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-. SSPM TT'°rU ^S^Sf^KSSSS I!-. · ago,thehighpriests gave Jadas I*cariot thirty pieces ofsilver...

Date post: 07-Jul-2020
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&£J'2^*2r* m .fc 10 ?m W 11 K El I NO:" ~ jtoniUy Homing. irar-eh^y^ T *«»» to that In "hi, --I V .."Co...., fr0"d «*¦« fBio. man in VTrgini^r -J other Sutr can tlkr. whtJb^ . that the President ha, the andonbted right r r* ' UW,» U»t P«*<H»S for the coltertion of the rerenne indoded. We I r ^"' re"°D wb*,h<! dr>cr>te« « the CoDTenfon ,bon,d t.«. . min,^ ia regard to that position. Kitber the right doe. or does not exist in U,e Uoeornment. If « doe. exist, why »fcooW MJ ^ who '"°rU «" order and oppose iT TT" "d "*"*'¦ ^"te to .ow \o harm can come of accu.noming our,elTe, l6 |,ok a., f.ir .SIIe * the face, nor will it rom.pt u,e pohlic r- the la* %CC"lam '* People to look noon ^ <:°,<Tnmtnt a, something not to be tniled with or violated with im- d!T,,r" ?L,lbe **fct 0f ¦r,r-P«*rr.lioB I do., not belong to the Federal Coaptation, " * h" N '*«» Qor power to pun," ' offenders, enforce its U.s, ,ud e*. It* provUum,. Constitnti^ u a nnllitr- hnl^I! T gUT"',n,Mt « 'I'- and nerer "r' "d ^ "-'"-en who drafted the C«*i,.U.n and ,et in h ! L. 'OTtraa"«, were nothing but dolts and idiou. That the Fnderal Government has the 7* itself respected i. .e~ U «"» »-'«»». U undeniable. tZ ' manner and u,e time .f doing . i, qa.u another thing. While .. iatitt ¦ on Mr. Lincoln's rigkt nnder the Con,ti- n ** dminuier the Federal law, n every State of the Union, onUl the I mon .hall be diaaolred a. it wa, f 'l! by the people of an the Sum, jet it doe, no, follow from this ,fcl we Uink ^ shonH at Ihti time, when the popnUr mind in the Sonth U excited by misrepre- i^Cd"d 0adr60ed mPP"1,«*i-«of » ^ oppn»«on nse that right to en orce the law, with rig^. Bot £ , ®TJ P'blie m"' "peciallj thow o whom the people are accustomed to look o ^nlU>m U" ""P"1" mind j repard .11 r.oUtion, or law, uo. ! lee Whatever speciou, garb thev mar ' repre- ^.b^and nottobeexensed. Fo7tbi, ^uooWaahrngtoo eahorted bb conntrr- «= to ncccstom the.«,Tes u> ,P^Zf ¦he Lnjon as the paUa,}i.m of Ueir ,jber .flTnT Tk! de" U"t "" mind* * ^ l{- People themselres. bare t^amn off of their proper balance LT 'r foree "J -'"Ubilitr of .>^V*«ftheU»d. They arr becomin ' >cen,u,med to look lightly sa frand^nd n.lTer^o, of o*««K and what «ob- "4 let the upper hand ^ ^ - »r, the people l. t*? . ,hB' right 'he rirfat I,,<w-forg'»>ng that "*." 10 do aa we pl<«se most exerciwd with due rennl ,i. , , , regard to the same "J^t J. others. Thi, riu.ting or the dn II 1lW' *M,aDd to *««ere i, th~trtthf r*8T>',U*ctbt!r coad.c^nd through them a.d Uicir example the pon- ^ b'co®« »'«»«d. And so we urge that erery pnblie man who ha. ,.r whrT^r , """ P^i" truth w^en be gtres h. views to the public. So of '^lLo ,,>0k" 0f ,h" right or ^cettton. he ha. .poken with becoming ssar sK.a.aga*» »S5p«S=U .. a, neither which i, merely a matter ol perwual opinion, an J ha. nih >ng to do with «be issue t,efore the Con" IZT ^ U,e ^ W' «- -t ^re ,"^ VieWi or the Oonrenu. m,y hoU ^ ZT\;?L^vri'ht* lh. p.r|- j*^* *' cw for, and all ^ people Med care for, i, that ikeir H.1. - .I on the g^, ilT^: eoiM before the Convention. Rat Turn Richmoad p>p« are iImJMI; nmM iboot ik* staaapede of plasters who ara pia| Sooth tad ukia( (Mr itet« wllh tkm, ia tlew of Ue bow j nUnil fact that tha little aebose to -got ! VirjnniVont of the Union is a tiilarr. They complain that Dot only is lb* rrram of ao- I cietr aboat Ritbwoii bnag ton of, bat I that tb« working fort* of the State it beta; weakaoed bj the teat of ilant.. That last (abject of nophial lootnn to aoUdag. Imaa farmn Mgia laborer that goes Soath, t«o iairtfigrat while la- r.ossi la; aad asfertib* Slat, if tbc whit* piaster* eaaaot nmat to lire a atier the nan aad stripes, iutd lab- ait to lU CosstiUtio* of tha CaWtt States, the noatr they jo Ike better. IT the secessionist* could all Uto emigrate aoathsrard, Bicbooad sight be¬ come a laiertMr defeat ejtr ia the coon* -fa-*. -xren .*¦ ¦¦¦ . Ekfiun frMi «tfcer mtt» than the fafted States ia MrtMrtnoa Xotbisg more folly illustrated »be feel¬ ing and intention of Virginia secessionists, than the reply of Mr. tkJdoo, one of ike Virginia "Peace ("ommuaoner#*' to Mr. Morrill, of Maine, who asked him If he would pledge his Suite for lb£ Union, pro- Tided the North conceded ell she asked, 'j Said Mr. Seddon, promptly. "Xo, sir, Vir- j ginu is a sovereignty, and will seceda whenever she thinks proper.*' This is ex- actly the real position of every secession¬ ist in the State. They don't propose to j secede because Virginia is not "equal un- der the Constitution," for they k»o«r she is. nor because the ?*ortb won't concede guaranties. All the talk about seceding j. unless tbey can have new pledges to secure their rights, is stuff, humbug. And this twaddle about Virginia being **a sorer- eigMty,** tliat can withdraw ut pleasure! ..the powers she has delegated** -to the Government, is just the greatest humbug of the d*y. If secession is right, there never has been a Union, and if their dog- j mas were admitted, there never would be one. They want to secede ja>t because * they can't all be Presidents and Secretaries j and Foreign Ministers, and live out of the public crib and finger the public c&sfe.. That is what is the matter with Virginia secession ists. The Hon John S. Carlile, says the Richmond WAip, one of the delegates from j Harrison county, occupied the floor of the } Convention, yesterday, and delivered. In ' the presence of an immense audience, n strong Union speech.an ontline of which is published in the regular report of the Convention proceedings. When the Con- venlion adjourned, some thirty or forty persons assembled in front of the Hail, upon the sidewalk, and as Mr. Carlile emerged from the building, escortin^a high¬ ly respectable young lady of this city, a number of persons in the crowd testified their disapprobation of his speech, and their own disregard for one of the greatest blessings transmitted to us by the Revolu¬ tionary sires, (not to characterize their con¬ duct more harshly) by hissing and hooting et the gentleman who had dared to express views which had not correspond is with their own. Mr.C. took no notice ofthe indig¬ nity, but a young man, in the crowd, who evidently sympathized with him, waved his cap enthusiastically, and ;'hurrahed'* for "Carlile." The anti-free-speech men turn- j ed upon this individual, and a row was only prevented by the remonstrance of two or three citizens. We notice this affair because at least one or two persons were concerned in it, who shoold have had better sense. The "hi-sew" will heed good ad vice if they will refrain hereafter from such silly demon¬ strations, unless they desire to iojure the cause, ot which, upon this occasion, they constituted themselves the guardians. < ! wC / \ Th* dUtaioaisUt of Richmond- hare pre- tented fcr. Hall,- of Wettd,* with * gold- beaded ease for* betraying hi* people. So once upon a. time the chivalry of Whippy 3wamp presented Bally 11 rook3 with