l. . i;i- y ii*;n r.n.pl

pr.-iv:-!?.!. T!IP cimir U H .-I otcc;iii'll.y I '.." Ui .'lit \V.. .s:,; ., 'iil t l :o M.iy .ir , ;V.o vkc-cliiir by1.'..!,.ml I'. - ' - . t -- , T.< '., tn>; evening l>i 'in< s;.on! in ".lie rn>::!.'I-I .P:.I:!.. " M I .III ! ".I'.-. Tin; f..rt of t!ii- -:.!r.ii l i t e,it.-r:a :o.nfD:l.f i i iL " ;.M\ i.l- -d II ' his « ....sM j.'-t mi nieni", :m.I ,Ii<p,!ii<»l*->i i ! i i t i t in* V.- .I I I J n;' !ij^ o..- ii I-;*.; i. - .ii; * , i::nr.i "pri>i: i ". st.nn-e i« |i: ->.-.--in.." I hat prtval.' c'.rii. ioScr uhi.-h t< fcoyoud tl:»l>t-uii i !>iifj . - iiri ;.iiis: n t- i . - i i i i r, :m:l tln'iv.-roro we are p.ineiitel,iu:liir!tiiia! '< l y, faun telling uur n-i.lcrs , at iln< !• n^:li ITS

WMild wi»h In i!:-v..|." to it , c-f nil tin- (:oo,l tilings tliat wtrvpaita!. i'n uf, the I.1.11IV t- .\c-l!.'ii! > ¦ ¦:< :<! th .it uvresii.l , acl;l;.- urr:!i aa'i ii.inr.--ny wliicl . ,iU;u,i.!i-.I an'.niiil that f^s'.iTii.i.:ml. 1; i-i enuii;.-!., iiutvenr, .' > lucli- t.'ial l.'.ip.". Jnh:l«t«M « I.';., fin-l , r.ii I il iat ¦'« -it. 'r.cieni l. ;!iin- .nr tkat e.«.'-!i:i:i .' l l i '.t ei-i.l.l lie d-jac l.y i pK n- .-.-ly s;.i,i; |o i-n'.erlual.i. ii'-sS A-as iliiue , Ir.r tho l.i ,-h cli.iricter which nur uvr-t!.\ ri.'u't Vasistiate lu'.ir< fur h.j-p iuii'y, ;u,.l li.o t annealQii . -.i:!:. -- vvl:i i:ii lie Jiu-s. --*.,cs ss lii^ ti: i , > rj .ntl^nun, -.vii. ii ir.jt.Inns; ..u.liv. . liiins.l: , i.l:!in;i .-!i u-o m-t that nur riry m«y,imri! lie l ;i< i •I-.T:!:I-.1 « i'i <l A! i n;;. , in th. > riijoynieut rfexci<lli 'i:t health , lie i:i p .v<-ssi..n of I IK v.i!n,ili|i» hf, .. Tl:«•Ir i 'i im-r «..mi:raf«.l nt t.- .-.,r fi.n.- uVloot , mid nf:er til . . r«r«\i.mil- ii:nl 1-n'a i!- 'ii>' iMi pl.! jii<;ic. i t.i , tin- H - iw n[ Cl..nn;:a;sfIK-C IIKO im.rr r:i*-i I , a- .'l the vpi i i : so f t l ie r.iinpir.r r.-*».in--.din. 1} lo nliii..-. : ihn aull.ii.: unw l i.i which tlip gfrili.i.~ i'!.a-* I.ivi '.^ t i Si- .. lii. ",u iviu iii. lnU fi for a ti;::u ia tlian!u'lii.ri;v ii:t!.vi :i-< .i of liis s.' -' .I «i.rif -'y. T.II- l.i' iti'Jiv:n tM :l-.'iii:t ¦! * .i :. l.iit- ii.'inr in li i > - rV'-nin .', i.n 1 u.c conj-jiuiiy ai'p-'. i . i t i i l \\::ii I l i a ln-a:lii^t ji ;,»l wi ^lip> I'.r tlit - l:i- ;i-pii.i-is ami I'-ii ' lilt? .*.f our worth y a:i-l hospitable Cit *tM.ifti'. t rati ', ami .1 iVnv-it h-pK tliat the dignity ul, -.oli n.jrt.I. -s yi 'hr i t ( Ili- :.', anil lf::Js to u l:..h ti. ux.-.lt the l.ody ovriu l i i i i . lie S-J baii.-U iO l c i il y i-r.-.-iJes , uiiiy nevrr bo li-woncilI'V ui:v ul his SUCCOSMJI S .

It is in c>iitcin;.l:it:on l-y h;i Worshi p a 11 ilw To*nCouuril i.- 11 -no.v ii;« D:(l , :i:K, -i,,,.:r.- ,..l cua'.um ..I'" inroivia;tli. - il.u !," at a i narlv d.iy, v .U'.i ll.o vio-.v nf prc.i ¦:* ;>; t 'l *rig hts of l!.-c- L'i.rp.-,.atwii , uriutn- l !;y c'mrlitr i/f C.;.:r!.'» I I .lo tin. fi--!ii-rii-s of the Suiv , Irom t 'lesja to the l:r:J<-» , anJto li:!.i- .li.- .-ui-, in l!u- t-i.a:ity iCiHsii iv , t!io valuo f.f wln'cllis hki-ly SI » J I I io uc very |-r<- t. '.t '.ilo to lln' T-.wn Council. A.irtiuiT f-.r llii! [I'lr-in-v. I'. iK , wo !i.'lil-vi", l r ;i! .v:i a: tU.li- |uoil uf his worshi p by tlio cmi.icnt and hh-'ul fino i.f(he Mchurc . Mit l cutns'.'ii.

KAKI.V CLOSiXO -VOVKMK X T.Tl.o Dnpcr's Assist.r.its of this c:*.3* appea l to the pi]M'.'(

.mil pEi-;i.-'.il uiy apprnl to t!ic fuir l:itl:£4, to eimble tlie irO'!ip!'iyrrs to uccoril to tlirui the i tr.Ai-ion-t of th] ear'yi-l>»inrr iiio .eiiipiit. This Ihe pr:itio:icia pro.io.a to liartarcuaip li^luil I'.v a vi-to leiu." j.ut hy puahircr* oa ahopploffj .n r K \ n'cl I »¦ Tiio l»il c< aro si-o.iglj- , war uly, indtl-..v. .t a.!!y rtppr-nV.1 t-» grant thii fav.ir , anil wl.et just rrfj ilfsti.,< inn.l^ Li tne f- i i ainji-ls ol eirliis 'crealioii wna over ka ¦walu fiii l? In every i.niut of view , .-.amtjry and iulrll. -ctu.ti ,we I'l-ik on the movenn-at nn one eiuim-ntly ilrgprvinif otC'lnsiilt-ratinn , an-1 we won! 1 hopo lo ?ce such muii.arc<a.Irii itifl as wnuM odt.iin s-i"c,ii-i for tlia o'.iject in Ttfff ,willioilt Cilt.iiiii ij any I..,.t t- i I I K> uoplyi-.-j.

T H A X K S .1 l-e PrennntViun (' iinir.iiniiy.ll.j lyCr.iss .lw^ In return th«ir

siurpie thank * for tl i « l'..!|..ivii'i,- .•.iiitn 'un'.i.ius to tlicConrHtC!.ni. ..i l-'uiiil : — Mii- it l'lncl i , Ciini-k-ou-Suir , £ l ; Mn.M.iht r, U illiuin stivr-t, £1 Is . ; Mm. W. Kellr , Geotg«"»khc-l , t'l ; liev. 1'. Xii 'im, A im., St. J.i!n.'«, Cl.

The Ki-v. 1'. IX-lii nr, St. John's Collide, btgi lo M-k m.wli.tlge Ihe iccei pt 'of i'l friv n the It-v. Kiclmrd \V»lil>,l .'.l'., tl.H conlril.ittu.n of ilr. I lc l y, nf Cilfii.«hablie Lodgf.Cappoqujn, lo liio tui.J nnw I.eiiK laiscd fur a " CoDtKt."

1XQVB6T. —On Saiuiiijy evening List the bod/ of tb iyi.uiu bjy, Heiry l;.c-cl:tt, nho, it will be reinotnbtml,about A fortnight sine; nas rr-portcd to lmvo been miuingiwas pirk.d up tlo.itioi; near the raiKvny tenniuus. An ioQQ&itwus hild sumo treaiui;, at wire! lliu evidence adduced leftuo douh; that the poor little tallow had fallen out of a but,in w^icl. bo hail ken ptayiujr Ht the edge of tbj riv»r, M>&wan drowued.

NOTICBS OP OBIKCTIUS .— We have seen some noti'<«nf ol-jixiif n fer the couiim; purlidiccnlurj' revitijn lernd, •'is b.'licved , by Ihe Coimeivaiive paiiy on attend rupecltb aaiul uuSjitaiiti:d citizen*, who have , in reality, as gooo. if v?la boiler rijtlit to vote limn tl- i.se from whom tb« saidnotices iMn.inutaJ. It is K very inviJiona nod off<rui«P^'-r.-Hiin^ tl.o uirvine nf such !io;iL ,» , snd which, *» ibiukic^mi.jt mett the approval ul'tbc lovers of jottiu aod fair-pkv.

Klin.—F i.0i li - 'n lmrn •¦jl reim-I y pltnty Ibis »«eV. Aniinr.a-ii.u number . *.ur a-h.i? in Tr .iaiore 00 Sunday buai<{

Page 3: snap.waterfordcoco.iesnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1862/WNS-186… · VOL. XII.—NO 729 CHINA AND JAPAN TEA WAREHOUSE, 40, QUAY, WATERFORD, (NEARLY orTOSITK THE


Oa Moalv ¦««*»« hrt ll* br*«t I~h.bu.H rttwie.

««t was l.!U«clitJ iron, the buiU'.ns yard of tl.e W nterfurd"


ship Company, in X«VW «TI ., uuJor tb« most favora-

, ulPm lm-o ever .een from tl.i, well known building

"rd. tvhoo txjartauvi supcrint.nd.nt Mr. John Hun,

Li, KV efficient assistant, Mr. J. Murphy, and the sk.lled

eraliJ-es under them, have now turned out a vessel truly

noble in her pioponiuuvcustitntins yet another proof of

• be enterprise, Hie P«t and increasing enterprise of the

|0 -«4l firm under wlwui they lab-mr, uud also giving m-

di^u'table fri.lo.ico of tbrir o.vn skill HIHI mtsiJuity. For

c,me t»>!< ""k n3 IIK > v<*sel " u*imni"- h-r valt 1'™ 1>or *

lion* public Mi'f'Mion h-siu tu iucrenso M to her suc-

cessfully ?•¦»»! oa '" ''•"' t:loiueilt 01> wll":1' slie 1U"V so

MKfttilv'wl *' striking ly Huts , and ii is m.Atif t ing to say

that thiit Ml"*1"""" uls '"¦'¦" lu'ly SriltlSllJ '¦>¦ "1C wa>' '"

which the auUu craft left hor cin.iie , ami took the waters , a. , . i ,,, U>V IH'H iiiul doubly so to her native city.

Every possible means welc all"l""' tu mMr tht! P"Mlc" "ot

only ot this city hut of Limerick HII .1 other dUtaul Iuc.ilitie9,

to bo present »' tue '•«iti "S ""'"'• <uul thousr.mU avniIllJ

themselves of the privilege. From Limerick .1 s|ieci.il tr.iin

left oa Monday morning, put at the dispowil of the IOSSCD -

Jers »t exrwdiugiy l...v far":, by t!ic kindness of the dine

toM . ui.d to's train e.mie fully Iri-tif liteJ . receiving accessions

at every •':ion nt w:'ith '' '•'"IT-1- A<

usu:l1 "n "'•'¦:1!'ul"i

of spmUl tnpj , the .•irr.i:i ,-c.iiciit.< un Jj r tin- able triillio uri-

na-« , W- ''• I'*}'1"1' '• '•'I - wt'r0 ll"ot s-llisfilclu'yi aul' C01>-

tiibui'tl much to the enj..y aieut oi" the passengers. From

Trnuune a >p.rial train also s'ait.-l, fully Wei ghted, and

h'« ul'J '!'<•• ri»|«!fleJ manager, IKorgit lS.iler, Ksi| , his

c Beirut n sistant , x'r. I)ov!e, n.id the other officials , us usual,

1 joked well alter the nnangi'incuts .if their line, which wire

of the must satisfactory character. From Duninore, 1'HS-

nfr, mill other simouml-n,: 'M ."''lies hundreds ll.idid in to

the 'ou.mmi cenlro of allnuliuii , the cntiic pnpnlaiioii

a'most of our ci'v repniiin; m tho sHiiie spot. The utmost

nuxii-ly «a» evi.ueU to i.litain the U t place for a view, and

rrcrjwhtfro frum wliie l i it wu< po-sible to obtaia a sight

there u.ro liuinnn lwiii jS-i to be ^VII . The cJlensire yard

KM tliroueexl to titos lair ladies in uuuiberi prwlouiiiiiit-

iiij, our 111.14 ihtluentinl cilizons with our rrapcc'.oil

Chief MacUlial.', William Jobuson.Ksq .J-I ' otvopyins the.

Rroiiii'l thus so Un<ily siv,., l.y the oaipsny. The bowui

of the riv. r, which wu as still as glass in the brig ht nu-

tuianal Min . w:i» literall y covered wilb crafl of all kiu.li ;

the river st"amer», with all their bunting Hying, waited to

uffoi il their iLiswn/r.-u a M^ht of the grand emit ; tlio

pi^my tun- slf.ui.er Sfii.7«M w'"-1 Mnployed in .1 nimilar duty,

while the boats formed n little fleet in tlicmtdves. The

Bhi ppiiii ; i« tin! lmrlxiiu ha.l all their colours tlyinit ,

pmseiitin,' & >eiy pay appatr.itK-e. The opposito side

of the iivcr (it Ctomwi '.i's Hurl; was li!cr;il!j covrre.1

with huuun heiugs. Tan Leach had its hui.lri'ds ,

imJ up ilnun^b the tieos where the rock jut* out luro and

tlirre, were ladies and xciilit'iusii to he swn, while the sum-

uiit ot the voueraiil - rock itself wa9 covered with another

group. The ferry that rwuiiiR carried over ami bni k no lisa

thou ICOU spivtalor.*, and on the whole a sight was pre-

sented nil an I aii iuud (lie river nfa most excitingly plcasui-

able charait.T and one to live l.'ii ,; in the. memo. Us of those

who witnersvd i!- T!ic ii.ible vcvel herself us she rmted on

l.er cradle, covered with bunt ins "f vaiied hues, formed the

chief ubjrct of tiltractiun , and was adi::i:e.l l:y those, who

were, miJ tl'O-r ulw wre not , jud vs of naval mchileiturc.

Fearful of ai-y aai.knt ie-ulim' fnnn the uniistr .im.J

lAjertHss 0: Hi.1 i luwd , the nwl W .H raile l utl wilhia n

ccrtuiu fpac, and a laree board in tho centre warned the

intblic to ktt-p .-utbMe the harrier to avoid tin* possibility of

d*«s"t itisule— .in i-iiii'llant nrr.insc uent , mid very credit-nUtt In thv manors of the cominuy.

The nrriinpcini'iits for the lanr.i-li itseif , earne.1 out under

Mr. Hume, r.::d Ca| !a:n I l i r t l . i l , i.f the iJuutrannnii steamer,who 011 ll.i', an "u ;;ll fiaii lar I'IIMSUIIK, :oak rouunauil of

tie urw craft on her ti i p from land to \va!er, were ejeellentin every rt^i'ut. To i'ini-1 ; th.; impetus of so lar^e a \ o.s*elwlii-n uii'Vr wii ph, chain r:.l.!i s were suspended, traced iibingthe side- , l-roi'.i?ht 'IOIMI ami'Uhi jw, aii'l then altHchetl tolarge aiiclnirs milk in the isroun.l ; the chains were furtherhtlach.tl , and then ma-lu to s«-j»nr.ue at ii:tt-rvaU, and at-tos pratlr. il ihecks to the ir.onieutKin of the ship, r.ml thu< ,flTi-idli.p a Hidden Mnppme, lai:ip l:rr aruund gradually toher riqiiiiin pi»itiun. I.i i v n y possible respect those r.r-rii!isrm>'iil» wen- l>t -lily smcesslul.

At tl.e l . -.v :.f '.In- v.-vri a lilatl'.inp m ««•!«!, an 1 nn itf t.T l .1- -* .Nt .-s<r< . Miilci'insii 't , with seveial lu.li, -*, nmmvstwliom was ,\U>. Ki« - lni ' *k M.ilcoa WL'ii , who was to p'-woruithi' iviiMi. "tiy ol . 'iii-ti'iiiuj. As a u.'r.sis.iry a.Ijunot tothis piT.r,',iVi"

v. a !. .ill.' ot wini-, snspeii'lcd iiy a silken cordfi '.n l: «• !M -.I- , ;. Viu.f '! v\ith i l iwir 4 , hulij within reach,l'nvis. Iv HI s-.x •¦"«-l -« -l:, uif lmut Ihi' slijli txat noi .se or ron-luvi.in , tin- v:;>! in :-- !.-.:I P to uii've. Mis. .M:ilr, iui«i,-i strik-ing ii.,. \i,.v with tl: - - I- '•¦!•• "I wine, and atnid the cheers ofihi!<i-:i!i.: <i , .i-.-;ti:i :.i. I .r.-ai- i ren.nnl , the imlile (V//.i ulidwlintut i '- water , sea-. ' - 'y i -iiii-i iiu a s.veil th.-ri'iu HS she didM '. !!• tc '!«•• « -!.-" .!.'.t ¦•'.'! a:*..i':« was foniiil tu woik adoiir-lihly. :I :H I in 11 '• w :!.i.ili: « ' -> tl .i * lll:i .'iii|j- -ii-iit vrjvl wasPi'r. 'in-r y i :;• •; fii. !*' « n t!.i - b>oni ot the >nir , ail j'l '-yi-n tpronoun•¦:i^ i< !•!¦¦ • 'lx " »:'>t sph-iidv l launch they everuitlle.S 'l. 'Y.X. i . J lM.ATIOSS.

On the .¦¦:!:' I UM OH «! il"' l.t « it»« "l» , Mr. \\ r.liain Maleoinsnn

iivil . 'l s-V"i:tl oi t!i..> > \v ''l.'» W'-ie |nv?4ent lo lake nlH *>h-

roent anl .liii.V su-.i: -s t .. lh- C.V.'o;, wbiel: airwat le por-lion of :be .'ven'rii 's ;..oeeohu^> t.*-- .!* plare in thv joiner's•.beJ, whi-.vin refri- 'iiuei.ti. :u ahumLuiec were prepared.Amu:-. -.- :-! t:. o-e jr - . - f i t wfre:— Tiie Mv-s^is. Malisnt iFon ,tiii- lii^' .t \\ 'ois :iiv '.i'.i IVi l'ii 'ii ¦I.i lni« .'ii J .l'., Muvur; Mr.J. A.'l'i !•• ¦. ¦"•' .I'-. •'•'.'• A- ' • !!"'«:> !>. and Mis . lt n'.nts ,l'ol.i:u-l til'! Mi» H'- ! •• ''• : •'¦• T. 1.. M.ici»-sy, i)r. .Martin,Vurllsw : Mr. Al !. -:l Wi: il« ; AM.nnan Ilui -kc it , and Mr.I). O'C'ii '-uli l i u i' l t , f iomial: Kev. Mr . M-Cuuee, anilMrs M C i i -i t '.i i t - 1'iirvi- , Jt .N. and .Mrs. I'm vis; Mr.P. K . l'.-iJ . V i . J. --:.ih Willian s, Mr. (.'. linker, Mr. \V.Ji'v. -i'. .V.r .1 . S. r.iibaulson, M l. J. llurni'. Mr. (iecrL-cWhite, f c -.

When !.'¦ i. -fi"-lnnents had 1 eon amp1) ilicriis :e-l.His W.T«!iiji :i..' M.iyor r.f|:i.»u-.l |.ern.isti<in t'i m.ike a

few ob*e v * !i' us. I ' - pu 1 \< SIM ;t.*kiu^ liieui to diiuk a tons.\.... > n ix v.:~ »i:i :-fl..i lAi -ry mall WMU II! pKlifl- ill a Dotviiisl.'j'iiper. 1 ii.y I :>•! lwu all ililiclit.d «it!i the ts-ecta.'leti ;ev l.v! wi '.u.'-s- ' 1, ..lie whieli sj-,.,ke truui|H't-tonzm'il fort..« - tj .uiprise »¦! tin- i-uiini-nt film f»t Mnleoin^nn, lt'OtherR .(. lnvi*)— h ti;ii ) l.nouu tttrouihout K'uropc nfi well as it wasm W'I;I I Tl'-rd (. '".ers). It lierded nv word of illl .e.-y fromhi:n to '-n-ije for the 101st a warm and heartfelt response :he wi» -;M ivnt'"al himsflf then with piriti ff tho toant of the.Me-ws. M:-lra.ii:k:ni—iin -ii whopitveiinphivineut to hundreds,sii'l uerO F- l- l 1-- "titi ^ tii"ns'iu(i « (louiii uud comiiuud cheer-iiiif);

Mr. \Vi!iijon Mhlcom^ou rose and expressed hi* aik'^w-lrfcmc U t'ir the romplimen: Ilint hail Lcet. paid them.It wa-< to them ir.ost ]ilrasinj to find that any exertionstliey- i::!:.!*- '. \ I IV j.r -.-j < ':\\ :.;.pr> ciated l>.v the ritiz«*ns of \V*-terlorl , tpur wh.nn t iny ii'ul evir receiv.il such unvary ing;tapp >n. He was iou.:h id.'as. d with the inter.ft which WHS

displ .\.rl ltv all in the evening 's proreedin s, uud the coin-Jilim lit w.is enhanced l.y the pn'snnirc of the mnvnr—a (teu-tlerri 'ii wh:i ivss an l:oiioiir to the IHH I V over which he prc-tided (hear, henr), :>nd hv so many others of ih-? irently andcitizo is "f Wateiioid. In dj :i»luM'in Mr. Malcotoson pro-posed the heul'h of Mr. ll.'t n, and p->i- l a marked tndploasiiiL- cj iiipliiuent to the x'.ility displayed by that gft ith 1-laitu 111 rojiiiection u- iih tij . * Xeptum; iron Works, particu-larly aUu.liu? 'o tlu 1 u..rk ju-t rofi:p li .-terf . lie p.-iv th»tnthe health of Mr. Horn nnd the uiin H I:O had bct u ompluy.xlin the li.ihlin; >>l tlie shi gi (loud cheers).

air. Hum rttiiriu *H thunks in KUtta li ie tet-nm.The Mayor snid there was rmc other t oast which he l.ad

\c> ptopiAe to them ; it WAS one to which they would nil wi l -liusl y ami heartil y respond. It was tlio I IOH I I II of thel*auti-}'ul la'Iy who had chrislen.d uud given her own name to tb»fp 'ciu'id Fhi p that had been launched. lie would ask them10 drink the health ol Mis. Kicilerirk Malunu-nn, and pros-perity to the Celta (ch(eritii) .

Mr. F. Malcotnson retiuncl thanks to the mayor for theun. v|«rtid lioiiuur done him 111 tl.e kindly mention of hiswife's name by Lie ur.iship, ami npiis'fd his acknowledgeI'l. -nrs to ;.l) pic.-eiit for the Keuerourt enthusiasm with whichthey had pMi d it (lon.1 rliwrs).

'i he pro.e.dii.jrs then trnniuatM.lTbCHIVIIOS OV IUK CEI.l.A.

