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Take Action Vol #1 2012

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The 1st quarter Take Action eMag provides Canadian business owners need to know business information drawing on pertinent interviews, current market statistics, lead generation studies and other entrepreneur must haves to propel them into action. Featured articles dicuss: distinct ways to increase business profits, powerful tips to gain highest email open % rate, and ways to prevent profit leaks.
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11 Ways to Increase Your Client Base in 4 Weeks!
Page 1: Take Action Vol #1 2012

11 Ways to IncreaseYour Client Base in

4 Weeks!

Page 2: Take Action Vol #1 2012

ActionCOACH Canada | www.actioncoachcanada.ca Ste. 202-12906-54 St. Edmonton AB T5A 5A8 | 888-478-0790

Are you looking for the light switch to take your business from where it is now to where you want it to be?

The Take Action Magazine is here to highlight “need to know” business development tools that will help you achieve infinite results, ramp up your bottom line, and increase lead generation.

With our team of leading edge business owners, ActionCOACH Canada has a #1 priority to make a difference in the lives of business owners ready to take their business and results to the next level.

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Photo by : Darren Kirby

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Share Your Story:We truly value the unique insights of other like-minded individuals and their experience in the business world. If you have a success story, we want to hear how you made it the buzz of the town!

ActionCOACH in a Nutshell:ActionCOACH Canada is a team of cutting edge innovators pushing the frontiers of business growth. We work with business owners to clarify and achieve their vision by turning ideas into reality.

Our most fulfilling experience as coaches is the “aha” moment we get from our clients. It is in those moments where we can transform ideas into reality and begin our proven system for substantial profit growth.

Stay Current:


Designed & Published by | Plum11 Inc. 236 Clay St. Reno, NV 89501 www.plum11.com | [email protected] (775) 622-0439

Contributing Coaches | Greg Kopchuk | [email protected]

Kyle Oberndorf | [email protected]

ActionCOACH Canada | www.actioncoachcanada.ca | 888 478-0790 Ste. 202-12906 54 st. Edmonton, AB T5A 5A8

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March 2012 Issue #1

5 Ways to Increase YOUR Business Profits with- Coach Kyle

Escape the Wimpy Email Platform with - Paul Segreto

You Don’t Need to be a Plumber to Stop Profit Leaks - with Greg Kopchuk

75 Proven and Powerful Strategies that Drive Traffic to Your Business

Jeffery Gitomer’s 3 Killer Subject Line Eye Catchers

ActionCoach Results- Proven Email Subject Line with Powerful Open Rate Statistics

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“Nike didn’t discover the power of advertising, Nike discovered the power of

their own voice.” - Dan Wieden

“ Our study concludes that this isthe percentage of our customerswho will buy from us without anyeffort whatsoever on our part.”

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The 5 Ways to Increase YOUR Business Profits with Coach Kyle

Do you want to grow your business in 2012?Of course you do! But does business growth always mean an increase in profits?

Entrepreneurs are not necessarily born, but being born into a family of entrepreneurs has got to rub off on you somehow. It certainly did on Kyle Oberndorf.

At age 21Kyle was already running and operating his first business and the resume from there on reads like a Who’s Who of the young entrepreneurs club. Kyle’s laundry list of experiences includes financial services, beverage industry, manufacturing, retail, wholesale and distribution, domestic and international, running his own import and distribution business based in Asia and most recently he is an ActionCOACH.

In short, success and Kyle are very well acquainted. No back of the bus or easy peasy does it for him; velocity of success is a lot more fun at the speed of a fine tuned racing car than some old heap of scrap barely held together and he owes it all to the power of planning with a slightly different perspective:

1. Write Your Goals: Visualization plays a strong role in success. We are all familiar of course with the law of attraction illustrated in “The Secret”, and Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich”. But do you actually write down what it is that you are

visualizing? What is it that you want to achieve? Your goals? Are you aware that the elite 3% in any field rewrite their goals EVERY DAY? The act of writing kicks in visualization, and the combination of the two has a major neurological impact on us. Mix ACTION, stir well and you have step one to success.

