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Spire - October 7, 2013

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  • 7/27/2019 Spire - October 7, 2013





    Disciples of Christby

    Seeking God,Sharing Love

    andServing Others

    Core Values:

    WelcomingOutstanding Worship

    OutreachDifferent TraditionsMission & MinistryOn the MoveNurturingTransforming

    2013 Areas of FocusPrayer - Presence - Peace


    THESPIREA B e a c o n a n d A B r i d g e

    Volume 41, Issue 40 October 7, 201

    A B e a c o n a n d A B r i d g e

    The Pumpkins are Coming!

    The pumpkin truck will arrive next Wednesday, October 1

    about 4:00 p.m. at South Hall. Come enjoy some wonder

    fellowship as we unload the pumpkins from the trailer!

    Pumpkins will be on sale Thursday, October 17th.

    If chunkin' pumpkins from a trailer is not your thing, not to worry!! We have other ways you c

    help... bake pumpkin bread, work a shift in the patch, buy a pumpkin, enjoy music at Pickin' inPatch (Sunday, October 27th,at3:00 p.m. on the South Hall Lawn).

    Please use the following links to sign-up for baking bread or working a shift:

    Pumpkin Bread: http://tinyurl.com/WCCPumpkinBread

    Working a shift in Pumpkin Patch: http://tinyurl.com/WCCpumpkinpatchsignup

    Are you currently a visitor of Woodmont or have you recently placedmembership and would like to know more about the church

    and the Disciples of Christ?

    Then join us for an Introduction to Woodmont luncheon onSunday, October 20th, at 12:15 p.m. in the Boardroom! (see more details on page 9)

    CYF Oktoberfest at Bethany HillsOctober 5-6, 2013

    Woodmont youth joined over 80 Disciplesfrom across the state for the annual fall

    retreat at Bethany Hills last weekend. Theretreat was planned and run by members ofthe TCYF Cabinet, including Woodmont'sown Alex Smith (co-president), Jocelyn

    Sitton, and Russell Carpenter.

    Thanks to our great sponsors who gave uptheir weekend to make this event possible:

    Katie Johnson, Madison Jones, Ben

    Saunders, Thom Schuyler, MerillatFlowers, and Trey Flowers.

    Chi-Rho Fall retreat at Bethany Hillswill be November 1-3.

    (Regist ration is stil l available, see page 5)

  • 7/27/2019 Spire - October 7, 2013


    The Spire is published weekly by: Woodmont ChristianChurch (615) 297-8563 fax: (615) 297-93601 Hillsboro Road email: wcc@woodmontcc.

    Nashville, TN 37215 Kim Adair, EdVisit our Webpage: www.woodmontchristian.org Copyright 2

    This fall we have been journeying throughLuke's gospel on Sunday mornings. In Luke 17,Jesus talks about "stumbling blocks" to faith,and I think we can all acknowledge that they

    are certainly present in life. There are things that happen inlife that we cannot explain (cancer, natural disasters, physical

    handicaps, etc.). It has always amazed me that what drives somepeople away from the faith will drive others to it. Christians arealso capable of creating stumbling blocks for others through actsof hate and judgment, piousness and hypocrisy standing indirect contrast to Jesus' charge to "love your neighbor asyourself." How do we deal with stumbling blocks when theyarise? How do we find the hope to press forward when lifeknocks us down? I have always been very passionate aboutdeveloping for myself and trying to help others find a healthyfaith that does not fall apart in the face of life's greatestchallenges. I think this is very important because life bringsmany challenges and disappointments. What does it mean tohave a "healthy, balanced faith?"

    Mary Fairchild, a Christian author, wrote an article a whileback where she listed "Twelve Signs of a Healthy Faith-Life." Ifind her reflections helpful for doing a "check in" regarding yourfaith and spiritual life. She also provides scripture for furtherreflection. Here is what she said:

    1. Your faith is based on a relationship with God, notreligious obligations and rituals. You follow Christ

    because you want to, not because you have to. Yourrelationship with Jesus flows naturally out of love. Itis not forced or driven by guilt. (1 John 4:7-18;Hebrews 10:19-22.)

    2. Your sense of security and significance is centered onGod and who you are in Christ, not on others or youraccomplishments. (1 Thessalonians 2:1-6;Ephesians 6:6-7.)

    3. Your faith in God is strengthened as you walkthrough life's troubles, trials and painful

    experiences, not weakened or destroyed.(1 Peter 4:12-13; James 1:2-4.)

