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/ iltliilu,lt(i7li|r iti:r,i4i.;riii«3iffm;irrti^ ** i f ^ r ^ j r ^ j y- /-- / ' M(»j4.,*«TW*FS*1' I 1 I t * n yy f /* < I * T J* VOJ-. XLV, No. 31, l ';;,M.:,;;.,.;ri, l ..;.'{..,-.-i'Jr t ...ii. i v . ' y j i ^ r y ^ s a . r . ^ ' . ^ a Jw-^-y.a'»-w.,<..».» ... < .... ,.i<^j - ^ ~ s x PRICE FIVE CENTS INSTALL OFFICERS LOCAL LODGE HELD SPECIAL MEET THUR. —BRIER HILL INSTALLED WEDNESDAY,* A specal meeting of Adeipha Re- oekah Lodge No. 211 Vas held 'last Thursday evening, Ock 13, for the purpose of installing the officers, for the coming year. " The following officers were instajfl- «d in their respectiye chah& Dy'Stella" Morris, district deputy president and staff of officers of Heuvelton Rebek- ah Lodge. y Iva Lavanwvjay, Noble^GfandT " Addie Gibson, Vice Grand. " Edna Amberson> Financial -Secre- tary Ida Charter, Recording Secretary, Helen Dermck, Treasurer.— - Efhyl -Carty Presiding Past .Noble Grand. Irene Holmes, Warden. —Mary—Schermerfconv-Conductor.- Thelma Eustis, Musician* ,.* _ Ella Eod^gerr Rjght Support to N.. is.' "•-,•••~ ~_I^-' '- y Itafooes More; Le^^i^ppr^.1^1^1 tip "Stiles, Chaplain^ •/- $ •;; •:, > v If;,.';^ **•;, v'y'is£yy-y • Jejsste Smithers, l^.|^ppdgt $o<..y* Pearl Young, Inside Gjiardian^ . Cora Dunham, Outside Guardian. Cath^rne^TKclfellwiipV ^gdjJ36iisi£ Wats<|,^Al^!SjK>or% ';^ tf*~] Helene Paddock, Grace Paddock. J^ika^MethorpeinffJiva NtcW3an> .»|wr_Bjearers>.___ ._-.... ^ ,-._- - v --.. :t . ~^ ; , .."., ^pui^.Poresiden*.^uc^ Morris and'I ^euveTtoh-Lciag^-aiid ?»N. ; .-j5. .||I*»r Woods of Ateawdriii, -Hifc.1 "' 1 6 DISTS. HAVE 100 PER CENT ATTENDANCE _ ^ r <• s Sunt. Fortune' Give* OM Report Hammond High School 'Record 1* Ninety-*ight Per Cent > The attendance recprd of the schools in^thej,. Second Supervisory district of St. Lawrence County, for the month, of 'September, wa^ giyen out yesterday"T)y Superintendent ^A< W^ Fortune of Morristown, and i f *• Hammond { * Dist.No. No.Reg. %Atb. (Hammond High School) 1 2 4 8 15 5", 6 -J7- A - S 9. 10 11 , _ Dist.No. -2 .- ^••.? —- 6 -22 19 8- 14 13 Macomb No Reg/ - iO— v ; 1S-J ?*"- 10 J 1*1 12' 12 * * '••2$;?-. J 5 V 3'V** * v ,cov:ered: 4isli M p p r ^^fery^d- at the close of the nieetiiig to^abciut] one-Tiundred -yisitora and-members^ - At the regular meeting of the Re- hekah Lodge, held in their lodge rooms at BrierJEilljWednesday jjyenr ing^ ^)ct- i2^4;he- following officers,] yrere instaUed by District Deputy President, Stella Morris and her staff of officers: Noble Ijiand,. .Joyce f _ MiQueer, Vice Grand, Carrie Parks, Secretary, Ma- rine. - McWilliams, Treasurer, Avis Giltz, Chaplain, Margaret Chester, Warden, Myrtle Kastner, Conductor, Marion Thomas, R. S. N. G., Nellie .JWcWilUams^JL^^N^G^^Avis-GiltZrl R. S. V. G., Bertha Teall, L. S. V. G. Ethel Parks, Inside Guardian, Betsy _ Woodcock, Outside* Guardian, XToydT g McEwen. A banquet was enjoyed at the close of the installation -ceremomes»-j-SEIZORES-^Y-eiJST©MS- MEN IN SEPTEMBER CHEESE PRICE REMAINS AT 11 CENTS AT GOUVERNEUR The price of cheese remained" at eleven cents at' the meeting of * the Gouverneur cheese board on Prfday ^ghtt-IEhere. were l^ilL boxejusoldtl The price an the Plymouth board 4ast-week wa§ also eleyen_ .cents. A year ago the figure on the Gouv- erneur board was- 13% isnts per) pound, this Fethg a raise centi There were 1,19-7- boxes -sold-at that time. The Plymouth price then wasr 13%: *ents per -pounds At Friday's meeting of the Gouv- erneur Dairy board, it was decided to hold the annual dinner-on—-Oct. 29 at 7 at the St." Lawrence' liin. -A^generaL^cjnmMe^Ij^nsM^ Leo Storrin, president of the board! L. A. Virkler, R. S. Richardson, and G. G. Baldwin was appointed. Raif.h Chandler will. te»e^charge: ofithe.dini her and entertainment; " ~ BRIER. HILL MAN FILES BANKRUPTCY PETITION ^JBbicar-Oct telease_i£6mJiaw,| 14 21 \> * * " < ^ •/ ? r ' . 'V'JPTS^ " y*. ," y- Mprrintown Dist.No. ;- No.Seg. (Morristown High School) "C"'" "" '"" " *"*" 25"""*' 98 93 ^-100 ~-99 100 ., 97 100 100 99 96 9&Atfc- 96 *.- m y 995 ; 96i ••^lOO- 9-6 6 91 '": 97. •: 99 I 99 , 98 ^100 -t-98 ^Att. .100 JiQO: Albany, October 20—-^Phe largest distribution of motor fuel tm^ money to the yaridus ^cowntiesvof^he-state made this year was a^nounced-to.day by Thomas M. Lytich, Commissioiier of Taxation and Pmanci The fiffcyv seven counties outside of Greater New York City received a total of. $1,748,510-77 for the October allot*' ment. In this latest distribution, the city of New York received- as its share $437,127.69,^ while the Sthte of New York-kept for its - portion -$4,638^ "585727. "The T»tal r_ quarEerIy ~a^fS^ tiohment was $6,824,223.73., The ta^e aid among thejafj^eyejt^cMn- at-the rate-of-424^9-a-mile,-. I—While- ^Ms-latest--! ^itb^ne-exeeptionf-since the moi iBei"fex IsW'''!