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November 2014 Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 Vol. 64 No. 11 www.templebethmiriam.org 180 Lincoln Ave. Elberon, NJ 07740 • 732.222.3754 Newsle Ʃ er From Rabbi Cy Stanway The Oldest Congregation in Monmouth County, and the One with the Youngest Attitude. Michael Gross, President Cy Stanway, Rabbi Marnie Camhi, Cantor Stella J. Stanway, Principal The month immediately fol- lowing the Days of Awe is to- tally devoid of every holiday except Shabbat. There are no fesƟvals, no celebraƟons, no holidays of any kind. It is, in a sense, the loneli- est month of the year. This may be a quirk of the Jewish calendar or there may be a message in it that comes from the very beginnings of our people. The Torah tells us when all the holidays are and all the FesƟvals. The other historic holidays fall when the event occurred; holy Ɵmes like Tisha B'Av, Hannukah, even Tu Bishvat. So the fact that there are no agricultural FesƟvals in Cheshvan, the month following the Days of Awe and no real historic Jewish events may be the quirk of the calendar. But there is sƟll poetry in the silence of the calendar. It is poeƟc that right aŌer all the ash and pop of the Days of Awe, the music, the hubbub and the acƟvity there is a silence - maybe what the Bible calls the the 'sƟll small voice of God.' It is the Ɵme we take to listen to feelings of what the Days of Awe leŌ with us and to hear the voice of God silently move us without liturgy or prepared for some even more exciƟng develop- ments. People are voƟng with their feet and their feet are bringing them here. Your individual Jewish jour- ney is beginning or begin- ning again or maybe even conƟnuing. Wherever you are on the journey, the temple is your place of refuge, your beit midrash, your school, and your place of worship. In the words of the prophet, "My house shall be called a house of prayer for all people." Beth Miriam is that house. Wel- come home. song but with a sense of our own personal holy direcƟon. As a group we prayed last month and as individuals we set our course for the next year this month. What we hear in Cheshvan are more than the simple resoluƟons we made in Tishri - the month of Rosh Hashanna and Yom Kippur. Now is the Ɵme to use our minds, hands and hearts to act on those resoluƟons. Already at the temple we are seeing the movement toward a meaningful and fullling Jewish life for so many of our congregants. Our Youth Groups are revi- talized and new leaders are emerging. But the truth is that, as excited as the chil- dren in the Youth Groups are about being together and being Jewish, they take their cues from their parents. Thanks to the parents, the children are encouraged and supported and oŌen chauf- feured! Adult EducaƟon is lling up. Talmud, Theology, Making Prayer Real, Chas- sidic Text study are all lled with adults eager to learn. And this year the Sisterhood and Brotherhood are chart- ing even more exciƟng direc- Ɵons. Worship is meaningful and, in the next year, be [email protected]
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November 2014Cheshvan/Kislev 5775

Vol. 64 No. 11

www.templebethmiriam.org180 Lincoln Ave. Elberon, NJ 07740 • 732.222.3754

Newsle erFrom Rabbi Cy Stanway

The Oldest Congregation in Monmouth County,and the One with the Youngest Attitude.

Michael Gross, PresidentCy Stanway, Rabbi

Marnie Camhi, CantorStella J. Stanway, Principal

The month immediately fol-lowing the Days of Awe is to-tally devoid of every holiday except Shabbat. There are no fes vals, no celebra ons, no holidays of any kind. It is, in a sense, the loneli-est month of the year. This may be a quirk of the Jewish calendar or there may be a message in it that comes from the very beginnings of our people.

The Torah tells us when all the holidays are and all the Fes vals. The other historic holidays fall when the event occurred; holy mes like Tisha B'Av, Hannukah, even Tu Bishvat. So the fact that there are no agricultural Fes vals in Cheshvan, the month following the Days of Awe and no real historic Jewish events may be the quirk of the calendar. But there is s ll poetry in the silence of the calendar.

It is poe c that right a er all the fl ash and pop of the Days of Awe, the music, the hubbub and the ac vity there is a silence - maybe what the Bible calls the the 's ll small voice of God.' It is the me we take to listen tofeelings of what the Days of Awe le with us and to hear the voice of God silently move us without liturgy or

prepared for some even more exci ng develop-ments. People are vo ng with their feet and their feet are bringing them here.

Your individual Jewish jour-ney is beginning or begin-ning again or maybe even con nuing. Wherever you are on the journey, the temple is your place of refuge, your beit midrash, your school, and your place of worship. In the words of the prophet, "My house shall be called a house of prayer for all people." Beth Miriam is that house. Wel-come home.

song but with a sense of our own personal holy direc on. As a group we prayed last month and as individuals we set our course for the next year this month.

What we hear in Cheshvan are more than the simple resolu ons we made in Tishri - the month of Rosh Hashanna and Yom Kippur. Now is the me to use our minds, hands and hearts to act on those resolu ons.

Already at the temple we are seeing the movement toward a meaningful and fulfi lling Jewish life for so many of our congregants. Our Youth Groups are revi-talized and new leaders are emerging. But the truth is that, as excited as the chil-dren in the Youth Groups are about being together and being Jewish, they take their cues from their parents. Thanks to the parents, the children are encouraged and supported and o en chauf-feured! Adult Educa on is fi lling up. Talmud, Theology, Making Prayer Real, Chas-sidic Text study are all fi lled with adults eager to learn. And this year the Sisterhood and Brotherhood are chart-ing even more exci ng direc- ons. Worship is meaningful

and, in the next year, be

[email protected]

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Michael GrossPresident, Temple Beth Miriam

A Word from Michael Gross,Our Temple President

I am sure by now that all of you know of the un mely death of our keyboardist, John Shaff er. Those of you who receive Elijah saw the eloquent tribute to John from our Rabbi. I really can not add signifi cantly to the Rabbi’s touching words except to say that John will be sorely missed and we pray for his wife Karen and his children, Jus n and Hannah. We will all miss him terribly.

