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Sops for Prevention and Response to Sgb Kenya

Date post: 01-Jun-2018
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STA NDARD OPERAT ING PROCEDURES FOR PREVENTION OF AND RESPONSE TO SGBV in Name of Location: KAKUMA REFUGEE CAMP  Country: KENY A Developed in Collaboration with !" UN#CR $" GO% &" IRC '" ()F *" +RS ," NCC% Date o- Review.Revi/ion/ ! /t  Dra-t $00$ !/t Revi/ion +1l2 $00, $ nd  Dra-t $00* $ nd  Revi /ion Nove3ber $004 Final $00*

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inName of Location: KAKUMA REFUGEE CAMP

Country: KENYA

Developed in Collaboration with

!" UN#CR

$" GO%&" IRC'" ()F*" +RS," NCC%

Date o- Review.Revi/ion/

! /t Dra-t $00$ !/t Revi/ion +1l2 $00,


Dra-t $00* $nd

Revi/ion Nove3ber $004Final $00*

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Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence

Table o- Content/

!" INTRODUCTION""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$" DEFINITIONS OF SGBV"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

&" GUIDING PRINCIP(ES""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

'" REPORTING5 REFERRA( AND CASE INFOR6ATION 6ANAGE6ENT""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""*

4.1 R EPORTING AND R EFERRAL ....................................... ........................................ ..................... ...... ....... ... 54.1.1 Special Procedures for Child Victims/Survivors........................................................................7

*" RESPONSIBI(ITIES FOR PREVENTION AND RESPONSE""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""7

5.1 T HE R OLE OF UNHCR................................................. ......................................... ................. ....... ...... ... 85.2 H EALTH AND MEDICAL CARE ........................................ ........................................ .................................. .. 95.3 P SYCHOSOCIAL CARE ....................................... ......................................... .................... ....... ....... ...... ..... 9

5.4 S ECURITY AND S AFETY ..................................... ......................................... ................................... ...... .... 95.5 L EGAL AND J UDICIAL SUPPORT .............................................................................................................. 105.6 W OR ING WITH THE C OMMUNITY ON P RE!ENTION AND R ESPONSE .........................................................11

," COORDINATION"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

6.1 SG"! C ASE M ANAGEMENT MEETINGS ..................................................................................................136.2 SG"! C OORDINATION MEETINGS ..........................................................................................................13 4" 6 ONITORING AND E VA(UATION 6 EC#ANIS6S ..........................................................................................13

7" SIGNATURE PAGE FOR PARTICIPATING AGENCIES AND ACTORS"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!&


(IST OF ACRON96S""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""ERROR# "OO MAR NOT DEFINED.

Kakuma SGBV SOP 2007Community ServicesUNHCR Kakuma


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Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence

!" Introd1:tionI$ %&'()$*+*($ (, +-& %&/ &$'& (, & $ )&$ &% & /*( &$'& 7SG"! $ *+

&/ + +*$) * '+ ($ :( &$ $ '-* %&$ *$ %+*' %; :& , * *& $ '( $*+*&+-& & S+ $ % O &% +*$) P%('& %& 7SOP 1 - /& &&$ )%&& ($ +( , '* *+ +& <(*$+ '+*($

= '+(% +( %&/&$+ $ %& ($ +( SG"!. T-& %&/&$+*($ (, $ %& ($ & +( SG"!%&> *%& +-& & + * - &$+ (, +*? &'+(% :(%@*$) )%( +( &$ & '( (% +*/&; +, $'+*($ ; *$+&%? )&$'= $ '( $*+= & %( '-. T-* SOP; &/& ( & =%& %& &$+ +*/& (, +-& (%) $* +*($ * +& ($ +-& '(/&%; & + * -& ' & % %('& %& ; %(

$ %& ($ * * *+*& ,(% & '- '+(% *$/( /& *$ +-& %& ($ & +( SG"!. T-& SOP :-*'- -( && +()&+-&% :*+- & * +*$) ) * & *$& ,(% +-& %&/&$+*($ (, $ %& ($ & +( SG"!; %&, &'+

'( $*+= $ %*)-+ ? & %( '- +( +-& * &. A $ (, '+*($ ($ +-& %&/&$+*($ (, $%& ($ & +( SG"! -( ,( (: +-& SOP $ & %&, &'+& *$ +-& C( $+%= O &% +*($ P $ $*$ ? )%&& &$+ :*+- * & &$+*$) %+$&% 7IP +( &,,&'+*/& = &$ & +-& ,* & &$+ +*($ (, +-& %('& %& . T-& %& + -( & %& (%+& ($ *$ +-& A$$ P%(+&'+*($R& (%+.

A $ )&$'= (, +-& U$*+& N +*($ ; UNHCR * %&> *%& +( -( $ %( (+& +-& %*)-+ (, :( &$ $ )*% ; +( *$ +%& )&$ &% &% &'+*/& *$ ( % ( *'*& $ ( &% +*($ ; $ +(:(%@ +(: % +-& & (:&% &$+ (, :( &$ $ +-& & * *$ +*($ (, /*( &$'& ) *$ + +-& . T-& &%& ($ * * *+*& ; :-*'- %& + +-& '(%& (, UNHCRB %(+&'+*($ $ +&; - /& &&$ %&, &'+& *$UNHCR E &' +*/& C( *++&& C($' *($ $ UNHCR ( *'*& *$'& +-& & % = 1990*$' *$) +-& A)&$ ,(% P%(+&'+*($. T-&= %& ( ( + *$& *$ %& ( +*($ ( +& = ECOSOC;+-& G&$&% A & =; +-& S&' %*+= C( $'* ; $ *$ *$ +% '+*($ ,%( +-& S&'%&+ %=?G&$&% (+-& U$*+& N +*($ . I+ * ,(% +-& & %& ($ +- + UNHCR - + @&$ & %( & *$ , '* *+ +*$) +-&

&/& ( &$+ (, +-* SOP.

T-* (' &$+ * */* & *$+( * &'+*($ 71 D&,*$*+*($ (, SG"!; 72 G * *$) P%*$'* & ; 73

R& (%+*$); R&,&%% ; $ C & I$,(% +*($ M $ )& &$+; 74 R& ($ * * *+*& ,(% P%&/&$+*($ $R& ($ &; 75 C((% *$ +*($ $ 76 M($*+(%*$) $ E/ +*($. T-& SOP &+ * +-& *$*%('& %& ,(% +-& %&/&$+*($ (, $ %& ($ & +( SG"! $ * + :-*'- )&$'*& :* &

%& ($ * & ,(% '+*($ *$ +-& ,( % *$ &'+(% -& +-; ='-( ('* ' %&; &) ,, *% < +*'&$ &' %*+=. L + =; +-& SOP &+ ( + ' %%&$+ (%+ = +& ,%( +-& & ' +*($ &'+(% $

+-& '( $*+=.


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Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence

$" De-inition/ o- SGBVUNHCR $ *+ * & &$+*$) %+$&% & $ & $ & &,*$*+*($ (, SG"! & ($ A%+*' & 1

$ 2 (, +-& UN G&$&% A & = D&' % +*($ ($ +-& E * *$ +*($ (, !*( &$'& ) *$ + W( &$71993 $ R&'( &$ +*($ 19; % )% - 6; (, +-& 11 +- S& *($ (, +-& C($/&$+*($ ($ +-&E * *$ +*($ (, A F(% (, D* '%* *$ +*($ ) *$ + W( &$ 7CEDAW C( *++&&

)&$ &%? & /*( &$'& * /*( &$'& +- + * *%&'+& ) *$ + &% ($ ($ +-& * (, )&$ &% (% & . I+ *$' & '+ +- + *$, *'+ -= *' ; &$+ (% & - % (% ,,&%*$); +-%& + (, '-

'+ ; '(&%'*($ $ (+-&% & %*/ +*($ (, * &%+= .W-* & :( &$; &$; (= $ )*% ' $ &/*'+* %/*/(% (, )&$ &%? & /*( &$'&; :( &$ $ )*% %& +-& *$ /*'+* %/*/(% .

- & $ &% +(( +( &$'( ; + $(+ & * *+& +( +-& ,( (:*$)

. P-= *' ; & $ ='-( ()*' /*( &$'& ('' %%*$) *$ +-& , * =; *$' *$)++&%*$); & & (*+ +*($; & & (, '-* %&$ *$ +-& -( &-( ; (:%=?

%& +& /*( &$'&; %*+ % &; ,& & )&$*+ +* +*($ $ (+-&% +% *+*% '+*'& - % , +( :( &$; $($? ( /*( &$'& $ /*( &$'& %& +& +(

& (*+ +*($.. P-= *' ; & $ ='-( ()*' /*( &$'& ('' %%*$) :*+-*$ +-& )&$&% '( $*+=;

*$' *$) % &; & &; & - % &$+ $ *$+* * +*($ + :(%@; *$& ' +*($ *$ +*+ +*($ $ & &:-&%&; +% ,,*'@*$) *$ :( &$ $ ,(%'& %( +*+ +*($.

'. P-= *' ; & $ ='-( ()*' /*( &$'& &% &+% +& (% '($ ($& = +-& S+ +&$ *$ +*+ +*($ ; :-&%&/&% *+ ('' % .

