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St. John the Baptist and Holy Family Catholic...

Date post: 15-Jul-2018
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ST. JOHN’S PARISH STAFF Pastor, Rev. Thomas Huff ....... 352-3011 Deacon Greg Kaiser ................ 687-4669 Parish Sec., Joyce Kaiser ........ 572-0381 School Sec., Marie Stubbe ...... 352-3000 Principal, Jeff Gulan ................ 352-3000 CRE, Nancy Hackel .................. 352-7354 Church Dining Hall .................. 352-3111 Finance Coun., Troy Bemke .... 573-4800 Ministries, Kiy Lehman ......... 352-2516 [email protected] Sacristans: Tricia Kaiser .......... 687-4669 Marge Heidmann .. 352-2673 Music Ministry, Judy Trawicki 571-0866 Cemetery Board, Bill Tess ....... 352-2234 Ed. Com., Michelle Hafferman 352-7033 Fr. Tom—frtomhuff@froner.com HOLY FAMILY PARISH STAFF Pastor, Rev. Thomas Huff ....... 352-3011 Secretary, Michelle Socha ...... 507-1975 Ministry Schedule, Tracy Paul 352-2258 CRE, Lori Gajewski .................. 257-7943 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WANT TO EXPLORE THE CATHOLIC FAITH? Phone: 715-352-3011 MARRIAGE: See the Pastor at least 6 months in advance for preparaons. BAPTISM: Contact Fr. Tom & 715-352- 3011 or frtomhuff@froner.com ST. JOHN SCHOOL : Is the educaon and Chrisan formaon of your child(ren) in grades 4K-8 important to you? Enroll them in St. John Catholic School. Phone School—715-352-3000 or the rectory 715-352-3011 for info. St. John the Bapst and Holy Family Catholic Parishes St. John the Baptist and Holy Family Catholic Parishes September 24, 2017 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings for the Week of September 24, 2017 Sunday: Is 55:6-9/Ps 145:2-3, 8-9, 17-18/Phil 1:20c-24, 27a/Mt 20:1-16a Monday: Ezr 1:1-6/Ps 126:1b-6/Lk 8:16-18 Tuesday: Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20/Ps 122:1-5/Lk 8:19-21 Wednesday: Ezr 9:5-9/Tb 13:2-4befghn, 7-8/Lk 9:1-6 Thursday: Hg 1:1-8/Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b/Lk 9:7-9 Friday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:7-12a/Ps 138:1-5/Jn 1:47-51 Saturday: Zec 2:5-9, 14-15a/Jr 31:10-12ab, 13/Lk 9:43b-45 Next Sunday: Ez 18:25-28/Ps 25:4-9/Phil 2:1-11 or 2:1-5/Mt 21:28-32


Pastor, Rev. Thomas Huff ....... 352-3011

Deacon Greg Kaiser ................ 687-4669

Parish Sec., Joyce Kaiser ........ 572-0381

School Sec., Marie Stubbe ...... 352-3000

Principal, Jeff Gulan ................ 352-3000

CRE, Nancy Hackel .................. 352-7354

Church Dining Hall .................. 352-3111

Finance Coun., Troy Bemke .... 573-4800

Ministries, Ki"y Lehman ......... 352-2516

[email protected]

Sacristans: Tricia Kaiser .......... 687-4669

Marge Heidmann .. 352-2673

Music Ministry, Judy Trawicki 571-0866

Cemetery Board, Bill Tess ....... 352-2234

Ed. Com., Michelle Hafferman 352-7033

Fr. Tom—frtomhuff@fron"er.com


Pastor, Rev. Thomas Huff ....... 352-3011

Secretary, Michelle Socha ...... 507-1975

Ministry Schedule, Tracy Paul 352-2258

CRE, Lori Gajewski .................. 257-7943



FAITH? Phone: 715-352-3011

MARRIAGE: See the Pastor at least 6

months in advance for prepara#ons.

BAPTISM: Contact Fr. Tom & 715-352-

3011 or frtomhuff@fron#er.com

ST. JOHN SCHOOL : Is the educa#on

and Chris#an forma#on of your

child(ren) in grades 4K-8 important to

you? Enroll them in St. John Catholic

School. Phone School—715-352-3000

or the rectory 715-352-3011 for info.

