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STAT 7780: Survival Analysis 3. Nonparametric Estimation Peng Zeng Department of Mathematics and Statistics Auburn University Fall 2017 Peng Zeng (Auburn University) STAT 7780 – Lecture Notes Fall 2017 1 / 28
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STAT 7780: Survival Analysis3. Nonparametric Estimation

Peng Zeng

Department of Mathematics and StatisticsAuburn University

Fall 2017

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1 Kaplan-Meier estimator

2 Nelson-Aalen estimator

3 Mean and median survival time

4 Left-truncated and right-censored data

Reference: Chapter 4 in Klein and Moeschberger (2003).

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Kaplan-Meier estimator

Example: Leukemia Remission

The data contain the time that leukemia relapsed after patients weretreated by a drug called 6-MP.

10 7 32+ 23 22 6 16 34+ 32+ 25+11+ 20+ 19+ 6 17+ 35+ 6 13 9+ 6+ 10+

Problem: find the estimates and standard errors for

survival function S(t)

cumulative hazard function H(t)

mean and median survival time

We also discuss confidence intervals and confidence bands.

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Kaplan-Meier estimator


A sample of right-censored survival data {(Ti , δi), i = 1, . . . , n}.Ti : a time on study (either lifetime or censoring time)

δi : whether Ti is an event time (= 1) or a censoring time (= 0)

Assume that the events occur at D distinct times

t1 < t2 < · · · < tD

At time ti , there are di events.

Yi is a count of the number of individuals at risk at time ti .(individuals who are alive at ti or experience the event at ti)

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Kaplan-Meier estimator


For the leukemia example,

10 7 32+ 23 22 6 16 34+ 32+ 25+11+ 20+ 19+ 6 17+ 35+ 6 13 9+ 6+ 10+

We have

ti 6 7 10 13 16 22 23di 3 1 1 1 1 1 1Yi 21 17 15 12 11 7 6

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Kaplan-Meier estimator

Kaplan-Meier Estimator: Heuristic

The survival function S(ti) is

S(ti) =S(ti)



S(ti−2)· · · S(t2)




If the time is discrete, for any i ,



P(T > ti)

P(T > ti−1)=

P(T > ti)

P(T ≥ ti)= P(T > ti | T ≥ ti)


P(T > ti | T ≥ ti) =Yi − di


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Kaplan-Meier estimator

Kaplan-Meier Estimator

The Kaplan-Meier estimator is also called product-limit estimator.

S(t) =

{1, if t < t1∏

ti≤t(1− di/Yi), if ti ≤ t

The estimated variance is

V [S(t)] = S(t)2∑ti≤t

diYi(Yi − di)


The estimated standard error is√

V [S(t)].

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Kaplan-Meier estimator

ExampleFor the leukemia example, we have

ti 6 7 10 13 16 22 23di 3 1 1 1 1 1 1Yi 21 17 15 12 11 7 6


S(10) =

(1− 3


)(1− 1


)(1− 1


)= 0.7529


V [S(10)] = (0.7529)2(







)= 0.00928

and the standard error is√

0.00928 = 0.0963.Peng Zeng (Auburn University) STAT 7780 – Lecture Notes Fall 2017 8 / 28

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Kaplan-Meier estimator

Pointwise Confidence Interval for S(t)


σ2S(t) =


diYi(Yi − di)

The most commonly used 100× (1− α)% pointwise confidenceinterval for S(t) at t = t0 is given by

S(t0)± zα/2σS(t0)S(t0)

where zα is upper-tail α percentile of a standard normal distribution.

Better confidence intervals can be obtained by first transformingS(t0), for example, using a logarithm function or an arcsine-squareroot transformation.

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Kaplan-Meier estimator


For the leukemia example, we already have S(10) = 0.7529.

σ2S(10) =






(15)(14)= 0.01637

The pointwise 95% confidence interval is

0.7529± (1.96)(√


= 0.7529± 0.1888 = (0.5641, 0.9417).