T-& $ &% =*$) %((+ ' & (, SG"! * +-& -* +(%*' = $&> (:&% %& +*($ &+:&&$ &$$ :( &$; :-*'- - & +( ( *$ +*($ (/&% $ * '%* *$ +*($ ) *$ + :( &$ = &$.

P(/&%+=; ' + %& $ + $'& & %& , '+(% :-*'- & '&% +& +-& & $&> (:&% %& +*($ .

U$ &% +-& L : (, &$= ; *$(% (% %&$+ ' $$(+ )*/& '($ &$+ +( & '+ ($ &- , (, '-* . T- $= & '+ ' %%*& ( + :*+- *$(% * '($ * &%& &,* & &$+ $ * $* -& *$+-& & $$&% & /*( &$'&.

Kakuma SGBV SOP 2007Community ServicesUNHCR Kakuma


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Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence

&" G1idin; Prin:iple/ A '+(% - /& )%&& +( & +&$ +-& , & + '(( &% +*($ $ * + $'& +( & '- (+-&% *$

%&/&$+*$) $ %& ($ *$) +( SG"!; :& +( -&%& +( +-& ,( (:*$) &+ (, ) * *$)%*$'* &

G1idin; Prin:iple/ -or the Pro;ra33e

1. E$) )& +-& '( $*+= , = *$ $ &% + $ *$) $ %( (+*$) )&$ &% &> *+= $(:&% %& +*($ +- + %(+&'+ $ %& &'+ +-& %*)-+ (, :( &$ $ )*% .

2. E$ %& &> %+*'* +*($ = :( &$ $ &$; )*% $ (= *$ & *$);$$*$); * & &$+*$); ($*+(%*$) $ &/ +*$) %()% & +-%( )- +-&

= +& +*' & (, %+*'* +(%= & &$+.3. E$ %& '((% *$ +& +*? &'+(% '+*($ = '+(% .4. S+%*/& +( *$+&)% +& $ *$ +%& '+*($ .5. E$ %& ''( $+ * *+= + &/& .6. T-& ,% &:(%@ ,(% %()% *$) -( & & ($ *$+&%$ +*($ &)

%*$'* & ; *$' *$) +-( & &+ ( + *$ %&, )&& :; *$+&%$ +*($ - $ %*)-+ : $*$+&%$ +*($ - $*+ %* $ :.

. A + ,, %(/* *$) &%/*'& ; *$' *$) *$+&% %&+&% *$ +-& %()% & -( *)$ +-&UNHCR C( & (, C($ '+ A)&$'*& B C( & (, C($ '+ (% * * % (' &$+ &++*$)( + +-& & + $ % (, '($ '+.

G1idin; Prin:iple/ -or Individ1al/

1. E$ %& +-& ,&+= (, +-& /*'+* %/*/(% $ -* -&% , * = + +* & .2. R& &'+ +-& '($,* &$+* *+= (, +-& ,,&'+& &% ($7 $ +-&*% , * *& + +* & .3. R& &'+ +-& :* -& ; %*)-+ ; $ *)$*+= (, +-& /*'+* 7 %/*/(%7 :-&$ @*$) $=

&'* *($ ($ +-& ( + %( %* +& '( % & (, '+*($ +( %&/&$+ (% %& ($ +( $ SG"!*$'* &$+; :-* & ( & %*$) *$ *$ +-& ,&+= (, +-& :* &% '( $*+= :& +-&*$ */* '($'&%$& .

4. E$ %& $($? * '%* *$ +*($ *$ +-& %(/* *($ (, &%/*'& .5. A = +-& (/& %*$'* & +( '-* %&$; *$' *$) +-&*% %*)-+ +( %+*'* +& *$ &'* *($

+- + :* ,,&'+ +-& . I, &'* *($ * + @&$ ($ &- , (, +-& '-* ; +-& & + *$+&%& + (, +-& '-* - & +-& (/&%%* *$) ) * & $ +-& %( %* +& %('& %& -( &,( (:& . S &'* %('& %& ,(% :(%@*$) :*+- '-* %/*/(% $ '-* &% &+% +(%

%& & '%* & *$ +-& &'+*($ ($ %& ($ & .

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Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence

'" Reportin;5 Re-erral and Ca/e In-or3ation 6ana;e3ent

4.1 Reporting and ReferralReportin;

T-& %/*/(% - +-& ,%&& ( $ +-& %*)-+ +( %& (%+ $ *$'* &$+ +( $=($&. S -& = %& (%+ +(• A$=($& :-( +-& %/*/(% &%'&*/& +- + ' $ & (, * + $'&• C( $*+= (% %& *)*( & &%• S'-(( +& '-&% ; %&$+ ; &&% ; ,%*&$• M&$; :( &$ $ )*% B (%+ )%(• IRC & *' + ,,; %&, )&& -& +- :(%@&%• LWF G&$ &%; P& '& " * *$) $ C-* P%(+&'+*($ $ +*($ + ,,; %&, )&& ' &:(%@&%

$ &' %*+= &% ($$&• UNHCR C( $*+= S&%/*'& $ P%(+&'+*($ + ,, 7SG"! L :=&% $ &' %*+= (,,*'&%• P( *'& 7*$' *$) *$* +% +*/& ( *'& .

H(:&/&%; *$ +-& ' & (, +; +-& %/*/(% :* %& (%+ *%&'+ = +( +-& ( *'&. S -& = &''( $*& = , * = & &% (% $= (, +-& (/& &$+*($& *$ */* .

A '+(% :-( &'( & : %& (, +-& & * +&$'& (, $ SG"! %/*/(% - /& %& ($ * * *+= +(/* & +-& %/*/(% (, +-& / * & &%/*'& . A$ '+(% :-( &'( & : %& (, SG"! & *

( *)& +( * & * +& = %*$) +-* ++&% +( +-& ++&$+*($ (, LWF G&$ &% $ (% UNHCRC( $*+= S&%/*'& ; +-& SG"! L :=&% $ S&' %*+= O,,*'&% . T-* *$*+* %& (%+*$) = &

($& *$ &+ * %& '%* & *$ +-& &'+*($ ,( (:*$) (% = *$) *$,(% +*($ :-*'- (& $(+%&/& +-& * &$+*+= (, +-& *$ */* ; -( +-& %/*/(% )%&& $(+ +( %& & & '- *$,(% +*($

&% +-& '($ &$+ ,(% & *$& *$ S&'+*($ 3.2.

I$'* &$+ (, & & (*+ +*($ *$/( /*$) - $*+ %* $ :(%@&% + & %& (%+& ''(% *$) +(+-& UN Secretar !eneral"s #ulletin on Se$ual %$ploitation and &'use ; 2003 $ (% PSEA%& (%+*$) %('& %& .

Re-erral S2/te3

Se<1al and Gender Ba/ed Violen:e =SGBV> * '%* *$ (,,&$'& $ &% +-& L : (, &$= . ! %*( ' +&)(%*& (, S& $ G&$ &% " & !*( &$'& 7SG"! ' & %&

'%* *$ (,,&$'& $ &% +-& L : (, &$= . T-& S& O,,&$'& A'+ 2006 * & ' */& =& *' +& +( +-& %&/&$+*($ (, SG"! +-%( )- &+&%%&$'& 7 *$* &$+&$'*$) ) * & *$&$ &$- $'& &$+&$'& % $)*$) &+:&&$ +&$ =& % $ *,& * %* ($ &$+ $

$* - &$+ (, (,,&$ &% . T-* A'+ - )%& + = &$- $'& +-& &$+&$'*$) &'- $* ,(% +-( & '($/*'+& (, & (,,&$'& *+ *$+%( '& *$* &$+&$'& $ %(+&'+*($

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I$ ' & :-&%& SG"! *$'* &$+ ('' %; +-& ,( (:*$) +& :* & + @&$ +( * + +-&%/*/(% :-* & &$ %*$) +- + +-& &% &+% +(% * ''(% & &> %(+&'+*($ (, +-& : $ &

%('& .

!" Gender Ba/ed Violen:e 7N($ & /*( &$'&

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Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence

1 C & (, &'+& ( & +*' /*( &$'& FGM LWF G&$ &% + ,, ' &:(%@&% :* '($ '+$ *$? & +- & &$+ (, +-& *$'* &$+ $ %/*/(%B $&& . T-& *$+&%/*&: -( $(+ &

'($ '+& *$ +-& %& &$'& (, , * = & &% . LWF G&$ &% + ,, :* %&,&% +-& %/*/(% +(+-& %( %* +& '+(% ,(% , %+-&% * + $'&"

I$ ' & +-&%& %& *$< %*& ; +-& %/*/(% :* & %&,&%%& +( -( *+ ' *$*' ,(% &' %&. A & *' %& (%+ :* & (' &$+& ($ +-& -& +- ' % $ P3 ,(% .IRC -& +-' %& + ,, :* /* & ( *'& +( '( &+& +-& $&'& %= *$,(% +*($ ($ +-&' & *$ *+ +*($ :-&%& +-& %/*/(% '-(( & +( % & &) '+*($. T-& %/*/(% :* ( & %&,&%%& +( LWF ,(% %( %* +& (%+.

