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Tame times johannesburg south 29 oct 2013

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Tame times johannesburg south 29 oct 2013
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Volume 04, 29 October 2013, Week 44 Delivered every Tuesday Tel: 011 862 8500 Fax: 011 869 7335 JHB South FRESH APPROACH TO LOCAL NEWS WINNER OF THE 2012 EKURHULENI AWARDS: BEST PRINT MEDIA tam TIMES Last Wednesday was an exceptional day for South African Climate Reality leaders, Ella Bella, Catherine Constantinides and their exclusive guests when their 24 Hours of Reality event, hosted at 54 on Bath, featured a live conference call with former US Vice President and Climate Reality Chairperson, Al Gore. 24 Hours of Reality is a global awareness drive, spearheaded by Al Gore. It aims to educate the public about the true “cost of carbon” in numerous globally pertinent situations. The official event kicked off at 11:00 PST on 22 October and featured numerous expert-led discussions, presentations and educational sessions at several locations across the globe. The Nobel Laureate congratulated the Miss Earth South Africa and Generation Earth organisations for all that they do to assist with climate change adaptation. Gore touched on key points relating to the true global cost of carbon, which were later discussed in greater detail by the Constantinides sisters. Their presentation focused on climate-related issues specifically affecting SA, such as drought and the implications thereof, which include famine, rising food prices and food shortage-related conflict, as well as the true cost of SA’s coal dependent energy sector and the effects of the increasingly erratic global weather patterns. “The effects of climate change are felt every day, across the globe, from steadily increasing average temperatures to the rising levels of the world’s oceans, and yet climate change is still considered to be a notion concocted by scientists and environmentalists as opposed to a reality facing global citizens,” Constantinides said. To view the conference call with Al Gore please visit http:// youtu.be/ Pusz3xRVarQ. Climate conversation with Al Gore FACE TO FACE: Leading environmental advocate, Al Gore, during a live conference call with SA Climate Reality leaders Ella Bella and Catherine Constantinides. GENERATION EARTH CHANGEMAKERS: The Generation Earth Council of Parktown Girls took part in the Cost of Carbon discussion. Laurelle Williams [email protected] INTERESTING FACTS: •1998/2002/2003/2005/2006/2007/2009/ 2010/2011/2012 were the ten hottest years ever measured in recorded history. •2010 was the hottest year ever measured (with 2005). •At the Reagan National Airport in Washington DC, the tarmac melted forcing planes to be grounded •In China, thermometers could not go any higher to record the accurate temperatures. •In Australia, two new colours had to be added to their temperature recordings because the highest levels were unable to accurately record the temperatures. •You use more energy to open and close an e-mail or document to keep referencing and opening the mail, rather print out a hard copy to reference and recycle responsibly. Z a k t h e Z o o B u d d y s B i r t h d a y B a s h ! S u n d a y 3 r d N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 3 A t R i e t v l e i Z o o F a r m ! S t a g e E n t e r t a i n m e n t , F o o d & D r i n k S t a l l s T r a c t o r R i d e s , T r a i n R i d e s , J u m p i n g C a s t l e s , C r a f t M a r k e t , C a r n i v a l R i d e s , P o n y R i d e s , D a n c e S h o w s , M a g i c S h o w s , , F a c e P a i n t i n g a n d m o r e ! B o o k a S t a l l - 0 1 1 0 2 4 1 5 1 2 o r i n f o @ r i e t v l e i f a r m . c o . z a F u n f o r t h e w h o l e F a m i l y f r o m 1 2 - 5 p m ! ! D i r e c t i o n s - w w w . r i e t v l e i f a r m . c o . z a C o m e c e l e b r a t e w i t h u s ! Y o u a r e i n v i t e d t o Z a k s B i r t h d a y P a r t y !

Volume 04, 29 October 2013, Week 44 Delivered every Tuesday Tel: 011 862 8500 Fax: 011 869 7335

JHB South



tam TimESLast Wednesday was an exceptional day for South African Climate Reality leaders, Ella Bella, Catherine Constantinides and their exclusive guests when their 24 Hours of Reality event, hosted at 54 on Bath, featured a live conference call with former uS Vice President and Climate Reality Chairperson, Al Gore.24 Hours of Reality is a global awareness drive, spearheaded by Al Gore. It aims to educate the public about the true “cost of carbon” in numerous globally pertinent situations. The official event kicked off at 11:00 PST on 22 October and featured numerous expert-led discussions, presentations and educational sessions at several locations across the globe. The Nobel Laureate congratulated the Miss Earth South Africa and Generation Earth organisations for all that they do to assist with climate change adaptation. Gore touched on key points relating to the true global cost of carbon, which were later discussed in greater detail by the Constantinides sisters.Their presentation focused on climate-related issues specifically affecting SA, such as drought and the implications thereof, which include famine, rising food prices and food shortage-related conflict, as well as the true cost of SA’s coal dependent energy sector and the effects of the increasingly erratic global weather patterns.“The effects of climate change are felt every day, across the globe, from steadily increasing average temperatures to the rising levels of the world’s oceans, and yet climate change is still considered to be a notion concocted by

scientists and environmentalists as opposed to a reality facing global citizens,” Constantinides said. To view the conference call with Al Gore please visit http://y o u t u . b e /Pusz3xRVarQ.

Climate conversation with Al Gore

FACE TO FACE: Leading environmental advocate, Al Gore, during a live conference call with SA Climate Reality leaders Ella Bella and Catherine Constantinides.

GENERATiON EARTH CHANGEmAkERS: The Generation Earth Council of Parktown Girls took part in the Cost of Carbon discussion.

Laurelle [email protected]

iNTERESTiNG FACTS:•1998/2002/2003/2005/2006/2007/2009/ 2010/2011/2012 were the ten hottest years ever measured in recorded history.•2010 was the hottest year ever measured (with 2005).•At the Reagan National Airport in Washington DC, the tarmac melted forcing planes to be grounded •In China, thermometers could not go any

higher to record the accurate temperatures.•In Australia, two new colours had to be added to their temperature recordings because the highest levels were unable to accurately record the temperatures.•You use more energy to open and close an e-mail or document to keep referencing and opening the mail, rather print out a hard copy to reference and recycle responsibly.

Zak the Zoo Buddy’s Birthday Bash!

Sunday 3rd November 2013At Rietvlei Zoo Farm!

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Come celebrate with us!

