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Synapses Issue 2

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CSU port macquarie's Student Magazine. Made by the students for the students.
1 - Synapses April 2015

1 - Synapses April 2015


Synapses is a Port Macquarie Writers Guild student magazine and the opinions

expressed within are not necessarily those of the editor, staff or student

members. Association by person or companies with “Synapses” does not

necessarily reflect the religious, political, sexual, or racial beliefs of those parties.

The Writers Guild and Synapses members do not accept responsibility for any

omission, errors, misconceptions or the views and opinions contained in any

article accepted for publication. The right to edit or reject any articles submitted

remains with the editing body.

Yvette Coulon

Jessica Day

Thomas Lake

David Matters

Helen Doohan

Serana Hillin


International placement experience

Essential opening hours

Contact list

Cashman Report


Sports Report

Healthy relationships– headspace
















Want to submit something to Synapses?

It could be a picture, a story, an article about relevant-to-student-

life topic (money, studying, food, sleep, drinking too much, food)…

whatever you want to read about and see published! Email your

contributions to [email protected]

Deadlines for May issue: 20 April

3 - Synapses April 2015

Hello… And welcome to the second issue of Synapses! I hope everyone has been enjoying their first few

weeks of uni! I mean what’s not to enjoy? Hours of lectures, assignments, fat $$$ text books where

you have to google every second word so that you even know what is being said… yeah it’s great.

Really feeling confident in my decision to undertake a university degree right now. I know you all are

as well!

It’s getting pretty crowded here at our little makeshift campus, but it’s exciting to see proper tertiary

education become available in our little old town!

With so many new students we can really get the ball rolling in clubs and recreational activities! I get

so jealous when I see wagga is having glow stick parties.

Congratulations to our new SRC members who were announced on Friday! I have no idea who you

are because I chose to sit at home on Friday night (I had a great time too by the way) instead of

going to the census party, but CONGRATS! We will have an exclusive interview with our new council

members next issue asking all the important questions so stay tuned…

Happy Chocolate day for next weekend!

Yvette xxo gossip girl.

Poll results: when will the new port

campus be open for business?

60% of people think that the campus will be

ready just before semester 1 2016. A modest

hesitant opinion on their current goal to be

functional in October. I’m still of the opinion

that it won’t be ready until I leave which will be

end of 2026, and 26% of people agree with


Free 2-for1 movie vouchers!

Send in the title of the movie

that sums up your life.

Email entries:

[email protected]

by 16th April.

Got a cover worthy photo?

Want to be featured on a prestigious


Email your photos to

[email protected]

(must be your own photo and preferably not a

hairy man with a bullet belt)


4 - Synapses April 2015

This experience is rated F for freaking amazing

– where's my passport

Studying paramedics at Charles Sturt

University (CSU) in Port Macquarie has

provided me with a world of opportunity to

learn and develop skills both here in Australia

and abroad. In 2014, in my second year of

studies I was fortunate enough to be selected

to travel to Thailand for work experience

through CSU's global education program.

I was part of a group of twelve students and

two lecturers - mainly a mix from CSU's Port

Macquarie and Bathurst campuses. Our first

meeting as a group was at Sydney's airport

departure lounge before boarding our plane -

destination Bangkok.

After leaving a chilly Sydney, it was a shock to

the system to arrive in the heavy heat of

Bangkok. Bangkok airport is a bustling

terminal filled with people of varied

nationalities as it is used by many airlines as a

stopover to other destinations including the

Middle East and Europe. Keeping everyone

together was our wonderful lecturers Tania and

Nua. Tania was a seasoned traveller and

provided me with a steady supply of travel

sickness tablets, and Nua hailed from Bangkok

and so was able to speak the language to

quickly organise transport to our hotel.

Tired and sore we straggled onto minivans

taking us to our hotel and sat back happy we

had arrived in Thailand. If we thought we were

going to enjoy a leisurely drive, we were

horribly mistaken. Thais like to drive - fast.

The speed limit for the freeway was 80km but

we were going much faster. Surrounded by

Toyotas of every description (the car of choice

for Thais) our vans were weaving in and out of

the congested traffic, and after experiencing a

few near misses I thought my skills as a

paramedic student may actually be required or

I would need a paramedic myself.

After enduring a nail-biting journey of around

half an hour we finally pulled into the driveway

of our hotel. The chaos of traffic, horns, sirens

and people was immediately dulled as we

stepped into the coolness of the hotel lobby.

Uniformed staff warmly greeted us with chilled

refreshments and we were shown to

comfortable seats. Tania and Nua explained

the Itinerary for our stay in Bangkok, and then

we were able to retire to our rooms. The

Bangkok hotel provided comfortable and

attractive rooms and the bed was an especially

welcome relief after a long day travelling.