one for breaking the head of a de-J fenceless old man. So once upon another time, a long while ago, the high priests gave J adas I*cariot thirty pieces of silver for the delivery intoj their haods^of the skvior-of .the World. "TeHlj, Tenljr, I say nnto jwr these have their reward." The Mo-gome^ ^rrespon^at ofto* Mobile Rtfutcr protests against any id-n- tiScattoa of the "Sonth" with tk* opiBloni of lb* Charleston Mferotry. ITr iays. "The Jfermy nul GaJooked apon not as the organ of mJl South Carolina politic?, but artfee otgQl of "a set or mea dUtia- goiabed as much fof their talentc as Tor tWr eccentricities of thoaght. VTtsrilj of stjle and a lore of paradox rather thaa a painstaking social and political philoso¬ phy hare been its marked characteris¬ tics Ms. Baotrx, of Preston, in the Conven¬ tion Tbarsday. contradicted tbe allegations of tbe Richmond Em^mirtr that a bargain existed between Eastern and Western mea in regard to taxation. He said A# knew nothing of it, aad if other Western mem¬ bers did he hooed they would let the Cou- reaiion know it. Goess nobody bat the ft'ifpn- knows any thing aboat it. Daa*t 1*1 fete His Save. A TOi'ts man named -Janes, of Uanison Coanty, (Va.) who is safferiag die inflic¬ tion of bariag been christened tohn Tyler, is aboat to petition lW Legislatare to cba^a his name. Ut does this in Tiew of th* disgraceful secession demonstration of .hi* illastitoaa asiarsate. He propose* to hare it changed fna J.faa Tyler to Joha Minor Kotta. Skutus Reward is prepariag his pro¬ gramme for a peaceful settlcmeat, aad {ins the rowfi JeatassaraoT, to all that coo versa with him, that ao memsares calculated to lead to bloodshed will be resorted to. He aars the Cafioa mast he sand, aad that ererythiag must yield to the attainment of this end. J It is aaid that Jadge DoagLas will act as a mediator between th* Soathtrn Cwit. KMtn and President Lincoln. Tbe Com¬ missioners will not preaeat their credratiab aa til next week. . - Is Charleston S. CU a few aighu since, they had a grand street masqaerade, ia which Horace Greeley. Hemry Wjd Beeehar, aad Harriet Bcecber Scowe were ¦MM of tbe characters represented. Ho*. Jso. B. Ftsn has goae to Wash, iagtoa to answer charges bitin the crim- latt Coart, ia rrlatio. to the stolen boads. >fe hope he amy net his deserts. A joint rraolatioa has psawd the State 3tai>e to atQoora w, th* lath" inst It is thoexht tbe Hoase wlH i o«car. T. the iatiuuftl. af saaac Smthere mea as to the coercive ae M-cacran character of the laaogaral, the President replies tha» fee ftwr." Holt Th««p«m. J Mr- Holt, late Secretary of War, pub- litbei it 4b« Xatiomml InieUigcmctr a long aad severe rt»ly to.lbe «*t«Bent recently issued by ex-SecretaryTbompson^from bis retreat ie Mississippi. Mr. Holt is indig¬ nant at Thompson's declaration that the movement for the reinforcement of Fort Sumter was -a concealed trick." On the contrary, he asserts that the project of re. inferring Major Anderson was repeatedly and frankly discussed in the Cabinet,' and adds: 41 When a conclusion was finally reached, the rtiul«U>u of the President was «tn- nonnced in terms as emphatic as be proba¬ bly ever addressed to one of his Secreta¬ ries. *It is now all over, and reinforce¬ ments must be sent,' was his language; and these words were spoken in open council, th*- honorable Secretary of the Interior himself being present; It was in strict accordance with the command thus given that the Star of the West was char¬ tered and the reinforcements sent forward. In all these circa instances the public will look in vain for any traces of 4trirL* on the part of General Scott or of the Secre¬ tary of War. It is trae that, in the hope of avoiding a waste of human life, an en¬ deavor was made to *coeeeal* the expedi¬ tion from the hostile troops in charge of the furts and batteries in Charleston har¬ bor ; but this endeavor the vigilance and real of the Secretary defeated. The followiag extract from Mr. Holt's letter explains a point whirh has given rise to dispute: '.The 'countermand' spoken of was not more cordially sanctioned by the Presideot than it was by General Scott and myself. It was given, not because of any dissent from the order on the part of the. Presi¬ dent, but. because of a letter rteeired that dag from Major Anderson, rioting, in tffct, thai le regarded at ttenrt in Ait po¬ sition, and yet more because of intelligence which late on Saturday evening reached the Department that a heavy lattery bad been erected among the sand hills at the entrance to Charleston harbor, which would probably destroy any unarmed ves¬ sel (and Mich was the Star of the West) which might attempt to nuke «t3 way up to Port Sumter. This important informa¬ tion satisfied the government that there was no present necessity for sending rein¬ forcements, and that "when sent tbey shonld go, not in a vessel of commerce, but of war. Hence the countermand was despatched by telegraph to Xew York, but the vessel had sailed a short time before it reached the officer to whom it iwas ad¬ dressed.^ Mr. Holt adds that "this plainRetement is submitted in the belief that, before an intelligent and candid public, it will afford a complete vindication of my conduct, as well as of the conduct of that illustrious patriot and soldier, Lieutenant-General Scott, whose stainless honor certainly needs no defence at my hands against the aspersions of the present or of any other assailant.7* , The following noble vindication of bis own conduct concludes Mr llolt's explana¬ tion : "If this explanation shall secure to me the confidence of those true hearted pa¬ triots who win love our Union better than all the spoils and power which revolution can promise, then I shall little regaVd the condemnation of men who, for the last two months, have incessantly denounced me throughout the South, simply and solely because I have refused to blacken my soul with perjury, by betraying the government of my country, while in its service. " J. notx." Most people hereabouts will be astoun¬ ded to leant that (be veteran Sam. Houston, of Texas, is pQty of complicity in the treacber* of Gen. Twiggs.but here is a letter which certainly proves it: Kxicaivi Diritmn, Aran*, Tuis, \ January SO, 1861. j Uajob-Gcs. D. K. Twigcs, Commanding Department of Texas.Jfjr Dear General: The present pressure of important events Necessarily indnce prompt action on the part of all pnblic functionaries. In this view of the matter, I send to yon General J. M. Smith, of this Suae, on a confides- tial mission, to know what, in the present I crisis, yon consider it your duty to do as | to maintaining in behalf of the Federal Government or passing over to the State thn possession of the forts, arsenals, and pnblic property within.this State. And alio if a ^demand for the possession of the same is l made by the Executive, yon are authorised, or it would be conformable to your sense > of duty to place in possesion of the author¬ ities of the State the forts, arms, muni- \ tious, and property of the Federal Govern- imentonthe order of the Etecutive to an iofficer of the State empowered to receive and receipt for the same.. This.course is suggested by the fact thaiioformadon has reached the Executive that aneffort will be mad* by an unauthorized. mob to take forcibly the public property and stores to | uses of their own, assuming to act aa fee- f half of the Stale. Any arrangements , j made «iih yon by Gen. Smith will be ap- t proved and sanctioned by me. And should ! you require any assistance to aid yon ia 1 resisting the contemplated and unantbori-. xe»l attack upon the pnblic property, «c.j | and to place the same in possession of the State authorities, you are. authorized to ; call on the Mayor and citizens of San An- tonio for such assistance as you may deem necessary. j I hope to , hear from yon, General. J through my confidential agent, Gep. ! Smith, as soon as be can have the honor 'of a conference with you on matters em- I braced in the present epoch of our nation* a! affairs. 