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St. Mark's News June and July 2012

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Episcopal Church monthly newsletter
June and July 2012 St. Mark’s News Volume 15/Issue 6 Page 1 From the Rector On Sunday, May 27, we celebrated the Feast of Pentecost. We remembered that day recounted in the Acts of the Apostles when “suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind” that filled the house where the disciples were gathered. “Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.” (Acts 2:2-4) It was on that day of Pentecost that the church was born. On that day 3,000 people were baptized, and they “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” (Acts 2:41,42) Our own celebration of the feast was significantly more reserved. No one was thought to be inebriated at 9:00 a.m. No one was heard to be speaking in a language other than his/her own. The only flames of fire were those on our torches and candles. But, as was the case on that first feast of Pentecost there were baptisms and the Holy Spirit was present with us in our worship. I like what Barbara Brown Taylor has to say about our worship and the Holy Spirit: “What happens between us when we come together to worship God is that the Holy Spirit swoops in and out among us, knitting us together through the songs we sing, the prayers we pray, the breaths we breathe. It can happen with two people and it can happen with two thousand people. It can scare us or comfort us, confuse us or clarify things for us, but as far as I can tell the Holy Sprit never bullies us. We are always free to choose whether or how we will respond.” (Home by Another Way p. 142) During this season after Pentecost in which we find ourselves, Taylor poses the question that is always the one we need to ask: “Do we still believe in a God who acts like that. Do we still believe in a God who blows through closed doors and sets our heads on fire? Do we still believe in a God with power to transform us, both as individuals and as a people, or have we come to an unspoken agreement that our God is pretty old and tired by now, someone to whom we may address our prayer requests but not anyone we really expect to change our lives?” She makes some suggestions that I intend to pay attention to during this season after Pentecost. Her first suggestion is that we pray, “Come, Holy Spirit” every chance we get. She suggests that we pay attention and learn to recognize the Spirit when that prayer is answered. The Holy Spirit blowing through our lives In This Issue From the Rector.....................................1 Vestry Highlights....................................2 Thank you Susie/Welcome Travis .........3 Outreach................................................4 Parish Life..............................................4 Music Notes ...........................................5 Christian Formation ...............................6 Parishioner Highlights............................7 Caffeine Ministry ....................................8 Celebrations ..........................................8 June ROTA ........................................... 10 July ROTA ............................................ 11 The Calendar can be found on our web site: http://stmarksaustin.org/communications/cale ndar/
Page 1: St. Mark's News June and July 2012

June and July 2012

St. Mark’s News Volume 15/Issue 6

Page 1

From the Rector

On Sunday, May 27, we celebrated the Feast of Pentecost. We remembered that day recounted in the Acts

of the Apostles when “suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind” that

filled the house where the disciples were gathered. “Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them,

and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in

other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.” (Acts 2:2-4) It was on that day of Pentecost that the

church was born. On that day 3,000 people were baptized, and they “devoted themselves to the apostles’

teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” (Acts 2:41,42) Our own celebration of

the feast was significantly more reserved. No one was thought to be inebriated at 9:00 a.m. No one was

heard to be speaking in a language other than his/her own. The only flames of fire were those on our

torches and candles. But, as was the case on that first feast of Pentecost there were baptisms and the Holy

Spirit was present with us in our worship.

I like what Barbara Brown Taylor has to say about our

worship and the Holy Spirit: “What happens between us

when we come together to worship God is that the Holy

Spirit swoops in and out among us, knitting us together

through the songs we sing, the prayers we pray, the breaths

we breathe. It can happen with two people and it can

happen with two thousand people. It can scare us or

comfort us, confuse us or clarify things for us, but as far as

I can tell the Holy Sprit never bullies us. We are always

free to choose whether or how we will respond.” (Home by

Another Way p. 142)

During this season after Pentecost in which we find

ourselves, Taylor poses the question that is always the one

we need to ask: “Do we still believe in a God who acts like

that. Do we still believe in a God who blows through

closed doors and sets our heads on fire? Do we still believe in a God with power to transform us, both as

individuals and as a people, or have we come to an unspoken agreement that our God is pretty old and

tired by now, someone to whom we may address our prayer requests but not anyone we really expect to

change our lives?”

