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Startup Braga - About us & our #2 Acceleration Program

Date post: 15-Jul-2015
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• Innovationhubdesignedtoassisttheinceptionanddevelopmentofhighpotentialentrepreneurialprojectsforinternationalmarkets.

• PartnershipwithMicrosoft


• Accesstopre-acceleration,


• RunbyInvestBraga,theeconomic


• OneofItsstrategicgoalsistoput



Startup Braga acceleration


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M€ raised






hours of Mentoring

hours of workshops

and training


Startup Bragaacceleration program

StAge1:DefIneIn the first stage, the teams will have access to workshops on Business Model Canvas and Lean Startup. Using the knowledge and the tools, the teams will then focus on validating the problem and the solution.

StAge2:BuIlDIn the second phase of the program, the teams will be focused on building, testing and validating the minimum viable product and collecting and incorporating the feedback of potential clients.

StAge3:PItchThe last two weeks, will be spent on preparing the pitch and all the documentation necessary for potential partners and investors.

accelerated StartupS

PeekMed provides 3D orthopedic surgical planning tools. This technology helps the orthopedic surgeon to intuitively and freely manipulate the 3D model created through the imaging study of the patient. The osteosynthesis material of various companies can be added to the planning in the system, allowing the orthopedic surgeon to analyze the surgery’s impact.

PeekMeDCeO João Ribeiro TeaM Sara Silva (COO), Jaime Campos (CTO)COnTaCT [email protected]


Texbizz is a web portal where all players of the textile sector can interact and whose mission is to facilitate and accelerate the businesses of the industry. Texbizz aims to be a reference in the textile world, to help improve competitiveness in industry by providing an innovative and exellent service. We offer testile companies an efficient, practical and quick service, wich allows them to interact at any time or place via sms, email or the web.

TexbIzzCeO nuno Castro TeaM alberto Mendonça (CFO e CMO)COnTaCT [email protected]


PepFeed is making information about consumer electronics more accessible than ever before.Our platform makes it possible to bring relevant content directly to consumers, wherever they are. With our extension for Google Chrome, we’re already helping many people save time, money and regrets.

PePFeeDCeO Daniel LoureiroTeaM Joel azevedo (Front end Developer), Francisco Sousa (back end Developer)COnTaCT [email protected]


SWORD Health created the SWORD system, the first integrated digital platform that maximizes the efficiency of current neurorehabilitation therapies, extending the therapeutic footprint and empowering the patient with his rehabilitation at home.

SWORD HeaLTHCeO Virgílio bento TeaM Vítor Tedim Cruz (CVO), Márcio Colunas (CIO), David Dieteren (CTO)COnTaCT [email protected]


The nuada system supports the normal function of the hand. It is comprised of hardware and software and is useful for people that suffer from lack of strength or pain while holding objects. additionally, it can be used by professionals with demanding hand activities and for sport practice. nuada has sensors that allow a better evaluation of the user’s hand function. With these sensors, nuada generates useful metrics for healthcare professionals for the assessment of the patient’s recovery and evolution stages.

nuaDaCeO Filipe QuinazTeaM Pedro Quinaz, Pedro Querido, Luciana , nuno SantosCOnTaCT [email protected]


Findster is an innovative tracking system for kids and pets. Consisting on four elements and a mobile app, it works with GPS and a RF system. unlike other options in the market, Findster doesn’t require a monthly fee.

FInDSTeRCeO David barrosoTeaM Paulo Fonseca, andré FerreiraCOnTaCT [email protected]


Shair project is divided between the online platform www.shairproject.com and some physical places available for exhibitions. Periodically, we make a selection of not only the most voted artworks but also the ones highlighted by a guest jury to be available for auction on our website. The selected artworks are also our priority to be a part of the physical exhibitions. Our goal is to give emerging artists the opportunity to share, exhibit and commercialize their artworks.

SHaIRCeO Mariana GomesTeaM Marta Rodrigues, Joana neves, Ricardo Macedo, Raquel kochCOnTaCT [email protected]


otherSupported StartupS







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HunTInG SOLuTIOnShunting-solutions.pt








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CHaRGInG SPOTchargingspot.eu

Why join uS• StartupBragaAccelerationprogramisa

great opportunity to push your startup forward.

• 7teamsparticipatinginthe2014editionmanagedtoraisedover1,7Millioneurosin funding even before the demo day.

• Weconnectyouwithover50entrepreneurs, investors, industry experts and executives.

• Officespace24/7,accesstoanetworkofstartup providers, top-notch workshops andacommunityofover30startups.

• Intheend,theopportunitytoparticipatein our internacional roadshow.

• Noequityistaken.

Startup Bragaaccelerationprogram

#2this time the focus will be on mobile/ecommerce, medtech and nano technology

apply untilmarch 15th


What We are looking for • Greatteamsreadytogivetheirabsolute

best. Skill set, track record, motivation and resilience are some of the things we will be looking into when selecting the teams.

• Innovation.Wearenotnecessarilylookingfor100%originalideas,butwearelooking for unique execution strategies. We’re looking to disrupt industries with the startups we work with.

• Teamsthatalreadyhaveafunctionalminimal viable product. This is the stage where we can add more value.

InveSTBraga IS Braga MUnICIpaLITy’S InveSTMenT agenCy whoSe MISSIon IS To foSTer The eConoMIC deveLopMenT of The regIon and aTTraCT foreIgn InveSTMenT.

The development of the local economy and the promotion of national and foreign direct investment;

The promotion of Startup braga in partnership with Microsoft Ventures as an innovation hub designed to assist the inception and development of high potential startups providing acceleration and incubation programs for startups with international ambition;

The promotion of events, seminars, tradeshows and exhibitions.


top international mentorSAndyMccartneyCeo in residence, Microsoft Ventures uklondon, united kingdom

celsoMartinhofounder of sapo.pt

lisbon, portugal

franciscovanZellerhead of digital Marketing, samsung electronics europelondon, united kingdom


Microsoft Ventures director

são paulo, Brasil

gastãotaveiraChairman altitude softwarelisbon, portugal

luísMouraeSilvafounder and Ceo

of wit softwareCoimbra, portugal

RuiPaivaCeo ofwedo technologieslisbon, portugal

AntónioMurtaManaging partner at

pathena sgps s.a.porto, portugal

carlosOliveirainvest Braga presidentBraga, portugal

DaveDarschfounder of the

Ceo-Collaborative forumBarcelona, spain

tiagoSilvalopesdata and Multiplatform Content director, portugal telecomlisbon, portugal

Joãocoutodiretor geral

Microsoft portugallisbon, portugal

JoãoPaulogirbalentrepreneurlisbon, portugal

PauloPimentafounder and

Managing partner kuantokusta.pt

porto, portugal

turiMuntheexecutive Chairman line-uplondon, united kingdom

PedroJanelaCeo wYgroup

& partner eggnestlisbon, portugal

JorgeBatistafounder and Co-Ceo at priMaVera-Business software solutions, saBraga, portugal

JoséDionísiofounder and Co-Ceo at priMaVera-Business software solutions, sa

Braga, portugal

groWn up

Sponsored by:In partnership with:

edifício GnRaTIOnPraçaCondeAgrolongo,nº1234700-312BragaPortugal

