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Stellenbosch gazette 8 jul 2014

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Stellenbosch gazette 8 jul 2014
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www.bolandgazette.co.za bolandgazette.mobi Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore Year 16 • Tuesday 8 July 2014 | Tel. 021 887 2840 As part of the 2014 Global Summit of the World Student Environ- mental Network (WSEN) more than 100 trees were planted at Cloetesville Primary and High School on Friday. The WSEN kicked off with a bang in Stellenbosch last week with key- note speaker Dr Gunter Pauli, au- thor of the book Blue Economy, tell- ing delegates that doing “less bad” is not good enough. Dr Pauli was an engaging speaker who said that humans are failing to protect the environment. He said the world needs people to bend and defy the rules because this is the only way to bring about change. Close to 80 student delegates from across the globe were gathered in Stellenbosch for the first WSEN Glo- bal Summit to be held in a developing country. The summit ended on Friday and was hosted by Stellenbosch Univer- sity (SU) with sponsorship of the De- partment of Environmental Affairs and the SU’s Frederik Van Zyl Slab- bert Institute for Student Leadership Development, the SU’s Postgraduate and International Office as well as the Sustainability Initiative. Mzwandile Fulani, Green Pop co-ordinator, teaches students and learners more about compost and how to plant trees. Ellie Tallis, a Green Pop facilitator, teaches learners of Cloetesville Primary School the basics of planting a tree. ‘Less bad’ not good enough ‘Less bad’ not good enough
Page 1: Stellenbosch gazette 8 jul 2014


Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 16 • Tuesday 8 July 2014 | Tel. 021 887 2840

Aspartof the2014GlobalSummitof the World Student Environ-mental Network (WSEN) morethan 100 trees were planted atCloetesville Primary and HighSchool on Friday.

The WSEN kicked off with a bangin Stellenbosch last week with key-note speaker Dr Gunter Pauli, au-thor of the book Blue Economy, tell-

ing delegates that doing “less bad” isnot good enough.Dr Pauli was an engaging speaker

who said that humans are failing toprotect the environment. He said theworld needs people to bend and defythe rulesbecause this is theonlywayto bring about change.Close to 80 student delegates from

across the globe were gathered inStellenbosch for the first WSENGlo-

balSummit tobeheld inadevelopingcountry.The summit ended on Friday and

was hosted by Stellenbosch Univer-sity (SU) with sponsorship of the De-partment of Environmental Affairsand the SU’s Frederik Van Zyl Slab-bert Institute forStudentLeadershipDevelopment, the SU’s Postgraduateand International Office as well asthe Sustainability Initiative.

Mzwandile Fulani, GreenPop co-ordinator, teachesstudents and learners moreabout compost and how toplant trees.

Ellie Tallis, a Green Pop facilitator, teacheslearners of Cloetesville Primary School thebasics of planting a tree.

‘Less bad’ not good enough‘Less bad’ not good enough

Page 2: Stellenbosch gazette 8 jul 2014

Stellenbosch Gazette News - Nuus Tuesday 8 July 20142

Moord ondersoekDie Stellenbosch-landdroshofhet onlangs ’n ondersoek terplaatse gedoen ommeer inlig-ting te verkry oor ’n moordwat in 2009 gebeur het.

Landdros Phakama Madindahet verlede Vrydag ’n woonstelby die La Rive-sekuriteitskom-pleks in Moltenostraat, Stellen-bosch, besoek waar MoniqueBrits, vriendin van die vermoor-de Excell Ehlers (20), op hom af-gekomhetwaar hy erg beseer in-die woonstel gelê het. Brits hetdie hof deur haar weergawe vandie gebeure geneem en het aandie hof, en Ehlers se familie, ver-duidelik hoe sy die oggend van28Februarie2009diewoonstel enEhlers aangetref het. Ehlers,watoorspronklikvanOudtshoorn is,het twee dae later in Tygerberg-hospitaal gesterf. VRAE:Excell Ehlers (20) semoordondersoekduur voort.

Keeping vacationing kids safeFor kids the three-week long mid-year school holiday is a welcomebreak, but for many parents whohave to work it’s a stressful periodof constantly wondering if yourchild is safe.“It is important that they know

toalwayskeepentryandexitdoorslocked, and that no-one is to enterthe home without your permis-sion,” says RobDale,managing di-rector of ADT Security, WesternCape.“If youhaveahomesecurity sys-

tem installed, teach them how toactivate and deactivate it and howand when to use other security de-vices like panic buttons.”

) Have a list of emergency num-bers including 10111 handy. Makesure they know how to use it andwhen.Thecoldweathermeans thatold-

er kids are often confined indoorsand that boredom quickly sets in.The usual solution: wanting to vis-it a friend who lives in the neigh-bourhood.

) If youarenotable todropyourchild off or arrange a lift for them.Or, walk the route with them be-fore theyhave todo it on theirown.“Explain that it is better to take

a longer route down familiarstreets where there is more activi-ty than taking short-cuts acrossfields or through deserted areas orroads they’re not used to.”

) When they leave home, theymust let their parents knowandal-so once they have arrived at theirfriend’s home.

) Never takeadviceor lifts fromstrangers.Dale proposed that parents con-

sider ADT FindU for their chil-

dren.“This application will turn your

child’s smartphone into apersonalsafety and monitoring device.They simply need to activate it tostart the tracking process and tap,shake or swipe their handset toalert us. We will dispatch the ap-propriate response teamincludingarmed response, medical assist-ance, mountain and wilderness orsea rescue services. You do notneed to be an existing ADT clientto subscribe to the service.”

) At shopping malls, look afteryour belongings and look out foreach other.

) Hold tightly onto handbags,wallets and cellphones. If they be-come separated from their friends,head straight to the mall informa-tion desk or to security and try totrack them down from there.

Botman memorialAPeoples’Memorial Service for the late Profes-sorRusselBotmanwill beheld today in theStel-lenbosch Town Hall at 12:45.Thisservice,presentedbyadelegationofcom-

munity leaders, will feature speakers such asProf Julian Smith and Dr LlewellynMcMaster.For more information call Councillor Frank-

lin Adams on 0 083 396 8119.