2 C & (, - % &$+ (% * '%* *$ +*($ -( & %&,&%%& +( LWF G&$ &%. T-& + ,, :**$+&%/*&: +-& %/*/(% *$ +-& %& &$'& (, $(+-&% ' &:(%@&% + $(+ *$ +-& %& &$'& (,

''( $=*$) , * = & &% . T-& *$'* &$+ ,(% :* & ,* & ( + $ +-& *$,(% +*($-( & '($,* &$+* $ ($ = & - %& :*+- +-& %/*/(%B '($ &$+. T-& G&$ &% + ,, ' &:(%@&% :* +-&$ %&,&% +-& %/*/(% +( (+-&% %( %* +& '+(% ,(% ,( (: $

, %+-&% * + $'&.

3 C & (, '+*($ (% +-%& + (, '+*($ (, :( &$ '-* %&$ -( & %& (%+& +( LWFG&$ &% E> *+= $ H $ R*)-+ U$*+ (% LWF C-* D&/& ( &$+ U$*+ :-*'- :* +-&$

%(/* & &+ * & *$,(% +*($ ($ +-& ' & +( UNHCR C( $*+= S&%/*'& . UNHCRC( $*+= S&%/*'& *$ '( (% +*($ :*+- P%(+&'+*($ U$*+ :* %&'(% +-& & ' & $( &$ ,* & ,(% & '- *$ */* $ *$ %& +- + +-& ( *'& %& '($+ '+& $ +- + &> +&

%(+&'+*($ * )*/&$ +( +-& %/*/(% $ +-& , * =. $" Se<1al Violen:e

• S %/*/(% (, S& !*( &$'& = %& (%+ +-& *$'* &$+ +( +-& ,( (:*$) '+(%

S&' %*+= 7 (' ) % $ LWF S&' %*+= + ,, ; :-( :* +-&$ %&,&% +-& *%&'+ = +(+-& -( *+ .

P( *'& :-( :* %&,&% +-& +( $& % = ' *$*' %*$) = +* & $ +( +-& *$ -( *+ + $*)-+.

T-& (/& &$+*($& '+(% :* ' ,(% +% $ (%+ +*($ ,%( +-& -( *+ (% & '(%+ +-& %/*/(% +(+-& -( *+ *$ +-&*% /&-*' &. W-&$ +-& *$'* &$'& * %& (%+& +( +-& ( *'&; &+ * & *$,(% +*($($ +-& ' & -( & (' &$+& *$ +-& P3 ,(% .

A %& +*/& ' $ & '(%+ +-& %/*/(% +( +-& -( *+ . H(:&/&%; *$ ' & :-&%& *$(% &$+ ='- &$)& *$ */* * *$/( /& ; +-& %&$+ ) % * $ -( & '(%+ +-& %/*/(% +( +-& -( *+(% ( *'&. H& -& = & %&> *%& +( %(/* & *+*($ *$,(% +*($.

• M& *' ' %& :* & %(/* & = ('+(% (% ' *$*' (,,*'&% + +-& *$ -( *+ :-( :*%&'(% +-& $&'& %= & *' *$,(% +*($ ($ +-& P3 ,(% . T%& + &$+ :* *$' && &%)&$'= '($+% '& +*/& $ ( +?& ( %& %( -= * ,(% *$'* &$'& (, & /*( &$'&.T-* :* & ($& + +-& D%( ?*$?'&$+&% (, +-& *$ IRC -( *+ . T-& & *' + ,, :* ( &$

& % +& ,* & ($ +-& +%& + &$+ $ , %+-&% $ )& &$+ (, +-& ' &. T-& ,* & :* & @& + * &' %& $ ('@& %& $ :* ($ = & / * & +( +-(%* & *$ */* . IRC + ,, :*

+-&%& ,+&% ' +-& P( *'& +( ,* ( + +-& P3 ,(% .

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Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence

I, +-& * &$+*+= $ :-&%& ( + (, +-& &% &+% +(% * @$(:$; & *' & *$ +*($ :* ( &'($ '+& ,(% '( $ & *$) % ( & $ ,(% +-& % * +%& + &$+ (, STD $ HI! AIDS *$

%+*' %.

Rape, Defilement an !o omy "ill #e treate a$ Emer%ency Ca$e$

3 LWF G&$ &% + ,, :* @& $ & &$+ (, $= ' & %( )-+ +( +-&*% ++&$+*($;%(/* & *$*+* (%+ $ @& $ %( %* +& %&,&%% +( (+-&% '+(% ,(% , %

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( +*($ +( +-& %/*/(%B %( & $ &$ %& ) * & LWF G&$ &% *$ ,( (:*$)%( %* +& ,+&%?' %& *$+&%/&$+*($ .

4 L&) '( $ & *$) :* & %(/* & +( +-& %/*/(% +( &$ & +-& +( @& $ *$,(% &&'* *($ ($ +-& $&& +( % & &) '+*($. I$ ' & &) '+*($ * '($ * &%& ; +-&

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+-& ( *'&. T-& SG"! :=&% :* , %+-&% (%& @& $&'& %= %% $)& &$+ ,(% +% $ (%+ +*($ (, +-& %/*/(%; :*+$& & $ *$+&% %&+&% *, $&& & .

5 T-& ( *'& :* & %& ($ * & +( + @& '+*($ +( %&-&$ +-& &% &+% +(% $ %*-* -&% +( < +*'&. T-& ( *'& :* & %& ($ * & +( + @& +-& &% &+% +(% +( +-& -( *,(% & *' & *$ +*($.

T-& %&, )&& '( $*+= :* '( (% +& :*+- LWF $ (+-&% '+(% +( * + *$ +-&%&- * *+ +*($ (, (+- +-& %/*/(% $ +-& &% &+% +(%. T-& '( $*+= :* ( %(/* &

('* (%+ +( +-& %/*/(%.

6 C( $ & *$) &%/*'& -( & / * & +( %/*/(% (, SG"! $ +-&*% %& &'+*/&, * = $ '( $*+=.

&'('( !pecial Proce ure$ for C)il *ictim$+!ur i or$

1. W-&$ UNHCR (% $(+-&% )&$'= &'( & : %& (, &%*( *$'* &$+ (, & (% $&) &'+ = %&$+ ; +-&*% ,*% + %& ($ * * *+= * +( *$,(% +-& D* +%*'+ C-* %&$ O,,*'+- + %( %* +& '+*($ ' $ & + @&$. S &> &$+ =; UNHCR - ($*+(% $= &'* *($+( & % +& '-* %&$ ,%( +-&*% %&$+ $ &$ %& +-* * & ''(% *$) +( ,&) %& (% +& *$ A%+*' & 9 (, +-& C($/&$+*($ ($ +-& R*)-+ (, +-& C-* 7CRC . T-& &'* *($+( & % +& '-* ,%( -* -&% %&$+ , :*+-*$ +-& '( &+&$'& (, S+ +& 7A%+*' & 9(, +-& CRC .

2. I$ *+ +*($ :-&%& +-& D* +%*'+ C-* %&$ O,,*'&% * $(+ / * & +( & -* -&%%& ($ * * *+=; UNHCR :* + @& %)&$+ & %& +( %(+&'+ +-& , $ &$+ %*)-+ (, '-* (, '($'&%$; :-*'- = *$/( /& & % +*$) +-& '-* ,%( -* -&% %&$+ . A$=*$+&%/&$+*($ = UNHCR +( & % +& '-* ,%( -* -&% %&$+ ' $ ($ = & %(/* *($ ;+- %& &%/*$) +-& %*)-+ (, +-& '( &+&$+ S+ +& +-(%*+*& +( + @& ,(% &'* *($.UNHCR + ,*% + &+&% *$& +-& & + *$+&%& + (, +-& '-* &,(%& + @*$) $= '-

&'* *($.3. A'+(% &$) )& *$ %& ($ & '+*/*+*& -( & +% *$& +( - $ & +-& ='-(? ('*

$&& (, '-* %/*/(% .4. I$+&%/*&:&% -( & : %& (, +-& , '+ +- + ( & &% &+% +(% = & , * =

& &% . T-& '-* -( +-&%&,(%& & *$+&%/*&:& :-&$ $( (+-&% , * = & &% *

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Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence

%& &$+. H(:&/&%; +-& %&$+ ) % * $ + & *$,(% & +- + $ *$+&%/*&: * )(*$) +(& '($ '+& .

5. " & ($ +-& %*)-+ +( %+*'* +& *$ &'* *($ +- + ,,&'+ +-&*% */& ; '-* %/*/(% -(& *$,(% & (, +-& / * * *+= (, , '* *+*& +( &$ %& +-&*% -& +-; ='-(? ('* ' %&;-= *' ,&+= $ &) %(+&'+*($. C-* %/*/(% -( ( & & : %& (, +-&

* *+ +*($ (, +-( & &%/*'& .

4.( )ndividual Case *anagement T-& +*? &'+(% :(%@*$) )%( - )%&& ($ +-& &'- $* 7 + $ % ,(% +( +% $ ,&% *$,(% +*($ %& +*$) +( *$ */* ' & :-* & %& &'+*$) '($,* &$+* *+=. T-* * * & + &$ *$)&,,&'+*/& ,( (:? ; '( %* ($ $ +-& '( * +*($ (, *$,(% +*($.

