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TMS Writing and Art Magazine
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Writing Art Magazine Taylor middle school
Page 1: Susanna

Writing Art Magazine

Taylor middle school

Page 2: Susanna

Table of

Contents 1. About me poem

2. Just Because

3. Haikus

4. Haikus 2

5. Planet Strange - Story

6. Stuck in a boat - Story

7. Stuck in a boat 2- Story

8. The Freezing Mountain - Story

9. The Freezing Mountain 2 - Story

10. Cafeteria Food: Fresh or Packaged?

11. Wolves Poem

Page 3: Susanna

About me I am Susanna

Daughter of Tom and Kelly

Who needs family

Who loves my dog

Who sees life

Who hates bugs

Who fears clowns

Who dreams of success

Who has found poems of nature

Resident of Millbrae


Page 4: Susanna

Just Because Just because I’m Chinese

Doesn’t mean I'm short

Doesn’t mean I love rice

Doesn’t mean I’m cheap

Doesn’t mean I wear glasses

Doesn’t mean I have an accent

Doesn’t mean I have small eyes

Doesn’t mean I extremely smart

Doesn’t mean I use the peace sign

Doesn’t mean I play an instrument

Doesn’t mean I have small eyes

Just because ...

Page 5: Susanna
Page 6: Susanna
Page 7: Susanna

Planet Strange Suddenly, the sun lit up and Rima woke up. She was alien who had a

strange disorder. Rima lived in a planet that no one knows about except for

the other aliens on the planet. The planet was named Strange because al-

most every alien in Strange had something weird about them. Some aliens

walked with their hands, only ate a specific color of a food, and more. Rima

was the only alien who was also half mutant creature. Whenever she was

hungry, she would turn to an animal. One day, when she had woken up, she

notice there was no food on the table for her. Her mother who had left a

note for her said that there was food in the fridge. Rima looked inside the

fridge and saw that her dog-monkey had stolen all food. Angry and hungry,

Rima started to turn into a creature.

Rima ran outside her house and started destroying other houses. She

hunted for food as she destroyed houses and trees. The other aliens

screamed and called for help. A group of special aliens who had the power

to control other aliens came. However their powers weren’t good enough to

stop Rima. Nobody knew what to do. The eldest and wisest alien, Wise,

walked up to Rima. Aliens yelled for him to come back but he didn’t listen.

Rima growled at him and was ready to pounce. Wise took out some food

and Rima walked up and ate it. She turned back to her old self and calmed

down. Every since that day, the other

aliens always made sure she was fed.

Page 8: Susanna

Stuck in a Boat During a warm summer day, Eva, Mick, and Isabella came to

Eva’s summer cabin. Eva’s father, Mr. Charles, suggested that the four

of them should go in his brand new motor boat. They all agreed on the

plan and started packing food and water for the boat ride. Eva went

on the boat first then Mick and Isabella. As Mr. Charles came on to

the boat, he got a phone call. The phone call was from his boss and

he had to go see him right now. Mr. Charles explained what happen

to Eva. They were upset, but they couldn’t do anything. They still de-

cided to go on the boat ride without him. Mr. Charles pushed the boat

and reminded them to get back by seven o’ clock pm. Mr. Charles

left into his house to change into his work clothes. The boat slowly

pulled away from the house.

“Your parents are awesome to let us come to your cabin,” stated


Mick agreed with Isabella and Eva thanked her. They relaxed on

the side of the motor boat.

The boat stopped moving and the friends looked at motor. The

motor broke and they tried to fix it, but nothing worked.

“We are goners and we only have an hour left before seven o’

clock pm,” cried Isabella.

Mick asked, “What are we going to do now!”

Page 9: Susanna

Stuck in a Boat 2 They forgot their paddles in their cabin and none of them knew

how to swim. Eva and Mick sat there thinking what to do while Isabella

continued to panic. Eva and Mick soon started to panic because they

could not think of what to do. They all sat there thinking of what could

happen in a boat after dark. Isabella thought a bear would come out

and eat all of them. Eva said they would all freeze in the cold night.

Mick predicted that would all fall out of the boat and into the water.

They all sat there nervously after hearing each others’ thought about

being stuck in a boat. Eva calmed everyone down and they needed

a plan to get back home. She stated they should start eating because

everyone’s stomach started to growl. They started to eating the food

and drinking the water they brought along. They came up with great

ideas, but nothing seemed to work, and some of the plans were terri-


Suddenly, Eva remembered something that was very important.

Eva shouted in excitement, “Wait a minute! We have phones.”

“How could we forget,” said Mick.

Eva pulled out her phone and called her mom. She explained what

had happen over the phone. Mrs. Charles came out on her boat with

jackets for the kids. In ten minutes, Mrs. Charles arrived and gave

each kid a jacket. They went back to the cabin and Mr. Charles

came home. They all sat down with hot chocolate, feeling warm and

cozy. They were all relieved that they were finally backed from the


Eva stated, “You know, if we hadn’t been panicking, we would have

realized we brought her phones sooner.”

