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St. Cyprian’s Church

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St. Cyprian’s Church 1242 West Queen Street, Hampton, VA 23669 August 2021 Newsletter To Worship and Serve the Lord and Provide Opportunities for Spiritual Growth Through Service, Evangelism and Christian Formation. Church Members Joyfully Celebrate the Beginning of In-person Worship! Pictured Above (Left to Right): Dorian and Narcisa Smith, Tamyah Smith, Juanita Alexander and Jacinda Mason
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St. Cyprian’s Church 1242 West Queen Street, Hampton, VA 23669

August 2021 Newsletter

To Worship and Serve the Lord and Provide Opportunities for Spiritual

Growth Through Service, Evangelism and Christian Formation.

Church Members Joyfully Celebrate the

Beginning of In-person Worship!

Pictured Above (Left to Right): Dorian and Narcisa Smith, Tamyah Smith, Juanita Alexander and Jacinda Mason

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Letter From the Rector

Spiritual Principles for Daily Living Dear Friends, Spiritual principles are guides that lead us into the heart of the spiritual life. They have their genesis in the wisdom of the

Creator. They enhance Christian living, stimulate spiritual growth and encourage faith.

Many Christians have the desire to realize their spiritual potential, but do not know where to begin or how to proceed. These principles offer insights related to the central message of Jesus for persons seeking his guidance in the 21st Century. Rooted in the fundamental teachings of the Bible, spiritual principles will strengthen your friendship with Christ and make possible a richer and more fulfilling walk with God. In his book, The Celebration of Discipline, Richard Foster discusses 12 spiritual disciplines. I have chosen to share a few thoughts about two of these disciplines for your consideration.

1. Prayer – Foster writes, “To pray is to change. Prayer is the central avenue God uses to transform us. If we are unwilling to change, we will abandon prayer as a noticeable characteristic of our lives. The closer we come to the heart of God the more we see our need and the more we desire to be conformed to Christ” (p.30). Prayer begins our journey into the heart of God. There are many misconceptions about prayer. Prayer is not about standing or kneeling in one place at a certain time of day and reciting a list of prayers or praying through our collected thoughts for the last 24 hours. Prayer is simply communing with God. We can pray at any time, in any place and for any reason. The most important thing is to maintain our conversation with God. God is always listening if we are willing to speak to him directly. We must share our hurts, our joys, our disappointments, our gratitude, our needs, our dreams and anything else we would share with our best friend. There will be days when it appears that God is not listening. On those days, I remind myself that God may be waiting for me to stop talking.

Pray. Pray without ceasing. Pray in the morning, at noonday, in the evening, in good times and bad times. Pray and see what marvelous things God will do with those prayers.

2. Meditation – “If we hope to move beyond the superficialities of our culture…we must be willing to go down into the recreating silences, into the inner world of contemplation” (p. 13). The inner world of contemplation is where we will

find that peace which surpasses all understanding. In our frenetic, cyberspace world, we find it difficult to break free. But

the need to break free is greater now than ever. The human body was simply not made to live beyond its capacity. If

forced to do so for extended periods of time, it will shut down and refuse to comply. We must recognize and respect the limitations of mind and body. Go for long walks alone. Close your office door and put a do not disturb sign on it. Spend

time thinking about absolutely nothing. Focus on one inspirational message or biblical passage. Whatever you do, do

so with the intention of recharging your inner world.

I encourage you to revisit your spiritual life this month. Find those places where prayer and meditation can be expressed. You will discover that the intention alone will open the windows of heaven for you and begin to fill your life with good things.

Grace and Peace,

Fr. Ramsey+

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The schedule for in-person Safe Training is listed below.

Universal Training: Thursday, August 5, 2021 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. (Grace-Yorktown)

Current diocesan policy requires that safe church training must be repeated every three years. All Vestry, Staff, Church School Volunteers, Eucharistic Ministers, Acolyte Leaders, Vacation Bible School Volunteers, Eucharistic Visitors and Ministry Leaders must have a current Safe Church Training Certificate.

