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Sniper rifles5

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ادق ن ب ن صي ا ن ق ل اSniper rifle ق ل ط ي ح صطل م ادق ن ب ن صي ا ن ق ل ا ى عل ادق ن ب ل ا ات د ة الدق ة ي ل عا ل ا ادرة ق ل ا ى عل ع ض و ة ق ل لط ا ى ف ها ن مكا ح ي ح ص ل ا د ن ع ة رماي ل ا ى عل ات ساف م دة ن ع ب رC كثG ا ن م ادق ن ب ل ا ة عادي ل ا ن ك ل و ة دق ب ر. كثG ا ت م مOOOO ص ادق OOOO ن ب ن يOOOO ص ا ن ق ل اC ت ي ح ب ونOOOO ك ب ها ل ى علG ا وى تOOOO س م ن م ة OOOO الدقC ت ي ح ب م ت ت ي ك ر OOOO ت ار_ ط ن م رى ص ي رة ج ح و فf د ف ات ق ض وا م ب ة ري سك ع ة رماي ل رG ت ا خ الد ات د ق ع صا ل ا. ى ر ك ر م ل ا دم خ تOO س ي ا دOO ه ح طلOO ص م ل ا" ادق OO ن ب ن يOO ص ا ن ق ل ا ى ف" اطOO وسG الأ ة ري كOO س ع ل ا فOO ض و ل ىG ا وع OO ن ن م حة سلG الأ ها ل وت ك س ل ب رى ص ي ات ود ة دق ة ي ل عا دمة خ ت س م ل ا هدافG لأ ل ة مادي ل ا. ة ريC ش لب واG دا OO بورO ه_ ظ ةOO اص ن ق ل ا ى ف رن OO لق ا ن م اC OO ن ل ا رC ش ع ن ك ل و ادق OO ن ب ن يOO ص ا ن ق ل ا ةOO عال ف ل ا تG دا OO ب ور ه_ ظ ل ا OO بً را خG ؤ م ع م ور ط ن ل ا ر ث ب ك ل ا ى عل ر ث_ ظ ا ن م ل ا ة ري ص ن ل ا ع ي ب ص ن ل وا ق ت قدOO ال ادق OO ن ب ل ن يOO ص ا ن ق ل اورOO ط ن ل وا ى جوOOOOO ل و ت ك ن ل اC ت ي ح وم OOOOO ف بC وش OOOOO ت ح ل ا ب ي در OOOOO ن ب ودf OOOOO ت ح ل ا ى عل مال ع يOOOOO س ا ة دOOOOO ه ادق OOOOO ن ب ل ا وا OOOOO ن و ك ن ل ن/ ي ي ادر OOO ف ى عل ة ايOOO صƒ ا دافOOO هG الأ ى عل و ات افOOO س م عد بG ا ن م ادق OOO ن ب ل ا دمة خ تOOO س م ل ا ى ف داتOOO وخ اةC OOO س م ل ا ر ث OOO ب ع ب. ة OOO ي ق د ن ب ل ا ة OOO عادي ل ااشOOO سG الأ ى ف م ي مOOO ص ي ادق OOO ن ب ن يOOO ص ا ن ق ل اG دا OOO ن م ف ل م ع ل ا و ه سة ق ب ط غ ض( ار ع ل ا ض ي ا وب ن ك ل و) اع رخƒ الأ عد ب ت ي ك ر ت ار_ ط ن م ل ا رى ص ن ل ا ح ي ص ي ة ي ق د ن ب. ن صي ا ن ق ة ي ع ا الدف سات الدرا رةG ت دا2013 ( ل كC ش ل ا1 :) M40 ار ن ع7.62 × 51mm 1
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القناصين بنادقSniper rifle

الدقة ذات البن���ادق على القناص���ين بن���ادق مص���طلح يطلق عند الص���حيح مكانها في الطلقة وضع على الق���ادرة العالية ولكن العادية البن��ادق من أك��ثر بعي��دة مس��افات على الرماية

أكبر. بدقة من مس��توى أعلى لها يك��ون بحيث القناص��ين بن��ادق صممت

ق����ذف وحج����رة بص����ري منظ����ار ت����ركيب تم بحيث الدقةالمركزي. الصاعق ذات الذخائر لرماية عسكرية بمواصفات

األوس��اط " في القناص��ين بن��ادق " المص��طلح ه��ذا يس��تخدم بص��ري تلس��كوب لها األس��لحة من ن��وع أي لوصف العسكرية

والبشرية. المادية لألهداف المستخدمة عالية دقة وذات

بن��ادق ولكن عشر الث��امن الق��رن في القناصة ظه��ور ب��دأ ب��الظهور ب��دأت الفعالة القناصين الكب��ير التط��ور مع م��ؤخرا

القناص��ين لبن��ادق ال��دقيق والتص��نيع البصرية المناظير على الجن��ود بت��دريب الجي��وش تق��وم حيث التكنول��وجي والتط��ور

إص��ابة على ق��ادريين ليكون��وا البن��ادق ه��ذه اس��تعمال على في المس��تخدمة البن��ادق من أبعد مس��افات وعلى األه��داف

تص��ميم في األس��اس العادية البندقية . تعتبر المشاة وحدات ون��ابض الغ��از )ضغط نفسه هو العمل فمبدأ القناصين بنادق

بندقية تص��بح البص��ري المنظ��ار ت��ركيب بعد اإلرج��اع( ولكنقناصين.