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Kaplan-Meier estimator

Confidence Band

For a given confidence level, we wish to find two random function,L(t) and U(t), such that S(t) falls within the band for all t in someinterval.

P[L(t) ≤ S(t) ≤ U(t), for all tL ≤ t ≤ tR ] = 1− α

We call [L(t),U(t)] a (1− α)100% confidence band for S(t).

Question: What is the difference between pointwise confidenceinterval and confidence band?

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Kaplan-Meier estimator

Confidence Band: EP BandsEqual probability (EP) bands are proportional to pointwise confidenceintervals.

S(t)± cα(aL, aU)σS(t)S(t)

where cα(aL, aU) is obtained using Table C.3 in the textbook,

aL =nσ2


1 + nσ2S(tL)

, aU =nσ2


1 + nσ2S(tU)


where n is the sample size, tL < tU and tL and tU are selected suchthat

tL ≥ the smallest observed event time

tU ≤ the largest observed event time

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Kaplan-Meier estimator

ExampleFor the leukemia example, we have already calculated

S(10) = 0.7529, σ2S(10) = 0.01637

Note that n = 21, Select tL = 6 and tR = 23. We have

σ2S(6) = 0.007937, σ2

S(23) = 0.090184.


aL =(21)(0.007937)

1 + (21)(0.007937)= 0.143, aU =


1 + (21)(0.090184)= 0.654

and c0.99(0.14, 0.66) = 3.4284. The 99% confidence band is

0.7529± (3.4284)(√

0.01637)(0.7529) = (0.4226, 1.0832)

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Kaplan-Meier estimator

SAS Code

ods graphics on;proc lifetest data = your-SAS-data more-options;

time T * delta(level-for-censoring);run;

With ods graphics on;, SAS draws a graph for the estimated S(t)

plots = S(CL CB = EP) plots pointwise confidence intervalband confidence band for S(t)

outsurv = creates a data set for estimated S(t) and more

conftype = linear type of confidence interval, default is loglog.

confband = ep type of confidence band,

stderr outputs standard error of S(t) with outsurv =

alpha = specifies confidence level

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Kaplan-Meier estimator

Example: Bone Marrow Transplant

The data contain disease-free (no recurrence of leukemia) survivaltime for 137 patients who received a bone marrow transplant. Thereare three groups of patients,

ALL (group = 1)

AML low risk (group = 2)

AML high risk (group = 3)

Use statement strata to compare the three groups

Two indicators,

δ1 = 1 for dead and = 0 for alive

δ2 = 1 for relapsed and = 0 for disease-free

We define an indictor δ = max(δ1, δ2) because we are consideringdisease-free survival time.

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Nelson-Aalen estimator

Nelson-Aalen EstimatorThe Nelson-Aalen estimator is

H(t) =

{0, if t ≤ t1∑

ti≤t di/Yi , if ti ≤ t.

The estimated variance is

σ2H(t) =


diY 2i


For the leukemia example,

H(10) =3





15= 0.2683

σ2H(10) =






152= 0.0147

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Nelson-Aalen estimator

Pointwise Confidence Interval

The 100(1− α)% pointwise confidence interval for cumulative hazardfunction is

H(t0)± zα/2σH(t0)

For example, in the leukemia example, the 95% pointwise confidenceinterval is

H(10)± z0.025σ2H(10) = 0.2683± (1.96)

√0.0147 = (0.0307, 0.5059).

Similar to survival function, the pointwise confidence interval of H(t)can also be obtained using transformation.

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Nelson-Aalen estimator

SAS Code

By default, SAS only outputs Kaplan Meier estimator. Withoption nelson, SAS also outputs Nelson-Aalen estimator.

Use statement ods output ProductLimitEstimates = mySASfile;to output the results of Kaplan-Meier estimators andNelson-Aalen estimator.

Draw cumulative hazard function using step statement in procsgplot.

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Mean and median survival time

Mean Survival Time

The estimated mean survival time is

µτ =

∫ τ



where τ is either the longest observed time or preassigned by theinvestigator.