    4. Your service to others flows out of genuine love andconcern for them, not from compulsion or a need to

    be recognized. You offer your service as a joy and apleasure and not an obligation or a heavy burden.(Ephesians 6:6-7; Ephesians 2:8-10; Romans 12:10.)

    5. You value and respect the unique differences andindividual gifts of your brothers and sisters in

    Christ, rather than expecting conformity to oneChristian standard. You appreciate and celebrateothers' gifts. (Romans 14; Romans 12:6;1 Corinthians 12:4-31.)

    6. You are able to give and receive trust and allowothers to see youand themselvesin a state of

    vulnerability and imperfection. You allow yourselfand others the freedom to make mistakes. (1 Peter 3:8;Ephesians 4:2; Romans 14.)

    7. You can relate to real, everyday people with anon-judgmental, non-legalistic attitude. (Romans 14;Matthew 7:1; Luke 6:37.)

    8. You thrive in an atmosphere of learning, where freethinking is encouraged. Questions and doubts arenormal. (1 Peter 2:1-3; Acts 17:11; 2 Timothy 2:15;Luke 2:41-47.)

    9. You prefer balance over black and white extremesin your approach to the Bible, its teachings and theChristian life. (Ecclesiastes 7:18; Romans 14.)

    10. You do not feel threatened or defensive when others

    hold to a different opinion or perspective. You canagree to disagree, even with other Christians. (Titus 3:9;1 Corinthians 12:12-25; 1 Corinthians 1:10-17.)

    11. You are not afraid of emotional expressions fromyourself and others. Emotions are not bad, they justare. (Joel 2:12-13; Psalm 47:1; Psalm 98:4;2 Corinthians 9:12-15.)

    12. You have the ability to relax and have fun. You canlaugh at yourself and at life. (Ecclesiastes 3:1-4; 8:15;Proverbs 17:22; Nehemiah 8:10)

    The truth is that we all have work to do as people of faiThe spiritual life is an ongoing journey full of ups and down

    joys and sorrows. There are times in life when we feel closeGod and times when we feel distant. There are times when wfeel like life makes sense and times when we are lost aconfused. What is important is that we learn to trust in God wour heart, soul, mind, and strength. What's important is that wdon't try to control everything. What's important is that we treother people the way we want to be treated. What's importantthat we learn what it means to love, serve, and forgive. Here'sall of us working hard to maintain a healthy and balanced life faith.


    Sustaining a Healthy Faithby Rev. Clay Stauffer, Senior Minister

  • 7/27/2019 Spire - October 7, 2013


    "Whoever does not love

    does not know God, for

    God is love." 1 John 4:8

    I have been thinking a lot about what itmeans to truly be like God. But morespecifically, what does it mean to be God tothose who are seeking or those who simplydo not believe.

    We live in a world that seems tocontinuously focus on what divides us.

    Republican, Democrat or Tea Party? In

    support or opposition of same-sex marriage?Christian or Muslim? Pro-life or Pro-choice?Coffee or Tea? Vandy or UT?

    It seems that one of our greatestchallenges arises where these two thoughtscollide. God created us as individuals, asfree thinkers, so it comes as no surprise thatwe often find ourselves on opposite sides ofan issue. But the real question is how do wefollow Christ's example? How do we act likeGod in these situations?

    There seems to be a simple answer, lo1 John tells us that if we don't love we doknow God because the very essence of GIS love. This is a concept that we begteaching children immediately and continteaching through adulthood. Treat others way you want to be treated. Each and eveone of us wants to be treated with love.

    So this should be simple, right?

    Why is it that we haveto stand at the thresholdof death to honor life?Why does it take putting

    on our "mourning" black to appreciate themiraculous hue of life? Whether we stand atthe graveside or hear in passing an antidote

    of tragedy, each provides a wake-up call tothe sanctity of life. Shame on us when wetake for granted life's gifts: the words, I loveyou, imparted by those we love dearly, araucous belly laugh shared with our wittiestfriend, a kiss, a yummy meal, a good book, amoving piece of music, an encounter with agingko tree shedding its gilt leaves in thefall, or maybe just a day when all feels rightin our world and we feel good in our skin. Ilike to call it a day when our soul is smiling!

