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Suzi Oliveira de Lima CV Website february 19 · 3 PUBLICATIONS BOOKS In press Suzi Lima, Pikuruk...

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1 SUZI LIMA University of Toronto Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Department of Linguistics Department of Linguistics Department of Spanish and Portuguese Site: http://suzilima.blog Email: [email protected] ACADEMIC EMPLOYMENT 2016 – present Assistant professor, University of Toronto Linguistics Department & Spanish and Portuguese Department 2014 – Assistant professor, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) (on leave) Linguistics Department 2013 2014 Post-Doctoral fellow, Harvard University Laboratory for developmental studies (Jesse Snedeker Lab, Psychology department) EDUCATION 2008 - 2014 PhD in Linguistics University of Massachusetts, Amherst Dissertation: “The Grammar of Individuation and Counting” Committee: Lyn Frazier (co-chair), Angelika Kratzer (co-chair), Seth Cable, Gennaro Chierchia, Charles Clifton Jr. 2006 - 2008 M.A. in Linguistics (summa cum laude) University of São Paulo, USP, Brazil. Thesis: “Verb Classes in Juruna: Some Syntactic and Semantic Aspects” Committee: Luciana Storto (chair), Bruna Franchetto, Esmeralda Negrão. 2002 – 2005 B.A. in Linguistics and Portuguese Language University of São Paulo, USP, Brazil RESEARCH Language acquisition, language documentation, semantics (formal and experimental), INTERESTS pragmatics (formal and experimental). RESEARCH GRANTS CO-Principal Investigator (CO-PI: Keren Rice). Advanced Teaching and Learning in Arts and Science initiative fund. “A multimedia database for Linguistics documentation (DocLin!)”. Principal Investigator. Research Excursion Program, University of Toronto (funding for designing experiential learning course off-campus). Principal Investigator. Endangered Language Fund, 2016. “Documenting complex structures in Yudja: pedagogical materials”.
Page 1: Suzi Oliveira de Lima CV Website february 19 · 3 PUBLICATIONS BOOKS In press Suzi Lima, Pikuruk Kayabi, Montirenti Kaiabi and Aturi Kaiabi. Pedagogical grammar of the Kawaiwete language.


SUZI LIMA University of Toronto Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Department of Linguistics Department of Linguistics Department of Spanish and Portuguese Site: http://suzilima.blog Email: [email protected] ACADEMIC EMPLOYMENT 2016 – present Assistant professor, University of Toronto

Linguistics Department & Spanish and Portuguese Department 2014 – Assistant professor, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) (on leave) Linguistics Department 2013 – 2014 Post-Doctoral fellow, Harvard University

Laboratory for developmental studies (Jesse Snedeker Lab, Psychology department) EDUCATION 2008 - 2014 PhD in Linguistics

University of Massachusetts, Amherst Dissertation: “The Grammar of Individuation and Counting” Committee: Lyn Frazier (co-chair), Angelika Kratzer (co-chair), Seth Cable, Gennaro Chierchia, Charles Clifton Jr.

2006 - 2008 M.A. in Linguistics (summa cum laude)

University of São Paulo, USP, Brazil. Thesis: “Verb Classes in Juruna: Some Syntactic and Semantic Aspects” Committee: Luciana Storto (chair), Bruna Franchetto, Esmeralda Negrão.

2002 – 2005 B.A. in Linguistics and Portuguese Language

University of São Paulo, USP, Brazil RESEARCH Language acquisition, language documentation, semantics (formal and experimental), INTERESTS pragmatics (formal and experimental). RESEARCH GRANTS

• CO-Principal Investigator (CO-PI: Keren Rice). Advanced Teaching and Learning in Arts and Science initiative fund. “A multimedia database for Linguistics documentation (DocLin!)”.

• Principal Investigator. Research Excursion Program, University of Toronto (funding for designing experiential learning course off-campus).

• Principal Investigator. Endangered Language Fund, 2016. “Documenting complex structures in Yudja: pedagogical materials”.

Page 2: Suzi Oliveira de Lima CV Website february 19 · 3 PUBLICATIONS BOOKS In press Suzi Lima, Pikuruk Kayabi, Montirenti Kaiabi and Aturi Kaiabi. Pedagogical grammar of the Kawaiwete language.


• Co-Principal Investigator (Co-Pi: Uli Sauerland). Rio de Janeiro State Foundation to Support Research (Faperj)/ German Research Foundation (DFG), 2015 - present. “Complex structures in Brazilian indigenous languages: experimental and theoretical studies”.

• Principal Investigator. Rio de Janeiro State Foundation to Support Research (Faperj).

“Acquisition and processing of semantics and pragmatics: counting and measuring”.

• Principal Investigator. United Nations/ National Indian Foundation / Indian Museum. “Pedagogical grammar of the Kawaiwete language”, 2013 – 2014.

• Principal Investigator. Institute for Computational and Experimental Study of Language.

“Online dictionary of verbs of the Yudja language”, 2011.