St. John the Bap"st and Holy Family Catholic Parishes

St. John the Baptist and Holy Family

Catholic Parishes

September 24, 2017 • 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings for the Week of September 24, 2017

Sunday: Is 55:6-9/Ps 145:2-3, 8-9, 17-18/Phil 1:20c-24, 27a/Mt 20:1-16a

Monday: Ezr 1:1-6/Ps 126:1b-6/Lk 8:16-18

Tuesday: Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20/Ps 122:1-5/Lk 8:19-21

Wednesday: Ezr 9:5-9/Tb 13:2-4befghn, 7-8/Lk 9:1-6

Thursday: Hg 1:1-8/Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b/Lk 9:7-9

Friday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:7-12a/Ps 138:1-5/Jn 1:47-51

Saturday: Zec 2:5-9, 14-15a/Jr 31:10-12ab, 13/Lk 9:43b-45

Next Sunday: Ez 18:25-28/Ps 25:4-9/Phil 2:1-11 or 2:1-5/Mt 21:28-32

If interested in volunteering in a classroom or as parent pa-

trol, please contact Lori Gajewski @ 715-257-7943.

Holy Family PCCW: There will be a mee"ng on Thursday,

October 5th beginning with lunch at 6:00pm followed by a

mee"ng. Bring a friend!

Friday 8:15am Masses: There will be no Friday morning

masses here at Holy Family un"l next Spring 2018.

SATURDAY, September 30th, 7:00PM: Server Cross: Hayley Schug

Candle bearers: Danielle Schug & Grace Schug

Min. of Word: Michelle Socha

Eurcharis!c Ministers: Michelle Socha, Barb Rauen, &

Duane Rauen

Offertory Family: Cory & Jen Mauer Family

Ushers: Eric Gajewski & Michael Miller

SUNDAY, October 1st, 11:00AM: Server Cross: James Daul

Candle bearers: Ben Kra$ & Taylor Hein

Min. of Word: Anne%e Gajewski

Eurcharis!c Ministers: Anne%e Gajewski, Lori Daul, &

Hugh Brodziski

Offertory Family: Robert & Rebecca Myszka Family

Ushers: Robert Myszka & Alexa Gajewski


If having problems using this website; go to St.

John’s Website (stjohn-edgar.org) and use the link

on the top right corner of main page.

Friday, September 29th, 8:15am: †Lawrence Miller

#Clarence Adamski

SATURDAY, September 30th, 7:00pm: †James Berres

#Mary Berres

SUNDAY, October 1st, 11:00am: For Our Parish


SANCTUARY CANDLE: Sept 23rd-Sept 29th: †Judy Miller

#From Family

SEPTEMBER Birthdays—

September 21st—Ervin Myszka

OCTOBER Birthdays—

October 8th—Charles Berg

Ministry Schedule


HOLY FAMILY — September 17th— Receipts Adults ......................................................................$1,298.00

Offertory ....................................................................$294.56

Students ......................................................................... $2.00

Sanctuary Candles ........................................................$20.00

Catholic Life ..................................................................$20.00

TOTAL ......................................................................$1,634.56

Holy Family App: Download our app today for messages, calendar, readings,

prayers, bulletins, and much more!!!

Text app to phone number 88202, or download. Any

questions regarding the app, or would like announcements

entered, contact Greg Nowicki at 715-573- 5610. Thanks, Greg for you hard work setting this up!


Holy Family News & Area Events

Mass Schedule & Intentions

2 | Download Holy Family App @ my parishapp.com

CCD News/Youth Group

Rural Life Day: On September 14th, Rural Life Day was held at Mike & Sue

Fischer’s farm in Hatley. It was a beautiful day to have a

mass in the rolling country. Three Holy Family Farms were

recognized as Century Farms. Farms who were operated by

the same family for at least 100 years. Congratulations to

the following farms for their recognition by Bishop Callahan:

Ron Meyer—139 Years

Ed & Mary Nowicki—140 Years

Pat & Michelle Socha—105 Years

God Bless Your Hardwork and Dedica"on!

September 30/October 1 CROSS BEARER:

4:00pm—Rebecca Hagen 9:00am—Kateri Hackel


4:00pm—William Hackel & Maria Hackel

9:00am—Grace Hargraves & Libby Woller


4:00pm—Grace Wirkus 9:00am—Stacy Daniels


4:00pm—Sharon Ross and Sally Bargender

9:00am—Rose Leffel and Marisa Doll


4:00pm—Ken Schara, Tom Mroczenski,

Jerry Mroczenski & John Wirkus

9:00am—Rennie Lindner, Frank Wirkus,

Elizabeth & Kelly King

Mon., Sept. 25, 8:15am †Clarence & Vangie Wilichowski


Tues., Sept. 26, 8:15am †Fr. Jerome Gerum

#Fr. Tom Huff

Wed., Sept. 27, 8:15am †Be%y Mar"n

#Kris & Duwayne Merkes

Thurs., Sept. 28, 8:15am Communion Service

Fri., Sept. 29, 8:15am Communion Service


4:00pm †Sco% Socha #Family

SUNDAY, Oct. 1, 9:00am †Keith Lemmer

#Diane Lemmer & Family ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


(1+2) 60th Wedding Anniversary of :