Zille calls for moreorgan donorsThere are challenging factors result-ing in the low organ donation ratesin South Africa. The first is the lackof thorough awareness and compre-hensive education on the subject oforgan donation and the lack of re-sourcesavailable to theOrganDonorFoundation. The second is the lackof development and the deteriora-tion of available medical infrastruc-ture that severely impacts the effec-tiveness and growth of organ refer-rals in South Africa.These facts were highlighted by

the premier of the Western Cape,Helen Zille, at a recent meetingwhere the urgent need for more or-gan donors in the Western Cape wasdiscussed.There is a specific need for chil-

drenwaiting to receive transplantedorgans in the Western Cape.Zille offered the children a mes-

sage of hope and encouragement atthe conference held at the Red CrossWar Memorial Children’s Hospitallastweek. TheOrganDonor Founda-tionused7July (07/07) asSaveSevenLivesDayand thishasbecomeanan-nualdatepublishedonthehealthcal-endar.CurrentlyatRedCrossWarMemo-

rial Children’sHospital there are sixchildren on the active list urgentlyrequiring a liver transplant to en-sure their survival and 37 on the in-active list who will require a livertransplant in the future. There hasbeen a dramatic increase in thenumberof childrenwhoareondialy-sis treatment at the hospital with 17children being dialysed and await-

ing a kidney transplant and only twopatients have healthy living rela-tives as a transplant option. Some ofthese children have been on dialysisfor almost 5 years - a very long timein a child’s life.Nationally there are over 4 300

South Africans awaiting an organand cornea transplant. Less than 600transplants are performed each yearand many adults and children diewaiting for a life-saving transplant.One person can save seven lives

when they become an organ donor –this includestheuseofoneheart, twolungs, twokidneys, one liver andonepancreas. One donor can also im-prove the quality of life of up to 50more people by donating their tissue– their skin, bone, heart valves andcorneas.In South Africa less than 0,2% of

the population are registered organdonors. If compared to other coun-tries such as the USA, who have 37%of their population as registered or-gan donors and Australia (whoseawareness campaigns are entirelyfunded by their Government) whohave24%oftheirpopulationasregis-tered organ donors – we must admitthat this is an extremely shockingand low statistic for South Africa.The public are encouraged to be-

come donors by visiting the OrganDonor Foundation’s website atwww.odf.org.za or calling their TollFreeLineon0800226611. It’sasimpleprocedure tosignup,only takesa fewminutes of your time and is free ofcharge. Please remember to discussthe decision with your family.

Edgar Fortuin wys dat enigeen ’n verskil kan maak.

Passie om te helpbeloonSy passie om ander te help het tien jaar gelede begin.Nou is sy goeiewerkdeurdieWes-Kaapsepolisie raakge-

sien en Edgar Fortuin (28) van Cloetesville is pas aange-wys as die Visible Policing Employee of the Year tydensdie provinsiale prestige-toekenningsaand in die Good-wood-burgersentrum.Fortuin, wat by sy ouma grootgeword het, het geweet

hy het ’n taak om te verrig in sy gemeenskap en in diebreë provinsie.Dit is juis die waardes wat hy by sy ouma, Susan Ham-

mers, geleer het, wat hom gebring het waar hy vandagis.

Die DF Malan-gedenksentrum was Saterdagstampvol rouklaersbydiebegrafnisdiensvirwy-le prof Russel Botman, rektor en visekanseliervandieUniversiteit Stellenbosch.Botman isver-lede naweek in sy slaap oorlede.Talle hoogwaardigheidsbekleërs, insluitend

oudpresidente Thabo Mbeki en FW de Klerk enhul eggenotes, minister Naledi Pandor, ministervan wetenskap en tegnologie, adv. Thuli Madon-sela, die openbare beskermer, Helen Zille, Wes-Kaapse premier, dr. Johann Rupert, kanseliervan die Universiteit Stellenbosch en Stellen-bosch seburgemeester,ConradSidegohet die be-grafnisdiens op ’n grou Stellenbosch bygewoon.Huldeblyke is gelewer deur Botman se seun,

Hayman, Rupert en imam Shaakier Vermeulen.Die diens is gelei deur ds Setri Nyomi, hoofse-

kretaris van dieWêreldbond vanGereformeerdeKerke.DsDeonBotman,broervandieontslaperektor,

het die ter aardebestelling in die Stellenbosse be-graafplaas waargeneem waar sy broer naby be-kende Stellenbossers soos dr Danie Craven, DFMalan en Paul Roos ter ruste gelê is.

Wyle prof Russel Botman se familie kom Saterdag by sy begrafnisdiensby die DF Malan-gedenksentrum aan. Van links is Ruth Botman, Berylen Hayman (voor). FOTO’S: DAAN WILLIAMS

Conrad Sidego, burgemeester van Stellenbosch, Helen Zille, premier van dieWes-Kaap en Elita de Klerk en haar eggenoot, oudpresidentFW de Klerk, het ook die begrafnis bygewoon.

Prof Russel Botman ter ruste gelê

Page 3: Stellenbosch gazette 8 jul 2014

Stellenbosch GazetteNews - NuusTuesday 8 July 2014 3

Vakansie begin op ’nlekker dansnootCloetesville Hoërskool het die Junie-va-kansie op ’n lekker noot begin toe hulle’ndans inClubBoulevardaangebiedhet.

Leerders en vriende kon lekker saam kui-er en bietjie vergeet van die skoolwerk watnog voorlê.

Uitgevat in rooi-en-swart is Jacki Vermeulen, Lucinda Lewis, Magdalene Vermeulen en Cisca Meyer.

Salamine van Roy, Rigena Louw, Wayline Loggenberg, Candice Moses, Shané Fortuin en Shanice Davidshet ’n goeie tyd gehad. FOTO’S: DAAN WILLIAMS

Learn about constructionat big expo at CTICCThe Cape Construction Expo will be tak-ing place from13 to 14August at theCapeTown International Convention Centre.The expo provides an essential toolkit

for efficient and sustainable construc-tion in the Western Cape.It unites 2 500 participants from across

the province who meet with more than 80exhibitors to learn how to perfect theirproject delivery. The keynote sessiontakes place onWednesday 13August from09:00 – 10:15 and features renowned ex-perts from the built environment and gov-ernment representatives.The session analyses how global mac-

ro trends will impact the Western Capeand gives insight into the future of theconstruction industry.Important highlights at the construc-

tion expo include:V The future of design in the Western

Cape session, taking place from 15:30 –17:00 on Wednesday 13 August.This session brings together the coun-

try’s creative thinkers to look into theircrystal ball to see what the design futurehas to offer for the Western Cape.

