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    FiVaTech Page-Level Web Data Extraction from Template Pages

    CHAPTER - 1


    1.1 Scope:

    This Document plays a vital role in the development life cycle (SDLC) and it

    describes the complete requirement of the system. It is meant for use by the

    developers and will be the basic durin testin phase. !ny chanes made to the

    requirements in the future will have to o throuh formal chane approval process.

    1.2 Objective:

    In this pro"ect# we focus on pae$level e%traction tas&s and propose a new

    approach# called 'iaTech# to automatically detect the schema of a ebsite. e

    formulate the pae eneration model usin an encodin scheme based on tree

    templates and schema# which orani*e data by their parent node in the D+, trees.

    1.3 Descriptio o! t"e Project:

    Deep eb# as is &nown to everyone# contains manitudes more and valuable

    information than the surface eb. -owever# ma&in use of such consolidated

    information requires substantial efforts since the paes are enerated for visuali*ation

    not for data e%chane. Thus# e%tractin information from eb paes for searchable

    ebsites has been a &ey step for eb information interation. eneratin an

    e%traction proram for a iven search form is equivalent to wrappin a data source

    such that all e%tractor or wrapper prorams return data of the same format for

    information interation. !n important characteristic of paes belonin to the same

    ebsite is that such paes share the same template since they are encoded in a

    consistent manner across all the paes. In other words# these paes are enerated with

    a predefined template by pluin data values. In practice# template paes can also

    occur in surface eb (with static hyperlin&s).

    In this paper# we focus on pae$level e%traction tas&s and propose a new

    approach# called 'iaTech# to automatically detect the schema of a ebsite. The

    proposed technique presents a new structure# called fi%ed/variant pattern tree# a tree

    MCA, MITS, 2012


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    FiVaTech Page-Level Web Data Extraction from Template Pages

    that carries all of the required information needed to identify the template and detect

    the data schema. e combine several techniques0 alinment# pattern minin# as well

    as the idea of tree templates to solve the much difficult problem of pae$level

    template construction. In e%periments# 'ia Tech has much hiher precision than

    12!L# one of the few pae$level e%traction system# and is comparable with other

    record$level e%traction systems li&e i314 and ,S1.

    1.# Itro$%ctio to &o$%'es:

    The followin ,odules Involved in this pro"ect

    5. Loin

    6. !dmin7. 8ser

    ,odules description0

    1. (o)i:

    In this module admin can ive the user id and password and he can enter into

    the home pae of the admin. If they cannot ive proper user id and password

    they will not allow the home pae.

    2. A$*i:!dmin can ive their username and password and loin to the application.

    !dmin can add the products based on the cateory. !s well as he can view the

    users feedbac&.

    3. User:

    In this modules user view the products details. !fterwards he can e%tract the

    details based on the requirement. -ere we will display multiple products in

    sinle after that it will e%tract the data in that sinle pae only.

    MCA, MITS, 2012


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    FiVaTech Page-Level Web Data Extraction from Template Pages

    CHAPTER -2


    2.1.1. ,esibi'it St%$

    3reliminary investiation e%amine pro"ect feasibility# the li&elihood the system

    will be useful to the orani*ation. The main ob"ective of the feasibility study is to test

    the Technical# +perational and 1conomical feasibility for addin new modules and

    debuin old runnin system. !ll system is feasible if they are unlimited resources

    and infinite time. There are aspects in the feasibility study portion of the preliminary


    5. Technical 'easibility

    6. +perational 'easibility

    7. 1conomical 'easibility Tec"ic' !esibi'it

    The technical issue usually raised durin the feasibility stae of the

    investiation includes the followin0

    Does the necessary technoloy e%ist to do what is suested9

    Do the proposed equipments have the technical capacity to hold the data

    required to use the new system9

    ill the proposed system provide adequate response to inquiries# reardless of

    the number or location of users9

    Can the system be upraded if developed9

    !re there technical uarantees of accuracy# reliability# ease of access and data


    1arlier no system e%isted to cater to the needs of :Secure Infrastructure

    Implementation System;. The current system developed is technically feasible. It is a

    MCA, MITS, 2012


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    FiVaTech Page-Level Web Data Extraction from Template Pages

    web based user interface for audit wor&flow at

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    FiVaTech Page-Level Web Data Extraction from Template Pages

    development cost in creatin the system is evaluated aainst the ultimate benefit

    derived from the new systems. 'inancial benefits must equal or e%ceed the costs.

    The system is economically feasible. It does not require any addition hardware

    or software. Since the interface for this system is developed usin the e%istin

    resources and technoloies available at

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    FiVaTech Page-Level Web Data Extraction from Template Pages

    the data schema. e combine several techniques0 alinment# pattern minin# as well

    as the idea of tree templates to solve the much difficult problem of pae$level

    template construction. In e%periments# 'ia Tech has much hiher precision than

    12!L# one of the few pae$level e%traction system# and is comparable with other

    record$level e%traction systems li&e i314 and ,S1.

    2.# So!t0re $ Hr$0re Re%ire*et Speci!ictios

    So!t0re Re%ire*ets:

    isual studio 6>5>.

    Sql server 6>>?.

    windows %p operatin system.

    Internet 1%plorer @.> browser.

