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Spire - December 2 2013

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  • 8/13/2019 Spire - December 2 2013


    A B e a c o n a n d A B r i d g e



    Disciples of Christby

    Seeking God,Sharing Love

    andServing Others

    Core Values:

    WelcomingOutstanding Worship

    OutreachDifferent TraditionsMission & MinistryOn the MoveNurturingTransforming

    2013 Areas of FocusPrayer - Presence - Peace


    THESPIREA B e a c o n a n d A B r i d g e

    Volume 41, Issue 48 December 2, 201

    A B e a c o n a n d A B r i d g e

    Child Dedications

    Walk Thru BethlehemThis Sunday, December 8th

    1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

    Those who join us for the 11:00 a.m. worship Service this Sunday are invited to

    visit Bethlehembefore it opens to the public at 1:00 p.m. Come experience thetrue meaning of Christmas!

    Harper Ann HandParents: J.R. & Kailey Hand

    Tucker Reid Ottinger

    Parents: Talbott & Jennifer Ottin

    First Sundayof Advent

    December 1st

    Welcome to Our New Members!

    Dr. Lindsey & Kimberly Cooper

    Hanging of the Greens

    (see more pictures

    on page 3)

  • 8/13/2019 Spire - December 2 2013


  • 8/13/2019 Spire - December 2 2013


    Dear Woodmont,

    The road of Life isset before us. There is a beginningand an end. There are only so manybreaths permitted in the gorgeousorder of creation. Every story iswritten with prophets and demons,straight paths and dead ends, holysigns and devil's curses, great loveand painful sacrifice, terrific fear andunyielding hope each essential tostretching one's heart toward its salvation. The art is infinding a way in the darkness and in the light, in the valley ofthe shadows and high on the mountaintop, to live in theprovince of joy.

    My heart has been heavier than usual these last weeks. Ihave prayed for three friends, barely forty, who are all bravely

    fighting breast cancer. I have wept for a mother of a six monthold baby who just heard those words that still haunt mydreams, "your child has cancer." And then Mother Natureproved awfully cruel, sending a typhoon to the Philippines toshake the very ground of our being. Every single one of youreading this today has a story. You know fear, you know grief,you know hurt, you know pain, you know doubt, you knowloss, you know disappointment, and you know darkness.

    But, do you know JOY?

    I recently heard a beautiful quote by Mark Nepo, "to be

    broken does not mean to see all things as broken." TheDivine Hourglass shows no mercy. We are only blessed withthis moment. Shame on us if it requires a crisis, a diagnosis, aheart break or a blue day to wake us up to the potential for joyin our lives. We are naive if we believe joy requires losing

    that last niggling five pounds around the girth, getting the next work promotion, or waiting until tkids fly the coup, or getting the house of our dreamor securing that safety net of silver dollars for tfuture. To postpone joy is pure negligence with tgift that is our life.

    And I am not talking about happiness. Happineis fleeting and of this world. Happiness is a new tuof lipstick or oatmeal chocolate chip cookie or a gohair day. Joy is an experience of transcendence wheyou are drawn out of your flesh and bone and y

    have a poignant feeling that there is something more. Jhappens when the soul, that most beautiful, noble, divine pof you, is offered a gulp of grace and a peek at heaven. Joygetting a little glimpse of God's glory.

    There is an art to living in the province of joy. People fillwith joy are mysteriously and divinely-lit from the inside o

    They glow. Even when all around them, there is darkness asuffering, they have this incredible gift of locating joy. Ycould say they aim for a higher, more holy experience living here on earth.

    The secret: Never postpone Joy!

    Walk the path of life, trusting in the intuition of your sowith your eyes full of wonder and your heart open and tunin to where God is breaking through our midst. Rememberlife spent searching for joy is not without its sorrows, but itsacred every step of the way.

    Live in hope,Farrell

    P.S. Speak your joy! Joy is contagious!