V A networking function, taking place

from17:30 on 13August on the exhibitionfloor brings together all stakeholders oftheWestern Cape construction industryin an informal context.Theevent facilitates collaborationand

allows access to the industry’s leadingexperts.

V The maritime and industrial devel-opment opportunities session, takingplace from 09:00 – 10:30 on Thursday 14August, sheds some light on thechallenges in twokey sectors driving thelocal economy.Leading experts unfold development

plans and showcase newbusiness oppor-tunities. The eventwill host over 30VIPscomprised of regional government offi-cials, senior management from leadingengineering, procurement and contract-ing companies, property owners, inves-tors and more.This is a distinctively Western Cape

centric event where government, engi-neers, investors, contractors, par-astatals, property owners, developersandarchitects converge to drive sustain-able progress in the province’s construc-tion industry.

NGO invests in schoolsTraining4changeSisanNGOthatusessportas a catalyst for holistic community trans-formation and to intentionally equip youngleaders with essential skills and values.The NGO recently equipped a team of 10

coaches who will launch thetraining4changeS School Futsal Initiativelater this month.Their focus is onusing futsal (5-a-side soc-

cer) as amedium for life-skills teaching andleadership development.

As they work with their partner schools,Cloetesville Primary, Kayamandi Primary,Ikaya Primary, St. Idas Primary, St. Vin-cent Primary and Klapmuts Primary, theyuse futsal tomotivate learners toreachtheirfull potential both in and out of the class-room.Formore informationabout the organisa-

tion, please visit the websitewww.training4changeS.org or Facebook atwww.facebook.com/training4changeS.

A group of soccer players embracing futsal at training4changeS.

Page 4: Stellenbosch gazette 8 jul 2014

Stellenbosch Gazette News - Nuus Tuesday 8 July 20144

Time for tax - pay your duesFrom1Julytheso-calledtaxseasonishere,whichmeans that you need toget your books in orderbefore 21 Novemberwhen most income taxreturns need to be re-turned to SARS.

With all the things thatyou as the owner of yourown business have to doeach day, you often do not set asidetime tokeep thebooksup todate.Butthe penalties for late submission andpayment, forces one to take time toensure that your company’s tax re-turns get the necessary attention intime.The best practice is to keep your

books in order all year round. Busi-nesses that are registered for VATneed to submit a record of their busi-ness activities bi-monthly, which

forces them to set asidetime for doing books ona regular basis.But many small busi-

nesses are not registeredfor VAT and thereforebusiness owners put thisoff for some time later. Ifthis is you, I trust thatyou at least have somekindofsystemwhereyoukeep every receipt and

invoice because, although we live ina digital world, most of our transac-tions still need a paper trail.If youdonothaveagoodbookkeep-

ingandaccountingsystem,youmustremember that SARS do tax auditson businesses and it may becomenasty ifyoudonotcomply,especiallyif you do not have proper records ofall expenses that you claim.Part of the record keeping and

compliance thatSARSrequires from

every business iswhether you’ve de-ducted the necessary UIF, SDL andincome tax fromyouremployeesandwhether you’ve paid it to SARSmonthly.Business owners often do not con-

sider thecost of a sloppyrecordkeep-ingsystem.Besides thepenaltiesandinterest for late payment, you oftenend up with paying more taxes thannecessary.Therefore if you are not qualified

to do all this yourself, it will be bene-ficial for you to hire a bookkeeper.You’ll rid yourself of loads of stressif your books are in order and it willalso help you to better manage yourcash flow every month.(DavidMalherbe is a business- and

career consultant and lives in Wel-lington. He can be contacted via hisweb page www.jedidiah.org.za or0 021 873 0262 or on Facebook at “Jydie Entrepreneur.”)

Aquarium elicits laughs and gigglesSAMKELA MHLAKAZA

The82 learnersof IKhayaPre-Prima-ry School guided by seven teachersand volunteers, went on their veryfirst outing to the Two OceansAquarium in Cape Town!At the first sight of seeing the bus,

whichwasgoing to take theyouthbe-tween the ages of 2 to 6 years old toCape Town, the youngest childrenweresomewhat frightenedof its size.They had never been in such a big

bus before. Once being rememberedabout their joyful day ahead, theirfearsvanishedasquicklyas theyhadappeared.

Forsomeof theyoungsters therideitselfwasanevent on its own, as theyall enjoyed the sights on the way toCape Town.Upon arrival in Cape Town, one of

the aquariums’most popular puppetshows: ‘’Keep the beach clean’’ waswaiting for the children.The interactive puppet show in-

volved the children in the story line,allowing them to explore creaturesof the underwater world such assharks, dolphins, crabs and starfish-es.The hidden message of the show

wastheenvironmental impactofpol-luting theocean,making itbotha fun

and learning experience for youngand old.Afterwards, we had the opportuni-

ty to have a look at all the amazinganimals living in the huge watertanks. The children visibly enjoyedthe enormous variety of big andsmall fish, but the sharks were defi-nitely the highlight of the entire day.Before going back to the buses, the

children had the opportunity to feelseaweed, starfishes and stones at theaquarium.Although a bit hesitant at first, all

learners had a try, resulting in allsorts of sound from screaming tolaughing and giggling.

The pre-primary class at Vision AfriKa had their first ever outing to the V&A Waterfront Two Oceans Aquarium. With them is aGerman student, Clara Redd, who is now a facilitator at the school.

Aktiwiteite by museumDie Stellenbosch Museum biedgedurendedieskoolvakansieelkeWoensdagoggend aktiwiteite bydie Dorpmuseum vanaf 10:00 tot12:00 aan.Alle programme sluit ’n bege-

leide toerdeurdieDorpsmuseum,die Speelgoedmuseum, die VOCKruithuis en die Burgerhuis in.Die Dorpsmuseum is geleë by

Erfurthuis, Ryneveldstraat 37,0021 887 2948.Die Speelgoedmuseum by

Markstraat, 0 021 887 2928.

Die VOC Kruithuis is by DieBraak, Bloemstraat. Skakle 0021 887 2948 virmeer inligting oordié museum.Die Burgerhuis is op die hoek

van Alexander- en Bloemstraat,0 021 887 0339.Die program is soos volg:)Woensdag 9 Julie: Die maak

van tuisgemaakte kerse.)Woensdag 16 Julie: Skatte-

jag.Vir enige vrae bel Debbie Ga-

briels by 0 021 887 2937.