You are invited to Zak’s

Birthday Party!

tame TIMES Page 2 29 October 2013

Today Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday22°/ 13° 250 / 120230 / 140 250 / 120260 / 160 230 / 80

Delivery on Tuesday to all households and businesses in Alberton, Germiston South, JHB South and Bedfordview. Published by Tame CommunicationsCorner Michelle Avenue and 37 Sangiro Close, Randhart.PO Box 17699, Randhart, 1457. Tel: 011 862 8500, Fax: 011 869 7335Editor:Laurelle Williams [email protected] - @laurellewilliamSub-editor: Eddie Kok [email protected]

Journalist: Ndu Ngwenya [email protected] @NduzoProduction Manager:Stephen Davey [email protected] Executives:Loreen Fletcher 074 581 9327 [email protected] Stander 071 671 7264 [email protected] Muller: 083 463 9107 [email protected] Manager:

Tessa Arthur 011 862 8500 [email protected] queries: Dewald van Deventer 011 862 8500Next issue: Tuesday 5 November 2013Deadline: Thursday 31 October 2013 at 14:00

www.tametimes.co.zaFInd us on Twitter and Facebook

Although reasonable efforts are made by tame Communications (Pty) Ltd and the owners, directors, publishers, editors and staff thereof (all referred to as “TAME”), no responsibility is taken by TAME for any errors and/or incorrect aspects and/or misstatements in any format published herein, and whoever provides TAME with any information, including any editorial, advertorial and/or advertising material, in any format, indemnifies TAME against any claim of whatsoever nature which may be brought against TAME by whoever.


Distribution: Alberton & Germiston South: 35 000 JHB South 24 500 Bedfordview: 12 000 Kathorus: 55 000

Larry Thompson writes:

I have a number of questions regarding the whole e-tolling process, the first of which is: what happens to all the money collected via the fuel levy (I’ve heard figures of R40 billion or more bandied about)? This levy was imposed on us to pay for road maintenance and upgrading, yet I wonder how much (if anything) has actually been allocated for that purpose over the last 20 years. This alone would have covered the full cost of the Gauteng upgrade process.Secondly, what is the actual cost of the upgrading of the highways, excluding the massive cost of the e-toll gantries? We then need to strip out the cost of administering this cumbersome system, which will include a budget for law enforcement. My guess is that this cost will be much more than 40% of the total costs of the whole project, which we are now expected to pay for.The whole argument, which is used in favour of the project, seems to revolve around a “user pays” principal. To state that those who do not use the highways do not gain from the upgrade is nonsense. If the highways are not in place, all roads in Gauteng will take extra strain (which is probably what will happen with people trying to avoid the tolls). As the economic heart of South Africa, an increase in transport costs here will affect prices throughout the country. There is already an exemption for mini-bus taxis that won’t have to pay tolls, so where does the “user pay” principal apply here? Or is this “concession” possibly due to the fact that there will be difficulties in enforcing payment from an industry that is notorious for flouting the law?Let’s look at an alternative funding method. Ignoring the fact that we already pay by means of the above mentioned fuel levy, why can the authorities not add an extra cent or two per litre to the cost of fuel in Gauteng? The price already differs to other regions, so they cannot claim it can’t be done. Yes, it will mean a little extra strain, spread across all road users, but the cost would be far lower and far easier to administer. Finally, what happened regarding the public hearings that took place a couple of months ago? These were rolled out with great fanfare to appease the public once it became known that there was major opposition to e-tolling. As far as I am aware, there were only dissenting voices at these hearings, yet nothing has changed. I have always been under the impression that public hearings are held to actually gauge public opinion, not just to tick a box on a ‘To Do’ list and then to ignore the outcome of said hearings. What has become of “listening to the voice of the people”? Apart from government, SANRAL and those who will benefit financially from this system, has anybody made positive submissions regarding this system?There are many other unanswered questions regarding this debacle, but I believe that these points alone should be enough to put a stop to the project. It may be an over-simplification of a complex situation, but I believe that this makes a strong case for civil disobedience if the powers that be refuse to listen to the majority and refuse to look at alternatives.

Lets chat, share your views: e-mail [email protected] or tweet us @tametimes.

ReadeR wRites on the gazetted tRanspoRt

Laws and ReLated MatteRs aMendMent act

Towards the end of every year there are various celebrations and calendar events that involve the use of fireworks - Guy Fawkes, Diwali, Christmas and New Year. Each year there are sad stories where an animal is hurt due to trying to escape the bangs of fireworks. Why not make this and the coming years different? You as a pet owner need to ensure that your pets are kept happy and safe during this time. Even though JSPCA will continue to strive to stop fireworks, in the interim your pets still need to be taken care of. What works for you may work for other pet owners. Let JSPCA know what you do and they can share this with the community.SoME ADvICE FRoM JSPCA- Make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise earlier in the day. Try a light jog or brisk walk, play a game of Frisbee or fetch to tire him out. Jogging with cats is not recommended.- Keep pets indoors when thunderstorms or fireworks are expected, preferably with human companionship.- Close all windows,curtains and doors

where possible to block out flashing lights and sounds.- Provide toys, treats and other distractions to keep pets occupied. A frozen treat like a chicken stock popsicle is advised. Try to stay home with your pet if fireworks or thunderstorms are expected. - Speak to your pet’s vet about supplements and medication available for managing anxiety caused by loud noises.- Turn on music or the TV to muffle the sounds of thunder or fireworks. Nothing too loud, classical music is great. It is most effective when you first play the music well before the thunderstorm or fireworks start, at a time the dog is already peaceful and relaxed. Sparky will begin to associate the music with being calm and content. Then play the music a couple of hours before the thunderstorm or fireworks start and continue to play through bedtime.Make sure your pet is micro-chipped or appropriately tagged for easy identification if they become lost.Like JSPCA on Facebook: Johannesburg and Krugersdorp SPCA

Follow us on twitter: @JhbSPCAE-mail: [email protected]: 011 681 3660

JSCPA are appealing to their supporters to assist them with tinned dog food. The tin food is used to give that little bit of extra nourishment to those animals who need it most. These animals include those that are being treated in hospital, to those who have not had the best beginning to life. They use approximately 50 small tins of dog food per day. Your contribution will help to ensure the animals we care for are happy, safe and healthy.

What do you do for your pets during

fireWorks?Tin dog food is needed

Thaba Ya Batswana is a prominent and well-known fixture in the South of Johannesburg. Recently, the beautiful Eco Hotel became even more renowned, when they were awarded with

two special accolades: Best 4 Star Hotel in Gauteng by the Lilizela Tourism Awards for 2013 and the status of being a Fair Trade Tourism Business.The great news was shared with their staff at their monthly Mountain Tea event, where more goodness was celebrated, including the TYB Community Awards. This month two organisations were recognised, Sanitary Sisterz and D&D Tactical Security. According to Palesa Kgoadi, founder of Sanitary Sisterz, poverty-stricken girls could miss up to 50 days of school per year due to a lack of access to adequate sanitary products. Through donations, Sanitary Sisterz is able to care for 350 girls in four schools in Soweto, by providing them with a Dignity Pack.These packs contain a bar of soap, toothpaste, roll-on and sanitary pads, which cost R100 to collect. Sanitary Sisterz relies purely on donations and educates girls on caring for themselves. Their award was accompanied by a cheque of R10 000 from the hotel.D&D Tactical was recognised for the great impact they have on the community. The security company not only monitors and protects homes, but actively engages and apprehends criminals regularly. “It is an honour to receive this award,” said sales manager Kayde Francey, and general manager Donnovan Ledwick.“We hope to continue working with people to make a positive impact in the community.”