On a much lighter note, I wanted to con nue spotligh ng our very hardworking com-mi ees. In this column, I would like to focus on the Social Ac on Commi ee led by co-chairs Steve Peckman (also a Vice President) and Gayle Topper. This commi ee deals with things such as dona ons for needy congregants or non-congregants in the area, services at the Atria, the very successful food drive at the High Holidays, the Kishrei Halev projects for B’Nai Mitzvah students, par cipa on on panels discussing food insecurity, sponsoring the tour of the Foodbank of Monmouth and Ocean Coun- es in Neptune Township, sponsoring the social ac on Shabbat which is scheduled for

December 5, 2014 this year, fundraising for the food pantry and sponsoring Mitzvah Day. This commi ee fosters the Jewish concept of healing of the world (Tikun Olam) and seeks to make our community a be er place. It also a empts to help the needy and hungry in our community. They are an integral part of the Temple Beth Miriam community and I want to express my apprecia on for all of their hard work.

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Temple Beth Miriam180 Lincoln Avenue

Elberon, New Jersey 07740732.222.3754


A Reform Congrega on Serving Monmouth County.

We welcome you to Temple BethMiriam’s Newsle er. If you are in need of more informa on about the temple, we are always ready to help out.

If you are ‘shul-shopping” we would love to show you around the temple. Just drop in to the Rabbi’s offi ce (but call fi rst at 732.222.3754 to make sure he is there) and he will be your guide.

You are welcome to worship with us any me. We hope you do. Check the calendar for details.

If you are viewing this as a PDF oronline all links are ac ve.


November 19th for theDecember Newsle er

NEWSLETTER INFORMATIONAll fl yers, photos, and ar cles

MUST be either emailed [email protected]

or delivered to the offi ce by the above date to ensure that they get

into the next newsle er.

Temple Beth Miriam Bulle nis produced monthyexcept for August.

Three consecu ve months of the newsle er will be sent to

prospec ve members.

Planning an Oneg Shabbat?

If you're sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat, please refer to the NEW ONEG SHABBAT GUIDELINES

in this issue of the newsle er.

It's a helpful guide to make your eveninga successful one.


Please contact the Temple Offi ce to let us know when you want us to

change your addressfor the winter. Thank you!


You can pay your dues, make donations, register for events as well as for school

ONLINE by simply using your credit card?

If you have never opened a Chaverweb account, please call Stella Stanway at 732-918-1940 and she will set you up.


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What’s Happening at Temple Beth MiriamNovember 2014

Wednesday, November 5Theology Class 10 AM

Thursday, November 6RPC Mee ng 7:30 PM

Friday, November 7Shabbat Service 8 PM

Saturday, November 8SALTY QR Code Scavenger Hunt Hannah Stone Bat Mitzvah 5 PM

Sunday, November 9NOTE: NO Teen Academy today. New date is Nov 16thTalmud Study 8 AM

Tuesday, November 11Veteran's Day - Offi ce closed

Wednesday, November 12Theology Class 10 AMMembership Commi ee Mee ng 7:30 PM

Friday, November 14Shabbat Service & Anniversary Blessings 8 PM

Sunday, November 16Talmud Study 8 AMTeen Academy "Toy Talk" with Darryl Dworkin - Breakfast served 9:30 AM followed by presenta on

Wednesday, November 19Theology Class 10 AM

Friday, November 21Grade 8 & 9 RetreatTOT SHABBAT 6 PMShabbat Service & Birthday Blessings 8 PM

Saturday, November 22Grade 8 & 9 Retreat

Sunday, November 23Talmud Study 8 AMJFCS Grade 7Grade 8 & 9 RetreatSALTeen EventYouth Choir rehearsal a er religious school"United We Sing" at Unitarian Universalist Church in Lincro 4 PM

Wednesday, November 26No Theology ClassNo School

Thursday, November 27Thanksgiving Day - Offi ce closed

Friday, November 28Shabbat Service 8 PM

Saturday, November 29Josie Howard Bat MItzvah 5 PM

Sunday, November 30No Talmud StudyNo SchoolMens Club Event - "Fantasy Football A ernoon" from 1- 4 PM at Barry Edison's home. Food and soda/water will be provided.

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A Note from our Cantor

Cantor Marnie [email protected]

Youth Choir will be star ng up again this month! All religious school students in grades 3-12 are welcome to join!

Rehearsals are Sundays a er school on November 23, December 4 & 14. Please send your child with a light lunch (no pork or shell-fi sh please).

The youth choir will be singing on Sunday, December 14 for the congrega onal meet-ing and for Shabbat Chanukah Services on Friday, December 19. Please let me know in advance if your child would like to par cipate.

It may seem early, but we are also ge ng ready for Purim. This year's Purim Spiel is Frozen! We will be holding audi ons on Sunday, November 9 a er school beginning at 12:20. All students in grades 3 and up (and adults that are members in good stand-ing) are welcome to audi on! Rehearsals will be on Sundays a er school and begin on Sunday, January 6. The spiel is Sunday, March 8. There is also a special Purim Service on Wednesday, March 4 and students and adults are invited to learn a part of the Me-gillah reading in Hebrew. If you would like a singing/speaking part, all girls are required to sing "Let it Go!" from the movie and all boys are required to either sing "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?" or "In Summer!". (If you would just like to be in the chorus, you do not have to audi- on.)

