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Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1890-03-07 [p ] · VQB i^POBLICJSI). W.M....

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VQB i^POBLICJSI). W.M. CHENEY - - - Editoi FRIDAY, MARCH 7th, 1890. 3TTEKKO AT I'OST-OFFIOE. L.VFOKTE PA.. AS SKCOXD-CLASS MATTKIt. J V. KETTENBUttY, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, DTJSHORE, PA. Kepiibliriiii Connl.v Convention The Republican County Conven- tion of Sullivan met at the Court House in LaPorte, 011 Tues-I day March -Ith 1800, at 2 o'clock p. 1 in.and called to order by W. M. j Cheney Chairman of the Standing Committee. R. H. Guy of Bernice, was unani- mously elected President or Chair- man of the Convention. E. M. Dunham was elected Sccre-. tary. | The Secretary called the list of | electioii districts and the delegates| presented their credentials. The following is the list of dele-j gates : Bernice: ?Thomas Schell, John; Schaad jr., John Line, R. H. Guy. ' Cherry: ?J. B. Cox, Joseph Sick, j E. \V. liuffmaster, Amos Cox, Kerr: Jones, Wellington Potior. Oolley: ?Chas. Schock. Davidson: ?Ellis Casselbury, j "Washington Sheets, Thos. S. Sim-; mons, Joseph Carpenter. Dushore: ?Frank Buek, Wm. Lawrence. Falkland:? I Forks:?Frank Hannon, M. "W. Kerrell, 11, 112. Hunsinger, James R. Ferrell. Forksville: ?J. W. Rogers, R. B. "Warburton. F\>r: ?A. B. Kilmer, J. 11. Camp- bell, R. S. Fanning, A. E. Camp- bell, T. G. McKay. // illsyrove:? LaPorte lioro: ?W. M. Cheney, A. J. llackley, E. M. Dunham. LaPorte twp: ?John Low, Wm. Low, J. C. Botsford. Lopez: ?P. W. Jennings. /Shrewsbury:?? On account of fire at Forksville the delgates were unable to attend. Frank Hannon was authorized to cast the vote of Forksville. It was also carried that the dele- gates present cast the full vote for their district. B. W. Jennings nominated Hon. T. J. Ingham for delegate to State Convention, who was unanimously elected. On motion the delegate was sent un instructed. The Vigilance Committee appoint- ed for former Convention were au- thorized to hold over to next Con- vention. 011 motion adjourned. E. M. DUNHAM, Sec'y. IliNKncinii'!> I'rnikc lliin. Speaker Reed has been a well- abused man. Ever since his election to the Speakership he has been condemned by the Democratic press, (among them by the New York Herald ) as a "tryant," ''czar,'' "dictator," "revolutionist," and even a "monster," but it has been discovered by some of his defamers that he is not no bad a fellow as he has been painted. They now allege that he is simply a Republican with a head long enough to foresee evil days for his party, and with courage to use novel experiments, necessary in his belief to save the policies of his party from destruction. This is high praise, coming from such a source. A closing paragraph in the New \ ork lleralxl is the following, a fitting tribute to the man who broke the power of the Democrats to do evil: "No, Speaker Reed is not a dic- tator,' nor a 'tyrant,' nor a 'revolu- tionist,' nor a 'cza' - ,' nor even a 'monster.' He is a man of brains and foresight and courage, who be- lieves thut'some things can be done as well as others.' And if any free trader or tariff reformer fancies that the protection ring?wealthier, much more intelligent and quite as desperate as the old slavery ring?- is goina to let go easily he will find himself greatly mistaken." Ko«v For Tim Uovcriior»liip. The smoke from iiie local political battles over the State has lifted. The way is now clear for the strug- gle over the Governorship, and the politicians are free to give thtir earnest attention to it. Some rather premature skirmishes have already taken place in the Republican ranks, the result ol an ill-advised attempt to force tho campaign before its time, but we shall be plunged into the midst of it before long by the thickening of the county conven- tions. The conventions already held have given some indication of the drift. Thirty-odd delegates have been chosen in all, and of these Delamater can confidently count upon a ma- jority. The others arc divided be- tween Hastings, Osborne, Davies and Stone, with Montooth to be I heard from when the Western end I of the State shall begin to show up. Delatnatcr lends, and the contest is naturally between the lender unci the field. If Delauiater can keep up his margin the contest before the con- vention will be a onesided one. Shall the lield be able to command a majority, then Pelumater will have to combat a possible combination 011 one of the minority candidates, presumably Hastings, who will doubt lens head the field. The mis promising combinations just now are Delauiater »md Watress for Gov- ernor and Lieutenant Governor, and Hastings and Montooth. Oil the Democratic side ex-Gover- nor Pattison's name is received with considerable favor throughout the[ State. Pattison's attitude is not a secret and has not been for some weeks. The Democratic State Con- vention will follow the Republican gathering, and it is the intention of the ex-Governor's friends to capture it if they can see a promise of Demo- cratic success at the polls. They anticipate a bitter struggle among the Republicans, something that is not at all likely to occur, and are banking on the threats of Wharton Barker to establish a Republican party of his own in case the nomina- tion does not suit him. But there is altogether too much at stake this year for a family quarrel, and be- sides, there is no occasion for one. Nevertheless, if Pattison's friends really think there is a chance for him they