award season at TYB 011 862 8500Jéan de Witt

ACCEPTING AWARDS: CEo of Thaba Ya Batswana, Reuben Louw, with recipients of TYB’s latest community awards, Palesa Kgoadi (Sanitary Sisterz) and Donnovan Ledwick and Kayde Francey (D&D Tactical).

tame TIMES 29 October 2013 Page 3


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Over the past month Cotlands has battled a series of copper pipe thefts that have left the non-profit organisation without water. The consequences are dire as the child care unit, which houses and cares for abandoned babies, cannot provide these children with one of the most basic of human rights – the right to water. The theft further impacts on the organisation’s charitable work in the community, as funds that should be used to improve the quality of life for vulnerable children now has to be channelled towards the repair and replacement of piping. “This is an unnecessary spending of donor funds. As a non-profit organisation that depends on the goodwill of others we cannot

afford these kinds of costs,” said Cotlands CEO Jackie Schoeman. This is the third copper theft incident this month. The theft has already cost the organisation more than R5000. The cost of replacing the copper pipes with plastic is yet to be determined. Cotlands appeals to its neighbours and to the community at large to be vigilant and to assist in preventing further damage to its property. “Cotlands provides a valuable service to the children of Johannesburg and we appeal to those who steal and to those who buy stolen copper to think about the consequences of their actions,” added Schoeman.

Copper pipe theft harms vulnerable children

Don’t forget voter registration weekend on 9 and 10 November for the upcoming national elections. To see if you are registered to vote,

SMS your identity number to 32810.

Are you registered?

Last Thursday the South Gauteng High Court, sitting in Palm Ridge Court, heard clinical psychologist Suzette Heath’s testimony about Robin Harwood, one of the four accused in the Theologo trial. Heath was requested by Legal Aid to do a clinical psychology evaluation on Harwood. Harvey Isha, Courtney Daniels, Lindon Wagner and Harwood are accused of murder, attempted murder and assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm. Kirsty Theologo passed away in 2011 after her and Bronwyn Grammer were doused with petrol and set alight on a hill in Linmeyer in what was supposed to be a soul selling ritual. Grammer survived. Lester Moody and Jeremy King are

already serving their sentence after pleading guilty. Heath says Harwood is fit to stand trial and he knows the difference between right and wrong. She also went on to say that he is trying to find meaning in what he did and that he feels that Kristy’s death has led him to God. She added that he hasn’t shown remorse in the true sense of the word. The court heard Heath stating that she did question whether Harwood was telling the truth to her and that it was noted down in her hard copy statement.A lot of questions regarding memory was raised. Heath responded that memory is complex. “It could be perfectly possible that he stated something earlier but couldn’t remember later, or it could be him trying to lessen his contribution to the murder, “Heath said.Heath went on to explain that the social pressures of being in a group, the fact that they were going to ‘deal with the devil’ and the intake of drugs and alcohol all played a factor in Harwood doing what he did. “He wasn’t thinking of the consequences but rather of what he was going to get from it.” Heath said.The group had planned to sell their souls in order to get wisdom, fame, power and money. Each of the accused (except Isha) chose one of these as their wish on the night of the ritual. The trail continues today. Accused no four, Lindon Wagner’s psychologist takes the stand.

Harwood tries to make sense of attack Laurelle Williams

[email protected]

REASONING: Robin Harwood feels that Kirsty Theologo’s death has led him to God.

tame TIMES Page 4 29 October 2013

SOJO and Golden City Dragon Boat Club held their 10th Annual Spring Festival at Old Ouens Pub and Sports Bar at Wemmer Pan Lake on 19 October. The event entailed three aspects - the good, the bad and the funny and tame TIMES was there to capture everything.ThE GOODThe Annual Spring Festival raises funds for Breast Cancer Awareness. A tribute was paid to Rachel Katz from Reach for Recovery who passed away early this year after a recurrence of cancer. She was not only a breast cancer survivor, but will be remembered as the vibrant woman who over the past nine years actively gathered breast cancer survivors to take part in the dragon boat race. Eight teams took part. The DA team was definitely the loudest and should be awarded the spirit award. New teams that took part were T.U.P.A, Signman and NuDebt, who made a definite splash on the day. tame TIMES took part for their second year. Other regulars were Weir Minerals, Reach for Recovery and SOJO.The SOJO team won for the third year running. Weir Minerals came second, and Signman was third. tame TIMES came fourth.ThE BADAccording to Nicky Vakaloudis, CEO of SOJO, the final approval from The City of Joburg’s Joint Operations Committee (JOC) for the event was positive. However, that day JMPD started issuing parking tickets to the public. “This fiasco chased away a good

number of spectators and caused irrefutable damage to the event. No member of the VOC (Venue Operations Committee), apart from one EMS officer, showed up to assist with the safety of the event. Disappointments rolled on when the fire engine did not arrive as promised; only four out of twenty SAPS members were present to police the event; only two out of eight JMPD events and by-law enforcement officers arrived, just in time for their free lunch; the electrical boxes were not operating and the stall keepers had to make other plans to cook food for the public,” Vakaloudis said. tame TIMES has requested comment from EMS events.ThE FunnyHats off to the NuDebt team, as said they made a definite splash at the event. This occurred after their second race, which they won. With their elated victory the boat capsized with all members having to swim to shore. Their good spirit was seen as all of them came out of the dam with a smile on their face and they were back in dry clothes for the final race. They placed sixth. The organisers would like to thank PIKITuP for providing litter bins, EMS Pier Department for the bicycle medics, the Red Ants for portable toilets, the jumping castle sponsored by Stallion and the SAPS Water Wing team for ensuring safety on the water. Bialla Morena Belly Dancing Studio and Elvis for the entertainment, Old Ouens for the use of the venue, and Clr Bev Turk.

Dragon boat race: the good, the bad and the funny

GOOD SPIRIT: The nuDebt team still happy after falling into the dam after a win.