• Principal Investigator. United Nations/ National Indian Foundation / Indian Museum. “Documentation of the Kawaiwete language”, 2009 - 2013.

• Principal Investigator. Lewis and Clark Foundation/ APS. “Pluralization processes in Yudja”,


• 5th Latin American School for Education, Cognitive and Neural Sciences (LA School), San

Pedro de Atacama – Chile (http://2015.laschool4education.com), 2015 [Fellowship].

• National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant. “Counting and Measuring in Two Tupi languages”, 2012 –2014 [Primary applicant: Angelika Kratzer; note that NSF does not award to non-faculty PIs].

• Fulbright/ Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES).

“Nominal and verbal quantification in Yudja and Kaiabi”, 2008 – 2012 [PhD fellowship].

• UMass University Fellowship. “Nominal and verbal quantification in Yudja and Kaiabi”, 2011 – 2012 [Fellowship].

• São Paulo Research Foundation (Fapesp).“The Syntax of Juruna”, 2006-2008 [Fellowship/M.A].

• São Paulo Research Foundation (Fapesp). “The Syntax of Juruna: Argument Structure and Theta

Roles” 2004-2005 [Fellowship /Junior Researcher].

• National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq). “The Language from the 70’s and from Actual Days: a Diachronic Analysis”, 2003 – 2004 [Fellowship/Junior Researcher].


• Academic Honor for the work “The Syntax of Juruna”. 13th International Symposium of USP’s Junior Researchers. 2005.

• Academic Honor for the work “The Language from the 70’s and from the Actual Days: a Diachronic Analysis”. 12th International Symposium of USP’s Junior Researchers. 2004.

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PUBLICATIONS BOOKS In press Suzi Lima, Pikuruk Kayabi, Montirenti Kaiabi and Aturi Kaiabi. Pedagogical grammar

of the Kawaiwete language. Museu do Índio/FUNAI. 2011 Suzi Lima. A estrutura argumental dos verbos na língua juruna (yudja): da formação dos

verbos para a análise das estruturas sintáticas. Série: produção acadêmica premiada. São Paulo: Humanitas, 2011.

PAPERS IN PEER-REVIEWED JOURNALS In press Lima, Suzi. Quantity judgment studies in Yudja (Tupi): acquisition and interpretation of nouns. Glossa. Special Volume: The acquisition of mass-count distinction across

languages and populations. Accepted Lima, Suzi. New perspectives on the count-mass distinction debate: minority (minor languages and psycholinguistics. Language and Linguistics Compass. revisions) 2017 Lima, Suzi. On the acquisition of distributivity in Yudja. Revista de Estudos da

Linguagem 25 (3). 1613-1646. 2016 Suzi Lima and Ana Paula Quadros Gomes. The interpretation of Brazilian Portuguese

bare singulars in neutral contexts. In Revista Letras, Curitiba: UFPR, 93, 193-209. 2015 Suzi Lima. Quantity judgments in bilingual speakers. Letras de Hoje. Porto Alegre, 59

(1), 84-90. 2013 Lima, Suzi. Maximality and distributivity in Brazilian Portuguese. LinguiStica 9 (1), 133-

157. 2013 Franchetto, Bruna, Mara Santos and Suzi Lima. Count/mass distinction in Kuikuro: on

individuation and counting. LinguiStica, 9 (1), 55-78. 2005 Suzi Lima. Elisão de fonemas na cadeia de fala. In Filologia e Lingüística Portuguesa

(1), 185-194. UNDER REVIEW PAPERS Under Braz Bonfim, Anari and Suzi Lima. Count and Mass nouns in Patxohã: a revitalized Review language of Brazil. Linguistic Variation. Under Lima, Suzi. Countability in Yudja: defining atoms for notional mass nouns. Glossa. revision

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PEER-REVIEWED CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 2016 Beviláqua, Kayron, Suzi Lima, Roberta Pires de Oliveira. Coercion and Bare Nouns in

Brazilian Portuguese: an experimental study on grinding. Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication (Number: Cognitive, Semantic and Crosslinguistic Approaches). 1-25.

2016 Lima, Suzi. Container constructions in Yudja: locatives, individuation and measure.

Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication (Number: Cognitive, Semantic and Crosslinguistic Approaches). 1-40.

2014 Lima, Suzi. The acquisition of the count/mass distinction in Yudja (Tupi): quantifying

‘quantity’ and ‘number’. Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America (GALANA 2012), ed. Chia-Ying Chu et al. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, 181-190.

PAPERS IN PEER-REVIEWED EDITED VOLUMES Forthcoming Lima, Suzi. Psycholinguistics of mass and count in Yudja (Tupi). Oxford Handbook of

Grammatical Number. Forthcoming Lima, Suzi and Pikuruk Kayabi. Recursion of postpositional and possessive phrases in [April 2018] Kawaiwete (Tupi-Guarani, Tupi). In Luiz Amaral, Marcus Maia, Tom Roeper and

Andrew Nevins (eds.). Recursion Across Domains. Cambridge University Press. 2015 Lima, Suzi. A estrutura argumental da língua Yudja. In Sintaxe e semântica do verbo em

línguas indígenas no Brasil. Storto, L., Franchetto, B., Lima S. (org.). São Paulo: Mercado das Letras, 65-98.