She makes some suggestions that I intend to pay attention to during this season after Pentecost. Her first

suggestion is that we pray, “Come, Holy Spirit” every chance we get. She suggests that we pay attention

and learn to recognize the Spirit when that prayer is answered. The Holy Spirit blowing through our lives

In This Issue

From the Rector .....................................1

Vestry Highlights ....................................2

Thank you Susie/Welcome Travis .........3

Outreach ................................................4

Parish Life..............................................4

Music Notes ...........................................5

Christian Formation ...............................6

Parishioner Highlights ............................7

Caffeine Ministry ....................................8

Celebrations ..........................................8

June ROTA ........................................... 10

July ROTA ............................................ 11

The Calendar can be found on our web site:



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June and July 2012

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might bring a renewed sense of hope and new beginnings. The Holy Spirit blowing through our lives might

bring healing and reconciliation in our relationships. The Holy Spirit blowing through our lives will bring

transformation, even in its most subtle and quiet forms. The Holy Spirit blowing through our lives might fill

us with peace, or it might empower us in new and unexpected ways. The Holy Spirit might be a rushing wind

or a still small voice.

During this season after Pentecost, “May the peace of God which passes all understanding keep your hearts

and minds in the power of the Holy Spirit.”


Vestry Highlights

The St. Mark’s Vestry met on Tuesday, May 15, 2012. Highlights of the meeting:

The Men’s scholarship golf tournament on May 12, 2012, was a great success: 68 golfers, a good number

of hole sponsorships, and a record net income of approximately $4,300.

Because of this annual event we are able to award graduating seniors who have been involved in the

mission and ministry of the parish scholarship money. On May 20 we will give 6 scholarships and we will

acknowledge a total of 15 high school graduates.

Elizabeth+ outlined for the vestry what Bishop Doyle has presented as his plan with respect to the

blessings of same-sex covenants. The entire 120 page document, Unity in Mission, can be found on the

Diocesan website.

Elizabeth+, Susie+, and Pattie Rose attended the Bishop Suffragan Walkabout at Camp Allen on May 12,

2012. The election will be at the Cathedral in Houston on Saturday, June 2. The two candidates are the

Rev. Beth Fain and the Rev. Jeff Fisher.

Bill Kibler and Mary-Alis Kelly built beautiful liturgical furniture for Godly Play (baptismal font, altar,

pulpit, lectern, bookcase, storage case). Elizabeth+ is thrilled that Bill is going to build a new baptismal

font for the church.

Our income is above the budgeted amount to date (we are currently at 108.38% overall).

Work continues on the installation of the monitored fire alarm system.

Ross Ramsey gave a Building Committee update: we cannot add to our current footprint and will have to

enlarge program space by building a two-story structure. We are about to sign a contractual agreement

with the architect, Robert Jackson (who has been giving most generously of his time and vision to date!).

Two actions were taken regarding the Day School: the Vestry voted to (1) approve the revised

Constitution that expands the number of Board members from 6 to 10 and (2) approve the four new Board

members (John Minne, Tara Pitt, Terra Lynch, and Sarah Tower). Elizabeth+ also reported that enrollment

for 2012-2013 is down, with 19 spots available (primarily in pre-K).











June 3 – August 26

8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite I

9:00 a.m. Bible Study in Bennett Wing classroom (TBD)

10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II, in Grace Chapel

There were six applicants for the St. Mark's Men's Golf Tournament scholarships. On May 20, scholarships were awarded to Alex Aboussie, Max Azarmehr, Blake Cooper, Paul Corbae, Casey Edgerton and Dillon Johns. Congratulations and thanks to all of you who support the annual golf tournament.

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Thank you Susie Comer!

It has been a gift to work with Susie+ as our Curate

this past year. We were the Comers’ church home

before Susie+ was ordained in June of 2010. Her

first year of her curacy was spent at St. James’ in

Austin, and then last summer we had the gift of her

return. She has truly been a colleague in ministry and

has brought her gifts of preaching, teaching, wisdom,

and generous spirit to us. We are all going to miss

her. Plan on being with us on June 24 for her last

Sunday. Following the 10:00 service we will have a

reception to thank her for her ministry with us.

Welcome Travis Smith!

On Sunday, July 1, we will welcome our new Curate, Travis Smith, and his family to St. Mark’s. Travis

was ordained deacon at the Cathedral on Saturday, June 16. Travis and his wife Suzanne have two-year-

old Luke and another on the way shortly after Travis begins his ministry with us. Below you can read a

bit more about Travis and Suzanne and about how they found their way to the Episcopal Church. They

are excited about being placed at St. Mark’s, and I know they will receive from us a warm and

enthusiastic welcome!