are in the position to make a strong fight in the Democratic Convention. They will not have very much to iear from Black, and while ex-Senator Wallace has been an open candidate, his candidacy is a very uncertain element, lie has lost much of that political vigor which in his old-time tilts with Randall made him so famous as a lighter, and the history of the [ ast few years has not been entirely to his political credit. A little linn- liess would have given him the nom- ination which went to Black, and j the complaint of his friends is tliaV they do not know just where to find him. Of course, all this is favorable to Pattison, who, shall he decide to plunge in headlong will go co the full lengths. It is inconceivable to understand how any Democrat, even in the dizziest of lights, can possibly figure out a Democratic majority. Isoth- ing but the most serious split in the Republican ranks could bring that about, and there is not even a crack worthy of note that is yet, visible to the eye. The Republicans ate mov- ing along quietly and electing their delegates, aiid with either Pattison or Wallace confronting the Republi- can nominee a dignified but not at \u25a0 all dangerous campaign would be insured?Phi ladelphiu Inyuirer. toml I'rocectliiiK*. [Continued from last week.J Coml'tii. vs Frank Sharp?Sen- tenced as follows : Fine §SOO, costs ]ofprosecution, and 4 years in the 1 Eastern Penitentiary. Tliomas J. Bitter was appointed 1 guardians of Maud, Frank and | Ralph Magargle?Bonds to be given jin the sum of SI2OO for each ward. I Win. Phillips was on petition of citizens, appointed Constable of Colley twp. Allen vs Allen?Decree of divorce granted Krisc vs Tan Vegton?Judgment for want of appearance. Cath. 13. Lyon executrix vs Al. M. Fiester?Judgment in open court for want of an appearance. Coml'th. vs Martin Bo3 r les and David Boyles?Grand Jury find not a true bill in each case, and prosecu- tor David Conrad to pay costs. ?J. W. Norton vs Amy and Joseph Grange?Judgment for want of affidavit of defence. Donelly vs Donelly?Alias sub- poena awarded. In.re. road from LaPorte to Forksville?Nathan Pcrsun, James MeMahou and James K. Farrell ap- pointed viewers. Coml'th. vs D. H. Lorah? Court direct nol. pros, to be entered in the cape. Coml'th. vs John M. Gauteh? Not a true bill and prosecutrix Catherine Whitman to pay costs? Recognizance of prosecutrix forfeited The following matters being pre- sented to court and confirmed Ni. Si. viz: R?port of auditor distributing fund from Sheriff's Sales of personal property of C. W. Wilhelm. Report of sale of real estate of Geo. Pardoe dee'd. Report of assigness sale of J. A. Baumgardner. And the following were confirmed absolutely, viz : Report of sale ol real estate of J. Rouse dee'd. " '* Lulu Fulmer a minor. " " Wlll. Whitely dee'd. Final account of M. J. Pardoe, admr'x. of John Kahili dee'd. " Phobe Kahni dee'd. Final account of J. B. Walburn ex'or. of F. C. Walburn dee'd. Report of viewers 011 road from Mill Creek to C. F. Yonkius. Report of viewers on road from Souestown to W. & N. B. 11. R. depot. Return of Sheriffs sales of roal estate of M. M. Fiester. " " " J. L. Mullan. " '? " Wm. Shoemaker. In re. s;ile of real ertate oi Ed- ward Sharp dee'd.?l'ule granted to show cause why sale should not be- set aside. Hugo vs Finkle et. al.?Judg- ment in ojien court against R. M. Thomson garnishee, in this case. In.re. sale of real estate of John Warren dee'd.?Rule granted to show cause why certain costs in common pleas, should not bo paid out of fund. Lamson vs Lamson?Decree of divorce awarded. In.re. road in Shrewsbury twp. on the Lycoming county line? Henry Swank, J. C. McGee and James Warren, appointed viewers. Coml'th. vs Brown?Case tried, Jury find defendant guilty on first count ?Sentence, !j>"-25 fine and costs of prosecution. John Utz, High Sheriff, comes in- to open court and acknowledges the following deeds poll, viz: To Cath. B. Lyon Extr. for lot in Sonestown?Consideration SIOO. To M. A. Rogers & son 209 acres in Elkland?Consideration $25. To do 20 acres " §2OO. To Horn & Drake 50 " Fox " 80. To Maggie Rosbauch " o-l " Elk- land " " " "\u25a0 '? 10. To Lorali King "83 '? " 12. To Richard Swingle " 22 GO. B. S. Collins appointed auditor to distribute fund in hands of executor of estate of F. C. Walborn dee'd. White vsWhite?W. H. Davy ap- pointed commissioner. Brobst vs Brobst, Garrison vs Garrison?Alias subpoenas awarded. Blight vs J. 11. Sullivan & Co.? Judgment lor want of an appear- ance. Shaffer vs Ilunsinger?Same pro- ceedings. Keeler vs Vargason?Rule to set aside judgment as to Matilda Varg- ason, also rule to open judgment as to Jessie Vargason. Finan & Iveefe vs llays & Son? In Equity?The bill in this case dismissed. Camp vs Oamp?Commissioners appointed. lluek vs McFarlane?Judgment against Ganishee for amount ad- milted to be duo. TRIAL LIST. Swank vs Phillips?Continuod, and ordered for trial on Tuesday of May term at 2 p. in. Garey vs Woodward?Continued. Dunuing vs Bostiou. " Dunn vs Dunn. " CVaft et. al. vs Warn et. al. (2 cases ) continued. Susquehanna Fire Insureanco Co. vs Koeler. continued " Same vs Oosslev. " " Garev vs Vincent, (2 cases') settled. Lorah vs Wilson?Verdict for plain tit! * I liS-1 I'igger vs Dubler (2 cases) verdict for plaintiff. Fuller vs Bolim and Porter Verdict for plaintiff for 8500 C. Holt'a vs Willielm Continued. Ilahr vs Zaner cases.) Scouten vs Tripp. " Dusenberry vs Oilman. " Walsh vs ileklt. "Welles & Co. vs llileman. ?' Snyder vs Lewis. '? Finklo vs Rosbach et. al.?Arbi- trated. Mclntyre vs