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St. Lucy Parish eNews€¦ · preparación para el matrimonio para la communidad, además de los...

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St. Lucy Parish eNews A Note from our Pastor Father Mark Arnzen "By praying the rosary, we express our gratitude to Jesus and Mary by "calling to mind" the tremendous sacrificial love that they have for us. This act moves the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary to pour out countless graces upon us. Expressions of love from us are reciprocated by gifts of love from heaven." (p 16-17 "How to Pray the Rosary" by FR. Donald Calloway, MIC) This week I will be traveling home to Idaho for a short visit to celebrate the funeral of my Uncle Shorty, who was my father's youngest brother, and my Aunt Anne, the wife of my mom's brother Henry. While it may be a sad occasion it is also a gift of love from heaven to be able to be with family and friends in remembering both my Uncle and Aunt. After my brother called early in the morning to tell me that my Uncle Shorty was not expected to live through the day, I almost immediately began to pray the rosary for the repose and protection of his soul and the peace for his family. For me, it is the natural beginning of a conversation as Fr. Calloway notes, in the above quote, we begin "calling to mind" the blessings shared and given. Full Pastoral notes Notas pastorales completas facebook.com/mark.arnzen.7 frmarkcarnzen.com Sunday Reading Preview: September 17, 2017 Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Gospel Matthew 18:21-35 Peter approached Jesus and asked him, "Lord, if my brother sins against me, how often must I forgive? As many as seven times?" Jesus answered, "I say to you, not seven times but seventy-seven times. In This Issue Pastor's Note Sunday Scriptures Hospitality Sunday Seekers Retreat Catechetical Sunday Fiesta Latina Catholic Marriage Prep Life Teen Kick-Off Patrick Coffin in Bay Area Taquiza Fundraiser Fun Fest
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St. Lucy Parish eNews

A Note from our PastorFather Mark Arnzen

"By praying the rosary, we express our gratitude to Jesus and Mary by "calling tomind" the tremendous sacrificial love that they have for us. This act moves theSacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary to pour out countless gracesupon us. Expressions of love from us are reciprocated by gifts of love from heaven." (p 16-17 "How to Pray the Rosary" by FR. Donald Calloway, MIC)This week I will be traveling home to Idaho for a short visit to celebrate the funeral of my Uncle Shorty, whowas my father's youngest brother, and my Aunt Anne, the wife of my mom's brother Henry. While it may be asad occasion it is also a gift of love from heaven to be able to be with family and friends in remembering bothmy Uncle and Aunt.After my brother called early in the morning to tell me that my Uncle Shorty was not expected to live throughthe day, I almost immediately began to pray the rosary for the repose and protection of his soul and the peacefor his family. For me, it is the natural beginning of a conversation as Fr. Calloway notes, in the above quote,we begin "calling to mind" the blessings shared and given.Full Pastoral notes Notas pastorales completas

facebook.com/mark.arnzen.7 frmarkcarnzen.com

Sunday Reading Preview:September 17, 2017Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Gospel Matthew 18:21-35Peter approached Jesus and asked him,"Lord, if my brother sins against me,how often must I forgive?As many as seven times?" Jesus answered, "I say to you, not seven times butseventy-seven times.

In This Issue

Pastor's Note

Sunday Scriptures

Hospitality Sunday

Seekers Retreat

Catechetical Sunday

Fiesta Latina

Catholic Marriage Prep

Life Teen Kick-Off

Patrick Coffin in Bay Area

Taquiza Fundraiser

Fun Fest

Page 2: St. Lucy Parish eNews€¦ · preparación para el matrimonio para la communidad, además de los increíbles fines de semana del Encuentro para los comprometidos. Si planea casarse

Read Sunday's and Daily Scriptures

Lee las Lecturas diarias y del proximo Domingo

Catholic Life, Parish Activites & Events

Hospitality SundaySeptember 17

Join us this after massthis Sunday for Coffee,Community and Donutsin the PAC.

Domingo deHospitalidadÚnase a nosotros despuésde la misa de 1pm estedomingo para café,comunidad y pan dulce en el PAC.

Seekers Retreat9/30 Adult Seminar & Retreat

Fun Fest

Fridays Bilingual Confessions 7-10 pm

Saturdays Bilingual Confessions 3:30-5pm

Sept 17 Hospitality Sunday

Sept 24 Taquiza Fundraiser

Sept 30 Seekers Retreat

Oct 6,7,8 School Fun Fest

Oct 21 Ministry Mingle

Parish Bulletin

Sunday Homily Recordings

St. Lucy School Website

Fiesta LatinaSaturday September 23

Catholic Marriage PreparationFor Engaged Couples

Saint Lucy has marriage preparation optionsfor you in addition to the amazing EngagedEncounter weekends.

Page 3: St. Lucy Parish eNews€¦ · preparación para el matrimonio para la communidad, además de los increíbles fines de semana del Encuentro para los comprometidos. Si planea casarse

Email Andrew

Catechetical SundaySunday September 17

"LIVING AS MISSIONARY DISCIPLES" The Church through the United States celebrates the CatecheticalSunday today, September 17, 2017. This year the theme of theCatechetical Sunday is "Living as Missionary Disciples" Thosewho the Community has designated to serve as catechists andteachers of religious education were called forth at the 9 AM and

1 PM Masses to be commissioned for their ministry. CatecheticalSunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that eachperson plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith andbeing a witness to the Gospel. Catechetical Sunday is anopportunity for all to rededicate themselves to this mission as acommunity of faith.