Dear St. Mark’s family,

I am writing to thank you for a grace-filled year as your

curate. I am so happy to have spent my second year

of my training with this wonderful parish, where I was

confirmed as an Episcopalian, and where my children

were baptized. I have been embraced by you in a

year that has included much change and growth for

me, and I am grateful or each of you. Thank you for

letting me teach and minister to you. I am humbled by

your care and support for me and my family.

Yours in Christ,


The Rev. Susie Comer

Assistant Rector

Dear St. Mark’s,

I want to begin by saying how honored we are to have been placed in the St. Mark’s community. My wife, Suzanne,

and I cannot wait to meet you and are delighted God has gifted us in this way.

Suzanne and I grew up Baptist, both of us, even graduating seminary from Baylor University in 2002. I was born in

Bryan (Aggie by birth), grew up in Houston until my early teens and in Phoenix, Arizona, during my later teens and

college years. I attended college at a small Baptist school, Grand Canyon University, which remains largely unknown

even to locals. I enjoyed it tremendously though. When I graduated, I was not finished.

With a degree in Bible and a girlfriend at TCU, I traveled east to the beautiful metropolis of Waco, Texas, to attend

Truett Theological Seminary, which was a fairly young school at the time. There I was challenged far beyond my

expectations and first introduced to a deeper spiritual life than I previously knew. Soon after moving to Texas, my

girlfriend and I parted ways and I met the woman of my dreams and future bride, Suzanne. She, too, was studying to

be ordained by God.

During seminary, Suzanne accepted her call to be ordained while I relented. Upon graduation from Truett Seminary, I

still had no desire to be ordained as a Baptist minister. I knew it was not for me. It took some time, but when our friend

invited us to the small, unassuming Episcopal Church in Mexia, Texas, we went because we were being nice. That first

step into the door was among the most profound moments I have had. I felt like I was home. I knew, instantly, that I

was going to be a priest (having no idea what that meant). Getting in the car to drive home, I mustered up the courage

to share my “priest” feelings with Suzanne, and she simply said, “I know.”

Seven challenging years later, I find myself at the start of living into my call as an Episcopal priest. I enjoyed my time

immensely as a student at Seminary of the Southwest and it has helped prepare me for my time at St Mark’s. Suzanne

and I are delighted to have been brought to St. Mark’s, and we see it as another great gift. God has blessed us with

marriage; a beautiful son, Luke; and another son who will be born around July 9. They are the best thing about me for

sure. We look forward to learning, growing, and sharing life with our new church home over the next few years.

- Travis

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St. Mark's donated 471

pounds of food to the

Caritas Food Drive in

May. Thanks to all who


Support the Day School—Eat at Pluckers!

Pluckers on South Lamar will donate a portion of the profits to St. Mark's Day School on Monday, June 4th and Monday, July 2nd.

You simply have to dine in at Pluckers on South Lamar on any of those days and mention St. Mark's Day School to your server . . .

it's that easy! Thanks for your support!

Outreach Let’s help KEEP CENTRAL TEXAS COOL. St. Mark’s will be participating in the Family

Eldercare Fan Drive during July, by donating either Fans or Funds: Fans: New fans; 20’’ box

fans or 12” and above oscillating fans. Funds: A donation of $30 will provide 2 fans to an

individual or family in need. Donated fans and funds are given to low-income elderly,

families with children, and frail neighbors who need our help to beat the summer’s heat. Bring

your fans and funds (payable to Family Eldercare) to the church.

Parish Life

Save the Date and Save your Stuff!

St. Mark’s Yard Sale is Saturday, September 22

And if you can’t hold on to your donations until September, call Jill Collins (695-4265)

who will make arrangements to pick up items and store them until the sale. This year

we will not be selling adult clothes. All electronics must be in good working order, and

we ask that you donate only CLEAN kitchen items and appliances.

“The King James Bible: Its History

and Influence”

University of Texas

Harry Ransom Center

Saturday, June 16, at 3:00 p.m.

Join a group of St. Mark’s parishioners for a Docent-led tour of the Ransom Center exhibit on the King James Bible. Watch for more information!

St. Mark’s Theater Outing

Patience, by Gilbert and Sullivan

Saturday evening, June 16

Twenty seats have been reserved for St. Mark’s parishioners (and family and friends) for Gilbert and Sullivan’s Patience. It is a Long Center production, playing at The Brentwood Christian School on North Lamar. Tickets are $18; when reserved using our group code:

“SMKS.” Reservations may either be made on-line (Long Center ticketing service) or by phone (512-474-5664).

From the Garden . . .

