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St Anne Mission - Liturgical...

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St Mary Catholic Church 4200 88th Street NE Marysville, Washington 98270 360 653 9400 St Anne Mission 7231 Totem Beach Road (No Mail) Tulalip, WA 98271 360 386-7425 Phone: 360 653-9400 Fax: 360 658-7439 Website: www.stmary-stanne.org Email: [email protected] ST. MARY/ST. ANNE MISSION STATEMENT We are a Roman Catholic sacramental people led by the Holy Spirit, seeking to grow together in faith, love and charity. We are called by God the Father to be a welcoming presence of Jesus Christ in our parish and community through worship, fellowship, and service. Somos un pueblo católico sacramental guiados por el Espíritu Santo, que buscan crecer juntos en la fe, el amor y la caridad. Somos llamados por Dios Padre para ser una presencia acogedora de Jesucristo. St Anne Mass Times: Wednesday: 9:00 am Thursday: 9:00 am Friday: 9:00 am Sunday: 10:00 am Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:30 pm St Mary Mass Times: Monday, Thursday and Saturday: 9:00 am Wednesday and Friday: 7:30 am Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am & 12:00 pm (Spanish) Eucharistic Adoration 1st Friday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Reconciliation Saturday: 10:00 am ST. MARY/ST. ANNE ST. MARY/ST. ANNE ST. MARY/ST. ANNE A warm welcome to those of you visiting us this weekend. We are pleased to worship the Lord by your side. Thank you for joining us. If you are a new member of our worshiping community, please take the time to register with the parish. Pick up a registration form at the Parish Office, fill it out and return it in the collection basket or by mail. MARCH 01, 2015 SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT p “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him.” MK 9:2-10

St Mary Catholic Church 4200 88th Street NE

Marysville, Washington 98270

360 653 9400

St Anne Mission 7231 Totem Beach Road (No Mail)

Tulalip, WA 98271

360 386-7425

Phone: 360 653-9400 Fax: 360 658-7439

Website: www.stmary-stanne.org

Email: [email protected]


We are a Roman Catholic sacramental people led by the Holy Spirit, seeking

to grow together in faith, love and charity. We are called by God the Father

to be a welcoming presence of Jesus Christ in our parish and community

through worship, fellowship, and service. Somos un pueblo católico

sacramental guiados por el Espíritu Santo, que buscan crecer juntos en

la fe, el amor y la caridad. Somos llamados por Dios Padre para ser una

presencia acogedora de Jesucristo.

St Anne Mass Times:

Wednesday: 9:00 am

Thursday: 9:00 am

Friday: 9:00 am

Sunday: 10:00 am

Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:30 pm

St Mary Mass Times:

Monday, Thursday and Saturday: 9:00 am

Wednesday and Friday: 7:30 am Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am & 12:00 pm (Spanish)

Eucharistic Adoration 1st Friday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Reconciliation Saturday: 10:00 am


A warm welcome to those of you visiting us this weekend. We

are pleased to worship the Lord by your side. Thank you for

joining us. If you are a new member of our worshiping

community, please take the time to register with the parish. Pick

up a registration form at the Parish Office, fill it out and return it

in the collection basket or by mail.

MARCH 01, 2015


physical and spiritual

“This is my beloved

Son. Listen to him.”

MK 9:2-10

Fr. Dwight’s


“Sunday is the Lord’s DAY; not the

Lord’s HOUR!”


