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Spirit and Truth. GENESIS 2 7 And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed...

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Spirit and Truth

Spirit and Truth

GENESIS 2 7 And the LORD God formed man [of]

the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and

man became a living soul.

JOHN 20 22 And when he had said this, he breathed on [them], and saith unto

them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost:

JOHN 4 20 Our fathers worshipped in this

mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to

worship. 21 Jesus saith unto her, Woman,

believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at

Jerusalem, worship the Father.

JOHN 4 22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is

of the Jews. 23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

24 God [is] a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship [him] in

spirit and in truth.

EPHESIANS 1 13 In whom ye also [trusted], after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also

after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,

James 1:14-16 (AMP)14 But every person is tempted when he is drawn away, enticed and baited by his

own evil desire (lust, passions).15 Then the evil desire, when it has

conceived, gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is fully matured, brings forth



And we pray, Lord, tonight, that the truth will be made manifest, the Spirit will get into the truth; and may we

worship in God's provided way.


22-67 And you take the Holy Spirit off of a man, he's lower than

the animal; he's worse than the animal. That's a hard thing to say. But

you take a man that's unregenerated in his mind, without the Holy Spirit to

direct his thoughts, and--and things like that, he would throw a baby out of a

mother's arms and ravish her for beastly lust. That's exactly.


And a woman that's no good... You take an old mother hog or an old dog; we've give it all kinds of names for... But her

morals are just her puppies, and the hog for her piggies; but an ornery no-good account woman is just as--just filth all the time. That's right. So remember, that you're... Without Christ, your

morals are--can drop down to below a dog. That's right.

65-0410 - The Easter Seal

52  Now, now, is the Spirit that quickens. It's not the Word that quickens. It's the Spirit that quickens the Word, or gives the Word Life, gives It wings to fly,

gives It access. It's the Spirit that does that.

65-0410 - The Easter Seal

53 Now, the wheat, alone, is just a wheat; but when the quickening life gets into it, into the wheat, then it gives it life. And we which were once dead, made in the image of God, and yet dead in sin and trespass, there's

some way God had to get this quickening Life into your mortal bodies. I'm talking about your body.

54  Now, Jesus was the Word. You believe that, don't you?

65-0410 - The Easter Seal

55 Now, as the promised Messiah, He quickened every Word that was

prophesied that He would do; heal the sick, and how He would be born of a

virgin, all that, made it. It's true. He was the Word, manifested here on earth, but He could not do this just as a Man. It taken the Spirit of God, dwelling in Him, to quicken these promises

to Him.

65-0410 - The Easter Seal

I hope that we get this real clear now. Jesus, being a Man, Himself, the body, but it took the Spirit in Him, the

Spirit. "It's not Me that doeth the works. It's My Father that dwelleth in Me. He's

the One that does the works."

62-0704 - We Would See Jesus

66 And now when the Holy Spirit gets a hold of the Word, It brings It to pass and manifests It, and makes It a reality,

every Word of God.


E-45 So when the Spirit of God is near, what will take place? Salvation will be introduced, salvation that will bring a spiritual worship, not a singing of hymns altogether, but a worship in the Spirit. It's got to be so contrary to the

intellect; it's stymied by It.


You can't understand God by intellectual faith; you must be borned again. It's got

to come to the heart. It's got to be an experience. And when the experience is wrought by the Holy Spirit, then the same nature, and the same power,

and the same reaction that happened on the Church first will come again, for It's God in them.


47 We can different upon creeds; we can different upon manmade theories. You can go to a Methodist church, you have to be a Methodist; a Baptist, a Baptist; the Catholic, a Catholic; but

when once you're baptized into Christ and become a member of His Body, there's no differences. The middle

walls of partition is tore down and you're free because you're in Christ Jesus; and

you worship God in Spirit and in Truth when you are in Christ Jesus. It's God's plan for you to worship Him in

Christ Jesus.


Now, no church denomination can claim this; no one can claim that. How dare

you to make such claims? To do such a thing would be an antichrist spirit, be taking away from Christ, to take from

Him. You cannot do that. Christ is the only place that God meets the


BE.CERTAIN.OF.GOD_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-12 SUNDAY_ 59-0125 90 And the oil means the Spirit, as we know

according to Ezekiel 4 and so forth. That's the reason we anoint with oil; it's the Spirit. What is it? As St. John 4: "The

Father seeketh such to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth." Jesus was the Truth. He was the Meal-offering, and this

Oil was the Spirit. And the Spirit mixed with the Truth has got to bring

something. Put it together; it makes a cake.