1 am, General, very traly Six. Hocsrox. Dsarr, of the Morgantown Surt writin from Richmond to that paper, pays this ilittto compliment, to the Wetxd Coeatjr Rally Battoca r Mr. Ball, or Wetzd, is Kratilriag Ms ' ambition to get into the papers, acid £s de- j (Hchted to be noticed *y the Wheeling /¦- bis roonty trill do him and) damage (ikmct all bb Kctioa. J«4u Iseariot jrot bl» suae ap for twtrajtag *». Vastkr,' aad has arret .|itm /aRoitBa net, aad, ; la aiy opiate*, If be aad U S. Bad! war* to run for tl>e saate office in Wrtxd cosn- i tj «ra*M beat H*U m> than two bandied rates. Mmaj kun are being receSred 1m from VrUd i imili waiT Caioa an.four cuUuh briar ia Ac [iktSnrrWt papers, thai of lbr 1 to daalb of a .bale fwailT Tbs b banwd mt » smO cm^twj tai Vlrgtmla Xm Mr. CIHmu, of TfafUi, says, "no mat¬ ter skat Use Coavrotion ajqr ds tka State wilt not goont."1H« wyl the Virginia Cooreation bat ao^dea of going out of the Union- There are maav applications for Federal appoint- meQU fron Yirgisia. Mr. Caldwell, the Virginia Republican State Senator, report* the Union sentiment a* growing rverj boor. Mr. Chandler, of YlrrinU, is here, mad had an interview with Sir. I.incoln to-night, who ru highljr gratified with IhtrepMIt from -that'State. SPECIAL NOTICES. Eruption*, Salt Rieum, Kry»ip«lai. It b mtm taail) aMrtat that all froyttax BnWrt Itch, Krr«l.hs Jlw^lil « Btat«... aa* Mli b/.carfes tha ana 1 nyoa which thay <«|nai »ai til M«lnt tWtkl. I totb. tfataof boOth aad parity^ lha*,aot oaty U Ui« fimtmim csrt< Wt th* hOiw«u4 toaitj of tk* { cuapUxioa rwhtd Price, S tnU pec box, with dkwtiimt. Six box- .**1. i > X.E..X f<a act odlBwnitf Dtnar&noc Sn> am, Vilb Book of HinrtiatH, nd tvnUj differed ; Uix. rtaw. mrncw.it; do, la 1 t<: CMaattUUaatioaaa.aaJboofc.tt. ; i, to mmj ¦Mrw,o« wl uutpns^rs * ax. !C«JCt .\« Tack. Said by UkUCUIUNS ft BUdnriELD. fcb« ^ No. 74 Main St. a J A Sew aadBcajnifkl Article for the . T«U«t U tkc CrjfgMinl Pomade de Rlein. This pnpaxatSua i* eoatpupd uf th» very finest dlf aadfiim WtttWr a 1lv«Baeo« and bcastj bfUjlUag UHf ku been beretefce* It viB act wjj'yi rent (kekair froca filing ctf. Vat wffl rtatoca ti to all that SW.»« Which to cbaxacUcfotte vf a l«»lthy condition of tLo bead. >C® tadj or gMitlaD^i aboold U witboot it. For mi* by F. A-BEtSTLKGLB 1 CO. Bryan's Tasteless Yermifa^e. dying right and left! XotiwniMtaijwtltrFfi Ka«« t)Ht nnu wn Ishati iUl Tbao oach other m&ml 01; Bat tho YnvxraaWill caca Yoor pale darling* thm UwgnTe. Mnrn,iairmCliM. Shall tho CkUd die, or the Mraif B«aealer| a few dowa of Bryan'# Yhotdao# Y«-rmlfiigr will ^droj aoy oambrr of »<*.», and bring them a*jy without pain. Price » rMU. Sold by LAttftlLlNS k BCSimZLD S. Fwbab«t|t1M»^IJil.Md 1 HAIR DYE! HAIR0YE! HAIR DYE W. A. BATCHKT.OB'8 TTATW DYE! itouat J,, | A. »«lr>ilw." M eaiiiimirijot, niutkrtmi «>i «mi iib-ij , ¦Mktrtj rtad tkj STEEL PLOUGHS 11 F OITS OWH KAHTTFACTUBJS! johnson & FBOST nrocu C1U kpn,,, ._Jr " x SSSisz ^"'i,*°k.r~r^to ««*? i~5£?Zi ^ 9^* mak£ o* SSPM trri Wo«*b mr madi is thh cqob- tryi K°«fb mr nadt is iu« coqb- ^S^Sf^KSSSS i atfcll-Atwjw h ^ *T^"ns. ?«. j *°d I^co G^odl- ESrS";? 5f«i Jsia'siss^ffi^sr'is; I too. *. TATUMTg. | ' ***** *" J-kllJ O^H.TAYI^b | Something New. 12 PHOTOGRAPHS FOB ONE dollar! AT PARTRIDGE'S GALLERY.! *«. iisxj »m.w, Em, SId, A few door* >t>ftte Monroe St, For Sala, Bent or Renair T^'S^iaS^ggRT'-Toirsa, t aioim, - - ¦ . j-g QWfnrt. Auction! Auction' JSS ~Mrt "Q-mr- g ^ 12,^ ^I?i««ODKS. . ^ KHGL1SI1 chixtzes J.&KnODia. NEW spring GrQQJ^S? GEO. R. TAYLOR W'.mSaT mobmxo ,MARCH to which h'fT *priso goods, «££»*» <* »J» -M, «. c"r. btth «. toprtn.. ,~. to U,i, .Dress GoodsT" "'" 13 Jjfggg* MOtoJLA ' «".« ruMcJ^ gnu. PUlrTRi.,^ve; siiika, S5. 5®dsS§«V .a ajsjLjj"* r«wi *r. £: . OEO.K.TAVL8g 1 sPrinK WrappiDKB Bu" B°. w^-wK^ArR A> »» 'tvnikm hu yBA" p»rti.- Jw,w" * i-wT ^Sr£?rKuHLk" Washington hall. one Week: ovt ^xomwsiMI^u D. C. LaBUB'S ^S?£LS?nopticon »-«¦ i«ur«cs7cn. .*" * *. n. mm< uJTutT J^fcWbWi«. T^n °"»r. ... S33^s?S t'CKKT« ij c««.» «uu Volbuu^ *!: Cfc,w"«« 15 Cil 15 C.ft. V< ^TODrrTT-^!" '*"* WJMIS1UV t* Oil. 'V OIL! OIL! OIL! All thjc latest axd mo*t improved AapnaM oONrirtcaiBi in urn fat tlw tiam. which dfapwif rotlrrij «i<k tl .nr Jbt m*.kept coMttttlj M btt4 THOMmsr, MT.btaa^JUrkcCH^ MirMehMi Drambead Cabbage or the snfcB hasos vium. mtmiaw mw»» u«»«Mk.at NJdL towbttt'i .i#r»r|. , JOILNrOX & raOKT. STATS SKXiTB. ^|KHU. DRQtf>-nMH- nmmUmce JOfEPH , j...jjhrtfawi lK ai>4ifUwtW' IHe<>rii|i«6 Hf.flmitCnwMofibtflTtt tlTBtlM Wfow! Ik wnifciau of r>- fimih i ¦Imnif I- MC-tf trmllMPlln»»mii , l^i TOtMIMT.A »w*ISmx -»¦*? HR9H mmmm *.«-.: C- jr. DOUGHERTY'S USttfP 9 W ASH1X6TOV BAU^ Monroe Street, Wlweling, Va. raws «ok if Tin awh mas «iu IWeir 1.ewe Storlu I * aejUUTPACKinCS fro* YOTO CHOICE FOB SI. ¦k* hr * PARTRIDGE, . Ho. 118& MAIS STBKST, irinw PL-KftUM&^'tOT OK CASKS .ml i £ 1 FRANKS at PASIC PRICK*. pmpow. to BU tbns with picture* »t prirn to W.mUlj tL- VIlb- LIOXS- C*a* la. Ladic and Oratlemf n. wWU lUe Mwrt- ntttti#nMpM#*»lanil7MnfhMrf(lKSUUT- ! EST BARGAINS rrrr offrtri Id Wborfia*. Pin as * dlKwint. Abo. klarsr ««1 bcautlfnl a»- Wt iw, rtwp- . .Jm».4 OER UATK'S H0lj.A5B BITTEBg. JO' Butuurrs Holland bitters. <i !H!S55K:£iJ!}3i8Il!S?SK-! B . - nwrSrS-1-.iTWCi, Wm?L\ s$fet&!«ss&|SS^: -. <: 3 winrcoiiBrs asthma kemedt. I WHJTOOMITS ASTHMA REMEDY? * hBRXBUiGRR^ LOXDOX DOCK.OIX. BKXXIXUKR'S LOXDUX DOCK G1S. SAXFORDS I.IVBR IXVHJORATOR. £A X k'ORl/S LIVER IMVlGORAToR. prop. urooirs hair restorative. PltOP. WOOD'S HAIR restorative, MRS. WIXFLOWS SOOTHING STRCP, MRS.-VriXsLOW-S SOOTHW 8VRUP. PR. EOFF*S rt&,' ?" \\*Z * I!-. _ iawps piLts. OT^ - SPAU>lXO*S CKPfTAlJCMLXE,-* SPALD13G'* CEPHALIC FILL* Fur Ml* hr REKD A KRAFT. F»»r «nle Uj RKED A KRAFT. *rt/9 New MusicKeeeiTed To-day. O LVKR OA LOP, by Blind Tom, Virginia Polka. SSBSS Fort Snmter Grand Mirth. Major Andmn'f Qnlck*t*p. Dixirt Und, (Variatiou.) bj1 Grol^. ' GranJ March, from thf Ontofio of AOraUm, Stall 1 aital* bubold thee. (VarmtW*.) .Meiwr Or*ml Galop, bj Wollenhanpt. Antnmn lWwi (Tremolo Elude.) Brightest Ejr*. Galop. Yelvrn, <M*cuka D* Salon.) by Awher. SONG*. I aH<e from Brnups of Thee,' Jennie of Men 1^. She i* coming with the Spring, < JUMltML V/ 'X V JUInnXnJirartndvioBupAbM. Kanawha Carbon Oil. \\7 K offer thll to the trade u tlx Lnt ROBXIXG > > OIL totk* Hartou ltJ»» rc**«f as to be enthelT frre frnm the fcerrry <*7, whicb ch*ni the nick or injure* the oIL For «le bt Jcst RECEIVED. LAXDRRTfTS NEW CROP Garden Sceala. which *r will «ell at the rit>««f» lowest nilrt. and varnat them fre»b *a4 genuine, notwith«t*Q<!!r.g ^11 *Utem*ur*,t? thr '"intraijr. / Gardenea j«efeniac to:bare! thtirlbiUi 'direct fxotn L&ndrvtb * ran be accommodated Ik tearing their order? with n«. Onr fricndp mar relr onsau SEEDS! SESDS! FRE«!l GARDEN*-* FIR1.D SEEPS {.