Rennie & Emily Lindner

Ministry Schedule


ST. JOHN — Sept. 17— Receipts Adults $4,466.50

Offertory $548.90

School Tui"on $5,373.90

Pictorial Directory $5.00

TOTAL $10,394.30

August Online Giving: Sunday Envelopes ................................................. $625.00

School Tui"on....................................................... $800.00

Service Fee ........................................................... $-29.00

Transfer Fees ........................................................ $-42.12

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sun., Oct. 1, 6:30pm—Adult Choir prac"ce. New members

ALWAYS welcome!

Wed., Oct 4, 8:15am—All School Mass.

Sun., Oct. 8—Free Blood Pressure Screening a$er 9am Mass.

Oct. 10—Pastoral Council Mtg., 7pm.

Holy Name Mtg., 7pm. NOTE TIME CHANGE!


65+ Sept. 25—Gerald Heil

Sept. 29—Joseph Borchardt, Wilfred Hall, Bernade%e Lewis

& Tom Napierala

Sept. 30—Lynn Chris"anson, Ed Heil & Myron Strasser

Oct. 1—James Gagas.


¨ Our Lady of Peace Parish Annual Fall Fes"val—Sept. 24.

Our Lady of Peace Parish, Marshfield.

¨ St. Mary’s Chicken Dinner & Country Store—Sept. 24,

11am-1pm. St. Mary’s, Marathon.

¨ John Denver Tribute—Oct. 7, 7pm, Ed. Sch. Auditorium.

¨ Dynamic Catholic presents Holiness Revolu"on with

Dan DeMa%e & Aaron Richards on Sat., Oct. 7, St.

James Catholic Church, Amherst. Dan DeMa%e

challenges men and women to live a life of radical

holiness. Tickets on sale now. $20 per person. Visit

www.Dynamicatholic.com/Amherst or call


¨ Pancake Feast & Bake Sale—Oct. 7, St. Andrew’s,


¨ St. Joseph Church Galloway Harvest Dinner—Oct. 8,

10:30am-2pm. 9am Mass with Polka Music.

¨ End of Life Issues from a Catholic Perspec"ve.

Sponsored by Catholic United Financial. Free seminar

where Fr. Tom will address ques"ons about

con"nua"on of medical treatment, Living Wills, church

teaching on “Death with Dignity”, and provide steps for

pu=ng together a valid Catholic Health Care Direc"ve

on Oct. 17, 9am at St. John’s. Speaker John Tetzloff,

Advanced Case Specialist for Catholic United Financial,

will also speak about the financial aspects of end of life

decisions., including final expenses, estate plans,

charitable giving, power of a%orney and more. Contact

local Representa"ve Vicky Giacolone for more

details @ [email protected]

or call/text 920-475-3196.

Mass Schedule & Intentions

3 | Visit Our Website: www.church.stjohnedgar.org

Upcoming events

25th Sunday Homily

In today’s Gospel we see the

Landowner, Who symbolizes God. He

hires various persons throughout the

day, and he gives them all the same

pay at the end of the day. Going off to

work symbolizes the moment when these

individuals began to cooperate with God’s grace in

their lives. The work symbolizes actually doing

God’s will. The pay at the end of the day symbolizes

eternal life, salva"on!

What we really ought to no"ce is the fact

that the Landowner began on purpose payment to

the workers who came last. One would have

thought that he would have started with those who

worked all day, to avoid the very anger and

jealously that appears in the story. Therefore, we

have to ask: What point is our Lord trying to make?

The First Reading tells us: “Seek the Lord

while He may be found, call to Him while He is s!ll

near. Let the scoundrel forsake his ways, and the

wicked man his thoughts; Let him turn to the Lord

for mercy; to our God, Who is generous in

forgiving.” See, God is always there with His arms

outstretched! He is always there wai"ng for us to

turn to Him.

But why is God so forgiving? Why is He so

pa"ent? Well He tells us: “Because my thoughts are

not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways.”

Saint Paul, who a$er figh"ng against Christ and His

disciples, did a 180 degree turnabout and was now

able to say: “Christ will be glorified in my body, for

to me life is Christ.”

And so we can chose to stand with our arms

folded and our backs to God, refusing His grace. But

as soon as we are willing to turn around, and begin

working for the Lord, even if it be only one hour, or

even one minute before we die. Our good God will

be there with His generous pay.