2007 Suzi Lima. Duplicação como pluralidade de eventos télicos em Juruna. In Viva voz: cisão

de caso, telicidade e posse em línguas indígenas brasileiras, ed. F. Duarte, Minas Gerais: UFMG, 144-184.

PAPERS IN NON-REFERRED VOLUMES In press Lima, Suzi. Numerosidade em línguas indígenas brasileiras. Índio não fala Tupi. Bruna

Franchetto (ed). PAPERS IN NON-REFERRED PROCEEDINGS In press Lima, Suzi and Guillaume Thomas. Switch Reference in Yudja and Update Logic with

Centering. WSCLA 22 Proceedings. In press Lima, Suzi. Friederike Moltmann (ed.). An experimental investigation of count-

quantifiers in two Tupi languages. Mass and Count in Linguistics, Philosophy, and Cognitive Science. John Benjamins, Amsterdam.

2017 Lima, Suzi, Peggy Li and Jesse Snedeker. Acquiring the Denotation of Object Denoting

Nouns. Proceedings of GALA 2015. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

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2015 Lima, Suzi and Pikuruk Kayabi. Construções com numerais em Kawaiwete e a distinção contável-massivo. Aspectos gramaticais de línguas indigenas sulamaricanas. Angela Fabiola Alves Chagas, Antonio Almir Silva Gomes e Eduardo Alves Vasconcelos (eds). Macapá: Editora Autografia / EDUNIFAP, 69-82.

2015 Khrizman, Keren Fred Landman, Suzi Lima, Susan Rothstein and Brigitta R. Schvarcz.

Portion readings are count readings, not measure readings. Proceedings of the Amsterdam Colloquium 2015, 197-206.

2015 Mazarakis, Carolina and Suzi Lima. Leitura recursiva e distributiva de sintagmas

preposicionais no português brasileiro. In Anais do IX Congresso internacional da ABRALIN.

2014 Lima, Suzi. All notional mass nouns are count nouns in Yudja. Proceedings of SALT 24,

534-554. 2014 Lima, Suzi. On the locative interpretation of container phrases in Yudja. University of

Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics: 20 (1), 201-210. 2012 Lima, Suzi. Numerals and the universal packager in Yudja (Tupi). In 6th SULA

Proceedings, ed. E. Bogal-Allbritten. Amherst: GLSA, 81-104. 2010 Lima, Suzi. Count and mass distinction in Yudja. In 15th WSCLA Proceedings. Vancouver:

UBC. 2007 Lima, Suzi. Plurality and distributivity in Juruna: some considerations about verbal

cumulativity. In 4th SULA Proceedings, ed. A. Deal, Amherst: GLSA, 117-128. 2007 Lima, Suzi. Observações preliminares sobre os verbos da língua Juruna: raízes e

processos sintáticos. In Estudos Linguísticos XXXVI (1): análise linguística, Campinas: GEL, 278-286.

2006 Lima, Suzi. Duplicação, Supleção, Afixação e Alternância Verbal em línguas Tupi:

pluralidade de sintagmas nominais ou de eventos?. In Anais IX ENAPOL, ed. S. Lima, São Paulo: USP/Editora Paulistana, 1-8.

2005 Lima, Suzi. Perguntas e respostas na sala de aula: o que, afinal, elas representam na

interação?. In Cadernos de Pesquisa na Graduação em Letras. VOLUMES EDITED In progress Lima, Suzi and Susan Rothstein. Linguistics Variation. Special volume: A typology of

count, mass and number in Brazilian languages [Peer-reviewed special volume]. 2015 Lima, Suzi. Organizer. Yafu: o retorno do chocalho. Museu do índio/FUNAI (book of

transcribed and translated lyrics of Kawaiwete music). 2015 Storto, Luciana, Bruna Franchetto and Suzi Lima. Editors. Estrutura Argumental das

Línguas Indígenas Brasileiras. São Paulo: Parábola [Book].

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2011 Lima, Suzi, Kevin Mullin and Brian Smith. Editors. NELS 39: Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society. GLSA, Amherst.

2010 Lima, Suzi. Editor. 5th SULA Proceedings. GLSA, Amherst. PUBLISHED REVIEWS 2017 Lima, Suzi. Review of The Cambridge Handbook of Endangered Languages by Peter Austin & Sallabank, Julia. LinguíStica 13(1), 42-51. 2014 Lima, Suzi. Review of Trabalhando a partir hipóteses falsificáveis’ ou ‘Sobre os mitos

acerca dos C-linguistas’: uma resenha crítica de “How to investigate linguistic diversity: lessons from the pacific northwest by Henry Davis, Carrie Gillon e Lisa Matthewson. LinguíStica. 10 (2), 21-34.

