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Strategie terapeutiche nello scenario attuale - tmtworld.it · 5/32 (PTC 15.6% vs EC

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Strategie terapeutiche nello scenario attuale 31/03/2014 Adriano Lazzarin Ospedale San Raffaele Dipartimento di Malattie Infettive IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, Università Vita e Salute, Milano Le Linee guida per il trattamento di HIV
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Strategie terapeutiche nello scenario attuale


Adriano Lazzarin

Ospedale San Raffaele – Dipartimento di Malattie Infettive

IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, Università Vita e Salute, Milano

Le Linee guida per il trattamento di HIV

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1) Revisal of diagnosis and treatment of Primary HIV Infections;

2) Re-examine the best time to initiate cART;

3) Revise the long-term cART treatment plan;

4) Take shock of semplification RX;

5) Management of virological failure.

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INFEZIONE ACUTA/PRIMARIA1. La definizione di infezione di infezione primaria da HIV-1 si riferisce al periodo compreso tra l’infezione e la positivizzazione del test anticorpale, cioè la piena sieroconversione confermata mediante Western blot. La sintomatologia da infezione primaria da HIV ha una insorgenza acuta da 4 giorni a 4 settimane dopo l’esposizione. La durata dei sintomi è variabile ma solitamente compresa tra 1 e 3 settimane. La sindrome clinica da infezione acuta da HIV (acute retroviral syndrome, ARS), presente dal 40 al 90% dei casi, è contemporanea all’insorgenza della risposta immunitaria da parte dell’ospite e concomitante alla comparsa di una elevata carica virale a livello plasmatico. Le caratteristiche più comuni e più importanti includono piressia, rash, malessere, stanchezza, artralgie, faringite, cefalea e linfoadenopatia. Diagnosi. La comparsa sequenziale di markers virali e anticorpali nel sangue, consente di suddividere questa fase della malattia da HIV in sei stadi (Fiebig EW et al. AIDS 2003) definiti da caratteristici riscontri laboratoristici:

1. stadio I è presente unicamente l’RNA virale; 2. stadio II si positivizza l’antigene p24; 3. stadio III compaiono gli anticorpi IgM anti_HIV (picco di viremia); 4. stadio IV il Western blot risulta indeterminato, cioè non raggiunge i criteri necessari per la

conferma della diagnosi; 5. stadio IV si ha un Western blot reattivo, con assenza però della reattività per p31 (pol); 6. stadio VI positivizzazione p31.

La durata dei singoli stadi è variabile, e lo stadio di duratamaggiore è lo stadio V (circa 70 giorni).

Primary HIV Infections1

Ospedale San Raffaele – Dipartimento di Malattie Infettive

1 Direzione Generale Salute. Regione Lombardia

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Drug Free Individual:

the hope

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Drug FREE generation

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Post-Treatment controllers:


EARLY start in PHI (High CD4/CD8 ratio!)

Prolonged treatment with HIV RNA < 50 copies/mL (52m)

Median HIV RNA <50 post HAART interruption (75m)

HIV DNA <2 log10 copies/106PBMC

5/32 (PTC 15.6% vs EC <0.5%)


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cART could set-up a selected number

of post treatment èlite controller?

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50% under HAART long term non progressor

10% potential post-HAART elite controller

> 60% CD4>500 cell/mmc

> 80% with control of HIV replication

2 anedoctical

cases showing

a post HAART eradication

Millions of patients under HAART

HAART and CURE paradigm

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Could an elite controller phenotype be

therapeutically inducible in a larger

number of patients?

Walker BD & Yu XG. Nat Rev Immunol, 2013

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Early Treatment of Pts With Acute

HIV Infection Restricts Seeding of


RV254/SEARCH 010: ongoing, prospective, open-label study of subjects seeking voluntary HIV testing (n = 75 with Fiebig stage I-III acute infection)

• Before ART, HIV reservoir seeding limited

– Integrated HIV-1 DNA undetectable in PBMCs (92%) and sigmoid colon (88%) of most Fiebig I pts

– Lower infection frequencies of central memory CD4+ T cells vs other memory cells

• After ART, decline in HIV reservoir size

– Integrated HIV-1 DNA undetectable in PBMCs in 90% of pts at 1 yr

– Reservoir primarily in transitional and effector memory CD4+ T cells

Suggests very early ART may prevent seeding of reservoirs

Fiebig Stages

Fiebig I: RNA+, p24̶ neg, 3rd-gen ELISA neg

– Would not be detected by 4th-gen ELISA

Fiebig II: RNA+, p24+, 3rd-gen ELISA neg

Fiebig III: 3rd-gen ELISA+, WB neg

Ananworanich J, et al. CROI 2013. Abstract 47. Ospedale San Raffaele – Dipartimento di Malattie Infettive

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Cell death


Latently infected,

resting CD4+ T

cell (<1-5%) HIV infection in

lymphoid tissue

Resting CD4+ T cell

Activated CD4+ T





Chun et al., Nature Medicine, 1:1284, 1995

Chun et al., Nature, 387:183, 1997

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amount of cells

with long-life (sanctuary)

106 infected resting cells

Viral burden 109 of HIV productively activated infected cells

Viral load Billions of HIV virions


e o

n H



Evolution of HIV infection under HAART

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Hocqueloux L, et al. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2013 Jan 20

HIV DNA higher and more stable in patients

treated at chronic compared to acute phase

Chronic infection

Primary infection

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of ART with


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Activation of the Latent Viral Reservoir

“Shock and Kill”

Key steps and assumptions of the induction and clearance approach:

Activate viral replication by reversing latency,

HIV RNA synthesis viral protein production release of HIV


Killing of the infected cell by the virus cytopathic effect or the

patient’s immune system or both,

Inhibition of released infectious virus by ART.