    Recently, I was honored with the task ofperforming a funeral for a woman I greatlyadmired. Not only was she a gladiator in thering with cancer, but she showed me what itlooks like to cherish life in every breath.Even in her darkest days, her eyes were fullof light, her lips curved up in a hopefulsmile, and herfaith radiant. Forgive me nowfor stating the obvious. But when writingone's eulogy, you rarely give ink to the sizeof their bank account, work promotions andaccolades, the events they chaired, or thenumber of Picasso's on the wall. Eulogiesworth remembering cover one's capacity forlove, one's willingness to put other's before

    themselves, the deep well of their joy, theimportance of their family, their church, andtheir love of God. And it's always fun tocelebrate their passions in life too: dancing atango, tending to their roses, cooking, orcollecting sharks teeth every summer on aSouth Carolina beach. The goal is to walkthrough that Holy Door one day leavingbehind a treasure trove for those left

    behind a life bursting at the seams withlove, joy, selflessness, and gratitude.

    Lessons from a Funeral:1. Be the turtle in the race of life. Slowdown and be present in each moment. I fearwe often miss the sweet nuances of life

    because we are carelessly busy and fixatedon the finish line. One thing at a time. Oneconversation at a time. One hug, one laugh,one sunset at a time. Life is ripe with grace.Seek the "sweet spot" in every encounter.

    2. Check your pulse. Yeah, you are stillbreathing! The day will come when the bellwill toll for each one of us but it is nothere right now! So, stop sweating the small,trivial stuff, the ridiculous things that haveno merit and keep our souls in a tangle. Weare all guilty of this crime. What did Jesussay? We cannot gain an extra hour of our life

    from worrying. Advice: Don't worry untilyou are given something to truly worryabout. And then when that day does come,and it will: Trust in the Almighty to see youthrough. I have seen it happen enough timesto know that God does take your hand in thevalley of the shadows and leads you backinto the light. In the meantime, spend theseconds doing BIG THINGS: First, makesure the people you love... know you lovethem. You can never love too well! Lavishthem with the best of your heart. Second,invest some of your inhales and exhales

    doing something with your life that is biggerthan yourself (Hint: It usually requiresputting another before yourself). The storydoesn't get good until the hero gives his orher life for another. It's love at its best. Andwhat's wrong with making God smile everynow and again!

    3. Joy is good. I don't know if it is ourPuritan heritage, but experiencing joy is not

    wrong. Actually, Joy in big doses is tsecret elixir for a healthy soul. Write dowwhat gives you real joy and then make suit is a regular, dare I say, daily part of yolife. The joy I am talking about here is nconnected in any way to ambition, dollsign accumulation, or self-gratification. I

    talking about a joy that you feel deep in yosoul. It is a joy that makes you drop-to-youknees grateful to be alive! Here's just a staA walk in nature, break bread with peopyou love, savor a cup of tea with a wachocolate chip cookie, curl up to a gobook, help someone else to have joy.

    4. Be kind. It's that simple. It's the numbone thing you would have people remembabout you! Bite your tongue. It is so easyspew venom, be impatient, judgmentgossipy, and negative. What is the ophrase? You can either be a fountain odrain. Life is too short. And, hear me whesay.... kindness evolves the soul!

    5. Be a gladiator. What I mean is lwill inevitably test you choose to courageous. Now that does not mean ycannot get in your shower and have somchoice words with the great Almighty, weep, and weep some more. Darn if Jesdidn't sweat blood for goodness sakes. Bhe also put on the armor and met his fwith courage. Even in my last visit with mfriend, her body completely beaten, her ey

    remained full of light. Courage is a beautithing.

    6. Talk to God. You are going to spending an eternity in his company. Ymight as well make friends. And, you'll surprised how the relationship comes handy when things don't go as you plannwhile still here on earth!

    Live in hope, Farrell

    To be like God is to Loveby Carla Schooler,Minister of Jr. High Youth

    Lessons from a Funeralby Farrell Mason,Minister of Family Life & Pastoral Care

    (continued on page

  • 7/27/2019 Spire - October 7, 2013


    Wednesday Night - October 9th

    This Wednesday,October 9th

    Mom's Meat Loaf

    Savory Turkey Meat Loaf

    Roasted Potatoes

    Light Creamed Spinach

    Mixed Green Salad withRaspberry Pecan Dressing

    Chocolate clair Dessert

    Quinoa Apple Cake

    Pizza for the kids

    5-Star DinnerWednesday Nights

    5:35 p.m. in Drowota Hall

    Reservations should be made through the Sunday "connectioncard," by calling the church of fice (297-8563), emailing the churchoffice at [email protected] or thru t he website at:www.woodmon tchri stian.org. The deadline is Monday by noon.