القناصين بنادق تاريخ (7.62x54mmR) ( عي�ارMosin-Nagant) البندقية اس�تخدام ش�اع . الثانية العالمية الح�����رب في ال�����روس القناص�����ين بين

الدفاعية الدراسات 2013دائرة

عيار M40(: 1الشكل )7.62×51mm

Mosin-Nagant(: 2الشكل )54mmR×7.62عيار


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) القناص��ين بنادق األمريكان استخدم يتناميةڨال� الحرب فيXM21والبندقية ) (M40.)

األمريكية األهلية الح��رب إب��ان الكونفدرالية الق��وات زودتWhitworth) الص����نع البريطانية القناص����ين ببندقية rifle) حيث التكب��ير ثالثي بص��ري ومنظار طويلة بسبطانة المزودة

على االتحادية الق��وات ض��باط قنص على الق��درة لها ك��ان ذلك في بها يس��مع لم ال��تي م��ترا730 من ق��اربت مس��افات


اس��تخدمت حيث تقليدية من أك��ثر ك��انت القناص��ين بن��ادقpeep) البص��رية المس��ددات sightsالمفت���وح ( والتلس��كوب

للض��بط المص��ممة والخلفية األمامية )ج��اليلو( والمس��ددات األولى العالمية الح��رب بداية مع اله��دف. وفقط مدى حسب

المعركة في رئيسي كس��الح القناص��ين بن��ادق بتوظيف ب��دأوالبريطانيين. األلمان من وباألخص

بن�����ادق أهمية إزدادت الثانية العالمية الح�����رب حقبة وفي في التكب��ير وتحسن اإلص��ابة في الدقة زي��ادة مع القناص��ين

بت��دريب الجي��وش وب��دأت3x أو2.5x بلغت حيث التلس��كوباتمنهجي. بشكل القناصين بنادق استخدام على أفرادها

القناصين: بنادق تمييزيلي: بما البنادق من غيرها عن القناصين بنادق تمييز يتم

البصري التلسكوب وجود(1) من األخ��رى األن��واع من أط��ول القناص��ين بندقية تكون(2)

البنادق.ثنائي. منصب لها يكون(3) م����ؤخرة في األخمس على راكبة رك����يزة لها يك����ون(4)

البندقية. Prone) االنبط����اح وض����عية من الرماية يس����هل أخمس(5)

position.)القناصين: بنادق أنواع

الدفاعية الدراسات 2013دائرة

XM21 ،M40(: 3الشكل )

Whitworth rifle(: 4الشكل )


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(Anti-personnel) لألفراد مضادة(1) النوع هذا ( ويقسمAnti-material Rifle) لألهداف مضادة(2)

قسمين: إلى .50BMG. عيار بنادقأ.

.20mm عيار بنادقب.لألهداف: المضادة القناصين بنادق استخدامات

(.Parked Aircraft) مدارجها على الطائرات(1)(.TelecommunicationMasts) االتصاالت هوائيات(2)(.Power Lines) الطاقة خطوط(3)(.Missile Sites) الصواريخ إطالق منصات(4)(.Radar Installations) الرادارات محطات(5)(.Refineries) التنقية محطات(6)(.Satellite Dishes) واالستقبال االرسال صحون(7)(.Gun Emplacements) المدافع مصطبة(8)(.Bunkers and Personnel) والخنادق األفراد(9)(.Counter Sniping) القناصة ضد(10)(.Ordnance Disposal) العمياء الذخائر(11)

القناصين: بنادق على الرماية وضعية ال��رامي يك��ون أن يجب بن��ادق على الرماية أثن��اء مس��تلقيا

الجسم يك��ون بحيث القناص��ين والص��در األرض على مم��ددا(.Prone position) ألعلى والظهر األرض باتجاه

القناصين: بنادق تصنيف

(:Militaryالعسكرية) القناصين بنادقأ.

وتكون التالية: المواصفات ضمن غالبا

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(: وضعية الرماية على 5الشكل )بنادق القناصين


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عالية. موثوقية وذات متينة(1)

المدى. بعيدة(2)

المختلفة. الجوية الظروف في تعمل(3)

والتصليح. الصيانة سهلة(4)

اإلصابة. دقيقة(5)

الوزن. خفيفة(6)

الثمن. مقبولة(7)

(:Law enforcement) الشرطة قناصين بنادقب.