&& him effective.; 1 th ' .-ijis!. .Harold ; .tM>Qle;e^*e]|| thj&'JBTidge club o n , ^ ? 4 ^ l « ? l 6 ••_. 7 8 9 _ 10 11 12 13 14 Dist.No. H. 2. ^3 4 5 - 7 & 10 , 12 c 9. 19 14 13 18 15 3 12 Rossie No.Reg. 20 12 . 21 13 ^ .. 20 i& 12 13 .. 100 99 100 98 —- m\ 98 100 100 97 %Atb. -100 '94 97 99 96 Sansoucy attended the Wt concert at' Ogdensburg Monday P 9 M. * *. <_.'.. X_-_. Mr. and Mrs. John- Prederick" and |Mr^-and-MTOr^^ren-I)ecker-^nd-soh Robert spent last Friday in Water- town. » a> s Mr. and Mrs. R. T* Elethorp and daughter Aiyilla, spent Sunday with' M i ^ a n d Jfbs^._XQSeph_.PJ^mer a? Brier Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Haggard of Ogdensburg were dinner guests of Mr! George Cuthbert enj~ I Mr. and lOfrfSundayv 99 Mrs. Andrew Stiles and daughter. BeEty, of Auburn7"NT "ST,-spent Pri day afternoon visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Stiles. 100 98 The report of customs patrol activ- ities, in the month of September was made public by Collector John C. Tulloch Saturday. Seizures consisted of 26 motor ^arsr two 4rucksf-a-*Qw boat,. jrnotoK boat? two pairs of oars, wheelbarrow, six-saw-horsesr two tool boxes, 7,49.6. bottles of ale, 123 bottles of assort- ed liquor, four and a half "gallons of of a| alcohol, one gallofr^TwiilerT3nB--half j j Ogdensburg. bottle of distilled spirits. The value of the seizures exclu- ^iveTOf^he-intoxicantrrvras--$?4^ Fines and penalties aggregated $133. There were thirteen arrests for smug- gling] three" aliens and another case were turned over to the immigration "3epartmenf^and—-five^ /cases...to _±he4i1iotLer_aM_fiMl^ djing_.fine. state policy "There were five viol* tions of Section 459, not reporting at the - border. REBEKAHS PLAN SHOW TO _^-BE_JHELD yNOVEMBER 4th. The regular meeting of Adeipha Rebekali Ledge" was held on Monday jit. hiliities of $5,206' is asked by Arthur T^SmlhT^'ieFTIill,TfTlTp^Griipnln bankruptcy "which he filed in federal court here today. He turns his assets of $637 over to the court, including notes fdV'J$&6& - The sevefal. creditors. lnclude-Mark tin; L. StWens6A,41)009 and Colle- giate Supply company $82, both of l^ei&^ill^McMire^gJens- Jburjf, $tj#and R»MVt-* 4 Sitt{ih^Hami' J ^ 3 ; $2 f 406:^ag-E.^^>|ro^ '«?£ ^s^w.n,-is.Atoiney^fiK^rvf^^ two leade 1 !^ -to -chdse aides -and-iiave. an~SEBBSaiS*e~ "c6re6gst through -Hte fall and winter months. ^-'The losing side to furnish entertainment and supper to the winning side., Sisters -HelenJCutway-and-IreneJEolmes were chosen jas leaders. So let eacli mem- ber make aft ^tfott.Sd be present .afid] help their side win. It was also Voted te i h o h l a sjocjM. _ ^ » eijtettaitynen^ aS-ouhiTHauoiwe'elhi thne.^ Sister IvS (Hayarnwa^ jwas^hjg^te. aa ; .,]Cha^Eman. The"date pUHhed4g-N<yy^-40h~- |Dr. send Mrs. T. A. Lewis retiirned foihfe, Sunday after a* week's visnt at jfintreal. 11^_ 1 w i •«. --«„ ,-, .. ••;. .'.^seconds the pump liouse was a maa$ the barn, where the recently cut hay quickly put the names; beyond .con* ^oL~_It-^was_Jieces8ajy_jl^L_driveyfc9 Dry jput^herfqrd ® c p g ^ | ^ spent .^«iwjb%^yieni^^liiv.; wlSh,,his parents.-;* '!^r ;M*s. Tma etid witii hej^datt] Murtoir-atrPoge-^t A baby girl was*' eVening^at' seven ojcipcli Mrs. Hermbh Cotigeif. NeweU Smith of speni' ^Mpnda^.; ;*n^h|"^-Mpt: ; ; __ ^ __ J^wJi^rM^-AnCi^^D^G;>R#|^iI Mrgi^ George. Murray and daughter sr Edna Amberson spent Saturday ^e}iih t ^-4t'-Wattertown. ' 4i'*-# .'*•' "% - ' ; Saime^ Fitch viated Mr. and Wv ay laight and Suhdiyi, ;—:---, - - - » - » •',•• ^0"E&a Athbersonand Mrs. Er^j ^j^Bbihie^yisited Mh. t>eoni Losee a^-M^nStOivn: 'Sunday' eveniiig^ > v *-^y"'vi'.'-. ^ * •* '• ^y^ ; - 4-^^;aM,Mfe?*> George T?M& of. lBa« |i^l^e|tfi|Cijfe|day %r,-and Mrs. David t G. Rodger jnptored to Rome Iftaday to visit Dr. and Mrs; Frant Smith. They returned home Monday. Mrs.-Ethel Goodwihani daughter ^lfce, both of Gouverneur^ spent thej past week visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goodwin. * * * MF."and~Mrff. -WrA; Burton and | Mr. and Mrs. Bohert Heron, and. little daughter -Beverly composed a motor party to 'Watertown last Friday. Mrs. D. A. Barnes of Watertown spent the past week-end with Mrs. Genevieve Gokey in South Hammondi Mr. Barnes came out Sunday for her r » » Mr* and Mrs. Adam Turnbull and Mr. and. Mts. James Simons of Ros^- sie were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. —Mr. and_Mrs._Bay_Soper and Miss.