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January 4, 2015 The Epiphany of the Lord 877 N. Campus Ave., Upland, CA 91786 Office (909) 981-8110 Fax (909) 982-8991 St. Joseph School (909) 920-5185 Emergency Number (909) 972-2132 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: stjosephsupland.org PASTORAL STAFF Fr. Jerome “Jerry” Ochetti, Pastor E-mail: [email protected] Fr. Timothy Do, Parochial Vicar E-mail: [email protected] Deacon Greg Moore Deacon Octavio Echeverria Deacon Mark Lopez OUR MISSION The continuing presence of the Lord makes us a family which loves and respects the dignity of each person. Like St. Joseph, we protect and serve the family, the poor, the elderly, the young, the sick, and all who suffer. We form our faith in order to live in total fidelity to God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. With our gifts, we create a community of communities which, in love, justice, and peace make the kingdom of God a reality. La constante presencia del Señor nos hace una familia que ama y respeta la dignidad de cada persona. Como San José, protegemos y servimos la familia, al pobre, al mayor de edad, al joven, al enfermo y todos quiénes sufren. Formamos nuestra fe a fin de vivir en total fidelidad a Dios: Padre, Hijo, y Espíritu Santo. Con nuestros dones, creamos una comunidad, la que con amor, justicia, y la paz, hace el Reino de Dios una realidad. The Catholic Community of St. Joseph
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January 4, 2015 The Epiphany of the Lord

877 N. Campus Ave., Upland, CA 91786

Office (909) 981-8110 Fax (909) 982-8991 St. Joseph School (909) 920-5185 Emergency Number (909) 972-2132 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: stjosephsupland.org


Fr. Jerome “Jerry” Ochetti, Pastor E-mail: [email protected]

Fr. Timothy Do, Parochial Vicar E-mail: [email protected]

Deacon Greg Moore Deacon Octavio Echeverria

Deacon Mark Lopez

OUR MISSION The continuing presence of the Lord makes us a

family which loves and respects the dignity of each person. Like St. Joseph, we protect and serve the family, the poor, the elderly, the young, the sick, and all who suffer. We form our faith in order to live in total fidelity to God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. With our gifts, we create a community of communities which, in love, justice, and peace make the kingdom of God a reality.

La constante presencia del Señor nos hace una familia que ama y respeta la dignidad de cada persona. Como San José, protegemos y servimos la familia, al pobre, al mayor de edad, al joven, al enfermo y todos quiénes sufren. Formamos nuestra fe a fin de vivir en total fidelidad a Dios: Padre, Hijo, y Espíritu Santo. Con nuestros dones, creamos una comunidad, la que con amor, justicia, y la paz, hace el Reino de Dios una realidad.

The Catholic Community


St. Joseph

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The Epiphany of the Lord

La Epifanía del Señor

2 January 4, 2015


Feelings are everywhere—be gentle.  

—J. Masai


First Reading — Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem! The Lord shines upon you and the glory of the Lord appears over you (Isaiah 60:1-6).  

Psalm — Lord, every nation on earth will adore you (Psalm 72).  

Second Reading — The Gentiles are coheirs, copartners in the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel (Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6).  

Gospel — Magi from the east arrived, looking for the newborn king of the Jews (Matthew 2:1-12).  

The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.


Primera lectura — ¡Levántate y brilla, Jerusalén! La gloria del Señor amaneció sobre ti (Isaías 60:1-6).

Salmo — Que te adoren, Señor, todos los pueblos (Salmo 72 [71]).

Segunda lectura — El misterio de que los gentiles son coherederos, socios en la promesa en Jesucristo, se ha dado a conocer a los hombres (Efesios 3:2-3a, 5-6).

Evangelio — Magos del oriente llegaron, diciendo: “¿Dónde está el rey de los judíos que ha nacido?” (Mateo 2:1-12).