T-& ,( (:*$) '+(% 7LWF; IRC; NCC ; $ UNHCR %& %& ($ * & ,(% ,* *$) ( + +-& I$'* &$+R& (%+ F(% ($ &- , (, +-& %/*/(% $ ,(% &$ %*$) +- + +-& %/*/(% *)$ +-& C($ &$+F(% . LWF G&$ &% $*+ * & *)$ +& +-& & )&$'= ,(% %&'&*/*$) SG"! %& (%+ $

*$+ *$*$) + . C( &+& I$'* &$+ F(% -( & +% $ ,&%%& +( LWF G&$ &% $*+:*+-*$ 24 -( % . T-& (%*)*$ '( *& (, +-& '( &+& I$'* &$+ R& (%+ F(% $ C($ &$+F(% %& ,* & *$ +-& LWF (,,*'&.

Obtainin; :on/ent• T-& %/*/(% -( & )*/&$ &> +& *$,(% +*($ *$ (% &% +( )*/& -* -&% *$,(% &

'($ &$+. T-* *$,(% +*($ -( *$' & +-& * *' +*($ (, - %*$) *$,(% +*($ ( ++-& ' & :*+- (+-&% '+(% $ +-& ( +*($ &%/*'& / * & ,%( +-& *,,&%&$+

)&$'*& .• C-* %&$ + & '($ +& $ )*/&$ +-& *$,(% +*($ $&& & +( @& $ *$,(% &

&'* *($; +-%( )- +-& & (, '-* ?,%*&$ = +&'-$*> & +- + &$'( % )& +-& +( & %&

+-& & /& . T-&*% * *+= +( %(/* & '($ &$+ ($ +-& & (, *$,(% +*($ +-&= %(/* & $+-& '%& * * *+= (, +-&*% *$,(% +*($; :* & &$ ($ +-&*% )&; + %*+= $ * *+= & %& +-& & /& ,%&& = $ '(-&%&$+ =.

I- the /1rvivor :on/ent/ to the /harin; o- in-or3ation and to -ollow?1p intervention/ • W*+-*$ 24 -( % +-& & )&$'= -( %(/* & '( *& (, +-& '( &+& I$'* &$+ R& (%+

F(% +( (%) $* +*($ %&/*( = * &$+*,*& *$ +-* SOP ( +- + +-&= = + %+ %(/* *$)&%/*'& %( %* +& +( +-& %/*/(%B '-(*'&.

I- the /1rvivor doe/ not :on/ent to the /harin; o- in-or3ation and to -ollow?1pintervention/

• W*+-*$ 24 -( % ; +-& & )&$'= %(/* & UNHCR :*+- *$,(% +*($ ( + +-& *$'* &$+:*+-( + %&/& *$) +-& * &$+*+= (, +-& /*'+* %/*/(%. H(:&/&%; *, *+ * ,& + +- + +-& %/*/(%%&> *%& ='-(? ('* '( $ & *$); LWF :* '($+*$ & +( ,*$ '($,* &$+* $$&% +(

%(/* & +-& * + $'&.

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Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence

*" Re/pon/ibilitie/ -or Prevention and Re/pon/e+.1 ,he Role of UN-CRUNHCR * +-& '((% *$ +*$) )&$'= ,(% SG"! $ :(%@ *$ '( (% +*($ :*+- LWF $ (+-&%

'+(% . T-& SG"! %()% & * ($*+(%& $ &%/* & = +-& C( $*+= S&%/*'& U$*+ *$'( (% +*($ :*+- +-& P%(+&'+*($ U$*+.

UN#CR@/ Re/pon/e Prevention 6e:hani/3/• E$ %& +-& ,&+= (, +-& %/*/(%; +-&*%

, * = $ +-& %&, )&& '( $*+= + %)&• S &%/* & $ ($*+(% ,& -& +&% ,(%

%/*/(%• E$ %& '( *($ +& * + $'&;

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$ (, SG"! ' &• S (%+ *$*+* +*/& +- + %( (+& +-& ('*

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• P%(/* & &) '( $ & *$) +( %/*/(% $

+-&*% , * =• C(?( &% +& :*+- (' : &$,(%'& &$+

( *& +( &$ %& ''& +( < +*'& ,(% %/*/(%

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&% &+% +(%• A (' +& %& ( %'& ,(% +-& ( * & '( %+ $

,(% +% $ (%+ $ * +&$'& ,(% +-&%/*/(% $ :*+$& & +( ++&$ '( %+

-& %*$) *$ $ ( + * & +-& '

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+% *$*$) $ '( $*+= &&+*$) +(&$ %& '($ * +&$+ $ &% + $ *$) ($)

'( $*+= & &%• S (%+ '( $*+= & ('* (%+

$&+:(%@• E$'( % )& :( &$B %+*'* +*($ *$

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%&/&$+*($ $ %& ($ & '+*/*+*&• E$ %& %&, )&& %& * & * &$+*,*' +*($

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& ' +*($ ' *)$ ($ SG"! $H $ R*)-+ $(%

+.( -ealth and *edical Care ,he )RC

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*$' *$) '( $ & *$)• D(' &$+ & *' ,*$ *$) = ,* *$) ( +

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• P%(/* & RH &%/*'& +( :( &$

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Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence

+. Ps cho0Social Care 23 5RS NCC6 T-& ='-(? ('* &%/*'& :* & %(/* & +( %/*/(% + +-& S ,& H /&$; %( ?*$ '&$+%& ;-( *+ ' *$*' ; ,*& ( + ; ( *'& + +*($; UNHCR $ LWF (,,*'& :& + +-& '( $*+=

&/& .

()F@/ Re/pon/e Prevention 6e:hani/3/• R&'&*/& $ %&/*&: *$'* &$+ %& (%+ ($

:&&@ = $ ($+- = *• D(' &$+ SG"! *$'* &$+ 7'( &'+ +

$ @&& +% '@ (, ' *&$+ B %& (%+• R&,&% +-& %/*/(% +( %( %* +& '+(%

,(% , %+-&% $ )& &$+ (, +-&*% ' &• A''( $= %/*/(% +( ('* ; & *'

$ &) &%/*'&• E$ %& ' *&$+ B -= *' ,&+= = &$) )*$)

+-& '( $*+= *$ %(/* *$) -& +&% (%+• C($ '+ -( & /* *+ $ %(/* & -( &

& (%+• P%(/* & +&%* * +( %/*/(% ; $

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• E + * - $ *$+ *$ &%/*'& %(/* *($, '* *+*& ; '- +-& %( ?*$ '&$+%&

• C($ '+ : %&$& ' *)$ +( *$'%& &$ $ &% + $ *$) (, SG"!; &$'( % )&

%& (%+*$) $ %( (+& %&, )&&%+*'* +*($ *$ %()% & +% +&)*& .

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• P%(/* & @* +% *$*$); *+&% '= %()% &$ &+ IGA +- + & (:&% :( &$ +(

@& *$,(% & '-(*'& ( + *+ +*($ (, /*( &$'&

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• E$ %& +- + SG"! * & 7%& (%+*$) $%&,&%% * *$ +%& & *$+( C-* R*)-+C ; =( +- $ (%+ '+*/*+*&

• M($*+(% +% *+*($ '($, *'+ %& ( +*($&'- $* *$ +-& '( $*+=

+RS@/ Re/pon/e Prevention 6e:hani/3/•

P%(/* & & (+*($ $ ='-( ()*'(%+ +-%( )- '( $ & *$) $+&%$ +*/& +-&% =; '- %&, & ( ()= +(

%/*/(% $ +-&*% , * *& $'( $*+=

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-& +&%

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NCC%@/ Re/pon/e Prevention 6e:hani/3/• I &$+*,= $ %&,&% %/*/(% +( %( %* +&

'+(% ,(% (%+• F '* *+ +& %/*/(% +( &&@ ('* ; & *'

$ &) (%+• P%(/* & +&%* * +( %/*/(% $ +-&*%

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%&- * *+ +*($ % ( &• P%(/* & & (+*($ '( $ & *$) +(

'( &%'* & :(%@&%

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• L $'- $ RH ' *)$ $ '($ '+SG"! : %&$& '+*/*+*& + '-((

• P%(/* & @* +% *$*$) $ *$'( &)&$&% +*$) '+*/*+*& +( / $&% & :( &$

$ )*%• M($*+(% +-& $+*?FGM ' *)$• P%(/* & +% *$*$) ($ -& +-= * )& (,

$-(( +( =( +- : = +( +& SG"!

+.4.1 Securit and Safet ,he ! 6 Police Refugee ocal !uardsT-& )(/&%$ &$+ (, &$= 7GO * %& ($ * & ,(% +-& &' %*+= $ ,&+= (, +-& %&, )&& *$+-& ' $ , ,* +-* %& ($ * * *+= = & (=*$) &' %*+= &% ($$& *$ @ . UNHCR'( & &$+ +-* &%/*'& = %(/* *$) /&-*' & ; ''( ( +*($ ,(% GO &% ($$& $ (+-&%

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Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence

()* +*' (%+. T-& %&, )&& %(/* & (' &' %*+= ) % ; ( & (, :-( %& :(%@*$) ($*$'&$+*/& = :-* & (+-&% %& /( $+&&%*$). A (, +-( & &$) )& *$ &$ %*$) +-& &' %*+= $

,&+= (, @ + -&%& +( +-& ,( (:*$) % &• A &' %*+= )%( + -( - $ %*)-+ .