    Hr$0re Re%ire*ets:

    3I 6.? -* 3rocessor and !bove

    4!, 5 = and !bove

    -DD A> = -ard Dis& Space and !bove

    MCA, MITS, 2012


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    FiVaTech Page-Level Web Data Extraction from Template Pages

    CHAPTER - 3


    Software desin sits at the technical &ernel of the software enineerin process

    and is applied reardless of the development paradim and area of application. Desin

    is the first step in the development phase for any enineered product or system. The

    desiner;s oal is to produce a model or representation of an entity that will later be

    built. =einnin# once system requirement have been specified and analy*ed# system

    desin is the first of the three technical activities $desin# code and test that is required

    to build and verify software.

    The importance can be stated with a sinle word Buality. Desin is the place

    where quality is fostered in software development. Desin provides us with

    representations of software that can assess for quality. Desin is the only way that we

    can accurately translate a customer;s view into a finished software product or system.

    Software desin serves as a foundation for all the software enineerin steps that

    follow. ithout a stron desin we ris& buildin an unstable system E one that will be

    difficult to test# one whose quality cannot be assessed until the last stae.

    Durin desin# proressive refinement of data structure# proram structure#

    and procedural details are developed reviewed and documented. System desin can be

    viewed from either technical or pro"ect manaement perspective. 'rom the technical

    point of view# desin is comprised of four activities E architectural desin# data

    structure desin# interface desin and procedural desin.

    3.2. Desi) Pricip'es:

    =asic desin principles that enabled the software enineered to naviate

    desin process

    5. The desin process should not suffer from BTunnel ision.

    6. The desin process should be traceable to the analysis model.

    7. The desin should not reinvent the wheel.

    MCA, MITS, 2012


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    FiVaTech Page-Level Web Data Extraction from Template Pages

    A. The desin should minimi*e the intellectual distance between the software

    and the problem# as it e%ists in the real world.

    F. The desin should e%hibit uniformity and interity.

    @. The desin should be structured to accommodate chanes.

    G. The desin is not codin# the codin is not a desin.

    3.3. Desi) &et"o$o'o):

    Desin methodoloy follows two approaches i.e. Top-$o0and botto*-%p

    approach. Top$down and bottom$up arestrategies ofinformation processing and

    &nowledeorderin# mostly involvin software. In practice# they can be seen as astyle of thin&in and teachin. In many cases top$down is used as a synonym of

    analysisor decomposition#and bottom$up of synthesis.

    ! top-$o0approach is essentially brea&in down a system to ain insiht into

    its compositional sub$systems. In a top$down approach an overview of the system is

    first formulated# specifyin but not detailin any first$level subsystems. 1ach

    subsystem is then refined in yet reater detail# sometimes in many additional

    subsystem levels# until the entire specification is reduced to base elements.

    ! botto*-%papproach is piecin toether systems to ive rise to rander

    systems# thus ma&in the oriinal systems sub$systems of the emerent system. In a

    bottom$up approach the individual base elements of the system are first specified in

    reat detail. These elements are then lin&ed toether to form larer subsystems# which

    then in turn are lin&ed# sometimes in many levels# until a complete top$level system is

    formed. This stratey often resembles a HseedH model# whereby the beinnins are

    small but eventually row in comple%ity and completeness.

    SD(C *et"o$o'o)ies

    This document play a vital role in the development of life cycle (SDLC) as it

    describes the complete requirement of the system. It means for use by developers and

    will be the basic durin testin phase. !ny chanes made to the requirements in the

    future will have to o throuh formal chane approval process.

    MCA, MITS, 2012


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    FiVaTech Page-Level Web Data Extraction from Template Pages

    Spir' *o$e':

    This model was defined by =arry =oehm in his 5?? article# B! spiral ,odel

    of Software Development and 1nhancement. This model was not the first model to

    discuss iterative development# but it was the first model to e%plain why the iteration


    !s oriinally envisioned# the iterations were typically @ months to 6 years

    lon. 1ach phase starts with a desin oal and ends with a client reviewin the

    proress thus far. !nalysis and enineerin efforts are applied at each phase of the

    pro"ect# with an eye toward the end oal of the pro"ect.

    T"e !o''o0i) $i)r* s"o0s "o0 spir' *o$e' cts 'ie:

    ,i) 3.3.2. Spir' *o$e'

    The steps for Spiral ,odel can be enerali*ed as follows0

    The new system requirements are defined in as much details as possible.

    This usually involves interviewin a number of usersrepresentin all the

    e%ternal or internal users and other aspects of the e%istin system.

    ! preliminary desin is created for the new system.

    MCA, MITS, 2012


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    FiVaTech Page-Level Web Data Extraction from Template Pages

    ! first prototype of the new system is constructed from the preliminary

    desin. This is usually a scaled$down system# and represents an

    appro%imation of the characteristics of the final product.

    ! second prototype is evolved by a fourfold procedure0

    5. 1valuatin the first prototype in terms of its strenths# wea&ness#

    and ris&s.

    6. Definin the requirements of the second prototype.

    7. 3lannin an desinin the second prototype.

    A. Constructin and testin the second prototype.

    !t the customer option# the entire pro"ect can be aborted if the ris& is

    deemed too reat. 4is& factors miht involve development cost overruns#

    operatin$cost miscalculation# or any other factor that could# in the

    customer;s "udment# result in a less$than$satisfactory final product.