The Cella is »n iion-buill Klnp uf the preateit pn«ihlcptrciv th , and is divided in!n a numler of compartments, allj.ertwi !y Mater -ti j;ht. She is double ftan.ed and coveredi:i oil jiarls with a IJ UDI I HT of stiiugers and fnsti neu, ren-rfelinj; her fiaitiin ? j-.-rf.xtly s.-cure. Her M-anis arc double,r.iel in son.c partstirhle rivelt'J . and lii-r l.otio.r is slifj .neilby kelnous of a novel contfiuctfan. Her exterior plating i«'loubleil down live if.w * . is of very ?i?:.t thirliu.-BS , and ofthr> mo«it ru^-rior woikim.t .Hhi p. Her d.tks , m:.in flii.l'twion , n:f o! i:on , constructed m a phm '/I Mr. JIoriii'ts,wh'cii lie intends t.i have patent: d , r.nd which impart*i thefull. ht strength to the Rhi p. She cirri..! an apparatuswhi-iciiy she ran t»kc her propeller on deek when at M.\ ,which ii!l i-nalile a -rc-at t~>\\»A in fuel to U- elu.ctc.1. Herfirst.il.Ts cabins f.u.-aUhi ps aie most capacious .-.nil truly¦plenuid • thrv Me fi i ted up w i t h every n-pard to the com-ioit and ronvini.-nce (,f the J >.I «-HII:>-. K. Her second-classfill ins, ( fficelh' i;uarteis ai.d M -BU 'I- H V hiilhs nre one nnd nil(.1 l>.t-ri«is : ii'itli'iu; has hi iu hit undone to render thisi» 'Ii>rti.nt iJ. jn-imi'iit of the veael pcrf' ct in every respect.On her.l - .k si.e carries steam ciaues for Uudinn and un-!'•..•'. •¦ .- , with stru m win.h ts for wilting; the shi p mid benv-1 ; • . ;;,ii:e uncbors She i» to I K- supplied with rngiiu'a• :- . . . • xp.n.i-ii-11 princip le, with tin fi.ee cotidcnurs, «U|ier-!..!; . is , W M t t r l x x U i f , mid t\i * vulves of the Clli'ilies to 1)0woi»L "i 011 u piiuci jtlc ealeu'.alHl to .-cono'nise fuel. -She CiinlesHeivd alt or m..id«bip< on a new princi ple introd uced>.y Mr. H.irne. She will be ri jjRcd wi . i i four mastswith reifnif i;iai to I* woiked from the dirk. Her buwandsti-rn arc benutifuil y KIUHI i.ud ji ildid. Thedimensii/nsof ti.in noble emit au- :— Liinctl: , 3-'- leet ; breadth , 35 f«t ;depth , 'J 7 f , i t ; l,. -r I rrl!.. 1, i- . :< ,."»< HI ti .ii f . Tl.a Villa willU'ri>p.l »:.«•! ?!.•• i:- .- , iu.d e.i:l then proceed to Giasnow

to tkU in her . i./ iii.s.In the I'vniii^ ih' . tli'i.il-

of the company, both Bt I'ort-Uv «iid

'in tl.i. city, »•'•• •<> • ¦'- l'"si"ia',lv ¦<iit«rtiiii.i -d by

their iKiieiMM eo I'l'.j eisi-.; f . »pf . ai

IheAdrlphi Ilniel ,which wan tcrvr.! up in me.-UiEl-M i l», tin- o|» rKtivx ?!<"n.Kiln,' wi:h tLe A ui.l . i . i .hd hospit» l i ty of llii* emi-nent firm. jl. us 11 '>« t a. i'-cl'i y tei ioini t ed tliis mostJuccnijlul I11nt11 .il uf » ii'-blc vessel to which we wi»h everyt'lcreiw.

The d l ln «;'.!. «e believe , tta'le 1*1 ween London andO tessv X,,t ,1 -.'-uxlc Minl ' i. t <« innrd duriujr the d.iy.nor ihiriiiK t in: wh.'h- linn- of buildini-- As .01 in,taneu ofIho IIIIIII IKIS .:( visili.u ill t. .wu on 4l"inhiy it ii.ny 1* incu-t ioued tlixt r. venln-ii raii'ai;if , irnip lrtdy filW, oi«.|>o»cdlie tcturn tiaiu to Lm.rri. k.

ArroiKTMEXT.—We me pl-.d to find tlut Mr. P. hen-r.eJy, the clvrk ol tl.e VMIL-IW I 1'nitn, Ims l#en i-elcctcd fionia l.i*l of »p|-licnnts t.y tl.e Income Tax Comtnisbioucis, ancollector of the li,j |,,r the entire uuinn of Youuhnl. Amore juii. i. as. scl>-cti < 411 h'y i .uM no! lw»» ninde, and wnl'-.ve n<. doubt Lc mil .cut lu:i in >;ivi' tmctul KitisladioD. —Cj rk 2Icrc!d.


The second prize meftini; of tho Walerford AreheM w.uheld on Wednesday, at the Manor of St. John , having beenpostponed from the prc-viiuu d«y, owing to the ruin. Wed-nesday wai benntii'ully tine, the sun shining out in all theglory of former days, uud it* A necessary cons.quence therewas a strong muster of tho club nu the gruund. The nr-raugemeuta were, "as usual , most satisfactory, un-l.!r the anre-ful supervision of the courteous uud excellent secretary,Hurry K. Saruenf , Kso,., who mainly contiibnled to tho verypleasant day which WHS enjoyed. The baud of the Water *lord Artillery, under their leadar Mr. TitTin , contributedmuch to the enjoyment of the day, a main feature in ivhtcliwas a most cicelleut dinner provided by Mr. John Power,of the Club, in his usual very superior style. The pro -gramme of the shooting W.H as follows :—¦

First Tj rtf et. —Mh * Anderson, .Miss I.. Kinjr, MiiiPopham, and .Miss time ; Messis W. Kiujj, aud W. A.Sargent— Mr. Medlycott , c.iplain of the tin-get.

Sceund Target.— S i m Morris , Mis* Kinir. Mifs Sru'dy,mid Miss Ileeciicr ; Messrs. T. Laplmui nnd lintlcr—Mr. C.Tandy, captain of the lured.

Win/ Target.~Mi«i M. Ivi:iJ, Mi»a I.Aplimn. Mis«U.iherls, Miss K. Meara , and Miss llrisow ; Messrs. J. Walland Ilennihy. Jlr . Hj irv Sart'i'Ht, captain of the target.

The shootiii.- was excellent , partieul.irly that of Mis<Audersim, who shuwed a decided im|iroviMiieut tiiuce the lastmeet of the eluh. Miss Popliu-n made seven golds out ofttm-e dozen of urroivit . Tbii j'mnR hidy oame from Monks-town to nltcud the meet , di^pl.iy iu^ an eavu-.-sl desire to¦siipp'nl the progress of the cluh.

J.AIIIKS ' rltlZES .First Prim.— Miss Ainleinuii , Ivnt score, 205 ,- prize,

Iiaudsime Kohl and pearl hrooeh, with e;inhir'3 to intitch.Seauiit Prize.—Man. Iteecher , greatest number of hits,

4>*i; prize , handsume £<>ld an 1 r.u-al bniocli.Third /'rife.—Mist M. Kiiiu, bes: gold j handsome pair

of earrings.Fourth Prize.—Mr. Money's challenge priio, gold neck-

let ; Misi Ibeclier 1HH.OB STLKMS.S's VKIZR3.

First Price.—Mr. Ilutler, best acoie : ahandsomo pin.Sf cond l'rise.—A tin between Messis. Dcnuchv, Sargent

and S. Kimt ; won by Mr . Uennehy ; prize, a scarf rim:.Lady Wateilord' s" p.-in-, i.p"H to ladies and gentlemen ,

win contended for alter dinnet , ami won by Miss M eava ;pri/.e,'a handsomeciibunoleneoliluo with earring to match.

l'iie uroceeilin^9 ter.uiuated Hbuut 6vc o'clock.

IUCAMXGS KUOM TIIKHISTOUV OF WATEUFOKI).At the last meeting of tho Catholic Young Men's Society,

the President , A. P. Mbh er, KRO, ., resumed his readings from•Smyth'a History of H'jifcrfoni. itr. Mnlw sjiJ his lienrerawould recollect that at liia l ist readings he slated that whenthe Ang lo.Xorniaus,under Kaytuond le Gros, first approuchedWalcrford, in 1170, the city was then a fortified towu in theshape uf a trian:lt>, the walls extending from Keginald'sTower—called alter the Danish chief who built it in theyear 1CXX), for WatciTurJ wui entirely a Danish town inthose days—to the tower of Tutgesins, nt the corner of Ihupresent liarroustrnnd street , running from that by B I O.IJ-

strert to the Cast la of St. Mnrtin in Ludy-laur, mid againestendiiii: fn.ni that by Spring Oalden-lllley to lte^in.ild'aTower. When the Anglo-Normans settled here they greatlyinere:ised the size of the place, but .19 he pronged not!•> fati gue ll.eui by too lon< a reading, Air. Mahornaid I.e should necessari ly confine himsell to a few extracts,whi.'h .he hoped would prove interesting, nud thereforeshould pass over many things in the History of Waterford,which , li.nvervr, would well rep>iy any one nuionsst themwho luade it the object of his study. Mr. Mnhcr then readthe description of the lauding of King John at Wotcrford,in 1211 , aud how his palace t>tood on the ground now occu-pie.1 by thu Widows' A|iartiuents, and opposite the oldDanish (.'athcdid of the Most Holy Trinity, and how healso built the new city wall , a grea t portion ot nhieh re-maim to the present day. In 12:13, or twenty-four yearn»Tter the huiMinz of ICiin: John 's palace, the citizens f'luiidedt.ic I>t)u:i:iica:i '-'riary itt St. Suvimir witlii.i Ih t i H'.'ill f. andin 1210 tin; Pia:icisoin Kiiary was lound.'d by Sir IIu>:hl'urcell. Xlr. .Vaher said of course they were aware that ina.iditiiui to the towers of fl'.use buildings, w..ich were visiblet'roui nl.t.ost every part of the city, a great poi tiou of each ofthose pur.r.-d ediHccrt still reiuaiui\l , and formed a most inter-¦Mtiu^ study for tho nuti.piariau. The lecturer then readsomp very curious extract! relating to the louz-coutinuedf.ud hetwi-cn the eitiz *'ns of Wutetfo.-d ood Ihu powerfulI.ish chiettaiuti , O'Driscolls, or O'Hedriscols HS they werer.il!«\l, i,f Ualtiuiore, in the county Coik—how SimonWickiu, may.n of Waten'ord in 1413, accompanied Iiy UogerWalsh and Thomas Sault . with a strou.' baud of men in ar-mour, 6.uled in ships belonging to the city, and on ChristmasD.iy aurptiM'd t!ic iti-oii; castle a:i<l tuok puVmer theO'lyriscoll and his family. Avuin , in 11U1 , th« mayor, John.M..y, and citizens .jt Waterlord, huariug that O*lii-isc>ll hadariivnl at Trainore, invistd iheie hy tIt . - l'owcrs (who al-ways rontiuued their rancour to the city), prepared them-selv.-s in warlike manner, aud defeated the O'Driscolls andi'oivcif: at l!iillyiu:icdaue, an-1 briu^iu. )>iis- . !iers t>> Wutcr-ford U'Driseiiil Ot'e, nnd six of his ».iii«, also three of their^alle.vs. In tho retell of Uichaul I I I . , \-%"i3, an act wasp.ssevl to H II OVV Jainus. Kice, mayor ot VVaterlord , l'atrickMui^an , and l'hili p U. J an , baiillfs, to o) in pil-irnd-o toSt. James's of ii ilicia , in Spain , according to a vu\7 madebefore they were in olliee, wit hout damage to the King, theyleaving httllici. -nt depiitus. Mr. Maher reuiiudefl his audiencethat this lames Kice was the identical mayor whoso monu-ment tlu y tee outside the l'rotc*t.tnt church , opposite theDeanery. A^ain u-femng to the warfare Iwiweeu the citi-zens of Wnterlord nii.l the U'J Jii«.ills of lUitiiiiou 1, ilr.Matter read, describing how " foor Portugal ships, ladenwith Spanish wine, consigned to the merchants of Water-loid , m loj/ , were driven hy te-npest to Cape Clear, Haiti-more*, aud tin* old Heal of Kiu^ale. One of the ships calledJM Snaf u Mnria tie S jr i, l.idcu w i t h 1U0 lous of wine, IV;LSdriven into a bay adjuMiii.g the en!i.:u'-e of tho haven ofliill iui '.re. I'iuen (.I 'lliili Htiil. rliieltui t i of the isl.in.rfCoiM^hur , his sn:i , and tiil !y Dalfy, his base s >u , came onboar.l , and covenanted with the merchants fur toree pipes ofwine to conduct the shi p saf.'ly into the haven. When thegentry amf poets of those pails had taste.*! the wiuts theytorgol th.-ir safe-conduct ami invited Ihe merchants to dinnerin the castle, prized and clipped them in irons , manned tti> - irIrish galleys , an.', look Ihe shi.:H , aud dwuboicd 72 torn ul'the wine among their neigbhnuis." Til..1 tstrac '.s Lhi'ii wenton to relate h- .w 1'iel'se i)«!ihyo, cowcoaudiog the Suuil.it/ ,ol Watcifortl , with a w.-l!-niined crew, r.x'nvered the shi pand 25 t'.us of wine ; im-1 how, H few days atterwards , thein yor, Thomas homhaul, titled out a htlle li.-et consistingof the ship lately retain n, another large veis.'l , and the grea tgalley of tin city, will appointed with aililleiy, VIU S UH IS, andmen to the number ot 4'i", aud put them under Ihe coin-maud of H.iililf W.-yilluik us cliitl captain , l'i. njc Duhhvn,¦lames WdWi , James Sbeiloik , Hinry Walsh , nirl Johnliutler , uudtr captains. IJn WcJnesJ.iy, 1st A pril , 1UJ7, theySHili^i and avrived within Ihe haven of llaliiir.ore, HU 1 H U *chorctl towards the castle, which nas guarded with meu nndartillery. The i-j.trjot tlun dvsciiUJ in gl iwii.g tcnus thevieti.ry of the W.iterlord men—how t luy d.v.roycd FiucnU'Diiscoll's castles mid f stresses on the island and loainlan 1 ,as well us the house of Ihe Fri.ir Minors , and several vil-lages, burning iiliout aO pifiiinri'-, fln.1 currying with them toWaterford the chieftain 's gteat gallej* of UO oats, as well au agreat store of malt , barley, and salt , and how all arrivensafe on Good Friday* 1037, in W.iterfuid , Mr. .Muher saidhe would conclude iiis leadings hy selecti ng some hriel no-tices of remttrkht.le men l>oru in Wateiford. The readerthen, Htuougst others, mentioned <J>itofiid , a D:.aiiuii-anfriar , who Hourished in the thirteenth re itury, tamons forhis writings in Latin , Grtt-k , Arabx, au,l French. PeterWhile, Fellow of Otic! College, Ojfm.l , in 1551- In therciiMi ol Klizubeth ho returned to Waterford , kept H school ofgrea t reputation , and w<cs uiudc dean, but .jpcted toon afterfoe uor.contoTiuity ; his writing 1* were numerous. NicholasQui'iutrford, D.D., educated in Oxtord, whet (. he took hisd?-gre^ ot mastei of arts in lotVJ, returui^l to Wjterford, andwas ordained, but deprived uf his preteriuent for uoncuntu;*iiiity. llealterivanlii Irxik his il'krtor 't d. cree iu Louvaiue,beiamea Johtiit, and ili.-d in Spain , altercouipnsiug niHiiywoiks. Peter ijtnubard, pupil of Dr. IVter White, afterwriting many ccleliiauil w.irk- , was elected Primus Uuiver-sitalus uf L'luvaiuc. Another l'eter Lum'iard, sou of aWntcrford iiu'rchant , iilnc«t -d at Westminster under thelearned Cambden, took the degree of doclor at liouvnin*, wasni.de provost of thu Cathed ral of Caui 'irny, afterwards Ca-tholic Archbishop of Arinujh , aud domestic prelate to thel'opc. He died at Komu in lfrio, and left behind him severalWQ:k n . Martin Walsh , R Franciscan Iritir , distinsuisbe.1liilns.lf by bis learning mid abilities ill Madrii , N..ple> , audR >u:e ; in the last city he bconne g'tJrdiju of the Culleg... otSi. Union* and tect(>r of the Irish College. IIo dird atKoine in 1(131. IVter Wadding, liorn 1580, lieramc a Jesuitat Tiiutn»y in l tXi) ; he liecame chancellor of the Universityof IVngue, and died at Gratz in 1014, being highly esteemediu the empire of Ciermany. Tlniinas atrangr, died in Wa-tertord 10lo, guardian of the Franciscans in Dublin , au-lgreatl y admiied for bin nritingl nnd preaching. Johnllartry, ol Watei,ror'l. a Cistercian monk in Mncale .in Spain ,diiiriuguifthc-d Jor his writiuef , leluined to li- el.mil, and wasmade parish piic«t of llnl y Cross, in Tip|ierary. LukeWadding, born iu Wa'erford in 1388, s in of Walter Wad -ding aud Anasuiia. Lumb'ud, u near rel.ttinn to Peter l.tim-bard, Catholic Archbishop of Armagh, lH-f.>rn mentioued.lie studied iu Waterford , Portugal , and Spiiu , and wasmnde divine to Anthony a Trejo, who was «cu. Lt^ute Ei-trH.'>rr!inary hy King Phili p i l l . to Pope Paul V. upon amatter in agitation concerning the Imaculale Conception ofthe H!cfc*e<l Virgin Mary, upon which occasion he w-rote theentire »cU of the legation , ami published revern l piece!, rela-tive to the Mi!.ject. He wrote si veral oilier woiks, but themost remarkable WHS the annaU of bin own o.tier, theFrancisciins, in compiling which he spent upwards of twenty-four yearn. Jlr. .Muher read K i-hort memoir of Rogerli.ijlc, Karl of Orrery, ami i,l I toUrt Itoy '.e, his biother ,hi.tii li-trn at Lisui'.re, and lo whom the Protestant literatureof the country had dune full justice. He then iii'iitioncdIj nstius ltiouii . u Jesuit , who died in 1H79 at Vallnlolid, inSpain ; he was rector ut the Irish Collcg'' "t Poictiurn andciuiti'sF'ir to tho (iu--en of Spain , and cinclude.1 by cxprea-sing n hope that fioin amongst the Catholic youth uow ro-cciving rducHtinn in Wnlrrford some mini of genim ini


yet r.rife capable of writing a good Catholic History of Wa-terford , us well m oi^niug Iho uiinei of unwiouglit romanceconnected with the minds of our country.

Tue leclniu tbroughoul was exceedingly interesting, welldeliveretl. and warmly aniilaudcd.

FAKMIN tJ SOCIKriK S , ic.Tho ClogUecn »nnual show will be held ut Caliir on Mon-

day. The utmost facility i« Iwinjf given l.y the Waterfordand Limerick lUitvvny Company (see advertiseuieut), lo par-ties to visit this show and return.

Tho Wat erford Catlle Show will ba held on Thursday>Se.- lcmber IStli.

The Thurles and Tomplemore A gricultural Show will beheld in Thurles on the 23rd .

The Show of the Tippcrurj Society will take place on Sa.tonlay, the 27lh.

CuUMTT TlPFKBAB T HoaTICULtC OAL SOCIKTt. —Thisnoriety held its uutumn (how on Turtdty lant iu Ihe Gardens,Cloninel. The forenoon was very wet , but the iiftvruoonbecmoc fine aud dry. The specimens exhibited were ofgreat variety, and of splendid appearance. Tho silver cuppresented by John liagwcll , Iv-q , M.P., wan won the thirdtime by Mr. James Noonan, gurdener to Mrs. Oaborne, New-town , nud it consequently becomes his proyerly, to which hehas established so strong and just a claim.

The bnrvi«t will be later this year than it ha« been forutfny i>ast yrain.

Ti.e. ptesenl it the finest portion of the jejiou in Tramortanr! Denmoir.


Sis—A ratepayer in the Dungarvau division of thisunion hitting complained of the Inat rate of 3s. Id. in thu £Assessed upoli it as being excessive, 1 considered it incumbenton me to offer a short explanation as to the CMUC of tho i.ite.being at so high a fUutc in a letter which I havo addressedto him. A* this complaint scorns to ho rather generalamongst tho ratepayers uf this division , it may be satisfaclory to theut to he furnished with thn explanation afforded iuthis letter , ns such may tend to remove uuy false impressionson their minds as tu the cause of tho present rate lieing HOhigh. As tliey all would be likely to receive I hid explanationthrough the medium of The A'nrs, I send you the annexedcopy uf the communication referred to, for inset tiou iu yournoxt publication.—1 am, &o., D. P ITZUKIMLD,

Sept. 8, 1802. Clcik of Dungarvau Union.Kungnrvnn Union, 3rd September. 1802.Sin—Judging fni-n your observations on .Monday last,that you, in common with innny others, labor under ft mis-apprehension as to the cause of the poor rate in Dungnrvnndivision of this union being so high , which you S.KMO to at-

tribute solely tosomo mismanagement in Ihe working of thoc»tiiMi i!imrnt , I deem it right, in justice to tluwo to whomthu management of this institution is intrusted, as well asfor jour own iuformation , to placo Mitre you the items ofexpenditure , todischarxc which tho present rate of 3*. Id. inthe pound has been declared hy the guardians :—Maiiileuauco and clothing ot lflS paupers relieved") £

during the year, chargeable tu Dungarvan electoral ( ,.„divUion , At 2s. O.l, per head, beinp the average cost (ol wcli , at contract prices of provisions and clothing )

Medical Clmritica' oxpenses, viz., doctnr 'a salary and")costs of medicines distributed ut tho dispensary, >• 89with porter's wages ... ... Mti j

Collision'poundage, at M. iu tho pound ... 35Cost of buriiils of persons dying chargeable to Dun- > „garvan division ... ... J 1/

Salatics and rations of olTuers ... "„ mMediciut^ admiiii.stennl iu tho workhouse ... QCost ot repair* and ehaiiges efl'ecte.1 iu tho wnrkhna'so 2GOther small expenses iuci lental to tho uplioldiu- ofthe eblublishmeut ... , M Q <

Total for tho year ... s t 17U9To wkich wits added a balance against the division onthe Jtfth September, 16d2, of ,„ \Making a total of ... ... £i-ii(lThe net annual value, of rateable property in the divisionbeing £12,800, a poundage rate thereon of 3s. 8d., insteadof 3s. Id. declared by tho guardians, would he necessary torauc this nun. To elfect ft reduction in this rate, n reduc-tion should first he mado in the abnvo ileum, or in sumo of

them. Let tu now consider each head of expenditure , andeee ivhelher any reduction could l« made therein consisUutlywith thoelhoi fiit working of the house.

The first item— ill .Ull—I think explains itself. It wasfor the support of t he poor persons for whom the guardians,at their weekly ineetinss, ordered relief. Tho relief thusafforded wa» distributed to the different classes of inmatesaccording 10 the FC.I IO of dietary laid down by the guardiansand approved of by tho commisjioners. Neither more norl.«s than the prm-rilwd diet in erer given ; in fact suchcould not take place, without immediate detection by those,whoso duty it is to check the proper administraliou of therelief ordered by the guardiar.a. I'o reduce this item of ex-penditure, then , a reduction should bo made in the quantityof food now allowed to tho different classes, a propositionwhich f do not believe any humnuo person would , for «moment , entertain. Now, I ask what " inismaiiairement."is th-irc in this mode of appropriating the abovo until ofJEI / 110 to which the high rate complained of could heattrilul .xl ? There may bo some pi-rsosn who are impressedwith the belief, that " there it tomcthing wrong in all this;"bat these pursoun never tako the trouble to discover whatthat something is. K they did , they would probably find itto be only all imaginary thing, hating existence only in theirown minds, aud that matters imidu the walls of the poor-linnsp. are not ffltircly so bud as they believe tlie.n to he.

Tin! nest item is 189. This expenditure was incurred out-side the walls of the homo, under the immediate supervisionand control of a body of largo ratepayers of the union, termedtho " Dispensary Committee." II there were any misappli-cation of this , or any part of tiiis.sum, or nnv " mistnamigc-ment" iu the admiuisteralion of tho relief which it providedfor th" pur, which would teul t.i incre.vio the rates, surelyit cannot l c attiibuled to " mismanagement" within thuwalls of the nnorliuutt ? A retrenchment iu this item, nnd nconsequent redueliou in the rate, could bo effected only hyrolitu.u tlin dhpi>ni:iry doctor'* salary, anil curtailing themedical relief, to which the pnor are legally entitled.

The next item ii H.15. 'l llis sum was paiJ the collectora1: remuneration for hi) labor in collecting the poor rales.This expenditure c.tnuot ho utttibuted to any ia-door " uiU-inaiiageoie'lt" eilbei , 11* it was an expenditure deliberatelyand ueri ssii iiy incurred hy Ihu hoard nfguaidimis, wlioluvuallowed thd collector nijpeuce for every pound of the rates heroll cts. The only way iu which tho rate cnul.l be, rednciil ,as regard* Ibis item, would be to rnlacc the collector* pouml-aite, which wmild he, in my mind, .1 very injudicious Iliinjto (I.i , as it is never HU citravagani'ri to give a lair remunera-tion iu HI . elficient uflicci like the present collector, who busdischarged his duties »o creditably to himself aud eatinfae-torily lo the r.'.tei.i yeij .

llie next item iu tlie scale of expenditure \i C17, whichwas incurred in providing cofiins and shrouds for the dead.As there, is a contract for supplying these urticlen , in whi chtho mortal remains of our fellows Hre convtyul to theirfinal resting places, there could ho 110 " misioan.igcineut"in the appltcat ;on of the money expended iu this respect ,except, indeed , ftiice poor lady may have been favoreil with adouhlu .suit uf these weaiables, a thing, I believe, whichnever occurs.