Any parishioner of St. Cyprian’s Church is invited to take part in the Safe Church Training modules, available for anyone to complete online.

The Diocese has suspended online training until August 11 to provide adequate time for Praesidium Academy to make the needed repairs/updates to their system. The new training platform through Praesidium Academy requires a valid, unique email address for each registrant. For additional questions regarding the registration process, please call the parish office or visit the Diocesan website.



The HELP Food Pantry serves families daily with bags of groceries as well as "to go" bags for clients with no means of food storage. As the pantry supply thins out, HELP relies on the generosity of community supporters to keep the shelves stocked. St. Cyprian’s is asked to support the HELP Food Pantry Drive. The campaign will begin on Sunday, August 8, 2021 and end Sunday, September 26, 2021. Non-perishable food donations may be placed in the HELP Food Pantry Drive Box, located in the front hallway near the Parish Hall. Our wish list includes the following:

Dried Beans Juice Dry Milk Canned Vegetables (except green beans &

corn) Cereal Pork & Beans Ramen Instant Potatoes Jelly Canned Fruits Canned Meats (like SPAM & Vienna Sausages) Canned Pasta Meals Crackers Rice Spaghetti Noodles & Sauce Snack Items (single-serve snack packs) Toilet paper Soap

For additional information, please contact Alberta Reid, St. Cyprian’s HELP Coordinator, or Matthew Stearn, Executive Director at https://www.helphampton.org/.

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We are excited to announce that The Very Rev. Dr. Ronald E. Ramsey has been appointed to serve on the Social Justice and

U. S. Policy Committee for General Convention 2022 by the President of the House of Deputies, The Rev. Gay Clark Jennings. Please pray for the Rector as he prepares to lead our Deputation and serve on this committee.






1, 8, AND 15, 2021)

We will extend a warm welcome to The Rev. Willis Foster on the first through the third Sundays in August 2021, while he presides during the 10 a.m. worship service. He will preach and celebrant from H.E. - Rite II. We hope you will enjoy listening to his insight about the Word of the Lord.


The Rev. Martin Bolton, pastor of the Prince of Peace Community Church in Detroit, Michigan, will be the guest preacher on August 22, 2021. Fr. Ramsey will be the Celebrant.


We are looking for two parishioners to serve for two unexpired terms (2021-22). Vestry meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month on the Zoom platform at 7 p.m. If you are interested and willing to serve, please speak to one of our Vestry members.


There will be no Vestry Meeting in August. Our next Vestry Meeting with be held on September 14, 2021 at 7 p.m. If you have questions, suggestions or matters to bring to the Vestry's attention, please contact one of the Vestry members. Any one of them will be glad to listen to you and to answer any questions. And when you talk to them, thank them for their hard work on behalf of the congregation at St. Cyprian’s.

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The Vestry is actively engaged in the process of selecting a new Trustee. Below is a summary of the role of the Trustee in an Episcopal Church.

The role of trustees is found in the Virginia Code, Title 57, Article 2,“Property Held for Religious Purposes.” Episcopal churches are unincorporated associations, incapable of holding title to real property. Therefore, the Virginia Code requires court-appointed trustees to hold the title.

Trustees hold title to real property of the church on behalf of the Vestry. Trustees may be appointed or removed

by the Vestry, subject to the local circuit court's approval.

If the Vestry determines that the property should be conveyed or encumbered, the trustees must execute all documents necessary.

Trustees are bare titleholders to the property and have no role in its management or use.

Trustees have no personal liability on lawsuits against a parish.

If you are interested in serving as a Trustee, please contact the Rector or a Vestry Member. ~Fr. Ramsey


St. Cyprian's is committed to providing a safe

environment for all God's children, young and

old. Each year, we will conduct a Safe Church

Audit to ensure our compliance with diocesan

policies, which includes informing the

congregation that there are procedures for

responding to concerns and/or incidents of

suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation of children, youth, and vulnerable adults. Copies

of these procedures and contact information

were emailed to all parishioners in July 2021.