| Eva Barney of Brier Hill, Mrs. Grace Hill and Mr. W. H. Jaquith spent a (few days the past week at Grace Field, Ont., Canada. * * » Mr. Allen Hough. Miss Esther | . ville Sunday. » » m Mrs. Genevieve Gokey of South Hammond spent a few days last weeETvisiting" Mr. -andyMfsl"IWy"G7 Clarkson and daughter Bessie in Mr. and Mrs. Guy Yerdott -are re^ joicing over the arrival of a 10y| pound baby boy, Ray Nicholas, bom Monday evening, Oct. 17th. Both £ Mrs. E. M. Spears who formeHy lived in Hammond and who is now living in Syracuse, was calling upon old .Mends in town last week-.--^White here Mrs. Spears made her home with Mrs. Mary DemlcE •-—- / * » » ,- Miss Dorothy VanDuzer of Adams visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibson S.aMrdax..afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. -Gibson- returned-home-with- Miss- Van-] Duzer and spent Saturday night and Sunday at her home. w » m Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Stiles and Steiner, Miss Pauline Eddie and Mr, Wallace Jones of Watertown were Sunday evening guests' at Mr. and Mrsj Robert Gibson's. * * * Word was received in town Thurs- day that a son, Joseph, Jr., was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haven, at the COUNTY GETS $ 6 1 , 8 * 3 . 9 1 FROM GAS TAX FUNDS St. Lawrence Co. Receive* Largest Sum "Of Any—Ifajtal Fo!r?:S*ate Leu Than That Of 1931 . ties outside the metropolis was hased on_a total mileagebof; 71,6J8; Mies or than the $1,641,000 sent out in, Jan- uary, Jhe $1,275,000 JnrApnl or the: $1,387,000 in Julyof ihis~year»-it-is^5?as destroyed. the_lpwest Octoher jiisl^bjiiiojijnadk 5$it,57P;t)0!(). f he October/ 1930 triBtnioh wUs $1,902,000 and in Oc- tober of 1931 it totaled $l*849,0QO Once again Steuben, St. LawiSiftc^, Suffolk and Deleware, each havih^ a mileage of pyer-^tiOiniles of- uhfm- prbyedto^d, ^ceived, the. largest amount from this distribution., Ham- ilton, Schehectady". and Rockland liHGS Bit ON HADLOGK M FIRE StARTED^ BY BACKFIRE OF PUMP ENGINE—GETS BEYOND CONTROL SOON The Hammond Fire Department was called to the Hadlock'flkrm home below this village last Thijraiay aft- ernoon at about two o'clock, to? com- bat a fire which had started when a gasoline engine, which was'being started hy-Edwin Hadlock, sonf of Mrs. Elnora Hadlock, owner of jfche farm, backfired, and started a blaze in the pump house. The firemen .suc- ceeded in saving the f arm'TiouBe SScp some other property nearby,-" hut many of the farm buildings were a j^total-losspas~well--as^the-entire-hay-- and grain crop and a silo just re- cently filled with conu- Fortunately, ther^lras no livestock - in - theTbarnr the-time-fldMhe-firep-and-most-of-- ,,„,„., .-^ the machinery which was in the sheds at"the~time, was _ removed~before- *it The-fire started while-Edwin-was— he pump, andin just a few, T the village to give the alarm, a* there is.no telephone at the farmland con-> sequently it was some time .before the fire fighting apparatus reached t h e fire. ..„.,. . , Upon the arrival of the pumper &>ra*iej^c^^ tnd=cTiBmiwa^ago^ ^„ B S^#,S?¥fe^S ,hlfiafl ^Ta line of hose was quickly connect |ece|ved thei' smjillei*; amouiits. -^rLawr«nce'4!dUiriS^T*^ a s its; share in ; 1this> ftp|ti;^6hinen^ ?67 f -;j 843.91' for ite-3>Wt «nilei of tinim^ proved toads, while Jefferson county with.l,9Sl'miles= df tins type XQS$$ quickly^ connectT ed through the pumper to the well, but this source of supply-soon, gave out, ,and water was drawn from near- Jby wells to supply We apparatus with suffifiient water to protect tiie Other buildings; Those which were destroyed- includeaVthe; harn r hog pen. a I '-. * a Will Di«ca«» I«iue» of _. State.-Cam; paign Tonight jn Star Theatre In^©gdenab««'g-at-8-O l cIocfc Colonel Donovan, Republican can- didate for Governor of New York, Uvili-speak-in the Star Theatre in_Qg>. densbufg this "evening at eight o'eloelrj before what 4s expected to be an en- thusiastic -Republican rally? Colonel Donovan is making a lec- ture" tOTrrof-this section of lhe-State-| uraking- several ^speechesrdaily." will speak at gatherings in Gouver- neur, Canton and in Ogdensburg to- day and will go on to Plattsburg to- morrow. All local voters who can possibly do~so are "urged" tB"attend the meet- ing this evening, as it is the nearest which will be held with the guber- natorial candidate speaking. HUFFMAN CO. DRILL BOAT LEFT SUNDAY FfS5k BSMK-'alxdLfaimlyrfi^ young parents are well known in this sec- ttion. - « Miss Anna Throop yeturned to her home at Brockviile7^)nit., olTWednes- day evening after visiting at the home of Mr', and M.m Joseph Young *r[and Mr^-and .Mrsv-Jlober.t Gibson, for the past six weeks. •' * *. !