The rains of May have been a real blessing. As the church greens up, it also grows and grows. We shall hope that the summer months bring us the occasional shower and the cooler temperatures that usually accompany a mild winter as we had this year. Ideas are always welcome and we welcome participation. Many thanks to our green thumbs who continue to beautify our grounds.

As Emerson said, “The earth laughs in flowers.”

Diane Brewer, coordinator

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Women Of St. Mark's

THANK YOU! Grateful and generous hearts are the reason the United Thank Offering is able to continue to

award grants which are gifts of love, and which change lives. Thank you for giving to this ministry. The

United Thank Offering is a spiritual and financial partner in the mission work of The Episcopal Church.

Thank you for helping others.

Ladies of St. Mark's you are the Best! The best bakers in town! The silent auction was a big hit & we owe it

to all to you & your fantastic recipes! A special thanks for all of you who volunteered at the Chicken BBQ and

Parish Picnic—way to go!

Potluck & Bunco is back on the calendar for June 25 & July 23. Please note the time change: setup will

begin at 6:00 p.m. and dinner starts at 6:30 sharp. On July 23 we will have a Chick Flick Night in the Parish

Hall...Come join us for potluck dinner followed by the showing of "Return to Me" on DVD. Let's play Bunco!

First Friday Book Group

The First Friday Book Group meets on the first Friday of each month at 11:00 a.m. in the Bennett Wing

classroom. Everyone is welcome to join us. Here is what we will be reading and discussing through the end of

the year.

June 1 Tinkers Paul Harding Oct. 5 The Sense of an Ending Julian Barnes

July 6 Caleb’s Crossing Geraldine Brooks Nov. 2 Border Songs Jim Lynch

Aug. 3 The Buddha in the Attic Julie Otsuka Dec. 7 Unbroken Laura Hillenbrand

Sept. 7 The Samurai’s Garden Gail Tsukimaya

Music Notes – Help Mark Choose the Summer Hymns!

Somehow, incredibly, summer is here already! Where did Lent and Easter go? Sometimes I feel like we should

still be in the Epiphany season. They say that time flies when you’re having fun, and I guess that explains how

this spring went by so quickly. Thanks to the St. Mark’s Choristers and to the Adult Choir for their hard work

this year. We made lots of wonderful music together and definitely had a good time. The choirs take a brief

break during the summer months, but we’ll enjoy hearing from different soloists in worship each week.

This summer I’d like the congregation’s help choosing some of our hymns. Take some time over the coming

weeks to flip through the hymnal and jot down a few of your favorites. Email them to me at

[email protected]. You can also write them down and hand-deliver or mail them to the church office. I

will try to use as many of them as I can in worship this summer. (Of course, I can’t promise to include them

all. It would be hard to work in unseasonable hymns like Christmas carols or completely new/unfamiliar songs

during the summer.) I hope to include at least one selection from every list that gets sent to me, and I’ll also

hold onto the lists for reference in the year to come.

Thanks again to all who participated in the Music Ministry this year. I hope to hear you singing hymns with

the congregation throughout the summer, and I look forward to singing together as a choir again in the fall.

Best wishes,


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Christian Formation

For Children and Youth (by Cathy Nelson, Director of Religious Education)

We will begin our summer programming this month and kick it off with the Heifer Living Gift Market

on Sunday, June 3, after the 10:00 a.m. service. Parishioners have signed up to provide food,

decorations and to staff each animal table. The tables, a petting zoo, and food and fellowship make this a

wonderful family-oriented event and an easy way to highlight Heifer and its mission in the world. Thank

you all for taking part in it! Mark your calendars and plan to attend! For more information about Heifer,

please go to www.heifer.org

St. Mark’s Vacation Bible School, Easter People from PowerXpress, will be held on June 4 to 8. At this

time, we welcome church members and others to St. Mark’s to learn about God through Games, Science,

Storytelling, Cooking, Art and Music Workshops. The volunteers and other leaders work very hard as

they prepare for the program and lead the workshops, and I would like to thank them all! You are much


Danielle Adkins

Mayra Alvarez

Cynthia Archer

Heather Bundschuh

Susie Comer

Megan Frederick

Shawna Gallardo


Becky Janes

Bradley Johnson

Olga MacPherson

John Minne

Henry Olivas

Connie Orta

Becky Poynot

Sybi Ward

Ruby Willmann

Our Great Teen Helpers!

St. Mark’s invites all of these volunteers along with the many other volunteers who help all year long to

join us for the Volunteer Appreciation Party on Sunday, June 24, from 4 to 6 p.m.! You will receive

an Evite with details. Thank you again!