    Price structure: Adults $8, Children 4 years old thru 5th grade $4

    and family c ap $28.

    Beef Chili and WhiteBean Chicken Chiliwith all the Fixins!

    Chips and Salsa

    Sour Cream Cornbread

    Mixed Green Salad

    Fudge Cake with FluffyPeanut Butter Frosting

    Cranberry Pumpkin Bread

    Pizza for the kids

    Next Wednesday, October 16thThe Pumpkins are coming!

    Sunday School - October 13th

    9:30 a.m.Disciples Class (105) - Led by Roy Stauffer"Book of Acts - Chapter 9"

    Challenge Class (200) - Led by Bob Herrick"Biblical Wisdom Literature"

    Young Adult Class (Boardroom) - Led by Rob Quinn"Malachi"

    Spiritual Journeys Class for Women (The Bay)Led by Anne Alexander Stauffer"Loving God with All Your Soul: Celtic Spirituality forthe Woman of Today"

    11:00 a.m.Second Hour o f the Spiritual Journeys Class (The Bay)(Open to Men Also)Led by Anne Alexander Stauffer

    "Traveling Light" (200) - Led by Kathy PattenSunday Morning Version of the Wednesday Night Class

    Points of View (105) - Led by Ralph Parsons and Doug Kin"Islam"

    College & University-Aged Young Adults (107)Led by Thom Schuyler

    The Pathways Class for Parents (Boardroom)

    Led by Wendell & Christy Brown/Tom & Laura Dovan

    Adult Education

    6:30 p.m.DivorceCare (The Bay)Led by Anne Alexander Stauffer and Janet Wall

    Bible Study on Galatians (200)

    Led by Michael WhittingtonHealthy Living, Part 1 (105)Led by Guest Teacher, Anna Tinkle(Last night of this Class)

    "The Jesus Way: Presence, Purpose, Practice"(100) Led by Beth Pattillo and Sandy Smith

    "Traveling Light" (Boardroom)- Led by Kathy PattenDon't miss the Sunday Morning Version of this class!(See below)

    Beginning October 16th

    Intro to Mindfulness: reap the health benefits oflearning how to switch between the "doing" modeand the "being" mode (Healthy Living, Part 2) (105)

    Led by Dr. Tom Patten

    Beginning November 6th"Ouch! Where Is God When it Hurts?" (Boardroom)Led by Rev. Justin Gung

    (continued from page 3)

    But what about those who serve adifferent God? What about those whodisagree with your politics? What aboutthose who live in a bigger house? What

    about those who have no jobs? What aboutthose who define marriage differently? Whatabout those people who do not agree that theSEC is the single greatest conference inthese great United States?

    "Whoever does not love does not knoGod, for God is love." 1 John 4:8


  • 7/27/2019 Spire - October 7, 2013


    The S pir itual Jour n eys Retr eat for WomenNov ember 9-10The Spiritual Journeys Retreat for Women will be held at BethanHills Camp on November 9th and 10th. Anne Alexander Stauffer wshare a special message with us: "Preparing Our Hearts for TheComing." We will also have presentations by Linda Mills, CertifieYoga Therapist and Instructor; Juliana Ericson, Forgiveness Coaand Life Enhancement Specialist; and entertainment from LaureLucas, Nashville singer/songwriter and Spiritual Journeys classmember. The cost to stay overnight is $90 (which includes4 homemade meals.) Saturday only participation is $45 (whichincludes 3 homemade meals).

    Sign-up sheets are available in the Bay Room. If you have anyquestions, please contact Mary Glynn Williamson at 330-2594or email her [email protected].

    New Wednesday NightClass Beginning Next

    Wednesday, October 16th

    Intro to Mindfulness: reap the healthbenefits of learning how to switchbetween the "doing" mode and the

    "being" mode (Healthy L iving, Part 2)Led by Dr. Tom Patten - 5-week class

    The class will include such topics as meditation,mindfulness, physiology of stress, relaxationresponse, and related psychological principles (likemindfulness based cognitive therapy). There will beapplications of mindfulness to everyday life (eating,routine activities, awareness of emotional states andmotivations, etc.) as well as formal practices. Theclass will introduce different types of meditation/techniques to help promote concentration, being morein tune with the body and emotions and learning how

    to use these skills to reduce stress and increaseself-knowledge and mastery. Practicing what islearned between classes will be an important part of"getting" what this is all about.