* Mr*, and Mrs. G7\JS." ".Jepson" and E. H. Simons of Batneveld, N. Y., Mrsv-Ai-M. StHes-of—AuhTirn—*nd daughter Betty, and Mr. arid Mrs. Gardner Hills of Syracuse spent Sun- juiay with Mr. and Mrs. W: W. Nicot [ajad. family. * _ ' g r a n d d a u g h t e r H a r r i e t 7 a n e a r e yTs-^ ittrig-at O^folrd fof j few days. Mrs. Cronk and little daughter Elsie who hay^.beeh vi^iting^ her parents, Mtt |?a|JdlMrsr"Me|"f6r" the past^ouri j?eeks, retuttiied to^ her home at Ox? forofwitl them. —jMp^and~Mrs^-Wr- H, - Wright- re- turned Friday from a month's trip by auto visiting friends and rela- tives. En route they visited Hunting- TWr^nrf'^SutRSinptJon, L-yi.T tJranT? w.oad_9^d...Blidgef6hy N.. J.; Newiown, {. Conn., and Ossining, N. Y. • .. * * A birthday supper was served at Wm. Goodwin's last Thursday eve- ISirig, in hono~F~WnSIfs7~G6odwm's birthday. Mrs. Henry Welch made the birthday cake, which was very prettily decorated. The guests in- cluded Mh- and Mrs. . Henry Weleh and daughter Ella Louise and Robert J; NiedeToesterrichieche, The drill boat which has been em- ployed by the HuffmanrConstruction Co., in removing the shoals along the river since the explosion of the "America" this summer, was tak- j^nJtQ_^bxa_nderla, Bay Sunday aft- ernoon when operations were halted for the season. The boat was' of a more modem I'typT" than the "America,* 1 " but Was not so suitable for the woi-k in the local waters, because of the hard rock formation hereabouts. No an- nouricement_was__jn^adj__con.cerning when the work" would be resumed, but it was said that no more would be done "this fall, and- the local men whe were employed were laid off. "The "crew of"The boaf left with -heiy and many of. the men .who. came tc this section to work on the various shifts, have left for their respective homes. 1M$ been'; •j^yeit.ro^.;.hut. ib_';ifilM» •*•!»$, - to run •vr'ery high,' with drily TaftM insurance-coverage; : -"- DANCE AND MUSICAL Mayor Morressitte** Relief TJayeriyWill Pretent Show Tomorrow Night Fund A home talent musical revue, and a dance following the show, will be j^rlput- on-inJEtnox. -HalL tomorrow ..eye- _ ning under the auspices of Knox Hall, Inc. y . The revue is named "Variety" and is under the direction/of Barbara and Glenn Ireton of Ogdensburg. The «ast includes about_50_peolpIe.JErom_. Ogdensburg, going under the name of Mayor Morrissette's Relief Fund Players. The numbers will include many in- tricate dances both.in choruses afid teams, while some of the best musi- cal talent of the city will take part in solo numbers. The show is guar- j-artteed—-to—he—good- eifteftafflsment-- throughout, and a good attendance is looked forward to by the local b&ck- -T-Hl ..-=£! ers. . • ••-- -- - - - j - -' —Jhe_aostumes..are designed and ex« ecuted by Barabara Ireton. Settings are by the Novelty Scenic Studios of New York, and music will be furnish- ed by Gienlr Ireton'^nd his Musfe" — Immediately following the last cur- tain, the hall will be cleared to make room for the dancing which will con- tinue .to the. strains of Ire ton's 12- piece band,- until 3 a. m, ROAD BUILT INTO FIRE CISTERN BACK OF LEWIS* CHURCH SUPPER TO BE HELTJ AirisossrE WED. The annual church supper put on by the ladies of St. Patrick's church in Rossie, will.. be .. held .next. Wed- nesday evening. The "meal will be served in the church hall, and ar- rangements' are being made to ac- comodate a record number. Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson were J callers in Watertown Friday evening. Fire Chief Ralph Lavarnway. an- nounced during the past week that the road into the old well back of Lewis & Lewis' garage-, had been compIeteT^ana~woTil(f" br^re^dy~f or™ .«s«.in-.case .of fire,.: :. .._.;... ;..:.... ; ... The well is an excellent source of water for such an emergency, but has not been accessible at all times of the year before now, owing to the soft "ground between" the road'ahd it, dHving the spring' and after heavy rains. The road has been sub-based and good surface been put on to assure [ts accessibility at all times of the year in the future. :l& / , • 1 m -f' •\tT -yyi.y;\. f - NH! ' ; 'f- , i ; ' ' . . . '•>' ' •-l.'J-.^;:. .-. 'I .J - v 4<*8«St ._i.)_ :*jL._t-.i ...c.Li:...A.\\L ./J ^}f i - / 1 1 .»• TLl ...,. ..,i.„. ,, ..... ,., .,..>Auiu„,,... a..;».^.,..j,^;.-i..-. ,,,- >i , .,_ . \ , «v. ^--i