AVID COMPETITORS: It was all smiles and hyped-up energy for the tame TIMES team.

tame TIMES29 October 2013 Page 5


tame tIMes 29 October 2013Page 6

By Shaun Mackay

What’s in a Word?Big words in the BibleGrace

by Manny de Freitas MP

DIrect frOM ParLIaMent

The decision and actions by the Municipal Demarcation Board (MDB) to ignore the 9800 objections from people in Midvaal to amalgamate this local authority into the new Emfuleni Metro speaks volumes about its impartiality, which clearly isn’t there. For months now the citizens of the Midvaal municipality have been hard at work expressing their opposition to this amalgamation. After all, who can blame them?Midvaal is the best municipality in Gauteng. The ANC provincial government itself released results of its report that ranked Midvaal as the best in Gauteng in terms of quality of life. Due to its rapid economic growth, Midvaal is the fastest growing municipality in the province. In December 2010 Midvaal was ranked 23rd of 231 municipalities, placing it in the 10% of high scoring municipalities in the country. Recently Midvaal moved up 10 places in the annual Municipal Productivity Index for South Africa, placing it within the top 5% of all local governments in the country.Not everyone is happy with these successes, certainly the ANC isn’t. Midvaal has shown up all the other ANC-run councils. The giant metros in Gauteng are particularly annoyed, especially considering that they have a healthier rates base, infrastructure and budget and yet can’t get their act right the way that Midvaal has. They appear oblivious to the fact that the ANC policies of cadre deployment, continuous mal-administration and corruption, their arrogance and attitude of unaccountability are a great part of the problem. In order to stop Midvaal from achieving those “thorn-in-their-side” successes, and to stop that pesky mayor and his committee from continuing this good work, the ANC did what it has traditionally done: use its loyal and subservient institution, the MDB. They intend to make Midvaal disappear, ensure that it is “swallowed up” into the Emfuleni Metro so that it can feed off the Midvaal successes. They then start providing the sub-standard service that the rest of Emfuleni and surrounding areas have been getting so that the DA’s excellent legacy can start disappearing. I have no doubt that the Demarcation Board will defend itself as an independent and democratic institution that works for, and respects, the will of the people. If this is the case, I find it rather strange that Mayor Baloyi was prevented from sitting in at the Demarcation Board’s announcement on its Midvaal decision. This is unthinkable and ludicrous; surely the mayor of the affected local authority should’ve been allowed to listen to a MDB decision made about the municipality he leads. The MDB actions tell us where they stand. Every legal tool will be used to fight what is the ANC’s main objective: to be in power and control no matter what. The ANC can no longer take the fact that more people of Midvaal from all communities continue to vote for the DA election after election. The more the local council does for its people, the more its people personally enjoy its fruits and want to return the government that so effectively and efficiently serves them. This is the basis of democracy.

the Midvaal demarcation is about anc dominance

The time of fireworks that is dreaded by pet owners and animal welfare societies will be with us again. I would just like to appeal to members of the public that whatever the occasion, be it Dewali, Guy Fawkes or New Year, can it please be a time of peace and goodwill to all, which these occasion are supposed to be?We are all tired of seeing all the complaints appearing in the papers year after year about the disturbance and upset caused as well as the irritating letters appearing in the defence of this practice.There is enough upset in this country with all the strikes, fraud, murders, drugs etc, without neighbours fighting among themselves. I don’t know if our ward councillors have anything in mind to try and control this issue, such as appealing to home owners or taking up petitions. Any effort to avoid the usual friction will be appreciated. I await their comments.I did notice that a communal celebration with dancers and fireworks was held at Gold Reef City. I think this is a step in the right direction. I don’t know if the celebration area is close to any homes but hopefully not.Let’s hope we have an uneventful and quiet period from now until the end of the year, and first and foremost let us consider the animals.

We don’t need neighbours fighting amongst themselves

Norma Rudham writes:

After tame TIMES sent the pensioner rebates complaints to the relative department, [email protected] and [email protected] contacted me almost immediately and sorted out my account.I complimented them on their efficiency, for which they were very grateful.I referred an application for a friend who is computer illiterate to Angel. She immediately sorted the application and sent me an e-mail. She also phoned the friend, who was not home yet after he left our home, and left a message.He phoned me back and was very impressed with the quick results. Your actions have really had good results. I do hope that things will get moving now.

rebate progressFrom disgruntled to delighted writes:

s O U t H e r nB r I c K - Ya r D

011 022 84001 0 0 0 0 c e m e n t s t o c k b r i c k s

r 9 7 0 0 p e r l o a d

s P e c I a L : c a s H O n L Y ! ! ! !

JHB sOUtH OnLYsouthernBrickYardSS-44

Grace is a little rote prayer that some people utter before eating, or it’s what a figure skater shows as she spins through the air. But grace in the Bible is different. In fact, the key word in the New Testament for Christianity is “grace”. It means to receive something that is totally undeserved and unmerited. If an inferior person receives favour from a superior person – and has no right to such treatment – that’s grace.John 1:17 says, “...grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” “Grace” expresses a glorious mystery of Christianity. Until someone has discovered the extent and depth of their corruption and demerit before God they will never appreciate grace. Grace means God acts in spontaneous goodness to save people from themselves; He loves the unlovely; He pardons their sins, accepts them, leads them to enjoy Him and helps them to overcome all obstacles that arise. God’s grace saves people from sin and brings them to a true and happy knowledge of their Maker. He doesn’t charge for Jesus. If you don’t think that the word grace is the best Bible word you have ever heard, you can be 100% sure you haven’t understood it.

The prestigious event that Ekurhuleni community has been waiting for, the Ekurhuleni Community Awards 2013, will be held at Bracken Park Hall (Corner JG Stredom and Hennie Alberts) in Brackenhurst at Alberton on 30 October. Food and refreshments will be served and there will be a cash bar. It is a gala event and the tickets are available at Computicket and some will be sold at the event’s entrance. The event will run from 18:00 till late.For more information about the event please don’t hesitate to contact Wiseman Langa at 072 708 1424.

2013 ekurhuleni community awards are happening

Al ooit gewonder wat jou grootste vrees is? Ek praat nie van spinnekoppe, slange of ander uitlandse spesies nie. Ook nie van verdrink of versmoor nie. Ek praat van jou diepste innerlike vrees.Gysie het altyd gelag vir myne, tot hy eendag besef het wat ek regtig daarmee bedoel. My heel grootste vrees op hierdie aarde is dat ek eendag dalk my aardse tyd met die ewige gaan verwissel sonder dat ek werklik gelewe het. ‘n Mens sien hierdie soort ding elke dag. Ek raak sommer hartseer wanneer ek met iemand gesels en besef dat hulle net bestaan, dood is voor hulle gelewe het. Gys sê altyd dat jy ‘n jong iemand kry (kom ons sê vyftig) wat die lewe aangryp met alles in hulle. Hierdie jong vyftigjariges het gewoonlik ‘n moderne haarstyl, dra klere wat nie lyk asof dit uit die groot depressie ontsnap het nie en rond hul voorkoms af met ‘n bypassende glimlag. Dan kry jy VYFTIG. Die mense wat jy kan sien nie eers die moeite doen om ‘n ‘mid-life crisis’ te beleef nie. Dit sommer net heeltemal oorsien en wag vir die lewe om verby te gaan. Dít is my grootste vrees.Ek weet nie van julle nie, maar ek dink hierdie is die perfekte geleentheid om in die kar te klim en vir my ‘n lekker nuwe lipstiffie aan te skaf - ‘n helder rooi wat wys: ek lewe!