    Pathways Sunday School Class

    The new Pathways Sunday School Class will start a new 3-week series by Andy Stanley this Sunday, October 13th. Theseries is called When God. We all face times when it feels like God is far away. Our prayers are unanswered and ourcircumstances go from bad to worse. During these times, God doesn't just seem distant; he seems distracted. People tellus to pray more. Preachers tell us to have more faith. But what does the Bible say? In this series, Andy Stanley explores thelives of three men from the New Testament, each loved by God, but whose circumstances seemed to tell a different story.

    Week 1: When God is InattentiveWeek 2: When God is UncooperativeWeek 3: When God is Late

    The Pathways Class is designed for parents of kids pre-school to high school aged. We are an energetic group of 3050somethings who are seeking spiritual and practical guidance on our journey of faith. We watch video lessons and then havgood discussions. Come join us! We meet at 11:00 a.m. in the Boardroom on the 2nd floor (just past the GatheringHall). Contact Wendell and Christy Brown (478-3103) or Tom and Laura Dovan (815-9090) with questions.

    WCC Youth

    Youth Group This Week

    Wednesday Night, October 9th

    6:00-8:00 p.m. - Youth Group: Small Group Night @ The Richardson's House

    Sunday, October 13th

    9:30-10:30 a.m. - Worship in the Sanctuary10:30-11:00 a.m. - Gathering Time in the Youth Lounge11:00 a.m.-Noon - Sunday School: "CommUnity" Series in CYF/Chi Rho RoomsNoon-1:00 p.m. - Youth Lunch Off-Campus1:00-2:00 p.m. - Jubilation Choir in the Boardroom5:45-6:45 p.m. - The Bridge Worship Service in Drowota Hall

    Tuesday, October 15th

    6:30-7:00 a.m. - CYF Girls Bible Study at Bread & Company in Green Hills

    For more information visit www.WoodmontccYouth.com

    or follow us on Twitter@WoodmontCCYouth

    Bethany Hills Chi Rho FallRetreat - Registration

    Don't miss a weekend at ourbeloved campgrounds with

    Disciples friends fromacross the state!

    Chi-Rho Fall Retreat (for 6th



    graders) - November 1-3

    Registration is availablethrough our youth website at

    www.WoodmontCCYouth.com.Registration is limited, so please

    make sure to save your spot today.

  • 7/27/2019 Spire - October 7, 2013


    Sponsor Spotlight

    We have 14 amazing youth sponsors signed up to lead the youth group this year. Please join us in thanking our youthsponsors as they give their time and talents to the 6th-12th grade youth in our church. This week, please take some extratime to celebrate and get to know Merillat Flowers.

    Merillat joined the Woodmont family in 2010, shortly after becoming engaged to TreyFlowers. She loves Woodmont and is thrilled to be a part of the youth group this

    year. Merillat graduated from Texas Christian University (go frogs!) and currentlyworks for Teach For America Nashville as a teacher administrator and instructionalcoach. Whenever she gets a spare moment, Merillat loves spending time with Trey

    and their adorable English Bulldog, Beasley.

    Meal Baby WebsiteA huge congratulations to Blake and Abby McLean on the birth of their daughter, Emery Grace

    Renich McLean,on Monday, September 30th. We have an opportunity to bless this sweetfamily with prayers, food and cards. If you would like to provide a meal, please use the

    following MealBaby registry link to sign-up: http://tinyurl.com/MealBaby-McLean.

    (If you haven't already, you will have to register with MealBaby before you sign-up to provide a meal.)

    Megan Stauffer,Kerry Leach,Isse Waddey,

    and Laura Dovanat Vandy Tailgate

    on Saturday,October 5th

    2013-2014 CWF Board Left to Right: Jan Shockey, Carol Parsons, Sandra Kyne, Sallie Walker, Martha Hobby,Sallye Galloway. 2nd Row: Mary Ann Rogers, Sandra Carpenter, Marcella Derryberry, Bette Jefcoat, Elizabeth

    Regen, Judy Davis, Susan Hammonds-White, Debbie Baird, Jeanie Taylor, Judy Ginn, Jane Dyer, Betsy Hendrick.