    The Bridge Service

    First Sunday of Advent -December 1st

    The Tasting Party

    Don't Postpone Joyby Farrell Mason,Minister of Family Life & Pastoral Care

  • 8/13/2019 Spire - December 2 2013


    WTB Costume Check Out Schedule

    Final Date and Time at the Mansion:

    This Wednesday, December 4:5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

    Costumes are to be returned by Tuesday, December 31st

    WTB Costume

    Room Need

    Have some extra flat bed sheets around the

    house? The WTB costume room can use the

    Can be new or used. Please bring the sheets

    to the church office between 8:30 a.m. and

    5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday.

    Wednesday, December 4th6:00-8:00 p.m. - Youth Group - Youth Led Worship

    (Youth Wing)

    Sunday, December 8th

    9:30-10:30 a.m. - Worship in the Sanctuary10:30-11:00 a.m. - Jubilation Youth Choir (Youth Wing)11:00 a.m.-Noon - Sunday School (CYF/Chi Rho Rooms)Noon-1:00 p.m. - Youth Lunch (Off-Campus)1:00-7:00 p.m. - Walk Thru Bethlehem

    Tuesday, December 10th6:30-7:00 a.m. - CYF Guys Bible Study at Bread & Company

    in Green Hills

    For more information visit www.WoodmontccYouth.comor follow us on Twitter @WoodmontCCYouth

    6:30 p.m.DivorceCare (Room 105)*Led by Anne Alexander Stauffer and Janet Wall*Note room change tonight

    Stephen Minist ry wil l meet in the Boardroom,Library and Campbell Stone Room.

    Adult Education

    Wednesday Night - December 4th

    Walk Thru Bethlehem Sunday

    Only Class Meeting:

    11:00 a.m.


    Hour of the Spiritual Journeys Class for Men& Women - Led by Anne Alexander Stauffer

    This class will meet in South Hall due to WTB. Theclass will meet back in The Bay on the followingSunday, December 15


    Classes that will not meet this Sunday but willresume the following week, December 15th:

    9:30 a.m.Disciples Class (105)Challenge Class (200)Spiritual Journeys Class for Women (The Bay)Young Adult Class (Boardroom)

    11:00 a.m.Reflections Class (200)Points of View (105)

    Pathways Class for Parents (Boardroom)College & Universit y Aged Young Adults (107)

    Sunday School - December 8th

    Walk Thru Bethlehem (WTB)

    Youth Group This Week

    WCC Youth

  • 8/13/2019 Spire - December 2 2013


    Sponsor Spotlight

    We have 14 amazing youth sponsors signed upto lead the youth group this year. Please joinus in thanking our youth sponsors as they givetheir time and talents to the 6th-12thgradeyouth in our church. This week, please takesome extra time to celebrate and get to knowJohn Stauffer.

    John is originallyfrom Memphis, TNand attended collegeat Texas ChristianUniversity. Johnmoved to Nashvillefrom London, Englandin 2008 and joinedWoodmont Christian soon after. He nowworks as a Certified Financial Planner atQuinn Financial Partners, LLC. In his freetime, he enjoys cycling, skiing, woodworkingand fly fishing as well as just spending time

    with friends.

    Congratulations to WoodmontSenior Colin Wills!

    Colin was awarded his Eagle Scout on Monday, November 25 th, a

    a ceremony in Drowota Hall.