Tip: Moenie doodgaan sonder dat jy gelewe het nie.

tame TIMES Page 729 October 2013

Mystical Belly Dancing School is hosting a Belly Dancing and Comedy Nite show, which includes one of SA’s best stand-up

comedians Conrad Koch and his puppets - including Chester Missing. Proceeds will be going to charity. Tickets: R100 per personTime: 18:00Place: Crown Gardens Recreational Hall.Food and Drinks on sale.Limited tickets still available.For more information please contact 082 400 1811.

LiDo HoteL’S FooD & CrAFtS NiGHt MArKet - 1 NoveMBer DJ Shaun Dell & Family : Swinginto Christmas – dance floor open.Contact:[email protected]/ 082 349 9924 No entrance fee.

CHriStMAS MArKet - 2 NoveMBerThe Christmas craft & market day, held by Riverside Community at Waterstone College is a day filled with food, crafts, fun, shopping, music, art, golf swing tips and kids entertainment. Contact [email protected] to book a workshop or if you have any enquiries.

QueeNSHAveN viLLAGe SALe oF worK - 2 NoveMBer

Queenshaven Village (64 Outspan Road, South Hills) will be hosting a sale of work day from 9:00 to 12:00. Stalls include tea garden, cakes, boerewors rolls, pancakes, books, clothing, arts and crafts, plants, white eli, novelties, raffles. Gifts and bargains galore. A dog display by Sherwood dogs will be held at 11:30. Safe parking. For more information please contact Hilary Passmore on 011 613 5927.

ZAK’S BirtHDAy BASH - 3 NoveMBer Zak the Zoo Buddy, the Rietvlei Zoo Farm’s mascot will be celebrating his birthday. There will be lots of fun, entertainment and games for the children. Kids Expo Stalls, Arts & Craft Stalls, Markets & Food Stalls. Time: 12:00 to 17:00. Tel: 011 024 1512 or [email protected]. BeetLe Drive- 9 NoveMBerSt John Presbyterian Church (Turffontein) will host a Beetle Drive with the objective to raise funds and collect food donations for the church’s feeding scheme. Members of the public are invited to join us on the day for many fun activities. Boerewors rolls and hot-dogs will be on sale.Time:14:00

Venue: 92 Tramway Street, Turffontein Entrance Fee: A food item for our food basket (Non-perishables)

AGAPe FeStivAL - 9&10 NoveMBerNG Church Verwoerdpark will be hosting an Agape festival and all funds raised will be used for outreach projects in the community. Starting time 9:00. Food stalls, beauty pageant, jumping castle, beer garden and much more. Joe Niemand will be there on Sunday. Entrance fee will be any canned food and a soft collection will be held. Curry and rice lunch. R30, please book.Address: Glen Drive, Verwoerdpark, Alberton.Contact: teresa Booysens 071 608 0717 / Church office 011 902 4256

BLu4u MeN’S CANSA FuNDrAiSer - 10 NoveMBerDress in Blue to show your support for Men’s CANSA fundraiser @Rietvlei Zoo Farm. Market & Food Stalls, 4x4 & Bike Expos, Martial Arts & Kick Boxing displays, Jail Bail, Team Relays – enter your team. Contact Zane on 084 222 0894.

tame TIMES

CoMeDy & BeLLy DANCiNG NiGHt - 30 NoveMBer

the inaugral Mighty women Conference will take place from 15 to 17 November. The speakers will be Hettie Brittz, Antoinet Viviers and Erika Richards.The vision is to reach women that are broken due to divorce, destructive or abusive relationships, death of loved ones, financial burdens and general workplace pressure.They believe that their speakers will touch each person’s heart through the working of the Holy Spirit and invite all women to join for this very special weekend. Girls from the age of 12 are welcome.This is the first Mighty Women Conference to be held in Johannesburg and it is planned to make this an annual event.Note that the events are held under the covenant and guidance of Shalom Ministries, Angus Buchan and Mighty Men Conference South Africa.

Mighty women converence

15 – 17 Novemberr395 per person; includes accommodation, all meals (16 and 17 November) and registrations. venue: Beula Park Conference Centre. Mount Zion Prayer Mountain - Meadowdale, Germiston.Bookings and registrations can be done on www.summitofgod.org.za or through iticket on www.iticket.co.za.there is an information line 071 912 2554 for any queries on the Mighty women Conference.

CoNFereNCe DetAiLS

Become a movie reviewer with Ster-Kinekor and tame TIMESwould you like to review movies and give your opinion on the latest and greatest releases in the cinema world? Send us your Cv and a motivation letter on why you should review a movie at Ster-Kinekor eastgate. only the best will be chosen and your review will be published in tame tiMeS. Send your information to

[email protected] with the subject Movie review. terms and conditions apply.

29 October 2013Page 8 tame TIMES

Weekly Arrests:

Mondeor arrests

Booysens arrestsA total of 50 arrests were made by Booysens SAPS from 14 to 20 October. These included:

Numerous theft: ............................. 10Possession of suspected stolen property: ............................. 3Possession of drugs: .................... 9Assault common: .......................... 12

The following arrests were made by Mondeor SAPS from 16 to 22 October:

Shoplifting: ..................................... 4Housebreaking and theft: ............. 7Possession of dagga: ................... 7Assault common: .......................... 4Robbery common: ......................... 1Dealing in liquor: ........................... 3Assault GBH: ................................. 11Theft: ............................................... 3Use of motor vehicle without owner’s consent: ........................... 1Possession of illegal cigarettes: ...................................... 3Possession of suspected stolen property: ............................. 3Driving under the influence: ......... 2Urinating in public: ........................ 2

Car jacker gets 7 years imprisonment

Cigarette boxes filled with sawdust

SMOKING SAWDUST: The cigarette boxes that contained sawdust.

A 33-year-old male was sentenced to seven years imprisonment by the Johannesburg Magistrate’s Court on 21 October for possession of a suspected stolen motor vehicle.The incident occurred on 29 June 2011. The suspect was arrested in Mondeor, Columbine Avenue for possession of the suspected stolen motor vehicle. The Nissan Sentra was stolen in Booysens the same day. The case was assigned to Warrant Officer Marcovich from Mondeor SAPS for investigation.

One suspect was arrested by Cst Shingange from the Flying Squad on 17 October for counterfeit goods. He was taken to Moffatview SAPS.Cst Shingange was posted in Rosettenville to conduct patrols. The officer spotted a car with two occupants and decided to chase after the car. They searched the vehicle and found three Dunhill Courtleigh cartons. Another vehicle approached the officers. Those two occupants informed them that they bought cigarettes from the suspects, however when they opened the packets there was sawdust inside and not cigarettes.The police officers opened the other boxes. They were full of wooden powder. The police together with the complainant and the suspects went to the shop where the cigarettes were bought. On arrival more

boxes of Courtleigh cartons were opened showing sawdust inside. The suspect tried to bribe the SAPS officer.

In a joint operation on 18 October Moffatview SAPS, JMPD, Home Affairs and the community patrollers arrested 15 illegal immigrants in La-Rochelle.