I have now had the experience of being here and leading this parish for eight months. Words escape the myriad of encounters

and conversations that I've had with so many of you here at St Mary's and St. Anne Mission. If anything, I believe that now I enjoy

a wonderful snapshot of the parish - many of its strengths, many of its blessings and many of its challenges. Just like a small pond

carries within it an entire ecosystem that makes and contributes to all things living within it, so our parish carry within it people

of every race, and class, and color, and native geography all different, all meant to be melded into ONE to become the Body of

Christ here in this small community of Marysville and Tulalip. Our souls need each other; if only to remain thoroughly human and

focused on helping each of us become the saints we are all called by Jesus Christ to be. And to be your priest here - with an

unforgettable experience of community pain and healing, sacrifice and challenge, division and unity, dying and rebirth,

forgiveness and gratitude, dead ends and new directions, new ministers, new ministries and new energy. Yes! what a ride it has

been thus far! Church, we shout too, "Here I am, Lord!" and then we are brought into God's manifold confidence where He

shares with us the mysteries of the Kingdom of God with one purpose - to Go! Tell others about HIM! Convince them of the love

of God and the forgiving nature of our Christ. Tell them Jesus can become transfigured in their lives; they can experience His

glory to convince them of the saving message of Jesus Christ.

So we continue on, as we walk this Lenten Journey, towards the great gift of Easter truly believing that Christ is indeed able to

supply ALL OUR NEEDS according to His riches in Glory. May your fasting, prayer, almsgiving and penance continue to reveal the

love of God to others.

He tenido ya la experiencia de estar aquí y liderar esta parroquia por ocho meses. Palabras escapan la miríada de

encuentros y conversaciones que he tenido con muchos de ustedes aquí en Santa María y la Misión de Santa Ana. Por

si algo, yo creo que ahora yo disfruto de un maravillo panorama de la parroquia- muchos de sus fortalezas, muchas

de sus bendiciones y muchos de sus retos. Así como un pequeño estanque que carga en si un ecosistema entero que

hace y contribuye a todas las cosas viviendo dentro de sí, así nuestra parroquia carga en si gente de cada raza y clase,

y color y natividad geográfica diferente, todos mezclándose para hacerse UNO para convertirse en el Cuerpo de

Cristo aquí en esta pequeña comunidad de Marysville y Tulalip. Nuestras almas se necesitan la una a la otra; aunque

solo sea para permanecer completamente humano y enfocados en ayudarnos a convertirnos en los santos los cuales

somos llamados a ser por Jesús Cristo. Y para ser su sacerdote aquí- con una inolvidable experiencia de dolor y

sanación en la comunidad, sacrificio y retos, división y unidad, muriendo y renaciendo, perdón y gratitud, caminos

cerrados y nuevas direcciones, nuevos ministros, nuevos ministerios y nueva energía. Si! Que paseo ha sido para

nosotros por ahora! Iglesia, nosotros gritamos también, “Aquí estoy, Señor!” y entonces somos llevados ante la

confianza múltiple de Dios donde El comparte con nosotros los misterios del Reino de Dios con un propósito- Ir!

Hablar a otros sobre EL! Convencerlos del amor de Dios y la naturaleza perdonadora de nuestro Cristo. Diles que

Jesús puede transfigurarse en sus vidas; ellos pueden experimentar Su gloria para convencerlos del mensaje salvador

de Jesús Cristo.

Entonces continuamos adelante, así como caminamos en este camino de la cuaresma, hacia el gran regalo de la

Pascua realmente creyendo que Cristo en verdad puede proveer en TODAS NUESTRAS NECESIDADES de acuerdo a

sus riquezas en gloria. Que su ayuno, oración, limosna y penitencia continúen revelando el amor de Dios a otros.


God Bless,

Fr. Dwight


St Anne Mission


Fr Emmanuel Iweh

(360) 386-7425

Email: [email protected]

Stewardship of Treasure

February 22, 2015

Sacrificial Donations : $916.50

Thank you!

Baptismal Classes

Classes are held every 1st Saturday of the month at 3:00 pm.

We continue to build and nurture healthy spiritual relationships with our Tulalip family and to support those

in need through prayers, outreach and good works of service.

Free Health Check

Tulalip Tribe will continue free health check’s the 1st Friday

of every month at 10:00 am in the Sterling Hall. Have your

blood pressure and blood sugar tested.

This is open to the public!

Please bring family & friends!