The next day was spent sight seeing in

Bangkok - it was a blur of people, temples,

gold, exotic food stalls, shops, trains, traffic,

and buildings. The highlight of the day was the

river cruise where we fed some fish that looked

as though they'd bite your arm off, watched

lizards almost as big as crocodiles slide into the

murky river, and spied a dead dog bobbing up

and down against a pontoon. The cruise also

allowed us to glimpse the old Bangkok, we saw

original Thai houses made out of carved wood,

floating markets, people fishing, and

mysterious walled gardens with small temples.

Evenings in Bangkok were spent visiting

various markets; exploring multi storied

shopping centres, being dazzled by bright

lights, navigating narrow footpaths, eating

spicy food, and squeezing into Tuk Tuks, which

hurtled down crowded streets.

The country was under military rule but there

was little evidence of this as we explored the

city other than noticing the occasional military

themed poster or advert on one of the city's

public video screens. Billboards both digital

and static dominated Bangkok's skyline - from

the gigantic - longer than several football fields

to the smaller personal screens on the footpath

- it was hard to believe the city of over 6

million people started life as a village on the

banks of a river.

A whirlwind few days of sightseeing tours and

enjoying the delights of local markets came to

an end as we donned our student uniforms and

experienced what is was like to be a paramedic

in Thailand's exciting and never predictable pre

hospital environment.

Next issue: Pre hospital adventures in


Need volunteer hours?

Become a

student leader & inspire school

students to go to uni!

Email Bron: [email protected]

6 - Synapses April 2015

Greetings student people!

Food! Glorious food, is on the agenda today, my

favourite topic.

How can I shave my spending on food so I

go out more often Mr Cashman??

Good question friend. The following page shows a

budget – don’t cringe – about food I buy from

Coles. This is only something to base your spend-

ing, I know how difficult it is to track your costs

and keep to a budget but this will give you a quick

idea of another man’s food list. This list includes

bulk goods – why would I need 1kg of rice for one

dish?? – because it’s hell cheaper than the small


Dude, why is your budget over $80 and

where’s lunch??

It’s not for just one week. Plan to spend, work to

save. All my dinners can be frozen for other

nights. Lunches are best to eat the leftovers from

the night before or microwave one of those frozen

dinners. Even the chance to chomp on the veg or

fruit if you roll that way.

So just buy from large shops like Coles and


Hell no. Look out for other places, make lists – if

you’re a nerd – or just ask around. The big shops

use marketing and merchandise positioning tech-

niques to make you buy more, when it could be

much cheaper and better elsewhere, like the re-

ject store or the markets.

So buy cheap and live like an 1800’s pau-


Yes. If you shave back your hairy-spending habit,

you will have more to spend socialising or on that

other habit you have.

I am strapped for cash man, give me some


I can’t give you money, but CSU does provide $50

emergency grants see Clara in student central.

That’s all for this edition

from Ca$hman. If you have any questions, tips

or ideas for students in money, email to

[email protected].

I will respond in the next edition of Synapses.

Budget April 2015

group item cost size notes Breakfast:

porridge Quick Oats $ 1.45 500g Add milk stir and put in microwave for

3 mins. Instant porridge milk $ 2.00 litre

Brown sugar $ 1.69 500g

total $ 5.14 can last one week


Spaghetti Bol. Minces $ 3.50 500g pasta $ 1.00 packet

sauce $ 1.70 big jar Baguletto brand

total $ 6.20 Freeze left overs in containers. Other


Ravioli (no oven) sauce $ 1.70 big jar Baguletto brand

ravioli range $ 3.70 for 2 Cook in boiling water from kettle and

stir until soft. Add with sauce total $ 5.40 for two

Casserole Cheap meat $ 5.00 500g casserole, chuck or other cheap meat

tomato paste $ 1.30 large jar

Once opened, screw on lid and leave

upside down in fridge. Airtight, lasts 3x


crushed tomatoes $ 1.20 tin Italian ones have herbs and spices carrots $ 1.00 1kg potatoes unwashed $ 2.98 1kg

frozen peas $ 2.00 1kg

total $ 13.48

Cook in slow cooker 5-8hrs or on oven

tray cover with aluminium and cook

same time on medium.

Stir Fry chicken breast $ 4.50 500g from the deli

sauce $ 2.08 packed Lee Kum Kee range is my fav.

Frozen veg $ 3.08 1kg

rice $ 3.39 1kg

Total $ 13.05 freeze left overs

chopped sausages $ 7.00 pack of 22 Use 4-6 each cook. Freeze the rest

sauce $ 2.08 packed Lee Kum Kee range is my fav.