S '- )%( %& $(+ (:& +( &/= ,*$& (% $* - &$+ $ + @& %&,&%% & *)$ +& = +-& %&,&%% &'- $* .• A '- &' %*+= )%( -( & +% *$& ($ +-& %&/&$+*($ (, SG"!; :( &$B %*)-+

$ +-& S&'%&+ %= G&$&% B " &+*$ ($ S& E (*+ +*($ $ A &.

()F@/ Re/pon/e Prevention 6e:hani/3/• M( * * & %&, )&& +( * &$+*,= +-&*% (:$

&' %*+= $&& $ & + * - = +& *$'( (% +*($ :*+- : &$,(%'& &$+ ( *&

• E + * - '( $*+= ) % $*+ ; :-*'-%& % :$ ,%( +-& %&, )&& '( $*+=

• E$ %& +-& % & (, : *$ +-& '• E$ %& +-& %+*'* +*($ (, +-& %&, )&&

'( $*+= *$ + )& (, '( $*+=( *'*$)

• E (:&% '( $*+= & &% $ +-&%&, )&& ) % $&+:(%@ *$ +-& '

• S&$ *+* & $ *$'%& & +-& ' '*+= (, (' ) % +( * '- %)& *+

%& ($ * * *+*& &,,&'+*/& =• E$ %& +- + +-&%& %& $ &% (,

,& & %&, )&& &' %*+= ) %

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• E '(%+ +-& %/*/(% $ +-& &% &+% +(% 7*,

* &$+*,*& ; +( +-& & *' ' *$*'

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$ &%/& ($• P%(/* & +% $ (%+ +*($ ,(% '' & +(

& % *$ '( %+.

• P%(/* & +-& SG"! :=&% :*+- $ +&(, +-& ' & ,* & ; +-( & & %*$) *$ '( %+

$ +-( & '> *++& .

• N(+*,= LWF $ UNHCR (, SG"! ' &%& (%+& *%&'+ = +( +-&

• E$ %& ' +%(• E$ %& & (= &$+ (, ,& & &' %*+=

&% ($$&• E + * - '( $*+= &$ *+* +*($ $

: %&$& % * *$) %()% & ($'( $*+= ( *'*$); < *'* %('& %&

$ +-& : (, &$=

+.4.( ,he Camp *anager ! 6 *inistr of )mmigration and 8epartmentof Refugee &ffairs

T-& GO D& %+ &$+ (, R&, )&& A,, *% * %& ($ * & ,(% * & %& +*$) +( +-& '$ )& &$+. T-& (,,*'&% :(%@ *$ '( (% +*($ :*+- UNHCR; )&$'*& $ (+-&% )(/&%$ &$+

*$ +*+ +*($ +( &$ %& +- + %&, )&& %&'&*/& &> +& - $*+ %* $ &%/*'& ; :&) % $+&&*$) +-&*% &' %*+=.

• E$ %& %&)* +% +*($ (, = &&@&% $ (+-&% &% ($ (, '($'&%$ *$ ''(% $'& :*+-+-& $ +*($ : ($ %&, )&& + + &+&% *$ +*($ $ (+-&% %& &/ $+ *$+&%$ +*($

%(/* *($• E$ %& %&, )&& :( &$ %& %(/* & :*+- *$ */* (' &$+ +*($

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Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence

• E$ %& %&)* +% +*($ (, $ ''( $*& $ & % +& '-* %&$ :& +-&%% $)& &$+ (, ,( +&% ' %&

• M($*+(% +% *+*($ * +& +-%( )- '( *++&& *$ +-& '• C((% *$ +& %&, )&& & &% -* '+*/*+*& :*+- %& &'+ +( ' & $ )& &$+ $ +-&

& */&%= (, &%/*'&• S+%&$)+-&$ +-& @$(: & )& (, %&, )&& ; )&$'*& $ GO &% ($$& ($ +-& %&, )&&


+.+ egal and 5udicial Support ,he Court

+1di:iar2 and Co1rt@/ Re/pon/e Prevention 6e:hani/3/• D&+&% *$& ' & %( )-+ &,(%& +-& '( %+ *$ $

& & *&$+ $$&% • E$,(%'& +-& %(+&'+*($ &'- $* $ &% +-&

S& O,,&$'& A'+ +( &$ %& +-& ,&+= (,

SG"! %/*/(% $ / $&% & :*+$& &• "&*$) &$ *+*/& *$ +-& *$* +% +*($ (, < +*'&$ *$ %+*' % *$ '($ '+*$) +-& %('&& *$)

*$ ' &% ; & &'* = :-&%& '-* %&$ %&*$/( /& (% :-&$ +-& %/*/(% * +& +*,=*$)

• E$,(%'& +-& : *$ +%*'+ + , *% $$&%;& &'* = +-& S& O,,&$'& A'+ $ *$&$,(%'*$) +-& %& '%* & &$+&$'& .

• R& * + ++& + +( :*+- % : ,%( SG"! ' & .• "&*$) +%*'+ :*+- %&) % +( ($ * +&% ,(%

&'+ *$ SG"! ' & ; & &'* = :-&%&% &; &,* & &$+ (% ( ( = %& *$/( /& . T-&

%&,&%%& '( % & (, '+*($ * $(+ )% $+*$)($ *

• R * *$) : %&$& ($ +-& $ +*($ : $'( %+ %('& %&

• U+* * *$) +-& %& &$'& (, +-& )* +% +& +(* & *$ +& *$,(% +*($ %&) % *$) +-& %& &/ $+

: ($) +-& / %*( '+(%• E$ %*$) & = ''& +( < +*'& = &$ %*$)+-& %& &$'& (, $ (,,*'* '( %+ ,(% ($& :&&@

&% ($+- *$ @ . T-* - &+&%%*$)&,,&'+ * $*+= * %& '&

• H /*$) +-& -* '( & +( @ ($ > %+&% = * (+- +( &$ *+* & $ % * &

: %&$& ($) +-& M * '( $*+= $( +( -& % ' & .

• H /*$) +-& H*)- C( %+ '( & +( @ +:*'& =& %. "& * & &$ %*$) ''& +( -*)-7&%&/& (, < +*'&; +-& < )& %+ @& *$: %&$& % * *$) '+*/*+*& $ * * % =

*$,(% = &$ ( + +-& &$= $ :

+.9 2or:ing ;ith the Communit on Prevention and Response

1. T% *+*($ * +& &'- $*

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( *'& $ +-& C M $ )&% *$ &++ *$) * +& :& +-& %&- * *+ +*($ $%&*$+&)% +*($ (, SG"! %/*/(% $ +-& &% &+% +(% . LWF G&$ &% $ P& '& " * *$)

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T-& < %* *'+*($ (, +-& C( $'* (, E &% * * *+& +( +-& ,( (:*$) += & (, ' &• M %%* )& $ (:%= %& +& * &• A +&%=• D*/(%'&• E ( & &$+• P%&)$ $'= %& +& * &• K %%& $ '($, *'+ ($) '( $*+= & &%• S '*/* ' *• P +&%$*+= * +&

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Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence

A '%* *$ ' & - & %&,&%%& +( +-& GO ( *'& $ +( +-& '( %+ (($ ( * &. ASG"! ' & - ( & %&,&%%& +( +-& S"G! :=&%; :-( - &+&% *$& %( %* +& ,( (:?


2. E ' +*($ I$ +*+ +*($

LWF * +-& & )&$'= *$ +-& %(/* *($ (, & ' +*($ &%/*'& *$ +-& ' . T-& + ,, :(%@*$) *$ +-& & ' +*($ &'+(% - /& +-& %& ($ * * *+= +( %&/&$+ $ %& ($ +( +-&

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NCC * %& ($ * & ,(% +-& * & &$+ +*($ (, SG"! : %&$& & *($ +- + - /& &&$

*$ +%& & *$+( R& %( '+*/& H& +- & *($ *$ '-(( .

()F.)T%.+RS.Don Bo/:o.NCC% Re/pon/e Prevention 6e:hani/3/

• I &$+*,= $ %&,&% ' & (, SG"! +( LWF)&$ &%

• I &$+*,= $ %& (%+ ' & (, SEA +(LWF UNHCR P%(+&'+*($ $ C( $*+=S&%/*'&

• P%(/* & ) * $'& $ '( $ & *$) &%/*'& +(* + &$+

• R& *+ )*% :-( %( ( + ,%( '-(( & +(%&)$ $'= (% - % , +% *+*($ % '+*'&

• E$ %& +-& %+*'* +*($ (, :( &$ *$'-(( '( *++&&

• " * *$) +-& ' '*+= (, + ,, $ '-(('( *++&& ($ SG"!; HI! AIDS $H $ R*)-+

• M *$ +%& SG"! & ' +*($ *$ '-(($ /(' +*($ +% *$*$) '&$+%&

• P%( (+& )*% B & ' +*($• P%(/* & $*,(% $ $*+ %= :& % ,(%

)*% :-( ++&$ '-((• P%(/* & '-( % -* ,(% ( +? %* %=

& ' +*($ +( )*%

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4. R&, )&& $ H( + C( $*+= L& &%

(eader/@ Re/pon/e Prevention 6e:hani/3/• P%(/* & ('* (%+ +( %/*/(% ,%( :*+-*$

+-& '( $*+=• E$ %& +- + :( &$ $ '-* %&$B %*)-+ %&

-& :*+- %& &'+ +( +% *+*($ '($, *'+?%& ( +*($ &'- $*

• E$ %& +-& ,&+= (, +-& %/*/(%; +-&&% &+% +(%; +-&*% , * *& $ +-& '( $*+=

• A'+ : %&$& ' *)$ %( (+&% ,(% SG"! %&/&$+*($ $ %& ($ &

• S (%+ +-& %( & (, :( &$ &> &'* *($@&%

• A /(' +& +-& %*)-+ (, %/*/(%• A /(' +& +-& %*)-+ (, :( &$ *$ )&$&% :*+-*$

+-& '( $*+= $ )&$'*&• A /(' +& ,(% +-& ' + % = &$ *+*/& SG"!