As a society, during these days we can be in something of a “postpartum” depression. Our celebrations of Christmas and the New Year are over, and after today many of us will put away the decorations and the last visible remnants of the celebrations of the past weeks. The apostle Paul today uses the expression “partners in the promise.” This is an uplifting phrase for us to reflect upon, and to think of as our own calling in these days following the birth of the Lord. What is this promise? We can find it in the gifts the magi bring: it is a promise of being a royal priesthood (gold), a holy nation (frankincense), a people set apart for self-giving (myrrh). We find more of the promise in Isaiah—a light shines upon us! In the psalm we know a promise of a world of flowering justice, profound peace, the poor rescued, pity for the lowly and the poor. This is the promise; and one of the best ways for us to lift ourselves out of any possible low spirits we may be suffering is to live out our partnership in this promise each and every day. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


Las celebraciones de Navidad y Año Nuevo se han terminado, y después de hoy Día de los Reyes Magos, muchos de nosotros guardaremos las decoraciones y los últimos vestigios de las celebraciones de las semanas pasadas. El apóstol Pablo usa la expresión “participantes de la promesa”. Esta es una frase digna de reflexionar, y de pensar que es nuestro llamado en estos días después del nacimiento del Señor. ¿Cuál es esta promesa? Podemos encontrarla en los regalos que traen los magos: la promesa de ser un sacerdocio real (oro), una nación santa (incienso), un pueblo escogido para dar de sí (mirra). Encontramos otro aspecto de la promesa en Isaías ¡una luz que nos alumbra! En el salmo encontramos la promesa de un mun-do en donde florece la justicia, la paz profunda, los pobres rescatados, pie-dad para los humildes y los pobres. Esta es la promesa; y una de las mejores maneras de continuar el espíritu de generosidad navideña es vivir día a día nuestra parte como participantes en esta promesa. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

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Monday, January 5, 2015 7:30 am Ints of Marco Diaz Tuesday, January 6, 2015 7:30 am Juliana & Jaime Tiano Wednesday, January 7, 2015 7:00 pm

10:00 pm Por los animas de Pulgatorio Thursday, January 8, 2015 7:30 am Marc & Luis Barba Friday, January 9, 2015 8:30 am Carrie Piscioneri 5:30 pm Saturday, January 10, 2015 5:00 pm Ints of Bernard Kathman & the soul of his wife, Mildred 7:00 pm Pro Populo Sunday, January 11, 2015 7:00 am Jose & Manuel Barba 9:00 am Pascuala Jimenez 11:00 am Gregory Canga 1:00 pm Por el Descanso de Melquiades Torres & Family 5:30 pm = Deceased


9:00 am on KDOC Channel 56 (also on Cable-TV)

Share the word. Tell a shut-in relative, friend or neighbor.

Mass Intentions

Prayer Requests...

Julia Rose Carter Dominic Newman Evan Artishon John Artishon Sr. Ann Arthishon Judy Warhol Christopher & Stephen Islas Dominguez Family Imelia Gonzales Woody Phelps Isela Erwin Mark Pursetti Blake Pederson Bob Blythe Blanche Pederson John Brewer Ric Rule Mary Price Camryn Price Oanh Quang Jacque Mata Maria Teresa Mendez Rebecca Castro Ernesto Martinez Allison Ramos Rosemary & Lisa Soltero Henry Meza Martina Mejia Demetrio Damato Ernesto Corona Teresita Sigala Ferny Salazar Jordan Cruz Gina Bustos Robert Castro Bob Dougherty Pam Clark Ann Voth Adrian Cabrera Lamar Fidler Maria Dominguez Anthony Howell Stewart Pritikin Mercy Garcia Lupe Howell Beverly Brennan Robert Gomez Hana Vilela Marissa Martinez Rodriguez Chaz Bottoms Nona Williamson Dolores Candelas Clayton Trejo Eugenia Funes Jim Kavanaugh Rudy Corcoles Rosa Contreras Elaine Amaya Barbara Munz Jessica Ballesteros Robert Hardy Ramona Esparza Peter Woodruff Allison Ramos Alfred Lopez Josefina Perez Vanessa Larga Espada Karen Hermann Stephanie Aud Lualhati De Gala Julian Arista Christina Larios Santiaga Rodriguez Correa Howard Wyman Eduviges Arabit Emma Rivera Bob & Vicky Bandwell Mary Chavez Abelina Lopez & Family Jacoba Renteria Mildred Roberts Anel Valdez Simona Asebedo Larry Fontaine Germaine Seguy Royce Edgington Ann Sternard

Please remember in your prayers the repose of the souls of

Melquiades Torres Thomas Morales

Gene Acosta

May they and all the faithful departed rest in peace.