2. Ask: To keep moving and growing always ask: “What do I fear most?” and then attack your answer. Approach the things that are the hardest or that you hate first. When you do this, the law of attraction responds to the vibration you are offering and things begin to happen. You can do anything you set your mind to.

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3. Play Big: You serve no one, least of all yourself when you play small. For example an ad that was placed for a job offer gave specific criteria that was required on behalf of the applicant, and the job was posted for $50,000 per year. Over a hundred people replied. The very same ad was posted later, with the exact same requirements with just one small difference: this time the pay was posted at $250,000 per year. Can you guess how many respondents they had to this ad? The result was telling only 10% of the number that applied for the $50,000 post applied for the $250,000!!! Bear in mind, nothing else was different. Playing small is akin to self sabotage.

4. Establish a Schedule: Establish your schedule and honour it. What do you need to do to get more business? More profits? More referrals? If you are at the beginning of your business you need to pay more attention to increasing your sales. If you’ve been in business for a while sharpen up your marketing techniques. To maintain consistency in quality of product and service - under promise, over deliver and always be on time. What is your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)? What is the intrinsic value of what you offer? Value attracts more money. Charge more.

5. Know Your Metrics:

6. Diversify and Leverage: The rule of 10 x 10 = 10% from 10 different things = 100%.

The 10 X 10 marketing plan is simply choosing 10 different marketing strategies that each one accounts for 10% of your total marketing effort. The next step is to test and measure each strategy to learn the effectiveness of each strategy. If a strategy works and the (Return on Investment)ROI is acceptable, keep doing it. If the strategy doesn’t work and/or the ROI isn’t favorable then stop it!

7. An Entrepreneur’s View: Sales and marketing are an investment. For every dollar that you put out more dollars should come in. Test and measure everything!

Instead of listing just five ways to increase your business, Kyle has described seven; he definitely under promises and over delivers!

Ref: http://internetmasterminds.org/2011/11/the-5-ways-to-increase-your-business-profits-with-kyle-oberndorf/


Email: [email protected]

Phone: (778) 394-5953

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Wimpy Email Platformwith - Paul Segreto

Do your emails share something of value with your audience?

Are they engaging and worth spreading?

Are you spending about 20 minutes throwing an email together about you, your offer and what you expect the person opening it to do?

If you said yes or paused to deny you do any of the above, read on to start upping your email results and brand interaction.

With a standard low interaction email the reader is going to take 20 seconds at best reading what you’ve put together. They skim it over while they’re thinking of something else, listening to music and/or talking to someone else and multi-tasking. How do you battle disinterest and create the opt-in experience? Similar to a direct mail campaign people will do one of four things once they receive your email:

1. Act: Instantly do as you ask by either completing your survey, taking the poll, clicking the link to learn more or buy now.

2. Toss it: Delete instantly or open it and never go back.

3. File it for future use: This is the out of sight out of mind action. They open it and put it into a file that may or may not be visited again. 4. Delegate it: The email is opened, skimmed over and sent to person x to assess and figure out if it’s any good. Once it is sent, the four items begin again until action is taken or it is tossed as an item that doesn’t hold value.

Encourage your email to have the ‘Act’ reaction by taking the time to put together a comprehensive value based engaging email your reader feels answers a certain need they have right now. Begin by answering the following before your email is released:

1. Who am I reaching; will this email attract my audience in a way that drives them to take action?

2. How is this email going to help them solve their need as opposed to what am I trying to sell them?

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3. What conversation will create initiative for the reader to share it? 4. How will I engage them with the brand, i.e. what links should I be including? 5. What is my follow up plan?

Another key feature to consider before you hit the send button is establishing a solid social footprint within facebook, Twitter, a YouTube channel, Slide Share presentation and photos on Flicker or Pinterest to give your brand integrity and substance. For example if you have images in your email, upload them from your image sharing account using something like Flicker as another touch point with your brand. Always make sure the pictures, icons and logos you have in your email are linked to something that engages your audience. It takes about 5 to 7 touches before your average consumer will do business with you. Imagine how you could short cut the buying decision by including these 5 to 7 touches within your email.