جدا. عالية إصابة دقة(1)

متوسط. مدى(2)

(: Telescopic sight البصري) المنظار

من غيرها عن القناصين بنادق يميز ما أهم البصري المنظار يعتبر البصرية التسديد وسائل مع مقارنة طويل ويكون األخرى البنادق إمكانية الرامي ويمنح البندقية امتداد مع تركيبه ويتم األخرىبعيدة. مسافات على للتسديد أفضل

له بأن القناصين بنادق على يركب الذي البصري المنظار يتميز وعدسات ( مرة40) إلى ( مرات4) من تبلغ حيث أكثر تكبير قوة

إلى ملم40 بين العدسات قطر يتراوح حيث كبيرة تكون المنظار وواضحة. نقية رؤية الرامي يمنح ما ملم50

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(: منظار بصري6الشكل )


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من الرامي تمكن المنظار عدسات على تسديد شبكة رسم يتم الهدف حتى الرماية موقع من المسافة وقياس الدقيق التسديد

الروسي المنظار شبكة يبين ( الذي7) رقم الشكل في هو كماPSO-1القناصين بندقية على يركب الذي (Dragonovويتكون ) من

التالية: المدرجات

االنحراف . مدرج1

الرئيسي الهدف .مدرج2

الطلقة موقع .مدرج3

المدى .مدرج4

القناصين: بنادق عمل مبدأ

بطريقتين: تعمل القناصين بنادق معظم

: يلي بما (. ويمتازbolt-action) اإلرجاع : نابض األولى

والصيانة. التصنيع حيث من أرخص(1)

عالية. موثوقية(2)

أخف(3) البسيط. تصميمها من القطع بعض إزالة بسبب وزنا

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(: شبكة منظار 7الشكل )التسديد


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معدل على التامة السيطرة بسبب الموقع كشف صعوبة(4)الرمي.

: يلي بما (. ويمتازsemi-automatic) األتوماتيكي : شبه الثانية

. مشاة وكبندقية قناصين كبندقية استخدامها يمكن(1)

نيران. كثافة وكذلك عالي رمي معدل تؤمن(2)

المضادة البنادق مع هذه العمل طريقة استخدام يفضل(3)(.Anti-material Rifle) لألهداف

في القناصين بنادق مع هذه العمل طريقة استخدام يفضل(4)(.target-rich environments) األهداف فيها تكثر التي العمليات

القناصين لبنادق المستخدمة الذخائر

القناصين بنادق في المستخدمة الذخائر باختبار الجيوش تقوم األسلحة أنواع وحسب الذخائر هذه من يناسبها ما وتنتخب

لديها التزويدية والخطط لديها المستخدمة قوات تختار ما وغالبا قد تكون ألنها الجيوش تستخدمها التي الذخائر نفس الشرطة أهم يبين التالي وصعبة. الجدول معيارية ظروف في اختبرتالعالم: حول القناصين لبنادق المستخدمة الذخائر












30-06 Springfield







Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR)

8mm Mauser


Germany1905 اآلن حتى

Zastava M76

MG 42

Gewehr 43.303British7.7×56mmRAnti-



Lee-MetfordLee Enfield

.307.62 × 54 mm R


Russia1891Mosin-Nagant Dragunov sniper

rifle .308 7.62×51mm Anti-USA1950M14 rifle

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WinchesterNATO.personalM60 machine gun7 mm

Remington Magnum



Remington Model 700

. 338 Lapua Magnum

8.6×70 mmAnti-personal


.50 BMG12.7×99mm NATO



USA1921M2 Browning

Accuracy International AS50

Barrett M82/M107

12.7×108mm Russian

14.5×114mm Russian

Certain commercial cartridges designed with only performance in mind, without the logistical constraints of most armies, have also gained popularity in the 1990s. These include the 7 mm Remington Magnum (7.2×64mm), .300 Winchester Magnum (7.8/7.62×67mm), and the .338 Lapua Magnum (8.6×70mm). These cartridges offer better ballistic performance and greater effective range than the 7.62×51mm. Though they are not as powerful as .50 caliber cartridges, rifles chambered for these cartridges are not as heavy as rifles chambered for .50 caliber ammunition, and are significantly more powerful than rifles chambered for 7.62×51mm.

Jaguar AMR of Bolivian origin.

M82A1 SASR (Special Applications Scoped Rifle or Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle), a .50 caliber sniper rifle used as an anti-materiel rifle.

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Snipers may also employ anti-materiel rifles in sniping roles against targets such as vehicles, equipment and structures, or for the long-range destruction of explosive devices; these rifles may also be used against personnel.

Anti-materiel rifles tend to be semi-automatic and of a larger caliber than anti-personnel rifles, using cartridges such as the .50 BMG, 12.7×108mm Russian or even 14.5×114mm Russian and 20mm. These large cartridges are required to be able to fire projectiles containing payloads such as explosives, armor piercing cores, incendiaries or combinations of these, such as the Raufoss Mk211 projectile. Due to the considerable size and weight of anti-materiel rifles, 2- or 3-man sniper teams become necessary.