iltliilu,lt(i7li|r iti:r,i4i.;riii«3iffm;irrti^ ** i f ^ r ^ j r ^ j y- / - - / ' M(»j4.,*«TW*FS*1'


1 I •

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* T J *

VOJ-. XLV, No. 31, l';;,M.:,;;.,.;ri,l..;.'{..,-.-i'Jrt...ii. i v . ' y j i ^ r y ^ s a . r . ^ ' . ^ aJw-^-y.a '»-w.,<..».» ... < .... ,.i< j - ^ ~ s x





A specal meeting of Adeipha Re-oekah Lodge No. 211 V a s held 'last Thursday evening, Ock 13, for the purpose of installing the officers, for t he coming year."

The following officers were instajfl-«d in their respectiye chah& Dy'Stella" Morris, district deputy president and staff of officers of Heuvelton Rebek-a h Lodge.


Iva Lavanwvjay, Noble^GfandT " Addie Gibson, Vice Grand. " Edna Amberson> Financial -Secre­

t a r y Ida Charter, Recording Secretary, Helen Dermck, T r e a s u r e r . —

- Efhyl -Carty Presiding Pas t .Noble Grand.

Irene Holmes, Warden. —Mary—Schermerfconv-Conductor.-

Thelma Eustis, Musician* ,.* _

Ella Eod^gerr R jgh t Support to N.. i s . ' "•-,•••~ ~_I^-'

'- y Itafooes More; L e ^ ^ i ^ p p r ^ . 1 ^ 1 ^ 1

tip "Stiles, Chaplain^ •/- $ •;; •:, >


I f ; , . ' ; ^ **•;, v ' y ' i s £ y y - y

• Jejsste Smithers, l ^ . | ^ p p d g t $o<..y*

Pearl Young, Ins ide Gjiardian^ .

Cora Dunham, Outside Guardian.

Cath^rne^TKclfellwiipV ^gdjJ36iisi£ W a t s < | , ^ A l ^ ! S j K > o r % ';^ tf*~]

Helene Paddock, Grace Paddock. J ^ i k a ^ M e t h o r p e i n f f J i v a NtcW3an>

.»|wr_Bjearers>.___ ._-....^ ,-._- -v --..:t. ~^;, ..".,

^ p u i ^ . P o r e s i d e n * . ^ u c ^ Morris and'I

^euveTtoh-Lciag^-aiid ?»N. ;.-j5. .||I*»r Woods of Ateawdriii, -Hifc.1 "'


_ ^ r <• s

Sunt. Fortune' Give* OM Report Hammond High School 'Record

1* Ninety-*ight Per Cent >

The attendance recprd of the schools in^thej , . Second Supervisory district of St. Lawrence County, for t h e month, of 'September, wa^ giyen o u t yesterday"T)y Superintendent A< W^ Fortune of Morristown, and i

f *• Hammond { * Dist.No. No.Reg. %Atb.

(Hammond High School)

1 2 4

8 15

5", 6

-J7- A -S 9.

10 11 , _


- 2 . -

^••.? —-

6 — -22

19 8-14

13 Macomb

No R e g /

- i O —

v ; 1 S - J ? * " -

10 J

1*1 1 2 ' 12

* * •

'••2$;?-. J

5 V3'V**

* v

,cov:ered: 4isli M p p r ^ ^ f e r y ^ d -a t t he close of the nieetiiig to^abciut] one-Tiundred -yisitora and-members^ -

At the regular meeting of the Re-hekah Lodge, held in their lodge rooms a t BrierJEilljWednesday jjyenr ing^ ^)ct- i2^4;he- following officers,] yrere instaUed by District Depu ty President, Stella Morris and her staff of officers: Noble I j iand, . .Joycef_ MiQueer, Vice Grand, Carrie Parks, Secretary, Ma­

rine. - McWilliams, Treasurer, Avis Giltz, Chaplain, Margaret Chester, Warden, Myrtle Kastner, Conductor, Marion Thomas, R. S. N . G., Nellie

.JWcWilUams^JL^^N^G^^Avis-GiltZrl R. S. V. G., Bertha Teall, L. S. V. G. Ethel Parks , Inside Guardian, Betsy

_Woodcock, Outside* Guardian, XToydT g McEwen.

A banquet was enjoyed at the close of the installation -ceremomes»-j-SEIZORES-^Y-eiJST©MS-



The price of cheese remained" at eleven cents at ' the meeting of * the Gouverneur cheese board on Prfday ^ghtt-IEhere. were l ^ i l L boxejusoldtl The price an the Plymouth board 4ast-week wa§ also eleyen_ .cents.

A year ago the figure on the Gouv­erneur board was- 1 3 % isn ts per) pound, this Fethg a raise centi There were 1,19-7- boxes -sold-at that time. The Plymouth price then wasr 13%: *ents per -pounds

At Friday's meeting of the Gouv­erneur Dairy board, it was decided to hold the annual dinner-on—-Oct. 29 a t 7 a t the St." Lawrence' liin.

- A ^ g e n e r a L ^ c j n m M e ^ I j ^ n s M ^ Leo Storrin, president of the board! L. A. Virkler, R. S. Richardson, and G. G. Baldwin was appointed. Raif.h Chandler will. te»e^charge: ofithe.dini her and entertainment; " ~


^JBbicar-Oct telease_i£6mJiaw,|

14 21

\> * * " < ^ • /

? r ' . 'V'JPTS^ "

y*. , " y- Mprrintown Dist.No. ;- No.Seg.