    The e%istin prototype is evaluated in the same manner as was the

    previous prototype# and if necessary# another prototype is developed from

    it accordin to the fourfold procedure outlined above.

    The precedin steps are iterated until the customer is satisfied that the

    refined prototype represents the final product desired.

    The final system is constructed# based on the refined prototype.

    The final system is thorouhly evaluated and tested. 4outine maintenance

    is carried on a continuin basis to prevent lare scale failures and to

    minimi*e down time.

    3.# D,D4ER4U&( DIARA&S

    3.#.1.DATA ,(O5 DIARA&S

    MCA, MITS, 2012


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    FiVaTech Page-Level Web Data Extraction from Template Pages

    ! data flow diaram is raphical tool used to describe and analy*e movement

    of data throuh a system. These are the central tool and the basis from which the

    other components are developed. The transformation of data from input to output#

    throuh processed# may be described loically and independently of physical

    components associated with the system. These are &nown as the loical data flow

    diarams. The physical data flow diarams show the actual implements and

    movement of data between people# departments and wor&stations. ! full description

    of a system actually consists of a set of data flow diarams. 8sin two familiar

    notations Jourdon# ane and Sarson notation develops the data flow diarams. 1ach

    component in a D'D is labeled with a descriptive name. 3rocess is further identified

    with a number that will be used for identification purpose. The development of

    D'D;S is done in several levels. 1ach process in lower level diarams can be bro&en

    down into a more detailed D'D in the ne%t level. The lop$level diaram is often

    called conte%t diaram. It consists a sinle process bit# which plays vital role in

    studyin the current system. The process in the conte%t level diaram is e%ploded

    into other process at the first level D'D.

    The idea behind the e%plosion of a process into more process is that

    understandin at one level of detail is e%ploded into reater detail at the ne%t level.

    This is done until further e%plosion is necessary and an adequate amount of detail is

    described for analyst to understand the process.

    Larry Constantine first developed the D'D as a way of e%pressin system

    requirements in a raphical from# this lead to the modular desin.

    ! D'D is also &nown as a Bbubble Chart has the purpose of clarifyin system

    requirements and identifyin ma"or transformations that will become prorams in

    system desin. So it is the startin point of the desin to the lowest level of detail. !

    D'D consists of a series of bubbles "oined by data flows in the system.

    D,D s*bo's:

    In the D'D# there are four symbols

    MCA, MITS, 2012


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    FiVaTech Page-Level Web Data Extraction from Template Pages

    5. ! square defines a source(oriinator) or destination of system data

    6. !n arrow identifies data flow. It is the pipeline throuh which the information


    7. ! circle or a bubble represents a process that transforms incomin data flow into

    outoin data flows.

    A. !n open rectanle is a data store# data at rest or a temporary repository of data

    3rocess that transforms data flow.

    Source or Destination of data

    Data flow

    Data Store

    3.#.1.1. Costr%cti) D,D:

    Several rules of thumb are used in drawin D'D;S0

    5. 3rocess should be named and numbered for an easy reference. 1ach name should

    be representative of the process.

    6. The direction of flow is from top to bottom and from left to riht. Data

    traditionally flow from source to the destination althouh they may flow bac& to

    the source. +ne way to indicate this is to draw lon flow line bac& to a source.

    MCA, MITS, 2012


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    FiVaTech Page-Level Web Data Extraction from Template Pages

    !n alternative way is to repeat the source symbol as a destination. Since it is used

    more than once in the D'D it is mar&ed with a short diaonal.

    7. hen a process is e%ploded into lower level details# they are numbered.

    A. The names of data stores and destinations are written in capital letters. 3rocess and

    dataflow names have the first letter of each wor& capitali*ed

    ! D'D typically shows the minimum contents of data store. 1ach data store

    should contain all the data elements that flow in and out.

    uestionnaires should contain all the data elements that flow in and out.

    ,issin interfaces redundancies and li&e is then accounted for often throuh


    3.#.1.2. S'iet ,et%res O! D,D6s

    5. The D'D shows flow of data# not of control loops and decision are controlled

    considerations do not appear on a D'D.

    6. The D'D does not indicate the time factor involved in any process whether the

    dataflow ta&e place daily# wee&ly# monthly or yearly.

    7. The sequence of events is not brouht out on the D'D.

    3.#.1.3. Tpes O! Dt ,'o0 Di)r*s

    5. Current 3hysical

    6. Current Loical


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    FiVaTech Page-Level Web Data Extraction from Template Pages

    2. C%rret 'o)ic':

    The physical aspects at the system are removed as mush as possible so that the

    current system is reduced to its essence to the data and the processors that transforms

    them reardless of actual physical form.

    3. Ne0 'o)ic'0

    This is e%actly li&e a current loical model if the user were completely happy

    with he user were completely happy with the functionality of the current system but

    had problems with how it was implemented typically throuh the new loical model

    will differ from current loical model while havin additional functions# absolute

    function removal and inefficient flows reconi*ed.

    #. Ne0 p"sic':

    The new physical represents only the physical implementation of the new


    3.#.1.3. R%'es overi) t"e D,D6s



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    FiVaTech Page-Level Web Data Extraction from Template Pages

    The oriin and / or destination of data.