You can fi nd the music and lyrics here: h p://frozen.disney.com/sing-along-songs The sign-up sheet for audi ons is posted on the Music Room door.Email me for more informa on: [email protected]

Thank you!

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From the Principal’s Desk

Stella Jeruzalmi [email protected]

This month we celebrated Simchat Torah, and later in the week we welcomed our youngest students formally with the Consecra on ceremony. Kindergarten students received their li le torahs, their consecra on cer fi cates and a blessing from their parents and Can-tor Marnie. We consecrated the following students:Jonah Blumen-feld, Raquel Brosniak, Noa Cohen-Sanchez, Chloe Foster and Dylan Katz. We look forward to all of their future scholarly accomplish-ments in our school.

Also at this me of year we welcome all our new students, and wish them the best as they become a part of our EBRS community. Our new students are: Eden Cotler, Alexis Reiss, Jacob Bosniak, Ali Reiss, Noah Beson, Ma hew Kouveliotes, Zachary Huppert, Reese Figueiredo, Jolie Harkavy and Ysabella Lehman.

Have you seen the latest addi on to the decor of our school wing? For a long me we pon-dered upon how to restore and display the confi rma on pictures that used to hang on the walls before the school renova on. With a very generous contribu on from an EBRS and TBM alumna, Ellen Beller, along with the hard work and painstaking eff orts of Andrea Phox and work of our talented Dr. Stu Lipse , we fi nally did it. Andrea spent months tracking down and iden fying former confi rmands, and hours restoring the confi rma on pictures. They were then printed on metal plates and entrusted to Stu, who mounted them these gorgeous wooden boards he built and assembled, before installing on the landing into the religious school wing. They are stunning and a beau ful tribute to our former students. Now as our current and future students enter the hallways, they will pass through the past, and hopefully be inspired by the presence of these former students.

Once again, we are very grateful to Ellen Beller for the sponsoring this project and to Andrea Phox for her vision and execu on and to Dr. Stu Lipse for his labors.....please come on up and take a look....

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Every member of the Eisenberg Bierman Religious School can be reached by email:

` Nancy Maling: [email protected] Jill Herbert: [email protected] Sharon Silverman: [email protected] Karen Pingitore: [email protected] Gayle Hackman: [email protected] Lisa Jacobson: [email protected] Adi Raz: [email protected] Stephanie Harari: [email protected] Marian Gross: [email protected] Orna Tuvy: [email protected] Cantor Marnie: [email protected]

Stella Stanway: [email protected] Rabbi Cy: [email protected]

www.bethmiriam.org • Tel: 732.222.3754 • Fax: 732.222.1238 • 180 Lincoln Ave • Elberon, NJ 07740

EBRS School Calender 2014-2015

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Breakfast with the Rabbi Welcomes Darryl DworkinPlease join us on Sunday, November 16 at 9:30 AM for breakfast by the Programming Commi ee, followed by a talk by TBM's very own Darryl Dworkin. Darryl has been an ac ve member at Beth Miriam for many years. But did you know he had a wonder-ful career at Ma el, the toy company? We

will learn about research that led to many of today's technological innova ons as well as par cularly Jewish aspects of the industry. He will bring several of his own special to toys to demonstrate.

Darryl has wonderful, funny, and Jewish stories about his years at Ma el (ask him about his talking Barbie doll!). Everyone is invited. Spend a Sunday morning ea ng and laughing. What could be be er? Bring a friend.


November Book Selec on

"The Tin Horse"by Janice Steinberg

We will meet on NOVEMBER 18th at 6:30 PM at All Seasons Diner

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Learn to lead a minyan One of the great mitzvot is bringing comfort to the mourner. One way we do this is by bringing the temple to them in mes of sorrow during shiva for a loved one who has died. The minyan is an important part of that process and Beth Miriam needs more minyan leaders.

Rabbi Stanway is happy to announce a one hour training session on how to lead a minyan. The training will take place on Sunday, December 7th at 12 PM right a er Religious School. There is no charge.

Anyone who is Jewish and over the age of bar or bat mitzvah can par ci-pate. Younger minyan leaders will also have the opportunity to work with an adult to help them perfect their leadership skills. If you ever wanted to lead a minyan, now is the me to learn.

Join a Class!Learn Something New!

Make Friends!


Every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM


Every Wednesday at 10:00 AM


will resume a er the Days of Awe

Everyone is welcome!

A special THANK YOU to Elaine Espey and Pat Shapiro

for volunteering in the offi ce this month!

We appreciate your help!

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Teen Academy meets monthly on Sundays.

Grades 8 & 9 will meet from9 AM- 10:30 AM.

Grades 10, 11 & 12 will meet from10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

A delicious breakfast will be served!


November 16December 7January 11February 8March 15April 19

May 3 (w/ 7th grade)

November 21December 19January 23February 20

March 27April 24May 29


Join us on the following Friday evenings at 6:00 PM for a warm and welcoming introduction to temple worship.

Parents and Grandparents are most welcome to sit on the bima with the children and sing along with us!

Teen Academy with Rabbi Cy

**NOTE DATE CHANGED TO NOV 16th this month**

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Thank you to those who helped at the pantry this month:

Jane Gerechoff , Susan Hodes, Gail Kass, Pat Shapiro and Gayle Topper

Help the Food PantryPlease remember those who are less fortunate during the year. Bring non-perishable food and school supplies when

you come to temple. We will bring it to the food pantry to help those in the area who are needy. It’s a mitzvah that you won’t soon forget!

Thank you!

2014 High Holy Day Food Drive – A Big Success Even with the torren al rain coming down on Yom Kippur morning, the food drive collected substan ally more food than the past few years. We es mated approximately 2,300 pounds of food donated to the Lutheran Church of the Reforma on food pantry in West Long Branch and The Mercy Center food pantry in Asbury Park. Even more food has been brought into

Temple Beth Miriam in the 2 weeks following the collec on. We were able to replenish empty shelves at a me the pantry was very low on food.

