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STILL at the FRONT. · Jt "-, „ •!»-* .-• ••«•;• VOL.XI.-NO.10i. NRW BRUNSWICK, N....

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.*• ; * * , . " - Jt " , „ •!»-* .-• ••«•;• VOL.XI.-NO.10i. NRW BRUNSWICK, N. J., SATURDAY EVRN.ING,OOTOBKR 30. I.H73.. PRICE THREE CENTS. .pallabau ,'& fiagertyy MERCHANT TAILORS & CLOTHIERS. ~7^25^t;HUBCH-STB;EETr- We Inrlto the attention of the public lo examlna our - / NEW STOCK OJF 1 Well made, and at very low prlcea. Fine Custom Trade - and satisfaction guaranteed. Alarge stock of flue GENTS'FURNISHING GOODS ALWAYS ON HAND. BPIRTS m t S B TO ORDER. . aeH-iy STILL at the FRONT. Oysters in Every Style. INCREASED FACILITIES. J. cccc 0 0 c 0 c 0 0 0 0 ct c 0 c c 3CC 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KliRRn R R R R R R R R RRRR R R ' R B .•R R ' R R R B NN NN - N I N N N . N N N N N N N r if-' N N N N N N N N N H NN NN NN EEEBEK E E E E EEEEE. E B E E L I, L Ii. L . -X L L 1/ L' L LLLLL h h L L L . L L 1, L L h Boys' coarse and fine BOOTS, suitable or Fall and Winter wear. These gobclsare c^^^ellent quality, having 1 been made specially to order, and, coining direct from the manufac- urers, can be sold at the lowest pos- sible figures. Also, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Buttoned and Laced Boots of all varie- ties, special care having been taken to et goods that will Wear well. RUBBERS of all kinds. 3 PIACE STREET, Mew Brunswick, NEAHLY OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE. LLLLL 'RcspectfiiUy'informstier numerous Customers and the public in general that she has recently fitted up, in addition to her commodious Ladies' and v Geatlcmen's Refreshment 8.AR&E ROOMS, ioms, -E For the accommokation of LADIES and PRIVATE PARTIES, which are ..reached My a private entrance, thus obviating the necessity of inxsslng through the main Saloon. Shis has secured the services of a FIRST-CLASS BAUER and ORNA- MENTER of FANCY CAKE. >--.-- . PARTIES ,1ND WEDDIMS SUPPLIED. y~J<'£CS7y>}s.ix,»o\mWI>PLIB.n WITH 222S JJE32 JCE : CR$43f"H 1 /BORtY CENTS. FALL....-STYLES' ETC., AT J. S. k E. STEWART'S, . N O-.--4 K I N G BLOCK* Now rcudy the "^ Broadway Style of Gents' Silk Hat. Gents'- Stiff and Soft Felt Hat Of all tho lateat styles nnd qualities, and at rices to suit all wlio favor Ibcm with a coll Gent's Furnishing Goods, Umbrellas, Canes, Gloves Etc Agentsfor the GLOVE-FITTING SHIRT. Alao Agents for the Sineer Improved Sewing Machines & Needles for ail Sewing Machines. GREAT CHINA <fc JAPAN Compv's Latest |a(L Announcement For tbo Fall and Winter Triulo thl» woli-kuown Firm now ofler their flnc aclectlonc Teas, Coffees, Spices Etc, at great REDUCTION IN 1'IiICES which cannot uc aripror.clicd CIHOWIIOI Wo call uptcllil nllculion t» our Immcune Block of Wo wnrrftnt to acll (it 25 per cfent lowtir than nny other homo in tlnn city. Choice Orange County Butter Ilccolvcil D1UKCT from tlio Dalrlm, woruliill n'. wlmlfanln prlcro. MOW US THE TIME JO LA Y IN Till: FA I, I, AND WINTFJl MOO/ "WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS AVIlol«Hiil« mill II.ill.11. NEW t! jr. IA .IVTI» A O N 111 Wiuriullvd Id 1KT|I HWIM'I ti>v yr © The 'subscriber offers for sale a full ^nd CAKD!>. 1.1 REPAIRER AND GRINDER OF MAZOIiS, AfillVES, SCI8- .-'. SORS, Etc., Etc., WO. H3NDILaON BTIIDET. —Ordo" promptly.at taodedia.J__JsjlIdiL Jpste'n & Schmiegieke, TAILORb. WO. 32 AiBAWYSTHEET ' A fi'EBh aupply of Imported Clotba,. CaBst- mereH, etc., on uand, which will be uiade up In tlie latest style. .>c-..unn£, Cleaniiuj; aud lie- P-ilriUK.-SiU bsloarried °S_as lieretqfoW _. GenlKuitu'B own Huterial cut and made to ordur. \ my,' 1 ly Dissolution of Partnership. \ The firm heretofore oxlatlug under tbo uamo of FRANKENSTEIN & SICIIEL >a\h>i> doy boeu dissolved by mutual consent. An early settlement of'all accounts duo 10 nrm is respectfully requested, aud all claims against the firm should likewise bo pre- mtod for payment. . \ ' The buslucas of tho late firm will ho Continued at the Old Stand, iy the undersigned, who, thankful for tho liberal share of patronage extended to this use heretofore, hopca to bo able tomerit a continuation of favor.. No. je2a-5n«, 11 MAIER SICHEL, Peace Street, New Brunswick. J. METZRATH. . A. largo and complote stock of FURNITURE constantly on hand. I -would rtspeet- 'ully invite attention to my stock of Parlor and Bed Room Furniture, which I am selling ot low prices. Call and examine. NO. 27 ALBANY STREET, -fNew Bruntnvick, N.. J. joll ly / v't'T I'lfh 'UAlL'Y TlMEb. A BUKIEOLOVB, ' Our lore was born amid the purple heather, Wbeu-wluda were mill nnd vesnor lights wero For oiKTbrlght year we cherUltea it togothdr; How It Uofl cold and dead. ,- Dead- and across the brown b lll-rldVi ild A t J h ead and across the brown blllrldgea,Vailing, Comas thQ wild AutumaJn her awlft return, WillTBailfiirtGttrB3irdTalBty-irBnaenti-tr»tilJiK Over tlie fadnd tutu. Ab 1 there mar coma a time—God send It quickly— Wbeu loru'a lone gravs SJJBII wear a fragrtat Wreath Of blooma uud volret IOOBSOI, piling thickly .Upon tbo dust beiieatli. ' And wo, acrcfla tbe heather alow returning, >> _ Mny.p*eVt I'ergJutnoe, flilamured mournl 0/ oun; Seek it, uuvexed by any foolish yearulngi, Aud find It lost 111 flowers, l; (| Orders left , a\ PROF. BOHNEBWEISav eorg« street,, anA at my W Albany etroot, o promptly attended to. 6ili4 X. OUCSIITON, tailor and Kx«elt*lor Clotbei* Cloancr and Repairer. - AoBOrtment of &eoond-liund Clothing. Keck-tfeo, Collars, Kto., Kto. / : 3* jDennia Htreoti One Door trtjm corner ol Hiram Rtreal. JOHN SCHWAB, 27 PEACE STREET ' NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J., The Ladies' and Gentlemen's SHOEMAKER, keeps tho BEST Boots nnd Shoes at the . L0WE8T ONE-PRICE-Haad-apwed and Macliino-Aiade. ' ' " ' jyrREPAIRING* done la tho neatest and boat mannor, , " 110E : : AT TH13 dLD STANf), COR. DENNISand HIRAMSTS. The OYSTER and DINING SALOON Will bo continued. Liquors of all kinds. Truft'a Lager on draught. Boarding and Lodg. Ing for ihim and Iibrso. 0. HC11ICK.' F, Mussinan, ; Steam Dyer & Scourer t : NO. '93 CHUttOE BTUEET, ao29-dtf Now Brunswick, N. J. REMOVAL. The New.Jetsey p have rcmOTod their ofltco rrotn tho comer ol CliuroU untl Dennis struetB to «t», 20 ,VLHVi\V KTKKBT. ^ W. H. B1LUEU, Agent. •Ml. AUKEliMAN, Hup'l jal-Um Havana Five- Gent .Cigar manufa* '.VecX.ftt No,'H Hiram street; and all otlicr.k'ujaj o f Cigars, dotnoa>lo aud imported blt±SuI^G &^D CUEWlIVG TO- Qfl i>6oa by tho lb. und in packages. A g'.aurul usmortmetit of l J lpea und Tobaca Boxus un j other articles tu our line. wyi's, , JOHN 0. W1K0FF. Charles (Formerly with Folor NlcMer) has opened a NEW BARBER SHOP IN BAYAUD STKiiET, NEAR Hair-Cutting, 'Snaring and Hair-Dyeing dona In"tho moat spproved s t y l e . H S ^ 1 milt your o tfii tin-i dt>uo at tho every business "man and cry citizen tlmt you will con •n beat intervals by tinting yo- ES rrintine Buu FINE LARGE Building Lots and Villa Plots, AT PRIVATE-.-SALE AND ON EA8V TERMS, AT Middlesex County, N. J., on tho lino of the Now York and FMladulphia Railroad. Only ono mllo south west from Now Bunswick city, being upon Llvingaton avonuo and other flno nvenues. ' Tlio Lots vary In depth from 180 feet to 200 foot, and havo CO to 100 foot front. Only one-third Cash required. 2he remainder upon bond andmortgage, payable in three years perfect. A flno opening (or a carrlago rnnker and wheelwright, for ft butcher, hi»l<or, brush mnkor, otc. . A Warranty Deed will bo given. TWELVE HOUBKB aro nlrctuly erected. Two belonging toho aubucrlbor will bo »old on liberal torm«. HENRY KfHOW, / 'I ilia l'ont-ofnco fiddrosB, Now Uiumwick, N. J At HOW'S Nurseries. jel»6m<12mw Administrator's Sale or REAL ESTATE. o Or (ill tut' Cot U tlmlUhliUy « , H<lmUlfltritlf.r HATUUDAT, NOVKMHWt 0 « * - WEINSTOCK & KAUFMANN, Jtfo. 193 Burnot Straat, (IIDlttr <Ji- .... i"~ Hull. ^ „.,.,..,.._ lllIE N. B. DAILY TIMES, Publlshod Every Evening, IS 0KNTH A WJiiac WJUCN DKl.lVJtllKh UY UAKHlliUh ON HJiVMN UUl.LAUtt A XlCAlt IN ADYANUk. |L 11,1 HWi,,[,,UuH. i ftvvituv. in'nr H nijM jvhk ; t'uli K l, All Hint rr al.l IM,r lU .MB <•! C l!m clly nT tin Dmiiar u K.T. H A M IDDIXSKXCOirNTY HUltUO- I'M rui.iNlv i'f Mlilil HI Hrtl.-y.Jr, liturii 1 l»'« v'llm'Lid'lM lt» *«l?nrtUli>(f tin Mrnlt.ir Un> l>h* tr*.m ,,t (UTIHM, unit.) id* mffft|.«(.*tii>rlii(«i||n t Ami II **f i-mtllof fl^il nnfi-iii inmhltU h r).|,i, 4m*<nM **r Xtajtn wfllilB lilil puiiit tflniitlii, nfur J'altll-i htilittn irivfa *((irB« *r*'Hl«r kinll hf f)M«»*r l«rr***i Df Ittt t,f li .|.lt,ll tit- Ml'I •«l'-HBl(lf*Wlt (ii>*h uhdr HIv I**) iht« n AMH I HIv I* WILL *) ht« unit, >1A>..(AMi'nt, |i|n. IAM Hkll.riTfjr. l H«ir<'f»U. ARNOLD, Itrundmiy,cor, I9lli St.,N. Y., tii'lr n nll ttm attciithtn rlvi>llml rullitellui f mil-nr-tc of ttin lutt'. M>Hfn »ml f Mol.tl iiijimlml in Hti l IIIII tl , (JiKmr > IIII In Hit) tlvr. I i ns liy miy titlu and Stttplti hrtm (Jomh, J'taln, J'Uncif and liltu\k ftltkn, Plain, Vutorrtl and Fanr.y Vrlvrlt, J'timht'/i, tiiti'iilnif (Ittoilt uf fvci'i/ {lnHeriptlw, llnnlr.ru, Umhriiarmi'iitii, (llmv.t, (Itnllfintn't, iMdlr.n' arid' J J'StntUhlny (tooth, - dhtht, (MnaltiUjx.Q, Oi'n'tUicttlnys and ri>rtmfii, Ilttwhlt, J'lannrU, (\)unti}rjt(inr'.nl White (lundn and Linen*, Mnnttt* and J'*tt/H and I'ttv Trhntnlnyn, fiultn, Hi'flitlnit' CUmh; Imllii, OOODH ,of Krerjf Dtieflptton. SOMETHING NEW, 610 N UMF.NT& A Nl) HE A DS TONE CIJ.'ANEJ), JlliPAIHED A JtKSHT. nil I'liinlnl. All work li[nl ll Bibbs: A Love Story., There was no doubt about it; John Tuate was perffotly wreLohed that gilt. '•.Ho had quarrelled with Jen- u J5L-11 and ho wasn't, going to make up. This fuct wan she gavo liui-Hell 0 many airs, and ho didn't mean stand it any longer. He didn't re if Bhe was pretty; that was no :ason why she should let halt.a doz. 1 lullows at a tiqio bang abuut the op or stroll in one at a tirne and, iiing on their elbows, chatter and mirk and Bmilo over the counter, adela and ofliiwrB, too, wild young llow, who only did so.lor their own le amusement, and would uo more roam of _ marrying her than they rould. 61 inviting her to the hall that as coming oil next month. To' bo n't 1 , he was only a common cavalry ildier, but then ho had been in the rviois a good many years now, haJ u excellent character aud "a good ado at hia back, and, moreover, his lher had died' not long since, aud aero wlia the cottage all ready lor ounia to walk inio, and' they might tlle down at once if she'd only bo tnsible. Jennie acted as Bhop-woman r her sinter, Mrs. Kvans. A very oor little shop it was, very small and tadly stocked, for JUra. Evaus had nly managed to got a lew pounds' vorth of-thiuga-wi-jh-what-lmd been ub8wibt'd lor her in the garrison ter tho lever had oarriud oil her usband. TJ:J speculation answered iretly well at firm, lor inuny of tho flicers' wiles, knowing what an in- lUslrious woman' Mrs. Evans was, lade a point ol buying their tapes nd cottons audslicks (of sealing wax if her. Then Jennie's pretty face ras seen behind the counter, and the hop was filled irom morning to uiglu mil officers and Irifky young cadets, u'd the original customers took flight though Mrs. Evans did not know fo*i* she, believing the busineRHwas iale in the keeping ol Jennie, worked mid at the dress-making (she had hree children to support, and the liop alouo would not do it). The ollicers wure not, prolitable etis- ,omern, for they only went to flirt ivilh Jennie uhiler the exciiHU of bny- li P ine made- the 'nncM ltmut ly Uiiiiu mill warn Aileron N, H M., Niiw llruntwlrk P, O. Titus' Express and Passenger Co. I'Miumnnrl or li»g«"«» nulled for In any \n I tliu ellT, tit iihoit notion. Aim, I'"|!K"K» oJimkoil 10 nil polntg. 1 »fflco-'i!a hninnrnnt Htroot/ llriinswlck Transfer 0 HXI'UKHH.) Mam tin .lolualra |iflrllnia to "lienk II Kit^a ** l<ol«la or |irWatn rtinlitttfiona to liohi Norlli, Hiiutli, Kaal mid W»at. Onion rantinit >t Denol, 71 Uhnroh alrta or Hli Neilaon «lr«al, will rnoniva pnimtn n 1 Inuilnn. - : 1'unumftn omiyarml iu n,y imrt of th, «u nr ea.ll«I fur ujltarlrw onionl a* Roova, ' nltlMf IAH KhWIUHIN, MxtiNlfnr "*" ' "'" ' ~77'ii'i i.lUt il I fiauili Ttf(\ VV \ HU ». *t JLl ".' JJ I'mnoiw nliMjilir, < i TIMUrt ontco. ft Allian/l.rol, tnd •|i««lpiini, nliltli will lit tu««irul!) i " Wow look hero, Jennie, aro you ;oing to take llieru ?" " Of course I ain." " Well, then, good-bye." ' \ "Good-bye," she. laughed. Of :ourne bhe knew he wouldn't no. " Jennie, he'll be indirectly, and I shall be off, but you mdst choose bu- tween him and me. lLymi-arfl_going- to keep on talking to him. I BhaO never come in ilia place again, so which it to' be?" 11 The captain." :. . "Hut I'm not joking. I'll never see you again. ' No. more arri-L.-juking, 80gaod7_ bye." - .... "' " Good-bye"—and he went. He kept ri'solulely away for a whole month—never once went near the place. If .Jennie wanted himshe might send for him or get her sister p invite him to tea, as she had dune belore. But John Weare was not sent for, neither. wa» he invited to tea, and his spirits began to wax. ' If she'd cared about' me she'd have got in my wav somehow belore this—truat a woman he thought." The idei of not being cared for waa not cheerful. That night, he Btrolled carelessly by the shop, but on the i id l h Nhi was to be seen of Jennie. He walk a on iu a brown study, then crossed over, and went directly by tho uhop, with only one eye, however, turned iu itH direction, bia not a sign ot Jennie. Ho went back to tlie barracks in a de- jected frame o( mind. "•It's an awlul pity—suoh a nice girl; andthere's tbe cottage all ready lor her to step into, nnd me ready lo retire from the service, and a gooii trade at my back.; ii's too <bad, all along ol' that Captain McGno, too. g p And the fruit in the garden .cottage) all ripe and no one (of the to pick ug a penny paper, or i.o.Ut or a tiine-tablo. Jennie ost trim and pretty aud obliging oi ,.,|, ,..,,,.u n) an d thu plaoo iUelf waa lways a pittipi-n ol neatneua; hut the itficiTs' wives dul ••ot.care to go and iuy thojr thread where tfiey were evi- lently interrupunf; a flirtation, and ,8 the business continued to tall oil, ,ud Mrs. livans began to get quite nhappy about it, Jennie—pretty, ind-hearted, thoughtless Jennie—had no idoa that she hud anything to do with it, or she would havo Bent every i'e ot tier admirers oil ata pace that would have astonished them, She had.been only too delighted, after her brother-in-law died, to come from Devonshire and livo with her sister at IVoblwiuh—not only becauao sho was very fond ol her sister, but alBO be- ;ause she had wished many times to oo John Weare again, Sho had nadu his acquaintance when her jrolher and he—lor they had been in Llio same regiment—were stationed al Plymouth, and she had paid them a flying visit with her fitihur. John ltd lold her then that lio was tired t the servics and wanted to settle lown, and sho inwardly thoughtr>lhat o could do no better than ask her lo •jttlo dowu'wilh him. Ho had been very attoutivo when sho camo to Woolwich, and gradually established iraself on lhofooting of a lover till e found the shop always tilled with The very next morning John Weare' walked deliberately into the shop and anked for a penny, news- paper, and had tho felicity of being served by Mrs. Kvans. " Qriito'a'stratiger;MrrWeare," slie said, but that waa tho only remark Bhe made, and lor the hie of him he could not screw up his courage to ask for her siBter. That night John Weare waB miser- able. " She oan't care a rush for me," he vhought, and marched all over the town, and nearly to Greenwich aud baek in his excitement. The next day waaa lucky one for ohn. Hn came across Bibbs. Bibbs was Mrs. Evans' eldest boy. No one knew what Ins real name was, or why e was called 13ibbn; but ho was never called anything else " Bibbs," said John Weare, " come and have some fruit," aud ho carried him oil in triumph to the cottage and tutted him with gooneberries till he souUlu'ti move, and.wilb black cur- rants till bia mouth, was as black as a ... Then ho carried him iusiil and stood him .on iLu .t.,i>i,,, „„,] „., down before him; " How old-are you,-Bibbs?" Ho thought it belter to begin th :onverwaiion with a question. " Fivo aud a hall. Is that you sword up there ?" Yes. Whogavoyou tliosobronze ft fSCHNEIDER Practical Watchmaker, Rranurhoturer of Jo-welryp 1 * .3 PEICE ST., uc»r Albany, Now Brunswick. Juwe'rj made to order. Watches, CIockB. cwclry nnd Music Boxes neatly roi aired aod warranted. Monograms and Engraving neatly lone fit ahort notice. PI iin Gold ltiugs at ono hour's notice. Persons resltllu^ out of tho city can order ;ooda mado aud take them-away the sameday- thu officers and cadets. At first he was shy of appearing before his upeviors, thori ho got jealous uudat a«t angry, for ho felt and knew that they meant her no good, and besides it di real injury to tho busi y t was doing real ness of the shop. d d l g , injury to tho busi- At last ho spok ti J iis mind, and told thocoquettish Jcn- nin what he thought, nud waB(snubbed for his pains. "If you think I don't know how to tnko caro of myself, Mr, Weare, yoi are much mistaken, and I don't wnnl any ono to tell mo what's right or wrong. I know for myBelf." ' Well, Min» Jonnii', I didn't moan 10 K"IVU oflenso. 1 only told you what I thought," "Then you might Iwvo kept your thoughts to ypurmilf," she said witl a I lit lo toss of her pretty head—" un- lt!HH they had been nice oucn," she lidded. Ho heard thin unit It', am picked ui) h'lH courage. " It's awlully bind, too, whim one that curt'H for you really can't get near you," ho pleaded. Just then Jennie eiiughl night ol llnjit. MnHcu mil and handnoinu mini, with long whixkurii anil n red noao, coming ii tho direction ol the nhop, with a big imnch of llou'em in III'IIIIHMI, KIII 11 (til hiMinl John WcnmV him wordu but HIIII WIIH nccrctly of opinion Ilia lie ought hiiv" COIIKI up to tin Hcraloh heforr," HOH)IO lhouj(lit n lit tlo Jculomty nii«lit dohim goixl, "Oh i liiiru oniiicM 1'iipi. KIIII Hitid-in a ilclightod lono, "Well, IIV'II junl the hl);i!mt blouk- 1 Inlliu piiUrr, Jcnnil), Illnl, Ii you take my udvit'e, you'll uenil him oil nhur|>." I liiilinvii yon mo Jonlotm, M uc, n,id telliii|( HlorUm nbout tli tin IKiilwityn very |iolllu to urn," mid nho ninooilied hor prnliy hulr iiml iirriiii^uil thn triilon on th <i(iiintor, ' " Oh, IifiV pollto i-noi^li, no doiiU.' " And he'« lirliinlujj mo HOIIIO HOW •r»," , shoes, Bibbs ?" Now he knew Jennie had given them to him, but ho so , wanted to hear her name. "JAuntie. She's going away soon,' ho auM'etl. "Let mo look at vou sword now." " Where's slio going to ?" he aBked n consternation. "Devonshire. P o let me try on your sword.'! Why is BIIO going ?" ho asked with a sick feeling at his heart. 'She's ill, I think; and ahe's al ways orying now; ono day she wai crying over a silver thing you gav her, and kissing it like anything," Tho " silver thing" waa a littl heart of about the sizo ol a shilling which ho had bought at Charltoi Fair last October, and timidly re questod her to accept. John Weare jumped up mid showec Bibbs his sword, aud carried himo his back all over the place, and ci treated him to havo more black cur- rants in his dulight. But Bibbs de cliucd. ' Aunt Jonnio's going to bring i some from Elthaiu to-night," he said So Jennie was £;oing lo Kltham was she? John Wearo took Bibb huiiio, and on Ills way presented hii with a while lamb that moved o wheels aud squeaked, aud a monkd that went up a stick ou being genii UHhed. "Crying over her silver id Jh W " 111 thing! d l said John Weare. " III yo and ban about tho Kltham. road till 1 seo he aud beg her pardon." And he went, am) Jennie met bin and pouted, and declared shuInulil' onoe thought of him, aud thun hruki down and cried. And John begge her pardon, and declared that he iia been n licnrllumi bruto.; and the Jennie oontrnilicU:cl himand miid i was all her fault, uud inhl liim ho* Mrs. Diinli)|>, the colond'H will', hn one day wullieil in and lolil her, I tho kindest poHhihle niauui'r, that HI) was spoiling her rirttur'ri liusliicnx, fi tho liulirrt who hail been intcresieil 1 her wellare kept nwav ht'cuuHn c Jennio'rt Mining priipeiiHitiiin, whle tillml up lho nliup with iillo olllccr who wuro alway» iu tho way, ami Inn nhii had I HI ii no iinhiimed an wretebi'd, nnd no nut up at tint ilrn tion ol John Wiiari', lliut nhe hail i tiTiiiincil to (;o biu-k to l>iivi>ii»hir<i. " Hill you wou'l now '/" he naiil, m limy liMined over tlio mil" tlm Kltliuin lieldn, "You'll uiartTuly nt oni'i'i nnd wo'll -bo imurii'd unlion un poxnlbli', lii'loro thii liuit in th ({union In HpoillV" II look it,long iliimlo talk IIIT In to It (about Uir<i'-i|iiiirUTx ol m hour), hut thun nbu wnn v«ry happ' nl liuitrl, iiml nhnlU'rnil liltn n youn| IIIIIK|IIII, nnd told Jolin how nhii hni )MII|I|IHKI (]|iptnill McOl'O, (\|ul lliu tlnow" all InnIIIIWIIIII out of lho win " Ami It nially w»» nil throng tlmt lU'ltr Illbhn Unit you wnylnld in ,v O»tUliily." Why, but lor him I might never laveseen yon again. I" . • • "Perhaps not." . _> :... - "I'll give Bibbs a regular hag hen I get home," she thought, .nd she did ; and the day before aha as married she \hoiighi him a fook- ig-horse, whioh he^elights in to thifl •FI0K H0UE3 FB0M 7 A- V. TO '& P. Ut. bDSDiTS FBOitf 9 TO 10.80 4.. M. . TIME OP CIX)9INO, fow Tort, Northi-Enat nud-Weati-10 I, m.( 8.J0,- ,.0 auil 8 p. in. Tnmtou, Phlladclpblt, BklUmor* ud thaSoath,' , 9.15 a. m. And 4,60 p. m. 'UdtUebUBli, MUlBtona.'-IhrUngaa. arlgiTBtown, _woiiburff, StoutBburgb, liopewell, WoodrillB ami r/tuiyiugton, 'J.SO p. in. 1 Bouth lliver, l'J.45 p. in. Milltowu, 11 u. in. , ' Prliicetuu. liordentomi, Burlington, Osiaden tpd ray, Ba. m.,.4.50 p. in. ' '5J;*, Fraultilu Park, Ua,m, ^*Ci Foreigu, IV a. in., S.W, D.1B, 8,p. m. TIME OPDKLIVEKr. Now York, North, East andWeal, 7, », 9.ST, UHand 7 p. in. ' : cxaey Olty, Newark. EllxabHh Mid Bftbwftjr,' Mew Hey wsy, 9 s. in.uud 0 p. m. -| 'tiiladolnliiA. UultiHiorOf Wnfllilnfftou And South* ». m., 4.30 and 7 p. ill, Pbikilolplilft aud tha West and Cuadea And Am- uy way, II a, m. aud t p. in, ISIiddlebuab.i'MiluitODO,- llarlingea, Origgatown. ' ' " " " "odvUltwil MiUatOQO, llarllngeo, Orig weiiburR, stoutaburgh. Hopeweli, Woodv nnlngtou, 10.1& a. In. SoutU ltlver, 10.1& a. m. Frankliu Park, llft.la. MIlHowu, 10 ». m, 2^01-olgil, 1> a. In. aud 7 p. m." Monmouth iTunctlou, Kingston and Rooky Hill, 11 i, and 7 p. in. JOBEril F. FISHEB, P. M.' BLACK OASIIERES, MKMNOES, DBAr D'ETE, nENKIETTAS, HHMIH7.ISK9, KMPKK8S, IIUKKITZ, 8KEQK, IAMKL'8 HAIlt, CA3HMKISK DEOUE1NE, BKILLIAK'tlHEa, ALPA048, 4I0IIAIES, BLACK SILKS, ITKIl'El) AND TLAID BILKS, NEW DESIGNS IS SHAWLS, CLOAKINUd, 3U1T8, OVKB .GAKMKS™. DONNET8. ETai CALL ANDEXAMINE.',; Jiclsoa's fflonrniDE' Store, 72IJROHDWAY, NEW YORK. \T WILL BURHLY PAY TO VISIT B. Eisig & Co.'s,* !19 SIXTH AVKNUE (Noar Macy's), NEW T0KK, o iniinct tho bctt assortment of Trlintnltifri and eT«ryLlil»ie jiertainlng lo DroBsmsk.uj »ni Millinery Goods, Trimmed lints and ISonnoU, Hnsfery^ Outflti^ fur Ladles and <Jhll(Jron, Oorsots, etc ; White and Black Zn-nyr WoroU-d nt 11 «u. por ounc«i oth k .r colors toiirojiortion. IJmbrolderlea and ill or>Idea :of icy WorK. Jewelry, Notions and Fancy Uoott- add novelties daily, dL-fyitll cpmpetltlon iud,ii-Il Parasols. A full line. Also.'a large assortment ol SILK, SA2INA, ALPACA AND GINGHAM 3 H E TLi JL. .A. S. AT J. W, COOK'S, NO. 1 CHURCH STREET. Also, SATCHELS AND CANES. 53?~UmbreUas and Parasols Repaired and made to order^ myl6-ly SPECTACLES M.SCHWAB, Optlclin and Ocull.t. will be at JOIINHON'B KAILKUAD HOTEL, New Drunnirict, N. J., 1'roui Wednesday, Nov. 3, ta Friduj, NOT. 6. KKUEKKNUta: Itcv. Dr. W. II. Campbell, Pieildsnt el Kulgors Uollege, NtnBras*. wiok, N. J. Prof. George II. Cook, ol Untgera College, New Urunawlok, N. J. Mr. Joliiison Lotion, Iii-Ui>t, Paruor Frochol.l, N. J. I hftvo no Puillara Pr Agonts. doli-daw W. H. Armstrong NANUFAOTUltKlt 01" STOVES, Slttlta, Tin ailCopr fait, Hot Air Kurniict'fi, Ilnn^cn tttii) lUlMmoro Hoat* v\n, IMiimlituKi Uaa mid Htmim KittniKi No. 2 King Block, Now nrunawlck, N. J. MA1UH.K AND MAIUIMtir.r.nnl.ATK MANTI.KO. Ilrnokol tfllolviirt, llnn'au 'l'o|'a, Hnvrtlia, Floor I wmiM inll Urn ntliMltlnu lit An lille.'IK, ]liill<l,'in uml lidiiarkMinrrii Hi m y (W. II. tim- Mmir'o) I'nli'iil ll»l Air IUIIK", lli«» *HI lur- iil.li (lot W»l-r. tl,r.iu, ; l, tlio l>illl<llli|r, Hull, Ilitki', Ilimnt an>l Warm llm llmintt. with tlifl •uini' Hi", filly u( lli«» lii'niitll'ul llangoa In <i|>i'rit!!im In llJa i-lly, mill NTrrj'oiio KIVIIIK nit- llronullKfiirlliiii, BAVARIAN Wino &lagor Boor Saloon /irwir mir.i.'N IIKAD nomr,, ••• x.t.?! N'liti:i;r, 7RKD. 8C1IKJCSIJCK annmiliwt In hia ftl.niln thai lit baa «|'"il»'l DralaUaa lal.mn ll»d.r Ilia ttxio Itajillon, ami ralara In nothing Intl |«ntilnf krtltlit* to lila |Mfendh«ir
Page 1: STILL at the FRONT. · Jt "-, „ •!»-* .-• ••«•;• VOL.XI.-NO.10i. NRW BRUNSWICK, N. J., SATURDAY EVRN.ING,OOTOBKR 30. I.H73.. PRICE THREE CENTS..pallabau ,'& fiagertyy

. * • ; * * , . " • - Jt " , „ • ! » - * .-• • • « • ; •


.pallabau ,'& fiagertyy


We Inrlto the attention of the public lo examlna our - /


Well made, and at very low prlcea.

Fine Custom Trade- and satisfaction guaranteed. A large stock of flue


BPIRTS m t S B TO ORDER. . aeH-iy

STILL at the FRONT.Oysters in Every Style.













R' R







LI,LIi .L .



. LL1,LLh

Boys' coarse and fine BOOTS, suitableor Fall and Winter wear.

These gobclsare c^^^ellent quality,having1 been made specially to order,and, coining direct from the manufac-urers, can be sold at the lowest pos-sible figures.

Also, Ladies', Misses' and Children'sButtoned and Laced Boots of all varie-ties, special care having been taken to

et goods that will Wear well.RUBBERS of all kinds.



'RcspectfiiUy'informstier numerous Customers and the public in general thatshe has recently fitted up, in addition to her commodious

Ladies' and v Geatlcmen's Refreshment8.AR&E ROOMS,


-EFor the accommokation of LADIES and PRIVATE PARTIES, which are

..reached My a private entrance, thus obviating the necessity of inxsslng throughthe main Saloon.

Shis has secured the services of a FIRST-CLASS BAUER and ORNA-MENTER of FANCY CAKE. >--.--




J. S. k E. STEWART'S,• . N O-.--4 K I N G B L O C K *

Now rcudy the " ^

Broadway Style of Gents' Silk Hat.Gents'- Stiff and Soft Felt Hat

Of all tho lateat styles nnd qualities, and at rices to suit all wlio favor Ibcm with a coll

Gent's Furnishing Goods, Umbrellas, Canes, GlovesEtc Agentsfor the GLOVE-FITTING SHIRT. Alao Agents for the

Sineer Improved Sewing Machines & Needlesfor ail Sewing Machines.


Compv's Latest | a ( L AnnouncementFor tbo Fall and Winter Triulo thl» woli-kuown Firm now ofler their flnc aclectlon c

Teas, Coffees, SpicesEtc, at great REDUCTION IN 1'IiICES which cannot uc aripror.clicd CIHOWIIOIWo call uptcllil nllculion t» our Immcune Block of

Wo wnrrftnt to acll (it 25 per cfent lowtir than nny other homo in tlnn city.

Choice Orange County ButterIlccolvcil D1UKCT from tlio Dalrlm, wo ruliill n'. wlmlfanln prlcro.


"WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARSAVIlol«Hiil« m i l l I I . i l l .11 .

N E W t ! jr. IA .IVTI» A O N 111Wiuriullvd Id 1KT|I HWIM'I ti>v yr


The 'subscriber offers for sale a full^nd




.-'. SORS, Etc., Etc.,WO. H3NDILaON BTIIDET.

—Ordo" promptly.at taodedia.J__JsjlIdiL

Jpste'n & Schmiegieke,TAILORb.

WO. 32 AiBAWYSTHEET' A fi'EBh aupply of Imported Clotba,. CaBst-

mereH, etc., on uand, which will be uiade up Intlie latest style. .>c-..unn£, Cleaniiuj; aud lie-P-ilriUK.-SiU bsloarried °S_as lieretqfoW _.

GenlKuitu'B own Huterial cut and made toordur. \ my,' 1 ly

Dissolution of Partnership.\ The firm heretofore oxlatlug under tbo uamo of FRANKENSTEIN & SICIIEL>a\h>i> doy boeu dissolved by mutual consent. An early settlement of'all accounts duo10 nrm is respectfully requested, aud all claims against the firm should likewise bo pre-mtod for payment. . \ '

The buslucas of tho late firm will ho

Continued at the Old Stand,iy the undersigned, who, thankful for tho liberal share of patronage extended to this

use heretofore, hopca to bo able to merit a continuation of favor..


11M A I E R S I C H E L ,Peace Street, New Brunswick.

J. METZRATH. .A. largo and complote stock of FURNITURE constantly on hand. I -would rtspeet-

'ully invite attention to my stock of

Parlor and Bed Room Furniture,which I am selling ot low prices. Call and examine.

NO. 27 ALBANY STREET,-fNew Bruntnvick, N.. J. joll ly

/ v't'T


Our lore was born amid the purple heather,Wbeu-wluda were mill nnd vesnor lights wero

For oiKTbrlght year we cherUltea it togothdr;How It Uofl cold and dead. • ,-

Dead- and across the brown b l l l - r l d V iild A t J h

ead and across the brown blllrldgea,Vailing,Comas thQ wild AutumaJn her awlft return,

WillTBailfiirtGttrB3irdTalBty-irBnaenti-tr»tilJiKOver tlie fadnd tutu.

Ab 1 there mar coma a time—God send It quickly—Wbeu loru'a lone gravs SJJBII wear a fragrtat

WreathOf bloom a uud volret IOOBSOI, piling thickly

.Upon tbo dust beiieatli. ' •

And wo, acrcfla tbe heather alow returning, >>_ Mny.p*eVt I'ergJutnoe, flilamured mournl 0/ oun;Seek it, uuvexed by any foolish yearulngi,

Aud find It lost 111 flowers, l; (|

Orders left , a\ PROF. BOHNEBWEISaveorg« street,, anA at my

W Albany etroot,

o promptly attended to.6 i l i 4


tailor and Kx«elt*lor Clotbei*Cloancr and Repairer. -

AoBOrtment of &eoond-liund Clothing.Keck-tfeo, Collars, Kto., Kto. /

: 3 * jDennia HtreotiOne Door trtjm corner ol Hiram Rtreal.


' NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J.,The Ladies' and Gentlemen's

SHOEMAKER,keeps tho BEST Boots nnd Shoes at the

. L0WE8T ONE-PRICE-Haad-apwed• and Macliino-Aiade. • • ' ' " '

jyrREPAIRING* done la tho neatest andboat mannor, , • " 110E


The OYSTER and DINING SALOONWill bo continued. Liquors of all kinds.Truft'a Lager on draught. Boarding and Lodg.Ing for ihim and Iibrso. 0. HC11ICK.'

F, Mussinan, ;Steam Dyer & Scourert


ao29-dtf Now Brunswick, N. J.

REMOVAL.The New.Jetsey phave rcmOTod their ofltco rrotn tho comer olCliuroU untl Dennis struetB to

« t » , 20 ,VLHVi \V K T K K B T .^ W. H. B1LUEU, Agent.

•Ml. AUKEliMAN, Hup'l jal-Um

Havana Five-Gent .Cigar

manufa* '.VecX.ftt No,'H Hiram street; and allotlicr.k'ujaj of Cigars, dotnoa>lo aud imported

b l t ± S u I ^ G & ^ D CUEWlIVG T O -Qfl i>6oa by tho lb. und in packages.

A g'.aurul usmortmetit of lJlpea und TobacaBoxus u n j other articles tu our line.

wyi's, , JOHN 0. W1K0FF.

Charles(Formerly with Folor NlcMer) has opened a



Hair-Cutting, 'Snaring and Hair-Dyeingdona In"tho moat spproved s t y l e . H S ^ 1

milt your otfii tin-i dt>uo at tho

every business "man andcry citizen tlmt you will con

•n beat intervals by tinting yo-ES rrintine Buu

FINE LARGEBuilding Lots and Villa Plots,


Middlesex County, N. J., on tho lino of the Now York and FMladulphia Railroad.

Only ono mllo south west from Now Bunswick city, being upon Llvingaton avonuo and other flno nvenues. '

Tlio Lots vary In depth from 180 feet to 200 foot, and havo CO to 100 foot front.

Only one-third Cash required. 2he remainder upon bond and mortgage, payable in three yearsperfect.

A flno opening (or a carrlago rnnker and wheelwright, for ft butcher, hi»l<or, brush mnkor, otc. .

A Warranty Deed will bo given.

TWELVE HOUBKB aro nlrctuly erected. Two belonging to ho aubucrlbor will bo »old on liberal torm«.


'I ilia

l'ont-ofnco fiddrosB, Now Uiumwick, N. J

At HOW'S Nurseries.jel»6m<12mw

Administrator's Saleor

REAL ESTATE.o Or (ill tut' CotU tlmlUhliUy «, H<lmUlfltritlf.r


0 « * -

WEINSTOCK & KAUFMANN,Jtfo. 193 Burnot Straat,

( I I D l t t r < J i - . . . . i " ~ H u l l . ^ „ . , . , . . , . . _

lllIE N. B. DAILY TIMES,Publlshod Every Evening,



| L11,1 HWi,,[,,UuH.

i ftvvituv. in'nr HnijM jvhk ; t'uli K

l, All Hint rral.l IM,r lU

. M B <•! Cl!m clly nT

tin Dm iiar uK.T. H



I'M rui.iNlv i'f MlililHI H r t l . - y . J r , l i turii

1 l»'« v'llm'Lid'lM

lt» *«l?nrtUli>(f t in Mrnlt.ir Un> l>h* tr*.m ,,t( U T I H M , unit.) id* mffft|.«(.*tii>rlii(«i||n tAmi II **f i-mtllof fl^il nnfi-iii in mhltU hr).|,i, 4m*<nM **r Xtajtn wfllilB lilil puiiittflniitlii, nfur J'altll-i htilittn irivfa K« *((irB«*r*'Hl«r kinll hf f)M«»*r l«rr***i Df Ittt t,f li. | . l t , l l tit- Ml'I •«l'-HBl(lf*Wlt

(ii>*h uhdr HIv I**) iht« nAM H


*) ht« unit, >1A> ..(AMi'nt, | i |n .IAM Hkll.riTfjr. lH«ir<'f»U.

ARNOLD,Itrundmiy,cor, I9lli St.,N. Y.,

tii'lr nnll ttm attciithtnrlvi>llml rullitellui

f mil-nr-tcof ttin lutt'. M>Hfn »ml f

Mol.tliiijimlml in Htil I I I I I

tl, ( J i K m r >

IIII In Hit) t lvr.I i

ns liy miy titlu

and Stttplti hrtm (Jomh,J'taln, J'Uncif and liltu\k ftltkn,Plain, Vutorrtl and Fanr.y Vrlvrlt,

J'timht'/i,tiiti'iilnif (Ittoilt uf fvci'i/ {lnHeriptlw,

llnnlr.ru, Umhriiarmi'iitii, (llmv.t,(Itnllfintn't, iMdlr.n' arid' J

J'StntUhlny (tooth, -dhtht, (MnaltiUjx.Q, Oi'n'tUicttlnys and

ri>rtmfii,Ilttwhlt, J'lannrU, (\)unti}rjt(inr'.nl

White (lundn and Linen*,

Mnnttt* andJ'*tt/H and I'ttv Trhntnlnyn,fiultn, Hi'flitlnit'



,of Krerjf Dtieflptton.



nil I'liinlnl. All work li[nll l

Bibbs: A Love Story.,

There was no doubt about i t ; JohnTuate was perffotly wreLohed thatgilt. '•.Ho had quarrelled with Jen-u J5L-11 and ho wasn't, going to makeup. This fuct wan she gavo liui-Hell0 many airs, and ho didn't mean

stand it any longer. He didn'tre if Bhe was pretty; that was no:ason why she should let halt.a doz.1 lullows at a tiqio bang abuut theop or stroll in one at a tirne and,iiing on their elbows, chatter and

mirk and Bmilo over the counter,adela and ofliiwrB, too, wild youngllow, who only did so.lor their ownle amusement, and would uo more

roam of _ marrying her than theyrould. 61 inviting her to the hall thatas coming oil next month. To' bon't1, he was only a common cavalryildier, but then ho had been in therviois a good many years now, haJ

u excellent character aud "a goodado at hia back, and, moreover, hislher had died' not long since, aud

aero wlia the cottage all ready lorounia to walk inio, and' they mighttlle down at once if she'd only botnsible. Jennie acted as Bhop-womanr her sinter, Mrs. Kvans. • A very

oor little shop it was, very small andtadly stocked, for JUra. Evaus hadnly managed to got a lew pounds'vorth of-thiuga-wi-jh-what-lmd beenub8wibt'd lor her in the garrison

ter tho lever had oarriud oil herusband. TJ:J speculation answerediretly well at firm, lor inuny of thoflicers' wiles, knowing what an in-lUslrious woman' Mrs. Evans was,lade a point ol buying their tapesnd cottons aud slicks (of sealing wax

if her. Then Jennie's pretty faceras seen behind the counter, and thehop was filled irom morning to uiglumil officers and Irifky young cadets,u'd the original customers took flight

— though Mrs. Evans did not knowfo*i* she, believing the busineRH was

iale in the keeping ol Jennie, workedmid at the dress-making (she hadhree children to support, and theliop alouo would not do it).The ollicers wure not, prolitable etis-

,omern, for they only went to flirtivilh Jennie uhiler the exciiHU of bny-

liP inemade- the

'nncM ltmutly Uiiiiu mill warn

Aileron N, H M., Niiw llruntwlrk P, O.

Titus' Express andPassenger Co.

I'Miumnnrl or li»g«"«» nulled for In any \nI tliu ellT, tit iihoit notion.Aim, I'"|!K"K» oJimkoil 10 nil polntg.

1 »fflco-'i!a hninnrnnt Htroot/

llriinswlck Transfer 0


Mam tin .lolualra |iflrllnia to "lienk IIKit a ** l<ol«la or |irWatn rtinlitttfiona to liohiNorlli, Hiiutli, Kaal mid W»at.

Onion rantinit >t Denol, 71 Uhnroh alrtaor Hli Neilaon «lr«al, will rnoniva pnimtn n1

Inuilnn. - :

1'unumftn omiyarml iu n,y imrt of th, «unr ea.ll«I fur ujltarlrw onionl a* Roova, 'nltlMf IAH KhWIUHIN, MxtiNlfnr

"*" ' "'" ' ~77'ii'ii.lUt il

I fiauili

Ttf(\ VV \HU». *tJLl " . ' JJ I'm noiw nliMjilir, < iTIMUrt ontco. ft Al l ian/ l .rol , tnd•|i««lpiini, nliltli will lit tu««irul!) i

" Wow look hero, Jennie, aro you;oing to take llieru ?"

" Of course I ain."" Well, then, good-bye." ' \"Good-bye," she. laughed. Of

:ourne bhe knew he wouldn't no." Jennie, he'll be indirectly, and I

shall be off, but you mdst choose bu-tween him and me. lLymi-arfl_going-to keep on talking to him. I BhaOnever come in ilia place again, sowhich i» it to' be?"

11 The captain." :. ."Hut I'm not joking. I'll never

see you again.' No. more arri-L.-juking, 80gaod7_

bye." - . . . . " '" Good-bye"—and he went.He kept ri'solulely away for a

whole month—never once went nearthe place. If .Jennie wanted him shemight send for him or get her sisterp invite him to tea, as she had dune

belore. But John Weare was notsent for, neither. wa» he invited totea, and his spirits began to wax.

' If she'd cared about' me she'dhave got in my wav somehow belorethis—truat a woman he thought."

The idei of not being cared for waanot cheerful. That night, he Btrolledcarelessly by the shop, but on the

i id l h N h iwas to be seen of Jennie. He walkaon iu a brown study, then crossedover, and went directly by tho uhop,with only one eye, however, turned iuitH direction, bia not a sign ot Jennie.Ho went back to tlie barracks in a de-jected frame o( mind.

"•It's an awlul pity—suoh a nicegirl; and there's tbe cottage all readylor her to step into, nnd me ready loretire from the service, and a gooiitrade at my back.; ii's too <bad, allalong ol' that Captain McGno, too.g pAnd the fruit in the garden.cottage) all ripe and no one

(of theto pick

ug a penny paper, or i.o.Utor a tiine-tablo. Jennie

ost trim and pretty aud obliging oi,.,|, ,..,,,.un) a nd thu plaoo iUelf waa

lways a pittipi-n ol neatneua; hut theitficiTs' wives dul ••ot.care to go andiuy thojr thread where tfiey were evi-lently interrupunf; a flirtation, and,8 the business continued to tall oil,,ud Mrs. livans began to get quitenhappy about it, Jennie—pretty,ind-hearted, thoughtless Jennie—had

no idoa that she hud anything to dowith it, or she would havo Bent every

i'e ot tier admirers oil at a pace thatwould have astonished them, Shehad.been only too delighted, after herbrother-in-law died, to come fromDevonshire and livo with her sister atIVoblwiuh—not only becauao sho wasvery fond ol her sister, but alBO be-;ause she had wished many times tooo John Weare again, Sho hadnadu his acquaintance when herjrolher and he—lor they had been inLlio same regiment—were stationedal Plymouth, and she had paid thema flying visit with her fitihur. John

ltd lold her then that lio was tiredt the servics and wanted to settle

lown, and sho inwardly thoughtr>lhato could do no better than ask her lo•jttlo dowu'wilh him. Ho had been

very attoutivo when sho camo toWoolwich, and gradually establishediraself on lho footing of a lover tille found the shop always tilled with

The very next morning JohnWeare' walked deliberately into theshop and anked for a penny, news-paper, and had tho felicity of beingserved by Mrs. Kvans.

" Qriito'a'stratiger;MrrWeare," sliesaid, but that waa tho only remarkBhe made, and lor the hie of him hecould not screw up his courage to askfor her siBter.

That night John Weare waB miser-able.

" She oan't care a rush for me," hevhought, and marched all over thetown, and nearly to Greenwich audbaek in his excitement.

The next day waa a lucky one forohn. Hn came across Bibbs. Bibbs

was Mrs. Evans' eldest boy. No oneknew what Ins real name was, or why

e was called 13ibbn; but ho wasnever called anything else

" Bibbs," said John Weare, " comeand have some fruit," aud ho carriedhim oil in triumph to the cottage andtutted him with gooneberries till hesouUlu'ti move, and.wilb black cur-

rants till bia mouth, was as black as a... Then ho carried him iusiil

and stood him .on iLu .t.,i>i,,, „„,] „.,down before him;

" How old-are you,-Bibbs?"Ho thought it belter to begin th

:onverwaiion with a question." Fivo aud a hall. Is that you

sword up there ?"Yes. Whogavoyou tliosobronze


Practical Watchmaker,• R r a n u r h o t u r e r o f Jo-welryp1*.3 PE ICE ST., uc»r Albany, Now Brunswick.Juwe'rj made to order. Watches, CIockB.cwclry nnd Music Boxes neatly roi aired aodwarranted. Monograms and Engraving neatlylone fit ahort notice.

PI iin Gold ltiugs at ono hour's notice.Persons resltllu^ out of tho city can order

;ooda mado aud take them-away the sameday-

thu officers and cadets. At first hewas shy of appearing before hisupeviors, thori ho got jealous uud ata«t angry, for ho felt and knew thatthey meant her no good, and besidesit d i real injury to tho busi

yt was doing realness of the shop.

d d l

g ,injury to tho busi-At last ho spok

ti Jiis mind, and told tho coquettish Jcn-nin what he thought, nud waB(snubbedfor his pains.

"If you think I don't know how totnko caro of myself, Mr, Weare, yoiare much mistaken, and I don't wnnlany ono to tell mo what's right orwrong. I know for myBelf."

' Well, Min» Jonnii', I didn't moan10 K"IVU oflenso. 1 only told you whatI thought,"

"Then you might Iwvo kept yourthoughts to ypurmilf," she said witla I lit lo toss of her pretty head—" un-lt!HH they had been nice oucn," shelidded. Ho heard thin unit It', ampicked ui) h'lH courage.

" It's awlully bind, too, whim onethat curt'H for you really can't getnear you," ho pleaded. Just thenJennie eiiughl night ol llnjit. MnHcu

mil and handnoinu mini, with longwhixkurii anil n red noao, coming iitho direction ol the nhop, with a bigimnch of llou'em in III'IIIIHMI, KIII

11 (til hiMinl John WcnmV him wordubut HIIII WIIH nccrctly of opinion Ilialie ought l» hiiv" COIIKI up to tinHcraloh heforr," HO H)IO lhouj(lit n littlo Jculomty nii«lit do him goixl,

"Oh i liiiru oniiicM 1'iipi.KIIII Hitid-in a ilclightod lono,

"Wel l , IIV'II junl the hl);i!mt blouk-1 In lliu piiUrr, Jcnnil), Illnl, Ii you

take my udvit'e, you'll uenil him oilnhur|>."

I liiilinvii yon mo Jonlotm, Muc, n,id telliii|( HlorUm nbout tli

tin IK iilwityn very |iolllu tourn," mid nho ninooilied hor prnliyhulr iiml iirriiii^uil thn triilon on th<i(iiintor, '

" Oh, IifiV pollto i-noi^li, no doiiU.'" And he'« lirliinlujj mo HOIIIO HOW

•r»," ,

shoes, Bibbs ?"Now he knew Jennie had given

them to him, but ho so , wanted tohear her name.

"JAuntie. She's going away soon,'ho auM'etl. "Le t mo look at vousword now."

" Where's slio going to ?" he aBkedn consternation.

"Devonshire. P o let me try onyour sword.'!

• Why is BIIO going ?" ho askedwith a sick feeling at his heart.

'She's ill, I think; and ahe's always orying now; ono day she waicrying over a silver thing you gavher, and kissing it like anything,"

Tho " silver thing" waa a littlheart of about the sizo ol a shillingwhich ho had bought at CharltoiFair last October, and timidly requestod her to accept.

John Weare jumped up mid showecBibbs his sword, aud carried him ohis back all over the place, and citreated him to havo more black cur-rants in his dulight. But Bibbs decliucd.

' Aunt Jonnio's going to bring isome from Elthaiu to-night," he said

So Jennie was £;oing lo Klthamwas she? John Wearo took Bibbhuiiio, and on Ills way presented hiiwith a while lamb that moved owheels aud squeaked, aud a monkdthat went up a stick ou being genii

UHhed."Crying over her silverid J h W " 111

thing!d lsaid John Weare. " III yo and ban

about tho Kltham. road till 1 seo heaud beg her pardon."

And he went, am) Jennie met binand pouted, and declared shu Inulil'onoe thought of him, aud thun hrukidown and cried. And John beggeher pardon, and declared that he iiabeen n licnrllumi bruto.; and theJennie oontrnilicU:cl him and miid iwas all her fault, uud inhl liim ho*Mrs. Diinli)|>, the colond'H will', hnone day wullieil in and lolil her, Itho kindest poHhihle niauui'r, that HI)was spoiling her rirttur'ri liusliicnx, fitho liulirrt who hail been intcresieil 1her wellare kept nwav ht'cuuHn cJennio'rt Mining priipeiiHitiiin, whletillml up lho nliup with iillo olllccrwho wuro alway» iu tho way, ami Innnhii had I HI ii no iinhiimed anwretebi'd, nnd no nut up at tint ilrntion ol John Wiiari', lliut nhe hail itiTiiiincil to (;o biu-k to l>iivi>ii»hir<i.

" Hill you wou'l now '/" he naiil, mlimy liMined over tlio mil"tlm Kltliuin lieldn, "You'l l uiartTulynt oni'i'i nnd wo'll -bo imurii'd un lionun poxnlbli', lii'loro thii l iuit in th({union In HpoillV"

II look it , long i l i imlo talk IIIT Into It (about Uir<i'-i|iiiirUTx ol mhour), hut thun nbu wnn v«ry happ'nl liuitrl, iiml nhnlU'rnil liltn n youn|IIIIIK|IIII, nnd told Jolin how nhii hni)MII|I|IHKI (]|iptnill McOl'O, (\|ul lliutlnow" all Inn IIIIWIIIII out of lho win

• " Ami It nially w»» nil throngtlmt lU'ltr Illbhn Unit you wnylnld in


Why, but lor him I might neverlaveseen yon again. I" . • •

"Perhaps not." . _> :... -"I'll give Bibbs a regular hag

hen I get home," she thought,.nd she did ; and the day before ahaas married she \hoiighi him a fook-ig-horse, whioh he^elights in to thifl

•FI0K H0UE3 FB0M 7 A- V. TO '& P. Ut.bDSDiTS FBOitf 9 TO 10.80 4.. M. .

TIME OP CIX)9INO,fow Tort, Northi-Enat nud-Weati-10 I, m.( 8.J0,-

,.0 auil 8 p. in.Tnmtou, Phlladclpblt, BklUmor* u d thaSoath,'

, 9.15 a. m. And 4,60 p. m.'UdtUebUBli, MUlBtona.'-IhrUngaa. arlgiTBtown,_woiiburff, StoutBburgb, liopewell, WoodrillB ami

r/tuiyiugton, 'J.SO p. in. •1 Bouth lliver, l'J.45 p. in.Milltowu, 11 u. in. , 'Prliicetuu. liordentomi, Burlington, Osiaden tpd

ray, B a. m.,.4.50 p. in. ' '5J;*,Fraultilu Park, Ua,m, ^*CiForeigu, IV a. in., S.W, D.1B, 8,p. m.

TIME OPDKLIVEKr.Now York, North, East and Weal, 7, », 9.ST, U •

Hand 7 p. in. ' :cxaey Olty, Newark. EllxabHh Mid Bftbwftjr,' MewHey wsy, 9 s. in.uud 0 p. m. -|'tiiladolnliiA. UultiHiorOf Wnfllilnfftou And South*

». m., 4.30 and 7 p. ill,Pbikilolplilft aud tha West and Cuadea And Am-

uy way, II a, m. aud t p. in,ISIiddlebuab.i'MiluitODO,- llarlingea, Origgatown.

' ' " " " "odvUltwi lMiUatOQO, llarllngeo, Orig

weiiburR, stoutaburgh. Hopeweli, Woodvnnlngtou, 10.1& a. In.SoutU ltlver, 10.1& a. m.Frankliu Park, llft.la.MIlHowu, 10 ». m,2 01-olgil, 1> a. In. aud 7 p. m."Monmouth iTunctlou, Kingston and Rooky Hill, 11

i, and 7 p. in.JOBEril F. FISHEB, P. M.'








B. Eisig & Co.'s,*!19 SIXTH AVKNUE (Noar Macy's), NEW T0KK,o iniinct tho bctt assortment of Trlintnltifri andeT«ryLlil»ie jiertainlng lo DroBsmsk.uj »ni MillineryGoods, Trimmed lints and ISonnoU, Hnsfery Outflti^fur Ladles and <Jhll(Jron, Oorsots, etc ; White andBlack Zn-nyr WoroU-d nt 11 «u. por ounc«i othk.rcolors to iirojiortion. IJmbrolderlea and ill or>Idea :of

icy WorK. Jewelry, Notions and Fancy Uoott-add novelties daily, dL-fyitll cpmpetltlon iud,ii-Il

Parasols.A full line. Also.'a large assortment ol



3 H E TLi JL. .A. S .AT


Also, SATCHELS AND CANES.53?~UmbreUas and Parasols Repaired and

made to order^ myl6-ly


M.SCHWAB,Optlclin and Ocull.t. will be at JOIINHON'BKAILKUAD HOTEL, New Drunnirict, N. J.,

1'roui Wednesday, Nov. 3, ta Friduj, NOT. 6.KKUEKKNUta:

Itcv. Dr. W. II . Campbell,Pieildsnt el Kulgors Uollege, Ntn Bras*.

wiok, N. J.Prof. G e o r g e II . Cook,

ol Untgera College, New Urunawlok, N. J.Mr. Jol i i i son Lot ion ,

Ii i -Ui>t, P a r u o rFrochol.l, N. J.

I hftvo no Puillara Pr Agonts. doli-daw

W. H. ArmstrongNANUFAOTUltKlt 01"

STOVES,Slttlta, Tin ailCopr fait,Hot Air Kurniict'fi, Ilnn^cn tttii) lUlMmoro Hoat*

v\n, IMiimlituKi Uaa mid Htmim KittniKi

No. 2 King Block,Now nrunawlck, N. J.


Ilrnokol tfllolviirt, l lnn 'au ' l 'o | 'a, Hnvrtlia, Floor

I wmiM inll Urn ntliMltlnu lit An lille.'IK,]liill<l,'in uml lidiiarkMinrrii Hi my ( W . II. t i m -M m i r ' o ) I'nli 'iil l l» l Air I U I I K " , lli«» *HI lu r -iil.li ( lo t W » l - r . tl ,r.iu, ;l , tlio l>illl<llli|r, Hull,Ilitki', Ilimnt an>l Warm llm llmintt. with tlifl•uini' Hi", f i l ly u( l l i « » lii'niitll'ul l langoa In<i|>i'rit!!im In l l Ja i-lly, mill NTrrj'oiio KIVIIIK nit-llronullKfiirlliiii,

BAVARIANWino & lagor Boor Saloon

/irwir mir.i.'N IIKAD nomr,,••• x.t.?! N'liti:i;r,

7RKD. 8C1IKJCSIJCKannmiliwt In hia ftl.niln thai lit baa

«|'"il»'l • DralaUaa lal.mn ll»d.r Ilia

ttxio Itajillon, ami ralara In nothing

Intl |«ntilnf krtltlit* to lila |M fend h«ir

Page 2: STILL at the FRONT. · Jt "-, „ •!»-* .-• ••«•;• VOL.XI.-NO.10i. NRW BRUNSWICK, N. J., SATURDAY EVRN.ING,OOTOBKR 30. I.H73.. PRICE THREE CENTS..pallabau ,'& fiagertyy

V ' 'T - •'' - ^

, . • • { • • ' / - ' - * •>-



DA.ILT Every Afternoon--WEEKLT on Thursday.

DAILY—Fittecn cents a week, whenservcd

liy carrier., .or $7.00 a year, in advance,

when aunt by mall.

WEEKLY —Iuyariably In'advance, $1.50 a

year. Olube of ten or over, $1.25 each,

.with a copy for the getter up of the club.

The rate to subscribers residing outsido the

county Is $1.70 per annum.'

Communications, of • whatever nature,

uVust be addressed to, . . . . V A . E . O O K J D O N .

MOODY AH APolitical exclteineut in New York liita

bus far to a great degree concealed fromid druien out of the public mind, as rep-

esenled, aud no doubt well represented, by.bo newepapera, the oxtent and itnportauco)f the revival movement which bus fairly

iu iu Brooklyn. Tbo preBS devoto veryttlo space, comparatively, lo repents of tbetrayer meetings, aud Mr. Moody's eveningierraona are not, aa one would suppose theywould be, reported verbatim. Tbe latter,indeed, ia no easy 'task, as it id Bald Mr.Moody gets out 220 words a minute—fourtimes faster than Mr. Evans, who Is dellb-irate, and tbree times as fast as llr. Beecber,•ho Is accounted rapid. Nevertheless there'ould to found.some way of getting tbem



Democratic Nominations



OH AS. A. CAM PBELL, Second District.

•'. DANIEL Z. MARTIN, Third • ; "


OLIVER A. K1BBE, First District.


GEOHOE \V. STOUT, Third " „

HON. JAMES II. VAX CLEEF.Cast evening Hie Democracy of this city,

in Convention assembled, formally nomina-ted Hon. James H. Van Cleef us n candi-date for re-election to the Assembly fromthe first District of Middlesex county. Mr.Van Cleef represented New Brunswick inthe Lower House at the last session of theLegislature. And we cuu safely »:iy thatmi member of the Legislature of New Jer-sey ever paid closor or more strict ultontiouto the duties of MB. position than did Mr.Van'Cleef. He received with courtesy nixlkinilncHH imy of his constituents who cnHeupon.him, nv/X was always reiuly and willing to; hour suggestions in'regard to any

• •ijiattcr thivt, affected^ho-uiteresta" .bj~ouicity and Stale. He never acted In regardto those mutters upon tlio Bpur of thi

.moment, but gavo careful attention lo themnud was always willing to hear the opinion;of any of our citizens whose intercuts madetbem pay a visit to Trenton' to look afterlarijus bills, or who taw Mr. Van Clccfduring his visits honied Never was there alegislator inpro desirous than he to ascertainthu wishes of his constituents, and neverwas there one who acted more couscieu-

-ftoualy than ho in the matter of curryingout the desire of what lie bclievuil to be amajority of our electors. Wo do not pro-pose to specify any particular bill, but willt iyl i f all proposed laws which came before.Sija, that' Jhe ^oxamiued their provisi6us

V'lusel'y and tfuWci olily for those which hebelieved wouUIJio acceptable to' a_, majorityof hiB ConstitucutB. Ot course, 'li so act-,ing, he necessarily ran counter to thewishes of some. But this was only whulall,his predecessors and cotiiinpurnrlcs havedone, and what all his successor will do.

In addition to his owa party vote there isevery reason lo believe that Mr. Vaa Cleefwill receive the votes tiotvinly of all the"Liberals" and " imlepcndcnlB " of IbisAssembly restrict, but also of quite a large"number of Republican*. ... '-• ' .

TUB •' Fredonian" lias reproduced the tat-tle of some cotiut'ry gin-mill—or else, moreprobably invented Hie story—that Sheriff

- IjUpaldus runs urounu tile ecmnty telling

tlio whole community that he hns a " writagainst Mr. Jones, Sinitli, Brown, et cet.,or numinous, as the case may be." Thismiserable bnldenlnsh is so palpably uutrueand of HO contemptible and irrelevant analuro that even the few idiots in Middle-sex county, who still have faith in the" Frodonian," Ilnd it hard work to swallowtlio Btory. A foiv renegade scalawags, whooscillate from one. party to tlio otlior, ac-c irding to the $'s and and cts. orturcd, arealso circulating just auch stuff as the " Fre-donian " publishes. But uo really respect-able man believes cither the editor whoinvents or the dead beats who clrculnlothese absurd rumors just on tlio eve of theelection. All decent men know that anyd acreditnblo assertions in regard to a candi-date circulated a day or two boforo theelection are generally downright lies mademil of the whole "cloth and entirely unwor-thy of a moment's consideration.

" C U T . " Homjimt of South Auiboy toHit; JtL'publicau Kint'candklato for Hln-riff ofMiddlesex couuty. He vma for one term umeinbur of tho New Jorney AHscuibly, butwe nover heard thai ho (.mounted to n gen -crul l i v e n s in that hotly. We absolutelyknow nothiuK further about him, good, badnr indifferent. Ilu is evidently a pcrpoungcof no Importance, even in hia own town-nbip, nnd ought not to lie trusted with tlioitnportaut of lice of Sheriff. If bo be a rcnufublc citizen ho oii(;bt to IXJ nah&iucd of

/fending hliimelf to tbe conlumptihlo trick oftryhif; to oust a Hlicriff who hiifi hold theposition only <uiu yeiir. Not KU him beenllie precedent Iu thla county. Nover linntlm Doinocrutic party interfered with there-election tf a Republicim Hherill', andthe nomination of UubeilH in nn act of badfaith nnd unworthy of thn coitnU'imnre ofmiy onu portPfriHing u npurU of honor.

(luvr.iiNoi! AI.I.KN of Olilu nm<W> i. inng-

nilirent ruu itl X\w nucnl rli-i-tlmi. Tin

vole polled In Ilio Htt.t« wiw im.OOO firi'ulm

than ever befuro ruM. Ami Uov. Alloi

received over.'10,000 moir vote* llian wen

rver ptevinuHly i;ivcn to it Dfiniirrulif! nm

diduli* In Ohio; and even inort* thiin any

Ili'Iiiihtlrnri candlilale nvtT prnvlnuuly re-

ci'lvnt in tint Hhitc.

Do yuti wiwil u rbaitf.K't* A^ ' you dinflfttlullrd with lliiii'v' mi they IHO/ '1'lnilnvote » f''W brunt. In bllnu; ah'illt ll climif{iKvniy nutti limi influtiMU, und ll In1 rxeiiIt, Im will ttnuiler how imirli ho ImM, tufriil hollrr. even If br hi tint mim'mifulDuh't rr]y upon MIIMTII lo do the woili yonioahln tu Un. Hltllu« bt.11 with fold*liumln novrr nrcfimplliitinl anylbln^.

Do not full (o vole, Vou, we meat

pfUk'iit, niirelnid iMtler. 0 " In the pot'

nn tl)(iti|{h Urn HWlll ili'|*iinlnl upon yon

linilvMniil bidlol. One ve'.'i linn tttir

turned iho pfilo,

Hciul you* llnki'l («M-futly. Hunn aver;

nnino, f'»r thrrn Ht" lleiiiila hi olieidntloi

gotten lift tn il»ri'tV«Ji (Jtimpftrnyimr tirku

wllb tho imtnt'H of ill? v'*niUdt»|<m flt tli

LrH'i of Uii" ynyvr.

Wfe ourselves bavo not observed. 1Q iTewYork any great slgna on the current,ofliiugs of any particular interest or excite-.,lent concerning tbe revival. It is Bald thuthe audiences are altuoat exclusively Brook-yn people, aud no doubt Brooklyn is more,jr-lesaexciteiiinniud.—The-Brooklynmind,

o.n e cau call it a mind, always .offer ves;es more easily than-than that of any other3ommunlLy, aud therefore this la uot strange.[Jut, however, there is uo doubt throughout;be Middle States a growing interest felt iu;hc work of ...Bloody and Saakey, and it" isiu interest which seems likely, lo increaseifler the clectiou. Everywhere the workiu 13rooklyu is regarded aa the certain inelpieuce of a national revival of religion^, and^uriatiau people all over tho land are aux-lusly expecting the good work to spread

,nd CQIUO amougflt them.: Iu Brooklyn theuovetnout anioug the souls of men cauio to

head extraordinarily fast, and aoou, noloubt, Moody aud SanUey will betake them-iclvca to Philadelphia, leaving the religiouslame brightly burniug iu the City of3hurcb.es aud trusting tlie coiillanraliou to;teadily extend.

Tho revival work in Brooklyn is iu many:Gspi'ota remarkable, aud is in every ^va,ivorlhy of study aud full of lcssona totrcachcrs and people- who will never come

under itu direct influence. Wo spoke lastSaturday of the power of song, which it_was cynical was to ho uppermost iu this'eVlval. The -events of the week haveIcmdnsCriieiiloQ'trutli^of. thiB.. It is after

Saukey's songs that tbe moat earnest cvi-duueesof interest aro observable. ' Instaucesre reported of voices being raised in all pUrta

:tf the church and iu the cornera after onef bibjiolos. Moody fully concedes this mar-

ipeloua power.of song. Uo has tho apeochea»ud tho proyeiu"mado^ very"brief,"aud hisiLTuioufi are but tweuty uiinutca long; andbey are all interspersed with song, aud

much of tbe uiualc bo requeata that Haukoybe allowed to sing alone. AH tliia should,19 we pointed out last week, teach pastors,tnd teach congregations moro than pastor?,!or they need H moro, that the aorvice ofions ia iu too much ueglect in wor-hip generally, aud that what(wo ueed as

much as. Unndsoinu chtirchoa and eloquent"pastors ia tender, sympathetic fliu^era, wlto

re able to molt hearts by their solos.veld heartH-by their chorusLja.wr**

But- il cnuiiot be fluid thut Mr.fTortfl arc unneceHsary or unimpor^iut tolie work. Ou thu face of them, -perht:iey nre not remarkable sermons; they prevcu.soTiitjliinei ujcuuth and uuyrammixli-id, thougli tlicy aro never vulgar or offon-,v.e. Bui his work may bo divided into,ivo parts—prayer and pri^ichiiig; and

o£ tlioso niiiw > ^ *- i " . " «».*. name

ivO reinarkablo qualities, which cxpliilnheir signal ; auecess—uamuly, individualorco imd enthualasin, aud thorough audutimato acquatntaucu with the Bible. Thoubo method ordireetlou of hia work IH noto preach IOYO, but ropcutauce; uol reward,Hit punishment; uot glory, but doom; sul-'atiou not simply donated, but if uot .earned;t least strivcu for. Theso two qimlitiea ofus work and this mctbod or scheme of liUNork explain bis wouderful work, when wenne to analyze it.

We do" not think the " Fredonian " ia•ight when it calls Mr. Moody u, machinerevivalist, aud says we could do withoutliim an well aa with him if we only wouldresolve to. lie may bo iuHpirod lo do thlfiipucial work of Ileaveu, and there would3e nothing strange or irregular iu it if hewere. But we do sny that much of hiacnthu-iiasm ia what any nutu may have who wantsIt am! seeks It. IIo bus an ever-presentBcuBe of the alufulnei.fi of man, and withit not gloom but an ouiuiprcsscut eeuae ofthe posBil/ility of their Hulviitiou. Salvutiouia to him the pressing need fur all mou> andlie lias a realizing suusu that there U noime to sp:uc—that overy moiuont carriesiomo persons aWay unprepared. This ac-counts for his uuccasiog hurry, his fre()uouticrvices, bimmort prayers nud eagerness to llndicw subJL'dta of prayer, his rapid utteranceiud liia impusdioncd manner. His lliomcs are

^ ^ : -'^^^^Jt^^M4^f.^^^gait&^^ A>*f.^i . r ^ ^ ^ - ; ^.j


The cattlo disease Is disappearing In Eng-land, v

Further disturbances between natives andforeigners arc reported in China.

The attendance and Interest at the Brook-lyn revival meetings continue unabated.

The Carlists claimed a victory at-Luinblor,Spain; the AlfousistB say they were re-pulsed.

Mrs. Lincoln, who IB still stopping inSpringfield, III., walks out occaijionally, andappears to have improved in health. . •

About fifty per cent, of the mooaf col-lected In aid of the Fall River Btrikers wentfor expenses of collection and distribution.

One hour afVer she was •married, on the29th ult., Mrs. DeWItt of Johnstown, 111.,eloped with an old lover. This IB tlio short-est shining of the honeymoon on record.—Tbursday-wasHkelast-day-of-fegl»traHonin Elizabeth, ODd the total number registeredIB 0,049, or about 3,000 more than twoyeare ago. "",'

Nathaniel Lundy of Weekawken, thepoliceman who clubbed Philip Koch andfractured his akull two moutba ago,' was.sentenced in the Hudson County Court yes-tcrday_.tQ-payji.rlnii.of_$lDQ..and-CQBts.

The trial of William Hart of New York,In the Hudson County Court yesterday, ona charge of committing an outrage on LenoBurkhai't, resulted in a verdict of guilty.Judge Hoffman ficnreiieoil Hart to sevenyears' hard labor iu State Prison.

James Bailey and Louis Fox of B.clleville,each about 16 years old, were arrested atNewark ycBlerday. On being searched theywero each found to have, a revolver, razorand large knife. They elated that theywere tired of home, and wcro going to seoktheir fortune. Justice Ise committed tbemunder the Vagrancy act to tho county jailfor 15 days each.

Muuday T r a i n n . . -Wo haVo from time to time, eays the

Newark " Courier," published the resolu-tions of the various religious bodies of theState protesting against tho running of Bun-day trains on the Pennsylvania Kailroad—believing aud hoping iliat in the face of sounanimous and decided an expression thecompany would hasten to abandon a policywhich has nothing to recommend It. Asyet, however, the protests do not Beem t«have.made any impression on the manage-ment, and it would seem, therefore, thatmore rigorous measures must bo" adopted tobring them to terms. Upon this point the" Christian Intelligencer " has the followingremarks, which we fully endorse:

" But there are others who liave dutiesto perform, without which all. that hasbeen done by the religious bodies, the press,and the pulpit will be comparatively nuna-tory. The citizens of 'New Jersey have

T l io TreuMiiry l-<mbczzlcineut_ . X r l u l .