Most telescopic lenses employed in military or police roles have special reticles to aid with judgment of distance, which is an important factor in accurate shot placement due to the bullet's


Sniper rifleFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia(Redirected from World war 1 sniper rifles)Jump to: navigation, search

The 7.62×51mm M40, United States Marine Corps standard-issue sniper rifle.

The Accuracy International Arctic Warfare series of sniper rifles is standard issue in the armies of many countries, including those of Britain and Germany (picture shows a rifle of the German Army).

Bor – the 7.62×51 mm Polish bolt-action sniper rifle.

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Mosin-Nagant(: 1) الشكل

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In military and law enforcement terminology, a sniper rifle is a precision-rifle used to ensure more accurate placement of bullets at longer ranges than other small arms. A typical sniper rifle is built for optimal levels of accuracy, fitted with a telescopic sight and chambered for a military centerfire cartridge. The term is often used in the media to describe any type of accurized firearm fitted with a telescopic sight that is employed against human targets, although "sniping rifle" or "sniper's rifle" is the technically correct term for such a rifle.

The military role of a sniper (a term derived from the snipe, a bird which was difficult to hunt and shoot) dates back to the turn of the 18th century, but the true sniper rifle is a much more recent development. Advances in technology, specifically that of telescopic sights and more accurate manufacturing, allowed armies to equip specially trained soldiers with rifles that enable them to deliver precise shots over greater distances than regular infantry weapons. The rifle itself could be based on a standard rifle (at first, a bolt-action rifle); however, when fitted with a telescopic sight, it becomes a sniper rifle.


1 History 2 Classification

o 2.1 Military o 2.2 Law enforcement

3 Distinguishing characteristics o 3.1 Telescopic sight o 3.2 Action o 3.3 Cartridge o 3.4 Barrel o 3.5 Stock o 3.6 Accessories

4 Capabilities o 4.1 Accuracy o 4.2 Maximum effective range

5 See also 6 Notes 7 References

8 External links

[edit] History

During World War II, the (7.62×54mmR) Mosin-Nagant rifle mounted with a telescopic sight was commonly used as a sniper rifle by Russian snipers.

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Vietnam War era sniper rifles, US Army XM21 (top) and USMC M40 (bottom)

In the American Civil War, Confederate troops equipped with barrel-length three power scopes mounted on the exceptionally accurate British Whitworth rifle had been known to kill Union officers at ranges of about 800 yards (731.5m), an unheard-of distance at that time.[1][2][3][4]

The earliest sniper rifles were little more than conventional military or target rifles with long-range "peep sights" and Galilean 'open telescope' front and rear sights, designed for use on the target range. Only from the beginning of World War I did specially adapted sniper rifles come to the fore. Germany deployed military caliber hunting rifles with telescopic sights, and the British used Aldis, Winchester and Periscopic Prism Co. sights fitted by gunsmiths to regulation SMLE Mk III and Mk III* or Enfield Pattern 1914 rifles; the Canadian Ross rifle was also employed by snipers after it had been withdrawn from general issue.

Typical World War II-era sniper rifles were generally standard-issue battle rifles, selected for accuracy, with a 2.5× or 3× telescopic sight and cheek-rest fitted and the bolt turned down if necessary to allow operation with the scope fitted. Australia's No.1 Mk III* (HT) rifle was a later conversion of the SMLE fitted with the Lithgow heavy target barrel at the end of WW2. By the end of the war, forces on all sides had specially trained soldiers equipped with sniper rifles, and they have played an increasingly important role in military operations ever since.

[edit] ClassificationModern sniper rifles can be divided into two basic classes: military and law enforcement.

[edit] Military

U.S. Marine Corps SRT sniper team with an M24 sniper rifle, during sniper training.

Macedonian special policeman holding a Zastava M76.

Sniper rifles manufactured for military service are often designed for very high durability, range, reliability, sturdiness, serviceability and repairability under adverse environmental and combat conditions, at the sacrifice of a small degree of accuracy. Military snipers and sharpshooters may

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also be required to carry their rifles and other equipment for long distances, making it important to minimize weight. Military organizations often operate under strict budget constraints, which influences the type and quality of sniper rifles they purchase.

[edit] Law enforcement

Sniper rifles built or modified for use in law enforcement are generally required to have the greatest possible accuracy, more than military rifles, but do not need to have as long a range.

As law enforcement-specific rifles are usually used in non-combat (often urban) environments, they do not have the requirement to be as hardy or portable as military versions; nevertheless they may be smaller, as they do not need very long range.

Some of the first sniper rifles designed specifically to meet police and other law-enforcement requirements were developed for West German police after the Munich massacre at the 1972 Summer Olympics. Many police services and law enforcement organizations (such as the U.S. Secret Service) now use rifles designed for law enforcement purposes.

The Heckler & Koch PSG1 is one rifle specifically designed to meet these criteria and is often referred to as an ideal example of this type of sniper rifle. The FN Special Police Rifle was built for, and is marketed to, law enforcement rather than military agencies.

[edit] Distinguishing characteristics

Looking through a telescopic sight.