St. Cyprian’s Episcopal Church Safe Church

Policy and the Diocesan Policy are posted in the

Parish Hall. Individual copies can be provided

upon request. You are encouraged to take

advantage of familiarizing yourself with these

policies and procedures so that we all do our

part in keeping the most vulnerable among us



Members of the Altar Guild work together to prepare the altar weekly and schedule delivery of fresh flowers to the church throughout the year. While the flowers create beauty, they certainly have added dimension to our in-person and online worship service. If you would like to donate flowers in memory or thanksgiving for a loved one this year, please call sign the Flower Calendar Sheet located on the front hallway bulletin board or call the church office (723-8253). For additional information, contact Eleanor Pritchett ([email protected]) or Fannie Walls ([email protected]). ~ Eleanor Pritchett

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Pictured Above: Juanita Alexander, Foodbank Collection Drive Coordinator, and The Very Rev.

Dr. Ronald E. Ramsey, Rector, are shown at the conclusion of the June Collection

Drive for the Virginia Peninsula Foodbank.

We are so grateful to our St. Cyprian’s Family for all the generous donations to this important and worthy cause. We are happy to report that $451.50 was collected during our June Collection Drive for the Virginia Peninsula Foodbank. (An earlier January contribution in the amount of $100.00 was also sent to the Foodbank.) Therefore, the total amount contributed to the Virginia Peninsula Foodbank this past year (June 2020 to June 2021) was $551.50.

Please note the following breakdown of contributions to the Virginia Peninsula Foodbank: Men’s Club $200.00 Circle #2 $175.00 Five Dollar Sunday Collections (Jan. to June 2021) $76.50 Five Dollar Sunday Collections (July to Dec. 2020) $100.00


Thanks so much for your support. ~ Juanita Alexander, Foodbank Collection Coordinator

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Pictured From Left to Right: Juanita Alexander, Youth Facilitator; Chloe Barnes; Simone Griffin;

Jordan Miller; and Mya Griffin


On June 27, 2021, St. Cyprian’s celebrated the accomplishments of our young people during Youth Recogniton Sunday. We joyfully recognized graduates and other achievements of our youth.

Three year old Gabrielle Powell (pictured below) was also present on Youth Recognition Sunday.

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Gabrielle is enjoying the Kids Corner available in

the sanctuary.

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What’s The ‘Delta Plus’ Variant? And Can It Escape Vaccines? An Expert

Explains* By

Sunit K. Singh


Last month, the Indian government detected a new mutation in the Delta coronavirus variant, prompting it to classify it as a variant of concern.

The Indian health ministry classifies a variant as one of concern as soon as there’s evidence for increased transmission.

The new variant, known as “Delta plus,” AY.1or B.1.617.2.1 has an extra mutation in the spike protein of the SASRS-CoV-2 virus, the virus that causes COVID-19.

This mutation was found in samples from 48 people infected with the Delta variant in India, out of more than 45,000 samples.

So how is this variant different, and can it escape vaccine protection?

Remind me, what’s the Delta variant?

The more infectious Delta variant of the coronavirus has spread across the globe and is on track to become the world’s dominant strain, according to the World Health Organization.

The variant has been the dominant strain that led to the crippling second wave in India.

Studies have found that it can replicate faster, spread more easily and bind more strongly to lung cell receptors.

Also, in a pre-print study yet to be peer-reviewed, Delhi researchers found the variant caused three-

quarters of “breakthrough infections” in the city. These are infections in people who’ve been vaccinated. Around 8% of these breakthrough infections had the Kappa variant, and 76% had the Delta variant.

How is the ‘plus’ variant different? The new mutation in the Delta variant was first detected in Europe in March.

In June, COVID patients in India were also found to have the mutant virus. These developments have raised concerns.