(Morristown High School)

" C " ' " "" '"" " *"*" 2 5 " " " * '

98 93

^-100 ~ - 9 9

100 ., 97

100 100

99 96



*.- m y 995

; 96i • •^ lOO-


6 91 '": 97. •: 99 I 99 , 98 ^100

- t - 9 8

^ A t t .


J iQO:

Albany, October 20—-^Phe largest distribution of motor fuel tm^ money to the yaridus ^cowntiesvof^he-state made this year was a^nounced-to.day by Thomas M. Lytich, Commissioiier of Taxation and Pmanci The fiffcyv seven counties outside of Greater New York City received a total of. $1,748,510-77 for the October allot*' ment.

I n this latest distribution, the city of New York received- as its share $437,127.69,^ while the Sthte of New Y o r k - k e p t for its - portion -$4,638^ "585727. "The T»tal r_quarEerIy ~ a ^ f S ^ tiohment was $6,824,223.73., The ta^e aid among the jaf j^eyej t^cMn-

a t - the rate-of-424^9-a-mile,-.

I—While- ^Ms-latest--!

^ i tb^ne -exeep t ion f - s ince the moi iBei"fex IsW'''!&& him effective.;1 th

' .-ijis!. .Harold;.tM>Qle;e^*e]|| thj&'JBTidge club o n , ^ ? 4 ^ l « ? l

6 ••_.

7 8 9 _

10 11 12 13 14

Dist.No. H.

2. ^3 4 5 -7 &


, 12 c 9 .

19 14 13 18 15

3 12

Rossie No.Reg.

20 12

. 21 13 ^ ..

20 i & 12 13

.. 100 99

100 98

—-m\ 98

100 100



- 1 0 0 ' 9 4 97 99


Sansoucy attended the W t concert a t ' Ogdensburg Monday P 9 M.

* *. <_. ' . . X_-_. Mr. and Mrs. John- Prederick" and

|Mr^-and-MTOr^^ren-I)ecker-^nd-soh Robert spent last Friday in Water-town.

» a> s

Mr. and Mrs. R. T* Elethorp and daughter Aiyilla, spent Sunday with' M i ^ a n d Jfbs^._XQSeph_.PJ^mer a? Brier Hill.

Mr. and Mrs. Clark Haggard of Ogdensburg were dinner guests of

M r ! George Cuthbert enj~ I Mr. and lOfrfSundayv

99 Mrs. Andrew Stiles and daughter.

BeEty, of Auburn7"NT "ST,-spent P r i day afternoon visiting a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T . Stiles.

100 98

The report of customs patrol activ­ities, in the month of September was made public by Collector John C. Tulloch Saturday.

Seizures consisted of 26 motor ^arsr t w o 4rucksf-a-*Qw boat,. jrnotoK boat? two pairs of oars, wheelbarrow, six-saw-horsesr two tool boxes, 7,49.6. bottles of ale, 123 bottles of assort­ed liquor, four and a half "gallons of

of a | alcohol, one gallofr^TwiilerT3nB--halfjj


bottle of distilled spirits. The value of the seizures exclu-

^iveTOf^he-intoxicantrrvras--$?4^ Fines and penalties aggregated $133. There were thirteen arrests for smug­gling] three" aliens and another case were turned over to the immigration "3epartmenf^and—-five^ /cases...to _±he4i1iotLer_aM_fiMl^ djing_.fine. state p o l i c y "There were five viol* tions of Section 459, not reporting at the- border.


The regular meeting of Adeipha Rebekali Ledge" was held on Monday

j i t .

hiliities of $5,206' is asked by Arthur T^SmlhT^' ieFTIi l l ,TfTlTp^Gri ipnln bankruptcy "which he filed in federal court here today. He turns his assets of $637 over to the court, including notes fdV'J$&6& -

The sevefal. creditors. lnclude-Mark tin; L. StWens6A,41)009 and Colle­giate Supply company $82, both of l ^ e i & ^ i l l ^ M c M i r e ^ g J e n s -

Jburjf, $ t j # a n d R»MVt-*4Sitt{ih^Hami' J ^ 3 ; $ 2 f 4 0 6 : ^ a g - E . ^ ^ > | r o ^


^ s ^ w . n , - i s . A t o i n e y ^ f i K ^ r v f ^ ^

two leade1!^ -to -chdse aides -and-iiave. an~SEBBSaiS*e~ "c6re6gst through -Hte fall and winter months. ^-'The losing side to furnish entertainment and supper to the winning side., Sisters -HelenJCutway-and-IreneJEolmes were chosen jas leaders. So let eacli mem­ber make aft ^tfott.Sd be present .afid] help their side win. It was also Voted te i h o h l a sjocjM. _ ^ » eijtettaitynen^ aS-ouhiTHauoiwe'elhi thne .^ Sister IvS

(Hayarnwa^ jwas^hjg^te. aa;.,]Cha^Eman. The"date pUHhed4g-N<yy^-40h~-

|Dr. send Mrs. T. A. Lewis retiirned foihfe, Sunday after a* week's visnt a t jfintreal. 11^_ 1

w i •«. - - « „ ,-, .. ••;. .'.^seconds the pump liouse was a maa$

the barn, where the recently cut hay quickly put the names; beyond .con* ^oL~_It-^was_Jieces8ajy_jl^L_driveyfc9

Dry jput^herf qrd ® c p g ^ | ^ spent .^«iwjb%^yieni^^liiv.;

wlSh,,his parents.-;* '!^r

;M*s. Tma etid witii hej^datt] Murtoir-atrPoge-^t

A baby girl was*' eVening^at' seven ojcipcli Mrs. Hermbh Cotigeif.