. Trial o£" the Ipdictrneut agalust'the lateState'Treasurer for oinbezzllug the funds ofthe State has beeu postponed to the nextterm of tho Court of Oyer and TerminerThe grounds upon which the postponementwas aaked and granted may be brielly statedto bo the absence of a material witnesfl, thoindisposition of counsel and,want of timeto prepare the defense. Iu addition tothese grounds, tho (;ourt took into consider-ation the fact that tho November terui ofthe Supremo Court begins on Tuesday, audtho trial of tbo embezzleuienf. case might, i tcommenced, to-duy, have ruu into tlio term.Although the public feeliug was generallyiu favor of au lunnedialo trial of tfcia oftlcialmalfeasance, there is, nevertheless, a desiretliat tho defendant shall bo deprived of noopportunity of a full dcfeiiBC, aud tho post-ponement will bo tho more readily acqui-esced in in view of tiie suggest ion of one ofthe counsel for the dofenao that a full invcstigatlou may tMovr that there aro othersas much to bhune for tbi3,einbezzleiueut usthe accuwid named-\n-tho~iudiutment---lLis_uot for ua to .anticipate what tho defcusowill be, hut we may Bay at this time thut,If the rules of evidence governing thccusiadmitted of it, wo have"pn doubt that icould be showu that tub Treasurer, uoweveguilty he may be, is not tho ouly culpablepftrty.

There is another iudictnient growing outof this embezzlement in which tho peopleof Now Jersey aro tho jury. It ia the indictment of thii Stale against the Republicau paity, whieh stands nrraigned for htivIng, uy its iigents in tbe Souaie, knowinglyUiaiutauK'd iu tijo office of Treasurer an, un

oincoinpnteut ollleur. Tho churg^ hasbeen fully proved, and on Tuesday next thojury will deliver their verdict nt the ballotbox.—-[Trenton American, 2Uth.

The trial of Charles Wemdt, alias Cburlef^eKton, Urn third of tho three, uegroes engaged in the murder of Abraham Weiss-berg, a peddler,' in Lydi^'s Woods, in WcsFarms, N. Y-, was taken up Friday, in thoCourt of OytT aud Termmur, bfifoio JudgoBarrett. WcHtoiMiaU demanded 11 sopnriUeutui nuiu nis cunipanious, i\'ho werej;<>nvicted on Thursiluy. ' '"• -

Mr. Lyon briefly opened the case, stntingthe facts of tbo brutal mi1--'•"• r>P «^peddler in tho woods,-aa -^vealod by thejconfessions of tho ihiL'e negroes, aud the

uflUnv-"* •'••' t.\jii led to tboir identifica-tion and arrest. The evidence was almosttho Htimo aa that itresented in the trial ofWeHton's ii'jsociatcs, except that in place oftheir statements made after his owu, tothrow the chief criminality from thein-


con tain ng seven rooms.Water ou the urcuil; ua Apply to

ABRAHAM WOLKSON,Sccruturj Holirow Congregation.


"IJOVT a duty to perform of a practical anapositive character. It la all very well Loarouse and enlighten public opinion. Thisliaa been dune In the recent past, and willnot be neglected In the future. But publicopinion should take form in some decisiveaud effective manner. Mere talking aod.writing is not'enough ;'there must also l>eaction.—And tho action that we would sufc-g beiug likely to test the matter andbrlujj forth (substantial results is for thecitizens of New Jersey, those of them atleast who as member's of the various relig-ious bodies of the State are alive as to theimportance of keepiug the Lord's day holy,to institute legal proceeding for the restraintand punishment of those corporations whichpersist in violating the day, aad disturbingtho peace and good order of the community.Let some active men among them raise thefunds tiiat may be needed to this end, nudinaugurate tho legal remedy, if there-is one,without delay. Tho SabbatU Committee oENew Jersey might properly tako tho lead Inthis method of abating the evil; and if they,reuiaiu suplno and inactlvo, they may be3 ustly censured as having surrenderedwithout any effort in ita defense the import-ant trust-which has beeu conlided to them."

On Tuesday night tho train from Farm-iugdale had a narrow escape from collisionat tho croaaiup: of .the Jerseyvillo pike witha farm wagou. Parties in a carriage Justbehind claim that the rond-crossiug signalwas not blown until tho engine wits just at(bo crossing, aud they docluro they did nothoar the signal for down brakes. Bothsquats were distinctly hoard iu town at thetime, however, and caused remark. Thedriver of the wagou, by a severe blow on

team, just cleared the pilot of theengine, it is said. The parties In the car-riago allege thut tho wagon occupants didnot seem lo be" looking out for any trainuntil tho'cars were close to thutu.—[Free1

hold Democrat. ,

Goo. Kearmau of West Hobokou, agedniue years, a newsboy, was attacked byPhilip Kuilly, aged 13, iu Paliaade avenue,_ncax_. the Monastery,., on Thursday night.TUP,larger boy was carrying a~9hol-~gudTa~n~ddemanded KearmanV pennies. Kearmaustarted to ruu and Rcilly tired at him.Kearrnau fell, and several pereous, alarmedby his screams, went to his assistance. Hewiis carried to his mother's bouse, in Annstreet, whero it wasfouud that 17 shot hadtakcu effoqt, fortunately nono in a vitalpart. * Rcilly resides with h.B parents, inHill street, but could not bo found yester-day.

Mr. J. j-"Mgnr Thomson, late President ofthe Peunsylva^ifl .Railroad A ' nipauy, whodjdd In May, 1874, left a portion of hisestate, viduid at'over $1,000,000, fp r theeducation nud maiuteuauco of fema'^ or-phun« of railroad employes whoso J otherswere killed while iu tbe discharge of theirduties Thero are claims ugalust tlif eatntowhich, if allowed, will prevent the »nrrylnginto oil'ect the desire of the testate/

James W. Hommaun, a druggist a t ^*c

00 East Ninth street, and living at v 0 9 - Ll

and Jll) Fullon atrcol, New York cJty» l f t f l t

Monday moriwig-left his place of b'JBint!S3*Qu MoHiiuy-evouifig, UEHn.did w—- returo,8oa'roU"#asmade-fnr ^r"»»ui without suc-cess nni!J -Tj.urdday afternoon, when bisbody was discovered in a vacant lot near



him, his own statementtheirs, with the intention

of exciming hlmsulf, was put iu evidence.It showed at bent that ho was a calm specta-tor of thii rubbery aud murder. The pris-oner produced uo evidence, but Mr. Mottsummed up at eomu length, claiming thatthe evidence did not nhtnv that Wcstonwas an actual parlieipant in tho crime.M r. I'liclps, In reply went into a carefulanalysis of the pri^oncr'a alatomcut, aud ofthe testimony. Iu 15 minutes the juryreturned with ii verdict of murder in thoHint degree. Judge Barrett proceeded tosentencu thn prisoner, lie said :

"Cbarlea Wemdl, aliaa Charles Wcston,it was a Iktlc over 2i hours ago my duty topass sentence on your confederates in k|ismost atrocious, moat revolting and detecta-ble crime. You were clearly.tbo ringleaderin it. You planted ami plotted it and im-pressed your mind upon them. They de-servo anmo credit for their coufeasiou.You endeavored by your falsehoods andprevarications^ to leave your confederatesto punishment that you might escape. You

Buffer the siune punishment at theBiunu tima. I urge you lo a ponitont etutoof uilml, and trust you will use-the inter*venlug timo to Jit you for your fato:" TheJd h d W b bd, . , , , . , . . . ; , , , Judco then ncutonccd Wcston to bo hanged

heHunplcwtandlbeyfollowagraduatcdand^,, ^ l 7 , H o n f l c r Ward thanked theHo Gtarts with sin and jurymen for their worL during this term,:ounected aerlea.

leoks to prove all men siniicrs; not totrove It logically HO much as to prove it to3ucu mau for himeolf. He then follows up;ho expurlences of (lie sinner reaching con-/crsion, puHsijig it, entering and continuing.ho Christian life, with Ua new duties audCHpuudibUitiea. All thodo fliibjecta aro iu-ipiicd with tbe duvoted oarncatneafl audibHorptlon of the man, and with a hearty,ivhole-Houled nympathy; a Hympfithy thatrowH into real anxiety for others' welfare.Ie sptMka IIIH vvliolo heart, and then hoitnpK. II(i does not dwell upon any sub-ect. He doen not grow rhetorical ovor itr elaborate any thought into a Hpi-eeh or a

imuon. He simply puts out bin icfeaserfely and then wtopH Bhort. It Isn't thuMi.-liliit/, turning and twlntlng (and the hor-

ny) of tbe nugur, but/tho pounding of ninuiiuer. Why should not every pitmeherwlio entciH upon thn profession feel jiifitthin anxiety miO nyinpittliy ] > Why nhonldthey lit) (•[•..rny.Hti >vlicn their li'llglnn teachenIbtiiu HiuL lhi!tv urn .shoix'ineit ntfitlon«'d t<iiiivedrownli.i; mmi ? Ought not (heir cryto tlm Inid ID tm iinmu.lflf(, but einpllntic,trnn", euinei>t? M\; Mum\y Iu no overcomeliy liln own nunrntnetm and ulmntpllon in11 io etnidlMoii nf Hlnnem thnt \\\n vulenIIKTHUH nni| be wn'pw, nm! he IH nimn «,vn-ronir hy liln own i.ppnibi tbiin tlifi hlnncni

Tore hhn.

Only Iri'ii tlmu what Mr, Moody myn,

Ix tho uuy ho Htyi It. Kverylliln^ be nayn,oveiy Iden bo nxprrrmrti, hn IllimtrftUvi fromtho Hiinpturrn. 11 In twrmonn provn howwoiiilnfully iulii|»tiv(i to liniimn i'K|irricIn itll <\f,<'* \» llin Word nf dud, Tlm ISTrntnmeuL IA Illumined by tlm Old, nudIN Illumined by both. Mr. Moody bun | |np|>llciLU"iift mill IHmttriilluiiH lit Inn tntigno'nrnd, and I to \\M Ihu pilm Iplen nnd rvceiln ofHerUitiiMi nn ft lrariR-d nnd roaily linvy^r ImiIho 11 [in oxpnrlcfKHi'of fit I tint tmok-wrllmito flUHtftki hltn,

—iNrxt Tumlay w)U bu clcollou tUy,

vhich had reeulted in flvo convictions forinurdor aud four for manslaughter, tlio ver-illct iu each caso concurring with the vlowswhich ho as lawyer aud judge entertained.

Another meeting of the members of G!ou-Icmiing's church was held in Jersey City onrinimlfty evening to consult on tho futuresarcer of Iho church. Tho meeting was at-cuded by lht1 adherontft as woll us tho op*loncntH of Olcmleiining. Hovoral membersiveiL' hi posat'BHlon of lettcm, whllo others:iad received vurlwl counsel from clergymenn tho iPresbytery, urging them to eoncilla-ion and tho ro-c»tabliHhni<!iit of a fralorual

fuulinir among tho Into distracted ulemunts.,Vti amlcablo underfilaiidluf; wan arrived at,imd all tho mumbiTrt aru uxpeetcd to attendthe nervices noxt BuiRfay. It wus btfiteilthat (llendeuulng hlniHelf would ho presentand take a ftent umong tlio laity.

Haniuc) DcnnU and two fiiendH wont toihootduukB In a pond near Wuymart, Wnynoeounty, Pcini., reeently. Dtnnirt droppm|IIIH ramrod from tho boat in tho pond, himaking a midden imivcinent to recover It,Iho boat eapnlwd, and ho wan drowned.Tho other uttiii clung to tlm bwal und wcro

.IiiHt one year »i;n. to tbo very dayand hour, ,lubn Duuiiiii, u Imitlfnr of haWUH drowned in Hie nutno iiniuncr.

Tlie iiiinouueinileut niude olllrlnlly at ht.'iVtt-rHburg Unit Ihu i'oilu DIIKIU to bo (in-idled tu "lulllll Hit |)tni])hrn," ninl iimtHit* e.tkvanct) of tin; (>liilniliimi nuixt heledrchKcd. |H In liiinuony nllh th< tradition*id policy of KUHHIII. Hedlnji Turkey with*mil. iillli'ii or ert!<llt, 1 Uo (Vitr ni\lurallyde<>ii.'i Hit) lltnii iipptirtimo both to remindthut nuiliiii of her ft ehlciiiiifi ami HIIOW Iho(JlirUUiuiHlliul he IK tlielr pioleetor,

Tim "MelluntlMt" imyH '"J'lm vhlr/ nlr*incut In it rovlval In (he (HitpourluK of thoHoly Mphlt."

TIIIH leuttiiilM UA of n fiiiiitf-uon In ii fhro*Wcll^oMUiin of nHimlhrrn " rnvlvnllnl," M(jimti'tl hi " llnrpor'n MitK»/,lim: " KmlliIPII, In tin on wrclin I hnvo COUVOII<M1 1 i'.«hmftrH-Vv|lli H little holp from Dlvin.

A Mnlim Imliy with u IIII^M In hlii IrneU lathn Ittti'Pl noyitlly, (.'licii>t pm/uiim1.*IHITC to lAttn n biieh unit wlrnn lid gti/wIlmmothor foldn lihn up when

Village, town of Ncwtown, L. I.Near the body lay a two-ounce viul'cou-tainiug a 6mull quantity of prussic acid.

What does Gen. Ilutler want a gold mine"or! It is only a few daya ainco he thought

gold was dreadful heavy to carry about,aud was\ not half so ulco as paper. Hewould look a #reat deal bettor buying a ragfactory,

An honest Republican saloon keeper InPhiladelphia, not content wilh registeringhimself tvvico, put his parrot iu tho list BBJohn Poll and his sign-board as WilliamUambrinua.

Tho intelligent compositor used to hangup his coat in tbo Detroit " Post " olllcti,but tho oditor wroto a paragraph beginning"Grant's auction was not a success," andhe spoiled "auction" with an " s . "

GOVERNMENTS AND STOCKS,eiiorlfid l«y KDWIN KMJF.HSON A CO., Baninrasuil Stock lirokirn, tor. Church *n& George atruutn.Tivr., 1 p. w., Oclolior 00.

OOV£ltNMKNT8.Gold . . , 110U. H. 6'n HI, Coup lat

5-20 Ooup. '6%. ll'J

" " 'C3 ^10-11) ltCtf Ty\O fl'


NEW YOHK 8TOCK8.l'aciilo of MiHHour,WeBtcrii Union(JulckMlvorl'aclllo MailNow York Contra!Krlo

"alRBIl (JftlllDllft Hliore

North WtutITcfen

nocklHlBinlMil. "iiil at.'PAul

Union l'ncino ? !. ' ."!. '-". ' . '^.". ' ."!.). U. ami lutl. OuutralilatinUjut uml bt. JiMtrpliNovr Joraoy Houtharn


i'lillnilelpMViiu'ii Hr/oi',..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.',['.,

•"* vllloy .^.'.'.'.'.'.'.',','.','.'.'.'.'.'.'.".*.'."*"!Utiltodlt. It. of N.JOllUrnt'lc

Mai Itdt tttcmly,

6'JHM i





V7 Alt»n»iy Street.Inlnrant caimncuenB tlia 1'IUHT ol KVKItV

MONTH.TntornHt ornlltiMl on tlm Ut day of Jaiumryd July of nitnti your.lutoroat nUliu rutn of Hlx por caul. |>"i'iiu-

mini, Irou from lux.j ly 'JI l ; [S. I t l i m i l A i n , Trw>«.

O I l ' U ' l O I U O H 1 'X'JIIIl



''.No. till aiCOliail H1HKKT.

1, rruhUnt,

AKTHUHO. OUHJtY HvcrMiiry ni.lTrr»«

WAHH1CN R, MMITir, AsuUUnt H«or«l*r/,

Intercut nlloTTcd on Pfipnnl(i from thn

Yirnt or KTD r Month,

Itiiflrril rm.llt- on Mitt VIHMT <Uri ofJAHtlAHYmtt .fl/I.V, »t alt !«r oink. p»rRtinuin, " • • " " " • •*

( f | ( rnlTud of ««r >i*otint (roin UnOfutl 10 IttouNuUds 0i dollar*, U l d


Rooms'to Let—Cheap.Situate southeast comer of Morris and ell-_

son streejs. First floor, 7 rooms and cellar;

r; first-rate order, witU city water. Rent low.

Apply at the house. oc25-lw

Behind Hie ScenesIN


• ' - .BY A.


with the above title, will bo delivered

at the -

Assembly Room, Masonic Hull,

Thursday Eve'g, "Jfov. 4,umlar the auipi^ea of the

N t i BFinmiuk Historical Clili,B *


Doors open at 7. Lecture at 8.oo3'Mll

Iu ("liancory «r N«ir Jornor.


TOOKElt andHARUIET M. TOOKER, blrwife-: — — — — : -

I3jr Tirtuo'of an ordor ot tho Court of Chan-cery of Now Jeraoy, made on the day of thodate hereof, Ia a cauao wherein Jeremluh R.Van Devonter is compUlnaut aud you andothers are defendan'a, you aro required to ap-pear aud plead, answer or demur io tho hill ofsold complainant, on or beiOre the twenty-BOYrnth day of December noxt, pt tho-aaldbill will be takea as coufaBsed against you.• Tho inald bill is lllod to to eclose a mortgage

given by William Moaler md wife to Garret Q.Broknw on land™ in the towaship ol SouthBrunswick, dated April J, A.D. 1S08; and you,William Kreb.*, Ktciiard W. S. Belaon and LowlaHttiflt, are made defendants because you holdencumbrances on said lands; and you, Bamuo!Tuokcr, are madu defeudunt because at the6i^o of filing said bill you, asuppeared by theRecord, was the owner of said land*, or somepart thereof, but afterwards nold ihe same, andnow hold an encumbrance on Bold lands ; andyou, Uarnet M. Tooker, nro made dufenduntbi cause you aro the wife of said Hamucl Tookcr, und at Iho time of flllug said blll.hnd uu inchoato right of dower In said lands.

SUiTUAM A JACKriON,Sollcltora of Complainant, Stillnian's BlocV,

Front street, Plalnfleld, N. J.'Dated October 20, 1575. ocS0onw6t


CO'I.TIKVDUO n Y W.TI. L1OVDO A U U I S U N . O M V U I t IV. 11(11,11 i t - ,If. »•. 1IAIINUIII AND OTIlliUs.

OPERA HOI73B~^~Ono Night Only.

Monday, Nov. I.



GeorgiaG g i aGeorgiaGeorgia

Tho Great Buutborn




ajijiearo'tOEIGINAI,I UNKQUALKIll An h«yn £nKtnad And Amerluu, &ml to 40,000 pcopl rocentlf

In Boston. UiJicarloua l'lantatlon Dollneatlon..Comlo Aotn, Jublloo 6CID^B, Unarlng Eikotctio.% 1'lanta-tloo JIKS, DanUL'H, donga, Wnlk-Arounua—pronouncedtho Krcatcit MlDHU-elN In tho »or!dl

Thu lljmon-'Herald" any*—They bnro taken thocity by atorin. Tlio comnauy .has mado An lintneaso

• 1 ' b o r a < l • - • • - •hi'. Tbo rush In BOO tht . ry of uilnatri'lfy.

Tbo Now York " Udarky lmlutorB.

I l c r v d 9 t

la unimralleli'J in tbo lila.

[erald" aayB—Tliyr pxcel Uioli

Ilo'-crvod 9oata on Bala at Wi-lla1 Drug Storu.



ART S T U D I E S !Under the supervision of Mr.

BARTLETT of Boston,


I r t a of. Si. Jims' .Ghnrcb.ONE Mt i l l l 1 Om,Y,

riday, Nov. 5 , 1875.TJI1C OUCH MUTUAL

WILL 1111 UIlNDIlltlCD



TlekctH can lio procurn l a t (.'. O. Wulla'dniL'Btoro, MatKinlu Jlall, Murgnn A "hlvlur'M,It. (). Mtllrr '- ftnil \V. M. Mainp-on'H hook-itorert, and nf Dm UUUCH und gdiitliMiiui. of thnl h

IcKKii Him Im {'KdHiitgod fur a KcHorvcdBent Chnok wltliont mti'ii t'oai (»Ki:r|itiu^ thn

relicrttra (.'liclo 'J5 fonts m i n t ) ut tlm Hoi111co, un Wcrinnntlity, Nov, 8. nt 'J p. m.

Tlm miteitotiuiimit will Im of n nhnrnr t r rhloh t'Aiiiiot l»ll t > ttlciiAD, liy It i itovi'Ky umlt'fMloin from fuiyllilnjf ulijtH'ilomtMu, nn wrl li from lt.f> ItoiiiK u-ulnr llm illmutlou of K U<'»-niiimi of known kMllty lit )r«|ili)K up mini.

nimiNditttiiilit; hild K ciuinriiitn 'nil|iport will of-f. r n vxlu^il MI<I (otVHitin » tlfiNormiK olilrui.


lt.iwa.it < >rmt*n mo iUitmun ATIMIIM,

Window hhutoa mill OiirUliia > »|in<li>ItTft<1tfl.' Drtinafln itdtl* up In Htyln (InitM1

W««li ud, t l l l | » l r,rj ilfanilpiliiii nr Unnilr*work ilutia In lin nontoat inalinxr >t luwniil

)<!., llrminlt Offlfn — M4iro)iiM|BH A V*flml a nior., t ; IIIMIII

lines to the Wise.Word, Petor, 12 Church street, has now got

on hand • • n

Tho flnefit assortment.of goods In tho loud.Alpacas, bareges, in cv'ry new Bhado,And all aro fast colors which never will fade.And then his dress. goods, so rich aud so

' ' . peat,' .No wardrohe without them will e'er bo

complete;They're adapted for street wear, tho house

or a ball, - • • - • •They'll carry a premium In BruDBwlok this

• • P a l l . V ; •

And muslin at 10 o?nts he has it In plenty.For the aame In some Btores you'll be charg'd

fully twentv.As Winter comes on for the health all

should care,l t l f l


will resume her iustructlou In ELOCUTION

and STUDY OP SHAKESPEARE, to clas»e»

nnd private pupils, on MONDAY, SEPT. 2V.

AddrcfiB I*. O. Box E66, or call at No. (14Schuroman street. . «cl"-ytad

Cloth aacquefi, empress clotUa, of a veryflue grain, . . - :

And waterproof cloaks, that will keep offtho rain.

Jeans, ebirtlnKa and ginghams; and blank-ets so fine, '

Shirts;-napkins-sand towels, and till In tliat. line,

Damasks, crashes and flannels to wea-r Intuc FaH-

It .would take me too lonu to enumerate nil.T« his New Brunswick patrons he wishes it

kuowaThat from twelve until three jn-'fur folks

. out of town. . ' \Ho takes this precaution for fear of acru'sh,Forattbat time of day there's n terrible ruBb.But, lf.it should b«p[jen thoy'come at those

hours,'Himself and hU clerks will exert all their

powersTo please them, and servo them with what

they, may order; . 'Howiwo'or great Ilio crowd there itartHje bo

disorder. - •To got there in time all should now mako a

• shift -For the goods are so cheap (hey aio almost

IJo hopes tula' announcement the wise willregard; . . .

And remains uio9t respectfully yours,P E T E U H A R D . '



JAS. McMAHON'SClean Dry Goods

197 Burnet Street.Wu invite .our friend and patrona to call and


Our Dress Oood) rapartment,In which TTO have the larKOBt atoclc of tholatest novelties Iu D1USS FABRICS ever ex-hibited In tbn city, consisting of extensive andvaried assortments of . , •

Camel's Hairs, Salteens, Poj>lin,Cashmerct, Empress Cloths,

Luslre&S&tc,ot every grade, in nffiffir. dewk, desirablesbaden, as Navy Blue, SUttn, Seal Brown, (iar-net. Olive Green, etc «r

W« uljo offo-, at oj/Trcmcly lovf prieca.PLAIDS! OF KVEBY DKa.;liIPTlON—Cash

mere l'lalda, Camel's Ualr l'laldn, ltoubaii.. Plaids, Poplin Plaids, Tartan Plaids, Santa

Maria PUds, Crolao Melange PlaldaCrolso Knot Plaids, DebeiRo Plaids, Pana-ma Phlds- in all new designs, coloriiigBand mixtures.

Our stock of BLACK GOODS is also 'comBlctc, Including, tue brst makes of Ciwbmere,Merinos, Knmreas GlotbB, TamiHee, IlonrleltaClothB, Poplins, Briliinntines, Mobslrs,- Al.pacas, etc." Wo are also selling Black 811k at$1.50, worth 82. Or our Olotli and Uasjlmcre,Domestic, IIoBicry, Notion anil Trimming Do-imrtmcutB ii Is Heedless to speak, as the pub-lic may feel assured that they can Und allclasses of goods at our store below New Yorkprlcea. Cull aud examine. '

JAMES McIAHON,197 Burnet Street


BIueJFront-Rranoli of

-Washington Market,No. 6 Ohurcli Street,Formerly ntS05 Burnotstroot, Now Bruiuwiclt.

Slaughter of Higli PricesN o C l u ' o m o s G l v o uAt tho above place will ho found a cliolco

assortment of

Fresh Meats.AT&T OF PRICES.

Pcrlor Huuio Btoak liic. per Ib.Hirluin Meak 15c. "Round S teak . . . . .We. "

u UoiiHt.Beuf, 10 aiitl lSc. "Muttpn, hlnd-quartera...'..I.luc. " 7>Mutton, lore-quart era 8c. "

Vcgottibk-fl, FruttH, etc., nml wo K'^rantoe legiro more tmtlsfactfon fur Icea money tliiinany othor establishment in this city.

OYSTERS 25 GENTS PER QUART.Call and examine our stock,oolfi Im I .

A. Bloodgood, Jr.,OYSTER PLANTER,


mny sllll be found at tho oh) •Jnnil,

No. 3 Hiram Street,whero lio koojia u full assortment of everythingtlmtcoiiiurt out of tho wnt(!r.Oyhtora, Hunl (Jlnnm, HoH Clam.4, Lol)rtt«rn,

Crabti, Bcolloimaml FIHII of nil klu.ln recelvca tlnlly illrcut Irom IVIIICUHH Uuy

mid Hl)lj)j)cil to (luulcrHill nil pmtriof tlioBtiitf.

Panic Prices\I.nrn:o oyntitrH opcni'd, frt'uli from Amlioy, off

iIn bfils ovoty day, ut UiJ oeiita per c|iiart. Htilio oht stand, t'otnu onot como all.

Fniii'liim, l!otcln and Hoarding Hoiifitiu Blip-jiliod with O,yfitijrn~-oi)cnod or In the flho!l-~m[irlcofi to null thti timou,

I't-rnntiN no dcHlrliiK mny lnwo tlm WBRIHIflout thrnti tlinvH a v*cok to tlieir nitdilsactm inuko ordtirn.

10' All K'xxln Hold out nf hU WSKUII withIs naino on It will ho warranted Fltl&U.



Manufactured at

NO. 82 01-lUltCH ST.Mtorcd, MrtliMnm, KicurMiiiifluhd l'lanlct aui>-

[tllml at nlioi t ll(Ml()*,

Dnllvcroil to any jmrt uf the tilty,Ainu Dunlitr In

Tobuooo and Oigars..•'AIL1*.' l ' l l t ' n l t ! ' 1 -

Lock's ])p pepsin Powdorsonrn l)jnti«n.l» ,ni ln-ll,n.lli.n mnri ruliildr.ml rll.i limlljr limn my ollinr r.nncly,

Wra. Ru^t & Song,91 l

SCHOOL.Rutgers College Grammar School.


, Puplla received at any time. 'He?. ABI1A1IAM THOMI'BON, A. M., F.ector.Prof U. T, EKlLKr, AuoollU ltictor.

Every Article F f p f ^PRICES THE VERY LOWEST at

SO. 19 PtSiVE aiHEKT,Foot of rhurcU St., v , Ntw Brunswlok, N. J


G.Conover,33 Church Street. 38


'l)iut A full Una of


Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods

The Custom Department

trill alwayncontain a chojoe aolection of tbe

Biost Seasonable Goods,which wilt ba mftdo np to order in the moat eprored atyle.


A. PERFECT " F I T " ODAJBAilTEEDdolfi-tawlr /



— City Surveyor


IX Patoreon -Strcot.

Civil Engineers,Qrimstcad'sBuilding},^


P. O. Williamson,



New Bruaawick. dall-lr




Office, 141 George street, Grover's Building.

r i i V I l , ENGI.VUEUIXO, E T C ,L7 131 George •» New Ilruuawlck,Citv lota and Varum finrveyod &mt plotted; land m i l

Mlcul-ted, alav conteuta of all forma or lurfaoaa Md«jll(l»; tad» laid out, divided up and partitioned ofl.Outllnoand-topogriFhlcaTmapa. Plana funmhisl lor""•ii; out and ornouiintlng grounda, ete,




ELI AS BAKER,WATCHMAKERS & JEWELERShave Just replenished their ulreiuir well*aetec'ud mock of gooda. which thu> arc Boiling alprices Lo suit tho times, consisting oC **

FINE GOLD WATCHESboth Key and 8 coin Winders, of foreign amAmerican manufacture, fur Imliua' ami gcutauau. ' '•

Fiae Silver Watchesboth Swlsa and American. A liue asdortmentof

Clocks of all descriptionsSterling1 Silver Goods,

in caBua Bii'tabio for presents. Alao TeaHpoons, Furku, Cups, Dessert and TabluSpoons, Nap»In Klnga, Kruli Kuivos, etc.

Silver-Plated Ware,'OtielfltuiK ot Tea Seta, Epergnea. Cafltois,Jako llrtrikets, Knives, Forkn, apooMa, NapkiniUnga, Flower VUBCM, Card Blandn. etc.

All tho leading styles Iu Bluovd Buttons andStuds. Fltio L'ninoo SoU.

LooketH, Necklurofi. GUnrtnit, oto. Ladlca1

and Uouta1 C'lialiiti. both ^uld .itid jilittud.

and jjlntu Hin^s mado lo order at short "notice.

A largo ntoek of plain and Htone llingH contii.itly on hand,

Boln aKt'ntn for tho celebrated Annulet.Tinted and Diamond

Spectacles nnd EyHet In gold, ellvur. Bloel and shell frames.

MUNOUKAMH, Old KuKlinl. and puln. KII•avltiK ^Illlully cxticiiU-a. 'All goudu idla eiiKMYad fieo «f cliurKO.t-*7*rfp«cii.l attention KIVOII to th« lti'iialrliif

nt I'.mi Wfttchi'H, Kruiicli Clockn. Juwcltv Binall Unlit article, . J

Opera OIRSHIKI for (i»lo nnd for runt.

CmtvarfmUmi TUIIKH fur tho demf.



N n w ^i tUNLWiait , N , j .


(K»t»bll»lieil Hint.) .

H. B. ZIMMERMAN,Msinirsoturvr u.<\ l)ral«r hi

HUMAN HAIR GOODS,nonunion NT,, N#Kali Hljrl.. unit rii.djr, |l|,«rlallr nf Klinlglil

^MlliK ftit<l HeAdhiK (Jomliliiu. Iir lltt* ti«win.tluxl, making lli.tn tt<|unl To nul h.lr. >>l[oudi uitnuftctund on Hit jirinil.ti, n a j


oot and Shoe Store,8ODTII-KA31 CORNEE OF,





REP AIRING douo neatly nod quickly.




"WHAT FOR ?To buy Boots aud Shost for the children. Can

| you do biate^eruJ^JfeSj^JjaAjjuakEi.i-oi.• XJ; TTi?OTy,-t bavo tried there, and I tell

you in these times, when money and work aro»o scarce and Imrd to got, it nt.nds overy manIn hnnd who has a fatuliy to buy sboes tor, tolook aruunl andice where ho cau do tho bcBt.and I and tho litU^ boot und shoo Btoro 'roundthe comer (neit^toMlallard's Orocory) Is thoplace to uuy cheup goods. Tncro all klndB,including tho v«ry laiest atfles of Men's,Wonutii'B, Miaaes' and Children if

Boots, S k s , Gaiters, Slippers,Ktc. Give hfm a call, examine the goods andsee if the aboro Li npt true. aulO-daw

N; B.That ray French Kid Put-ton (iiilti r, for stylo, ittock,work and woar,

Kant-6-BeetP. S. .

\ l B B l : i S |ustiu, direet from the raaiiu*

• rut'turors—(jrcat varioiy,J.adics' Nobby Monitor,Alligator und pure GumBoots, Snow Exclude™,etc.Al! goods pleaiingly cheaput the

People's Boot & Shoe StoreOld Corner, Hiram and DennU Streets,

New Brunswick, N. J.


JNO.Atv iGU^At No. law'



A T R E D U C E D P I t I C E 8 .Also a line apnortment of tlio Blrmlnghftm

3iillciil Company Spectacles, manufactured atillrintu^ham, Cunn.





All work executed promptly and tn a workuanllkn manuor by

JOHN A. VICUS,Practlcnl Wutclimahor,

(Lain with Kilns Halter).


GRAIN, FLOUR, FEED,Hay, Straw, Salt,

(Jruss Needs and

»i"l llnlnll.

Elias Ruuyon JSc Son s

Central Goal Yard.Iflrt IttMNKT HTHKKT,

likit 6'u'iV HiiKiiOt dimly nini'iilivl Job

Page 3: STILL at the FRONT. · Jt "-, „ •!»-* .-• ••«•;• VOL.XI.-NO.10i. NRW BRUNSWICK, N. J., SATURDAY EVRN.ING,OOTOBKR 30. I.H73.. PRICE THREE CENTS..pallabau ,'& fiagertyy

* r > • - • • • • ' •




'reinponitiire of Hi" Wouthir,I T BUBT A 80NH' DI1UO 8T0UE, 7 I'EAOIS BJ1.

, Oorou.B. 1876. . 7 A l l . 12 M. B P.M. G l ' M

&SS&. &:::::::::« » « SS^r"i:::::::':::S SI • £ SBjturd»y, 30 63 . SO • ,

Elinor Matters.—Tba Court will be in session on Moo

day to grant naturalization papers.

. —See new advertisements on our sec-

ond page of pleaBaDt rooms to reut.1 —To-morrow la what ia commonly

—Tho carpenters are engaged putting thetrusses of the roof on Iho now Liberty-street

.Church.1 —William Pellz, arrested yesterday for


- Arsdale, was Bent to jail for three days,—A meeting of the Centennial Committee

of the State Board of Education,.will beheld at the State House en Wednesday next,

—The third annual soiree o£ the .Btoneand,Earthen) Poilera' Assoolatiou will'be

'given in Washington Halt oil tho evening of•Mov. 10. . . ' " ~ . ' . '

—In our Church Directory lo-day will be-found a compleledrat of tho services at Si.John tho Baptist's Church for both Sun-days and week; days.

—A valuable plate glass ln'one of tlio en-trance doors of .the store of Stoddart, Dun-can & Van Fell, io Burnet atreel, wassmashed by one.of tlio clerks la slanimiug thedoor shut last evening.

^-James Lamb and James Shay, fordrunkenness, wero arrested yesterday byOSlner While and Special Officer Knoi,and committed to jail by the Recorder forfive days each. £.

—Throe-card inonte men'arc now plyingtheir trade on the Pennsylvania Railroad.A green.passenger a few nighla ago wasfleeced of $35 by these Bwincllersj who lofttho train at Railway, -

—A" larfio lithograph in a'handsomeframe, Illustrating tlio etylo of dress .wornin France fiiuco tho time of the Gauls, is onexhibition in one of tbe show windows oftho store of Rust & Hona In 1'eaco street.

—Persons who havo not been naturalizedshould attend to the matter at once. TheCourt will bo in session every day untilno'xt Tuesday for tho purpose of grantingOd&Uira\iiation papers. . .

—''Thc'rush. to see them was unparal-leled in the history of minstrelsy.'""ifowonder. Boatoo went wild over thoGeorgia Minstrels, as • well. they might.They perform hero-Monday night.

—Charles' Reed of Raritau, while guu-ning along tbe river a few, days since, shot

& fiah hawk wbjch measured five feet fotfr

inches fromjtip to tip of its wings.

clalmm io ift'ihif i&fgc&t !,ifd-p^-;is-

over killed In this section.

This isIra

First Aamnnbly IMslrltt Demo-cratic Convention,

Tho delegates appointed by the varlouiDemocratic Ward, primaries to nominate acandidate for Assembly to represent thiFirBt Assembly District wet in the parloraof Wacom's Hotel last eveiUug. •

The Convention won <Si|h*d to orderpromptly at 7.30 o'clock by ex-AldermanBuzzc'o, Chairman of lust Conveulion.

Mr. Frederick Staat, Br., was madeChairman of the Convention, and Mr.Uenry C. Housoll, Secretary. The latterread the call for the meeting and then calledthe names of tho delegates, as follows:

Final WARD—Wm. B. Davis, James DeHart, J . O. Strong, Henry C. llouseli.