“The branding and lead generation world has moved from a simple 2 dimensional

tic-tac-toe game into an intricate Rubik’s Cube of engagement.”

-Paul Segreto

Your email marketing campaign can be a 10 to 20 second trailer OR it could be a 5 to10 min-ute infomercial, that allows people to experience your brand in a multi-level way people want to buy but they don’t want to be sold to. Just keep in mind, a great marketing piece has truth, transparency and a platform of trust.

“You don’t earn loyalty in a day. You earn loyalty

day-by-day.” - Jeffrey Gitomer

Paul SegretoPresident & CEO at franchisEssentials

Founderof franchisEssentials Media GroupCo-founder of Fransummit


Email: [email protected]: (832) 442-5588

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Read closely, if you are unfamiliar with the term “profit leaks”.

To define exactly what a profit leak is, let’s examine a malfunctioning kitchen appliance: the dreaded leaky faucet. Unable to perform at its original efficiency, the broken water spout allows constant water drips to seep out. This seemingly small leak leads to a huge problem. Before you know it, your water bill has tripled in one month and you’re left scratching your head wondering where all your money went. This leaky faucet ef-fect can easily be compared to a business profit leak. A large company with tens of millions of dollars a year in revenue knows that a profit leak is a tricky culprit. A smaller company notices a profit leak because their numbers are smaller making a profit leak easier to identify. If you are among those scratching your head in awe as if constantly witnessing a money vanishing magic act, then you are in need of a change. If you’ve noticed a recurring theme that your business is short for cash, the owner is left unpaid at the end of the month, and bills accumulate with outstanding charges, then read on for better cash flow options.

The first thing ActionCOACH approaches when working with a business is examining their bottom line. One common question that’s asked when these financial statistics have been calculated is: “if I made so much money, why isn’t there anything in the bank?’

The first step to answering this question is to gather historical information. Obtaining financials can be like pulling teeth, since many businesses find it difficult to provide the following information for the past 5 years:

You Don’t Need to be a Plumber to


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The next step after finding the historical data is to calculate the last year on a month to month basis, looking for large swings in expenses. From this point, the break even can be determined.

For example, in one particular case, ActionCOACH projected that the business needed to reach a monthly income of $45,000 to just pay the bills. Unaware of this necessary number, the business needed to make an adjustment. To have a profit we set the revenue target at $55,000 per month. After doing so the company was ecstatic to pocket $10,000 instead of forking out cash they didn’t have.

The next step in fixing a company’s profit leak dilemma is to break down the revenue and expenses based on the number of customers, average dollar transactions, average dollar sales and profit margins. ActionCOACH has discovered that many businesses underprice their products and in turn are depriving their piggy banks from making any real profit.

To illustrate this realization, let’s focus on another situation in which one company charged under $15,000 per job. After evaluating the way they priced their jobs with these 5 ways, it was clear that they couldn’t take a job that paid less then a minimum of $15,000 to make a profit. Doing a job for less than that actually cost them money.They could have priced their product higher and

instead of completing 8 jobs, 5 jobs would have produced $40,000 more in profits. Those 8 proj-ects took money out of their bottom line.

Most owners and their partners are oblivious to what their actual monthly expenses are. Instead of developing a guideline, they blindly pay what is left at the end of the month rather than saving for themselves. There is one very basic rule in business: every month, make sure you spend less than what you bring in.

This indicates a positive cash flow and will be a sure way for you to make money. So how do you start? First look at each month and determine how much you have coming in for revenue. Then account for every penny going out. This includes all fixed expenses, variable expenses, cost of goods sold, debt/loan payments, wages and wages to the owner vehicle payments. Many banks have an easy to use feature on their website to help you calculate your expenses if you’re having trouble.

If you have more money coming in than going out, you are cash flow positive. If you have more money going out than coming in, then you should highly consider reassessing your financial situation.