Die Speelgoedmuseum is in Markstraat geleë.

Kom brei vir liefdadigheidDieAfrikaanse Taalmuseumen -mo-nument (ATM) in samewerking metdie Dorkas en Buzzy Beez-vroue-klubs, bied op Saterdag 12 Julie ’nbrei-athon aan ter viering van Nel-son Mandela-dag.Volgens Catherine Snel, bestuur-

der van erfenis en opvoeding by dieATM, skakel dié inisiatief in by diedoel van Mandela-dag om individuete inspireer om tehelp omdiewêreld’n beter plek te maak deur 67minutevanhul tyd te spandeer om ’nverskil

in iemand anders se lewe te maak.“Ons wil graag behoeftiges se har-

te warm maak en hulle help om diewinter te trotseer deur ’n kleding-stuk vir hulle te brei, hetsy ’n serp,trui of kombersie. Ons het reeds ver-skeie groepegevormwat itemsbeginbrei het ten bate van die projek.Almal word uitgedaag om te brei.

Indien jy nie kan brei nie, sal ons jouleer!”Die brei-athon vind van 10:00 tot

14:00 in die Historium Konferensie-

sentrum langs die Afrikaanse Taal-museum plaas. Die breiwerk sal opNelson Mandela-dag, Vrydag 18 Ju-lie, aan behoeftige grootmense enkinders in Drakenstein uitgedeelword.Deelnemers moet hul eie breipen-

ne saambring en word aangemoedigom wol te skenk, maar wol kan ookverskafword.Vir navrae, kontakJa-nine Brown by die Afrikaanse Taal-museum by 0 021 872 3441 of [email protected].


)AA Stellenbosch-Sentraal komom 20:15 bymekaar by die Van DerStel-sportklub, Du Toitstraat, Stellen-bosch bymekaar. Meer besonderhedete kry by 0 084 293 3967.


)Angs en Depressieondersteu-ningsgroep. Vergadering om 19:00,NG Kerk, StellenboschWes, Alexan-derstraat.Diegasspreker isdrChris-ma Pretorius. Tema: AlgemeneAngsversteuring. Navrae: Magda-leen 0 073 216 9452, of Lenni0 084 293 2344.


)Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA) enAlanon (vir vriende en familie vanverslaafdes) kom om 20:15 by die VanDer Stel- sportklub, Du Toitstraat,Stellenbosch, bymekaar.Krymeer in-ligting by0 084 293 3967/ 021 889 5791.


)Moorreesburg Fun Run. QuadBikes/2Wheeler (Off-Road)/Side-by-sides. Kiddies tracks available.Hanette0 022 433 2712 / 082 326 7134or 2 [email protected].


) Kayamandi Trauma Centre forAbused Women and ChildrenPresentsSpinForAnHour.Where:SUSPI. Time: 06:00 to 18:00.2 [email protected] or 0 021 889 7686.


) Afrikaanse toneel-en-musiekfees -HT Kalfiefees, Hermanus. Inlig-ting: 2 [email protected] 0 028 316 1687. Besoek www.kal-fiefees-hermanus.co.za.


) The standard 5 class of 1982 of StIdas Primary School, The Cabbages,hosts a Mask Ball in the Stellen-bosch Town Hall at 19:30. Cost: R150.Masks will be provided. Halaal plat-ters/Red and white wine on tables.Agnesia Thomas 0 074 848 8644,Bevin Abels 0 082 872 7735.

Food for Kayamandi’s needy

Cape Winelands District Municipality recently distributed 24 food parcels toneedy residents in the Kayamandi community. The municipality identified com-munity members who are unemployed and are underprivileged. CouncillorXoliswa Mdemka (centre with blue jacket) met with some of the recipients.

Page 5: Stellenbosch gazette 8 jul 2014

Stellenbosch GazetteNews - NuusTuesday 8 July 2014 5

Ons Gee Om.Ons Gee Om.

DieStellenboschGazettevra Stellenbossers omdie volgende welsyn- en gemeenskapsorgani-sasies te help.

Hiér is ’n lys van hul grootste behoeftes:) Stellenbosch Nagskuiling: Geblikte of

vars groente, droë sopbestanddele, macaroni,spaghetti, koffie, suiker, poeiermelk, smeer-goed vir brood asook badseep en handdoeke.

Tweedehandse handdoeke, badseep, waslap-pe en toiletware kan ook handig gebruik word.Daar is ook ’n behoefte aan vrywilligers om sopper dag te skenk. Dit kan gevries of vars wees.0 021 886 6173.

)HuisHorison:Wit kerswas vir maak vanvlamvatters, stewige vulsel, houthangers, bor-duurgare, groterige stukke effe linne/katoen-materiaal en wol. 0 021 887 5080.

) Safe House Stellenbosch: Melkpoeier/langlewemelk, rys, mieliemeel, blikkies tuna,suiker, kookolie, waspoeier vir outomatiesemasjiene, Handy Andy, Jik/Domestos en op-wasmiddel.

Vrywilligers wat hulp kan aanbied sal baiewaardeer word. 0 021 883 2574.

) Stellenbosch Voedingsaksie: Droë be-standdele soos rys, pasta, mieliemeel, stamp-mielies en sopmengsel, asook produkte vir kos-pakkies. 0 021 886 8986 of 0 071 322 0747.

)Kindersorg SA Stellenbosch: Skoolkle-re, al is dit tweedehands, asook skryfbehoeftesword dringend benodig. 0 021 887 2816.

)Jeuguitreik kinder- en jeugsorgsen-

trum: Brood, suiker, pasta, broodsmere enblikkieskos.

Gordyne en ou DVD’s wat oor naweke vir diekinders gewys kan word, sal waardeer word.Skryfbehoeftes asook skoolklere sal van groothulp wees. 0 021 886 6216.

) Stellenbosch Werksentrum vir Vol-wasse Persone met Gestremdhede: Hulgrootste behoefte is vervoer.

Hulle is op soek na daaglikse saamrygeleent-hede vir vier mense van Vlottenburg-winkel,twee van Koelenhof Katolieke Skool, een vanKanonkop, vier van Kayamandi en een uit Jon-kershoek. 0 021 887 8688.