    2013-14 Christian Women's Fellowship (CWF) Board

  • 7/27/2019 Spire - October 7, 2013


  • 7/27/2019 Spire - October 7, 2013


    Mission & Outreach

    News From Room in the Inn

    We are coming upon a new season ofservice to Nashvilles homeless men.Woodmont enjoys strong support andparticipation in Room in the Inn (RITI)program and we are excited to get thenew season underway!

    Two past RITI Program leaders (SelenaGuilfoy and Wendell Brown) joined mein evaluating what works well with ourRITI Program and what we might improvegoing forward. After an in-depth questionand answer session with Nashvilles RITIOperations Director, Mary Wilder, wedecided to make some key operationalchanges for our upcoming season ofservice.

    So, what s new wi t h Room in t he Inn?

    Lots of t hings!

    Co-Ed Overnight Hosting: After learningthat many Nashville RITI participantchurches have mixed gender overnighthosting teams, we are making that anoption at Woodmont.

    Comfortable, Secure Sleeping

    Accommodations: For the past few years,

    overnight hosts have slept on couches andsacrificed sleep for service. We believe

    that overnight hosts deserve the bestof both worlds! This year, we are makingavailable two lockable rooms withinflatable beds so overnight hosts havethe option of locking their doors andresting deeply.

    No More Clothes Closet Mayhem:Woodmont Christian Church is all aboutgenerosity and this wont change thatbut we are making some improvementsin our approach to clothing contributionsand distribution. We wont have all thespecifics for a few more weeks but the

    changes will ensure that our guests arenot searching the clothes closet at allhours of the night and that the clothingwe do offer are gender and seasonappropriate stay tuned!

    Team RITI: This year, we are taking ateam approach to operating WoodmontsRITI program. I am delighted to announcethat we now have our scheduling teammember in place:please join me in a bigshout out of gratitude to Christine Reed!That leaves just two team slots open:Physical Needs and Clothing (see

    descriptions in next column). All the roles

    are manageable because being on theRITI Operations Team is about nourishin

    our souls, not exhausting our minds andbodies.

    Physical Needs: This team member wilfocus on the physical needs of theprogram: inventorying and restockingsupplies, checking bedding, linens,kitchen utensils and other items neededto support this program. This teammember also serves as a liaison withhousekeeping and The Nashville FoodProject as needed.

    Clothing: We need a team member tohelp us structure our efforts to providewarm clothes to our homeless guests.We have lots of great ideas about how taccomplish this goal but need someoneto orchestrate and organize RITIsclothing collection and distributionefforts.

    As always, if you have questions,concerns or are ready to join our teamplease feel free to contact Mary Kiger414-8345 or [email protected].

    Many t hanks and even more bl essings

    On Saturday, October 19th, congregations throughoutthe Tennessee Region will be participating in a Loving

    Hands day of service. We are offering two opportunitiesthat weekend: Salama Urban Ministries in Nashville and

    Morgan-Scott for those that can travel.

    Urban Ministry Opportun ity

    The Salama Institute on 8th Avenue is a successful after schoolacademic enrichment program serving underprivileged kids inKindergarten through 12th grades. There are a couple of things wecan help them with. One is an ongoing need to help resupply the"Salama store" where the kids can use earned credits to buy itemslike school supplies, caps, etc. which they really enjoy and helpsmotivate them. (You can see a list of typical items on our websiteunder Missions/Urban Ministries.) Also, the kids put on a theatricalproduction every year and the wardrobe room needs to be

    catalogued and tidied up. If you are interested in getting involvedwith this project or have any questions or ideas, please contactTom Patten at [email protected] .

    As the conference wide Disciples Church has designated Oct. 19thas a day when everyone is encouraged to pick a mission project tobe involved with, we're organizing a group to go down and pitch intothat effort. It might be fun for a group to do this together and it's agood way to learn more about this great organization that is doingsuch important work. Contact Tom with questions or interest.

    For more information,please contact JeremiahWeeden-Wright at

    jeremiah.weedenwr ight@gmai l.com

    If you would like to go on the trip, please sign-upby entering or clicking the following link:http://tinyurl.com/Morgan-Scott-Mission-Trip

  • 7/27/2019 Spire - October 7, 2013




    A project to seal and re-stripe theChurch parking lot is scheduled tobegin next Monday, October 14th.The process will take approximatelya week to complete and possiblylonger if the weather doesn't

    cooperate. While access to the Church and South Hallwill always be available, normal traffic patterns willchange and entrances will be closed at various timesduring the project. Please respect any traffic barriers youencounter. There will be signage directing you to anopen entrance. There should be no planned overnightparking during this time.

