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North Bundaberg State High School –2018 NORTH BUNDABERG STATE HIGH SCHOOL SUBJECT SELECTION BOOKLET YR 10, 2018 OUTSTANDING Learners Achievements Futures
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North Bundaberg State High School –2018









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Senior Secondary Curriculum Welcome to Year 10 – Senior secondary schooling. Year 10 students in 2018 will be the first class of students to complete Year 12 under the new Senior Assessment and Tertiary Entrance system. The system will incorporate school based and external assessment and tertiary bound students will receive an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) instead of an Overall Position (OP). More information about the new system will be available and shared with students and parents throughout the years ahead to ensure all students are best prepared for the new changes. Included in this booklet is current information. North Bundaberg State High School has adopted the values of “Outstanding learners, Outstanding achievements, Outstanding futures”. In Year 10 we expect all students to gain a “C” level or greater in all of their subjects in order to provide the maximum opportunity to select and plan for a successful future pathway. In senior, the subject choices you make will impact directly upon your future pathway upon completion of Year 12. Some students aspire to higher education while others see their future in the workforce. North Bundaberg State High School has recognized that the needs and expectations of those students who aspire to higher education are different to the needs and expectations of those students who are workforce bound. In Year 10, students will be provided with guidance and information about future pathways. We recognise that students with aspirations for the workforce need exposure to workforce practices through work experience and industry qualifications while further developing and enhancing essential skills in literacy and numeracy. Students with aspirations to higher education need to familiarise themselves with challenging curriculum and develop a variety of strategies to manage time, study, exams and stress. As a future senior student, consider which pathway will give you the best opportunity to achieve a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and begin your preparations now with informed decision making about your subject choices. The purpose of North Bundaberg SHS’s curriculum is to prepare you for lifelong learning and successful employment skills. Ensure that you grasp the opportunities presented to you by making informed choices of subjects suited to your needs and interests. We wish you all the best for your senior years at North Bundaberg State High School and encourage you to work hard to achieve your goals. Semester 1 Year 10 students are at the beginning stage of their senior phase of learning. As part of this phase, students will study the core subjects of English and Maths for the entire year. Students will also complete their Australian Curriculum studies in Science during semester one and complete 1 term of History and 1 term of HPE. Students need to be aware that this is their chance to obtain year 10 passes in English, Maths and Science. Some institutions use passes in these subjects as entry benchmarks. Students in Year 10 will also have one lesson for career education and the preparation of their Senior Education Training Plan (SETP). In semester 1 students also choose 2 elective subjects to study. Students should begin to align their choices with either a Higher Education or Workforce pathway. Semester 2 In semester 2, students will study English, Maths and have the opportunity to study 4 pre-senior electives to help them develop skills and experience the demands of a Year 11 subject before enrolling. Students will receive a Semester 2 Subject Selection Booklet and have opportunity to select their Semester 2 subjects in Term 1 next year.

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All students study: All students select:

Semester 1

Maths English Science HPE (1 term) History (1 term) SETP (Career education program)

2 Electives from

Introduction to Early Childhood

Introduction to Hospitality


Information & Communication Technologies

Health & Physical Education Extension

Humanities and Social Sciences





Industrial Technology & Design (Wood)

Industrial Technology & Design (Metal)

Computer Aided Design and Manufacture

Semester 2

Maths English

Choose 4 Pre-senior subjects

(A separate subject selection booklet will be available on the website in Term 1 next


Students will select subjects they are interested in taking in Year 11 to try before

selecting Year 11/12 course.

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Selecting subjects can be a daunting task. It’s best to have a plan of attack. If you know where you’re going, the path is easier to

follow – of course finding out what you want to do isn’t exactly easy either.

When choosing your subjects for Year 10, the following steps should to be followed closely;


Be well informed about the subjects you are going to choose;

Read the subject information in this booklet and ask your teachers or the Head of Department for information.


What subjects do you most enjoy? What subjects are you best at? Which career would you like?

At the beginning of your junior schooling years, you won’t be able to answer all of these questions – that’s ok. What is

important is that you think about these questions when you choose your subjects, as they will influence your decisions later. If

you already know what you want to do in life, great! You can start aiming at targets right away.


Research course and career entry:

You might have an idea what you’d like to do by now – great! Get started on finding out what you need to do to get

there. Many jobs/careers and further study options have pre-requisites that you need to have to be eligible to study. Find out

now to avoid nasty surprises later. Make an appointment to see the Guidance Officer if you want further information or

assistance with your career planning.


Select and check:

Make your selections, then check them. Remember, there are times you can change your subjects, but this leads to

complications later on, so it’s best to choose right the first time. Make sure you seek advice from your teachers and Heads of

Department. They can tell you exactly what each course is about. You can find useful information to assist you at



You are advised to avoid the following:

- Selecting certain subjects simple because someone has told you that they “help you get good results and give you a

better chance of getting into university”

- Being influenced by suggestions that you will not like a particular subject, because a friend/brother/sister disliked it

when they studied it.