The next item to which I c ill your attention is £1 I I.This sum, yon will perceive, was for salaries nud ration* ofofficers—all Ihe nflicer.1 i:i connexion with the union, exceptdispensary doctuta. It is a thing very generally l.'licvcd byIhe ratepayers that thu officer* of the union absnb a laraoportiou of Ihe rate*, und that wern it not lor the Uvi-di c'x-peo-.liluie hy the guardians iu over paying thei r otficiaN, theriitri would n t l« so heavy as they havo been. Parties im-pressed w i t h this belief are evidentl y i 11 erro r. At presentthe cfiicem iu ronnexi.n wit li the union nrj only thosecreated by the poor huv cniniiiis.'ii.iicis . on tho establishmentof iho pojr la.vs in I ml 111.!, ami which otli,:e< are inlispei. .•»l.!y necessary to the proper working of the system. They.lit- tJiu lU.iMer, iii ati.jn , scJio .l.uis :re-8, nurse, »n.I porterwho me iu-do'.r ofli -eis ; the clerk , in.-Jic.il olH.vr, chaplains,aud two relieving ntll -ar*, who nre o-i '-ilo ,r ..ffi/er*. K iel.'of these officer* ha« hi* or lmrown diviuct du>!cn to p-:rl<ir:n ,and it'.iM! of them could be ilif]ienv:.l with without impiiriugtin! c-Dicient workinpr of the poor la.v system in tlm uuion.N.i w, us to the cost of this kinff, theit t.ital expense to theunion, last year, was JfcoSO, and Danguvan proportion ofthat Mim w.is cm, or two-pence tao thirds of 'a penny inthe pound on the net mutual value of the dwision. No ra-tionil person will , I think , consider this u large item iu theyearly expenditure, of £l ,7C'J on the division , the poundagerate to provide which being as. 1(1,1. V..u will II1113 see howmistaken pemous i,, K when they nttiibute t!.o heaviness ofthe ra l cF, chiefly to ti'ie cost of the union ollia'rs. \'aiiousretrenchiiients having Iron mado fnim tiinu to lime in thnslafi", p<rticuljrl y on a rexe.it occa«ion where a saving ofover 4170 » yea r \va* cffi'cled by lh« closing np nf the f. verhoti'o at AM.ej>iJe, and the auialgmuaiinn of some otiieesiu ihe bouse, and it b.-ing so limited in p.iint of nuwibers atprcsi'tt , 1 think i: wouH be the height of " inimnanuge-ment" to make any further inluclioii in it, as *uch winldnot i-conoiuiZ'! the rate*, but, ou the contrary, toud to theirwnstelnl pxwiiditure .

Tin- next ile'u <,f f.) wan for medicines administered bythe medical ulacer to hisp itiil pmienlH. This cannot he re-rcgaided as H large sum for tuv dicHl relief iu the woikhouse,when it will be considered that over 60 persons, on uu aver-age, aio daily tre.it.J iu the infirmary.

The two hiKt it . iUKex pluiu llicni.wlvos. TI IH guardimiHseeing Ihe lay ing out of these snins to he nh».!utidy neces-sary to keep the housi iu a proper state of repnir, and topruvido utensils Km) other articles reipiisitc for the clHcientW'irkiiisr of the eital lislimeut , unhn.il this ..utlay, withoutwhich tbe building would get imo a i late of disrepair , and Ihebu-itit-MH nf the Louse- could nut lie propeil y c<in-.lucti:d.

The balance ol £551, added to the yeur 1* expi'tiditure , was

a deficiency in theSi. lUl. -nite of M i l . Tl.e exp,'n.litur» olth:.t yeuir having been H.» much over, the- amount then rainedoff the division , thin deficiency had, nf cours", \n be carriedforward ni;aiust the divisiuii this year, and is included in theestimate of the r.ile lately docl.tred by the guardians.

I have no* placed before you the. various items whichmake up the sum to ho levied on Dmuarvan this year, audshown the manner in which they have been applied. If youconsider that .lhrough any " iuhmaiiH4«uieut "in their expen-diture , the ralo is higher than it othorwUo would have been,1 .mi sufe the boatd of gnaidiMi n will be very happy in cor-recting «ny abuse iu that way that you may point out tothem, and euterlaining any suggestions from you that maytend to A better and more judicious mode of expending therates of the union than has been histherlo adopted ,—I am,Bir , your ubed;eni servant , DAVID FITZQKSAL P ,

To -— ——. Dun.-arvau. Clei k of Ui>ion.


Slit—'Alter the dust created l.y Mr. lilako 'n letter of the2nd lost. Jia* subsided, yon will see tint the rep<>i -r from thedeputation of the rily trraad jury brought forward hy himwas his own ; that his object was to K I IOAT that we had noemployment nor amusement for our patients , nud that theD)in..-quuiice was , that the English asylums, particularly Lei-cester, surpassed us iu recovcriei.

He »tute* that Ibi; word " pieturej " was not iu his report.On looking at the Visitor 's liook I find it was not ; b t whatwill you say to Mr. lllakc having * true copy ol thi* reportin his possession, and the urigiual ly ing iu the board-roomdrawer .-sending fuith to the public, in hu address to thejudge, published in Hie Citizen of lflth July Jfc 'dl, a cnjiy,with the- word " pictures" inserted as stated hy me, slips ofwhich were extensively circulated by him ; r.nd I have, nowin my hand one ot Ihem, forwarded lo me. by himself iu anenvelope endorsed hy himself.

All. Ula-e'i. motion, tvhilo causing his own report logoforlh to tho public iu my half-yearly repoit , erased from the6ame Ludy K.uily Peel s, Lord Uussborougb's, uud Mr. Wuld-roll 's lemmks, which fact is kuuwu to tho memborspresent.

As Mr. Ill.tkc cannot make anything of my figures, I giveyou tlie result ul inspection of the sixteenth report of theKuglish CotnmiMiu'ieitt iu l.um.cy for the year enditu 31stDttembiT IStil , lur Leicester and lietbleheni , with the nameinformation fur Wutertord, taken lioin the inspector'*rlevunth report , being for nine months ending 31st Dei«mber,to which I luvo added the udmisotuiis nud discharges from1st ol Jauudiy toUlst Murch , IBM :

Lctc*Bt«r Bothlebcin WaterfordIn Asy lum on Ut Jan., 1801 . 308 350 111Admi tted du-.irg the year, ... 107 U13 (H

N UUII KT uuder Treatment , ... 405 CG3 18G

Discharged rrcovfted, 45 10-J 41 )Do. uut it-covered, 0 11-1 o*

Totnl, 61 218 it}Per cent, ou patients under

treatment 0 18 21Per cent, on admissions, ... ii 4'J U2

Any geiitlemun taking the tronble, can nrccituin the cor-ri'CtiKVi. of tuy CJlculatiou.—I ri'iuain, sir, your obodieutnervant, J UUR Dosns, lksident Mandgcr.

r Tits EMBIKKMEM AT TUASOOE.—On Sunday a largenoroVr of geutlemen went to see this grtnt erobanVment,incllldiug Captain Johnson , Mayor, Wm. llalcomsou, Ky).,Abraham Htep henj, Esq., &c. We undeistmid that anotherlarge embankment, nearer Trauiore, will be commencedimmediately.

'JoKbtABntAttT,—Sub-Inspector Doyle has been promotedto good service pay by the Lord Lieutenant , at the recom-mendaliou of Sir Henry J. Urowniijig, Inspector-Geueral.Mr. Doyle is quartered at Mobill , count/ Leitrim,

He»per» are jetting, in this neighbourbood, 1'- 2d. perday willi diet , und It. 8J. to U. 81. prr day without diet. _


The animal show of this society was held in NewRoss on Tuesday. The (lay, up to two o'clock ,was wet , nnd therefore very unfavorable fur the thai)nf slock; nevert heless tlie display was most creditableboth u> regnrils the ntock exhibited, and the .gene-ral attendance of the nulilie—in fact it wit s lookedupon ns beyond nn nveruge show. Amongst thosein attendanc e , most of whom were at the dinner,were :—

Mr. II. Lambert , Cam.igh, D.L.; Mr. S.T. Grubb. J.P.,Mr. Congreve liogeia , Tramoio; Mr. George Hutchinsnn ,Mr. YV«Ui»ly l'rendergast , J .H., Listerlin ; Mr. Hrehou,J.R , !lfr. Gre.'ne, J.I'., ll 'exfnni Indvpnndent ; Mr. Fisher,Waterford Mail ; Mr. W. Hreene, SUdn ; Mr. , Wallace,Loftus Hall j Mr. Suchc, MniiHger National Hank : Mr.Umlmond, T.C., Vuterford Ar«io» j Mr. Thomas Kelly,Wcxford ; Mr. John George., M.I'., Mr. J. Talbot, Mr.Farrcll , Fary ( Mr. R. W. Carkton , clerk union ; Mr. Carr,sol.; Mr. Ilyrue, llr. Cherry, Mr.Strauge , J.I'., Aylwards-town ; Mr. Win. J oyce (judge), Abbeyfann ; Dr. llowlett ,Mr. J. It. Cotclough, Tioteiu ; llr. A. Graves, Mr. W.King, Mr. Galavun , Mr. Urowu , .Mr. E. A. Byrne, J.I'.,bon. secretary, Ac, &c

THF. DINNF.RW09 lielil in the evening at the Thotael, nnd wasattended by nearly one hundred respectable gentle-men, many of whom were intelli gent , upright farm-ers. The dinner was good uud substantial , and WASfollowed up by u liberal supp ly of whiskey pumli.The room was well li ghted with gns, nmi verytastefull y decoruted with evergreens and roots, &c.The clinir was occupied by <"te of the most popu-lar landlords in Ireland , the youthful but highlyintellectual

H KXRY LAMBKIIT , E«q., P.L., Cainogh.The usual loyal toasts having been given , and

dulv honored.The Chairman then gave " the Lord Lieutenant

and Prosperity to Ireland. " He said his Excel-lency, by I: M presence m Limerick and cUewhere ,showed Uni t he w.is anxious to father tlie progressof these shows, nnd of the farming classes generall y.

Mr. Fendergnst , being loudl y called on, rose torespond to the toaat—He congratulated those aroundhim on tl.e increusing prosperity of their native land.He noticed tlmt their muck at the show , to-day,was very much improved , especiall y in bulls , whichwill be a very great improvement to the fanner.He then referred to grazing and said that it mightbe carrie d to a very serious extent in Iieinnd. l iethoug ht that in proportion as cattle were increasedso also should tillage increase (hear , hear). Toomuch grazing would be the doom of the small farm-ers of Ireland , nud he was sure they would not lik "to see them rooted out of the soil (hear). He saidthat Plunders , once remarkable for extensive graz-ing, was now one of the most highly farmed partsof Europe , hiving; g iven up much of its pastures,fie concluded by stating tlmt the subject is onewhich lay very near bis heart (great applause).

The Chairman llieii gave " the Army and Navy, "to which Mr. John Tnlbot responded.

The Chairman next gave tlie " Royal Agricul-tural Society of Ireland ," to which , he said , theyshould ulwuys look for patronage and support (ap-plause).

Mr. George, M.P. rose to respond—He s.iid thocounty of Wexford had associated with it four ofits local societies. It was the first time he (Mr. G.)appeared nt that Rociely. To-morrow the meetingof the Gorey Society would take plnce. He al-ways thoug ht that such societies would furivurd themtercjts of the country, because those who attendthem could borrow hints from one another. Inthe last sc.-sion uf I'niliament onl y two or threemeasures were pnsscd which vitall y nfiVcted thiscountry—the first was the " Weights and MeasuresHill ," which is IIUIT the law of the land ; and thenext WHS the uniformity of wei ghts and measures,for abolishing oil deductions , to which every onehail ED long objected. Fanners tuny now sec thatthey should gut their wei ghts without any deduc-tions whatever (hour, hear). He next referred lothe Amended Poor Law Bill , nnd said the ciunrtcr-acre clause , which deprived the person holding it ofrelief , thoug h in reality he might he more destitutethan those not having it , was totall y abolished.He next alluded to the clitiuc in the bill for com-pelling fathers of illeg itimate children to ninintuinthem whil st in the poorhouse—u measure which liepronounced most useful. He opposed the reg istra-tion of Birth s, Marriages , nnd Dentil *' Hill , becausethe expense of its operation wus intend iMl to beplaced on the rates , instead of being placed on thestate. The breeds of stock were marvellousl ychanged in this county—tliey li'id now a mixtureof the short nnd long horn, which , he believed , pro-duced the very best milch cuttle. He would hesorrv lo disparage the breeding of cattle—hethought th« breeding of cattle and agriculture twinsisters, which should eo on together (applause).

The Chairman next proposed the " New RossFarming Society, " when Mr. E, A. Uyrne , theactive and intelli gent honorary secretary, wascalled on to read the lilt of prze« , which he didniter making H few remarks, and reading a letterfrom Mr. Tottenham , offering tha society the use ofIbe market bouse.

The Chairman then proposed the " Town andTrade of New Ross ," when

Mr. Suchf , the highl y esteemed nmnngcr nf theNational Bank nf Rovi, was loudly called on to res-pond. IIo said he expected that Mr. Jcfihres , oneof their merchant princes , would have responded.lie (Mr. S.) regretted to see the trade of the townof Ross so sul ly neglected. They hid a river 2'ift't't depp, a poptil ili i in of 0, 700 sniils, a railwaywithin four miles nf them, stopped on the top of nhill (laug hter), nnd yet he regretted to B3e Wexford ,Kttiiiscorth y, atid other tnwnn beutntg them, inRoss they had us intell i gent uud as honest men usany in the I tti 'l ; their uii'rchiints were honest , nndthe farmers of tlie iwi ghbourhnr i.-l wore as honestand ns well inclined to pay their debts as tiny to befound in Ireland (hear). But the farmers hadthree bad years ; he therefore hoped the landlordswould allow people tu breathe this year, by nutpressing on them (loud app luuse). No one knewthe condition of the fanners better than he did.He knew the respectable chairuinn would not pressou his tenants , nnd would not allow his people togo to the road (chcera). He (Mr. S. I knew heguve them Tenant Ri g ht in its fullest extent . Heknew one tenant better off leaving the chairman 'sproperty than on coming to it (hear, hear). He>mv? several other gnud landlord s about him , and hewus sure there wouid be no shooting if the peoplehad good landlord * (enthusiastic npplnuse).

The Chairman tl.en gave " the Jud ges," to whichMr. Hutcbinso ii responded , iu which he spoke ufthe main atiiimtla at the show , und recommended nbook lo be published on the diseases and cure ofcattle.

The Chairman next proposed the " DistinguishedVisiteru ," when Mr. Grubb, J.P., KilUapy, wasloudl y culled on to respond. He congratulated theim cling on their progress , and said the farmers ofthe country were the bone and sinew of the land.He knew tho landlords would do their duty bythem , as would he himself, as a comparativel y smallproprietor. The interests of the landlords wereequall y the interests of the tenants. He then re-ferred to his tour throug h Europe, but said he «»wnothing, after nil , to please him so much M the old" ICmerald Ij le"—the " first flower nf the earth ,first gem of the sea." Afi?r some other remarks ,Mr. Grwhb resumed his scat amid great applause.

Mr. Fisher al>o responded, and in doing so wentinto statistical statements showing the injurious ef-fects, on the country generall y, of extensive grazing.

The Chairman then gave the " Successful Coui-petitDm," to which

Mr. lSrccn , who said he exhibited in three classes ,and only succeeded in one , responded. In referringto agricultural societies , he said they were neutralground on which men could freel y rxprcsa theiropinions. Me showed tlmt liliuge paid better thanpusiurc, giving ,iUo, a.s it did , a greater amount oflabour, l ie itaid for every cargo of corn «e im-ported into the cimutry, we were obli ged to pond outfur it hard oish in gold. Hn condemned the preniMilgrand jury hivvs , which inflicted luxation withoutrepresentation , oud concluded amid Bpp luuBC.

Mr. Ambrose Lambert returned thunks for the" Unsuccessful Compi'litora," after which he pro-posed the health of their " Worth y Olliccrs ," towhich

Mr. Br.hon briefly, hut appropriatel y, returnedthanks.

Mr. Prendergast (vice-chair man) proposed thehealth of their worthy president , " Mr. Lambert ,"which was hailed with immense applause.

Mr. Lambert returned thanks, and said he wasanxious to do what he could to promote the welfareof his tenantry. The society had appointed l.iuichairman this year; but next year the cbur would be filledhy a tenant farmer (applause).

Mr. Cherry responded lo tbe toaat of the " Stewards," audwan warmly received.

The C'bnirruuu then g«re Ilia toait of " Wnterford, Wex-ford and Neighbouring Farming Societies," when

Jlr. Redmond aud Mr. (ireeue, both having bceu calledou, responded.

Ihe Miairuian gave the " Tenant Farmers of the Union,and siiid the weltarcof thecountry most, in K great measure,depend on tho tenant famer*. When a landlord runs downbin tenanU , he must expect to ba a poor man himself. As larus his pocket could afford it, ho (.Mr. L.) would keep histenantry on the tsnme 6oil iui«l iu the same house* their fatherslived iu liefure them (applause).

.Mr. OTarrcll , a tenant tarnicr, very appropriately re-turued Iliauks. He sr.id no one in bis part uf tbe countryue si go to America if it were not their own fault (cli«m).

The Chairman then proposed tha health of " Mr. Hymn,"and taid thac no oue dewrved his beslth drauk bo.ter thuuhodiJ.

Mr. Byrne, in returning thanks, congratulated the societyon the very great progress it had made in so short a lime,I '-" whilst they s*w other societies withering, they wri* in.•riming thei r <ubicribcrs (applause ) Hs Invl rmolM Mm-

self a member ol the Royal Agricultural Society of Ireland ,nnd hoped other members would do the same. This wastheir fifth iiuuual shorr, and he was happy to tell them thatit was the lamest aiio. liest they had yet (ticur , hear).

The Chairman, in very complimentary tefuin, proposed" The Presn," whichi WM responded to by Mr. Greene, andthe representatives of the People and Conilitulion news-papers.

About nin» o'clock the meeting brake np, highly gratifiedwith as cordial , social, and agreeable an evening's euter-tniument as we witnessed for a considerable period.

TRAMORE PETTY SESSIONS-M ONDAY .Before Mr. K. l'owcr, ChHirman , and Sir B. Morris, D.L.

A CAUTION.William Joy was brought up by Acting-Constable

t.uke Quinn »it)t having been drunk and disorderlythe night before at eleven o'clock. The inebriatewas fined half a crown und costs , nnd in imposingthe fine the chairman observed that complaints hadbeen made to him by severa l of the inhabitants ofTram ore of the conduct of many ol the labouringclass, who, congregating at night , and particularlynn Sunday ni ghts, in a half drunken sla p, go aboutthe town creating the utmost noise and disorder.He would inform those parties tlmt the magistratesand the police were determined to put down such astate of things, nnd any person guilty of such con-duct in future, on being brought before the bench ,would be dealt nith as severely ns the luw allotted.

WHO OWNED TDK CLOCK IMr. John Cop, a respectable vendor of time in-

dicators, of all kinds nf construction , summonedJohn Joy for twenty shillings , the price of a clockwhich he alleged on oath he sold to Mrs. Joy, justprevious to her connubial engagement, and whenshe was the blushing, blooming, expectant Missnridsct Power . Mr. Cop's statement was, that onthe 19th (if N'ovonihcr last , while on a professionaltour , he visited the house of Mr. Andrew Power, ofGarryruss, and there entered into a horolog icnlengagement with Miss Power , the terms of the en-gugctnent being that she was to tnke the indicatorand he to receive four shillings a month for livemonths, in lieu thereof. At the end of the firstmonth Mr. Cup 1 called on Miss Power, then Mrs.Joy, for the four shillings , hut she pleuded Christ-mas, her other Engagement since contracted , audbegged that Mr. Cop would nut mar her joy byinsisting on the money then. Mr. Cup, not beingof the Shy lnck stamp, consented to the request ofIhe yon»£ bride, nnd went his n ay. The other fourw.-eks passid away, the clock doing good service allthe time in the Power family, but now Mrs. Joyrepudiated all liability, denied she ever made hut theone agreement , nnd that was with her dear Joy, auddared Mr. Cop to the legal combat. Mr. Cop, asa last resource , took the challenge , and in June lastinvited Mr. and Mrs, Joy lo the Truinore sessions,there to have it decided "who owned the cluck ?"On that occasion the case was dismissed, Mr. Copnut having Andy Power present , lo whom Mrs. Joyaverred the clnck had been sold. It now came be-fore the court for a rc-henrinp, with the advantageof the available testimony uf Mr. Andre w l'owcr.Andre w positivel y swore that he never bought theclock , that he told Mr. Cop he did not wunt auclt anarticle , and would not buy it. Ou tlmt occasion hissister-in-law (the defenda nt) cuine to witnciw andasked him wus not the clock worth u pound , andthat if it wus she would purchase it herself. At herrequest he called Mr. Cop back , und she then andthere purchased it from him , as lie believed , but hewas not present- Of one thing he was quite certain ,he never bought the clock and refused to do sn.The clock wus there for her to take aw.iy, any timethe pleased ; there was no hold on it save *hn.t waskeep ing it to the wall. Mrs. Joy 's defence wus thatshe never made the purchase at all ; that it was herbrother-in-low , Andy, who boug ht it . and that shewas onl y a servant in his house atid had no need tobuy it. However , in rep ly to ihe chairman , sheswore she was to get no wages fur her alleged ser-vitude , and fro m her further evidence it was plm'n,tlinl from some 'cmse or other , nn ill feeling existedbetween the Powers and Ihe Joys , not to be de-creased by making Bridget the o« tier (if the clock.She swore that Cop asked Mrs. Powt-r for moneyfor ihe article , and that she said she ha 1 none untilnext time. Cop also put down An d y Power 's namefor the cluck. Mr. Cop s.iid he did , at first , butwhen Power obj ected aud said he would nnt l.'.y it ,he put down the young woman (Mrs. Joy) fur it , asshe became the purchaser, and rubbed out Power 'sndtne. Mrs. Power never proposed lo buy the cluck.Mrs. Joy admitted she did not read nur wri te , audthen called her sister , Mrs. Power, to fa'ten iheclock on And y, but here she iimdc a cap ital mistakefor Mrs. Power , like a dutiful wife, warm ly sirarethat her husband never boug ht the clock , that he re-fused to do so, «ud that Urid get did it. The re-mark* made by Mrs. Power , sotlo vice, in referenceto the said Bidd y had better be left unrecorded , uudthis extraordinar y cuse ended by their wouhipsgrunting a decree with costs.

A HAPLESS VICTI M.Mr*. Ellen Quirkc , leading in her ancient hus-

band , took her place at the witness lahle to prefer acharge of thtVHte r.ing language ant] assault againstone Marcus Keil y, a Urobdigniigi.in in appearance ,who , ns a matter of course, Jetn'eil the accusation inInto. Mm. Quirke , with a vivac ity peculiar lo herpersecuted feelings, said she went out for the ma-terials for n pot (,f stirabout fur her men , who lod gedwith her, and ou her return Keil y, the baste, camebehind h.r and dulibemtcl y ulo vsitv c l her wardrobe.She demanded wh y he d-tri-d lo take such liberties ,when he answered by cursiug his he would have herlife, lie ran alter her up stnirh and swore he would throwher out through the window. " Oh ! yer ircnlii |i>," patheti-cally ijictihil.nl this injured female, " I'm pesc.uied by tt icinall , and all bt-cnuw I go there (Mrs. Qniike was hero sup-posed to mc.iu hy her respectfu l allusion , the IVotestaniChurch , ol which she is now a shining member), hut I'll gothere in spile ol them, und the only thing I'm sorry for is Icannot go ofteuer." This finish was wound up by a fearfullyvain attempt at « si^-h of persecution , wi.ieh instead, tooktho undeniable character of a nust outrageous grunt , when.Mrs. Quirk's pained lor want of hreilh. ICi ly who w»«grinning all the while of the indictment being levelledlUainst him, nssured the heucli he would ii'.t fall out withMrs. Q.iiika for Hiiytbiug ; the fomalcs knew it WHS nothis failing to fallout u i ih women ut nil; he did not behave,itt all , it was at him .Mrs. Q lirki; wss jawing when she wasyelling so terribly ; bevor he thought they were great friend*,he coul.l nwke ru bould on her. This »niking drweriptian ofhis intimacy with Mrs. Quirku brought down the laughter ofthu crowd.d court, but that lad} hen,eh' sUrted at the as-heitiou , thr,.\v uj> her hands in horror at the idea, and put onwhat i.he desired to appeal , H look of contenpt , but wliir.hniri:kly degenerated into that visual coutoiti .iu to be seen onthe lace of un unfoiton Uo wight whose corns are Ixiug treadupon by some extended piece of humanity ol ab.int sixteenst":ie, the effeet being heigatcipl by this hKik In-iinj pmr-linyed on a hack ground nf te'y imiilferent lcatu,e«. Mr.Stinnpe, who appea red as the dernier retort of p.>o! Marks ,inquired from .tlrs. Qmrke ifheranta,<nmk? was a carpenter iTo thin query 31is. Quiike was understood to ans.vei- iu thunlTirinaiivi ', aui then .Mr. Stinuge politely inquired fio;u herif she did rut Invour Keily with au order for a cage, not totii canary, hut ibr limst'll ? The look that MID. Qjiike giveAh. .S.'ianire, amid tlie laughter of tho court , was n sight tohe *een , bu t no HU 'ible respuusu vtf i i given to Ihe query.I'ulnck Divyer, ono uf the putniiiiu-rn uf Mrs. Q.nrke'sKtiri.lK.ut , here.taiiie fonraid and •.«¦<>» he heard Keily usethreatening language to the compliiuant , and he was ac-cordingly bound over to keep Ihe peace, iu his own recogni-sance*, lor Iwejve months.

