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Sucralose Fact Sheet

Date post: 10-Jan-2016
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General Sucralose fact sheet
Sucralose Sucralose is the new high quality intense sw ee tene r fr om T a te &Lyl e which is suitable for use in a diver se range of food products from carbonated beverag es to baked goods. Sucralose is made from sugar, is approximately 600 times sweeter than s ugar , and has taste cha racte ri stics which a re ver y simi la r to sugar. Sucralose is also extremely stable, and maintains its sweetness even when exposed to hi gh temperature food proces sing s uch as pasteurisation, sterilisation, UHT processing and baking. In addition, it remains s tab le in f ood products throughout extended periods of storage, even at low pH. Moreover, sucralose is non-calori c a nd does not promote tooth deca y. Sucralose ha s undergone a s tringent and comprehensive sa fety evaluation programme over a period of 15 years. T he sa fety database, comprising more than 100 studies, demonstrates that sucralose is sa fe for human co nsumption. Fur thermor e, environmental studies have shown that sucralose is non-toxic to fish and aq uatic organisms, and that i t is biodegradable. Sucralose is a vail ab le to food and drink manufac tur ers a s a crysta lline powder or as a 25% solution in water. T he d ry pow de r is highly sol uble in water, even at low temperatures allowing sucralose to be readily incorporated into most food products. Soluti ons of sucralose are easy to handle and wil l not ca use exces sive foaming under pumping or mixi ng. Sucralose has been manufactured in accordance with FDA Good Manufacturing Practice and complies with the J ECFA and Food Chemical Cod ex s pecifications. T he exc ell ent s tabil ity of sucra lose in co mbination w i th its high q uali ty sweetness means that sucralose is a versa ti le sw eetener that ca n be used in a broad rang e of product categories including: ca rbona ted soft drinks still beverages alcohol ic bever ag es ca nned fruits and vegetables breakfas t cereals pi ckles and sa uces j ams baked goods ice cream da iry products confectionery chewi ng gum Suc ralose - Tech nical Information  
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7/18/2019 Sucralose Fact Sheet

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7/18/2019 Sucralose Fact Sheet

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7/18/2019 Sucralose Fact Sheet

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