- Selecting a subject because your friend is doing it.

- Selecting a subject because you like/dislike the teacher.


Make an informed choice and stick to it.

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The new Queensland Certificate of

Education (QCE) system

Popular Q&As for students and families

Senior schooling in Queensland is changing to help give students the skills for success in work and life in the future. They’ll acquire 21st century skills to support them as lifelong learners, valued employees, innovators and engaged global citizens. Under the new QCE system, students can still choose from lots of subjects and courses that suit their work and study goals. But in some Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) subjects, assessment will change. There will also be a new way to rank students who wish to apply for university after school. The current rank is called the Overall Position (OP). From 2020, it will be the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).

I start Year 10 in 2018. What will it mean for me?

When you start Year 11 in 2019, school will be a little different to how it is for Year 11 and 12 students today. You’ll need to know what to expect under the new QCE system as you start to think about senior subjects. In Year 10, your school and family will help you plan what to study in Years 11 and 12. You’ll discuss what jobs or careers you are interested in and then choose the subjects and courses that will enable you to achieve a QCE and work towards your goals.

What subjects can I choose?

In the new QCE system, you can study a wide variety of subjects: • QCAA General subjects— currently known as Authority subjects • QCAA Applied subjects — currently known as Authority-registered subjects • Vocational education and training (VET) courses • School-based apprenticeships and traineeships • University subjects completed while at school • Workplace learning • Certificates and awards such as those issued by the Australian Music Examinations Board or Duke of

Edinburgh program.

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Some current QCAA subjects will be renamed, some combined and there will be some new ones. If you’re fascinated by the human mind, you may like to choose Psychology. It’s one of the new subjects on offer and is very popular with students in other states. If you love computers and technology, you might choose Digital Solutions in your subject mix. If you’d like to get a job straight out of school, there are lots of VET courses that will give you real-world experience and skills.

How is senior assessment changing?

Assessment will be different in General and Applied subjects in the new QCE system. Four assessments will count towards your final grade in each subject. This is fewer assessments than students currently complete. General subject results will be based on your achievement in three internal assessments (developed by your school), and one external assessment that is set and marked by the QCAA. In most general subjects your internal assessment results will count for 75% of your overall subject result. In maths and science subjects, your internal assessment results will generally count for 50% of your overall result. Applied subject results will be based on your achievement in four internal assessments. Internal assessments might include in-class tests, assignments, essays or some other form. Your work will be marked by your school, and QCAA will then review samples of student work for every subject in every school to ensure the quality and rigour of assessment and results. External assessment for each subject will be held on the same day in all schools across the state. Your final subject result will be made up of your external assessment result, plus your three internal assessment results. The Queensland Core Skills (QCS) Test will not be part of the new system. The last group to sit the test will be in Year 12 in 2019.

Will I still receive a QCE at the end of Year 12?

Yes. Most students should still achieve a QCE by the end of Year 12. If you need a bit longer, you can keep working towards it after you leave school.

How is tertiary entrance changing?

The OP will be issued for the last time to students in Year 12 in 2019. In 2020, if you’re eligible, you’ll be ranked for university using the ATAR. A broad range of courses can contribute to the ATAR: • Five General subjects; or • Four General subjects, and one VET qualification at Certificate III or above; or • Four General subjects, and one Applied subject. To be eligible, you’ll also need to pass an English subject, but your result will only contribute to your ATAR if it’s one of your best five subject results. Your ATAR will be calculated and issued by the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre. Visit its website for details: www.qtac.edu.au/for-schools/atar-information.

More information

If you would like more information, please visit the QCAA website www.qcaa.qld.edu.au/senior/new-

snrassessment-te where you will find FAQs, videos, and factsheets.

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New senior assessment and tertiary entrance systems in Queensland

A guide for parents

The Queensland Government is introducing new senior assessment and tertiary entrance systems. The new systems will commence for students who enter Year 11 in 2019. Commencement in 2019 will ensure teachers, students and parents have time to understand and familiarise themselves with the new arrangements. Students and parents will be aware of new senior subjects and assessment arrangements as they plan their senior subjects and pathways.

What are the key changes? The new systems will include:

• a new senior assessment model that combines school-based assessment developed and marked by classroom teachers, with external assessment set and marked by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA); and

• a move from the current Overall Position (OP) tertiary entrance rank to an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR), as used by other Australian states and territories.

The reforms are the biggest change to senior education in more than 40 years.

Why change the current systems? The senior assessment system in its current form began in the early 1980s, and the existing tertiary entrance system was introduced in 1992. In 2014, a report by the Australian Council for Educational Research found that while the existing arrangements are serving Queensland students well, they will not be sustainable over the longer term.

What about students who will finish Year 12 under existing arrangements? Families with students who will be completing school under the current system can be assured that their subject results and OP ranks are fair and reliable. The existing systems will in no way be compromised by the changes occurring from 2019.

