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St. Michael Parish

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Our Restless Journey with Christ Second Week of Lent March 13, 2022 St. Michael Parish Orland Park, lL 14327 Highland Ave — 708-349-0903 “Join with others in being imitators of me, brothers, and observe those who thus conduct themselves according to the model you have in us...He will change our lowly body to conform with his glorified body by the power that enables him also to bring all things into subjection to himself.” Phil 3:17; 21

Our Restless Journey with Christ

Second Week of Lent March 13, 2022

St. Michael Parish Orland Park, lL 14327 Highland Ave — 708-349-0903

“Join with others in being imitators of me, brothers, and observe those who thus conduct themselves according to the model you have in us...He will change our lowly body to conform with his glorified body by the power that enables him also to bring all things into subjection to himself.” Phil 3:17; 21


Voice of Saint Michael March 13, 2022

In today’s gospel, Jesus is transfigured before Peter, James, and John. His garments became dazzling white and Jesus was changed before their eyes. On the mountain, Jesus showed his disciples his glory. What is important for us to remember is that Jesus’ glory is also our destiny. Jesus invites us to share his glory and to be a part of the divine life. The white garment Jesus wears is the same white garment of our baptism. For it is through the waters of baptism that we are made clean. Lent provides us with the opportunity to keep our baptismal robes clean and a dazzling white. Please do not let these forty days pass without performing some acts of penitence. By spending some time in prayer, receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation, you can be assured that your robes will be ready for Easter glory. Never be afraid of seeking God’s forgiveness. Our God loves us so much that forgiveness is assured for those who seek it with sincerity of heart. Be opened to God’s grace this Lent and you will be amazed at how your life will be changed, you will be transformed into the image and likeness of Christ. St. Patrick’s Day On Thursday, we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. The Irish immigrants came to the United States with great courage, pride, and faith – that they were able to overcome many obstacles and prejudices. Many of today’s immigrants are also trying to overcome obstacles and prejudices. Today we uplift Patrick as man of extraordinary faith and devotion. St. Patrick devoted himself to God. The best way to pay tribute to St. Patrick is to imitate his example, to be more like him, dedicated to spreading our faith. This is the new evangelization. St. Patrick, pray for us! St. Joseph’s Day On Saturday, we celebrate the Solemnity of St. Joseph, the husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is a day celebrated by many nationalities but especially the Italian and Polish. Pope Francis has a strong devotion to St. Joseph who was the provider and protector of the Holy Family. In his office, (so I am told, as I have never been invited in) Pope Francis has a statue of St. Joseph who is sleeping. Seems strange to us, but it makes perfect sense that even the saints have to sleep. Every time the Holy Father has a difficult problem that he does not know how to handle – he places it under the sleeping St. Joseph – trusting that he will guide the Pope with a solution. I received a replica of the sleeping St. Joseph from a parishioner for Christmas. It is a constant reminder to me that rest is important. St. Joseph, patron of the Church and unborn children, pray for us! Reconciliation On Monday, March 14 and Tuesday March 15 – we will be having a reconciliation service at 6:15PM. Individual confessions will be heard after the prayer service. In addition, Confessions are heard on Saturdays from 3:00 – 4:00PM. Come and wash your souls clean in the love and forgiveness of God! In Christ’s love, Fr. Frank


Voice of Saint Michael March 13, 2022

Have you ever experienced a day so wonderful that you never wanted it to end? Perhaps this wonderful day had brought you so much happiness that you wanted it to

