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SpinTX: Bringing Authentic Spanish Videos into the Classroom

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Presentation at the Texas Foreign Language Association 2013 Fall Conference Abstract: Spanish teachers demonstrate their uses of the Spin TX Video Archive—a free and open collection of video interviews with bilingual Spanish speakers in Texas. Teachers discuss how they use the Spin TX videos to create standards-based lessons that focus on authentic, conversational Spanish. In particular, the teachers will show that the SpinTX videos capture language in context and demonstrate the linguistic and cultural diversity of the Spanish-speaking world. Lesson plans based on the SpinTX videos include elements that lead to deeper language learning: thinking critically about language/culture problems, working collaboratively, and learning how to learn.
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November 9, 2013 | TFLA 2013 | Frisco, TX Bringing Authentic Spanish Videos into the Classroom
  • 1. Bringing Authentic Spanish Videos into the ClassroomNovember 9, 2013 | TFLA 2013 | Frisco, TX

2. 2Presenters Rachael Gilg Project Manager & Web Developer COERLL, The University of Texas at AustinTina Dong Instructional Coordinator, World Languages Austin ISDJared Abels Secondary Spanish Instructor Round Rock Christian Academy 3. 3Agenda 1. Introduction to the SpinTX Video Archive and website demonstration (Rachael) 2. Using SpinTX to meet LOTE Standards (Tina) 3. Bringing SpinTX into the Classroom (Jared) 4. Discussion and Activity 4. 4WiFi Logon information Connect to New Embassy Meeting Open internet on any siteUsername: tfla400 Password: tfal400 4 5. 5http://www.coerll.utexas.eduwww.nflrc.org 6. 6The Spanish in Texas Project Goal: Make publically available authentic data about variation in Spanish as spoken in Texas for research (sociolinguistics) for educationEncourage teachers/students/public to view local varieties as a resource 7. 7Spanish in Texas Videos Participants: Undergraduate students at UT Austin and their Spanish-speaking family, friends, or acquaintances in communities around Texas Format: 30-40 minute interviews, using sampling of a large set of questions (~75) from NPR Storycorps (Historias) Language: Spanish and mixed 8. 8Sample Video Clip 9. 9A free and open video archive for teachers & learners 550+ video clips from 60 speakers living in Texas Clip length between 1-4 minutes Fully transcribed, captioned, and annotated Videos can be downloaded and shared Teacher-friendly search and tools for activity development 10. 10Video Introduction to SpinTXWatch intro video. 11. 11Site Tour: http://www.spintx.org 12. 12Top 3 Reasons to use Spin TX Students learned about the language Students learn to use the language Teacher-centered Learner-centered Focus on isolated skills Focus on integrated skills Textbook as the curriculum Thematic units and authentic resources Products, practices and perspectives Differentiating instruction to meet individual needs Assessing to find out what students can do Cultural factoids Same instruction for all students Testing to see what students dont know 13. 13Top 3 Reasons to use Spin TX Our students must demonstrate understanding of simple, clearly spoken, and written language such as simple stories, high-frequency commands, and brief instructions when dealing with familiar topics. 14. 14Top 3 Reasons to use Spin TX State Standards The use of age-level appropriate and culturally authentic resources is imperative to support the teaching of the essential knowledge and skills for LOTE. The use of culturally authentic resources in world language study, enables students to make connections with other content areas, to compare the language and culture studied with their own, and to participate in local and global communities. (Draft form)National Standards Interpretive Communication: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. Learners understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics. Focus of changes: add higher order thinking skills (e.g., analyze) expand notion of text to include viewing 15. 15Communication-Based Application Unit: Families and Communities Family Life Lesson Title: The DOCTOR is in his PLACE Lesson Objective: Students will be able to talk and provide information about families. Language Objectives: View videos from SpinTX of native speakers talking about their families. (interpretive) Work with a partner to obtain and provide information about each others families. (interpersonal) Write a blog about their family. (presentational) 16. 16Communication-Based Application Mis hijos: todos son bien diferentes http://www.coerll.utexas.edu/spintx/video/392 Alex ya nadaba http://www.coerll.utexas.edu/spintx/video/1592 Mi hermana es mayor que yo http://www.coerll.utexas.edu/spintx/video/659 Estamos ms o menos http://www.coerll.utexas.edu/spintx/video/640 17. 