same. Exor. of Eldred vs Scouten? Continuod. Shores vs Wilhelm. Welliver vs Wilhelm. Kellogg vs same. Fleschutt vs Pennington. " ARGUMENT LIST. I'age vs Garey?Continued. Mitchell & Co. vs Hackley. " Keeler vs Lewis. " Stone vs Drake vs Darby?Sub- mitted on brief. Hays & Son vs Finan & Keefe? Ilule discharged. Hoyts ve Cuuimings. " In.re. estate of J. S. Green dee'd. ?Continued. In.re. road from C. Peale to Muney Valley?Continued. In.re. road from Jamison City to Long Pond?Continued. O'-Neil vs Corcoran?Submitted on brief. Rouse vs Corcoran?Submitted on brief. Dushore School Board vs Ilea- cock's A dministrators?Submitted on brief. SUGAR 111DUE ITEMS. A. L. Loveless of this place an- ticipates moving to the LaPorte tannery in the near future. Mrs. Jos. Fiester who has been seriously ill with lung fever is slow- ly recovering. Mrs. J. W. Harvey of this place was called to the sick bed of her daughter j\liss Ada, in Columbia county recently. Chas. Reed who has been ill for some time past is slowly improving under the skillful treatment of Dr. Hill. M. M. Fiester who has been ab- sent from home for some time past, returned home at a recent date, lie is welcomed by his many friends. Mrs. Geo. Fiester accompanied by her son Lea, was visiting friends at Nordmont last week. liOVEit. W. H. O.OHEEN. Jvlain Street, Towanria, Pa., Has just received a handsome line oi Serins* Suitings They are handsome, stylish and the very latest. Ladies are requested to call and examine and price them whether thej r buy or not. In his regular stock he has many BARGJ*tJVSI\ which will just suit bargain hunt-i ers. A full line of DRESS GOODS, DOMESTICS, NOTIONS and in fact everything kopt in the DRY GOODS line, at low prices.! My goods were all bought to sell: If you don't believe it, price them and see. We urge the people of Sullivan! to pay us a call and price our goods while in Towanda. W. ii. D. GREEN, TOWANDA FA. Campbell & Son O F SHUNK. R ? Are now at the front, with a complete line of Winter Goods,! consisting of dry goods worsted and ! flannel dress goods, prints, dress j gingham, jerseys, toboggen caps, | notions, ladies and geuts wool tin-; del-wear, fine wool j over shirts, men's boy's and children's I I clothing, overcoats, hats, caps,! boots, shoes and rubber goods, j queens ware, crockery and glassware, i hardware, drugs and patent medi- ! cines and always on hand a l'resh line ol' I j Oil O CEJIIJES cb mO T 'ISIONS tobbacco.s and cigars and don't for- get that they have a nice line ot | holiday goods very cheap. Mo j trouble to show goods. Call and j look them over and get prices.. ' They will give you bargans 011 any- | thing you want, in their line. They I axe also agents for Bowers Fertili- ! zers the best in the market. UHOWN ACME Its lest Saining 21! M Eisls i Made iram Petroleum. ; It gives a brilliant light. li, will not smoke the chimney, i It will not char Uie wick. It lias a high lire tost. It will not explode. It is without comparison as a perfection Family Safety Oil. It is manufactured fro in the finest crude In the most perfectly equipped refiueries in the world. IT IS THE riEST Ask your dealer for CEO WIT ACIIE. Trade orders filled by ACME OIL CO., \Villiamsport I'a. A NEW STORE AT * FORKSYSLLE * *?'?* The undersigned has opened ati agricultural store at Forksville, and carries in stock a full line of Seed era. (The celebrated "Warner".) J J lows, Harrows, Mousing Machines, Hinders, Jieapers, Juirm Way ons, Spring Wagons, Hug gits. Sleighs, Cutters, & etc. In fact all lines of farm utensils and agricultural implements. Come and examine my stock and prices. P. C SCH ABACKER April 11th, ISSB. NEW ESO7EL JUST CPEKED, It. B. WARBUBTOJT, l'rop'r. FOKKSVII.LB, I'A. This is a large and commodious bouse, with large airy rooms, and is furnished in first class style. The best of accommodations offered tran- sient or steady boarders. Forksville is situated along the Loyal Sock and is a very pretty town and a lavorite summer resort for city guests. Li. 15. WAKBURTOX, l'rop'r. Forksville, Aug. Ist, 1888 c SAL E S M WANTED' to canvass for the sale of Nursery Stock I Steady employment guarn teed. Salary and expenses paid to successful men. Apply at once stating age. Mention this paper. CHASE IIHOTUEHS COMPANY, Rochester, N. Y. GON'T OVERLOQK JHA7 T. J. Keeler, Is adding every week to his well Selected .Stock of Merchandise con- sisting of Dry Goods, Nutions, lleady made Clothing, Ilats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Hardware!, Queens ware, Flour, Feed etc., Prices as low as the lowest. Call and be convinced of gooil qualities and low prices. T. J. KEELER, Laporte, Pa., Aug. Bth, 1889. MOUVTATN HOUSE - " LAPORTF, IJA.1 J A. An attractive, home-like hotel. Every eflort maile to entertain satis- factorily. MRS. M. C. LAUER, Proprietor. THE ' TONY" RESTAURANT OF DUSHORE. S. W. LEWIS, -- PROP. On Railroad street, recently kept by .1. Cheslev. The interrior of the same has recently been re-modeled and now presents and is the finest room for the purpose used in the county. Pictures valued at hundreds of dol- lars adorn the beautifully engraved wall. Everything kept in a first class restaurant can be obtained at LEWIS'. Jan. 3, "JO. HAVE YOU PERCEIVED THAT YOU ARE PRETTY? I \lf not call on S. M r . LEWIS the Photographer of D U SHORE. lie will convince you of this fact ! for email money, lie can take a dandy photo and even if freckles and wi .ikies are bold oil your face he will prevent the same (rom ap- pearin on the card. Gallery in the third jtory of liio Tubach block, on .Mo n St. Jan. 6, ,( JU. TEE OLD -EIEHtiLEE- Jewelry Store Still leaves all competitors in the Dark. I Established April 1, IBIb. And is the only one that has ever remained here more than two years at a tine, or long enough to iv.aka its promises good. iJon ihe deceived by Aw! :o;ie>.rs or Peddlers or any I bi.dy else, but come and seethe Largest and iBEST STOCK of goods every shown in Suili- Vim oountv, or that is usually found in Jewelry Stores. Ex- pensive gootls for those that want them. Cheap goods for those that think they can buy no other. It is no trouble to show goods, and you will not be urged to buy unless you want tc. In society goodS I carry a good assortment in both high and low prices. 