SiL'CK TOR TUB OOOSE AS WP.IL AS TIIK OANDEB.Mrs. Quirke now a»-uiiied the position uf deicudaut , being

charged by Miehnel Kei ly wiili abusing him, and iiMiig,towards him, very Ihtiatening language. The streets wereimpassible to him i,. culiicj'jeuco ot hci tuugiif. Mm. Quirkecharged every onu U-inir iu a coufa leracy against her, becausoof her Church, uud then averred that the present complain-ant was a Moiiiion , jf which she had prouf tin. other evening,when two, Hyi', aiid three Mini occupied the roo:u with him.Their worship.-, evidently feeling that Alia. Quirke could per-secute us witll ui he persecuted , hound her over to the peace fortwelve moiitlu. Tim persecuted il.iue said she would keepthe peacu HS long as it was kept to her, but when they'dneak it , aim would break it too, and not only that but theiiheads, aud nut with her hands either .—Adjourned.

WATEltFOKDIJOAU D o/ OUAHDIAXS-WEDSK SDAT.Aldoruian H VAN , D.V.C., iu tha chair during thu admissions.

and subsequently S. T. (Srubb , Ksq., J.I'., V.l\Also present—JJi aJit Worshipful Win. Johnson, J.I'.,

Al ayur ; Sir IC. .1. I'aul , lt.nl. j Sir li. .Morris, D.I,, j Me»srs.J. I'uwrr (Iliillinnkill ll'iiiv), T. 0. Spencer, I) . IMiorne,.1.1' .; \V. Hally. T. L. Markesy, M.I) ., J . I 1.; .1. S. Uirfiurd -Min , T. W. Jacob, T. M outher, J.I'.; S. Newport , D.I,. ;it. \V. .MorriK. J.I'.; .1. Williams, J.I'.; J. (,'anol l, II. i> .llussanl , M.l ".; J. Ambro.e, J. Muckcsy , M.I)., J.I'.; li.Hubert", and I'. .Maiming.

THE MASTER 'S DUTIES.Poor Law CouiinUsiiiii Olliee, Dublin , Sept. 0, 1802.

iilli —Therntniniriiioticiii hnvehud hvlote them thu resolu-tions contained in minuses of proceedings of the hoard ofItunrdi.iuit of the Walcrturd union ou tin. .'I rd li.rtt , appoint-ing Mr. Kitliwtrirk temporarily as asiistaiit-m.iiiler ul thoworkhouse, and piopraing that thequention of udverlining foran n»<>i*tatit.master be postponed lor a fortnight ,pending theconsidiiriition of a million for tho appointment of n »t»rc-k.e|icr Hiid tlie alnditi. 'U ot t i n former office ; and in reler-ence theieto, the coirruission *ns di Kim to stute that they i\oout think tb.it the rc6ponsihi ity of the master of tbe work-house, uuder tha General Workhouse Uegul.itiuns, Art. lit ,Hod. ii2 and 23, iu regard t > provi\ioiM and other ailitl spuichahed for tlie use of the worktiutMe , oug ht to be divided.

The usual form of queues respecting the person who maybe appointed as assistant-Hunter of tho workhouse is encloned, which, when duly fill ..1 up and si/ued , should he re<turued to this office.—By order, \V. D. WOKDSWOKTII ,

lor Chiet ClerkTHE SEALKn OK CKK.

Poor Unit Coinuiianiun Office, Dublin, Sept. 0, 1802.Sin—The- commissioners have had lietore them the mi-

nutes of proceedings of the Hoard of Uuatdians of the Wa-ttrturd Union on tint 3rd iuit., from which it appears thatou receipt of their letter communicating tho result uf IhoIjle inquiry into the charges pteterred by Mr. L'leary, assis-tant mmlM, agHJuiit the master aud inatruu of the work-bouna, Mr. CVeary proposed to reiugu his situation , and Ihuthi* resignation was tendered and accepted by the board liecordingly. The commissioner* have, at the tutiue time, lostato that it does not appear from the minutes that Mr.Clcttry has quitted tha workhouse, or that be was directed todo so, nnJ a» his prtwucn there would bo likely to lead toeuibiirrawaieni iu the juanagt-iucut of the workhouse, theinramUsiouers have issued nil order under seal for bis dit-inianxl, with a, direction tint he shall quit Iho workhouse im-mediately, which the gnardians will have tbe {(oodness to en-lonv.—JIv order. W. D. WoJtuswoETn, for Chiul Ocrk.

The scaled order accompanied the above.The Clerk announced that the astistant-mnster

had left the house the previous Thursday evening.THE HEW CLERK.

Prom saino, sanctioning the appointment of Mr. JohnCollins Ilenncssy, Lilinore, at clerk of the Udioo.y A CASTIGATIOS.

Sir Robert Paul said he desired to introduce tothe notice of the bu:ird a subject which was a pain-ful one to himself, but he felt he did so according toa sense of duty. It wns a well known fact it was thewish of the majority of the hoard that Col . Robertsshould be their chairman fur the present year, andthey signified that wish to him./ It was a fact that" weary is tho head whie.lt wears a crown ," and hesupposed the SH. ::J fate fell to the lot of the chairmanof the board , nnd Colonel Roberts declined. Hewas, however , preened by his friends, nnd he tookthe olfice. He (Sir 11. Paul) had the honor, on theirfirst d«y of meeting, of proposing him for the chair,and he was unanimously adopted (hear, hear). Itwas their duty to support their chairman in the per-formance of thone duties in that room, nnd not onlytlmt , but to see that out of doors his conduct , in thatrespect , does not meet with insulting attacks (lienr,hour). He (Sir 11. l'uul) rrns not in that room nn alate occasion when some observations were ipade byColonel Roberts , and , therefore, could not speak ofthem from personal knowled ge ; but he had seen anarticle in u paper , in the Waltrford Mail, containingan attack ou their chairman , which should neverhave been made on any gentleman acting as suchchairman. In that crtiole he saw the title whichthey woul 1 give to a gentleman who had served herMajesty UulicUeil , and they all knew, what italicsmeant. They Iiad a meaning the reverse of whatthey purported to convey ; that was the inferencewhich he drew from them. He was not going toenter inlo all the top ics indul ged in hy the editor ofthat paper ; he wits not going to the Board of Super-intendence , nor was he going to refer to the other(ifliccs which Colonel Roberts filled, and. so ablydischarged , hut he felt he had R right to refer to themntiner in which he discharged his duties at thatboard. He felt they would nil agree ui;h him insay ing tlmt the conduct of Colonel ltuberls iu thaichair had been , at all time?, guided , and guidedstrictl y by impartiality, by integrity , aud hy theconduct of n gentleman (app lause). Concurring inthat feeling, he (.Sir R, Paul) felt the board uutt ldhave uo dilliculty in agreeing to the resolutionwhi.h he meant to propose to them. He knew itwould be anid by an editor that personalities wouldgivo a stimulus to the circulation of a paper ; he(Sir Robert) had seen a crowd gathered around twomen fighting, and had observed u crowd assemblingon the appearance of a dog-fight, but tic had neverknown the traffic of a city lo be increased by suchnuisances as that of which he complained (hear ,lu-ar). Me was sure that the reading public ofWnlerford would never allo*' the circulation of apaper to he increased on account of its indul ging inpersonalities ,nnd he would say (hat when their privueywas found to be invaded , when the honored age of aworth y mag istrate was to be described us senility, whenthe honnrrd service of a brave ollicer were found lobe italicised, he would emphaticall y say it wus thentime for iho people of Waterford to abate the nui-sance (app lause). All he would ask the board todo would ho to pass the following resolution : —*' Resolved —That we hereby express our approval" of the conduct of I/ieutcnant -ColoticI Roberts , as" our Chairman , our confidence in his integrity uud" iiupfirti.ility, and our opinion that the recent" articles published in Ihe U'aterjord Mail, animad-" verting on his conduct , were unjust and uncalled" for."

Mr. J cob said he had nn hesitation whatever inseconding the motion. Hu felt that Col. Robertsmerited their fullest confidence, and that the attackstin him were most unwarrantable aud uncalled fur(hi-ur , hear).

Captain Newport said he wns the oldest memberof that board , h iv in g bt'er. connected with it sinceits formation in 1S1I , nnd he should .say thnt dur-ing nil that time he never saw u gentleman dis-churge the duties of thu chnir with mure abilityand more impartialit y than Colonel Roberts (hear).

Mr. Itichiirdtnn , in cordiall y supporting the mo-tion , observed that the press wus only admitted tothai room hy courtesy, and the bo.ud should nultolerate the press reporting what was not correct.He should say that their proceedings of last dayhud not bpi-n corrr-cfly reported in the Walcrfu rdMail. He (lid not desire to tuke action on the mut-ter, nlthot t^ li If? wm about 11 move t!o exclusion ofthe W'atcrfonl Mail from their room, but he hopedthe expression of feeling which had taken placewould be a sufficient ,' .ulion , uni prevent a repett-lion of this conduct (hear , hear). He cordially ap-proved of ihe resolution.

The Chairman here put the resolution which , withthp exception ut Mr. Jolm Carrull , irhu said " no,"passed unanimou sl y.

MASl Kit 's SKI" .MI T— THE I.ATK tSVKSTIO.lT I OX.( • E X T I . K M K S — I her most respiN Ttfal ly to nek;io.vhdg«

recei pt- ol extracts fr-im the- co:n:uissiouerd letter iuini.i:iedme by ihc iiclni* di'i-.V, .Mr. U.iJy, rtl// i»*W»^ HIJ.1 to Juru '- 'i Inthe lio.iril a rep.irl relative to the air.ingenij iiN which 1>v.ju!d suggest for the prevention of tl iu a!m<,*t co 1.1.Minedof, as d'-taile. t iu th« fDin uii< ..,ionerH > l.- lter to the guardi.'.l.sou the Jrd iust. The iiregulatilt us c..;iip].iiii'.d of are:—

1. My iHirrowiug iooi;ey iroai subordinate '.Iticors .2. That, niiiri' iiLCmai ry u nquired in the recei pt of supplies

fro:u iMittiaetor. .;.'i. Tlmt it is improper for ivnrkhnnw officers to borrow

from tho Hi..re any supplier fur their own use, even thoug hthey may uftcrwaidi projeol tu replace them.

4. Kxtrn allowances <,!i.,u!il not ba given to (ho pinpcriicieept as alluwed by ihu board under the Ciencrul Ueguhi-ti,.-:>;.

6. That the tva r-ls s!jo:i!.l be locl.'- 'd And nn|.>cl."ej hv theresponsible oll'ii-ei *, or by pud servants nn.ler their tmperiu-teu'leiice, iiii 'l ih.-it t 'ie n>l!.s should he called regnhu ly, ue-ccr.linz to tin' 1'iih Art. ol the Regulations, by iho uilieersthe.uitelves an-1 not by pau^r inmate*.

It'jtt.re pro.ve.liii;!: to reply to the charges of irregularitycomplained o!', 1 beg, respeJ lult y, to bo permitted to refer tothe gross diameter of thes-i charges, preferred as they werotinder circumstances that gave color to the lnuh of themfor a time, and plac-d my self and my wile in u taUe positionbefore the . board of guardians, the commissioner? , and thepublic , but , fortunatel y fir me, they wero made by a manwhuiiii only motive A*as iu order to get tlte. repayment uf asum uf money due by ino to him— namely, s^ven pounds t«nshillings.

I request also to be permitted to refer to the m.iuner iuwhii 'h the chaises referred to were brought forward . It iskuotvn to every tnemlKT of the board that my character , myteriim'Hit 'iI:1, and \ny rootjuct Mince 1 wm appointed youroftieer have I KS- II uu-'irrpiinnnble ; sine; my iippiiutmeiit Ihave blourril , uuveusitigl y, iu the discharge of my duties ,and nutwilliK t audin g ciicmnstQnees ot* an adverse naturewhich I had tu cnuteiul with , 1 can say ivith truth that thodisci pline ot this institution h.ix not rctrugrade.1 butimproved under my management ; therefore 1 feel that theunfounded cil uge* which were urged n^aiust me hy au un-princi pled otho.-r should tut have been allowed to remain forline., weeks withuiit being laid before the guardians , lorwhen , dt length , they tveie formally put fo.'U'ard hy n geu-tlematl whoiid hocial aud ineicaulito p.isitiou in this city issuch as to slump with truth any npiujon he may express, orany na^rtion ho may make, the public was naturally led toform opinion!, uf ute aud of thin establishment lor which nots shadow of foundation existed. If from any rause 1 hadfailed in proving my innocence in vvcry particular, the con-sequences to 'myj iell , my wife, and yoiiug famil y would bedis-istruits iu the last degree. With these prelitnituty ob-servations , I will now proceed, with great respect , to replyaud iiuilo such respectlul auggeslions a* from the naturo ofthe irregularitiei complaiued of, may preveut a repetitiju ufIhem in future.

With reference to irr«guluiilies No. 1:—When giving evi-dence beloro Mr. II .HI .I I IOM I entered iuto a i.'utail uf the cir-cumstances i.nder which 1 borrowed money from the oll'uerit,and my letter will hilly bear me out iu III " itdsei lion tiuttmv private t r.ius.iiti.ms with Cleary did i:ot iiitluence me iii 'tiyotU'rtal intercourse with him ; it was shurvn that the risk ofiiicm ring hU dislike and huslility did not weuh in the slight-est degreu wilh mo when tho due perlonuauce of his and myown duties were iu qnestiuu. Too board, 1 tiu*t , will liegxiiitied with th» assurance 1 noiv give ; that I shall neverag.iiu borrow money from a subordinate ottice.r ol* any class,under any circuutjlaucrs whatever.

Xo. 2 has retcienco to Mr. Cherry's beer account , and toIhe necessity of being moro accurate 'iu the receipt of sup-plier fruin c ui'.U'Jtors. I am now fomtecn mouths here,and the accouuts that pass through my office , and tho tie-ttracy of U'hic ii I have to vouch, amount to .s>,.u.rth !n . about

£ti'XI a uioulli. I defy contradiction and iuviteiu quiiy when1 assert that uo tradibuiau , no coutriiLtor, uu otGcer ever hadto I'ouiphiin of in.L'curartcs in my acc.iuut.s. Wh.-ii I in-tete.1 oil u>y dutie< here / saw the necessity that existed furproper receipts heiog'turimhcd tit nil parties iu the deliveryut gouds, no tyateiii of giviug reeei|>:s having belore thenexisud. I warned , thcrelor**, all coiitructoi s that 1 wouidnot pafis their aeeouutK unless they produced uccipts for thedelivery ,- mid ilr. Cherry's clerk Win,,- K-mi-s in attendinglo the rules thus laid down , could the buaul expect me topa s an account fur entries for which u.-ither an order orreceipt was produced ? 1 havo sworn tlmt for every orderand receipt produced Iiy .Mr. Cherry I lnv« given him crcJit ,nnd Mr. Cherry ntvur.i that he gave me credit lor b.iu< cue-ful ; that it blame there was it was attachable to his O A I I(lute) clcik who l:lt other at-cotints, us well us the workliuuouxcr.uiuti. , IM au uu>a!iitactory matt'.

With releivnce lo irie .uluity Mo. 3 , the maater fully od.mils lh.it it is uruug to l«jrr.uv artiiles from the store eventor an hour. However, cirruui.<Cj<ii«:**. obliged hiai to do £uon Ihe lew orcasions teferrcd tu in tho evidence. In Intnniuo amount uf porsonal di»cuiufurt lo^iiutielfur the matron,\i'l inducu him tu use anything which dors uot come to hullin at-cor.Uuce wilh Ihe strict rule of the commi»jiuiimi«.

A» legaivb extra all nvancM , the yuautilies lixed shallnever^exci ed those laid down by the board. 1 hove Iri^ueutlybceu below the quantity allowed, aud it it has excejijot itby H small aiiuuiit , it was with a view to obt.iiu * value i:ilubuur fur the union which otherwisu wuuld , perhaps, uotkavs been given without au exnendituiu ol double theaiuouiit.

iii concluiioii 1'rcupoctfully beg' I '.al for tho future thecnti.i) Bllausuf inu huuse may be weekly or ulle.ier «ui) .jectKl to the strictest suiiervisioii on the part of the guar-dians. Mich au examination will show, to the public the truecondition »f thee»t.io|isliiueiit , nnd trill ensure a strict com-pliance, by each ollicer, witb hi» duties, u< «amrt are Uiddown Iiy the ))'«>r law coininiiuionori.—1 have, the houourto remain, your obadietit servuut ,

THOMAS K Y*N, Master.After ionic observations, in which A Jr. lliclidrdson

iind Mr. Meagher took pait , each gentleman expres-sing himtclf now quite satisfied an to the eviikncorcl. riine lo the bt«r , Iho lepori wus receivi -d.

AFFILIATIO N.Tho Committee appoiotid last day, on this deli-

cate subject, reported in f.ivor of tho clerkwriting to the putative lather? intiniiting le^^l pr;i-

Mr. Ambrose strong ly cumU'iniied the publicationin the pnpera of the accuse;', on tho un.-.u.ipor(e. ltestimony of the .tccimTs, ivha.io storied migi.t tur.iout tu he false, and in this view was joined by otherguardians.

The AVitw reporter rctnitid?d Mr. Amltnise th»tsuch publication onl y took place in Mtc Muil.

Mr. Dal y (clerk)-In the Mail onl y.The report was adopted . \<\:\ ihe bo.ird u'.lj )urned.

SALE.Mr. John Qu'nn , duu.i^ the day, sold by auction

the produce of half an acre of vvlu-at gr< > .vu on t!mworkhouse farm, and then in stuck , fur JKO.

STATB or TnP. nousK.Remaining in houbc last week ... ... .., 8WAdmitted since ... ... ... ... 21Horn ... ... ... ... ... 1Discharged duriug this week ... ... .. It)Died ... ( iTotal remaining, ... ... ... ... flmGeueral average ccrtt ... ... ... 2 . 0.1.In Infirmary ... ... ... "*. .^J.In fever hospital ... ... ... 7s. M .Diiui'it Hall ... ... ... i s, ulCost of provisions received ... t'fiO '2J. I'M.Consumed ... ,,\ cpij .(< . ;i |J'""1 — . ... ... .Ct?; 10-. ill .

'Iliilnnce against union , ... i t .^JiJ I"H. "d.

RtT M IlKK OP r RU SO.NS WKO K E C R I V R 1 1 H K l . t K f f I X T I I RU5t o» niratso T UB SK V II S UA -.-.S rttKCi:nisrt aAiuit-DAT , TIIR -1TI1 DAY OP SKIT.. l.S.'.J.•.ViiteiTiini, 5W: Kilbarry, 1; Kili.i !lci.in, 1: 1'uithl , 5 -

rialliiiaktll . S; WOIH IM.IIVU , »; Killen . !) ; Kilmaelei-u • I I :K.ithinoy hm, f t ; Diiitiir.ur.i Hi , 0 ; Tr.nr..;iv, I ! : l. si..||.|KcHiic , 1"; IVnhrokrstuwii . O s Uui»k , I I : N.''.via= '.l'', O: Ivi l -ineaden , I ; A'.-lish , 1 ; Duukiit , 2 : l i i l l i n - n a , 1 ;' X- hua-CTvuiiic, 1 ; Ki|.:ol!u:n, I) ; I(.it!ip.itiick, H : i!.i- .-i :Mn :, ¦I'ortnascully, 3 ; I'mdroue, -I ; Ullid , n; Kilialwy. i t - 'K :l!beacon, I : p'arn.uiw, I : Kilbride . 1; (,'m.in at hi'rc'n, - J ! l ;in deaf and dtrnh iuslilution , 7 ; total iVi.;

C.ILI.KCTKD. tlSOII-LR^rnn.R. Fi!j,'erald,£li)l V2*. III . U. Ki tz-,-er.ild, f.i.f.l9 is . D j l.Murphy, I!fl Hi )J. Mnrp liy, 2.i!:lil 7s. \\. \Jones, 20 Ills. 5.1. .loues, 1,'lS'i (is. ',j. |Gnmble, t!8 tijs. U. (i.i.olih'. l ,s:t 'i !.',s. 1:., ICarriijan , SI 3s. Ojd. ..'arrigan , J .Js; :i.f . -j I

Total col. £1 ,305 13s. ltlid IVitiluucol. C I l .To'l ^i. M . '

HARBOUR BOARD-TuEsn.w .The monthl y meeting of lliis ho .nl wns Jiehl on

Tuesday, at which the followin g com i.iss 'h,ir.-.-s at-tendtfU1 : —

T. W. J ACOB , K<q.. in the chsir.Ald«rmnn Cox, M-.<srs. .1 . Williv us . J I'., J. I) . Li/ .n.n ,

T. llarues, T. C. Spencer, and I*. A. Power.CHARTS

Mr. Willi .t ir.s moved that they procure rSarM r,fthe harbour from Ciptaiu l'raz« -r, R.N. , ut <iti ex-pense not to exceed .'>0.

Mr. Barnes said it was highl y css- .'t i ' i i l f":" t ltaboard to Imvc correct charts of th'j haruour.

Final action on the resolution was ;I 'I < !J IM> ' 1 'i ::lilCaptain U.'llortl , tho hHib mir tnnat. T, s:i i l l !i i\ _¦taken suumiin^s in the riivr to Kc-.'i t i i i i t 'i-' !op;li ufthe working of the dred ge vessyl.

C/;STS.A letter was rend from Messrs. Dobbv n ,ui.l

Tandy, solicitors , enclosing bill of costs , Jj lsii I m .3d., in re Smith , a bankrupt.

The claim was reserved lor tnx i.i jn hy tlm soli-citor to the treasury.

TUG KATB cm.i.r.croit.Mr. Jacob Scroder , Hie uovi y uppoi ued rate cu!-

lector , applied to be allowed to ruuiaiu in his tircs -Mitsituation until the 29th Si-plembor. Agreed tu.

A P P L I C A T I O N .Mr. W. O'Neill proposed to rent a portion of tiir ;

ballast quay, ac the oilier side of tha rhvr, at £1.5u year , on his obtaining a lease for six years , whi cliimplication wus negatived. —Adiourned.

COUKT OF I'llOHATK-TuiaiMY.(lta 'tire iludsit Ki- .iti:u» .)

T H E I.A :.: K I O II T JI ./.V . I H C .J .IS wv.ss.ify ie w lKlisr.- it t . Mili. -i niij.'.iel.ni !Mh.ili ° .it Mr. Ct -->- ,:?

Wyse (one of the divisijii.il magistrates), hr-r.ii-.'r ol i:,«late Kight lluu. Thonns Wyso, wi.r, W.H A e .ij i < - .d ir ..tAihciM , nod on belwlf of Wiuiir.il M.irv W>••<•: , i( .i.i .-:i t. . r ..fMr. t'eorgp \Yys>», l.ir a c. n:ii\si'm t> . i.x.'.mi.r' at Atl i erutint witnes-es to llw las: will ol the late. l:i: 'at linn. T'w-.m.\Vvnr , purporting to h nv b e n dulv .- traii ;.. I on ill .' WMi ofMarch , 1S112, the uoiiiuiissinii to In: dir. e'.e.l to :ii.> l lri t . - .il?ousul at Athem. In support of the applicttiRti nn alS l. iv .thad Wen made by Mr. lioor ,;-- Wys--. It si¦:'.-1 lh u t 'utestator died nt AiheiH uu or alh.ul t 'i.: l.vli ol A pril , I - -;.',an:l that by his will , made ,.u tim lith of M .r.-.h pn-vi.M -.;, ,he appointed dep.iii.-sit a:. I depiiu'n :'s d m,-h:../ e.x i .-m.i r i -. Icxecu'.i i*, and app .:ute.i depuuen' .levUev or iii» .^

¦..::'s , [ . , tWiiiilre.l M.uy W>s.! pr;o.:i ;..ll i.'_'.ite... T'l.! si; I -.,.;. .UI .I« kii'- sse.! bv A. W. D.u niuo'id :i:id I I . F. JJ '-Sv. Ji l t j. -::.-Jto her Maj -sly 's Ij '.-s-ili 'in at A li-in , au-1 '. '. \V . .M.rhn,j'.iljsh Vu-.-Coii.vil, ui .o .'.ie at piis.'ut n..i.li:u "I Aiii.-n -,aud eaunil '..e esau.in-i i:, Ibis can;e, having ».*KV.: hi i .sto discharge »'¦ Alhe.is , iin '.ess lli-j f0iuuiisM..ii n.,iv s.e.i/.itJor b'- iaSU'sl to talc -i :hi'ir i:v:.l-n .'e. [) - ,»¦.:i-:::: I'o.- :-s.lith that deciScd was entitled b'.-ni-fi -i lil y, at t . - tini • .,t'bis death , to cerl.im e-v'.ates iu fee Mirp lo in t i i-; . ::y un Iciuuty of Wal.-rf.ml , besides pe:sm:i l (State , i l i l l h:;'. I , .l.Mi lii 'ii stirvivin ,- Leiilw -V ys. -, b'u wil . i .v (.|.ri. ;ii:, -r .i! ij i. ,h't,: l.ueien liuiiap.rlv), N'..p . :'.u Ii. W'I'VI lt:ie .1— l *.-:i-t-suit), his (t -.vt.itur\.) el.lesi s-m .m I ii'"'r-at - l.i -.v ; a- i - l W' i.iu nUharlos W VM', his "ill y o'. '.er chil l . I t was l>tr l i ;- r -. iii !;tto I I .IVH thi''.v parties <:it'd to *•¦¦¦< proivi'hsus.sii I . M .:n ;¦ -,in order tu find their n~i;.e.iive mtnhti. The r. -n- . -.i :.,rsu.'kiiig tliecoiiimi-si.in at uinv «i>s tii.f. ( l ie witnesses iut:-itt i l f won!.', |no!..i ''l.f, '-<¦' I'M""*" At ' . . •>-, i.'j l«i > c- ;:¦-.• o: iinontli or two , .in 1 that i-x p. 'iwe w-juli l ix Ml v eJ by .utaiuiagih. .ir evidence while at AM ras.