    We apologize in advance for any inconveniences.Unfortunately, there is never a good time to work aproject like this at such a wonderfully active Church.

    News from theProperty Committee

    Introduction to Woodmont

    We offer a free monthly luncheonand class to teach visitors and newmembers about our beliefs, values,and community. Introduction toWoodmont is a brief look at theDisciples of Christ denomination andour own congregation. Visitors andmembers alike are invited to join usfor lunch and a lively conversationwith our church ministers about whatit means to be a part of theWoodmont family.

    The next introduction to Woodmont class and luncheonwill be on Sunday, October 20, at 12:15 p.m. in theBoardroom. Free childcare will be provided if requestedin advance by calling the church office at 297-8563.

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    Time Change

    Grace Notes Children's Choir will nowbe on Wednesdays from 5:15-5:45 p.m.

    It is not too late to join in this talented

    group of young singers!

    10/14 - Senna Shaffer10/16 - Walker Dovan10/16 - Phebe Foley


    Wednesday, October 9th

    5:15 p.m. - Grace NotesChildren's Choir Practice

    5:35 p.m. - 5-Star Dinner

    6:15 p.m. - JYF Kids Club

    Sunday, October 13th

    9:30 a.m. - Children's Moment

    9:45 a.m. - Sunday School

    11:00 a.m. - Children's Church

    5:45 p.m. - The Bridge Service6:30 p.m. - After The Bridge

    Casual Soup Dinner

    Sunday School Lessons & VolunteersOctober 13th

    9:30 Hour

    ChristQuestRonda Hirst

    Stars (2 Yrs)Noah's ArkClaire Drowota

    Jane Clay Meadors

    Pandas (3 Yrs)Noah's ArkSarah Drury

    Frogs (4 Yrs)The Ten BestWays to LiveKim SheridanGloria & Joy Jackson

    9:30 Hour

    Monkeys (5 Yrs/K)The Ten BestWays to LiveBetty White

    11:00 Hour

    Children's ChurchKaitlyn Asher

    4th/5th Grade ClassTopher Endress

    Donuts& CoffeeStill Needed

    Memory Verse:Is anything too hard forthe Lord? Genesis 18:14

  • 7/27/2019 Spire - October 7, 2013


    Bulletin Board

    Opportunities at Woodmont

    Wednesday, October 9

    6:15 a.m.Men's Small Group (107)

    7:00 a.m.Men's Bible Study (105)

    Younger Men's Bible Study (BR)5:15 p.m.

    Grace Notes Children's Choir Practice (KC)5:35 p.m.

    5-Star Dinner (DH)6:00 p.m.

    Youth Group (Off-Campus)

    6:15 p.m.JYF Kids Club (KC)

    6:30 p.m.Choir Practice (Choir Rm); DivorceCare

    (The Bay); Galatians Class (200); Healthy

    Living, Part 1 (105); "The Jesus Way" (100);"Traveling Light" (BR); WCC TRIPS

    Committee (107)

    Thursday, October 10

    Library Workday10:00 a.m.

    Sit & Stitch Group (GH)

    7:00 p.m.Restore Classes (200 & Youth Rooms)

    Sunday, October 13

    9:30 & 11:00 a.m.Sunday School

    9:30 & 11:00 a.m.Worship (Sanctuary)

    1:00 - 2:00 p.m.

    Jubilation Youth Choir (BR)4:45 p.m.

    WCC Knitters (GH)

    5:45 p.m.The Bridge Service (DH)

    6:30 p.m.After The Bridge Casual Soup Dinner (DH)

    Monday, October 14

    4:00 p.m."The Geezers" Men's Group (BR)

    Tuesday, October 15

    6:30 a.m.CYF Girls Bible Study (Off-Campus)

    9:00 a.m.Women's Prayer Group (CS)

    9:45 a.m.Women's Bible Study (200)

    10:30 a.m.WCC Book Club (107)

    6:00 p.m.Handbell Practice (Choir Rm)

    6:30 p.m.