NeweU Smith of speni' ^Mpnda^.; ;*n^h|"^-Mpt:;; __ ^ __ J^wJi^rM^-AnCi^^D^G;>R#|^iI

Mrgi^ George. Murray and daughter sr Edna Amberson spent Saturday

^e}iih t^-4t'-Wattertown. ' 4 i ' * - # . ' * • ' "% • - ' ;

S a i m e ^ Fitch viated Mr. and W v

ay laight and Suhdiyi, ; — : - - - , - - - • » - • » • • ' , • •

^0"E&a Athbersonand Mrs. Er^j ^ j ^ B b i h i e ^ y i s i t e d Mh. t>eoni Losee a^-M^nStOivn: 'Sunday' eveniiig^ >v*-^y"'vi ' . '- . ^ * •* '• ^ y ^ ; -

4-^^;aM,Mfe?*> George T?M& of. lBa« | i ^ l ^ e | t f i | C i j f e | d a y

% r , - a n d Mrs. David t G. Rodger jnptored to Rome Iftaday to visit Dr. a n d Mrs; F r a n t Smith. They returned home Monday.

Mrs.-Ethel G o o d w i h a n i daughter ^ l fce , both of Gouverneur^ spent thej past week visiting a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goodwin.

* * *

MF."and~Mrff. -WrA; Burton and | Mr. and Mrs. B o h e r t Heron, and. l i t t le daughter -Beverly composed a motor par ty to 'Watertown last Friday.

Mrs. D. A. Barnes of Watertown spent the past week-end with Mrs. Genevieve Gokey in South Hammondi Mr. Barnes came out Sunday for her r

» /» » Mr* and Mrs. Adam Turnbull and

Mr. and. Mts. James Simons of Ros -sie were visitors of Mr. and Mrs.

—Mr. and_Mrs._Bay_Soper and Miss.| Eva Barney of Brier Hill, Mrs. Grace Hil l and Mr. W. H. Jaquith spent a (few days the past week at Grace Field, Ont., Canada.

* * » Mr. Allen Hough. Miss Esther | .

ville Sunday. » • » m

Mrs. Genevieve Gokey of South Hammond spent a few days last weeETvisiting" Mr. -andyMfsl"IWy"G7 Clarkson and daughter Bessie i n

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Yerdott -are re joicing over the arrival of a 10y| pound baby boy, Ray Nicholas, bom Monday evening, Oct. 17th. Both

£ Mrs. E. M. Spears who formeHy

lived in Hammond and who is now living in Syracuse, was calling upon old .Mends in town last week-.--^White here Mrs. Spears made her home with Mrs. Mary DemlcE •-—-

/ * » » ,-Miss Dorothy VanDuzer of Adams

visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibson S.aMrdax..afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. -Gibson- returned-home-with- Miss- Van-] Duzer and spent Saturday night and Sunday at her home.

w » m

Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Stiles and

Steiner, Miss Pauline Eddie and Mr, Wallace Jones of Watertown were Sunday evening guests ' a t Mr. and Mrsj Robert Gibson's.

* * * Word was received in town Thurs­

day that a son, Joseph, Jr. , was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haven, a t the


St. Lawrence Co. Receive* Largest Sum "Of Any—Ifajtal Fo!r?:S*ate

L e u Than That Of 1931 .

t ies outside the metropolis was hased on_a total mileagebof; 71,6J8; M i e s or

than the $1,641,000 sent o u t in, Jan­uary, J h e $1,275,000 J n r A p n l o r the: $1,387,000 in J u l y o f ihis~year»-it-is^5?as destroyed. the_lpwest Octoher jiisl^bjiiiojijnadk

5$it,57P;t)0!(). f he October/ 1930 triBtnioh wUs $1,902,000 and in Oc­tober of 1931 i t totaled $l*849,0QO

Once again Steuben, St . LawiSiftc^, Suffolk and Deleware, each havih^ a mileage o f p y e r - ^ t i O i n i l e s of- uhfm-p r b y e d t o ^ d , ^ce ived , t h e . largest amount from this distribution., Ham­ilton, Schehectady". and Rockland




The Hammond Fi re Department was called to the Hadlock'flkrm home below this village last Thijraiay aft­ernoon a t about two o'clock, to? com­ba t a fire which had started when a gasoline engine, which was 'be ing started hy-Edwin Hadlock, sonf of Mrs. Elnora Hadlock, owner of jfche farm, backfired, and started a blaze in t he pump house. The firemen .suc­ceeded in saving the f arm'TiouBe SScp some other property nearby,-" h u t many of the farm buildings were a

j^total-losspas~well--as^the-entire-hay--and grain crop and a silo jus t re­cently filled with conu- Fortunately, t h e r ^ l r a s no l ives tock - in - theTbarnr


,,„,„., . - ^

the machinery which was in the sheds at"the~time, was_removed~before- *it

The-fire started while-Edwin-was— he pump, a n d i n jus t a few,T

the village to give the alarm, a* there is .no telephone a t the f a r m l a n d con-> sequently i t was some time .before the fire fighting apparatus reached the fire.

. . „ . , . . , Upon the arrival of the pumper & > r a * i e j ^ c ^ ^ t n d = c T i B m i w a ^ a g o ^ ^ „ B S ^ # , S ? ¥ f e ^ S , h l f i a f l ^ T a line of hose was quickly c o n n e c t |ece|ved thei' smjillei*; amouiits.