PSO-1 Sniper Scope Reticle1 - Lead/deflection scale2 - Main targeting chevron

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3 - Bullet drop chevrons4 - Rangefinder

The features of a sniper rifle can vary widely depending on the specific tasks it is intended to perform. Features that may distinguish a sniper rifle from other weapons are the presence of a telescopic sight, unusually long overall length,[5] a stock designed for firing from a prone position, and the presence of a bipod and other accessories.

[edit] Telescopic sight

The single most important characteristic that sets a sniper rifle apart from other military or police small arms is the mounting of a telescopic sight, which is relatively easy to distinguish from smaller optical aiming devices found on some modern assault rifles and submachine guns. This also allows the user to see farther.

The telescopic sights used on sniper rifles differ from other optical sights in that they offer much greater magnification (more than 4× and up to 40×), and have a much larger objective lens (40 to 50 mm in diameter) for a brighter image.

Most telescopic lenses employed in military or police roles have special reticles to aid with judgment of distance, which is an important factor in accurate shot placement due to the bullet's trajectory.

[edit] Action

The choice between bolt-action and semi-automatic (more commonly known as recoil or gas operation) is usually determined by specific requirements of the sniper's role as envisioned in a particular organization, with each design having advantages and disadvantages. For a given cartridge, a bolt-action rifle is cheaper to build and maintain, more reliable, and lighter, due to fewer moving parts in the mechanism. In addition, the absence of uncontrolled automatic cartridge case ejection helped to avoid revealing the firer's position. Semi-automatic weapons can serve both as battle rifle and sniper rifle, and allow for a greater rate (and hence volume) of fire. As such rifles may be modified service rifles, an additional benefit can be commonality of operation with the issued infantry rifle. A bolt action is most commonly used in both military and police roles due to its higher accuracy and ease of maintenance. Anti-materiel applications such as mine clearing and special forces operations tend to use semi-automatics.

A Marine manually extracts an empty cartridge and chambers a new 7.62×51mm round in his bolt-action M40A3 sniper rifle. The bolt handle is held in the shooter's hand and is not visible in this photo.

A designated marksman rifle (DMR) is less specialized than a typical military sniper rifle, often only intended to extend the range of a group of soldiers. Therefore, when a semi-automatic action is

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used it is due to its ability to cross over into roles similar to the roles of standard issue weapons. There may also be additional logistical advantages if the DMR uses the same ammunition as the more common standard issue weapons. These rifles enable a higher volume of fire, but sacrifice some long range accuracy. They are frequently built from existing selective fire battle rifles or assault rifles, often simply by adding a telescopic sight and adjustable stock.

A police semi-automatic sniper rifle may be used in situations that require a single sniper to engage multiple targets in quick succession, and military semi-automatics such as the M110 SASS are used in similar "target-rich" environments.

[edit] Cartridge

In a military setting, logistical concerns are the primary determinant of the cartridge used, so sniper rifles are usually limited to rifle cartridges commonly used by the military force employing the rifle and match grade ammunition. Since large national militaries generally change slowly, military rifle ammunition is frequently battle-tested and well-studied by ammunition and firearms experts. Consequently, police forces tend to follow military practices in choosing a sniper rifle cartridge instead of trying to break new ground with less-perfected (but possibly better) ammunition.

Before the introduction of the standard 7.62×51mm NATO (.308 Winchester) cartridge in the 1950s, standard military cartridges were the .30-06 Springfield or 7.62×63mm (United States), .303 British (7.7×56mmR) (United Kingdom) and 7.92×57mm (8mm Mauser) (Germany). The .30-06 Springfield continued in service with U.S. Marine Corps snipers during the Vietnam War in the 1970s, well after general adoption of the 7.62×51mm. At the present time, in both the Western world and within NATO, 7.62×51mm is currently the primary cartridge of choice for military and police sniper rifles.

Worldwide, the trend is similar. The preferred sniper cartridge in Russia is another .30 caliber military cartridge, the 7.62 × 54 mm R, which has similar performance to the 7.62×51mm. This cartridge was introduced in 1891, and both Russian sniper rifles of the modern era, the Mosin-Nagant and the Dragunov sniper rifle, are chambered for it.

Certain commercial cartridges designed with only performance in mind, without the logistical constraints of most armies, have also gained popularity in the 1990s. These include the 7 mm Remington Magnum (7.2×64mm), .300 Winchester Magnum (7.8/7.62×67mm), and the .338 Lapua Magnum (8.6×70mm). These cartridges offer better ballistic performance and greater effective range than the 7.62×51mm. Though they are not as powerful as .50 caliber cartridges, rifles chambered for these cartridges are not as heavy as rifles chambered for .50 caliber ammunition, and are significantly more powerful than rifles chambered for 7.62×51mm.

Jaguar AMR of Bolivian origin.

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M82A1 SASR (Special Applications Scoped Rifle or Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle), a .50 caliber sniper rifle used as an anti-materiel rifle.

Snipers may also employ anti-materiel rifles in sniping roles against targets such as vehicles, equipment and structures, or for the long-range destruction of explosive devices; these rifles may also be used against personnel.