Summer Church School classes will be held at 10:00 a.m. on June 10, 17 and 24. We’ll hear Godly Play

stories and work on art projects while parents attend a Bible study in the Bennett Wing Chapel. Children

of all ages are invited to join in on the summer fun! We will continue to have Chapel at 10:00 a.m. for

children ages 4 to 6, every Sunday through the summer.

Summer is a great time to visit with other parishioners in the

Parish Hall after church while children play on the playground,

or join in one of the great Families with Young Children events!

Although the fall seems a long time away, please be thinking

about how you might like to help with our children’s programs

next year. We will continue to offer Godly Play classes for Pre-

K and Kindergarten and for 1st and 2

nd graders, and classes for

our 3rd

, 4th and 5

th graders, Middle School and High School


See you in church!

Many thanks to artisan Bill Kibler and his assistant

Mary-Alis Kelly for hand-crafting furniture for our Godly

Play classes!

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Parishioner Highlights

As I looked around at St. Mark’s at all the fantastic people who play a part in making our church so uniquely

wonderful, I realized that there are many people I have not yet had the opportunity to meet. After talking with

Mother Elizabeth and the vestry, we decided to highlight different parishioners each month in the newsletter. I

hope you enjoy reading these “Highlights,” and “yes”--your turn is coming!

Beth Chenoweth, Sr. Warden

Frank Severn Jr. and Jean Severn

History with St. Mark’s and Involvement. Jean and

Frank are founding members of St. Mark’s, having

been with the church since

1959. They say “We are

thankful and privileged to

be a part of St. Mark’s.”

Frank has served as Jr.

Warden, treasurer, vestry

member, and choir

member. At present he is

serving as usher, greeter,

and depositor. Wood for the annual chicken BBQ

came from their ranch near Wimberley for many

years. Early in St. Mark’s history, Frank’s western

six-piece band played at a St. Mark’s dance with all

proceeds going to “keep St. Mark’s doors open.”

Jean served on the Altar Guild for 30 years with 5 of

those years as the Director. She was a choir member

for 14 years and served as President, Vice President,

and Secretary of the Women’s Group. She also

served as chairman and worker at the annual BBQ

when it was a fund raiser. Jean became a member of

the Daughters of the King in 1976 and has served as

President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer.

She has been a member of the Finance Committee

since 1998. Currently she is an usher and greeter,

and, as she states, she was privileged to be on the

Discernment Committee for Robert Pace.

Family History. Frank and Jean met, fell in love, and

married while attending Southwestern University.

They graduated together in 1951.

They have two sons, Frank III (Cedar Park, Texas)

and Steve (West Lake Village, California), and a

daughter, Joan Vanice (Austin). Their grandchildren

are Kaley and Chris (California) and Jeffrey and

Preston (Cedar Park) Severn. Jean and Frank

recently traveled to California to hear their grandson

Chris deliver the commencement speech at his

graduation from Berkley’s School of Business. They

had also traveled to Murfreesboro, Tennessee, for

Jeffrey’s graduation from Middle Tennessee

University in Sound Engineering.

Their dogs, Pixie (a Chihuahua) and Red (a

Visla/Hungarian hunting dog), both lived more than16

years. Jean speaks fondly of her walks with Red and

recalls that after he became deaf, their neighbors

would drive slower when meeting him on the road.

Occupations (current &/or former). Frank was

owner of the Austin/Luling branch of Petro-Chemical

Transport for over 30 years, later retiring from Citgo

Petroleum. Jean was a student, wife, teacher and

mother to her three children. Jean taught English

Literature to freshman and sophomores at

Southwestern University and then taught English at

Georgetown High School.

Neighborhood. They lived in Barton Hills on Oak

Park when St. Mark’s was founded in 1959. They

later moved to Sunset Valley and presently have

resided in West Lake Hills for 35 years. They enjoy

the rural feel of their current home and seeing deer,

birds, and once even a family of red foxes in their

back yard.

Hobbies/Interests. Frank has enjoyed boating,

hunting, fishing and golf. He raised horses and cattle

on the Star S Ranch in Wimberley for over 30 years.

Frank’s six-piece band (mentioned above) played 4

nights a week early in their marriage.

Jean enjoys traveling, reading, bridge, hunting and

ranching. Feeding the deer and turkey at their

acreage in Driftwood is also a favorite pastime.

Grandchildren are a focus in their life. In recent years

they have taken many trips with St. Mark’s friends to

places such as England, Ireland, Italy, Greece,

Scotland, Monaco, Costa Rica, and New York. These

trips are among their fondest memories.