1 am not goii:j> to tell you that I willjjivej'ou goods, nor am I going to tell you that 1 will sell at cost. Thai is not business and is not the way to continue busi- ness in one place and keep out of the Sheriff's hands. l!ut 1 do say that i will sell you goods and work lor you as low as any other First Class Jeweler, or as low as is con- sistent with sound business princi- ples. Thanking TheJFttklic for the patronage that has sustained me for the last seven years. I shall try to merit a continu- ance of the same- You will please remember that my motto is "Live and Let Live, aud Fair Play to All. Very Respectfully Yours, J. V. RETTENBURY, FE828,90 DUSITORE, PA. CAR.UODY HOTEL, DUSIIORE MIKE CAKMODY Proprietor, Everything First Class. C/uirgej Reasonable. Jan. 31,'D0. SALESMAN WANTED to sen our r»oo hardy varieties ot choice Nursery tftoek. liest Specialties. No experience nooessary. Special ;ui\anuses to Extra inducements. Pay Weekly. Situation permanent. Ucst icruif 1 . best outlit Iree. Wt» guarantee what wc alvertisa. Address at once. OLEN BHOS., NI-KHKITYMTIF, H'JCIIIISTKR, N.Y. (This house is reliable.) T\TERCHANTTI,K T. I'lTbe vender? OF dnmogtir and foreign mer- chandise tavern KEEPERS un.L dealers in liquors, Ac. in Sullivan county, will TNK<I notice that tlioy are appraised umi elugsi dLY the under- signed, appraiter (F lrercantile nod other lict uae tux for the year IHUOag follows, to wit: UEKNICE. Itefailcrs IJcense CLASS. NAMES. AM'NT. 11 Blight W II sls 75 COLLEY TWP. 1J Clark llros. 7 75 11 Dießetibach I) D 7 75 11 Jenning liros. 15 75 11 .... ]O7S Messcr-mith <Jeo 7 75 IRI xeilTurrell A Co 10 75 13 Willlrelra C W JD 75 14 Kipp (1 W Co 775 14 Kejter 10 P 7 75 DUSIIORE BORO. 14 Cillian C Mrs 7 75 13 Cunningham &, Cule 10 75 14 Carroll J W 7 75 14 CarrllDE 775 14 DI-egaa GEO T 7 75 14 Finun J E 7 75 14 (Jarey 14 Finan if- Keefe 7 75 14 llofla J 8 7 75 I4 Harrington J S 7 75 14 Jackson (ieo C 7 75 14 Kline II 7 75 14 Lawrence Bros 7 75 14 Poineroy F B 7 75 12 Rcfser A Sylvors J 3 25 14 Rettetbury J V 7 75 14 Tohiich A Yrnrkiu 7 75 14 Thomas Fred 7 75 14 Welles A Co 7 75 11 «... , 57i J 14 Vincent F P 775 CIIEKKY TWP 14 Kneller Wrstlcy 7 75 14 Richlty T} R Mrs 7 75 14 Sick C S 7 75 ; 14 Vogel Julius 7 7!> DAVIDSON TWP 14 Armstrong AT 7 75 14 " '? 7 75 14 Bodine 4 Warn 7 75 14 Boatimin HO 7 75 13 Lor.ih Jacob JO 75 11 Stevens A Son 15 75 LAPORTE TWP. 14 Bodsford A E 7 75 LAPORTK BORO. 14 Keeler T J 7 75 13 McFarlane Jas K Co. 10 75 14 Meylcrt A Co. 7 75 14 Spenoer Walter 7 75 ELKLAND TWP* 14 Ilurtung August 7 75 14 Mclhvaln (ico W Mrs 7 75 14 W W Boyle 7 75 FORKSVILLK BoRO. | 14 Randall W V 77A 1 13 Lancaster li D 10 75 I 11 ROGERS 1L Son 15 75 FOX TWP. ' 13 C;IINJ.boll .t Son 10 75 | 14 Ca. wnn C 775 HILLSGROVE TWP. 14 Gordon Julia 7 75 11 lloyt tiros 15 75 10 llotlrnun W L 10 75 COLLEY TWP. KSoU'l I'iccnwc | 5 J Conner .'nines 75 75 5 Sceman J< la. M 75 75 5 FC'chaad.lotLa 75 75 DUSUORE BORO 5 Brewer I>. 11 160 75 j 5 CO trull J W 150 75 1 5 ( A niody M J 151) 75 j 5 Aliitendorf Jow-ph LF.O 75 , I 5 Keete BON iris 140 75 S I 0 Sweeney Martin 150 75 DAVITISON TWP. I 5 Kile Farvin 75 75 | 5 T.or ah L! 11 75 75 5 M.iguiglo P E Mrs 75 75 FUX TV. P. 5 Thomas Henry E 75 75 LAPORTE LOKO J 5 Karns Kussel 150 75 5 Kennedy Darby 150 CIIEKHY TWP. Uektauntum , ,5 Conner Jauies 75 75 DTSHORE BORO 5 Billion* B Mrs 150 75 | 5 Lewis Samuel W 150 75 5 Melice Robert 150 75 COLLEY TWP. Vbolenule I.ii|iior l.iicii**' 15 Jackson Jefferson T 100 7& CHERRY TWP. 13 Brockway F W JOU 75 DT'SIIORE BORO 13 Miner John 200 75 13 Pomeroy F B 200 75 COLLEY TWP. Hilliurd I.iccnate j 2 Tables De>g,in A Kennedy 40 75 I 2 Tallies Phillips Win 40 75 2 Tables Pennington J R 40 75 DUSJIORE BOKO 2 Tables McGee R 40 75 HILLSOKOVE TWP. 1 Table Sadler (.'has 30 75 SUREWSRURY TWP. 2 Tables Vanßuskirk W II 4C 75 AN appeal will be held at the Commissioners OFFIEO in Laporte, on the 18th day of March, 1800 between the hours of W a. m. and 6 p. m. o'clock wbeu and where you may attend if you think proper. 111'NRY SWANK, Mercantile Appraiser. LUPorte, Pa , Feb. 15, ISBO. HOTEL KENNEDY, LAPORTE. DARBY KENNEDY. Proprietor. Everything First Class. Charges Jleaso/uible. Alareh 7, ? 99_ ?WENRT T. DOWNS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Ex-Prothonutary, (l«giHter A Recorder of Sull.C in Court House, LaPcrfc© Pa. £J APORTE, PA V \ practical college for preparia^ yonni: p. upnj lor biiHlneas. lleli'S hundreds every year to «uo.l poaitions. New oollei?« imildinps. S orthanck* «*tc. W'riie to N. A. MILLEkL XlLiulra, N. Y. Cl'»riiuch at Ilomellaville, N. Y.) FTGCNTS WIHTEO^RR'^-'^VSK At gpivrlumty A-tswtt, wujr, X-
Page 1: Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1890-03-07 [p ] · VQB i^POBLICJSI). W.M. CHENEY---EditoiFRIDAY, MARCH 7th, 1890. 3TTEKKO AT I'OST-OFFIOE. L.VFOKTE PA.. AS SKCOXD-CLASS MATTKIt.