Oh, where's your faith? When God's Word's preached in Its simplicity, though in Its power that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and the

Word goes forth for the Meal, you've got the Oil to mix with It. It

may be just a little handful or a spoonful, but whatever it is, it's



E-30 Many people worship in Spirit and not in Truth, many in Truth and not

in Spirit. But when you get them together, then you got something when the Spirit of God gets into the Word. She mixed it together. And when you get

the Spirit of God on you, mixed with God's Word, something's going to



E-21 That's right, put them together, the Word and the Spirit together. And if the Spirit is in the Word, the Word will manifest Itself. That's exactly the

reason you see discernment and healings and things like that; it's the

Word made manifest.


Then God, the Father, in His universe, God in His Son, God in His Word, and now God's in His people. Hallelujah.

That quickening immortal Life that pulled you out of that bootleg joint,

pulls you off of skid row. That Thing that struck you and made a lady out of you,

that Thing that's kept you from smoking, and drinking, and carrying, through your

life. That's God in His people.


That Thing that when the Holy Ghost takes the Word of God, and sprays It over the people, like that, with His

power, that heart of yours grabs it. What is it? It's God in His people.


What does the word "quick" mean? The Greek word means, "to be brought to life

after death." Hallelujah. There's the gate of worship, worshipping in the Spirit and in Truth, mechanics and dynamics together. You see what I

mean?If the Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, It will quicken, make alive, your mortal bodies, because It's

already Life. And when It comes into your body, It brings your whole body

subject to It. Subject to what? The Word of God, if it's in you.


The mind is only a director. It will direct you, and it's very incapable of bringing

you to God: your mind. You cannot know God by your mind, intellectual. It's one of the resources, or the channels that

would lead to it, but your soul is what governs you. You are what you are,

by your soul.

...there's a genuine baptism of the Holy Ghost that satisfies every fiber

and longing in the human soul,


And there also, just people who live upon the emotion, upon the... Some

people say, "Well, we got a lot of that in our Pentecostal movement." And they'll

go in, which is fine, they'll pat their hands [Brother Branham claps his

hands--Ed.] and play the music. The music stops, "sh, whew," a bucket

of water went over everything. See? Now, we--we do that... We--we got in a

habit of doing that. We got, we--we... It's just become one of our customs.


143 Let me tell you something. When you worshipping God, in the Spirit and in Truth, when it becomes a custom for you to do it, because you think you ought to

do it, because you think if you don't shout, or jump up-and-down, or dance

with the music, your neighbor's going to think you're backslid; you're drinking

from a stagnated stream. Right.

Until It fills every fiber, until the Holy Spirit Itself's bubbling in you; I don't care whether the music is playing,

whether they're playing "Nearer, My God, To Thee," or whatever it is, the

Holy Spirit's still ringing the glory bells in your heart. That satisfies.

That's God's satisfying Portion. Anything less than That, you're done.


...until that satisfying Something that can only quench that thirst...

"My soul thirsts for the living God, like the hart panting for the water brook.

Unless I can find It, I'll perish." When you get to hungering for God like that,

something's going to take place. The Holy Spirit is to lead you to those

great fountains of God. Yes, sir.


"And made us priests." Yes, priests unto Him, offering the spiritual praise of sanctified lips. Spending our lives

as a sweet offering unto Him. Worshipping Him in Spirit and in

truth. Interceding and petitioning. Priests and kings unto our God. No

wonder the world does not appeal to us and we are a peculiar people zealous

unto good works. We have been recreated in Him to be children like unto

our Father.

But, you don't have to, you are free tonight.

63-0120E - Just One More Time, Lord

16  And now if something in the Word can make you realize that you are

free by His grace, or if something, realize, and the Word makes you

understand, or some act of God, that it included you, it includes us all, then you just accept it on those

basis, and you're free, also. You don't have to feel any different, you don't

have to feel anything at all.

And that sharp two-edged

Sword will cut every

promise free, if that arm of faith is able to

yield that Sword.

65-0410 - The Easter Seal

260  I'm free. I'm an eagle. I'm no longer in a cage, but I'm free. I've raised from

the dead, into the new Life of Jesus Christ. Not only me, but every man,

women, boy or girl setting here, that's been filled into that Spirit of God, is a new creature in Christ. And you are a

eagle. 261 We are alive, today, and enjoy the resurrection forevermore. Because He

lives, we are alive, also. And He's living us, making us alive.

63-0901M - Token

414 Now, being in that, we become part of the Word. And then take the

Token, the Spirit, over the promise, "I am the Lord that healeth thee." 415 Now get ready for the healing

service tonight. See? Take the Token, hang It over the Word, on your

unmovable faith in that Word, he'll get out. Now, That's—That's the thing that puts him out, 'cause in Him there is

no such.


162 I like to worship, don't you? Now, we don't come to church just to hear a sermon; that goes with it, but we come

to church to worship, worship in the Spirit and in Truth. You've heard the Truth; that's the Word. See? Now, to worship is to express yourself to

Him. See?