last forever. We have all experienced days like this but we know they eventually do end. Speaking of wonderful days, can you imagine what it must have been like for Jesus' disciples whenever they witnessed miracles? Those must have been amazing and wonderful days. Unfortunately, like our day ends and a new one begins, so it was for the disciples. Every day with Jesus was an exciting experience as the disciples followed him. The Gospel today tells us of a day Jesus and his disciples took a trip up a mountain that proved to be one of the most exciting and wonderful journeys ever! One day, Jesus took Peter, James and John with him up onto a mountain to pray. As Jesus was praying, something very strange and powerful happened. The gospel says that Jesus' appearance of his face began to change and that His clothing became bright as a flash of lightning. Suddenly, two men appeared and began talking to Jesus; Moses and Elijah – one, a very important lawgiver and the other, God’s prophet who both went to Heaven a long time ago. They were talking to Jesus about how he was going to die. Peter could not believe his eyes, how could Moses and Elijah be there? Peter was so awestruck he told Jesus that he thought that they should stay up there on the mountain and build three tents- one for Jesus, one for Moses, and one for Elijah. Peter wanted to stay in the presence of these three and enjoy the day for as long as he could. That seems like something we would all want to do but it was not God's plan. Peter didn't understand that this wonderful experience on the mountain was not meant to last. It was not a place to stop and set up camp, but a starting place for God's greatest gift-- the gift of salvation. The main message that they gave to the disciples was, “This is my chosen Son; listen to him.” You and I will have many wonderful experiences as we follow Jesus. The most important thing to do is to listen to what we know about Jesus. Trust His plan and know that He is always with us. Remember, when we follow Jesus and accept Him as our Lord and Savior, the best is yet to come! Trust in God! Trust God's Plan. Heavenly Father, we thank You for all our wonderful and not so wonderful experiences. You allow us to enjoy and learn as we walk each day with your son Jesus. Help us follow Him wherever He leads us. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Taking Home the Sunday Scriptures Second Sunday of Lent

March 13, 2022

Sunday: Gn 15:5-12, 17-18; Phil 3:17-4:1; Lk 9:28b-36 Monday: Dn 9:4b-10; Lk 6:36-38 Tuesday: Is 1:10, 16-20; Mt 23:1-12 Wednesday: Jer 18:18-20; Mt 20:17-28 Thursday: Jer 17:5-10; Lk 16:19-31 Friday: Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a; 17b-28a; Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 Saturday: 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:41-51a Sunday: Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15; 1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12; Lk 13:1-9

The story of the Transfiguration of Jesus in the

Luke’s Gospel this week is similar to the ones in Matthew and Mark. One difference I noticed in Luke’s version is that Jesus does not tell the three disciples to keep it secret. It seems they decided on their own not to tell anyone. Maybe Luke knew that Jesus had asked them to keep quiet, but wanted to show that the disciples were not about to tell what they had seen and heard. Why not?

One reason may be that the experience was so personal and overwhelming that they didn’t have the words to express it fully. All three Gospels mention white clothing and Matthew says that Jesus’ face shone like the sun (17:2). Perhaps they could not look at Jesus directly without hurting their eyes. It brings to mind the Old Testament idea that if you looked at the face of God, you would die. So the disciples may not have wanted to talk about what they could not understand.

The other reason may be what they heard. While Matthew and Mark just say that Jesus spoke with Moses and Elijah, Luke is more specific: They “spoke of his exodus that he was going to accomplish in Jerusalem” (9:31). Jesus had just said that he would suffer, die, and be raised from the dead in Luke 9:22. It was bad enough that Jesus was telling them this. They probably hoped he was just telling them the worst that could happen, not what really would happen. So hearing it from Moses and Elijah as well as from Jesus was too much for them.

This is where we come in. The apostles were afraid to face the coming passion and death of Jesus. I think we are like them in that we suffer more in anticipating what would hurt us than we do going through it. Our fears are often worse than the reality. That is where faith can help. In faith, we hear Jesus tell us not to fear, as he often told his disciples. We know that Jesus suffered on the cross, so he knows what suffering is. And faith tells us that he is with us even when the suffering is the result of our own sins. After all, he himself suffered because of our sins. So have faith! Tom Schmidt, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


Voice of Saint Michael March 13, 2022

St. Michael Lent Prayer 2022

Holy Lord, God of all people, you travel with us each day of life’s restless journey. When we are tempted by earthly sins and concerns

that lead us away from you send your Holy Spirit to guide us back.

As ambassadors for Christ, standing firm in our faith, may we extend loving forgiveness, just as He forgives us.

At all times, Lord, help us to recognize Jesus when he speaks to us and may his nourishing presence transform our lives.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen

will be Every Friday

March 18, March 25, April 1, and April 8 at these times

5:00 PM in English 6:00 PM in Spanish

Journey with Jesus as we

pray the Stations of the Cross

Join in praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and rosary

Monday through Friday after the 8am Mass and Saturday after the 8:30am Mass in

church .