Judge Keati-. ii•— 1 ho ..i.ly .[.iciliun will lie, in wn-m tbac>iiiiii:U> i->u si. nltl bedi.erfe.l.

Dr. fil ler s.u.l llw <•¦ ms'il win, h? i.-.-!icve.l , a ?-ai:.ib!o p'r-son. With rejtird to lie: sm.u.l braiiuii ..I '. ' !•• np. ilir lir.:i,couiist l stated that tlm dei'i'irisint, -V. U. V.'i— , mi h«\..;gnerved with lh" usual iwriiv , eute:.sl n:i n;.p.ar.mee, l. .;tmerely slated he was the suo of the t'.'-iU.or, i.n I ::• • d:.| notstate the nature, ot bis interest. It Uvime ne.:, s-ny to acklor li'uerty Wci - e him ns !i ir.- i i-!:w. IL- siualrl c.;!l hislord»hi|>'«" Bttcntiin t" Hut p'.'M '.iilis. Tins dc:'i.ir::li .n ..til. « pl.iiir.ilf- (his elieiils) meiely put fnrw uru :!!•-¦ will , an.!the defendant, hy Iti -4 pKudill .', lli:M-iy d:<;illi-l t ¦• .' dil i .. V -euti 'ii of the will. «J- i th» prt-vi -ms evening an .•¦•ai . ivi: w..sluriiished I" tli-f phintillV , tvliich hi I I.eco m.i.l .' l.y .M.-.Wi'.liain Ij 'iw'w, of ilic lion ol L.'ivis ai. .l l l> i w < >, llivs. !icit.irsfor llie detV.vl.iut . The obj.-cl of t .w a . i i l i v i : s v n .- l i ,him (cuusel) incompvehiiisible, unUs th-. Jeieu 1 i:r. *-.i:i -.,,lto amend Itw pU-adin-is. It wen: m t . a I. M .- uisij.- ,- ..:'

f- imily matter* and transactions li-.- t.vo-n te, '.a:.ir a i l ;i,swife , for iho purpose of showing Iliat t«st- ir. .r hid • !..; t ' l- ipower to dispu.-w of hu pwi«ny m ho h.rl i l); lj .,y i:ijwill.

liidvie Keatinio—That is tint a matter f.ir mi a! ail.I):'. Miller KS'I.1 lh.it was ror t!is <- virt ni l .uin vrv , In; ', bn

ha.l roferretl tu t!'(! tiMtteras it was staled iu l!i« u;ii ia. i i o;'Mr Lewis. It appeared (hat testator nticl his wile- weusep

'iilli'd for s ins y.-.lrs, o.viai '" " > '¦"tnns 'efa nil y diT- ¦-

enoes. He nubiuiltcil that the np| iii .ition was ou« -.vhicli ,undir the ciicninslanie? , ought t- !»• granted.

.luJge Keatinge «ska.i irlie.e was .Madame Wy«.« ?l)r.

"Millei- «.ii l it win hlutiv n Iiy Mr. (L.iiro-; Wis.-'H,i: i i -d.tvit th'il she w.n living iu Wateifo rd wiih tii.t deteii l n;: ,aud that it w.ie a.lniitle.1 the s.i ute solicitors were ac.in^ t . rboth. It was sworn tlmt Win. I '. Wy.su was in oustantriMiiiiiiuieation wilh ileleud.ui- , a:.d tii-i plaiutit fs n i.yaske.1 to suUtiluto service upjn him by survinj tile

\\lr. l'"oi"y appeared for Mr. N. H. Wyae, the Mti K \ i:. i .II.; oiiened au .itri.lavit which had been made by .M-. Ltwu(of the firm of Leu is anJ lio.vej. It lit.ited tli.it muri.n oarlii'lcs, dntc.'. 1th of Junuary, 1S2 I , were executed by tl:as:ii.l Sir Thomas Wyso prior lo his iiinrringc with Madatnullu'.napiute Wyte, th» :nothe:' of tlio de!..'nd.int , Iiy ..vl.n:harticles Ihe several estutii thrreiu runiprise<l and alleged tohave been since devised to t'.ie said ti.orge Wise, the plain-tiQ' were Kettl' "d , or agree-J lu be *e::l.sj, on Mie KS 'IO ol' sii 1intended m.irri ige, as thevein mentioned : that dining hislifetime, and until shortly alter I.is d.- ith , ns depment ln.1heard and believed, the slid rfir T.iom.ii Wysu rfprewute.!»,, ',! held himsel f out to tli.« world in being htri- 1 tenant ferlite UHJ.T said artith-s , wilh remainder lo his ixsiie, as theie:nlimited : lurther, thai iu vaiioui proceedings, a« recurded iuIbe Court ol' (Jjanivry nnd Iticuiuh'.'n'd Kjtates Court , towhieh reference was made, Sir Thomas Wise an i liiose sictiug fur him r-'si.sied, sm.l biiceeosl'ully resisted , attemptsmado by the judgment credit'.™ to s-.'ll the est it^s t'.ir l : ap-iyuient of deHs recovered against him, o:i the jrr.r.ui'l t.i.i tthe inariiago articles bef.no iiimtiinuil were binding on thoinheritance of said lauds, and that he was rtiii rt tenant l i rlife. Sir Th'nna» Wyse, in 1S5J , male au ntfi lavii , uo.vreferred to, for the purpose of maintaining tlie alle^.itiouthat ho was tena:il lor liie iinler tbe mani.i i'e .ii title? , a .dUnit , hy Iho dealings and cuuJnct ot all p ivtii -s eo;i.e;nv l ,ho was enabled tu prevent tl.e s.iU of his e?:utes, an I suii-nequelitly lo .I' r.uwe with his Viui.'tu cr.Jit.ir< . lu a li- . i ,-liiL',it..ry paper, u.aue B- JIII 'I yea-s after llie truiiai-'t'oui i* w--fe, re.l to, the testutur recited the lae! of puivis.nn l- .ivnubeen in.ulo tor the issue of bu maiii..ge —ii. tuu-ly , Li- , tn - itons, Napoleon it. Wvte i.nd Wilh.<ill I ". Wys- . Msi.-« t. ...tlime the i-latutitf, Winiiretl M.uy Wyv, tue daughter ..tGe.n*go Wys-.', had constantly resided at Athens u:lh S.r'riiumas Wj he, and acquired, us dept.uent brheved , le iygroat inHueuee over hi.n . The d.-ffud.iut believe, lint it. . tjdv'n intloence w-.s exereis- l to his pr.-ju.liee. It wiis du.i

to "himself ar.d to hi* in..; l.er, woo w.ss U-ft wiui.e.it -nyprovision under the will , loei t'< his brother to n-u, e.iro tli.it

I M will should le proved in the stiictot nianiier.Judgo Keaiinge»nd ilint , so tar at ihe qnnsM-in iu tna

case was raised oa the plea I'.nxs, i'- wa* meriiiy a qu'sli.m ¦>!'

ex.*cution. 't 'tie prepeut q-.n-»;.on , however , «;w, \vi.i..-. !.i.r liewas to issue Hie co.iiiiiimi.ni beh.ro all tho pailies ii.ul :.lloppiitunity of appearing ? Tue plauililf Iw-J lain by a c.i«-«;.ler.tble time.

Dr. Miller said tho appeorunu! was culfod uu the I0IUuf J uly.

Judge Keatinge—This is the yih o: Sep'. 1 l.e.e i;.u> uir»nconsiderihle rt; lay.

Ur. Miller uln"iv.sl t l-.at the .in"i !.i\i'.s »r his c'.i'-nt >!i r.ve 1thl-'C wa.s n pre-slng ueeessity tj.- I 'i > - e .:inoi-i«ijn , as tl:ewitnessei woul.I proiiahly Ivuve Athens in Ihu i-nuso uf unioiith <> r lwu. With regtir.l lo i;.e citation iie w..al l noiask t.. have it served , us Aludainc Uitouap.i'. le ilu.l ^lr. \\ . C.W\se, it now app MY-! , had it'.lu-o ut ;iiu suit , unj werebound by tii.- pi.'C.v.l .ngs, their. l.iiins Lei- .g not u^iiiusl lhalilll , but against the p..|s..iu..l esl »te.

Alter uu'.uu diseussiuu as to tiie tenm; of the order, it WMoulered tlTat a commission sboi. '.il i-KUe tvi'.hin H luoiilh totnke ihe evideoee nl the wilu. 9.<e.s lu tho will at Atl.eiu ;that it should be uueeted tu the cuii il there, und thai theil.-f.ul;uit should amend his plea .ml pic el ihat he was V..aelJe»t K.»n and heir ftt-law ot tli.- hits .-sir Ttioaias Wys^.

WKuxntUAV. — I)r, Miller HHI 'I the original w ill of theUto Ki^Ilt IIo.'. Tiisimxs A'ysi; w.,s :u dnplie-tn.

His U'nUhip directeil that tt.i. ..r^un.l v. i l i ¦huuld be heldby Ihe pl.iintill 's alinriiey, t.c p' rsnn.illy un lertuking lo re-lodge SHiue within i>ix ite'ks. Wilh lenience to thecum-missiou tu Atlirim, .'i.le:e.l th .- pr.-vio is d.y , he would diicctthat there sn^uld he only a lort id ght 'i notice of •peidingthe coinmisiion. The i-uHm.ik»ioii w» t<> be retcriiuble oathe first day of next term.

Mr. JefTue', merchant . New Iton, is building oue oftb«Urxckt ito.rt rvm «restei | in Ihat timu.

Page 4: snap.waterfordcoco.iesnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1862/WNS-186… · VOL. XII.—NO 729 CHINA AND JAPAN TEA WAREHOUSE, 40, QUAY, WATERFORD, (NEARLY orTOSITK THE

Sclcctrti J: ortri » .TIIK DUTY OP THE 1'RKSKXT IIOU

Ah 1 why :i£atui-l Ihys-.'li -» .ut -.fjriar..' w:iCi?,Wiitins siu-li fitter I'lin^ on nieiu'i) V pa;:.- !And wily il. w .vl t!io futnro seem to th.oSo linked wi 'li hues nf dark de-.p >;U'.<' MO > cLet no itM-ourisrnitMit l\v s -ul .iVij uwcr ,Dot du tlio duty of the present hour.

Tii w.vt# (if time in mount n't>r w-i-lM jcar.*,S,i that thine (-yea an- Win 1ml by thy WN ;If sorrow's ni^ht shut out the li^lit of >\ny,Ho* cm'si tli.ui "ver s >v "* ll»e narrow way ("An-l ii di-courai;cnient thy soul o>n«»wcr ,H JW fares the duty nf llie present hour f

Pe uise, then, anrl Itur.ruvu tlie uVcti tiK nu\r ;Nil tinire this p;iKyi;t^ prior an.I fear allow.The t>a-»t. with ail it* i-ani: .- , I* ;pne jT!i- prompt , with its hopo. it all thine own ;An I oh ! lli ju'ic T',.,4 rut' man? a l.iil Itn 11 .norVVliil- t tiuci to duliiM of I he present h- 'Ur.

LOOK ALWAYS OX TIIK SUXXY 811)1I.vil; »-a\ .4 (in tho sunny M .IC,

*T»i-I malic us happier f.t r;Why »houM we try to timt the cl.m.l ,

YVui-n bii uhily i-liijcs the star ?

Sotrepo flc only fice the ivoildA* tlirone.li a smoky class ;

They fill half nay to meet llio woa ,Itul let t!ie sunshine p.isH.

So-.n- :!iwrc nro -anil r.h ! hnw eagoi 1 -Kn.T-. in their friei.il> tu lli:.1.

Ilc>"lK"< , tlii<iu < itl. 'M >.f t l ie&lin ,;.UnLiud words may h\-\?u bchiu.l.

l^-lt.-r £i'utly t.> tlu-Mi s;i-?ak ;i:riiiu inurlali all are we ;

l.rt i-s then fiii-iM tlu-ir failiinjs,Only all their virtues see.

Hitn a'"a> * turn the «oi:ny bi.l.i(If an.'ihrr to your Tipir.

AuJ y.m will iiu.l th.it all the uor'nlThen will wear a hrichter Im*-.

Al)YRNTi;Ui:s OP THE KOH-I- N' OOIl DIAM OND.The fallowing is u history of this wonde rful dia-

mond, now exhibited in tlie great National Kxhibi-lion in London. We copy from tbe Hook of Days :

\.nge diamonds , J ik n first-class pictures , have nKun pean reputation , became they are lew in num-ber, are not susceptible of reproduction , are every-where priz.- d , and can (inl y be boug ht bv thewealth y. Onl y six eery large diamonds, (calledp arat/ ons) nrc known in the world. The standardhere in view is a minimum weight of one hundredcarats (a car.it being about 3]th Troy grains, or luOcarats (-quit l to ? rds of a Troy ounce). The ' K oh-i-tiuur , 'in its present perfected state, wei ghs 102carats ; the ' Slur "f the Suiilh ,' IM ; the Urgent , orl'ilt diamond , 137 ; the great Austrian diamond ,1,'iU ; the Orlulf, or great llnssiin diamond, 103 ;while the largest known , in possession of the llajahcf Midtan , in li.iituo , wei ghs .'IG7 cuits, but thisin the uncut stale .

A romantic bin!pry is attached to every one ofthese jewels , owing chiell y to the eagerness ofwe olib y persons to gain possession of them. Thelirfjuh of Maltan , it is said , uas once offered by theGovernor of Ilatavia i. hundred and fifty thousanddollars, two large war-bri gs, and a comp lete store ofguns und amn.uuitioii , for his diamond ; but he re-fused the ofl'er. A portion of this eagerness is at-tril iHtable to a belief on the part of Oriental in ier-tain mjs lieal and mcdicul properties in the diamond.

The Koh-i-noor, which left India on the Ctb ofA pril lSJU , to pass inlo the hands of Queen Victo-ria , has had an especiall y notable history. It wasfnund in the mines of Golconda. 11.nv many apesthis was ago no one can tell ; but the Hindoos , whoare fond of high number.", say that it belonged toKama , lving of Aisgii , three thuiiiand years ago.Viewed uil l . in mote modest limits , the diamond issaid to have been sloh it troai one of the Kiti<;s ofCiolconda by a treacherous general named itfiuin-(ula , and by him presented to the (ireat Mogul ,Shah Julian , lather of Aurungzebe, about the year1G10. It was llien in a rouy h uncut state , verymuch larger than at present , Shan Jehan emp loyedu Venetian diamond-worker , Hortensio borpois , tocut it, in order lo develop its brilltuuc y ; this w;.sdone so budl y that more than h»lf of the gem njcut away, and the rc*t very imperfectly treated.The .Mogul, in n rapp , fined the j eweller ten thou-sand ducats, iuMciid of pj> in^ him for his misdi-rected labours. When T<.vernier, the French Ini-vellcr, was in In - l i n , iiboul two hundred vears ago,lie saw the Koh-i-noor , and told of the intense won-derment and ailiniraliuf ) iritli tilii oli it was regardedin that country. Afier his time, the treasurechanged hands frequently among the princes ofIndia , generally by means cither of fraud or vio-lence ; but it is not worth whi le to trace the nini-citlars. Ivurly in the present century ihn pm-es.orwas ihe Khan of Cahul. From him it wn.s obtainedin an audacious way hy the famous chief of Lihorc ,Ktmjeet Sing h. ' Having heard that the Klrin ofC.'ubnl ]>"SSL-iscil a diamond that had belonged to theGreat Mogul , the largest anil purest known , he in-vited th'.- uuloi'luiiatc oiua-r to his court , and then ,having him in his power , demanded the diamond.The guest , however ,-had provided hin.self ag iiiHlsuch a conlitigincy, with a perfect in italion of thecoveti-d jewel. Alter some shu-.v of ivsiManoc -helelucliintly acceded to the wishes of his powerfulliosl. The delig ht of Ku ' .jeel n-jo extreme , but ofshort duration , the lap idary to uho n he gaveorders to n.ouiit his new acquisition ¦pronuunciii f.' itlo be n.eril y a lit of crystal. The murtilicalionand rage of the despot were uubou:i led. He im-mediately ordered the palace of the Khan to be in-vested , and ransacked from top to bottom. For nlong while , .1 1 search was vain. At last A slavebeiroycd the necre t ; (he ifi.iinond was /'ound con-cealed beutalh a heap of ashes. Itunjept Sing hhad it set in an mnilei , between iwo diamonds , eachthe size of a sparrow '5 ejiy. ' When the Hon. W .ti, t)>bnrne WHS at l.uhine siimc years uftcrwards ,ctid v isilc-d the great Sikh potentate , ' the wholeupacc behind the ihroue was crondtd wit h Itunjei't 'achiefs, mingled with natives from Candahar , Cabul ,Afjt lianisilali , blazing with gold find jewels , anddressed :uid nrnu-d with every conceivable var ietyof color and fashion. Cross-legged in a goldenchair ml I Sui . j i fct Sing h, dnssed ill simple white ,wraiii 'g no ornaments but a sing le tiring of enor-mous pcurls roin.il the waist , and the celebratedKoh-i-noor, or " Mountain of Light," upon his arm. 1Sometimes , in u lit of Oriental display, ltunjeetdecked his horse nith the Koh-i-noor , among otherjewels. Af l<r Ms death , the precious gem passedinto the hands of his successors on the throne oflii.hore ; and when the l'unjaub was conquered bythe Kng lish in lbio, the Koh-i-noor «•«» includedntnong the spoil. I'ulont- I Mnckesan imd CipluinlUmsi.y broug ht it to Kng l.md in the MeJea, as apresent from the Kast India Company to the Queen.

The Koh-i iiour , when exaniined hy Europeandiauiund OKT I UII I S tins pronounced lo be Imdl ycut ; and the Court j e«c l le i employed Messrs.Coster, of Amsterdam , lo re-cut it — u work thatoccupied the labours of thirty-eight day-", of twelveJ I O U I S euch . This is not reall y culline , it is grind-ing ; the £cm being app lied to the suiface of u Hutiron plate , ii.oistcned with oil and diumuud powder ,ill id rotating wilh Rrcnt velocity , in such u way asto produce new rif l- ct ing facits. 'J'he late Duke ofWellington gave the fn i.t touch lo this work , as asoil of honorary amateur diamond-cutler. 'J'heworld-ren owned gem I IHS since been regarded asfar mote du;zling and be::uliful thiin at uny formertime in its hisloi V.

TI I I N C H IN N A I L I K .— 'J'he Neiipolitiin Cnrrct-potiduil of the Tablet »ays:—The Neap-diiaushare two points which n ill save their relig Lii — de-votion I" Onr I.ndy, und the Most Hol y Sacrnnient.'1 he latter is most (dif y ing, but the great evil is ,that there nre too ninny ("Itrpy who , having enteredtho Church without a cull , do it no eredit , espeei-nllv Bnumg the luwer orders of the IVit ntliood. Asu mnn they are very faithful, but some have unfor-tunatel y fallen away, und unbraced the creed a Inmode. Tlicrc »«c tunny gioriotis exceptions, mid Jhave net often bcin more edified than I was a fewiii y iila kince in the Nuuvo Cicsu »here f going inlate , I saw the exiled Archbishop of one of theSees of the Two Sicilie s (who in ulluivrd mi sufl'er-l iucf lo midc here), eaiechising from his chairIn Ii.re the allur dhoiil fuur Imi.drrd of Ihc poorestchildren of the Vircaria quarter , and ghiut; him-self IIII to their sr-pnratc and collective inslria'tioiilor fust ronfesHott , with a ^eal and uu-rj^y that re-railed Si. C'hailet , or St . Krnncij of Sales. Kvcry-thing that is possible is done to outrage religion undmorals. I saw to-day a caricature of I'iu« theNinth nt the bnr of judgment, with the EternalJ'alber, most uiirespectlull y lepreseiited , our lilessedSaviour niid our Lad y, scandalously caricatured ,nnd the whole IclKrpress of the work cuitrapoud-ing with the engravings. I remonstrated with theperson selling such a thing in n Catholic country ,but lie said the poficr encouraged the sale, and it isnotorious that Ibey do so. The people get gradn-rjlly tibcd to them , and you see little crowds round¦¦¦numerable pictures of the tortures of the Inquisi-tion , horrors committed in Convcnti , S;c. All thisis fu*t tmdoi'ig the hold religion has over Ihe youth ;pud thoug h tlie older generation regurd it withl.t.rror , it is tukin g a fatal ii.ilncnce orer the mindsdf the young, und will go on rapidly if nut toonchecked. . „ ,

There (ire some 5O'J,COO flove-lioI -Jers in SouthAtneiica.

J) VXdAlt rAX CU ll /t KS/ 'U.VHH\ 'Cf

IIOAKI ) 01' GWAKDIANS-TnuiHPAr.SA M I'KI. It. F I I Z O K H A I .1I, Ksq , J .I'., in tin' i:li:dr, mid

euuHuiueu ly i iiti iM L A. Astno.M. K^q , D.V.I.'.AI- .O | cut-Sir J ..I n Xusent llmiibl-. Ita't., Messrs.

Iticliaul C. II III KOII , S-iamii lt.igif , J 1'., Henry A. Fits-iiTitJ , ,1 I 1., UUImid I 'hniniley, .1.1'., Amni'-I K. M'linhe,.1 I 1.. S. ( I 'lirieii , W. 0'IM en , V. Hoiirignu , M . 1'. Teny, 1'.Konayii !'. ^nmssioKS.

Thomas IJall y, a discharged si.ldier , with his wife ,came before the bo^ird for admission. It appcuredthe app licant was in the recei pt of out-door relief fortwo or three months , to enable him to repair hidshattered health , which , now , in a treat measure,having recovered , the board was desirous to admithim into the house, but not his vt i fe, she being ustrong young woman , was directed to seek for em-ployment. She ilien withdrew , saying, " the d—I 'sin wlui law-makers ye are."

Mary Uonolu r, and four children , to whom out-door relief was extended for the last niot'lh , camebefore the board to have same extended fur anothermonth. Some of the guardians were opposed to doso on the grounds of her not being a native of theloc.ility, however , it was finall y arranged to grantthe relief for .mother mouth , she being citiitioned toeii 'lcuvo 'ir to make some sort of provision for herselfand children by the end of that time.

Mary Sl-iliery, wilb her illeg itimate child , camebefore the hoard , and stated that she wanted out-door relief for the support of her child , that shemig ht go to service. Chairman : Did you ask anyassistance from the father of the child ? ' A pp licantsaid she did , and ho would not jj ive her anything.Hoard : Are you awire that the law will now forcehim to maintain the child ? App licant said she wasnot. Chairman : Are you prepared lo m.ike the ne-cessary statement (lint he has refused to maintainthe child ? App licant said she was fully preparedto do so. Chairman : Your application is for out-door relief ? Applicant ; I can 't come in to-ni ght ,but can on to-morrow. Mr. Hudson : If you shouldbe doHtitute you call app ly to t/ic re/i'ei'ing officeron Monday, to be provisional l y admitted. The ap-plicant tl.en withdrew.

Mary Buckley und two children came before theboard , with tho view of luving out-door relief furtherextended to her, but the board Were opposed to itsfurther extension and refused.

ouT-nomi ni.i.mr.Out-door relief was further granted to John Camp,

at five shilling s per week , and also four shillings perweek to Michael Mahony. Those parties were notable to "0 lo work for some time.