SECOND WAJID—Qeorgo White, M. 0 'Keefe, James Cornell, James Nellson (thi

latter not being-present Michael Donohu

was appointed to fill the vacancy. SubBi

quenlly Hr. Nellson arrived).' THIRD WARD—James Dunham, William

Dunham, Lewis F: Halt.FOEHTII WAKD—CajJt. William Dunham.F i r m WARD—Samuel W. Bell, Frederick

Slaat, 8r., Jacob' Spader, Andrew Stryker.SIXTH. WARD—John T. Max, Peter

Kenny, George Hcndriclia, John Smith,Daniel .Buzzec, Edward Desbler,

Ou motion of one of tho delegates the

wards were called for noniluatlous.' Every.ward ID responding presented tho name ofJAMES U. VAN CLEEF, 'who. was thereupon duly declared tho unanimous choice ofIho convention by acclamation. The an-nouncement was followed by three heartycheers, whieuT made tho parlors ring withtheir echo. Mr. \ an Clecf has evidently lostnone of his old popularity. <

On motion the chairman was authorizedto appoiut a committco to inform Mr. VauClecf of his nomination. Messrs. Bell,Dunham and.DeHart wero appoiutcd assucb


' .^—Sirs; tiarsh Applegetof Cranbury, wno

bafl'beon confined to her bed aud nearly

helplwB for several weeks, resulting fiom u

fall, in slowly improving. As ehu eutcrs on


A recess of 15 nilnutea'was then taken,and at its conclusion the committee rcturucdwith the nominee, whoso, appearance wasmade tho occasion Tor tureo niore cheers,after which the chairman shook bauds withMr. Van Cleef, infoimcd him of his nomi-nation and introduced him to the conven-tion as our next Assembly man. In responsoMr. Van Cleef spoke as follows:


THE ConvEtmON.—It is an. honor at anytime to bo tho ropresentutivo of tho city ofNew Brunswick, und to bo selected as yourcandidate for that position in tho lOOlhLegislature of our State, to convene duringtho Centeunial year of our Republic, Isanuousual honor, for which I return my sin-cere thanks.

111 accept tlie nomination this eveningconferred upon me, .believing tho onthual-asm and harmony of this convention to be

he harbingers of a glorious victory.

" I havo not forgotten tho contest of lastyear, nor am I unmindful of the obligationsI am under to tboso -who so triumphantlyelected me. I tried to'Bervo you all faith-

ully old well, but in a city- of nearly 17,-'j^j^'ibabitanlB it is impossible to please

one, though striving to do equal andexact'justice to all. Even tho oppositionpress of. this city gavo me credit for the voteI cast in tho Assembly againBt one of my

her ninely-sixtli year next month herTecov-ery is a matter of more than ordiunry Inter-est. •

—Compare tbe speech of Uon. Jiiinea II.'Van Cieef in nccepting llio .DemocraticDomination last evening with that of theRepublican nominee delivered tbe eveningprevious, and you will readily.decide whichof the nominees is most competent to rep-resent this city la the Legislature.

—At tbe recent Baptist Slate Conventionheld at PiscatawayrMiddlcaex county, itwas ascertsined that there aro 1G0 Baptist

\Ohurches in the State of New Jersey, withit lnomberebip of ovir 80,000. One K'iodfeature of tbe session was to promotemoans for tbo relief of ."churches ipan em-barrassing condition.

—We havo not had an olcctlon since lostFall. . Tbo Republicans of this city had anelection last Spring. It Is for every wotk-ingman, including every respectable citizen,be bo merchant or laborer, to say whoseelection,will bo held next Tuesday.. If theicspcctable mo&scs act according to theirbest judgmont tho whole- Democratic ticket

. will be elected, because the Democraticnominees have been 'tried and found faithful to their trusts—which ia something thatcannot bo Baid of tho Republican nominees.

Mission Meetings.Tho following aro the cogugcmeutB of tbo

City Missionary, Mr. Silas Weir, for tbocoming week;

On Sunday afternoon, at tbe residence ofMr. Uondricks, Hcrasim avenue, corner oftioaman Blreet. •• '

On Monday evening, at tho reaidenco ofMr. Jackson, 34 Water etreet.

On Tuesday eveniug, at the resilience ofMrs. Huffman, Mine Btrcot, near College*venuo.

On Wednesday ovculng, nt Ihe residence ofMiss Van Noslrand, French street, cornerof Muydam street.

On Thursday evening, at the residence ofMrs Phillip, 15 Now Street.

On Friday evening, at tho residence ofbit. Gourluy, Uoaiuan ulrcct ooar, Reuiscu

wn parly who bud proved, unworthy ofho conlldeuco bestowed upon him.n these dayB of corruption and prolli-

g'acy those holdtDg positions of trustnd responsibility mustgive a strict accountf their stewardship. To-night ex-TrcuB-

urer Sooy iB a defaulter, contincd in a fel-n's coll. . By his acts the fair fame of our:ommouwealth is tarnished und our Treas-

ury pilfered. 1 am thankful that not anyote of mine contributed to this disgrucc,

but that I did all in my power to avert theame. This wrong must bo redressed byboso who are accountable for tbe^tame,

without culling upon tho already huavy.-burdeued tax-payers to mako up the de-ficiency.

Tbo adoption of our now constitutionhas made several needed changes in ourlaws and our govcrmncut. Let us sco thatll k-irislutiou is wisely shaped to coufnrmo the sumo; especially that tho tax law iso arranged as not to oppress and iujuro Ibo

pour mau, for of this fact rest assured thatwhere tbo BCules are equally balanced be-ween the rich" and the poor I shall always

cast my vole In favor of tbo latter. ,

" I will not detain you longer. Theime for words has passed'; that for action

has now arrived. Let us put forth ourunited efforts for victory, and then uponnext Tuesday evening will go forlh theglad tidings from this city that our portionof the grand skirmish prior to tho great hal-lo of 1876 has been fought and won by the


During the address Mr. Van Clcof wasfrequently interrupted with tho applause ofbis beaters, and at Us conclusiou, afterhreo cheors were givou, the convention ad-iourued.

Common Council.A Bpcclal meeting of Common Councl

« u bold last evening. Tho followingmembers wcro present: President Dcliart,Aldermen llrower, Crank, Insleo, Manning,Mulford, Oliver, Sullivan nnd Van Anglen.

Tho following resolutions wcro paused:By Fiuanco Committee:

—That tho City Treasurer be authorizedto borrow $7,000 in aiillcipntiou of InxcH,If found rnxewlary,

iiy Alderman Mulford:

—That John McUavIn be appointedclerk of election at tho firm poll (if' thoHlxth Want, lo flll.vanmcy.

Tho Hoard then adjourned.

Arrested for Adultery.On complaint 'if Josephlnn Ihiutnn i

warrant w«a IMUCII amno wwka «u" for tinarrest of bur husbnnil, Kilns U. Dunnon,whom llm chargr-H wllh adultery. It npport! thai ho ilunrrlril IIIH wlfo soinn limn«H<> anil liat IIIICII linen living in unlawfulroUlloi.fihlp with another iviniirui. Tinwarrant npeclurn Iho ucciwlunn dt II n nilulUroun ucla, and tlio cuinplnliiant propiim-lo havr) full Jtlrttlro lui'ntrd out lo her htlatiand on profliiK >>l'» l l ' ° «<liil|nror >li<:h«is,i him in In' lln wnn nrronlml InNulliun otirnt lust nvoulng by Olllnnr Wlill•nil liHl^nl in jnll In iwnlt Irliil,

7'flfl Yacht lltlcc.Thn jr«rln« Hull nml Wlilapcr wrrn unllr

•ld«n Hid rlmr IliU morning nliiuit 1(1o'clock fur tho In mllo rnrn In which they•r» lh« coui|i4tllura. A miiiibiir (if oth«ytoliln KC'iinj'iinloil Ilimn, InfnnimllM

lkU>fl(fiiooiii«t«^U Ihrra oMuik puta tin

Belli nliM'l vt tin Whlapur, «lllniiiKli It |

pot known nlictlirr Ilitjr ittttfil logcthtr,

Sunday Services.The "Sabbath Question" will be Iho

subject of a special service to-morrow af-Icrnonn In the First Reformed Church.Rev. Dr. Van Znudt, by Invitation, willdeliver a disourbo upon tliia topic, whichis exciting much Interest in our Htnte, Thepublic are Invited lo allcud tbL* sorvlco.

The usual y . M. O. A. prayer mcctiugfill \m held in tho Second Presbyterian

Church at 4.30 o'clock.

Thero will also bo a prayer, meeting Intho First Baptist Churcti lecturc-ruom at0.80 o'clock.

Tho usual Humlay afternoon Bible claiawill ho bold in Iho ticcoud PresbyterianChurch at three o'clock. Tho Hov. Dr.John Woodbrldifo, pastor, will conduct thoservices. All are Invited.

Iltillroatl Vhdnffes.Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company has

Just ordered a change In tho privileges hith-erto ncnoideil Ihoiio Iravi'llng over tlin roadwith incursion tlokotn, which ia causingmuch ill«uullafa<:{liin, Tbo new onlur hasnlromly gono Into effect, n» will hii BMU bythi) follovvluK, from thn Tickot Agunt, Mr.Ur.-r.ry (Mow :

In mTdiilimcn wltli a Idler of Inalrucllnnfrrun thn OeniTnl 'I'lcltot A (<nt, dated Oct.'<!{), acriiiiiinoilulloii and ukcuinlon tlckalMwill not btt uoid for tmlni tiffing thin Blalion »t lira following lioum: \ t,'i, UM,11.011 ». in.; lil.on, 11.11, i.tiU, 6,00, 7.20,U.IKJ p, m. - ,

KKIMUHIOM tUikrtH nro ood upon thn fol-lowing; II.IHI, 0.HO. i.'iU, I), B.OB, 11,1)2ni.;ir>, n.f.r, •. m.; u u , iuir. p. m,

l'Mrli'li I'ny llIM to lell a wntcli yinliny to I'Hlrkk ajndliinn <if PKIIII Aiulraywon mrinlcd mi « Ililnf -It bolng nllr«oilint llm wntch wn< «tolni |if(i|)«tly-~-tii(l,nil iturrmit ill Jmtlcii Wllllmn'Ihoinu,Iddgtil In Jull l>y CmmUlilii VV»I|. io >n«lUIMI. • . . .

—•JCIeolloo «**( 'I'uwln/,

Woo'dbridgitLocated about 10 miles'east of this city,

and nridway between the cities of VcrthAmboy and Rahway, {B tbe ancient villageof Woodbrldge. It ia about oue-hslf milewide by two and a half miles long, and hasabout 3,000'population.

The village Is said t6 bo the oldeBt in theState, huvlug teen established about 250yeais ago, according to tradition. It claimsthe honor of haying provlded.the first Gov-ernor for this State. . .

Mining fire-clay and manufacturing firebrick and sower pipe comprise the varietyof Us Industries, the extent of which is veryconsiderable. A leading member of one ofthe oldest and lorgest firms ill the vicinityestimates that there are over 260,000 tons Ofthe different kinds of valuable clay ruined

per year, the Income from which reachesover $£00,000.

Religloualy tho place Is well provided for,having five churches, viz.: PresbyterianMethodist, Episcopal, Congregational andCatholic. T*he Presbyterian Church was orig-inally CulinulOu^nTETbYbTdeii;" "churchin tho place. The Methodists are tho largeainumerically. If not the wealthiest, auderected their church about four years ago,at a cost of $30,000. . The Catholic Churciwas erected about seven years ago. TheCongregationallsls, who are au offBhoot fromthe. old Presbyterian Church, have not yet;ot their own edillco and meet every Sab-

bath in Masonic Hall. They are erecting ahandsome church, however, which they expect to occupy next Spring. This churchis situated on tho corner of Buron avenueand Grove Btreet, bavlug a frontage of 40feel on the avenue, aud extending along thestreet 00. feet. It Is being built of Trentonpressed brick, trimmed with adamuntlmblack and while'brick, giving'tho wullsa very ornamental appearance. On uach ofthe' two front corners of tho building will beosquarc tower tho lower partof which will boused as a vestibule. A large handsome me-morial window fronts on the avenue. Thiswindow is. being, put up by tho Sabbathschool connected with the church, aud isa prominent feature in tho appcaranco oftho building. The celliug will bo 29 feethigh. Tho roof will bo doublo pilch,slated with hexagonal cut elate of variedcolors, aud will bo finished off'with an Ironcresting. The membership of Ibis churchis now about 200, and when their editico iBcompleted thoy will havo one of tho moslhandsomo churches In ttie. vicinity. ThePresbyteriau Church is also to havo im-provements made to it. ' Au oxtension is tobo built in the rear of It.' „ In this extensionthere will bo a reading room and Sunday-school parlors. . ,

In" educational facilities Woodbridgo isnot well provided, but plaus aro being pre-pared for a large school-house, the cost otwhich is to be from $15,000 to $18,U00.II is fo"Weri:cted jointly by Franklin andJefferson school districts, and Is to be readyfor occupancy by next Spring!

Thero hi a tradiliou in Woodbridge thattho first newspaper ever published in thisStnto wuo started there by Jumes Parker ofPerth Aniboy and was continued by himfor several years. It was called tho Wood-bridgo "Gazette." Mr. Parker was one olIho ancestors of Cortlandt Parker.

Tlie uesv Masonic Hull of Woodbridge isa Hue building, 40 feet front, cxtcudiugback from Iho street 70 feet, la 40 feel high,ind was "recently until by Auiericus Lodge,No. 83, A. F. aud A. II . , at a cost of $18,-900. It is built of brick and has a baud-'loine Mansard roof of Blato. Tlie building:outaiua Btores ou the first lloor, a theatretnd otlkcs on the second, and a lodge roomm the third, all well arrauged aud spacious.

Woodbridge has but one hotel, and thatwas creeled before the Revoluliou, and

umed tho Pike iluuse, afterGeu. ZubulouPike, who was a resident of Woodbridge,and a distinguished Revolutionary Boldier.About 10 years ago- the hotel was remod-eled aud its.natni) changed lo the Wood-bridgo Hotel. Its present proprietor isMr. William DeGraw. ^

Among other Revolutionary celebritiea,iu addition to Gen. Pike, Rev, Mr. Roe,who was pastor of tho Presbyterian Church,is mentioned as an ardent patriot, who didmuch by his sermous to keep alive a putri-•lic ardor in the community ul that time.

A free library le about to bo built onBaron avenue, to be culled tho Burou•ibrary. It Is lo bo built In nccordaiicu

with the wishes of tho latu Thomas Bdron,as expressed In his will, ho havliig be-queathed $50,000 as an endowment fuud,for the purpose of giving to Wooduridgo alibrary, which the humblest of its citizens;ould uso without price.

Among tho now bulldlng9 in process oferection aro three frame houses for Mr.Charles A. Campboll, tho present Demo-cratic candidate for the Second AssemblyDistrict, and ono of tho wealthiest and moslgenerous-hearted gentlemen in that vicin-ity, as well as ono of tba most popular citi-zens of this county. Mr. Campbell Is thelending member of tho firm of Campbell &Co., clay miners and manufacturers of lirebrick and sower pipe This firm uiiuesibout 2{J,000 lotis qf lire clay annually, or

about four limes m much aa uny other linnIn tho vicbiity. Independent of his claybunks, which are qulto valuable, Mr. Cuinp-

owus about $70,000 worth of realostato In Woodbridgo, on' Baron avenuealone having a fenced frontage of 4,000feot. Two of Iho housca rofcrrcd to aiobeing erected on this avenue, the other onebeing erected on Grove atreet. They aroall being built nflcr* tho samo design, L.ihapod, 82 by 32 fcot, two stories, finished

basement and attic, pediment roofj andcosting about $5,000 each.

JUHIII'O C. F. Nowtou Is also erecting aulkllng, the location of which la almnulpposito the apnclouB anil hamlHomn resi-

lience of Mr, Campbell, nn (Iriien slreol.Tlie coat of Jmtico Nuwtoo'B building willbo IIIKUII $11,000, and is to bo lined Iiy him-aittf an n rcHiiU-nto,

About tlio niont hmiilsomo rrnliliinco oftho place l» ono recently fractal by Mr.Hampton Cutter, ot tho firm of Culler It,Bonn who aro also oxtumlvuly ciigngutl InIho clay IIUIIIIIM. It la built uf .Phllailul-[ililiv pii:Mnd hi Irk, In lirst-clRM ntylo, nIho 11111111111 of tlio highest oieyatlnn o( landlo tin found for many nilli-n oiirroinnlliii;,and coat $10,000, II iiiniiiininln a iunj(iilll-crnt vluw In ovory direction,

Thn Btrcnta aro not parixl, but nrn bma.ilRIIO rathni well laid out.

Tlmm ate nood rnllrom' facilities, anil(txttillmit WMlur ciMiiniiiiilcatluu, tho tailorImlBg by niMti» of WiKKlhrliluo G'ri'ok,which In capahln of nrriimmuilnllim vrwil"of • • imii'li M nlnn foot ilrniixlii, | ( ynrlinIn width Iroiii 7f) l«it in m foil, wid l«Irti tlmu two mllM long, omntylne intoHUlen hUml lloiind.

Ill Knnirul WcKiillnlilgo lit tirwuqt »p-rtc in lu lie InfiiMil with n ipltii uf (iilcr-iirltr mich Hi It IIM uiwr bacu pmttunU (ifhttoit, mill l iu boon iiuloh In m«d of,

: Art Pictures.In a dopyof the Fort-Ism) "i'reBS " of a

recent dale TVQ find a longthy description oono of tbo entertainments given In that cityunder the supervision <&JAi. G. B. Bortletof Boston, the gentleman who is to have thimanagement of tho exhibition at tho Operallouso on Friday evening o£ '.next week,la aid of St. James1 Church.

The following extract will BUffice to K'VIan itlcu of the character of the entertainmeat:


- The art Btudles and pantomimes given alMusic Hall last evening by Mr. G. B. Banlett of Massachusetu?, assisted by ladles andgentlemen of thlajclty, made certainly oneif the most delightful entertainments ever

given In Portland Mr*. Bartlett has beenlong and favorably: l(nown In connection•wlth-soclety-amu8emtntBf7aud"bls-bookB-arefamiliar to every church society and thepromoters of benevolent objects tbtoughou:tho laud. His power of pleasing childreibus been shown In'the pages of "St.Nicholas" almost ever since that magazinewas started. That he is quite as successful,in catering to the taBtes ofyolder Jjeople wasdearlyHeuionslrateiriast fJvenTngrvAT'ertile Invcucion, a quick eye^foi'-artistic auiscenic effects, and an abouudiug sense ofhumor are reinforced by familiarity wllhlegend and story and ' poem and atrlkiughistorical cuents. Mis subjects are takenfrom many ' sources—from classic, myth,from mcdl&cval ballad, from nursery rhyme,from the lines of the poels and tho, pagesof the historians. '

In all matters of detail, in finish of treat-ment aud iu general effect the entertain-ment absolutely loft nothing to bo desired.Tho cosluuics wero rich, varied and appro-priately selected. Tho most careful attun-tlon was -paid to chronological requirements.If tho scene was laid In 'Venice tho specta-tor SAW the rich brocades hud splendid ot-tiremont whichdislingulshcdtheBrido of thoSea In the days of her prosperity; if aliomauBhrinewaaplcturcd.it was dressedaccording to historic requirements, and thomaidens kneeling about it wore tho pictur-esque coatuino'of Roman girls; if.a scenefrom the French revolution was brought up,the extravagant attire of tho old monurchyand tbo pseudo-classicism of tho new re-public were represented; in -scenes fromild-world history wo saw the classic, gown

and girdle; in tho wonderful tales ofMother Gooso the costumes which the cu-gruver has made familiar aud probablo tous were-given; and even in that indetcr-mluatn lirao and placo which wo call " along timo ago aud a great way off" fancyand tuste combined to make tho illusionperfect. . . _;.

Tho'eutcrtainmcut was In all respects anovel aud delightful one, and commendeditself alil o to tho taste and enjoymeut ofIho audience. Thcspeclators only wished Itlonger. I

The followiug programme was given ontbo above occasion. Many of tbe numberswill form a part of the bill for next Fridayovening: .

Dor-ortod Dreahn—Boat Bcouft.Htatuary—Hiilrlt of Prayer,.

J e p ha' i DaURlitcr.Statuo-TUo Futes.

Courtaliip of Miles Blandish.Ploluro-Tho n imla .

>.* Romau Cllrla at St. Aguea' bbr tne .Loatrlco Cenol.

Augol'a W s p p c r .WashtnsUuy,

Aald Itobla Gray—.1'uutominiD.Orluutal Bunt Scoue.

A vlalon of UbakeHpeare.Lovo lu AmbuRh—Pautoinhno.

-v Scouo from tbo Itolgu of Terror.

A Presentation. s,Tho following £oiuniunicaliou3 wlU ex-

plain themselves:

NEW BRBNBWIOK, N. J. , Oct. 27, '75.COL. A. W. JOSKS—DEAR SIR—The New

Brunswick Historical Club having been iu-tormetl-lhat you propoao to- preBent them[he ol'igiuul copy of thu Lcconiplou (Kau-aus) Conatitulion, wllicli is now in yourposseaaiou, I am directed by vot(T of thoclub to Bignify their appreciation of yourmurtesy, and to request you to deliver apublic uddress upon some topic connectedwith tho history of this interesting docu-ment.

Such a lecture, based upon your personalkuowlcdgo of events which, in their ownday, awakfiued so profound iuteu-Bt in thupublic mind, and which cxcrlrd so power-tul au influence upon the BUbsjquent puliti-cal hislory of the couutry, could hurdly failto bo -of. great interest; aud, should youcomply with Ibo request of tbe club, 1ihiuk you may safely count upon being:eceivcd by oue of our best audleuccs.

Yours, very respectfully,G« i. W. ATUKKTOX,

President N. B. ilistoiicul Club.

WOODUHIDOE, N . J . , Oct. 29, 1875.

PROV. G. W. ATUKBTON, PRKSIDKNT II. C.—DEAR Mm—Permit me, ihrougu you, topresent lo tho Nuw Biuuswick HistoricalClub tho ongiual eugios^fd copy, enacting

State ConsutuUoji lor Kansas Territory :being the wUiely-kno^n, veritablo " Le-complou Cousiliuiiou."

Thu conspicuous part, which tho ( t Le-comptou Convention " aud Iho uurrouudiugircumstauccs have played upon the stage

of Americau politics,-1 hope, will uiake thiBdocument a valuable historic relic lo yourassociation. In caso the Nuw BrunswicktliBtorical Club should ever become did-solved or inoperative, for auy cause, I askLiu.- privilege of having this parchment filedin tho rrchives of Rutgers College, and re-quest that you sue the samo dune.

In obcthcucu to tho wisheB of your club,xpressed lu your letter of October 27, u to

.lelivur a public address upon some topicconnected with tho history of tills inlcrest-ug documcut," I herewith siguify my wil-

lingness to do so, and appoint Thursdayevening, Nov. 4, for lls delivery.

With very grout respect,ALFRED W. JONES.

Middlesex County Farmers' Club.Tho Farmers' Club of this county wil|

[ncet iu tho Court ilousu, next Monday uf-lernoon ut two o'clock. Tho meeting willio of nioro thau usual Interest. The sub-iect for discussion will bo tho corn cropB ofhis year. The Stalo Geologist, Prof. Cookif Rutgcrn College It Is understood will beircieut aud glvo tho result of experimentsm corn which have bcou tried this year ou

iho Agricultural Farm, In continuation oftho Bcrles horetoforu pursued Ihtftro. Oiliermembers will bo also prepared to glvo do-tailed accounts of their uxperluncu this year.

Au election of olllcors for tho ensuingrear will tuko pluco at this meeting.

' YOU HAVE NO-EXCUSE.Have you any excuse for Buffering with

Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint! • Is (.hereany reason why you should go ou from dnyto-day-eomplaiulng—wltu-Sour~BtoniHCb7Sick Headache, Habitual Costiveness,- pal-pltutlon of tho Heart, Heart-burn, Water-brash, Gnawing aud burning pains at thopit. of tho Stomach, Yellow Skin, CoatedTongue and disagreeable tnsle in the mouth,Coming., up of food after eating, Lowspirits, etc.? No I It is positively yourowirfaulrlfyoiru'o;—Oo~lo"yourDrugglstrVan Pelt & Co.,. Rust, Vnn Deursen orWells, and get a Botllu of GREEN'S AUGUSTFtowBR.for 75 ceuts. Your cure is certain,but if you doubt this, get u Samplo" Uultlofor 10 cents and try II. Two doses will re-lieve you.'

Tho beat collar'.ever made is the Elm.wood. It fits bctlerand looks better, tlufnany other. For Bale at Mrs. P. Wulliug'a,No. 105 'Neilson street,.between Patefsonand Church streets. jyl9-0ni

Can't go,to church, Whynol? Oh Imy co'uirb would diBturb the congregation.•Cure It then with " Hulo's Honey of liore-hound and Tar," a pure vegetable remedy,unfailing as tho sun and mild and harmlessas tho Bummer air. Sold by nil'.druggists.Plko's toothache drops cure in one inlnu'.o. • BCSO'IW



known to fail in permanently curing obstinate Coughs, Colds, Croup, WhoopiDgCough, npr auy diseases of tlio respiratoryorgans —aud It does it too at once 1 It isnot necessary to take it for a long timo be-fore you can discover its beneficial effects.Its sale iu this commuulty is immense, audits popularity universal. It should not beclassed with compounds put up by inexperlenced bauds. It is positively guaran-teed to bo composed of tho purest and bustmaterials, and prepared in a scientific man-ner and to alwaysgivo satisfaction. Do notfall to glvo ihla great, and potent remedy atrial. It will not and cannot disappointyou. Try It once. Ask for Dr. Morris'Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and Horehound,and take none other. Trial size, 10 ceuts.Bold by 0. 0. Wells and R. G. Vau Polt& Co, . de22 ly

Master your cough at once with Halo'sHoney of llorehouud and Tur ' Every af-fection of tho lungs, chest or throat tendingto consumption ia not only relieved butabsolutely obliterated by this wonderfulvegetable puliuouic. Sold by all druggists.

Pike's Toolhucho Drops cure in 1 minute.oc25-4w

Ilageman & Co., druggistj. New York,are introducing into this couutry Eppley'flcelebrated Medicated WliiBky, for the euroof consumption und all pulinouury diseases.Si« advertisement. SoluJ by all druggists.Prica If 1 per bottle. . oc21-3mdaw

A Correction.Tbo Now "ijork " llernld." of Tuesday

but baring p iblinhcd Iho statement thatFather McNainarn, who recently lecturedhi tills city, WM In Now York " waiting t«annihilate Thou. J. McGcoghnn," we arore-

alcd to nny-thnt a committee of theHi'illvlvl iu this city have boonlu eorritfpondonr.o with Father McNainaroIn reference lo tho matter, and the roverondgentleman wrllea' Unit InHteud of bolug InNow York nt that lime, an wan alleged, hnwan "snug iu Ibo heart of l'limiMylvnlilu."Tho wliulo nltiti'incnt l» ili'iilnd In Into. Huinudi for ruporU contained In Now Yurkpnpctn,

-Wo umlnratniiil that Mr. .Inrai-n Day-ton, Prmldnnt of thn National Hank win•tllclwn IIOIYII wllh con|',<;»lloM of Iho lirnlnInit ovenlnK' In thu aliaonc^ of his lamllyphynhtlau, Dr. MurroKh, l>r, llnlilwln wincnllixl mul (|uYomi'lk'«l relief. ]ln W

•nlil to Ixi pninnwIiBl hrlltir lliln niornlng,

—Tim Illaln Honril of Kilticnllnii willmeet M tho r.icciillrtiOlininlwr, lit llm HlnloIIOIIM, Trenton, (in Thliriilny, nt vybli hHint Uu unntlitl ti'i'ort of Ilia Htnti Hmmitootliul will In r>t*Mnt«t,

JfrtjS a tingle tree planted in a tub antkept In bis hot-house, C. S. Holbrook oHolbrook, Mass., has sold. hT 18 years noless than $2,800 worth of peaches—someot them, at $30 per dozen and all at an av-erago of $18 per dozen.- They wero soldmostly in tho months of February andMarch. •_ .

At Ashland, Oregon, Qeorgo Miller hasbeen exhibiting a sleer 10 hands high, 20feet fjoni tip to lip, and estimated to weigh,wllh fat, 5,000 puundB. lie is really,anelephant t)f a Bteer, undhisnamo it is "TheLust River Ranger."

C H U l t C I l N E K V I V E 8 ,


ST. JAMES'S (Rev. Edwd. Wilson)—Morn-ing service at 10.30; evening at 7.30. Sun--.luy-school at 2 in tlio nfteruoou.

Weekly meeting, Tuesday and Thursdayeveuiuga.

URTV-STIIEBT (Rey. J. S. Fkelps).—Moruing aervico nt 10.80; evening at 7.30.Sumliiy-school at 2 and prayer meeting at0.80 p. m.

Leulure on Tuesday evening, and classmeetings on Wednesday, Thursday and Fri-day evcuingfl.

PITMAN (Rev. D. H. Shock'B).—Morn-ing service at 10.80; evening at 7.30. Suu-'Jay-school at 2 in tho afternoon.

Class meetings on Monday, Tuesdayaud Wednesday, und lecturo ou Thursdayevening.

•MOUNTZiou APRIOAN (Rev. Mr. Davis')Morning service at 10.30; afternoon at3'80.Subbuth-Bcbool M 2 p in.


FIRST (Rev. Henry F. Smith's)—Morn-ing service al 10.80; evcuinir at 7.30. Sun-day -school at 2 in tho afternoon. Youngpeople's pruyer meeting at 6 30 p. m.

Meetings Tuesday and Thursday evenings.RUMSEN AVESUE (Rev. A. E. Wafllo's)—

Morning service at 10.80 a. m. and 7.80 p.in. Youth's prayer meeting at 0.30 p. in.Sunday-school at 2 p. iu.

Prayer meeting ou Tuesday and lecturein Thursday evenings.


ST. PETER'S (Rev. Father Rogers•mil Rev. P. F. Dowries)—Sundays,Musses at 7} a. m. ; chlldreus'' Muss atI) a. m.; High Mass at 10J a.1 m.; Chris-lian Doctrine al 2 p. m.; Vespers (Sum-mer) nt 8 p. in,, (Winter) at 7J p. in.,Baptisms 4 p. m. Week dajrs, Masses, 7und 7j a. m. Buplisms 7J a. m.

HT. JOHN TUB BAPTIST (Rev. FatherMartens'). Sundays—First Mnss, Summer,ut 8 > in.; Winter, 8.30. High Mn»s nlIU.30. Gospel read ami explained In Gor-

Sermon in German. Christian Doc-irinu at 2 p. m. Yrapers anil Benedictionat 3 p. m. Last Sunday in tho month,Devotions for the poor soula In Purgatoryat 7.30 p. m.

Uo'y Days of Obligation—First Mnss nt0.15n.m. High Mass al 10 a. m. Even-ing Devotions at 7. 110 p. m.

Week days—Jlnss for tho school childrenut 8 a. til.; Whit hymns by tlio children.

PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL.OIIIUST Ciin'soii (Hov. Dr. Alfred Stubbs).

Sunday services—Sermon nt 10} a, in.Hvciilng Borvleo at 5. Suuday.-nchool at

p. lu.Prayers Wednesday and Friday mornings

at 10J o'clock.ST. JOHN'S CIIUIKIII (HOV. Charles E.

'helps'). Sunday wirvlccs—Noriuon ut 10|i in. aud 7J p m. Sunday-Bchool at 4


FIRM—(HOV. Thomas Nloolla, paslnr).tliinilnymirvlccsat 10.110 n.m. and 7.80 p.m.

Church meiiting Tuendiiy ovening.HHUONU—Rev. I)r, John Wixiilbrkigp, pan-

ur. Utiiiilny Borvicea at 10.80 a. in. und.V0p.un.

Weekly mealing*. Tuesday and ThursdayVOlllllgH. .

RHFORMi;l>.FIRHT (ROV. Dr. Hteulo'd)—Morning nor-

'leu at 10.110; uftenmon nt 3.15. Hubhulh-•chiiol ut 2 In thu afternoon. Lrcluio onTiirailuy nvimliiK.

HIOONII (Rov. O. 1). Itartmiittln)--Mi)rn-ng iiuivico ut 10.110. Kvmilng ut-rvlcu nt

7.30. Hulilmtli.iTlicml nt II, If, „. m.Bcrvl';'1" during llm wi«ik—IVnyrr m«it

ing Tiu'wlny at 7.110 p. in. ]/ictura <mi'hui winy at 7.110 p. in.

Tiiiil", (Jullilim »Urnt (Rov. Prof. OhnrlrdMuyor, D. D., I'linlor) -Hiilibnlh nervlem at10.110 a. in. anil 11,110 p. in. I'myi-r inr.itIng on Wi!ilni'»iUy at 7.80 u'clork p. in,

Hr, Jonri'ndKiiMAH HIUIIIIMKH, oornw uf(Iiore) nml Alhilny iilleilii. ((Jliurl.n Hank,1'iuiliir)—Hllliilnj erivlel* at 10.110 a. in,und 7,110 p. in. lliiiiihiy.iiiilinol nt |i n. in.

Y. M. 0, A.

Uooinn N». 48 Church t l rrct ; ojum nvrrydny iinrnpt Milmlny fnnii II n. In to 10 p. in,HriMiliiK nwin fmo to nil. Lllirnry nprnMoiiilnf, Wnliiiwlny nml Huhu.lny «[tur.nouna Ii urn I III 0, ami Wnliirailny nml Hut

nlny oviilnii" from 1 to tl.Monthly mmliiK> ol tlm AmuiiUtlim Mil

at tlio room' tlilid Klldny (fuilng of i'»rIimonth,

I'Pl'I'P OOO < S89 N N KERB BRRK" 838P I' O (3' 8 8 N N K K It" 8- B

PO 0JJ 8NH H I , B U'80 8 N N N K K tt


0JJ N I B U 80 8 N N N K ' K tt 80 . 8 N N N EEEE itllK. 8O' S N,NNK U E 8O B * BNMNE B KB !O S I I | B I B B B B

833 M 'S £E£E £ It 833

New York

CHEAP STORE,37 Church St ,


We shall ttXhib't many uevr and deBir^ooda ol the latust Importations.

MILLINERY QOOD^A complete assortment of Ribbons. Sllka,

Velvets umi Satins, i'aris Flowers»utl Feathers,Straw and ifolt lluig.

RIBBONS.5,000 yarda Fancy SBBII Ribbons at 2Gb yard>7-inch all Bilk Hasb .Kibbchs, 0 c j^ard, all

colors. 7-int'b all silk Groa Grain, H5o yard, alcolors. Bonnet and Trimmlug Ribbons iu ulthe new colors. Silks for Bonnet Trimmjug-a

FELT HATSlu all tho new shades and shapes—Drab, Prune,Brown, Marino Ulutj and Black.

SnO dozen American Folt Hats at 45c. FineFronch Felt.Hats al85c.

PPPP bOO B3S W N EEKK UBP.R" 899P I ' O O 8 8 N N K U Ii" B SV I" O 0 8 I H S N I B E' 8 8'PPPO 0 8 K N N K E B 8 81 F O O 8 N UN KEKE KKKIt 8

O O l 1 I U I It RO OB 1 K H N 1 B K B 8

' O O 8 H N N K B R 8 B' OOO BB3 H N KKICK E 11 833



Ladles' whlto Cot'on HOKB, good quality,at!), 10 and 'l8c. Lndlcs' whito Cottnn IIOBO,full regular made, a5o pair Ladius' Stripedlloso, 2T>c pair. Ghlldro'.'s Btripcd Hoso, inwoolen^nd cotten, at 4, 5 and 7c upwurda

Gents' half Hose at H, 9 12 and 16a pair.Ladles' Vests at 45 and 50c. Ladlea' Vests,

fine, at 75c Gent*' Uriilcrveata at 85, 39 andCOc Eitra fine and heavy at 75c. Boya' Un-durvests at 25c. Bargains in Hosiery, llar-galns'in Underwear.

C R I U R O I I t E R I E B .

OC t l io N o w o a t Imi>orta t lo i iH.

"NEILHON11 Glove, 2 buttons, G5c p Ir." BUULEVAUD P; Olovo, t buttons, *1 pair." DUCflESS " Glovo, 2 buttons, 75c pair." L U C U A " Superl}, at fl.gn pair. •

Job X ot oix Counter atatto. Per X*nn\

Bargalaa in Yak Lacea.BargainB In Guipure Laces.

Bargains in Vulenclminca LacesIJurL'utus in T-ijrcad Luces.

Lace Rufilings in enulcfla.varii! lea. A com-plete asaorimcnt of L'idlea1 Collars and Cuffdv

Ladiea' und Uenta' Scarfd and^ries.New lot ot Windsor Scarfs at tSc.Hew lot of Brocade Silk Scarfs at 25c.

Inspect our atock. _, You will fiud


POSNERSI.argo lot of 20-Bone Coruats at Soc.^lLargo l,t of 20-Dono Kmbroidored Corsets

it We?

Special BARGAINS in our VS-BoneSkeleton Fitting Corset atilBc, worth#1.25. A large and full assortmeyit ofthese gooda at



Dress TrimmingsBpeclat BargalnsiliiHTaDopartmont: Black

lilk'Fringes, wltl/and withoiu Jet, very low,l'aKiicmnnio'lo GlmpH, with or without Jet,very low. Wor«tj:d Vringei, nil colors.