    Young Adults (105)

    Elders Prayer Corner

    The Elders Request that the congregation join them in prayer for:

    Our members who are sick, grieving, or homebound that they will feel God'

    presence with them

    Wisdom and guidance for our church leaders and for our local, national andglobal leaders

    All members to trust God enough to release their burdens to Him andexperience peace in daily life

    All members to find a place to be using their gifts and talents to share God's

    love and serve others



    Jimmy Gurley, friend of Clay Stauffer,Sarah Cannon Center


    Debby Adams, sister of Pam Hardin

    CONTINUING CONCERNS:Mark Christofersen Beth SheltonPenny Stelling Gary Thompson

    Yot Williams Maddie Murphy

    Peggy Johnson

    Robert Mathews, The Meadows

    Jeannette Miller, Claiborne-HughesHealth Center

    Charlene Solliday, mother of RobinHeyne, Woodcrest

    Justin Johnson, son of Anona JohnsonGary Carrington, father of Blake

    MayesTy Coppinger, father of Shawn Haile


    Drew & Sara Donahoe and family onthe passing of Drew's grandmother,Estelle Donahoe, in Crystal Springs,MS. A funeral service was held onFriday, October 4, in Mississippi.


    Wade Gossett,brother of Becca GossClay Perry, son of Tim & Diane PerryDan King & wife, Ashley King, brothe

    and sister-in-law of Stephen DanielKing


    Jesse Garrison, Peace Corp in ArmenCourtney Valk, Peace Corp in Republ

    of Georgia

    *Please Note: Continuing Care Concerns w

    now only be listed for up to one month. If y

    wish to have a continuing concern remain o

    the list after one month, please renew your r

    quest each month by calling the church offic


    Let Us Know:Have information about someone in the hospital or with another

    ministry need? Please notify the church of fice during theweek (297-8563) and Let Us Know.

    If life is getting you down and you need a Christianfriend to listen, that is just what Stephen Ministers artrained to do. Please call Kathy Patten at 838-4957 todiscuss the possibility of this being the help you nee

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    Woodmont Christian Church3601 Hillsboro RoadNashville, TN 37215615.297.8563woodmontchristian.org

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    WOODMONT CHRISTIAN CHURCH STAFFRev. Clay Stauffer, Senior Minister

    Farrell Mason, Minister of Family Life & Pastoral Care Dr. C. Roy Stauffer, Minister of Adult Education & Church LifeRev. Justin Gung,Minister of Children & Congregational Care Rev. Trey Flowers, Minister of Youth & "The Bridge"

    Thom Schuyler, Director of College & Young Adults Carla "CJ" Schooler, Minister of Jr. High Youth Tallu Quinn, Director of TNFP

    Michael Graham,Director of Music Ministry Ben Saunders, Ministerial Intern Topher Endress, Ministerial InternSarah Huffman,Accompanist Mary Clare Pyron, Parish Nurse Ginny Tharp, Director of Preschool

    Linda Whitson,Staff Administrator Kim Adair,Administrative Assistant Rebecca Vaughan,ReceptionistChris Beck, Finance Manager Beverly Honeycutt,Housekeeping Steven Austin, HousekeepingShirley Taylor,Housekeeping Sam Marsh,Property Manager - Andra Moran & Stephen Daniel King,

    H k i S C ti Di t f "Th B id "


    October 13, 2013

    Communion Prep: Milly MooreService Coordinator: 9:30 - Marcella Derryberry

    11:00 - Nick SmallVideo Camera: 9:30 - Jack Derryberry

    11:00 - Leigh Ann Agee

    9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 5:45 p.m.Liz Anne Allen Jamie Huling Rich SandersonScott Holley Dennis Beck Jay EverettPaula Forcht Cynthia Beck Rebecca EverettSteven McGinty Rich Sanderson Adam SloanTom Dovan Doug Schoerke Virginia Dinker

    Betty McHugh Bob GarrardLaura Dovan Robbie QuinnHoney Hetzel John Hartong



    SUNDAYOctober 13, 20

    9:30 a.m.

    Wendell Browand

    Alan Sowell

    11:00 a.m.

    Emmie Thomaand

    Chip Phinizy

    5:45 p.m.

    Gene RegenWeekly Prayer Partner

    Bethany Christian Church, Eads, TN

    WORSHIP SERVICES: October 13, 2013

    9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Dr. C. Roy Stauffer, preachingSermon Title: "The Fourfold Path"

    Scripture: James 4:13-17

    5:45 p.m. - The Bridge Rev. Trey Flowers, preachingSermon Title: "Go Therefore..."

    Scripture: Matthew 28:16-20


    Date Sunday School Total Atd. OperatingSeptember 15 327 945 $ 53,533September 22 300 789 $ 54,596September 29 300 739 $ 22,017October 6 266 686 $ 33,297