They are faithful attendees at St. Mark’s services on

Sundays and Wednesdays. Interests also include

dining with friends, and helping at St. Mark’s

whenever they can.

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June Vestry Contact: Dan Bogard

July Vestry Contact: Danielle Adkins

August Vestry Contact: Al McKinney

3 Andrew and Becky Poynot 1 Jonea Raney and Jill Collins 5 Robin Bridgewater and Lee Wagner

10 Margaret Schlankey and Bo Overstreet

8 Matt and Shannon Schultz 12 Matt Lamon and Cynthia Harris

17 Ross Ramsey and Becky Brownlee

15 Shirley and Lloyd Schwartz 19 Lee and Lindy Siegismund

24 David and Susan Randle 22 David and Barbara Sharpe 26 Jim and Amelia Sondgeroth

24 Melissa and Chris Blanding

Arrive 15 minutes before 10 a.m. service make lemonade, set out cookies, etc. After service, clean-up coffee urns, etc. If you are unable to make your time, contact someone on the list above to arrange a trade or contact the designated Vestry Member.

June and July Anniversaries

June Shannon & Joe Eaton 06/19

Sarah & Jaylon Loyd 06/01 Elizabeth & John Minne 06/19

Dolores & Jack Minor 06/01 Tish & Christopher Elliott 06/21

Kristen & Kemble White IV 06/01 Christianne & Bradley Castleberry 06/23

Lori & Keith Kreitner 06/03 Nancy & Bill Kibler 06/29

Dorothy & Jim Ramsey 06/04 Kimberly Horne & John Works 06/30

Ellie & Max Reshetnikov 06/05 July

Cheryl & Roy Smithers 06/06 Roberta & George Pazdral 07/02

Becky & Andrew Poynot 06/07 Diane & Charles Brewer 07/03

Katy & Mark Livingston 06/08 Barbara & James Keahey 07/04

Ashley & Travis Phillips 06/09 Becky & Rich Janes 07/09

Judith & Jon Dullnig 06/10 Maria & Scott Lubeck 07/09

Karen Milton & Michael Meigs 06/11 Kathy & Bo Overstreet 07/10

Anna Bryan-Borja & Robert Borja 06/14 Mary & Timothy Irvine 07/12

Betty & Ronnie Lee 06/15 Pam & David Johns 07/14

Sarah & Andy Price 06/15 Kim & Wade Buckner 07/16

Susan & Clarence Bonnen 06/18 Ann & L.A. Williams 07/16

Kate & Jon Nogarede 06/18 Kelly & Christopher Lowder 07/17

Anne & Tom Wood 06/18 Kate & Tom Hourin 07/27

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June Birthdays

Ethan Hall 06/01 Cathy Nelson 06/10 Thomas Pollard 06/17

Bryant Johnson 06/01 Jennifer Shaw 06/10 Calla Pitt 06/18

Bradley Johnson 06/01 Leah Berndt 06/11 Deborah Portman 06/18

Abbe Kelly 06/02 Gene Main 06/11 Andrew Borel 06/20

Philip Turner 06/03 Bill Pugsley 06/11 Margaret Corbae 06/21

Ben Bonnen 06/04 Wade Buckner 06/12 Joy Pappas 06/21

Ian Considine 06/04 David Pugh 06/12 Roxanne Smith 06/21

Julie Dobbs 06/04 Vanessa Verzandvoort 06/12 Valerie Walker 06/21

Joshua Eilers 06/04 Dick Wells 06/12 Will Schulz 06/22

Keene Haywood 06/05 Masha Jennings 06/13 Anne Wood 06/22

Mina Kumar 06/05 Oliver Portman 06/13 Becky Brownlee 06/23

Elijah Gallardo 06/06 J.R. Weiershausen 06/13 Irene Carrico 06/24

Sophie Lawrence 06/07 Kimberly Horne 06/14 Elijah Rudy 06/24

Ellery Mufich 06/07 Lee Wagner 06/14 Judith Dullnig 06/28

Sloane Shaw 06/07 Flo Weiershausen 06/14 Quinn Lipp 06/28

Dru Cabler 06/08 Tish Elliott 06/16 Jack Stephenson 06/28

Travis Phillips 06/08 Helen Anderson 06/17 Lucy Livingston 06/29

Joseph Peers 06/09 Charles Brewer 06/17 Mairead Nunes 06/29

Brooks Lowder 06/10 Scot Rowe 06/30

July Birthdays

James Sondgeroth 07/01 Carys White 07/12 Travis Barnes 07/22

Chris Blanding 07/04 James Wier 07/12 Daniel Zuniga 07/22