Thanks to everyone for your generous dona ons. Special thanks to Darryl Dworkin (and his truck!), Steve Silver, Irwin Hader and Gayle Topper for delivering the food, and to Jane Gerechoff who helped sort and shelve the food at the local pantry. Please remember there is always a food shortage at the pantries, so anything brought to the bins at TBM are regu-larly taken to the local pantry and distributed to families in need.

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Gayle Topper, Steve Silver and Darryl Dworkin load the trucks.

Many thanks for all who contributed food and

their me for this very special event!

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Mr. & Mrs. Alvin GoldmanMr. & Mrs. Lawrence GoldmanMr. & Mrs. Hal GoldsteinMr. & Mrs. Michael GrossMr. & Mrs. Lawrence Hirshfi eldMr. & Mrs. Harold HodesMs. Stacy HowardMs. Andrea Ivy HarrisMr. & Mrs. Steven KayeMr. & Mrs. Robert KellertMr. & Mrs. Hesh KhajezadehMr. & Mrs. Andrew KrantzDr. & Mrs. Robert KrantzMr. & Mrs. Joel KreizmanMrs. Cindy LaRueLt. Col. & Mrs. LedwitzDr. Faith LessigMr. & Mrs. Eric LevinMr. & Mrs. Erik LibraderMr. & Mrs. Michael Li onMr. & Mrs. Karl MalingMr. Lawrence NagelMr. & Mrs. Richard NeginMrs. Arlene OserMr. & Mrs. Theodore PanisMr. Bernard PeckmanMr. & Mrs. Steven PeckmanMr. & Mrs. Donald PingitoreDr. & Mrs. Aaron PrestupMr. & Mrs. Frank Res foMr. & Mrs. Marc RubensteinMrs. Judith Rubinstein Mr. Filipp SagalovskyMr. & Mrs. Alan SaloweMr. & Mrs. David SchatzowMr. & Mrs. Richard SchwadronDr. & Mrs. Robert Segall

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen SetrinMs. Patricia ShapiroMr. & Mrs. Stephen SilverMr. & Mrs. Harry SilvermanMr. Arthur SimonMs. Jeanne SingerMr. & Mrs. Steven SingerMs. Wendy SloterMrs. Susan StearnsDr. & Mrs. Mar n SteinweissMrs. Toby StevensMr. & Mrs. Barry SturmMs. Lynne TeichDr. Erwin TepperDr. Miriam TetelbomDr. & Mrs. Robert TopperMs. Phyllis WahlMs. Nancy WienerMrs. Virginia WienerMr. & Mrs. Milton Ziment

Mr. & Mrs. Robert AbramsMrs. Marilyn AnconaMrs. Lisa AngelesMr. & Mrs. Mar n ArbusMr. & Mrs. Richard AuerbachMs. Natalie BellucciDr. & Mrs. Bruce BergMr. Richard BergerDr. & Mrs. Robert BermanMrs. Shirley BermanMr. & Mrs. Thomas Block Mr. & Mrs. Norman BrosniakMr. Alan BudnerMrs. Tamara CasrielMrs. Francine CohenMr. & Mrs. I. Mark CohenMs. Deborah CotlerDrs. Jeff rey DanielsDr. & Mrs. Richard DanielsMr. & Mrs. Alan DarnellMs. Danielle DelcuoreMrs. Doris DobrinMrs. & Mrs. Lawrence DobrinDr. & Mrs. Roy DressnerMr. & Mrs. Darryl DworkinDr. & Mrs. Barry EdisonMr. & Mrs. Lewis EisenbergMs. Elaine EspeyMr. & Mrs. Paul FeinbergMs. Barbara FeldmanDr. & Mrs.Thomas FiestMr. Robert FishDr. & Mrs. David FisherDr. & Mrs. Alvin FriedMr. & Mrs. Gregory FromkinMr. & Mrs. Samuel FromkinMs. Jane Gerechoff

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Mazel Tov to Dana & Abraham Gindi on their marriage on October 19, 2014

Mazel Tov to Josie HowardJosie Howard will become a Bat Mitzvah on November 29, 2014. She is a seventh grade honors student at the Maple Place Middle School in Oceanport. Josie enjoys reading, working on her novel, playing the fl ute, fi eld hockey, Model UN and anything Harry Po er or Dr. Who related. She also loves traveling and learning about the world. Her hope is to become a teacher in an elementary school someday. This was the inspira on for her Kishrei Halev project.

For her Kishrei Halev Project, Josie’s passion for reading and learning inspired her to volunteer at Alphabets pre-school in Asbury Park. Josie looked forward to her weekly visits with the students during the month she volunteered. She also saved money and sponsored the

educa on of Tibetan girl for one year through Room to Read, one of her families’ favorite chari es. Josie looks forward to becoming a Madricha and would like to con- nue her studies at the TBM Teen Academy.

Mazel Tov to Hannah Stone Hannah Stone will be called to the Torah in celebra on of her Bat Mitzvah on November 8th. She is currently a 7th grade student at Frank Antonides Middle School in West Long Branch. She par cipates in the Academically Talented program, along with being elected treasurer for student council and is a member of the Na onal Junior Honor Society.Hannah enjoys pitching for the school so ball team as well as the West Long Branch Lady Lions travel so ball team. In addi on, Hannah is a compe ve swimmer with New Jersey Race Club. The past 8 summers she has been a camper at Seashore Day Camp and will become a coun-selor-in-training this year.