* _ the b<>x. poaad orpaper. at the JxnX* SMITH A UORRELL. JOHNaON & FBOST Agents forjLandreth's Seeds. NO'Hri:. } and with onr cuncnrTcnea kw traaaferrrd the *uue lo Mcmt.. Jobn»Hi A Frwt. who will beo*fter *rt a* °°r «*^r*.U»«d agents in B hnrlinjc. Mariset Garden- j er» who bar# heretofore LwJnl tb«ir orders t tbrvoxh Dr- Todd, are rc^QHted to lonrard through I Menu*. Johnson A Fn^t. I>- laxdrktii A SOX. J ThU M to certify that, with the consent and an- j t !tWT^1 2* ******?.?. }**?}?***» 4- 1 ha*e tru»- ten*-! .her m]l^trnp toMe*ar,. JtAnion k TrW, j No.21 M*in*St^ VThMinc which Apcncr 1 karr .^^'3S.i5rMS'aS^-S5 a^sexaasm: tIAPPT USD OP CAHAAS, Still in n,r^S^^V.r. J*ul2 *»«l other Song*, at MELLOt'S. For Bent and Sale TIIF. Sllt-CRIBEB HAS roR BEST; store Kuoau. nuAll and laxpc abo Offln. fat cmai . _ UOEXBltOOK. HWfllforastascffliaB a SPRING STVLE SILK. HATS! asanas ;.t ; t y. «¦ -r-j.ye.xr-r.7* Cheap Hat * Cap Store. L\7K HATE A LAME LOT OF HATS A CAPS IT »Mfbwcu»>«rlii»gttMttywwtm j III! Ix Olluul IIU11 naiu^ so. 46 mais STREET, Centre Wheeling. Va. | WE W1IX KKJ» COfifiTAKItT «S UASD 1 aJl kinds of tie Above ware*. Urido «T«rr- j thinr appertaining to our Cue of VBiinrM. "We par- j tknkiiy inTilt c*»i» bcTerato pive a* a call before »urcUa«ib< elieabere. , J ygmiTT A HBO. i S. G. HOBINSON & SON, juzcuaafu or Window Glassy 1 . J-/ >- v ._ V ¦» . 1 Wheeling, V* ^Aiwoya psoras bo s arogT^pi « b*T«r a p»4 Mock of Gtewi on hud, cumiatins gf J almost ««»Ty aixetbat vuttrd and «Q t4d«te»eBU to«nl«rr->ii pf *W»ii»e wfll *Mmi? tsdr tail, my la*r. Oi«tM«olL 5.O. ROBIXSOX * P>y. .mohw« ij+iawjzfc J. C. HARBOUR'S ( HEAP t'ABPET & WALL PAPER KMPOKH'M. Wl Ho. 143 Main St., Wheeling, Va. UKKE MAY UK FGUKD THh LAEUEST AXD most desiral-le »tock of C&glbb Tehrt, Erua .«*«, Ingrain, and Yeaitiaa CAKPETS TABLE and ELAXO CpVKU?.' nJXDOlT lU^XJcjr** Damask and Eace Curtains, In |Tta( rwkty. AU«, rpholltcrj Ware every description/ Cfll- «n<< Mahugan> >tao +<\ ,lVfKI>'G GLASSES, logs* Ler with man? oth«r ar tbe fTr*trra Conntry r all 'of wbldx will be V>M. eitlic-r wholesale or retail, at tbe XOWKM' POSSIBLE PRICKS. Tboee in want of Cheap sad Good Good* will well to call at Xe. ltthfatn at., Wbe«4izi~ Va. N. B..Steamboat# fo'rnisbed mltb er^ry arfids Fnmitnre at tbe dwrtnt notice, and on nrd ttru ." * 1 « *J. O. HARBOUR.- ft«ptI2-w2m BCo. US Main St ..Wberiiag. Ya. ^ DS. B. G. WINCHELL, .. 9" uUBullun l4t.Muktl>si. tmrr.r.T\G, fa.-. A ItinMEAI-IMPEOTFlIKMSISTUKAET ,ta u p^''- PriM M ><"'..*» R~«l ud pnual work m be produced. AH operation* warranted. dedO J SOBE&TSOH & 0£B, 6§&Dentists<Si No. 142 Market-St., WHEELLVG, TA. Rnrascia,.n.B.Weed. D.DnIloa..\r.TUap .on. Hon. Alfred Caldwell. John Knote.Kaq.. B. M Fog, Itoq, John FiBatfl, M.Bu -T*. JJBatea. MJ), R n. CcmniM,l(.A, E." A. Hiidreth, 11. Du A- S.Todd ade. Joha PZarz, C. Daeknmn, ¥. Miller. Ambrotypes, Photographs, 4c. S>0 TO WYRES" OA LLOTAJCII SEE Till: U Cfpwd# that dally remit there to obtain hi* weil Jmown snperior picture*, whkrb be I* now selling at gnmtlyrtdnced price*,**-a short time. Being ftaBy determined that no gaBery in tbe rity shall coder sell him. and at tbeSame time is prepared .to take better plctnrf* thfcnexn be obtained else, wbece, or charre nothing tor tbem. Tne pnblic afll remember that fire premium* were swarded Wykrs. forheat picture* of tbe ration* kfc»l« and styles, at tbe late Fair on tbe Island. Those wishing picture* 4»K*Id call as early in tU day ah pomftde. or make pterioos arrangement*, to prevent long delay. J.W. WYKE3. feblO S«.I3».?taia»t,-Topof tbe HfU I'OK. REST..The Uwe-lhnc Uoom ..« JE Fonrth street, at present ocrnpied by M. L Ott. . yOB BBHT-Os Am*first of April next. M«be WAREHOUSE. on Main street, now la ibr «iopruiaDrT of I. M. I'amphre* A Son: also ll - WaU^-ey* *ha> same.-Als^ ;be K«- m ww ncrnpird by Esalth A Gmen. * frhi-Tm ~ Af.piy te w w l. hcatee. a in =t| BOB BBXT^A Imdlioc llove on hi .25 «reet, to p«>d osnditkw.furnished with *».. r i i e" Voa-RKSTT.-Ti,. 'uwiai |EP"»« Uj nsj.It »u»tj Ottr,. «.««*» fth .ad Cfh nr«n lb* D««ai»j> Iloo. . tw©st<»ry Fraitir DwalUnc on Wheeling 1aland. For farther panic*- lars satire at ALEX. HBYMAX'ST Jiaa-la lR3hbmTni»Hss. Ta. fi *WO aorSKS FOB REST OS them mm miapbd be T^rmv.Mo,ir*: * bas a rood rardeo attached lUr'rJT** 1^f>?.ocg*F^ hy Geo. Whel- 00. 2 ff Uapt. Tbnnv M»*e: ft has n good rardeo att to it. The vthtr wa« latel? occepied bj Geo. W: sou ¦JtafT TW »«r:HOi oTnii. . "Knqtrtreof r.t:UlLOUmiBCO. jsna >**MJUka+c -r FOR REST^-A d«mraUs Brick use- meat, dlrntsd an Han.prWi stiatf. Ps* nsrina slM AyrfLv S. BABTEB A BBO. TBffl PEOPIJB^rBANK OF WHEEL15G. Ofice Xcl M Mainncxeeta fir%t door tatb «f Bask «t JBIicdiag. Olscoant dsy», Wsdpieadsys, lOA.N. rv^BAXsnnrr Akpspecial depostm tdask X foil J rereirad. Interest paid oa Special PAsfcn Exchange on tbe Bart4«artis Md aabl. OoilectSona. at home or frms abroad, will rtceira roxunt attMiw« r aasteai . .-Sana ^£3S««SSi!S /wr. OCtlJ BAiR iron: Bar iron, BnwH.frot 3-16 to 5 i®. BAR iron. from % 5*4. bar IRON. na^rroMVpt^«o%l34, bar IRON. Ormi. fro® ^tolU. bar iron. lI»U-a*al.trca»9lt*13C. bar IRON. <*t toln^htAr tin-, 1HJ0P iron. S«TOT *A SRuSun RaJL» aa bral tt reduced prices, bj Ill lut»atoc* P.C. IIILDHETII A BttO.. oftS ' 53 Mala street. _ Black rivets, &«o jonut«ir«t, .**! .d liaia. ncr»c>lfcjr ? ... .-¦ jKds r.c.niLDRim abro. SHKKTIR05. OAH TfflLSl HI kit iron, imonii No.14 to X. oct» P.C. HILORKTH A bro. /TTOT pressed 5CTS..S.OOO B*- Ho 'il fR^S«i,UMrtc4-J4to.lU.U«UbT urtS . r. C. glLPfi3M A BRy. "HOWE^* Standard Scales. f~7g~*y V.C- UTLDRETH ABRO-, Goods BougM Since the Fall. T WILL opei thi8 JWWStSO. tk bat Tip 1 CkaramrxUlaAtfukulhSUKi" . (kw|-U.;Ciita»,"M *CMK B«t«nnl(Uir».ottmtt; Snopw Nm lAmM Kwlisc GwjfltwI^allKwA*: T1«MT Oiwtam VkaMtc M VooiM BooJ*. «MM«r n* S*4i& 4^^ J&Li. the United Sutw," _ JT- -,r,.... 1 rWAIW. OteQRB,:<)I04KOX, III btt^Oowu Nwtaeeou mJ Oi tt, j«st rr nitfdndfarnkby **«* -r ^ y.A.RT>yAR»ARBO. t>kb VAXCT SILKS, m< PUis Mack do AtW HRISKRLy 8WRAR1RORN. A«fftf3KBLw O1-OVK^" PHP i «w» r>.»l 8«n »-tatlo» nlBROIDEBEO KnS, r. do C0L8AKS. iMflt Jliwlwl>» OK.V R.TAVU>« AF19B iSMBTMKST OV mVPK- UOECUKKS indMurWlftte1) T7HKSCH XEBIXdl', UM JP M$__ n BSKKLL AjiiTK ) RTSC Rf K. BOCKOiO. *C- fiuimc!tu« t tmm a.lM.n-'. *." i of """jMWB OU»g (VIS »' extra Ohio limb. k sss5"rSsrT |.-j»» j, t MJTCAU M *.'"J
Page 1: -. SSPM TT'°rU ^S^Sf^KSSSS I!-. · ago,thehighpriests gave Jadas I*cariot thirty pieces ofsilver forthe delivery intoj theirhaods^ofthe skvior-of.the World. "TeHlj, Tenljr, Isay