Jeff Crozier 07/04 William Willis 07/13 Tommy Bryant 07/23

Daniel Scarborough 07/04 Luke Thiessen 07/14 Dale Hintch 07/23

Bethany Corbae 07/05 Blake Cooper 07/15 Mary Alis Kelly 07/25

Peter Flynn 07/05 Sam Greer 07/15 Audrey Doidge 07/27

Evelyn Price 07/05 Ann Huston 07/15 Alexandra Nelson 07/28

Bridget Black 07/07 Mary Cromack 07/16 Jennifer Antill 07/29

Quinn Loyd 07/08 Graham Grulke 07/16 David Genet 07/29

Jesse Martin 07/08 Phil Mahaffey 07/16 Jordan Sondgeroth 07/29

Arlo Stockstill 07/08 Dorothy Ramsey 07/16 Alex Price 07/30

Cecile Rader 07/09 Margarita Moreno 07/18 Ariel Smith 07/30

Philip Tso 07/09 Rick Stonebarger 07/18 John Cooper 07/31

Margaret Frederick 07/11 Ryan Marquess 07/20 Allison Joyce 07/31

Valerie Olivas 07/12 Susie Bain 07/21 John Kloninger 07/31

Page 10: St. Mark's News June and July 2012

June and July 2012

Page 10


TIME MINISTRY June 3 June 10 June 17 June 24 July 1


0 a





LECTOR Amelia Sondgeroth Jonea Raney Pattie Rose Amelia Sondgeroth Jonea Raney

LEM Jonea Raney Jill Collins Jonea Raney Pattie Rose Jill Collins

ACOLYTE Jonea Raney Stephen White Jonea Raney Pattie Rose Jill Collins

USHERS Danielle Adkins

Stephen White

Ed Shipsey

Al McKinney

Beth Chenoweth

Mary Smith

Jonea Raney

Jill Collins

Danielle Adkins

Stephen White


:00 a





LECTORS Dodie Wells (1)

Mike Thomasson (2)

Suzann Dvorken (1)

Andrew Poynot (2)

Virginia Acker (1)

Jim Crowson (2)

Brian Kelly (1)

Mary-Alis Kelly (2)

Barbara Dody (1)

Rex White (2)

LEM Robert Chambers Gary Taylor

Mary Cromack

Brenda White

Rex White

Bill Kibler

Mary Ann Huston

Lynn Edgerton

Jim Casparis



Evan Overstreet

Carol, Kim B, Mary

Alex Aboussie





Claire Cabler

Mary Ann, Mary

Connor Lightsey

Suzanne Lightsey

Abigail Goff

Clara Bogard


Carson Buckner

Abbe Kelly

Clay Buckner

Will Kelly


Wes Johns

Sara Thiessen

Luke Thiessen

Claudia Janes



Carolyn Wier

James Wier

Bo Overstreet

John DeMarines

Jim Casparis

Charles Brewer

Bob Peterek

Manuel de la Rosa

Jim Nolan

Henry Olivas

Lark Anthony

Yvonne Chavez

Frank Severn

Jean Severn

Jay Doran

Jodi Doran

Mark Breen

Dee Ann


Dick Wells

Dodie Wells

GREETERS Jodi & Jay Doran Meredith Childs

Kevin Cromack Cindy & Dan Bogard

Kim Buckner

Michael Meigs

Jean & Frank









Jonea Raney-TC

Carolyn Wier

Doris Edgar

Tina Stonebarger

Bee Dolan

Diana Stangl-TC

Bev Hicks

Lynn Edgerton

Barbara Dody

Judy Elkins-Temp TC

Dodie Wells

Mary Irvine

Helen Anderson

Meredith Childs TC

Liz Davis

Henry Olivas

Millie Casparis

Jonea Raney-TC

Carolyn Wier

Karen Milton

Depositor Diane Brewer Jim Casparis John DeMarines Bo Overstreet Jim Nolan

WED. 6 p.m. June 6 June 13 June 20 June 27 July 4

Lector Jonea Raney Jill Collins Pattie Rose Rex White Meredith Childs

Page 11: St. Mark's News June and July 2012

June and July 2012

Page 11


TIME MINISTRY July 1 July 8 July 15 July 22 July 29 August 2


0 a





LECTOR Jill Collins Nancy Kibler Jonea Raney Jill Collins Amelia

Sondgeroth Pattie Rose

LEM Jonea Raney Bill Kibler Jill Collins TBD Pattie Rose Jill Collins

ACOLYTE Jonea Raney Bill Kibler Jill Collins TBD Pattie Rose Jill Collins

USHERS Danielle Adkins

Stephen White

Beth Chenoweth

Mary Smith

Ed Shipsey

Al McKinney

Jonea Raney

Jill Collins

Danielle Adkins

Stephen White

Ed Shipsey

Al McKinney


:00 a





LECTORS Cindy Bogard (1)