-- Editoi






Kepiibliriiii Connl.v Convention

The Republican County Conven-tion of Sullivan met at theCourt House in LaPorte, 011 Tues-Iday March -Ith 1800, at 2 o'clock p. 1in.and called to order by W. M. jCheney Chairman of the StandingCommittee.

R. H. Guy of Bernice, was unani-mously elected President or Chair-man of the Convention.

E. M. Dunham was elected Sccre-.tary. |

The Secretary called the list of |electioii districts and the delegates|presented their credentials.

The following is the list of dele-jgates :

Bernice: ?Thomas Schell, John;Schaad jr., John Line, R. H. Guy. '

Cherry: ?J. B. Cox, Joseph Sick, jE. \V. liuffmaster, Amos Cox, Kerr:Jones, Wellington Potior.

Oolley: ?Chas. Schock.Davidson: ?Ellis Casselbury, j

"Washington Sheets, Thos. S. Sim-;mons, Joseph Carpenter.

Dushore: ?Frank Buek, Wm.Lawrence.

Falkland:? IForks:?Frank Hannon, M. "W.

Kerrell, 11, 112. Hunsinger, James R.Ferrell.

Forksville: ?J. W. Rogers, R. B."Warburton.

F\>r: ?A. B. Kilmer, J. 11. Camp-bell, R. S. Fanning, A. E. Camp-bell, T. G. McKay.

//illsyrove:?LaPorte lioro: ?W. M. Cheney,

A. J. llackley, E. M. Dunham.LaPorte twp: ?John Low, Wm.

Low, J. C. Botsford.Lopez: ?P. W. Jennings./Shrewsbury:??On account of fire at Forksville

the delgates were unable to attend.Frank Hannon was authorized tocast the vote of Forksville.

It was also carried that the dele-gates present cast the full vote fortheir district.

B. W. Jennings nominated Hon.T. J. Ingham for delegate to StateConvention, who was unanimouslyelected.

On motion the delegate was sentun instructed.

The Vigilance Committee appoint-ed for former Convention were au-thorized to hold over to next Con-vention. 011 motion adjourned.

E. M. DUNHAM, Sec'y.

IliNKncinii'!> I'rnikc lliin.

Speaker Reed has been a well-abused man. Ever since hiselection to the Speakership he hasbeen condemned by the Democraticpress, (among them by the NewYork Herald ) as a "tryant," ''czar,''"dictator," "revolutionist," andeven a "monster," but it has beendiscovered by some of his defamersthat he is not no bad a fellow as hehas been painted. They now allege

that he is simply a Republican witha head long enough to foresee evildays for his party, and with courageto use novel experiments, necessaryin his belief to save the policies ofhis party from destruction. This ishigh praise, coming from such asource. A closing paragraph in theNew \ ork lleralxl is the following,a fitting tribute to the man whobroke the power of the Democratsto do evil:

"No, Speaker Reed is not a dic-tator,' nor a 'tyrant,' nor a 'revolu-tionist,' nor a 'cza' - ,' nor even a'monster.' He is a man of brainsand foresight and courage, who be-lieves thut'some things can be doneas well as others.' And if any freetrader or tariffreformer fancies thatthe protection ring?wealthier,much more intelligent and quite asdesperate as the old slavery ring?-is goina to let go easily he will findhimself greatly mistaken."

Ko«v For Tim Uovcriior»liip.

The smoke from iiie local politicalbattles over the State has lifted.The way is now clear for the strug-gle over the Governorship, and thepoliticians are free to give thtirearnest attention to it. Some ratherpremature skirmishes have alreadytaken place in the Republican ranks,the result ol an ill-advised attemptto force tho campaign before itstime, but we shall be plunged intothe midst of it before long by thethickening of the county conven-tions.

The conventions already held havegiven some indication of the drift.Thirty-odd delegates have beenchosen in all, and of these Delamatercan confidently count upon a ma-jority. The others arc divided be-tween Hastings, Osborne, Daviesand Stone, with Montooth to be Iheard from when the Western end Iof the State shall begin to show up.

Delatnatcr lends, and the contest isnaturally between the lender unci thefield. If Delauiater can keep up hismargin the contest before the con-vention will be a onesided one.Shall the lield be able to command amajority, then Pelumater will haveto combat a possible combination 011

one of the minority candidates,presumably Hastings, who willdoubt lens head the field. The mispromising combinations just now

are Delauiater »md Watress for Gov-ernor and Lieutenant Governor, andHastings and Montooth.

Oil the Democratic side ex-Gover-nor Pattison's name is received withconsiderable favor throughout the[State. Pattison's attitude is not a

secret and has not been for someweeks. The Democratic State Con-vention will follow the Republicangathering, and it is the intention ofthe ex-Governor's friends to captureit if they can see a promise of Demo-cratic success at the polls. Theyanticipate a bitter struggle amongthe Republicans, something that isnot at all likely to occur, and arebanking on the threats of WhartonBarker to establish a Republicanparty of his own in case the nomina-tion does not suit him. But thereis altogether too much at stake thisyear for a family quarrel, and be-sides, there is no occasion for one.

Nevertheless, if Pattison's friendsreally think there is a chance forhim they are in the position to makea strong fight in the DemocraticConvention. They will not havevery much to iear from Black, andwhile ex-Senator Wallace has beenan open candidate, his candidacy is

a very uncertain element, lie haslost much of that political vigorwhich in his old-time tilts withRandall made him so famous as alighter, and the history of the [ astfew years has not been entirely tohis political credit. A little linn-liess would have given him the nom-ination which went to Black, and jthe complaint of his friends is tliaVthey do not know just where to

find him. Of course, all this isfavorable to Pattison, who, shall hedecide to plunge in headlong willgo co the full lengths.