    Youth Group ProgressiveDinner - November 23

    The Youth Group traveled all overNashville for course after courseof a Thanksgiving feast! Thanks toour dinner hosts:

    Chi Rho route

    Appetizers/Salad: Mike and Terri McConnell

    Entree: Jim/Betsy Hendrick

    Dessert: Trey and Merillat FlowersCYF route

    Appetizers/Salad: Neil Kunkel and Paula Walker

    Entree: Jeff/Angie Kinman and Mark/Sarah Drury

    Dessert: Trey and Merillat Flowers

    Staff Update on Thom Schuyle

    In addition to being our Director ofCollege and Young Adult Ministrie

    Thom Schuyler is also our staffcontact for mission and outreach


    CWF Circle MeetingsTuesday, December 10th

    Circle #1Will meet at 10:30 a.m. at the home of Lee Ann Hawkins

    (4215 Harding Road, # 804, 37205)

    Circle #2Will meet at 10:30 a.m. at the church in Room 105

    Circle #3Will meet at 10:30 a.m. at the home of Elizabeth Regen

    (3504 Glen Echo, 37215)

    Circle #4Will meet at 10:30 a.m. at the home of Dara Howe(5025 Hillsboro Rd,

    Unit 9-E, 37215). Co-hostess: Gail Reinhard

    Circle #6Will not have a circle meeting this month

    Circle #7Will meet at 10:30 a.m. at the home of Alice Arnemann

    (4609 Skymont Drive, 37215). Co-hostess: Beverly Small

  • 8/13/2019 Spire - December 2 2013


    Mission & Outreach

    Room In The Inn Program

    Then the king will say to those at his right hand, Come you that are blessed by my father

    inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world, for I was hungry

    and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was nake

    and you gave me clothing; I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.

    December is a hectic month for everyone. We are in strong need of volunteers on December 6th, 13th& 20thand for overnighhosts through March 28th. Woodmont offers such a special service to this community by telling the Christmas story. Webeautifully portray in Walk Thru Bethlehem that there was "no room in the inn" for Mary, Joseph and Jesus. There is anopportunity not only to act out that story but to act on its message by providing room in the inn for homeless men. They willbe blessed and you will too.

    Here's what Woodmont members have to say about their experiences volunteering with Room In The Inn:

    I have learned that I really am no different from any of these men. Most are intelligent, kind-hearted and - given the

    opportunity - would be hard-working. Many are veterans. I have learned much from our guests. It is so easy too! You

    just spend a few hours sharing a delicious meal and talking, then you share a restful evening. I usually get as much

    sleep as I would at home. Then I fix a simple breakfast and return home, ready to start my day. But this day is especiallyblessed - I was serving theLord when I woke up! I have extra energy and a joy that fills my heart. My only regret? That

    I can't do it for more or more often. ~SteveLaForge

    I am thrilled that I have the opportunity to stay overnight with Steve now. I have always enjoyed my time spent visiting

    with our guests and getting to know them. I have helped with the dinners in the past and have been humbled at the

    Thankfulness of those we serve. As Steve said we are not that different - each of us could find ourselves in need because

    of circumstances often beyond our control. Knowing that, I know that I would want to be treated with respect and

    kindness which is important to remember when serving. ~Deb LaForge

    Room in the Inn has been an experience I have enjoyed for manyyears atWoodmont. The men we serve are appreciative

    and I always leave with a renewed thankfulness for God's blessings. After one meal, a couple of years ago, a guest played

    the piano. The next morning, I learned he was a former piano student of mine at Maplewood High who had fallen on

    hard times. RITI is an avenue of service that I look forward to every year. ~Michael Graham

    Special thanks to the wonderful volunteers who have already kicked off the season by offering their warmth andgenerosity: Stacy Satchell; Mary & Glenn Kiger; Laura Dovan; Tracy Crawford; Polly & George Keith; BetsyHendrick, Stuart Lackey; Pat & Dave Malone; John Hobby; Virginia Lewis, Diane Tucker, Sandra Kyne, MarthaHobby, Anita Ferrell, Peggy Burrahm, Brenda Starnes; Barbara Stewart; Barbara Sullivan and members of Circle 4;Karen & David Conrad; Marcella Derryberry; Milly Moore; Beth Sowell and members of the Reflections SundaySchool class; and Michael Graham.