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entrance systems in Queensland

A guide for parents What will be different about senior assessment? Year 12 students typically complete up to seven final assessments in each Authority subject. Under the new system, students will complete four assessments for each subject, leaving more time for teaching and learning. In senior Authority subjects, three of these assessments will be school-based and one will be externally set and marked. External assessments are designed to give an extra layer of information about what students have learnt and can do in a subject. They will generally contribute 25% towards a student’s final result in most senior subjects. In mathematics and science subjects, they will generally contribute 50%. New processes will also be used to strengthen the quality and comparability of school-based assessment. For example, under the new system, all school-based assessments will be endorsed by the QCAA before being used in the classroom.

What will be different about tertiary entrance? Eligible students will be awarded an ATAR. The ATAR will replace the OP. ATARs will be calculated by comparing student results using a process known as ‘inter-subject scaling’, as used in a number of other Australian jurisdictions. The current Queensland Core Skills (QCS) Test will be discontinued, allowing more time for subject-based teaching and learning. A broader range of learning will be able to contribute to the ATAR than the OP.

What’s the difference between the OP and the ATAR? The ATAR is a finer grained rank order of students than the OP and is commonly used in other states and territories. It’s a number between 0.00 and 99.95 with increments of 0.05, whereas the OP consists of 25 bands. The ATAR will be more useful in selecting students in very high demand courses in which most applicants hold the highest possible OP rank (an OP1).

How will ATARs be calculated? ATARs will be based on five subjects, which can either be: • five Authority subjects; or • four Authority subjects, plus one vocational education and training qualification at Certificate III or above; or • four Authority subjects, plus one Subject Area Syllabus subject. Students will have to satisfactorily complete an English subject to be eligible for an ATAR, but their English result will not be a mandatory inclusion in the calculation of their ATAR.

How should students choose their subjects? As in the current system, students should choose subjects according to their learning goals, and what they enjoy and are good at. They should pay close attention to the prerequisite requirements of the courses they are considering for tertiary study.

Will the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) continue? The Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) will remain as Queensland’s senior school qualification. All eligible Year 12 graduates will be awarded a QCE now and in the future.

More information More information about the transition to the new systems is available online on the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority website at: www.qcaa.qld.edu.au

New senior assessment and tertiary

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Index by subject



Computer Aided Design and Manufacture



Health and Physical Education

Health and Physical Education Extension


Humanities and Social Sciences

Information and Communication Technologies

Industrial Technology Design – A (Woodwork)

Industrial Technology Design – B (Metalwork)

Introduction to Hospitality

Introduction to Early Childhood Studies


Mathematics (10 & 10A)




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COST: Nil if participating in School Resource Hire Scheme ADDITIONAL COSTS: Subject to availability, excursions to touring exhibitions may be offered COURSE OVERVIEW This subject develops creativity and appreciation of the visual arts and allows many “hands on” opportunities. Students are exposed to the influence of historical and contemporary art and artists as they gain insight into new techniques and skills. Exploring a range of media areas, students experiment in the fields of drawing, painting, and design and 3D concepts. Student analysis and reflection helps develop a personal style and enhances learning in all areas. COURSE OUTLINE

Various units are offered throughout the course, covering a variety of media areas.

Unit 1.1 – Drawing

Unit 1.2 – Painting

Unit 1.3 – 3D Concept design


Assessment will be balanced over the semester and is ongoing, with students receiving regular


Practical making tasks

Visual diary – written responses


An extensive range of resources and materials are supplied by the Art Department in

relation to areas of study.

CAREER PATHWAY Specific, industry-based occupations for students of The Arts are available for those who wish to pursue their passions in those fields. Skills and knowledge gained through arts subjects are valuable for all occupations and enable students to build proficiency in creative thinking, problem solving, confidence and collaboration. Visual Art is a good introductory course for those who wish to pursue senior studies in Visual Art (OP) and Certificate II VVA Art and Design.

Art – Visual ArtY


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It is recommended that students have a general interest in viewing artworks and a passion for creating art.

Students should enjoy creating artworks using a variety of skills and techniques.

It is recommended that students have satisfactory writing skills and access to a device.

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COST: Nil if participating in School Resource Hire Scheme

COURSE OVERVIEW This course introduces students to the different aspects and skills associated with working in the real business world. Emphasis is on the effective operations of systems that are commonly used within business organisations. Students will gain knowledge and skills in double entry bookkeeping, personal finance and business operations. Students will use a variety of technology and software applications when completing class activities. This subject requires students to be able to work individually and in groups. COURSE OUTLINE

Topics covered included:

Operating your own business venture

Double entry bookkeeping system

Cash Accounting - Petty Cash & Bank Reconciliation

The World of Work – employment, superannuation, personal finance and consumer choice

Computerised Accounting – MYOB (Mind Your Own Business)


Assessment will be balanced over the semester. A variety of techniques will be used including:

Written examinations (theoretical and practical)

Computerised responses


Students who study Business in Year 10 have the option of undertaking further study in this area in Year 11 and 12 by selecting any of the following subjects:


Business, Communication & Technologies.

Both subjects provide students with a solid foundation for any future studies in the Business area at University or TAFE level.