The charity Hannah has chosen for her Kishrei Halev proj-ect is Family Promise of Monmouth County. The goal of

this charity is to assist homeless families to obtain housing as well as other services. Hannah’s goal was to raise money and awareness about homelessness in Monmouth County. Par cipants sleep overnight in a cardboard box and dine from a soup-line to connect with the struggles these families face day to day. She has par cipated in this project for the past 3 years.

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ROSH HASHANAH AT THE ATRIAOn the second evening of Rosh Hashanah, the Social Ac on commi ee of TBM joined Milton Ziment in leading services at Atria Senior Living in TInton Falls. Thirty-two residents, friends and family members including children and grandchildren, a ended the service.

Steven And Michael Topper helped Milt lead selected prayers. Readings were done by Jane Gerechoff and Elliot, Robert and Gayle Topper. The en re congrega on joined in God Bless America and Ha kvah a er the prayers for America and Israel were read. The shofar was blown by Robert Topper.

Following services, the Atria provided a holiday meal for everyone, including challah, apples and honey. Thanks for Pat Shapiro for your support and a endance, TBM for the use of the siddurim and Rabby Cy stanway for the shofar. This was a wonderful event allowing residents and their families rejoice together for this New Year celebra- on.

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ROZ NAGEL FUND FOR RELIGIOUS SCHOOL SPE-CIAL PROJECTSIn remembrance of her mother, Della Moser Francine CohenIn memory of Helen Sue AbrahamMarian & Howard Jewell

RABBI DISCRETIONARY FUNDIn honor of Rabbi Cy for the though ul unveilingDoug WidmanIn remembrance of Kathy's mother, Lydia Gold-smith WeiserKathy & Mark CohenIn honor of Carol Ehrenrich, Carol Sheklin, Alan Richard, Anne Greene and Rich Gallo for a speedy recoveryMeryl & Ron Ledwitz

SOCIAL & COMMUNITY ACTION FUNDIn honor of Sue Gruskin for a speedy recoveryCliff & Carole FishmanIn honor of Steve Peckman for beau ful music at Michael's Bar MitzvahThe Toppper Family

EVELYN BLANK CHORAL FUNDIn memory of John Shaff erElisabeth & Donald King

FAMILY AFFAIRIn memory of Anne LeibowitzJudith Salsburg

Contribu ons con nued on the next page

The Congrega on AcknowledgesThe Congrega on Acknowledgeswith Thanks the Following Contribu ons:with Thanks the Following Contribu ons:

TZEDAKEH FUNDIn memory of Richard Applebaum The McGovern FamilyIn honor of Rabbi Cy and the musicians for a lovely High Holiday Community Service & musi-cal interludeIn memory of Pam KrosneyCarol RomanIn memory of Richard ApplebaumElizabeth & Ivan Bloom & FamilyIn honor of Robbie & Steve Setrin on the mar-riage of Lisa to Eric NelsonNeil & Marcia Weitzenkorn

RELIGIOUS SCHOOL RENOVATIONIn memory of Morris Reby (father of Liz Calcitrai)In memory of James Pe y Sr. (father of Vita Dworkin)In memory of Judith Dorman (mother of Andrea Phox)In honor of Lance Phox for a quick recoveryMichael & Marian Gross

MILTON ZIMENT FUND FOR SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENTIn memory of Charles AdlerJoni & Alan DarnellAlana Darnell Cohen, Josh Cohen & Nathan KaiTHE RHODA & NORTY KERN YOUTH SCHOLAR-SHIP FUNDIn remembrance of Octavio LopezNydia & Ted Panis

DONATIONS CAN BE MADE TO ANY OF OUR MANY FUNDS• In memory of • In honor of • Bar/Bat Mitzvah • Birthday • Anniversary

• Birth • Thank you • Marriage • for any occasion...A complete list of TBM funds appear in this newsle er

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DONATIONS CAN BE MADE TO ANY OF OUR MANY FUNDS• In memory of • In honor of • Bar/Bat Mitzvah • Birthday • Anniversary

• Birth • Thank you • Marriage • for any occasion...A complete list of TBM funds appear in this newsle er

The Congrega on AcknowledgesThe Congrega on Acknowledgeswith Thanks the Following Contribu ons:with Thanks the Following Contribu ons:

CONN MUSIC FUNDIn memory of John Shaff er Frank MarsicoIn honor of Tom Gavin for beau ful music at Michael Topper's Bar MItzvahIn honor of Cantor Marnie Camhi for beau ful music and helping prepare Michael for his Bar Mitzvah The Topper FamilyIn honor of Amy Goldman's musical par cipa on dur-ing Kol NIdre. Amy's magnifi cient cello playing always adds a beau ful element to this special evening at TBMNancy Conn-Levin

TEMPLE BETH MIRIAM WISH LISTIn memory of Richard ApplebaumVivian & Al Fried and JeanIn memory of Morris RebyVivian & Al Fried and Joni & Alan DarnellDona ons for computerBob & Ilene KellertAndrea & Tom FiestArthur & Karen HodesRichard BergerIn honor of Jacob's Bar MitzvahDebbie & Sco Gerbman

TREE OF LIFEIn honor of Ma hew Silverman's Bar MitzvahBrian & Shoshana Silverman

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To join one of our three Temple Youth Groups (TYGs) please scan the QR code with your smartphone or go to: h ps://saltyyouthgroup.wufoo.com/forms/201415-tbm-youth-group-membership-form/

Recently, SALTY had an amazing Sukkot event that was a lot of fun for all SALTY and non-SALTY members in a endance. Al-though too wet from the rain to eat dinner and watch a movie in the sukkah as planned, we moved everything inside and s ll had a great me. We ate a delicious dinner prepared by our very own Stella Stanway, played some Sukkot-themed ice breaker games, watched Airplane, and roasted s’mores. We would especially like to thank Mrs. Stanway and Rabbi Stan-way for hos ng the event at their house and for cooking us a wonderful dinner.