    GEMS (G)reet, (E)at, (M)eet, and (S)ocialize*Special Meeting, on a Special Day,

    in a Special Month*

    Thursday, December 12thNoon - Room 105

    Catered Meal -- $8.00

    ProgramA truly special Christmas GEMS program will be presented

    by our very own Woodmont Elder, Bryan Sargent. You mayrecognize his name and voice on Nashvilles Radio Mix 92.9.

    This program will put you in the Christmas Spirit!

    Reservations*Please make your reservations by Friday, December 6th,

    by calling Rebecca Vaughan at 297-8563, or by emailingher at [email protected].

    MenuMeaty Lasagna/Savory Green Beans/Caesar Salad/Garlic

    Rolls/Christmas Chess Cake

    Visitors are welcome, so bring a friend or two.*(Dont forget: A Door Prize will be given away.

    Must be present to win!)*

  • 8/13/2019 Spire - December 2 2013



    We offer a series of three classes which align to our missionstatement. Members and visitors alike are encouraged toparticipate in these classes as they are offered.

    They will meet in the Boardroom on Wednesday nights

    after the 5-Star Dinners at 6:30 p.m.

    SEEKING CLASS - Wednesday, January 15thThis class will focus on our core beliefs as Christians. Wewill discuss what the church is and is not. We will talk aboutwhy we need the church. We will also talk about theChristian Church (Disciples of Christ), how it emerged,where it started, and what it is. Why is the unity of the churchimportant? We will identify some biblical images of thechurch. We will discuss the theology of the Lord's Supperand Baptism. We will talk about Woodmont's manyministries and programs and how you can get involved. Whatis expected of church members in terms of time, talent, andtreasures? We will discuss the ways that God is present in ourlives each and every day and how faith and spirituality is anongoing journey.

    SHARING CLASS - Wednesday, January 22ndThis class will focus on spiritual practices such as--BibStudy, prayer, worship, stewardship, tithing, meditatioservice, reading, and many others. We will also talk abohow we share love with other people every day. What "agape love?" Christianity is more than just showing up oSunday. It is a way of life and a way of treating others. Wwill also talk about what it means to find balance in the midof busy schedules. A spiritual gifts inventory will also bepart of this class, similar to the one in Leadership Woodmonto help members identify their spiritual gifts and strengths.

    SERVING CLASS - Wednesday, January 29thThis class will focus on ministry and mission. At Woodmonwe believe that everybody should be involved in a ministon a regular basis. Ministry is not just something that thpastoral staff does. It is something that God is calling all us to do. We have all been given spiritual gifts and we neeto identify them. We will talk about why we serve and givback. Tallu Schuyler, our Mission and Outreach Ministewill help lead this class and we will discuss the mandifferent mission opportunities that we have here Woodmont.

    A Caroler with Spirit: $50 per personA Whole Family of Carolers: $100Singing off the Charts: $250 or more

    RSVP: [email protected]

    Pay by check upon arrival at the event or mail yourcheck made payable to: Carols for Cancer to:

    Carols for Cancerc/o Farrell and David Mason

    5738 Hillsboro RoadNashville, TN 37215

    100 % of all proceeds are donated to the Sloan KetteringCancer Center in NYC, Vanderbilt Childrens Hospital inNashville, and St. Jude in Memphis.

    Please make your reservation by December 9thor surpriseus at the door!

    Mark your calendar!

    Red Cross Blood DriveSunday, January 5, 20149:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

    Please sign-up online at www.redcrossblood.orgSponsor code: woodmontchristian

    Woodmont Christian Church is truly awonderful family. Cards, phone calls,visits, hugs, wonderful bread, healthymeals and untold prayers, have helped methrough these past few weeks of surgeryand recovery. There are no words other

    than a heartfelt "Thank You" to express my appreciation for allyour gracious kindness.

    ~Carol Parsons

  • 8/13/2019 Spire - December 2 2013



    Sunday, December 8th9:30 a.m. Children's Moment

    9:45 a.m. Sunday School

    11:00 a.m. Children's Church

    1:00 - 7:00 p.m.