It is inconceivable to understandhow any Democrat, even in thedizziest of lights, can possibly figureout a Democratic majority. Isoth-ing but the most serious split in theRepublican ranks could bring thatabout, and there is not even a crackworthy of note that is yet, visible tothe eye. The Republicans ate mov-ing along quietly and electing theirdelegates, aiid with either Pattisonor Wallace confronting the Republi-can nominee a dignified but not at

\u25a0 all dangerous campaign would beinsured?Phi ladelphiu Inyuirer.

toml I'rocectliiiK*.

[Continued from last week.JComl'tii. vs Frank Sharp?Sen-

tenced as follows : Fine §SOO, costs]ofprosecution, and 4 years in the

1 Eastern Penitentiary.Tliomas J. Bitter was appointed

1 guardians of Maud, Frank and| Ralph Magargle?Bonds to be givenjin the sum of SI2OO for each ward.

I Win. Phillips was on petition ofcitizens, appointed Constable ofColley twp.

Allen vs Allen?Decree of divorcegranted

Krisc vs Tan Vegton?Judgmentfor want of appearance.

Cath. 13. Lyon executrix vs Al. M.Fiester?Judgment in open courtfor want of an appearance.

Coml'th. vs Martin Bo3 r les andDavid Boyles?Grand Jury find nota true bill in each case, and prosecu-tor David Conrad to pay costs.

?J. W. Norton vs Amy and JosephGrange?Judgment for want ofaffidavit of defence.

Donelly vs Donelly?Alias sub-poena awarded.

In.re. road from LaPorte toForksville?Nathan Pcrsun, JamesMeMahou and James K. Farrell ap-pointed viewers.

Coml'th. vs D. H. Lorah?Court direct nol. pros, to be enteredin the cape.

Coml'th. vs John M. Gauteh?Not a true bill and prosecutrixCatherine Whitman to pay costs?Recognizance ofprosecutrix forfeited

The following matters being pre-sented to court and confirmed Ni.Si. viz:

R?port of auditor distributingfund from Sheriff's Sales of personalproperty of C. W. Wilhelm.

Report of sale of real estate ofGeo. Pardoe dee'd.

Report of assigness sale of J. A.Baumgardner. And the followingwere confirmed absolutely, viz :

Report of sale ol real estate of J.Rouse dee'd.

" '* Lulu Fulmer a minor." " Wlll. Whitely dee'd.

Final account of M. J. Pardoe,admr'x. of John Kahili dee'd.

" Phobe Kahni dee'd.Final account of J. B. Walburn

ex'or. of F. C. Walburn dee'd.Report of viewers 011 road from

Mill Creek to C. F. Yonkius.Report of viewers on road from

Souestown to W. & N. B. 11. R.depot.

Return of Sheriffs sales of roalestate of M. M. Fiester.

" " " J. L. Mullan.

" '? " Wm. Shoemaker.In re. s;ile of real ertate oi Ed-

ward Sharp dee'd.?l'ule granted to

show cause why sale should not be-set aside.

Hugo vs Finkle et. al.?Judg-ment in ojien court against R. M.Thomson garnishee, in this case.

In.re. sale of real estate of JohnWarren dee'd.?Rule granted toshow cause why certain costs incommon pleas, should not bo paidout of fund.

Lamson vs Lamson?Decree ofdivorce awarded.

In.re. road in Shrewsbury twp.on the Lycoming county line?Henry Swank, J. C. McGee andJames Warren, appointed viewers.

Coml'th. vs Brown?Case tried,Jury find defendant guilty on firstcount ?Sentence, !j>"-25 fine and costsof prosecution.

John Utz, High Sheriff, comes in-to open court and acknowledges thefollowing deeds poll, viz:

To Cath. B. Lyon Extr. for lot inSonestown?Consideration SIOO.

To M. A. Rogers & son 209 acresin Elkland?Consideration $25.

To do 20 acres " §2OO.To Horn & Drake 50 " Fox " 80.To Maggie Rosbauch " o-l " Elk-

land " " " "\u25a0 '? 10.To Lorali King "83 '? " 12.To Richard Swingle " 22 GO.B. S. Collins appointed auditor to

distribute fund in hands of executorof estate of F. C. Walborn dee'd.

White vsWhite?W. H. Davy ap-pointed commissioner.

Brobst vs Brobst, Garrison vsGarrison?Alias subpoenas awarded.

Blight vs J. 11. Sullivan & Co.?Judgment lor want of an appear-ance.

Shaffer vs Ilunsinger?Same pro-ceedings.

Keeler vs Vargason?Rule to setaside judgment as to Matilda Varg-ason, also rule to open judgment asto Jessie Vargason.

Finan & Iveefe vs llays & Son?In Equity?The bill in this casedismissed.

Camp vs Oamp?Commissionersappointed.

lluek vs McFarlane?Judgmentagainst Ganishee for amount ad-milted to be duo.


Swank vs Phillips?Continuod,and ordered for trial on Tuesday ofMay term at 2 p. in.

Garey vs Woodward?Continued.Dunuing vs Bostiou. "

Dunn vs Dunn. "

CVaft et. al. vs Warn et. al. (2cases ) continued.

Susquehanna Fire Insureanco Co.vs Koeler. continued "

Same vs Oosslev. " "

Garev vs Vincent, (2 cases') settled.Lorah vs Wilson?Verdict for

plain tit! * I liS-1I'igger vs Dubler (2 cases) verdict

for plaintiff.Fuller vs Bolim and Porter

Verdict for plaintiff for 8500 C.Holt'a vs Willielm Continued.

Ilahr vs Zaner cases.)Scouten vs Tripp. "

Dusenberry vs Oilman. "

Walsh vs ileklt."Welles & Co. vs llileman. ?'

Snyder vs Lewis. '?

Finklo vs Rosbach et. al.?Arbi-trated.

Mclntyre vs same.Exor. of Eldred vs Scouten?

Continuod.Shores vs Wilhelm.Welliver vs Wilhelm.Kellogg vs same.Fleschutt vs Pennington.