A 37-year-old suspect was arrested by Mondeor SAPS for theft under false pretence.He allegedly robbed an unsuspecting client by receiving money to renovate a house. He would then disappear without doing the renovations. The suspect was linked to two cases opened in Lenasia South and Ennerdale where he took ±R60 000 cash.

House renovating scammer arrested

DISHONEST: The scammer who was arrested for stealing people’s money under the pretence of renovating their houses.

Lockdown on illegal immigrants

I’m Dr Aziz and I’m blessed to cast powerful Spells with the help of my powerful spiritual powers, my spells are done in unique ways to fulfi l my clients goals.If you are new or you have been disappointed by other spell casters, witch doctors and healers who have failed to provide you with the results they promised you and you’re stuck with no option of achieving or solving your problems, it’s time you contact me, the most powerful Witch and spiritually gifted to solve any human related problems. Do you want to break up a couple?Is your love life falling apart? Do you want to stop a divorce?Is your marriage falling apart?We bring back your lost love.I help people win court cases or any legal battles. It’s not too late to fi x your love life or other relationship problems. Find testimonials on Website: www.wiccan-aziz.co.za. Call For Appointment: 073 209 9054. Address: Alberton (Just next to the mall). Website: www.wiccan-aziz.co.za. Email: [email protected].

A fire erupted in a block of flats in Main Street, Rosettenville on 25 October around 11:00. No one was injured.According to Nana Radebe, City of Johannesburg’s EMS spokesperson, the fire had already been extinguished by the time Turffontein Fire Department arrived. “Due to this reason, we cannot do preliminary investigations,” Radebe said.

Fire extinguished before EMS arrived

tame TIMES Page 907 August 2012 tame TIMES Page 929 October 2013

tame TIMES 29 October 2013

Recently SOJO and KlipSA took members of the Section 79 Economic Development Committee on a tour of the South of Joburg to see the good, the bad and the promising. The committee’s leader, Clr Willie Van Der Skyf embraced the opportunity to engage with the private sector outside of the Inner City to find out what is happening beyond the concrete jungle.The tour began at the Metro Civic Centre (Braamfontein), with a presentation by Andrew Barker on SOJO and KlipSA’s background and their efforts to enhance job creation through sustainable economic growth and social development that add value to the natural assets. Seven key features of the presentation were investment in sustainable economic and social development, the KEEDZ Model (Klipriviersberg Economic and Ecosystem Development Zone), authority strategies and plans, spatial and economic linkages and integration, investment and development opportunities, Southern Joburg Interface and mine impacted areas. These key features were pointed out on the route.

ThE ROuTE InCluDED:- Wemmer Pan precinct - the “underutilised” reinstated musical fountains, tenant leasing difficulties, diversified sporting activities, dilapidated Santarama and tourism opportunities of the hop-on-hop-off topless red bus were noted. - Turffontein precinct - new opportunities concerning the transportation corridor, Wits University study on Rosettenville on the historical value of the area, and horse racing entertainment

were highlighted.- Moffat Park - showed how the City could make better use of the park area instead of a housing project. -Joburg skyline - opportunities for the City Deep freight logistics hub. - Reading Interchange - where the R59 becomes the start of the southern development corridor and the Verreauxs Eagle nesting platform mast could be seen deep into the Meyers Farm valley from the freeway.- Kliprivier Drive - potential for the multi-project initiatives such as KUBiC (Klipvier Urban Biodiversity Corridor) and challenges relating to illegal dumping and general lawlessness were pointed out.- Thaba Ya Batswana - all saw the breathtaking panoramic view of the surrounding Klipriviersberg Nature Reserve and enjoyed delicious treats and stretched their legs.- Panorama node - the commercial opportunities were explained.- Klip Valley - revival of intensive urban agricultural activities mixed with tourism and the multitude of sporting opportunities were discussed.- Klipriver Recreation Centre - a future education and environmental centre is being considered.

Afrisam Quary was the last stop before moving to the mining belt past Southgate, Nasrec, Gold Reef City and into Crown City. Richard Bennet from iProp explained that the developments in these mining land areas have been taking place since the 1970’s. The Committee saw the developments in Crown City and the R2 million camera project initiated by Edcon and Tsogo Sun for the Crown City and Ormonde Precincts.

Tour of the SouthArticle supplied by SOJO.

The Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) assures all parents and matriculants that it is all systems go for the year-end 2013 national Senior Certificate (nSC) examinations for grade 12. The 2013 NSC examinations started on 28 October and end on 29 November. The department has registered 99 504 full time candidates writing at 1274 sites across the province. Results will be announced on 7 January 2014, and all learners are urged to go to their schools on this day to collect their results.While GDE cannot predict matric results, they remain optimistic that they have given learners the best possible chance to pass these important exams.From March this year, learners from 425 priority schools attended the Secondary School Improvement Programme (SSIP). Classes were held every Saturday throughout the year as well as during June/July and September school holidays.Since schools reopened for the fourth quarter, the same learners attended walk-in camps to further help with revision and exam preparation.The GDE will provide support during the exams and over weekends in some areas for learners who have questions.

Many schools will offer daily and weekend support to learners for the duration of the exams.Candidates throughout the country signed pledges committing to honest behaviour when writing the examinations.Ms Creecy urged every Gauteng learner to do their best over the next few weeks to study and write carefully, “During examinations remember to have sufficient rest the night before, have all the necessary material, read the entire question paper, read instructions and plan your time carefully.” The MEC encouraged all parents to regularly check on their children’s emotional state and give them words of encouragement and support during this difficult time.“Always remember that even if your children do not do as well as you expect, encourage them to soldier on and try again,” she said.Examinations are a stressful time for learners and we urge parents and friends to be supportive during this period.

learners can phone Childline 08000 55 555 for counselling assistance.

Gauteng ready for the 2013 Matric exams

tame TIMES Page 1129 October 2013

29 October 2013tame TIMES

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Page 17tame TIMES29 October 2013 Page 15

Caroline Horsford and her matric dance partner Jonathan Heinsworth at Marist Brothers Linmeyer matric dance. It was held at Thaba Ya Batswana on 4 October.

Matric dance beauty

Vincent van Rooy (9), from Dalmondeor Laerskool, not only achieved first place at Smoking Pistons

Motocross Park in the 8th Round of the Gauteng

regional MX series on 19 October, but he also came first overall in the Gauteng Regional MX series. He is sponsored by Groenkloof Bottle Store in Pretoria.

A pro at only 9 years


Well done to Vahin Naka, a Glenanda Primary learner who received first place in the Grade 3 and Foundation Phase Maths section of the Turning the Times Tables Competition.

Times tables pro

Cassidy Jacobs represented Glenanda Primary and JHB South District at the Literacy Olympiad recently. Well done for making your school proud.