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Epiphany celebrates the wake up calls of life, the showings of God’s majesty and power in the person of Jesus. The feast alerts us to look for signs of the Lord’s grace and action in our lives today. In this context, the call of the Second Vatican Council to reform the sacramental life of the Church, including our pattern of care for the sick, is indeed a holy awakening. Prior to the 1960s, our care for the sick had collapsed in the popular imagination into something everyone called “last rites.” An immensely complicated ritual, with anointing accompanied by quickly muttered Latin prayers, was enacted for a marginally conscious person at “death’s door.” By the time a priest was called, the sick person might not be able to receive viaticum, or derive much personal benefit from the ritual. The healing effects of the sacrament, investing suffering with the dignity of a link to Christ’s cross, and the immense assurance of forgiveness for a person reviewing the life journey, were hidden. Suddenly, an epiphany swept through the Church, and the way we care for the sick was utterly transformed. It took several centuries, however, for the Church to reach that moment of renewal.

—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

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This Week At St. Joseph Parish

MONDAY, January 5 7:00 pm JPC St Ambrose 7:00 om NA OLG 7:00 pm Circle of Love Sacred Heart 7:00 pm Readers Church

TUESDAY, January 6 5:30 pm Bingo Hall 6:00 pm Mary’s Lamb Sacred Heart 6:30 pm Handbell Choir St. Cecilia 7:00 pm RCIA OLG 7:00 pm ODC Church 7:00 pm Liturgy San Juan Diego

WEDNESDAY, January 7 3:30 pm JYM St. Ambrose 6:15 pm Spanish Rosary Church 7:00 pm Mass (Spanish) Church 7:00 pm Witness Choir Sacred Heart 7:00 pm JPC Hall 7:00 pm Baptism Orientation (Sp) St. Ambrose 7:00 pm Circle of Friends St. Cecilia 7:30 pm Encuentro Matrimonial St. Joseph

THURSDAY, January 8

11:00 am Bible Study St. Ambrose 6:00 pm RCIA (Sp) OLG 7:00 pm Pro Life St. Joseph 7:00 pm Baptism Orien. (Eng) St. Ambrose 7:00 pm ODC San Juan Diego 7:00 pm Spanish Choir St. Cecilia 7:00 pm Tongan Choir Sacred Heart

FRIDAY, January 9 6:00 pm Girl Scouts Sacred Heart

SATURDAY, January 10 3:30pm Confessions Church 3:00 pm Parish Girl Scouts Hall

SUNDAY, January 11 11:00 am RICA Sacred Heart 4:00 pm Youth Choir Church 4:00 pm Altar Servers Hall 7:00 pm YAM St. Ambrose


Saturday/Sábado 5:00 pm Vigil 7:00 pm (Español) Vigila

Sunday/Domingo 7:00 am, 9:00 am, 11:00am 1:00 pm (Español), 5:30 pm

Daily Masses Monday thru Thursday 7:30 am Friday 8:30 am Misa en Español Cada Miércoles 7:00 pm

Holy Days of Obligation As Announced

Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration 24 hours a day / 7 Days a Week