Some scientists in India fear the mutation may fuel another wave of infection in the country.

The mutation in the spike protein of the virus, however, is not new. Known as “K417N”, it has been previously reported in the Beta variant first found in South Africa. The Beta variant with this mutation has shown an ability to escape the antibodies conferred by COVID vaccination, at least to some extent. In other words, there is the possibility COVID vaccines will not protect against this mutation so effectively.

Will vaccines work against Delta plus? According to the Indian health ministry, Delta plus could have a similar ability to evade immunity and an ability to reduce the effect of monoclonal antibody therapies used to treat COVID.

The mutation is worrying because it’s located on a key portion of the virus, the spike protein, used to penetrate human cells.

Previous mutations have been on the “receptor binding domain” of the spike protein that allows the virus to attach to the receptors in our cells.

The unique mutations in the Delta variant mean the virus can escape the immune system to some extent. Indeed, Delta has shown to reduce efficacy of vaccines somewhat. This means a single dose of vaccine may offer reduced protection.

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However, a second dose has been shown to produce enough antibodies against symptomatic infection and severe disease. It’s important to remember most COVID vaccines don’t provide absolute sterilizing immunity, but work to reduce the severity of disease.

Covid 19, Delta Plus variant has been classified as ‘Variant of Concern’ due to:

- Increased transmissibility - Stronger binding to receptors of lung cells - Potential reduction in monoclonal antibody Response - Potential post vaccination immune escape

Evidence shows the Delta variant is more infectious. We can understand why by looking at its mutations.

Why has Delta Plus Variant been classified As a Variant of Concern? United Kingdom researchers found the Pfizer vaccine had an efficacy of 33% against Delta after a single shot, and 88% after both doses. In the case of the AstraZeneca vaccine, the efficacy was just 33% after the first dose but went up to 60% after the second dose.

The Delta plus variant might have a similar degree of reduction in efficacy against the vaccines currently in use. Though we’re yet to see good data on whether this is the case.

Studies are under way in India to assess the effectiveness of vaccines against Delta plus.

It’s important to note that Delta plus hasn’t yet taken off substantially, and the World Health Organization hasn’t yet classified it as a variant of concern.

What do we need to do now? Variants with increased transmissibility and the potential to escape antibodies pose a threat to efforts to control and mitigate the pandemic. And countries with low vaccination rates may see new outbreaks.

How should our response change? Despite the mutations, no extra special measures need to be taken. We must continue to get maximum numbers of people vaccinated, increase genomic surveillance to track the evolution of the virus, and follow COVID-appropriate behavior.

Submitted by,

Olive C. Ezell Health Care Task Force

Source and Author: The Conversation, “What’s The ‘Delta Plus’ Variant? And Can It Escape Vaccines? An Expert Explains,” Sunit K. Singh, July 2, 2021, https://theconversation.com/whats-the-delta-plus-variant-and-can-it-escape-vaccines-an-expert-explains-163644. Sunit K. Singh is a professor of Molecular Immunology and Virology at the Institute of Medical Science, Banaras Hindu University.

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Exodus 16: 2-4, 9-15

Psalm 78:23-29

Ephesians 4: 1-16

John 4: 1-16


1Kings 19:4-8

Psalm 34: 1-8

Ephesians 4:25-5:2

John 6: 35, 41-51


Psalm 34: 9-14

Ephesians 5:15-20

John 6:51-58


Joshua 24: 1-2a, 14-18

Psalm 34: 15-22

Ephesians 6:10-20

John 6:56-69


Deuteronomy 4:1-2,6-9

Psalm 15

James 1:17-27

Mark 7:1-8,14-15,221-23

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8/4 Karen McMillan

8/5 Darlene Jackson

8/5 Will Canty, IV

8/15 Fiona Robinson-Powell

8/17 Brandon Watkins

8/18 Eleanor Pritchett

8/19 Chris Wynder

8/19 Charlene Farquharson

8/20 Samuel Ewell, Jr.