) Ikhaya Trust Centre: Vrywilligers watdie leerlinge in hul nasorg op Vrydae van 15:00tot 16:00 kan leer viool speel. 0 021 889 8774.

)MarcelinoSingh-stigting:Brood, brood-smere, vars groente, tweedehandse klere enmeubels. 0 021 889 9555 of 0 072 888 7188.

) ACVVStellenbosch:Nie-bederfbarekos,toiletware, skoolskoene, -hempies en -broe-kies, weggooidoeke vir babas en volwassenesen rugsakke vir skoolgaande kinders. Enige ouklere vir ons klerewinkel, om te gee aan diege-ne wat kom vra. 0 021 887 6959.

)Kayamandi Traumakamer: Driekwart-enenkelbedmatrasse,waaier,verwarmer,bed-degoed, gordyne, komberse, eetgerei, tweede-handse klere en onderklere, kos, toiletware,skoonmaakmiddels. Kontak me. Bakubaku 0074 717 9676 of 0 021 889 7686 of Mary 0 083945 5811.

) Stellenbosch Hospice: Koffie en tee enwarm sjokolade (Hot Chocolate), Skryfbehoef-tes (verf, skêre, Pritt, gekleurde papier en in-kleurpotlode vir kreatiewe projekte), en spele-tjies soos dambord en opvoedkundige spele-tjies. Skakel 0 021 886 5994.

Learn more aboutcomputersProchorus, a community-based non-profit organisation situated in Kaya-mandi,offersafreeadultcomputerliter-acy course.

The organisation started in 1996, andsince 2006 has been running an internetskills development initiative. Prochorusnowoffersbasic internet training.Theiniti-ative aims to develop basic computer litera-cy and broaden employment possibilitiesfor the participants. Classes are taught in

English,whichofferstheparticipantsanop-portunity to improve their English lan-guage usage.

The course can be completed in threeweeks.RegisterbysigningupatKayamandilibrary.

Due to limited resources, interested par-ties may be put on a waiting list.

Classes are from Monday to Thursdayfrom 10:00 - 12:30.

For more information contact Pam DuPlessis at 0 021 889 8160.

Instructor Bones teaching students some basic computer skills. PHOTO: LOUIS SMITH PHOTOGRAPHY

Afsprake vir tandarts nodigVanaf 1 Julie 2014 sal alle tandartsbesoeke aandie Idasvallei-kliniek slegs per afspraak wees.

Oop oggendsessies vir ondersoeke en ek-straksies sal terselfdertyd ook wegval.

Afsprake kan telefonies by 0 021 887 2016 ofpersoonlikbydiekliniekgemaakword,nielan-ger as een week vooruit nie.

As enige week en die daaropvolgende weekvolbespreekis, salafsprakesluit totdievolgen-de Maandag.

Noodgevalle kan sonder ’n afspraak toegangtot ’n tandarts verkry.

Elke geval sal geëvalueer word en waar no-dig na ’n tandarts verwys word.

Akute absesse of trauma aan die lippe oftandvleis as gevolg van ’n ongeluk of aanran-ding word as noodgevalle beskou.

Gewone tandpyn word nie as ’n noodgevalbeskou nie en pasiënte moet dus ’n afspraakmaak vir ’n ekstraksie.Die voordele van die nuwe reëling:1. Behandeling op die bespreekte dag, tensy

’n tandarts of mondhigiënis siek is en die af-

spraak daarom nie betyds verskuif kan wordnie.

2. Geen toustaan vroegoggend buite die kli-niek in die donker, koue of reënweer in diehoop op ’n afspraak nie.

3. ’nWerkgewerofskoolkanvooraf inkennisgestel word van ’n bespreekte tandartsbesoek.

4. Verskillende tydgleuwe vir ekstraksies:pasiënte wat van ver kom sal makliker toegangtot die kliniek verkry.

5. Wagtye sal korter wees, mits pasiënte be-tyds vir ’n afspraak opdaag.Samewerking van pasiënte:1. Wees asseblief bedagsaam teenoor mede-

pasiënte en kanselleer afsprake voortydig. ’nAnder pasiënt kan sodoende dan gehelp word.

2. Wees asseblief betyds vir ’n afspraak. Laat-kommers ontwrig die res van die dag se pro-gram en ’n afspraak sal ongelukkig gekansel-leer moet word indien ’n pasiënt laat opdaag.Ons vertrou dat hierdie nuwe afspraakstelselal ons pasiënte se behoeftes beter sal aan-spreek.

Biblioteek sluit vir ’n week in Augustus’n Voorraadopname word vir Pleinstraat-bibli-oteek beplan.

Die biblioteek sal dus gesluit wees vanafMaandag 4 Augustus tot Vrydag 8 Augustus.

Die biblioteek heropen weer op Maandag 11Augustus.

Die biblioteek en Stellenbosch-munisipali-teit vra verskoning vir enige ongerief.

Foodpods project launchedHeart Capital is launching a Foodpodsproject in Kayamandi aimed at creatingfood security in the area.

The project teaches locals how to plantand grow vegetables in order to sell themin their community.

The aim is to empower locals by teachingthem about how to sustain themselves byproducing vegetables using a low cost meth-od.

Foodpods use plastic crates, lined outwith a porous fabric and packed with soil,

to grow the seedlings.Heart Capital provides training and ad-

vises growers how to effectively grow andfarm vegetables. The growers will then har-vest the vegetables and sell the produce intheir community.

Growers will then buy a plant-ready cratefrom Foodpods and start the process ofplanting and growing again.

Heart Capital, established in 2011, seeksto address social issues such as foodsecurity, education and entrepreneurship.

Lukas Hohmann (in-tern: Heart Capital),Nicole Dong (market-ing manager: HeartCapital), ClementineBourell (project coor-dinator: Food podsKayamandi) andTallan Shrimpton(Foodpods projectmanager).

Workers from Kayamandi busy with the Foodpods.

Page 6: Stellenbosch gazette 8 jul 2014

Stellenbosch Gazette News - Nuus Tuesday 8 July 20146




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Eco-schools projectfocuses on waterThe Department of Water andSanitation recently launched anew water-action project.