Anti-materiel rifles tend to be semi-automatic and of a larger caliber than anti-personnel rifles, using cartridges such as the .50 BMG, 12.7×108mm Russian or even 14.5×114mm Russian and 20mm. These large cartridges are required to be able to fire projectiles containing payloads such as explosives, armor piercing cores, incendiaries or combinations of these, such as the Raufoss Mk211 projectile. Due to the considerable size and weight of anti-materiel rifles, 2- or 3-man sniper teams become necessary.

[edit] Barrel

السبطانة :

العرضي المقطع ويكون جدا دقيقة القناصين بندقية سبطانة صناعة تكونمن للتقليل وذلك التقليدية الهجومية البنادق في هو مما أثقل للسبطانة

سبطانة من بالرماية تبدأ التي الرماية أثناء الحرارة درجات في التغيير تأثير تبعا باإلرتفاع السبطانة حرارة درجة تبدأ ثم األولى الطلقة في باردة

. القناصين بنادق أجواف فإن التقليدية البنادق عكس وعلى الرماية لتسلسل. المستوية غير المعالجة عن الناتجة الدقة عدم لتجنب بالكروم تطلى ال

Barrels are normally of precise manufacture and of a heavier cross section than more traditional barrels in order to reduce the change in impact points between a first shot from a cold barrel and a follow-up shot from a warm barrel. Unlike many battle and assault rifles, the bores are usually not chromed to avoid inaccuracy due to an uneven treatment.

When installed, barrels are often free-floated: i.e., installed so that the barrel only contacts the rest of the rifle at the receiver, to minimise the effects on impact point of pressure on the fore-end by slings, bipods, or the sniper's hands. The end of the barrel is usually crowned or machined to form a rebated area around the muzzle proper to avoid asymmetry or damage, and consequent inaccuracy. Alternatively, some rifles such as the Dragunov or Walther WA2000 provide structures at the fore-

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end to provide tension on the barrel in order to counteract barrel drop and other alterations in barrel shape.

زيادة بسبب الحرارة تشتيت في تساهم الخارج من السبطانة إمتداد على أخاديد تصميم أحيانا يتم. القناصين بندقية سبطانة وزن من لتقليل يؤدي الذي واألمر الخارجي السطح مساحة

External longitudinal fluting that contributes to heat dissipation by increasing surface area, while simultaneously decreasing the weight of the barrel, is sometimes used on sniper-rifle barrels.

Sniper-rifle barrels may also utilise a threaded muzzle or combination device (muzzle brake or flash suppressor and attachment mount) to allow the fitting of a sound suppressor. These suppressors often have a means of adjusting the point of impact while fitted.

Military sniper rifles tend to have barrel lengths of 609.6 mm (24 inches) or longer, to allow the cartridge propellant to fully burn, reducing the amount of revealing muzzle flash and increasing bullet velocity. Police sniper rifles may use shorter barrels to improve handling characteristics. The shorter barrels' velocity loss is unimportant at closer ranges; projectile energy is more than sufficient.

[edit] Stock

The most common special feature of a sniper rifle stock is the adjustable cheek piece, where the shooter's cheek meets the rear of the stock. For most rifles equipped with a telescopic sight, this area is raised slightly, because the telescope is positioned higher than iron sights. A cheek piece is simply a section of the stock that can be adjusted up or down to suit the individual shooter. To further aid this individual fitting, the stock can sometimes also be adjusted for length, often by varying the number of inserts at the rear of the stock where it meets the shooter's shoulder. Sniper stocks are typically designed to avoid making contact with the barrel of the weapon.

[edit] Accessories

An adjustable sling is often fitted on the rifle, used by the sniper to achieve better stability when standing, kneeling, or sitting. The sniper uses the sling to "lock-in" by wrapping his non-firing arm into the sling forcing his arm to be still. Non-static weapon mounts such as bipods, monopods and shooting sticks are also regularly used to aid and improve stability and reduce operator fatigue.

[edit] Capabilities

[edit] Accuracy

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Comparison of 0.5, 1, and 3 MOA extreme spread levels against a human torso at 800 m (left) and a human head at 100 m (right)

A military-issue battle rifle or assault rifle is usually capable of between 3-6 minute of angle (MOA) (1-2 mrad) accuracy.[6] A standard-issue military sniper rifle is typically capable of 1-3 MOA (0.3-1 mrad) accuracy, with a police sniper rifle capable of 0.25-1.5 MOA (0.1-0.5 mrad) accuracy. For comparison, a competition target or benchrest rifle may be capable of accuracy up to 0.15-0.3 MOA (0.05-0.1 mrad).

A 1 MOA (0.3 mrad) average extreme spread for a 5-shot group (meaning the center-to-center distance between the two most distant bullet holes in a shot-group) translates into a 69% probability that the bullet's point of impact will be in a target circle with a diameter of 23.3 cm (9.2 in) at 800 m (875 yd).[7] This average extreme spread for a 5-shot group and the accompanying hit probability are considered sufficient for effectively hitting a human shape at 800 m distance.