RATE CULI.KCT OR9.There were three candidates for the collection of

the ralrs of the union ; Richard U. Roberts , Ksq.,John Roderick , Ksq., barony cess collectors , andMr. Patrick Walsh, who stated that he would col-lect the entire of the rates of the union , or anyportion thereof , at four p-nce in the pound.

The guardians inqiiiied who Mr. 1\ Walsh was ,and n member said that he knew him to reside atBall ydnlT, near Lismore.

Mr. It . Fitzgerald said that there could not be Iheslio lit nst fault found wilh their late collectors ; duringllifir time in the collection of the fates not one nf theratepayers was put to expense , a mut er whichoug ht to be taken into consideration.

Mr. Chearnley expressed a similiar opinion , andsaid a preference oug ht to be given to those gentle-men who had acted so leniently towards the rate-pavers , and , at the same time, so carefull y to theguardians, letting them susluin no loss in the col-lection.

Mr. liming.™ »¦"» '' 'bat Mr. Roderick ivas a verygood man ; that lie never put a poor farmer to oneshiliine expense.

Sir Nugent Humble spuke extremel y well of thosegcnllemen , but remarked that many of the poorpeople in this locality suffered very much from theirregular manner in whi ih rates were collected , butdid not want to mention hy whom.

Mr. W. O'lJ ricn proposed that their late collectors ,Mr. Roberts , and Mr. Roderick , be re-appointed astheir collectors, which was seconded by Mr. S.O'Hricu , and passed unanimously.

ci>RK»:M "0snEScr.— S E W TOOK L \ W AIT.A circular WA S read from the Commissioners , ad-

verting to their letter of the Mih , transmittin g ncopy of th* icccnt poor law act , fur the informationof the guardians. They desin , p irtici.Iary, to drawthn attention of the board lo that part of the 12thsection of the Act , relating to the rating of unnoccu-pied buildings , which enacts , that " from and afterthe passing of this Act ,the guardians shall ,in.makingpvcrv rate for the relief of the destitute poor, speeil yon the face thereof the period for the service ofwhich the rate is estimated to provide. "

The commissioners think that this enactment willbe hest complied wi:li by niscrii»£at the head of therite , after the poundage , the words : " This rale isestimated to provide fur the service of calendarmonths , commencing from-—."

It may bo found t.\ |iedicnt hcreuft t- r to issue anew form of rate ,for the use of the guardians , but asit is desirable that no unnecessary delay should takeplace in signing rates idread y ill course of prepara-tion , they think that the form at present in use maybe IIIHI IC available by inserting tho words specifiedas above.

Tln'\ (the commissioners), at the same time , pointout to the guardians , that in order to all'inl greuti rfacilit y to ihe clerk of the union , and collectors , foraiceriliiuing 'be sums of money which persons ,f.illini; withi n the provisions of the Act , may bel i.i ' \v In fii'v , it wil l ho di-'.-iirjMe llmt thf esliin.iti. ot tt i tu iei :it->: xtiutilil lie fntu'id so as to provide for (lie service ofpfiinJs cnrresp.'iiiliiiit witli llie fiiKinri.d yea r, or half year,:oiil ii.rii,iii.uii!;! on the li'ith March , and tiiiili .Sc|iteinlicr, ustheiMw may be. mi H A D .

From Mini'', »ckiinivicilanij{ the receipt of tho |noa-c.lingsof tin- loiinl ol the 'JUt hlti.nu , coiitiiiniu ^ a eujiy uf u reportof the bail quality nf b"cirl sup|ili. 'd hy the imilrairtor , anilin reiVti-nre thcieto , ami Ihc minute ot the RU .II Ji.nu nn thesuhjwt , tin! co'iunis'.ionen il.siio to filate , that u* it upjicihithat the iuuutrs are ui.imuiwUK in their (omnifont re>(H -ctin>£tllu In-eail , and us tin! in.-i-tei- .in 1 uwji ail atlhtr, x w l u t l mofficers nf the woiklinnsi', cmi'-iir in |i!oinmticin^ tho tu-te olthe brmil lo be olij.-cli. 'tialile, the waster sliouM ptreiiiplurilyiri.xt nil lutuie Mipp lifs of the same description.

1IKOWN1 N O HOY.The Mnsti-r ii'l""trd to lhu l«Mrd th:it nai! 'if tin; soln«l

Imj !., uliili ; h.lthitiL', ot a woikni. in tho water mid WJB indanger of bcini? ilrowncil , lint was fnrtnualely nscuid hywriie man who cinii! to his assist mice. Til" plica where tho(liiljn-ii l-athi. wan well kiuiwn to the inaxtrr as lii-in- .imtcsate; l.>ui*n silk on Clie tnoniiu:; in question, lie (ni;n>tcr\ctitrustitl thi 'iu to tho schouhnistiAi, Gut a repetition shut ,not orcur in future.

HAD DKKAU AGAIN.A portion of tho white bivaJ supplied hy contratlnr on

Saturday inuruiiitf hist , was not i-qual to tanipl.... DjclorAiit lu.t iy , who acted in the ah-i'iicti uf the medica l olli'vr ofthe Imiiaf , o» Tuesdny, found fault with it. UideteJ thattin. :itt riitiuii of die cuutrHClor l>u enllixl tu the abovL*.

liiivixo liousr.The Master liroucht under tlie notice of the ho.ird dip

nitcs-ily "f coiuins to Hume d.finite couclu.-ioii wi th rcgaiilto the dryini! liou-o. _ From tho coiniliiuiicatioii.<i which ImveWon u-cciveil fiotu Kihnartlioinas and Lisniore workh IUSI-S,the iniistei- would feel (^.sirinis

to visil the latter homo, withthn view "if aseertKiinusr , perwnall y, liow the dryi::g isniana^i'd there, uii'l »1'O to sic the phui of the Tuikiali bath,ail.1 in what part of the house it is tilling up.

It htiutk him (tho mnstei) that the lirating apparntus ofthe balli cuuld In) inailo ava labl.- tor drying purposes, midthe eret-tinii of llie lintfi itself wonM not be more expensivethmi ihe fittiuj t «P of a ilij injj bouse.

The boaid ordered the inn-.tur lo visit the Lisuiorc work,house, oud report n«t board <Uy.

M K D i C A L CIIV K:I:K'S itcr^iET.lie lical Oflior having UICKSIUII to ohlain the nsM^tauce of

Dr. Graves , at twu utiipiit utioiH , latel y in tin* workhouse,hoped the lioard would t;rant all order for bin fees of t"2, mhe had liKi' el a lout: distance, at a coiisiqueut lost of time.Mitlirul officer beys to remaik , that tin; dispeawny medicalc.tHi^r, Doctor Anthony, icave his vahiahle assislauco fnu,but he woul.l not wish to carry on thu opcMtiun of aui{j uta-tion nilhotit n Ihird kurueon.

U ianted, subject to the sanction of the conimiSMtjni.'rs.h'OTICE OF 1101 ION.

Mr. Sau'U' l It. Kitxjjti aid , gave notice that ho would move,on thin il.iy fortni ght , to rewind the resolution eiu rieil by.Mr. Anthony, in ltleiince to the leiuoval of tin- card liemiod11 (icneial l.es.-ons" Iroui tlie school IIHIHI .—Adjouriifd.

l'KTT V SESSIONS—rtA i i.KiiAT..M.Vi*tri>tn« on the lunch—M> -ssi«. ]Ieury A. Filzser.-dd,

fhauui.iM , mill Samuel It. FiUgeruld.K I U I I T or W A Y .— Johanna Veal sumtiioned

Nicholas l'oley under the following circumstances :—Complainant deposrd that she was returningfrom the t ivrr the other day with u tub of clotheson her hind , and coming along the passage inFolev 's land he met her, turned her oil, mid wouldnot "allow her lo pass throug h ; same has been npublic passage, for years. Mr. Fleming deposedthat he recollected Ihc day in question ; Foleyturned the woman (dl' the laud ; she said to lliedefendant " i» not this a public p issage? It 's invri ght to pass on as well as any other person. "Defendant said then " Whoever will pans there youshall not." Court : How long has this been apublic pusn.iRe? Mr. Fleming : Wh y, your wor-shi ps, over forty years, (,'ourl : Are you of opiuion Foley is inj.irc-d by llie passage made by thoseparties ? Mr. Fleming stiid lie was , inasmuch asthey crossed muny partB of bis land , but if the par-ties followed the public p.issag( he would not beinjured. The conn directed Foley to point out thepublic passage stated by Mr. l'leming, mid if fur-ther trespass uis committed lo summon the (i.ir-lie.i. The case was then dismissed. ThomasSlattery, Kt>q- , was engaged for complainant.

Aimt-'icML W A TBRTOUT.— Kdinnud Casey sum-moned 1'atrick Keane for artisticall y spouting waterout of his mouth into his face without cause. Com-plainant deposed that he came into the shop ofMi-s (/'arbeiry to know the hour, and when heentered the defend nit spouted n mouthful of waterinto his face without uny cause whutevtr (laug hter).Court : Wrl ', Ktanc , what have you to fay to thiscl i iuoe? iJ. fi lidiiul di 'posed that he U H A in iMi«C'arberrv 's simp i '.hut the clerk asked him to gofur a drink of .vuti -r which he did . and ufter he was

done defendant took up the jug and was in the actof taking a drink when Casey c.une in and beganto apeak " mason gammon ;" the very peculiarsty le of Its delivery caused him to take u fit oflaug hter while in the act of drinking ; the watervery probably might have scattered on his face, butit w.is not intentionall y done (laug hter)'. Com-plainant said he had lo wi pe his face there was somuch of the wnter thrown on it. Defendant : Iwould nut have been summoned here to-day by thedefendant had I kept silent on that occasion ; I saidhe was as clever ut removing lead from the tops o!houses as ho was in speaking " mason gammon "(great laug hter). Court : it 's a shame that menshould quarrel for so trilling a cause ; go ho ne andlive us friends ought. Comp lainant : As ho is notpunished for bis conduct he cm repeat it again.Court : Go on, the case is dismissed.

H OUSE Miac —Phili p l'oley, farmer, summonedJohn Foley, fanner, for five abiding* for the use ofa horse and ploug h in A pril 1-nl , sowing seed. Thefacts hafinjj been proved , the defendant was decreedwith costs.

CI I A K I -.E or KO I W K K V .—John Organ , watchman ,chaiged Michael Cihill with having in his posses-sion one cloak, a piece of lace, and a prayer book ,ihe former articles being the property of lilizaSarsfield , and the prayer book , the property of Mr.M. llat.ni gan. John Sarslield identified the cloakas Ihe property of his wife, ISIiza Sarslield. Court :When did you last see that cloak 1 Mr. Sarsfield :On Sunday •jvening last , in Mrs. Kell y 's shop.Mrs. K. Sarsfield deposed that she was assistant inMrs. Kell y 's shop, and on Sunday evening last sheplat-lid the cloak , now before the court , under thecounter for convenience sake, so ihai no time mightbe lost in looking for it , and she did not see it afteruntil she saw it in possession of the police on Mon-day morning ; the piece of lace was in a drawerunder the counter , but the piece of calico she coulJnot identify on her o.uh , but had no doubt itbeloneed to the house. Master Edward Ilannignnidentified the prayer book as the property of hisbrother , Michael ; he saw it on Sunday evening lastat Mrs. Kell y 's house. Sub-constuble M'Keoudeposed that Organ, the watchman , brought thoprisoner to tho barrack wilh ihe cloak , and ousearching his person he found the lace, calico , andprayer book in liis pocket. John Organ , watch-man, deposed that he was on his walk throug h thetoiv n on Sunday nig ht last , und met three parties inChurch-street ; spoke to them and asked why werethey wulkiug throug h the streets at so late an hour ?They replied they had no place to go for the night;he told them they would be taken up by the policeand udvianl theji to go lo thu kiln in Sh.ui.fou until morn-iiU. Ho wout with them towards :hu bridge, and pointedoat tlie way to tho limo kiln. About three or four o'clockhe met them asaiu, on the Hiitlery at the haul of Friary-lane ; ihe prisoner had something bulky under hit arm ; haran over to UIL-III IIII 1 cauirlit hold of the prisoner and foundhe had the cloik , n.iw in coiu l , under his arm ; lio held himfirmly, Ilia other two mil uu" ; witness marched him a pri-soner" to the pulico barrack , and gave bi.u in charge. Mr.Kelly deposed that he nas visiliiij on the nitf lit in I|U LMI IOII ,and returned homo ubout ouu o'clock ; be won: to bed ususual , but took special care to sen tho shop secured ; aboutfuur O'CI JC I; un .Monday morning l.iit -ot up an 1 c.une downstairs ; he then lound the shop door opened ; relumed upstairs ijuichl j «nil inhumed Mrs. Sjnti.-ld her cloak wanHone out of the shop. Court : .M r. Kell y how do you supposethe shop duor was opened ? Mr. Kell y : It appeared tohe openi d hy sonio sharp pointed iusliiuiiriil , :IH thu marksof such uu instrument are on the door and bolt. Court :Wu* there uny money taken ? .Mr. Kelly s lid not ; it vv.ugenerally taken from the till every ui^ht. ijouit: Cau y.midentity that cloak us the property of Airs. Saulield ? Mr.Kelly: Ye-;, l ean. luluriiiulinii * were returned ajuiu^t thuprisoner, l.'ahill , lor the l) au ,':irv.iii quarter se>iijns , lo bolielJ on the lciE.li October next.— Ailic/iinied .

A C C I I I K N T J I L Di:.\rn. —On Saturday last two orthree little , boys got into a donkey 's cut near theSouth Terrace ; une of them had a sharp pointedstick wilh which ho repeatedl y stabbed the donkey,which at length took lo fli ght , and tho wheelof the little cart coining in contact with oneof a horse cart it was upset , and the childrenpreci pitated on the road. A young lad namedJohn Crawford , aged about six or so>eu yeais (awidow 's son), was une of the party thrown out , andwas in the act of lising when ihe uxle and liti ch-p iustruck him on the head penetrating the skull , andlaid him quite insensible on the road. Sub-con-stable Donnell y who was riding by at the time , andonlr a few paces in advance of where the accidentoccurred ,at on:e, roilo back for Dr.Heiny Anthuii y,anil Im, wit Ii Ci>u->tahl ii l)*yer, were promptly in altenJ luce,but life was extinct o.i their nrriral. The poor mother re-mains ine.iti-t.ilalile. Tiii- sa.l uccid-ut ou^ht to c.iulioulaiuu'ts auJ then- MTV .UI H not lo li'.ivi; their horses andilonkiei on tlmsirt-et without a tm.le, and were it not lorthe care of the cuiintaliulury veiy auiiuus accidents wouldhappen from tiinu to liny. It must lie staled , as a matternf lacl , that tli.-io i-> not in Ireland a more iiiUclliul- luukili ^el n.s of ciiil.lieu than there is m this town , in tailing na.neaami liiionrmg stones.

H i ' K M N U . —Inlclli ijdiei! wus received hero nn 1 uu-ilayuiuiuin ,' Ut , tlul the k uliel of .Inlm A. O'KerHe , K»q.,J.I 1., li.ill yleuio'.i l-od -e, nas Uunoi on Moail. iy ni jjiit. Hwa< a matter of great Mii|/rise that >u ih mi injuiymull !«• di- tie to lln< pr. iprily of this trul y popular lifiitl.:-in.in , « ho, upon ull oreasinn>, ha.-> guinea1 llie warmest wishesnml bi-bl llianks ot llie piihhc Ki-inrrully. The report was mili.ehev.il up lo fouroViuti;, but I rcijiet lo chronicle such istin: lac!. ___

LISMO U K H0AUD Ob' CIJ AUDIAX ^- S KI -T. 3, 1802.1-' IHN . is IC. Cruiiv. K-|., J.I' ., V.C.. in th-.. chair.

AI SJ pnsi-iil —Me ssm. W. I I . I'.nk- .i , U.V.C., Si. I. -.THaiiy, .1. li.ee , 1'. M K-ele, X. T. fuley, J.I'., T. Siuuh ,Jatue. 1 I'.ukui , mid U. Talk.*!-.

I'.l'. S I U N A l ION 01 C L K H K .Mr. J. C. llennessy, many years clerk of this

union , laid before the board his resi gnation , conse-quent ou his riccut election to the clerkshi p uf theWalerl 'ord Union.

I'he Chairman expressed his regret at losing theeflicieut services of Mr. lleunessy. He was surethey were all glad to her of Ins promotion to umin e important union , but at llie same, time theywould regret lo>ing his services. Mr. lleuiiessywould not leave ilium until he closed the accountsol lli e half-yenr up to ihe 2!)lh September, »o thatIhe ucxl chik would have all tin! uccouuts wimud up Liloiebim. At llie time of Mr. IIimuesRy 's appointiuent he wasquite unknown to the. j-naidians, having come from H dis-tr.ul pai t ot the country, but ut the. competitive i-x.uuiua-lion he piovc-d hhinsill lo he the bent man , and his le.iti-lllouiaU were of such a lii^ b older that tbe guurdiaiiselected him. He trusted every uieinber of the board Wouldtap himself ilucn«;ai;i-d, uu.l not pled o himself to auyperson , but adopt lim princi ple canieJ uut in Mr. llemies->y 'a election, and select llie luvil iJlk'ieul c.iuJiJ.ile (hear,hem).

Mr. Foley—Mr. Chairman, I feel certain that lhu lioardis uniiiiiiuoUN in its approval of every word lo which youhave Kiveu utterance in praise ot Mr. iltiuiiehsy while aclinicus clerk cf this union , and 1 am equally certain if everyguaidiau , who has been in thu iithit uf a'.lcii-!iu.£ in hisul.ice were present, tho feehuj wuuld be. llie sjine. Asaguardi.iu of this union since its toruiation , 1 am enabled topruiioiiuce an opinion a* lu bis merits , and without wishingto cust any stigma ou his predecessor*, 1 fe.ole ly assertthat the dulies of the ullice were never so dlicicully per-formed as they have been by him dii r'uic lhu past sevenyens. 1 regret we mo so koou lo be deprived of his ser-vicis , but it is a matter of much pleasuie to think th.it hisresignation has been in t-oiisi-qiK-iiee uf his promotion to thesame ollice in a uiuch larger union, where lhu emolumentsaie much greater than with us. We should be mokt par-ticular in the appointment ol bis successor, ulld no matterwlnt bis attainments hi! will couie iulo ollice under uuUvor-ulilc circuiustanceit.

Chairman*—Favurablc uud unfavorabtu—favorable- as m-gaiUs thu Hlate of the nccouut^, and unfavorable u* re^urd.sulir Infill opinion ot Air. Henut^>y.

M r. l-'oley—1 agreu witli you , uud I tinw propose that <vcudvi-iliac tor a clerk for this ouiuti at u salary ot £>H0 perauiiuin , the election to luLu pl.icu this day lurliii glil.

Alter some discussion, the board resultuii not to appointany person wlio is not already thoroughly conversant withthe duties of the utlice.

Mr. lloiinrBiy thanked tho (.'uardiaus for tlie llatteiiugterms ill which his nuuic was uienliuueJ. lie re^retleilvery inlirh seveiiu^ a coiiueclion wilhnbudy o f t;eiillciueufruui whom bu nvtiveU tuuiiy marks of kindliest. He feltproud to denerve the couflJcuce of so respectable a bud^, andshould endeavour iu bis I U ;U I U position tu bhow that theconfidence nin not misiil.iceil .

AFFILIATION.Thu Master was diiectcil , h y resolution , to make out a

return of Ihe women wi th illegitimate- children in llie. work-bouM*, iu older lh.it proceedings may be taken a:',iiu>t thelepuled fatliets lor their maintenance, uu.ler thu ueiv act ,ivheie (iriiclicable.—Ailjou*lied .

STATI: or nn: uocsc.Numlier in luiuse , "£i$ ; in inliriihiry, 01 ; in fever hospital ,

lu : itelieral ..veruifc weekl y coal , 'J». Id.

CAIl l tUJ K- OX .slIIH UMOX—SATUit i i .w, SKIT. U.1.. 11. .lui'iisox , Ks(|., J .I'., in the chair.

Alw pnsint-Messu. T. Ulor, U.L,., T. II. Wilwn , .1.1'.,M. Quiike , W. Mooic , JI. O'ltyan , J . llichaidsou , II .V.C ,P. Ke. tie, P. f bi-liiii, II. l^Aney, J. ihea. Doctor Purecll , in-Kprctin , and Ductors O'ltyan , house turgeun, Martin , andKJiniliulsou , dispensary aur^eous, were nUu pieaelit.

COKKUSPONII L .NCi: —I1OU -J B SUKUEON 'D 8 ALAIIY.From the commissioners, in reference lo ihe pro-

posal of the guardians lo taise the salary of lliemedical ollicer of ihe workhouse lo jL'I 'Ja per annum ,uud stilling llmt in the Urge unions of Limerick ,Cork , North Dublin , uud Suuth Dublin , where theuumbi r of iumult-s treall y excted those in '.he Car-rick union , iu no instance does the sulury exceedA'100, so that , under the eircinnstal.ci- .*, the coni-iiiisHioucrs snw no grounds fur uu increase in thesalary of the medicul otlicer.

Mr. O'Kyun contended there waa no similaritybet« cen iheir union and that of Cork or Limerick ,us was stated by the cuiiioiiisiouers. Their mediculollicer hud tu attend to three hospitals , the feverhosp ital being at a uousidirablu distuuce from thehouse, and entailing a vast amount of duly, and hewould move that the cummi-bioners be uguin ic-ipiested to sanction the proposed increase.

The motion was unanimously pussed,TIIL BC1I OOL3.

The Education Commissioners forwarded the fol-io iv in y extracts from the district Inspector 's r portof the fiili of August lnM , on the schools ot thehouse :—

The tour*.. <il nliicalion giv-n in tin! M-lunls i« fair ; thatuf training rutbor limitLd , pailicujarly iu tbo feinde di<p:irl-

meiit , iu ivliich the proficieucy of the pupils is below tin) re-quireiueuts uf the school prugraimue. Oa tbu whole, Itl.iuk tbu schools are piogiesjiiij ;, but that progress is veryslow.

Tho male teacher should, in my opinion, use mure cicrtioniu the advancement of his pupils. If tho fmualo teacherliera is yet on trial , she luving been appuiutod only on tbosecond inst., sbu will require to pursue her .studies auJrender herself more unnpoieut for tlie discharge of her duties,as she is bjrely qualified to act as probationer.

IVo me, gentlemen, your obudieot servants,

nESIUNATION.The following resignation sent into the Carriek

dispensary committee , und by that body sent to theboard , was now read by the chairman : —

G KSTLKMEN — I b<y to resign my appointment as medicalofliiwr to llie Oanick on-Siur dispens.iry. tro u Ibis date ; Iregret to bo obliged thus suddenly to sever lhu bond whichexisted bet.veeu us f.ir so many years, in perfect harmonyand fricuJblup. 1 hii£ to lelinn my most 6incei-t> and grule-ful tbiinks to the dispensary ci'miDillec mid board t.f ^uar-diailfi , for tho kindness , coj it»), nud cousiilcrKtioa withwbiuh they have always treated mo.—I ru'iiaiu , &o.,

J OSLPU KDMC.NOSO.N , M.I).Carrick-oti-Suir, Sept. 0, 18t)i.The Chairman said he was sure there was not a

member of the board but wuuld regret Dr. Kdmund-8on 's resignation.

Mr. Quirk—The poor people "outsido will mostregret it.

Doctor lsdinuiidson 's resignation having been ac-cepted , it was moved by Mr. Wilson , seconded byMr. O'Uyau, uud resulted that Doctor Fitzgerald bo ap-pointed to act as medical officer, /<ru. tcm.

Doctor Fitzgerald was sent fur an 1 informed by the hoarduf I IH temporary appointiuent , for which he returned thanksand retired.

It was ulsu resolved to call H sptcnl meeting ot the com-mittee, lor eleven o'clock uu .Saturday inorniu;,', to take thenece.a.lry slops CO.isequuut- ou Djctor HliujuJsou 'a rejio"aa-tioil. UOSrlTAl. CLO X Il l N O.

The Oonimi-ijiioiiers receutlv, by encular, mi^itestod tohcmi'd* ol ^uaidiaiis , not to allow convalescent patieuU towear their own i lollies, uud suggesting u drws distinct fromthat of the paupers iilste.lJ . Doctor O Uyiul susi'eitedforms ol clothing, which , ou calculation were found wouldcost for a mull thirty aliilihi; , and for a woman twenty-four.

The giiHidinns bavins re,'iiril to thu present heavy latiu^of thu union , and their depressed financial position , unani-mously declined to accede to tbe sugsustiou sent bcfoio them.Adjourned.