“Restless Journey with Christ”

Lenten Crosses

During the season of Lent we are once again reminded of our need to commit ourselves to prayer, fasting and almsgiving. These are the practices which have always been a part of our Lenten experience, and these are the practices which prompt us to consider personal change and renewal in our lives. The Social Concerns Ministry will place crosses with requests from our sharing parish, St. Vincent DePaul, and other local charities in the Narthex beginning on Ash Wednesday. You may select a cross as an expression of your commitment to the practice of almsgiving. We will continue to place crosses in the Narthex during the season of Lent. Please return your unwrapped package, with the cross attached, at your convenience before Palm Sunday (April 10). We ask that any gifts you bring be new. Please place gift cards in the collection basket or turn them in at the parish office. Do not leave them in the Narthex.

Reconciliation for Lent Monday, March 14 at 6:15 pm Tuesday, March 15 at 6:15 pm

April 4 during the Parish Mission. Every Saturday from 3 to 4 pm (not April 16)


Voice of Saint Michael March 13, 2022

Please Pray For The Sick

We continue to remember the sick, the infirm, and all those recommended to our prayers; and especially, the following, that they may experience the healing and power of Christ: Alice Adamson, John Baker, Tom Berta, Pat Chuchla, Shirley Dowing, Ronnie Dryier, Bonita Dsouza, John Duda, Tom Hudon, Jessica Jalon, Lisa Johnston, Nanc Junker, Karina, Eugene Kochniarczyk, Carol Latronica, Christopher Lechowicz, Irene Listro, Bill Marich, Steve Marshall, John Micun, Donna Micun, Bill Nebel, William Nowicki, Tom Oswald, Pedley quadruplets, Angela Riffice-Filus, LaVerne Robertson, Marie Seaman, Rita Stachniak, Frank Stryczek, George Svetkovich, Jim Thompson, Jennie Vaccarell, Virginia Walczak, Anna Williams, Bob Yatka, Audrey Zarembski, Mark Zuro and all ill from coronavirus and those injured in service to their country.

Please Pray For . . . Those who have died and their families Thomas Howe, Jr. Daniel Marshall Louise Arlen, mother of Richard and David John Duda, father of Diana Rozycki and Janice

eGiving with Faith Direct Please join in enrolling by visiting www.faithdirect.net to enroll securely online.

Our parish code is IL851.

Support St. Michael Parish by shopping at Amazon Smile.

SHOP with Amazon Smile and the school/church will receive .5% of qualifying purchases made. When you shop with Amazon sign in to SMILE.AMAZON.COM and select St. Michael as your charity.

If you want to add a name to the list of sick or recently deceased, there is a link on the parish web site www.saintmike.com. You may also call the parish at 708-349-0903. Names are kept on the sick list for five weeks. Those who have died recently are listed for one week.

If you need a Mass card and /or someone prayed for at a specific Mass please come to the parish office Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 2 pm. If you are unable to go out you may call the parish office at 708-349-0903 with the request and to make arrangements for your donation and for a Mass card, if needed.

EARLY BULLETIN DEADLINES Material for the April 10 (Palm Sunday) bulletin is due by 9 am on Monday, March 28. Material for April 17 (Easter) bulletin is due by 9 am on Monday, April 4. Submit your article to [email protected].

February Monthly Contributions

$ 109, 252


Voice of Saint Michael March 13, 2022

APRIL 3rd, 4th, and 5th at 7 pm SAVE THE DATES

For our parish mission with Fr. Tom McCarthy, O.S.A.