Page 10: Susanna

The Freezing Mountain It all began one day on February 7, 1596 in a small village in the moun-

tains. Everything was normal and the citizens were carrying out their normal ac-

tivities. Most people stayed indoors because the village was always cold, usually

about 30ºF to 40ºF. A blanket of snow covered the village and the mountains

served as a shield. All was calm, until “it” happened.

It was a normal day when the men went out to hunt, it had only been 2

hours but the group returns with something in their arms. They didn’t just have

a deer they had … a lifeless body of a girl. They all had sad expressions on their

faces because they who the girl was, it was the chief ’s daughter. As the chief

walked out of his home, he noticed her.

“Who did this!” he shouted looking as the men holding her. They all

shook their heads in fear, the chief became angry. The two men carried her to

the witch doctor followed by everyone in the village. Worried whispers filled the

air around the little hut. “This was no human that killed her,” the doctor spoke

quietly looking at the two holes in her neck. “A demon did it!” she added.

Nobody could be trusted, and everyone knew that. Soon after that, every-

one blamed each other for the cause of the chief ’s daughter’s death. They were

all suspicious of each other. For weeks in the cold freezing weather, nobody

talked to each other, even family member did not even speak. Every person was

on their own and on their guard. A day of a blizzard, hunters came running to

the chief. Another body was found, this body was drained of blood. Everyone

gather up around the hut, it had been a while since everyone was all packed in a


Also written by Ryan Kwong and Lexi Ward

Page 11: Susanna

The Freezing Mountain 2 The chief examined her daughter’s dead body and the body that was just

found. He notices something strange about both of the bodies. His daughter’s

body had two holes and the other body was no longer had any blood. There was

no other conclusion, vampires had done it. There was a legend of vampires liv-

ing in this cold snowy mountain yet, nobody believed in this legend. Everyone

thought it was just a bunch of nonsense, but they were wrong. The chief warned

his village of the killers. Everyone was shocked, but some people still thought it

was just a legend. Still, everyone made plans if they were attack by one of them.

A wintery morning, the village had heard a loud deep scream. The scream

was the chief ’s and it came from the mountains. The villagers grabbed torches,

pitchforks, and swords to save their chief. When they arrived to the chief, his

body was on the floor. His body was pale and freezing, surrounding his body

was a pack of vampires. The villagers had no idea what to do without their

chief, but the vampires attack. Soon a war broke out between the vampires and

villagers. They fought each other for days, weeks, months, years and the war


Nobody knew who won the war. People would visit the snowy mountains,

telling the stories of the attacks. People would come to see area of the war, even

in the harsh freezing weather. They came up with their own theories for ending.

The only people who knew the ending was the villagers and the vampires.

Also written by Ryan Kwong and Lexi Ward

Page 12: Susanna

Cafeteria food: Fresh or Packaged Cafeteria food is more appealing than ever. Many people like their food to be enjoy-

able and cheap. Parents want their children to be full and ready for class, parents want their

children to buy cafeteria food that will make them full. Cafeteria food should be packaged

than fresh.

First of all, the packaged food fills up the consumers’ stomachs. When kids are full

they have more energy. They can concentrate in class and learn. Many people like packaged

foods be- cause they like the dryness because they can put different

sauces on it. People enjoyed the food for the taste and the energy is


Secondly, packaged food could save a lot of money for

school. The money could be used for school supplies and events.

The school supplies and events can let students learn while having fun. Some students find

the food delicious and inexpensive. Many people would buy foods that are cheap and taste-


On the other hand, there are advocates of fresh food that say the quality of food is

much better. Fresh foods would sell more because they fresher. However, people would buy

the food more if it was inexpensive. Also, there are many kids

who like packaged food than fresh.

In many schools, students have discussed what they should

sell for lunch. There are benefits for fresh food and packaged food.

Some kids may like more fresh food than packaged, but pack-

aged food is a lot cheaper than fresh food. Parents would buy

food if the food is tasty and their kids enjoy it too. Supporters also say that packaged food can

mass produce so they can eat more and get energy for the body. In conclusion, schools

should sell packaged food instead of fresh.

See William’s magazine for the

side of fresh cafeteria food

Page 13: Susanna


Extremely dangerous

Hunting, growling, and swimming

Rounded ears and sharp teeth

Obtaining food for survival

Living in packs

Caring for the young

Protecting from enemies

Chasing for preys

Wolves howling in the moonlight

Hunting and fighting

Communicating through howling

Attacking enemies

Hissing and chasing for preys

Some are alone

Getting food by itself

Wolves howling in the moonlight

Page 14: Susanna