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It is recommended that students have an interest in the topics being studied in this subject

Students taking this subject should be organised, logical and able to pay attention to detail

Students must have their own BYOx device eg: laptop

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COST: Nil if participating in School Resource Hire Scheme ADDITIONAL FEES: $20 COURSE OVERVIEW Computer Aided Design and Manufacture is an interactive course linking CAD software applications to automated manufacturing processes such as 3D printing, CNC machining and laser cutting in the manufacture of a range of products. Through the use of a design process, students will learn to use high end, industry leading CAD programs to create user-centred designs set out in given design briefs. Students will than gain knowledge in programing machines using CAM, enabling students to realise their design as one off prototypes for testing. Areas covered include Sketching, Technical and Pictorial Drawing, Product Design, Industrial Design, Built Environment/Architectural Design. COURSE OUTLINE


Assessment will be balanced over the two years. A variety of techniques will be used including:

Design Folio Assignments – 3 x 6 week tasks.


Class text provided through Resource Hire Scheme

CAD programs – Inventor, Revit etc. Student versions available free to students and teachers.

BYOD capable of supporting CAD software preferable.

USB storage device – 8GB min.


This subject can lead the student into careers such as Engineering, Architecture, Drafting, Industrial

Design, technical trades, programming (manufacturing),IT&D Teaching.

Design Education – User Centred Design

Formulation of Design Criteria

Elements and Principles of Design

Sketching – ideas/concepts, refinement and solutions

Product Design and Manufacture

Graphical Communication

Evaluation and Appraisal

Computer Aided Design & Manufacture (CAD)





It is recommended that students have achieved a sound achievement in English and Maths.

Students taking this subject should be organised, logical and able to pay attention to detail.

Basic knowledge of information technology – Microsoft etc

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COST: Nil if participating in School Resource Hire Scheme ADDITIONAL COSTS: Subject to availability, the cost of attending performances and excursions COURSE OVERVIEW Year 10 Drama incorporates a wide variety of experiences, including possible study in Comedy, Improvisation, Commedia dell Arte, Process Drama and Gothic Realism. Learning experiences and assessment are organised according to the three dimensions of forming (shaping dramatic action), presenting (performing) and responding (analysis and evaluation of performance). Whenever possible, Elective Drama in Semester 2 of Year 10 works in close collaboration with the Qld Theatre Company (QTC). COURSE OUTLINE Drama is an art form that is highly accessible and relevant to young people. It is a mode of learning that challenges students and allows them to find alternative means of expression.

Drama builds in:

Movement and expression


Performance techniques


Vocal techniques



Analytical thinking


Assessment will be balanced over the semester and likely to include

Practical or written forming – e.g. improvisation or scriptwriting

Group Presenting – small group performance

Written or Oral Responding – e.g. review of performance or viva voce RESOURCES

Class texts and documents are provided through Resource Hire Scheme and via access to

the virtual classroom.

CAREER PATHWAY Specific, industry-based occupations for students of The Arts are available for those who wish to pursue their passion in those fields. Skills and knowledge gained through arts subjects are valuable for all occupations and enable students to build proficiency in creative thinking, problem solving, confidence and collaboration. Year 10 Drama is also a good introductory course for those who wish to pursue further studies in Senior Drama.



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Sound skills in written communication (or a willingness to build these skills) Students must be willing to participate cooperatively and reliably in group work.

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COST: Nil if participating in School Resource Hire Scheme COURSE OVERVIEW The English course conforms to the Australian Curriculum requirements using primarily the Curriculum to the Classroom (C2C) resources provided by Education Queensland. Students read, view, manipulate and create a variety of information and literary texts. The course focuses on developing student skills in the areas of language, literacy and literature. COURSE OUTLINE

Units covered include:

Analysing political cartoons

Understanding a novel

Transforming a novel



Creating a short story

Issues in the media


Assessment occurs typically every 5 weeks. A variety of techniques will be used including:



Spoken tasks

Multimodal presentations


Class texts provided through Resource Hire Scheme


Year 10 students develop skills in reading, writing and speaking that will equip them for the

challenges of further education. Results achieved during Year 10 will determine their path into

English (OP) or English Communication (non-OP) in the senior school.






Students in year 9 English should be prepared with appropriate equipment, including a dedicated English notebook, pens, ruler, highlighters, scissors and glue. ICT devices are an essential part of English classwork.

Students must be prepared to complete regular homework and devote reasonable time outside class to assignment work.

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COST: Nil if participating in School Resource Hire Scheme ADDITIONAL FEES: Nil COURSE OVERVIEW Health and Physical Education offers experiential learning, with a curriculum that is relevant, engaging, contemporary, physically active, enjoyable and developmentally appropriate. Integral to Health and Physical Education is the acquisition of movement skills, concepts and strategies that enable students to confidently and competently participate in a range of physical activities. In Health and Physical Education students develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to support them to be resilient, to make life-long, health-enhancing decisions in relation to their health and physical activity participation, and to develop health literacy competencies in order to enhance their own and others’ health and wellbeing. COURSE OUTLINE

Personal Health and Nutrition

Health related physical activities

Physical Skills relevant to a variety of sports

Study of the Human body when participating in physical activity

Team work and sportsmanship


A variety of techniques will be used including:

Assignment work

Practical Work


Class text provided through Resource Hire Scheme CAREER PATHWAY

Health and Physical Education is a good introductory course for those who want to pursue further studies in the areas of Human Movements and Personal Training. This could be undertaken at a University or TAFE level.