4 January 4, 2015

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Jn 3:22 — 4:6; Ps 2:7bc-8, 10-12a; Mt 4:12-17, 23-25 Tuesday: 1 Jn 4:7-10; Ps 72:1-4, 7-8; Mk 6:34-44 Wednesday: 1 Jn 4:11-18; Ps 72:1-2, 10, 12-13; Mk 6:45-52 Thursday: 1 Jn 4:19 — 5:4; Ps 72: 1-2, 14, 15bc, 17; Lk 4:14-22a Friday: 1 Jn 5:5-13; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Lk 5:12-16 Saturday: 1 Jn 5:14-21; Ps 149:1-6a, 9b; Jn 3:22-30 Sunday: Is 42:1-4, 6-7 or Is 55:1-11; Ps 29:1-4, 3, 9-10 or Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Acts 10:34-38 or 1 Jn 5:1-9; Mk 1:7-11

SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: The Epiphany of the Lord;

National Migration Week Monday: St. John Neumann Tuesday: St. André Bessette Wednesday: St. Raymond of Penyafort; Julian Calendar Christmas

LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: 1 Jn 3:22 — 4:6; Sal 2:7bc-8, 10-12a; Mt 4:12-17, 23-25 Martes: 1 Jn 4:7-10; Sal 72 (71):1-4, 7-8; Mc 6:34-44 Miércoles: 1 Jn 4:11-18; Sal 72 (71):1-2, 10, 12-13; Mc 6:45-52 Jueves: 1 Jn 4:19 — 5:4; Sal 72 (71): 1-2, 14, 15bc, 17; Lc 4:14-22a Viernes: 1 Jn 5:5-13; Sal 147:12-15, 19-20; Lc 5:12-16 Sábado: 1 Jn 5:14-21; Sal 149:1-6a, 9b; Jn 3:22-30 Domingo: Is 42:1-4, 6-7 o Is 55:1-11; Sal 29 (28):1-4, 3, 9-10 o Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Hch 10:34-38 o 1 Jn 5:1-9; Mc 1:7-11

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The Widow’s Mite Mk 12:42-44

Next Collection is: January 10th & 11th

Thank you for your love and care as we teach our children the

Deacon Greg Moore [email protected] Ext. 33

Deacon Octavio Echeverria Ext. 11

Carlo Argoti, Director of Music [email protected] Ext. 21

Jesus Maldonado, Director of Liturgy & Ministry [email protected] Ext. 19

Christina Berry, Office Administrator [email protected] Ext. 18

Joanne Garay, Bookkeeper [email protected] Ext. 14

Rebecca Ramirez, Sacrament Recorder [email protected] Ext. 28

Belinda Valencia, Receptionist [email protected] Ext. 10

Debbie Aud, Director of Religious Education [email protected] Ext. 29

Nellie Davison, Director of Youth Ministry [email protected] Ext. 16

Jose Valencia, Confirmation Coordinator [email protected] Ext. 26

Michelle Moralez, [email protected] Coordinator of Young Adult Ministry Ext. 16

Carolyn Hite, Director of His Hands [email protected] Ext. 20 RCIA Ext. 12

Carlos Echeverria, Altar Servers Coordinator Ext. 32

Pro Life/Pro Vida Ext. 35

Perpetual Adoration/Adoración Perpetua Ext. 22

Maria Hermosillo, Quinceañera Coordinator Ext. 34

Baptism (English) Ext. 30 Baptism/Bautizos (Spanish/Español) Ext. 36

Vern Garcia, Wedding Coordinator (English) Ext. 23

Maria Hermosillo, Coordinación de Matrimonios Ext. 37

Sr. Sheila Reen, Ministry to the Sick (909) 949-9924

Prayer Tree (909) 949-7006

Claudia Aguirre, Parish Girl Scout Troop Leader (909) 581-1550

Knights of Columbus, Ontario Council #3672, Richard Carniello (909) 982-3759

Marriage Enrichment, Clayton & CeeCee Trejo (909) 985-7864  Adoration Email [email protected]


Confessions/Confesiones Saturday: 3:30 pm (English & Spanish) or by appointment

Weddings / Bodas Couples must register and attend a Wedding Orientation. Wedding Orientation classes are offered on the second Monday of every month.