&£J'2^*2r* m.fc 10

?mW 11 K El I NO:"


jtoniUy Homing. irar-eh^y^T *«»» to n« that In "hi, --I V

.."Co....,fr0"d «*¦« fBio. man in VTrgini^r.¦ -J other Sutr can tlkr. whtJb^ .

that the President ha, the andonbted rightr r* ' UW,» U»t P«*<H»S for the

coltertion of the rerenne indoded. We

Ir^"' re"°D wb*,h<! dr>cr>te«« the CoDTenfon ,bon,d t.«. . min,^ iaregard to that position. Kitber the rightdoe. or does not exist in U,e Uoeornment.If « doe. exist, why »fcooW MJ^ who

'"°rU «" order and oppose

iTTT" "d "*"*'¦ ^"te to .ow\o harm can come of accu.noming

our,elTe, l6 |,ok a., f.ir .SIIe*

the face, nor will it rom.pt u,e pohlic r-

the la* %CC"lam '* People to look noon

^ <:°,<Tnmtnt a, somethingnot to be tniled with or violated with im-

d!T,,r" ?L,lbe **fct 0f ¦r,r-P«*rr.lioB Ido., not belong to theFederal Coaptation," * h" N '*«» Qor power to pun," '

offenders, enforce its U.s, ,ud e*.It* provUum,. U« Constitnti^ u a nnllitr-

hnl^I!T gUT"',n,Mt « 'I'- and nerer"r' "d ^ "-'"-en who

drafted the C«*i,.U.n and ,et in

h ! L. 'OTtraa"«, were nothingbut dolts and idiou.

That the Fnderal Government has the

7* itself respected i. .e~U «"» »-'«»». U undeniable. tZ '

manner and u,e time .f doing . i,qa.u another thing. While .. iatitt ¦

on Mr. Lincoln's rigkt nnder the Con,ti-n ** dminuier the Federal law,

n every State of the Union, onUl theI mon .hall be diaaolred a. it wa, f 'l!by the people ofan the Sum, jet it doe,no, follow from this ,fcl we Uink ^shonH at Ihti time, when the popnUrmind in the Sonth U excited by misrepre-

i^Cd"d 0adr60ed mPP"1,«*i-«of» ^ oppn»«on nse that right to

en orce the law, with rig^. Bot £, K° ®TJ P'blie m"' "peciallj thowo whom the people areaccustomed to look

o ^nlU>m U" ""P"1" mind jrepard .11 r.oUtion, or law, uo.

!lee Whatever speciou, garb thev mar

' repre-

^.b^and nottobeexensed. Fo7tbi,^uooWaahrngtoo eahorted bb conntrr-«= to ncccstom the.«,Tes u> ,P^Zf¦he Lnjon as the paUa,}i.m of Ueir ,jber

.flTnTTk! de" U"t "" mind**^ l{- People themselres. bare

t^amn off of their proper balance

LT 'r foree "J -'"Ubilitr of.>^V*«ftheU»d. They arr becomin


>cen,u,med to look lightly sa frand^ndn.lTer^o, of o*««K and what «ob-

"4 let the upper hand

^^ - »r, the people l.t*? . ,hB' right'he rirfat I,,<w-forg'»>ng that

"*." 10 do aa we pl<«se mostl« exerciwd with due rennl t« ,i.

, , ,

u® regard to the same

"J^t J. others. Thi, riu.ting or the

dn II 1lW' *M,aDd to *««ere i,

th~trtthf r*8T>',U*ctbt!r coad.c^ndthrough them a.d Uicir example the pon-

^ b'co®« »'«»«d. And so we

urge that erery pnblie man who ha. ,.r

whrT^r ,""" P^i" truth

w^en be gtres h. views to the public. So

of'^lLo ,,>0k" 0f ,h" rightor ^cettton. he ha. .poken with becoming


.. a, neither which i, merely amatter ol perwual opinion, an J ha. nih>ng to do with «be issue t,efore the Con"IZT ^ U,e^ W' «- -t

^re ,"^ VieWi or theOonrenu. m,y hoU^ZT\;?L^vri'ht*lh. p.r|- j*^* *' cw for, and all

^ people Med care for, i, that ikeir H.1.-.I on the g^, ilT^:

eoiM before the Convention. Rat

Turn Richmoad p>p« are iImJMI;nmM iboot ik* staaapede of plasterswho ara pia| Sooth tad ukia( (Mritet« wllh tkm, ia tlew of Ue bow jnUnil fact that tha little aebose to -got !VirjnniVont of the Union is a tiilarr. Theycomplain that Dot only is lb* rrram of ao- Icietr aboat Ritbwoii bnagton of, bat Ithat tb« working fort* of the State itbeta; weakaoed bj the teat of ilant..That last (abject of nophial lootnn toaoUdag. Imaa farmn Mgia laborerthat goes Soath, t«o iairtfigrat while la-

r.ossi la; aad asfertib* Slat,if tbc whit* piaster* eaaaot nmat tolire aatier the nan aad stripes, iutd lab-ait to lU CosstiUtio* of tha CaWttStates, the noatr they jo Ike better. ITthe secessionist* could all Utoemigrate aoathsrard, Bicbooad sight be¬come a laiertMr defeat ejtr ia the coon*-fa-*.

-xren .*¦ ¦¦¦ .

Ekfiun frMi «tfcer mtt»than the fafted States iaMrtMrtnoa

Xotbisg more folly illustrated »be feel¬ing and intention of Virginia secessionists,than the reply of Mr. tkJdoo, one of ikeVirginia "Peace ("ommuaoner#*' to Mr.Morrill, of Maine, who asked him If hewould pledge his Suite for lb£ Union, pro-Tided the North conceded ell she asked, 'jSaid Mr. Seddon, promptly. "Xo, sir, Vir- jginu is a sovereignty, and will secedawhenever she thinks proper.*' This is ex-

actly the real position of every secession¬ist in the State. They don't propose to jsecede because Virginia is not "equal un-der the Constitution," for they k»o«r sheis. nor because the ?*ortb won't concedeguaranties. All the talk about seceding j.unless tbey can have new pledges to secure

their rights, is stuff, humbug. And thistwaddle about Virginia being **a sorer-

eigMty,** tliat can withdraw ut pleasure!..the powers she has delegated** -to theGovernment, is just the greatest humbugof the d*y. If secession is right, therenever has been a Union, and if their dog- jmas were admitted, there never would beone. They want to secede ja>t because *

they can't all be Presidents and Secretaries jand Foreign Ministers, and live out of thepublic crib and finger the public c&sfe..That is what is the matter with Virginiasecessionists.The Hon John S. Carlile, says the

Richmond WAip, one of the delegates from jHarrison county, occupied the floor of the }Convention, yesterday, and delivered. In '

the presence of an immense audience, n

strong Union speech.an ontline of whichis published in the regular report of theConvention proceedings. When the Con-venlion adjourned, some thirty or fortypersons assembled in front of the Hail,upon the sidewalk, and as Mr. Carlileemerged from the building,escortin^a high¬ly respectable young lady of this city, anumber of persons in the crowd testifiedtheir disapprobation of his speech, andtheirown disregard for one of the greatestblessings transmitted to us by the Revolu¬tionary sires, (not to characterize their con¬duct more harshly) by hissing and hootinget the gentleman who had dared to expressviews which had not correspond is withtheir own. Mr.C.took no notice ofthe indig¬nity, but a young man, in the crowd, whoevidently sympathized with him, waved hiscap enthusiastically, and ;'hurrahed'* for"Carlile." The anti-free-speech men turn- jed upon this individual, and a row was

only prevented by the remonstrance oftwoor three citizens.We notice this affair because at least

one or two persons were concerned in it,who shoold have had better sense. The"hi-sew" will heed goodadvice if they willrefrain hereafter from such silly demon¬strations, unless they desire to iojure thecause, ot which, upon this occasion, theyconstituted themselves the guardians.

< ! wC/ \Th* dUtaioaisUt of Richmond-hare pre-

tented fcr. Hall,- of Wettd,* with * gold-beaded ease for* betraying hi* people.So once upon a. time the chivalry of

Whippy 3wamp presented Bally 11rook3with one for breaking the head of a de-Jfenceless old man.

So once upon another time, a long whileago, the high priests gave Jadas I*cariotthirty pieces of silver for the delivery intojtheir haods^of the skvior-of .the World."TeHlj, Tenljr, I say nnto jwr these

have their reward."