Health and Physical Education





It is recommended that students have achieved a sound achievement in English

Students taking this subject should be organised and willing to participate in physical activity

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COST: Approximately $50 ADDITIONAL FEES: Nil

COURSE OVERVIEW Fifty percent of this subject is dedicated to in-class, literacy based assessment. Physical Education Extension is a lead in to the Year 11 and 12 subject ‘Physical Education’, an O.P subject. The main focus topics include sociology, where students will investigate how society influences sports participation. In biomechanics, students develop understanding in the way performance can be enhanced through changes in movement and skills development. Students study two from a total of four physical activities offered over the course with equal time and emphasis given to each activity. Physical activities include Term 1 - Lifesaving, Term 2 - Football, AFL or Hockey. Through these, students learn in, about and through physical activity. They are studied in an integrated way with subject matter drawn from three focus areas - learning physical skills, skill acquisition; energy systems and training principles; and sociological impacts on participation and motivation towards sport in Australian society.


Water safety

Skill acquisition and motor learning




An average of 60 minutes x 2 nights per week

Students have some choice in the activities that they participate in but no guarantee is given that a course will match every individual student's preferences

ASSESSMENT SUMMARY Assessment will be balanced over the two terms, assessment items will include:

Essay exams, multi modal presentations


Practical work


Class text provided

SENIOR SCHOOL PATHWAY Physical Education is a good introductory course for those who want to pursue further studies in the areas of Sports Science, Psychology of Human Movements and Personal Training. This could be undertaken at a University or TAFE level.

Health & Physical Education Extension





It is recommended that students achieve a minimum of a B standard in English and no less than a C standard as a pre-requisite

It is highly recommended that students have an interest in Sport and Physical Activity

This is a preparatory course for Senior Physical Education – O.P subject

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COST: Nil if participating in School Resource Hire Scheme

ADDITIONAL FEES: Depending on exhibitions available at Queensland Museum, optional excursions will involve an additional fee.

COURSE OVERVIEW Our History course conforms to the Australian Curriculum requirements using primarily the Curriculum to the Classroom (C2C) resources provided by Education Queensland. C2C History in Year 10 focuses on eras from modern history. Lessons involve a variety of activities – information gathering, source analysis, class discussion, pair/group work, computer investigation of topics…. Skills developed will include the ability to think critically and evaluate; to analyse information and sources, conduct research, and to express views both orally and written on the topics being studied. COURSE OUTLINE


Assessment will be based on Kokoda and Australia’s role in that conflict. A variety of techniques will be used including:

Short answer and response to Historical Sources exam on Kokoda campaign

Paragraph justification of view RESOURCES

Class booklets provided through Resource Hire Scheme SENIOR SCHOOL PATHWAY C2C History is developing skills relevant for everyday life but in particular to assist students who want to pursue further studies in the areas of the Humanities. This could be undertaken at a University or TAFE level. This subject can lead the student into the following senior subjects and then into their more specific career areas;

Ancient History – tourism, research, museum…

Geography – mining, environmental studies, agriculture …

Legal Studies – law, business, social work ...

Modern History – journalism, politics, military…

World War 2 (focus on Kokoda and Australia)

Links to WW1 and the Treaty of Versailles

Hitler’s revoking of the terms of the Treaty

Beginning of WW2

Australia’s role in the Pacific Links to Australia’s modern day role in current international conflicts



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C2C History is a core subject completed by all students for one term in Year 10.

Students need to be willing to think independently and to contribute to class discussion and analysis of information and historical sources.

Students taking this subject will be required to complete homework on a regular basis as well as assignments.

Students need to bring a BYOx each day.

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COST: Nil if participating in School Resource Hire Scheme

ADDITIONAL FEES: Depending on exhibitions at QLD museum, optional excursions may be organised at an additional cost.


S.O.S.E. as a 6 months course is designed to offer our students the opportunity to sample each of the Humanities’ senior subjects not already included in the mandatory one term C2C History course which is focussed on Modern History. Ancient History fulfils our desire to know and understand both ourselves and our ancestors. Geography integrates knowledge from the natural sciences and humanities to build a holistic understanding of the world. Legal Studies encourages us to question the current laws and their influence on our lives. S.O.S.E. lessons involve a variety of activities – information gathering, source analysis, graphing, class discussion, pair/group work, computer investigation of topics. Skills developed will include the ability to think critically and evaluate; to analyse information and sources, to conduct research, and to express views both orally and written on the topics being studied.