Bargains In Nsrrow Gimps.



OF I,ACE (100D8, OUFFH,o





'or.ktittxXikH, HiitctirlH, Trftvollnn H«KHf n i ) l 'lin Iftr^cnt nnd moot compk-to muiortmrnt of

KAN(JY AUTICMtt* find JN0T10NM In thoHtalo enn tm foiniil nt

r i ri'f




OOO1 01 O1 1)1 O1 (11 (11 1)IKMl

l lfll l



n i>II •






Illlltlt "1111II

H "I I '11

Illllt 11nunu


muin n







ELEGTIOH NOTICE.Notice is hereby glvon that as election will

bo held In the city of Now Brunswick, N. J.,on the Tuesday nest"aftor the first Monday InNovember, 1875, to wit: *•


whon tho following officers cro to bo votedfor: . •

A member of tlie Genural Assembly for thoPlrsl Assembly > letrlot ot Middlesex co'un'y.

A ShoriiTuud three Coroners for tho countyof Jtl'ldle ex. • • • . '

The polls will be opened on tbe said Tuesday,November 2. 1-75, at sevcu u'clock a. m. andclose at sovon o'clookp. m., ut the followiuicplacet; ' e

1'IliSI WARD^-At the ho'uao of JameB VanDuyn, on tho corner of Haasart and Johnatreeta.

SS0OND.Wi.BD—At the shop of Mr. Craw-lord, In Throop avenue, between Suydam audSeaman streeia, '

TUIRPWABD—At the ofikejjr.theQier4eeco(Xne rooi, corner of Kichmond and Nellsonstreets.

Fotmtfn WARD—At the office o£ Dennis Por-aalne, lu Neilson street, between Bchureni:

id Jjibertv hlreets.FIFJK W A R D - A t tho store of J. W. HOUBQII,

corner of Church and Spring streets 'S I I T U WAiiD-Flrat foiling P.ace at" No, ,.

Engine Houfle. In George etreetL between Hum-,ilton and" Solneraet streets; Becoud I'olllugPlace at thb house of John Connolly^ coruer olKutitou aveuuo and tiomcrG.t atr.ot.

oc23..td ,n A. Al. WAV, City Clerk.


The assessment for benefits of wideningHiram atieet has, by direction of ComrnouCouncil Jbeen uu'ended, anil Is now lu Iheolliio of A. M. WAY, C.ty Clerk, Tor examinatlnn by all parties interested..The Commissioner* will meet at the ofilcii o

the Street Commissioner to receive all objectlomto said asBosumeut, on MONDAY, Nov.1, 18T5, at 4 o'clock p. ni



,^ Uorauiifluloiiers.

A Household Gem." ' " " "un ' '»' »»»iv»l.l.«D Tor f.in-

m™, B . '"•"".'""'"'"l'- 'Whrtier bv loot OfWlf n'lf Vl ? ° r ? " * ? L'tWD'Ogf t h o W h e l o r iWilson Fumlly Bowlni; Mndilni* havo b»-n K M aailuro now In u . o - a number f»r ueeoaliiB ! Ul Sol »ny other mublng d«.-Kn»d lor tbo i

•Ihe No* VVIi , l t r i Wll.on K.,mlly B l i , rconibliiDi.wltb Iho eicolkiit ^unlltlcS or thomachine all thu linprovrnmi.tj » u a . r . rf v ° m t t h u

Wheeler ii Wilson Manufg Co.pPPXQH 64 OHUKOH BT.



Noihlng Succeeds Like Successi.


MODEL GROCERY,J3G Hiram (Street,

Atwaya on Imnd a flrai-clasa general assort-ment of Groceries, at lowest pucus. .

Note this Fact!That on uccount of this UOUHC doing a Inrgcr

bualQpaa tiiun any^otlier in' town, lire stock Iifresher and the prices lower than elmiwlicre.

roceriesIN TOV N,"

Hero can he found by far tho lurgcut stock ol

:: corrniis,


Wholesalo and Retail.• The crowds that patronize tl.is popular stori

from among iho rich aud tho poor prove thatho people havo found out where .to ipcDitheir money to iho best advantaco.


L»,to or 207 Burnot street,

Have RemovedTO

ISTo., 209 Burnet StreetNearly opposite Post Ofllco.

We proposo to inauKurato our settlement inoiir neiv quarters by oderlng great inducementto purchasers. Attention is specially called t<our largo stock of

Children's CarriagesRefrigerators,

, Mats & Matting,Oil Cloths.

Also an1 immense assortment of Uoufie-furmsalng Goods, Farming Implements, Wheel'Wrights' and Blacksmiths' Materials, etc.





> and Scotland.

DRAFTSissued for £1 sml upwards, p'ljublo in any partKnyland, II-UIULI) and Scotland. A b o ^ y

Passage Tickets toor from Europe

lijr nil tlio Arat-clus Lln«« of 'Mteuuinliipn, atlowest taten.

For ilutcs of milling ami rates ol pinnate, orndhiK uvonej to tho Old Country, apply lo

Edwin Elborson & Co.,

BANKERS,Cor. George and Church Mrect.1,

«'*> «m NKW IinUNHWICK.

New Music Store,Mrs. Garland

m t n m i n i M i i K M I l i n t K h t l i n ^ t i p i ' i i ' 1 ) ! A H U HMunlu Mtnm *t


I I H Ilia mill i,T

Planoo, Organs, SheetMusic and Books,

Mnilml rmtlrilinniiln, I'rlniiiilngi, Y,\c,

ANOn «ml OIHIANtl r<.r . . I . mi liitt.il,ia •!!.) fur IlKNT.

tIMIOfin gltm on VUnol./ Al.ntKII i),IAHUMU. u.Mii,

—^HeadquartersiX)B FINB

PiIILT:_GJiOCERIES.Isaac L. Martin

he h

NEW STORE*adjoining the old Bland, where, with increaaea :accouimodatlons, he Is enabll'd to meet iho do-munUs mane by a largely-iuonasod trade.

Groceries of the Finest Quality*



. 77 Church Street• (Above George). ydpgtf


tieal Estate and Sioct B i te r .Ol'llOE 'AMD 8ALE8EOOM,

Odd P.Uowo' Hall, N.llnem S t r u t



Has on hand lome ol tho

Best Property in the CityFor investment.

All kinds ol Qcods received to be sold tl FrUvale Salo or 1'ublio Auction..

Real Estoto and Stock bonght ar.d Bold, •Monoy Loaned on HeasonubU tenno.

No Oommieiion' demanded until Bales a nconsummated.

Auction Sales attended to In oltr it country.Passage tickets and dralu sold to all parti 01

iho conntrj. janWviis

Nollco lo Creditor!.

YOU are hereby Holiflcil that there bas beennresuhted a nelitiun tothoCourt of Com-

mon Plnastjf Middlesex county, according tothe form orthe Biatuto In such eases made andproTldudiior tuo b'encUt of Iho Insolvent Lawsof this 8tuto; and the said Court have appoint-ed -FIUi>A1, OCTOBEK TWENTV-NINTHnext, al the Court House of aaid county aathe timo nnd plnco at which thov will at'endto hear what can be alleged for or against mvliberation. * . '

°i»-'d 8TKFHEN. DUNN.



merican Institute,2rf d- 3d Aver, ct RSd i- Oith Sis.; N. Y.Wonderful Machines I Splendid Products IAdmission, 60 CIB; children, 85 cts.O£l-7\vd

Theo. Dieseareiter's

Furniture StoreAnd flrsl-class Upholstering Establish-

ment, corner of


MnnufactureYnnd Dealer in Parlor'"'•Ld I-Hira-ry Mil'i'S, Sofas, Lounges and Uhuirs, of myown make and triniiucd iu tho best and latestsiyle.

Lambrequlna and Looso Covers mado. llat-essL's madi! ami rc-ma<io. l'lllows and llol-

eters. turnltiiro Kcpaircd. Uc-covcrci. and\ urnnhed All kinds of UphoUorlng douo Inthe lit'stmauner.

Soliciting your patronage, I am, ver? ri-spuctfully yours 'mhlS-iy THRODORE DIE8ENRE1TER.


In Aitiicliineni.ITICE. ia hereby given that a writ of atVtachnient haB been Issued out of the Cir-

cuit Court of tho county of Middlesex, at theunit of Murtiu K. Cook und Jacques A. Baul:-oimcr, uKahi6t the foods and cliattels, riehlaiiud cruilla moneys und cU'ools. lands and ton-emails of John 11 l'utton, luun action of trca-|i»sa on Iho case ou promises, lor tlio sum oftlirco hundred and lourliK-n dollars and uei-cn-,)-tiro cenU, returnable and relumed Julytwouty-sccouil, A. U. eighteen hundred andscveiity-tlve.

CHARLES 8. I1ILL, Clerk.


This VOUBO has bcou entirely renovated andrefurnished. It couUlns 7,1 rooms. Tho 1(11.bard Koom contains thulatmt improved tabloD.rhe liar is supplied wilh tan ohulcoA wlnea,iquora, cigara, elc, ^ j j f '

PETTE & BURTON'SGeneral Music Store,

2 3 Albany Street,Whore oan IJO futinit ovory arllrlo In llm niial-'III lIUO, ,



Haines Bros. PianosAND

Mason k Hit in 11 n Organs,


OHAHMIU w . PCTTD.oiim-llm

Winoand Lager Boer

(Ximmtri'tnl Ave,, cor. Halt M.

IIIIIMi! AND OTIIKU WINES.Also Iinpi rlml mil Domtnlio Oh«.i.

•ud BlcgoiiB*.


KIMBALL, ^General Eoiiravfir&SKiDCil Colter.

• w o n kN(iit<vtN(i A wmu.it.Hi. klB,| |, Jt,» * r , , , » | , k-r «' l iHflt l 1W.. M.iijH M Brit.^iu. •lrMi|inr'r

i " l " " " 'V ' 4 1 " 1 Vi.ni»« <!«.J.,0wrtanoiU n>r iJ imt , . . ! uteil,,)!,,.fi, lM o!Virfl.DNNNl* mt. MTUAR OBVao

Page 4: STILL at the FRONT. · Jt "-, „ •!»-* .-• ••«•;• VOL.XI.-NO.10i. NRW BRUNSWICK, N. J., SATURDAY EVRN.ING,OOTOBKR 30. I.H73.. PRICE THREE CENTS..pallabau ,'& fiagertyy


' ' Pennsylvania. Railroad.THE GttEAT TRUNK «MB. TO TUB -WEST.

'• On and after Sunday, August 8, 18V5, Ex-

press rraiiiBleavu flew ttruuawiclt, as follows*.10.45 A. M. FaBt.LInoj daily, except Bunday, for

llarrisburg, PittBburg, , CleYtsUud ana theWest,, with l'ullirxn Palace Cars through,without change, to 1'ittBburg, Fort Waynoand Chicago,- and ColumbuB, Oiucinnati, andwith Parlor Cars from New i'nrk to t'HU-burg,- , • . .

4.08 P. M. for Plttsbure, dully eicopt Sunday.

9.46 P.'ll; I'aoilic ElpreM, dally, for UarriBburg,Pittsburn, Cleveland, aod tbo Went, with Piill-._&a Palace Card through, without change, toPlvtaburg.Groatline, FonWayno and Chicago.ConoectB at Philadelphia with a sleeping car

-lor Erie. . .For Baltimore. Washington nnd tho South. 9.60- A.M. daily excep't Sunday, with new Pullman

Parlor (Jura, 4.UB, P..M. with new Pullmuu Par-or und Sleeping Cars, and 10.24, P. 11.

aKrty-vritumewFwlluiuuPaluce81eepin|fcCjlrHattached., . . ' •• '

Por Newark and Now York, 8.0S, 4.53, 6,826 3tf, 7.20, 3.05, ».t>3, tt.ryj, 10.35, 11.55 A. M.:

. '•,14.66, 2.60,-3.il, 4.00, 5 S5, 6.05, 7.S5 aud S.00P.M. Thu 8 A.M. for New York only. Sun-day traiuB, a.UB, 5 33 and 10.35 A. M.; 0.85 and9.00 P.M. • • • • ' .

-For-'liliiabulh.J.Qfl, 4._,:6.l!!,_.30,..7.ii(>, S.Q0,."5.05, l>.08, l».02,10.85, 11.66 A. U.; 12.65,2.60,

3.41, 4.«J, fi.1'5, 0.06, 7.25, and v.'oo 1". H,-Hunduy trains IJ.US, 4.6,2, it.iU, 10.86. A. M.;5.S3-, 8.00 P. M.

Pjr Hallway, 'i.'io, 7.20, 7.87, 8.05, 9.53, 10.35,11.65 A. M.; 2.60, ti.U.'i, 7.25, 9.00 1'. JL Bun-day trains, 10.35 A'. It.; anil 9.no P. M.

For West PhihMliMpliiu, 1.48; 8.!Si, ».„,• 9.6ii,10.45 A.M.; 1.48, 4.0«, fj.2'J, !>.&Jt ».2U, 9.45,10.21. Sunday tramn, a.23, 9.'.5; I0.S4 1". i l .

: For Buat Milhtlouo, 1.82; 4.1u, IWa P. Al.

Jb'or Lauiburtville and PltiUliugtou, 10.46 A. M.aud 8.28 P. M.. '

For all poiutH en lleroer and Somerset Hall-road »1« 1.10 P. Jl.

For PhiUil'sburij oud Uelridoro, 10.45'A. M.aid 8.23 !>._.

For Uordoutown,. Burlington and Cauidon, 8.22•and 10.45 A. M.; 1.43, ?.28, 6.20, s.liSP.M.

For t'rcobold, 8.U2 A. I I . ; 8.28 and 6".2» P. 11.-.For Princutqu, 8.22, 0.511 A. M.I 1.43, 8.28,

o.2S), 9.23, P. H. ' '•' .For Wust Jsrpuy B. K., 1 41 V. M.For Long Brunch, Squim' and • Red Bank,

B.'J3 A. Jl. '

Lcuro Jiew Vork for Nuvv llrnnswici, 7.00, 8.0011.00, '.'.30 A. M.; 12 noon, 2.00, 8.00,,4.10,4.00,5.20,0.10,7.01', 6.80 and 9 00P. M.t and 12 nitrht. Bunduy, 7.00, 8.30 ands.-oo P . M.I'KNNSYLVANIA K.H.—AMBOT C1V18IOS.Tra ins between l l ightatawii Jlnd South Am-

boy louve l l lgbtsi towu ii 10, 8 82 a. m.; 4 oo,li 37 p . in. '*

C r n n b u i y , It •!?, 8 M a. ni.; 4 07, i> 57 p. mJitTiiesburK. <> &*, 48 a. m.; 6 15, 8 00 p . ni.tflmtswontl. 7 12, '.1^1 a. in.; 5 23, 8 0 p . m.A n l v u a t Mouth Amboy, 7 67, 10 u. m.; 5.4),

9;oo p. m.iimiiiJiiKrt. .

.Leave BmiUt Amboy li UO, H 'JO, 11 00 a. in.;•1 85 p . ni . 'Kpolnwocd, l>'50, 8.15 a. m.; 12 05, 6 23 ]i. 111.JmucuburKi 7 00, 907 a. 111.; 12 50, li I S J I . 111.Cn inbury , 7 10, 9 hi a. in.; i 17, 0 8u p. m. r

•Arrive a t I l iyl i ta town 7'lli, 9 liu a. m ; 1 80,6 S? y. ">•

For fur ther information aoo t ime tablos, whichoan bo bud a t the Ticket Otlicc

' FllANK. THOMSON, 1). J l . HO YD, J r . ,Utnercl Manuycr. (fen. Jtet. Ayenl.

- . • . V. W. JACKSON,Om'l Hunt: 0. li. It. ol A'. J. Din.

Gl tOKOE W. UAItKKK,Supt. A'. V. Oiv.


J . & V00RHEE8NO. ->34 BURS Ml SURRh'J

• (arrosiTE or.REu'a HALL),

Is now olU'riiiii a

At Kwduvud Prices .

And solicits the public to


His assortinont, which it) UF targo as tiny inNew Brunswick. I cull particular attention to

my Etook coueiating of

Painted, Chesliuit, Walnut andMahogany Suites,

Whioh I om BollinB n t > VBBY LOW PIUOE

I baTD oonHtantly on hand



Ot my own make,

Ti immud in the boat manner a n d warranted a.repooHOUtcd.

Please cult and examine the stook ot Fnrni .* t u r e in o u r Rpaciouu BhowroomB.

nolO-dawl V


ATTENTION!ol tbe public _t largo ia invited to

A. Wolfson's

Crj&tal Clothing Store,[xmon SQUABS,

und ih,o largest scd fluuatatyloB of


242 oomxyiBnoziWhftri) U to bo found t^o largest UKC3 finust

'fltoot and the latest ntyloe of



Ready-made & Kiutle to Order,«u it able for hUn, Touths' and Boys', at pricesthut defy comnutltion.

Great uttentiou is paid l o t tstomer Work,whlun in lushionnbly out by tb • moni

J&rtiHtic Gutterand well umdo. Alj>> a eplendid asuortnient oltienllomen'B FiirniHliinj; (loada of all kinds,

Bpooial altoullon i« cnllod to tho

Hosierv DeDartmont,Manutacturcil by the Now Uruuimicli nnrt

Norfolk Hosiery Uorapnnlci.

M r W « t » » I H y o i i to o l U n . l nomine onr n«»indflaollocli l,.:l.,rti" [-urchnlni; nlnuwlitira, unA H II o]'Otiy riitr ilflallnfct.luitlll malntkla tbu |i»trnn»t;of lha i'libllo, suit li«« liontl hcroloffir* Ueituwixt otthe ol<l relltblfl

Olt)TOTA_ 0_OT7XIWO' MTOnjl242 Uomm«ro« tiqnnr*,

NBW UltllNHVVlOK.N.J.nnvn-iinw

<tC t n t T f l I'lTiW. Anriil«»«iili'il AllelMai.a

yuii i i jr mi>l u l i l , innkA n u n " i i w u n y u t w i n k f i r a*, Int l i r l r o w n l.irikHU, ts iluriliK t l i r l r fciiim- inui i i i i . tn . '>r nilD i n l ln i i ' , tl>:ih nl ' i i i ivt l i l i iK » U » . Wii I ' I I I T i ' ' i i | . l i iy t i» 'ntt l in^ w i l l |>Hy liniulhiniH'lv f"r " V t r y l inur 'n i v i x h . Knit

>lriHNHlon'r<' . l l i m ' t t i e l i y , N m v lit Ihi . II l lmi'Ll u l t > l « n > « i l i , i - l i i r . « , I . > . „ ) „ . , « , i n i l l y , . n l. i .v.'

' W f t i M l w t i n t WMitTitr, ( I . h i i K m i H Jt r < i , I ' l i r ' l u m l ,M > l l l » . _ _ | « ' | | , . I » 1 T M

_>:Mr> » ' 'Mn II. I1. IHKVKM. h i l l . , Nnw V.11I1f ) for Ihmk (UTlli <-lll>"iii i.nli.li.tii« llaia i.f SI.IKKInoniunin'rn. «'i<l I'lllmul'* •lumln« mn n[ lulvrrlliln«, . , l.«l»._!.«»

A N T li»>' »l" I" Vn Vrt.iul In Si IU _ l l l 1 tUii.li I'rltll.'IM !i«« VM « . i i lV l U ' «

mUNfi l l i Juot t n o l u t i t i l i n l t , I1I!I!K W A I / I I .K <V C o . ,Hnnki ' r t i iili'l l l t i t M M . N " . Ill Wnll H I I > » 1 , HIVV o r k . J ' . « , H»«-1,1111. «, mi l w n

•HOUIW, l'AMl'/II.HTH, OAu'liR ;; K m , , l l l ' i l l l y , l l i l ' l i l l l l i l / , I ' X l i C i i i l l o i l n l y ;

• m i l l ( l i c » | i l y | i r l n l i d n i l h i n ( I I I I M I . ;

Hew Brunswick AgencyOP '


CAPACITY, 1,000,000 Envelopes per Day.- • ' • ; . ' ^

arid* SELLINGa^Novi iritvi Jl\e to Seren


155,257, 3^9 and 201 Unuid Street,COKNICIt CllitYBTIE,

Having made Large Improvtimi'U'ii and^ddit lonso tbclr cnubllaliineht, Invito tho nttontlon ot j>ur-• —-- to tltolr Iniiut'iiao .BtOt lc, ifonBlstlng of .

iiOODSM I L L I N E R Y , i

Youth-.' Rcady-Mudc Clothing,CA'KPETf.

Furniture & Bed(Ji.nK,The vrhoto of whlch-havlng been marked at _r'tp-in«ly,[ovt prlcen,' thdy nr« vnftU«<l to effor »t -

Becided bargains,Oils Bros', ttnbrored Patent H. P.. Paiaeager Elera-

tor( t_ol_rgoBtW thu United UtsteaJ will UteOu»-.iuiners to flfieh-ilnOF. ^ ^ _ _

Goods, _nd • samples'Bent trao to ill parti of the


ocli-dawlOwo . . * , ,

.. |.- Hundred Thousand per Day.

; We caumako ENVELOPES oUeaper thnu New ' ' sr

• York uiakerti, bepauae 6i l our .BlPItoVKD t'AST

• / MACHINES (our'own invention), our LIGHTER

EXPENSES and the IMMENSE number we make.- .

Special Inducements to Cash Purchasers.' . Call and examine the quality and pcipcB. .'. *

We can lumiBh these Envelopes,' with card

printed thereon, Tor a tritto above tho usual prloo of - . •

the Envelopes.

We keep here tho leading'styles and sizes, and '

eell them at factory prices. '

A. E, GbrdonV ::


|Stovep£pe ElbotsrsUSED UY THOSE DESIRING .

Economy, Beauty, Cleanliness,, tt


Manufactured by COKRUQATEI) EIjISOW CO. or U. S., 63 CUff Street, N. T.•ISA 47 Unco Struct, Ciuciuiwti, 215 .t'217 Lako Stroot, Chicago.



leading Business Houses jI » TUE CITY OF HEW MtUNSWICK.

Carriage Factory!Bros.,

Curtis Insenptl li: Uils cohtinu (Unlly Binnt tlui rulA of ^13 per annum. [inynUIu <t>«irtur)y 111


N OBTlir.OP'8 BAKKItY, CONFliOTIONKUT AIc 'Cr i am Haloon 47 Church BtreQt. l'uilli-s

ariij Wiililms;B luruhlieil with eyi'ry rcquisltr.

China and Glaso Ware.

J AMKSi UOl'.MBYi DliAl.BK IN CHINA, OI.AS9ami Kartht-nwftre, Lamps. CutliTy, Simoiiti. Wninl-

on unil J»i.ftn Wiiro. No. '20 lllniin utr^-t.

Clothing,/"1ALLAOI1AN AIIADKUTY, SO. 25 OUUKCHKJ a t rwt , DoMcr* In Kixidy-inado Clothing, Uciits'Fiirnltihliij,' Uoodn, OlotliB, CasslimToa, etu.


r i l MUUKAY, 1IKEC1UNT TAII.Olt, No. 621 • CllUUUH bTllKbT.'rfJcntieiiion win horol«iimi»

jill^l wltli tho inoBt KlyllEh null til'flt uf ClothiliB. - - -

: Tobnopo and Cigara.

J O3KP1I A. SUYDAM, I1KAI.KK IN DOMESTIC)anil Havana Cli{ftrh, Ohowlnu untl Smoking To-

liacci), Btiult, i-to., OS Ororgo Btrool, cor. Liborty.

Furniture.f l 'UKO. DIKSKSBEri'KIl'fl KUItNITUBE 8TORKJl uud llrnt-cl!kfti Unholntcrlnit KHUlilislunont, oorAlllny ali'l Uoorgo BlriHilB. Kurnlturo rojialred.

Harness and Saddlery. '

J 8. BABNKS, BABBLE AND HAHNESriMANU-k llirtiiror, wlmli'salo and nitill, ISilitioL ^t^cOllt.

Trunks, Whljil, L'ollorB and bsddlns.


H B. ZIMMEKMAS, l u r O K T E U OK HUMANllulr, i>ud inniuiracttlior nl llillimn Hair Honda

ol'OTi<ry ili;acrli.tion, 8U t:burch Mm-l. Eallil). lsl',1.


fj inakfr ami Manufacturir or Jowolry, '28 I 'eaoflticot, Klwe«n Albany and Chnnili BtroutB.

. ^ - • • ^ »

Iiiunber. .T1OLFE * SON, STEAM SAW MILL A LUMI1EUl i Yard. 143 Hurnot alr.'Ot. rind, Oak and lloiu.lock 'I lniber, I'lno aad CypribB Bliliit-lofl.

VELL, D t H o r r 4 OO., I.UMIIKU DKALKP.e,rtl l i u n m itrMU All klmta of Lumber ami

rvBn(M anil unilr«awd, ID nil Us vurlotlea.


D CI.AItIC'8 PUClTOUltArllUALLEItY, 4KISII• lllock. CDininerco Kijuaro, noxt tluor to theOlllct*.KBlalillrthoil l i j l f i ^

CCCl'lTB OALLKUY, I I l'HACB BTltl'.ET. LETO I,In. (:i>t you Hi, imo ol th»«o Klni.ly Fllil<lie,ll'h»ti.|jr»rh» or l-iiii-olaln Mlnlatnno ul yourarlf.


n ucm MuKKAn, rit.vtiriCAi, PI.UMIIKI:OAU anil M'l'K.VM KlTllUt, 4U Alli'tny alrool

New lliuiittwlik, N. .1.


RefectorYCoriinr Mlmny nml Uuai'Ko Sin.,


anoi ia i i ii. nNowniM,L, prop'i,HHM nml IIAMK In K ™ . , , , , (IVHTKIltt

nhs>i)rt mi IIIIIMI, nml HIM vi'il In tlm iH'utitlylii ntII.i' l i , | i . IM, l , in Hill IniMlil liil'iuiillluii, |,y | | , , i1 r I , M l CIIIII, AIKV, HIilKVvnlimy IllnuI'dliim or Mur r i i Cuvn llyiiloin. KIII1III | .« ,!li;illlii|M, Hiill-nlii'lKJiiilui.

I M K K H , I I I I IDH. ' IVnnpIn , (,'iiili«, L I , W M » ,ru|;H, uta.

Kvi'rvlliliii ' i ut.1.1.. ami ilrliiVnl.lr. will l.nru t tiiliiinlfliiii, (Mll lKI.II or NUT CIIIIKI' .I)

l.ltillr.i ('nn iin HrrrtiiilniiiltttiMl Ili'lo _ Wqll Bi»lit llni linflt lii.Utn, ' . nlitft ituh-ly

r r l l l l t I ' l i n l n r i.f llm lli .nul nl lihiiafil I ' l r . iLV .liolii ' irn iff M10iIl?Pi'x r ' i ' lu l f : i '«n lidtmijii

nl l lm (!.,Hilly I ' . . I I H l . . i ' » nlllnn nil l lm ».,..,..,I»|iil fu mi l l Hut i l l r lu j" vt civil niiiiilli a l (n i lii'rii.i'k I', hi.

IWunliKnitilriiMi HIMIIII fllvnr,JAMI'.ll lHlllir/lT Hlmlnr.

lnyl( lj.l»w

Hiiii'urior workuiaiiBliip.l ly pntroiiiziug t'uoiii you oan Have 20 per com

Cotilluuiit of thui r abil i ty to liloaBe, they respectfully solicit tbo putruniige of tho [mblic,


shoulil anhscrlbo for ihoO'VaXU QAZtiTXE.1


MiHT i T i n v . J Dall

^ e r f l dvBlrlnjr cuBtotnere In thla BUto alipuliuao ltB-cplurnnn. Siiecltimu coplea atnt to uny mldresa on aiitillcallou ti>

Julia Li Murphy, Trenton,

(Successor to Murpliy & BcaMcl.)>n'.7-o«iilair ' • • ' •

Crystal Spec \ acles.Improve your sii/hl.

Tbe C i r i T i Lto' the inibllu nruall otupra iu lhomanufactured IIItrailo only;

CLlta no^offerejtei l eu(terlor t

i t , tin tlaia brln.V Mozelle, Fraiicn, for om

,clalifi«d ty all eclotiilfli.1. Dial Tor cluarnt'Bs and illsllncttu'as of visluu they

liavo no I'IJIIBI. -Wo warrant eviry pair to last for many ygarB, with-

oil chnnffo, alwayB rtuiinllilnKcl.ar anil brilliant. Theyare nioiititiHl In Kol'l. 'llvor, utii l], rubbur and r 'rrnuiKB. For Biilo by our 111,'etitn only.

VCIOUIIKKrt' A VAN WIUKLE. Jow. lowniitlclaim. am our B^.-HIB for Mow IlruiiBwick, N. J ,

jVirKond iroiiiiltio without thoTrade-Mnrk Blmiii.odon «vety |,ulr

Maiuraclnral by FKLLOWH, IIOLMKrl A OI.Al'l',Ni.w York.

Ixi..k fur Irado Mark. No poddlirs rail.loycl.i.r2t).|](,nv • • '

Public Noticelicroby givei) Llint, Iti acooidiiiico with u rout)

tu l lou |itiH.4i<fl by thy Hoard of Kici'liolilcra o |MIil(1li'n«x r m m t y ut itH IUHI rt '^uliu mi'iUitin chilin lor labor, timtoriul o r nupplh'd

ll iPil Hit hi county will lie run ft n r bo 1'aittB ftiiili labor , iimtt'iml o r flupplien Hhnll Ii

hii ' ti onl imut IIy tho ii|iprui>rhili) C'uiiiiiilurnl tho hill a i i 'htrd by tuu-lt CiHiiiiiltliKi,

JAMKH IIIWHKTI1,of l luunl nl 'Ch t

. . .UI.U. nilwllllii^ta 111.. tli..<< V»r ml" by IKml«iB

Mi-;,uid tin. I,...I.. K..ii.rully. In nrdir lo l,il U W i u r i ' l l m l ii.ii t . ' l lll.i.l.l.'y'B r.n..|., liel t " " ) , » r . M i l « i . . ( » ~ l l i » l l l l,». i..y IKIIII mar t

UB.IH.V.I. It y.iu do ii.il kiiii».wlirri< l«I,lly. .1 ili.iiv., .Iri'.llaK, |,,<..ll..r n l l l .

bud mli l i r" ..I tl... nu.'i.t iin.i.'it yi.il, willlly r.u i.Uli.-,l l.y ii'l.lr.'Oli.x, nlll. •lai.i|.,

[JIIIIH. (<. Itliitclilny, liliuiiiiiicl'cr,l.llll ( j . i n n i i ' i r n III,, ri . l l i i i l .-l | i l i lu, I'll.

FORTUNESul fitiMi.i'iiii, iMiituo, fi^Mi'O, f'i'^mxt, (jn.mHi ttrwAfitwliliKllcr^iitiilh'rDuiiiM, »,<• imM In [uliVy lit- Wl .

I i.K U'lli'i/, * I'1'U U.-n^iM,,) i,. „„,»,'„ , |N.fi i* ti«\ >\>\yy if«>HM bt uio Wf»u>\nt \, ni-u-tuiti. ll''i(ttlnr ilin"rliii(H ir.Ui nni| IHitti «l f-tuli iniuiHi

A / ' t \ I T (in(i h>iri) tt"vy do t i l u i lon f>lI; \) IJ VltlNUNamtUIU^u/ir-ftUm),

1 hi) J IMCK UUMIM I'llllllim i i i 'u™, ^ Ih -ny H,

2 0 - ELKQANY " O I L GUU0M09. . - » _ . . . . —. mbuntod, s'ze flxll.for t l . - KoVeltletand Ohromos' of every UeBCrlptlon. NATIONALOUUOMO UO.,Phila[elplitft, Pa, -• r Q C U ^ W P

M IND KEADIKji, PSTCHOMANCY, FASWttua, dout CharniliiK, McomcrUm aad Han _

Guide, sbowlnp how cither hex. way fascluato andgain tho 1»TQ null QHl-ottoa of any per ton tho^ cti

JB'J H. ifth St., I'liiladclii'uitt, Pa. QC!*-4WD

W A \ I P I)•Affcntn f»r"thc best BOIUDIPIIZ-J Paokugo In. th'

_____ world. It contains 15abotta pni)cr, 15 cnvt

!S,Qoldpn-Pc_, Pen Holdor, Pencil, Patent Vaiueoauiv and s^leco of jBwelry. Single pncltuffa wl.ilfgunt Prlro, iitiBiiinld, 2f*. Circular IrOa. llHIUK

i: CO., ?C'J Broadway, N. Y.' • 0C144WD

H E MAC! & CO.Hth St. tt- 0*A Jvc, New York.

The Larxoit Importers In America of Dolla amToys fliilwljle for Holiday Presents. Tho' LAKOKSTKKTAIL FANOY OUUDS E-TABLI8I1MKNT InNBW York. ffS~ Cawlo|{ue_ o-ut lrtn> to any nddreaa.

XSr OrderH ,by ,;niflll intended to will, special care,UCl'1-lW.l (^ •



- Tho grwit IntercBt In tbe thrilling, history of omcountry imvkt/8 tbla tho TaBteat nelltrtf book ever publltlitxl, ' It'contnlnA orcr 400 lino hi a tori oil engmv')D_B f\nd ?00 pagon, wHhf,a full aquoun^ of the upprouchtnt: grniiil Cmitt'iiulal ceK'l'rutlon. Head forIulldcHcriI»tlon nud t*itrft tunuB to nffents. UtT1ONAL 1'UULIbUit,(J CO^ PhllatlolphU, l*k.

By ANN ELIZA YOUNG,Britfham Yonng'g Uoholllourt Viilo.

a j r TIIQ wiily coniplotM'rxuoso o( all tho UEGUETEAf'URKjflAM'B llARKM cvi'r written. Uorn iiMormon)MH, ANN V.hl'AtC now OXJIOBUS to tho worldAS NO. OT1IKK WOMAN GAM, UJD BKOltE'lJIVS'i'KUlKS "no CttlMl-:^ of tbo horrlblo aynttin cjI'vlygaiity, Jrom the T«ry beginning,' Nearly 'iOO 11IUBtt-aUous.bct.uitfy Itio work. It Is tho ht-at m>Ultichook-publlfihcd. 10,(WO muro tnen aud women canhavutiniiiloyiiiL'nt nndinaktt from f5 lo $11) daily. AlLIVE AOKNT6 aro writing for-llluBti-uted Glrculanwith LAHUKTKltMSl. Bent i nc . Donotdolayaddroefl UUSTiN, 61LMAN Jt CO., Hartford, I

) 4 4 ••• :


Freeman & filler•^uccosioca to.llohert KrMman & Co.),

No, 45 North Second StreetI'lIILAOEM'HIA; PA.,

Manur.irlurorB and Dwilora In


FURNITUREIn all tlifl b to i t nnd u-not fushlonablo Jea'pnn, lnclud-IIIR tho wlelirnto'l EASTI^KI': and MKDIAEV.VMy It's or Pnrlor, Ubrnry, ('hamb^r, Hall and Plnlntltoom bultoa.

Coltagu billies ftinl low-prh-i'd Walnut Furnltunand Miutrt'tm-ri rnn bo hid Irom us us cheap an froiany oi her linnso in thi* city.

An tnhinctlon sollclttd,. and- all work ^arranUatrlclly an r.'iireicnUiI.

FKKKMAK A MUJ.KK,Q014--WD , 4&_j.8*'«n»l_L, _hlln.,;i'i

FIRE-PLACE HEATERThe latost, Handsomost, and Boat in

tho Country.

FULLER, WARREN & CO.,t«T Street, Sew VorK.

FliLIEK, lVAitREN & €0.,23(1 Water Ntrcol, M'W VOItIC

i t l f lA • It) I" A A tnrestod la Wat

olutQoDUu i bXlnA3" .vcn alia Idloiii.or Wall airoct," oxjilulnlng ovoryP L i u T CDCC tlOHIV I U 0 K H N O A CO".• i r W I '» n t " • linnkPrit aud UrokTfl, 7!BROADWAY, NEW YOUK. - oc21-4

$1200 PROFIT ONi nv r sM In Block Prlvllejr-js In "Wall etreot. Booki

and Olrdu'ara trllln^ " How 'tU dwno" flent friM>. Address I U X T I B At C o , llunkens \1 Wflll ntrri't, Hvv,York. at-lfi CHU

REMOVAL.• J- VftlUtHtn BUIUXNO, Mo. Wpmi

ricooud Btrcut, rhllAdelnhla, n n t door to his old stun

A full lluo of LftinjiR, Cbandolierfl, Ttibl

Gliinswt.ro on liiind, Kotl^crri1 and AVilcox'

it Sllvcr-plrttoil Wuro , und fancy Uoliemla

itr. ..HVIIIK bftou luhU-il to tbo -took. M'1*M'


Mark Twain.Juit roi.'ty IW OiirivarWT*. Now thun In HIM ttrnn tdKtit Tml tury . Uuu't nlop to r*j.i rlintinl vn ulhvtSiM,ks. Tako one y,.« km>w will B..II, l>ruin|tt acllovlll nlvikymi choice of llct.l and (Inhli'ii Kctum*.. ()• .•ri tin' courts at oixc nnd y«u will WIN. Outfit mtUemtbliir'. rvi'ryihliijr fitm fihixl. Kun| lit yimr iinin<li'l ttnviiH y-jii want, '>r fnr rlrcnlnrn 11 onrn. A'^lrenUttiliUlYN I'UlllJHlll.NO CO., Jl.fi .ml, CL

otilO-4wn ^ _ ^ _ _ _ _ _

FOR COUOHS, COLDS, HOARSENESSand nil Throtit llmcAHoti, IIH*

WELLS1 0AHBOLI€ TABLETS.I'.u up OHIT iii III.UI: iiotui,

Tmup AND nunnl \ . i K I I I I I l , y I ) I I I , ! 1 : I . . I M | ; n . . - l i \ l l v . . . . . I . l l l l l N -

HKIN noi.l.invA i ti to . , i'iiiiiiiii'i|iiiin, r.i.