8/20 Zoe-Marie Newsome

8/24 Katrina Rogers

8/27 Stanley Carnegie

8/28 Cornelia Taylor

8/29 Gary Cobb

8/25 Leonard & Norine Page

8/30 James & Betty Nealy Lewis

If we missed your birthday or anniversary, please let us know by calling the Church Office, (757)723-8253.

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John Watkins, Sr., Eleanor Pritchett, Brenda Vinson, Wayne Walden, Shane Otey, Samuel E. Ewell, Jr., Jean Boyd, Gene Harden, Cornelius Taylor, Tinea Savage-Otey, Minnie Stiff, Olive Ezell, Jeannette Lovett, Wilbert Lovett, Gwendolyn Newsome, Crystal Diggs, Ron Minor, Will Canty IV, Vernell Walden, Adrienne Combs, Deacon Earl Christian, Jodie Ansel James, Alex Strawn, Barbara Savage, Bernice Wilson, Jerome Sheppard, Ardelle B. Anderson, Jeffery Corbin, Sandra Corbin, Keri Corbin, Joyce Harden, Regal DuBose, and Henry P. Russell, Jr.


Derrick Edmonds, Lois Martin, Margaret Comegys, Bridget Canty, Clay Cane, Alexa Munoz, Leonard

Alexander, Cheryl Maxson, Doris Harris, Marcus Reid, Jeannie & Paul Saunders, Beverly Amaya, Lily

Holloman, Allison Jordan, Greg & Patrina Newton, Kenneth Bullock, Peggy Winston, Dominique Jordan,

Helena Hawthorne, Tony Leroy Duncan, Edith & Sana Harris, Jasen Fykes (grandson of Eleanor

Pritchett), Ron Durrah, Theodosia Peacock (sister of Connie Daniels), Sylester Babb (sister of Dr. Minnie

Stiff), Sophia McCloud (sister of Lucretia Clayton), Shawna Mathias (sister of Crystal Diggs), Joy Staton,

Atlena West (sister of Dr. Minnie Stiff), Christine Calhoun, Joyce Steadman (resident, Hampton Sentara

Life Care) and family, Marc Miller (father of Tamika Miller Benson), Rev. Jerome R. Watson (brother of

Laura L. Manigault), Jeffrey Peele, Oliver Christian (brother of The Rev. Earl R. Christian), Howard

Moore (brother of Lucretia Clayton), Philip Whitaker (brother of Crystal Diggs), Tyrone Comegys,

Russell Rhorer (brother-in-law of Samuel Ewell, Jr.), Evelyn Tricarico (mother-in-law of Erica Robinson

Tricarico), Keaton Williams (granddaughter of John and Renee Escoffery-Torres); Evita Ogden (niece of

Alberta Reid) and Gigi Fykes (sister of Lora Ham)


LaToya Artis (niece of Dr. Minnie Stiff); Capt. Luke Carpenter, III (grandson of Bill and Fannie Walls), U.S. Marine Corps; John “Holland” Watkins (son of John & Maria Watkins), U.S. Navy; and LT. JG Joy Maria Watkins (daughter of John & Maria Watkins), U.S. Coast Guard – Stationed in Baltimore, MD

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Altar Guild

Gail B. Jones;

Maria Watkins

Lucretia Clayton;

Lora Ham;

Eleanor Pritchett

Stacey Hester;

Fannie J. Walls;

Jean Carnegie

Barbara Ward;

Brenda K.


Stacey Hester;

Fannie J. Walls;

Jean Carnegie

Eucharistic Ministers

Stephanie Kendall

William Walls, Jr.

DeLaine Headen

William Walls, Jr.

Dorian Wilkerson

Prayers of


Stephanie Kendall

William Walls, Jr.