The Mo-gome^ ^rrespon^at ofto*Mobile Rtfutcr protests against any id-n-tiScattoa of the "Sonth" with tk* opiBloniof lb* Charleston Mferotry. ITr iays."The Jfermy nul GaJooked apon not asthe organ of mJl South Carolina politic?,but artfee otgQl of"a set or mea dUtia-goiabed as much fof their talentc as TortWr eccentricities of thoaght. VTtsriljof stjle and a lore of paradox rather thaaa painstaking social and political philoso¬phy hare been its marked characteris¬tics

Ms. Baotrx, of Preston, in the Conven¬tion Tbarsday. contradicted tbe allegationsof tbe Richmond Em^mirtr that a bargainexisted between Eastern and Western meain regard to taxation. He said A# knewnothing of it, aad if other Western mem¬bers did he hooed they would let the Cou-reaiion know it. Goess nobody bat theft'ifpn- knows anything aboat it.

Daa*t 1*1 fete His Save.A TOi'ts man named -Janes, of Uanison

Coanty, (Va.) who is safferiag die inflic¬tion of bariag been christened tohn Tyler,is aboat to petition lW Legislatare tocba^a his name. Ut does this in Tiew ofth* disgraceful secession demonstration of.hi* illastitoaa asiarsate. He propose* tohare it changed fna J.faa Tyler to JohaMinor Kotta.

Skutus Reward is prepariag his pro¬gramme fora peaceful settlcmeat, aad {insthe rowfiJeatassaraoT, to all that cooversawith him, that ao memsares calculated tolead to bloodshed will be resorted to. Heaars the Cafioa mast he sand, aad thatererythiag must yield to the attainment ofthis end. J

It is aaid that Jadge DoagLas will act asa mediator between th* Soathtrn Cwit.KMtn and President Lincoln. Tbe Com¬missioners will not preaeat their credratiabaa til next week.

. -

Is Charleston S. CU a few aighu since,they had a grand street masqaerade, iawhich Horace Greeley. Hemry WjdBeeehar, aad Harriet Bcecber Scowe were¦MM of tbe characters represented.Ho*. Jso. B. Ftsn has goae to Wash,

iagtoa to answer charges bitin the crim-latt Coart, ia rrlatio. to the stolen boads.>fe hope he amy net his deserts.A joint rraolatioa has psawd the State

3tai>e to atQoora w, th* lath" inst It isthoexht tbe Hoase wlH i o«car.

T. the iatiuuftl. af saaac Smtheremea as to the coercive ae M-cacrancharacter of the laaogaral, the Presidentreplies tha» fee ftwr."

Holt .« Th««p«m. JMr- Holt, late Secretary of War, pub-

litbei it 4b« Xatiomml InieUigcmctr a longaad severe rt»ly to.lbe «*t«Bent recentlyissued by ex-SecretaryTbompson^from bisretreat ie Mississippi. Mr. Holt is indig¬nant at Thompson's declaration that themovement for the reinforcement of FortSumter was -a concealed trick." On thecontrary, he asserts that the project of re.

inferring Major Anderson was repeatedlyand frankly discussed in the Cabinet,' andadds:

41When a conclusion was finally reached,the rtiul«U>u of the President was «tn-

nonnced in terms as emphatic as be proba¬bly ever addressed to one of his Secreta¬ries. *It is now all over, and reinforce¬ments must be sent,' was his language;and these words were spoken in opencouncil, th*- honorable Secretary of theInterior himself being present; It was instrict accordance with the command thusgiven that the Star of the West was char¬tered and the reinforcements sent forward.In all these circa instances the public willlook in vain for any traces of 4trirL* onthe part of General Scott or of the Secre¬tary of War. It is trae that, in the hopeof avoiding a waste of human life, an en¬deavor was made to *coeeeal* the expedi¬tion from the hostile troops in charge ofthe furts and batteries in Charleston har¬bor ; but this endeavor the vigilance andreal of the Secretary defeated.The followiag extract from Mr. Holt's

letter explains a point whirh has givenrise to dispute:

'.The 'countermand' spoken of was notmore cordially sanctioned by the Presideotthan it was by General Scott and myself.It was given, not because of any dissentfrom the order on the part of the. Presi¬dent, but. because of a letter rteeired thatdag from Major Anderson, rioting, in tffct,thai le regarded at ttenrt in Ait po¬sition, and yet more because of intelligencewhich late on Saturday evening reachedthe Department that a heavy lattery badbeen erected among the sand hills at theentrance to Charleston harbor, whichwould probably destroy any unarmed ves¬sel (and Mich was the Star of the West)which might attempt to nuke «t3 way upto Port Sumter. This important informa¬tion satisfied the government that therewas no present necessity for sending rein¬forcements, and that "when sent tbeyshonld go, not in a vessel of commerce,but of war. Hence the countermand wasdespatched by telegraph to Xew York, butthe vessel had sailed a short time before itreached the officer to whom it iwas ad¬dressed.^

Mr. Holt adds that "this plainRetementis submitted in the belief that, before anintelligent and candid public, it will afforda complete vindication of my conduct, aswell as of the conduct of that illustriouspatriot and soldier, Lieutenant-GeneralScott, whose stainless honor certainlyneeds no defence at my hands against theaspersions of the present or of any otherassailant.7*, The following noble vindication of bisown conduct concludes Mr llolt's explana¬tion :

"If this explanation shall secure to methe confidence of those true hearted pa¬triots who win love our Union better thanall the spoils and power which revolutioncan promise, then I shall little regaVd thecondemnation of men who, for the lasttwo months, have incessantly denouncedme throughout the South, simply andsolely because I have refused to blackenmy soul with perjury, by betraying thegovernment of my country, while in itsservice. "

J. notx."

Most people hereabouts will be astoun¬ded to leant that (be veteran Sam. Houston,of Texas, is pQty of complicity in thetreacber* of Gen. Twiggs.but here is aletter which certainly proves it:Kxicaivi Diritmn, Aran*, Tuis, \January SO, 1861. jUajob-Gcs. D. K. Twigcs, CommandingDepartment of Texas.Jfjr Dear General:The present pressure of important eventsNecessarily indnce prompt action on thepart of all pnblic functionaries. In thisview of the matter, I send to yon GeneralJ. M. Smith, of this Suae, on a confides-tial mission, to know what, in the presentIcrisis, yon consider it your duty to do as

| to maintaining in behalf of the FederalGovernment orpassing overto theState thnpossession of the forts, arsenals, and pnblicproperty within.this State. And alio if a^demand for the possession of the same isl made by the Executive, yon are authorised,or it would be conformable to your sense> of duty to placein possesion of the author¬ities of the State the forts, arms, muni-\ tious, and property of the Federal Govern-imentonthe order of the Etecutive to aniofficer of the State empowered to receiveand receipt for the same.. This.course issuggested by the fact thaiioformadon hasreached the Executive that aneffort willbe mad* by an unauthorized. mob to takeforcibly the public property and stores to| uses of their own, assuming to act aa fee-f half of the Stale. Any arrangements ,j made «iih yon by Gen. Smith will be ap-t proved and sanctioned by me. And should! you require any assistance to aid yon ia

1 resisting the contemplated and unantbori-.xe»l attack upon the pnblic property, «c.j| and to place the same in possession of theState authorities, you are. authorized to; call on the Mayor and citizens of San An-tonio for such assistance as you may deemnecessary.j I hope to , hear from yon, General.J through my confidential agent, Gep.! Smith, as soon as be can have the honor'ofa conference with you on matters em-

I braced in the present epoch of our nation*a! affairs. 1 am, General, very tralySix. Hocsrox.Dsarr, of the Morgantown Surt writin

from Richmond to that paper, pays thisilittto compliment, to the Wetxd CoeatjrRally Battoca r

Mr. Ball, or Wetzd, is Kratilriag Ms' ambition to get into the papers, acid £s de- j(Hchted to be noticed *y the Wheeling /¦-

bis roonty trill do him and) damage(ikmct all bb Kctioa. J«4u Iseariotjrot bl» suae ap for twtrajtag *». Vastkr,'aad has arret .|itm /aRoitBa net, aad,; la aiy opiate*, If be aad U S. Bad! war*to run for tl>e saate office in Wrtxd cosn-i tj «ra*M beat H*Um>than two bandied rates. Mmaj kun arebeing receSred 1m from VrUd i imili waiT

Caioa an.four cuUuh briar ia Ac

[iktSnrrWt papers, thai of lbr 1to daalb of a .bale fwailT Tbs bbanwd mt » smO cm^twj tai

Vlrgtmla XmMr. CIHmu, of TfafUi, says, "no mat¬

ter skat Use Coavrotion ajqr ds tka Statewilt not goont."1H«wyl the Virginia Cooreation bat ao^deaof going out of the Union- There aremaav applications for Federal appoint-meQU fron Yirgisia.

Mr. Caldwell, the Virginia RepublicanState Senator, report* the Union sentimenta* growing rverj boor. Mr. Chandler, ofYlrrinU, is here, mad had an interviewwith Sir. I.incoln to-night, who ru highljrgratified with IhtrepMIt from -that'State.