17Culture-Based Application Unit: Contemporary Life - Celebrations Lesson Title: Que no pare la fiesta! Lesson Objective: Students will be able to discuss celebrations, customs, and traditions in the Spanishspeaking world and compare these to their own traditions. Language Objectives: View videos from SpinTX of native speakers talking about celebrations. (interpretive) Work with a partner to create an interview. (interpersonal) Work with a partner to create a Spanish party invitation and present it to the class. (presentational) 18. 18Culture-Based Application Tradiciones son varias http://www.coerll.utexas.edu/spintx/video/362 Celebrando una boda mexicana http://www.coerll.utexas.edu/spintx/video/1395 A mi mam http://www.coerll.utexas.edu/spintx/video/1386 Celebrando el da de la Virgen de Guadalupe http://www.coerll.utexas.edu/spintx/video/1476 Cuando celebro la Navidaden Matamoros http://www.coerll.utexas.edu/spintx/video/417 Hacemos fiestas http://www.coerll.utexas.edu/spintx/video/565 La tradicin de Navidad http://www.coerll.utexas.edu/spintx/video/509 19. 19Polls Text your answers to the following questions.19 20. 20Possible ways to use a video... Retelling Predicting Mood-setting Extending QuizzingModeling Engaging Inspiring Describing Elaborating 20 21. 21Using SpinTX videos 1. as a connection, 2. as the entire focus of the class, & 3. as a springboard to class production.21 22. 22Connections Warm-ups and introductions to units Presenting topics, grammar or pronunciation Seque to next activity Both beginning and cap activity22 23. 23Introduction to a topic Topic of cultural differences, Pre-video questions What are your favorite Mexican foods" ? How often do you have them? Which of these foods are actually Mexican and which are American? Video & follow up questions: Which foods were listed? Did you know that? Do you agree with him? Contrastive essay 23 24. 24Segue between activities Moving between vocabulary & irreg preterit Just finished section on camping and being outdoors (Realidades Ch2) What would you bring with you on a trip? Video 0:00 1:05 What did he bring? What did he forget? What is this word here - dijeron? It's a different conjugation its missing an i 24 25. 25Both beginning and cap activity Creates unity, helps to tie the unit together More exposure to authentic language Reinforcing pronunciation and form Repetition Repetition RepetitionExample: Video as a hook, focus on a topic, grammar, pronunciation, Students watch for homework and activity Then have a closure activity after learning the new concept 25 26. 26Targeting the text CLEP test Predict correct item Give infinitives to conjugate Listen and fill in "correct" with prescriptive grammar Summarize & restate the gist of the video Translate into English Focus on pronunciation Lexical variation 26 27. 27Springboard Write a possible dialogue / story / scene before or after Rewrite the video, recall or adapt Retell the main facts of the story, but with different level of vocabulary, in a different tense, or in a different way. Watch the video taking notes & then retell from notes 27 28. 28Springboarding from speakers Class into group, each pick a speaker Listen to all stories of a speaker Order the stories to find the whole dialogue Redo the interview The gist of the actual interview Their own personal answers & opinions Compare two speakers talking about the same topic 28 29. 29Springboarding from stories Chart the events What happens next Reenact the story, but with dialogue Draw a picture - cartoon sequence Debate what the speaker should do next (or should have done) 29 30. No puedes respirar, hasta que uno as se muere Alma R.30 31. 31Using other technology Embed within hosting sites Build flashcards with vocabulary Student creation & reference31 32. 32Edmodo Using Edmodo currently in my Spanish 2 & 4 class with SpinTX videos Extra credit: How many DO pronouns? I watched that video 10 times to get the right answer, and I even had to check the book to see if I was looking at the right thing32 33. 33Communities & Contexts SpinTX is an Open Educational Resource (OER). OER = a universal educational resource available for the whole of humanity (UNESCO, 2002) Unlike traditional learning materials, OER enable teachers to practice the 4 Rs Reuse, Revise, Remix, Redistribute OER can be used in many different contexts and learning environments. Its good to share! 34. 34Its Your Turn! Find a video that inspires you to develop a lesson around it. Go to http://padlet.com/wall/COERLLSpinTX_TFLA and post the following: your name and district the URL link of the video you selected (paste link directly) a brief description for how students can interact with the video using the interpretive mode of communication Sign up on the email list so we can keep you informed of Spin TX updates! 35. 35Contact Information Tina Dong [email protected] Rachael Gilg [email protected] Jared Abels [email protected] YOU FOR ATTENDING!