Father Tom is an experienced teacher, administrator, retreat director and parish mission preacher. He is a native of the South Side of Chicago. He grew up in St. Adrian Parish in Marquette Park. He received his elementary school education at St. Adrian School and high school education at St. Rita of Cascia High School. He graduated from Villanova University with a B.A. in Communication Arts. He also has a Master of Arts in Educational Administration from Lewis University. Fr. Tom entered the Midwest Province of the Augustinian Order in 1987. After completing his novitiate, he attended Catholic Theological Union in Chicago and graduated with a Master of Divinity degree. In 1993 he made his solemn vows as an Augustinian Friar and in 1994 he was ordained to the priesthood. He did a pastoral internship at St. Clare of Montefalco Parish in Grosse Pointe Park, MI, and taught theology at Providence Catholic High School in New Lenox. Fr. Tom ministered for 21 years at St. Rita of Cascia High School in Chicago as a teacher, campus minister, Principal, President and Chairman of the Board of Directors. Fr. Tom ministered for nine years as the Vocation Director for the Our Mother of Good Counsel (Midwest) and five years for St. Thomas of Villanova (Eastern) Province. Fr. Tom spent two years as the Augustinian Advisor to the Office of First- and Second-Year Initiatives - Office of Student Life at Villanova University. Fr. Tom ministered in Rome as part of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization where he was named a Papal Missionary of Mercy by Pope Francis in 2018. Father Tom spent two years as the Director of the Augustinian Marylake Shrine in King City, Ontario, and the Prior of the Marylake Augustinian Monastery. Fr. Tom is currently in his 12th year as Vocation Director for the Midwest Province and is the Director of St. Rita of Cascia Shrine Chapel in Chicago, IL. Father Tom is also the Prior of the Pre-Novitiate Community of St. Clare of Montefalco Friary in Chicago. Father Tom continues to preach parish missions and lead retreats. You can find more information on his website www.frtommccarthy.com


Voice of Saint Michael March 13, 2022

To prepare ourselves for the coming Season of Lent and into Easter,

the St. Michael Apologetics Group will present a 3-part presentation.

Meetings start at 7:00 pm.

Monday, March 14: “The Mystery of Sacrifice” Monday, April 11: “The Last Supper and Crucifixion”

We meet at the St. Michael Church Ministry Room

Bring a friend, members of other faiths are welcome. For more information, email:

[email protected]


You can protect mothers and children by joining this worldwide mobilization to pray and fast for an end to abortion!

Through prayer and fasting, peaceful vigils and community outreach, 40 Days for Life has inspired 1,000,000+ volunteers!

With God’s help, here are the proven results in 30 coordinated campaigns: • Over 20,000 babies saved from abortion • Over 200 abortion workers converted • Over 100 abortion centers closed Here’s how to take part in 40 Days for Life in our community: Vigil location: Outside Planned Parenthood 19831 Governors Hwy Vigil hours: 7 am to 7 pm daily Local contacts: Brian [email protected] & Richard [email protected] Learn more … get involved … and sign up for prayer times by visiting our campaign at the web address shown below! St. Michael has adopted March 31 as our day to pray, fast, and maintain a peaceful vigil. To sign up for hours visit the 40 Days website. If you can’t participate on the 31st please sign up for any day. For further information call Pat Kovacs at 708-460-8238. 40daysforlife.com/ lossmoor

Eucharistic Holy Hour, Rosary and Benediction

Tuesday, March 15

3:30 PM

ATTENTION!ATTENTION! Men of St. Michael Parish

Come join us! We meet every Saturday morning at 7:00 am and

we finish in time for the 8:30 am Mass. Our main discussions are focused on the following Sunday Scripture readings - what they mean and

how they apply to our daily life. See you in the West Ministry Room,

Deacon Tony Cocco, ModeratorDeacon Tony Cocco, Moderator


Voice of Saint Michael March 13, 2022


Voice of Saint Michael March 13, 2022

Vacation Bible School is Back!!

Save – the – Date June 20th to June 24th

Contact – [email protected] Open to 4 year olds to 4th graders in the Fall

Save-the -Date There will be a mandatory meeting for the Mission Trip to Habitat for Humanity in Charleston, West Virginia on Tuesday, April 5th at 7:00pm in the Teen Room. Cost of the trip is $125.00 which must be paid at the meeting to secure your place. If you are unable to attend the meeting you must send a family member to secure your place. The trip is scheduled for June 5thth to June 11th. If you have any questions call 312-735--6017 or e-mail [email protected].


Voice of Saint Michael March 13, 2022

MARCH 2022 MARCH VIRTUE: MERCY Mercy is caring for those who suffer.