    5. Data cannot move direly from a source to sin& it must be moved by a process

    6. ! source and /or sin& has a noun phrase land

    Dt ,'o0

    5. ! Data 'low has only one direction of flow between symbols. It may flow in

    both directions between a process and a data store to show a read before an

    update. The later is usually indicated however by two separate arrows since

    these happen at different type.

    6. ! "oin in D'D means that e%actly the same data comes from any of two ormore different processes data store or sin& to a common location.

    7. ! data flow cannot o directly bac& to the same process it leads. There must

    be atleast one other process that handles the data flow produce some other data

    flow returns the oriinal data into the beinnin process.

    A. ! Data flow to a data store means update (delete or chane).

    F. ! data 'low from a data store means retrieve or use.

    ! data flow has a noun phrase label more than one data flow noun phrase can

    appear on a sinle arrow as lon as all of the flows on the same arrow move toether

    as one pac&ae.

    Cote/t (eve' 78t"(eve'9 D,D

    Descriptio: This is parent level of remainin D'D;s. It shows that how the data isprocessin from input to output.

    MCA, MITS, 2012


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    FiVaTech Page-Level Web Data Extraction from Template Pages

    ,i) 3.#.1. Cote/t 'eve' Dt ,'o0 Di)r*

    ,irst 'eve' D,D:

    It is drawn from conte%t level# this D'D describes that user enter into website

    with his credentials.

    ,i) 3.#.2. ,irst 'eve' D,D

    Seco$ (eve' D,D:

    It is drawn from conte%t level# this D'D describes that !dministrator enter

    into website with his credentials.

    MCA, MITS, 2012


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    FiVaTech Page-Level Web Data Extraction from Template Pages

    ,i) 3.#.3.seco$ 'eve' D,D

    3.#.2. ER Di)r*s

    The relation upon the system is structure throuh a conceptual 14$

    Diaram# which not only specifics the e%istential entities but also the standard

    relations throuh which the system e%ists and the cardinalities that are necessary

    for the system state to continue.

    The entity 4elationship Diaram (14D) depicts the relationship between the data

    ob"ects. The 14D is the notation that is used to conduct the date modelin activity

    the attributes of each data ob"ect noted is the 14D can be described resin a data

    ob"ect descriptions.

    The set of primary components that are identified by the 14D are

    Data ob"ect 4elationships

    !ttributes arious types of indicators.

    The primary purpose of the 14D is to represent data ob"ects and their relationships.

    3.#.2. U&( $i)r*s

    The 8nified ,odelin Lanuae (8,L) is used to specify# visuali*e# modify#

    construct and document the artifacts of an ob"ect$oriented software intensive system

    MCA, MITS, 2012


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    FiVaTech Page-Level Web Data Extraction from Template Pages

    under development. The 8,L uses mostly raphical notations to e%press the desin

    of software pro"ects. 8,L offers a standard way to visuali*e a systemKs architectural

    blueprints# includin elements such as0

    ,i) 3.#.#.Over vie0 o! Desi)


    business processes

    (loical) components


    prorammin lanuae statements

    database schemas# and

    4eusable software components.

    U&( Di)r*s Overvie0:

    MCA, MITS, 2012


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    FiVaTech Page-Level Web Data Extraction from Template Pages

    8,L combines best techniques from data modelin (entity relationship

    diarams)# business modelin (wor& flows)# ob"ect modelin# and component

    modelin. It can be used with all processes# throuhout the software development life

    cycle# and across different implementation technoloies .8,L has synthesi*ed the

    notations of the =ooch method# the +b"ect$modelin technique (+,T) and +b"ect$

    oriented software enineerin (++S1) by fusin them into a sinle# common and

    widely usable modelin lanuae. 8,L aims to be a standard modelin lanuae

    which can model concurrent and distributed systems.

    3.#.2.1 T"i)s i U&(

    Thins are the abstractions that are first$class citi*ens in a model. 4elationshipstie these thins toether. Diarams roup the interestin collection of thins. There

    are four &inds of thins in the 8,L

    5. Structural thins

    6. =ehavioral thins.

    7. roupin thins

    A. !nnotational thins

    These thins are the basic ob"ect oriented buildin bloc&s of the 8,L. They

    are used to write well$formed models.

    1. Str%ct%r' T"i)s

    Structural thins are the nouns of the 8,L models. These are mostly static

    parts of the model# representin elements that are either conceptual or physical. In all#

    there are seven &inds of Structural thins.

    9 C'ss

    ! class is a description of a set of ob"ects that share the same attributes#

    operations# relationships# and semantics. ! class implements one or more interfaces.

    raphically a class is rendered as a rectanle# usually includin its name# attributes

    and operations# as shown below.

    MCA, MITS, 2012


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    b9 Iter!ce

    !n interface is a collection of operations that specify a service of a class or

    component. !n interface describes the e%ternally visible behavior of that element.

    raphically the interface is rendered as a circle toether with its name.

    c9 Co''bortio

    Collaboration defines an interaction and is a society of roles and other

    elements that wor& toether to provide some cooperative behavior that;s bier than

    the sum of all the elements. raphically# collaboration is rendered as an ellipse with

    dashed lines# usually includin only its name as shown below.