SPECIAL NOTICES.Eruption*, Salt Rieum, Kry»ip«lai.Itb mtm taail) aMrtat that all froyttax

BnWrt Itch, Krr«l.hs Jlw^lil «Btat«... aa* Mli b/.carfes tha ana 1nyoa which thay <«|nai »ai til M«lnt tWtkl. Itotb. tfataof boOth aad parity^ lha*,aot oaty UUi« fimtmim csrt<Wt th*hOiw«u4 toaitj of tk* {cuapUxioa rwhtd

Price,S tnU pec box, with dkwtiimt. Six box-.**1. i >X.E..X f<a act odlBwnitf Dtnar&noc Sn>

am, Vilb Book of HinrtiatH,nd tvnUj differed ;i» Uix. rtaw. mrncw.it; do, la 1t<: CMaattUUaatioaaa.aaJboofc.tt. ;

i, to mmj ¦Mrw,o«

wl uutpns^rs * ax.!C«JCt .\« Tack.

Said by UkUCUIUNS ft BUdnriELD.fcb«̂ No. 74 Main St.aJ

A Sew aadBcajnifkl Article for the. T«U«t U tkc

CrjfgMinl Pomade de Rlein.This pnpaxatSua i* eoatpupd uf th» very finest

dlf aadfiim WtttWr a 1lv«Baeo« and bcastjbfUjlUag UHf ku been beretefce*It viB act wjj'yi rent (kekair froca

filing ctf. Vat wffl rtatoca ti to all that SW.»«Which to cbaxacUcfotte vf a l«»lthy condition of tLobead. >C® tadj or gMitlaD^i abooldU witboot it.

For mi* by F. A-BEtSTLKGLB 1 CO.

Bryan's Tasteless Yermifa^e.dying right and left!

XotiwniMtaijwtltrFfiKa«« t)Htnnuwn Ishati iUlTbao oach otherm&ml 01;Bat tho YnvxraaWill cacaYoor pale darling* thm UwgnTe.

Mnrn,iairmCliM. Shall tho CkUd die,or the Mraif B«aealer| a few dowa of Bryan'#Yhotdao# Y«-rmlfiigr will ^droj aoy oambrr of»<*.», and bring them a*jy without pain. Price» rMU. Sold by LAttftlLlNS k BCSimZLDS. Fwbab«t|t1M»^IJil.Md 1


itouat J,, |A. »«lr>ilw." M

eaiiiimirijot,niutkrtmi«>i «mi iib-ij ,

¦Mktrtj rtad tkj


johnson & FBOSTnrocu C1U kpn,,, ._Jr " x

SSSisz^"'i,*°k.r~r^to ««*?i~5£?Zi

^ 9^* mak£ o*


Wo«*b mr madi is thh cqob-tryi

K°«fb mr nadt is iu« coqb-

^S^Sf^KSSSS iatfcll-Atwjwh

^ *T^"ns. ?«. j*°d I^co G^odl-

ESrS";?5f«iJsia'siss^ffi^sr'is; I

too. *. TATUMTg. |

' ***** *" J-kllJ O^H.TAYI^b |Something New.


AT PARTRIDGE'S GALLERY.!*«. iisxj »m.w, Em, SId,

A few door* >t>ftte Monroe St,

For Sala, Bent or RenairT^'S^iaS^ggRT'-Toirsa,

t aioim,-

-¦ . j-g QWfnrt.

Auction! Auction'

JSS ~Mrt "Q-mr- g^ 12,^^I?i««ODKS.. ^

KHGL1SI1 chixtzes

J.&KnODia.NEW spring


W'.mSaT mobmxo,MARCH

to which h'fT *priso goods,«££»*» <* .« »J» -M, «.

c"r. btth «. toprtn.. ,~.to U,i,

.Dress GoodsT" "'"

13 Jjfggg* MOtoJLA

' «".« ruMcJ^ gnu. PUlrTRi.,^ve; siiika,

S5.5®dsS§«V.a ajsjLjj"* r«wi *r. £:. OEO.K.TAVL8g 1

sPrinK WrappiDKB


B°. w^-wK^ArRA> »» 'tvnikm hu yBA" p»rti.-Jw,w" * i-wT ^Sr£?rKuHLk"Washington hall.one Week: ovt^xomwsiMI^u


^S?£LS?nopticon»-«¦ >«i«ur«cs7cn. .*"* *.

n. mm< uJTutTJ^fcWbWi«.T^n °"»r. ...


t'CKKT« ij c««.» «uuVolbuu^ *!: Cfc,w"«« 15 Cil15 C.ft.

V< ^TODrrTT-^!"'*"* WJMIS1UVt* Oil.


OIL! OIL! OIL!All thjc latest axd mo*t improvedAapnaM oONrirtcaiBi m« in urn fat tlw

tiam. which dfapwif rotlrrij «i<k tl.nr Jbt m*.kept coMttttlj M btt4

THOMmsr,MT.btaa^JUrkcCH^MirMehMi Drambead Cabbage

or the snfcB hasos vium.mtmiaw mw»» u«»«Mk.atNJdL towbttt'i .i#r»r|. ,



, j...jjhrtfawi lK ai>4ifUwtW'IHe<>rii|i«6 Hf.flmitCnwMofibtflTtttlTBtlM Wfow! Ik wnifciau of r>-fimih i ¦Imnif

I- MC-tf trmllMPlln»»mii ,l^i TOtMIMT.A »w*ISmx -»¦*?

HR9H mmmm*.«-.:C- jr. DOUGHERTY'S


Monroe Street, Wlweling, Va.raws «ok if Tin awh mas «iu

IWeir 1.ewe StorluI * aejUUTPACKinCS fro*



irinw PL-KftUM&^'tOT OK CASKS .ml i£ 1 FRANKS at PASIC PRICK*. pmpow. to BUtbns with picture* »t prirn to W.mUlj tL- VIlb-LIOXS-C*a* la. Ladic and Oratlemf n. wWU lUe Mwrt-

ntttti#nMpM#*»lanil7MnfhMrf(lKSUUT- !EST BARGAINS rrrr offrtri Id Wborfia*.

Pin as * dlKwint. Abo. klarsr ««1 bcautlfnl a»-Wtiw, rtwp- . .Jm».4

OER UATK'S H0lj.A5B BITTEBg. JO'Butuurrs Holland bitters.

<i !H!S55K:£iJ!}3i8Il!S?SK-!B


- nwrSrS-1-.iTWCi, Wm?L\s$fet&!«ss&|SS^: -. <:3winrcoiiBrs asthma kemedt.I WHJTOOMITS ASTHMA REMEDY? *



prop. urooirs hair restorative.PltOP. WOOD'S HAIR restorative,


PR. EOFF*S rt&,' ?" \\*Z * I!-. _iawps piLts. OT^- SPAU>lXO*S CKPfTAlJCMLXE,-*SPALD13G'* CEPHALIC FILL*

Fur Ml* hr REKD A KRAFT.F»»r «nle Uj RKED A KRAFT. *rt/9

New MusicKeeeiTed To-day.OLVKR OALOP, by Blind Tom,

Virginia Polka.SSBSSFort Snmter Grand Mirth.Major Andmn'f Qnlck*t*p.

Dixirt Und, (Variatiou.) bj1 Grol^. '

GranJ March, from thf Ontofioof AOraUm,Stall 1 aital* bubold thee. (VarmtW*.).Meiwr Or*ml Galop, bj Wollenhanpt.Antnmn lWwi (Tremolo Elude.)Brightest Ejr*. Galop.Yelvrn, <M*cuka D* Salon.) by Awher.

SONG*.I aH<e from Brnups of Thee,'Jennie of Men 1^.She i* coming with the Spring,

< JUMltML V/ 'X VJUInnXnJirartndvioBupAbM.

Kanawha Carbon Oil.\\7K offer thll to the tradeu tlx Lnt ROBXIXG> > OIL totk* Hartou ltJ»» rc**«f as to beenthelT frre frnm the fcerrry <*7, whicb ch*ni thenick or injure* the oIL For «le bt

Jcst RECEIVED. LAXDRRTfTS NEW CROPGarden Sceala.which *r will «ell at the rit>««f»lowest nilrt. and varnat them fre»b *a4 genuine,notwith«t*Q<!!r.g ^11 *Utem*ur*,t? thr '"intraijr. /Gardenea j«efeniac to:bare! thtirlbiUi 'directfxotn L&ndrvtb * ran be accommodated Ik tearingtheir order? with n«. Onr fricndpmar relr onsau

SEEDS! SESDS!FRE«!l GARDEN*-* FIR1.D SEEPS {.* _the b<>x. poaad orpaper. at theJxnX* SMITH A UORRELL.

JOHNaON & FBOSTAgents forjLandreth'sSeeds.

NO'Hri:.} and with onr cuncnrTcnea kw traaaferrrd the *uuelo Mcmt..Jobn»Hi A Frwt. who will beo*fter *rt a*°°r «*^r*.U»«d agents in B hnrlinjc. Mariset Garden-j er» who bar# heretofore LwJnl tb«ir orders

t tbrvoxh Dr- Todd, are rc^QHted to lonrard throughI Menu*. Johnson A Fn^t.I>- laxdrktii A SOX.