Frozen veg $ 3.08 1kg

rice $ 3.39 1kg

Total $ 15.55 freeze left overs

Hawaiian Pizza pizza bases $ 3.00 2 pack Coles brand, look out for lavish bread

and English muffins (mini pizzas). pineapple pieces $ 1.20 medium tin ham $ 10.00 500g from deli

grated cheese $ 6.50 700g

tomato paste $ 1.30 large jar

Once opened, screw on lid and leave

upside down in fridge. Airtight, lasts 3x

longer. Total $ 22.00 make approx. 3

Deserts Pudding instant pudding $ 1.45 packet Cottee's brand add milk. Feed 2.

pancakes Pancake mix $ 1.75 one bottle Add water. Makes approx. 4-6 pan-


Big food shop $ 84.02 breakfast, 5 dinners and 2 deserts

Toga Party

NAACHO Mexican Night

10 - Synapses April 2015

CSU sporting committee aims to provide each student with many opportunities in the sporting world.

We offer many sports and activities, each week to give students a break from the hectic life of

university. Currently the sporting committee are trying to put teams together for the Eastern Uni

games in Wagga Wagga, they will be held on the 5th till the 9th of July. If you are interested please

feel free to contact the sporting committee through their Facebook page or email address;

[email protected]. Please look below for upcoming events;

Event Time Date Description

Social Sports 3:30 pm Every



These sports are played against other students, as a muck around. All

is welcome and different sports are played each week. This event is

held behind Grant Street/ behind the uni.

Yoga TBA Will be held at uni of an afternoon by a qualified instructor. Max of 20


Boot Camp TBA Held by a personal trainer that will improved your fitness at a cheap-

er rate than a gym.

Self Defence






Room 117, here you will be taught all about self-defence by a quali-

fied instructor.

Inter Uni


2:30pm Wednesday

25th March

Help at CSU Port Macquarie, Play Ultimate Frisbee, Touch & Soccer

against UoN & Moore's College


verse the


4:00pm Every


The rivalry game of soccer is played behind the uni. It’s a great game

that allows bragging rights, meeting people and most importantly

some fun. Watch out around uni for posters of when it will be held.

Sports Trivia


TBA 30th of April A great way to get to know the sporting committee, sign up for mem-

berships and have some fun. $5 for a ticket and location will be an-

nounced ASAP

Relay for life Starts at

2pm Sat

and End



16th & 17th

of May

An amazing night to support and remember those who have been

touched by cancer. This fun filled event is held at stuarts park in port

Macquarie. More info will be posted around uni ASAP

Eastern Uni


5th to 9th


Unigames are held at wagga wagga, it is a fun and great opportunity

for Port Macquarie CSU to get known.

11 - Synapses April 2015

Black Box Pizza

I’ve only had one pizza from this fine pizza

shop. It wasn’t a supreme, didn’t have onion or

mushrooms. No this pizza was dripping in

chocolate brownies, chocolate, toffee sauce

and caramel ice cream. And it was fucking

amazing. I think I consumed the entire week of

the standard adult diet in kj’s in one sitting. No


I ordered a chocolate caramel take away so I

could demolish this beast in the privacy of my

own lounge room while watching a sappy mov-

ie in my underwear. It took me two hours to

eat 4 slices. I felt sick, but it was the kind of

sickness where you don’t stop even though

your stomach feels like it is about to rupture

because whatever you are eating is just so

damn amazing. The caramel ice cream is of the

Ben and Jerry’s variety. I definitely recommend

you smother it all over the top like you would

spread Nutella over a sandwich. Thick. Maybe

even spread some Nutella over it as well! You

can never have too much Nutella in your life.

I purchased this gift from Pizza heaven in Janu-

ary and have not eaten another pizza since-

because nothing could compare (…And I still

maybe a feel a bit woozy at the thought).

Black Box pizza is in Short Street, opposite

Centrelink and is open 11am-9pm Sunday to

Thursday, and 11am to 10pm Friday and Sat-

urday. I’ve heard their ordinary pizzas are

good too.

Jupiter Ascending

Running time: Too long (2hr 7min)

Jupiter Ascending is listed in the "space opera"

genre of movies. This isn’t necessarily im-

portant I just feel it needs to be said.

We join Meg from Family Guy (Mila Kunis) as a

girl named, Jupiter. A young woman who de-

spite having flawless skin and a banging body,

is single. She lives her life as a modern Cinder-

ella, (or as I believe they are commonly re-

ferred to, Maids.) alongside her mother and

family. She spends her whole life sighing and

wishing that something was different, that she

was wealthier. And things do kind of suck for

her, up until the point where she is almost

killed by a bunch of grey aliens and is miracu-

lously saved by what can only be referred to as

a dog-man.

Dog - man turns out to be called Caine and is

played by "omg he used to be a stripper!"

Channing Tatum. Basically from this point in

the movie, shit gets real.