    $9 Use Cse

    8se case is a description of a set of sequence of actions that a system performs

    that yields an observable result of value to a particular thins in a model. raphically#

    8se Case is rendered as an ellipse with dashed lines# usually includin only its

    name as shown below.

    e9 Co*poet

    Component is a physical and replaceable part of a system that conforms to and

    provides the reali*ation of a set of interfaces. raphically# a component is rendered as

    a rectanle with tabs# usually includin only its name# as shown below.

    MCA, MITS, 2012


    Chain of


    3lace +rder

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    !9 No$e


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    3. ro%pi) T"i)s

    roupin thins are the orani*ational parts of the 8,L models. These are the

    bo%es into which a model can be decomposed.


    ! pac&ae is a eneral$purpose mechanism for orani*in elements into roups.

    Business Rules

    #. Aottio' T"i)s

    !nnotational thins are the e%planatory parts of the 8,L models.


    ! note is simply a symbol for renderin constraints and comments attached to

    an element or a collection of elements. raphically a note is rendered as a rectanle

    with do$eared corner toether# with a te%tual or raphical comment# as shown below.

    3.#.2.2. Re'tios"ips i t"e U&(

    The word B

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    1. Depe$ec:

    The relationship BDependency between two entities refer to position where

    chanes caused to one entity may have its effect on other entity. The dependency

    relationship is represented as#

    !s seen from the fiure the dependency symbol is represented by a dashed

    arrow proceedin in one direction.

    2. Associtio:

    ! structural relationship that shows a connection amon ob"ects is called as an

    B!ssociation. It is represented as#

    3. eer'i;tio:

    enerali*ation is termed as BSpeciali*ed 4elationship. In this relationship#

    the ob"ects of one entity can be substituted with the ob"ects of another entity. The

    entity whose ob"ects are substituted is &nown as parent entity and the entity# which is

    providin ob"ects for replacement# is &nown as child entity. It is represented as#

    #. Re'i;tio:

    4eali*ation is a relationship between classifiers in which one classifier lays

    down a contract and another classifier uarantees to carry out this contract.

    3.#.2.3. Di)r*s i t"e U&(

    MCA, MITS, 2012


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    Str%ct%r' Di)r*s:

    The Structural Diarams are four types. They are as follows.

    a. Class diarams

    b. +b"ect diarams

    c. Component Diarams

    d. Deployment Diarams

    9 C'ss Di)r*s

    Class diarams are the most common diarams found in modelin ob"ect$

    oriented systems. ! class diaram shows a set of classes# interfaces# and

    collaborations and their relationships. raphically# a class diaram is a collection of

    vertices and arcs.


    Class Diarams commonly contain the followin thins




    Dependency# enerali*ation and association relationships

    b9 Object $i)r*s

    henever to encounter a iven set of ob"ects bounded by certain relationships

    then all these elements collaborates to be an ob"ect diaram. These diarams are used

    in modelin static desin view and process view of the system and also used inmodelin the orani*ation of ob"ects.


    +b"ect Diaram consists of two important elements i.e.



    c9 Co*poet Di)r*s

    MCA, MITS, 2012


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    ! component is the physical implementation of classes and collaborations.

    !rchitecture of a system can be e%plained with its components.

    Therefore a component is the basic buildin bloc& of a system. These diaram

    scan be achieved by modelin various physical components li&e libraries# tables# files

    etc. which are residin internal to iven node.





    $9 Dep'o*et Di)r*s

    The deployment diarams indicate the processin elements# processes#

    software components. The static deployment view of a system in terms of different

    components# processes can be modeled by deployment diarams.

    ! deployment diaram contains$nodes and relationships (dependency and

    association). This diaram is used to &now which components will run on which

    nodes (with the stereo typesupportsMM) similarly the miration of components will

    be represented by the stereo typebecomesMM.


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    8se Case diarams are one of the five diarams in the 8,L for modelin the

    dynamic aspects of systems (activity diarams# sequence diarams# state chart

    diarams and collaboration diarams are the four other &inds of diarams in the 8,L

    for modelin the dynamic aspects of systems). 8se Case diarams are central to

    modelin the behavior of the system# a sub$system# or a class. 1ach one shows a set of

    use cases and actors and relationships.

    Co**o Properties

    ! 8se Case diaram is "ust a special &ind of diaram and shares the same

    common properties# as do all other diarams$ a name and raphical contents that are a

    pro"ection into the model. hat distinuishes a use case diaram from all other &indsof diarams is its particular content.


    8se Case diarams commonly contain0

    8se Cases


    Dependency# enerali*ation# and association relationships

    Li&e all other diarams# use case diarams may contain notes and constraints.

    8se Case diarams may also contain pac&aes# which are used to roup elements of

    your model into larer chun&s. +ccasionally# you will want to place instances of use

    cases in your diarams# as well# especially when you want to visuali*e a specific

    e%ecutin system.

    b9 Se%ece Di)r*s

    ! sequence diaram is an interaction diaram that emphasi*es the time

    orderin of the messaes. raphically# a sequence diaram is a table that shows

    ob"ects arraned alon the 2$a%is and messaes# ordered in increasin time# alon the


    Typically you place the ob"ect that initiates the interaction at the left# and

    increasinly more sub$routine ob"ects to the riht.