According to Jesus, “Blessed are the merciful, they shall obtain mercy” (Matthew 5:7). Mercy is the desire to lessen the suffering of others. It has its ultimate expression in the passion and death of Jesus on the cross. Paul tells us this was Jesus’ saving act of mercy for all people of all time who suffer the effects of separation from God through sin. When others suffer, we can imitate God ‘s own mercy through the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. If we pray the Our Father, we know that to receive the mercy of God, we must extend that mercy to all. SAINTS FOR MARCH: St. John Vianney: He wanted his life as a priest to be filled with mercy for those who turn away from God. St. John Vianney is remembered for spending many hours praying to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and hearing Confessions all day and night. St. Faustina: She grew up in a big family in Poland and joined the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy when she was a young woman. Our Lord appeared to Saint Faustina with a message for her to proclaim the message of His mercy-Divine Mercy-to the whole world, which she faithfully did until her death. St. Teresa of Calcutta: She knew that in order to understand, love, and work among the poorest of the poor in India, her Sisters must be poor themselves. Saint Teresa of Calcutta also taught us that love must truly begin with our families...we all need to start by loving and being compassionate to our families...THAT will make a huge difference in our world. Bible verse of this month: James 2:12-13 Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment.

Mercy quote: “The more merciful acts thou dost, the more mercy thou wilt receive.” William Penn

We are pleased to announce the recipients of HONESTY certificates for the month of February! KINDERGARTEN: Dylan Randich, Colton Masters, Peter Stalf, Mila Patel, Grant Tivadar, Julia Corsi, Andrew LePretre GRADE ONE: Khloe Fuqua, William Strong, Delaney Major, James Morrissey, Bridget Boland, Patrick Knytych, Isabella Rybka GRADE TWO: Frankie Novotny, Nora McKnight, Sophia Rahman, Michael Rybak, Patrick Mraz, Hope Fahey, Brady Dillon GRADE THREE: Molly Major, Emmett Wendt, Gianna Masini, Jack Collins, Liam Cismoski, Madison Manley GRADE FOUR: Ella Hansen, Nolan Kohlstedt, Jax Garcia, Sophia Papadopoulos GRADE FIVE: Maeve Morrissey, Tommy Walter, Piper Lee, Paige Neely, Quinn Fahey, Kevin Forbes

(continued on next page)


Voice of Saint Michael March 13, 2022

GRADE SIX: Connor Nellis, Ben Roessler, Logan Taras, Connor Collins, Henry Stalf, Andrew Tivadar GRADE SEVEN: Max McLaughlin, Kaelyn Morales, CJ Nwizu, Jenna McAdams, Michael Forbes, Joey Wyroba GRADE EIGHT: Jake Crotty, Drew Drzonek, Marcos Martinez, Brad Bittner, RyanWhelan GRADE SEVEN will be working hard on developing the virtue of MERCY during March...stay tuned to see a follow-up of activities and pictures of these groups.

The Saint Michael School Advisory Board (SAB) is seeking applicants to fill four (4) positions on the Board for a term to begin during the 2022-2023 school year. Eligibility Requirements Include:

Age 21 or older Parent of a current student at the school, in good financial standing with the school Registered parishioner of the church School or parish employees or members of an employee’s immediate family are not eligible for voting

membership SAB Responsibilities Include: • Regular attendance at monthly Board Meetings • Serving on any sub-committee of the SAB to which the member is appointed • Supporting the purpose, goals, and interests of St. Michael School to the school families and parish community • Representing and presenting the views and concerns of the school families and parish community to the Pastor, the Principal, and the remainder of the SAB • Representing the best interests of the school and its students

Following the Archdiocese of Chicago’s Code of Ethics

Interested candidates should submit a personal statement that describes their interest in SAB membership and what s/he can positively contribute to the Board. Submissions are due by April 30, 2022, to the attention of Jamie Cullen at [email protected]. Interviews will be held in April and May and new members will attend the SAB Meeting on Tuesday, May 31, 2022, at 7:00pm. Please consider opening your heart and mind if you are being called to this ministry. Please contact Jamie for further information about membership on the SAB. Sincerely, School Advisory Board