If you're planning on getting married in thecoming months please call the office toregister or email Andrew at [email protected].

La parroquia de Santa Lucia tiene opciones depreparación para el matrimonio para lacommunidad, además de los increíbles fines desemana del Encuentro para loscomprometidos. Si planea casarse en lospróximos meses, llame a la oficina pararegistrarse o envíe un correo electrónico aAndrew en [email protected].

Life Teen Kick-Off 2017September 24th 4pm-6pm

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"VIVIENDO COMO DISCIPULOS MISIONEROS" La Iglesia en los Estados Unidos celebra el Domingo Catequéticohoy 17 de septiembre de 2017. Este año el tema del DomingoCatequético es "Viviendo Como Discípulos Misioneros". Aquellosa quienes la comunidad ha designado para servir comocatequistas y maestros de educación religiosa fueron llamadosdurante las misas de 9 AM y 1 PM, para recibir la comisión de suministerio. El Domingo Catequético es una maravillosaoportunidad para reflexionar sobre el papel que cada personadesempeña, en virtud del Bautismo, en transmitir la fe y en dartestimonio del Evangelio. El Domingo Catequético es unaoportunidad para que todos reiteren su compromiso con estamisión como comunidad de fe.

Filipino & Friends of St. Lucy Casino Bus Trip Fundraiser Saturday, October 28, 2017

Departure & ArrivalSt. Lucy Parking @ 6:00am Table Mountain Casino @ 9:00am Table Mountain @ 1:00pm Tachi Palace Casino @ 2:15pm Tachi Palace Casino @ 6:15pm St. Lucy Parking @ 9:00pm Cost: $35 Per Passenger ($35 Food and Play Refund) First ComeFirst Serve For Tickets and for more information, please contact thefollowing: Ana Mampusti 408 655- [email protected], Gregorio Laurel IV 408 888-5872 [email protected] Titus Raceles 408 835-0855 [email protected]

Sábado 28 de octubre de 2017

Salida y Llegada al Estacionamiento de St. Lucy @ 6:00 am Mesa Mountain Casino @ 9:00 am Mesa Mountain @ 1:00 pm Casino Tachi Palace @ 2:15 pm Casino Tachi Palace @ 6:15 pm Estacionamiento de Santa Lucía @ 9:00 pmCosto: $ 35 por pasajero (reembolso de alimentos y juegos de $35) First Come First Serve

Patrick Coffin in the Bay AreaMonday October 23

PATRICK COFFIN COMING TO LOSALTOS! Monday, October 23, 2017. Reception6pm - 6:45pm Event: 7pm St. William Church, Los AltosTickets- $14.95 (early discounted price) Register online atwww.patrickcoffin.net/recharge-stwilliam Or email Lidia [email protected] for tickets

Catholic Charities 9th Annual 'RollAgainst Poverty' Bocce Tournament September 28

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Para boletos y para obtener más información, por favorcomuníquese con: Ana Mampusti 408 655- [email protected], Gregorio Laurel IV 408 [email protected] Raceles 408 835-0855 [email protected]

Join the Parish Challenge!!!

St. Simon Parish challenges YOU to a friendlybocce tournament! Enjoy great food and greatfellowship, all while helping alleviate, prevent,and reduce poverty in Santa Clara County.Only 8 teams are remaining for this fun night.Sponsorships include a 4-member team plusguests.

Thursday, September 28, 2017 Campo di Bocce - Los GatosCatholic Charities 9th Annual 'Roll AgainstPoverty' Bocce Tournament www.catholiccharitiesbocce.com Myra Kaelin,Fundraising Events Manager 408-325-5250

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Taquiza FundraiserSeptember 24

Did you know that St. Lucy has nearly 100 volunteerCatechists? These volunteers need training andformation as they better areformed the better our chil- dren, teens and adultswill be.The Religious Education Con-gress offers more than 200 speakers presentingover 300 workshops for catechists and other min-isters.In order to offset major costs for the catechists and

ministers to attend the Los Angeles Reli- giousEducation Congress we are selling deli- cious TACOSafter the Masses next Sunday starting with the 11AM Mass. Support our Cate- chists formation andbuy some delicious tacos for the whole family!

¿Usted sabia que Santa Lucia tiene casi 100 voluntariosCatequistas? Estos voluntarios necesitan entrena- mientoy formacio n, ya que lo mejor que estan formados lomejor que nuestros nin os, adolescentes y adultos seran.El Congreso de Educacio n Religiosa ofrece mas de 200oradores que presentan mas de 300 talleres paracatequistas y otros ministerios.Con el fin de compensar los costos para que loscatequistas y ministros asistan al Congreso de Educacio nReligiosa de los A ngeles estamos vendiendo deliciosostacos despues de las misas el domingo pro ximo a partirde la Misa de la 11 am. ¡Apoya la formacio n de loscatequistas y disfruta de deliciosos tacos para toda lafamilia!

Fun Fest is Around the CornerOctober 6,7,8

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Monastic Immersion Weekend

Retreat for Catholic young men ages 18-35 The monks at the Abbey of New Clairvaux, a TrappistMonastery in Vina, just north of Chico in NorthernCalifornia, are having a special retreat for Catholic youngmen ages 18-35 September 29 - October 1st. The cost isfree, and those who attend will have an opportunity tomeet, share, and pray with the monks and others on thisretreat.

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Many of these monks are quite young, and share a joy-filled life of prayer and work, including growing grapesand making award winning wine.

For further information or to register, please goto www.newclairvaux.org or contact Brother Christopherat 530-839-2161

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