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    Sequence diarams have two interestin features

    There is the ob"ect lifeline. !n ob"ect lifeline is the vertical dashed line that

    represents the e%istence of an ob"ect over a period of time. ,ost ob"ects that appear in

    the interaction diarams will be in e%istence for the duration of the interaction# so

    these ob"ects are all alined at the top of the diaram# with their lifelines drawn from

    the top of the diaram to the bottom.

    There is a focus of the control. The focus of control is tall# thin rectanle that

    shows the period of time durin which an ob"ect is performin an action# either

    directly or throuh the subordinate procedure. The top of the rectanle is alins with

    the actionN the bottom is alined with its completion.

    c9 Co''bortio Di)r*s

    Collaboration Diarams remains analoous with sequence diarams since

    these diarams encompasses various ob"ects# there lin&s alon with transmission

    /receivin of messaes. In this way they coordinate to structural aspects of the system

    (which also provides dynamic view of the system).

    The collaboration diaram contains set of ob"ectsN lin&s and the messaes send and

    received by them.

    $9 Activit Di)r*s

    !n !ctivity Diaram is essentially a flow chart showin flow of control from

    activity to activity. They are used to model the dynamic aspects of as system. They

    can also be used to model the flow of an ob"ect as it moves from state to state at

    different points in the flow of control.

    !n activity is an onoin non$atomic e%ecution with in a state machine.

    !ctivities ultimately result in some action# which is made up of e%ecutable atomic

    computations that result in a chane of state of distinuishes a use case diaram from

    all other &inds of diarams is its particular content.

    e9 Stte C"rt Di)r*s

    MCA, MITS, 2012


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    ! state chart diaram shows a state machine. State chart diarams are used to

    model the dynamic aspects of the system. 'or the most part this involves modelin the

    behavior of the reactive ob"ects.

    ! reactive ob"ect is one whose behavior is best characteri*ed by its response to

    events dispatched from outside its conte%t. ! reactive ob"ect has a clear lifeline whose

    current behavior is affected by its past.

    ! state chart diaram show a state machine emphasi*in the flow of control

    from state to state. ! state machine is a behavior that specifies the sequence of states

    an ob"ect oes throuh durin its lifetime in response to events toether with its

    response to those events.

    ! state is a condition in the life of the ob"ect durin which it satisfies some

    conditions# performs some activity or wait for some events. !n event is a specification

    of a sinificant occurrence that has a location in time and space. raphically a state

    chart diaram is a collection of vertices and arcs. State chart diaram commonly


    C'ss Di)r*:

    MCA, MITS, 2012


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    In this class diaram we establish the connection between classes. In this

    pro"ect the below thins are user defined classes.

    ,i) 3.#.2.3.# c'ss $i)r*

    Use Cse $i)r*s:

    MCA, MITS, 2012


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    It is describes that both user and administrator functionalities in pro"ect.

    ,i) 3.#.2.3.

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    It describes that how the process done sequentially front end to data base.

    Admin frmogin BA Cls!rodu"#s DA S$%elper Da#a&ase

    ' n#er Creden#ials()

    * ogin()

    + ,e"u#eDa#ase#()

    - Re.ues# of ,e"u#eDa#ase#()

    / Response of ,e"u#eDa#ase#()0 Resul#()

    1 S2ow resul#()

    ,i) 3.#.2.3.=. Se%ece Di)r* over >ie0

    MCA, MITS, 2012


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    Activit Di)r*

    It is describes that user reistration activities.

    ,i) 3.#.2.3.?. Activit $i)r* e/*p'e

    MCA, MITS, 2012


    Get the Details

    Valiate Data

    Invalid !""ept

    #nte$ %se$ Re&ist$ation Details




    Ret'$ns #$$o$ *essa&e

    S'""essf'lly Re&iste$e

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    Co''bortio Di)r*

    It is describes that what activities are perform in the !dmin reistration.



    BA Cls!rodu"#sDA S$%elper


    ' n#er Creden#ials()

    * ogin()

    + ,e"u#eDa#ase#()

    - Re.ues# of ,e"u#eDa#ase#()/ Response of ,e"u#eDa#ase#()

    0 Resul#()

    1 S2ow resul#()

    ,i) 3.#.2.3.@. Co''bortio $i)r* e/*p'e

    MCA, MITS, 2012


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    Dep'o*et Di)r*:

    This diaram describe that how the user connect the all activities.

    ,i) 3.#.2.3. Dep'o*et $i)r*


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    tbl_ Feedback

    Tb'e 3.

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    tbl_ Product

    Tb'e 3.

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    Direct Coversio:

    In direct conversion the orani*ation slips usin the old system O the new one

    at the same time.

    Pr''e' Coversio:

    3arallel conversion involves runnin both old system and new system and

    comparin their results .The new system is accepted only after the results have

    matched for an acceptable prior.

    P'ot Coversio:

    3lot conversion means introducin the new system to a small part of

    orani*ation# e%pandin its use once it is &nown to operatin properly there.

    1ventually it will be use by entire orani*ation.

    P"se$ Coversio:

    3hased conversion means introducin a system in stae# one component or

    one module at a time# waitin until that one operatin properly before introducin


    #.2. Overvie0 o! I*p'e*ettio ()%)e

    #.2.1 Itro$%ctio To .Net ,r*e0or:

    The &icroso!t .NET ,r*e0oris a software technoloy that is available

    with several ,icrosoft indows operatin systems. It includes a lare library of pre$

    coded solutions to common prorammin problems and a virtual machine that

    manaes the e%ecution of prorams written specifically for the framewor&. The .