Voice of Saint Michael March 13, 2022

Hooks and Needles St. Michael Prayer Shawl Ministry St. Michael Prayer Shawl ministry is open to anyone with knitting or crochet experience – even an introductory amount of experience! We make blankets, hats, and prayer shawls. You are invited to join us! Prayer shawls are available for friends, neighbors, relatives – anyone who would appreciate the love and prayer infused in each work. For more information contact Donna 708-403-2122 2022 Schedule: Tuesdays, 9:00am to 10:30 in the Ministry Room West March 22 April 5, 19 May 10, 24 June 7 Thursday evening, 7:00p.m until about 8:15p.m. March 17 April 21 May 19

The Knights of Columbus Council # 10858’s Queen of Hearts Raffle will begin again on Friday nights at Papa Joe’s on La Grange Road in Orland Park. Raffle tickets can be bought at Papa Joe’s throughout the week and on Friday nights prior to the 8pm drawing. Profits from the raffle go to fund charitable giving for the Knights Councils at St. Michael and St. Francis. Why don’t you support the Knights and enjoy a great dinner at Papa Joe’s on Friday?

Knights of Columbus Bishop Sheen Council # 10858 Queen of Hearts Raffle

We are looking at The Creed, in the new study program by Bishop Robert Barron on Thursdays through

April 7th at 6 pm.

Bishop Fulton J. Sheen – Council 10858 of Saint Michael Parish Interested in joining a group of men who work to promote our Catholic Faith and support the needs of our Church and our Community? Then the Knights of Columbus is where you should be. The only requirements to join are you are a man at least 18 years of age and a practicing Catholic. It’s simple to join. Just come out to one of our regular business meetings on the second Thursday of every month at St. Michael Church at 7pm. Or you can join directly using the QR code. We look forward to seeing you.


Voice of Saint Michael March 13, 2022


Voice of Saint Michael March 13, 2022

En el evangelio de hoy, Jesús es transfigurado ante Pedro, Santiago y Juan. Sus vestiduras se volvieron blancas deslumbrantes y Jesús cambió ante sus ojos. En la montaña, Jesús mostró a sus discípulos su gloria. Lo que es importante que recordemos es que la gloria de Jesús es también nuestro destino. Jesús nos invita a compartir su gloria y a ser parte de la vida divina. La vestimenta blanca que Jesús usa es la misma prenda blanca de nuestro bautismo. Porque es a través de las aguas del bautismo que somos purificados. La Cuaresma nos brinda la oportunidad de mantener nuestras túnicas bautismales limpias y un blanco deslumbrante. Por favor, no dejen pasar estos cuarenta días sin realizar algunos actos de penitencia. Al pasar algún tiempo en oración, recibiendo el Sacramento de la Reconciliación, pueden estar seguros de que sus túnicas estarán listas para la gloria de la Pascua. Nunca tengan miedo de buscar el perdón de Dios. Nuestro Dios nos ama tanto que el perdón está asegurado para aquellos que lo buscan con sinceridad de corazón. Ábranse a la gracia de Dios esta Cuaresma y se sorprenderán de cómo su vida cambiará, serán transformados a la imagen y semejanza de Cristo. Día de San Patricio El jueves, celebramos el Día de San Patricio. Los inmigrantes irlandeses llegaron a los Estados Unidos con gran coraje, orgullo y fe, que fueron capaces de superar muchos obstáculos y prejuicios. Muchos de los inmigrantes de hoy también están tratando de superar obstáculos y prejuicios. Hoy elevamos a Patricio como un hombre de extraordinaria fe y devoción. San Patricio se dedicó a Dios. La mejor manera de rendir homenaje a San Patricio es imitando su ejemplo, siendo más como él, dedicado a difundir nuestra fe. Esta es la nueva evangelización. ¡San Patricio, ruega por nosotros! Día de San José El sábado celebramos la solemnidad de San José, esposo de la Santísima Virgen María. Este es un día celebrado por muchas nacionalidades, pero especialmente por los italianos y polacos. El Papa Francisco le tiene una fuerte devoción a San José, quien fue el proveedor y protector de la Sagrada Familia. En su oficina, (así me dicen, nunca me han invitado) el Papa Francisco tiene una estatua de San José que está durmiendo. Nos parece extraño, pero tiene mucho sentido que incluso los santos tengan que dormir. Cada vez que el Santo Padre tiene un problema difícil que no sabe cómo manejar, lo coloca debajo del San José dormido, confiando en que guiará al Papa con una solución. Recibí una réplica del San José dormido de un feligrés para la Navidad. Es un recordatorio constante para mí de que el descanso es importante. ¡San José, patrón de la Iglesia y de los niños por nacer, ruega por nosotros! Reconciliación El lunes 14 de marzo y el martes 15 de marzo, tendremos un servicio de reconciliación a las 6:15 p.m. Las confesiones individuales se escucharán después del servicio de oración. Además, las confesiones se escuchan los sábados de 3:00 a 4:00 p.m. ¡Vengan y limpien sus almas con el amor y el perdón de Dios! En el amor de Cristo, Padre Frank