-^rLawr«nce '4!dUir iS^T*^ a s its; share in ;1this> ftp|ti;^6hinen^ ?67f-;j 843.91' for ite-3>Wt «nilei of tinim^ proved toads, while Jefferson county with. l ,9Sl 'miles= df tins type XQS$$

quickly^ connectT ed through the pumper t o the well, bu t this source of supply-soon, gave out, ,and water was drawn from near-Jby wells to supply We apparatus with suffifiient wa te r to protect tiie Other buildings; Those which were destroyed- includeaVthe; h a r n r hog pen.

a I ' - . * a •

Will Di«ca«» I«iue» of _. State.-Cam; paign Tonight jn Star Theatre


Colonel Donovan, Republican can­didate for Governor of New York,

Uvili-speak-in t he Star Theatre in_Qg>. densbufg this "evening a t eight o'eloelrj before what 4s expected to be an en­thusiastic -Republican rally?

Colonel Donovan is making a lec­ture" tOTrrof-this section of lhe-State-| uraking- several ^speechesrdaily." will speak at gatherings in Gouver­neur, Canton and in Ogdensburg to­day and will go on to Plattsburg to­morrow.

All local voters who can possibly do~so are "urged" tB"attend the meet-ing this evening, as it is the nearest which will be held with the guber­natorial candidate speaking.


FfS5k BSMK-'alxdLfaimlyrfi^ young parents are well known in this sec-

ttion. - — « • •

Miss Anna Throop yeturned to her home a t Brockviile7^)nit., olTWednes-day evening after visiting a t the home of Mr', and M.m Joseph Young

*r[and Mr^-and .Mrsv-Jlober.t Gibson, for the past six weeks. •'

* * . !* Mr*, and Mrs. G7\JS." ".Jepson" and

E. H. Simons of Batneveld, N. Y., Mrsv-Ai-M. StHes-of—AuhTirn—*nd daughter Betty, and Mr. arid Mrs. Gardner Hills of Syracuse spent Sun-

juiay with Mr. and Mrs. W: W. Nicot [ajad. family. * _ '

granddaughter H a r r i e t 7 a n e a re yTs- ittrig-at O^folrd fof j few days. Mrs. Cronk and little daughter Elsie who hay^.beeh vi^iting^ her parents, Mtt

| ?a | Jd lMrs r"Me |" f6 r" the p a s t ^ o u r i j?eeks, retuttiied to her home a t Ox? forofwit l them.

—jMp^and~Mrs^-Wr- H, - Wright- re­turned Friday from a month's trip by auto visiting friends and rela­tives. En route they visited Hunting-TWr^nrf'^SutRSinptJon, L-yi.T tJranT? w.oad_9^d...Blidgef6hy N. . J . ; Newiown, {. Conn., and Ossining, N. Y.

• .. * *

A birthday supper was served at Wm. Goodwin's last Thursday eve-ISirig, in hono~F~WnSIfs7~G6odwm's birthday. Mrs. Henry Welch made the birthday cake, which was very prettily decorated. The guests in­cluded Mh- and Mrs. . Henry Weleh and daughter Ella Louise and Robert J ; NiedeToesterrichieche,

The drill boat which has been em­ployed by the HuffmanrConstruction Co., in removing the shoals along the river since the explosion of the "America" this summer, was tak-

j^nJtQ_^bxa_nderla, Bay Sunday aft-ernoon when operations were halted for the season.

The boat was' of a more modem I'typT" than the "America,*1" but Was not so suitable for the woi-k in the local waters, because of the hard rock formation hereabouts. No an-nouricement_was__jn^adj__con.cerning when the work" would be resumed, but it was said that no more would be done "this fall, and- the local men whe were employed were laid off.

"The "crew of "The boaf lef t with -heiy and many of. the men .who. came tc this section to work on the various shifts, have left for their respective homes.

1M$ been'; •j^yeit.ro^.;.hut. ib_';ifilM» •*•!»$, -t o run •vr'ery high,' with drily Ta f tM insurance-coverage; : -"-


Mayor Morressitte** Relief T J a y e r i y W i l l Pretent

Show Tomorrow Night


A home talent musical revue, and a dance following the show, will be

j ^ r l p u t - on-inJEtnox. -HalL tomorrow ..eye- _ ning under the auspices of Knox Hall, Inc. y .

The revue is named "Variety" and i s under the direction/of Barbara and Glenn Ireton of Ogdensburg. The «ast includes about_50_peolpIe.JErom_. Ogdensburg, going under the name of Mayor Morrissette's Relief Fund Players.

The numbers will include many in­tricate dances both. in choruses afid teams, while some of the best musi­cal talent of the city will take part in solo numbers. The show is guar-

j-artteed—-to—he—good- eifteftafflsment--throughout, and a good attendance is looked forward to by the local b&ck-



e r s . . • ••-- -- - - - j - -'

—Jhe_aostumes..are designed and ex« ecuted by Barabara Ireton. Settings are by the Novelty Scenic Studios of New York, and music will be furnish­ed by Gienlr I re ton '^nd his Musfe" —

Immediately following the last cur­tain, the hall will be cleared to make room for the dancing which will con­tinue . to t he . strains of Ire ton's 12-piece band,- until 3 a. m,



H E L T J AirisossrE WED.

The annual church supper put on by the ladies of St. Patrick's church in Rossie, will.. be .. held .next. Wed­nesday evening. The "meal will be served in the church hall, and ar­rangements' are being made to ac­comodate a record number.

Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson were J callers in Watertown Friday evening.

Fire Chief Ralph Lavarnway. an­nounced during the past week that the road into the old well back of Lewis & Lewis' garage-, had been compIeteT^ana~woTil(f" br^re^dy~f or™ .«s«.in-.case .of fire,.: :. .._.;... ;..:.... ;...

The well is an excellent source of water for such an emergency, but has not been accessible a t all times of the year before now, owing to the soft "ground between" the road ' ahd it, dHving the spring' and after heavy rains.

The road has been sub-based and good surf ace been put on t o assure

[ts accessibility at all times of the year in the future. :l&

/ , • 1 m -f'

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