DeLaine Headen

William Walls,


Dorian Wilkerson


Alberta Reid

Lucretia Clayton

Alberta Reid



Lucretia Clayton

Contact Tracers

Samantha Burney;

Fiona Powell



Jean Carnegie

Lucretia Clayton;

Jacinda Mason

Maria Watkins;

Gail Jones

Alberta Reid;

Renee Barnes

Ushers William Walls, Sr.;

Samuel Ewell, Jr.;

Steve Ham

Connie McCullough;

Regal Dubose

William Walls, Sr.;

Samuel Ewell, Jr.;

Steve Ham

Earl Hester; Stacey Hester;



Lucretia Clayton; John Watkins

Eucharistic Visitor

None Scheduled



None Scheduled

None Scheduled

Daughters of the King

None Scheduled

Cancelled Cancelled None


None Scheduled

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AUGUST 1, 2021

Sun. Aug. 1st 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II –YouTube Live Sun. Aug. 1st 10 a.m. Guest Preacher – The Rev. Willis Foster Sun. Aug. 1st 9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Free Coffee Ministry – Suspended* Sun. Aug. 1st 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Consecrated Communion Packet Pick-Up Sun. Aug. 1st Five Dollar Sunday Wed. Aug. 4th 11 a.m. Bible Study– Cancelled Wed. Aug. 4th 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. Consecrated Communion Packet Pick-Up Thur. Aug. 5th 12 p.m. Noonday Prayer – Cancelled Thur. Aug. 5th 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Consecrated Communion Packet Pick-Up Thur. Aug. 5th 11 a.m. Choir Rehearsal

AUGUST 8, 2021

Sun. Aug. 8th 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II –YouTube Live Sun. Aug. 8th 10 a.m. Guest Preacher – The Rev. Willis Foster Sun. Aug. 8th 9:30 a.m. –10:30 a.m. Sunday School – Suspended* Sun. Aug. 8th 9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Free Coffee Ministry – Suspended* Sun. Aug. 8th 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Consecrated Communion Packet Pick-Up Sun. Aug. 8th 12 p.m. ECW Meeting – Suspended* Tue. Aug. 10th 7 p.m. Vestry Meeting– Cancelled Wed. Aug. 11th 11 a.m. Bible Study – Cancelled Wed. Aug. 11th 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Consecrated Communion Packet Pick-Up Thur. Aug. 12th 12 p.m. Noonday Prayer– Cancelled Thur. Aug. 12th 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Consecrated Communion Packet Pick-Up Thur. Aug. 12th 11 a.m. Choir Rehearsal

AUGUST 15, 2021

Sun. Aug. 15th 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II –YouTube Live Sun. Aug. 15th 10 a.m. Guest Preacher – The Rev. Willis Foster Sun. Aug. 15th 9:30 a.m. –10:30 a.m. Sunday School – Suspended* Sun. Aug. 15th 9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Free Coffee Ministry–Suspended* Sun. Aug. 15th 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Consecrated Communion Packet Pick-Up Tue. Aug. 17th Newsletter Deadline Wed. Aug. 18th 11 a.m. Bible Study – YouTube Recording Wed. Aug. 18th 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. Consecrated Communion Packet Pick-Up Thur. Aug. 19th 12 p.m. Noonday Prayer – YouTube Recording Thur. Aug. 19th 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Consecrated Communion Packet Pick-Up Thur. Aug. 19th 11 a.m. Choir Rehearsal

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AUGUST 22, 2021

Sun. Aug. 22nd 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II –YouTube Live Sun. Aug. 22nd 10 a.m. Guest Preacher – The Rev. Martin Bolton Sun. Aug. 22nd 9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Free Coffee Ministry– Suspended* Sun. Aug. 22nd 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Consecrated Communion Packet Pick-Up Sun. Aug. 22nd H.E.L.P. Sunday Wed. Aug. 25th 11 a.m. Bible Study – YouTube Recording Wed. Aug. 25th 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. Consecrated Communion Packet Pick-U Thur. Aug. 26th 12 p.m. Noonday Prayer – YouTube Recording Thur. Aug. 26th 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Consecrated Communion Packet Pick-Up Thur. Aug. 26th 11 a.m. Choir Rehearsal Sat. Aug. 28th Daughters of The King Meeting– Cancelled