Todas las parejas deben asistir a una Orientación de Bodas. La orientación se ofrece el segundo lunes de cada mes.

Baptism / Bautizos Must be requested 3 months in advance and you must attend an Orientation Class. Favor de pedir con 3 (tres) meses de anticipación y se tiene que asistir a una orientación.

Parish Directory

Offerings December 21, 2014

Plate $ 3,559.00 Envelopes $ 9,344.00 Misc. $ 1,216.00 Total $ 14,119.00 Religious Retirement Collection $3,352.00 Christmas and December 28th Collection Totals Not Available at time of printing

WE THANK YOU for all your prayers

and generous support.

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If you need to contact a priest for the Anointing of the Sick, please call the parish office (909-981-8110) during our office hours. Any sick calls outside these hours should go directly the emergency number (909-972-2132).

If a family member is sick or homebound and would like to receive Holy Communion, please call Sr. Sheila at 909-949-9924 or call the parish office.

Si necesita ponerse en contacto con un sacerdote para la Unción de los Enfermos, por favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial al (909-981-8110) durante nuestras horas de oficina. Si usted necesita la Unción de los Enfermos después de las horas de oficina debe marcar nuestro número de emergencia directamente al (909-972-2132).

Si un familiar está enfermó o incapacitado y le gustaría recibir la Santa Comunión, por favor de llamar al 909-949-9924 y preguntar por Sr. Sheila o llamar a nuestra oficina parroquial.

Mary’s Lamb, a Holy Rosary Prayer Ministry

of the Catholic Community of St. Joseph, meets and welcomes

new participants every Tuesday evening.

From: 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm In the Sacred Heart Room

Please come —Join Us

January 4, 2015 6


Tuesday Evenings In the Parish Hall

First Session 6:30pm — 8:00pm

Second Session 8:30pm — 10:00pm

Doors open at 5:30pm

Cash Only

Will YOU be our next BIG WINNER?



When: January 23 - 25

Where: El Carmelo Retreat House in Redlands

Theme: Family: Today and in our Catholic Tradition

What is a retreat? It is a personal encounter with God through a balance of communal prayer, inspirational talks, silence and solitude, natural beauty and sacramental grace. This sacred time brings renewal for your body, mind and spirit.

At the El Carmelo Retreat House this is just what you will find. All the men of this area are invited to experience this along with a relaxing weekend of peace and quiet. Come and rest your mind, your body, and your spirit. It is the personal desire of the retreat staff that every man who attends is deeply touched by the Holy Spirit. Retreat participants will have time for personal prayer and private consultations. Other activities include attending talks, spiritual exercises, and especially participating in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Check in for the retreat starts at 4:00 pm. The Retreat begins Friday evening at 6:00 pm with a meet and greet followed by Dinner and ends Sunday after lunch. Come away as Christ did, to the hills and pray, and return home with a renewed and refreshed body, mind, and spirit.

For more Information please contact:

Ken Ingram: (909) 223-4622

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We all know that Christmas officially begins on Christmas Eve, but when does Christmas end? On the Feast of the Epiphany (celebrated either on January 6 or on the Sunday between January 2 and January 8), the Church celebrates the event where the Magi, also called the Three Wise Men or Three Kings, traveled from the East to pay homage to the newborn King, Jesus Christ. Many Catholics believe that this is the date when the Christmas season officially ends, being the end of the 12 days of Christmas. In older traditions (which are still kept in the liturgical calendar of the Extraordinary Form of the Mass) Christmas lasted until Candle-mas, or the Feast of the Purification of Mary and the Presentation of the Lord, which isn’t until February 2nd. This marked the end of a long 40 day “Christmastide” that corresponded to the 40 days of Lent. On February 2nd the Church celebrates the day that Mary entered the temple with the Child Jesus when her days of purification after giving birth were fulfilled (according to the Mosaic law) and when Simeon made his well-known prophecy about Mary and the Child. It is called “Candle-mas” because of Simeon’s prophecy of Jesus being a light for the Gentiles.