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Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence

5. R&, )&& $ H( + '( $*+= (%+ G%( 7:( &$; &$; '-* %&$ $ =( +- )%(

S1pport Gro1p@/ Re/pon/e Prevention 6e:hani/3/• I &$+*,= $ %&,&% %/*/(% +( %( %* +&

'+(% ,(% * & * +& * + $'&• A * + %/*/(% +( &&@ ('* ; & *'

$ &) * + $'&• P%(/* & & (+*($ $ ='-( ()*'

(%+ +( %/*/(% $ +-&*% , * =• P%(/* & ,& -& +&% +( SG"! %/*/(%

• P%( (+& SG"! %&/&$+*($ $ %& ($ &: %&$& ' *)$

• A /(' +& ,(% +-& %*)-+ (, %/*/(%• A /(' +& +-& *$' *($ (, :( &$ *$

&'* *($ @*$) %('& & %&) % *$)SG"!

• P%( (+& %& &'+ ,(% +-& %*)-+ (, :( &$$ '-* %&$

," Coordination

9.1 S!#V Case *anagement Conferences

1. A$ SG"! ' & '($,&%&$'& :* & -& ($ :&&@ = * +( %&/*&: *$ */* ' & +- +

- /& &&$ %& (%+& $ +-& ,( (: +- + - &&$ &. T-& *$,(% +*($ - %& ++-& & '($,&%&$'& * '($,* &$+* $ +-& ,(' * ($ %& ( /*$) %)&$+ %( & $%(/* *$) ( +*($ +( & '- *$ */* ' &.

2. T-& +* & +- + * %&> *%& +( %(/* & -(%+?+&% %& ($ & $ ($)&%?+&% ( +**$' *$) %& &++ & &$+; :* & ' ( & = ($*+(%& ,(% & '- *$ */* ' *&$+.

3. P %+*'* $+ :* *$' & & &% (, UNHCRB +*, $'+*($ +& ; *$ %+*' %C( $*+= S&%/*'& $ P%(+&'+*($ + ,, $ +-& ,(' (*$+ (, +-& (/& &$+*($&

)&$'*& .

9.( S!#V Coordination *eetings

1. M&&+*$) :* & -& *$ +-& ' ($ ($+- = * .

2. P %+*'* $+ :* *$' & %& %& &$+ +*/& (, +-& '+(% +- + %& *$/( /& :*+- SG"!. T-**$' & %& %& &$+ +*/& ,%( +-& -( + '( $*+=; :*+- + %)&+& ,& & %& %& &$+ +(, 50 .

3. T-* &&+*$) * ,(% :-&%& *$,(% +*($ * - %& :-* + &% ($ &+ * %& *$'($,* &$+* ; :-*'- &$ %& +- + /*'+* :& &% &+% +(% - $(+ & * &$+*,*& .T-* *$,(% +*($ - %*$) * '((% *$ +& = UNHCRB C( $*+= S&%/*'& ; :-( $ = &

(/&% +%&$ $ &/& ( %&/&$+ +*/& +% +&)*& . A *+*($ =; C( $*+= S&%/*'&

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Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence

* ' & $ %& ( /& &'*,*' * & *$ SG"! %& ($ & $ %&/&$+*($ &'- $*7 '- +% *$*$) $ : %&$& $&& $ '((% *$ +& '+*/*+*& %&> *%& = +-&

'+(% *$/( /& .

4. LWF G&$ &% :* '-& & +-& &&+*$) $ * +%* +& *$ +& .

5. UNHCRB C( $*+= S&%/*'& :* :%*+& *$/*+ +*($ &++&% +( )&$'*& :-* & LWF :* *$/*+%&, )&& $ -( + '( $*+= %& %& &$+ +*/& .

. M($*+(%*$) $ E/ +*($ M&'- $*

T-& %+*& +( +-& SOP - /& )%&& +( &1. T-& ($+- = %& (%+ ,(% +( (%+ +-& '( &'+*($ (, + ,%( +-& *,,&%&$+ &'+(% .

2. T-& ($+- = + +( $ = & +%&$ $ &+&% *$& +% +&)*& ,(% +-& %&/&$+*($ (, $%& ($ & +( SG"!.

3. T-& ($+- = + +( * &$+*,= /* & ( +*($ ,(% *$ */* &% ($ $ +( &$ %& +- ++-& & %& *$@& +( +-& C( $+%= O &% +*($ P $ $ ? )%&& &$+ :*+- %+$&% .

4. P %+*'* +(%= $ '( $*+= & &+-( +( ($*+(% $ &/ +& +-& &,,&'+*/&$&(, +-& SG"! %&/&$+*($ $ %& ($ & &%/*'& $ +-& %( & =& = +-& *,,&%&$+

'+(% .

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Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence

8. S*)$ + %& P )& ,(% P %+*'* +*$) A)&$'*& $ A'+(%

W&; +-& $ &% *)$& ; %& %& &$+ +*/& (, ( % %& &'+*/& (%) $* +*($ ; )%&& +(

1. A * & = +-& %('& %& $ ) * & *$& '($+ *$& *$ +-* (' &$+2. F ,* ( % %( & $ %& ($ * * *+*& +( %& ($ '' % +& = $ :*,+ = +( SG"!

3. P%(/* & '( *& (, +-* (' &$+ +( +-& $&: + ,, :-( - /& %& ($ * * *+*& %&) % *$)+-& %& ($ & +( SG"! $ +( &$ %& +- + +-& %('& %& :* '($+*$ & &=($ +-& '($+% '++&% (, $= *$ */* + ,, & &%.

<Refugee Representative Name= 8ate Signature

>! 6 Representatives 8ate Signature

< rganisation Name= 8ate Signature

< rganisation Name= 8ate Signature

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Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence

A$$& &

1. I$'* &$+ R& (%+ F(%

2. M& *' R& (%+ F(%

3. M($+- = R& (%+*$) F(%

4. M($*+(%*$) $ E/ +*($ S+ $ % P $

5. IRC +%& + &$+ P%(+('(

6. JRS A * *($ P%(+('(

. TOR ,(% T% *+*($ D* +& C( *++&&

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Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence

&NN%? 1 S!#V *onthl Reporting 3orm


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Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence

U$ &% 18S( ( =

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A +U$ &% 18S&E (*+ +*($S& A &Other/

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Kakuma SGBV SOP 2007Community ServicesUNHCR Kakuma


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Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence

&NN%? ( S!#V )NC)8%N, 3 R*

T2pe o- in:ident Additional in:ident t2pe =:ode/>

I$'* &$+ N(. C D +& $ T* & (, *$+&%/*&:

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&" PERPETRATOR INFOR6ATIONN & N(. (, &% &+% +(%

L(' +*($ N +*($ *+= A)& T%* &

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C %%&$+ (' +*($ (, &% &+% +(%; *, @$(:$

I- perpetrator i/ 3inor N & (, ' %& )*/&% Relation/hip

Kakuma SGBV SOP 2007Community ServicesUNHCR Kakuma


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Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence

'" )ITNESSESD& '%* & %& &$'& (, $= :*+$& &

N & %&

*" ACTION TA%EN Any action alrea y ta-en, #y anyone, a of t)e ate t)i$ form i$complete

Reported to Date reported A:tion ta enP( *'&N &S&' %*+=$ &UNHCRN &L(' & &%$ &H& +- C %&N &P ='-( ('* (%+N &O+-&%N &," 6ORE ACTION AND P(AN OF ACTION &s of the date this form is completed I & * +& S ,&+= P $I %/*/(% )(*$) +( %& (%+ +-& *$'* &$+ +( +-& ( *'&N(Y&

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Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence

&NN%? *onitoring and %valuation )ndicators

Se:tor 6onitorin; and Eval1ation Indi:ator/

Se:tor@/ Re/pon/e Prevention 6e:hani/3

#ealth Care • N &% (, SG"! ' &* &$+*,*& +-%( )- '%&&$*$) +-& +- '&$+%&

• N &% (, % &; &,* & &$+ $( ( = %/*/(% %&'&*/*$)

*' -& +- ' %& :*+-*$ 2-( % (, *$'* &$+

• N &% (, %/*/(% %&'&*/*$)& *' +%& + &$+

• SG"! +% *$*$) ' %%*' ,(% -& +- ' %& + ,, - &&$

&/& ( & $ * *$ &• N &% (, -& +-' %& + ,, +% *$&

($ SG"! PSEA

P/2:ho?So:ial Care • N &% (, %/*/(% %&'&*/*$)'( $ & *$)

• N &% (, %/*/(% %&'&*/*$)+&%* (%+

• N &% (, %/*/(% %&'&*/*$)-= *' %(+&'+*($ *$ +-& S ,&

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• N &% (, SG"! ' & ,* & & %& = '( &+& P3


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• T(+ $ &% (, SG"! ' &&$ *$) *$ '( %+

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SG"! + @&-( &% +( %&/*&:' &• N &% (, +% *$*$) '($ '+& ($

+-& &$= $ : $ '( %+%('& %&

Ed1:ation • N &% (, SG"! ' &%& (%+& = + &$+

• N &% (, )*% +- + %( ( + (, '-(( & +( & % = $ (%

,(%'& %%* )& $ (% & % =%&)$ $'*&

• N &% (, SEA *$'* &$'&

%& (%+& = + &$+ ; +& '-&% ;

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• N &% (, '+*/*+*& * & &$+&*$ '-(( ,(% +-& %( (+*($ (, )*%'-* & ' +*($

• N &% (, PTA +% *$& ($ SG"!• N &% (, '-(( '-* %&$

%&'&*/*$) *$,(% +*($ ($ SG"!