From the Pastors Desk. . .

CCD Calendar for September Sunday, Sept. 24—7-8:15pm, Junior Class meets in parish


Wednesday, Sept. 27—6:30-7:45pm, CCD for grades 1-10.

Reconcilia"on for Grade 10 also.

Any ques"ons or to sign up, call Nancy Hackel

@ 715-352-3011 or email @ [email protected].


Save the Date for one of the best

Baked Potato Bars in town:

With the assistance and guidance of

the original Potato Bake directors

and many dona#ons, St. John’s Youth

will hold its annual fundraiser a

Baked Potato Bar on Wednesday,

October 18 from 4:00 pm – 6:30 pm.

Items needed for the fundraiser:

*Hamburger- 50 lbs, *Ham-50 lbs,*Broccoli (chopped)-3

cases, *Red, Orange, Yellow, and Green Peppers-6 of

each, *Sweet Onions- 5 lbs, *Hot Peppers-3 lbs, Sour

Cream-8—5 lb Containers, *Shredded Cheddar-10 lb,

*Shredded Mozarella-10 lb, *Cheese Sauce-4 Large Cans,

*Salsa-2 Large Containers, *Bu"er- 6 lbs, *Fresh

Mushrooms-3 cases, *Green Olives-1 Large Jar, *Black

Olives-1 Large Can, *Cases of Water-3-4 caes, Root beer-3-

12 packs of regular and 1-12 pack of diet.

We are also looking for 10 Good Spuds. 10 Good Spuds

would donate $100.00 each to help make the fundraiser

a huge success.

If you would like to donate items or a monetary dona#on

call Nancy at 715-352-3011. St. John’s Youth provides

youth the opportunity to a"end camps, conferences, and

retreats at a very low cost. The Youth Group is also

commi"ed to evangelizing within the parish by suppor#ng

FORMED.org and the Parish Picnic. Thank you for your

past generosity as well as your future support.


Annual Diocesan Gospel of Life Celebra"on:

“What If We’ve Been Wrong?” The untold story of

America’s ‘abor#on king’ and one woman’s mission to

share his dying wish. Learn what Dr. Bernard Nathanson

told Terry Beatley as he lay stricken with cancer; how he

gave her a pro-life mission she will never forget. You will

not want to miss this presenta"on on Thursday, October

12, 2017 at St. Mary’s Parish, Marathon. Mass with

Bishop Callahan at 6:00 pm, Followed by Terry Beatley’s

presenta"on and book signing at 7:00 pm.


4 | St. John the Bap#st and Holy Family Catholic Parishes

St. John the Bap"st Catholic School

ww.stjohn-edgar.org - 715-352-3000

Are you or someone you know looking for a volunteer

opportunity? We would love an extra set - or two - of hands

helping Elementary students in the cafeteria while they eat

Lunch. Volunteer(s) can commit to one or mul#ple days a week,

Monday - Friday, from approximately 11:15 to 12:15 when

School is in session.

Volunteer(s) would:

· help students prepare lunch trays

· help students scrape off their trays when excused

· assist in maintaining low noise and ac#vity levels while

students are ea#ng.

If you have any ques#ons, please contact Marie Stubbe (School

Secretary) for further informa#on. 715-352-3000.


Gree#ngs from Ms. Stubbe-New School Secretary

Welcome to the 2017-2018 School Year! My name is Marie and

I am the new school Secretary at St. John’s School I’d like to

start by thanking Principal Gulan and Fr. Huff for this

opportunity and also need to extend a big thank you to all of the

Parish Staff, School Staff, parents, and volunteers who have all

helped answer the many ques#ons I have had as I learn my new


A Wausau na#ve, I grew up in the Newman Catholic and Wausau

School Districts, graduated with my Bachelor’s in Management

from UW Eau Claire in 2011.

My late maternal grandmother worked as the Secretary at St.

Ma"hew Middle School in Wausau. Watching her do what she

did, I wanted to have a job just like her’s one day. Now I have

been given the chance to do what I’ve always dreamed of. I’m

very grateful for this role and for the prayers from family,

friends, and parishioners suppor#ng me along the way.

Thank you all for your welcome. ~Marie


SEROGY CANDY BARS Will be on sale a$er weekend Masses

in the Gathering Space for $1.50 /bar.

School News

CIRCLE OF JOY is in need of dry goods such as:



There are s"ll plenty of

canned vegetables and Mac & Cheese!

Thank you for any and all dona"ons

but please no out dated (expired) food.

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