Queen bee of literacy

Randeor School learner Monique Azov received the Johanna Hawkins Floating Trophy for outstanding perseverance in extreme difficult circumstances at the annual school gala evening.Monique is challenged in her walking and every step at school is done with great difficulty and endurance. Although she finds it difficult to walk, she is always an inspiration to others and is always positive with a happy attitude. She has overcome many obstacles in life and is doing very well in her scholastic work. She needs time to complete tasks, but does it excellently when completing a task.

Perservance is Monique’s middle name

Monique Azoz holds her award with pride and is accompanied by her mother.

Randeor School’s dance group was awarded the floating trophy for outstanding dance performance in the Mixed Dance category at the 2013 Eisteddfod. The learners did all the choreography and music themselves and their coach Mrs Tanya Davies only assisted as facilitator.

Dancing is in their blood

Randeor School learner, Nathan Johnson received gold in the 2013 LSEN Eistedd-fod for his solo of Bruno Mars’s song Catch a Granite. The 2013 Eisteddfod was hosted by Randeor School and nine schools participated. Some schools came as far as Rustenburg and Klerksdorp for the two day event that takes place every year in October. Each LSEN school that participates gets an opportunity to host the event and next year the Eisteddfod will be hosted in Rustenburg.

Nathan’s voices brings gold

Randeor School’s mixed choir achieved second place in this year’s LSEN Eisteddfod with 95%. This is the first year that the conducting was done by a learner. The choir master, Mrs Hardi van der Westhuizen, decided to empower choir member Keletso Quasha, by allowing him to conduct so that she could play the piano for the choir.

Learner conductor achieves excellent results

The new 2014 Randeor School Representative Council of Learners were chosen at the annual school gala evening. The Presidents of the Council will only be announced after a team building weekend. In picture: Mr Andre Nel (principal), Mrs Tanya Davies (RCL Support & Motivation) and the newly elected 2014 RCL representatives.

Randeor’s 2014 RCL

tame TIMES Page 16 29 October 2013

Millicent Khumalo was rewarded the ABET Skills training trophy for learners with special needs at the annual Randeor School gala evening.Millicent has achieved a 90% average during 2013. Millicent has done so well with her hand skills training that her mother’s employer has offered to pay for her studies after she has left school. Millicent wants to work with her hands and she is excellent in Creative Arts. If there is any community business that can assist with employment for her from 1 November, her mother, Leonora, can be contacted on 060 508 9034.

Randeor School learner Lauren Messina (grade 8) was the overall achievement winner for 2013. She was awarded the floating trophy for Excellence in Skills training at the annual gala evening. Pictured with her family.

ABET skills training trophy winner

Mrs Anandi Spies (Skills training teacher), Millicent Khumalo and her mother, Leonora.

Overall winner


Send your photo to [email protected] Attach your name, age, and contact details, and tT JHB South Face of the Week in the subject line. Get your friends and family to ‘like’ the page and vote!

Twane Labuschagne - 9 years old.

HOw IT wOrkS:

There will be a different category announced each month in which you can enter.The weekly entry photos will be placed on the tame TIMES Facebook page. The photo with the most ‘likes’ will be the Face of the Week and be published in the tame TIMES. The Face of the Week winner will receive a voucher for 1 month free modelling training from Figures Glenvista.All photos featured on the tame TIMES Facebook page during the month, will be taken into account when the Face of the Month is chosen. The photo with the most ‘likes’ will be Face of the Month.

The Face of the Month will be featured on the Figures Glenvista website and also receive a voucher for a 4-month course at Figures Glenvista worth R1500.




tame TIMES Page 1314 May 2013 Page 1729 October 2013 Page 17tame TIMES

The Lyric Theatre at Gold Reef City was filled with excitement as the stars of the Tsogo Sun initiative SunCares prepared themselves for what was to become a magical night. The SunCares Arts Academy is one of Tsogo Sun’s CSI programs, which aims at providing learners the opportunity to change their lives and communities through the arts. During 2013 the program empowered 480 students from 12 schools around the Diepsloot and Johannesburg areas, through interactions with facilitators from Minimax Performing Arts and local celebrities. They shared some of the basics in drama, dance and life-skills.The two weeks preceding the extravaganza were a culmination of the SunCares Arts Academy curriculum, in which learners were involved in a series of concerts adjudicated by members of the National Eisteddfod Association, who through an elimination process chose the final group who were the performers who got to grace the Lyric Theatre’s stage. The high standard level of artistry displayed at the final concert often had the crowd in the theatre in awe. One young performer, Kamohelo Machabe even received a standing ovation for his individual performance. At the end of the night, SunCares patron PJ Powers announced the night’s winners and took on the stage, accompanied by all the young superstars together with the facilitators, to perform the closing song.

WINNERSNaledi Star Award – Individual: Nkosikhona Ngobeni Best Overall Primary Group: Bree Primary SchoolBest Overall High School: Johannesburg Secondary School

SunCares unearths talentNdu [email protected]

tame TIMES Page 18 29 October 2013

Bepalings en voorwaardes geld





On Friday, Reading Interchange highway motorists were treated to an interesting sight of full-dressed Zulu Warriors dancing in the koppies. Cameras, speakers and crew were set up and rolling to record a music video for the Jozi music group Abase Mkhuze, which will be released in November.

Camera aCtion on koppie 011 862 8500Jéan de Witt

Cloudy Johannesburg skies threatened the success of Saturday 19 October’s Diwali celebrations at the Gold Reef City (Apartheid Museum) parking lot, which was transformed into a colourful Eastern-wonderland with vibrant performers and a strong contingency of Hindu devotees and members of the Jozi public.Diwali is one of the more important celebrations on the Hindu calendar. This year the First Rand Group, through FNB and Tsogo Sun, took the celebrations to the iconic venue. Entrance was free on the day, ensuring as many as possible could enjoy the displays of the partaking

organisations, ranging from restaurants, various cultural entertainers and clothing dealers.The younger at heart were kept entertained, as they waited for the famous fireworks display, by a show and shine car competition hosted by Speed and Sound magazine. The Highlight of the

show eventually arrived and just in time to light up the cloudy Johannesburg skies, much to the delight of all around.More photographs of the colourful sky can be viewed on the tame TIMES website, www.tametimes.co.za. Check out our YouTube page for a video of the sky.

Cloudy Johannesburg skies set alight Ndu [email protected]

Page 17tame TIMES29 October 2013 Page 19

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tame TIMES Page 20 29 October 2013


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Page 17tame TIMES29 October 2013 Page 23

People who don’t live in Gauteng don’t have to pay for the upgrading of the highways in that province. However, if they travel on those roads, they will have to get a day-pass - which is easy to do.The application of the user-pays principle is authorised by law and has been carefully considered, in the construction of the Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project (GFIP) and in many other instances, as a matter of policy by the National Treasury, in collaboration with other departments and agencies of state.“There were a few funding methods the Government considered in funding the GFIP. One was the much touted fuel levy, which was found to be unfair and unsustainable in the long. The fuel levy is a nationally raised tax. It

would be inequitable to expect all road users in the country to pay for heightened levels of road services in Gauteng while they do not enjoy the benefit of similar roads in their provinces. After careful consideration, Government decided to use the other funding model, that is, users of the inner Gauteng highways have to pay. The user-pay model is sustainable over the long term and fairer - if you don’t use the upgraded highways, you don’t pay,” explained the communications manager of the South African National Road Agency (SANRAL), Vusi Mona.