The first thing to assess is your debt allowance. Are you paying more than the minimum amounts each month? If so, stop! Move everything to the minimum amount first. Then you can see how to restructure the debt.

“ There is one very basic rule in business:

spend less than what you bring in.”

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For example, one business had been making insurmountably high payment amounts instead of making minimum payments, because of their failure to make payments on time in the past. Credit card companies caught on and began doubling their payments. At ActionCOACH, we know in any dire situation, there is a solution. After contacting the credit card companies and requesting that the business be granted the change of a minimum payment in order to reconstruct their business, all the companies agreed to honor the situation. Reverting back to the minimum payment plan freed up $1,450 a month to start. What a win!

Moving on now to loan payments, consider these three loan options: (see example on previous page)

For loan 1 it will take 43 payments to pay off, loan 2 takes 15 payments and loan 3 requires 16 payments. Since loan 2 will take the least time, (15 months) take $500 of the freed up payments and put the $500 extra per month plus the new minimum payment of $500 and you are left $1000 in debt a month. Loan 2 will be paid off in about 6 months. So then the $1000 will be put on loan 3 along with the $500 a month that

was being put on loan 1. Once loan 3 is paid off then the $1500 a month is put on loan 1 until it’s paid off. So, put more simply, in order to successfully maintain your loan payments, start with the loan that will take the least time!

Another quick tip is to get in touch with anyone who owes you money. What is rightfully yours, doesn’t need any justification. A simple phone call to inform them that their account has an outstanding balance in many cases will prompt them to pay you. For more incentive, consider offering a discount if the payment is made right away.

The other reason a business suffers a profit leak is because they haven’t properly priced their product or service. To illustrate this pitfall, one business failed to include their monthly fixed costs when doing bids on projects. Nor did they include the owner’s time on the project either. So like many other business suffering from profit leaks, the business was unsure where their money ended up at the end of the month when approaching monthly bill payments. Although they had a markup on the estimate,it was still deficient because of their lack of attentiveness with their monthly expenses. Plus when the business estimated their projects they didn’t include the amount to pay their staff. So with a quick fix, instead of estimating the projects based on $25 an hour for wages, they now estimate wages on a project at $60 an hour.

“In order to increase profits there is one simple way to create an instant facelift in your business:

raise prices.”

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Although some owners are resistant to change, raising products even by $1 can lead to exponential growth! Lets say that you sold 1,000 widgets every month at a price of $10. What if you raised the price to $11? You would instantly see your finances grow $1000 a month in profit!

By making simple changes described in this article, you could be much like this last company, in which one business owner went from a negative $5000 a month cashflow to a positive $18,000 a month cashflow in only 6 weeks. Although it takes a bit of effort to examine the money going in and out , in the end it pays off – literally.

Once you absorb this helpful guide on how to tip yourself instead of tap all of your wages, you will see a tangible difference in your money making skills. The reason many business owners are drowning in debt is because they simply don’t know where to begin. With the proper understanding and motivation to overcome that initial feeling of “I can’t”, just remember how happy your pockets will be when you start saying “I can.”

You won’t regret it.

“Remember, a real decision is measured by the fact that you’ve taken new action. If

there’s no action, you haven’t truly decided.”

- Anthony Robbins

Greg Kopchuk

Greg Kopchuk is the Master Licensee of ActionCOACH Canada. Since becoming a Master Licensee of the Canadian Franchise company in 2004, he has managed to take it from bankruptcy and turn it into a multi-million dollar successful national company. Greg has been awarded the Master Licensee award two years in a row from Brad J Sugars and Action International and the Franchisee Satisfaction Award from the CFA for both 2010 and 2011. He prides himself on being a hard-working, successful business coach who encourages all small business owners and entrepreneurs to stop at nothing to achieve their goals. A successful speaker, deacon, and family man, Greg is married with three daughters.