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    this runtime environment is &nown as the Common Lanuae 4untime(CL4). The

    CL4 provides the appearance of an application virtual machineso that prorammers

    need not consider the capabilities of the specific C38that will e%ecute the proram.

    The CL4 also provides other important services such as security# memory

    manaement# and e%ception handlin. The class library and the CL4 toether

    compose the .

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    Si*p'i!ie$ Dep'o*et

    Installation of computer software must be carefully manaed to ensure that it

    does not interfere with previously installed software# and that it conforms to securityrequirements. The .. In addition# ,icrosoft submits the

    specifications for the Common Lanuae Infrastructure (which includes the core class

    libraries# Common Type System# and the Common Intermediate Lanuae)# the CP

    lanuae# and the CQQ/CLI lanuae to both 1C,! and the IS+# ma&in them

    available as open standards. This ma&es it possible for third parties to create

    compatible implementations of the framewor& and its lanuaes on other platforms.

    MCA, MITS, 2012


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    ,i) #. >is%' overvie0 o! t"e Co**o ()%)e


    Co**o ()%)e I!rstr%ct%re

    The core aspects of the .NET !r*e0or lie within the Common Lanuae

    Infrastructure# or C(I. The purpose of the CLI is to provide a lanuae$neutralplatform for application development and e%ecution# includin functions for e%ception

    handlin# arbae collection# security# and interoperability. ,icrosoftKs

    implementation of the CLI is called the Co**o ()%)e R%ti*eor C(R.


    The intermediate CIL code is housed in .

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    more files# one of which must contain the manifest# which has the metadata for the

    assembly. The complete name of an assembly (not to be confused with the filename

    on dis&) contains its simple te%t name# version number# culture# and public &ey to&en.

    The public &ey to&en is a unique hash enerated when the assembly is compiled# thus

    two assemblies with the same public &ey to&en are uaranteed to be identical from the

    point of view of the framewor&. ! private &ey can also be specified &nown only to the

    creator of the assembly and can be used for stron namin and to uarantee that the

    assembly is from the same author when a new version of the assembly is compiled

    (required addin an assembly to the lobal !ssembly Cache).


    !ll CLI is self$describin throuh .

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    code that is KsafeK does not pass. 8nsafe code will only be e%ecuted if the assembly has

    the Ks&ip verificationK permission# which enerally means code that is installed on the

    local machine.


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    available in both .ersios

    MCA, MITS, 2012


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    ,icrosoft started development on the . 5.>.7G>F.> 6>>6$>5$>F

    5.5 5.5.A766.FG7 6>>7$>A$>5

    6.> 6.>.F>G6G.A6 6>>F$55$>G

    7.> 7.>.AF>@.7> 6>>@$55$>@

    7.F 7.F.65>66.? 6>>G$55$>

    A.> A.>.7>75.5 6>5>$>A$56

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    Tb'e #. T"e.NET ,r*e0orstc

    #.2.1.3. C'iet App'ictio Deve'op*et

    Client applications are the closest to a traditional style of application in

    indows$based prorammin. These are the types of applications that display

    windows or forms on the des&top# enablin a user to perform a tas&. Client

    applications include applications such as word processors and spreadsheets# as well as

    custom business applications such as data$entry tools# reportin tools# and so on.

    Client applications usually employ windows# menus# buttons# and other 8I

    elements# and they li&ely access local resources such as the file system and

    peripherals such as printers. !nother &ind of client application is the traditional

    !ctive2 control (now replaced by the manaed indows 'orms control) deployed

    over the Internet as a eb pae. This application is much li&e other client

    applications0 it is e%ecuted natively# has access to local resources# and includes

    raphical elements.

    In the past# developers created such applications usin C/CQQ in con"unction

    with the ,icrosoft 'oundation Classes (,'C) or with a rapid application

    development (4!D) environment such as ,icrosoft isual =asic. The .

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    'ramewor& interates the developer interface# ma&in codin simpler and more


    #.2.2. ASP.NET

    #.2.2.1. Server App'ictio Deve'op*et

    Server$side applications in the manaed world are implemented throuh

    runtime hosts. 8nmanaed applications host the common lanuae runtime# which

    allows your custom manaed code to control the behavior of the server. This model

    provides you with all the features of the common lanuae runtime and class library

    while ainin the performance and scalability of the host server.

    The followin illustration shows a basic networ& schema with manaed code

    runnin in different server environments. Servers such as IIS and SL Server can

    perform standard operations while your application loic e%ecutes throuh the

    manaed code.

    #.2.2.2. Server-Si$e &)e$ Co$e


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    technoloy is rapidly movin application development and deployment into the hihly

    distributed environment of the Internet.

    If you have used earlier versions of !S3 technoloy# you will immediately

    notice the improvements that !S3.

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    'inally# li&e eb 'orms paes in the manaed environment# your 2,L eb

    service will run with the speed of native machine lanuae usin the scalable

    communication of IIS.

    #.2.2.3. Active Server P)es.NET


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    !dditionally# the common lanuae runtime simplifies development# with

    manaed code services such as automatic reference countin and arbae


    &)ebi'it. !S3.