PRESENTATIONS CONFERENCE TALKS April Lima, Suzi and Cristiane Oliveira. Value and quantity in the evaluation of bare singulars in 2018 Brazilian Portuguese: a priming study. 48th Linguistic Symposium on Romance

Languages, University of York. April Lima, Suzi. The Kawaiwete pedagogical grammar (Brazil). Session: Language 2018 Revitalization strategies. Symposium on American Indian Languages, University of

Ottawa. 2017 Lima, Suzi and Susan Rothstein. Borrowing of Brazilian Portuguese measure words in

Yudja. Cambridge Conference on Language Endangerment. July, 2017. 2017 Lima, Suzi and Guillaume Thomas. Switch reference in Yudja. 22nd Workshop on

Structure and Constituency in Languages of the Americas, UBC, April 2017. 2016 Lima, Suzi. On the interpretation of object denoting nouns in Yudja. Sula 9: the semantics

of under-represented languages in the Americas. 2015 Keren Khrizman, Fred Landman, Lima, Suzi, Susan Rothstein and Brigitta R. Schvarcz.

Portion readings are count readings, not measure readings. Paper presented at the Amsterdam Colloquium 2015.

2015 Kayron Beviláqua, Roberta Pires de Oliveira, Suzi Lima and Raissa Benassi. Coercion and

Bare Singulars in Brazilian Portuguese: an Experimental Study on the Universal Grinder. 11th International Symposium of Cognition, Logic and Communication (“Number: Cognitive, Semantic and Crosslinguistic Approaches”). University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia, December, 2015.

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2015 Lima, Suzi, Peggy Li and Jesse Snedeker. Acquiring the denotation of object-denoting nouns. Generative approaches to language acquisition (GALA 2015). Université de Nantes, France, September 2015.

2015 Lima, Suzi. Métodos em semântica formal e experimental: um estudo de caso a partir do

fenômeno de quantificação nominal em Yudja. Roundtable Semântica formal e línguas indígenas: variação linguística e metodologia. IX Congresso Internacional da Associação Brasileira de Linguística. Universidade Federal do Pará, Brazil, February, 2015.

2015 Lima, Suzi, Peggy Li and Jesse Snedeker. Acquisition of numerals in Yudja: when

children are exposed to numerals. Symposium: “Línguas indígenas e linguística experimental” at the IX Congresso Internacional da Associação Brasileira de Linguística. Universidade Federal do Pará, Brazil, February, 2015.

2015 Quadros Gomes, Ana Paula and Suzi Lima. Bare singular mass nouns can be interpreted as

count nouns in BP. Third ANPOLL International Psycholinguistics Congress. UFRJ/PUC-Rio, Brazil, March 2015.

2014 Lima, Suzi. Crie indivíduos e só então meça: sobre a interpretação dos sintagmas de

recipientes. Paper presented at 1st Formal and Experimental Semantics and Pragmatics, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

2014 Lima, Suzi. All notional mass nouns are count nouns in Yudja. Paper presented at SALT 24, New York University.

2014 Lima, Suzi. Language affects quantity judgments in bilingual Yudja speakers. Paper

presented at the 27th Annual CUNY conference on Human Sentence Processing (University of Columbus, Ohio).

2013 Lima, Suzi. Recursion of container phrases in Yudja. Recursion in Brazilian languages and

beyond 2013, UFRJ/UMass Amherst, Rio de Janeiro. 2013 Lima, Suzi, Aturi Kaiabi and Pikuruk Kaiabi. Recursion of postpositional and locative

phrases in Kawaiwete. Recursion in Brazilian languages and beyond 2013, UFRJ/Umass amherst, Rio de Janeiro.

2013 Lima, Suzi, Pikuruk Kaiabi and Aturi Kaiabi. The count/mass distinction in Kawaiwete

(Tupi; Brazil). WSCLA 18, University of Berkeley, Berkley. 2012 Lima, Suzi. The count/mass distinction in Yudja (Tupi): quantity judgment studies. Paper

presented at Massif/Comptable en Linguistique, Philosophie et Sciences Cognitives. ENS, Paris.

2011 Lima, Suzi. Quantity judgments in Yudja: preliminary results. Paper presented at

UUSLAW (UConn-UMass-Smith Language Acquisition Workshop), UConn, Storrs. 2011 Lima, Suzi. On the count-mass distinction in Yudja. Paper presented at the 3rd International

Conference on Bare Nominals, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro. 2011 Lima, Suzi. Numerals and the count-mass distinction in Yudja (Tupi): on coercion. Paper

presented at WSCLA 16th, UMass, Amherst.

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2010 Lima, Suzi. Bare nouns and plurality in Yudja: mass nouns and the signature property. Paper presented at Countability 2010, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Bochum.