Deeks SG. Nature 2012;487:439-40.

HAART must block majority of new infection

events. Are ARVs available in all the

compartments where they are needed?

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HIV free subjects: the wish

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1) Revisal of diagnosis and treatment of Primary HIV Infections;

2) Re-examine the best time to initiate cART;

3) Revise the long-term cART treatment plan;

4) Take shock of semplification RX;

5) Management of virological failure.

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1) Revisal of diagnosis and treatment of Primary HIV Infections;

2) Re-examine the best time to initiate cART;

3) Revise the long-term cART treatment plan;

4) Take shock of semplification RX;

5) Management of virological failure.

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2 NRTI backbone in HIV long-term


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PI/r backbone in HIV long-term therapy

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INSTI backbone in HIV long-term


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1) Revisal of diagnosis and treatment of Primary HIV Infections;

2) Re-examine the best time to initiate cART;

3) Revise the long-term cART treatment plan;

4) Take shock of semplification RX;

5) Management of virological failure.

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Incidenza deterioramento funzionalità

renale (eGFR<90) su 10 anni (Quebec


Laprise et al. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2013;56(4):567–75

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Goicoechea M. WAIDS 2010. Vienna. WEAB0305

ACTG 5142: GFR

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Andamento BMD in regimi contenti o

meno tenofovir: ACTG a5224s Trial

McComsey, et al. J Infect Dis. (2011) 203 (12): 1791-1801. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jir188

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Andamento BMD in regimi contenti o

meno tenofovir: ACTG a5224s Trial

McComsey, et al. J Infect Dis. (2011) 203 (12): 1791-1801. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jir188

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TDF, PI/r and Risk for CKD

Analysis of patients with ≥3 creatinine measurements + body weight (2004)

6,842 patients with 21,482 person-years of follow-up

Definition of CKD (eGFR by Cockcroft-Gault)

If baseline eGFR ≥60 mL/min/1.73 m2, fall to <60

If baseline eGFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m2, fall by 25%

225 (3.3%) progressed to CKD

Risk factors for CKD on TDF: age, HTN, HCV, lower eGFR, lower CD4+ count

Mocroft A et al., AIDS. 2010;24:1667-78.

Univariable Multivariable

IRR/year 95% CI P-value IRR/year 95% CI P-value

Tenofovir 1.32 1.21-1.41 <0.0001 1.16 1.06-1.25 <0.0001

Indinavir 1.18 1.13-1.24 <0.0001 1.12 1.06-1.18 <0.0001

Atazanavir 1.48 1.35-1.62 <0.0001 1.21 1.09-1.34 0.0003

Lopinavir/r 1.15 1.07-1.23 <0.0001 1.08 1.01-1.16 0.030

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ATLAS Monocentrico: outcome

viroimmunologico a 144 settimane

ns ns ns



p =0.012


+ 129


p = 0.002 + 94


p = 0.008









W4 W12 W24 W36 W48 W96 W144



ti T






Linfociti T CD4+100% 100% 97.5% 95%

87.5% 85% 80% 77.5%












BL W4 W12 W24 W36 W48 W96 W144

% p




n V






•Settimana 96: 7/40 (17.5%) pazienti usciti dallo studio. 1 (2.5%) per fallimento virologico (w48). • Settimana 144: 9/40 pazienti (22.5%) usciti dallo studio. 2 (5%) per fallimento virologico (w48, w116)

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ATLAS-M: Risultati 24 settimane Fallimento terapeutico

98% 96% 92% 90%

100% 96%

92% 88%












BL w4 w12 w24

% p













braccio 1

braccio 2

51/52 49/49 50/52 47/49 48/52 47/52 45/49 43/49

At w24 Mean Diff= -2.6%, 95% CI -3.8 to -1.4


P=1.000 P=1.000


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ATLAS-M: Risultati 24 settimane Conta linfocitaria

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ATLAS-M: Conclusioni

I risultati dell’analisi ad interim a 24 settimane:

•suggeriscono una potenziale non-inferiorità di ATV/r + 3TC rispetto a ATV/r+2NRTI

•Mostrano migliore impatto della duplice terapia sul recupero immunologico e sulla funzionalità renale rispetto alla triplice terapia

•Simile safety della duplice terapia nei confronti della triplice .

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1) Revisal of diagnosis and treatment of Primary HIV Infections;

2) Re-examine the best time to initiate cART;

3) Revise the long-term cART treatment plan;

4) Take shock of semplification RX;

5) Management of virological failure.

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