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Study Tours-case Studies and Testimonials 2013

Date post: 08-Aug-2018
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  • 8/22/2019 Study Tours-case Studies and Testimonials 2013


    Its not easy to nd a good writing

    course that satises the research

    writing needs of graduate students.

    Im glad I came to Macquarie University

    English Language Centre it was a great

    opportunity to enjoy Sydney and

    improve my writing skills. I wouldrecommend this program to anyone!

    Sang Eun Lee

    Yonsei University, Korea

    We could learn not only English but the

    importance of doing things with our

    classmates. The English weve learned

    (in Japan) is a little dierent from the

    one in Australia. We could use the

    English skills we learned in class on

    our excursions.Oyagi Masahiro

    Riseisha High School, Japan

    I really enjoyed my time in Macquarie

    University English Language Centre!

    Teachers were really nice and

    enthusiastic. They genuinely do their

    best to teach us, and I appreciate that.

    Most importantly, my class was

    well-organised and interesting! Since

    I was in English-Chinese interpretingcourse, I have learned so many things.

    The teaching has been so eective!

    There were fun activities as well.

    My friends and I knitted a blanket for

    people in need around the world. I

    strongly recommend the ELC to other

    students! Its friendly atmosphere and

    teachers will help you improve your

    language skills. As I really enjoyed my

    time here, Im sure you can enjoy it too!

    Yeon Ji Park

    Hanyang University, Korea

    My stay in Australia was so fantastic!

    I really enjoyed the buddy program

    which provided me with a lot of

    opportunities to make many

    Australian friends! I love Australias

    beautiful nature and people, and

    appreciated all the experiences I had.

    I will treasure my time here, thank you!

    Shino Nakajima

    Ritsumeikan University, Japan


    Hear From

    Our Students


  • 8/22/2019 Study Tours-case Studies and Testimonials 2013




    Study Tours

    Case Studies


    We oer exible Study Tours which cater to a wide range ofgroup types, interests and sizes.

    Ritsumeikan University, JapanStudents study at the English Language Centre (ELC) in

    August-September for a customised 7 weeks Japan-Australia

    Relations program which includes General English study,

    several Japan-Australia themed lectures, buddy program

    with Macquarie University students, and various cultural

    excusions, including an overnight visit to Canberra.

    The students also experience lectures with current

    Macquarie University students.

    Yonsei University, Korea

    We deliver a customised Intensive Writing course for

    2 weeks in January each year to Yonsei University

    students. The group stay in one of our Residential

    Colleges on campus and also take part in cultural

    activities including a Harbour Cruise.

    Ho Ngai College, Hong Kong

    This group had an action-packed 1 week program;

    General English studies in the morning followed

    by afternoon excursions to museums, a local High

    School, beaches, Darling Harbour, and interactionwith Macquarie Universitys Chinese language


    Pukyong University, Korea

    This program consists of 2 weeks General English

    language, followed by 3 weeks at the University

    studying one of the Geosciences undergraduate units.

    These students receive 3 credit points towards their

    degree in Korea.

    Chihong International Mining Ltd, China

    Employees from CIML come to the ELC each year to brush

    up on their English language skills. They spend 4 - 5 weeks

    in integrated classes with other ELC students.

    Jeollabukdo Ofce o Education, Korea

    This group of high school teachers participated in TESOL Methodology

    workshops for their 4-week program, which included class observations

    at the ELC. The teachers were also given the opportunity to teach anEnglish class at a local college.