2010 Lima, Suzi. There is no count-mass distinction in Yudja. Paper presented at WSCLA 15th,

University of Ottawa, Ottawa. 2009 Lima, Suzi. Numeral Quantification in Juruna: Exactly and Approximately Reading. Paper

presented at SULA 5, MIT, Cambridge. 2008 Lima, Suzi. Plurality and Distributivity in Juruna. Paper presented at SULA 4, USP, São

Paulo. 2007 Lima, Suzi. Das classes verbais da língua Juruna: aspectos sintáticos e semânticos. II

Encontro de Pós-Graduandos da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da USP.

2007 Lima, Suzi. Plurality and distributivity in Juruna: some considerations about verbal

cumulativity. Sula 4: the semantics of under-represented languages in the Americas. 2007 Lima, Suzi. Antipassivas em Juruna? Considerações iniciais e conseqüências sintáticas.

II Encontro Internacional sobre Línguas e Culturas dos Povos Tupi. Universidade de Brasília.

2006 Lima, Suzi and Thiago Coutinho-Silva. What happens to bare nouns in Brazilian

Portuguese? A hypothesis to discuss noun phrases in BP and in Tupi Languages. Workshop Romania Nova II/V ELFE (Encontro Nacional de Língua Falada e Escrita). Universidade Federal de Alagoas/ Maceió,Brazil

2006 Lima, Suzi. Duplicação, supleção, afixação e alternância verbal nas línguas Tupi:

pluralidade de sintagmas nominais ou de eventos? IX Enapol - Linguística Crítica: afinal, o que nós,linguistas, fazemos? Universidade de São Paulo.

POSTERS 2016 Lima, Suzi, Peggy Li and Jesse Snedeker. Counting on a count list: what Yudja tells us

about number word acquisition. 41st CUNY University Conference on Language Development. Boston, November 4-6 2016.

2016 Lima, Suzi. On object denoting nouns defining atoms. SALT 26, University of Texas, May

2016. 2015 Lima, Suzi and Jesse Snedeker. Individuate, then measure: on the acquisition of container

phrases in English. Third ANPOLL International Psycholinguistics Congress. UFRJ/PUC-Rio, Brazil, March 2015.

2015 Lima, Suzi and Jesse Snedeker. On the acquisition and interpretation of container phrases

in English. 28th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, USC, March 2015.

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2014 Lima, Suzi, Peggy Li and Jesse Sendeker. Acquiring the denotation of object-denoting nouns in a language without partitives. 39 Boston University Conference on Language Development.

2013 Lima, Suzi. Container nouns and counting in Yudja (Tupi). 37th Annual Penn Linguistics

Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania. 2012 Lima, Suzi. The acquisition of the count/mass distinction in Yudja (Tupi): quantifying

‘quantity’ and ‘number’. Poster presented at Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition-North America (Galana 5), University of Kansas, Kansas.

2012 Lima, Suzi. Quantity judgments in Yudja. Poster presented at The 25th Annual CUNY

Conference on Human Sentence Processing, CUNY, New York. 2011 Lima, Suzi. Quantity judgments in Yudja: experimental evidence for a contextual

parameter for counting (poster). Poster presented at 3rd International Conference on Bare Nominals, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro.

2007 Lima, Suzi. Cumulatividade nominal e verbal na língua Juruna. Poster presented at

Dominíos do verbo, UFPR, Curitiba. 2007 Lima, Suzi. Advérbios de VP e IP na língua Juruna. Grupo de Trabalho “Teoria da

Gramática”. XXII Encontro Nacional da ANPOLL.

2006 Lima, Suzi. Transitividade e intransitividade na língua Juruna: considerações iniciais. Grupo de Trabalho “Teoria da Gramática” . XXI Encontro Nacional da ANPOLL.

INVITED TALKS April 2018 TBA. 23rd Workshop on the Structure and Constituency of the Languages of the

Americas. March 2018 TBA. Toronto-Ottawa-Montreal Semantics workshop. University of Ottawa. 2017 Ensino de Línguas indígenas e produção de materiais didáticos: as experiências karajá e

kawaiwete. Colóquio de Leitura e Escrita em Educação e Psicolinguística, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, November 2017.

2017 On the interpretation of object-denoting nouns.

• University of Ottawa, Department Colloquia, November 2017. • Semantics reading group (prof. Susan Rothstein’s group) at Bar Ilan University,

June 2017. 2017 On the interpretation of container phrases across languages. Bar Ilan's Linguistics

Colloquium (Bar Ilan University, Israel), June 2017. 2017 The role of count lists in the acquisition of numerals.

• Psycholinguistics group at UofT. April 2017. • McMaster Univesity's Cognitive Science of Language Lecture Series. April 2017. • The Role of count lists in the acquisition of numerals. SFB Kolloquium. Heinrich

Heine Universität Düsseldorf. June 2016.