I'age vs Garey?Continued.Mitchell & Co. vs Hackley. "

Keeler vs Lewis. "

Stone vs Drake vs Darby?Sub-mitted on brief.

Hays & Son vs Finan & Keefe?Ilule discharged.

Hoyts ve Cuuimings. "

In.re. estate of J. S. Green dee'd.?Continued.

In.re. road from C. Peale toMuney Valley?Continued.

In.re. road from Jamison City toLong Pond?Continued.

O'-Neil vs Corcoran?Submittedon brief.

Rouse vs Corcoran?Submittedon brief.

Dushore School Board vs Ilea-cock's A dministrators?Submittedon brief.


A. L. Loveless of this place an-ticipates moving to the LaPortetannery in the near future.

Mrs. Jos. Fiester who has beenseriously ill with lung fever is slow-ly recovering.

Mrs. J. W. Harvey of this placewas called to the sick bed of herdaughter j\liss Ada, in Columbiacounty recently.

Chas. Reed who has been ill forsome time past is slowly improvingunder the skillful treatment of Dr.Hill.

M. M. Fiester who has been ab-sent from home for some time past,returned home at a recent date, lieis welcomed by his many friends.

Mrs. Geo. Fiester accompaniedby her son Lea, was visiting friendsat Nordmont last week. liOVEit.

W. H. O.OHEEN.Jvlain Street, Towanria, Pa.,Has just received a handsome line oi

Serins* SuitingsThey are handsome, stylish and the

very latest. Ladies are requested tocall and examine and price them

whether thejr buy or not.

In his regular stock he has many

BARGJ*tJVSI\which will just suit bargain hunt-i

ers. A full line ofDRESS GOODS,


and in fact everything kopt in theDRY GOODS line, at low prices.!My goods were all bought to sell: Ifyou don't believe it, price them andsee. We urge the people of Sullivan!to pay us a call and price our goodswhile in Towanda.


Campbell & SonO F


Are now at the front, witha complete line of Winter Goods,!consisting of dry goods worsted and !flannel dress goods, prints, dress jgingham, jerseys, toboggen caps, |notions, ladies and geuts wool tin-;

del-wear, fine wool jover shirts, men's boy's and children's I

I clothing, overcoats, hats, caps,!boots, shoes and rubber goods, jqueens ware, crockery and glassware,

i hardware, drugs and patent medi-! cines and always on hand a l'reshline ol'

Ij OilO CEJIIJES cb mO T 'ISIONStobbacco.s and cigars and don't for-get that they have a nice line ot

| holiday goods very cheap. Moj trouble to show goods. Call and

j look them over and get prices..' They will give you bargans 011 any-

| thing you want, in their line. TheyI axe also agents for Bowers Fertili-! zers the best in the market.


Its lest Saining 21! M Eislsi Made iram Petroleum.;

It gives a brilliant light.li, will not smoke the chimney,

i It will not char Uie wick.It lias a high lire tost.

Itwill not explode.It is without comparison as a

perfection Family Safety Oil.It is manufactured fro in the finest

crude In the most perfectly equippedrefiueries in the world.

IT IS THE riESTAsk your dealer for


Trade orders filled byACME OIL CO.,

\Villiamsport I'a.


*?'?*The undersigned has opened ati

agricultural store at Forksville, andcarries in stock a full line of Seedera. (The celebrated "Warner".)J Jlows, Harrows,Mousing Machines, Hinders,Jieapers, Juirm Way ons,Spring Wagons, Hug gits.Sleighs, Cutters, & etc.

In fact all lines of farm utensilsand agricultural implements. Come

and examine my stock and prices.P. C SCH ABACKER

April 11th, ISSB.



This is a large and commodiousbouse, with large airy rooms, and isfurnished in first class style. Thebest of accommodations offered tran-sient or steady boarders. Forksvilleis situated along the Loyal Sock andis a very pretty town and a lavoritesummer resort for city guests.

Li. 15. WAKBURTOX, l'rop'r.Forksville, Aug. Ist, 1888 c


to canvass for the sale of NurseryStock I Steady employment guarnteed. Salary and expenses paid tosuccessful men. Apply at oncestating age. Mention this paper.



Is adding every week to his well

Selected .Stock of Merchandise con-

sisting of Dry Goods, Nutions, lleadymade Clothing, Ilats, Caps, Boots

and Shoes, Groceries, Hardware!,

Queens ware, Flour, Feed etc.,

Prices as low as the lowest. Call

and be convinced of gooil qualitiesand low prices.

T. J. KEELER,Laporte, Pa., Aug. Bth, 1889.



An attractive, home-like hotel.Every eflort maile to entertain satis-factorily. MRS. M. C. LAUER,




On Railroad street, recently keptby .1. Cheslev. The interrior of thesame has recently been re-modeled andnow presents and is the finest roomfor the purpose used in the county.Pictures valued at hundreds of dol-lars adorn the beautifully engravedwall. Everything kept in a firstclass restaurant can be obtained atLEWIS'. Jan. 3, "JO.



\lf not call on S. M r. LEWIS

the Photographer


lie will convince you of this fact! for email money, lie can take adandy photo and even if frecklesand wi .ikies are bold oil your facehe will prevent the same (rom ap-pearin on the card. Gallery in thethird jtory of liio Tubach block,on .Mo n St. Jan. 6, ,(JU.


-EIEHtiLEE-Jewelry Store

Still leaves all competitorsin the Dark.

I Established April 1, IBIb.And is the only one that hasever remained here more thantwo years at a tine, or longenough to iv.aka its promisesgood. iJon ihe deceived byAw! :o;ie>.rs or Peddlers or any

I bi.dy else, but come and seetheLargest and

iBEST STOCKof goods every shown in Suili-Vim oountv, or that is usuallyfound in Jewelry Stores. Ex-pensive gootls for those thatwant them. Cheap goods forthose that think they can buyno other. It is no trouble toshow goods, and you will not beurged to buy unless you want tc.

In society goodSI carry a good assortment in bothhigh and low prices. 1 am not goii:j>to tell you that I willjjivej'ou goods,nor am I going to tell you that 1will sell at cost. Thai is not businessand is not the way to continue busi-ness in one place and keep out ofthe Sheriff's hands. l!ut 1 do saythat i will sell you goods and worklor you as low as any other FirstClass Jeweler, or as low as is con-sistent with sound business princi-ples. Thanking

TheJFttklicfor the patronage that has sustained

me for the last seven years. Ishall try to merit a continu-

ance of the same- You willplease remember that my

motto is "Live and LetLive, aud Fair Play

to All.