In 1982 a U.S. Army draft requirement for a Sniper Weapon System was: "The System will: (6) Have an accuracy of no more than 0.75 MOA (0.2 mrad) for a 5-shot group at 1,500 meters when fired from a supported, non-benchrest position".[8] Actual Sniper Weapon System (M24) adopted in 1988 has stated maximum effective range of 800 meters and a maximum allowed average mean

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radius (AMR) of 1.9 inches at 300 yards from a machine rest, what corresponds to a 0.6 MOA (0.5 mrad) extreme spread for a 5-shot group when using 7.62 × 51 mm M118 Special Ball cartridges.[9]


Precision Weapon Engagement Ranges & Dispersion according to the US Army.

A 2008 United States military market survey for a Precision Sniper Rifle (PSR) calls for 1 MOA (0.3 mrad) extreme vertical spread for all shots in a 5-round group fired at targets at 300, 600, 900, 1,200 and 1,500 meters.[12][13] In 2009 a United States Special Operations Command market survey calls for 1 MOA (0.3 mrad) extreme vertical spread for all shots in a 10-round group fired at targets at 300, 600, 900, 1,200 and 1,500 meters.[14][15] The 2009 Precession Sniper Rifle requirements state that the PSR when fired without suppressor shall provide a confidence factor of 80% that the weapon and ammunition combination is capable of holding 1 MOA extreme vertical spread. This shall be calculated from 150 ten (10) round groups that were fired unsuppressed. No individual group shall exceed 1.5 MOA (0.5 mrad) extreme vertical spread. All accuracy will be taken at the 1,500 meter point.[16][17] In 2008 the US military adopted the M110 Semi-Automatic Sniper System which has corresponding maximum allowed extreme spread of 1.8 MOA (0.5 mrad) for a 5-shot group on 300 feet, using M118LR ammunition or equivalent.[9][10][18] In 2010 maximum bullet dispersion requirement for M24 .300 Winchester Magnum corresponds[9][10] 1.4 MOA extreme spread for 5 shot group on 100 meters.[19]

Although accuracy standards for police rifles do not widely exist, rifles are frequently seen with accuracy levels from 0.5-1.5 MOA (0.2-0.5 mrad).[20] For typical policing situations, an extreme spread accuracy level no better than 1 MOA (0.3 mrad) is usually all that is required. This is because police typically employ their rifles at short ranges.[21] At 100 m or less, a rifle with a relatively low accuracy of only 1 MOA (0.3 mrad) should be able to repeatedly hit a 3 cm (1.2 inch) target. A 3 cm diameter target is smaller than the brain stem which is targeted by police snipers for its quick killing effect.[22]

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[edit] Maximum effective range

Cartridge Maximum effective range[23]

7.62×39mm 600 m5.56×45mm 800 m [24]

7.62×51mm (.308 Winchester) 800 m7.62×54mm R 800 m

.30-06 Springfield 800 m7 mm Remington Magnum 900–1,100 m.300 Winchester Magnum 900–1,200 m

.338 Lapua Magnum 1,200-1,500 m.50 BMG (12.7×99mm NATO)

12.7×108mm (Russian) 1,500–2,000 m

14.5×114mm 1,800–2,300 m

Unlike police sniper rifles, military sniper rifles tend to be employed at the greatest possible distances so that range advantages like the increased difficulty to spot and engage the sniper can be exploited.

The most popular military sniper rifles (in terms of numbers in service) are chambered for 7.62 mm (0.30 inch) caliber ammunition, such as 7.62×51mm and 7.62×54mm R. Since sniper rifles of this class must compete with several other types of military weapons with similar range, snipers invariably must employ skilled fieldcraft to conceal their position.

عالية إصابة دقة توفر التي كبيرة أعيرة ذات قناصين بنادق الستخدام الحاضر الوقت في الجيوش تميلنوع من للذخيرة المستخدمة لألفراد المضادة القناصين بنادق مثل بعيدة مسافات Lapua 338 .على

Magnum نوع من ذخيرة تستخدم التي لألهداف المضادة القناصين نوع BMG 50 . وبنادق من وذخيرة14.5× 114mm أعداء مواجهة عند التخفي سرعة على القدرة ويمنحهم للخطر القناصين تعرض يقلل ما

. مماثلة بأسلحة مجهزين غير

The recent trend in specialized military sniper rifles is towards larger calibers that offer relatively favorable hit probabilities at greater range, such as the anti-personnel .338 Lapua Magnum cartridge and anti-materiel cartridges like the .50 BMG and the 14.5×114mm. This allows snipers to take fewer risks, and spend less time finding concealment when facing enemies that are not equipped with similar weapons.