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Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence

%&$+ (% PTA $ '-* %*)-+

&NN%? 4 )RC -ealth Care Protocol for S!#V

M& *' ' %& *$ ' & (, % & -( & %(/* & +( &&+ +-& *' $&& (, +-& %/*/(%.T-& & ,*$ *$) -( & %&'(% & *$ +-& ' *$*' %&'(% *$ &)* & $$&% $ :*+-$&'& %= * *)&$'&.

A & *' & *$ +*($ -( & &%,(% & = & *' ('+(% :-( * %&)* +&%& *$ &$= . I$+-& &$'& (, & *' ('+(% (+-&% ' *$*'* $ = '($ '+ +-& & *$ +*($; +-& ,*$ *$) (, :-*'- ' $ & - %& :*+- +-& ('+(% + +&% + )&. T-* & *$ +*($ :* & &%,(% & :-&$

*' )=$&'( ()*' &> * &$+ * / * & *$ +-& M +&%$*+= W % ; MCH (% F& & W % .


1. O + *$ +-& '($ &$+ ,%( +-& +*&$+ (% ) % * $ 7*$ +-& ' & (, '-* &,(%&'( &$'*$) +-& & *' & *$ +*($ $ : = &$ %& +-& %& &$'& (, ,& &-& +- :(%@&% +( * +.

2. E *$ +-& & *' +& $ %('& %& +( +-& %/*/(% +-%( )-( + +-& & *$ +*($.R& & &% +- + -& -& = & %&?+% +* & = =( % & *$ +*($.

3. O + *$ $ %&'(% +-& -* +(%= *$ +-& +*&$+B (:$ :(% . T-& &> &$'& (, &/&$+ ; :& +-& +* &; '& $ '*%' + $'& ; +-& $ &% (, &% ($ *$/( /& ; %+ (, +-&

( = )& ; $ +-& (+&$+* & (, $= :& ($ (% ( <&'+ ; + & %&'(% & .

4. R&'(% :-&+-&% +-& +*&$+ ' & *%&'+ = +( +-& -( *+ (% :-&+-&% -& -& +-& (% '- $)& ' (+-*$).

5. R&'(% ,*$ *$) + ( $(+ * & &/&$ +&$+ +*/& * )$( * . W-&+-&% % & - ('' %%&(% $(+; * &) '($' *($ $(+ & *' ($&.


1. T%& + +-& = +( $ (% * & &2. A & ='-( ()*' +%3. P%&/&$+ %&)$ $'=4. C( $ & +-& +*&$+ ? & &'* = %&) % *$) -&% &) %*)-+ ; $ & *$ ' & %

&> &$+ +-&% = $ ,( (: :*+- +-& %/*/(% ) % * $.


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Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence

W*+- ,& & :*+$& %& &$+; %&'(% +-& )&$&% & % $'& (, +-& +*&$+. N(+& % *'% +'-& $ (+-&% *$ *' +*($ (, -= *' +% . N(+& +(%$; + *$& ; (% (( = ' (+-*$).

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T-& )&$&% &$+ + + + & & & *$ (% &% +( &+&% *$& :-*'- (%+*/& & %&%& %&> *%& . O$& + & % *$ *$ +-& % & +% =$ %( &; :-*'- '($ * + (, ,( % - &

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:-&$ %= . E (= : +&%? (* +&$& 7$($? %*' +& : % &' +( *$ &'+ +-& / )*$$ '&%/* . I, +-& %/*/(% * '-* (% *$ $= (+-&% & +%& & ' & ; )&$&% $ & +-&+*' = &

%&> *%& .


1. F(%&*)$ ( = &'* &$ '- *' - *%; / )*$ & %* $ ,*$)&% $ * '% *$)-( & '( &'+& *$ +*' ); & & $ - $ & (/&% +( +-& ( *'& *, +-& %/*/(%

: $+ +( % & +-& ' &.

2. ! )*$ : S& &$ $ &% +( ( $ = * ' $ & '($ '+& ,%( ( +&%*(% '&%/* : . O$& + %& %& : * & ,%( +-* .

3. W&+ +-& & % ,(% (+* *+= $ )% +-& + *$ . W&+ +-& & % :*+- *$& : +&% ,(% +%*'-( ($ * * .

4. F%&& & +-& &'* &$ *, & *$ +*($ * )(*$) +( & & =& . S &% - /& &&$ ,( $ *$/( $+&&% , = (% ,% ) &$+& +( 18 -( % ( + % & + % %& = ,+&% 2 -( % .

5. E ' & %&)$ $'= = $ & *$ +*($; & *' -* +(%= $ (+-&% ' *$*' *)$ . A%&)$ $'= +& + -( ($ = & ' %%*& ( + *$ & '& +*($ ' & .

6. " & *$& *$/& +*) +*($ + & ($& * & * +& = +( %(/* & *$,(% +*($ ( + +-&+ + (, +-& +*&$+ &,(%& +-& % & *$'* &$+. T-&= *$' &

!.D.R.L.HI! AIDS +& +H A) T& +

T-& +&'-$*> & ,(% &'* &$ '( &'+*($F(%&*)$ - *% -( & '( &'+& = '( *$) (% ) +-&%*$) (( & - *%! )*$ : -( & + @&$ ,%( +-& ( +&%*(% ,(%$* . P + & % *$ ' & $ ) * &; ,*

+-* :*+- '(-( $ + *$ :*+- G*&

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Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence

A$ &'* &$ -( & '( &'+& *$) $ $ '( &


A *$* +&% +&+ $ $+*+( *$ *, && '&% +*($ '($+ *$ (* (% *%+ %+*' & . A *$* +&% %( -= '+*' > &( &$*'* *$ G; 4.6 * *($ $*+ *$+% ' % +( %&/&$+ = -* *

$ )($(%%-(& .P%(/* & ( ='= *$& 100 ) 2 ,(% = .

E &%)&$'= '($+% '& +*($ -( & * ' & :*+- +-& %/*/(%. C($,*% :-&$ +-& + &%*(('' %%& +( & ' & %&)$ $'= +( &+&% *$& :-&%& +-& %/*/(% * *$ -&% &$ +% '=' &. A ('($,*% $($? %&)$ $'= + +& = $ +&%*$& & *$ +*($ $ $(+*$) +-& '@ (, (+-&%

= +( $ *)$ (, %&)$ $'=. W( &$ :-( %& $(+ %&)$ $+ $ :-( :&%& % & -(& (,,&%& & &%)&$'= '($+% '& +*($.

P%(/* & &+%($*$ ( & 200 ) 3 ,(% = +%*'-( ($ * *

P( + & ( %& %( -= * ,(% HI! AIDS -( & )*/&$ +( % & +*&$+ *, +-&= %&%(/&$ +( & HI! $&) +*/& + +-& +* & (, +-& % &. T-* -( & + %+& :*+-*$ 2 -( % (, +-&% & *$'* &$+.

C( */*% 1 *$ *$ /*% 800 ) + ,(% 28 =ORR& +(%*/*% 200 ) + 7300 )

E */*% 150 ) I$ *$ /*% 800 ) +

G*/& +-& %/*/(% $ (*$+ &$+ +( && =( ,+&% &/&$ = $ *$,(% -* -&% +( '( & '@+( +-& ' *$*' $= +* & *, -& -& $(+*'& $= ' *$*' *)$ (% = +( (, * & &.

A %/*/(% :*+- '($,*% & %&)$ $'= * '( $ & & . U$ &% +-& &$= $ :; (%+*($ *&% *++& *, +-& -& +- (, +-& (+-&% * + %* @ $ +-& &'* *($ * (%+& = +-%&& *,,&%&$+& *' ('+(% .