Ancient History – Ancient Greece

Geography – combination of physical and human geography

Legal Studies – Teenagers and the Law

Independent Research Unit – own choice for multi-modal presentation

ASSESSMENT SUMMARY Assessment will be involved in each unit. A variety of techniques will be used including:

Short answer tests – content, practical geographical skills, analysis of sources

Research assignment

Letter to the Editor

Multi-modal presentation RESOURCES

Class booklets provided through Resource Hire Scheme

SENIOR SCHOOL PATHWAY S.O.S.E. is a good introductory course for those who want to pursue further studies in the areas of the Humanities. This could be undertaken at a University or TAFE level. This subject can lead the student into the following senior subjects and then into their more specific career areas; Ancient History – tourism, research, museum…

Geography – mining, environmental studies, agriculture… Legal Studies – law, business, social work... Modern History – journalism, politics, military…

Humanities and Social SciencesY


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It is recommended that students have achieved a sound achievement in English.

Students will be required to complete homework on a regular basis as well as assignments.

Students need to bring a BYOx device each day.

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COST: Subject levies will apply. Cost to be advised: (Approx: $30)


This subject develops students’ knowledge and skills at using ICT’s as problem solving tools. ICT is

designed to provide students with an introduction to the different facets of information technology

by using a variety of hardware and software. Students are introduced to the skills of computer

programming and software integration to produce desired outcomes. It requires students to work

collaboratively and individually on specific tasks and learning activities completed in class.


Topics covered included:

Coding with HTML & Java Script & Python including coding for drones

Game Making


Assessment will be balanced over the semester. A variety of techniques will be used including:

Written examinations (theoretical and practical)

Computerised responses



Class resources are provided through Resource Hire Scheme


Students who study ICT in year 10 have the option of continuing this further in year 11 and 12 by

selecting our school based subject MOS. Students elect to undertaken the Microsoft IT Academy

program over the 2 years where they can earn up to 8 QCE points by successful completion of


Information, Communication & Technologies Y


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It is recommended that students have an interest in the topics being studied in this subject

Students taking this subject should be organised, logical and able to pay attention to detail

Students must enjoy working with computers and other ICT equipment.

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COST: $30 in addition to the School Resource Hire Scheme

COURSE OVERVIEW: The course develops skills in safety, tools and equipment, reading/interpreting drawings and the design process. Students will undertake framing, basic cabinet construction and industrial design. Elements of the design process is utilised in their projects culminating in a full design task. Students are assessed on their class work projects, theory tests and project workbooks. COURSE OUTLINE











A variety of techniques will be used including:


Practical work

Design folio


Class text provided through Resource Hire Scheme

Closed leather/vinyl shoes

Safety glasses

Apron (optional)


A good introductory course for those who want to pursue further studies in the areas of cabinetmaking, carpentry, construction, wood machining, upholstery, picture framing, glazing and wood working Industry.

Industrial Technology & Design – A (Woodwork)





It is recommended that students have achieved a sound achievement in English

Students taking this subject should be able to follow Workplace Health and Safety Guidelines and Workshop Operating Procedures.

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COST: $30 in addition to the School Resource Hire Scheme

COURSE OVERVIEW The course develops skills in safety, hand tools, machinery, drawing interpretation, processes and procedures within the engineering (metal) context. Materials such as sheet metals, steel, and aluminium undergo manipulation and joining processes to manufacture projects for specific needs. Systems of mechanisms, fabrication and lathe work are also introduced as a lead in to senior subjects such as Engineering and Technology Studies. Students are assessed on their integrated class work projects and theory tests. COURSE OUTLINE















Assessment will be balanced over the two years. A variety of techniques will be used including:


Practical work

Integrated assignments


Class text provided through Resource Hire Scheme

Closed leather/vinyl shoes and their own safety glasses.

An apron is not compulsory but desirable.

CAREER PATHWAY A good introductory course for those who want to pursue further studies in the areas of Fitting and Turning, Boiler making (welding), Metal Fabrication, Diesel fitting, Plumbing, Sheet metal fabricating, and engineering machinist.

Industrial Technology & Design – B (Metalwork)Y


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It is recommended that students have achieved a sound achievement in English

Students taking this subject should be able to follow Workplace Health and Safety Guidelines and Workshop Operating Procedures.

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COST: Subject levies may apply ADDITIONAL FEES: Students are required to provide ingredients, on a weekly basis, for practical cookery tasks. Students are provided with a requirements list and cookery schedule, at the beginning of each term to assist in planning for this. COURSE OVERVIEW: Students will further develop their organisational and cookery skills through regular practical cookery lessons. COURSE OUTLINE:

In this introductory semester of study students will undertake studies which include the following:

Safe & hygienic food handling and practices in food preparation areas.

Food nutrition and the relationship to health and well-being in meal planning and food


Skill & technique development for food preparation in a commercial environment.

Organisational & management skill.


Assessment will include a variety of techniques: short answer/short response tasks

Practical tasks

Weekly continuous practical cookery

Assignments/ folio tasks RESOURCES:

BYOD is required to access resource and class materials.