Another element to throw into the mix is that the “octave” of Christmas ends on the eighth day after Christmas, which is January 1 and the Feast Day of Mary, the Mother of God. Major feast days are usually celebrated not just during 24 hours, but given the honor of an octave (8 days) which is a custom that traces its roots to Old Testament feasts. The end of the octave can been seen as the end of the Christmas feast proper, after which begins the longer Christmas season that extends either to the Baptism of the Lord for the Ordinary Form (this year January 12, or the Sunday after Epiphany) or the Presentation of the Lord for the Extraordinary Form (February 2). However this understanding of a proper Christmas ‘feast’ in some traditions is also associated with the 12 Days of Christmas which culminates on Epiphany.

Confusing? You bet. Unfortunately the confusion is not cleared by going deeper into Church history.

A Bit of History on the Feast of the Epiphany

The feast of the Epiphany originated in the East as a major feast day. The name Epiphany, meaning ‘manifestation’ or ‘theophany’ (understood particularly as a manifestation of Israel’s Messiah to the Gentile nations), has also been associated with the other biblical manifestations of Christ. Historically, at least three events were celebrated on the same January 6 feast day—the feast of the Nativity (not Dec. 25), the visit from the Magi, and the Lord’s Baptism—in various locations in the first centuries of Christianity, and sometimes also a fourth, Christ’s first miracle at the wedding feast of Cana. It was called generally the feast of the Epiphany because these were all epiphanies of Christ. Eastern Rite Catholics today, for example, celebrate the ‘epiphany’ of the Lord’s baptism on January 6, and not primarily the ‘epiphany’ of the visit from the Three Wise Men, while Latin Rite Catholics currently celebrate these two feasts on consecutive Sundays.

To make things even more confusing, the visit from the Magi that is today most associated with Epiphany in the Latin Rite likely occurred after the Presentation in the Temple (which is celebrated on February 2), because it was after the Magi visited the Holy Family that they fled to Egypt to escape Herod’s murderous threats.

So, When Does Christmas End?

When Christmas ends depends on the Rite (Latin or Eastern), the liturgical calendar (Ordinary or Extraordinary), and whether you’re looking for the end of the Christmas ‘feast’ or the end of the Christmas ‘season’. But overall, here is what sounds good to me:

The Christmas feast itself ends on the final day of its octave, which is the feast of Mary, the Mother of God, on January 1st. Keep your feasting and merriment going for the full 8 days.

The ‘peak’ of the Christmas ‘season’ is Epiphany, the end of the 12 Days of Christmas. Jesus is now revealed as a light to the Gentile nations. Keep your Christmas decorations, especially your Christmas lights, up at least until this day is over; or better, 8 days for the full octave.

The official end of the Christmas season is the Baptism of the Lord the following weekend (the end of the octave of Epiphany), after which Ordinary Time begins. Keep your nativity scene displayed up through this day or until the Presentation of the Lord on February 2nd.

These are just suggestions of course. The varying Christmas traditions reflect the universal nature of the Church (all tribes and tongues!) which has been going strong for 2,000 years. Everyone is on the same page generally speaking in keeping the feast of Christmas, even though there have naturally arisen differences over the millenia in exactly how this is done from place to place.


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8 January 4, 2015


Catholic Charities strives to give aspiring citizens the information, resources, and assistance they need to

make their journey successful.

If you want to become a U.S. Citizen, these classes will help to improve your language skills and to prepare you

for the USCIS test and interview.

St. Joseph will host these Classes starting on

January 13, 2015

9:30-AM to 12:00PM

Call the Parish Office

At (909) 981-8110 x 10

To register

1450 North D Street

San Bernardino, CA 92405 (909) 388-1239


“Catholics Returning Home” Do you know someone who has left the Church? Most of us do not have to look very far to find non-practicing “Catholics” in our circle of family and friends. Obviously, most of them are searching, but how can we help them find their way home?