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    specifically desined to address a number of &ey deficiencies in the previous model.

    In particular# it provides0

    The ability to create and use reusable 8I controls that can encapsulate

    common functionality and thus reduce the amount of code that a pae

    developer has to write.

    The ability for developers to cleanly structure their pae loic in an orderly

    fashion (not Hspahetti codeH).

    The ability for development tools to provide stron JSIJ desin

    support for paes (e%istin !S3 code is opaque to tools).


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    In addition to (or instead of) usin V VM code bloc&s to proram dynamic

    content# !S3.

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    +racle Data 3rovider +racle 'or +racle Databases.

    SL Data 3rovider Sql 'or interactin with ,icrosoft SL Server.

    =orland Data


    eneric access to many databases such as

    Interbase# SL Server# I=, D=6# and +racle.

    Tb'e #.2.3..1. ADO.NET Dt Provi$ers re c'ss 'ibrries t"t ''o0

    co**o 0 to iterct 0it" speci!ic $t so%rces or protoco's. T"e 'ibrr

    APIs "ve pre!i/es t"t i$icte 0"ic" provi$er t"e s%pport.

    !n e%ample may help you to understand the meanin of the !3I prefi%. +ne

    of the first !D+.

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    T"e S' Co**$ Object

    The process of interactin with a database means that you must specify the

    actions you want to occur. This is done with a command ob"ect. Jou use a command

    ob"ect to send SL statements to the database. ! command ob"ect uses a connection

    ob"ect to fiure out which database to communicate with. Jou can use a command

    ob"ect alone# to e%ecute a command directly# or assin a reference to a command

    ob"ect to an SqlData!dapter# which holds a set of commands that wor& on a roup of

    data as described below.

    T"e S' DtRe$er Object

    ,any data operations require that you only et a stream of data for readin.

    The data reader ob"ect allows you to obtain the results of a S1L1CT statement from a

    command ob"ect. 'or performance reasons# the data returned from a data reader is a

    fast forward$only stream of data. This means that you can only pull the data from the

    stream in a sequential manner. This is ood for speed# but if you need to manipulate

    data# then a DataSet is a better ob"ect to wor& with.

    T"e DtSet Object

    DataSet ob"ects are in$memory representations of data. They contain multiple

    Datatable ob"ects# which contain columns and rows# "ust li&e normal database tables.

    Jou can even define relations between tables to create parent$child relationships. The

    DataSet is specifically desined to help manae data in memory and to supportdisconnected operations on data# when such a scenario ma&e sense. The DataSet is an

    ob"ect that is used by all of the Data 3roviders# which is why it does not have a Data

    3rovider specific prefi%.

    T"e S'DtA$pter Object

    Sometimes the data you wor& with is primarily read$only and you rarely need

    to ma&e chanes to the underlyin data source. Some situations also call for cachin

    data in memory to minimi*e the number of database calls for data that does not

    chane. The data adapter ma&es it easy for you to accomplish these thins by helpin

    MCA, MITS, 2012


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    to manae data in a disconnected mode. The data adapter fills a DataSet ob"ect when

    readin the data and writes in a sinle batch when persistin chanes bac& to the

    database. ! data adapter contains a reference to the connection ob"ect and opens and

    closes the connection automatically when readin from or writin to the database.

    !dditionally# the data adapter contains command ob"ect references for S1L1CT#

    I>? is made of various parts# which we will review

    when necessary.

    #.3. Overvie0 o! I*p'e*ettio Dt se

    #.3.1 S( SER>ER

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    ! database manaement# or D=,S# ives the user access to their data and

    helps them transform the data into information. Such database manaement systems

    include d=ase# parado%# I,S# SL Server and SL Server. These systems allow

    users to create# update and e%tract information from their database.

    ! database is a structured collection of data. Data refers to the characteristics

    of people# thins and events. SL Server stores each data item in its own fields. In

    SL Server# the fields relatin to a particular person# thin or event are bundled

    toether to form a sinle complete unit of data# called a record (it can also be referred

    to as raw or an occurrence). 1ach record is made up of a number of fields.

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    hen a field is one table matches the primary &ey of another field is referred

    to as a forein &ey. ! forein &ey is a field or a roup of fields in one table whose

    values match those of the primary &ey of another table.

    Re!ereti' Ite)rit


    'eve': This is the hihest level of abstraction at which one describes only part of the


    CHAPTER - ie0 ,ee$bc

    ,or* N*e:!dd

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    ,or* .= A$$ Ne0 Pro$%ct

    ,or* N*e:iew 3roducts

    Descriptio: In this user can view the products in our website.

    MCA, MITS, 2012


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    ,or* .? >ie0 Pro$%cts


    Report N*e: !dministrator -ome pae.

    MCA, MITS, 2012


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    Descriptio: It is the identification for admin successful loin.

    Report C.1 A$*iistrtor Ho*e p)e.

    Report N*e: 3assword chane

    Descriptio: the admin was chane the password correctly this report was


    MCA, MITS, 2012


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    Report C.2 Pss0or$ c")e

    Report N*e: !dd 3roduct

    Descriptio: The admin was add product to website successfully.

    MCA, MITS, 2012


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    Report C.3A$$ Pro$%ct