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2017 Language revitalization in Brazil. Friends of Linguistics at the University of Toronto,

April 2017. 2017 Brazilian Indigenous Languages: maintenance and revitalization. Fieldwork group at the

University of Toronto, March 2017. 2017 Interpretation of container phrases across languages: counting and measuring. Cross-

linguistic Pragmatics, ZAS/Berlin, January 2017. 2016 Suzi Lima. On the interpretation of container phrases. Recursion Project group (Ana

Perez-Leroux). December 2016. 2016 The interpretation of container phrases: properties of the concrete portion in Yudja. XI

Workshop on Formal Linguistics. Curitiba, November 2016. 2016 On Concrete portion, individuation and measurement interpretations: interpreting

container phrases. Countability Workshop. Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf. June 2016.

2016 On the interpretation of object denoting nouns in Yudja. Heinrich Heine Universität

Düsseldorf. June 2016. 2015 Suzi Lima. Let context define your atoms.

• ZAS (Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft). December, 2015. • 11th International Symposium of Cognition, Logic and Communication

(“Number: Cognitive, Semantic and Crosslinguistic Approaches”). University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia, December, 2015.

2015 Suzi Lima. Documentação de línguas indígenas: o Prodoclin Kawaiwete/ Kayabi. Nona

Primavera dos Museus. Museu do Índio, October 2015. 2015 Métodos em semântica formal e experimental: um estudo de caso a partir do fenômeno de

quantificação nominal em Yudja. Roundtable ‘Semântica formal e línguas indígenas: variação linguística e metodologia’ (Formal semantics and indigenous languages: linguistic variation and methodology). Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém, Brazil.

2015 Acquisition and interpretation of container phrases in English and Yudja: first count, then

measure. Keynote talk at the workshop ‘Numbers, counting and measuring. Bar-Ilan University, Tel-Aviv, Israel.

2015 Acquiring numerals and counting objects in Yudja. colloquium talk at the department of

English literature and linguistics, Bar-Ilan University, Tel Aviv, Israel. 2014 Numeramento e linguagem. II Encontro sobre ensino de línguas indígenas em Roraima.

Universidade Federal de Roraima Boa Vista, Brazil. 2014 On the acquisition of individuation and counting. 2014 European Society for Philosophy

& Psychology (22nd Annual meeting). University of Messina, Noto, Sicily, Italy.

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2014 Semântica formal e experimental: novos caminhos. 1st Formal and Experimental Semantics and Pragmatics, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

2014 Counting and Measuring in Brazilian Indigenous Communities DRCLAS Brazil Studies

Program Seminar Series, Harvard University, Cambridge.

2013 The count/mass distinction in Yudja (Tupi): individuation and counting. Spring talks on Mass and Count, Harvard University (Linguistics Department), Cambridge.

2013 Individuation and counting in Yudja (Tupi).

• Harvard University (Language and Cognition, Psychology Department), Cambridge. • TUFTS Linguistics Seminar, Cambridge.

2012 Counting as a context dependent operation in Yudja (Tupi). Bar-Ilan University, Tel-

Aviv. 2011 Numerals and the universal packager in Yudja (Tupi). SULA 6, University of Manchester,

Manchester. TEACHING UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO (CANADA) Winter 2018 Topics on the Acquisition of Spanish (Graduate, Spanish and Portuguese department) Winter 2018 Language diversity and language universals (Undergraduate, Linguistics department) Fall 2017 Field Linguistics/ Field Methods (Mixed undergraduate/ graduate course, Linguistics

department). Fall 2017 Brazilian Indigenous languages (undergraduate course, Linguistics department/ Spanish

and Portuguese department) Fall 2017 Advanced Portuguese (undergraduate course, Spanish and Portuguese department) Fall 2017 Introduction to Portuguese Linguistics (undergraduate course, Spanish and Portuguese


Summer 2017 Brazilian Indigenous Languages: documentation, language maintenance and revitalization (Research Excursion Program/ UofT, Spanish and Portuguese department).

Winter 2017 Portuguese and Spanish Semantics (graduate, Spanish and Portuguese department) Winter 2017 Composition and oral Practice (undergraduate, Spanish and Portuguese department) Winter 2017 Advanced Portuguese (undergraduate, Spanish and Portuguese department)

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Fall 2016 Brazilian Indigenous languages (undergraduate course, Spanish and Portuguese department)

Fall 2016 Composition and oral Practice (undergraduate, Spanish and Portuguese department) UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO DE JANEIRO (BRAZIL) [LINGUISTICS DEPARTMENT] SUMMER 2017 Tópicos em semântica: aspectos teóricos e experimentais (Graduate) 2016 Linguística III (generative syntax, undergraduate course)

Language Acquisition (graduate course) Comparatives: morphology, syntax, semantics, processing (graduate course, with Alessandro Boechat de Medeiros, Andrew Nevins, Guillaume Thomas) Linguística III (generative syntax, undergraduate course) Linguística IV (L1 and L2 acquisition, undergraduate course)

2015 Linguística III (generative syntax, undergraduate course)

Formal Semantics I (graduate course, with Alessandro Boeachat de Medeiros) Psychoneurolinguistic processing (graduate course with professors Marcus Maia, Aniela França, Aleria Lage, Juliana Novo, Marije Soto, Daniela Garcia)