Please Include the Following Names in your prayers:

Larry Negretti, Larry Martin, Stan Kleisath, Elaine Rud-

dell, Jules Sicotte, Don Francisco, Costa & Carol Ann

Lazzaretti, Jose & Edlin Narvaez, Antonia Seyler, Don

Hatch, Brian Thomas.

Sunday 10:00 am Saturday 5:30 pm Wednesday 9:00 am

Thursday 9:00 am Friday 9:00 am

Faith Formation Classes

Faith Formation classes are held every Tuesday

evening from 5:30—6:45pm.

Clases de formacionformacion en la Fe.

Confirmation Classes

These classes are held every Wednesday

evening from 5:30—6:45 pm. Classes are now up and

running with six students so far.

More are welcome!

Please call Lesa Roerich at 360-581-8212 or contact

Father Iweh for more information.

Altar Servers and Lectors Needed

If you are interested please call

Fr Iweh, Bill Topash at 360-386-8808 or

Steve Myers at 425-750-0205.

Thank you!

St Anne Needs More Participation!

In the after Mass Potluck’s both Saturday and Sunday,

as well, as in cleanup. Please bring a DISH to Share

with the fellowship of others in the community.

Healing Mass

St. Anne’s has a Healing Mass on the 1st

Friday of every month at 7:00 p.m.

Family and friends are Welcome.

St. Anne’s Stations of Cross

Immediately after 9am Mass on Friday

From our Holy Father,

Pope Francis

To follow Christ, we must confront

life's deserts, Pope says.

Vatican City, Feb 22, 2015 / 10:22 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The 40 days of Lent are a reminder that we

face spiritual deserts, and we must confront them with courage and the aid of Scripture, Pope Francis

said during his weekly Angelus address. Delivering the Feb. 22 address from the papal apartments to a

sizable crowd gathered in Saint Peter's Square, the Pope's remarks came on the first Sunday of Lent,

hours before he embarked on a week-long Spiritual Exercises retreat with members of the Curia. The

pontiff began his pre-Angelus reflection by speaking on the Gospel reading of the day, in which St. Mark

gives an account of Christ's 40 days in the desert following the Baptism in the river Jordan. During this

period, he recalled, Jesus was “tempted by Satan,” and “was with the wild beasts; and the angels minis-

tered to him.” This “voluntary test confronted by Jesus” is one from which he “emerges victoriously and

which prepares him to proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom of God,” the Pope said. During the period in

the desert, Jesus engaged in “hand-to-hand” combat with Satan, “unmasking his temptations” and being

victorious against them, the Holy Father said. “Everyone has triumphed” in Jesus through this victory;

however, “it is up to us to protect this victory in our daily lives.”

VATICANO, 22 Feb. 15 / 10:05 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Al presidir el rezo del Ángelus hoy, Primer Do-

mingo de Cuaresma, el Papa Francisco destacó que estos 40 días son “un tiempo de lucha espiritual con-

tra el espíritu del mal”. Por ello, el Papa dio como consejo “leer cada día el Evangelio”. “Cada día leer el

Evangelio, meditarlo un poquito, diez minutos; y llevarlo también siempre con nosotros: en el bolsillo, en

la cartera. Tener siempre el Evangelio a mano” El Santo Padre señaló que “el desierto cuaresmal nos ayu-

da a decir no a la mundanidad, a los ‘ídolos’, nos ayuda a hacer elecciones valientes conformes al Evan-

gelio y a reforzar la solidaridad con los hermanos”. Citado por Radio Vaticano, Francisco recordó que “el

miércoles pasado, con el rito de las Cenizas, ha comenzado la Cuaresma y hoy es el primer domingo de

este tiempo litúrgico que se refiere a los cuarenta días transcurridos por Jesús en el desierto, después del

bautismo en el río Jordán” “Es una prueba de la cual el Señor sale victorioso y que lo prepara a anunciar

el Evangelio del Reino de Dios. Él, en aquellos cuarenta días de soledad, enfrentó a Satanás ‘cuerpo a