على مبنية غير القناصين لبنادق والمصنعيين العسكرية الهيئات إدعاءات حسب مدى أقصى قيمة إن ) . من الذي الهدف مع نسبيا طويلة طيران رحلة بعد تتعامل الطلقة ألن ذلك علمية ومرتكزات ثوابت

.( يتضمن هذا القناص لطلقة مادي يكون أن الممكن

Maximum range claims made by military organizations and materiel manufacturers regarding sniper weapon systems are not based on consistent or strictly scientific criteria. The problem is only the bullet interacts after a relatively long flight path with the target (can also be a materiel target for a sniper bullet). This implies that variables such as the minimal required hit probability, local atmospheric conditions, properties and velocity of the employed bullet (parts), properties of the target and the desired terminal effect are major relevant factors that determine the maximum effective range of the employed system.

[edit] See also

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Longest recorded sniper kills

Related military roles Sniper Scout Sniper Designated marksman

Related military weapons List of sniper rifles Assault rifle Battle rifle Carbine rifle Marksman rifle Anti-tank rifle Anti-materiel rifle

[edit] Notes1. Snipers in History2. Whitworth Rifle No. C5293. Whitworth Sharpshooter Rifle4. Artillery of the Civil War5. The Ultimate Sniper: an Advanced Training Manual for Military and Police Snipers, Maj. John L.

Plaster, 1993. The information about counter-sniper operations describes techniques for identifying snipers amongst groups of other soldiers. The most easily recognizable feature of a sniper from a great distance is the fact that the sniper's rifle is longer than all the others.

6. T.W. Lee. Military Technologies of the World. p. 237.7. Statistical notes on rifle group patterns by Robert E. Wheeler8. AMSAA Technical report No. 4619. ^ a b c http://www.bobwheeler.com/guns/GroupStat.pdf Statistical notes on rifle group patterns10. ^ a b c http://enotus.blog.tut.by/2009/04/09/rasseivanie-vyistrelov-kuchnost-pokazateli-i-zavisimost/

(in Russian)11. MIL-R-71126(AR) at everyspec.com12. US Special Operations Considers A ".338" Sniper Rifle13. Precession Sniper Rifle - Solicitation Number: H92222-09-PSR14. Precision Sniper Rifle (PSR) - Solicitation Number: H92222-09-PSR215. SOCOM PSR Contenders16. Precision Sniper Rifles Systems (PSR) Draft Go/No-Go Requirements17. Precision Sniper Rifle (PSR) Vendor Questionnaire18. http://www.everyspec.com/MIL-PRF/MIL-PRF+%28030000+-+79999%29/MIL-PRF-

32316_AMENDMENT-1_25025/19. M24 Sniper Weapon System Reconfiguration20. The FBI, a national-level policing organization, has recently specified an accuracy level of 0.5

MOA for 5 shots at 100 yd for sniper rifles issued to their SWAT teams: Johnson, D: Precision Pair, Guns & Ammo, February 2005.[1]

21. Minimum documented range is 5 yards, maximum documented range is 187 yards: Police Sniper Utilization Survey, American Sniper Association, 2006, full report available to military and law enforcement agencies only.[2] [3] Some information publicly available from The Ultimate Sniper: an Advanced Training Manual for Military and Police Snipers, Major John Plaster, 1993.

22. Police Sniper Training, Major John Plaster, 1990.[4]23. Approximate maximum effective ranges of common cartridges when used in an adequately accurate

rifle system with special long-range high accuracy ammunition at International Standard Atmosphere sea level conditions Common Calibers Used by Snipers<references/>

24. "Philippine MSSR - Marine Scout Sniper Rifle - Sniper Central.com". http://www.snipercentral.com/mssr.htm. Retrieved 2009-05-22."Marine Scout Sniper Rifle". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marine_Scout_Sniper_Rifle. Retrieved 2011-09-19.]

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[edit] References Tobias, Ronald (1981). They Shoot to Kill: A Psycho-History of Criminal Sniping. Boulder,

Colorado: Paladin Press. ISBN 0-87364-207-4. De Haas, Frank (1995). Bolt Action Rifles. Krause Publications. ISBN 0-87349-168-8.

[edit] External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Sniper rifles

Modern Firearms list of sniper rifles SniperCentral list of sniper rifles Mcmillan Tactical Stocks — Images of tactical stocks from the world's leading supplier

manufacturer Tack Driving Tactical Rifle from Tac Ops — Detailed overview of the accurization process

for a .25 MOA rifle Detailed accuracy articles , by famous barrel maker Dan Lilja Detail of Russian snipers and sniper rifles of World War Two by Chris Eger, military

historian demigodllc.com: Practical long-range rifle shooting

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القناصين بنادق في الدقة6MO-3 الهجومي��ة(من )البن��ادق المشاة بنادق في الدقة تبلغ

A 3-1 من العس��كرية القناص��ين بنادق في القياسية الدقة تبلغ

MOAالدفاعية الدراسات 2013دائرة 22

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-0.25 من الشرطة القناصين بنادق في القياسية الدقة تبلغ1.5 MOA من الرياض��ية المس��ابقات بن��ادق في القياس��ية الدقة تبلغ

0.15-0.3 MOA

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