Because S(t) is a step function, SAS estimate µτ using

µ =D∑i=1

S(ti−1)(ti − ti−1),

where tD is the largest event time and t0 = 0.

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Mean and median survival time


For the leukemia example,

ti 6 7 10 13 16 22 23di 3 1 1 1 1 1 1Yi 21 17 15 12 11 7 6S(ti ) 0.8571 0.8067 0.7529 0.6902 0.6275 0.5378 0.4482

The estimated mean is

(0.5378)(23− 22) + (0.6275)(22− 16) + · · ·+ (1.0000)(6− 0)

= 17.9093

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Mean and median survival time

Variance and Confidence Interval

The variance of this estimator is

V (µτ ) =D∑i=1

[ ∫ τ


S(t)dt]2 diYi(Yi − di)


A 100(1− α)% confidence interval for the mean is

µτ ± zα/2

√V (µτ )

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Mean and median survival time

Median Survival Time

Recall that pth quantile is

xp = inf{t : S(t) ≤ 1− p}

In practice, find the smallest time xp for which S(t) is less than orequal to 1− p.

A 100(1− α)% confidence interval is the set of all time points tsatisfying

−zα/2 ≤S(t)− (1− p)

V 1/2[S(t)]≤ zα/2

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Left-truncated and right-censored data

Example: Channing House

Channing House is a retirement center located in Palo Alto, CA. Thedata contain information on 462 individuals (97 males and 365females) who were in residence during 1964 and 1975.

age (in months): individual died and left the center

age entry (in months): when the individual entered the center

death: 1 = death and 0 = left

time: difference between age and age entry

gender: 1 = male and 2 = female

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Left-truncated and right-censored data


Compared with right-censored data, we associated, with the jthindividual, a random age Lj at which he/she enters the study and atime Tj at which he/she either dies or censored.

Let t1 < t2 < · · · < tD be the distinct death times

Let di be the number of individuals who experience the event ofinterest at time ti .

Let Yi be the number of individuals who are at risk ofexperiencing the event of interest at time ti .

the number of individuals who entered the study prior to time tiand who have a study time of at least ti , that is, Y is thenumber of individuals with Lj ≤ ti ≤ Tj .

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Left-truncated and right-censored data

Calculation Formulas

The previous formulas for right-censored data apply to left-truncatedand right-censored data. (Note: Yi are defined differently.)

Pay attention to the explanation. For example, the Kaplan-Meierestimator now estimate the probability of survival beyond t,conditional on survival to the smallest of the entry times L, or

P(X > t | X ≥ L) =S(t)


Similar explanations apply to other quantities.

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Left-truncated and right-censored data

Caution: Number At RiskIt is possible that Yi is small for some time ti . If, for some ti , Yi anddi are equal, then KM estimator will be zero for all t beyond thispoint. In this case, estimate S(t) conditional on survival to a timewhere this will not happen.

800 900 1000 1100




age in months



at r


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Left-truncated and right-censored data

ExampleFor males (gender = 1), first individual entered the center at 751months and died at 777 months. The second individual entered at759 month and died at 781 months.


S(t) = 1 for t < 777

S(t) = 0.5 for 777 ≤ t < 781

S(t) = 0 for t ≥ 781.

We may estimate the conditional probability of survival beyond age t,given survival to age a. We estimate Sa(t) = P(X > t | X ≥ a) byconsidering only those deaths that occur after age a, that is

Sa(t) =∏


(1− di


), t ≥ a

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Left-truncated and right-censored data

SAS Codeproc lifetest does not support left truncation. We can use proc phreginstead.

proc phreg data = SAS-data-set;model survtime * delta(0) = / entry = left-truncation-variable;by category-variable;output out = output-data-set survival = S;


You must sort the data set by category-variable.

Use entry = to specify a variable for time of entry.

SAS outputs a data set containing estimated (conditional)survival probability.

Use step statement in proc sgplot to draw fitted survival function

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