cuerpo’, desenmascaró sus tentaciones y lo venció. Y en Él hemos vencido todos, pero nos toca a noso-

tros proteger en nuestro cotidiano esta victoria”. El Santo Padre destacó que “la Iglesia nos hace recor-

dar tal misterio al comienzo de la Cuaresma, porque ello nos da la perspectiva y el sentido de este tiem-

po, que es tiempo de lucha – en la Cuaresma se debe luchar – un tiempo de lucha espiritual contra el

espíritu del mal”. “Y mientras atravesamos el ‘desierto’ cuaresmal, tenemos la mirada dirigida hacia la

Pascua, que es la victoria definitiva de Jesús contra el Maligno, contra el pecado y contra la muerte.

24 Hour Adoration - Holy Rosary Chapel

Volunteers needed for Stewardship of Adoration Hours. Shift sheets are in the Parish Office

& Holy Rosary Chapel. A parish staff member will contact you with hours and lock code.

De esta manera, precisó, “quien sigue a Jesús se pone en el camino de la obediencia, como imitando la condescendencia del Señor, abajándose y hacien-

do propia la voluntad del Padre, también hasta la aniquilación y la humillación de sí mismo”.

LITTLE BLACK BOOKS FOR LENT: Available for purchase at the Parish Office for $1.00. The Black Book is available in both English and in Spanish.

St. Mary’s News

Monday, March 2nd--Backpack Meeting in Rm 3 @ 6 pm. Welcome all.

Wednesday, March 4th—Children Choir Meeting in Parish Hall for all children in K thru 5th Grade @ 6:30pm.

Homeless Shelter Project—Every Friday our parish will help our fellow brothers and sisters that seek shelter. If

you are interested in helping, please contact our Parish Office.

No Baptisms in February and March—Please contact Eva at (360) 659-9400 or e-mail at

[email protected] for more information. Thank you.

Confirmation– Youth who are registered for Confirmation should be sure to attend youth group on Sunday. If

you have questions about Confirmation, contact Michael at [email protected], or at (360) 653-9400.

Lector’s Needed—Share your Time and Talent & serve as a bridge between the Scriptures & Faithful.

Contact Charlotte 360-659-1101.

Salón Parroquial en disponible para alquiler para varias ocasiones. Póngase en contacto con la oficina parroquial

para más información. Parish Hall in available for rental of various occasions. Contact the Parish Office for

more information.

Mary Queen of Peace Columbaria

A final resting place for our loved ones who desire to be cremated

is finally here in our St. Mary Catholic Cemetery.

Plan your funeral now.

Give 25% down and the remaining balance

in 10 monthly installments. Please contact

the Parish Office for more information.

Thank you!

Row 1—$ 3,000.00

Row 2—$ 2,800.00

Row 3—$ 2,600.00

Row 4—$ 2,400.00


Jeremy Williams, Mary Beth Mantow, Bea

DuFor, Pat & Mark Mantow, Pam Stephson & Family,

Hadsell Family & their unborn child, Bill & Connie

Stolcis, Chris Stoles & Family, Cheryl & Troy LaBrum

& Family, Clifton & Stacy Cowin & Famly, Anna M.

Diner, Carlefa Sjodin, Beca Hertzog, Richard Jacobs,

Rosie Nash, Carol Dollar, Shirley Dockendorf, John De

Polo, Crisatomo De Leon, Egidio Paquera, Mary Tay-

lor, Jules Sicotte, Caiden Selia, Jody Labrum, Dianna

DeCaro, Nina Gonzales, Antonia Seyler, Carol Oshs,

Deidra Murphy, Margie, Manvione, John Swain, De-

sirae Williams, Lucy Young, Jim Brauch, Pat McCabe.