As baptized practicing Catholics we have a precious gift of faith and love from the Lord that needs to be shared with our non-practicing brothers and sisters. First, we need to pray for them. Secondly, we need to extend a personal invitation to them to come home to the Catholic Church. Most non-practicing Catholics are waiting for an invitation to return. Many mistakenly think they are not welcome to return for a variety of reasons. Many non-practicing Catholics carry a tremendous amount of guilt and misinformation about the Church so they are afraid of approaching the Church for fear of being rejected. You can make a tremendous difference in someone’s life simply by reaching out to them and telling them that we miss them and would like for them to come back home to our Church family. St. Anthony’s Parish in Upland has a special program to help non-practicing Catholics return to the Church called “Catholics Returning Home”. This 6 week series begins Thursday, January 8, 2015 at 7:30 PM in room 9 in their hall. Please pass this article on to anyone who might be interested. For more information about Catholics Returning Home call Bill Thurin at 909-225-4498 or [email protected] .

St. Joseph School, Upland – Kindergarten Registration and Interest List for Grades 1-8 Kindergarten screening for the 2015-2016 school year will be held on Saturday, February 7 from 8:00am – Noon. Children must be 5 years old by September 1, 2015, in order to enter Kindergarten. There is a $30 screening fee, and all students must be screened in order to be considered for the class. Interest lists are being formed for testing for Grades 1-8. Please call the school office at (909) 920-5185 for registration information.

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Anyone Seeking information on the Sacrament of Baptism (Infant) should please Call us at: (909)981-8110 ext 29 Quienes desean información para el Sacramento del Bautizo infantil, favor de llamarnos al: (909) 981– 8110 ext 29.

Do you have a child that is 7yrs or older and has

not been Baptized?

Tienes un joven de 7 años o mas de edad que aun no esta Bautizado? Por favor de Hablar con

Debbie Aud Please Contact Debbie

Aud (909) 981-8110 ext 29 For More information

Our Confirmation Program invites you to participate in our “BIG Fundraiser”.

This is a great opportunity to help out our teens on their journey to their Confirmation Retreat.

All Proceeds of this “BIG FUNDRAISER” will go

towards off setting their cost to their Confirmation 2 Retreat.

Tickets for the Raffle are only $3.00 ea of 2 for $5.00 Money is due on Sunday, January 18th in the

Confirmation office. If you need more tickets please come in. The more you sell, The Less is the Cost for

your Retreat. Thank You-God Bless

If you would like to anonymously Sponsor a Teen for their confirmation

Retreat or would like to make a Donation. Please find it in your heart to do so.

The Cost this year for their Confirmation retreat is $135.00 per Student

If you have any Questions please call the Our office (909) 981-8110 ext 26

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10 January 4, 2015

Ministry Contact Number: (909) 981-8110 x16 or (909) 767-2500 Ministry Hours: Monday 11-6pm, Tues– Closed, Wed. 11-6pm, Thurs. 12-9pm, Fri. 10-5pm, Sat. Closed, Sun. 11-7pm Hours may vary due to events or activities

Thursday, March 12th 530am-6pm Excused Absence

$50= Ticket & Bus Don’t wait-25 seats only!


At these gatherings we

will be taking on todays challenges (hot

topics) that we as Catholic Christians are

faced with daily; bullying, the internet,

school, materialism, identity, etc. We will be discussing these topics

using the DECIDE method. It is a 6 step method to assist us in

making good choices in daily life in all

situations. In addition we will be seeking out scripture that will assist us in attaining a heart like Jesus. All of you are precious, valuable, and treasured in God’s eyes. Jesus calls each of us to

walk with Him in dignity, truth, and

justice. You are a Child of God.

JR HIGH 3:30pm 1st & 3r

WEDNESDAY St. Theresa Rm


6pm-8pm St. Ambrose Rm




CTC ( Counter the Culture) 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month 7-8:30pm St.Theresa Rm HS Leadership Formation- Thursday 6-8pm St.Theresa Rm Feed the Homeless 5-9am Sun. 25th Permission Form Due 1/21