SHEAI iiK fur IIBn, Vi i i i l t i iMid/t'iy ntylv -iliil (jimlll


•JLOTIIIKI.,1 "« "llm III >y i . J n n . h i l

If m"t Mi l l id , N o lroii l , l . i lv

y n<i<l ('M>"liy i't,,

•rnii K t M u v i i o s i i A hAIII (nmt'iKn piilit nil p,<M|,t nf lift iW,(it» ,1, W.Hkti iV(;», 1,1111 1,'lii'sli.iil »liil't, l'lilUilrl|,||l«•ijlit 1WII

'A HAV U ' I . I . M V . I inln) niir vv 1 I.I.AIKIIIII I HUH.l,«. |IMi > inn|i»l,l in t I A i n u . Aii«nli,Kik (r,1,1, AiltKliu., IU. 1,'iliU, »"


A I M , N T H W A N T ) , l i t M , , | , . l . ( ' " l l l l | , | i i in<t A l v a n W

""»N" Plotorlnl Blbitis.1,1.01 lll'Klr'ntl«»i>. AibiM#fin< «** HMHIHI-H, A.

..(Mt.MAN A I u» flit At«h Ht**\, rhlU'l«l|>|jlft.

Tho $60,000 Bonanza»f £ A - ^ A n > A |II*MIM| Itt W»M •llv'.t

O l O O P " »n«i IIIIII. I • • luri'ino.>,,» n.il lf i i l. i.Ta.lfi.. A'MrM. 1'tHtll.kTKD *HKAII, »n Wall mtr'l, H>» f itk, ••I«H«»

MBDIOATFD. Wet* KY7 - D c « -i<uro Conaaiiiptloiir Ihvi'utlKato It nnd you will fliii1 NOT to bo & pour mm, bad 'whisky or high witerugged «nd awoetonod to ideai- the i^ate. BewareT-"Ulttera," "Tonica," " Ktiston'rs," «tc; (h^y all

oontaln tbo Ylloat alcohol, tn-\ thousands ara dally be-ing drlyen to their gravofl through Its Influence. Wo•toWmnly declare ihe B A B I 3 of our coiupoand Jo bo n?UKE LIQUOK, made from' Lrnllan'; corn, ,* grain

known and used throughout the enltro world. 'It fat-1*e_._, tnylgorates, produces carbon: in- t h e blood; ex-'>o!Bdi>ordWiof tliBByBteiri.srid ll the LIFE-QIJ,

^KO'Pitl^CIPAL and goneraJ EP.ADIOAT.ITE Of aSLpuluioiiarj-dtaoases.' In connection with onrreraedyi- &• ivUe; patients.,wbofl Buffering'.with'eitr me

_-^hs , ; to add HOOK. OANDY In »uch. quantltlefl aswe prescribed Tha houbflt'dt-rlT^l irom 'Bacchorin«mutter iti throat and lung- diseases 1B too well:knownror;oomaient.- No on<> who la aflllotecl with CON-

N, BEONCUITIS. Cou_hs6r gederal wast•1 TUK CONSTITUTION can Uke-ONB

. _luil ana the pirsKon of xomediea. DO HOTDEflPAIK. Thousands have been cured. Try onebottle. Follow our directions (and fear no danger.You- will cure yourself BO sore aa night succeeds theday. General whol' sale agents. 11EU KM AN &. CO.,Mew York. Bold by all drngglsta. ocUS-ivra

Oopd cbauca^for makingwho devoto vhole or part

Jug oar Teas. -Liberal cummlarioDa, Benil for terma... P, O.liuxr>,&)8. GUEATAUKKIOAKTKA CO., 81 mil US Vcisy alrcet. NowYork. • • • ! . . oe2S-4wii

(Tjn a n -Agents wonted;— iI h, A n nioiniT to par lua'

ANTED IM MED IATEJLMore Yuuiiff Mei?. to learn Telegraphy.Good situations guaranteed. Address, withS i n t d oil t UNION TKLKOitAamp, Su


EJLUpny. Initli I

No Capital,nrr l^At Lome, mala or ftmfW O r l i " i - - o k , Jlay ur (.•vonlnij. . .

]tf ' ^ . 1 1 lVv'aonu Yaluaijlo iia'cl age ol gooda byI O r a l l mall rreo. . Addren. with ilx oent retorn «taml),M.-YOUN0,1TO Qroonwlcii alrent, NeiYork. otiU4w

C I A M M * _*^««4- Chances for All I

b t l O r t W U t uii'lFemataAK'tO Vy©9l*Tl ._ forma Ion amito WealthSamples with every order.&, c 6 . , 152 Worth street,

fallita amc« iu-

m nd frvtI.O:B<JX&,8C3. HILTON

T o r t . • OC28-4WD

. Adjournea Sli Snib. '

MIDDLRSEX C'ditnty Circuit Court.—Pete;' A. Van Devcntcr, IMalnt-fT, vs. Al«an

tier F. Rnudolph, Defendant,— Fi. Fa , etc,Datetl Novemher lfl, 1S74.

James II. Van Cleef, Attcrnor.Middlesex .Circuit Court.—Christiana Jou

kius and ptbura, uxuctttorB.'etc .-Pldlutlfifl, va.Alexander F.'Haudolph, Defendant.—Fi.Fnetc. Dated Decembtrr 19, 1874.

Reiloy & Grlinstcad. Attoraeya -MlUdk'BtjK Circuit Court. — Inalcy Boico,

Plaluiill. vs. Aluxunder F..Kandl»li»h, P e l e daijt:—Fl. Ku.,.cto, Dated February1 b,'1875.

A. V. Schencb, Attorney.'Middlcacx'Circuit Oourt.—Daniel MeCurdy,

1'laiiilltl, VH. AlexanderF.'Kand'oliih uud JuineDunbar, Do.ondfi.ntfl.—Fi, i"a.t etc. D tAtardi 15,1878. ^ •• Tlitaalo under the nbove aluted wriin Htatljouruod to ' •

TUESDAY,'November 0,1875,


REAL;.E_STATB.Tjy virtue of an ordur or tho Orphans' Court of tin

jaunty dfili-idloBcK, uiailu un ILiiSUt dny of^Uj,'ustID tbe yenr cf our Loril! QDD thouettud tluht hundrtHl

\ l.'y-11 vo, tho nubflcrlhor, on aduiTnlBtrntor 'h Lilloy, Uto of this county of Mtddhmx, dLCtas

will null al l*ubllo Vdndue, on

TUESDAY,. NOVJZ&IBER 9, 1875,it tho hour o/ two o'c!6ct in thi)' afWnoon, at th<J j Home. )& thaol-y vt Ney ttnumvlck; in l

oounty, all Ihe lollowlnff described ADU tnd prtm' whfeh the.pal') John Lodlo; dle<j eeltcd, yli.:Two lota of laud In th'o cltv of Now BronflwtokJdule»« county .And Biota <n Wew: Jtrety : £\xt\

>ejh)pJn£ PH nt-aterlr i ld»of Peace atr*«t, eight leellUtaat Irom the'tlwcillnghoaie t o corltiwar '•; thenc(;

u l j - a l o n g the went a l ln 'o l 4*eoce atrffet.flt)Tfut: tlu-nce eonth §5 1-4 .l^reea west, 125 fi.et; theoc-northerly at rlglu aDjjl.-u to Jasi courae Do fo^t; tb.enu<easterly to the plaoe vf beglonlng. Kxcepilntt' out o;

^the above so much BS was oonreyod by J««a >"BelifjuA-iaJprmer-awnflr. to tii.muel jFTerahflcld.h'deed dated Tel. 20, 1806, reoorded In iTdloBe:Clrk 'd office. In hoot Wi, pnge 808. Second lot owest aide of peace atreat/hr^liiQliig a t 'ho sputa eatoorner ofalot loniiftrly beln»t{inf:to John Dennis,amaftemardfl to Jtohert Attram; thenoo wiattrly alooihts line GJ feet, uiore or K'aa, to the south vt< fit corliu

f liia ldt; thence southerly pursuing.tbecourae of ilralil \vtinterl}- Una -lifl,faoi,_uwra or_lPflB, tp_<J.uTiie

Dnnham(B:l/no;! thence cast-rly nloU^feald DuDhniiiVeu ftnJ t'loKlnr on h|5 lot CO lent, mure or lens, t<oaco atreot; tneow northerly alubg 1't-aco atroei. Sict,more or leas, to,the begliijilmr, reserving- tuu fe

Hi'-' iouth fildu from I'tace Btrut-t tu ilie renr ol tilli . . - • • • • - .

(Julidlllous uiAdo liuowo on the <'av of mlo byE10HAKP LADLEV,

- AdailuUtraior, oto,Dnted Beptooibar S. lBTB. ocTw

x Orphans' Court.8i:rTKMi!EU T I B U , 1$7B, ' •

.On thft aijpllcatlou (if Jaiuts Dellart, sdniiilatra-Orof "WlUUmA. Wiimurt, ilucaoBwlf for nn ordcr^led lamb to uny dehta.—Kulo to »hew cuuai«. •

The Bald ndinlajalratur having exhibited, on oatli,Juat uild.true M<;OUUI of tho perooual eatato of tho asdewaacJ, uud-of thedchts, as far ho can discover thisame, hy which It nppour* that UID yorsoiifil tatote othoflfttd deceased Is Instill)ci--'lit to tmy liiadohtn;"t!iuri;foro, on fltmlieuUon uf.tho aahl iidtntulalrntor Buttlu!forth that tho aald William A. Wlhnurt d^od BeUitd rreal eatite in the county of Middlesex, andipraying tlaid of tliia Court iu tho premises:

It U ordered hy tho Ouurt, That all peraotis Inteleated In tho real eatato-of said deconaed ,do apuuaiboloro thla Uourt on TUEDDAY , tbo BKVKNT1!day of DKCEMUEU, ibTo, a t ton o'clock la ttforoiioitn, at the Uourt House, Iu thttt county, to nhu

e, If any tliuy havS, why tho »ald real eatato <tlifl eald dtiCL'nsed, or o uiu^b thereof as shall bo a<c<jBBary for tbo puyuirnt uf dvhtH and expenaed j e t ii)pnld, atiould not hoaold" ' - :

WILLIAM EEILEY, Jr^ ClerkDated BfptcmWraO. 1B75.' • ooT-Ctw

at 2 o'clock p \ ,city of Now IJruimwjck, Now Jersey.

M. M. LUPAKDUS, Shl Att "

m.\ at the 91torifl'I6 oQlcc, in (lik N J

eriff.S l t

M. LUAKDUSP . YoorlitiOB, A t t o r u u y .

A<lj6iirii4>(l S l i e r t l l ' s S u l e .

IN Cliancory of New Jerecy. — Uctwee;Tho Union 'Niuional' Hunk of Uuhway,

Com[)lainantB, mid Morltz Piuner, Dofeudaut,—fri. Fa,, etc., on foreclosure. Dated..Jul15 1875; , i

The HI\1O u n d e r Lho aboro» ta to t l writ B(UU<1Iadjouined to ' ' , , '

T U E S D A Y , N o v e m b e r iW, 1875. -ut 2 o 'c lock p . in., a t the Sjiorlfl'a oDice, In tlioity of New iiruuawick, New Jeracy .

M. I I . L U P A R U U H . Sherlfl.Sliufer & Durant l , Sol ic i tors of Complain

ants . »r) QtiM tr

A<IJ<iurncd Mi o r i l l ' s h a l o .

IN Chancery of Now Jorsey. — UotwC'- John D. Wright, acting executor, et<

CompUUnaiit,und David. Toinlindon and wlvl ai., Dufondiuits.—FI. Fu., oic, ou fonclosure. Diitod July 10, 1B7D. '

Tho sale imdor tho abort] stated writ slamadjourned to

TUESDAY, Norember 2., 18T5,

at 2 o'clock p. m., at the Sheriff's ofllce, In-tlicity of Nuw BruiiHwick, New Jersoyi')

V.'M. LUrAItDUB, «hcritt.NOIBOU lUinvon, Solicitor of Compluln

aut. • o&"

l i o r i t P s Kalo .

MIDDLESEX Circuit Court. - Mury EPannier, Plaiiitill,'v3. Kzra W. Arnol.t

Uefenduut.—Fi. Fa., _tc. Datud Dcccmbc_I .1874 .

Woodbridge Stroim, Attorney.New Jiirsey Supremo Court.*— Henry O

Cook, PlalDtiir, vs. Ezr.i W. Arnold, Defumant.—Fi.Fn., etc. Dated April 16, 1375.' Abeel(fc LtouHrd, Attornoys.

Middloscx Circuit Court.—ilnry E. Parmlev, I'luinttfl", vs. K7.ra W. Arnold, Defcudaiil- Fi. Fa., etc. Dated Ju-c 5, lf_7G. '

Woodbrldj^e Strong, Attorney.Middlesex: Common l'lean —Nlary E Farm

lev. Plaintiti; va. Ezm W. Arn Id, Der.iidnu—*K1. Fa , titc. Dated Juno 5, 1R76.

Thu eulc uudcr the abovo stated writs at audadjourned to

TUESDAY, November S3, 1875,at 2 o'clock p. m., at the SherltTa Oillce, Iu thcity of Now lirunawick, Now Jersuy.

M. M. LUPAimUS, Khenft.

Edward W. Stroug, Attorney. oc28-ti

Adjourned Sherlirs Nulo.

MIDDLESEX Circuit Coiut.—{{enry Rich-iiiond and Cornelius W, Sohoylur, purt

ncra, etc., i'laintlll'a, vs. Isaac Bartlc.s, Defendunts.—Fl. Ka., etc. DdtuJ July 17, 1875.

The HIIIO under tho abovo At&tod writ utandiadjourned to

TUESDAY, November-ffil, 1875,

at two o'clock p. m., at tlio Sherlira OlDco, ii

tbo city of New UrutiBwiuk, Now Jerney.M. M. LUPAHDUS, HUerift.

Reiloy A: Grimatead) Attorneys. uc3S-ti

[N Cbaucitrv of New Jenny.—Between Aiuo;Jiobins1 AdmltiistrAtrix, Coniitlaina.it, am

J. Ehnur dtiuil and ula,, Defend nuts —Ki Fa,otc. ou forculoBuro. Duted Aug! 13, 1H76.

The salo under lho abovo stnlud writ standiadjourned to

TUEHDA.Y, November Ii8, 1875, '

at a o'clock p. m., at the Sheriffs Ollice, In tincityofNisw BruiiHWluk, No*v Jers y.

M. M. LUl'AUDUtJ, Hbtrlff.C. T, Coweiihovi-i., (iollutor of Complain

ant. ocv

Sliurlil'd Knlc,IN Ulitu.ci'ry ot New JerHcy.—UuUvcon Il tram

(iuiTHtson and ttls,, Coiunlalnuntit /nnil JMnier Htoilt atld i t k , Dfloiidautrt.—Fi. Fu.etc. . onforucloBiuo. Dati^l A"K-18, t»7fl

Tim Halo under the ubovc stated writ Btuudandjuuniud to

TUKSDAY, Norembor '23, 1875,

a t 2 o'clock p. m., at UieBlierI.VttOll.cc. in tincity of Now Urunswlck. New Jeruey.

M. M. LUl 'AKDif i , Bhsritr.C T . Coweiiliuvun, Hullo!tor of Uuinplniu

nia. ' S t

Adjutm.nl HJiorlfT'H Sulo,

IN Cliftiicory uf New Ji'iney,—Uutwoni TliKuttilro 11uiUU11K und >"'»" AnHDclatinti o

Now llrunawlck, N. J , COIUJJIUIIIIUHB nnWllll'im II. Luptmiut uT.'otuI., Ht-fuiitlaiitn -

Fl. Fn , ulc.:, on fori'i'loauro. Dated Auu. 14187fi.

Tl>« tt\\v under thu atxivu ntaled writ ntiiudiadjourned to

TUKHOAY, NuvoinberBJ, lHtr»,

ut '4 o'rlm-k p 1ui.l at the Bhorlll's oitl.e, iu llnolty ot New llritiiHwIrk, Naw .Inrmiy.

M. M Lt l ' .UtDl ld , Hln>nn.WniHlbrlilKR HtnuiK, Hulifltt.r of Cuinplnliil H , l } < " ^ } 3

ilC.—1" Clmnccryof Now Jt-rPPV—1'PtMrt.n

WOI))», C.mplilJiiiinl, Mi'l ANN KI.IKA DOKIMi: J.L I) f ^ d l i u . o . - K l . KA- r>r »»U <>r in-iirf-.^M ' l i i U , lHxliriiH'-iitimilrtT^i, IHtf..llv vlrtiKM>r|llii> itl><>v^iUM<d writ, (<i iitu dlruoimwill in*.o*n t<> IDIOUI imlillJ vcil(l'H«,iiii

TIJKIH'AY, NOVKM/lKltru, mm,

it ¥.iVl>xk |>, m,, Hi llio HhorlR'n OIlliX), III tlm «ltr <w*>« llrmiHwIrh, NflWJt'iH.'ys.

All-ttul mrUIn tinut cr |>nnwl lif lai|i| and jitrnnlnorrltH ill

i< : r i 'Hr l lm<l lm l..ttiinlill>

l /ri, III c

lXHMil|..vy Of Mil)HH ill tlm l..ttiinlill> (VMVin.atiililuri, III coiii i ly Of Mil

I l r * ' - Ailil NtAlH " / N«W .!•<! IH'lf, tUilllNlllllltf 1'H't l lt lt li M f t ' i | 1 i i n f c M / - . H l ( l i lrty-i l iri- . l iun.lrMliI,™ t,{ n-re I I H T " 'if l ion , HIIII Ixiiui'li'il i i ' i f l l i ' i l r ly Uinln ti..All"* W.Hi.iiil <in, Kultnrl M » ' I I I B » « I M , l>»*lt| llh'iiliiM, i-HMi'tlf tit- l t d \V<i(»lt>rliiK« t u n i | . l k n , xnt l l inrl

<y Imnlx »f ..mm"! I'. Kil«nt , .li.iifitlmii Do >>.lii«(iHiinl l . ' h t i u Ayrr«. nnil w i # l " i l y liy i-ittinliiliitr IHT|I»r M w l i i Ayrt'-t^ltwl*1" W . m n n l d r n (t«ni i f i l jr W | |\«tn T H H ' - H ) nml oINrr IIMHIA i . r « « | | »nvAvt»tti

,„ ,»)r ,H" Hit •M'W'a-ft (j,().>fd»iil>> it... .1 IMXIIrn Milt ,I.P-.TI, f-ir kWi.ml -ml Wlfa l . .n [ | ,^ nvrrl <\*[*

.lilt »iU Muinu'ii". In wtilnti .1I»I| Mix MtUt* m **\$,H.iU»un " I " I'" » M l " r n •<>>' *»'• I">rl.m1flr ilr^rliiliHMlfPitlll Ull'1» Mi'l litnliiUt'il. nnlil MiitttlfitAn IH.||,|Tlv II t-y nM ttnbtn "• Umiloti l'i MI<I .ln»-vU l;,^

yoiiil t'l »n«i|(h A |iiut til llid Oiillllilt'tftlldtl in |iurvhMP,tK.)li'T tii m|il iiwd nll'Mlmt,

|W..l!i»r with *\\ *M MiiHiiUr IU |l(iiiU, ||l.(<rili.|,

nonl i l tiranftiiiiift, «r«ttt MMMIOilh

it ml tnKl ip , (or fTifp vrvuttl «ij»n) uluilnholr t»nl< In U B l lM^HM' l r /H icDi j i t r l i i i t i

J Sale.

IN 'CUancery : t of N e w Jty-Goy.—Betweei.Tlie Kuruku Building und X^an A S S U I C

tlon of New Ilruu8>vick, S. J . , C^inplalnand J / E l t i i u r M o u t j _ t ' ula., _)efendaiitB.»—Ftu . , etc. , on foreolutiuro. D a t e d M a y 18, lfJ75

Tbo BUIO unde r thu abovo stilted writ mantladjourned to •

' T U E S D A Y , N o r e m b o r 2, 18V5,a t 2 o'clock it. in., ut t bu BtitMlirfl Otilcu, in t hcity of New DrmiHwlck, New Jcrauy .' • ""'• M. M L U f A K D U a , aiiertffl.

J . II . Van Clucf, Solicitor of Conjpluinautoc7-td . • • .

— Atijourutd SlierilFH Sale*IN Ohancory of, Now Joraoy.—Between '•

QarrctBon . et &)., ' Coraplalnants, and . AurtalDunhath ot al., DofunJanU. Fi. i'a., etc^ oa fonoIoBuro.' IJatod" Bwu.mlior Ij, 1670. • -•• :••:•>. .^. :.

Tbo salo tltidcr Lho aboyo uumd writ standa lw]urucd to - . i . . . . . ;

. THJ;9DA.Y,.l?oronibtir 1C, 1316,

st_ o'clock p. m ,» t the Ckiurt HouBo, In tho.cityNow UrunBWlck, N. J . v

JOHNO, T. COWKNUUYKW, SolicitormyO-ld ___ ' '

' A<ljcuirne«l feherliri* Salo.

IN Chaiicery of New Jeraov.—Between Claonpe"ti, Mitchell. Coqu'lulmuvt, fauti ,M

tblasl'alm et ula , Dufcndams.—Fi. Fa.,etc., cI'orecloduro. Dated July *J, 1B7.S. ' "

Tho »alu under the abovo ainttjd writ Stanadjourned to

-" -TUESDAY, Kovember 2, 1875,at 2 o'clock p. m., at tho aherlll's Oftict;, Inolty of ow Bruii_rtick, Ne>v Jorauy.

. _I. i l . LUFAUDUS, Sheriff.John'OUolwood, Solicitor of UomplaiiiaLt.

i oc7-td • • , ' . ' . .

[T l l d i l l cmx <Jlrt;iiii C o u r t .rpiIOMASNUGENT VH, ]-OuiBU. BertraJL V'IQIOU Vlncimt and Cburlcs A. 1

Jacquct'o —In case on atiacbmuut. Judgineentered January 4, A. I). 1675.

(J. L. (!or_iu, Attorney.Balu under tbo aLove rftatcd Judgine

stands adjourned to ^TUEaDAT, November 80, A. D. iS'TS,

at tho Caun llgiiHO, In tho city of HBW Bruinwick, ut 1 o'clock, p. in.

II. L. U VAN DYCK, Auditor.Dated October &, A. D. Jt>75. oe7-oaw8

Ju < Iniucery of New Jersey.rpO 'MILLIE D. I'OWEIIS und EDWAHD

rJL POWlsiUS:By virtue of un order of iho Court of Chai

cerj of New Jersey, made ou tbu day of Udate hereof. In a euuso wherein the Wauhintuu tiuttdlug aud Luan Aasoulatlou are conplaliiauts and yuu are defeudiints, you aru nquit-cii to aujiL-ar'ainl plead, answer or deniiID tlio* said bill of- complaint, Ou or _elotbe FlItriT day ot bEUE*._JEK next, oi "said bill will bo lakeu as confetiBed aguln.it,

Tho aaid bill is tiled to foreclosure a ,uioryage made bod lv«n by ailllio D. l'oweraEdward J. lowera, her busbmid, tolieorye UWestern, on lunda ia tbu to\vuahip of bout1

Amboy, Middlesex county, New Jersey, dateFebruary 17, 167u. which miid lii'.rt_ago ia noheld by the Wafthlngton Uuittihig uud LouAesoeiutioii; aud yuu a.ro made parties dfondaot because you inado tlio mortguge auclaim to be tbe ownor-i of ttaid land. •

J.ItANUULPU AITLEBY,Solicitor, Washington, ti, K., N. J

_^«pt ombor_;w(j;«751 __£_14__

QIIKIUFF'S HALE.—In UhancerO of Now Jerat-y.—Balwwn ISAAC 8. fofff *"and dla., cicouiora uf Joinca It. >'u«v]er, dttciC«mj)laln_DtP, unil JALOli L. MAI'.TIN, dccoiand al.., Dt> fond ants.—Fl. fa . on r^rwlurtiiro, -H

;rml)er4, 1376.y vlrtuo or tho nbovo-iittttod writ, to mo, dlreoto.tl eiiioao toaiilo iti t>ubllo vcntlu


at 3 o'clock ii. in., nt tho fibrrliT s UtUco, In tho cityNow Brunswick, New Jerecy ;

All the land, |irvtnls b nud property (iHrtlcularly HIforth and'U'bcilb; d In a ctrUiu mortgage muili '.Incut) L. Martin and Jainlu K. Muriln, hls'wil'i

BiOumfn ».,OiW'JI, uud datpd thw third duy vi jii l .inoduminl clK'tiU'cn hundr _ and Blxty*tvr<>, and reinto, iu Look tj at u-urlcuxLU tor tu\ld ouunty, oi

Ii»_«10S, b .c , to wit; All llio nulo^liiK di<Bcril)o<trnct'or iinroi'l of laud aadi iircinliics, I'tuftto, Ijfnnd bvioK In 'ho cliy ui 1'i'rib Am boy, at I_*>n furIn tho county of MiUiik'Mci and Htnlo uf Ntfw Joi_.»ml bouotleU aud, ik-ncrlbtd us rollnus: UiKlaulttgft point on tho north wuat cornnr of lutida U-'tuB Inito Alt rritt Marlln ; and run nine Ibsnco south aloni

kid Mcrrlit Martlu'sland iwoliuiulriMl and lour fw \v4t0r mark of UsrlUo Day ; tteat to alloy way loading to laudmo teat to alloy way loading tolauils ofMorrltt Ma

Liu ; ttionou norlb ak»i({ wiiii fiileyWay two hiindnuid Ipur frt't to. laud*, of Mi-rrilt AJ(,rnn; tbenou we.liirty-ono Tect along eal.l Mcrritt MBI-IIII'B landflan* ol bi'tflnnln^, cuutnlnlng abnuL tlilrly-onu feirunt and rtar hy two hum]ml and Tour f<vt iiodji.

Tdgothor with ill ami sfngulnr thu rl^'hiB, Ubertioa,iTlTllfK**), bertHlltHUH'ntRan i aiinurlcuaiioea tliuryun -

' "tlni/ or In ftnywtsu arl^rUiiiiiig., M. M. LUi'AKDUe, Bherlff.

IKKERA; KsASiitr, Hollcltura.tU-d ^--jilfmh^r 7, Iti IS. M 1 4 -6Vvr


.1 .Uui-UioUfLrl, MlmlnUtmlvr ur, Wllllniu A. Wlluurt, Uto of tho BftlU county of Mldillon«i, di

I, WUlUin Iti^lley, Jr., tMrroK&t» at tiio nnld countf Mlddl«<fl<-x,(loh'in<br onU>r BIUI -Uroot the s.ihl m

,»in|itraUtr to g\iqiMifilio imtU u to the cri'tlltoi•* uf tinn\t\ ilijct'iiiiivd, lo' lalni; In tlit-lr dobtn, di'inamll it

, umlt-r oath or atllrnitttluu nifalniit thn nalil iItliln iilno in im tlm frnin tlio Onto of I lit a onl

>y *ellliiK up H <»i\iy of thoonl«r wllhln twenty dajiift«*rtli« Unto liBH'vr, Iu fiyp of llm inunl |-uMlu |ilm

anlil county for llu*!» »nlil countyiilvmiMlmrtht

> of llm muni |-iiMlu iiluof two JltOntll^ uml 6l«o ..

n fur tlm Ilku «t>uuniif time in'1'ii.' [ H H , oi u of tlio iHi\VH|j&iif>rB |lrliitml In thla HUicud If kiiy cn-dllor nlult tiff;IIH;t tu MtiiMl Ills ur b*>i»tit,(latimnil ur rLdni, wlU>ln *t\\A \,vrUn\ of nil

mniitliB ofior iitllllo nutlfi) tfivoi. J*» ilurnkAld, BWu«Kl«r iliftll U loiayt.r t.mrn-'l of hln ur bur actl.:[i*lmt llm aal<l ailiuliilntriitor.UWun uiidor my h ind lliliVl'lli tiny uf-July, ISTfl,

WimiAMUKl |Uli;Y l.Ir.,Mirn'Ki-t«.


IT-HMM, rlil Mr HI HIKI h«ir« *it I'-Ilni N..A-tril,«.iltiplHliuiit. nmllJOIIN MoDOn., UWi'mlantn." VI. Vt. on fon<rl<iKiirti, 1mm.• i.uiuil.tK t , IHld,My (trtiiu uf tlm Aliuvu-«UU<d writ, tn mo dlii'ct»d. i111 flX|><it>A lo mill1', nt liublld YHntiit1, on

'i'in:ni>AY, NOVKMIIKK in, im«\

nVltirk p, in., at l.i« H|inin-B<Mlli'(i,lii llm oily ul' Mrmii'Wirk, Nnwiltr*<7:

All tlii* fitlliiwIiiK dt'O'irllxcl IfB^t UT ffttor) of Unit[ p . M n t t f l i . l l i

i-k, In t i l l o o i i i i l y i\t Ml i l i l lt l

|li-k, In till ooiiiily i\t Mlilillr* 4i iittil HUt.i t .fH'!*wt»i'/, tmtlfil mill lirultiit.Ml in rulliMv* i lli'HttmllHi » ntnim iiiHrtuKl Nit. U III tliti wr»t«>rly nliin >|nnt|i*'H Ui'ft.l mid tlm HuiiUturly nliln i/f » tund lon-l-iir tn llr»n'H I'UH'I fHftlNmi llniiii'0 111 *l'iii| tlmrnlirly Md« df Hit-. (»t«lU."i((•»*'» Ito-tif l l to miflirr»'liu'trl"f*iii|((rt'*". *v.(it, tlu-w clifttili Kixt nlxlrcti

h l ft "ir nnd'k U M l a i 'r. .UUHKI'iJ NIIIIIK |iln Unit tittrllt vlulit

diurt Wn*t, Itnvo >Ulnn Ah'U.ml *hd k Mir tier of tlm *«ii1tl U | l l l | U t l |tl ^ | l | t m tiln |lg« ixirti twiiBnil

tM iiiinrlMlliit'lirniKHlii, IMtQ fiUlul And n||lci>tika \t> • I'oiin tm tit* ••Mtlii.Hy kl>l« Uf Hi* ri>**1 tliitl i i o l)(iin'« I'uml H u l l ) tl [4 | l Ll


AdJ«urnc.d hhvrin'w *»alo.

IN Chancery of New J.rfley — UelweuuThc:Euruka Build lug und' Loan Aeuoc'utloj,

aC. New Bntnawjck, N. • J , Co in pi in nidi IB,md J . Klnler Biout et ula , Ui-_ nannts.—•I. Fu.'otu.,Mi foreclouura.' Dated May 1H.1875. " • ' '

Tbe suits under tbe ubove stated writ ttHudaadjo-ra>d iu •

TUESDAY", November 2,1B75,

it 'J o'clook p. m., it tlio Sheriff1- OHice, in thoilty of Now'BrunsWiuk, Nuw Aiiraev: ' <

M. M.-LU_*AKDUfit •Sheriff..J . H. Vau Cloef,,Solicitor o( Cotuyluinunts,

? t d '

IN Chancery of New Jersey.—Between TUoHome UuildlnKand Loan Aa-oolatlon of

he city of N'sw BruiiBwiek, N J., ComidalD-autH and Jtobert )V, Motlsber ct al., Ue-fenilBnifl.-=Khfa., etc., nu foreclosure. Dated •July 29, 1B75.• 'lbe sale under tbe above stated writ atandaadjourned to

TUESDAY, Norember 9, 16T5.at 9. o'clock p. m., at the nt.crlil s ortic-J, in tbe.city of New |Jn,n_wiek, New Jersey.' . - . M.M. LUPAHDUS, Sheriff.

Daniel R. Bolce, Bolieltor of ComulaluantB.

Adjourned SheriU?^ Hale. . .N Chancery o( New Jersey.—Betwet-u Tbe

_ ( ommis ai oners ol thp _ Inking Fund b£"ew Je.rtiey, Cqmplial_a_t-, nnd Asher a. Hun-ri

y ^ x - al./Defotidauts.-Fi. f90 fyrecloati.re; DiitedJuiy 14, 1876.

: etc;

Tlm aule'utider the above stated writ Etuudaadjomued to ' •. •, •

j t S o'ctockp. m.1, at lho SheriiTfl Ofllce, in thecity of New iiruuswlck. New .'cracy.

M Jl . LUPAKDUri, SbMlfl.Q. D. W. Vroota, aollcitor pt'1 Uoinplaiuauta.oc7-td . '

--- >AUJ"UriiLC<I t^liorlfl 's So le*

IX. Chancery of Now Jersey,' — BetweenA. K.' Cogawcll, 0 . liplaluunt. mid Sumuel

(Jurlton and ul_.. DefcudauLfj,—FL Fa., otc,on ton;closure. Dated April 7, 1S75. .

the Hate uudor the above'-tatvd writ fltandBidiourued to '

TUESDAY, November a, isrp,at 3 o'clocfc'p'm., at the tfiierifl's oflice, ill the

Of New liruusH-ick, Keiv Jersey.

M. M. LUPARUOS, Sberifl,'A.. K. Cogswell, iJoUcltor''of (Jomplaiu-

aut, " • • : .'' i . - - - ' ou7;td

SHKRIFP'S SAI_tC.—In Chanceryof New Jenioy.—Between IIEIIMAN O. IJEUO,

fliinilijistrntor, Com plain tint, uud 9A111JKL V. HOFr'-M AN et al., DurwidantH.—Fi. l"a Ieaued Au«viat lfl,

• 1 8 7 V ' . • • • • • • • -1


Hy virtue of Me flbov minted writ, to UIB directed,I will u-i>0He tb mile ut inibllo vuuduo, on

• TUKHDAY, KOVEMBKll 'i] A. D. 187B,

it 2 o'clock p. in., al tlio Bhorift"fn OlUou, Iu thu city ofNew-Jirunawtck,- Now Jcrney: •*

"All thoao corialu tructa, nurcela of lund aud ])sea Hitiiati1, lying sUd being Iu l'i&Jiit&way townsliip,iu tbo county or Middleem and Btule ot" KBW Jcraey.to wit: All that certolii _rl_t mill, lot and tract oflund bt'jjiuuiuH ul tho ln'titi of tliu poud heluuyiiig tofluid mill, oii/tlm westerly sldf, Histteu fevt dimuutfrom tliu -utu \nmd \ theuco ruuuiiiK dowu the wimoto tlie uilll.at a IIMIUK'O, of ulstuuu feet-from llio

lid the wlioln of tli« Jtitemititltatu nnaoo; thunuu tothe mill run uud clown tliu mime tu the ItariUiu ItlvtBtUl oljBorvliiK tlio Hjiacoor Blxteou feet between-tlirun mnl tlio lino; thtjnv'o crosaiufj tho run to u diituuco of ulxtui'ii tecit on the otlier aldu of tho saint ;tbcuco ruubiliy up tlio run ou tho cuutbrly tldu totliu roud tJmt It'inln from Itnrltiin I-audkig to Now

bridge, utlil bbucrying tho wliulo O.H-tuuco, tlio aforiti.id mmcu uf alxteeu fuel, from llio

; thciico Boutticrfy until acrOHs .this •wunte n m ;thouco tunning up tbe \\aaln run uloug tho-l>iiuk totfiu oaaterly Hldu ut tlic tumblliig daiii; tlieuco up thumill poud until directly oppouito thu beyluuiug; utlllobserving tliu HI>UCO of uUtoi'ii fiict from the pbud ;tlio whole of tho way tlicncsucroBB the heud ofpoail totliuplitcQ cjl.l'ojjiuuiug. . . .

Alno tliOBO two'otli6r ocrulu lota or laud flnd prcm-QH, ionuvrly Joliiii'yuU'e, uud udjolulug t!io _riHt

mill tract hcrflnbufurcsdcBcrlbcd. tlio Hr»t of wulchuld lotn botflus at n, Bllvor bciuh, iKlug the Houther-uoat coruir.of OtfHRU rurnior's. gurtleu; thoucuiun(h Ihirty-four dCffrt-'ta past, sixty-nine fotrcroHa-n_ tbt-roud to a. liuttotiwooil trco; tlioucu uoith

toity-aovtii dcyreca auJ 11/ty mltmtcti t_Ht, two hu:. . iq.oiKbtyi'-oVtp.a.wJnc.truc^rliuhiti.thcm

north illty-ont! Uvtfrui'H'euBt, oiii'liuntlred aud elghty-Boveiifct'tto a guliy; tbeti_u uyrlli thirty-three de-irccH tuu minuter wi'Bt, Utty foot to a ci-tlur adjoiniiK the ruu<l; tliL-tico Buutb fot-ty-dnht" degrcos twtnmdrLd and tliirty-thnjo fovt to a Htuku; thcueutortli eiKlity-Bovwi ttcgreea forty' minutes went,

nluety-ei_ tit fnut to a corner of Ocornu I'ariucr'a (jar*doii; tlii'iicc nloug thu Baiuu euutli forty-elglit Uc-gruoa thirty Hiluutuff voht, VDO huihlVcd and twentythrvt! foot lo tbu bey!lining.