A P3 ,(% $&& +( & ,* & :-&$ +-& +*&$+ : $+ +( ,( (: +-& ' & $ %& '- %)&:*+- +-& ( *'&. T-* & *$ +*($ -( & ($& :*+-*$ 24 -( % (, +-& *$'* &$+; &/&$ *, +-&:( $ - - +-. T-& %/*/(% :* & %(/* & :*+- +-& ,(% ,+&% %& *$) '- %)& :*+-+-& ( *'&. H& S-& * %&'( &$ & +( ,* ( + +-& ,(% (($ ( * & $ +( %&+ %$ *+ +(+-& ( *'&. H& S-& ' $ @ * + $'& ,%( UNHCRB C( $*+= S&%/*'& ; +-& SG"! :=&% (% G&$ &% + ,,. D& = :* & %&, &'+& *$ ( *'& '+*($.

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Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence

&NN%? 9 Safe -aven Protocols

UNHCRB C( $*+= S&%/*'& * *$ '- %)& (, $ %& ($ * & ,(% +-& S ,& H /&$. T-& J& *+R&, )&& S&%/*'& 7JRS * +-& *$ * & &$+*$) %+$&%; :-( %&'&*/& $ *+ SG"!

%/*/(% + +-& S ,& H /&$ :-( - /& &&$ %&,&%%& = (+-&% )&$'*& .


A %&,&%% -( & & +( +-& A * + $+ C( $ & *$) C((% *$ +(%. I$ -* -&% &$'&; %&,&%% -( & %&,&%%& +( +-& C( $ & *$) C((% *$ +(%. C & -( & %&,&%%& +P%(<&'+ D*%&'+(% ($ = *, +-& (/& &$+*($& &( & %& $(+ / * &.


1. W( &$ :-( %& *$ $)&% (, &'( *$) /*'+* (, SG"!; %+*' % = ( & +*' /*( &$'&$ &/&%& = +% +* & % & ' & .

2. W( &$ :-( %& , '*$) *%&'+ +-%& + (, SG"!; %+*' % = ,(%'& %%* )&3. C-* %&$ :-( %& *$ %& $)&% (, &*$) '+&

I$ $= (, +-& (/& &$+*($& ' & ; * *($ +( +-& S ,& H /&$ -( ($ = & '($ * &%&,+&% ++& + +( ( /& +-& %( & + +-& '( $*+= &/& - /& &&$ & +( $( / * .

A$= * *($ (, +-& ' & &$+*($& - & ''& +& *, +-&= %& ''( $*& = $& &$+ %& (%+ (, +-&*% '*%' + $'& %& %& = +-& %&,&%%*$) )&$'=.


C *&$+ - & (:& +( + = + +-& S ,& H /&$ ,(% * (, 3 ($+- +( %(/* & +-&%&,&%%*$) )&$'*& ; , * =; '( $*+=; $ (+-&% )&$'*& *$/( /& :*+- & +* & +( ,*$

% & ( +*($ .


"*?:&&@ = &&+*$) :* %&/*&: +-& ' & *$ +-& S ,& H /& $ )*/& ,&& '@ ($ +-& %()%&(, +-& ' & (, & '- ' *&$+ *++& + +-& S ,& H /&$ -( & )*/&$ +( JRS & *)$ +& + ,,


T-& %&,&%%*$) )&$'= $*+= * & &'+& +(

• P%& &$+ '( &+& %&,&%% ,(% $ $ (,,*'* & &$+ %& (%+• F* +-& S ,& H /&$ ' *&$+ * *($ ,(%• G*/& &+ * & $ (, '+*($ +( & + @&$ +(: % %& ( +*($ (, +-& ' & :*+-*$ +-& ,( (:*$)

2 :&&@ .


T-& S ,& H /&$ + ,, :* &$ %& +- + +-& ' *&$+ %&'&*/& *' $&& -= *' -& +&%; &' %*+=,(( ; ='-(? ('* (%+; &' %*+= $ %&'%& +*($ $ %( '+*/& '+*/*+*& . JRS :* (

@& %&,&%% (, ' *&$+ %( %* +& $ ''(% *$) +( $&& .

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Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence

R&'(% (, & '- ' *&$+ :* & @& + $ +& %&) % = = +-& + ,, :*+- ' ( & ($*+(%*$) ,%(+-& A * + $+ C( $ & *$) '((% *$ +(%. A * *($; ' *&$+ &+ * ; * '- %)& $ ,( (:? ,(%:* & *$+ *$& ,(% +-& % ( & (, ($*+(%*$) +-& %()%& (, +-& ' *&$+ *$ +-& '&$+&%.T-& %&,&%%*$) )&$'= :* :(%@ +(: % ( +*($ +( ' *&$+B %( & $ @&& S ,& H /&$

+ ,, *$,(% & (, %()%& .


D* '- %)& (, ' *&$+ :( & %& (%+& +( +-& A * + $+ C( $ & *$) C((% *$ +(% $ +( +-&C( $ & *$) C((% *$ +(% *$ -&% &$'&.

T-& ' *&$+ :* & * '- %)& = $ )&$'= + ,, +- + :* ,* +-& S ,& H /&$ ' *&$+ * '- %)&,(% $ + @& +-& ' *&$+ : = ,%( +-& S ,& H /&$ ,(% %( %* +& &%/*'& %&'( &$ &

= '( $ & (% $ (% %&,&%%*$) )&$'=.

T-& S ,& H /&$ + ,, :* ( %&,&% +-& * '- %)& ' *&$+ +( +-& JRS '( $*+= '( $ & (% ,(% %()%& ($*+(%*$) ,(% 2 ($+-

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Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence

&NN%? 7 ,erms of Reference for ,raditional &r'itration*echanisms

T-& %* %= %( & (, +-& +% *+*($ % *+% +*($ = +& - & +( %( (+& & '&, %& ( +** +& %( )-+ +( +-& = & &% (, +-& '( $*+=; :& %&'($'* * +*($ (, +-& %+*&

+-&%&(,. I$ *+ $ &%+ @*$); +-& '( %+ -( $(+ ( & *)-+ (, +-* ( <&'+*/& $ +-& '+*($-( & +* +& = )& %& +(: % +-* %( &.

1. T-& '( *++&& & &% - :(%@ ' ( & = :*+- UNHCR +( &$- $'& & '&, %& ( +*($(, * +& $ %&'($'* * +*($ (, +-& %+*& +-&%&+(.

. T-& SG"! :=&% - &%/* & +-& :(%@ (, +-& +% *+*($ % *+% +*($ '( *++&&+( &$ %& +- + +-& & &% ( $(+ *$,%*$)& ($ &$= $ : *$ * '- %)*$) +-&*%

+*&. T-& & &% :* (*$+ +:( '((% *$ +(% ,%( ($) + +-& & /& ; +( ,(% *$@

:*+- +-& UNHCR $ LWF ,(% ' ( &% $&+:(%@*$).'. E '- */* *($ (, +-& '( *++&& - %(/* & +* &+ & ,(% UNHCR $ LWF + ,,

/* *+ +( +-&*% %& &'+*/& & *)$ +*($.

2. I$ * '- %)*$) +-&*% , $'+*($ ; +-& & &% - = %&'()$* & ' +( %= : +(' & (, &% ($ $ + %& ($ = ( ($) +-& & %& ?

. C($ * +&$+ :*+- &$= : $ - $ %*)-+

. O$ = *' & +( ' & (, &% ($ $ + %& +- + - /& $( '%* *$ $) &.

'. N(+ %& )$ $+ +( (% *+= $ < +*'&3. S* * % ' & :* & &'* & *$ * * % $$&% 7 %&'& &$'&

4. T-& '( *++&& - &$'( % )& & '& $ %&'($'* * +*($ ($) & &% (, +-&'( $*+= $ *$ & +%& & ' & - @ +-& %+= + , + +( '( &$ +& +-& *$< %&

%+= *$ ''(% $'& :*+- +-& ' +( %= : (, +-& &( & *$/( /& .

5. I$ $( '*%' + $'& - +-& '( *++&& ,*$& $ *$ */* (% $ :, = '($,*$& -* -&% ) *$ + -* -&% :* . T-& '( %+ - ( %& &'+ +-& %*)-+ (, +-& &% ($ %( )-+ &,(%&

+-& $ - $(+ <&'+ +-& +( '% & ; &)% *$) (% *$- $ +%& + &$+ (% $* - &$+.

6. T-& '( %+ - @&& %( &% %&'(% (, ' & - $ & = +-& ,(% , + %& %&,&%&$'&$ +-& & %&'(% - & ( &$ ,(% *$ &'+*($ = +-& SG"! :=&% (% $= (+-&% (,,*'*

+-(%* & = UNHCR.

UNCHR :* * + +-& '( *++&& :*+- + +*($ %= $&& & ,(% %&'(% @&& *$).

. E '- */* *($ (, +-& '( %+ - '(?( + + & + +:( :( &$ +( %& %& &$+ )&$ &% &> *+=

8. A '%* *$ ' & - & %&,&%%& +( +-& &$= ( *'& (($ +-& & %&%& (%+& +( +-& '( %+ $ SG"! ' & - *$ *+*($; ( & %&,&%%& +( S"G!

:=&% ,(% ,( (:? .

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Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence

9. T-& < %* *'+*($ (, +-& &$'- '( %+ - & * *+& +( +-& ,( (:*$) ' &

• M %%* )& $ (:%= %& +& ' &• A +&%=• D*/(%'&• E ( & &$+• P%&)$ $'= &++ & &$+• K %%& $ '($, *'+ ($) '( $*+= & &%• S '*/* ' *• P +&%$*+= * +&