[email protected]

(888) 478-0790

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1. Local Newspaper Advertising2. Daily Newspaper3. Television Advertising4. Radio Advertising5. Magazine Advertising6. Trade Journal Advertising7. Industry Newsletter Ads8. School Newspaper Ads9. Newspaper, Magazine & Newsletter inserts10. Public Relations11. Press Releases12. Letterbox Flyers13. Sidewalk Handbills14. Catalogues15. Brochures16. Yellow Pages17. White Pages18. Directories19. Bater/Trade Exchanges20. Buy Database Lists21. Direct Mail22. Piggy Back Invoice Mailings23. Tender Lists24. Fax Outs25. Billboards / Posters26. Shop-a-Dockets - Receipt Ads27. Taxi Backs28. Cinema Advertising29. Sponsorships30. Post Card Mailings31. Internet / Web Pages32. Building Signage33. Car Signage34. In Store & Sidewalk Signage


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35. Window Displays36. Passing Trade37. Point of Sale Material / Displays38. Product Packaging39. Video / In Store Displays40. Shopping Center Promotions41. Create an Industry Newsletter42. Stickers and Tags43. Fridge Magnets44. Named Promotional Gifts45. Blimps, Ballons, Plane Banners or Skywriting46. Gov’t Programs / Contracts47. Uniforms / Name Tags48. Business Cards49. Networking Functions50. Profit Club51. Sales People52. Telemarketing53. Cold Calling54. Competitions / Surveys55. Host Beneficiary’s56. Strategic Alliance57. Write a Book58. Seminars & Events59. Host an Outdoor Show60. Open Days & Sign On Days61. Fundraising Campaigns62. Trade Shows63. Social Media Campaigns64. Network Marketing65. Distributors / Agents66. Licensees / Franchisees67. Market Days68. Change / Open More Locations69. Trade Longer / Different Hours70. Open New Territories71. Online Magazine72. Provide Team Selling Incentives73. Team Buying Incentives74. Referral Systems75. Closed Door - Bring a Friend

©Copyright ActionCOACH Limited

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Jeffery Gitomer’s3 Killer Subject Line Eye Catchers

Kindergarten- a year in prison?

1. The Element of Surprise- Use words and phrases that aren’t typically expected in the business world like: “10 Marketing Tips from the Incredible Hulk” or “Why There’s No Crying in Business.”

2. Strike a Juxtapose- Combine contrasting ideas to create a surprise for the reader, like: “Kindergarten-a Year in Prison?” or “Social Media: The New Typewriter.”

3. Keyhole View- Trade creativity for clarity by simply summarizing the subject matter inside your email, like “Ding! Your Proposal is Ready” or... “3 Tips for Email Subject Lines That Work.”

jux-ta-pose [juhk-stuh-pohz]verb (used with object)

to place close together or side by side, especially for

comparison or contrast.http://blog.aceofsales.com/blog/2011/8/1/3-


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In early 2011, ActionCOACH thoroughly tested and measured several subject lines. After determining which of those yielded the highest open-rate results, they were implemented in an email campaign and gained the following results:

“(Date of event), are you available?”Consistently over 20% open rate with highest at 47.6%.

“Are you open tomorrow at (time of the event)?” average 20% with the highest open rate at 35.2%.

“(Date of event) are you committed to success?”or “Business Opportunity (date) are you in?” average for both hovers at 14.6%

Later in 2011, ActionCOACH added other subject lines and tested and measured those results:

“Why there’s no crying in business”, and “Results that will put hair on your chest” were consistently over 20% open rate with the highest at 26.7%.

“Are you adored?” had an average open rate of 27% with the highest being 31.60%

“Are you better than your competitor?”had an average open rate of 26% withthe highest of 32.9%.

So in conclusion, the ActionCOACH email campaign proves that it is important to spend time testing the effectiveness of a subject line.

Considering your target audience and constructing an appealing subject line results in higher open rates and converts your data base into customers.

*If you implement any of the suggested subject lines or tips from Gitomer, let us know your results see so we can include them in our testing and measuring process.

Good Luck!

ActionCOACH ResultsProven Email Subject Lines with Open Rates

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When will you start change?

“Soon is not as good as NOW.” - Seth Godin

Image by: Jeff Clark

[email protected](888) 478-0790