For anyone wan ng to join SALTY go to the following link to sign up! h ps://saltyy-outhgroup.wufoo.com/forms/201415-tbm-youth-group-membership-form/ Also, for anyone interested in trying out SALTY before joining, we are having an event on November 8 in Red Bank. Teams will travel around Red Bank using the QR code app to retrieve hints and move on to their next loca on. Hints will lead to businesses where an employee will hand the next code. Codes may contain extra facts or twists. We hope to see you there! Both SALTY and non-SALTY members are invited.

Kylie KatzProgramming VP

Sukkot withSALTY!

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The URJ will welcome thousands of Jewish teens, and adults invested in their future, to NFTY Convention 2015 this February 13-17 in Atlanta, GA. Registration will begin October 6th and we hope you will share information with teens, parents and congregational leader-ship now!

As you prepare for upcoming communications, we want to make sure you know about our NFTY Convention Marketing Toolkit with resources and ready-to-use materials for market-ing in your congregation including:

•A customizable fl yer which can be personalized with local information•NFTY Convention logo in multiple formats•Sample text for use in your bulletin or e-mail newsletters•Ready to use images and posts for social mediaNeed something a little more specifi c or custom for your congregation? Our NFTY Conven-tion Marketing Team is ready to help you! Just e-mail [email protected].

L'Shalom, Scott HertzDirector of CommunicationsURJ Youth Programs

For SALTYGrades 9-12

For SALTeensGrade 6-8

For TamTamsGrade 4-5

Please sign up and have your child sign up to get text updates for TYG events!

Enter this number(575) 636-1378

with this message@saltys

Enter this number(575) 636-1378

with this message@salteen

Enter this number(575) 636-1378

with this message@tamt

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November Yahrzeits

Memorial Plaques, which are dedicated to a loved one, can be purchased through theTemple Beth Miriam Offi ce. They are hung on the side walls of the sanctuary.

Cost per plaque is $500. Please call the offi ce at 732.222.3754 for details.

Charlie AronowFlorence Bauman*Alan BroderMaurice Camp*Victor Eisner*Robert ElsasFloyd FeldmanMarsha Fleck*Martha HalpernBenjamin HeimanEdward Heimlich*Rose Herbert*Jenny R. Hershoff *Theodore Kellert*Joseph Kohn*Lee KukerIlse LeinerLillian NagelRebecca Riegel*Minnie Rose*Solomon SagalovskyMorris Schaefl er*Ellender Silco Blanche Tucker*Sophia Zohn

Stuart AbramsCarie Agisim*Rose AlfondMichael BabitskySamuel BaronRonald Barre *Bernice BeckerLeonard BlockLeo na Brucker*Ida Cantor*Ha e CohenIrv Jim Dworkin*Margaret EdelsonJacques Eisner*Philip Falcone Sr.Mona FeldMax Finegold*Nathan Fishman*Morris GabelRose GilletShirley GoodmanSamuel GordonArthur Harmon*Clarence Housman*Beth JanowitchMitzi KrimLillian LasherJohn Lubin*Murray MerlingLee Revits*Norman RosensteinBenjamin Salzer*Philip SchlissermanFlorence SimmonsGeza VancsaDavid Vogel*Harry Ziment

John Benne *Ye a BersekSylvia Bey*Sidney Cohen*Ella Cohen*Blanche Cohen*Bertha Eisner*Jeane e FedermanEdna FeingoldBernard GreenMax HaderLillian HolsteinBernard KaminskyFannie Le owitz*Eugene Lemansky*Janice LevinRoselyn MaurerAnn MerlingJoseph MilbergCharles Nadler*Isidore NagelMichael Panetz*Meyer Schwartz*Abraham Stamel-man*Esther Teich*Ruth Van-WiemoklyBarbara Varasteh*Florence Warner

Albert Ballin*Sophie BudnerGustava Cooper Beatrice DeutschEdward DobrinDiane FeinbergMitzi FoxGloria Fried*Miriam Graff Sylvia Gray*David GreensteoneClaire Haber*Bernard Halberstein*Carrie Hamburger*Richard Hamburger*Bertha Hersh*Pinkus Jaff e*Joseph KashtanHelen Klein*Edythe Koehler*Lee Lewis William Marlin*Albert Newfi eld*Leo PearlMax Rosenfi eld*Jacob Rosenheim*Nan Sachs*Meyer Satsky*Morris SeidmanKate SilvermanJerry Tamkin

NOV 2 - 8

Temple Beth Miriam Mourns the Passings of:

Allen Schnur Charles Adler Dr. Morris Reby Richard Applebaum John Shaff er

Marcia Barre -BakerMary BeamMar n Blank*David BosniakWilliam Davis*Estelle Eisenberg*David EmmeringDaniel GoldmanSidney GoldsteinHarry GorskyPauline Green*Stuart Haupt*Louis Hersh*Mary KellerMiriam KleinIsrael KotkinAlbert ParkerJerie SloterAnna Stamelman*Gilda StanwayNathan StraussBarbara Tanenbaum*Ira Tiplitz*Ruth Tucker*Irving Weston*Samuel Wetzler*Susan Zaback*

NOV 9 - 15 NOV 16 - 22 NOV 23 -29 NOV 30 - DEC 6

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Please join Rabbi Stanwayfor Shabbat Services on

Friday, NOVEMBER 21st at 8 PM to receive your Birthday Blessings.

November18 and under

November80 and over

Sylvia EhrenhaltMar n EpsteinRuth Fishman

Irving ReingoldDorothy Tanzman

Erwin TepperCorynn Warner

Happy Special November Anniversary!