The Baswa le Meetse competitionand awards is a ministerial projectthat has been active since 2003 andwhich aims (through arts and dra-ma) to recognise the role of youngpeople in educating society about in-tegrated water management, sanita-tion, health and hygiene-related is-sues.The launch formed part of the

week-long Youth Summit on Waterand Climate Change, an intensiveeducation programme that address-es water, environmental issues andcareers.The summit is hosted by the de-

partment each year as one of theirkey activities for Youth Month.The new water action project, im-

plemented by WESSA Eco-schools,will transform the department’s ex-isting school-level Baswa le Meetse(Youth in Water) awards pro-gramme so that this competitionforms part of a water education pro-gramme that will encourage waterconservation and thewise use of wa-ter resources.The new Eco-Schools awards will

be open to all registered Eco-Schoolsfrom Grades R to 12.Participating schools will be re-

quired to set up a water actionproject that should aim to includethe entire school andmembers of thelocal community.The intention of the practice-

based focus of the competition is topromote meaningful action and theapplication of sustainable practices.

WESSAhaspreviouslybeenwork-ing with the department in theachievementof theirVision2020Wa-ter Education Programme.In 2013 the Eco-Schools pro-

gramme was selected by the depart-ment to assist in deepening thelearning and the implementation ofsustainable practices around waterat schools.The international Eco-Schools

programme itself has been imple-mented in the country since 2003 andis funded nationally byNampak andPetroSA.The awards project is another ex-

ample of government and civil socie-ty organisations working togethersuccessfully in theeducationanden-vironmental conservation fields.Earlier this week, the deputymin-

ister of Water and Sanitation,Pamela Tshwete, joined WESSAEco-SchoolsandtheFundisateachereducationnetworkandenvironmen-tal consulting companyGroundTruth, in awater quality testat the Modderfontein stream inEdenvale at the Ekurhuleni munici-pality.The activity formed part of the

practical component of the summit,where participating teachers wereshown how to “teach water” in thecurriculum.Tshwete was keen to learn more

about the miniSASS citizen sciencetool that is used to test water qualityin rivers, and was eager to find outhow this tool could empower com-munities to understand thehealth oftheir rivers and to identify whetherthe sources from which they drawwater are compromised.

Jong ontwerpers skep vakansiepretModeontwerpersLizeKrielen Emsie Conradie, eie-naars van die Little Birdie-handelsmerk, het Saterdaghul eerste uitstalling byPortebello Road, ’n klere-en koffiewinkel in Kenil-worth gehou.Die 22-jariges, wat in hul

tweede jaar aan die Eliza-beth Galloway Modeont-werp-skool in 2012 ontmoethet, neem ou klere en om-skep dit in meer moderneuitrustingswat gemik is op’n jonger en meer kontem-porêre mark.Hulle ontwerp en maak

klere volgens klante se spe-sifikasies en beoog om bydie opkomende Slow FoodMarket uit te stal.Kriel en Conradie is so

passievol oor hul mode- engemeenskapswerk, dathul-le dit goed gedink het omserpeaandiekindersbydieBreughel-teater in Cloetes-ville uit te deel.Diekinders,watbydie te-

ater aan ’n vakansiepro-gram deelneem, het som-mer ’nkits-kursus inmode-ontwerp by dié twee gekry.Hulle is gewyshoe omge-

woneT-hempies inmodieu-se skeppings te omskep enklere vir die poppe in diepoppekasvertonings temaak.Vir enige verdere navrae

kontak Emsie Conradie by00765377284,LizeKrielby0 082 849 8815 of besoekhulFacebook-blad: Littlebir-die.

Emsie Conradie en Lize Kriel (middel agter) staan met die groot groep kinders van dieBreughel-teater. By hulle is agter van links RalstonOliphant enBrandonStrydon, fasiliteerdersby die teater.

Lize Kriel en Emsie Conradie wys vir Ethan Scheepers hoe om kleertjies vir die poppe temaak.


Wynpret vir ’n hele dagmet Kelderdeur-paspoort

Ervaar die veelsydigheid van die druif soosmens net op Stellenbosch kan met die hulpvan die Kelderdeur-paspoort van top Suid-Afrikaanse kelders en die Vine Hopper- wyn-toermaatskappy, en laat iemand anders ’nkeer vir die vervoer verantwoordelik wees.Dié tweekundige verskaffers vanwyndien-

ste het saam ’n daglange wyntoer gereël, metkuierkanse, proe- en smulgeleenthede en be-soeke aan drie Stellenbosse wynonderne-mings wat internasionaal bekroon is. Tafel-wyn kom eerste aan die beurt, dan vonkel-wyn, en laastens luukse spesialisbrandwyn.Die pret begin by die Bergkelder, die tuiste

van die wêreldwyd bekroonde Fleur du Cap-wyne.Diékelder is inSuid-Afrikaenig in sy soort,

want dit is uitgegrawe in die flank van Pape-gaaiberg aan die dorp se buitewyke. Hiergaan jy wyne uit Fleur du Cap se kernreeksen sy ongefiltreerde reekse proe, en die kel-

der se fassinerende wynmuseum besoek.DangaanalmalnadieHuis vanJ.C. leRoux

vir ’n heerlike afparing van vier vonkel- enMCC- (Méthode Cap Classique) wyne metmalvalekkers en skuimpies. Dan geniet al-mal middagete by Le Venue-restaurant. Kieshier ’n hoofgereg uit die daaglikse spyskaart,en teug daarmee saamaan ’n glas vonkelwyn.Die laaste kuierplek is die Van Ryn’s-bran-

dewyndistileerdery. Dis die tuiste van dieSuid-Afrikaanse brandewyn wat al die mees-te bekronings verower het. Hier kom ’n kel-dertoer aan die bod, met onder meer ’n de-monstrasie van kuipery.Jy gaan ook luukse potketelbrandewyne

met die allerlekkerste koffie en handgemaak-te sjokolade proe.KoopDonderdag seEikestadnuus vir die

volledige kompetisiebesonderhede enstaan dan ’n kans om vir jou en drie vrien-de so ’n pretdag te wen.

Die Vine Hopper gee jou die geleentheid om Stellenbosch se wyne te ervaar sonder die kwelling van wiejou huis toe gaan neem.

Page 7: Stellenbosch gazette 8 jul 2014

Stellenbosch GazetteNews - NuusDinsdag 8 Julie 2014 7

Elana Meyer overjoyed about CTM sponsorshipElana Meyer, spokesperson forthe Sanlam Cape Town Marathonand member of its Exco, is over-joyed about Sanlam’s involve-ment as the new naming rightssponsor for the Cape Town Mara-thon.