    Walk Thru Bethlehem

    12/6 - SantinoDiNapoli

    12/10 - ColeWright

    Sunday School Lessons & Volun teersDecember 8


    9:30 Hour

    ChristQuestRonda Hirst

    Stars (2 Yrs)Advent

    Claire DrowotaJane Clay & PorterMeadors

    Pandas (3 Yrs)AdventChristi WilliamsHelper Needed

    9:30 Hour

    Frogs (4 Yrs)Mary & Joseph Showthe WayKim SheridanGloria & Joy Jackson

    Monkeys (5 Yrs/K)Mary & Joseph Showthe WayBetty WhiteHelper Needed

    11:00 Hour

    Children's ChurchKaitlyn AsherSarah Drury

    4th/5thGrade Class

    Topher Endress

    Donuts& CoffeeStill Needed

    Memory Verse:They shall name

    him Emanuel,which means

    'God is with us.Matthew 1:23

  • 8/13/2019 Spire - December 2 2013


    Bulletin Board

    Opportunities at Woodmont

    Wednesday, December 46:15 a.m.

    Men's Small Group (107)7:00 a.m.

    Men's Bible Study (105)Younger Men's Bible Study (BR)

    6:00 p.m.Youth Group (Youth Wing)

    6:30 p.m.Choir Practice (CR); DivorceCare (105)*

    Stephen Ministry (BR*, Library,Campbell Stone Room)*Note Room Change

    Thursday, December 5Library Workday

    7:00 p.m.Restore Classes (200 & Youth Rooms)

    Sunday, December 8

    Second Sunday of Advent

    Walk Thru Bethlehem Sunday

    9:30 & 11:00 a.m.Sunday School (Children & Youth)

    9:30 & 11:00 a.m.Worship (Sanctuary)

    1:00 - 7:00 p.m.Walk Thru Bethlehem

    3:00 - 6:00 p.m.Special Bridge Christmas Music

    (Sanctuary - 3:00/4:00/5:00/6:00 p.m.)

    Monday, December 94:00 p.m.

    "The Geezers" Men's Group (BR)6:00 p.m.

    CWF Circle 5 Meeting (105)

    Tuesday, December 106:30 a.m.

    CYF Girls Bible Study (Off-Campus)

    9:00 a.m.Women's Prayer Group(Campbell Stone Room)

    10:30 a.m.CWF Circle 2 (105)

    Circles 1, 3, 4, & 7 (Off-Campus)6:00 p.m.

    Handbell Practice (Choir Rm)


    Let Us Know: Have information about someone in the hospital or withanother ministry need? Please notify the church office during the

    week (297-8563) and Let Us Know.

    Elders Prayer Corner

    The Elders Request that the congregation join them in prayer for:

    Those who are hurting or lonely

    Successful preparation for Walk Thru Bethlehem and that all who visit

    will leave blessed and full of the Christmas message

    Volunteers for remaining Room In the Inn needs

    All to enter Advent season mindful of the true reason we celebrate


    INTHEHOSPITAL:Lorene Schroeder, friend of Gail

    Crockett, Vanderbilt

    NEWCONCERNS:Betsy Gerringer, friend of Richard LoweAnn Erwin, friend of Patricia Taylor


    Penny Stelling

    Gary Thompson

    Maddie Murphy

    Robert Mathews, The MeadowsJeannette Miller, Claiborne-Hughes

    Health CenterDeb & Steve LaForge, Disaster Relief

    in the PhilippinesRoger Dale Brown, friend of Park &Mary Welsh Owen

    Jennifer Ward, daughter of JaniceWard, Oxford, MS

    Dr. David Moore, friend and formerWCC Sr. Minister, Cookeville

    Jack King, brother of Doug King,Atlanta, GA

    Dottie Swatek, friend of FayeTevebaugh

    Continuing Concerns continued

    David Kline, friend of Don RollinsJimmy Gurley, friend of Clay StaufferJustin Johnson, son of Anona Johnson

    SYMPATHYTO:Anna and Davis Reeseon the death oftheir grandfather, Jack Lancaster, onSunday, November 24, in Houston, TXA memorial service was held onTuesday, December 3, in Houston.