2014 Linguística III (formal syntax, undergraduate course)

Syntax [for Speech Pathology majors] (undergraduate course)


Instructors of record: Gennaro Chierchia and Jesse Snedeker. UMASS AMHERST (USA) Summer 2013 Linguistics 101, People and their language (online)

Instructor of record: Peggy Speas. Spring 2013 Linguistics 510, Introduction to Semantics

Instructor of record: Ilaria Frana. Spring 2013 Linguistics 101, People and their language (online)

Instructor of record: Peggy Speas. Fall 2012 Linguistics 101, People and their language

Instructor of record: Lisa Green. Spring 2011 Linguistics 411, Introduction to Language Acquisition

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Instructor of record: Tom Roeper. Spring 2010 Linguistics 201, Introduction to Linguistic Theory

Instructor of record: Kyle Johnson. UNIVERSIDADE DE SÃO PAULO (UNIVERSITY OF SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL) 2017.1 Pragmática (Pragmatics)

Instructor of record: Cristina Altman, Universidade de São Paulo.

2016.2 Língua não-indoeuropéia II (Non-indoeuropean languages II) Instructor of record: Luciana Storto, Universidade de São Paulo. SHORT COURSES 2016 Experimental semantics. XI Workshop on Formal Linguistics (November, UFPR/ Curitiba,

Brazil). 2016 Experimenting semantics, number and language. Putting Fieldwork on Indigenous

Languages to New Uses. Unicamp (March 21 – April 2). 2015 Mini-course: Acquisition of the count-mass distinction. 11th International Symposium of

Cognition, Logic and Communication: “Number: Cognitive, Semantic and Crosslinguistic Approaches”. University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia, December, 2015.

2015 Bruna Franchetto, Cristiane Oliveira, Daniela Cid Garcia, Karl Johnstone, Márcia

Nascimento, Marcus Maia and Suzi Lima. Revitalização e preservação de línguas. October – November 2015.

2015 (with Alessandro Boechat de Medeiros and Ana Paula Quadros Gomes). Semantics of

Portuguese II: methods of investigation. October – November 2015. 2015 (with Ana Quadros Gomes, Lídia da Silva, Luciana Sanchez-Mendes, Luisandro Mendes

de Souza, Nize Paraguassu-Martins, Roberlei Bertucci, Suzi Lima). Semantics of Portuguese I.

2015 Defining atoms. Invited speaker at Susan Rothstein’s graduate seminar in semantics. Bar

Ilan University, Israel, January 2015. 2015 Experimental semantics and pragmatics: methods and current topics.

XXII Instituto da Associação Brasileira de Linguística. 15 hours. 2014 Métodos em semântica formal e experimental: uma breve introdução. Encontro de

Linguística Formal: debates sobre pesquisa e ensino da gramática. Universidade de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil.

2014 Trabalhando com intuições e hipóteses em linguística (Working with intuitions and

hypothesis in linguistics). II Encontro sobre ensino de línguas indígenas em Roraima. Boa Vista, Universidade Federal de Roraima.

Winter 2012 Escola de Verão de Linguística Formal/ Summer school in formal linguistics (EVELIN) –

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MIT, Linguistics/ Unicamp, Linguistics Course: Topics in Semantics II: the count/mass distinction cross-linguistically: semantic and experimental aspects.

2008 University of the State of Mato Grosso – Unemat (Undergraduate program for indigenous

students) Course: Introduction to Linguistics

2004-2005 Pro-Undergraduate Program organized by University of São Paulo (USP) (extra-curricular

activity for students from public high schools) Course: Portuguese and Writing

LANGUAGE DOCUMENTATION PROJECTS 2013 – 2015 Head of the project ‘Pedagogical grammar of the Kawaiwete (Kaiabi) language’ – Unesco/

Museu do Índio/Funai Activities: production of pedagogical grammar in Kawaiwete (monolingual).

2008 – 2011 Linguistic consultant - Instituto Socioambiental (ISA)

Activities: development of educational projects with Brazilian endangered communities in the Xingu Indigenous Territory.

2009 – 2013 Head of the documentation project ‘Kawaiwete (Kaiabi)’ – Unesco/ Museu do Índio/Funai

Activities: documentation of the Kawaiwete language; training of indigenous researchers; preparation of educational materials (reading books, dictionary, descriptive grammar); workshops on language maintenance and revitalization.


• Erin Pettibone. Dissertation committee member. A restricted view: The acquisition of non-restrictive/restrictive interpretations of adjectives. University of Toronto. 2016 – present.

• Silvia Pereira. PhD dissertation co-advisor. (with Andrew Nevins). Switch-reference in Maxacali. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. 2015 – present.

• Isabella Coutinho. PhD dissertation co-advisor. (with Kris Stenzel). The count-mass distinction in Ye’kwana: semantics aspects and acquisition. Universidade Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. 2014 – 2018.