Brian, Joe Abrenilla, Beverly Hill, Salvador Perez,

Teresa Puckett, Sabina Cerny, Connie Desrosier, Ervin

Leuze, Carlos Felix, Arturo Gomez, Michael Vincent

Selden, Amado De Leon, Vincent Meno, Juan Sicotte,

Robert Sicotte, Rita Sicotte, Jim Pfeifer, Dennis Mehar,

Jeanette McGourty, Juan Ocaya, Maura Ocaya, Rosario

Storm, Charles Miller.


St. Mary &

St. Anne



Grotto, Portland

on March 21,


Sign up sheets in

Parish Hall


Stations of the Cross Friday, March 6th @ 6pm followed by soup

and bread.

Stations of the Cross: Friday March 13th and 20th @ 6pm followed

by Fish Fry.

Estaciones de la Cruz

Viernes, Marzo 6, a las 6 seguido con sopa /pan.

Estaciones de la Cruz: Viernes Marzo 13 y Marzo 20 a las 6pm

seguido de Pescado Frito.

Religious Education

Children’s Choir is beginning again starting this week,

Wednesday evenings after Faith Formation, from 6:30-


Faith in the home tips:

Read some of Jesus’ parables before you say grace at

dinner. Discuss the parables during dinner.

Pray at least one decade of the Rosary as a family before


High School Sundays from 6-8pm in

the Hall

Confirmation Classes on

Tuesdays from 7-8pm in the

Hall, starting March 3

We are still in dire need of

adult volunteers. If interested,

please contact Michael at

[email protected]

or at (360) 653-9400 ext 103,

or come by the Parish Office.

Junior High Mondays from 6-7:30pm in

the Hall

Archdiocesan Jr. High Rally is

on March 7! Register by

Monday the 2nd!

How is your Lent going? Stay

strong as we prepare to really

celebrate at Easter!

Youth Ministry

For updates, Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter:

@Youth_StMarys! Spread the word! Please consider signing up to provide snacks for Youth Group!

We feed their hearts and minds with the Word, you feed their

stomachs! Contact Michael to pick a date!

Interested in Teen Choir? Email [email protected]!!!

St. Mar

y’s Fa





February 22, 2015

Sacrificial Donations:


Thank you for responding in giving back

to God the gifts of your treasure for his

Church, the family of God.

** Always remember, we can never

out-do God in generosity.

Parish Staff (360) 653-9400 Fax (360) 658-7439

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am– 7:00pm


Priest Administrator: Parochial Vicar:

Fr. Dwight Lewis Rev Emmanuel Iweh

360 653-9400 Ext 109 360 386-7425

Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Thirty Minute Appointments:

Wednesday 1:00 to 4:00 pm & Thursday 10:00 am to 12:00 pm Deacon: Antonio Cavazos

Pastoral Assistant for Administration:

Christian Spencer

Email: [email protected]

Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper: Music Director Spanish Choir Gloria Valdez-Guillen Lester Letoto Amadeo Miramontes

Email: [email protected] [email protected]

P. A. for Communications

Administrative Assistant: Erin Grace

Eva Wilson Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Administrative Assistant Facilities Manager II: Rafael Robles, Jr. John Hodgins

Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Faith Formation Stewardship

Children Faith Formation/Sacrament: Marriage Requirements:

(Kindergarten through 5th grade) Registered with the Parish

Debra Hart Appt: Fr Lewis 6 months prior

Email: [email protected]

Clase de Formacion para los Ninos: Pastoral Assistant for

FaitSabado con Hector Paz Formation & Youth Minister:

Email: [email protected] Michael Schmitz

Email: [email protected]

Pope Francis Pilgrimage to Philadelphia:

September 23 thru September 29

Call Parish Office for details.

Readings for Daily Mass

March 02 DN 9:4B-10; LK 6:36-38

March 03 IS 1:10, 16-20; MT 23:1-12

March 04 JER 18:18-20; MT 20:17-28

March 05 JER 17:5-10; LK 16:19-31

March 06 GN 37:3-4, 12-13A, 17B-28A;

MT 21:33-43, 45-46

March 07 MI 7:14-15, 18-20; LK 15:1-3, 11-32