However, the user-pay principle kicks in for all who use the tolled roads, even those who don’t live in Gauteng but have to travel through the province or have business within it. This is best done by obtaining a day-pass. It cannot be done through a retailer but there are three other options:- Via the e-toll website - www.sanral.co.za- Going to a conveniently located e-toll Customer Service Centres - in some shopping malls and along the highway itself - Phoning the e-toll call centre at 0800 SANRAL (726 725).

“If you’re not a Gauteng resident, the e-tolls won’t affect you in any way - except on the occasion that you do have to use them. The e-tolled roads are only 20km in a province that has a road network of more than 3 000km, and there are plenty of alternative roads in Gauteng,” Mona said.

Highway day-pass for non-Gauteng residents*Supplied by SANRALThe IAME International Final for X30

karts took place in Lyon, France on 20 October, and 17-year old Glenvista High School’s Sebastian Lanzetti survived officialdom and tyre troubles on his way to 11th place.Lanzetti was invited to France for the X30 finals after winning the South African championship and although faced with a track he’d never seen before, he was confident of a competitive showing. As drivers readied themselves he familiarised himself with the track and used practice to get the Zanardi chassis dialled to his liking, before the serious business of qualifying.As expected, qualifying proved how close the racing was going to be. Lanzetti got down to work and posted the 15th fastest time in a field that saw the top 22 drivers covered by less than one second.The action in the 10-lap qualifying heats was tense and an impressive 10th place in the opening race boosted confidence and morale. Unfortunately a penalty in the next race dropped him down to 21st place. “I don’t think I deserved to get the penalty, I wasn’t to blame for the incident and even had video footage to prove it,” rued Lanzetti. Heat three saw him at his best and he bagged an important 12th place, which secured 13th place on the grid for the Pre-Final.

Rain was predicted for the finals, something Lanzetti looked forward to as he’s always had good results in tricky conditions. However, with European drivers often racing in the rain he didn’t really have much of an advantage. The pre-final was run on a damp track, and after spending the early laps nibbling at 10th place his tyres began to go off and he slipped back to 18th place when the chequered flag came down.There was consternation in the Lanzetti camp before the finals. Although he had new wet tyres, a set of rims to mount them on couldn’t be sourced. He was faced with the prospect of racing on tyres that were already well past their best. To make matters worse, he was starting from 18th on the 30 kart grid, which is bang in the middle of the danger zone, where visibility is at its worst because of all the spray. He judged the start perfectly and made up a number of positions through the first corners, which proved to be rather fortunate as he escaped a five kart accident behind him. By the end of the lap he was in 11th place. As the race wore on so his tyres became less effective and his challenge for a top six finish faded, replaced with a matter of surviving. He was unable to hang onto 10th and at the end of the 20-laps he was in 11th place.

Lanzetti survives French drama

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tame TIMES Page 24 29 October 2013


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SlF-44 @ R189900

CharityHighveld Horse Care UnitJabulani Khakibos KidsJongimfundo Primary AftercareKhangezile Primary AftercareMaphanzela Primary AftercareNageng Primary Aftercare Peermont Education Trust-LesediPeermont School Support ProgrammeReahile Primary Aftercare San MicheleStar SchoolsThembakazi Primary AftercareUmkhathize Primary AftercareWelamlambo Primary Aftercare Animal Anti-Cruelty LeagueFortune Kunen Primary Aftercare

the Peermont Emperors Palace Charity Mile is a horse racing event that everyone looks forward to. this year new and regular celebrity faces will be spotted at turffontein race Course on 2 November, with 16 of the finest thoroughbred racehorses racing for a charity. the best thing about this race is no matter if a racehorse comes in last, the charity partnered with it will still receive prize money. a definite win-win situation.Phumelela’s National Marketing Manager, Michael Varney said, “Emperors Palace’s sponsorship of the Charity Mile has always gone deeper than the race day itself, and through our partnership it is imperative that our legacy projects benefit from more than just the cash contributions, but in other ways such as extra-curricular activities.” Varney refers to when 30 children from the Peermont Children’s Trust’s Jongifundo Primary Aftercare Centre were given a demonstration by the SAPS’s Mounted Police Unit, which included caring for a horse as well as an understanding of the important role that the mounted unit plays in keeping the local community safe.The Charity Mile Barrier Draw took place last Wednesday at 64Live at Emperors Palace. Media got to see who all the celebrity faces are and what charity and newspaper they will be partnered with. The avid horse breeders got to see where their horse would start. There is no gate fee and the day itself offers something for the whole family, including a kid’s carnival, celebrity autograph signing, beer garden and of course top class South African horse racing.

Charity Mile: competitive fun for a good cause Laurelle Williams

[email protected]


CElEbrityAmor VitonneMathew & Sonia BoothDan NichollDarren ScottGerry EldsonChane De KockBrian MitchellJason GoliathFiona Nay & Amanda Du PontJacques Terre’BlancheJames DaltonSphum SphumAlex CaigeJoan MadibengKerry McGregorNeil Andrews

Charity MilE CElEbS: Neil andrews, Fiona Nay, alex Caige, Juanita Mitchell, Dan Nicholl, amor Vittone and Jacques terre’blanche.

horSEWylie HallCherry On The TopWhiteline FeverLink ManRoyal Zulu WarriorTellinaCeltic FirePotala PalaceYorkerLove StruckWagnerGlorious JetHere Comes BillyMoon Of RangoonKillua CastleWar Horse

Xolani Nxumalo, a trampoline gymnast from the alexandra trampoline Club (atC), has been selected to represent South africa as a Senior trampoline Gymnast at the trampoline world Championships taking place in Sofia, bulgaria from 7 to 10 November.Xolani has been afforded the opportunity to compete with the help of donations from sponsors such as Aramex South Africa, who sponsored Xolani’s competition attire as well as his accommodation and meals.Aramex held a handover ceremony in honour of Xolani at their offices in Linbro Business Park, and gave Xolani a cheque for R3000 for spending money as well as a kit bag and other items of clothing to take with to the

World Championships. Xolani would like to thank Aramex and everyone who contributed towards the cost

of his travel, accommodation, and entry fees.

atC is situated at South rand recreation Centre, Geneva

road, South hills. anyone interested in becoming a trampoline Gymnast can contact Glenda at 082 924


Ready for World Championships

Deijon Perumal (aramex international Express Executive), Xolani Nxumalo and andy van der Velde (CEo aramex Southern africa).