Very Respectfully Yours,J. V. RETTENBURY,



Everything First Class.

C/uirgej Reasonable. Jan. 31,'D0.

SALESMAN WANTED to sen our r»oo hardyvarieties ot choice Nursery tftoek. liest

Specialties. No experience nooessary. Special;ui\anuses to Extra inducements.Pay Weekly. Situation permanent. Ucsticruif 1. best outlit Iree. Wt» guarantee whatwc alvertisa. Address at once.OLEN BHOS., NI-KHKITYMTIF,H'JCIIIISTKR,N.Y.(This house is reliable.)

T\TERCHANTTI,K T.I'lTbe vender? OF dnmogtir and foreign mer-chandise tavern KEEPERS un.L dealers in liquors,Ac. in Sullivan county, will TNK<I notice thattlioy are appraised umi elugsi dLY the under-signed, appraiter (F lrercantile nod otherlictuae tux for the year IHUOag follows, to wit:

UEKNICE.Itefailcrs IJcense

CLASS. NAMES. AM'NT.11 Blight W II sls 75

COLLEY TWP.1J Clark llros. 7 7511 Dießetibach I)D 7 7511 Jenning liros. 15 7511 ....


Messcr-mith <Jeo 7 75IRI xeilTurrell A Co 10 75

13 Willlrelra C W JD 7514 Kipp (1 W Co 77514 Kejter 10 P 7 75


14 Cillian C Mrs 7 7513 Cunningham &, Cule 10 7514 Carroll J W 7 7514 CarrllDE 77514 DI-egaa GEO T 7 7514 Finun J E 7 7514 (Jarey

14 Finan if- Keefe 7 7514 llofla J 8 7 75I4 Harrington J S 7 7514 Jackson (ieo C 7 7514 Kline II 7 7514 Lawrence Bros 7 7514 Poineroy F B 7 7512 Rcfser A Sylvors J 3 2514 Rettetbury J V 7 7514 Tohiich A Yrnrkiu 7 7514 Thomas Fred 7 7514 Welles A Co 7 7511 «... , 57i

J 14 Vincent F P 775CIIEKKY TWP

14 Kneller Wrstlcy 7 7514 Richlty T} R Mrs 7 7514 Sick C S 7 75

; 14 Vogel Julius 7 7!>DAVIDSON TWP

14 Armstrong AT 7 7514 " '? 7 7514 Bodine 4 Warn 7 7514 Boatimin HO 7 7513 Lor.ih Jacob JO 7511 Stevens A Son 15 75

LAPORTE TWP.14 Bodsford A E 7 75

LAPORTK BORO.14 Keeler T J 7 7513 McFarlane Jas K Co. 10 7514 Meylcrt A Co. 7 7514 Spenoer Walter 7 75


14 Ilurtung August 7 7514 Mclhvaln (ico W Mrs 7 7514 W W Boyle 7 75


| 14 Randall W V 77A1 13 Lancaster li D 10 75

I 11 ROGERS 1L Son 15 75

FOX TWP.' 13 C;IINJ.boll .t Son 10 75| 14 Ca. wnn C 775

HILLSGROVE TWP.14 Gordon Julia 7 7511 lloyt tiros 15 7510 llotlrnun W L 10 75

COLLEY TWP.KSoU'l I'iccnwc

| 5

J Conner .'nines 75 755 Sceman J< la. M 75 755 FC'chaad.lotLa 75 75

DUSUORE BORO5 Brewer I>. 11 160 75

j 5 CO trull J W 150 751 5 ( A niody M J 151) 75j 5 Aliitendorf Jow-ph LF.O 75 ,I 5 Keete BON iris 140 75 S

I 0 Sweeney Martin 150 75

DAVITISON TWP.I 5 Kile Farvin 75 75| 5 T.or ah L! 11 75 75

5 M.iguiglo P E Mrs 75 75FUX TV. P.

5 Thomas Henry E 75 75

LAPORTE LOKOJ 5 Karns Kussel 150 75

5 Kennedy Darby 150 7£CIIEKHY TWP.Uektauntum

, ,5 Conner Jauies 75 75DTSHORE BORO

5 Billion* B Mrs 150 75| 5 Lewis Samuel W 150 75

5 Melice Robert 150 75COLLEY TWP.

Vbolenule I.ii|iior l.iicii**'

15 Jackson Jefferson T 100 7&CHERRY TWP.

13 Brockway F W JOU 75DT'SIIORE BORO

13 Miner John 200 7513 Pomeroy F B 200 75

COLLEY TWP.Hilliurd I.iccnate

j 2 Tables De>g,in A Kennedy 40 75

I 2 Tallies Phillips Win 40 752 Tables Pennington J R 40 75


2 Tables McGee R 40 75HILLSOKOVE TWP.

1 Table Sadler (.'has 30 75SUREWSRURY TWP.

2 Tables Vanßuskirk W II 4C 75AN appeal willbe held at the Commissioners

OFFIEO in Laporte, on the 18th day of March,1800 between the hours of W a. m. and 6 p. m.o'clock wbeu and where you may attend if youthink proper. 111'NRY SWANK,

Mercantile Appraiser.LU Porte, Pa , Feb. 15, ISBO.


DARBY KENNEDY. Proprietor.

Everything First Class.

Charges Jleaso/uible. Alareh 7,?



ATTORNEY-AT-LAWEx-Prothonutary, (l«giHter A Recorder of Sull.C

in Court House, LaPcrfc© Pa.


V \ practical college for preparia^yonni: p. upnj lor biiHlneas. lleli'S hundreds everyyear to «uo.l poaitions. New oollei?« imildinps.S orthanck* «*tc. W'riie to N. A. MILLEkLXlLiulra, N. Y. Cl'»riiuch at Ilomellaville,N. Y.)

FTGCNTS WIHTEO^RR'^-'^VSKAtgpivrlumty A-tswtt, wujr, X- V«