Outer Space happens. Incestuous families

make an appearance. Lots of gold wall color-

ings and opulence dazzle and amaze. Breath

taking costumes are worn for about 5 minutes

at a time. Somehow amongst all of this Jupiter

becomes the official owner of earth (because

apparently that can happen) and fights her

urge to not partake in some kind of not really

but kind of bestiality relationship with her Dog

boy slave. The whole movie has what I would

call "Twilight" undertones. The scenery and al-

iens encountered are AWESOME and I think a

much better story could have happened with

just those guys, not Miss- I-want-everything-


I would recommend this as a date movie, be-

cause there are fight scenes and guns and

space and stuff, whilst still having romantic

"Aww look at their LOVE!" moments. Also there

is a pretty cool scene with bumble bees.

3/5 Stars! (Because Space)

Watched an awesome? (or not so awesome)

movie lately? Eaten an amazing meal? Read

the most epic novel that you feel would

benefit man kind and bring about world peace

if everyone read it? Or maybe it was all so

damn terrible it would be a public disservice

not to tell inform everyone?

Send us your reviews at:

[email protected]

13 - Synapses April 2015

Is being blonde a pre-requisite for being a blonde paramedic student?

- Nonparamedic

Stop parking in the seniors parking at Munster street assholes. Green P plates? Use

your young well perfused legs and walk. - popsicle vigilante

Why does the coffee shop have to close early!! My lecture starts at 3pm, I need

something to get me through the mid afternoon slump! Instant coffee from commons

just won’t do. -coffee, pronto

I should be studying… but I am having a firefly marathon instead. How has this show

existed so long without me knowing?! -Mal’s bitch

That blonde babe paramedic student who studies in the student commons most

Wednesday mornings. I see you ;) -gotthehots


When you're down and troubled, and you need

a helping hand, and nothing, nothing is going

right… Maybe singing songs James Taylor

songs from 1971 won’t help. But if you are a

first year and you have a port Macquarie

related question about your course these kind

souls have volunteer to try and answer them! *No guarantees on reliability or helpfulness of answers.

Paramedic Contact:

Krystal: [email protected]

Justice Contact

Ashleigh: [email protected]

Jarred bendeich:

[email protected]

Medical Radiation Science contact

Yvette: [email protected]

Social Work:

Karen: [email protected]


Andrew: [email protected]

No one from your course volunteered to

answer your questions? How mean of them!

Email [email protected] and we will

hunt someone down. Just for you.

If you got a really hard question email student

central [email protected]

Essential Opening hours

Learning Commons Grant Street: Mon-Fri- 7am

-9:30pm, Sat- 7am-1:30pm

KFC: 10am-10pm EVERYDAY!

Coles CBD: 6am—10pm EVERDAY!

Coles Lake Innes Village and Lighthouse Beach:

Mon-Sun 7am- 10pm

Woolworths Settlement City: Monday to Friday-

7am -10pm, Saturday-Sunday- 7am- 9pm

Red Rooster Gordon Street: 10am to 10pm


Charlies Takeaway, Lake Innes Complex: Mon-

Fri - 7.30 am- 7pm, Sat: 9am - 7:30 pm, Sun:

11 am - 6:30 pm

Coles Express Gordon St: 6am-10pm everyday!

Your Discount Chemist, 119 Horton street: Mon

-Fri- 8am - 7pm, Sat- 8:30-6pm, Sun- 9:30-


Mcdonalds Settlement City- Always!

Officeworks, 20 Short St: Mon-Fri- 8am - 7pm,

Sat-Sun- 9am-5pm.

Dan Murphy’s Crn Gordon and Horton Street:

Mon-Sat– 9am—9pm, Sun– 10am—7pm

Zucchini Slice

This recipe is cheap, easy and lasts for days in

the fridge. And it has bacon! Originally from

taste.com.au Ingredients

5 eggs

1 cup of self raising flour

375 grams of zucchini (about 2 medium ones)

1 large onion

200gs of rindless chopped bacon

1 cup of grated cheeeeeese

1/4 cup of vegetable oil


Preheat oven to 170°C . Grease a lasagne dish.

Put flour and eggs into a bowl and beat

unmercifully so it isn’t too clumpy.

Add the rest of the ingredients and mix together.

Pour into your prepared dish.

Bake for 30-45 minutes until cooked through.

15 - Synapses April 2015

Confucious Say…..

Fallen Phrase is a classic

puzzle game of jumbled letters.

Can you put the fallen tiles

back in the proper spaces?

Try to fill in the missing numbers.

The missing numbers are integers between

1 and 18.

The numbers in each row add up to totals

to the right.

The numbers in each column add up to the

totals along the bottom.

The diagonal lines also add up the totals to

the right.

Number Block!

Because you don’t have enough confusing things to do!

Do you spend Saturday nights

creating your own sodoku squares?

Send them to us so everyone can

join in the fun!

Send us your puzzles at:

[email protected]