Thu BCCOUII lot'bugliiH ut thelcorner 'of SaniiiDiDimbum'H-tenet), .at tho road Unit Jt-uds frour'UiutiuiiHU (i) tlio ul'uii'gttld t'i'iat mill ; tliunce uouil. forty.ouo di'^reea forty, uilttutca west, ll\o clinlna thirty-nine liulid to u comer ' Iu tho roud; tbenco Boutii

liy degroea eaal, two cliuhiH eiuht>'-two' ' " - " •' -".y-thfee

. n , - Ins imdjlgJlty-twq liukrj to an applo troo Htumlt'ig ouo rodIrom thu mill pond; thuituu u[-tho jioud tiio liiGutuot caurBCH thereof, obautvlug thu diettnto of UU'rod tboioflom, BIX cimiui. tiglity-livu liuka t<f L ,cedar, 'being'the* corner of 'fluid Duuh_uJ>_Sfl*,r7?";:tbt'ucij along his lino iiurth tUxy-ouo dc_r<ulnutyuif{iit lUilifl to aflluku; tlica.o n'urtfi thirty,ni no Urifm-H thirty'iuluutcHWcat.two cliaiufi, fono Uiika to tho Uigluniug, coutuiuing tbtecmoro or leas, Ix-Inn tbo Hitmta Ire- -•~_j"'l'»rcpla oiluuU UH were convwyeil to Nat haul" •*^i*Vallnce undTunis V. 1>. llonRlaud by Llttloton Kirkpulricl; andwllo, by dtud ilntud la .larch, A. \t. ltjuU, and tinniortgiigu 1B given lo aecuro u par t 'o f thy iiurcboaitaun«y. . . •

ToHtthcr with all nnd Singular thti right a, Hberttt>B.jirtviR'tfos, lit'toditiunuiitH mid upiituti-nunoru therfuuto bclougliig or In any wiuu uiijicriainiiig.

Al. SI. LUrAUDUd, aht'rlir.AKDUUW KinKPATiiiuK, tiolioitor.'' 'Dated Augum ID, Is75." - sc3O CUr

twenty degroea tuat, two chuhiH eighthtwo lithe luad of a lurgu gully; thtiuuo.Huuth fll'tytliigric-'opa llfty' iniiiuttu cant,'twov clibln

l i t t l i k l t U l t


AOJournedNKW Jersey Supreme Court.—The

dent, Directors and CompanyS t t B k N B "

, DState Bank at3 F

d Company 1oftheBrunswick v_. "J, Elmeretc

y ofjourned to


3t. ut et al.—FL Fa.,^tc.T|ie aalo of the property adrertised under

sundry ol tbe abovo stated writa stands ad-I t o . . 'TUaSDAY.'Norember 2,1676,.

QC'k p . IP. , *.'t t l l H O O ' T t TTnusw, in frhptlty of New Urucswlck, New Jets.-.

JOHN D. BUCKtLEW, Late Sherifl, *ocH td '

A d l o u r n e d S I i c r l U ' s K a l c .

IN Chancery-of New Jeraey.—Between Ed-r ward- B. -Vau -Uyke,- Goaiplalaanti am'—•-

lienry L. It. Van Dyke et.ux et, al., Dofend-ants.*--F. Fu., etc", on forecloBureJ lJatedJulr 8..1S7&.

'l'lio stile under tlm ubovc stated writ standsadjourned to •

TUESDAY, November 10,1S76,at 2 o'clock -p. m., at thc.ahcrir8p.Iico,lqtbe

iy of New brunswick! New Jersey.

M.M.LUPARDU8. SherlQ.*P. L. VoorlJC'L'd.apllyltor'oI. Complainant.oc21-td ; •

A d j o u r n e d , a l i c r i l T s S a l e .

IN Chancery.of New Jersey.—]letwet;u.\VIl-'liam1 _!iinij>be:!,.Cn_ipl!ilnant, and Mary J.

Pcrreil ct al., Defendants.—Fl. Fti., etc., oufortjclbsure. Dated July *3, 1875.

The Biile under the aboFfi ntfitod writ ataudi _.djourncd to ' ' > » • •

TUESDAY, November tfim. "lit 3 o'clock n. in., at tho 8herlfl*sOilico,[_thtcflv uf NuwTJruiiHwick.New Jcrsuy. J J

M M; LUPAKDUS, S h o r i C 'Reilty & Qrimstead, Sollcitora of Corn plain-

utB. • V - oc7-td

>ale.INChuncery of.Ncw Joi-eey.- Between McRoe

Swift and al., Cumplainant'a nnd JacobE S c h c k a n d l D f d t F i F fE. Schenckand 9,—Fi.,Fa., »fc^c a . t b c n d a L t 9 , F i . ,on forccloBuro. Dated July a," \blb.

The sale under tho above atnted writ stands 'adjourned to .

TUESDAY, November 2, 1876,at 2 o'clock p. m., nt tho ^herlfTsOflic., In thocity of New BrunBwick, New Jersey,

M. M. LUPAHDUS, Sheriff.A. K. CogawcIlf.Soticitur of CompluiuuutB,oc7-td . „. —, .

h a l o .

BY order of the Orphan*' Court of Middle-sex comity tlie subscriber, administra-

tor of the estate.of Joseph" Applegatc, de-ceased, Into o? said county, willed! at auction,ou the premises, <m 8ATUKDAV, NOV. SO.next, at 2 o clock p »•., the homontuad"farmof duid decoa-jed, containing qbout WJ acres,lylm; nt>nr Dimbaui'-i.Oornera, in lho towiiBhipof East Brunswick, ' . •

Said positive to claao th.e cfltate. . •' .. **.. A-J. DISBKOW, AdmlaUtntor..SeptL-mu'cr20; itJ75. ' , p'c 14-0iff

Ml- rllPs fculo. 'i

SUKHIKF'ti SALE.—lu Oliuucery-of Now Ji'iooy. — Iletweon lClCLIAlil* T.

fUUMA_J, oduiliiistnuiir, etc, ol KLl^A. 11. YOU-MAN, dtctaBod, CuiujiluliiHtit, uwX UAUUICT IJ.XUuKAW uiid wllu nn . OIIRTB, doiundunts.—Ki. Ka.on lurt-cloauru. laau.a tic pi. T, 1676.

liy vlrtuo of ttiu above-mlttcd writ, t» mo directed,I will expos© to BUIO at im.lio vumlue. on

TUKBDAY, KOVKUUEll i8, 1975,ut2 o'clock 11,11),, at tho Shurlll _ Olllcu, In. tbe city of_few Uruiiawicfc, Now ilerney :

All ihutctrrtu.a liuusi, loc i>r land and premfaes Intlio city of Now ifrutiawlck.caLinty of Middlesex andBlttto of flew Joroey ; lIi'ginnlDg no iliu nortbt-'rlyblilo of French ttroot, at a [HJIIU illstant ulxty-t^u

t enutcrly from tho euBtorly lluo of Cluuiid hum tuu Buiuh vri.terty corntr ofllie block

or frame dWelllni,'-. lately erected hy B.11d U. Q. llrokatv:aud running tbenct* 1] imrtiiorly aud at right anglifrom French strtHJt tl^iity-Qvo lect; ihenco.i*] uaott>Iy nnd (lurullul wlifa Friiucti llrr • ' " ' ' "

fuot titruut unit

M IDULKSEX Circuit Court.—"eorge But-: t lo re ta l . , partuorw, etc;, Plaintlns;-vs.

fo'j A. Sexton, butldtr, aud Oeorge E. Martin,iwner, DefuuJunta.—Special Fl. Fa., etc. IucaBo'on LUii. Dated July 'J, 1&75. • ' "

The sale under tho abovo stated wrltntands-adjourn«d to

TUKSDAT, November 9, 1575, ' "at 2 o'clock p. ni.,'at tho 8hcrlil'_ Office, In this•city of .New-.Brunswick, Now Jersey- -

M. M. LUPAHUUd, Sherifl.Rciley & Grim.toad, Attoru'jys. . ocf& td

A - l j . m n m r f i*"li_rjilCw ^ " j ^ r " ^ —

"•nnJlilTaEx" Common Pleas. — Charloa, Y_u8-ii,*Pl_hiltlI, T8. George W. Pho-

nU, Defendant,—Fl Fa., etc , oa docketedjudgment. Dated April 17, 1875.

Middlesex Common Picas.—Michael D. Viu-cent, James if. Mocktou and Adriau Oral},Iiartners. etc., I'lnintifVtt, vs. Ucorge W. Pheuix,Uefiindaiit.-i'l. Fu., etc., on docketed judg-uicut. DtitciTAprU iy, i_75. - - ' '

'1 he Bulc under the above ttatcd "writa standsadjourucd to

t TUE8DAT, November 10, 1875,

at 2 o'clock p m , at tlio Shor1 iT_ oQice, Iu thocitjf'ol Now lirun-iwick, New Jursey.

M. M. LUPAKDUa, SheriQ. 'Wlllard P. Vuorheefl, Atiorney. ociJl-td


ctmr,'iia' '[b] Bollturrly und imrallul with "tbo i

Hfbty Uv<J ft^i to Frentili :atrtlun_ tho lino of t'n-nch ntreut twenty .

to tbi3 bi*i{Inning, belnic thu houao uud lut dualnated bB nuuiber luur [i)t coimilnj; Iruui l'luni strcol th»' row ot frame bulUltiv* frutitlnj- on b'n-imroo., tiluwa u. llrokaw's bulldlo^it, _oliift putt ."lie asinu iirmiiiam that was convcynt to the sum l)r<

»w- by llunry i'oat, by di>td iluitxl , reconitxi IMWdli-Box CJerfc'H ofllce, Iii book ol ueeds, pi

And also all that tract of land and premises eituaifn bouth ' Itruhswlik towimlif]', Mlddlem.'* ' counNow Jorsty '• iirtfinnlmf al two uinplo trecnBinndt.

ttie liuud of Lawroncd » llrook. In tlm Hue ot lit— : ; ttJiu ilicnctt runuiDK [1] auutti twttnty-o

miit ono fourth itegreeMcast, Lblrtien chains; tk ' t[•ii south Ilfty-thno aud unthhairdt'L-reL-s west, twul- itns and flglitynlx Unk_; tbinci [oj soutli th i ru

tthrei'-fuurtlia dt'greca'e&at. Urn vtmlns unit tivellluks; tlu-nco |4J south t-igliiy and tbrt'O-luuriht i-•• - wust, nlglii cliauirt und twvunty>niuu link;

[D] north lour de_rtt>fl east, tweniy-alno chaiand llltteu UULB ; thfiico [lij nortli »• vi-niy-oiio ai»a_-li-U degreiti tmt, Gfu-va chains; lho c* |7Jtwumy-twu dourwa wwi, ogbt chiilna and lurtlloka to lliO Jflaceut bcg-iDfiln , contnli-lDg thirty'.

TtiBOlluiKl.Tlm above coursei uro lho tmo brarlngs, tiio

notio variation buln_ m dfgrefi. wenU'riy, as by bUvoy of March, If OS ; boin_ u, {iurt of ibo fiumn jirfinsea convojud Ut uakl Oar rut (J. Urokaw by detnl iMury K. Uuryiu and huabund datid Jnnunry liU, itiG-cconlo i In Mlddltisux O-junty tlertt'fl olllw, 1» *

it li all uetc.


d singular tho rlghti, libt'rtl-riviR^fO, terfalimiR'ntB nnd ujijiurlcnauw* tliureunlouvlii^ or In nny vvlno ai']»'rUiiiliii;.

M M. l.Ut'AUl)U6,8btrUr.A. 0. JUuTBiioHH*, HulluUiir.ItaUd tiy%t Il,-lb75.

CtiiuicjrLKI^T. CQVI

•8 SALE.—Iey.—JIuLivrun <Jl|A

i:NH0VKN, Complainant, and HUTU ANN (JAKEut ala., Duft-nilRiUB.—KL I1*, o" Torei'AUKUII 21, 1815.

lly vlrtuo uf thu above-ulatod writ, to me directed,till ei[>o*K' to tule at imbllc vt'iuluo, ou

TUKHOAY. NOVKMUKR ?, 16T6.,t 2 o'clock |>. in., fit thu tilit'rlirn Oitlei!, In Hie cityicw UmiiRwIak, New Jt-rui-y :

All llio lolltiwiutf dcBcrlbwl [ifirwl or luml ami linnSPS, l i t . : All tbvBfl trs'ci- ur ]n.ruelr. of Uuil ttnircni BUS ln'rulimftor particularly ileiMiHlu-d. nluiitl.

lyliiK' and l>t'Int{ In <1" c t y or N.>sv D r u n U l d , In tliMninty of MiddkHfx mid ttliilo of Now Jurm-y : Ahunt* cirtuln two lou nnd |iurcnld nt Und a:i.t jircn>n blUiHl". lyliiK Bitd b.liiff In tlm city or Nm Jlnimli-k nCon-mm!, nml l»miidud an I'.illown :LuL No. 1. lie;;Imitate <>n lliu nortli wi (it corner ort now or lulu hdi'iiKlng tu Tin man Kwur i. uti tlntBldoff IVucx i t r ^ i , In tk«i aald chy uf HK,

UruniwlvM ; tliencii runidiitf nortli ttntitC *M I'umi

)riicr uMliu huuAiMin »nld lut alid titmidluinmrtli tluTHir; tmmct) north i|ity*ei<vvniSt, ti<Xty ll'H; UlKIlRK ROIlltl RUV'lllet'l. tlftf

und thirty minutes woit. <)ilrty U»U f-et-twi. liul•'iri.ee imr h »Uly liliimlrKri-ea llilfly iuiinit>*a e

U«(ui f>»t and .Ikt.L Inch.'* n> tli« linn of tli.*I in Dontiln; llii'liro iilitnif tliu minm to tli« llm

liuiiiBN KwHila iirliijiino l-itt'ly In Liu* <>,'cui>ittli>ii 0Mrr I*. y»i\Jcrliui>fi ilii'iii-ti nimift Hut mill l lnvtulh.i.Mior I'l'iritmtiiK.Lot Nn. _ lui-.uii In tha uontrrly ildu of Iliirnnrtiif. In mi'l eiiy ut Nuw hrniiftwii.tt, nn HIP tsmu.*t poriur hfn luttif Ki-iMlitrl bt'lmiKlntf t | ( • Ci• <p 11• 11

if AiirlBti bunliniii, dti'iua.'il; (iune-i IIUUIIIIK MJULII>ilyul.>n>r lliirnol Mtieot HIIIHIL thirty Iwu Im't II»

l i o buds buIuHKlDir ti> Joit'i-Ji U. tlrlntf^i It) IK1

TOHlorlyiiliHiu IHA IIIIII I wen. y two foot; tlii'iiro tmrUiirly ntxnit tMrly-tw.i fi»<t fntir lixitioa t<» ih« *tu*»i

nlinnniy two

utfi•iUt! «lnirii1«r ttmlH mi'l U|I |HH h1 ftiMl

h>M i.) ti

•, Ill-rl >•

(I. T.

j |lM. M,

VKH, HullcltuH, 1MI ft.

I M ' I T . H U l k U K .. . |I |»t.i . l lm - in . l l f i t i . , , . . .f|l|l<il» lUo^lty i.r Mt>|.n>uiitl. .Inttollnu, N w J - htr, A<1iti1nUiU o r id J o l m f i ioi i l ir , U l » <>r tli.i RKU!unty ut M l i h l l . " - - , dwrMn. l , I, W I I I U M I K»l |»y ,

hunuKolf i I'f <)•» ini'l ("MHity ur M I . I . H ^ . i ,li^H'l.y (>Mi>r •« ' • l l l l (" 1 1 * l lrt * « ( 1 * iiiliii*ti»i'*r

Kiv« [.iitilm i i« . t l '» l i i lli» u e d i t m n tit l l io N<I<I d.»»II 1 td Itrlnir I" III"1*1 tltitil^, (Ii niftltdl m i l ] cUliii**,

, l , , r ,,Ktli »t Htlliiniktluit, x iu l i in l l l i» »M n«iAi«l ) l l i iMli i ' iMini . l l i ir i« i i l t l>n il/itn, of ( M . ..nl.:r, l , fUUiKtil>»«<i|>y Ar *n\*t Wlllitn t « H . t y , U y »Itt (lio i ld lc i f i i i ' i . l Iu n*M» i'f Mi') MHiNl t*i|l»H|l l*U<<>«Ml<l r-uuiiU lur Hi" « | .*c imr I w o ulft*, »u<l *Uu

Wi' i t l lMi fUi" M'l'iif-.r tliti Ilk* •!-•.}« ut tlttm InMM-'I " " • Mf III" l>l!W»f">I»»"t |>llllll-<t (it till*

Ant tf «nf rifdllA* »htUti«vt4U M M M D I I

i»|*J.n mini tnt liMiti tl'U tl-lH* d*y •10.

S u l c .

IN Chancery of New Jeraey. — Between. The Waslifnijton life Ineurauce Company,

Complufimnt-, dud darah K. tjmtth et al , D_-I'endiuits.—FI. Fa., etc , ouforuclb-ure. DatedJuly^'J, 1S75.. The B_1Q uudcr tho above Btated writ standsadjourned to • "

TUESDAY, November 10, 1875,at 2 o'clook p. m.t at tho Sheriff. Office, In thecity of New Brunswick, N«w Jersey.

M. M. LUPJBDU.-*, Sheriff.II. M. LummlH, Solicitor ol Complainants.oc2I-td •

. A d j o u r n e d S h e r i l T ' s S u l o .

M IDDLESEX Circuit Court.—John Scully,rialiitllT, T3. Auffuatua'HatflB'd, De-

feutiAnt.—KL'Fa., etc. Dated April ai,1 1875.Tho aule unduntho nboTO stated writ stands

adjourned to' '

TUESDAY, Noremher 2, 1875,at 2 o'clock ii. ra., at (ho Sheriff's oillce, In -thocity- of Now Brunswick, New Jersey.

M. M.'LUPAUDUS. Sheriff.CIiBa. Morgan, Attorney. oolil-td

ex'OrphuiiM* Court. 'SEPTEunEn T E H U , 167&, ' ;

in ihn mnttrr of the flnsl account of Frederick Farr,one of the oxocuturs'of Uoorge Vaxe, tlec*»tt«d.—Hubtu shuw cause. • . , . . .

Kri-derlclc Farr, one of tb© ezecotors of Oooi'gaFarr, deceaBod, h_Tln_ jirveented UH petition to tht»(,'wun, aeHln_ lorib tuat a ml stake w u mada In hlaOCCOUDU), as such cxm-utur, hfrotoiorv all'>wod by thti_o_rt, and 'pray Inn that Ilia Bold account may b«- iwood nnd ri'BtaUd, correcting tucb, ml iuko : -

It IsoKdcrid, itiAt all piTMona liitcrt'sted In t_o ea-tito of nald Oisorjft) Farr, (U-ctia8«l..Bhoir causo boforatills Court,at ibo Court Homo In.lhii city of New"runswlck, on Monday, tbo ulglith day of NoTtmb^r

•it, at 10 o'clock In iho iorunonn, why tbo eald » oiuttt should not bo o|>ouoi and reaetttol. .Aud It Is further ordered, tiiat riotlce bo SITPB of

thla ord'-r by ptlttlhUIng ihs HHUIO n th« _fuw llruna-rick "Fredonuu" and tb.< Now llruiumlck Ti«x«,no* (i wot t In ench and every week preceding ialal b hdnyorNovember.Unted Ociolwr 16, 1676.

By tliu..ourt.

uoonnninuK BTKONO.-KLI1IU COOK, : I

A. I). ltUOW-T.A. j.uuiruov,

iTndgea.oclfl-oAwnwtd » •.•••• i . , . , * »

SIIEUIKKM i$ALK.-^la.ChanceryorN<iwJtT6oy.-it«twpcnUlA'U. VOQUilKVrt,

ComilBlDttttaiid 1ACO1ITAN itKKVKKIt U A ' L HS

orN<iwJtT6oy.-it«twpcnUlAU. VOQUilKVrt,ComiilBlDtttit.aiid .1ACO1ITAN itKKVKKIt, UA'LKH11. VAN DKKVKKII _t nf., OpffiidantB.—Xi. Fa. ou•orecloaurn. lusucd August V0,1_ .&.

Ity vlrttiti of tliv aLn>y« dtatnl writ, \P ma dlreotod, Iwill L'Jtpumi to BUIU ut ]>ubllu Vfiiijua. on

ilTEdUAY,' NOVKMHMK 3, WtKnt 2 o'dook p, in., at ibi) Oouri Houio, La tlio city ofNKW llriiuswlck, Ni-w .l.mcy 1

All tlmt c t u l u lot of Ian,I, tuWMnf i hcmnerMtn lid tirtiiilh.a •Ituiiio, ylnjf mid hniug lit tba city'oftiw llrumwlck, county and »tat« aftiruaald : lliirin-lny on thtj wutterly eltlo of lluroet atrv«t, H tneMLh cutti rly conur ul n brick IIUUMOformerly belong*

ig tu A br ft hum I). Voorliioi.uuw bulonglnjf luOuorgoIrcor ; tlicnrn runulnjf uuntirly alon^c llio llun of ir.ll

Urot-r'-liuURO and lot otto hundred and alityecvrti'upt. tuoro or h'»ii, Iu lho uiidh tw<it;C^runr of thuiU.ro li»u*u »'id WlUlDin Waluruu's lino; ttichc><'alongurt luiommlbvily iw.lvo f..ot,v uinrti ur luaa, tu thoVm-flaiHt r..rn'r ol William W»ldroL> |u t | IIIMQCOituiiK lila Duo w.stiTly 0110 liQiiilntl and »lxty«lbrr»i<ot, nun o or l<'nt,tu iHiiiits airfeti thrnctt Buitt'iurlyIIOHK IIM- fn«tcrly «ld« of Dtnuils hl^cl tbUty-elghti'dl, morn or l«Rn, to lho lino or lot title or John Hv\\-tm, (l<wa»iii|; mi 1 lln*Dr« tmntsily itlope ttn< Uoe oftml loUlir.i'luiiu'r. it th ' i t r f.t-I, tuorM or leu li>

nH rUroet Hiiii-nnnM; ihi'nrn nonlietly ftlune llur-ntrti- t llliy.«|io ft^t, moie ur lenn, f> lt>" flace of

xV^lniig ilii'rurrniii tlio follow I u« lot uf Und 1 H«-i 11 fi on ilin uunt<riy nld.tot DcniiU mri-ol "ih'rvy-

:l«)il [A-i\ li >t, UMIIU in- lies, to A lino dl Imi'l lit" uf'•itih i\oil.ini, ilt-ivuiii-i); lliniH'fl [li] M»mrly nlonjr linoI nn.td lot onu li-hili.il l i f t ; thiii<-« (thlnl] n'<rili«rlynil i*«dilt• I wiili Ii.'iniUntnt'l (htrty i.lglil I'lH] l>-rt,norr or l-'f-t, to Unit - - ' - j i l i lifn___tVll"r" M/-'11-*",

ntA ; tin liundrTi'K«l t

/ I M \ v td fi'«l L" th> i>U<

i t h >H Rud Kli

M / - 1 1 - * " ,

I.vlvtl.'B.m, |i..r>Hlllnliti»iM«liil »|.mirt«n»uflM tUnuOlli lnfittiiig ur In Kliy^U* Rt'ii«ilal«ltiK.

M. Si. l-tM'.UltlUH, tlhfltlff,U II Y O tnM 'K Oi.ttr, tnMmvt,

LGIPZIGEB H A l l ,No. 231 I'tiaco Ntrcet. !j

• . ' " • I

DOM'll UTAIUl - - r*oi)tl«tof.

jnstu'it itKtmt,myf> ' i

owark L a p Beer on Draught, jAND

•liKf. I.IIN1III /.n.ii ^ iu Iti ii'.lo.k K, n .

lUMIHIJ UK 1IKHT UU»I,I|_ tgniUnilv onml. ' . . I A I -

Page 5: STILL at the FRONT. · Jt "-, „ •!»-* .-• ••«•;• VOL.XI.-NO.10i. NRW BRUNSWICK, N. J., SATURDAY EVRN.ING,OOTOBKR 30. I.H73.. PRICE THREE CENTS..pallabau ,'& fiagertyy

- , • -« v . ' • I ' ,

fe***- dt&ti.


ao, 1875

t'eiupurutura of tlin »Y<iiitlu-r,I T BUBT & BONa* D11UG BTOItE, 7 l'EAOE BT.

" Ooi-OBIIl. 1816. 7 A.M. 12 M. 3 P.M 0 1 MMoudny 2 5 ^ ' 3 ^T U J•TUM.UJ,"WwkiottdayThumday,.FriiKr.(jaturdfty,

Minor Matters.—Tha Court will be ln eeaslon on Mon-

day to grant naturalization papers.. —See now advertisements. on our Bee

oadpage of pleasant rooms to rent.—To-mnrro~ Is what ia commonly

~knowmuT~<*~AlT"HalIow lGve, lT~or cabbage1 day.

—The carpenters are engaged putting thtrusses of the roof on the new Liberty-strcelChurch.

" drunkenness, by Officers Boudinnt and VanAradale, wm sent to jail fur three days.

—A meeting of tho Centennial Committeeof tho State Board of Education, will beheld at.tbe State Houso on Wednesday next.

—The third annual soiree of the Stoneand'Etirthern Potters1 Association will higiven In Washington Hall oil tho evening ofNov. 10.

—Io our Church Directory lo-ilay^will befound a complete list of tbo services at_Si.Jol|D tho Baptist's Church for. both Sun-days and week days.-

—A valuablo.plate glass In one of the en-trance doors of tbo Btore of Stoddart, Duncan & Van Pelt, In Burnet street, wassmashed by one of tbo clerks In.elaruming thedoor abut lust evening.

—James Lamb anil James Bbay, fordrunkenness, _werq arrested yesterday byOfficer White and Special Officer Knox,and committed to jail by tbe Recorder forrive days each.

, mouto men ore now plyingtheir trade on. tbo Pennsylvania 'Railroad.A green passenger a feyr nighta ago was

.fleeced of $3C by these swindlers, who lefttbb train at Railway.

—A large lithograph in a handsomeframe, illustrating tho style of dress wornia France smco the timo of the Gauls, is ouexhibition in one of the show windows ofthe store of Rust & Sons in Peace street.

—Persona who havo not been naturalized.should attend totho matter at once, ThoCourt will be in session every day untilnext Tuesday for tho purpose of grantingnaturalization papers.

— u T h o rush to see them was unparal-leled in the history of minstrelsy." Nowonder. Boston' went wild over theGeorgia . Minstrels,. aa well they might.They perform hero Monday night.

—Charles Reed of Haritau, while gun-ning along the river a few days since, shota fiah hawk which measured five feet fourinches from tip to tip of Its wluga.

Plrat AsMthbly District Vento-eiutle Convention.

The delegates appointed by tho variousDemocratic'Ward, primaries to nominatecandidate for Assembly to represent thFirst Assembly District met iu the parlorsof Macom'fi Hotel last cvoulug.

The Convention was cHlled to orde:promptly at 7.30 o'clock by exAldermatiBuzzeo, Chairman of lust Convention.

Mr. Frederick Staat, Sr., was madCUalrmau of the Convention, aud Mr.Henry C. Housoll, SecretaryT The latteiread the'call for the meeting and then calleithe names of tho delegates, as follows:

WARD—Wm. B. Davlfl, James De-Hart, J. O. Strong, Henry C. Housell.

SECOND WAT.D—George White, M. 0 'Kceff, James -Cflniell.Jtimra NelUon (thelatter not being present Michael Donohu

ever killed in tbis section.— M r s . fiarah Applegett>CCj£anl>ury, who

has been confined to her bed aud nearlyhelpless for several weeks, resulting fioin afall, is slowly improving. As ebecuters onher ninety-sixth year next month ber recov-ery is a matlcr of more tlian ordinary inter-eat. ,

—Compare the speech of Hon. James II.Van Cleef in accepting tbo Democratic-Domination last evening with that'of tbcRepublican nominee delivered tin; eveningprevious, and you will readily decide whichof the nomiuees iB moat compotuut to rep-resent tills city in. the Legislature.'

—At the recent Baptist Stale Conventionheld at Pisealaway, Middlesex county, it

. was ascertained that tbere arc 100 BaptistChurches in tbo State of New Jersey, witha tnombershlp of ovtr S0,O00. One goodfeature of the session was to promotemeans for tho relief of churches ln nri em-barrassing condition.

—We have not had an election siuce lastFall. Tbo Republicans of this city hud anelection last Spring. Il la for every woik-lngman, including every respectable.citizen,be bo merchant or laborer, to say whoseelection will bo held next Tuesday.. If tbe•capectablc masses act according to theirbeat judgment tbo wholo Democratic ticketwill bo elected, because tbe Democraticnominees bavc been tried nnd found faith-ful to tbeir trusts—which 1B something thatcannot bo said of the Republican nominees.

Mission Meetings.Tho following are tho engagements of tho

City Missionary, Mr. Silas Weir, for thocoming week:

On Sunday afternoon, at the residence ofMr. Uendrickn, Itcmson avenue, corner ofBosnian street.

On Monday .evening, at tho residence ofMr. Jackaon, 3^ Water street.

On Tuesday evening, at tbo reaidonco ofMrs. Hoffman, Mine strcot, near Collegeftvenuo.

On Wodncaday oveulng, at (be rc6idcnce ofMiss Van Noatrand, French street, cornerof Suydatn street.

On Thursday evening, at tho residence oflira Phillip, 19 New street.

On Friday evening, at tbo' residence ofMr. Uourlay, Seaman street noar, ltcmscu

was appointed to fill tbe vacancy. Subse-quently Mr. Neilson arrived).

THIRD WARD—James Dunham,.WilliamDunham, Lewis F . Hall.

FOUBTII WiitD—Capt. William Dunhatn.Fis-m WARD—Samuel VV. Bell, Frederick

Stnat, Sr., Jacob Spader, Andrew Btryker.•Sura WAIID.—John T. Miix, Peter

Kenny, George Hendricks, John Smith,Daniel B'uzzco, Edward Desbler. •

On motion'of one of tbo delegates tbewards were called for nominations. Everyward in responding preseuted tho 'name ofJAME3 H, VAN CLEEF, who wag there-upon duly declared tho unanimous choice oftbe conycutlou by acclamation. The an-louucement was followed by three hearty

cheerfl, which made the parlors ring withtbeir ecuo. Mr. Van Cleef has evidently loBtnone of his old popularity.' Ou motion tbe chairman was authorizedtoappolnt a committco to inform Mr. VauCleef. of bia nomination. Messrs. Boll,Dunham aud DcHart wcro appointed asuuclicommittco.

A recess of 15 minutes was then taken,and at its conclusion tbe committee returnedwith the nominee, whoso, appearance wasmade the occasion for tbreo moro cheers,after which the chairtnan-nhook hauda withMr. Van Cleef, lgfoimed him of bis notnl-lation and Introduced him to the conven-

tion as our next Asscinblyuian. In responseMr. Van Cleef spoke as follows :

" M K . PRESIDENT AND ..GENTLEMEN oerug CONVENTION.—It is an honor at any.line to bo tho-representative of tho city ofNew Brunswick, and to bo selected as your:audldate for that position In tho 100thLegislature of-our State, to convene duringtho Centennial year of our Iicpubllc, 1B anunusual honor, for, which I return my sin-cere thanks.

'• I accept the nomination ' this ovening:onferred upou mo, believing tbo cnthusi-nn-and harmony of this convention to be

he lVblngcrs of a glorious victory." I bave not forgotten tho contest of last

•ear, nor am I unmindful of the obligationaam under to those who ao triumphantly

ilectcd me.- I tried lo servo you all faltb-ully aid well, but in a city of nearly 17,-

.ibabitants it is impossible to please) one, though striving to do equal and

exact (justice to all. Even tbe oppositionpress oifjhiscity gave mo credit for the voteleast in the'Assembly against one of myown party who .bail proved uuworthy-oftbe coufidenco bestowed upou him.Iu thes'o days of corruption and profli-gacy those holding positions of trustuud responsibility mustgive a strict accountif their stewardship. To-night ex-Treas-

urer Sooy is a defaulter, confined in a fel->u's cell. By his acts the fair fame of our

commonwealth is tarnished uud our Treas-ury piliercd. I am thaukful Ibat not anyvote of mine contributed to this disgrace,but that I did all in my power to avert tbesdinu. Tbis wrong must- bo redreB3cd bybose who are accountable for the same,

without calling upon the already heavy-burdened tax-payers to mako up the de-ficiency.

" The- adoption of our now constitutionbos made several needed changes iu ourlaw's aud our government. Let us sue thatill legislation is wisely shaped to conformto Hit same; especially that tbe tax law isso arranged as not lo oppress and injure tbepour man, for of tbis fact real assured thutwhere tho scales aro equally balanced be-tween tbu rich and the poor I shall alwayscast my vote iu favor of tho lutter.

' I will not detain you longer. Thotime for words boa passed; thut for actionlias now arrived. Let us put forth ourunited efforts for victory, and then uponnext Tuesday ovening will go forth thoglad tidings from, this city that our portionof the grand skirmish prior to the great bat*tlo of 1876 has been fought and won by theDemocracy. •-'"^

During the1 address Mr. Van Clcof wasfrequently Interrupted with the appiauso ofIlia healers, and at Its concluBiou, afterthreo cheors wero givrai, tlio convention nd-jourucd.

Common Council.A special meeting of Common Council

> u held last evening. Tbo followingmembers were present: Prealdcut Dullart,Aldermen Drawer, Cronk, Inslee, Manning,Mulfonl, Oliver, Sullivan and Van Anglcn.

Tho following resolutions wcro passed:By Finance Committee:

_ —-Tbatlbo City Treasurer be authorizedto borrow $7,000 in anticipation of taxes,if found necessary,

By Aldcrinau Mulford:-TUat John McU'avIn bo appointed

clerk of election at the first pull of tlmBlxth W«nl, to All vacancy.

Tbo Board then adjourned.

Arrested /or Adultery,. O n complnlut of JoHi-pliino'lkunon nwarrant wan Issued somn weeks Ago fur the•rrcal of lior Inubrnul, Kilns 0 . lluuaon,whom ihti c h a r t s with adultery. It appeari that ho dcuertcd IIIH wife lomu. tlmnago and hai aincu been living In unlawfullelatlui.nblp with another woman. Tinwurrant upeciikn tho omudonn of tlo adulUroua acts, nud tlio coui|)lalnant proposeto lure full Justice numtiul mil In her bus-l»i>d "II i>rovh>K him Ilio ailiilloror tbchtrgiil him to \m llii wns nirwtnl InNullion ttrcet hint nvonlnn by OAliinr Whlland 1O<IK<K1 In Jntl In awnll ttliill

Tlio VHCM Ittion.Tho jncliU Until ami WMI»|Hr tvrro unlli'i

down tlm river IhU lmirnlng abnut 10o'clock fvrlholfl'inllii Men In wbicli Ibfy•ro ih« c<^ri|K)tltot«. A numbor ol ulhuryiiolitii Kcoiii|>aiilml Ilicni. Iiifnnnntlin

red |wr K ynclit fr.un Ihemolng gtliU »(l«ruoo[i «U.,ut UirM u'tliKik |iut« ||i>el« nlnxl nl tin WliU|'ir, aUtiuiigU It Iipot known irholbrr they itatlnl log«tli»rt

Sunday Services.Tbo " Sabbath Question " will be tho

subject of a special uervlco to-morrow af-tcruonu In tbo First Reformed Church.Ilov. Dr. Yan Zaudt, by Invitation, willdeliver a disourbo upou tbis topic, whichIs exciting much Interest in our Htato. Thopublic aro Invited to attcud this bcrvleo.

Tho usual. Y. M. 0, A. prayer meetingwill ho held In tho Second PresbyterianCJiiHjch at-I. SO o'clock.

Thcro will also bo A prayer meeting Intlm l'ii it Baptist Church lecture-room at0.80 o'clock.

Tbe UBUUI Sunday afternoon Illhle classwill be,.lield In tbo Second PresbyterianChurcii at three o'clock. The, Ilev. Dr.John Woodbridge, pastor, will conduct Ilioscrvlcea. All aro Inyltod.

Jlallroitd Changes.Tho Pennsylvania Halhoail Company has

Just ordered a chango In the privileges hlllicrto accented those traveling over Ilio roadwith incursion tlcla'tfl, wlilcb I* causingmuch (liHuatlsfactlou, Tho new firiler hasalronily gone Into effect, as will bo seen byIlio fullimlng, from tho Ticket Agent, Mr.Henry (Jlow :

In aiicordntico with a loiter of Instructionfrom tlio (liinrrnl Ticket Agiui!, dated Oct.il, nccdiiimoilniliin mid oxi'tnulnii tickedwill not bo sold fur I mini leaving this BinHun at Ilia following liuuin: 4 n'i, Ci.lHl,D.OB «. in.; ISUfi, 11.41, •l.tiO, 6,86, 7,2(1,11.01) p. in.