Please join Rabbi Stanwayfor Shabbat Services on

Friday, NOVEMBER 14th at 8 PMto receive your Anniversary Blessings.

Hermine & Norman Siegel65 wonderful years!

Hannah StoneSara Stanway

Marc HallKylie Sturm

Eliza HowardBriana JacobsonZachary Reisler

Benjamin JacobsonSamantha Jacobson

Todd Edison Rebecca CalcitraiSteven Delcuore

Josie HowardChloe Foster

Michael PingitoreElena Fisher

Alexander TangorraIsabella Mouta

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Volunteers Needed to Shop for Onegs

To Our TBM Family,

As many of you know, Frank re red this summer. He is a one-of-a-kind friend who will be greatly missed by everyone in our TBM family. Tello Delgado has joined our staff as our new building super.

The Sisterhood has set up a volunteer sign up for oneg shopping each week. This is NOT a request for set up or break down of the oneg, just shopping for some food items and bringing them to the temple prior to that week's service. Volunteers are only needed to shop for onegs that are not being sponsored by a bar/bat mitzvah family, religious school class, or other special event. This should mean that each temple family should only have to shop once every 2-3 years! A new list of dates, along with the guide-lines below, will be posted every 3-4 months. Please go to this link to sign up for a week to volunteer: h p://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0E4CACAC29A20-tbmoneg. (If the link does not work, please type or copy this address into your web browser).

Items can be dropped off in the TBM kitchen on Wednesday 9-6, Thursday 9-4, or Friday 9-12. Please use the labeled areas in the refrigerator, freezer, and on the counter for the purchased items. Although we ask you to pick items from the list below, please feel free to put your own fl air on the foods for that week. You can get more items from any of the lists if you like, add an interes ng item not listed, or maybe bring things made at home. Variety is always nice! No Shellfi sh or Pork Please.

List A - Pick at least 2: Berries, Pineapple, Grapes, or MelonList B - Pick at least 2: Cookies, Brownies, Cupcakes, Other Small Por on CakesList C - Pick at least 1: Cheese and Crackers, Dips (Hummus, Spinach, Veggie, etc.) and Chips/Bread, Fro-zen Appe zer, Small Veggie Pla er, etc. Items do not need to be cut up or pla ered, but if you have the me it would be greatly appreciated. Receipts with your name and "Oneg Shopping" wri en at the top can be le in the offi ce or in the white mailbox outside the offi ce for reimbursement. Total to be reimbursed should be a maximum of $40.

Thank you again for your help in making our weekly worship an even more wonderful experience. If you have any ques ons, feel free to contact me. Have a wonderful day!

Debbie Gerbman732-383-8575

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New! Guidelines for Sponsoring an Oneg at TBMSponsoring an Oneg-Shabbat a er Friday night services is a great way to honor someone you love, or to celebrate an upcoming simcha. We ask all Bar/Bat Mitzvah families to sponsor the Oneg on the Friday night before the Bar Mitzvah, but everyone is welcome to celebrate a special occasion by sponsoring an Oneg.

Prepara on before the Oneg: (things you need to provide)

Table cloths for four (4) 72” round tables in the color of your choiceTable cloths for three (3) 8’ X 3’ rectangular tables for food and beveragesMilk, half and half, and/or non-dairy creamer for coff eeDrinks – juice, seltzer, sodaPaper products – plates, cups for cold drinks, cups for hot drinks, silverware, and napkins

Assorted kitchen equipment, glassware, pla ers, creamer and sugar bowl, serving utensils, pitchers, urns, and risers are available for your use in the TBM kitchen.

On the day of the Oneg:

Please plan to arrive 20-30 minutes before services to set up the food.Make sure to bring two (2) challahs – one for the bima and one for the Oneg.You can drop off the food before noon on Friday, and leave perishable items in the refrigerator.

Remember when planning for the Oneg to increase the number of guests you expect by at least 20 or 30 for other congregants who are a ending services. TBM does not keep kosher, but NO PORK OR SHELLFISH products are to be served.

Recommenda ons for minimum amounts (serves max of 40):

• At least 3 pla ers of assorted sweets – brownies, cookies, cakes or other pastries• One pla er of cut up seasonal fruit • At least one addi onal item such as cheese and crackers, chips and dip, nuts, cut up veggies, hum-

mus and pita, or any other hors d’oeuvres (things can be heated at TBM to be served warm)

Please call the TBM Offi ce at (732)222-3754 to set up a date to sponsor an Oneg. Also, please remit $50 to help pay for the addi onal kitchen staff on that evening. Please realize that you may be asked to co-spon-sor the Oneg, as there are some mes mul ple events occurring on any given evening.

If you have any addi onal ques ons, please contact:

Debbie Gerbman at [email protected] Meryl Ledwitz at [email protected]