POTATOES .—For the last two years my gardenerhas adopted a plan of treuting potatoes , which is sosimple and so successful that I think it is a pity itii not more generally practised. The potatoes areplanted on rid ges ahull .'{ feet apart , at first onl y-just below tbe surface, and ufterwnrds , iu about twomouths, covered with 3 or 4 in.-hos of soil. In June ,and before the disease has shown itself , the liuulmsarc bent down on each side of ths ridge, mid enoug hearth laid on them tu keep them down. The theoryis, that when the Fungus , or whatever it u that pro-duces the disease , appears , the rain washes it olf theleaves into the. the trench instead of inlo th*; roots,Certainl y my potatoes treated in this way have beenperfectl y good, thoug h the leaves are destroyed bydisease , and where disease attacked Mie (eaves earl yit has stopped the growth of the poluloes; but thoug hsometimes small they are perfectl y sound- Last yearpart of my potatoes were not trealod in this wuy,uud they were destroyed , while the others were per-fectly sound. — // ', D. Ih/h , in (jurd 'wer's Chronicle.

To C I.I:IN i Ar>i:it-H.tN ( iiNu$—Cut into eight half-quarters a quartern loaf two days old. Wilh one ufthese pieces, after having bloiv n olf all the dust fromthe paper lo be cleaned , with a good pair of bellows ,beg in at the lop of the room, holding the crust in the.hand , and wi p ing li ghtly downward with the crumb,about half a yard at each stroke , t i l l the: upper partof the hanging.-) is completel y cleaned ail round.Then go round again , wilh the like sweep ing strokedownwards , ulw.iys commencing each successivecourse a little higher than the upper stroke h.iJ ex-tended , til l tho boito n be finished. This operation ,if carefuil y performed, will frequentl y make veryold paper look almost equal to new. The papermust not be rubbed hard , nor cleaned the cross orhorizontal way. Tho dirty p u t of ihe bread , too ,mint be each lime cutaway, and the pieces renewedas soon as it may become necessary.

D I:A I U U V D E C A I I T A T I O N .—A foreign journal , inuu article against the punishment of death , publishesthe following curious details:— "When , at the endof the last century, the terrible mau-liiue ol Dr.Gulliotiu made its appearance , it gavc ,rise to greatcoulruvcisy amog the faculty thi- uu^hout Europe.Tlie inventor pretended and believed tfi.it death byhis instrument was easier than by any other means,and that the rupture of the vertebra ?, the iieiv:s,and all the organs of the head , killed the \<holebody ut once and instantaneousl y. Several exper-iments were made at Vicnitu. Some poisonerswere lo be executed , and severa l c-.- lobracd medic ilmen, who hud alread y disputed the correctness ofthe statement of Dr. Ouill 'j iin, obtained pemii>sii>.'ilo remuiii on the scalfold duriu» the execution , andwhen a head had been cut oil' it was delivered tuthem. The first was that ol a yo'.mj in iu. I'liceyes were closed and the tongue protruded. Mi ghtminutes weic al lo w ed lu exp ire , wlu-.ii the tonguewas pricked with a pin , when it was drawn in , andthe lace made <i grimace indicat ive ol pain. Thesecond head was that of a womuii. The eyes wereopen , and their supp licating looks were accompaniedby abundant tears. Fourteen iniiiute -i after thu exe-cution the eyes turned towards the side from whencellie woman 's name was culled. The third headwas thiit of thu most guilty of the criminals. A »l ipwas given lo llie face, when the eyes opened , ih"face Hushed with an indescribable expression of au-ger and feiocity ,aud ashmldcr of anguish was visibleou the neck beinir touclud.

MiMT.iitY STATISTICS OF N I:IV l UIIK .— Ihe recentdial l in g order ut President Lincoln has pi ion riseto the fol lowin g statistics in tlu Alb-ui 'i .I IU J UH .• - '• Webelieve ihe quota of our Stale towards Ihe ouU.oUOmen first called for (tho three years ' niei i) is about5:2,01)1). Thirty-two reg iments (one iu each ai-nu-loiiul district) are being raised by volunteering.Assuming that these reg iments will be raised—aswe think they wi l l—there will remain a deficiencyof ubout liO/JUO of the fust levy. Add to ibis ourquota of the militia (ihe nine months ineii)' and wehave about 70,UUt) men tu be raised in this State byconscri ption , We lejrn th.it the enrolment lists ,which have been recentl y made under the newmil it id law , foot up on 1}' about nuO.OUO. If these arelo be made llie basis of the draft , nearl y one-fourthof ihe number will be drawn—a larger proportion ,we venture to suy, than was ever called fur in auycase of conscri ption recorded in history , lint onlooking at thu census of 1S5A (that of' 1 S«iO has notyet been printed) we find the number of mules iuthe Stale betwee n the Hges ot' 18 and -IS then wasas follows : between IS und 30, 39l .GGlj ; between30 and -15, 313 , 1-11. Total , 73y,8o7. The increaseof population sciuce 1855 has doubtless carried thenumber ubovu 800,000 ; from which we deductsoldiers ulread y bent from this State, including thethirt y -two regiments, say 150,000. Total , 050,000,Deduct for exempts under law of Corgress, say 50 , -000. Total , (JUU.OUO. This statement , which is ofcourse onl y un approximation to coiricliicss,g ives

l!00,UOO men liable lu a draft—or double the numberuu the present enrolment—thus diminishing thechances of conscri ption one hull.

Ci iAKUK i OF A RCHDEACONS ,—"The charges ofArchdeacons crowd upon us," writes tho UuurUiait ," and , judging from the extracts which are g iven ,there is u melancholy uniformity ubout them. Tem-poral mutters appear lo to absorb lhu j irchideucoii.ilmind , and thu changes are rung on the iiurials Bill ,the Clergy Relief Hill , thu Kducutiou Cudfi , Cliurch-r.ues, uud other topics affecting the position of theChurch of Eng land as un Katublishmcul , to a degreewhich is sickening, when it is r.iueuihercd that theauditors were nun charged with the nrduous wor kuf striving to save men 's suuls. We observe that oneof these clerical soldiers of the Church, Archdeaconl lu i iV i ol Salisbury, put in a word for chuich-ratesin II charg e which immediatel y followed a sermonliuin Paul's declaration , ' I am dele mined nut toknow anything umotig you , save Jesus ChriM , undHim crucclicd .' What , we wonder , wuiM il|.;Aposllc have thoug ht of ihe Archdeacon 's charge ?"— J. ibi'ralur.

PuisuMNd rnaoion M ISTAKE .—A man namedFairell , livin g in a court oH' Ciray 's inn-lane , Lon-don , went hume from his work , the other evening,ill. His wife went to a chemist 's shop near by toget him some Epsum suits mid tciina. She wasserved wilh two packages , und when she got homefound them both to be, us she thoug ht , Kpsomsuits . She went back iu get one packet changedbut found ihe shop closed , and returning home ,»avd her husband , al his request , a dose of ihe con-tents uf the packet , lu a very short lime he died ,and a /)o<* mortem examinat ion showed that he hadbeen poisoned with oxalic ncid , ti pircel of whichshe hud eiidenll y got ill mistuk? for salts from thecheiiiUt '* shop. Tlie packet was labelled wilh ihcword " puison " hut as neither the deceased nor hiswife could read , that notificat ion was not of muchuse. A coroner 'i jury, on investi gating the causeof deuth , returned a verdict expressing their op i-nion thui there bad been want of cumioii on thepart ut'the chemist 1!* assistant.

H OIIKIBLC — Two sisters named Munzia andMaria Urmiala foug ht a duel at Naples u few daysbuck , from motives of jeulou.ly. The combat tookplace with the national weapon , the knife, and oneof the sisters was killed on thu spot , while the other,who still survives , received an many as 18 wounds. "

The Daily A'ewt says it was at Napol.-oil 's requesttliui Garibaldi was made a prisoner uf.

A soldier in the Federal army bay* that thsblacks lie l ike dogs iu the sun.

Genera l (formerly Colonel) C>rcoraii has been 13years ill Auiericu. He was formerly un. Irish policeoilicer.

Agriculture(l'rom the Irish Farmers' Gazette)

FARM OPERATIONS FOR SEPTEMBER.R EAPING .— In reaping, cure should be taken to

seize upon every opportunity when theBlraw is dry ;let the sheaves be nude small, and bind and stookst almost one and the same moment (taking care thatthe binders shake out from amongst the corn allgreen and succulent weeds), so as to secure to thegrain the slightest breath of wind that blows, andnot dupp iug the stook till the approach of night orrain. Make yoor stooks and stacks in the most ex-posed and open parts of the field , avoiding shelter ,hedges, and trees, so as to secure the greatest possi-ble circulation of ftee air. Make the field stack;small , and uvuid placing uny damp sheaves iu theinterior of them.

STACKING .— When thoroug hly dry , lose no tunein carry ing the cum to the haggard , und stackingit. Uuuud stacks of a size only to be easily securedat once in the bam arc best. Let the shanks belong und ihe heads short , and ventilate by curry ingolio or more chimneys from the bottom upwards ,uccordin g to size , which chimneys should dischargeinto horizontal sliorings , placed to optn out underihe eaves. No time should be lost in well andsecurel y thatching bulh stacks und ricks, immedi-atel y alter their furmulinn.

1'L O U U I U N G .—This is probabl y about the bestseason for ploug hing ; the laud !.;, in general , neitherluu wet nor too dry, und no other work should bepermitted to interfere' with it. After the cum is cut ,we would recommend thu land tu b.' lightl y scufllcd ,well harrowed , and the stubbles und weeds carriedott' to increase the dung heap. Laud thrown roug hlyup at this period high and dry will be so acted ouand enriched by the alternate frosts and tlmws onwinter as to break down under the harrows in lliefinest tilth , uud allow uf much earlier cross-ploug hingth'iii that which is ploug hed up at a luter period ,when thu land is saturatf!il with water.

Suusoius'u.— Where the opera t ion of subsoil ing isnecessary, this and the succeeding month i« the mostdesirable fur performing I lint operation.

D K A I N I N U , lo be well performed , should be exe-cuted previous to the selling iu of the winter ruinsor lrosts, both of which are_ exceeding ly detrimentalto llie sides of newl y-opened drain*, besides thegreater ease, comfort , and truth with w liicli th.e mencall perform the necessary operation.

W U I -.AT.— On properl y prepared fallows, andwhere the soil is cold nnd backward , this month isthe best for sowing wheat , providing the land is nottoo dry ; if such land is heavy or inclined to wet ,rid ges .ire necessary, and the water luirows shouldbe trul y formed , so that the rains may run quickl yoff, and the wheats have a thoroug hly dry budduring the winter.

W I S T R R 13E.\ SS are best sown from the middle ofthis month to the middle of October. Let the landbe well manured and deep ly ploug hed , h.irroived ,and the beans drilled in at from 2J to 3 feet apart ,provided the land be sulliciently dry ; otherwisethey arc best sown iu riil ges about S >u °t wide , andthe benus dril led in across the beds. Beans wellmutinied , and hotsp nud hand hoed , is the best pos-sible preparation for wheat.

W I N T E R V LTCIIES .—To have early and luxuriantcrops of winter vetches abundance of manure isnecessary. Let the manure he spread over the sur-face of the land , ploug hed into sets of about eightfeet w ide ; harro«cd roug hl y down , sow the seed atihe rale of four bushels per Irish acre ; give a turnor two wilh the line harrows and trench up the fur-rows'. The vetches may be sown alone or mixed withrye or oat> ; mixed with grain , three bushels ofvetches wi th four or five stone of oats or rye will sowIhc Irish acre.

R YE may be sown alone in tho same manner asvetches , for either a grain or a suiting crop ; "JO stonesows the Irish acre.

I SKIU . may be sown from the middle nf this to themiddle uf next month , as an earl y grain crop ufterpotatoes or other green crops , or even on goodwheuteu slublde laud ; from 18 lu 20 sluiic *o>rs theIrish acre , sown broadcast uud trenched , or underthe ploug h.

R A I' I:, to sccuic an abundant crop of this valuablegreen food , should be transp lanted us early as pos-sible , and be liberall y supp lied with manure, whichmay b« spread over the surface and plunged in ;plants may then be inserted in every third furro w 12inches up-irl , or the land prepared und manured , usis usual for turni ps , and the plaiils put iu wil l ) asmting- slick , ]- or 1 1 inches ap.u t '¦" the crown ofll ie drills. Kapf may still be <> *>vu *.u good , warm ,dry soils , and favourable climate.

CLOVER AMI G RASS seeds for meadow or pasturemay still be J O J H in warm soils and clim.iles ; let theland be [.long lK-d . li ghtl y '. cu/ilcd or scurilieil , Jnd\i i-U harrowed mid cleaned.

(•it ASS L A N D S .—This i» the. best season for manur-ing all gra>-i lauds , whether intended for meadow orpasture. If the lands are infested wilh moss theyshould he well sc.ii ified , harrowed , and the mussgathered oil' and burned before app ly ing the manure ,alter which , iu dry »cither , it should b.- well busli-harrowed , and , if necessary, some fresh grass seedssown.

CLOVI .H L KAS , if not ploughed up last month , as apri pnrutiou for client , should he turned up immedi-atel y. At tiie Ofcriud of towing, we would recom-mend a guod dressing uf lime , harrowed in alongtt i lh the seed.

I T A L I A N R AV -G UASS may be sown earl y this monthin rich , wi ll-prepared liind , iu a favourable aspect.This grass wi l l give a very earl y bile to ewes , orcume in lor soiling by the middle or end uf April ,ll wi l l y ield three ur four cuttings during the season ,but shoul 1 be tup-dressed with tich cuuipust urliquid manure , immediately after each cutlii iL '.

I Ai is .Ni is AMI CA U B I U E S may be limn and plantedin ulterui;tc ruvvs between the middle of this and thetucceeding month. The land should be well anddeeply ploughed or digged, and liberall y manured.Fur the production of an earl y and abundant supp lyol food , ihc interlining of early cabbages nnd par-sni ps is admirabl y adapted. The cabbages willcome inlo use from the middle of April , and be offthe ground before they will inteifere with thegrow th of ihc parsni ps. Plant ihc cabbages out inlines , two feet apart and a font or fourteen inchesplant from plant. Suw thu pitisni ps in the centre,ur one fuol from the cabbages ; or the period of sou-ing the parsni p may bu defeircd till the middle orend of February next , but the uuiuintiul sown willbe the curliest and heaviest crop.

li i iLKDi N U K IVES .—This is the proper period forculling out and selecting ewes for breeding pur-poses ; alter selection , put theiu on good grass, thatthey may be in good condition when placed alongwith thu lup, next mouth.

LA M U S should have abundance of sh irt , sweetgrass ; a li'.lle extra keep from henceforward wil l heabundantl y repaid next spring iu superior strengthand condition , uud , at tdicuiiug time , iu the crop ofwool ; ou llie contrary , if you let them fall t i f f incondition now , no effort will bring them up toequal those which have received no check ; thewuol wil l be of uneven fibre, and much deterioratedin value.

HonsLS should now get ;r little corn , and gradu-all y accustomed to full winter keep. K., eii themconstantly ut work ; upon this depends your profitin keep ing them. Work or play, horses must befed, and , lu bu profitable, must be well fed. Whennot at the plough keep them under the cart ; bringhume hog sin I)', if within reach , before it getssaturated wi th water ; the horse can more easil ydraw a double quantity when dry than half of itwhen wet ; besides , its value , when dry, iu the com-post heap, is inliuiiely more than when wet. Drawalso , when procurable , dry earth , sea or coral sand ,road-scrap ings , scouting of ditches uud ponds li>lhu compost yard ; and iu every way kei-p addinglo the dung heap, for upon the size of ihi.i dependsllie fert i l i ty of votu soil.

I IUSU r.A.VIC K I-M'L'IiXS.An Account pursuant to the Act 8 A U Viet., cap. 37, nf tho

uuioiiut of Hank Notes authorised hy Laiv t.t be ittnucl bvthcbt-vcru] Hanks of Issue iu Ireland , and average Amountof IJ.iuk Xuti's iu Circulation , and ot ruin held duiiu^ thefour week s ending Saturday, the -3rd dtiy uf Au^., lwti:2 :

Averaue rir. I *"*'.""; ""',lCiiculDUon dilation ilu- "I ' Joal aiid

Nome. uiilli..na«l l.y rin< 4 MVclx, 1 , , '."'' L"'"Ccrulii-uu.-. ; cn.lu.^ .1. ! ''eM ."UM ",«• abi.ee i U c •"¦¦> "'I"!S

' 1 HE. m>o\- e

li.uilof J relai.d ..! AVJ,7.'«, JM £'J ,Pi7 ,ltm) i.'5lSo,:)uoProvincial Hank.. Ui7,Wi7 fc!l ,H.-<i3 W.'.UlKclfie.t H.mk Sul .iiU :>!)S,l)il5 10I.SSU.Voilheiu l.'ank.... £1:1, Id !>-2il.«(J8 175,'J ISPUler Hank .... 3U ,i"7!> 307.-I48 107,110N'atioual Uaiik. ...| 85-J,2(il) OOJ.StW 60 ,510

The Cor* Examiner says the dry wealher hasstopped the di-euse in the potato crop.

H . H . L O W A Y'II OI N T M E N T AMJ P ILIJ .— Hollowly '* Pillsand Ointment liavu tlie larxi st ule of miy Mediciuo iu theworld. The Pills liro the finest purifiers ami regeneratorsuf the bluml ever known. Thoy speedily correct all disordersuf tin.' liver and stomach , nre. invaluable iu cases of dy:en-try, and HH a Keueral family medicine huvu no ei|uul. TheOintment will cura an)* uld wound, sure or ulc-r, wen ofIweuty years btiuidiug, uud iu all Citses uf skin diseases, how*ever uiHlii;iiant , such ui lepra , scurvy, i:ch , and nil otheruunoyin,' irrilati.nm ot tbo skin , il may lie relied upon us alieifect euro ; ind.'eil fur All external complaints it stands un-rivalled tliiou^bout the worlt. T:te.4t! famous remedies canIm obiitiuu-l ot all Puteut Medicion Veudurs in Siaui, Pekin ,Hong K'OMK , Shanghai, uuJ iu lacl throughout tlia wliulu ofChina , indiM , mid thu Inlands of the Oiieutul Atchipehmo,al>u in uvt-ry part ol Syrix , Aiitbia , Greece, atij Tuikey , withcopious dire.lious allud lu every pot or bui, evcu iuClnueso (ur auy olluir lan^ua^c), and at a veiy ld..soiuiblcprice. SoU at 49 Kiuu-blrcet. Wnlerfuril .


f Where two places are mentioned, tbe last named is th»l atwhich the depot of the regiment is atatumecUJ

CAVALRY. Atbloue ; 2uil do, Kdiu-

l«t Life GJ-i .. Windsor burgh ; Athlune3d Mb do...Uoc»l'i F.A 20th...Alder-l.o. ; Belfast.UvUIoree du...llyde Park 27th... Bengal ; Cork1st l)nii!i>on do...5Iadri«,Ciiiit 2dth... Bombay ; Krmoy

2d [Htto...Beinal ; Canterbury 29tb...Olas«o.v ; Preston3d Ditto...U.)mbay ; do 30th...Toronto ; Parkhurst

4tli l)itto ...l)iibliu 31st...Cliina ; ChathamStli Ditto...Curnigh 38d... Plymouth ; PrestonOtli Ditto... AldcMlmt :)3d...Hoinbay ; tarrnoy7th Ditto... Huii l ; C*r.t. iith... lleugal; Colchester1st Dragoons... lSiriniu;rua-.n .15th...Hengdl ; Luatliiiiu2d Ditto... Piershill 3«t i...Kilkeiiiiy ; Ath one3d Hnssaw...N>!wbridge 37tli...Alderaliot; Pembrokeirh Ditto...OurraX li 3Sth... lltatsfal; Colchester5th Lancers...Norwich 39t'i...Bermuda ; Tcuiplemorelith l;r.ij;uoiis... Buuibay ; Wth.-. New Zealand ; Uur

Maidstone «al Ve.v«.il. ; Presloii7tliIIussaM...lJengal ; Mai<lst 2d...B«iiK;»r; Stirling8th l) .)...ltvngiil; Canterbury 43<l... Ma>lrai ; Chatham9th Lancrs... Uriulit ,u Utli... toiubay ; Colchester10th Hussars... Yu.k «th... ubln. ; P*rklior,t1 Ith Dilt.l...Cal,ir ttltli... tt!iiipil ; B,ittev»tit

12th UuceM ... Aluorshot I7lb... -Montre.ilj Atblouo13th Husi.,rs...Aldershot .I8tli... »eug«l ; Cork1 Hh Hussii«...Mancliistev Wth.- Manoliester ; HclfnstISth Hus*i»...IJiindalk -5mh...C'eyloD ,- ParkhurstKith Lan«TS...SI,eHield olst.. liengal ; Cbatham17th Lancers... Madras: Maid- S2d...Heuo-ul ; Chut ham

.stone 53'.l... P»rw:iiouili i Winchester18th IIuss,ir.-i ...IIounslow 5Hb... Ui:fB»l ; CoMie.-tt.rrlU tl i Hus«is... »euSal S5th... l'or.sm,,iil l ; 1 res.utl20th do...lloiii{*l Bllth...Boiiiliay ;Culcli«ter21st do...Kengal 57th...New Zealand ; .ork

MILIT A RY -raitx 5Slb...Ciirmgli ; bnr1st Ritlallon , Woolwich 5Uth...Dover ; Chic iiater2,l IUttiiliui i , A I I - r s l . ut 0<«h . l»t l«t...Al.le,.H.int ;3d Battalion , 15 N America W meiicster ; 2nd hat..l ..rts-Ith Ha' talion, Aldursliot mouth, \\ iiuliestcr ; .Ird bat6th Hatliilion, Woolwich • ....M.«lmi, U mc!«-j.i«i- ; Kb(Jib liattaliou , CuiMnh bat. Canada, tt uicliestcr

FOOT oUAttos t!lst...Aldersbot : l'entbiokcGrenndier (iuanU, 1st bat , o2d .Cau-.ula ; Jfclfiut

Canada ; 2nd bat , Windsoi l!3d...CanaJa ; Uull.ist3rd do, Wiruuj:ton HaiTal ks l!Uli... Aldershot j Canterbury

Colditrwio Guards, 1st bat...|«3tli...New /.calami ; birrAldersbott ; 2nd do, tlu'th....MaUni3 ; Co ChesterPortinnn-street , nnJ St. i!7lh...C'lmia; AthlonoJoh n's Wood lit<th....Miid ias ; renui.y.