    GIVETHANKS:Ellis Stokes

    Yot Williams

    Carol Parsons

    Lindsey Cooper

    MILITARYPRAYERLIST:Wade Gossett,brother of Becca GosseClay Perry, son of Tim & Diane PerryDan King & wife, Ashley King, brothe

    and sister-in-law of Stephen DanielKing

    THOSESERVINGABROAD:Jesse Garrison, Peace Corp in ArmeniCourtney Valk, Peace Corp in Republi

    of Georgia

    If life is getting you down and you need a Christianfriend to listen, that is just what Stephen Ministers artrained to do. Please call Kathy Patten at 838-4957 todiscuss the possibility of this being the help you need

  • 8/13/2019 Spire - December 2 2013


    Non-Profit OrganizatU S Postage

    PA IDNashville, Tennesse

    Permit No. 1204

    Woodmont Christian Church3601 Hillsboro RoadNashville, TN 37215615.297.8563woodmontchristian.org

    Return Service Requested


    WOODMONTCHRISTIANCHURCHSTAFFRev. Clay Stauffer, Senior Minister

    Farrell Mason, Minister of Family Life & Pastoral Care Dr. C. Roy Stauffer, Minister of Adult Education & Church LifeRev. Justin Gung,Minister of Children & Congregational Care Rev. Trey Flowers, Minister of Youth & "The Bridge"

    Thom Schuyler, Director of College, Young Adults, Missions and Outreach Carla "CJ" Schooler, Minister of Jr. High Youth Tallu Quinn, Director of TN

    Michael Graham,Director of Music Ministry Ben Saunders, Ministerial Intern Topher Endress, Ministerial InternSarah Huffman,Accompanist Mary Clare Pyron, Parish Nurse Ginny Tharp, Director of Preschool

    Linda Whitson,Staff Administrator Kim Adair,Administrative Assistant Rebecca Vaughan,ReceptionistChris Beck, Finance Manager Beverly Honeycutt,Housekeeping Steven Austin, Housekeeping

    Shirley Taylor,Housekeeping Sam Marsh,Property Manager - Andra Moran & Stephen Daniel King,

    No ServiceWTB


    December 8, 2013

    Communion Prep: Nicole ClaytonService Coordinator: 9:30 - George Keith

    11:00 - Rich SandersonVideo Camera: 9:30 - Barbie Howell

    11:00 - B. James Lowry

    9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 5:45 p.m.David Reynolds Cynthia BeckGrant Smothers Dennis BeckMarcella Derryberry Roy JordanJack Derryberry Cathy WilliamsMilly Moore Watt Crockett

    Terri McConnell Monte GoodScott Holley Bob GarrardLiz Holley Meredith Hollomon



    SUNDAYDecember 8, 2

    9:30 a.m.Chip Phinizy

    andKathy Patten

    11:00 a.m.Anne Mitchel

    andGene Regen

    5:45 p.m.No Service - WWeekly Prayer Partner

    Decatur-Trinity Christian Church, Memphis, TN

    WORSHIP SERVICES: December 8, 2013Walk Thru Bethlehem Sunday

    9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Rev. Clay Stauffer, preachingSermon Title: "Finding Peace at Christmas"

    Scripture: Isaiah 11:1-6; Matthew 1:18-25

    5:45 p.m. - The BridgeNo Service - Walk Thru Bethlehem

    Special Bridge Christmas Music in the Sanctuary

    (3:00, 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00 p.m.)


    Date Sunday School Total Atd. OperatingNovember 10 333 829 $ 28,501November 17 313 786 $ 39,597November 24 310 863 $ 43,421December 1 254 786 $ 87,171