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TBM FUNDSG PTree of Life - A beau ful way to honor any occasion of your family with an engraved leaf on the tree bearing the name of the person honored on occasions such as Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, birth, marriage or any other simcha. Contribu on $180.The Yahrzeit Memorials - Purchase a sanctuary plaque memorializing a loved one who has died. This memorial provides that the name of the loved one will be recited yearly on the anniversary of his/her death. Dona on $500.Prayer Book Fund - Maintains our supply of prayer books for worship services. Bookplates are inserted in recogni on of dona on. Contribu on $36.Social and Community Ac on Fund - Provides support for local community programs.Family Aff air - The goal of this program is to bring a li le relief and a sign of caring to any of our temple members experiencing diffi culty in life, by providing and delivering meals to their homes.Heimlich-Aaron Library Fund - Maintains an in depth library of books on current and historic themes for the use of all age groups in the congrega on. A growing library of video tapes is available for members use. Bookplates are inserted in recogni on of dona on. Contribu on $18.Wish List - A fund for non-budgeted temple expenses.EThe Endowment Fund - For the preserva on of our temple and to enable us to fulfi ll our spiritual, educa onal, cultural and social needs.Centennial Fund - Proceeds from this fund are used to underwrite two categories of temple ac vi es; up to 50% of the programs and programma c ac vi es; up to 50% of the annual proceeds can be used to underwrite under-funded pensions of Temple staff members.Tzedakeh Fund - To be able to help congregants who are in needs of fi nancial assistance.Rabbi Joseph Goldman Fund for Jewish Learning - Proceeds from this fund will be used to underwrite and support an array of educa onal programs and ac vi es for all age groups within our synagogue. The objec ve of these ac vi es will be to enhance Jewish knowledge, experiences, and commitment of temple members.Heimlich Memorial Scholarship Fund - Established to honor the memory of Ernest Heimlich. Proceeds of this fund are to be used to underwrite a par al scholarship to a college or school of higher educa on awarded to a Temple Beth Miriam Confi rm and who has dis nguished him/herself through excep onal Temple Community ac vity. High school and college students.Dorothy Hirsch Scholarship - Honors the memory of Dorothy Hirsch. Proceeds of this fund provide scholarships to leadership training ac vi es sponsored by the Reform Movement for high school and college students.Rabbi Discre onary Fund The Carolyn Meyer Memorial Lecture Fund - Proceeds from this fund will enable the temple and community to enjoy a biennial lecture on a theme related to Jewish teaching per nent to a rich congrega onal life.Neimark Shabbaton Ins tute - Honors the memory of Solomon & Regina Neimark. Proceeds of this gi of $10,000 is to be used yearly to underwrite ac vi es of temple seniors. The proceeds may be used for the members of the Shabbaton, but are not limited only to seniors.Berg-Bialek Youth Leadership Retreat Fund - This fund is used to supplement the cost of youth leadership retreats which may include conclaves, biennials and other leadership events. The use of these funds will be at the discre on of the Rabbi, Temple President and Religious School Director.Conn Music Fund - Established to honor Gert and Ralph Conn. Proceeds of this fund to be used to provide special musical programs and/or performances during holiday or special celebra on.The Rhoda & Norty Kern Youth Scholarship Fund - Proceeds of this fund will be used to send students of the 7th grade in our Religious School on a class trip. The preferred trips to be of Jewish interest, that will be decided upon by the Rabbi and the Mens’ Club.Arthur and Hazel Harmon Fund - To honor the memory of Arthur & Hazel Harmon. Proceeds of this fund are used to purchase a prize for a student of the Religious School who has performed outstanding congrega onal or community service during congrega onal year.The Milton Ziment Fund for Scholas c Achievement - The purpose of this fund will be to provide an annual prize(s) for students of the Religious School who gain recogni on for excep onal academic performance.Sonya Grossman Art & Beau fi ca on Fund - This fund is for purchasing works of art& enhancing the beauty of TBM.The Katz Family Fund - Proceeds of this fund are used to help families in need of funds for Religious School educa on.Temple Beth Miriam Wish List - Proceeds are used to help provide needed upgraded technological items and furnishings.Library Shelves - Available for dedica on $1,000.Evelyn Blank Choral Fund - To be used for choral and other musical events.Pess Family Youth Group Fund - Established by Lois & Gary Pess & will be used for all Youth Group ac vi es not covered by other exis ng funds. It also provides necessary funds for Youth Group members who do not have fi nancial resources to par cipate in ac vi es & trips.The Roz Nagel Fund for Religious School Special Projects - To honor the memory of Roz Nagel, proceeds of this fund will be used for relgious school special projects.

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Commi ee ChairpersonPresident Michael Gross [email protected] Cy Stanway [email protected] Marnie Camhi [email protected] School Principal Stella J. Stanway [email protected] Youth Group Leader Stella Stanway [email protected] Group President Sallie Haas [email protected] Marje Richter [email protected] Administra ve Assistant Shari Nigh ngale [email protected] Aff air Lois Pess/ MaryBeth Nadler [email protected]/ [email protected] Alloca on Bob Kellert [email protected] Commi ee Eric Levin [email protected] Comm Harry Silverman [email protected] Emily Feldman [email protected]. Sch. Bd. Dr. Faith Lessig [email protected] - Point Persons Debbie Gerbman [email protected] Cindy Singer [email protected] Annie Raulerson [email protected]. Pract. Sharon Silverman [email protected] Marian Gross [email protected] Events Bob Kellert [email protected] Youth Group Gary Pess [email protected] Ac on Steve Peckman [email protected] I. Mark Cohen [email protected] Steve Peckman [email protected] Emeritus Joseph Goldman [email protected] Past President Paula Rowland [email protected] Presidents Robert Kellert [email protected] Lori Goldstein [email protected] Steve Peckman [email protected] I. Mark Cohen [email protected] Barry Edison [email protected] Emily Feldman [email protected] Secretary Harry Silverman [email protected] Deborah Cotler [email protected] Emily Feldman [email protected] Andrea Fiest afi [email protected] Sco Gerbman [email protected] Brian Gillet [email protected] Lori Goldstein [email protected] Marian Gross [email protected] Karen Hodes [email protected] Bob Kellert [email protected] Joel Kreizman [email protected] Faith Lessig [email protected] Steve Peckman [email protected] Andrea Phox [email protected] Annie Raulerson [email protected] Patricia Shapiro [email protected] Sharon Silverman [email protected] Wendy J. Sloter [email protected] Gayle Topper [email protected]


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