Salts V Guards, 1st Ittttaln... iJ'Jili....Madras j rciinoySt Ueorgu's Uarrucks ; 2ud 70lh...Mfedaud ; tantcrburybat, C'-.iadR. 71»t...Ucii!£iil J Slirlnif

I .NPASTRY 72iI...Hmnliay ; Abonleen1st Foot 1st bat. ...Madras , 73d... Plymouth ; Ciiichesler

ColchiKlcr ; iid do, Alder- 7Ui...Mad i aa ; Aberdeenshot ; Colchester 73th...Plymouth ; Chatham

2d...lsl bat , Aldershot ; 7«th.-.AIdcrshot ; Uell.wtWidiner, do j 2d do, CVlii, 77th...Uensal ; CliatbauiWaluicr 7tjlh... Slioinclilf.': Aherdeen

3d .1st ba*., Tower, Iiimcrick ; 7Uth... lieugul ; Stirling2nd do, Gibraltar, Limerick 8i)lh... Hi!iW»l i lSntlevmit

4th... 1st hat , H.imliay,Wlst...lJcr.j ,-al ; CliathaulChatb.un ; 2nd hat , CVpha SJd... Helical ; C.inteilmryIonia , Ch.ithaui. *Jd... Dover ; Cliatbam

5th...1st bat , Aldenhnt , Col- d-ltli...Slioriichlle; Pembrokecbester ; 2d bat , Mauritiu.- 8.".th...C'ape ; PembrokeCoir-heater rflith...C 'utrag li; lcuipleniore

Oth 1st bat , Oosport , Col- d7th...Cunaj;h ; Huttev.mtchrtter ; 2d bat, Corfu, 6Sth...Uengal ; C..lche,,ierColchester aath...lli!usiil ; rennoy

7th ..1st bat, Ringal , Wai- :liith...lieng.d ; C.uiterunrymer;2ildoliihr:dtar,Wabiiei Jlst...Madras ; Chalham

8th...M bat , Shelli.'KI . iUd...Ilenij-.il ; Smlui-Teuiple.ro e; 2d. bat, Gib- D3il...»eiiS»l ; A .erdeenvaltur , Teiiiplcmore. t'tl i . . . l leii b'al ; C iiilbam

Oth...1st bat , Corfu, Linie.ick ; '.ISth.- Hoinliaj ; t er.noy"d bat Corfu, Limerick •.Hitli. . . Slloriiellll«! jClucllMtcr

10th...Ut but , D'lhliu , Pies )7th... Bengal ; Culche»terton ; -->id , Cape, Preston .13th... Bengal ; Canterbury

llth...lst hat, Dublin , Ker- •J'.ltli .-Cliiiia; Corkinuy ; 2d kit , Ciipe, Furnioy lUUtli.. . Oibraltiir ; l'arkl.iust

12th . 1st bat, NS Wales; Cli.it- K'lst , Bengalham ; -Jnd but , Cork , Cliat- Utind, Madia!luin IU. !id , Ilonib.iy

13th...Ut' hat , Bengal , Fur- IDI th , Bengalinoy ,- 2nd bat, Cap.-, do luitb, Mmhas

1 1th...1st hat , Jnniiiicu , For- im'tb , Bombayinuy ; Jud hat , NZealaud, d. iu7th , B.nSal

loth Ut bat , M Hiun-svvick .ilUSlh , .MadiasPembioke; 2d bat , Malta ,' IWitb , Uomhay __Puiiitimke iKille Br , 1st nat....t -.uia'la ,

lCtli... ist hat , Canada, Tern.' Wclusler ; 2nd bat , lli-ir.id,|.letnore;2nd bat , Nova rtcoti u Winchester :3d bat , lienira l,,1,, I Winchester; Un bat , ..laila ,

17th...1st hat , Canada, Lime.! Winclu^t. -rl ick; 2nd bat , Nova Scotia,! . • OIO:";V.1' "rP"".Limerick :1"' w'cst 1 i;...lijrbaJocs

18th . lit bat , Madras , Untie- -ad...li.iliaiiiasvant ; 2nd bat , Jersey . .•)il...l!aiUu|..Mlluttevant i.Uli...J.iiii :iiea

Kltb-HI bat , Bi'ii-al , Chat- CVylou KiHo H.-r-'t....Cey lonh.mi : 2nd bat , Curi-a gh, do Cape .Mouutiil i:itluuivii...C:i|i«

2O.h...Ut hat , Bengal , Chat- 1 ol liood Hu;*ham; 2nd bat , l'oilsinoiilii , l!l Canadian Kulm ...KindlonCiiatli.im St "'•li":l Ite-'t .. S t l l . .|...iu

"lsl 1st hat , l!.irlia.|.ics, l!irr; Hoy.d -Neivfciiiii i llanil Lur( .s...•Jnd hat , Dublin , Birr Newfoundland

"•'ml 1st bat , .Malta. I'-.rk- Ul. Malta teucibhv ...Maltabur.^t; 2nd bat. \Udta, 1 ... k , <J'»d Coast Corps...Ca|u CoastInn-si .Ml S;all Corps...Cn.ilh.uu,

23nl ..'.!.it l i l t , Bengal , Wai- Kent

mer; 2.1 do, Malta , Wall • lll S.ippers .t Millers...Uronip-2 l l l l ...1st hat , Al.l . -isli . i l i i t»n , Kent

Cork ; 2d do, .Mauritiu- I !1 Kiu 'un.-. r-i... Cliatliam2.')lh...lst bat , (i i i . iallar | \ruiy HI Corps...Cn.ilu.uu

HMMT llATTA LIONS.1st Depot Hal., Chatham j l K b Jo, lielfast2nd do, Ciialhaui IOlh do, I S-.iltevantM do, Chiilli.uil llitb d i, Tiuiijj leiii.ji u¦fth di , C.inti'rljuiy 17th do, l .i:ue>ick5th do. l'.ukliui>l lolh do, Feumiylith dn. Waliuer i i u t i i Jo , I'Vriiuy7lh ib> , Wiiuih. -stcr i2Olli do, C.ukSib d,., 1" broke 2lsl do, Ciiieh.- .-terillii do, t 'ohhe.-ter 2iud do, Stirling

lillh il.. , (. 'olclie-Aer ,i.;,d Jo, Aherdeen11th tin , l'rest.iu jCBValry Depot , Maidsl.iul-Ji'.i il . . , A:h!uiie Do. Canterbury13lh do, Bin- I

KASIIIONS FOll SEPTEMHKU.In the inidit of f.ibliiuii.il/l o materials l.iul.ir.lo s'i!l re-

tains its imputation. The nib'-' pcunoir and humous arevt.ry generally m:».i.! in ibis ml i . .-l. -. A skirt uf plain 1'uul.ir.leof a snp. i inr q'fility, liitnnntl w'.lh tw* nair.Av iluteiltl.tunc.^, and a vr\l l .u iui i i s ur s- .ule-eu li.r.in.e, u-iili mi'I I U I K I W fi i l l , I O I I I .S a >iii:|d>: Iwlelle , wnicl i I I M V in- wuiueipially hy tin! ino.-t i t i tHi i i/ iu e la.!> or l.y one ol n-s< preipu-sloll. A plain violi-t foui.ud , bral.k-d in a lar^e pattern ,loriliiug A wn-alh mid salit. '.ell-baique boily and v. >t or.iiuejto match , constitute an-'llii'r style in wlii . -h this aiiiele isbecoiuiui:ly made up. No more elegant illuming uicas canbe ii i i iginid , in this material , than » white ground ivi hlMliquels ul flowers scattered over it. l t i s also i.oiv wi.rufor cvL'iiiuc; du-ss in the country oral wateiing places. Theyare very suitable for young girls, wht'ii ui.ide wilh s.i.sb liedbehind and l«o long ends, and tlie skirt Iriulined with tbetwo narrow Etouuci-s su geueiul ly worn. Ti.ey are edgedwith while or colome.1 talletas. It the body he ma.le lu.v , itshoul.l have il small ticbu uf tulle trimmed with blollJe i>|-lace, not reaching lower tiinu lo meet the sash behind nuilcopen , .-mil terminating in treul with Livu puiiits. Wilh mewhite iHjinpadour foulardc, when the l>o.ly is low , ll is u-.ii.ilto wear wilh il an embroidered imulin vest tiimuiei withlace, or with a muslin ruclie edged witli very iiarrmr Valeii-cionne- . Sty le ol paleto is one mad.! uf plain irui pure, linedall thriiugh with lilac, white , ur n:iiar.iti:he. Tite rotou.le i»a deci'leJly fashionable form. An elegant ball-drcts ofwhite 'mill! ilhiiiiou , over r.isc-ciilouicd trttl '.-tas, proJuceJ auexcellent fifed . It is inuile with t.vu skirts. The bottomuf the lower skirt is covtrcd with Imuilloiines on the bi..s,which are t.ep:uatr-d by H light braueh of pmk ivtid white-briar roses. The second skirt forms, iu Hppc.irance, a ratherlong luuitjllP , triuuueil with a wide tlouuce uf white lai-y ,abovu which iviuds another branch ut biiar-roscs. Tbe boJyl.ivv , with a lierthe of laci*, and a wreath uf tloweis ruiiiid llieKlmuldtMs. Aiiolhcr bull-dress is uf white tarlutanc ; thebottom of the skirt ttimiued with u tlouuce of rich black gui-pure, headed by a tailalaue ruclie , which is e.lged with auiirrow uuipiue; thi! second skill , catubt up by u wreathof field-flowers , i** broi.lereil with a ruehe, beaded by a Hoai.cenf Kui pure falling iu festoons just over Ihe ruciie. The iioJ > ,triiiiinnl with Kuipure, is crossed by a wr.-alhe fastened onthe shoulders with u huuquel. This tiolette may be simpli-fied hy employing white tarlatane tiiiuuiiu^, with .nMulle.e.lHouuces, and ruches of rnse-coloureil t.irUt.me ur wreaths ofroses. L11114 srshes aio uiucii worn , tied behind , and arevery suitable and pretty, but ure best cLitcl to yuu.i^ uirl iaud for ladi.-s ivhu are small, hut e;i-acefu( ill ti^ure. Someare made of plain Mark silk , simply pi ped at the hotto.n ,and tin? ends tiiiuined with chenille or silk Irin^e. Thrt hatsof this a.-.null , which me not urecis.'ly chap.raui de ville areot four dilfeiciit shapes, uud compiise the cu.ipeau bata-lio.e, which is the largest ; the ch'ipc.iu ii inin , uf smallerJimer.siinis ; the eliapcau Tudor, with raised sides, andthe Cl:apeau IiiiperaM-ice , wilh flat sidi*-, slightl y lul-liug before and heliiud , and a rai-.-tl ciowii. The mniitliol Au^liit has ail.led a tilth , which s.-uiui, to be e;aiuili4 la-v-.nr. We ullu-le tu the Maiio Automate lori'i , tlie cruwuof which is small and lii - ii , aud the brim nirrmv uu.i H i t .It is very umrh Inumied nilh f.'athei s au.l (loucts, place. 1just (.a the tup i>f llie iu-nd. Thu hair is ilrauu back an.Iciimp.-d, with lur|,-c im les >,n each aide, ut the head, audpl.iits at the back. Those nmde- iu bl.ick ur white ciiimhneor Lnusauue straw me luucli Used tor truvellm^, and ..iepuerully tiimmed with small bunches uf ll.overs or Irilit.The smue materiuls aiu also used tor Iraveiiui^ bonnets,tiiiniued in a similar manner. Wv tuav aleu nieiition ubonnet of It.-I^iau straw , with straiv-culouied cuilaiu aulsliiu^s bound with black. A harha of b.ack Uce is cairiedfrom euch side and lictl at the liack uver tlu> curtain. Thefront , which i9 ipiile plain , in sui mutinied Ly u tuft uf whiterostrs with str.uv-colouretl centres, uud repeated inside thebonnet in thu aiiJst of a chicorci; ul bl.ick mid u-liilu bluiide.Another bomii-t wus coiuposeil of black crinoline, triiuiiie-1with biiciiplur-biitloiis mid ineiturtiums, with black iibboncl^cd with llio colour uf the fioweis. These »re, ut course,only for netli i.-e ur travelliu,;. There is but little noveltyat thu present time fur those in tuiirlUs de ville. Thu i»ostfasl.ioinible aio uiustly uf fiue straw , liimuied wilh bou-illuuuua uf tulle and inarabuutK, ur ul line lich stravr withan ai ifrotte, black nud ml. btinius uf the s.nne colours, andthe cdu'e tiiiimied with a ruehui.f black ami ml ailk. '|'lielieiiil-drrMrs for Ihc present o.-aaun are much litfliter tli..nthosa worn m Ike winter. A beuulilul wrealh lur dinuerdies» is composed of bunches of sorbier mixed with blackvelvet ; Riiutlmr , wilh eglantine auJ yrceu velvet ; and athird , of black .mil wlnto grapra, with foliage in shadedcreon velvet. \ury ele-,,iu uieaibs are also mad* withwhile rotcD w:th their buds luruiing delacbcd bouou.ls,joined logelh.r with a wreath uf vine leaves. The leavesmuni be quite young aud small , ur Hie colour nuuld bo luosulubm.—_L« FulUL

TAKE CA R E OF YOUR DUN N LT H .— Brush with usoil brush the dust off your bonnet when your re-turn from a w B lk. A bonnet u,,d irimmirU willthus last double the time , fresh and new-looking.A LONO FELT PfllLIC WAST SlUVLlED. -A Pateut liasjust Wen grinned lur the ilanufHctuiu uf a new Oil for illu-«'¦¦><"¦¦« purpu.«. Thi, u,l is kuuwu » thu PHI« I C«e.hue Uil . it. adv»..l»g« are Bltat . ,|lel0 is 110 du . ;

"*u«, il. j.e.lcc safety U,»g tuar.ute.d. IL pro.,,,, ',a u

U0!,tpnncitu. . hislit , mid yields no ufleuMve od,u.- ; it

" trulyicuomicu!. and wil l burn iu any parutliu ur I ydro-carboi.amp. .Messrs. Cnsstll , Muilh , &. Co., bu, Fr.iicl.urcb "treete-iKEr1111"1 AKCUl 5 lor "> sA° 'a »" -;;"-

CitlTlCAL POSITION OF AFFA1US IX A.MKIUCA.The foJIowinx extracts from a private letter sp-'

pearing in the Licerp ool Daily Post , will give someidea of tbe recent state of matters . in the North,and may be more confidentl y relied on than theboastful statements of the American pres3 :—

" We commenced this war too sanguine of victory.We thought we had nothing to do but to marchright down into their country and give them uknock on the head for their rebellious behaviour.Well , the crack has been given , but , unfortunately,the wrong head has bctn hit , so it has to be givenover again. Capitalists und business men arabeginning to look this mutter square in ths face,aud find the power arrayed against the governmentof far greater niaj/nilude than they had conceived itto be ; JII .I in order lo pro:e.-t tliemsidves mid thrirproperty they are contributing with u lavish handto a fund now raising to be used as bounties tovolunteers. Vet (dare I speak it?) I would tt\from what I have seen and heard , recruiting doesnot eo on very briskl y. The ceusc-i are many. Ii,the firs t place , il is harvest lime, uud none can gofrom the country ; our manufactories are busy mak-ing the nccesKiiry articles for ihe proper equi pmentof the immense army iu the field.

" 1'dlriolisin , like many other ijuis, dies out whenwe have to expose ourselves or our wordi v interest*to danger or injury. Then we have the melan-chol y spectuele uf witnessing the arriv al of verylarge numbers of iick and wound-:.! soldiers , fillingour hosp ital.! aud every large public building we,can m ike an hosp ital of. In cv.:rv street , at everycorner, we seo them —objects of pity aud coimnU-seraiion—with he ids bandaged u;i , ariiM in slingj,und hobbling on e.titehes. These scen. -s, as youmay suppose, uru not very jv.ud inducements " i.irour young men iu ent- r the .- . r-ny. Tin-. Govern-ment sees thi -t , und conleni|dj le.s erecting targe mili-tary husp iials on the borders of Virg inia fur the useof volunteers , instea d of bring ing them to the citie3of ihe North. What the end uf tins unfortunatecivil war will be , none but the Allwisu can toll.Were you to make a journ ey here to gain any iu-furniatii.-u ou the slate of affairs an-1 wh.it the resultis to be, J O H would have to return very little wiser;for op inions of men arc so opposite and extreme,that u sensible stranger wuuld be at loss who orwhat lo believe, lu the opinion of many, we arothe greatest country in the world , und , t.j me thefavourite toast , "Tlie Yankee nation can whi pcreation ;" u!lieis s,iy we have oni y commenced thiswar ,and have acted wit h moderation and clemency,but now we will go down Soulh and wi pe themclean out , allow ilium no mercy. Another class siiy,well we might us well give up, we cannot beatthese Southern rasculs ; but should it he knownhe thinkd so, he is put down as a Scc-sh nt once--explanation is uf no avail .

" 1 ou may probabl y csk what is my opinion as tothe result of this war : I may rep ly it is scarcel ysafe for a man to express !ii:usi;lf a-i he Hunks tlie«times for if you don 't agreo wilh every thing that iidune by ihe administration , sival' i.v all that is saidby LSiiucimibe politicians for gusp- .-l , and use effortand persuasion to every one else, thai every defeatwe meet with is a brilliant victor y, you are a marxedman iu the community, a sympathiser with lhuSouth , an-! a rebel at heart, l'reedoiu of speechand the press are among ' llie thi. i ^s that were. '

"' The ubuliiioiii sts ol the Nurtli and the lire-eat-ers of the South have a fuarf- il aco .uut to render atllie liual judgment. The auulili .. iii.sU are, geno-rall y, n prejudiced and fanatical set "f vil l ia os , theyplead for tbu freedom of the negro , but in realitythey onl y seek to weaken the political influence oltile Southern people. As you ,ire aware , the gre.itcry fur the wooll y heads cyiuea iVom New ICnglundStaler. Tiiey .ire rmil i l i i lal l y yel ling out " l'rce-doin to tin- ni gger, " and " G.oriii'.ts old JohnHru*ii ;"' yet it U astuui-hiii g to ihi:ik , that aft. rthey steal as many ni ggers lro:n the South as theypossibl y can , th -y ' oi i Ic -.-jp 0;i.> of t i i i n. I'licyshi p them right oil' lo Canada , where thu poorwretches shiver fur lour or iive years in that sevev ecli-nate , and die ui scrofuluus disease.

" We see in this good city of our* (Philadel phia)nigger worshi jiers and 1'hil.iuihrop ists who wouldtaKu the ni gijer to their bosoms, and yel let tiie un-forlU:.atu wui te outcast die of starvation. Youmust not suppose that 1 am a pru-ilavc- :y man be-cause 1 despite -ibulit iunists , 1 «i.o upposj.! to slavery,and would remove the evil by lair and lawfulmeans, il | |,,id the powor ; but as slavery is an iu-stituliun of the coiiulry, as old as the o. intiy itself,and us II const itution g ives i-j ti ie pc.i ,dc of eachstate the right uf making tlu- ir own domestic LwjIn .sllll tiiemselves , 1 lioo 't seo w!i) I , -i resident inl'ennsy lvii i i ia , sinii t id int-rleru with the inter.iolall'.iira uf Soulh Carolina or M.issachin-.-tls.

" .W'ClelMii 's star has past its zonith , and is fastfalling iiitu ihc huf ix :>:i. Il . i l leck' s i- ^ n-> tt the guid-ing li^ h: tu victory ; but c-usid.-r wn il a Cv>:isielhi-tion there is among Ih-.- rebei.- i U.ivis . I.L.eJ leiiure gard,Jackson , li-.vell , and ii bust of other.. . Veril y, ifgeueniLii ip wil l gain victoi y, CuufcJerale stockwill soon be above pir . Talking of »t.j cks , I maystale tii.it monetary all'-iirs are "in L siiocking badstate. </ Id is sixteen per cent, above par., silverten ; cuiiseijuciitl y we imvu no ch.mge tor ordinarypurposes (,r b'.i.-incss. Wo imike change in poslngoslumps and siib plaslcrs. It 's rather cirnicul whenyou lake a M,C.. .I »1. . S.-I wi l l ) your fn-.i.J to pay the,bust wilh pjjt.igi - -tamps ; or a pour wo.nan askingyuu to change iu-r a " live cent slicker. " lu aweek or two liie government pruniiies tu g ive a lulut Mini! siii ip Lslcia Hi the shape ol sta npi. Wtienissued I u iM sciii l y.iu so.ne siieci'iuaj . "

\ ctts \TU . I rv .\5 A M M .WS iu Al \N :K> .U ..—We aronot sl- i.l lure to ilu merel y soiiie one tiling, whichwe can scarcel y suppose that we shall be n-quired lodo again , when , crossing ih,> Styx , we ll.id our-sclvis iu liter.illy . U hulher I am a punter , a scul p-tor , a puct , a romance writer , an essayist , a politician ,a lawyer , a merchant , a hatter , a tailor , a mechanicat factory or luoin , it is' certainl y much tor me inthi '. life tu du thu one thing I protess to do uswell as I can. but when I have done that ,and thiit thing olu.ie , nothing mure, what is myprofit in thu life to euine.' 1 uo n.<t b-liove tint [shall bu asked to paint pictures , carve at.itueii , writsodes, trade at exchange , make huts or coats , ormanufacture pins and c.tiun prints , w lien 1 am inthe Empyrean. Whether 1 he the yr.niuest geniiuuu curth in a sing le thinj , uud that sing le tilingearthly—ur the poor pcusent who , behind hisploug h, whistles fur want of thoug ht — 1 strong lysuspect it will bu all one when I puss to the com-petitive examination —y onder. Ou the other aideof the grave , a RalK eilu 's ociruj) amn may be goneus well us a ploug hman 's. This world is a schoolfur llie education , nut uf a faculty, but of a man.Just as in the body, if I rcsuive lo be a rower , andonly a rower , the chance? are that 1 shall have in-deed stiuug arms, but weuk legs , and be strickenwith biindncss Ir.mi the g lare ot the waier ; so inthe mind , if 1 care bat lor one exercise . Bud do notconsult the health of the iiund altogether , I maylike George Morlaud , be u wonderful painter ofpigs und pigsties , but iu ail else , as a human being,be below contempt—uu ignoramus and n drunkard.— Utr A. II . I.iilinn.

TUB LU V C ot- U ui ur v . — The love of beauty nndrefiiieiuei t beloirgs lo every true wu.nan. Sheoug ht to desire iu inodei-iitiu n , prelty dresses , unddeli ght iu beautiful colours' and grueelul fabrics ; sheuug hl to take a certain , nut lo excessive pride inherself , uud be soliciiuus lo have ull belong ing toher Hell chuscu and in goud tusU'; to cure fur theperfect ordering of her house , the harmony aud tit-ness of her furniture , the cleanliness of her surroun-dings , the guud sty le of her arrangements : she oug htnut lo like singularity either ot habil or appearances ,or be ublu tu stand u.it against a fashiun when fash-ion has become custom : she oug ht tu make licrB elfconspicuous onl y hy the perfection of her taste , bylhu gracu and harmony of het drc??, the unobtrusive ,good breeding uf her manners : she oug ht to setthe seal of gentlewomen on every square inch of herlife , and shed the radience of her own beauty andrefinement on every material object abuut her.

Hoi.LowAv 'a (J I X T S I K S T AMI I'ILI .S.—Health ySkin —Al certain s^Ui-'i.s ul tl.e y - u r , skin .'.t-rasuM are uioreIr.iub.c-ki.uie il .uii »[ olli. r |>tfitixJ» ; ami ...i .*:icli ueeaaiuui tirethi-a? t.vu fdiU'iij .-. rciK.lie.-. i.iuat mn-irkublc l- - r tbeir cuiu.ivepowers. i'he Oiultucnl cure- cxi.jMi.ilty tlie tliifigurrinenifuiiinu lr»iu aciolulu , scurvy, niicvvorin , jsmjueit , liintcli d amiuilier .ii.uiucu. Tne I" ."" p . i i . ) " ull tlio m.I ills and dm.]* onn-p.ikuig Hit- b..ly. Tlie Uinliii. 'iii in.i mil; ...Mihes and liemli tlioKurli.ee , bu.- p.ib»es tu the ulu..Us b.-uratii , elea:ia-a tliein , ex-p. -ls all l.npui il ics and rmim'e.. all i.li>lpuell..n. Hullowuy 'l t •u.MVi.ed Ui.itiiieiil t.nl I'iila |>vb>rss tl.e »cn ilonaklc po»vr •)<cjccriij i Ir lie; i i i i i . l j .lie ni-,1, ,,| ij, . . ^i.^iitea l ur uip«lvim.ciil ..km ciupiiuii * und ukeruuu distempers.

A ll i.v r ro THE Lames. — I n muMtig jour pur-chases, always v- e. ttiat y..n ^e. valu^ f..r y.-ur tnoDay. Il lsduubtrul tcui..jiny lu jilirelia-i- -in iiilcriui uiticle ut IIIIV linir,even ttllli i iueh it m:iy be ull.-i.-d at J :I a|.)urriilly low pnee, andpubitivt: Itiriltl . Mxi-b. lo pav as uiui-li l-.r ^u itilcrior article asy..u e.ui ublain a sii|ienur ort.e e :i.r. II CH I I- II are now be<ui-linii; to lind til..I it is more nri.fi U I IA- in llie end to ndll kuperiurarticles :>t muJeiu:^ (irieeb . and iu iliu*lm;i»n of Una we bovumuch pleuaur in iii:ur.imi^ >uu , ili.it tlio ULtsKitLD 1'ATEKTiirAHCU— -.lucb hub- been usvd exe.uii.veiv in li*»r Aliijetly 'bl.auniiry lor muny yetus—c^n m.w be oliUiincd from yourgrucer aliniiai u* uiu-ap us Hie most common Liudt msde, r.irttllliuugh il c.sia him ui'ir- , Ihe large ij uutility .'I .1 wbietl ho« I'a yieids biin a la.^er profi l in tlie ugxiegiuethtinlba infanorkind * u-i.ic't are Mile, in dcma/Kl, ao.t lit- Jilts theaatitlmcllanui uivliix his eukt. .iu.:r> un article wl.icli tie I IHK ovvry ruaiuti inbelieve will plrase tliein, Kcein ^ lial the C^uecn's Latindn-a*u»e s It exc.usivclv in -cttin i; up the Im^ns , lacen , ^ce., ul hctMiijcbly uud llie. l(i')a! Kuimly. .M«v be tiaj al 111 Iuuir..iiri.l.IV uimfurd.

WArKKF. iKii. —l 'rinteil uud 1'ublUutd hy KIMV AJID » I

Kt .vxK V , nt The "'aterford Xtwt Cienera l l'riutinif, BouL-biutliug, uud -Macliiue Ituliuj KsUiblibbuitnt , 13 Iiiug-slrn-tin the. i'urUu uf Tiioity U'iltiu , tvery t'riday £v«uisa;. '

SuBscuinio.vs—Yearly liu advai x) , VM. \ balf-yearl.r ,Gs. lid. ; it Uut, pail in advHUte, 16b y*Kily. stamped £dlt)OUyearly, iu u.lvance, 17>. td. ; if not pui.i in H .Irani*, la». tki.AuvcttibeiueulM lur 'litu tws wiii ue iixciYe.; L) cfclV tt *Pti-.-t.wiC .\C4« Aaeai. la tue bulled. .\.uB 4uul. -