.Kxcurnlnn tlclii'ln n-o good upon tlio fol.lowing: 11,0(1, 0.1)1), 7.80, B, M.Oli, II. M10,110, ll.iil) a, in,; 'i B0, II.OB |>, in,

l'nlrli'k I'ny lilod to toll n wntcli yr«tcr-il«y to l'ultleU Madluan of I'vrth AlnUjyWM •nintiid ait • Ihliif-U' IMIIIIK n||rWiiilI hit Hit witlch w»« nlolcn propprly—mid,on wurrmit of Jmtlco Wllllmn Thouiu, wai

In J«ll by Ci.intnlilu Wallt Iu »

WoodbrldgtLocated about 10 miles east of tbis city,

and midway between the cities of PerthAmboy and Rahway, is the ancient villagof Woodbridgo. It Is about one-half mlwide by two and a half milea long, 'and hogabout 8,000 population.

The village is said to bo tbo oldest in theStale, huvlDg beeu established about 251'yeais ago, according to tradition. It claimthe honor of having provided, ibo first-Gov-ernor for this Slate.

Mining.firMclay and manufacturing fire-brick'and aerror pipe comprise'the varietyof its industries, the extent of which is verconsiderable. A leading member of one o:the oldest and largest firms in. the vicinit;estimates that there are over 260,000 tons Opie different kinds of valuable.clay minedper year, the Income from which reachesover $850,000.

Religiously the place Is well provided for,having five -churches, viz.; Presbyterian,Methodist, Episcopal. Congregational aniCatholic. The Presbyterian Church was orig-inally built in 1007, and is tho oldest churchin the place. The Methodists are the largesnumerically, If not the woaltbiost, auderected their church about four years ago,.ut a cost of.$30,000. The Oalhollo Churciiwas erected about seven years ago. ThiCongregationalism, wh'o are an offshoot frontbo old. Presbyterian Cburcb, have not yegot tbolr own edifice and meet every Sab-bath Iu Masonic Hail. They aro erectinjj-abaudsome church, however, which th'oy expect to. occupy next Sprjng. Thia churchis situated ou'tbo corner of Boron avenueand Grove street, having a frc-ntage of 40'feet on the avenue, and extending along thestreet 00 fcot. It Is being built of Trentonpressed .brick,- trimmed with adamanlln<black and white brick, giving tho walls

very ornamental appearance. On oach ofhe two front corners of the building will b

asquarc tower (he Iowor partof which will beused as 'a vestibule, A large handsomemorlal window fronts on the avenue. Thisw|ndow is being put up by tho Sabbath-Bchool connected with the church, and isn prominent feature in tho appoaranco oftbo building. The ceiling will bo 26 feeliigb. The roof will bo doublo pitch,

jlaled with hexagonal cut slate of variedolors, »nd will bo finished off with an ironircstiug. ' The membership of tbis church,is now about 200, and when their eiiillco iaompleted they .will have one of tho most

bandonmo churches in tb'e vicinity. The'rcsbyturiam .Church -iHralso. tu. have -im-

provements'made Volt." Au'extension ia toiu built In the rear of it. In this extensionhero will bo a reading room and Sunday-icbool parlors.

In. educational facilities Woodbridgo isiot well provided, but plans aro boing.pro

pared for a largo sohool-house,-lhe cost otwhich is to be from" $10,000 to $18,000.t is to bo erected jointly by Franklin aud

lofferson school districts, aud ia to be ready[or occupancy by next Spring.,

There is a tradition in Woodbridge thatthe- first newspaper ever published in thisiltuto was sturled theni by Jumes Parker of

'erth Amboy and was continued by himfor several years. It was called tho Wood-mdgo "Gazetlo." Mr, Parker was one ol•bo ancestors of Cortlandt Parker.

The new Masonic Hall of Woodbridgo is, fluu building, 40 feet front, cxlcudiuj;tack from the slreeLVTO feet, is40 feet high,tod was reccutly built by Auiericus Lodge,

o. 88, A. F. aud A. M.r at a coat o)U0. It is built of brick and has a baud-:0inc Hansard roof of sluto. Tuc buildiug:ontaius stores on the nrat Uodr, a thculre,nd ulllccs on the si'coud, and a lodge roomin the third, all well arruuged aud spuciou?.

Woodbridge has but one hotel, and- thatas creeled before tho Revolution, and

lamed tho Pike House, after Gen. Zubulouike, who wus a resident of Woodbridge,

aud a distinguished Revolutionary soldier.About 10 years ago the hotel was remod-led aud its. name Changed to the Wood-iridgo Hotel. Its present proprietor isilr. William DeGraw.

Among other Revolutionary celebrities,addition to Gen. PiUe, liar. Mr. Hou,

,vbo was pastor of the Presbyterian Church,is mentioned as an ardent patriot, who didmuch by bis sermons to keep aiivo a patri-tic ardor in the community ul that lime.

A free library is ubout to bo built onBaron uvenue, to be culled tho Baron

library. It is to bo built in accordanceiviih the wishes of tho Intu Thomas Baron,

expressed in bis will, ho having be-queathed $50,000 aa an endowment fund,Tor tho purpose of giving to Woodbridgo aibrary, which tbo humblest of its citizens:ould use without prico.

Among tbo now buildings in process ofirection are three franio houses for Mr.Jharles A. Campboll, tho present Demo-cratic candidate for tho Second AssemblyDistrict, and ono of the wealthiest and mostgenerous-hearted gentlemen in that vicin-ity, as well as one of tho moat popular clll-ienB of this county. Mr. Campbell is theleading member of tho firm of Campbell &Co., clay miners aud manufacturers of firebrick and sewer pipe. This firm milieuabout 25,000 tons of (Ire clay annually, orabout four times as much as any other linnIn tho vicinity. Independent of bis clayiunks, which arc quito valuable, Mr. Cainp-jcll owus about $75,000 worth of realitato In Woodbridge, on Baron avenue

nlouo having a fenced fronlago of 4,000feut. Two of tbo houses referred to mebeing erected ou this avenue, tho other onebeing erected ou drove strcot. They aroall being built after the sumo design, L-haped, 83 by 32 fcot, two stories, finished

basement and attic, pediment roof, andcoating about $5,000 each.

Justlco O. F. Newton Is atao erecting'abuilding, tho location of which Is aluitiBtjipoalto thu Bpacious and handaomo resi-

dence of Mr. Campbell, ou Uroen Hired.Tbu cost of Justice NUWIOU'H building willbn almut (0,000, and IM tu bo lined by him-self UK »iraldcnro.

About tbo HHHit Immlnoimi niildrnro oftbo placn la lino recently erected by Mr.Hampton Cutter, ol Ilio firm of (Jiitler i tMons who arn also cxtmitivoly cngagiul Intlm clay IIIIHIIICM, It U ],ulll of I'tillnilcI-

tlu pii'sui-d hilck, hi HrAt-cUiui ittylp, ontho Biiiimill of tho hlghinit ntnvatlon of laudto l>o found for many mlltm niirroiindlng,null emit $1(1,000. II cotmiiiiiidn a inn(iilll-emit view In uvury direction.

Tho MrcoU »r<> not pavod, but are broadand ratlim well laid out.

Thorn am good rnllroul fnr||ll|i«, anil•inaltonl water coiiimiinlcntliiu, tlm latinl»l»K by IIIMIH o[ WIKHIIIIUIwhich lit capablu of act'iirniiiodnllng vcnRfllHo( M iniinh »« iilnn fi>«| ilrm^hi. Ii ynili/iIn width Iriiin 'ID trot In VOU furl mnitI tl t II l l into


—ICIeolloo lieJl T

Ira* titan tivn mill* lonf,Htslen Island Uoutxt.

In nmwriil Woixllnlilgn nt pioieni a p.pp.ri Id In Infinwl with it uplili ,,f ,,,|cr.iirlit «\i«li "« II IIM nsvor IK>«II po«ir««»a ofItforr, mill b u town much In HM ( | of,

Art Pictures.In a copy of the Portland " PresB " o f

recent date wo find a lengthy description olono of the entertainments given in that cit.under tho supervision of Mr. G.. B. Bartlejiof Boston, tho gentleman who is to have thimanagement of the exhibition at tho Openliouso on Friday evening of u.ext woek!in aid of St.- James' Cburcb.

The following extract will. BUlHce to glvian-idcu of the character of the entertuinmont: ' . " .


The art Btudies and puctomimes given'alMUBIC Hall laat evening by Mr. G. B. Bart-lett of Massachusetts, assisted by ladles amgentlemen of this -city, made certainly ohinf the most delightful entertainments evegiven-in Portland Mr.. Bartlett baa beenlong and favorably known In connection-wittrfiucietjramuBementBrand-hla-bookB-arr "tc^d;familiar to . every church society and. thpromoters of bouevolent objects throughoutb l d Hi £ l i hild

p of b o u e v l t j c t s throughouttbo land. His p.o^yer o£ pleasing childrenbus been shown-In the pages of '.'St.Nicholas M almost ever ulucu that magnzinevvaa started;---That.be bl-quite as suceesafuiin catering to the tastes of plder people waclearly demonstrated last evening: . A fertile Invention, a quick eye-for artistic antscenic effects, aud au abounding sense cbunior are reinforced by familiarity with.legend and story and poem and Btrikinghistorical cueuts. HIB subjects are taken-from many sources—from classlo ' myth,from medlceval ballad, from nuniery rhyme,from the Hues of the poets and tho pagesof the^bifltoria'us.

In all matters of detail. In finish of treatmeut and In general effect the enterloloineut'absolutoly left nothing to be desiredThe costumes' were rich, 'varied and appro-priately selected. The most Vireful uttun-lion was paid to.clironologlcal requirements.If the scene was laid In Venice the specta-tor saw the rich brocades and splendid at-lireuibnt which distinguished the Bride of theSea In .the days of her prosperity; If aRoman shrine was pictured :it was dressedaccording to historic requirements, and tbomuidena kneeling about .It -wore tho pictur-esque costume of Roman girls; if a scenefrom the French revolution was brought up,

extravagant attire of the old monarchyand tbe pseudo-classicism of tho new re-public were represented; in scones fromold-world hlBtory wa saw the clasaic gownand girdle; in tbc wonderful talcs ofMother Gooso tbc costumes which the en-graver bos mude fapiiliur aud probable tous were given ; and even iu that .Indeter-minate timo and place which wo call " albng limo ago aud a great, way off" fancyand taste combined to make the illusionperfect.

Tho eutcrtainmcut was in all respects anovel aud delightful one, and commendedItself alike to the taste and enjoyment ofIbcaudieuco. Tbespcctators only wished itlonger.

Tbe following pro£raranio. was ,given: onthu above occasion. Many of the numberswill.form a part of tho bill for next Fridayovening: •-

Departed Dro&mi—Boat Scanfl.Btatuarj-- Hplrit of Prayer,

- Jcp.ha'B Daughter.Btntuo-Tlio Futea.

Conrtshlp of Allies Htauillab.Ploluro—Tho Ulvala.

Romau Qirli &t St. Aguca' tihrino.Boatrice Couol.

Augtra Whisper.WaahlliQ Duy,

Anld ltublu Gray—I'diitomimt*.UrleuUl Boat Scene.

A vialon of Bhukeapeare.Lovo iu Alnbunh—PaulouiiiAo.

^ceue from tbti Italgu at Terror.

A Presentation.Tho following ;coiiununicatioi>9 will ex-

pluin themselves :-'NEW BRUNSWICK:, N. J., Oct. 27, '75.

COL. A. W. JONKS—DEAJ: SIU—Tho NewBrunswick Historical Club having been iu-t'lirmed that you propose to ' present themhu oliginul copy of the Lc'complou (Kiln-

rifiB) Constitution, which is now in yourttfisscasiou, I am directed by voto of tbucrub to signify tliuir appreciation of yourcourtesy, aud to request you lo deliver tijiublic ntldrcfcs upou some topic connectedwith the history of this interesting docu-ment.

Sucb a lecture, based'upon your personalknowledge of events which, iu their ownilny, awuucncd so profound interest in thepublic mind, and which exerted EO power-iul au influence upou the subsequent politi-cal history of the country, could hardly failio ho of great interest; and, should you

nnpiy with the request of tbc club, Ihiuk you may safely count upou beingeceived by ouo of our best imdieuces.

Yours, very respectfully,GB I. W. ATIIKUTON,

President N. B. Histoiieal Club.

WoobnmDOK, N. J,, ( id . 29, 187C.PllOlf. ti. VV. AT11KKTON, l*HEflII)ENT II. C.

—Diuu Silt—Permit rue, through you, lopresent to tlio : New. Brunswick UistoiicalUluh tho original engrossed copy, eniiclingA Stale Constitution lor Katisas Territory:beiug the widely-known, veritablu " Lc-complou Coustlluliou."

Tho couspicuuus part which tho " Lo-onipton Couveuiiou " and tho surrounding:ircuuiBluuccs bave played upuu trWslag^if Amerleuu politics, I hope, will maite thiB

liocument a valuable historic relic lo y»J rasBociuiiOu.* In caBo-the New BrunsivrcKiliHtoriual Club should ever become dia-sulved or inoperative, for auy cuiiBe, I ask.llie privilege ot haviug tbis parchment filedin tbe rrcbives of Huigera College, and re-quest thut you sec the same done.

In obedience to tho wishes of your club,expressed iu your letter of October 27, " lo.lolivur a public address upou some topicconnected with the history of this interest-lig document," I herowilh signify my wil-liuguess lo do so, aud Hppoiul Thursdayivening, Nov. 4, for its delivery. , „.

With very groat roopect,Al.KltKB VV. JO.IES.

Sfiddlcscv County Farmers' Club.The Furriers' Club of this county wllj

meet in tho Court Uouse, next Monday af-ternoon at two o'clock. Tbo meeting willJO of more than usual Interest. Tbo sub-ect for discussion will bo tbe corn oropu ofhis year. The State Geologist, Prof. Cookif Hutgern College, It Is unilerstoud will huireseut and glvu tlio result of experiments;n corn which have been tried this year onhe Agricultural Farm, In coiitliuiallini of

Ilio series heretofore pumicd Hum Oiliermembers will bo also prepared to glvo de-tailed accounts of llielr experience this year.

Au election of olllccrs fur tbo ensuingcar will take placo nt this meeting.

* A Correction.Tho New York "Hera ld" of Tuesday

liitt having piibllflhed the tiutcment tlinlFather McNamnrn, who recently lecturedIn this My, wan In Now York "n-nltlnj; I*itunihllatn Thus. J, Mcdcogliitli," we are rivf|iii'stcd In say Hint it cmiimltlM of HieKcillvlvl In Ibis city have beenn rnrri'spmidoiico wllh Father McNiuiuini

In rofni'iien lo tbo innltiT, anil tlin revrruuilguiitlciniui writes' tbitt liinli'ud «f being IuNew York al that time, as wn» nllognl, Im

i "snug In tlin bi'iitt of lViiiiaylvanla,"Tlin wlmln Htntrmrnt in iliMilod In tntn, Huiiuich fur rupiirtN cotitnliuul In Now YorkpnpriH.

—Wo ululeiHliuicI thai Mr. Jmtlri Day.tun, I'lnlilnul ul dm Nntlmml Hank vtnii•ttleltnn <lovrii with contention of tlin brnliitn>l ovt'iilng. In tint nlisencv of bin family

'hli'hui, Dr. MurinHli, Dr. MnMwhi vinnrnllnl mid KuYcincxIlenl rollnf, Ilr, „ „••Id lo W »<mi«wlinl brtinr thin morning.

—Tlm lilnto llonrd nf Kdurnllnn 1»ll|inml Hi tlio I'lrriillJudhniiilwr, lit III* lltslel|ou>», Tr«iiliin, uu Tliiimlay, n| wl.l, Itlinl Hu tuntitl r«|xnt of Hu Mmu Bur.piIntnidiul will b» |iiH«nl*it,

FroH & 6lngls tree plantwT in a tubkept In his hot-bouse, C. 8 . Holbrook oHolbruok, Mass., has sold, in 18 years mless than $2,300 worth of peaches—Bomot them at $36 per dozen and all at an av-erage of $18 per dozeu. Tboy wero sol'rdoBtly in tbo months of Fobruury amMarch.

At Ashland, Oregon, George Miller.hastieen exhibit ing a steer 19 bauds high, 20feet fiom tip to. tip, und estimated to weigh,wUJHat, fl.OOO pounds. Ho is really ailclemant of a Bteer, and his liamo it is *' TbLostVlliver Ranger." .- . . .

CITY 1 '1' I-: itl ti.

YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE.Hare you any excuse for suffering with

Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint! Is thereany reason why you should go ou from daylo-day—complaiuiug—wlth-Sour—Stomaclr;Sick iieadache, Habitual Costiveness, pal-pitation of the Heart, Heart-burn, Water-brash, Gnawing and burning pains at thpit of the Stomach, Yellow Skin, CoatedTongue and disagreeable taste in the mouth,Coining-up-of- food- after -eating, -Lowspirits, etc.? No I It is positively youruwn fault If.you do. Go to your Druggist,Van Pelt & Co., Rust, Vau Dcurseh orWells; aud get a Bottlu of GUEEN'B AUGUSTFLOWER for 75 cents. Your cure is certain,but if you doubt this, get a Sample Bottl'"for 10 cents and try It. Two doses will rc-ieve you. ; •

Tbe best collar ever made Is the Kimwood. It ills better and looks better thanany other* For sale ut Mrs. F. Wulling's,No. 105 NeilBou street, between Palersonand Church streeis. '*yiiM)

Can't go to church. Why not ? Otrlmy cou^b would disturb the congregation.Cure It tben with "Halo's Honey of Hore-.houpd and Tar," a p«re vegetable remedy,Unfailing as tbo sun and mild and harmlessas the Hummer air. Sold, by all druggists.Piko'a toothache drops cure in one min-u:o. . . seS04w


DR. MoRRii)' S t imp- or TAB, WILDIIIKBUI- and HoRuiioupD has never been

kuowu to fail in permanently curing .obsti-nate Coughs, Colds, Croup,' WhoopingCough, nor auy diseases of tho respiratoryorgans —uud It does It too at once ! If isnot necessary to take It for a long timq' be-fore you can discover its beneficial effects.Its sale iu this community is immense, anditsjjopularlly uulversal. It should not beeflissed with compounds put up by inex-perienced bands. It is positively guaran-teed to bo composed of tbe purest uud bestmaterials, and prepared In a.scientific man-ner and to always give satisfaction. Do not"ail to give Ihis great and potent remedy atrial. It will not and cannot disappointyou. Try it once. Ask for Dr. Morria1

Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and- Hprebound,and take none other. Trial Bize,"l0 cents.Sold by C. O. Wells and R. G. Vau Pelt&Co. _, .de22 ly

"Master your cough at once with Halo'sHoney of ilorehouud and Tur Every af-fection of tbo lungs, chest or tbroat tendingto consumption is not only relieved but,absolutely obliterated by. tills wonderfulvegetable pulmonic. Suld by all druggislB.

Pike's Toothache Drops cure In 1 minute.oc26-4w

Ilageman & C o . , druggists. New York,aro introducing' iuto this country Eppley'scelebruted Medicated Whisky, for the cureof consumption und all pulmonary diseases.Sep advertisement. Solo) by all druggists.Pi-ire $1 per bottlo. / oc2l-3indaw


ing service at 10.30; evening at 7.80. Sun-Jay-Ecbool at 2 in tho afternoon.

Weekly meeting^ Tuesday tuid Thursdayiveniiigs:

LinKiiTY-STitEET (Roy. J. S. Phelps).—Morning service nt 10.30; evening at 7.30Suudny-ocbool.ata and prayer meeting a0.30 p. in.

Lcclui-e ou Tuesday evening, and claswmeetings ou.Wednesday, Thursday aud Frl-dny eveuings.

PITMAN (Hev. D. II. Shock's).—Morn-ing service nt 10.30; cveulng nt 7.80. Buu-Jay-scbool at 2 in tbu afternoon.

Class meetings ou Monday, Tuesdaymd Wcduesday, aud lecture ou Thursdayivening.

MOUNT ZION AKUIOAN (Rev. Mr. Davis')Morning service ut 10.30; afternoon at3-3O.Sabbtilb-scbool at 2 p m,

BAPTIST.FIIMT (Rev. Heury F. Smitli's)—lloni-

mg service at 10.30; eveuiumat 7.30. Sun-Jay-sch(®l at 2 |n tho nfternoon. ..Young»;ople'a prayer meeting at 0 80 p. m.

Meetings Tuesday and Thursday evenings.liUMSKN AVENUB (HeV. A. E. Wafllc's)—

Miiniiug servico at 10.30 IL in. and 7.80 p.in. Youth's prayer meeting at 6.30 p. in.Sunday-school at 2 p. iu.

1'niyer meeting on Tuesday and lecturein Thursday evenings.

KOMAN CATnOLIO.ST. PETEH'S (Rev. Father Ilogcrs

lud Kuv. P. F. Downcs)—Sunduys,Uusses ut 7} a. m. ; clilldrcns' Muss at

a. m. ; High Mass at 101 a. m. ; Chris-;ian Doctriuo at 2 p. in.; Vespers (Sum-ncr) at 3 p. in., (Winlor) at 7J p. m.,llaptisma 1 p. in. Week days, Mosses 7ind 7J a. m. Baptisms 7J a. in.

KT. JOHN TUB BAPTIST (Hev. FatherHartcns'). Sundays—First Moss, Summer,it 8 a. in.; Winter, 8,80. High Ma»B utIU.30. Gospel read aud explained in Gor-inau. Sermon In aermam Christian Doc-iriuu at 2 p. in. Vi'Bpers and Benedictionat 3 p. in. Lust Sunday in the month,Dovollons for tho poor souls Iu Purgutoryat 7.30 p. m. •

Uo'y Days of Obligation—First Mass at1.16 n. m. High Muss at 10 it. m. Even-ng Devotions at 7. 30 p. m.

Week days^Masa for the school childrenit H a. m.; Whit hymns by the children.


)iinduy services—Sermon at 101 a. m.Ivcnlng sorvlco at 0. Sunday-school atp. m.Prayers Wednesday dud Friday mornings

it 10J o'clock.Sr. JuuVu Cunnoii (Rov. Charles E.

['helps');1' Sunday services—Mormon at IO|m. and 7J p m. Sunday-school at 4


FIIUIT— (Hev. Thulium Nlcolls, |m»lnr).iindaynorvlcesat 10.80 11.111. and 7.80 p.m.Church meeting Tuesday evening.HIOOND—Ilev. Dr. John WiKidbtldgc, pa«-

or. Sunday services at 10.110 a. m. and1.01) p. m.

Weekly meetings Tuesday and ThuriidayivenlngH.

UIWOUMKI),Finirr (Rov. Dr. Hlcclo's)—Morning nor-

ilni at 111.110; ufliniooii nt il.in. Hublmlh-iiluiul nt U In thu nfternoon. I^cturu ouI'uniday livening.

HIONII (lt.iv. C. I), llartrimft'n)—Morn-m:i vleo at 10.110. Evening WTVICO nt

'.30. Hnlilintli mihiKiI nt (1.16 H. in.Hoi vlcrn during tlm wi.mk—I'myrr inwit

Ing Turadny al 7.110 p. m. I t-vtiti-o oilTliiuHiluy al 7. IK) p. in.

Tiiiitn, Uullihtn nlri'i'l (lluv. Pruf. Olmrlcslnyor, I). I)., l'««lnr) • Hitblintliitiiivhcimt(Mill n. in, and 11,1111 p. in, 1'inyer lilc.it

Ing uu Wcdncndity al 7.1)0 o'clock \i. in,Ilr, JuiiH'n (IKIIMAH lUninMKii, norimr nf

leuic.e IUMI Alljiuiy i. In .In. (Cbnrlin Hank,I.If) Hlllldnjl SITvllTK Kt III. 110 a, III.

mill 7.11" p, in. HuiiiliiynclKiiil »| II n, m.Y, M. (I. A.

lliKinw Ni>. 'IH (.'hiiruli nitwit | n|imi n»rryilny imt-t'pl Mniidny fr'Hii I) a, in to IO p, m,Ikiullnn tiioui fien In all, Mlnnry nprnMoiidnv, Wiidnwlny mid Ililuiiliiy nfioi.H W M /mm II In Oi AIM) Wmlunxlity mid lintiirilny" itvwilngf fimii 11« II,

Jli.iitiily liiMtluB» of tin AMUHUHOM held•I Ilin ttKKit* tUlrU I'rldny •tuning o( f »chmonlh,


O O' 8 N N N E- H E.0 OB BN N N K . E II B

O S 1 » | « B "It S U BO BS3 N S EEEE Ii IS 839

New York

CHEAP STORE37 Church Sf,,


We aball exhib't many nevr and doeiriblootli oi the latust Iaportatious.'

MILLINERY QOODPA. complete iwsortmont of IUhbons,"1 Silks,

Velvots und Sathft, l'aria Flowcr«aud Feathers,Straw and i'olt I^is .

RIBBONS.15,000 jards Fancy Sash Rlbbona at 25c yard.7-inch all Kill: Hash Ribbons, S c yard, all

colors. 7-inch all silk Oros Groin, HSo yard, allcolors. Bonnet and Trimmlug lllbbons in al.the new colors, Silks for Bonnot Trimmings

FELT HATSIn all tbo ncwsliadosandBhapcs—Drab, Prune,Brown, Marine tllue and Black.

5IH) doien American Folt IlatB ot 45c. FinFroach Felt Hats at 85c.

PPPP OOO 883 K N EKKK KKRE" IP • P O O 8 8 N N K It I t" £f . P O 0 8 8 NN N K I! K' 8PPPP O - O 8 H N N K - E E B 8

P O O 8 N N N KEEE BEKIt 8O O 8 S N N N K It KO O S I K K K I ' . I R SO O S f l N N K E B S B

0 0 0 883 N N KEEE U B 833



Ladles' whlto Cot»on Ho»e, good quality,at », 10 and 12o. Ladles' white Cotton Hoso,lull regular made.: 250 pair L-idios' Strlpcilloso, Sflc pair. Ciilldre'.'s Striped Hoso, inwoolen and cotl*n, at 4, 5 and 7c upwardi

G.:nts' half Uoso at N, 9 12 and 16o pair.Lndlos' VcstB at 45 and 50c. Ladlos' Vests,

fine, at 75c Goat-.' Undervests at 85, 39 and50c Extra duo and heavy at We. Boys' Un.dervcsls at 3So. BargalnB m Hosiery, liar-

ins ln Underwear. ' -


Fall Opening ofKid GlovesOf the Nowost Importations.

11 NEILSON "Olovo, 2 buttons, 05c p Ir." B O O L E V A B D " Qlorc, 2 buttons, »1 pair." DUCHESS" Qloro, 2 buttons, 75c pair."LUCU.v" Supoi-b, otjl.25 pair.

Tol> Xio t o n C o u n t e r n t«5o. I"iir Pai

Bargains in Yak Laces.llurgalns In Qulpuro Lacos.

Bargains In Valenclouinjs LacfiflBur^ulus in Thread Laces.

Lace Ruflllngs in endless varlo lea. A c»mplute assortment of L.idlea' (Jollars and Cuil'a.

Ladles' und lienla' Scurfs and Ties.Now lot of Windsor &carfs at 18c.Now lot of Brocado Silk Scarfs at 25c.

Inapoct our stock.^. You will find


POSNERsLarge lot of 20-Bono Corsata al 35c.MLtirjro 1,1 of MI.Bono Emliroidcred Corset

,t 50c.

Special BARGAIN!, in our W-BoneSkeleton Fitting Comet at 76a, worthM.25. A large and (ull ansortmcnt of'hesc goods at



Dress TrimmingsSpecial bargains in this Department: JJInck

Silk Kringes, with and without Jet, very lovr.PuNBcmrmo'le dlmpii, with or without J«t,very low. Woratod Friugea, all colors..

Bargain* In Narrow Ultnps.





BKTa and. II AND-



I'oclcutbookd, HiileliclH, Tmvcllng Hftgfl, midtlm lurRcnl nnd mo«t compluto iiBHorlincut ofFANCY AHTICI.KH and flOTIONH In thoHttitociui Ix) found lit I

riTri1 i'p rp pi n p1-1*pi1






ii nnII

flfl (iIt Hmtit








H "11 'It



mmH HH 0aH

IIfl IIfl HflMfl



NO, 37 CHURCH ST.MaW Dri'MWlla, l», J, list

ELECTION NOTICE.Notice is hereby given that an election will

ba h»ld ln the city of Now llrunswlck, N. J.,on the Tuesday next after the Urst Monday lnNovotnber, W75, to wit:

ON TUESDAY,' NOVEJliiEli 2, 187S,

whon tbo following officers tiro to be votedfor:

A member of tho General Assembly for thefirst Assembly < (strict ot Middlesex county.

A ShoniTaud three Coroners for tho'countyof Jf['Idle ex. .

The iiulla will bo opened on the said Tuesday,November 2, 1-75, at seven o'clock a. m. andclose ut.sovou o'clock'p. m, at tbe follovriuirplaces:1

i 'lasi WAUD—At the houso of'James VanUuyn, on the corner of Hussart and Johnstreota.

SEOOND WABD— A( the shop, ol Mr. Craw-lord, In Throop avenue, betweop Suydam audSwaman streeis.

TmnDWiKO—AttheoaiceortheOTerseorofB-rooiT-coriKf-onilbTiinond and NellsoIT

streets.FOURTH WABD—At the office of Dennis Par-

adlne, in Noilaon street, between Schuroiianand Liberty directs.

Kirra WiRD -At tho store of J. W. Housellcorner of Church and Spring streets

B«TB_WjHU=FJrst £nlUng.Kmce-nt-No.-SLugino Jlouse. in George street, between Ham-ilton and Somerset streets; Hecoud 1'ollluirrlace at the house of John'Connolly, conicr oEustou avenue and Somersei str«et. J •_ocS3-8td A.M. WAY, City_ Clerk.


The .assessment for benefits of wideningHJram stieethoa, by direction of.'CommonCouncil been -.an ended, and Is now Iu theollije of A. M. WAY, C.ty Clerk, Tor examuatii.n by all parlies interested.

The Commmaloncr.i will u:cili'at tbo ofllce ofthe Street Commissioner'to receive all objectlonato Bald, asscssmcul, ou MONDAY Ntfv1, 18T6, at 4 o'clock p. ui '

J. 11. TAPPING, :


' CorauiiBaloucrs.

A Household Gem,lie

Wheeler & Wilson Mahure Co.OFFJOB Slf~ "


Noiliing Succeeds Like Success.


*2£5 ttiram Htreet,E8TA.BLI3HKD OVUB 82 YuAIt9,

Always on li(ind a flrat-cIaSs general aaaort-mont ol Qrocerics, at lowest pneua.

Note'Tliis Fact!That on accouut of thia bouHe doing a larger

biuineaa tnun auy other iu town, thu Btock la:fresher.and-the prices lower thrnrebietthen

• • • ' - - - { J ^ i : -• . v -

_roceriesI N T O v . N , *

Iloro can be found by far tho largest stock of



: BDO ins,: corrnna,

.Wholesale nnd Retail.The crowds that patrondo tljis popular ptOre

from among the rich, and tho poor prove thatInc peoplu havo found out where to spendtheir money to tho best advantueo.


V . Lalo ot 20? ISurnot street,

Have Removed

M, 209 Burnet Street,Nearly opposite Post Office.

We propoflo to Inaugurate our nettli'ment inovir now quarters by out)ring great inducementsto purchasers. Attention iu specially called toour largo stock of

Children's CarriagesRefrigerators,

Mats & Matting,Oil Cloths.

Also an immense assortment of Iloufle-furnislilng Goods. Farming Imjilementa, Wheelwrlghu''and iilt^ksmlths' Materials, etc.




>. and Scotland.




•.- p u b l ' c • ^ a t h e 1"u l

IVKW STORE*adjoining (lie old stand, where, with increasedaccommodations-, be Is enabled io meet iho de -.mund»niaue by a lurgfly-inon-aiod trade/ .. ,

. Groceries of the Finest,Qialily.BH6T :TBAS AND OOFFBES IN


N"o. 77 Church StreetVAboye George). :;: . ydo28 ,


deal Estate M Stoct Broier.0W10S AMD aALKSROOM,

Odd F.Uown' HaU, N«Uion Strt.U



Ess on hand lomo ot tho

Best Property in the CityFor Investment.

All iindu ol QoodB reoeiTed to he sold ti Prt.vato Sale or Publio Auotioh.

Ronl Estate nnd Btock bonjjbt ar.d sold.Money Loaned on Iteasonable terms..

No. Cpmmisoion demanded until sales are'"consummated.

Auotioo Sales attonded to In oily ou country.- PasBuge llokota and dralts.aold to all parts 01the country. janl-ljia

N o i l c o l o C r e d i t o r * .

YOU arc hereby notified that there kas beenpresented a petition tothot'oujt of Com-

mon rlcas of Middlesex county, aecordlng lotho form of tho matute in such cases mado andprovided, for tho hcueQl of Ilio Insolvent Lawsof thin Sluto; and tho said Court havo appoint-ed 'FRli-»AV OUTOBEIt TWENTV-NINTIIiii-xt.at tlio Court House ol sa'd county, asthu timo and place at which they will utiendto hear what can bo alleL'cd for or acainat my.llburntiou. " *




incrican. Institute,M it Sit Avcs. it Md d-'(i4M Sts., JV. 11Wonderful Machines 1 Splendid Products IAdminsiou, 60 cts ; children, 20 ct».

Jjcl-7wd .

Theo. Diesenreiter's

Furniture StoreAnd first-clasa Upholstering Establish-

ment, corner of

ALBANY & GEORGE STREETS,. New Brunswick, N. J.,

Manufacturer and Dealer in Parlor ar.d Lllira-ry .-ttl'Ks, sofas, Lounges and Chairs, of myown mako and trimniud in the best and latest•lyle.

Lambrequins and LoOso Covers made. Mat-rcssc-s made ami rc-maiio. Pillows and Bol-

Bturs. Funilturo Itepaircd, He-covercu and\ arnished All kinds of UiihoLjtorlng douo inthe beat manner. '

8ollciili,i5 your patronage, I am, vety re-leotfully yours,hlS-iy TllftODOKE DIE8ENREITER.

D E A F T Saeuedfor £1 aud upwards, p«.yublo in any pait"Inglaud, Ireland and 8cotlnniJ. Also ,SIA

Passage Tickets toor from Europe

)jf nil tho (Irat-clusa Linen of'StciuiiHliinn, atow*;at latoit. ' -

For dutcfl ofBuilliiK ami rates o( piunaitc, oriulluK mono; to tho Old Countrj, apply to

Idwia Elberson & Co.,

BANKERS,Vor. (horge and Church Streets,

•'•M-»'n__ NKW IinUNIIWlCK.

New Music Store.Mrs. Garland

lallfll tu RMtiiimirft (lint nh« hnn ini^iiril k ni>wlunU. I l l n r . «t

NO. 01 CllUltCU STIlKEr,i ' u r ll>n • « ! « <>r i

Pianos, Organo, ShootMusic and Books,

Minimi limtnlmonlniTrlnimliiKi, r.lo,

I'lANOn shit OHIIANtl fur ••!• nn Inaiall.mil* aud for ItlCNT,

I.RMIONlt | l».n on rititolijf Al.KUKI) 0.

Moi lcv In A i t n c l i m c n i .^TOTICE is herchy given that a writ or at-

i.1 tachment has been Issued out-of the Or.•nil Court of tlio county of Middlesex, ot tho'lilt of Martin K. Cook and Jacques A. Bank-cimer, against the goods anu cliattelB, rightsmi credits, moneys and ellects. lands and ten-

ements of John 11 ration, In an action of tres-pans on tbo case ou promises, lor tlio num olthree hundred and luurtoen dollars and norcn-ty-uvti ceutu, returnable and returned Juirtweuty.sccoiid, A. U. eighteen hundred andseventy-five.-Sc^-anL^^CILMILEB B. MILL, Clerk.


OEO._ SlII.I,EIt, 1-roprMor.

This houso has boon entirely rcnovalcd andrcfurnUhod. It contdlna 78 rooms. Tho Ull.liiird llooui GunUiim tbclalij>t Improved tables,rho liar is supplied wllh tho cholcilifti wines,liquura, cigarn, etc. lo'20-Smd

PETTYOURTONSGeneral Music Store,

23 Albany Street,cal'lmc1"*" ' " r"""'' °T° r T a r l i r l ° '" l h n D"1S|-


Haines Bros. PianosAND

Mason k Hnuilin Orgauf.


..clti :ini

Wine and Lager Beer

Vomnwri'lfil Ave., our. Halt St.


Also Imported mill DomMtlo Ch .«»•ml 1)1 gonna,

>|i)H VIIAItl.EH JOSTEN, Prop't.

General Eneravnr & SteDcil Cotter,WOOD KNCIIUVlNO A

. v , ..„• yi«iiin«ftrtMI< f.,r Mn.», and i1,,t|,,o i H a l i l fld

as DMNNia mv, NDAK ouvnon.