Phil Aboussie (2)

Dodie Wells (1)

Dave Elkins (2)

Kevin Childs (1)

Meredith Childs


Rex White (1)

Suzann Dvorken


Bill Willis (1)

Mike Thomasson


Michael Meigs (1)

Karen Milton (2)

LEM Mary Cromack

Jim Casparis

Lynn Edgerton

Mike Thomasson

Gary Taylor

Liz Davis

Carol Oppel



Jay Brown

Mary Ann


Dru Cabler

Brenda White


Jay Brown

Ariel Smith

Kava Dann Lipp

Quinn Lipp


Michael Brode

Bonnie Brode




Carson Buckner

Bennett Whalen

Clay Buckner

Clara Bogard




Sophie Lawrence

Asher Eaton

Luke Thiessen


Connor Fuhrman

Davis Fuhrman

Ethan Fuhrman

Evan Overstreet


Jim Casparis

Jay Brown

Claire Cabler

Abigail Goff



Mark Breen

Dee Ann


Dick Wells

Dodie Wells

Mike Brode

Phil Aboussie

Ross Ramsey

Samuel Smith

Ken Whalen

Ariston Awitan


Dan Bogard

John Edgerton

Casey Edgerton

Kevin Cromack

Mark Breen

Mike Brode

Ken Whalen

John Edgerton

Carolyn Wier

James Wier

Bo Overstreet

John De Marines

GREETERS Jean & Frank


Shelly Botkin

Ryan Marquess

Judy & Dave


Lark Anthony

Barbara Dody

Kim Buckner

Michael Meigs Jodi & Jay Doran








Jonea Raney-TC

Carolyn Wier

Karen Milton

Diana Stangl-TC

Judy Elkins

Bee Dolan

Millie Casparis

Dodie Wells

Doris Edgar

Bev Hicks

Meredith Childs-


Liz Davis

Henry Olivas

Helen Anderson

Lynn Edgerton-

Temp TC

Mary Irvine

Tina Stonebarger

Barbara Dody

Jonea Raney-TC

Carolyn Wier

Bee Dolan

Karen Milton

Depositor Jim Nolan Dru Cabler Al McKinney Frank Severn Diane Brewer Jim Casparis

WED. 6 p.m. July 4 July 11 July 18 July 25 August 1 August 8

Lector Rex White Dodie Wells Jill Collins Jonea Raney Meredith Childs Rex White

Page 12: St. Mark's News June and July 2012

Vestry Committees Staff Beth Chenoweth, Sr. Warden Andrew Poynot, Jr. Warden

Vestry members: Danielle Adkins, Dan Bogard, Susan Bonnen, Kim Buckner, Meredith Childs, Lynn Edgerton, Kathy Genet, Becky Janes, Brian Kelly, Al McKinney, Bo Overstreet, Ross Ramsey, Rex White

Acolytes: Jay Brown, Carol Oppel,

Mary Cromack, Kim Kiplin, and Kim Buckner

Altar Guild: Millie Casparis

Building Committee: Amelia


Christian Formation:

Cathy Nelson


Pattie Rose

Daughters of the King:

Jonea C.S. Raney

Women of St. Mark’s:

Yvonne Chavez and Judy Elkins

Facilities: Ray Smith

Finance: John Edgerton

Outreach: Becky Poynot and Laurie


Parish Life: Brenda White

Pastoral Care/Health Ministry:

Jonea C.S. Raney


Amelia Sondgeroth

Ushers: Henry Olivas


The Rev. Elizabeth Zarelli Turner

Assistant Rector

The Rev. Susie Comer

Director of Religious Education

Cathy Nelson

Organist/Director of Music

Mark Reed


Jeremiah Griffin

Youth Ministers Emily Mathis Eric Panter

Head of Day School

Gina Newton

Parish Administrator Joanne Foote

Newsletter Editor

Becky Janes

Deadline for the August 2012 St. Mark’s News is Monday, July 16, 2012.

Please submit your article by email as an attachment

to: [email protected].

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 2128 Barton Hills Drive Austin, TX 78704 512.444.1449 www.stmarksaustin.org [email protected]