• João Claudio de Lima Junior. Dissertation committee member. Aquisição e processamento de

sentenças passivas: uma investigação experimental com infantes, crianças e adultos. Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. 2016.

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• Rafael Saint-Clair Xavier Silveira Braga. Dissertation committee member. Cliticização e Redobro de Clíticos Pronominais em Kayabí (Tupi Guarani, Tupi): A natureza ambígua de constituintes clíticos. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. 2016.

• Cristiane Oliveira da Silva. Dissertation committee member. O processamento do numeral

distributivo sohodji-sohodji. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2016.

• Ana Lúcia Pessotto dos Santos. Dissertation committee member. Força e evidência: uma análise teórico-experimental de 'pode', 'deve' e 'tem que'. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil. 2015.

• Cristiane Oliveira. Distributive Numeral in Karajá. Qualification exam (committee member).

Committee: Marcus Maia (chair), Aniela Improta França. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2014.


• Ohanna Severo. MA supervisor. Propriedades referenciais discursivas dos nomes nus no português brasileiro. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2016 – present.

• Christine Hnout. Thesis committee member. Counting and Measuring in Arabic: Plurality and

‘senf’. Bar Ilan University, Israel, 2016.

• Ana Luiza Henriques Tinoco Machado. Thesis committee member. Resolução de ambiguidades no âmbito da anáfora e catáfora intra-sentenciais: um estudo psicolinguístico sobre a influência do contexto. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2016.


• Calahan Janik-Jones. Annotated corpora of Nheengatu: information structure. University of Toronto. 2016 – present.

• Vidhya Elango. Language Vitality in Macuxi. University of Toronto. 2016 – present.

• Natália Londono Castrillon. Numerals in Tupi-Guarani languages. University of Toronto. 2016.

• Ohanna Severo. In progress. On the interpretation of bare singulars in Spanish. Universidade

Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Fellowship: Faperj. 2015 – 2017.

• Andressa Bernardino. Acquisition of count nouns and partitives in Brazilian Portuguese. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2014 – 2016.

• Camila Camargos. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Covert distributivity in

Brazilian Portuguese. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2016.

• Filipe Hisao Kobayashi. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Tempo de posse, cessação e lifetime effects. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2016.

• Desiree Pace. On the acquisition of numerals and container phrases in Brazilian Portuguese.

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Fellowship: PIBIC-EM, CNPq. 2014 – 2015.

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• Alzineia Rodrigues Barreto Filha Souza. The acquisition of flexible nouns by L2 Hebrew speakers.

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2014 – 2015.

• Carolina Mazarakis. Recursive and distributive interpretations of multiple embedded PPs in Brazilian Portuguese. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2014 – 2015.


• Sinn und Bedeutung 22, 2017. • 4th Workshop on the Semantics of African, Asian, and Austronesian Languages, 2016. • 47th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistics Society, 2016. • III Colóquio Brasileiro de Morfologia (Universidade de São Paulo), 2015. • Sinn und Bedeutung 20 (University of Tuebingen, Germany), 2015. • International Workshop on Children’s Acquisition and Processing of Head-Final Languages

(Harvard University), 2014.


• North America: Glossa, Lingua, Linguistics and Philosophy.

• Brazil: Caderno de Squibs: temas em estudos formais da linguagem; Liames, Revista da Abralin, Revista Brasileira de Línguas Indígenas, Revista de Estudos da Linguagem, Revista LinguíStica.


• First Toronto-Ottawa-Montreal Indigenous Languages of Latin America Workshop, 2017. • Malagasy Workshop. University of Toronto, 2017. • Co-organizer (with Susan Rothstein) of the workshop “A typology of count, mass and number in

Brazilian languages”. Museu do Índio, 2017. • Co-organizer (with Cilene Rodrigues) of the Symposium “Experimental linguistics and indigenous

languages” at the IX Congresso Internacional da Associação Brasileira de Linguística, 2015. • Co-organizer of the first formal and experimental semantics and pragmatics conference (FESP),

PUC-Rio (with Cilene Rodrigues and Erica Rodrigues), 2014. • Co-organizer of the IX ENAPOL (Encontro dos Alunos de Pós-Graduação em Linguística), 2006.


• Academic Appeals (Linguistics Department, University of Toronto), 2017 – in progress. • Graduate committee – Spanish and Portuguese department, University of Toronto, 2016- in

progress. • Validator for Brazuca (organization of Brazilian students at University of Toronto), 2016- 2017. • Coordinator of the course Linguística III (Formal Syntax), 2016. • Linguistics representative at the committee of advising and academic mentoring for undergraduate

students [Comissão de Orientação e acompanhamento acadêmico (COAA)], 2016. • Graduate Linguistic Student Association (GLSA) Manager, 2009 – 2010.

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• UMass, Amherst - Linguistics Colloquia Student Organizer, 2009 – 2010. LANGUAGES SPOKEN AND STUDIED Native Brazilian Portuguese Fluent English Intermediate French, Spanish Fieldwork Yudja, Kawaiwete.