The marathon will be run in CapeTown on a special race weekend on20 and 21 September this year.Meyer, a resident of Stellenbosch

and South African long-distance Ol-ympic medallist, says they have thesupport (and presence at the race) ofthe International Athletics Federa-tion (IAAF)and they will now applyfor Silver Label classification, a spe-cial race grading.“We are extremely pleased to have

a leading financial services grouplike Sanlamworking with us to real-ise the potential of this very specialevent,” she says.The sponsorship will allow the

marathon – renamed the SanlamCape Town Marathon with immedi-ate effect – to fast-track its plans ofbeing classified as Africa’s firstWorld Marathon Majors (WMM)

race and boost city tourism by at-tracting athletes from around theglobe.Yegs Ramiah, chief executive of

theSanlamBrand, says thecompanyis delighted at the opportunity to bethe official headline sponsor of theCape Town Marathon.“We are pleased to sponsor an

event that places Cape Town and ourcontinent on the global stage along-side famous marathon cities such asBoston, New York, Tokyo and Lon-don.Asadiversifiedfinancialservic-es playerwith an extensive footprintin11Africancountries,wetakepridein creating an opportunity for inter-national athletes to compete in a glo-bal event on the continent, in partic-ular African athletes.“The sport of running is easily ac-

cessible and within everyone’smeans and requires determination,dedication and the belief that a lotcan come from very little.“Just like wealth creation, the

sport of running is a journeywithoutan end, the joy and value of whichare unqualified. We truly believethat an event such as this will have

a real and positive influence by ena-bling people to live their best possi-ble lives,” Ramiah said.Relaunched in February 2014 after

an absence of a number of years, the42,2 km race will provide the culmi-nation of a three-day long “festivalof running”whichunfoldsasa10 kmpeace run, a 4,2 km peace run, twopeace trail runs, a peace relay anda peace mile race. Meyer and RugbyWorld Cup 1995 winning captain,Francois Pienaar, have joined forcesto present this event and drive thevision of the Cape Town Marathonbecoming one of the WMM.“We offer contestants the largest

sum of prize money for a South Afri-can standard marathon, with cashprizes exceedingR1,6 million,whichis in linewith internationalcitymar-athon benchmarks and a require-ment to be considered for WMM andIAAF membership,” says Meyer.The family of six major events in-

clude Tokyo Marathon, Boston Mar-athon, Virgin Money London Mara-thon, BMW Berlin Marathon, Bankof America Chicago Marathon andTCS New York City Marathon.

Jakes Jacobs (president: Western Province Athletics), Elana Meyer (Cape Town marathonambassador), Yegs Ramiah (chief executive: Sanlam Brand) and Francois Pienaar (CapeTown marathon ambassador) during the official announcement that Sanlam, one ofSouth Africa's leading financial services group, is the title sponsor of the Cape TownMarathon. PHOTO: ROGER SEDRES/IMAGESA

Grootbaas speel honger leeuDieuitvoerendehoof vanHungryLi-on Suid-Afrika moes die koue trot-seer toe hy besoek by die Stellenbos-se tak van HUngry Lion in ’n LuckyBucket Man-kostuum, afgelê het.Adrian Basson het dié tak, wat in

1997 in die Eikestad Mall geopen is,besoek as deel van ’n landwye veld-tog om die Hungry Lion-handels-merk op te knap.Hy sê: “Ons wil ’n bietjie pret in

ons handelsmerk plaas. Ons wil ookhê dat mense na ons nuwe opgegra-deerdewinkels, wat spesifiek vir kli-ente gedoen is, kom kyk.”Die opgraderings sluit in wasbak-


tuum in die Mall en ander winkels

rondbeweeg enmense vertel van diepromosiewaarin hulle R7miljoen sepryse kan wen.Die Stellenbosch-tak word deur

Viekamambe “Fia” Jansen bestuur.Fia is ook die werknemer wat al dielangstevirdieHungryLion-handels-merk werk.Onder haar leiding het dié tak in

2013 die Big Brand Brother-kompeti-sie, wat deur Hungry Lion gereëlword, gewen. Sy is vasbeslote om ditweerhierdie jaar tewen. Die kompe-tisie beoordeel die higiëniese toe-stand van die winkel, groeikoers enverkope, en geheimsinnige kopers.Amptenare van Hungry Lion gaanook gereeld by hul takke om - hulledoen hulle voor as gewone kopers,om te sien hoe die takke vaar.

Die uitvoerende hoof, Adrian Basson, enViekamambe Jansen (Fia) werk al sedert1997 saam.

Vuya Endaweniwithdraws from crècheAsof 1 July, the organisationVuyaEndaweni (122-532 NPO)will ceasetobeinvolvedinthefuturerunningofSiyavuyaCrèche(C-10894,acom-munity upliftment project), situat-edonthegroundsoftheAssembliesof God Church, Enkanini informalsettlement, Stellenbosch.It should also be noted that the

Vuya Endaweni has sole claim tothe name ‘Siyavuya Crèche’ andthatthecrèchemaynolongerregis-ter or use that name.The current chairpersonof Siya-

vuya Crèche, Mrs CM d’Hangestd’Yvoy and remaining office bear-ers Dr PJ Hendler and Mr EDd’Hangest d’Yvoy do also herebygive notice of their resignationfrom theSiyavuyaCrèche steeringcommittee (governing body andconstitution).During the past four years or so

the following successes have beenachieved:

) Positive experience of amulti-cultural educational facility in acultural environment.

)Established mentor skills foran English and Christian basedearly childhood development pro-gramme, multicultural life skillsand positive social developmentthrough play, games and outings.

)Established monthly dona-tionsuntilmid2012(R4 000/month)and mid 2012 until June 2014

(R2 000/month).)Awarded a subsidy from the

Department of Social Develop-ment, forfundingfood,salariesandthe programme.

)Awarded a grant-in-aid fund-ing from the Stellenbosch Munici-pality for funding two children’swater-born toilets.

)Healthyfinancialrecords(4¼years) including parents crechefees.