AUGUST 29, 2021

Sun. Aug. 29th 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II –YouTube Live Sun Aug. 29th 9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Free Coffee Ministry– Suspended* Sun. Aug. 29th 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Consecrated Communion Packet Pick-Up Wed. Sept. 1st 11 a.m. Bible Study – YouTube Recording Wed. Sept. 1st 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. Consecrated Communion Packet Pick-Up Thur. Sept. 2nd 12 p.m. Noonday Prayer – YouTube Recording Thur. Sept. 2nd 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Consecrated Communion Packet Pick-Up Thur. Sept. 2nd 11 a.m. Choir Rehearsal

*Suspended until further notice due to COVID-19

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We are now receiving Commercial Ads to be placed at the back of our newsletter. The cost of Ad space will be

listed in the newsletter or you may call the Parish Office for more detail. In an effort to increase the circulation

of our newsletter, each parishioner is asked to forward the newsletter to at least ten (10) family members,

friends, neighbors, and co-workers, or to persons with whom you do business and have personal business


Purchased by: ________________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________

City/State: __________________________________Zip: _____________________________

Telephone: ___________________________________________________________________

Attach a typed ready ad.

Commercial Ad $___________________ Due by 17th

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FULL PAGE $100.00 ______________

ONE-HALF PAGE (1/2) $75.00 ______________

ONE-FOURTH PAGE (1/4) $40.00 ______________

ONE-EIGHTH PAGE (1/8) $20.00 ______________

Make Check(s) Payable to: St. Cyprian’s Episcopal Church; indicate in the memo line what the payment is for.

Example- Newsletter Ad ½ Page-$75.00

Please return the entire form and payment to the following address:

St. Cyprian’s Episcopal Church

1242 West Queen Street

Hampton, VA 23669-0065

Attention: Church Treasurer

Note: Ads should be sent electronically to: [email protected]



Page 21: St. Cyprian’s Church

Full Page Ad - $100.00

1/2 Page Ad - $75.00

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¼ Page Ad - $40.00

Business Card Size

1/8 Page Ad - $20.00

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St. Cyprian’s Episcopal Church

Diocese of Southern Virginia

The Rt. Rev. Susan B. Haynes, Diocesan Bishop

The Very Rev. Dr. Ronald E. Ramsey, Rector

The Rev. Earl R. Christian, Deacon-in-Residence

Worship Services and Times


10 a.m.

The Staff Phyllis Holland-James, Director of Music Ministries

TBA, Sexton

Bettie J. Swain, Parish Administrator

The Vestry

(Meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month @ 7p.m.) Fannie J. Walls (2022), Senior Warden

Juanita Alexander (2022), Junior Warden

Mark Farquharson (2021)

Henry P. Russell (2021)

Brenda K. Vinson (2021)

Maria Watkins (2021), Register

Clayton Winston (2023)

The Very Rev. Dr. Ronald E. Ramsey, Rector

Jerome A. Sheppard, Treasurer

Mark Farquharson, Webmaster/Audio Visual Technician

St. Cyprian’s Episcopal Church

P.O. Box 65

Hampton VA 23669-0065

Phone: 757-723-8253

Office Hours: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays/ 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: http://www.stcyprianshamptonva.org

YouTube: St. Cyprian’s Episcopal Church, Hampton, VA

Follow Us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/St-Cyprians-Episcopal-Church-Hampton-Va-


Saint Cyprian’s Church is named after Cyprian, the first Bishop of Carthage, North Africa (248-258). He

spoke for reconciliation of the Church with those who had denied their faith. Cyprian was beheaded for

refusing to worship pagan gods and deny Christianity. Thus, he became a martyr of Christ’s Church