Some basic ingredients for practical cookery tasks

Display folder

SENIOR SCHOOL PATHWAY: Introduction to Hospitality is a relevant and worthwhile preparatory course for those who wish to pursue further studies in the areas of Hospitality/Tourism. This could be undertaken at a Certificate I or II level in year 11 and/or 12 and could lead to employment pathways in the following areas; Trade and Commercial cookery, including chef apprenticeships; general tourism, food and beverage service industries.

Introduction to HospitalityY


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It is recommended that students have a keen interest in the both the theoretical and practical aspects of safe and hygienic food preparation

Students taking this subject should be organised, prepared for class with all equipment and ingredients, including closed in leather/ vinyl shoes and apron.

Willing to complete, to the best of their ability, all written and practical work as required for success

It is recommended students wishing to study Cert I/II Hospitality qualification in Year 11/12 participate in this preparatory course.

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COST: Subject levies may apply.


COURSE OVERVIEW: Students will utilise the Design process within their studies at Childcare, with

a focus on food and textiles, and their relationship to development.


Assessment will include a variety of techniques:

Written theory tasks

Activity based tasks

Assignments/ folio tasks


BYOD – for access to course documents

Blue Card – for working with children

Display folder


Introduction to Early Childhood Studies is a good introductory course for those who want to pursue

further studies in the areas of child and community care including Cert III Early Childhood Education

& Care qualification. Students will begin to use process journals, the design process and other

assessment strategies, utilised within the Senior School program.

Introduction to Early Childhood StudiesY


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It is recommended that students have a keen interest in both the theoretical and practical aspects of Early Childhood Education and Care.

Willing to complete, to the best of their ability, all written and practical work as required.

Interest in childcare with a focus on family and community care.

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COST: Nil with participation in School Resource Hire Scheme

COURSE OVERVIEW: Year 10 Mathematics at North Bundaberg State High school follows the Australian Curriculum and builds on skills and understanding students have developed in Year 9.



Compound interest

Simplify fractional algebraic expressions and solve fractional algebraic equations Algebra:

Binomial expansion

Factorisation and solving of monic quadratic expressions and equations

Linear inequalities

Simultaneous equations

Parallel and perpendicular lines

Equations of circles and exponential functions Measurement:

Surface area and volume of composite solids

Proofs of triangle congruence

Right-angled triangle problems involving bearings and angles of elevation Statistics and Probability:

Two-step and three-step chance experiments

Quartiles and interquartile range

Parallel box plots, scatter plots and lines of best fit for bivariate data


Written examinations at the end of each term; one assignment per semester.


Class text provided through Resource Hire Scheme; photocopied resources and worksheets.

Students require a scientific calculator, preferably the Casio FX82 series or Texas Instruments TI-30XB.

CAREER PATHWAY: Studying mathematics can lead to a variety of career paths in areas including: mathematics, science, medicine, mining, engineering, information technology, finance, business and economics. Students who pass Year 10 Mathematics will be recommended to complete General Mathematics in Year 11/12. Students who fail this course will be recommended to complete Essential Mathematics.






This is a core subject and a requirement for all students undertaking year 10

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COST: Nil with participation in School Resource Hire Scheme

COURSE OVERVIEW: Year 10 + 10A Mathematics at North Bundaberg State High school follows the Australian Curriculum and builds on skills and understanding students have developed in Year 9. Due to the extension nature of this course, the core topics from the Year 10 curriculum are covered quicker to allow for the coverage of the 10A content from the Australian Curriculum.


Students will study all of the content from the standard Year 10 course, and also: Number:

Irrational numbers and fractional indices

Logarithms and their use in solving exponential equations Algebra:

Factor and remainder theorem of polynomials

Sketch parabolas, hyperbolas, circles and exponential functions and transformations

Factorisation and solving of non-monic quadratic expressions and equations Measurement:

Surface area and volume of pyramids, cones and spheres

Proofs of angle and chord properties in circles

Sine and cosine rule for non-right-angled triangles

Trigonometric functions of sine, cosine and tangent

Pythagoras’ Theorem in three dimensions Statistics and Probability:

Standard deviation

Coefficient of regression for ‘line of best fit’ relationships


Written examinations at the end of each term; one assignment per semester.


Class text provided through Resource Hire Scheme; photocopied resources and worksheets.

Texas Instruments TI84CE or TI84+ graphics calculator which may be purchased through the school or borrowed at no additional cost through the Resource Hire Scheme.

CAREER PATHWAY: Studying mathematics can lead to a variety of career paths in areas including: mathematics, science, medicine, mining, engineering, information technology, finance, business and economics. Students who pass Year 10A Mathematics will be recommended to complete Mathematical Methods in Year 11/12. Students who achieve at least a B in this course will be prepared to enrol in Specialist Mathematics in addition to Mathematical Methods. Students who fail this course will be recommended to enrol in General Mathematics.