)National certificates andtraining in early childhooddevelopment qualifications forthree teachers (including the prin-cipal).The new management of the as-

sumed new organisation are theprincipal Miss A Mgophe and twoteachers, Miss NMMpateni and NTsoni.It is Vuya Endaweni’s hope that

the new organisation will strive tocreate a loving, affordable and safeenvironment for the children aswell as providingbasicmeals to as-sist parents in need and an activeeducational programme that willhelpinthechildren’sdevelopment.It is with great concern, regret

and disappointed feelings thatVuyaEndaweniwillbidthiscrecheproject farewell.Despite the trials and errors in

the past the parent’s little childrenmade it all worthwhile.

Vuya Endaweni will no longer be involved with Siyavuya Crèche.

DonovanDiendal (links voor) van Idas-vallei het besef dat die winter hier isen dat almal nie kan bekostig om ietsiewarms aan te trek nie. Hy het toe win-terklere ingesamel en aan ’n groepvroue in Newmanstraat, Idasvallei, of-tewel Kreefgat, gaan uitdeel.

Donovan doen gereeld skenkings aaninwoners in Stellenbosch en gee metsy skenkings vir elkeen ook ’n afskrifvan die geestelike boekie Rhapsody.


Page 8: Stellenbosch gazette 8 jul 2014

Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 16 • Dinsdag 8 Julie 2014 | Tel. 021 887 2840

Tweeling speel in skoleligaJOSEPH PILLAY

Dit is duidelik dat die indruk-wekkende 17-jarige tweeling-broers, Neil en Nolan Simons,’n blink toekoms het.

Dié twee is vinnig besig om diesokkerveld aan die brand te speelen inderdaad kan hulle as die “Ri-sing Stars” van Hoërskool Cloe-tesville gedoop word.Nolan en Neil is ook goeie im-

pakspelers wat hul merk gelaathet in diemededingendeMrPriceskoleliga.Dit is die eerste keer in die 11-

jaar geskiedenis van dieMr Priceskole-kompetisie dat twee paretweelingbroers vir hul skool uit-draf.Neil en Nolan werk lekker

saam met die ander tweeling-broers, Andile en Wandile Yapi.Neil enNolan praat nie veel oor

hul prestasies op die speelveldnie.Maar, hul ondersteuners kan

nie genoeg van hulle kry nie.Die twee graad 12-leerders, wat

op 11 Augustus hul 18de verjaar-dag vier,mag dalk namekaar lyk,maar elkeen het sy eie belangstel-

lings.Nolan is mal oor die Liverpool-

sokkerspeler StevenGerrard, ter-wylNeil gaande isoor YayaTourevan Manchester City.Die twee wil graag beroepspe-

lers word, want “die sokkerbloed

vloei deur ons are”, sê Neil.Maar, indien dinge sou skeef-

loop wil Nolan eendag onderwy-serword, enNeil sienhomself aandie stuur van sy eie besigheid.Ashullenie virhul skool se sok-

kerspan uitdraf nie, dan speelhulle klubsokker vir VictoriaSwifts.Die tweetjies is mal oor kerrie

en pasta, en terwyl Nolan se gun-steling-fliek American Warshipsis hou Neil van die fliek Kickingand Screaming (sokker).Die twee hou van die idee dat

hulle saam vir hul skool en klubkan uitdraf, en por mekaar ge-reeld aan.Neil sê: ”Dit is die beste ding

wat nog ooit met my gebeur het.“Ek hou daarvan om vir my

skool te speel.“Dit is die eerste jaar dat ek vir

Cloetesville uitdraf, en sommerin die Mr Price skoleliga speel.“Ekhetnieverwagdat ekenNo-

lan dit so sal geniet nie.“Nóu wil ek die res van my

spanmaats aanmoedig omalles inte sit sodat ons die liga-trofee kanwen.“Dit is my droom om my skool

trots te maak.”

Ja jy kyk reg - hier staan die sokker-twee-ling van Cloetesville, Neil en Nolan Si-mons. FOTO: WESLEY MARTIN You need a plan to get

where you want to beSipho Madolo of Kayamandi repre-sentedSouthAfrica in theUCIMoun-tainBikeWorldChampionshipsheldin Pietermaritzburg on 29 June.“To compete in the world champs

is huge,” Madolo said when askedhow he felt about competing in therace.Madolo took part in his first world

championships,andcontendedintheelitemen’srace. Hecamein63rdwitha timeof 05:26:55; riders from39coun-tries participated in the 95 km race.He is a member of the Songo.info

Foundation in Kayamandi.“I worked really hard to represent

mycountryinaworldevent,”Madolosaid. “I had a good race, and it wasmy first time, but the idea was to fin-ish in the top 50.”Madolo has been doing mountain

biking since 2009. “I just wanted togive it a go,” he saidwhen asked howhe got involved. He trained three tofour hours everyday in preparation

for the World Championships withChristophSauser,who is anOlympicbronze medallist.“It’s oneof themost difficult things

I’veeverdone,”Madolo said, describ-ing his experience of the race, “butin every success I've ever achieved,I thankSongo because hewas there.”Madolo referred to Songo Fipaza, thefounder of Songo.info Foundation.Madolo, who is a first-year sport

management student at ETA Collegein Stellenbosch, gives back to hiscommunity and theSongo.info Foun-dation by sharing his mountain bik-ing experience with younger riders,but especially focusing on the techni-cal aspects such as downhill, rockyand steep riding. When asked if hehas any advice for the children in hiscommunity he said: “Work reallyhard, set yourself goals and knowwhere you want to be, but plan prop-erly. You need a plan to get to whereyou want to be.”

Sipho Madolo came in third at the Western Province Cross Country Championships.

Youngsters beat Maluti with 2-1NCUMISA SIKO

The Mbekweni Sundowns havemanaged to take their easy threepoints in the firstdivision leagueafter Kayamandi Mighty FiveStars failed to pitch for the gamelast week.AccordingtooneofSundowns’

players, the game was supposedto takeplaceatKayamandistadi-um at 16:00, but they waited formore than 30 minutes for theKayamandi Stars.Many things came into play as

to why the other team did notpitch. Apparently the stadium

has only two fields and only twonets, and it had to be decidedwhich game was more impor-tant. And ultimately decisionshad to be made.The failure to therefore pitch

for the game has cost the homeside three points.Another game that made peo-

plenervous,wastheonebetweenMaluti and Youngsters. Thisgame ended with Youngsterswinning 2-1.Unlike the previous games,

this game was not for the leaguenor for the pride, this game wasformoney,anditwasamustwin.

Kgotso Makamolia, the goalkeeper for Maluti, kicksthe ball.