Voice of Saint Michael March 13, 2022

Masses for the Week — March 12 to March 20 Saturday 3/12 4:30 PM

Henry Baal Sharon LaMantia Jeanne Domagala Mary Morrissey Special Intention for John and Robin Tovrov

Sunday 3/13 Spanish →

7:30 AM Brian Dalaly Alice Dzurisin Ashlea Rackers-Hering

9:30 AM John Travis Susan Moirano Albert Marks Lawrence and Amelia Cortez Francesco and Vincenza Lio

11:30 AM Marge Thomaston John Teai Chew Thomas Shervino 1:30 PM Roberto Ortiz Mia Zambrano

Monday 3/14

6:30 AM People of St. Michael 8:00 AM Pat Rafferty Eileen Brennan Larry and Cheryl Pilarczyk

Tuesday 3/15 6:30 AM LaVaughn Hauser 8:00 AM Cindy Fairchild Kevin Cleary Kevin Cleary

Wednesday 3/16 6:30 AM Maddie Duffy Special Intention for Jerry 8:00 AM Alica Ortiz Denis Ryan

Thursday 3/17 6:30 AM Raymond Hilger Anthony Colman Marie Carolan

8:00 AM Barrett Callaghan Charles Cook Joan Nolan

Friday 3/18 6:30 AM James Martin 8:00 AM Mary Morrissey

Saturday 3/19 8:30 AM Thomas Boyle Michael Krupa

4:30 PM Joseph Chiaramonte Jeanne Domagala Mary Morrissey Joe Gleason Irvin Lange

Sunday 3/20 Spanish →

7:30 AM Gary Stack Tom Samland Margie Pellack Howard

9:30 AM John Travis Robert Marshall Ted Goffon Carol Calacicco Frank Muller Ike Okla Marge Polo John Battistoni Kevin Pietrzak

1:30 PM Gente de St. Michael

11:30 AM Anthony Tadin

PRAYER FOR PEACE How do we pray for peace from half a world away? How can words salve and soothe real wounds, assuage real fears, wipe tears from real eyes? God of endless compassion, transform our prayers from words into bridges, that span the distances between us, uniting our hearts in yours. Every time we turn our keys in a lock, may we remember all who are losing their homes. Every time we step into our cars, may we remember all who are having to flee. Every time we embrace our children, may we remember all who are trying to shield theirs from war. May our besieged sisters and brothers be drawn into the arms of the suffering Christ. And may our cry be heard as one voice, ringing out from every corner of the earth: God of Endless mercy, grant us peace. Amen

-Cameron Bellm


Voice of Saint Michael March 13, 2022

NEED HELP? Anyone experiencing a mental health crisis can call

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.

For help with problems arising from alcohol Local AA Meetings Go to www.chicagoaa.org for meeting locations St. Michael……………………...….Thursday 6 pm St. Julie………Saturday 7:30 pm & Monday 8 pm Alcoholics Anonymous………….708-389-1380 Alcohólicos Anónimos…………..773-847-4843

For help with problems arising from drug abuse Narcotics Anonymous…………...708-848-4884

Gambling Problems Gamblers Anonymous 1-888-GA-HELPS www.gamblersanonymous.org

Struggling with mental health issues National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Information Helpline……………1-800-950-6264 Emotions Anonymous …………... 708-383-0200

Orland Park Substance Abuse Forum www.opcares.net & 708-403-6399

HOPE Employment Ministry Arnie Skibinski…………[email protected]

A Communion Visitor to the homebound/ill Parish Office…..…………………….708-349-0903

Annulment Information Donna McDonough………………….708-349-0903 Clerical Abuse Healing: Reconciliation https://heal.archchicago.org