J ThU M to certify that, with the consent and an- jt !tWT^1 2* ******?.?. }**?}?***» 4- 1 ha*e tru»-ten*-! .herm]l^trnp toMe*ar,. JtAnion k TrW, jNo.21 M*in*St^ VThMinc which Apcncr 1 karr

.^^'3S.i5rMS'aS^-S5a^sexaasm:tIAPPT USD OP CAHAAS,

Still in n,r^S^^V.r.J*ul2 *»«l other Song*, at MELLOt'S.

For Bent and SaleTIIF. Sllt-CRIBEB HAS roR BEST; storeKuoau. nuAll and laxpc abo Offln. fat cmai

. _ UOEXBltOOK.HWfllforastascffliaB a


;.t ; t y. «¦ -r-j.ye.xr-r.7*Cheap Hat * Cap Store.L\7K HATE A LAME LOT OF HATS A CAPSIT »Mfbwcu»>«rlii»gttMttywwtm

j III! Ix Olluul IIU11 naiu^so. 46 mais STREET,Centre Wheeling. Va. |WE W1IX KKJ» COfifiTAKItT «S UASD 1aJl kinds of tie Above ware*. Urido «T«rr- jthinr appertaining to our Cue of VBiinrM. "We par- jtknkiiy inTilt c*»i» bcTerato pive a* a call before»urcUa«ib< elieabere.

, J ygmiTT A HBO. iS. G. HOBINSON & SON,

juzcuaafu or

Window Glassy 1. .» J-/ >- v ._ V ¦» .1Wheeling, V*^Aiwoyapsorasbos arogT^pi

« b*T«r a p»4 Mock of Gtewi on hud, cumiatins gf Jalmost ««»Ty aixetbat i« vuttrd and «Q t4d«te»eBUto«nl«rr->ii pf *W»ii»e wfll *Mmi? tsdrtail,my la*r.Oi«tM«olL 5.O. ROBIXSOX * P>y..mohw«

ij+iawjzfcJ. C. HARBOUR'S


WlHo. 143 Main St., Wheeling, Va.UKKE MAY UK FGUKDTHh LAEUEST AXDmost desiral-le »tock of C&glbb Tehrt, Erua

.«*«, Ingrain,and Yeaitiaa


Damask and Eace Curtains,In |Tta( rwkty. AU«, rpholltcrj Wareevery description/ Cfll- «n<< Mahugan> >tao +<\,lVfKI>'G GLASSES, logs*Lerwith man? oth«r ar

l» tbe fTr*trra Conntry r all 'of wbldx will be V>M.eitlic-r wholesale or retail, at tbeXOWKM' POSSIBLE PRICKS.

Tboee in want of Cheap sad Good Good* willwell to call at Xe. ltthfatn at., Wbe«4izi~ Va.N. B..Steamboat# fo'rnisbed mltb er^ry arfids

Fnmitnre at tbe dwrtnt notice, and on nrd ttru." * 1 « *J. O. HARBOUR.-

ft«ptI2-w2m BCo. US Main St..Wberiiag. Ya.


.. 9"uUBullun l4t.Muktl>si.


,tau p^''-PriM M ><"'..*» R~«l ud pnual workm

be produced. AH operation* warranted. dedO


6§&Dentists<SiNo. 142 Market-St.,

WHEELLVG, TA.Rnrascia,.n.B.Weed. D.DnIloa..\r.TUap

.on. Hon. Alfred Caldwell. John Knote.Kaq.. B. MFog, Itoq, John FiBatfl, M.Bu -T*. JJBatea. MJ), Rn. CcmniM,l(.A, E." A. Hiidreth, 11. Du A- S.Todd

ade. Joha PZarz, C. Daeknmn, ¥. Miller.

Ambrotypes, Photographs, 4c.S>0 TO WYRES" OALLOTAJCII SEE Till:U Cfpwd# that dally remit there to obtain hi* weilJmown snperior picture*, whkrb be I* now selling atgnmtlyrtdnced price*,**-a short time.Being ftaBy determined that no gaBery in tbe rityshall coder sell him.and at tbeSame time is prepared.to take better plctnrf* thfcnexn be obtained else,wbece, or charre nothing tor tbem.Tne pnblic afll remember that fire premium* were

swarded I© Wykrs. forheat picture* of tbe ration*kfc»l« and styles, at tbe late Fair on tbe Island.Those wishing picture* 4»K*Id call as early in tU

day ah pomftde. or make pterioos arrangement*, toprevent long delay. J.W. WYKE3.feblO S«.I3».?taia»t,-Topof tbe HfU

I'OK. REST..The Uwe-lhnc Uoom ..«JE Fonrth street, at present ocrnpied by M.L Ott.

.yOB BBHT-Os Am*first of April next.

M«be WAREHOUSE. on Main street, now la ibr«iopruiaDrT of I. M. I'amphre* A Son: also ll -

WaU^-ey* *ha> same.-Als^ ;beK«- m ww ncrnpird by Esalth A Gmen.*

frhi-Tm ~ Af.piy te w w l. hcatee. a in=t| BOBBBXT^A Imdlioc llove on hi.25 «reet, to p«>d osnditkw.furnished with *».. r


e" Voa-RKSTT.-Ti,. 'uwiai|EP"»« Uj nsj.It »u»tj o» Ottr,.«.««*» fth .ad Cfh nr«n lb* D««ai»j> Iloo.. tw©st<»ry FraitirDwalUnc on Wheeling 1aland. For farther panic*-lars satire at ALEX. HBYMAX'STJiaa-la lR3hbmTni»Hss. Ta.

fi *WO aorSKS FOB REST OSthem mm miapbd beT^rmv.Mo,ir*: * bas a rood rardeo attachedlUr'rJT** 1^f>?.ocg*F^ hy Geo. Whel-



Uapt. Tbnnv M»*e: ft has n good rardeo attto it. The vthtr wa« latel? occepied bj Geo.

W: sou ¦JtafT TW »«r:HOi oTnii.. "Knqtrtreof r.t:UlLOUmiBCO.jsna >**MJUka+c -rFOR REST^-A d«mraUs Brick use-meat, dlrntsd an Han.prWi stiatf. Ps* nsrinaslM AyrfLv S. BABTEB A BBO.


Ofice XclM Mainncxeeta fir%t door tatb«f Bask «tJBIicdiag.Olscoant dsy», Wsdpieadsys, lOA.N.rv^BAXsnnrr Akpspecial depostm tdaskX foilJ rereirad.

Interest paid oa Special PAsfcnExchange on tbe Bart4«artisMd aabl.OoilectSona. at home or frms abroad, will rtceiraroxunt attMiw«

r aasteai ..-Sana^£3S««SSi!S/wr.OCtlJ

BAiR iron:Bar iron, BnwH.frot 3-16 to 5 i®.BAR iron. from% 5*4.bar IRON. na^rroMVpt^«o%l34,bar IRON. Ormi. fro® ^tolU.bar iron. lI»U-a*al.trca»9lt*13C.bar IRON. <*t toln^htAr tin-,1HJ0P iron.S«TOT *A SRuSun RaJL»aabral tt reduced prices, bj


P.C. IIILDHETII A BttO..oftS' 53 Mala street._Blackrivets, &«ojonut«ir«t, .**!.d liaia. ncr»c>lfcjr ? ... .-¦jKds r.c.niLDRimabro.

SHKKTIR05.OAH TfflLSl HIkit iron,imonii No.14 to X.

oct» P.C. HILORKTH A bro./TTOT pressed 5CTS..S.OOO B*- Ho'il fR^S«i,UMrtc4-J4to.lU.U«UbTurtS . r. C. glLPfi3MA BRy."HOWE^* Standard Scales.

f~7g~*y V.C-UTLDRETH ABRO-,Goods BougM Since the Fall.

T WILL opei thi8 JWWStSO. tk bat Tip1 CkaramrxUlaAtfukulhSUKi". (kw|-U.;Ciita»,"M *CMKB«t«nnl(Uir».ottmtt;SnopwNmlAmM KwliscGwjfltwI^allKwA*:T1«MT Oiwtam VkaMtcM VooiM BooJ*. «MM«r n*S*4i&4^^J&Li.the UnitedSutw,"_JT- -,r,....

1rWAIW. OteQRB,:<)I04KOX,III btt^Oowu Nwtaeeou mJ Oi tt, j«st rrnitfdndfarnkby**«* -r ^ y.A.RT>yAR»ARBO.t>kb VAXCT SILKS,

m< PUis Mack do AtWHRISKRLy8WRAR1RORN.A«fftf3KBLw O1-OVK^"PHP i «w»r>.»l 8«n »-tatlo»nlBROIDEBEOKnS,r. do C0L8AKS.iMflt Jliwlwl>» OK.V R.TAVU>«AF19B iSMBTMKST OV mVPK-UOECUKKS indMurWlftte1)T7HKSCH XEBIXdl', UMJP M$__ n BSKKLL AjiiTK)RTSCRf

K. BOCKOiO. *C-fiuimc!tu«

ttmm a.lM.n-'. *."i of

"""jMWB OU»g(VIS »'

extra Ohio limb.k sss5"rSsrT|.-j»» j, t MJTCAU M *.'"J