Mathematics (10 + 10A)





Students entering this course should have achieved at least a B in Year 9 Mathematics

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COST: Nil if participating in School Resource Hire Scheme ADDITIONAL FEES: Excursions (optional) COURSE OVERVIEW This six month Media course focuses on both the still and moving image as a visual art. The course is delivered in a practical and hands-on teaching approach that provides students with a high-level of learning and access to equipment. Students will have the opportunity to broaden their knowledge from both the composition and technique side to taking both still and moving images. Many skills that the students learn in Media are transferable to other subjects. Students will spend one term focusing on intermediate photography and one term on animation. COURSE OUTLINE Media is an art form that is highly accessible and relevant to young people that when studied can develop their practical skills through opportunities for personal engagement and creativity.

Topics covered included:

How to understand exposure and digital capture

The “language” of creative expression

How to use key features on a digital camera

Moving image as a narrative

To understand some of the tools and functions of image editing software for still and moving image

Legalities of images

The process of composition and editing.

ASSESSMENT SUMMARY Assessment will be balanced over the semester. A variety of techniques will be used including:

Practical tasks – creation of portfolio and short productions.

Written assessment – photography critique. RESOURCES

Class text provided through Resource Hire Scheme

Students should own a large SD card – to capture both still and moving images

Large USB 16gb


Media is an important factor in all of our lives. We are all influenced by the media and, in this age of multi-platform, 24/7 exposure, media analysis is an essential tool for your people. By looking at a wide range of topic areas including television, film production, advertising and images used for this, media students can become more critical consumers of the media and better understanding how the media shapes their everyday lives. Media is a platform for the Senior subject, Film, Television and New Media.



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It is recommended that students have an interest in the topic being studied in this subject.

Students taking this subject should be organised, logical and able to work cooperatively and reliably in group work.

Students should enjoy learning new software programs (ADOBE Suite) and being creative with still and moving images.

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COST: Nil if participating in School Resource Hire Scheme

COURSE OVERVIEW Students have the opportunity to play and sing various styles of music, create their own compositions using computer software, and listen to and analyse music. As well as exploring a wide variety of musical styles, basic theory concepts will also be covered. COURSE OUTLINE

Semester 1




Semester 2

Music in the media (pre-senior unit)


A variety of techniques will be used including:

Written examination (theoretical and practical) (semester 1)

Essay (semester 2)

Computerised composition – song writing (semester 2)

Performances (semesters 1 and 2)


Class text and software provided through Resource Hire Scheme

CAREER PATHWAY Music is a good introductory course for those who want to pursue further studies in the areas of music. This could be undertaken at a University or TAFE level. This subject can lead the student into the following areas; Musician, working in recording studios, Music Teaching, Song writing.



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It is desirable that students have passed Year 8 and/or Year 9 music. It would also be an advantage if students can confidently play an instrument or sing.

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COST: Nil if participating in School Resource Hire Scheme ADDITIONAL FEES: Bus fare for local excursion.

COURSE OVERVIEW Science provides opportunities for students to develop an understanding of important science concepts and processes, the practices used to develop scientific knowledge, of science’s contribution to our culture and society, and its applications in our lives. The curriculum supports students to develop the scientific knowledge, understandings and skills to make informed decisions about local, national and global issues and to participate, if they so wish, in science-related careers.

In addition to its practical applications, learning science is a valuable pursuit in its own right. Students can experience the joy of scientific discovery and nurture their natural curiosity about the world around them. In doing this, they develop critical and creative thinking skills and challenge themselves to identify questions and draw evidence-based conclusions using scientific methods. The wider benefits of this “scientific literacy” are well established, including giving students the capability to investigate the natural world and changes made to it through human activity.

In semester 2 students will have the choice of 3 pre-senior science subjects: pre-biology, pre-physics/chemistry, pre-general/science. This will allow students the opportunity to experience the senior science subjects and make informed decisions, while completing their SET Plan.

COURSE OUTLINE Students engage in units on Physics (forces, energy and motion), Chemistry (matter, reactions, atomic theory and the periodic table), Biology (cells, body systems, ecosystems, evolution and genetics) and Earth Science (rocks, plate tectonic, the universe and global systems) in each of Years 8, 9 and 10. They will learn through a wide variety of learning strategies, including practical experiments. Students usually complete 3 assessment tasks each semester.

ASSESSMENT SUMMARY A variety of techniques will be used including:

Written examinations

Research assignments

Experimental investigations and reports


Class text provided through Resource Hire Scheme

CAREER PATHWAY Science is a good introductory course for those who want to pursue further studies in the areas of

Science. This could be undertaken at a University or TAFE level. This subject can lead the student into the following areas: medicine; engineering; teaching; nursing; pharmacy; research; astronomy; veterinary science; electrical trades; environmental science; and many more. Senior subjects in the Science faculty are Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Science 21 (general science). Science in Year 10 provides a good foundation for students with good academic results to undertake these subjects. Students not wanting to go on to university but still enjoy science can undertake the authority registered subject Aquatic Practices.



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Students taking this subject should strive to be organised, logical and to pay attention to detail