Guidance in satisfying excessive and/or past due utility bills and emergency food assistance St. Vincent DePaul Society..708-349-0903 ext 669 San Vicente DePaul en Español…..708-349-0903 Angeles Samano o Maria Cuellar ext. 506

Dealing with Domestic Violence (physical, emotional, verbal abuse) The Crisis Center……………………708-429-7233 for group support and/or free one-on-one counseling Se habla español

Marital Difficulties Retrouvaille ………………………….800-470-2230 Catholic based support for couples in marital difficulties www.HelpOurMarriage.com Holbrook Counseling Center of Catholic Charities (Our Lady of the Woods & St. Stephen) Michele Nowak….…708-586-1365..…312-655-7725 Specialty family and grief counseling Dr. Eileen Fera……………………....630-541-7342 Catholic psychologist, Downers Grove [email protected] Jerry T. Souta……………...708-681-2325 ext 5333 [email protected] licensed behavioral clinician Fr. Bob Rohrich……………………..630-257-9235 MA clinical counseling, Lemont Dr. Jeff Dire………………..……….630-674-4295 Psychologist, Downers Grove Sr. Jude More,LCSW, DCSW, R.N.708-974-3336 x 333 Dr. Barbara Jarvis-Pauls………...…...630-740-3074 Family & Women’s issues, Downers Grove Mayslake Ministries………….630-852-9000 Fr. Kurt Boras……………………….630-257-4640 Clinical Counseling, Lemont Dr. Greg Rodriquez...………708-845-5500 ext 149 Chicagoland Christian Counseling

If you have difficulty contacting any of these places, please call a member of St. Michael Pastoral Staff who would be happy to talk with you confidentially.

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Sunday Masses:

Saturday Evening: 4:30 p.m.

Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m. (Spanish)

Weekday Masses:

Monday - Friday 6:30 and 8:00 am

Saturdays 8:30 am Lunes 7:00 pm (Spanish) Recorded Masses for Sundays can be viewed at www.saintmike.com A daily prayer service can be viewed at www.saintmike.com Adoration Chapel is open Monday-Saturday 7 a.m.—5 p.m. Sunday 7 am—2:30 pm Confessions: Every Saturday from 3:00 – 4:00 pm Confesiones en Español : cada lunes 6:00-7:00 pm Holy Hour, with Rosary and Benediction are being celebrated twice a month. See bulletin or website for dates. 3:30—5:30 pm in Church To schedule Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, or Memorial Masses, call the parish office. Religious Education Kelly Martinez September 13 through April 12th . . . Mondays - 1:00-8:00pm Tuesdays - 1:00-8:00pm Thursdays - 1:00-5:00pm Fridays - 9:00am - 2:00pm Emails to [email protected] are checked daily and responded to within 24 hours. Parish Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. You may also leave a voicemail at any time.708-349-0903, or email [email protected] with questions or to request information.

PARISH OFFICE 14327 Highland Avenue 708-349-0903

Orland Park, IL 60462 www.saintmike.com

Facebook: St. Michael Parish-Orland Park Rev. Frank A. Kurucz, Pastor 873-4611 Rev. Geofrey Andama, Associate Pastor 873-4612 Rev. Daniel Villalobos, Associate Pastor 873-4613 Pat Chuchla, Pastoral Associate 873-4652 Worship Ministries [email protected] Diana Vitela, Business Manager 873-4617 [email protected] Kelly Martinez, Religious Ed. Coordinator 349-0903 [email protected] ext. 633 Paul Smith, Principal 349-0068 [email protected] ext. 639 Maureen Morrissey, Asst. Principal 349-0068 [email protected] ext. 696 Gary Patin, Director of Music Ministry 349-0903 [email protected] ext. 627 Rose Koch, Youth Minister 349-0903 [email protected] ext. 650 Hispanic Ministry [email protected] 349-0903 ext. 619 DEACONS Tom Bartholomew (retired) Tony and Eileen Cocco Colin and Sarah Huie Jim and Sharon Janicek Michael and Donna McDonough Abel and Yolanda Trujillo

Bulletin deadline: Fr iday at 9 a.m. a week before the bulletin date. Please e-mail articles, in Word or Publisher format, to [email protected].

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